#could probably write a full drabble/fic on this at this point LMAO
yawntu · 2 years
𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌
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About the Author
My names Mazi, but you can call me whatever. I was raised in a multi language household so English sometimes blurs for me if you can’t tell- don’t feel bad pointing out grammar or spelling mistakes. I use grammarly but i’m so used to having a real person to edit my stuff lol. I was convinced I was a lesbian my whole life but have a bf now so i’m confident in my ability to write mxf and fxf. I am going to get more comfortable with mxm though so I can make male!reader versions of my fics more realistically so everyone can thirst here.
I am a writer by nature (which means y’all can clown me when I post unedited things). I actually hate writing in second person and it’s my weak point (hence the blog). I am in university for history so I like to think I can write with a passable rate of literacy but I smoke weed and then post these bitches soooo. As I have a specialized field of study which means I am regularly working on actual journals and articles but I promise I will still try to post semi often.
Okay now the important part, how can you guys send requests to me or just thirst!!! I’m really using this as a fun way to help my writing get better. Some ground rules:
Ask box is not open rn but will be!! Submit anything within my guidelines listed below!!! I can not promise everything will be a full fledged fic but you’re 100% getting at least a little drabble essay. NSFW and SFW welcome
If you wanna attach like aesthetic pics / music to your request so I can fit the vibe you want better feel free
I will write for most characters though it may take me a few tries to try and characterize the person right.
I will probably end up being mostly a smut blog bc that’s what everyone wants but i’m still really interested in writing slice of life, fluff, or even angst (I am a sucker for happy endings though).
I’m more interested in na’vi x na’vi (or avatar) but I probably wouldn’t be opposed to na’vi x human every once and while. Just worried about portraying something like that accurately / safely possible anatomically.
I’m very interested in maybe world building the canon world of Avatar based on historical / anthropological facts I’m familiar with on Earth so ppl who request questions about life on Pandora or what living as a Na’vi is like for me to write about are getting a big kiss on the head
Important Rules
Ageless blogs and minors don’t interact with me i’ll block you lmao
I am comfortable with darker topics and kinks but I’m not interested in writing anything illegal or dangerous. Knife play, sure. Things like vore and shit? Absolutely not I will kink shame here. This is not a safe place.
Though i’m interested in the 2009 Avatar i will write for WOW characters as well
I’m begging y’all to not send me the same shit you send everyone else I see the same people asking for the same three scenarios
I put research into my fics so pls be patient with my postings, on top of that like I said I have an actual job I have to write for so be patient with my fried little brain
If you’re in my shit complaining about aged!up characters you are chronically online and you should go out and help real people who need it instead. You’re arguing over fictional 8 foot tall people from another planet that could rip your head off your shoulders with no effort- get a hobby. Even a cringy one like this is better than being that tone deaf.
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ghost-1-y · 8 months
For the asks!!
3, 6, 11, 14, 19, and 21!
from this ask game!
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Out of fics that I've published, it's probably either Sacrifice or Sabotage. For the former, I'm really proud of how I wrote Kyojuro and I felt like it was a relatively creative idea that I started out with (with him being a jotunn and reader being a nordic village chief). The latter, on the other hand, is my longest fic thus far and I put a ton of effort into the symbolism of reader's character and how her relationship with Sanemi slowly changed over time, which is why I'm gonna say that these fics so far are tied.
However, in terms of all of my fic ideas, I have a strong feeling that Desecration will be my favorite fic I've ever written. I know I've only posted the prologue for it, but this fic is something I've been brewing for months now. I have like...9 pages of bullet points and tables dedicated to the storyline/plot (and that's without any of the actual writing, those 9 pages are 100% just outline). It's also the first fic I've created a playlist for. This fic is my baby I just know it (and I hope you all will enjoy it when it gets posted).
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
I don't have a lot of time on my hands to reread larger fics unfortunately, usually things I reread are very small, one-off drabbles or headcanons because reading a larger fic is something I feel like requires commitment. I did actually reread your Phantasmagoria fic before the final part came out though so I could have the plot fresh in my mind lolol
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
The only playlist I have so far is my Desecration playlist, which, once I've rearranged it to fit the plot and have added all the songs I want, I will share on here! For my other fics I've usually just looked up playlists on youtube or spotify that fit the vibe I was looking for.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fanfic would you pick?
Hmm...maybe Sabotage? I don't think a lot of my fics are long enough to be considered for a film adaptation lmao. Once Desecration has been written I'd probably pick that one though just because it'll be long enough (and is also my favorite storyline I've come up with so far)
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
<(´ཀ`」<) okay
Fleeting memories raced across your mind and rattled within your skull – short visions of sunlight reflecting across statues of women you couldn’t recognize, the brief feeling of love and fulfillment as delicate as dew drops laid upon the blades of grass overgrown in an old cathedral forgotten by time.  It was the warmth of the sun that you’d always treasured the most, its gentle rays caressing your skin just as the faint vision graced your very thoughts.  The realization of betrayal and blood splattered across the floor as darkness enshrouded the very hall in which you stood, clouds blocking out sunbeams and withering flowers in empty, desolate corners long untended. And the screams – screams building from within yourself and echoing across barren walls as you are ripped clean from your body, a mind so full within a body so hollow – an amalgamation of blood and skin and bones, but lacking the very threads that hold a being together as you become a husk of your previous self. A blurry face, a voiceless name, an unbearable cold and a feeling of lightness.  And then, nothing.
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
Yes, all the time lmao.
Mainly because I'm a perfectionist and I cringe whenever I read something that doesn't feel like it lives up to my own impossible standards.
In fact, I currently have an entire scene for one of my WIPs that I'm going to rewrite completely because I don't like how I went about describing it. I like the idea of the scene, so the general concept will be kept, but I'm 100% rewriting it when it comes time to actually put it in the story lol
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coepiteamare · 4 years
you have (1) new voicemail
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pairing: jimin x reader (though what their relationship is is unclear) genre: mystery, angst (? as always), fluff (like a wee bit), epistolary fic! warning: mentions of a ballet accident (nothing detailed, just that something happened), jimin is missing, implied!depression beta reader: hana! @cutechim​ this story would not have happened without you and i absolutely adore you. also thank you to noor @papillonsgf​ because you were the first person i talked to about this story and uhhhhh well let’s just say this story may be different than what you were expecting word count: 4.9k (this used to be drabble series lmao)
things you said series: things you said through the phone summary: “Hi, Jimin. It’s me.” (alt. you leave voicemails for jimin when taehyung asks you if you’ve heard from him recently.)
A/N: this is all dialogue, which is ironic—to say the least—because i find dialogue painfully difficult to write (it doesn’t come naturally to me, it conflicts with my writing style, and it’s just difficult to write it in a way that feels real.) nonetheless, i hope it comes across the way i wanted it to, and i hope it makes you feel something. 
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December 5th at 14:30
Hi, Jimin. It’s me. 
I know we haven’t talked in a while, but-uhm-I saw Taehyung a couple days ago? I happened to be near where that cafe is—what’s it called—Moodspresso! Do you remember it? We wanted to go when it was new, back when you were taking that coffee-making class with Yoongi. You were such a dork: you wanted to go all around the city to judge cafes by their espressos, even though you weren’t a fan of the bitterness.  
We never did get around to trying it together: I think we tried to make plans, but it was out of the way of where we were, and then life happened, and then, well...it happened. 
When I saw it, it felt strange, as if a fragment of my past found its way into my present? It was kind of funny how I went in there thinking about you, only to see Taehyung. Weirdly fitting, considering how the two of you were always together, joined at the hip in college.
Anyway, he asked me if I had heard from you recently? Told me you haven’t texted him in a while, that you weren’t answering your phone, so I just wanted to check in! You know, say hi! I—uhm—tried to text you, but it wouldn’t deliver, so I figured I would just leave a voice message. I hope that’s okay. I hope you’re doing okay. If you hear this, you should probably text Taehyung; it seems like he’s worried. Said you usually respond within the day, but you haven’t been lately.
I-uhm-hope you’re doing okay. Text me back and let me know? 
Bye, Jimin.
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December 12th at 15:21
Uh, hey Jimin. I didn’t hear from you, so I thought I would check back in.
I saw on facebook that Jeongguk’s dating. Isn’t that strange? I mean, it’s not strange that he’s dating; it’s just strange that it’s Jeongguk who’s dating. You know, our Jeonggukkie, the one who could barely talk to his crushes without getting tongue tied. 
It seems like not too long ago he was the scrawny high schooler stressing about college applications, but he’s dating now. We used to help him with his personal statements and here he is. Dating. That’s just—wow. Time flies, I guess. 
I don’t know if you’ve kept in touch with him lately, so i just wanted to let you know. You know, in case you didn’t see it. 
This is so stupid; I’m so sorry. 
Uhm, let me know if you get this?
Bye, Jimin.
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December 14th at 19:42
I went to the bookstore today and I saw that your favourite manga released its final volume. That’s so...wild. 
I remember you were reading it when I first met you in high school and to think that it’s over? That’s like Supernatural coming to an end, you know? Something that has gone on for so long that it feels weird that it’s ending. That it’s no longer a part of our lives that grows with us. It’s something that has an ending. 
Speaking of endings, I don’t know if you’ve seen the ending of Supernatural, but don’t do it. It just-wow. 
Anyways, I haven’t kept up with the manga, but when I saw that they released the final volume, I felt the need to buy it? I went in to buy something else and came out with all of the volumes that I hadn’t read. 
I could have just read them online, I know, but I figured, if I see you again, I'd give you the final volume? Unless you already have it. Then I’d just keep it, but...you know. I just-
It made me think of you. How you transferred in late in the school year with crutches, and even though you were new, you weren’t paying attention in math class. I remember my first impression of you being “he must not care about school.” I think I later learned you had just started reading the manga a couple days ago and wanted to catch up because you couldn’t think about anything else.  
It didn’t even matter that you didn’t pay attention that week or that you came in mid-school semester because you aced every class. I thought it was because you were smart without trying, which irked me because I always felt like I was trying and not accomplishing—though I suppose that still applies now—but I later learned how much effort you put in. You always tried so hard that you made things seem easy. School work. Your happiness. Your feelings to a certain extent. 
I just-
I wish-
I hope you’re doing okay.
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December 17th at 13:21.
Hey, Jimin.
I tried to make pasta today, and I don’t know how, but I managed to get the sauce everywhere. Everywhere but in the pan. So now, my kitchen looks like a bloody crime scene with red everywhere. I don’t even know how I’m going to clean all of this up, but I should do it before it dries, right?
  I should, but I’ve just been sitting on the floor looking at it for the past few minutes.
  Do you remember when we made pasta for our fakesgiving potluck at your place, and I got sauce all over your shirt?
 I was wearing your white shirt—why I thought wearing a white shirt while making red sauce was a good idea, I don’t know—and I was trying to get the jar to open, but it wouldn’t work. I don’t think i’ve ever told you about this, but I remember that day was particularly awful for me. Just one unlucky event after another—I don’t quite remember what exactly they were, just that they were enough to make me feel like I wasn’t enough—and even though I was so excited for the fakesgiving potluck the night prior, even though I loved our friends, I just wanted to be alone. To not do anything and settle under the covers. Pretend everything could be forgotten if I just went to sleep.
But I saw you, and you were so excited. I didn’t have the heart to tell you I didn't want to go, so I sucked it up and helped you prep. I tried to pretend that everything was okay, but when that stupid jar wouldn’t open, I took my frustration out on it. You tried to take it from me, but I pushed you away, told you I could do it. 
And I did, only I also managed to spill the jar on your white shirt as I watched the jar fall to the ground and shatter. That spill was the tipping point, not because I spilled the only jar of tomato sauce in your apartment, but because I spilled it all over your new, brand name, white shirt.
I remember berating you for spending so much money on a shirt when you bought it—for fuck’s sake, it was a plain white shirt—but I know how much you adored it. I didn’t need to look at your face to know that I had fucked up, that I should have just let you open the jar instead of being stubborn. I started to cry, in anticipation of your anger, but you just held me instead, got pasta sauce on your shirt too as you let me cry on your shoulder, whispering “There, there. It’s okay. We can just make something else!”
