#could only count on sindel these days
novicedraws · 7 months
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Netherealm studios you cowards, show me the whole shot
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mlmxreader · 1 year
fluffy Mortal Kombat thoughts
: ̗̀➛ characters involved: Kitana, Mileena, Sindel, Ashrah, Tanya, Li Mei, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kuai Liang (Sub Zero & Scorpion versions), Syzoth/Reptile, Kenshi Takahashi
: ̗̀➛ a few swear words here and there, mentions of very mild injury.
Kitana loves to spend time in the garden in the spring, whether it's to just wander around for a moment and listen to the gentle melody of the wildlife or if it's to practice her Kombat skills when she's alone, she loves to spend time there; she'll never admit it, but she loves to sit by one of the oldest trees with you and have just a little bit of quality time together. You could talk for hours, and she could listen for years.
Mileena is never the first to indicate contact, but when you're sprawled out as you're sat down, she can't resist the urge to find her way to your side; her head on your shoulder as she listens closely to your breathing. She finds it relaxing, and even when she's at her worst, your breathing is an anchor; she's very protective, and has every right to be, but as long as she can hear your breathing, she knows that not everything is shit.
Sindel likes to watch you do your own thing; when you're reading in the gardens, she likes to sit closely and watch. She doesn't want to spend every waking minute with you, but she likes to watch you when you're unaware of her gaze; she knows you're good to her daughters and treat them like your own, which means the most to her, but she also knows that you sometimes find it difficult to be the Queen's s/o. She tries to be as reassuring as she can, though.
Ashrah didn't know what physical affection meant, until she found you. The hand holding. The soft kiss on the cheek that meant hello and goodbye. The cuddling at night. At first, Ashrah assumed that it was just part of some courting ritual or something, but she eventually learned to reciprocate it and to be as gentle as she could with you. She was curious about affection, what it meant and what it was like to give it as well as recieve it, but at least she had you to help her find out.
Tanya likes to check in, a lot. Popping her head in and smiling at you for a moment before walking away again. Small touches to your shoulder or your lower back to remind you that she was with you and she would keep you safe. You never felt uneasy or unsafe when she was around, and even when you were worried and unsettled about other things, her little check ins throughout the day would always calm you down and remind you that you were safe and sound.
Li Mei
Li Mei insists on teaching you how to fight; she's tough as nails and she doesn't take any shit from anyone, so she sees it only fitting that her s/o should be able to fight, too. Neither of you can ever be sure exactly how it happens, but every training session always seems to end up with a make out session and her telling you that you need to improve on your distraction techniques.
Johnny Cage
Johnny's favourite fucking thing in the world, without a doubt, is to spoil you rotten. If you so much as offhandedly mention that you liked something, whether it was a certain meal or an article of clothing, he's getting it for you. You can't count the amount of times you've come home and there's been a box on your bed with a card signed by him, some cheesy pickup line scribbled in his handwriting; it makes you smile every time. He always gets you something from wherever he's filming - usually a postcard to pin to the wall or a badge. Something small you can always keep with you.
Kung Lao
Kung Lao always shows off for you. If he's sparring or he's training, he'll get cocky enough that he ends up hurt and then sulks until you patch him up and kiss whatever wound and bruises he's wound up with. He's cocky and he's a show off, but you love him that way. You love to see him so confident in what he's doing. You could swear until the cows came home that he had seen way too many films, but you still find it endearing that he's so eager to show off for you.
Sub-Zero!Kuai Liang
As Grandmaster, Kuai doesn't really get much time to be with you, and he regrets it every time he thinks about it; but he always tries to make it up to you. Little ice sculptures of your favourite animal on the windowsill outside when you wake up. Hastily written notes telling you that he missed you. If he has time, he likes to prepare a meal for you or at the very least something to drink - just little things to tell you he's sorry he doesn't get much time.
Scorpion!Kuai Liang
To the touch, Kuai is always so warm. He pretends that he doesn't love it, but when you lace your fingers with his tightly to warm your fingers up, it always makes him grin. He likes it when you put your hands on his bare chest or press your face to the side of his neck to steal some of the warmth he's all too happy to let go. It's never rare to find you sneaking your hand up his shirt or holding onto him tightly just so you can steal his heat.
At first, Syzoth was always worried about hurting you when he kissed you. He wasn't entirely sure if anything would happen, but it was always a worry that he never wanted to find out about; when he learned that it was perfectly safe, though, it was like he couldn't stay away. Always kissing your cheek or your temple or your hands or your neck or your forehead. Showering you in every single one he had missed. His favourite is always to kiss you when you've just come home, your arms around his waist and the kiss so soft and so sweet that it always makes his head spin.
Kenshi Takahashi
Film night date nights have always been his favourite. Cuddling up on the sofa with you, a fluffy blanket chucked over your legs as you fidget around to get comfortable beside him; his arm over your shoulders to keep you close. Usually he would order in a takeaway, and he always knew your favourite order for each type like it was as common knowledge as grass being green. He never realised until the end of the last film that you were sound asleep, but he would simply shrug and relax as he hummed and tried to drift off himself; you never went to bed without the other if you were both home.
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
im so excited to be able to share this request with you! 🥺 — could you do a headcanon with syzoth x princess!reader? *in my mind she's mileena and kitana's sister. — and she doesn't feel so included among the sisters and finds comfort among "the banished"
Ok, so just a warning: When I read this, I thought you wanted a fic. And I was already deep into this when I realized that you wanted headcanons. 😂 So if you want, I can still do the headcanons for you too. Just let me know! 🙂 And to my other requests, your fics are on their way! Anyway, here it is! My first ever Syzoth X Fem!Reader fic! Enjoy! 💚🖤💚🖤
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No Longer Alone
Description: Being stuck in your sisters' shadows was never easy, especially when you live in the royal family of Outworld. You always felt as if you came in last compared to them and felt so alone. That is until one day when a mysterious man literally crashes your festival... Warnings: Fluff, Sad And Lonely Reader And Sad And Lonely Syzoth. Word Count: 2.6k MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
Never would I have thought that on that day — the day a strange man came crashing into our festival — that my life would change for the better forever. As much as it pained me, I wasn't allowed to interfere when the man went into battle with my sister. Being the youngest of the three royal sisters of Outworld, I was bound to the sidelines as I watched my sisters deal with any situation — unless they needed more numbers in a battle, of course.
I knew that they were only protecting me and that they didn't want to put my life in danger unless it was really necessary, but I couldn't help but feel left out. It was as if no one took me seriously — as a princess or a fighter — and that stung worse than any wound I would ever receive in any battle.
I sat on a nearby stool, watching the altercation from afar. It worried me, watching my sisters battle with no way to aid them. But I had no choice. I was damned to just sit and watch — just like the people I've been told are beneath us. Though I never really thought they were. What right did I have — someone who was born into royalty — to sit there and claim that my life was more valuable than any other. It just felt wrong. After some time, the fight seemed to come to an end with both the man and my sister seemingly not severely harmed. And then surprisingly, my two sisters approached me with the young man at their side.
I couldn't keep my eyes from following the man as he came forth. He seemed so different — so... Beautiful. There was something about him that lured me in. I just couldn't place my finger upon it at the time.
"(Y/N)," My sister — Kitana — addressed me and I stood.
"Yes, sister?" I responded as I stepped closer and bowed my head as a symbol of respect. It was what mother taught me to do, since my sisters were older and wiser than myself.
"This is Syzoth — he has come to aid us in upcoming battles." She notified me while introducing the mysterious man.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Syzoth." I greeted him kindly. "I am (Y/N). The third daughter of King Jerrod and Queen Sindel."
The man nodded with a smile stretching the corners of his lips and — to my surprise — he bowed before me. "It's my pleasure, princess."
I had never earned that type of respect from someone so soon. Being so young in a family of royals, many don't appreciate me the way I — at least — felt I deserved. I let my eyes linger upon the man as he stood to his full height and smiled warmly in my direction. He was so different compared to anyone I had ever met before.
After letting out a slightly annoyed sigh, Mileena broke the silence that had fallen between us all. "Sister, show Syzoth to one of our guest cabins by the castle. He can rest there for the time being."
I nodded eagerly and my sister handed me a key to said cabin, and then I gestured to the man to follow me in the direction I was planning on going. As I began walking down the stone road with him at my side, I could hear Kitana call out with concern filling her tone, "Be cautious, sister!"
I shook my head as an amused smile curled my lips. She was always so concerned for my well-being. But she should know that I can very much take care of myself. After all, they both made sure to train me well.
Most of the walk was silent until I noticed how the man watched his surroundings with much curiosity. He looked at everything as if it was new to him. I couldn't keep myself from glancing over in his direction once in a while just to watch his interesting behavior. 
'Is he from another realm?'
"So — where do you hail from, my friend?" I asked as we turned down a new pathway, leading towards where the guest cabins were.
"Oh, I'm from Outworld." He replied, much to my surprise. "Just not these parts of Outworld..."
The comment very much intrigued me and I wanted to know more, "Not this part?" I pushed carefully.
"Ever heard of Zaterra?" He asked with a hint of resentment and... Something else in his voice. Perhaps sorrow? I couldn't help but wince as the word greeted my ears and I responded with a simple and rather nervous, "oh..."
We reached the cabin but just as we went to say our goodbyes and part ways, I noticed a pretty deep and bloody gash on his right bicep. Being used to tending to my sisters' battle wounds when nurses weren't accessible, I knew the right thing to do was offer assistance.
"My — that wound looks pretty deep. I think there is a medical kit in the bathroom of this cabin. Do you want me to clean you up?" I offered kindly and he quickly shook his head.
"No, princess. I've already disturbed your night enough. Go enjoy the rest of your festival."
I mirrored his previous actions by shaking my head, denying his refusal. "No, I insist. It will only take a few minutes of my time."
After a minute of hesitation, the man accepted my offer with a nod of his head. I opened the door of the cabin with the key my sister had given me, we entered the cozy place and I instantly headed straight to the bathroom to retrieve the medical kit.
Once I returned a few minutes later with the needed items in hand, I saw Syzoth sitting on the couch in the middle of the room, looking around at his surroundings curiously like before. I found it oddly cute, how he seems so fascinated with all around him. I decided to watch his actions for a minute longer, before entering the room to greet the man once again.
I sat down right beside him on the couch, and quickly got to work on his wounded arm. He would flinch every once in a while, but he was pretty good at staying still for me. The room fell silent for the time being but it was actually fairly nice. He watched as I cleaned and bandaged his arm, but I didn't feel judged or criticized like I usually did whenever I was being trained by my sisters or mother. I felt... Rather calm with this man. I liked it.
"There you go — all better now." I announced as I finished wrapping the soft cloth around his muscular arm as carefully as I could.
He looked down at his arm for a moment, carefully inspecting the bandage before looking up at me with a grateful grin.
"Thank you, princess. You did a wonderful job."
I could quickly feel my cheeks stinging with heat and I instantly looked away to hide the blush I knew had stained them crimson. As a royal, I knew I couldn't mingle with one my family didn't approve of first. And besides, he could never feel that way for me anyway. Growing up, all the men in my village were always attracted to my sisters like moths to a fire. And it seemed to me that I was the lavender that repelled them. They haven't wanted me all my life, so why would they now? I quickly looked for anything to steer the conversation in a new direction and distract the man from my rose-dusted skin.
"Um... So, I must ask..." I began, struggling to find words as I thought hard of a good question to ask him — anything to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory. "I've never seen Zaterra, but I have heard stories about it from my ancestors. You don't necessarily look Zaterran. Were you adopted?"
The man stared at me for a moment with a blank expression — as if I had just said the most obsurde thing he had ever heard — before laughing heartedly for a few minutes. He shook his head as he calmed down from his fit of giggles, finally looking back at me with a large smile of amusement.
"No, I am not adopted. I am indeed Zaterran, princess." He informed me. Still being very confused, I just had to push for a clearer answer. 
"I do not understand. You look so— so—"
At that moment, Syzoth leaned forwards and lowered his voice as if to tell me something that was only meant for my ears to hear. I leaned in closer — until our faces were merely inches apart — and it had just then dawned on me that I had never been this close to a man before. My heart began racing as I felt his hot breath fan my skin like a warm summer's breeze. I was sure that I was blushing again.
I could see his face better now — every little detail of his tattoo, his beautiful light green eyes, the aged scars that were across his face and soft pink lips. I wanted to run my fingers along the inked design to see what it felt like, his soft green eyes lured me in like a wolf to the stars at night, and those soft pink lips... I wondered at that moment what it would be like if I leaned in a little closer and let them gently caress my own — how good would that feel? But then his low voice finally brought me back out of my little fantasy.
"Can you keep something only between you and me?" He whispered in a volume so quiet, I almost couldn't catch the words to comprehend them. I nodded slowly and he stood up from his spot, backing away from the couch. "Promise me you won't be frightened, princess?"
Though that last sentence did make me a bit worried and nervous, I nodded my head in agreement. Merely a few seconds later, the man disappeared. I was pretty confused but then suddenly a large, reptilian creature appeared right before me. He stood around 8-9ft tall, towering over me as he licked his big fangs. I could only gasp as my eyes stayed focused upon the creature — my body now completely frozen in shock. I couldn't comprehend how this beautiful man could transform into a reptilian creature. It seemed impossible. But it was Outworld, so I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised.
The creature then came forward and lowered his head to my side, showing that he had no intention of devouring me like my ancestors told me Zaterrans do. I placed my hand upon the top of his head and stroked his scales a few times to show that I wasn't afraid of him in his — I suppose natural form. He let out a low rumble that emitted from his chest and I couldn't help but giggle a little bit at the fact that he enjoyed the affection much like a tamed dog. He was actually quite a beautiful creature. I always had an appreciation for reptiles that my family could never understand.
The creature eventually backed away and suddenly, Syzoth was once again in his human form. He stood before me with a rather cheeky smile set on his lips. Whether he found it amusing how shocked I was or was just happy that I didn't run away, I am unsure. He approached the couch and sat down once again, staring into my eyes with almost hopeful ones.
"When my people found out about my "curse", I was terrorized and run out. They called me a freak..." He peered down to his hands folded in his lap as he whispered the last sentence as if it hurt his heart to speak those words, and that hurt my heart as well. Because in a way, I knew what it was like to be treated differently than others. "But that's why I'm here: To make a new and rewarding life for myself."
"You're not a freak," I exclaimed with a reassuring smile while placing my hand on his own. He glanced up at me as if he was surprised to hear me say those words — lips parted as if he wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say. "And I don't think it's a curse; It's a gift."
"So you are not afraid, princess?" He asked with a hint of nervousness in his tone and I shook my head.
"Of course not, Syzoth. I think your Zaterran form is rather beautiful. And you must be a mighty good fighter?" I nudged his shoulder playfully with my own and he huffed a short laugh.
"Perhaps once you are queen, I can be your protector?" He suggested as his lips curved up into a pretty attractive smirk. My heart began to beat faster once again for only a second until his words finally sunk in.
"Unfortunately, that won't be possible." I mentioned and he looked at me with confusion etched in his features. I figured that I should explain more thoroughly. "My sister — Mileena — is next in line to inherit the throne from our mother. I will never be queen of Outworld."
"Oh, I am sorry." He spoke sincerely and I simply shook my head to dismiss his apology, despite being grateful towards his empathy.
"It's fine, Syzoth. I am truly proud of my sister's accomplishments. I just wasn't meant to be a ruler." I gave him a faint smile to mask my hidden sorrow but it was plainly clear that he could see right through it. He had only known me for an hour and he could somehow see through the cracks of my porcelain mask of lies better than my family could. How funny is that?
He stared at me as if he was examining my features for a moment, before speaking in the softest tone I had ever heard spoken, "Well, you could be the queen of my heart instead?"
Coincidentally with his words, I felt my heart stop for a second as they sunk into my mind. My thoughts were racing around my mind at such fast speeds, that I began to feel dizzy and lightheaded.
'There is absolutely no way he just suggested— No, it's not possible— Or is it? Even if it was, there would be no way we could— By the Elder Gods, my sisters would never allow it!'
But just as I parted my lips to speak my refusal, my eyes set upon his hopeful gaze. There sat before me a man who saw my worth — who wanted to love me the way I deserved to be loved; how could I deny that?
"Syzoth," I spoke in the most soft and calm tone I could muster. I took the man's large hands within my own and smiled up at him in a loving way. "I would be honored to be the queen of your heart."
His smile broadened as his fingers clasped around my hands to hold them tight as he locked his warm gaze with my own. "Together, we will no longer be alone."
We both leaned forward and his soft lips finally collided with mine in a kiss that I had not only been waiting for for the past hour, but my whole life. It was as if color had finally been restored into my grey existence and — for the first time ever — I knew something that was finally set in stone — I knew that I would no longer be alone.
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vanillawurld · 1 year
༊*·˚Goodnight n Go
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✧.* Request- Anonymous
"could you write a smoke headcanon with princess!reader? a small detail is that she is Mileena and Kitana's younger sister. - it can be a scenario after the events of the game, or before, if you want."
✧.* Pair - Tomas Vrbada x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Love, hidden relationship, outworld not being accepting????
✧.* Word Count - 708
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: ̗̀➛ No one ever thought that an outworld princess and an earthrealmer would be able to fall in love. No one ever believed that an earthrealmer and an outworlder would even be together in general. At least, that's what people thought hundreds of years ago. Sadly, some people to this day have that belief. That's why Y/N's sisters, Mileena and Kitana, have to help Y/N keep her and Tomas's relationship a secret.
: ̗̀➛ Y/N and Tomas met after the events of Shang Tsung's attempt at tyranny. It was like love at first sight. Tomas couldn't believe he had an actual princess fall for him and Y/N couldn't believe she had an earthrealmer fall for her. A regular nobody outworlder sure, but an earthrealmer?
: ̗̀➛ Y/N made it clear to Tomas from the start that not everyone was going to be supportive of their relationship. People with a more 'conservative' like mindset believed that earthrealmers and outworlders should not be together. Sadly, Y/N's mother was one of those people with that mindset.
: ̗̀➛ Even though Tomas wanted to scream out to all of the realms that he was with a princess, he understood Y/N and promised to be careful. Y/N feels very remorseful over the fact that she has to hide the man she loves from almost everyone, but she sadly has no choice. From the beginning, both of her sisters warned her about the consequences of hiding such a relationship, "Be careful sister, while you won't experience such harsh punishment, betraying the trust of mother and every one of outworld will feel much worse."
: ̗̀➛ Tomas treats Y/N with his utmost respect not only because she is a princess, but because she's a confident woman who is extremely skilled in Kombat. No woman has ever captured his heart like she has. When they first started talking, he felt like he was dreaming.
: ̗̀➛ During the battle with Shang Tsung, Y/N had a stereotype that all earthrealm men were cocky, gross, and annoying (those stereotypes mostly came from Johnny), but when she met Tomas, part of her didn't want to believe he was an earthrealm man because of how respectful and patient he was. She was instantly hooked to his gentle aura.
: ̗̀➛ Tomas would do anything for his woman. He loves her and would do anything to make her happy and satisfied. Whenever he sees her down because of the pressure she feels from hiding their relationship, he makes sure to reassure her;
"Everything will be fine, my love. If it is me you are worried about, don't be. But if it is about how your duties as a princess will be affected, do not think too deeply about it. You have the most important people on our side. You have your sisters, and I have my brother." Tomas said to her while placing both of his hands on the sides of her face. Tomas wished he could take away her sadness, but he sadly couldn't.
Y/N looked at Tomas with a soft look and wrapped her arms around his neck, looking for confront from her lover. "Oh Tomas, I'm so sorry I have to hide you. Every day I feel myself being torn apart because of it. I want to show our love to outworld and show them that earthrealmers are not our enemies." Y/N felt guilty for hiding her love from her world, but she knew it wasn't her fault. She always hopes that one day, she can help change everyone's mindset and show them that it is okay to love. But if Y/N needed to start with someone, it would have to be her mother.
Tomas felt the same sorrow. Even though he was aware of the reasons he had to remain hidden, he frequently found it intolerable. Tomas placed a small kiss on Y/N's forehead, "One day we will express our love to everyone with no regrets, my love."