You never even mentioned the white shirt, told me not to worry about it when I apologised, that it was the least of your concerns. That you could get another shirt.
Looking at my kitchen reminded me of that. So, I figured I’d give you another call, but it went straight to voicemail again.
I hope you’re doing okay.
I don’t know if you want to talk to me, but I’m just worried.
Call me if you get this? 
Or just send me a text.
Bye, Jimin.
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December 19th at 21:45.
Hey. There’s a full moon today. And I thought about you. 
I—uhm—think about you from time to time when the moon is bright. I don’t know why—it probably sounds stupid—but I have a lot of memories of you and the moon? Like that time we went to visit Jeongguk by the sea during winter break because all of us didn’t want to go home but didn’t want to be alone. So we made a road trip of it—well, it was kind of a road trip—and drove to San Diego to see him.
When we got to the sea, it was dark and so cold out, and the wind was fucking freezing, but we rolled up our pants and started walking along the shore, dipping our toes in the water and screaming about the temperature. Our teeth were chattering and the water was so so cold, but we did it anyways. 
It was a nice beach, from what I remember. One of the nicest I’ve ever seen. 
I stuck my hand into your jacket pocket and told you my hand warmer was dying, but to be honest, I just wanted to hold your hand. I think you knew, or maybe we had known each other for so long that you knew what I needed without having to express it in words, so you took my hand and held it tight. And even though the water was freezing and the wind was cold, in that moment, I felt so warm. 
I think you and I have always communicated well, like how I saw the way your eyes glinted in the moonlight and, somehow, knew what you wanted to do. Sneaked up behind him and pushed Jeongguk into the ocean together and laughed as he shrieked. 
It was fun, that day. I-
I miss those days sometimes. The earlier days. When there was less to worry about. 
When you were happier. 
Anyway, the moon is really bright today. The radio called it a supermoon, or something like that. I took a picture and tried to send it to you, but your phone still won’t let me send you messages. So if you hear this, just, go outside and take a look at the night sky. 
Call me back? Or send me a text. 
I just want to know you’re okay. 
Bye Jimin.
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December 21st at 16:28
I went to see The Nutcracker today. It felt like I haven’t seen a ballet in forever. It’s been—what—one year since I saw one? Which, I guess, in the grand scheme of things hasn’t been that long. But you were the one who would take me and I haven’t seen one since...yeah. I know it’s your favourite ballet. Or was. I’m not sure if it’s changed, haha.  
The American Ballet Theatre was putting on a performance, and there were still nosebleed seats available, so I bought one. It kind of felt like fate, like it was a sign that I was meant to be there, because I remember we used to get our tickets months in advance. 
I remembered some of the terms? I recognised the pa-pas de deux—god, my high school french is so fucking rusty—between the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Prince. I know that part is your favourite, but I still think “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” is mine. All those turns? I don’t remember the technicalities, but I know it requires a lot of skill to pull off while looking graceful. I still find it strange that the Sugar Plum Fairy is the prima ballerina though, considering she barely appears. 
I-uhm-kind of was hoping to see you. 
I know you don’t dance anymore, but—maybe it was just my stupid desire but—I was hoping that you would be dancing with the company. That perhaps you were dancing again and that was why you weren’t answering any of the calls. I kept looking at everyone, trying to see if it was you. I even paid extra attention to the curtain call and looked at every single person, kept trying to find your physique in the line. But you weren’t there.
You weren’t in the audience either. I stayed in my seat until the very end, until after the end, and scanned the crowd for anyone who was lingering and soaking in the energy, like you would do every time we went to see a ballet together. But there wasn’t. It was just me. 
I stayed in my seat anyways, until the ushers told me I had to leave. Because that’s what you would have done. 
I guess I was hoping you would show up. That trying to do what you would do would somehow unlock your presence. Or give me some kind of clue.
But it didn’t. 
Where are you?
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December 23rd at 17:19.
I saw Taehyung again today. 
He wanted to know if I'd heard from you. I don’t know why he thought you would contact me. I mean, I know I call you and leave you these messages, but you know. I haven’t talked to you since...since, yeah. 
He looked awful, like he’s running himself thin. I don’t know if he’s been sleeping well, Jimin. The two of you have been friends forever, and I don't know if you’d recognise him. He seems so tired, and his smile doesn’t reach his eyes. 
He thought it was going to be like last time. That you would show up soon. But you haven’t yet, and it’s been so long, Jimin. 
He called the hospital and they told him you quit a few weeks back, which I don’t understand. I thought you needed residency to get your physiotherapy license. Tae doesn’t get it either. 
He’s been going to your apartment, trying to see if anyone is in there. But there hasn’t been. He’s contacted your apartment manager several times, telling them he’s worried about you, but they won’t let him have the keys. Safety reasons. It’s understandable and frustrating all at once because he—we just want to make sure you’re okay. 
He said he used to have a key to your apartment. Said you gave him your spare, but you took it back? Something about you needing your spare because you locked yourself out. He said that was the last time he saw you.  
I’m not trying to jump to conclusions, but you’re okay right? I know this time of year is when—uhm, the accident happened and you-uh-left the Royal Ballet School. I know this isn’t your favourite time of year, but if you need to talk, I’m here. 
He’s worried, Jimin. We all are. 
Call me back? Or call Tae? We’re just worried and Tae wants to file for a missing person’s report. So just, let us know you’re okay. 
Call me soon, yeah?
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December 27th at 22:48.
I saw Yoongi today. 
I don’t think he likes me very much, but then again, I wouldn’t like my cousin’s ex either, so I can’t really blame him. He was still as civil as ever. Very polite. He and Seokjin are still dating, but I’m sure you knew that.
Tae had contacted Yoongi a couple days ago? Asking about you. So we all met up in person today. 
I forgot how much food Seokjin makes when he’s stressed. Do you remember when he was waiting to hear back from his job, and Yoongi invited us over for dinner? We were excited because we were college students and living off of the shitty cafeteria food and, also, because it was Seokjin’s food. You thought it was because they wanted to feed us—Seokjin always wanted to feed you—but when we went over, it was obvious they just needed help getting rid of the food. There was so much food. To this day, I don’t think I've ever seen so much food in one place, even during our potlucks, and Seokjin always brought a lot of food to our potlucks. 
I remember stepping in to their apartment, and the heat radiating from the kitchen was too much to bear. The walls were sweating because he had been cooking for seven hours, trying to displace his anxiety into food. We came back to the dorms with tupperwares full of food. I didn’t have to visit the cafeteria for a week. 
God, I’ll never forget the first time we met Seokjin, and he made us fried rice: you couldn’t stuff your face fast enough and choked because it went down the wrong pipe, coughed out fried rice all over their brand new dining table and all over Yoongi. Seokjin and I laughed so hard. I was trying to be polite, kept looking at Yoongi's face and tried to swallow my giggles, but Seokjin's laughter was so boisterous and lively that I couldn't not laugh. 
You laughed too, kept choking on your laughter in between your apologies, and Yoongi just kept glowering at you. But it was full of affection. He didn’t say anything. Just looked at you and back at the table and huffed, but it would have been obvious to anyone that he wasn’t really annoyed with you. 
He went back to our hometown a couple days ago, tried to see if you were there. But you weren’t. 
He went to see your parents, but they still think you’re living here too. Yoongi said he went to all the places you used to go to, like your old ballet school and that comic book store you used to go to after school. I even asked him to visit the arcade. You know, where we first met outside of school? Where we would hang out after school with Jeongguk and spend too much money on House of the Dead. Where we had our first date. 
But nothing. 
There are traces of you everywhere, but you? You’re not anywhere. 
Where’d you go, Jimin?
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December 28th at 2:19
Fuck you.
You don’t get to do this to me. I spent so long trying to forget and trying to move on and you come back in, except—do you know what the most fucked up part of this is? It’s that you’re not even here. You’re not here, and somehow you’re everywhere. No matter what I do, all I can do is think about you because no one knows where you are. Everyone is worried because you’re missing and I-I don’t know what to do. 
I thought this was over a year ago.
So why, why are you back in my life? Why are you reawakening the things I've tried so hard to bury?
Fuck you.
December 28th at 2:23
Hey Jimin. Just ignore that previous voicemail. I’m just--I’m just frustrated. Worried. Everyone is. 
Just call me back if you get this? 
December 28th at 2:25
You don’t even need to call. Just give me a sign? Let me know you’re okay. Please.
I just want to know you’re safe. 
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December 30th at 1:13
Jeongguk flew in from New York today. Tae called him yesterday, and he took the first flight here. 
I realised I’ve never seen Jeongguk mad. 
I guess I’ve kind of seen him grow up, but I’ve never seen Jeongguk angry until today. I mean, I've seen him upset and angry, but I’ve never seen him mad. Like mad mad.  I’ve never been on the receiving end of it because he’s always had his emotions in check when it comes to the negative ones. We’ve seen him sad, but you know how he is. He seems like he doesn’t care, but he cares so much when it comes to the people he loves. He’s always trying to only share the good things because he doesn’t want to bring everyone down. And even when he’s upset with us, he tries to communicate. He’s always been emotionally mature in that sense. 
A lot like you. I think he gets that from you. You are his brother after all. 
But when we told him none of us had heard from you? That you were missing?
I realised we’ve ever really seen Jeongguk angry. 
I’ve never seen Tae look so despondent or Yoongi so guilty than when we saw Jeongguk at the airport. They didn’t want to worry him because he had just moved for his new job—I’m sure you know about that—and he’s been so stressed out that they didn’t want to add more on to his plate. 
They thought you would show up by now, that you would come back. Because you always do. Or did. You used to.
 I remember the first time you disappeared. It was a year after you came back, the anniversary of the...the accident. You were a little distant a couple days prior, but still you. Still vibrant and happy and beau-I mean, bright. And then on the day of, you were just gone. Didn’t show up to school. Weren’t at the arcade. Weren’t at your apartment. Just gone. Vanished into thin air. 
I remember asking Jeongguk if you were sick, but he had no idea what I was talking about, and when we couldn’t get a hold of you, he burst into tears. I held him as he told me about your fight last night, how you got your xbox taken away because the two of you didn’t know how to share. He thought you had left because you didn’t love him, because he was your step brother and not your real brother. 
And as we were panicking about what to do, if we should tell your parents when they came back from work, you stepped through the front door with sand in your hair and your backpack over your shoulder, smiling as if you hadn’t been missing for half the day. As if your phone wasn’t turned off all day. 
I remember feeling relieved and exhausted all at once, as if someone had drained all the worry and energy out of me. I remember Jeongguk crying as he ran to hug you. I remember you crying and promising not to go anywhere without telling him again.
And you didn’t. Sometimes you would disappear when something hit too close or when you felt like everything was too much, but we could always turn to Jeongguk for a breadcrumb, for the small hint that you were okay. 
But you didn’t leave him a hint this time. When we called him, let him know you were missing, asked him if he knew anything about your whereabouts, he didn’t say anything. He went so quiet, we thought the line went dead, until he actually did hang up. He sent us a text message a few minutes later, letting us know he’ll be arriving on the next flight there.  
Jeongguk-he’s so cold when he’s angry. He’s so quiet. But that quiet is so loud. It speaks volumes. 
I’ve seen Jeongguk loud with laughter and quiet in contemplation. But this? This was something different. 
I guess the two of you are alike in that sense too. Both of your silences are never just quiet. 
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December 30th at 15:37
So we-uhm-broke into your apartment. 
Or well, Jeongguk did. But I guess all of us are accomplices because we kind of-well, we stood there as he did it. I don’t know why Jeongguk even knows how to pick locks, but I didn’t really have the chance to ask. 
Your apartment looks normal. Still spotless. It looks like you. Like how it used to. Or how it used to before we lived together, at least. 
I’m not going to lie, I-I’m a little surprised you didn’t move out. I couldn’t even go to the places we used to go to after you told me you wanted to break up. 