It was a pledge made by both lovers to stick together till the end of time. Nobody could ever really pull each other apart. The strongest diamond couldn't match the strength of their love. They will one day openly and fearlessly show their heartfelt love for one another.
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
Hope this was good lol
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scaryspears · 11 months
Shang Tsung x Bimbo Reader
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Writing for MK11 Shang Tsung was tricky, but Shang Tsung in MK1 is quite different so I guess this one was easier.
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Shang Tsung wasn't a kindred spirit, but you could understand what his deal was from time to time. It was just everything else. When a former classmate of yours won as prom queen instead of you it was a day when conquest was ignited within you, so you could understand where Shang was coming from in that department. Most of the time he just bewildered you in ways you could fathom.
"I can't believe you were able to get Sindel's trust dressed like that." you said to Shang Tsung.
"What do you mean?" his brows furrowed. He was a small town boy, and a poor orphan. Surely he didn't look like it.
"It isn't..." you waved your hand around trying to think of a word, "Slutty enough."
He didn't know what that word meant, but he didn't approve. "Slutty?"
"You need a titty window somewhere." you pulled open the top of his robe. "Like here, you just need to style things up a bit more. I should take you shopping." You feigned a careful look at his hair. "You need to fix that too."
Your hands went up and Shang did attempt to restrain them but you were quicker and stronger. You untied it and proceeded to braid it. He sulked but dropped his hands.
"You know if you weren't so fussy you could've been a model." you said to him, almost finished.
"Fussy isn't the word I would give myself."
"You tried to take over the world or something, I'm pretty sure that counts as fussy." you patted his head where there were nicely done braids. "There, now your hair looks nicer."
He narrowed his eyes before carefully touching the newly braided strands. "Thank you." he said, almost reluctant. Almost.
"Your titan self can shapeshift, right? Can you shapeshift too? If so, when you shapeshift into a woman do you have female organs or anything?"
While Shang could smell your promiscuity, he couldn't help his disbelief. "That's the only thing on your mind?"
"Yeah, I'm very curious." you looked down towards his lower region but quickly made eye contact.
He saw what you did, "Why does Liu Kang value you?"
You happily rubbed your chest, "My allure is my weapon, besides the fact that I can hold my own well enough."
He tilted his head to the side, "How can you be so confident?"
"Well, you didn't stop me, now did you." there was a playfulness in your eyes. "Go ahead, test my strength."
He seemed annoyed, but he wasn't saying no, nor did he walk away. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
"Fine then. Experiment on me, or whatever."
You've been with nerds before, so Shang wasn't bizarre on the list of men you held an attraction for. Not to say nerds were bizarre, sometimes they just didn't get it.
Shang looked you up and down for himself. You walked towards you, with confidence but a curiosity. Being a small town street boy stunted him from giving eyes at any body, but he still felt attraction towards people. He did feel something towards you, he just didn't think much of it.
He looked into your eyes, "I want to hurt you." he admitted.
BDSM? No pressure, you could handle this.
"How bad?" you asked.
He kissed you, it was sweet at first but then it turned bruising. There was something immature about it that made you thankful you were still young. He started sucking on your neck, but you felt a bit of teeth in there.
"Let's go somewhere private." you urged.
He chuckled, a smirk to his lips. His gaze wasn't one of admiration, which was new, but you appreciated his playfulness and honesty.
"Lead the way, princess."
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iliketangerines · 4 months
Kotal Kahn with a reader who’s just a simple marketer in the outworld markets- like maybe she sells fruits or clothes-
the simple peasant
a/n: i hate kotal kahn, but yes, i do need him
pairing: kotal kahn x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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he walks through the markets, browsing the wares, but he’s searching for something
for you
he remembers how Jade had visited him in the flesh pits, talking about you, how you were kind and gentle and soft and always so kind to others
she was so smitten with you, and she had wished that he could meet you and come out of the flesh pits to talk to you and fall in love as she did
almost every day she had gone to see you, and then she died in Sindel’s attack and Kotal was freed to work alongside Mileena
and now, finally free from paperwork and training and practice, he strolls through the markets and looks for you
Jade always described you so fondly, saying that you were unmistakable, rough hands from washing and picking fruit every day
and yet they were so gentle with them, like they were precious rubies and gems, and that you always handled them with care
your voice firm but gentle as you haggled prices with Jade every day and the other customers, but you always gave the local kids a free piece of fruit
Kotal looks for you in markets and pauses when he hears someone yelling and screaming about something
drawing his weapon, Kotal finds someone hitting a customer with a hat, kicking them in the shins as they buckle over in pain
the warrior rushes over and pulls someone off the person, and they struggle in his arms as they kick and scream at the person
he tells them to calm down before he makes them, and finally, they calm down before saying that the person laying on the floor had tried to steal your wares and then threaten a kid to try and get something for free
Kotal looks at the person laying on the floor, and then back at the person in their arms and sets them down, picking up the beaten robber by the scruff
they sniffle and ask to be taken away, they don’t want to deal with the crazy marketplace seller
Kotal sighs and sets them down and holds onto their shoulder, and he asks for the seller’s name
they repeat your name, and something clicks in his brain as he watches you brush dust off yourself and grumble and scowl
patting him on the arm roughly, you say your thanks and go back to your stand, checking on the produce and making sure that everything was okay
he walks over to you, towering over your figure, and you turn to him and ask if he wants to buy something and if not, that he should scram
Kotal purses his lips and wonders how Jade could ever like you, but he asks if you know of a Jade and that she had gone to your stand often
almost immediately, your eyes brighten up, and you ask if he knows her and that you hadn’t seen her in forever
the warrior sighs, clenching his fist, before he tells in you in a low voice that she had passed away fighting a great evil
your shoulders stiffen, and your smile drops as you let out a quiet oh
there is only silence as Kotal bows and takes his leave, and he takes a glance back at you to see you wiping at your eyes with the back of your hand
he takes the robber to the prisons, and he spends the rest of the day thinking about you
you were not gentle or soft, more like rough and prickly all over with too much anger for that one body, and yet, he wanted to go back
unfortunately for him, you were the last memory he had of Jade, and he was desperate to cling onto it for as long as he could
the next day, he finds you, purse heavy with coin, and he finds you haggling prices with a customer and counting the money before handing them the fruit
he walks up to the front, looking at the fruits, picking one up in his hands and peering at it for any blemishes
you recognize him, head tilting to the side and shoulders tensing up, but you treat him just as any customer and tell him the prices and give your sale
he buys some and then waits for you to finish with the others, waiting for a lull in time to talk to you about Jade
finally, the dust settles, and it’s only you standing with your cart and he walks over to you with the freshly peeled fruit and hands one over to you
smiling at him, you push it away and say that it’s his, that he bought it, and you go back to washing the fruit in the barrel behind you for selling
he stands there awkwardly, unsure of what to do or say, and so he sits next to you and washes as you wash the fruit
you’re careful, inspecting them all with a knowing eye, and you throw out the ones that even have the slightest blemishes
Kotal just watches, but you don’t even seem to mind as he watches, as though you are familiar with someone watching as you washed the fruit
and then, suddenly you speak up and say to Kotal that you know he wants to talk about Jade and that it isn’t healthy to hold onto her like that
he furrows his brows in surprise and then he says what, unsure of what you mean
you say that it seems Jade has been gone for quite a while and you had accepted that she was gone a long time ago, only holding on to a thread of hope that she was alive
but you have made your peace, and he should too, make some new memories, never forget Jade but keep her in your heart and move on
Kotal tenses in his seat, but he knows there are truth to your words and they sit heavy in his gut and stab at him
you sigh and stop your washing for a second, wiping your hands dry on your robe and take one of his large hands into his own
it’s a comical sight, his hand engulfing yours as you comfort him
but it doesn’t deter you as you sit right next to him and tell him that you’re here for him, losing someone you love is always hard but the heart will heal if you let it
Kotal listens and sits and finally grieves, you by his side
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n3ptoonz · 2 months
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Pairing: Li Mei/Umgadi!Reader
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)
Warnings/tags: Smut; Explicit, angst if you blink, SCISSOR ME TIMBERS, female reader, undercover mission mentioned, forbidden love trope(?), technically re-profession of love, light breast play, may be some continuity errors
dt: @victorianeumanstrophywife i heard your cry and now i provide (bars) mwah mwah (user name so real)
Word count: 1.4k
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You were utterly devastated the day Li Mei was discharged from the Umgadi. Neither of you would call whatever it is you had a "relationship." Not because it wasn't, but because it couldn't be. The Umgadi are sworn to piety from infancy. Those lingering stares, light feathery touches during training, all of it was kept hush-hush. You had no choice. But when she had to leave for good, it nearly broke you.
You held Li Mei in such high regard outside of her being the head of the Umgadi, and she to you outside of your excellent skillset as a higher ranked Umgadi. The whole thing was just beautiful. The only glaring issues were you could never be together and if you were it would be tried as treason.
One would think that because you were not around each other anymore it made things easier, oh to the contrary. Besides the fact that you both have mastered the stone cold soldier image, it was harder than being around each other and not being able to do anything about it.
To the Elder Gods above who must have thought it humorous to pair you two together for a longer mission outside of Edenia, what was the reason? For however long Li Mei had been appointed head of the Sun Do, you two never thought you would be able to already rarely meet outside the darkest of nights ever again. This is absurd to say the least. This had to be a test, right? Surely someone has informed a higher up about you two...No, otherwise you probably would not be standing here breathing, in front of Empress Sindel, receiving orders and details about the mission. The task was not simple, but it can be done, and she specifically requested you both because of your history working together and skills that best work for this type of mission.
There was a two bedroom small stakeout place already set up since this was going to last a few days, but you've never so awkward a day in your life. You dreamt of days like this: the day you would be able to be around each other in during the hours of the day freely, seldom judgement. Now here you both stood like statues. Li Mei nearly unable to look you in the eyes and you're just standing there.
"I'll take the left bed." Li Mei said as she cleared her throat to fill the silence. You nod and place your equipment on the right bed. The both of you were tasked with gathering information about conspiracy against the royal house, being provided civilian clothes to fit in. Li Mei was already undressing herself after laying her clothes out, so when you turned around you were met with her bare back before she readjusted her bra. You really couldn't help but to stare at the way her muscles rippled along with her movements while actively trying not to let your gaze travel straight to her ass.
"I can feel your eyes on me." she said with a small chuckle before putting just her pants on, leaving her in just her undershirt when she turned to face you. "I know it's been a while-"
"I miss you," you said, "Every day."
"I know," Li Mei replied in a quieter tone, taking both your hands into hers, "It was already one thing to be kicked out of the Umgadi. I still have not gotten used to not being able to see you every day. Even after all these years." she admitted. She looked down at your worn, yet somehow still soft hands and rubbed them with her thumb before pulling you into a hug.
"We may not be lovers officially...but perhaps one day." she mumbled. The faint smell of lavender in her hair took over your senses, causing you to hug her even tighter.
One long evening of almost getting caught multiple times later, you end up back at the hotel nearly out of breath. At some point you had to start running in case of recognition by voice or face and neither of you wanted to take that chance. There was some pretty useful information collected around some of the bars you visited together and separate. You subconsciously threw your jacket and shirt off onto your bed to feel the long awaited cool air pumping in the room, meanwhile you didn't catch the way Li Mei's breath hitched at the sight of the long scar across your back.
After getting out of her own head she asks, "Where did this come from?" while walking up behind you and gently placing her palm where the scar was. You looked over your shoulder with a puzzled expression before remembering almost instantly what had happened.
"Freak accident on a mission." you said while trying to sound casual about it. Before she even said anything you could tell she wasn't convinced in the slightest, but what came to your surprise was she decided against asking again and instead coming to her knees.
"Li Mei?" you questioned, feeling her hands grip your hips so you couldn't immediately turn to her. She left light, slow kisses along your well healed scar, making her way up your spine--smiling to herself when you shudder.
"Li Mei." you whisper this time. You shut your eyes and didn't even attempt to protest; anyone who was able to get Li Mei to act like this wouldn't dare either. Funny thing is, you are the only one who can.
Li Mei takes responsibility very, very seriously. Especially after what happened. But there's just something about the woman who stands before her that nips away at that part of her soul in the hottest way possible. She'd drop everything right now just to stay like this for the rest of her life.
She left a few kisses on your neck as her mindlessly let her hands roam your half naked body. Seeing you in a simple bra and casual pants were enough for her to even forget what you were here for in the first place. She reached up and turned your head to face her, soon having your body do the same. You couldn't look away no matter how hard you tried. Everything you went through played in the blink of an eye and right before her lips made contact with yours, you placed your hands on hers and sighed.
"We can't." you said quietly and gently moved them from your jaw. "We can't." you repeated, this time it sounded like you were trying to convince yourself more than her. "If we do this now-"
"Then we would be getting it out of the way."
"But," you breathlessly tried to retort, "We can't..." your eyes drop to her lips, "We..." you mutter one last time before closing the distance --which was barely there to begin with. Your lips meeting hers was that of a searing hot feeling of passion and longing. You fiddled with each other's clothes until you both were completely bare, still caught up in this kiss you so desperately needed for so long.
Once you were laid out on your bed her fingers made their way to your folds, drawing a genuine grin against your lips.
"You missed me that much, hm?" she said as you playfully rolled your eyes and quickly repositioned yourself so that she was now on her back and your leg was hooked around one of hers. Looking up at you with slight surprise, she smiled again.
"I did too." she mused and pulled you in for a longer kiss, softly humming when you started rubbing against her. This was not new for either one of you, so you knew exactly what got her to tick. She fucking loved when you played with your tits; it was like a neuron activation. The bed creaking held no candle to the breathy moans and wet sounds of your lips gliding effortlessly against hers. The more she watched you watch her play with her self solely to the visual of your fingers rolling your nipple between them, she was about ready to let the whole town know who she loved.
It didn't take long until she painted your upper thighs and lower torso with her own cum and you soon did the same. You still rode out your highs like your life depended on it, breath getting heavier and legs getting more tired by the second. Before you allowed yourself to collapse, you practically jumped into her arms to kiss her again.
"I'm so...in love with you..." you murmured in between kisses and rolling onto your back with her on top of you and settling between your thighs and whispering against your cheek.
"Not more than me loving you."
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odditycircus-2002 · 3 months
Hmm, any chance you could do some hcs with a Fem Mummy! Reader x Quan Chi (MK1) with the basic premise being that the reader was revived by Quan Chi and is actually happy with being alive (or at least close to it) and as a result is loyal to him and later fell in love?
A/N: I can indeed!😄 Hope you don’t mind, but I’m a fan of Corpse Bride and Imhotep from Brendan Fraser's "The Mummy".
Eternally Loyal
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Admittedly, you were caught off guard when pulled from your eternal rest, only to be thrust to life once more. Yet it was soon replaced with sheer joy when realizing you are walking among the Land of the Living again. By the looks of it, you had the mysterious pale necromancer that stood above you, your now beating and glowing heart in his hand.
He introduced himself as Quan-chi, the most powerful sorcerer in Outworld, Master of the Dead, and now your reanimator. You sincerely thank him for bringing you back to life, as you had only begun to achieve your true ambitions and plans. Quan-chi suggests that you may still be able to after you settle your debt with him. According to your House's tradition, those who save a member of the House of L/N are now indebted to the first. Bringing life back to your revived corpse counts as keeping one's life in your book.
You don't doubt that, with your reanimation, you were undoubtedly gone for a long while and thus in a whole new world and unknown territory. You figured it'd be best to make nice with your guide if you want to gain any advantage.
Quan-chi smirked when you inevitably questioned how you could repay your new debt to him.
"You can start by serving under me until I deem your debt repaid in full."
"On your soul then..."
Which Quan-chi agreed, but whether or not he was sincerely remained to be seen.
Quan-chi had made it so you had to occasionally steal and absorb body parts from others to remain alive and whole. While Quan-chi resurrected your heart and soul and used to influence your actions, they can keep you tethered to the mortal plane for so long without refueling. So you keep yourself wrapped up as you were to not reveal your constantly rotting and healing body.
But even with such a weakness, you have been given strength as Quan-chi gifted you with the ability to drain the moisture out of anything by touch alone (excluding himself), control over sand, and become sand, your preexisting telekinetic abilities.
Since then, you have loyally served under Quan-chi, executing every order and task with near perfection without question. Fervently hanging on to his every word and feat of magic so you may one day use it for yourself when you feel the time is right. You also had no issue cutting down any of your fellow minions if you think they are disobedient to your master. To which Quan-chi is not against, even with one of the demons from his Sisterhood of Shadow. In fact, he's growing fond of your usefulness and how you serve him well.
As powerful as Ermac turned out to be, he was ultimately a failure in Quan-chi's eyes. The same applies to Ashrah, whom Quan-chi could not control. Which is a shame to the sorcerer, as both were powerful tools. Oh well, if you do not succeed at first, try again.
In comes you, a mummified Edenian Noble renowned for her ruthlessness, problem-solving, and tenacity during a warring era before Sindel’s Golden Era. Who has (yet) to disobey him. Unfortunately, you were cut down in your prime on the eve you were to marry your betrothed to secure an alliance with another nation. A shame, really, as you had plans for the future. But you're just happy to be alive.
It helps that Quan-chi praises you whenever you perform a task well for him, such as uncovering lost grimoires, to encourage you to continue aiding him and fulfilling your debt. Eventually, Quan-chi awards your efforts with gifts such as flowers or a new robe as you continuously serve him well in his quest to overthrow Liu Kang. With each gift, you could've sworn you felt your heart beating within your chest, and not hiding on Quan-chi's person.
Often, he would converse with you about his studies and discoveries, doing most of the talking as you just listened and reacted. You couldn't help but notice how Quan-chi treats you more amiably, almost as much as he is with Shang Tsung, his fellow sorcerer. Perhaps even as a companion, as he prefers to have you follow him for his tasks the most. You like to think its because the Sorcerer has the same admiration for you as you do for him, as silly as it sounds and which you would be caught absolutely dead saying aloud.
Speaking of the snake-like Sorcerer, Quan-chi proudly introduced you to Shang Tsung as his latest work of genius once. The latter critically looked you up and down and admired the magic used to keep you together. Although to not admit to Quan-chi's magical prowess, Shang Tsung would ask.
"How do you know this minion won't turn on you like the others?"
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, your looser wrapping unraveling and posing to strike down the blasphemous Sorcerer, but before you could make the blow, Quan-chi explains.
"She won't,"
Quan-chi would glance back at you and softly run a hand under your chin, which you followed with your head.
"But even if the impossible happens, I hold their heart."
Quan-chi would summon your purple and green heart into his hand, petting it with his free hand like a small pet.
"It would be such a waste if I must. Isn't that right, Y/N?"
You, of course, nodded. That was the closest you would receive as an admittance of love from someone like Quan-chi.
Playlist while writing this:
"Loyalty" - Maria's Theme from Mad Father
"In the Dark of the Night" -by Christopher Lloyd
"Mr.Sandman" -by The Chordettes
"Monster" -by Lady Gaga
" Dark Horse”-Cover by Our Last Night
“I miss the misery”-by Halestorm.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Warning vent ahead. Vent about characters needing to be child free. And we need to normalize characters being child free mostly. But also vents about fandom in general.
So if you dont like that. Scroll on.
Cw: vent,talking about being child free
Unpopular opinion but
Shang tsung should be child free. That should be common fucking sense but here we are.
Any fan kids i make are aus. Period.
I love hcs about fankids but also
i hate that stupid fucking annoying af bullshit hcs of mileena being a daughter to shang when basic fucking lore states she is shao kahns daughter. And is the cloned sister of kitana. You know her whole fucking purpose?! She can make amends with kitana and be actual sisters without having to be fucking cutesy with shang. Leave shang out of your weird hcs. Just leave shang out of kitana and mileenas life period. Like my mans did not wanna be there. He hates shao kahn. He hates working there. He had no choice but to be some bitch lapdog minion for shao kahn. Which he absolutely fucking hated. He fucking hates them. Period. He never wanted to make mileena he was ordered to by force. The only one that felt remotely something for mileena was tanya and maybe reptile but thats about it. Period.
Leave shang out of things he doesn't need to be. The only part he had in mileenas life was basically being a fucking wet nurse. Milly was a test tube baby made FOR SHAO KAHN ORDERES BY SHAO KAHN BECAUSE AGAIN HE COULDN'T MANIPULATE KITANA BECAUSE OF SINDEL. (i can't believe i have to state basic lore to people.)