I guess it didn’t bother you as much. 
We scoured your apartment for clues as to where you could have gone, which may sound very Paper Towns of us, but—I don’t know—we were just looking for any sign as to where you might be. If you were okay. There weren’t any notes or anything that could give us a hint though, and Tae said it doesn’t look any different than when he last visited. 
Jeongguk also called your credit card company to see what your last purchases were. To see if it would give us any clues. But you haven’t used it since you left. Everything is just blank. 
Blank. Like you don’t want to be found. 
Jeongguk is still upset that none of us told him—I can’t blame him for that—but I think he’s mostly upset at himself that he didn’t know. That you two stopped talking for a bit, and he didn’t notice anything was wrong. 
I think he feels like he’s been drifting away from you too, ever since his job got busy and he moved for work. Or maybe it’s before that. I think he’s always felt like you don’t tell him everything, even though he pours everything out to you, looks up to you. I know you’d give him the world, Jimin, but Jeongguk would give up everything for you if you ask. 
But you don’t ask. You never do. You don’t let people in when you’re hurting. Maybe it’s the ballet training instilled in you to smile through the pain. Cover up the flaws. Put on a performance all the time. You pretend it doesn’t exist and push people out.  
No, you just disappear instead. 
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December 30th at 21:02
Tae and I are staying over at your apartment. I hope you don’t mind. We just decided we would rather not risk having anyone in your apartment see us try and break down your door and call the police on us, haha. It makes it easier if we’re in your apartment so we can open the door in case we need anything. Or find something that we missed.  
It’s-uhm. It’s weird being here. Feels like I've been displaced from the present and back into the past, only you’re not here. 
I noticed you took down all the photos of London.You used to have that big photograph wall next to your bed, filled with pictures from when you lived there, from when you used to dance. But all your ballet photos are gone too. Tae told me you took them down a while ago, a little after the break up. Said you stopped dancing for fun too, after a while. 
I just-
I hope-
Ah, fuck it. Nevermind. 
It’s so weird to be back here. 
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December 30th at 22:14
I found my sweater under your pillow. The white one with the moon on it?
I thought I had lost it after we broke up. I wanted to ask you if you had it, if i forgot to take it with me when I moved out, but by then we had already been one month in and- 
And it hurt. To think about you. Even though that was all I was doing. 
It kind of felt like it does right now. How you permeate my every thought and every moment, even though you weren’t there. The quiet was-is-so loud with your absence. 
It smells like you. The sweater. 
I just-
I don’t know what that means.
I don’t know what any of this means. 
I just don’t understand why my sweater would be under your pillow because it was you. You’re the one who told me you wanted to break up. 
You told me you didn’t want to do this anymore, didn’t have the energy to try. You were so sad, and I wanted to argue, wanted to beg you to let me stay until you were better, but you were so sad. So sad and exhausted and defeated and certain in your decision that I knew there was no use fighting it. 
How could I hold on to someone who’s not there anymore, right?
I’ve been telling myself that we can’t understand break ups or feelings. There’s no understanding them. We feel what we feel and sometimes there are no explanations for it. So I knew. I got it. I understood there was no point in asking to stay, but I regretted not asking you for a reason. 
I still do. 
I didn’t have the chance to ask you why because I was too busy staggering from the weight of I don't love you anymore.  Too busy struggling to piece together what those words mean. 
Love is a two way street; it goes both ways. But you made the decision, and all of a sudden, that two way street morphed into a dead end, and I had no choice but to walk away from it, back out the way I came from. 
I wish I could say that I didn’t see it coming. That it came out of left field, out of the blue. But I can’t because I had been bracing myself for the impact for weeks. For months. 
Would it have changed things if I hadn’t known? Would it have hurt less? 
I don’t know. 
I don’t know. But I wish I did.
I wish I knew, Jimin.
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Message deleted. You have no new voicemails. Main menu.
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A/N: come talk to me! let me know your thoughts! once again, thank you to hana and noor. this story wouldn’t exist without the two of you. 
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astrojoong · 4 years
Hongjoong - Migraine Comfort
Hongjoong x Reader
Genre: Comfort, Fluff
Length: Bullet Pointed, sort of a Reaction
Warnings: Mentions of pain? nausea? 
AN: okay so this was originally going to be a full blown drabble, BUT I am very depressed and can’t seem to complete it, so I think I’m going to be posting them as bullet points/reactions for rn and then I’ll plan on fleshing them out and probably posting them to ao3. I say them bc this is part of a bunch of comfort fics that I’m writing, one prompt per member, one fic for each member! anyways lmk what ya’ll think! 
Ok so you and Joong have been dating for a while
They very recently ended promotions for a comeback and were BEAT
so when Joong texted you letting you know that they had their first free day in a while you were Excited to say the least
Work had been rough the past week and you really missed Joong during promotions 
and to a lesser extent, the boys
you arrive like a bit past one, just like you said you would, and were disappointed but not surprised, to find that half of the members were still asleep
At least Joong was up, that's all you could ask for tbh
Because you missed the boys as well as Your Boy, you and the awake members (read: Hwa, Yeo, and Jongho) decide to watch a movie together.
You all settle in the living room, getting all comfy and cuddly to watch a movie together 
It starts off calm. 
it is Ateez
even when the other members start to make their way into the living room around the end of the first movie and the start of the second, it doesn’t get crazy YET
but it was only a matter of time
you think it started with Wooyoung’s questions and commentary during the start of the second movie, but its hard to say how exactly you got to this point
u and joong are still on the couch, u leaning against him with his arms around your shoulder, holding you to him while he rests his chin gently on your head
yeo is on the other end of the couch and all three of you are watch the Shit Show go down
The innocent act of eating popcorn while watching a movie has devolved into a full blown battle of spitting kernels and flicking popcorn at one another
Its woosan on one side, yungi on the other
Seonghwa was in the middle, acting as both a shield and a target as he attempted to get the boys to ceasefire in the hopes of mitigating an already disastrous mess
jongho had abandoned the chaos in favor of napping in his room now that it was free of any distractions
as amusing as all this was, you were a little distracted.
you were getting a headache
well, at this point, you HAD a headache
you weren’t sure when exactly it had started but at this point you Certainly felt it
you hadn’t been too concerned, thinking it was probably just a tension headache since you had been all tensed up for the past month due to work
but now
now you were feeling nauseous 
which is a Bad sign
as nonchalantly as you can, you extract yourself from joong shooting him an apologetic look and make ur way to the bathroom
the farther u got from the cacophony, the less nauseous you became
which gave u a Theory
a theory that you tested when you entered the restroom and didn't turn on the light 
just as you suspected
your headache ebbed just a touch and the nausea lessened
it was a migraine
you had a little experience with migraines before, you knew yours didn’t present with an aura so you never got a warning before one hit 
you were thankful to have gotten yourself to a dark, quiet room before it hit full stride, which it was doing right now
all you could really do was curl up in a ball on the cool tiles and softly groan in pain 
which is exactly how joong found you 
when you had gotten up originally he noticed you seemed a little off but decided to say nothing and planning on seeing how you looked when you returned, maybe checking in then
after a couple minutes you could hear your phone chime, recognizing Hongjoong’s assigned text tone, but you were in far too much pain to do anything 
plus you knew how painful the light from your phone would be
so after a few more minutes, with his text remaining unseen, he came to check up on you himself
he knocks on the door and all you can really do is moan pitifully in response 
which does NOT comfort the poor boy
he was already worried before but now you sound like you’re in pain
when he opens the door you wince and retract from the light and now the faint sound of the rest of the boys’ distant antics
noticing your reaction, he crouches down to softly push some of your hair out of your face and stroke it lovingly
his voice gets really soft and he asks what's wrong 
you explain the best you can which is really just whimpering the word migraine at him 
he sighs and gives your head a few gentle pats before saying “wait here” in the same, soft tone, and standing up
he gently closes the door behind him 
through the door you can hear him use his “Leader Voice” as he speaks to the members
you aren’t really aware enough to catch any specific words, all u know is that you’re for sure glad that the noise had died down a considerable amount 
some time later
it could’ve been anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes, you aren’t really in a place to note the passage of time, joong returns.
as he slowly opens the door, you brace yourself, but it doesn’t hurt like it had before
he had the lights in the hall way turned off
joong helps you up off of the floor and guides you toward him and hwa’s shared room
there he has the lights off and the curtains drawn
on his bedside table there are two icepacks, a glass of water and a bottle of over the counter pain meds waiting for you
he helps you sit down and hands you the water and deposits two pills into your palm
you were getting ready to settle down when you heard wooyoung’s voice cut through the silence, yelling about something that mingi had done
you wince and the gentle expression falls from joongs face, morphing into “Leader Mode” as he quickly but quietly left the room to scold Wooyoung, but not before placing a gentle peck on your temple before disappearing 
He returns with a remorseful looking woo who softly apologizes from the door, you silently wave off his apology and in return shoot him a finger heart with as much playful energy as you can muster
he returns the gesture as Joong turns back from talking to Seonghwa, who also apparently had followed him back.
you shoot hongjoong the best questioning look you can and he whispers back that Hwa will be making sure the rest of the boys keep the dorm quiet until you feel better
he tucks you into bed, placing ice packs on your forehead and neck respectively 
he pulls up a chair next to his bed and softly strokes your hair and whispers soothing words to you until you are finally able to fall asleep
ok tbh this is my first time ever writing so like... hopefully it wasn’t Total Shit, im not Super happy w it but we all have to start somewhere so whatever. also! hopefully this is a somewhat accurate description of a migraine! I’ve only had about four in my life and they were all essentially the same as what the reader has. So I have limited experience and research to go off of but hopefully it was sufficient enough. Anyways pls let me know what you thought, or if you have a request (no promises tho lmao) or ideas. I’m pretty much open to anything.
thank you for reading!!
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chocosvt · 4 years
tea and dango
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pic credit
⚬ pairing: ghost!jihoon x reader ⚬ word count: 996 ⚬ warnings: none! ⚬ genres: plain fluff + uses prompt, “it’s two sugars, right?”
✧✎ synopsis: this is jihoon’s only night to spend with you, in the physical world that is, and you remind him of what it’s like to be alive. 
✧✎ a/n: this is for my valentine gram, taylor ( @gallivantingheart​ )!! i decided to use ghost!jihoon from my past fic, second life, bc he is so sweet and i cherish him! consider this drabble as fitting into the night that him and mc explore the town together, and mc shows him everything that’s changed! ik i’m posting this kinda late lmao but i am an Excessive Proofreader. enjoy!
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Jihoon followed you down the sidewalk, keeping as close as possible with his fingers pinched tight into your jacket. Despite the lack of free-roaming people, he still felt a bit scared, exposed, like someone might be able to cast one look at him and convict that he was indeed a ghost. He couldn’t help but glance at his new clothes every few seconds to make sure they weren’t turning translucent, or that his hand hadn’t suddenly disappeared from his sleeve, leaving behind a horrifyingly empty air. Luckily, no such thing had happened.
This was his only night amongst an entire year he could leave his grave inside that closet. This was his only night to be with you in the physical world and experience the modernized changes he hadn’t gauged for nearly a century. It was easy to be led by you, because you knew each and every turn; all the stoplights, the park benches, water fountains and food stands—they were printed like a pocket-handy map to your memory. 
Suddenly, Jihoon slammed into your back.
You’d stopped, staring across the street at a line-up which had begun from a small dango shop sandwiched in between a laundry mat and a tattoo parlour. He saw you smile excitedly.
“Jihoon, sit here if you want,” you grasped his cold hand, pulling him toward a bench, “I’m going to run over there and stand in that dango line.” Pulling out a coin purse from your jacket, you started to rifle through your change, “I’m sure I can buy two dumpling sticks—three on each. Any thoughts?”
He sat down on the bench, leaning his face into his shoulder to wipe off an itch. How strange—he hadn’t gotten an itch since he was alive. So many sensations had escaped him since then.
“I don’t remember much about it,” Jihoon admitted, “but if you like it, I will probably like it too, I think.”