In fact its kinda insulting to her character. To be fam with a dude that legit did not give a fuck about her. And barely saw her as a person. She was an experiment. Period.
Like shang tsung can be soft without having kids. Shang can be soft WITHOUT MILEENA.
Shang tsung can be soft as a mentor figure TO SOMEONE ELSE! a teacher. He canonly teaches others who follow him or revere him.
Why not make him soft that way?
Why does he NEED a child to soften him?
Like my fan kids and aus aside.
Shang tsung can be soft for someone without having to have kids to do so.
Normalize not having kids. Normalize not wanting kids. Normalize characters being child free. Normalize being cool with kids but not wanting kids.
IF AND ONLY IF shang were to have kids. Im gonna put it bluntly honey. He would rather have kids from his own ballsack,the old fashioned way,literally fucking someone he actually gives a shit bout(which would be rare in of itself) then make a fucking clone or have a clone be made. Im sorry not sorry never will be sorry.
Shang tsung is kinda vain. Just as a reminder. He is a villain after all and i feel you guys forget this.
He can be soft,sweet,a good husband,a loving man,gentle or domestic even.
But he doesn't need children to prove that. Or show it.
Again we can have fankids. We can show aus.
But please if a character has to have kids to show their worth. I dont want it.
Personally I may or may not have kids of my own some day. Maybe not who knows? I care about them enough to wanna be stable enough to do so. And be able to provide. But also make sure my partner is comfortable too. Because thats what youre supposed to do. Do i think i could be a good mom? Sure. I do also have support. But im being smart about shit. Also we need to normalize not wanting children too because not everyone is like me nor would be a good parent. We need to normalize being child free,Even on our blorbos. Again i dont hate kids nor people who want them. Again im not sure,i may or may not have any of my own. But the problem is people think you HAVE to have kids to be whole,domestic,loving,nurturing,etc. You can be paternal and nurturing without having children. Of your own or adopted. Like ffs!
So plz. Can i have one fic,one art,some crumb of shit. Where shang is soft and domestic and sweet. WITHOUT HIM BEING A FATHER?! (Again fankids and clearly stated aus dont count. Because those are aus and fankids are just that,a fankid. Canon characters he "created" need to not be taken literally. Because i swear people need to shove a societal check box into everything. And even then,nrs doesn't give a crap but that doesn't mean you ignore basic fucking lore. Just because nrs and ed boob doesn't give a fucking damn. Don't mean you should ignore basic lore. MILEENA IS SHAO KAHNS DAUGHTER AND AT VERY LEAST IS KITANAS CLONED SISTER(which again they should make amends,because if hanzo n kaui can so can they. But then again y'all dont really give a fuck about women nor female characters,so yeah) POINT BLANK PERIOD END OF DISCUSSION DIE MAD)
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bloodyblade · 4 years
Tremble For My Beloved [1]
Pairing: Thorin x Fem!Reader Summary: AU in which the daughter of a nobleman was running for her life after an orc attack, and after being welcomed under Gandalf's wings, joins the quest to reconquer Erebor. Sort of. Warnings: Mentions of violence and gore, a tiny bit sad. Word Count: 2.353 words.
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Chapter One.
The earth beneath your feet was shaking and trembling, or perhaps it was your legs that were too spent from running in a desperate and unprepared sprint. Entering a crumbling house, you hide behind a wall, standing on a crouch to be able to take a peek on the outside from the window. Holding the machete tightly to your chest, your eyes sweeped the hiding place you chose looking for possible exits.
Sweat was running down your face, lingering at the eyebrows and making their way down. Your heart was beating as strong and fast as a drum, you could feel it in your chest, throat and the sound in your ears. Harsh breaths were coming out silently as you could manage. You were trembling. Exhausted, scared and hurt. Dirt was accumulating under your fingernails along with specs of blood that also tainted the green dress you wore, shoes and thighs, finer than many could ever wish for, had its beauty and delicacy ruined. You looked ruined.
Your hair, that before was put in an intricate updo, was now almost completely loose and caked with sweat and blood that wasn’t yours. Askell, who you grew up having him as your shadow, died for you. He was your protector, always have been. A knight dedicated to you, before you could even walk and always accompanied you through your most important feats -learning how to walk, riding a horse for the first time and then falling epically on your ass, watching you from afar on your every name day. God, it was his blood on your hair, face, chest, dress. The blow was so hard on his head that he fell over you, who were behind him just like he demanded you should be. You scrambled back but part of his body landed on you, knocking you to the ground with him before you could push his body off, Askell’s heavy armour making everything even more difficult. Just as the enemy turned around, you finally managed to get free and balance your protector’s weapon by your side. It was pointy and shone under the candle lights, as if it had never been used before. Because it hasn’t, Askell never needed to. No one in your father’s state ever needed too.
But looking up and coming face to face to this… creature’s face, your blood ran cold. It was pale and ugly, uglier than any story could ever make up. So you got up at your fastest pace and with as much strength you could gather, took the knight’s weapon and ran. Ran until your lungs were on fire and felt like your deep, uneven breaths weren’t enough to keep your body going. Everything passed in a blur, as if your body alone knew what it was doing and so you dodge the fights and screaming and crying people, successfully making your way out of your forever home and the whole manor and what else it consisted of. As you slowed down, you ventured into a small city, knowing you must have ran a lot, for the city your caregivers always spoke of was certainly a few miles away.
And that’s how you found yourself where you are now. You didn’t look back in fear of what you could see and in fear of your enemies, which was most definitely a stupid decision but you couldn’t go back now. You knew your father had enemies, but never thought anyone would be so cruel to try and murder not just your family line but other nobles that were present at the feast your father was giving. Did someone hire them? Did your father somehow get on these creature’s bad side and leave them seeking revenge? How would dad even get in their way?
Don’t think about it. Those things didn’t matter, not anymore at least. Askell was dead, your father was most certainly dead right now and your mother died the moment you took your first breath. You heard how people would whisper that when you came out of your mother’s womb, you stole her breath and ultimately caused her death, and that it was a sign of a curse they were certain you carried: anyone to ever love you would most likely face an awful and painful death. So far, they weren’t wrong. Perhaps you were cursed.
You stayed alert for a while, besides the sounds of your now normalizing breaths, all you could hear were the sounds of nature that surrounded the place. Overgrown grass surrounded the house, allowing for all kinds of bugs to make home there. She could see the flickering soft light of the fireflies, hear the cicadas and buzz of wings that flew past your face, way too close for your liking. And you started to lose track of time, your legs growing tired from carrying your weight in the same position for too long. Slipping slowly towards the ground, you let yourself rest for a moment, closing your eyes and puffing a shaky breath past your lips. You were so tired. It felt like a fever dream, the people chatting and laughing and eating and mingling around. The sound of your father’s boisterous laughter ringing loud and accompanied by many others. A song played on the background softly, a few people fluttering on the ground with grace and kids running around, being chased and chatiest by their caretakers. Braids more intricate than others, some showing off and proudly stating their status, either as rich as piss or happily married, courting. Beads as beautiful and delicate than many could ever wish for. Gosh, you did wish to have one on her hair at some point in life. But now all that seemed so… shallow and unimportant.
How could such futile happiness become a bloodbath so quickly? Thankfully you didn’t see any children hurt and held ignorant hope that they managed to flee to somewhere safe. Gosh, you could hardly believe that, on her way there, she slashed one of the monsters, the hard blade buried itself on his shoulder as he screamed in rage and pain, blood trickling down it’s bare chest and after tugging once, twice to get it out of him, it’s blood rushed out like a horror story would detail, making him stumble and set its eyes on you form, but before he could do anything, you hit it with the machete hard on the knee, making him fall on his face. Although the goal was to kill it with a hard strike to his chest, the weight of the weapon didn’t allow you to do so. But this creature was the same that killed Askell, so you felt a hint of satisfaction to cause it enough damage to somehow avenge him.
But it’s not like you didn’t get hurt at all, you were no fighter, even if Askell did try to give you self defense classes with a smaller sword. Main word being try. You could manage, but doubted you could handle yourself in battle, but he assured you that you would never need to go into battle as long as you had him. Your hairline was definitely sore and the skin open, allowing a little blood to pool around and dirty your face worse than it already was. On your run, you tripped and fell on your hands and knees, getting your palms scrapped and pulsing with pain from the fall and having to carry a heavy weapon your unprepared hands were unused to.
And you waited for something, anything. But nothing came. Were they waiting for you to leave the place or go back to the manor? It was better to stay here until morning, wasn’t it? Probably, yes. So, with your knees to your chest, you put your head between them, allowing your body to relax a little and feeling yourself going a tiny bit slack, your machete close by your side.
If it weren’t from the footsteps on the house terrain, you would’ve fallen asleep for your eyes were heavy and mind fatigued. Standing up slowly and carefully, trying to step as lightly as elves would, you picked up your weapon and walked towards the front door. Whoever was outside, their steps were light, but not light enough that you couldn’t hear them. You could also notice how confidently they were walking, so it couldn’t be children either, and by the sounds of it, they were alone.
Your head was pounding and your hands were shaking again, you were reaching the peak of exhaustion. You held your breath as three knocks sounded one after the other on the door. After not giving any kind of response, the door opened slowly and creaked loudly and a tall, slim robbed figure stood at the door, against the moonlight only their silhouette can be seen.Holding the weapon in front of you with both hands, you took a fighting instance, or what you thought could be described as it.
“Reveal yourself.” You demanded with a slight tremble and agitation to your voice, only to have the figure step forward with a chuckle. It was a man, with a long staff and grey robes that reached the ground and covered the length of his body. And he was old, a long beard adorning his face. A pointed blue hat complemented his appearance, making him look like… like he wanted to seem like a wizard.
“Ah, I figured you would be here, Y/N daughter of Sindel, son of Serill.” The senile man began, walking closer so you make out his features. His beard was as long as she initially made out, and as white as his long hair, just like the scarf he wore. His bushy eyebrows framed his eyes, wrinkled due to the warm smile he was trying to convey.
“Who are you and how do you know my name? How do you know my father?” You asked, keeping yourself unmoving where you stood. He sighed deeply but didn’t let his lips turn any other way.