Jihoon watched you take your place in line. 
Dango… the word was slightly familiar to him. He tried to pull the moment forward as he shifted his eyes to the moon. Jihoon remembered something about a dango shop that his old best friend, Soonyoung, had taken him to during a vacation in Japan. There was a golden, sugary type of sauce that he could faintly taste. What stood out to him though was the obnoxious smacking sound Soonyoung would make when encasing his mouth around a whole dumpling. Jihoon shivered. He’d hated that sound.
Turning his head away from the dango shop, he found a comfortable light coming from the glass behind him—a tea house, not very busy, with only two visible people inside, a boy and a girl. They both seemed shy, fidgety, evasive of the other’s glance. A first date, Jihoon wondered.
He supposed that this autumn night, in a world that was living, breathing, and energized, could also be considered a first date, with you. 
The thought had Jihoon blushing. It made him feel kind of sick, but also heart-fluttery, and thrilled, and like he could run across the street right now to kiss you so everyone would know you proudly belonged to each other. He’d almost forgotten how love could pump you full of spontaneous, often unexplainable urges.
Jihoon grabbed a drifting paper square off the sidewalk and pulled out the pencil he’d moved from his aged clothes to his new ones. He observed the boy through the glass, watching all his actions, awkward gestures, how he shifted from the table and started looking at the menu behind the counter. Then, Jihoon held the paper against his knee and began to write.
“I’m back!”
About five minutes later, you were sitting next to Jihoon on the bench, your hand holding a napkin with two dumpling sticks coloured in pink, white and green. Both you and Jihoon ate quickly, sliding off each dumpling with your teeth, biting into its particular texture, tasting a mild sweetness. 
When Jihoon told you that he’d enjoyed the dango, the smile you gave him was warm and kind.
“Now I’m thirsty,” you mumbled, wiping the corner of your mouth and looking into the tea house, “looks like I have a few more coins. Maybe we can share a drink and take a walk.”
“I’ll buy it,” Jihoon said, already standing up.
“Really? ‘Kay then,” you answered, dumping out some coins into his palm. “There should be enough for a tip.”
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You and Jihoon had walked into a quiet park. He couldn’t hear anything apart from your shoes shuffling through the wet leaves and the breeze that cooled with the hour. He’d let you drink the rest of the tea, which you just finished swallowing with a satisfied sigh.
“That was exactly how I like it! And I didn’t even—hey! What’s that?” You exclaimed, pointing at the paper square. He didn’t want to keep holding it, making himself more and more nervous.
“It’s… um, for you.”
With a surprised expression, you took the paper and unfolded it. Jihoon wasn’t sure if you were going to like it. He wasn’t sure if you were going to cackle or wince or flash him a very fake smile pretending to appreciate the poem. His skills weren’t going to be extremely polished considering he hadn’t written for a century. But maybe that didn’t matter. Maybe the love he’d poured into each line was enough.
Suddenly, you’d cupped his cheek and kissed it. 
He felt his cold, stiff heart start to pound. Without thinking, Jihoon put his hand around the back of your neck, bringing you in for a second kiss soft against each other’s lips. You positively tasted better than the dango.
He gets up from his seat And he seems to think What would my girlfriend like? A piece of cake or a drink? His eyes start to glow He clearly knows what to do So he brings back a tea for their table of two When she looks up, she smiles at the sight He starts to scratch his neck It was two sugars, right?
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✧✎ a/n: AS I ANTICIPATED I HAD TO CUT SOME SENTENCES OUT BC I WOULD HAVE BEEN GLARING OVER THE 1K MARK. i guess i added a bit of a twist to how the prompt was delivered teehee. this was a nice challenge for me and i rly enjoyed adding onto this world!! i hope u like it taylor!
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fandomsnfluff · 3 years
can you plssss do a renga fic perhaps a sleepover which started off with them watching a movie and having a pillow fight turning into a tickle war! (both of them beings lees and lers with either one of them winning at the end)
hey anon!! full fic requests are actually closed right now but i’d be happy to write a longer(-ish) drabble based on this prompt, cuz this sounds super duper cute!! <3
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sleepovers (reki/langa, langa/reki)
It was around 7:30 when Reki came by Langa’s house for the sleepover that they had planned at school a couple days before. Langa’s mother had gone on a few-day business trip, leaving her son alone to tend to himself. She was fine with Langa having guests over, as long as they didn’t completely trash the place. Reki doubted that the workings of just two teenage boys could do that much damage (oho, you’d be surprised); he only went over to spend some quality time with his boyfriend.
Langa let Reki in as soon as he rang the doorbell, as if he was waiting there at the entrance until he had arrived. Langa was so attached to him; it was actually pretty cute.
The taller teen led Reki into his bedroom, which was just up the stairs to the left. It was a rather spicy room, his bed in the back right corner facing a drawer with a TV on it. On the other side was a door, assumed to be the opening to a closet, and the space along the wall not taken up by bookshelves or his desk was littered with beanbag chairs and blankets. Without asking, Reki plopped onto the soft futon-looking beanbag chair, snuggling up in the warm blankets that were littered all across the furniture. Langa didn’t seem to care, though; he sat up on his bed, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV to look for a movie. “Do you like horror movies, Reki?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I absolutely love them! You got any zombie ones at all?”
“Hmmm...” Langa squinted as he began to scroll through Netflix, pausing on one titled The Awakening. “This one’s about a person who is trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world and finds a way to bring about a civilization again, but not without lots of battles, of course. How’s it sound to you?”
It had barely been five minutes into the movie before Reki noticed that Langa had begun to tense up. His face betrayed nothing, but the way he squirmed in his seat presented nothing but fear to Reki. Smirking, the redhead grabbed a fluffy blue pillow near where he was reclining on the futon beanbag, and tossed it at Langa. It hit him square in the head, and Reki couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “Scared?”
“Shut up!” Langa retorted, throwing the pillow back at him. The whole thing descended into a back-and-forth pillow war before Langa decided to jump off his bed, his own pillow in hand, pouncing on Reki and bringing it down on him.
“Oof!” Reki let out a puff as the pillow came down on him. “You want a pillow fight? Well, you’ve got one!”
The boys spent the next few minutes tussling on the pile of beanbags, blankets, and pillows, the movie completely ignored. Langa thought that it was a good idea to wrap his leg around Reki’s upper torso to pin him to the futon so he couldn’t assault him with the pillow anymore. However, Reki had another plan up his sleeve. Letting go of the pillow, he wrapped his arm around Langa’s ankle and scribbled his fingers across the socked sole of his foot.
“R-Rekiiihihi!!” Langa squealed, suddenly beginning to squirm around, kicking in a desperate attempt to dislodge his leg from Reki’s grip. In his moment of strength, the little redhead rolled over onto his side so he could pin Langa’s upper body to the ground with his legs, allowing for an easier reach for the lower half of his boyfriend’s body. Finding out that his boyfriend was this ticklish under his feet was probably the best discovery he’d ever made; it gave him such an advantage, especially since the spot was so hard to defend.
But that didn’t mean Reki didn’t have weaknesses of his own. In fact, when he loosened his grip to get a better reach on his boyfriend’s feet, Langa managed to slip his upper body free and grab hold of one of Reki’s ankles, beginning the same assault on him.
Reki completely wasn’t expecting a counterattack; he thought he had his boyfriend pinned well enough so he wouldn’t be able to wriggle free. He screamed at the sudden attack, the panic causing him to kick out and squirm away from Langa. Even though the taller teen didn’t get a good enough grip on his ankle to continue assaulting him, he was still too fast; he abandoned Reki’s lower extremities and instead pinned him down by the chest with one hand, the other exploring the ticklish points along the redhead’s torso, making him caterwaul and howl with laughter.
“LANGAAAHAHAHAHA PLEEEASE I’M SO SORRY!!!” Reki screamed through his laughter, feeling the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. Finally, after a few more moments of the incessant tickling, the strongest of the sensations finally faded, and Reki was left panting, nearly crying.
“That was mean,” he complained, too weak to even attempt to sit up.
Langa only scoffed. “But it’s fun,” he complained. “You’re too easy to get. And you started it. I only stopped because I got concerned about the neighbors. You should really keep it down, you know.”
“Shut up! You know I can’t help it!”
A sudden shriek from the television got both of their attention; they suddenly realized how far along the movie got; they had missed a good portion of it with their pointless squabbling.
“You better rewind that before I decide I never want to come over here again,” Reki teased. That earned a glare from Langa as he reached for the remote, and the redhead couldn’t help but burst into laughter once again.
ok soooo that COMPLETELY turned into a fic kskdjhsjdfhs. idk ig that means drabble fics are acceptable to request??? idk lmao. but anyways i hope you enjoyed this anon!!! <3
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detectivereyes · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by loml @marjansmarwani 
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
47 (+ anon fic, ++ two orphaned works... so 50? 👀
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Mostly just write for 911 Lone Star... I’ve also written some for 911. Only one other fandom I’ve considered writing for is Chicago PD (or any Chicago shows really) but idk if i ever will. i’m just too into tarlos lmao.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Get Me off the Boat, I’m Ready to be on Land
I Want to Hold You Like You’re Mine
Maybe My Heart Needs to Break to be Sure
Please Forgive Me For My Faults
I’ll Fall Back Into You Like I Always Do
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i’m thinking maybe Nothing’s Ever Built to Last - i mean it’s a hopeful ending but it’s not necessarily happy? or similarly, Get Me off the Boat, I’m Ready to be on Land (linked above) is along the same lines.
also my tk introspec Save Your Tears for Another Day which didn’t do that well but i love it so <3
or i guess Reaching There Is Nothing Left because it’s the Tim fic and well... we all know how that story ends.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
honestly most of my fics have somewhat of a happy ending... but I’ll go with I’m Not the Same Man I was In the Spring because that’s the one that went from the most angsty to the most hopeful?
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Jillian and I wrote 911 / 911 Lone Star crossover fic Where You Go, I Go which I thought was pretty good
8) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I mean... not straight up smut but I’ve gotten a little more adventurous in writing some borderline stuff. Most “explicit” one was this drabble 😬 and then there’s also the anon fic...
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to! I usually just fall behind, and then spend an entire day catching up and replying to comments from months ago. I definitely haven’t responded to them all, but I should do another round soon. I appreciate comments a lot, so I figure the least I can do is reply back and make sure the commenter knows how much I appreciate them reading and commenting 💗
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I’ve gotten some anon hate for writing whump in general but nothing directly about my fics, and nothing on ao3. I’d like to keep it that way but I doubt that will happen.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I’m open to it if someone wanted to.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Just the crossover fic with Jillian, but I would definitely do it again!
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
It just has to be tarlos. idk why those two boys stole my heart but here we are :/ i could probably make a decent size list of all my actual ships but tarlos is really the only one i think about nowadays lmao.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i mean... there are so many bullet points on the fic ideas list that will never get written if those count as wips? but i did start writing something about carlos and mateo talking after 2x12 but i never really figured out which direction i was going in so idk maybe someday?
16) What are your writing strengths?
generally i think i’ve perfected my brand of soft whump. specifically i like to think i’m good at dialogue...
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
i wish i could write longer fics... i mean my fics have been getting longer as i’ve been writing, but a lot of times when i ask people to beta i’m like please tell me some areas you think could be expanded on? (or sometimes they write it for me and you know who you are ily)
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I personally don’t do it bc I don’t think my 1 year of spanish and 3 years of french in high school is good enough to be in a fic... but as for other people doing it, i really think it depends on the context (the character, the show, the literal context of the fic) and also the author and their fluency in the language. honestly though i think the most important thing with regard to this is to listen to native speakers because their the ones whose voices matter. 
19) What was the last fandom you wrote for?
take a guess.