“I’m Gandalf, the grey.” He brought his unoccupied hand to his chest, introducing himself kindly, before letting it fall along with a sorrowful expression on his face. “I’m deeply sorry for your loss, but I vowed your father to take care of you should… the unexpected turn of events happened before time was right.” He motioned for you to lower your hands, and you did it hesitantly. If he wanted, he could’ve hit you that staff he was holding, but he probably needed aid to keep standing. He looked very old. “In fact, you’re not safe at all while you’re here, come.” He motioned for you to follow him as he turned around but you didn’t move an inch. How did he know your father and did this man owe him anything? Did you even know your father at all? He looked back at you, taking carefully your fear struck features and ratted clothes and understood. Of course he knew there was a slight possibility you didn’t know anything at all about who your father truly was but more importantly, who you truly were and just how important you are.
“How do you know you’re not one of them?” You finally voiced your main concern at the moment, Gandalf cocked his head to the side. “My… My family was murdered. How do I know you’re just trying to lure me out here so they can finish what they began?” You took another step back, waiting for an answer. He didn’t look exactly threatening but you couldn’t afford to trust anyone, not right now.
“Would that answer your question?” He asked as he handed you the object that was in his possession. Where did he get this? It was a dagger. Your mother’s dagger. One of the belongings she left for you, passed from mother to daughter in your family’s lineage. The design on the hilt was intricate and beautiful. It was rather dusty and had a few marks of use, but you were sure it would’ve been from her. Your father often told you how skilled she was, but never allowed you to use it. It was merely something decorative laying proudly on your nightstand. Until you lost it. You cried for days and dared not to tell your father, he would most likely be furious. Askell told you once how your parents knew your mother could possibly not survive after birth and how she separated and dedicated something for you, her first and only child. Your dad did ask you once about it, he probably already knew by them, but you decided to pretend everything was where it was supposed to be. Which was wherever you wanted it. That earned you a pointed and warning glare for him but you only smiled sweetly back then. Now you had a slight idea where it went.
And it could be a copy, a very good one, for there were several skilled blacksmiths your father knew about. If it weren’t for one detail, you would not have believed him: two designs on the blade. The vessels of the sun and moon. Your mother has always been so devoted to Mahal. Your eyes glazed over, but you didn’t allow yourself to cry. Straightening yourself, you looked at the man that was waiting patiently for you to analyze what was yours by right. You looked at him with determination and a chuckle left his lips as he smiled again.
“Come, let’s get you somewhere safe for the time being.” He beckoned you closer again and this time you obeyed.
“Where are you taking me?” You questioned as you looked around warily, searching silently with a calculated gaze for any threats. Night time was never kind for those endangered and that’s exactly what you were. You could trust him, maybe. But you didn’t know if you could protect yourself and the old man as well. What’s with the pointy hat anyway?
“Well, my dear,” he began, waiting for you to fall into step besides him “You most definitely are in desperate need of a shower.”
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thewebofslime · 5 years
The text message came in Hebrew and English. “A warning to the citizens of Israel: JCW [Jewish Community Watch, an organization that monitors child sex abuse] has received credible information that [redacted] has plans to return to Israel in early November, with intentions of moving to the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem. The authorities in Israel have been notified, as well as local community leaders.” The text message, sent to thousands of people on the JCW update list, raced through Jerusalem’s Ramot neighborhood. According to New York’s sex offender registry, the person in question is a Level 2 sex offender, at moderate risk of reoffending. The message continued with more background and allegations against the immigrant offender. “In 2007, [redacted] had escaped to Israel through Canada in an effort to evade arrest from the police in New York. He was formally charged in absentia with 8 counts of deviate sexual intercourse with two 13-year-old minors on the same day his aliyah status was approved. Months later [redacted] was extradited back to NY where he was convicted in 2009 and served time until his release in February 2012. Currently [redacted] still holds Israeli citizenship under the alias [redacted].” Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top storiesFREE SIGN UP According to Shana Aronson, the Israel operations coordinator for Jewish Community Watch, the text message is a public service. “People have a right, after they serve their time, to live their life,” said Aronson. “But the community has a right to know who they are. They shouldn’t be vilified any more than is necessary to protect the community. But nothing is more devastating than a repeat offender. It’s infuriating. It could have been prevented.” One of the country’s founding pieces of legislation, the Law of Return allows any Diaspora Jew to receive citizenship in Israel. But child rights activists contend there is a dark loophole to the law which allows Jewish pedophiles to effectively flee court-mandated supervision in their home countries and move to Israel with a clean slate. In a grassroots effort to deal with the problem, activists and concerned parents are starting to raise awareness on social media, issuing “warnings” via text message, Twitter, and Facebook to parents in neighborhoods where convicted or alleged pedophiles are moving. But their unregulated efforts are also drawing a backlash. Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, who is being sued by convicted child sex offender Yona Weinberg. Horowitz is a founder of Monsey’s Yeshiva Darchei Noam and Director of The Center for Jewish Family Life (courtesy Yakov Horowitz). On November 24, the Jerusalem District Court held the first procedural hearing in a case from convicted pedophile Yona Weinberg, who is suing child rights activist Yakov Horowitz. Horowitz tweeted out a warning to parents in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood after Weinberg moved there. In his suit, Weinberg, from Brooklyn, New York, accuses Horowitz of slander and libel for encouraging parents to treat him like “a terrorist with a machete.” However, child abuse activists say that especially in the case of Israel, these social media warnings are warranted. “There’s a danger that Israel is becoming a safe haven for pedophiles and alleged perpetrators,” said Manny Waks, a survivor of child abuse and the founder of Kol V’Oz, an advocacy group addressing child sex abuse in the global Jewish community. “Of course, any criminal can flee to another country, but it’s about getting the visa to remain there. Because Israel welcomes all Jews, they’re protected from that perspective,” he said. How easy is it for sex offenders to make aliyah? A registered sex offender under supervision in their home country will not have that supervision transferred to Israel when they receive citizenship. A convicted criminal can make aliyah if the Interior Ministry approves their application, especially if the person has already served their sentence or the crime was a misdemeanor. Jewish Community Watch says that 32 pedophiles in their database have moved from countries around the world to Israel in the past decade. By contrast, during the same period it has tracked just 12 Jewish pedophiles that have moved abroad from their homelands to countries other than Israel. Jewish Community Watch says that 32 pedophiles in their database have moved from countries around the world to Israel in the past decade When sex offenders move to other countries, there is no international procedure in place for how to monitor or supervise them in their new country. However, international visa requirements make it difficult for nonresidents to live long-term in a new country. Israel is a particularly attractive destination for sex offenders, because the Law of Return allows all Jews to receive citizenship in a very short period of time. In another, related issue, alleged pedophiles — suspected but not formally charged with any crime — sometimes flee to Israel before authorities get involved. In close-knit Jewish communities, especially among the ultra-Orthodox, a distrust of authorities and tradition of keeping problems “within the community” means that allegations of abuse can arise well before victims notify law enforcement. This gives the purported pedophiles ample time to flee to Israel and apply for aliyah. If there are no ongoing legal cases against them at the time of their application, they are approved for citizenship in Israel. Even if the authorities in their home countries do move to press charges after the aliyah process is completed, Israel is often reluctant to extradite citizens, meaning the perpetrator can continue to live in Israel and move about freely. Orthodox activists, like these protesting outside a Brooklyn yeshiva on May 3, 2016, are asking institutions to do more to report and investigate allegations of child sexual and physical abuse. (Courtesy Chaim Levin via JTA) “Education of this issue in the Haredi world is lacking. There are serious shortfalls,” said Waks, who grew up in Melbourne’s Chabad community and was abused at the Melbourne Yeshiva. “They bring teachers in and out of yeshivas without doing checks. The Israeli government needs to look at this issue to address it, because it is an injustice to the victims and a danger to Israeli children.” The cover of Manny Wak’s ‘Who Gave you Permission? The Story of a Child Sexual-Abuse Survivor Who Fought Back.’ (courtesy) Waks has just published his first book, “Who Gave you Permission? The Story of a Child Sexual-Abuse Survivor Who Fought Back” about his own struggle as a survivor of child sex abuse. The book, available from Scribe, also explores the aftermath of his allegations — how his family was treated and ostracized in the wake of his decision to go to the Australian police about the abuse, and his role as a victim’s advocate in the Jewish community. The title comes from an angry sermon given at the Melbourne Yeshiva synagogue, directed at Waks’s father, demanding to know “Who gave you permission to speak to anybody?” “The broad statistics are that one in five kids is abused by the age of 18. This is true for the US, it’s true for Israel, and true for Australia,” said Waks. “Only 30% of victims ever disclose their abuse, and on average it takes 20 years for them to disclose it.” Manny Waks, pictured with his father, Zephaniah, has led the campaign to expose sexual abuse in Melbourne’s ultra-Orthodox community. (Tony Fink via JTA) When a criminal moves to Israel Approval for a convicted criminal to make aliyah, i.e, immigrate to Israel, would depend on “the nature of the crime, when it was committed, and what has transpired in the interim,” said Jewish Agency spokesperson Avi Mayer. In 1954, the Law of Return was adapted to exclude “a person with a criminal past, likely to endanger public welfare.” Mayer said that only the Interior Ministry determines what kind of criminals are considered to “endanger public welfare.” Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Hadad said any aliyah application coming from someone who was convicted of a crime goes to a special committee within the Interior Ministry, though the final say for rejecting an applicant rests with the interior minister. Hadad refused to comment on what kind of crimes render a person inadmissible for aliyah. Even if the Interior Ministry is aware that a convicted sex criminal is under supervision in their home country, only an order from the Israeli courts can place a convicted criminal under supervision in Israel, explained Prison Services spokesman Assaf Librati. Israeli courts are unlikely to hear a case if the crime happened in another country, he added. The Prison Services monitors pedophiles convicted in Israel. ‘If someone robbed a bank and served their time, they don’t need continued supervision. But if someone abused children, they will need ongoing supervision, even if they already served their time’ But Librati added that sex criminals are unlike other types of criminals, a position echoed by many activists. “If someone robbed a bank and served their time, they don’t need continued supervision,” he said. “But if someone abused children, they will need ongoing supervision, even if they already served their time.” Librati called the Prison Services’s inability to monitor these pedophiles a “hole” in the law that allows convicted sex offenders to roam freely in Israel. Alon Shamir, a 50-year-old therapist accused of raping two of his patients, is escorted by prison service guards as he arrives for a court hearing in Jerusalem on August 7, 2016, (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) Just 19 countries around the world have a national sex offender registry, according to the US Department of Justice (PDF). Of those, the US is one of the few countries that makes their registry public, a situation which has its supporters and detractors. The US national registry is easily searchable on the National Sex Offender Public Website or the new mobile app. Israel has a private national sex offender registry, which only Israeli police and prison services can access. In Israel, people who want to work in schools and with children are often asked to provide a teudat yosher from the police, which states that the person is a citizen of good standing who does not pose a risk to children’s welfare. But because the list only relates convictions in Israel, someone who was convicted of sex crimes in another country could obtain this document in Israel, clearing them to work with children. Where does this leave parents? Jewish Community Watch is controversial in the child rights field because it publishes an online “Wall of Shame” with photos and information about accused child molesters, sometimes even before authorities convict or even arrest the alleged perpetrators. This raises concerns about vigilante justice and false accusations, though Aronson insists the organization’s internal vetting process before putting someone on the Wall of Shame is rigorous. Other organizations are more cautious, only naming perpetrators who have been indicted or convicted. Aronson said that while the Israel branch of Jewish Community Watch does not take part in the Wall of Shame, the organization considers it an important tool when law enforcement does not adequately address abuse. It sends out updates via text message about once a month of Jewish pedophiles in its database who are getting out of prison or moving to a new community, either within the same country or abroad. Meyer Seewald, the founder of Jewish Community Watch, says many in the Orthodox community are ‘more willing to come forward’ about allegations of abuse. (Courtesy of Meyer Seewald/via JTA) The inability to supervise repeat offenders is part of what infuriates activist Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, the founder of the Center for Jewish Family Life, a New York-based organization that deals with child sex abuse, among other issues. When he heard that convicted sex offender Yona (Jason) Weinberg, a licensed social worker and bar mitzvah tutor from New York who was convicted in 2008 of eight counts of second-degree sexual abuse and child endangerment, Horowitz decided to take matters into his own hands. According to the New York sex offender registry, Weinberg is considered a Level 3 Sex Offender, which means he poses a high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety. And Weinberg has allegedly already reoffended after serving his 13-month sentence in 2009. According to USAToday, in June 2014, Weinberg allegedly groped an 11-year-old boy; the police investigated and didn’t press charges. When the same boy accused Weinberg of attacking him again in August, police showed up at Weinberg’s home to arrest him and found he had moved to Israel. Weinberg was approved for aliyah because he had already served 13 months in connection with his previous crime, and police had not yet charged him with a new crime when he submitted his aliyah application. “I tweeted out the warning that Weinberg moved in, and the next thing I know I got sued for slander even though it’s demonstrably true,” said Horowitz. Some people took offense with the language of Horowitz’s tweet, which referenced the 2014 Har Nof synagogue massacre, when terrorists attacked the Kehilat Yaakov synagogue with machetes, killing four worshipers and a policeman. Horowitz said he will be at the trial, which has already set him back more than $5,000. “Not only is there no sex offender registry, you can get sued and have to hire a lawyer and go to court just to warn parents,” he said. “No way that I’m allowing a sex offender to silence people who warn parents about sex offenders.” “My client isn’t denying that he was convicted in New York years ago,” said Weinberg’s lawyer, Eytan Lehman. Lehman noted that it is legal to publish information about the conviction. “[Horowitz] claims that Mr. Weinberg fled from the States, running from a federal investigation, and this is a complete lie, and when you write lies you will be sued for libel,” he said. Lehman said that there is no open police investigation into his client. Another recent sex abuse case that has captured the headlines is Malka Leifer, the former principal of Adass Israel School in Melbourne, which is not associated with the Chabad Yeshiva center where Waks suffered abuse. When allegations of abuse surfaced in 2008, the Adass Israel school arranged to immediately fly Leifer and her family back to Israel in the middle of the night, before police could arrest her. Leifer is wanted by the Australian police on 74 counts of sexual assault and rape of girls at her school. One of the “alleged” victims won a civil suit against Leifer and the Adass Israel school in 2015 and was awarded almost $1 million in damages. Malka Leifer (YouTube screenshot) Leifer already had Israeli citizenship, so she did not come back to Israel under the Law of Return. But Israel’s weak extradition laws mean she will not likely return to Australia to face prison time. In June, a Jerusalem District Court ruled that Leifer was mentally unfit to stand trial for her extradition hearing. She was released from house arrest and is now undergoing psychiatric evaluations every six months to determine her ability to stand trial, a process which could be repeated for up to a decade while she continues to live at home. Because she was convicted in Australia and not Israel, she is not under any supervision to isolate her from contact with children. The ironclad Law of Return and a ray of hope Even though activists know that the Law of Return is partially responsible for enabling pedophiles to escape justice, they believe that the solution must come from a change in how the authorities recognize and supervise sex offenders, rather than any change to the Law of Return. “I really genuinely understand and respect that there is great reluctance to tinker with the Law of Return,” said Horowitz. “The Law of Return is a beautiful concept, it’s really part of the DNA of the Jewish state. There’s a feeling that if you amend it for sex offenders, what about someone who did domestic violence? Or a Ponzi scheme? Where do you draw the line?” ‘At the very least, the [sex offenders] should be supervised if you’re letting them in’ But “at the very least, the [sex offenders] should be supervised if you’re letting them in,” Horowitz added. Aronson, of Jewish Community Watch, says she has on occasion met with the Interior Ministry to raise concerns about specific aliyah applicants who people have accused of child sex abuse, even if there is no police case. “But there’s nothing they can do, [the Interior Ministry has] no legal right to start an investigation into someone who there were no charges brought against them,” she said. On November 28, the Knesset’s Committee on the Rights of the Child, led by MK Yifat Shasha-Biton (Kulanu), held a hearing on child abuse after multiple requests from activists. The Knesset’s Committee on the Rights of the Child is led by Kulanu MK Yifat Shasha-Biton (courtesy) “We are trying to understand where this issue stands, and whether or not there’s a hole in the law here and how we’re going to have to address it,” said the committee’s spokesman. “Is it about someone who has slipped between our fingers? Who has an active police record somewhere else but it doesn’t get registered in Israel? Or is it a one-time occurrence with, say, one person from Australia?” Waks testified at the hearing and urged the Knesset to adopt better international coordination, better background checks, and establish a public sex offender registry. Despite the bureaucratic difficulties, many of the activists see a positive change in terms of coming to grips with child abuse in the Jewish community. “Even in the most Haredi communities, the younger [generation] under age 50 is way more likely to go to the authorities,” said Horowitz. “It’s a cultural thing… they see what happens when you don’t go to the authorities, so they’re not as reticent.” Waks added that social media has empowered many victims to speak for themselves. “The fact that we’re seeing so many reports these days about child sexual abuse does not mean that this abuse is growing,” said Waks. “It means there is more reporting going on. When victims share, it emboldens and empowers other victims to disclose in a way that’s good for them.” While change may be underway in the communities, the activists feel that their fight to change the government policies for reporting and supervision is just beginning. “There’s this feeling of everyone being a cog in the machine, of everyone saying, I’m doing what I’m responsible for,” said Aronson. But meanwhile, at least 32 known pedophiles have slipped through the cracks in the past decade. “We are trying to get enough people alarmed in order to change something,” she said.
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cfijerusalem · 6 years
Watching Over Zion Report 26th July 2018 (14th Av 5778)
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The Word
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But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find Him, if you search after Him with all your heart and with all your soul. When you are in tribulation, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, you will return to the Lord your God and obey His voice. For the Lord your God is a merciful God. He will not leave you or destroy you or forget the covenant with your fathers that He swore to them. (Deuteronomy 4:29-31)
For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent. (Zephaniah 3.9 KJV)  At that time I will change the speech of my returning people to pure Hebrew so that all can worship together." (Zephaniah 3:9 Living Bible)
As we continue to battle on in prayer regarding the difficult days that we live in – especially in relation to the issues with Gaza, please continue to be vigilant in your prayers, seeking the LORD God over all the troubles of His people Israel. Please continue to pray for both Jew and Arab living in the land (and the many other people groups), along with upholding all who are called to minister in this field.
Please continue to lift before the LORD the tired and embattled Israeli people.Pray that the whole Nation, from the Politicians, through the IDF, to every woman and son, would look to the Lord their God to renew their vision. May the nation of Israel turn to the LORD God of Israel to wait upon Him and seek His face, may they be as a light to the nations.
Today, I believe the church is in danger of kindling God’s anger – as many within the church are either dismissing large sections of Scripture and standing against Israel, or largely ignorant due to the lack of teaching on this subject in churches.In the days that we live in, it is worth reading Numbers chapters 22 to 24. For blessed is he who blesses Israel, but cursed is he who curses Israel (Genesis 12:3; Numbers 24:9).As I write this report, CFI UK are involved in the ‘Refuel’ Festival in Scotland. CFI's Paul & Mo Hayes are working at the CFI stand at the Refuel Festival in the wonderful grounds of Gordon Castle Estate, on the banks of the River Spey, in the Scottish Highlands (Monday 23rd July to Saturday 28th July 2018). Following this CFI are at New Wine for two weeks, before moving onto the ‘ONE Festival’ in Lincoln.Please seek the LORD for a greater understanding of God’s prophetic word about Israel, so that we can pray more effectively, and pray earnestly for God to give many in the Church the burden to pray for Israel, leading to a greater understanding of the current situation within Israel and the Middle East.Pray that your church may be blessed in blessing Israel, according to God’s promises.
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[Above photo: The Western Wall with fallen stone by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90] 
Last weekend, starting on Shabbat, was the 9th of Av. On this day in history many tragedies have struck the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. Many fast during this day and some read the book of Lamentations as well.  Within the Messianic community in Israel they pray for many Jews to have an encounter with their Living Messiah. And as this day recalls the destruction of the first and second temples in Jerusalem, they also pray for many to be added to the “third temple” that God is building in His city today – the Living Temple made out of living stones – the Body of Messiah.