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
ugh that’s so hard... i mean i could say any of the top 5 for kudos just bc it’s in my head already that those are the best. but i’m also really proud of some of my more recent fics that i feel like bc the fandom is kind of dead, haven’t gotten as much love. so... i’ll use this q to shout them out :) first ribs like a cage full of fire was so much fun to write, so much so that there will probably be a part 2 soon... also my 2x12 au fic nothing’s ever built to last i’m really proud of!!
tagging some people who i’m sure have been tagged but sorry <3
@moviegeek03 @aliceschuyler @halsteadmarchs @sunshinestrand @morganaspendragonss @reyesstrand
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jiminrings · 4 years
PLS 🥺 if you can, can you like write a bullet fic based off the teaser photo and that anon that mentioned fresh prince of Bel air or something? LIKE TOTALLY COOL IF YOU DON'T but that idea just came into my head and wouldn't frikn lEave
it’s the 90s, the boys need a dog-sitter at the frat house, and you jUst happened to be yoongi’s favorite best friend
they did research
they really dID
even read the dog lover section in the newspaper and even went to the library withOut namjoon forcing them to
but there’s just this one variable they haven’t expected
jin charmed the superiors hence them being the only frat house that was allowed to have pets within the premises
jimin bought the dog food and hobi even added in those kinda expensive milk bones
yoongi bought newspaper by bulk so they could pick up little yeontan’s poop
namjoon bought a lil dustpan but yoongi made him realize that it meant he alsO needed to clean that dustpan because it would smell
“but i could use a sPONGE to clean it up!!”
“and have taehyung mistaken it for the dish sponge??”
speaking of taehyung, he’s the one who bought the dog bed because after all, he iS the one who had the primary idea for them to adopt the baby pomeranian
jungkook,,, well,,,,
he bought a new duvet
“how is a queen-sized duvet relevant for a puppy that’s as big as my fOREARM???”
“well we could share the covers, i guess.,.,.”
the big problem is that
well uh
no oNE thought it through that no one would be left with yeontan when they’re in their classes
they all practically have the same schedules
and bringing a tiny pomeranian to class would wreak hAVOC
jin and yoongi are seniors and that meant they have more leeway and their schedules were perhaps more... convenient
atleast one of them could stay behind with yeontan and they’d take their turns in between breaks and off-days
but everyone
just eVERYONE forgot that oh right.,.,.
jin-hyung models for magazines and catalogs in his free time.,.,.,
yoongi-hyung is a basketball player.,.,.,.
wait hold on
“then nO ONE could take care of tannie!!”
jimin suddenly squeals and it takes a collective second for them to groan and wallow
alternatively they could just leave yeontan by himself as if he’s a guard dog
but uHhH a four-month old pomeranian won’t exactly stop the neigborhood fratboy kleptomaniac
and tannie has some problems with him that it’s most recommended to take care of him 24/7
or atleast have an eye on him
he’s also quite the drama queen because yEs he can eat from the bowl but no he won’t <3 feed him straight from ur palm pls <3
“if only someone could take care of tannie for us...”
okay yoongi thINK THINK
let’s be rational you can’t have the other guys from the other frats to take care of yeontan no sir
maybe he can fit yeontan into his duffel bag and take him to practice??
wait no he’s gonna pee on the hardwood floors
a baby-sitter?? no tannie’s a pUPPY
hold up
is that a tHING
who do you know that likes dogs and would be able to provide sufficient care for yeontan while you’re all busy? do you know anyone from childhood that-
lol did he just say that out loud
jimin’s beside him and the younger boy presses the back of his hand to yoongi’s neck and well he dOesn’t have a fever
aHHh your name sounds so familar to namjoon
he does recall yoongi talking about you on multiple occasions!!
oh that’s right!!! you’re THE friend
you’re yoongi’s younger friend that he always felt like protecting growing up because he felt indebted to you on one occasion
everyone’s now remembering the story that yoongi would tell them whenever he passed by a relatively large dog LMAOOO
so you and yoongs were next-door neighbors right
and jackson, you’re oTHER next-door neighbor had this hUGE dog
an absolute unit
but everything seems huge when you’re five years old
and yoongi just wanted to come over to your house because you sAID there would be ice pops
and all he sees by your lawn is a fucking sAINT BERNARD that just looked so gigantic to him
yoongi was a lil scared of dogs but after seeing this dog??? yes he may have peed his pants :D
but lucky for him!!!
you stepped in and reasured him that nOOo he won’t bite you silly!!! look!!! we’re friends!!!
to make an even bolder point that your five-year old ass could do, you even booped saturn the saint bernard’s nOse!! :D
you and yoongi were probably inseperable after then
you dO go to the same college but you’re just in a different department yet the same campus, so it’s just some blocks away!!!
everyone seemed to be game with the idea because why not!! let’s have y/n take care of tannie eVEN if yoongi is the only out of all of us who knows her!!!
no practice runs or anything like that
just full-on straight to the deal
everyone has their schedules and you’re all free!!!
so yoongi made everyone sHOWER and atleast look more than presentable to his esteemed best friend
not gonna lie you r vERY excited to meet yeontan!!
and yoongi you guess ://
lmao ok the bangtan frat in general because of cOurse they’re famous around campus!!!
(( you even heard that one of them models for white-button ups at the catalog ))
it just hasn’t sinked in you that yoongi belongs to the same frat you’ve been curious about for a long time now
you could have asked him but well you’re probably sure he wouldn’t answer you anyway
and taehyung is the first to get to the door because he mUst know who you are and if tannie’s gonna like you
jin came crashing next, and then hoseok, tHEN jungkook and the rest
are you.... real
you look so sTUNNING in your purple and pink windbreaker!!
not to mention the fact that your lil hoop earrings and ur cuban link necklace add sO much!!!! your letter bracelet makes them want to CRUMBLE
“hi, which one of you is yeontan?”
w hat
everyone has a different mixture of emotions on their faces and gOd they even have their jaws dropped
did she just...
did y/n just........
do i....
yoongi snOrts and the first thing he does is crash onto you for a hug
before flicking your forehead <3
okay that hURT
you’re about to fully walk in but it takes everyone a collective second to realize What Just Happened
jimin’s mid-way into popping the lollipop to his mouth
it’s already perched on his lips if you must know but it was delayed because well you asked them wHICH ONE OF THEM WAS YEONTAN
but before he could even think further, you’re wordlessly grabbing the sucker from him, popping it straight to your mouth before winking
“was jus’ kidding!!”
if you just turned around and looked closely
if you jUST spent a second more with them without being whisked away by yoongi, you’d see!!
hobi’s right eye twitching
jimin checking himself for a fever
jin and namjoon flicking each other’s foreheads so they could wAke the fuck up
taehyung with his hand over his mouth
and jungkook earnestly slapping himself
what are we thinking about this lil drabble?? sHOULD it be a fic??? TELL ME UR THOUGHTS PLS
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jungshookz · 5 years
falling in crayolove;  (kindergartenteacher!taehyung)
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✎ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
✎ genre: kindergartenteacher!au, workingman!au, F L U F F, tiny bit of angst at the start :-( but this is literally 98% fluff; y/n and taehyung are like two little kids with little crushes on each other
✎ trigger warning(s): implications of getting an abortion!!  
✎ wordcount: 10.5k
✎ summary: y/n is a very single mom and taehyung is a very single kindergarten teacher. emma knows exactly what she needs to do.  
✎ note: okay LOOK before you get into reading, this isn’t technically a full fic! this is what happens when you cross a full fic and a baby drabble = this is a BABY FIC which explains why the word count is much smaller compared to the usual! (ps i will probably?? be writing more baby fics for characters such as garbageman!tae or.,,. oTher characters that i can’t think of right now lmao) i was originally going to leave kindergarten!tae as it was and i was just going to continue to write baby drabbles for him but i felt like he deserved a fic?? buT then i was conflicted because his original drabble literally already tells us the full story and i was like ok.,. what else is there to say.,,. sweats,,.. anyways this is what i ended up with! in case you were wondering, yES the original drabble is included in this fic since it’s a crucial part of the story and it would have been a waste to not use it but if you don’t want to read that you’re welcome to just skiP on over to the end lol. also emma is four years old and tae is a pre-kindergarten teacher because i changed my MIND - enjoy!!
pst if u wanna talk to y/n or emma or tae u know what to do ;-)
(gif isn’t mine!)
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
ah, yes.  
to be young and i-
“i’m pregnant?!”
the reason why you came to the doctors today was because you thought you had some sort of stomach flu
at first it wasn’t a big deal
but then it started getting worse and you literally thought you had a parasite from eating at that dingy sushi place and you were mad at jin for like a week because it was hIs idea to go there and it’s not fair that hE didn’t get an upset tummy >:-(
jin reminded you that he warNed you about the sea urchin and you responded by smacking the back of his head
you have to admit
it is relieving to know that there isn’t a dangerous parasite living inside of you and feasting on your organs
it’s a,.,. ???
how would one describe a baby as a parasite
a perfectly natural parasite living inside of you!
it certainly explains things
the sudden onslaught of violent puking in the morning
you thought it was because your yogurt was starting to get a little funky but apparently it’s because there’s a baby growing inside of you!!!11!!!!
also you should probably start learning how to be more aware of the things that you’re putting inside of your body
this should have been a big hint: your period didn’T come this month and your red rain has never EVER been late
“but… i don’t understand.” you let out a breath and lean back against the reclining chair while staring up at the ceiling fan
the lightbulb flickers
“i- we use condoms and- we practice safe sex!!!” you exasperate and sit back up to look at dr. kim “we’re very vERy safe!!!”
“condoms are only effective 98% of the time.”
“yeAH that’s a preTTY BIG percentage” your knuckles grow white as you clench tightly around the arms of the seat in frustration
that means there was a 2% chance that the condom didn’t work and obviously you are part of that 2%!!!!!
“do you take birth control pills?”
“um, is the sky blue?? yes!!!!” you reply as if it’s the most obvious answer in the entire world
“the sky’s grey today.” dr. kim raises a brow at you before pointing behind you out the window “do you take them consistently?”
“ye-“ you press your lips together “…s…?”
sometimes you.,.., skip a day or two
you’re busy!!!!! you don’t always have the time to remember to pop a tiny pill into ur mouth
you didn’t think it’d be such a big deal
and you certainly didn’t think it’d result in u.., actually getting pregnant
“how many weeks…?” you trail off uneasily and pick at some lint on your sweater
you don’t feel so good now
it’s honestly probably because this baby is about to make you puke again but
oh god
you’re pregnant
you’re barely legal and you’re pregnant
you still see yourself as a kid!!!
you’re a kid who’s going to be raising a kid!!!!!!
kids should NOT be raising kids!!!!!!
“you are about… six weeks pregnant.” dr. kim flips through a chart before looking up at you with a small smile “currently, your baby is about the size of a sweet pea…”
in case it’s not clear
it takes two to tango
in this case
your tango partner is none other than son hyun-woo
otherwise known as
you’re going over to his apartment for dinner tonight and as much as you doN’t want to tell him you’re pregnant, he’s probably going to become suspicious when your stomach starts growing bigger and rounder as the months go by
you’ve been with shownu since grade eleven
it’s been a great four years!!!
shownu is very sweet and kind and caring and handsome and every other positive adjective that’s ever been recorded in the dictionary
you even chose to go to the same university as him just so you guys could stay together
he’s the captain of the soccer team which is a fact that you like to share with literally everYone because..,,. why wouLDn’t you brag about your soccer captain boyfriend
he’s… he’s the love of your life and that’s one thing you know for sure
you see yourself getting married to him and having kids with him and growing old with him
,..,you’re just not sure if he’d be down to do all of that stuff starting noW
you wipe your sweaty palms down on your leggings as shownu sets the plate of fried rice in front of you “i know you don’t like spicy things, but i threw in a liTTLE tiny baby bit of kimchi in here” he hums and takes a seat across from you “it should be fine though… if not, i made a backup plate of plain fried rice for you!”
you have half a mind to start off the announcement with ‘ah, yes, speaking of baBiES-‘ but perhaps that’s not the best approach to this delicate situation
maybe you should tell him later
but.,,. it’s better to tell him soOner than later
you just don’t know what’s going to happen and you hate it when you’re unable to predict things  
how is he going to take it??
he’s usually a very supportive boyfriend but this is a completely nEW kind of supportive
“by the way, thanks for helping me out with my sociology presentation. it went pretty well except for when the prof started asking questions related directly to my slides but luckiLy i was able to bullshit and finesse my way out of-“
“i’m pregnant.” you blurt out
shownu immediately chokes and his fork falls onto his plate with a loud clatter
“you’re-“ he pats his chest a couple times and takes a biG swig of water
he clears his throat
“you’re- i’m sorry, you’re what?”