History tells us that the First Temple was destroyed on the 9th of Av (423 BC).  Then, in 70 AD, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple on the same day as the first – thus fulfilling a prophetic word by Yeshua (Jesus) in Matthew 24:1-8.    Following this, under the leadership of Simon bar Kokhba, the Jewish people rebelled against Roman rule but were brutally butchered. The date of course being - the 9th of Av!
There are so many other ‘coincidences’ regarding this date, such as the Jews were expelled from England in 1290 on the 9th of Av.  World War II and the Holocaust, historians state, was actually the long drawn-out conclusion of World War I that began in 1914. And yes, amazingly enough, Germany declared war on Russia, effectively catapulting the First World War into motion on the 9th of Av, and one final event - according to many sources - the first Gas Chambers in the Holocaust were lit on Tisha b'Av (9th of Av). If all these dates are actually true, then it’s certainly a strange series of events. 
On 9th of Av lights in the synagogue are dimmed, candles are lit, and the curtain is removed from the Ark. The cantor leads the prayers in a low, mournful voice. This is to remind us of the Divine Presence which departed from the Temple.  Interestingly, on Sunday, a stone weighing 220 pounds fell from the Western Wall while women were praying nearby. Miraculously no one was hurt from the falling stone. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said “a great miracle occurred this morning when the stone, weighing some 100 kilos, fell near a praying woman and did not harm her.”  The stone that fell is one of the original stones used by King Herod to build the Western retaining wall of the Temple Mount back in 19 BC, about 2000 years ago.  The original Second Temple was built by Jews returning from Babylonian exile in 516 BC. King Herod thought that the Second Temple was too small, so he built four retaining walls around Mount Moriah to then refurbish and rebuild a magnificent, huge, Second Temple structure on top of the Mount. What is known today as the Western Wall (or Wailing Wall), is the Western wall of the four retaining walls that King Herod built to hold the new rebuilt Second Temple.
The rabbi of the main Western Wall plaza called for public “soul searching” after the incident. “This is an unusual and most rare incident that has not occurred for decades,” said Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch. “The fact that this powerful incident happened a day after the 9th of Av fast, in which we mourned the destruction of our temples, raises doubts and questions which the human soul is too small to contain, and requires soul-searching.”  May the nation of Israel turn to the LORD God of Israel to wait upon Him and seek His face, and may they be as a light to the nations. And may we – the church – rise up and be counted as we are also called ‘to be a light’ (Matthew 5:14). 
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[Above photo: The Israel Knesset - by David P Soakell]
Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan said this week that “Israel’s Nation-State Law legitimizes oppression and shows that Israel is a fascist and racist country where the spirit of Adolf Hitler has re-emerged”.  Erdogan, speaking on Tuesday to members of his ruling AK Party in parliament, said the law shows Israel is “the most Zionist, fascist and racist country in the world,” and called on the international community to mobilise against Israel.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded by saying that under Erdogan, Turkey was turning into a “dark dictatorship,” accusing the Turkish president of “massacring Syrians and Kurds.”  Other Israeli officials also responded harshly to Erdogan’s claims. “The State of Israel will not accept morality lectures from a dictator who hunts down and murders members of the Kurdish minority in his country and elsewhere,” said Education Minister Naftali Bennett.  However, many nations and many media reports have labeled Israel’s ‘New Jewish State Law’ as very “controversial”.  The UK Guardian reported that “The European Union has led a chorus of criticism after Israel passed a controversial law declaring that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country. Adding that the legislation would complicate a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the EU joined Israeli Arab political leaders and liberal Jewish groups in the US in flagging up concern, with some saying the law amounted to “apartheid”.”  But is this really the case?
The State of Israel has always had Hebrew as its national language. Many Christians and Jews believe this was a fulfilment of an old prophesy in Zephaniah where we read, “At that time I will change the speech of My returning people to pure Hebrew so that all can worship together." (Zephaniah 3:9 - Living Bible).  Without doubt, Hebrew has become a living language again, after being dormant for nearly 2,000 years (previously it was just used for religious purposes, a bit like Latin in the Roman Catholic church). The language was revived largely by one man, Eliezer Ben Yehuda.
As mentioned, regarding the language of the State of Israel, Hebrew has always been the main language; however Hebrew, Arabic and English are seen on all the sign posts and road signs etc.  Try driving in an Islamic Arab country and expect this! The alleged “controversial Jewish nation-state bill” doesn’t make much difference at all, but naturally, the ‘Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) supporters and Palestinian Solidarity groups will not care as it gives them more ammunition irrespective to the truth.  Regarding the national language however, in essence, could it not be similar to the UK?  After all, we have lots of languages – just look on the retail consumer items and especially within the NHS and one will see Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Chinese, Turkish, etc. etc. but the language of Britain is English. Does that make the UK an “apartheid state” because our national language is English? Of course not! 
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[Above photo: Israeli road signs in Hebrew, Arabic & English by David P Soakell]
What follows is the final version of the bill approved by the Knesset plenary:
Basic principles: A) The land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, in which the State of Israel was established. B) The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, in which it fulfills its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination. C) The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.  
The symbols of the state: A) The name of the state is “Israel.” B) The state flag is white with two blue stripes near the edges and a blue Star of David in the centre. C) The state emblem is a seven-branched menorah with olive leaves on both sides and the word “Israel” beneath it. D) The state anthem is “Hatikvah.” E) Details regarding state symbols will be determined by the law. 
The capital of the state: Jerusalem, complete and united, is the capital of Israel.
Language: A) The state’s language is Hebrew. B) The Arabic language has a special status in the state; Regulating the use of Arabic in state institutions or by them will be set in law. C) This clause does not harm the status given to the Arabic language before this law came into effect.  
Ingathering of the exiles: The state will be open for Jewish immigration and the ingathering of exiles.
Connection to the Jewish people: A) The state will strive to ensure the safety of the members of the Jewish people in trouble or in captivity due to the fact of their Jewishness or their citizenship. B) The state shall act within the Diaspora to strengthen the affinity between the state and members of the Jewish people. C) The state shall act to preserve the cultural, historical and religious heritage of the Jewish people among Jews in the Diaspora.
Jewish settlement: The state views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation. 
Official calendar: The Hebrew calendar is the official calendar of the state and alongside it the Gregorian calendar will be used as an official calendar. Use of the Hebrew calendar and the Gregorian calendar will be determined by law.
Independence Day and memorial days: A) Independence Day is the official national holiday of the state. B) Memorial Day for the Fallen in Israel’s Wars and Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day are official memorial days of the State.
Days of rest and Sabbath: The Sabbath and the festivals of Israel are the established days of rest in the state; Non-Jews have a right to maintain days of rest on their Sabbaths and festivals; Details of this issue will be determined by law.
Immutability: This Basic Law shall not be amended, unless by another Basic Law passed by a majority of Knesset members.
So really, Israel’s new law doesn’t change much at all, and calls of “apartheid” are way off base. I can’t believe the enormous fuss it created within Israel and in many nations. The law changes virtually nothing about life in Israel because Israel has, from the moment it was born, been a Jewish state. Indeed, when David Ben-Gurion, the country’s first prime minister, read the country’s Declaration of Independence in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948, he said that those assembled to ratify the document “hereby declare the establishment of a Jewish state in the land of Israel, to be known as the state of Israel.” 
The problem is that, 70 years after its founding, the fundamental principles that led to Israel’s creation are still controversial among those who oppose its very existence.  Whether the law needed to be passed now is another issue, but the charges of racism or apartheid are out of order and false. Unlike every other nation in the region, Israel remains a democracy, in which all of its citizens have equal rights under the law. These include voting rights and representation in the country’s parliament, the Knesset. Many Arabs and minorities serve in government, particularly in judicial and diplomatic posts.  Like all other countries, including democracies, Israel isn’t perfect. But the tension that stems from this situation has been exacerbated by the fact that their Arab and Muslim neighbours have been seeking to destroy Israel since the day of its rebirth.
As you may have seen on the BBC News, the Israel Defence Force (IDF) carried out a special and extensive humanitarian aid operation in the 210th Division to rescue the members of the “White Helmets” humanitarian organisation, whose lives were in danger, from the war zone in southern Syrian, and transfer them to a neighbouring country.
The White Helmet aid workers were risking their lives to save others, and now they have to flee themselves. This is indicative of the situation in Southern Syria where the Assad regime and its Iranian and Russian allies are reconquering the rebel held areas. Now activists who have worked in the rebel-areas are running for their lives.
The operation to evacuate the members and their families (mostly children) was carried out at the request of the United States, Canada, and the UK. More on this story here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-44915099
Since April 2018, arson terrorism has caused thousands of fires in agricultural fields adjacent to the Gaza Strip. Israel has suffered more than 400 rocket attacks in the past month. Here, Israelis speak up about the constant terror on the Gaza border – terror that affects both Jewish and Arab Israelis. They all suffer the consequences, and sadly there are no winners on the Israeli side. However you may be surprised at their opinions and comments.  Eddy Plonsky, a dairy farmer working on Kibbutz Or Ha Ner near the Gaza border states, “I don't hate them, I hate what they are doing.”Another farmer from Kibbutz Nir Am, Ofer Liberman states, “We want peace. From our point of view, we would prefer to live as good neighbours and work our fields together.”  Another Israeli interviewed was Karen Halperin, a mother living in Kibbutz Bror Havil. She states, “When I run with my children at night to the shelter, I think of the mother in Gaza on the other side of the fence. Her child is scared as well. We are trying to raise a generation that will not hate. But you can't love those who try to hurt you... and frighten you... and you're scared.”
Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza launched more than 200 rockets at Israel just last weekend. Israelis near the Gaza border had to spend the night in bomb shelters as the Israeli army (IDF) told them to remain no further away than a 15 second run from the bomb shelters. This short video takes one and a half minutes to watch. Do listen to the stories of these Israelis from communities bordering the Gaza strip, sharing their experiences of living under Hamas terror, and having watched it, do pray and pass it on. Watch video here
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David Soakell Media Correspondent Tweet me @David_Soakell
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Sources: Unless stated, personal sources throughout Israel, the Israeli Embassy London, The Jerusalem Post, Israel National Radio & i24news.tv/en
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