“i… am… preg…nant.” you mutter sheepishly “pregnant.”
shownu stares at you with wide eyes and for a second you think you’ve broken your boyfriend
and then he snaps out of it
“dude, we’re 19 years old, i don’t wanna be a dad-!“
ok first of all did he just call you dude
and second of all
“and you think i wanna be a mom? we’re both part of this and we need to take full responsibility for our actions. w-we should have been more careful but-“
“i was the careful one! you were the one who was supposed to be on top of your stuPId pills and you couldn’t even remember to take them everyday and now look where we are!”  
“look, it’s not the end of the world-“ your fingers tighten around the napkin on your lap
“god, y/n, how dumb are you?! this is going to ruin my life! you knoW how hard i’ve worked to get this soccer scholarship and all of that is about to be completely fucking derailed because of this dumb fucking baBy and- i’m not- no!” shownu snaps and slams a fist against the table
water sloshes out of both your guys’ cups from the vibrations
the dishes rattle slightly and you immediately divert your gaze to your lap
“i don’t want this baby!” he exasperates and throws his head back before placing his hands over his face “god, my parents… what the hell are they going to think??”
he looks over at you and shakes his head “you planned this, didn’t you?”
“wh- what??” your brows knit together and you let out a scoff “what the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“you planned this so that i’d have no choice but to stay with you because you’re carrying my child”
“shownu- obviously i didn’t fucking plan to get pregnant, it was an acCIdent and-“
“if you keep this baby, i will leave you.” shownu growls “get rid of it.”
at first you were upset
but now you’re just angry
how dare he speak to you like this?
“what did you just say to me?” you scoff and cross your arms
“i don’t want this baby. we cannot keep this baby. we will not be raising this baby. understand?”
“fine.” you murmur quietly “we won’t keep this baby.”
you swallow the lump in your throat and blink away your tears before letting out a shaky breath
“good.” shownu visibly relaxes and clears his throat before picking up his fork
he shovels a big bite of rice into his mouth “after dinner, we’ll make an appointment to go to the abortion clinic tomorrow afternoon. i think it’ll be fine if i skip the first half of training but hopefully we’ll be back before-“
the chair screeches against the floor as you get up and shownu immediately gets up as well “hey, where are you going?”
“you’re right, shownu. we won’t be keeping this baby - i’ll be keeping this baby. and i will raise my baby on my own.” you snap and reach down to grab your bag before storming to the front door  
shownu doesn’t stop you  
and you don’t look back.
the rest of the night goes by in a blur
it’s pretty fitting that it’s raining like crazy outside
you drop your backpack and keys on the floor once you get back to your apartment
you peel your sopping wet jacket off and toss it on the couch before kicking your shoes off
it feels like time’s stood still
it’s just white noise in your brain and you can’t seem to focus on anything
you flick the bedside lamp on and a cast of warm yellow washes over your room
you sit cross-legged on the floor at the side of your bed and let out a breath
the atmosphere is completely silent except for the sound of rain gently drumming against the window
a flash of lightning briefly lights up the sky
in the distance, you hear the slight rumble of thunder
you dial your mom’s number with shaky fingers and click the speaker button before setting it down on the mattress
your mom picks up on the third ring which was wAY sooner than you thought she’d pick up
“hey, look who finally called!”
you open your mouth to speak when suddenly you feel an overwhelming wave of anxiety and fear rush over you  
you should have planned something before calling her
what’s the right way for a teenage daughter to tell her mother that she’s pregnant?
is she going to be disappointed with you?
is she going to be angry with you? tell you that you’re irresponsible and that she saw this coming from miles away?
is she going to tell you that this is something you’ll have to deal with yourself?
your parents worked so hard to get you here and they work hard to this day to continue paying for your tuition fees
and you’re about to tell them that hey, i’m pregnant
you haven’t even said anything and you’re already losing your composure
your nails dig into the flesh of your palm as you ball your hands into fists
“-i was wondering when i’d hear from you. your dad isn’t back from work yet but i’ll make sure to tell him that you called. i’m just making dinner now, i’m trying out this new pasta dish that-“
“mom?” your voice cracks and you clamp your lips together and shake your head
your bottom lip trembles and your vision starts to blur with tears almost instantly
oh god
you can’t do this
you feel your face burning up as you try your hardest to hold it back
a beat of silence goes by and you hear some shuffling on the other end of the phone
the first tear rolls down your cheek
“…honey, what’s wrong?”
and that’s all it takes
the rest of the tears follow in an unbroken stream
you immediately let out a pained sob before leaning forward and pressing your hands against the cold floor beneath you
you begin to cry with such force that your chest starts to hurt and your heart starts to clench and you feel like you could pass out at any moment
your mom can barely make out what you’re saying through your blubbering but she manages to pick out ‘pregnant’ and that’s all she needs to know
she waits for you to sob your heart out before deciding to speak up
she asks if you have the resources to raise a child
no, you don’t
she asks if you even want to have this child
yes, you do
she asks you if shownu wants to have this child
no, he doesn’t, but that doesn’t matter to you
she tells you how much she loves you and absolutely nothing is going to change that fact
after all, you’re her baby no matter what
you find comfort in knowing that you have some form of a support system and you’re not completely on your own
you turn and twist in the mirror as you keep your eyes glued on your bare stomach
you were about to take a quick shower but once you stripped off all your clothes you were suddenly moRe aware of your tummy
you don’t look pregnant
you don’t even feel pregnant
it’s just,.,. odd
knowing that there’s a living human growing inside of you
“it’s just you and me against the world, sweet pea.” you smooth a hand over your bare stomach and give it a gentle pat
just you and sweet pea
nine months seem to go by in a blur
shownu never reaches out to you and you never reach out to him
as far as you’re concerned you don’t want anything to do with him
as far as you’re concerned this is your baby and your baby alone
your ankles become swollen and your breasts become sore and weighty
your skin gets blotchy at some point and there’s not enough concealer in the world to hide the angry pimples dotted all over your face
ur mom says u were supposed to be glowing during pregnancy..,,. the only kind of glowing ur doing is from the gREASE  
you find yourself casually throwing anchovies into your vanilla ice cream and topping it off with balsamic vinegar  
you had to start taking online classes because it was becoming too hard having to transport to campus every day
every time you see a dog on the street you burst into tears because hOUHG my GOD it’S so cuTE *snorts*
you’re in the middle of a midterm when you feel sweet pea kick for the first time and it takes everything within you to not start crying in the middle of the examination hall
jin comes over to your apartment for study sessions but most of the time it ends up with him taping his earbuds to the swell of your tummy and letting sweet pea listen to some classical music
he goes through this phase where he’s obsessed with healing crystals and your apartment becomes scattered with rose quartzes and jaspers because he’s doing it for the baby 
occasionally he makes you lie down so he can place small crystals in a circle around your belly button so that the healing energy will be absorbed into your body and into the baby 
 you’re thankful that you have a friend like him even though he’s literally a lunatic 
your mom comes into town once a month and stays for about a week just to take care of you and make sure that both you and the baby are happy and healthy
as time goes on, your little sweet pea grows into a fuLL on watermelon
and eventually-
“jesus chRIST-“ your chest heaves with exhaustion as you lie back against the hospital bed
oh my god
that was the woRST eight hours of your life
your lower body is completely numb and you don’t even want to think about how buSted your vagina looks right now
you put her through a loT today!!!!
“here she is, mama!” the nurse gently places your screAMing bundle of joy in your arms and suddenly all the blood sweat and tears is completely worth it
“hi, sweet pea…” you laugh lightly as her tiny, mucousy hand wraps around your finger
she’s so beautiful
“i’m your mommy…” your eyes are glistening with tears of joy (aND pain) and you lean in to press a tiny kiss to the top of her head “just u nd me against the world”    
that was four years ago
it’s pretty strange how quickly time can go by
four years ago you were nineteen years old
four years ago you were in a committed, loving relationship with someone you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with
four years ago you were in your second year of university; first year was a hellish nightmare and you were just starting to figure things out
four years ago you found out you were pregnant and your world was turned upside down
and now you’re twenty-three years old
a lot has changed in the past four years
you are no longer in a committed, loving relationship with someone you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with; in fact, you haven’t been in another relationship since shownu,., you haven’t even been on any dates
you are in your fifth year of university because you couldn’t graduate last year due to the fact that you were missing some credits; luckily you have moSt of university life figured out at this point even though you occasionally stiLL get lost on campus sometimes
you found a pretty stable job at a drug store a couple blocks away from the apartment
it’s not much but it pays the bills (your parents will occasionally chip in and help out if u need it) ((you’re very grateful to have the parents that you have))
jin is still a big fat doofus (he’s not aS obsessed with crystals but u keep them in the apartment because they’re pretty)
emma’s in pre-k now!!!! it seems like it was only yesterday that she started walking and talking
and now she won’t stop walking,.,. or talking
no tea no shade
emma is the absolute light of your life!!
and you would straight up SLAUGHTER anyone who would try to hurt her
she’s your little ball of sunshine who smothers you with kisses every morning to wake you up and writes ‘i lov3 mommy’ on literally any surface she can find (you’re flattered but u need to have a word with her about using lipstick to write on the walls) and always wants to help you make breakfast and dinner or fold the laundry or sweep the floors
emma is a peculiar little girl and you are so, so proud to be able to call yourself her mother
she’s compassionate and kindhearted and thoughtful and polite
she never forgets to say please and thank you
she likes to wait for you to get to the dinner table as well before digging into her spaghetti (she can’t pronounce spaghetti yet so she jumbles it together and it becomes spapeggi)
she likes watching nature documentaries (docummeneries) with you and would genuinely choose to watch that over the powerpuff girls or even spongebob and you were like ???? because yOU low-key want to watch spongebob and u don’t want to have to confess to your four year old daughter that you want to watch cartoons instead of a documentary
on mother’s day she woke you up with kisses and breakfast in bed!! she made you a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich and you have to admit that it was *mwah* very scrumptious
emma is very curious as to who her dad is or if she even hAs a dad 
she thought jin was her dad and jin was only slightly offended at how hard you laughed at that when she brought it up
because all the kids at school seem to have dads and she only has a mom
which isn’t a problem at all it’s just,.,. she wants to know
like her friend hwayoung has a dad!!!
and his name is hwayoung’s dad
that’s all she knows about him
one time all the kids in class were talking about their dads and emma didn’t have anything to say but lucKily she was able to steer the attention away from herself
(“my dad’s a dentist” “mine is a doctor!” “mine is a cee-hee-ho! emma, what does your dad-“ “cee-hee-ho of what?” “…i dunno” “yeah, cee-hee-ho of what?!”)
talking to emma about shownu is a tricky situation
“your dad is a very, very busy... soccer player...?”
you don’t actually know what shownu’s been up to besides the fact that he’s on the national soccer team which is gReat for him but every time you think about that stupid boy you can’t help but revisit the night when he basically told you that you would ruin his entire life if you kept the child-
“how come he never visits?” emma furrows her brows as she tries to twirl spaghetti around her fork
the noodles are too slippery and emma yelps in surprise when some sauce splatters onto her face
“he… the important thing here is that you have mommy, okay?” you smile and reach over to wipe the tomato chunk off her chubby cheek “don’t worry about your dad.”
emma doesn’t know a lot
but she knows enough to not bring it up again
even though you’re a mother now
that doesn’t necessarily mean that you automatically have your shit together becAUSe-
“shit shit shit shIt shit” you curse to yourself as you vEEr right into the first parking spot you see
you immediately crank the brake and unbuckle your seatbelt
“i was going to park there, asshole!” you hop out of the car to see an angry looking mother glaring at you from her minivan and you give her a sheepish smile
“i’m sorry!!!! my kid just got off from class and i can’t be late because i need to drive her to ballet and-“ you’re definitely oversharing with this stranger and she obviously doesn’t care because she rolls her eyes and flips you off before zoOming off to find another parking spot
soccer moms are so aggressive
you double check that you have everything with you and you fish your parent lanyard out of your backpack and sling it around your neck quickly as you approach the front doors
you thought that once you became a mother you would instantly become more responsible more organised more matuRe
obviously you were mistAken because you’re still late to almost everything you go to
some things never change!!!!
you hurry your way down the hallway and pick up the pace when you see the swarm of parents standing outside the classroom
as you approach the crowd you get up on your tip-toes to see if emma’s been excused yet
you accidentally bump into a couple and a bit of your coffee splashes onto their shoulders and they turn around and give you a dirty look
“oh, sorry!!!! ….fridays, am i right?” you joke and they both scowl before shuffling to stand somewhere else
tough crowd
none of the parents here like u that much
which is a real shame because you think you make greAt company
you’re just,.,, there’s a big age gap between u and most of the parents here
you’re one of the younger parents in the class
actually you might be the youngest
min yoongi and his wife (you forgot her name whoOps) are pretty young but they’re still a couple years older than you
and side note their daughter is adoraBle
emma is actually friends with hwayoung so you talk to yoongi sometimes
it’s nice to talk to someone who’s around your age
he’s just veRy businessman-y so it’s difficult to joke around with him
but he’s still a nice guy!!
speaking of yoongi and hwayoung
a bright smile makes its way onto your face when you see yoongi nudging hwayoung through the crowd of people before grabbing onto her small hand
“yoongi!” yoongi looks up and he smiles politely
he’s still dressed all spic and span in his suit from work
“ah! good afternoon, y/n. hwayoung, say good afternoon to emma’s mom.” he hums before bending down to zip up her backpack that’s just wiDe open
“good afternoon, emma’s mom!!” she looks up at you with bright eyes
she’s sO CuTE
“hi, hwayoung-ie!” you bend down and pinch her cheek before reaching into the pocket of your coat and fishing out a little caramel “don’t tell your dad,” you joke and yoongi snorts in response
“thank u!!!!!” she snaTches it immediately and you coo before pinching her cheek again
you get back up onto your feet “you guys on your way home now?”
“mhm. is emma still available for a playdate this sunday?” yoongi swoops hwayoung off her feet and props her up onto his hip and she immediately rests her head against his shoulder
“affirmative, sir.” you salute and yoongi rolls his eyes playfully “i-“
“emma y/l/n?” you perk up when you hear emma’s name being called
“yeah, we’ll see you sunday! have a nice night!” you turn to squeeze your way into the crowd and once you make your way to the front your heart immediately starts going boom-boom because
it’s taehyung
emma’s teacher
kim taehyung is uh
putting it simply he is a very attractive man and he’s only a couple months older than you so like you’re preTTY sure this is god’s way of telling you it’s meant to be
the only time you’ve really talk to him is during the parent-teacher conference and even theN you can barely get a word in because emma’s a little chatterbox (one time she almost let it slip that ‘mommy dressed extra pretty for you!’ and you were literally about to pounce on your child in the middle of a classroom)
he’s really sweet n nice and when he smiles that boxY grin you can’t help but smile aNd he’s endearingly dorky and super charming aND funny and he’s so good with the kids and OH my god his voice is like..,., silky smooth dark chocolate.,,.,. rich caramel.,, that u want to driZZLE all over your BODY
okay no R-rated thoughts when there are children present
don’t be weird
since he’s your kid’s teacher you’re not sure if that’s even allowed
the whole parents dating teachers thing
he looks so soft today
he’s wearing a crisp button up with a pair of jeans
he obviously let the kids mess with his hair because he has a little sproUT in his hair
and you’re pretty sure you have a glasses kink because you’ve never felt this way when seeing someone with their glasses sitting on the top of their head
“hi, yeah, that’s me- i mean, that’s not me, but that’s my child- you know what i mean” you blow a strand of hair away from your face before adjusting your backpack with a sheepish grin
woW what the hell was that lol  
taehyung presses his lips together to keep himself from bursting into chuckles
you’re so awkward sometimes but he supposes that’s just part of your charm
he wants to tell you you look real cute in your periwinkle sweater
and it’s endearing how the laces on your converse shoes are undone
no doubt from your frantic running down the hallway (he notices everything)
but of course he has to keep it professional because you are the parent of one of his students it doesn’t matTer that you’re the same age as him and that he’s very very very veRY attracted to you
“hi miss y/l/n.” taehyung smiles kindly before ticking next to your name on the clipboard “emma’ll be ready in a minute! we did finger-painting today so the kids are taking a little longer to wash up. how was your day?” he suddenly remembers the little ponYTAIL in his hair and he yanks the hair tie off quickly
“oh, y’know, the usual. it’s not super exciting having to keep studying after four whole years of studying.” you snort before pulling your own hair tie from your ponytail and letting your hair down
“i admire that! education is important.” taehyung hums
your hair looks so soft
it probably smells good too
o god he’s being creepy stop being creepy
“i suppose you’re right. what else happened…uh… had a really good caramel macchiato and a mediocre turkey sandwich for lunch-“  
“mommy!” you snap out of your little trance when emma suddenly ziPs out of the classroom
her little backpack bounces against her back
“hi baby!” you grin and swoOp down to scoop her up into your arms
you smoosh kisses against her chubby cheek while she giggles away before you plop her back down onto the ground
it takes everything within taehyung not to mELT into the ground because even tho he sees you do that basically every day it never fails to turn him into a pile of mush IT’S SO CUTE
“we finger-painted today!” she cheers and holds her paper up for you to look at
“yeah, mr kim was just telling me-“
“that’s me, n that’s you, n that’s mr. kim!” she grins and points to the third figure in the painting and almost immediately bOTH yours and tae’s faces go bright red
you think you might actually be on fire right now (even tho this isn’t the first time this has hAPPENeD) ((ur referring to the time the class made play-doh people and emma made one of you and one of tae and the play-doh versions of you two are holding hands))
“oh! that’s, heh, uh, that’s nice! that’s so good, you did a good job, baby” you clear your throat and your eyes flicker over to taehyung
he tilts his head and offers you a meek smile
“will you put it up on the fridge when we go home?” she asks as you tuck it into her backpack for her before ziPping her bag up
“mhm…” you get back up onto your feet and dust your knees off “say g’bye to mr. kim”
“bye mr. kim!” emma turns around and hugs his legs
her face is like on the same level as his knees so he’s basically kneeing her and are u an awful mother if you kinda laughed at that
“goodbye, sweetheart!” he replies with the same level of enthusiasm as he gets down onto his knees so that he can give her a proper hug and she gives him a sweet lil kiss on the cheek “have a nice weekend, hm?” his eyes flicker up to you and you feel your heart skip a beat
emma pulls away from him and skips over to you “oh, and don’t forget to tie your laces, emma.” taehyung hums as he gets back up onto his feet
you look down because you remember putting emma in slip-on converse this morning not-
“he means you, mama.” emma not-so-subtly whispers and you look down at your undone laces before looking back up at taehyung who’s looking very amused at the moment
there it is again
that fuzzy feeling in your stuPid heart
u know what
you have to get over it because it’s never going to happen
you’re an adult
you can get over it fine you’ll be finE
this is just a silly little crush
“how do you feel about spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner?” you clutch emma’s little hand in yours as you guys make your way down the empty hallway
spaghetti is the only thing you’re actually reaLLy good at making okAY
obviously you feed your child other things,,,.., she likes kimchi fried rice with chunks of spam,,.,. a refreshing greek salad,,.. peanut butter (beanut putter) and jelly sandwiches,.,., sometimes a little fruit salad,,.,.
“yummy! with extra cheese?”
“it wouldn’t be as yummy without the extra cheese… but we obviously have to go to our usual place to get a hot chocolate first…” you’re rambling on and on about hot chocolate but emma isn’t really paying attention
because she has concocted a sneaky plan in that tiny brain of hers
she knows you like mr. kim
and she’s positive mr. kim likes you back
you always get so red around him
and he always gets so red around you
and red is the colour of love
which means that you must love mr. kim and mr. kim must love you
and she’s been trying her hardest to try and get you guys to hold hands or touch butts or whatever it is grown-ups do to prove they love each other
but each time she does something she’s never successful!!!
she tried to tell mr. kim about you dressing extra pretty for him but you smacked a hand over her mouth before she could get it out
she made a play-doh mommy and a play-doh mr. kim and presented them proudly to you and mr. kim and the both of you just laUGHED in hER FACE
do you people think she’s just a SIMPLE F O O L
and she has to admit the painting of you and her and mr. kim is probably one of her weaker moves but it’s better than nothing
and u know what
she just wants you to be happy
because she loves you a lot
and you’re a good mommy
and good mommies deserve to be happy
and from what she knows
mommies need daddies (sometimes mommies can be with other mommies!!!)
but yOU, specifically
you need a daddy
and mr. kim is the perfect fit!!! she likes mr. kim a lot
he’s always really nice to her and he lets her braid his hair and he gives her candies and kisses her cheeks
this next part is all part of her evil plan and she’s positive that this time something will happen
all of her peers (including herself) have their own cubbies in the classroom
emma purposely left her snack box in there so that you’d have a reason to go back
AND she left a little note in there for you and (hopefully) mr. kim to read
emma is your child after all
meaning she’s a very verY clever girl
she just has to wait for the right time.,.,.
and the right time is noW
“mommy, my snack box is still in the classroom!!” emma stops in her tracks and you nod before pointing to the direction of the classroom
“go ahead, go get it”
“but i need to pee.” she squeezes her legs together and makes a face of discomfort “you need to get the snack box, mommy”
“i-“ you look back at the closed door of the classroom “mommy can wait for you to finish peeing and then you can go-“
“no, no, you need to go get it i need to pEE” the next thing you know she’s spRInting towards the washroom and you’re left standing in the middle of the hallway with question marks floating around your head
what in the hickory ham is going on
“gO GET MY SNACK BOX MOMMY” you hear her voice echo from the washroom
“alRIght alright” you snort before turning and heading back to the classroom
you don’t know why you’re suddenly so nervous
you’re retrieving your daughter’s snack box from her super attractive teacher that you definitely have a crush on there’s nothing to be nervous about
hi tae! emma left the ol’ snack box up in here!
whaddup mr. kim! mind if i just pOP right in??
yo Yo yOOoo have u seen a purple box anywhere?? because it belongs to emma and i need it
o god
all of these options are terrible
you need more time to rehearse your lines-
you’re about to reach up to knock on the door when suddenly it swiNgs right open and you stumble back in surprise
“oh shit!” taehyung reaches out and grabs onto your waist before you can fall flat on your aSS and you let out a squeak
in the midst of your almost-fall you’d grabbed onto his bicep and now.,.., he has an arm…, wrapped around your waist.,., while you have one hand on his bicep and one hand curled around the nape of his neck.,,,..,.,
the two of you snap out of your respective trances when you hear a door open down the hallway and you immediately leT GO of each other
also tae was right ur hair does smell really nice
“hi. sorry about that! i was on my way to the washroom and i didn’t know you were outside…” he clears his throat and prays to god he’s not as red as a tomato right now
“no, no! it was my bad, i’m sorry.” you reach up and scratch the back of your neck “i, uh, emma said she left her snack box in here.” you breathe out
“oh, uh, come in! i’ll help you search for it. it’s probably in her cubby. she’s always leaving things in there.” taehyung falls back into his ‘mr. kim’ persona as he leads you towards the cubbies in the back “let’s see… emma… here~” he bends down and you follow suit
oh my go d he even smells good is this aLLOWed
you perk up when you spot emma’s box
“hey, you’re right! here it is-“ you reach in and grab the box but you’re surprise when you notice the piece of paper stuck to the back of it
it’s an A4 piece of paper with a little card stuck to it and a note written in crayon on it
you recognise the card
it’s the business card of that little cafe you take emma to every friday after school
the one that you’re supposed to take her to right noW
‘mommy’s faveriate drink is karomal makkiatoe and mr. kim’s faverieote drink is hot chalklate’
“huh.” both you and tae are kinda just staring at the note
the gears are click-click-clicking away in both your guys’ heads
and then it hits the both of you at the same time
taehyung isn’t typically a ballsy guy but like
he’s feeling vEry brave all of a sudden
“can i take you out sometime?” he blurts out and your eyes widen in surprise
you certainly weren’t expecting that
the both of you get back up onto your feet and you tuck emma’s box into your backpack
your cheeks flare up and you let out a little chuckle before scratching the back of your neck “i… uh…”
“i mean, don’t feel pressured to say yes just because i’m emma’s teacher!” taehyung stammers “i just, y’know, i don’t want to overstep here but i think you’re a very beautiful woman and-“
“i would love to.” you clear your throat and take your bottom lip in between your teeth “yeah, i would love to. actually, uh- emma and i, we usually go to this cafe every friday - if you’re free right now, maybe you can come and join us?” you rub your slighTLy damp hands on the back of your jeans and taehyung immediately lightS up and nods quickly
“i would love that. yeah, just… just gimme a second to clean up real quick! i’ll meet you and emma outside?”
“great! yeah, totally. she’s just.. she’s peeing right now so i should probably go check and see that she hasn’t flushed herself down the toilet or anything” you joke as you make your way towards the door and tae splits off to head to his desk “i’ll see you outside!”
you shut the door behind you and you have to quickly press yourself against the wall and you nearly bite your bottom lip off to keep yourself from screaming
your heart is going a million miles an hour and there are butterflies just having a raVE in your stomach
as soon as you leave the room taehyung pumps a fiST into the air in victory because Y E S  HE DID IT
“did you find my box?” emma’s sitting outside the washroom as you approach her and you raise a brow before nodding
“mhm.” she gets up and grabs onto your hand before looking back at the classroom door
did her plan not work
she knows she’s not supposed to say bad words but what the h*ck
she really thought her plan would work!!!!
“mr. kim’s joining us for hot chocolate today, by the way. hope you don’t mind.”  you add casually and a cheshire-cat grin takes over emma’s face
the whole time you and emma and tae are at the cafe emma can’t help but feel proud of herself
you and mr. kim are sitting very vEry close to each other in your booth chatting away while she sits opposite of you two quietly nibbling at a scone and taking small sips of her hot chocolate
S U C C E S S has never tasted so good
luckily enough emma’s ballet class was cancelled today and you secretly thank the gods above because you’re having a really nice time with taehyung and it would have been a big ol bummer to have to leave early
he’s so sweet and considerate and he’s a really good listener
and he’s sO funny and super dorky in the best way possible
“oh my gosh, don’t even get me started on nap time. i love watching the kids sleep!” he pauses and his eyes widen “i promise i wasn’t trying to make that as creepy as it came out… they’re just so cute when they sleep!!! …okay, yeah, that still sounded creepy.”
you’re having so much fun with tae you’ve barely paid any attention to emma which is totally fine to her because she wanTs you and mr. kim to talk more
it’s just
emma gets pretty sleepy after a good snack or meal
sometimes she falls asleep halfway through eating (she used to do that a lot when she was a baby) ((one time she fell face flat into a bowl of mushy peas))
and the blueberry scone paired with the hot chocolate.,., that was a good snack,,..,
“oh my gosh, look at the time-“ your eyes widen when you realise it’s literally almost seven o’clock
you turn to look at emma and immediately stifle a laugh when you realize what’s happened
she fell asleep
her mouth is agape and there are a couple crumbs dusting her bottom lip
she only finished half her scone and she’s griPPing the other half in her tiny hand
you scrunch your nose and turn back to face tae “em and i should probably head home…”
it sucks because it’s still pretty early and u really really wanna keep hanging out with tae but,,.,.
“yeah, don’t worry about it!” tae nods understandingly and dusts his hands off before sliding out of the booth “i’ll help carry her to the car.”
“thank you for treating us to the hot chocolates and scones, by the way.” you hold the door open for tae as he steps outside with emma in his arms
she has her arms wrapped around his neck and her chin propped up on his shoulder
she still has a death grip on that scone
“of course! don’t worry about it.” taehyung hums and follows you to your car parked all the way at the end of the parking lot “by the way - did emma get you to sign the parental form for the trip to the aquarium?”
“she woke me up this morning by shaking it in my face.” you laugh lightly and open the door for tae “i’ll sign it tonight so she can hand it in tomorrow. oh, the car seat’s a little tricky so you can just plop emma in it and i’ll take care of the-“
taehyung buckles emma in eaSILy and you’re genuinely taken aback by how quickly he did that
usually it takes you like five minutes to attach the one on her chest
and uh,,.., you’re pretty sure watching him being able to smoothly operate a child’s car seat isn’t supposed to be hot,.,. but dat shit was kinda hot
“sorry about that. what were you saying?” taehyung pulls away and closes the car door shut gently
“uh,.., i was just talking about that aquarium field trip form.” you clear your throat and resist the urge to fan your face
“ah, right! i’ve been meaning to ask - would you maybe be interested in being a chaperone for that field trip? we already have a couple parents who have signed up, but,.., i don’t know, i thought maybe it’d be fun to,.,”
okay taehyung has no idea how to word this
he just wants u to be a chaperone as a sneaky excuse to spend more time with you lol
“emma actually tricked me into signing up to become a chaperone, so unfortunately, you will be stuck with me for like six hours straight.” you smile and punch tae’s arm lightly
“sounds like a rough time but i’m sure i’ll be able to soldier through it.” he teases and raises a perfectly arched brow
a moment of silence goes by and all that can be heard is the slight buzzing from the cafe’s neon OPEN sign along with the faint chirping of crickets
“so, miss y/l/n.” tae clears his throat “can i put you down in charge of sandwiches and juice boxes?”
“sounds good, mr. kim.” you playfully resort back to your proFesSional names and you both stand up a little straighter before bursting into giggles
you don’t know what it is
maybe it’s because tae’s the first guy in a while you actually genuinely romantically like
maybe it’s because it makes you happy knowing that emma adores him and he adores emma
maybe it’s because within a couple of hours he’s successfully wormed his way into your heart because he’s so warm and kind and caring
but you have an overwhelming urge to just-
you surprise yourself when you lean in to plant a tiny kiss on taehyung’s cheek
his eyes widen and his cheeks flush in surprise
he reaches up to adjust his square-framed glasses before letting out a small chuckle “i look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning, miss y/l/n.”
taehyung drives home that night with a megawatt smile on his face
anyone who passed by probably thought he was a maniac but he doesn’t care!!!!!!!
you kissed him on the cheek!!!!!!
he’s a maniac in love!!!!!!!!
you’re not any better
once you park the car in the driveway you let out a breath and then a little squeal and punch the horn compLetely forgetting that emma was still snoozing away in the back
emma peels one eye open to look at you and you lock gazes in the mirror
she immediately squeezes her eyes shut
you turn around and gawk at her “how long have you been awake for?”
“long enough 2 know dat u kissed mr kim on the cheek” she replies with her eyes still shut
she really is a sneaky little bugger
“come on, mama - let’s go see your boyfriend!!!!” emma drags you down the hallway and you nearly stumble over your feet
“he’s not- mr kim is noT mommy’s boyfriend-“
“okay.,,.” emma pauses for a split second before her face lights up again “let’s go see your daddy!!!”
you choke
“that’s nOT ANY BETTER-“
surprisingly enough you made it a liTTle bit before eight o’clock when usually you always buSt in through the doors at like 8:05
the other parents are dropping their kids off for the day and it’s safe to say that this is the first time you’ve seen yoongi in the morning
he has a little bit of bedhead but
his tie is nice and neat as per usual
“good morning, yoongi! morning, hwayoung!!” you chirp and offer him a smile before reaching down to pat hwayoung’s head
“morning, y/n. morning, emma.” he smiles back at you before turning his head and letting out a small yawn
“good morning, hwayoung n hwayoung’s dad!!!” emma grins and bounces up and down on her feet
“morning, emma n emma’s mama.” hwayoung hums sleepily and reaches up to rub at her eyes whilst leaning against yoongi
like father like daughter
“min hwayoung?”
you turn your head when you hear tae’s rich baritone voice
somehow it’s even 𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 in the morning
“alright, in you go. i’ll see you after school, chunky monkey.” yoongi bends down and gives hwayoung a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before she’s scurrying off to the classroom. “goodbye, y/n. i’ll see you after school as well.” he pats your arm and you laugh lightly before saying goodbye and moving aside to let him through
“emma y/l/n?”
you’re about to sWEep emma up and smoosh kisses all over her face then say goodbye but she grabs your hand and vEry aggressively drags you through the crowd of parents and her peers “emma, what are you-“
“good morning, mr. kim!” emma greets brightly and taehyung looks surprised to see you here because usually he just sees the kid in the morning and not the kid’s parent
“ah, good morning, emma! morning, miss y/l/n.” he smiles shyly before ticking next to emma’s name
“good morning, mr. kim…” you trail off and reach up to scratch the back of your neck
it’s probably because u don’t have any coffee in your system yet but you can’t think of anything else to say
and for a second taehyung forgets that he’s literally in the middle of his job and he has like ten other kids to take care of
“mama, don’t you have something for mr. kim?” emma tugs on your hand and you look down at her before furrowing your brows and shaking your head
“no, i do-“
“yes, you do!” she moves behind you and unZips the front pocket of your backpack and you let out a sQuawk when she yanks you down slightly “here!” emma pulls a shiny red apple out of your bag and hands it to you
you take it from her and raise a brow “i didn’t-“
“you packed this this morning, remember? to give to mr. kim?” she blinks and squeezes her eyes shut before opening them as wide as possible
.,,.is she trying to wink at you?
you’re going to have to teach her how to wink proper- oHHHHHh
“right! i… did! i did pack- here you go, tae- mr. kim.” you smile sheepishly and hand him the red apple
now you feel like a tiny little teacher’s pet because none of the other parents ever bring tae apples and apparently you bring him apples now!!!
“thank you!” taehyung laughs lightly “that’s very sweet of you, miss y/l/n.”
you feel like your entire face is redder than the damn apple “uh, anyWays! em, i will see you later.” you pat the top of her head before nudging her into the room
“bye, mama!”
you glance back at tae “and i will also.,., see u later.,.”
what an interesting start to the day
“i don’t know how she managed to sneak an apple into my backpack without me noticing.” you slam the car door shut and jin laughs a little and shuts his door
you fling your backpack over your shoulder and jin hands you the takeaway cup of hot chocolate
sometimes you pick jin up from his place after you drop emma off at school just because it’s on the way and jin says he would rather dunk himself in boiling water than go on public transport at 8:30 in the morning
he makes it up to you by paying for the starbucks drivethru drinks
“she’s probably picking it up from me. i am super smooth, after all”
you snort immediately “oh, right, like that one time you- shit!”
“okay firSt of all i would NEVER defecate in public-“
“no, i’m not talking about you, you weirdo!” you scowl before unlocking your car and opening up the passenger seat door “emma left her lunch bag in here…”
jin checks the time on his watch “if you go back and drop it off you’ll only be… twenty-ish minutes late to class? don’t worry, i’ll catch you up on anything that’s important.”
“thAnk you so much you beautiful man-“
seokin gasps and purses his lips “so you ADMIT it you think i’m-“
“oh my god not noW-“ you hop into the driver’s seat and fling your backpack to the front seat before shoving the key into the ignition
you bought one of those fancy sandwich cutters and emma’s peanut butter and jelly sandwich is shaped like a butterfly today and you’ll be daMNed if she doesn’t get a chance to show it off to her classmates
you parked the car hastily so it’s kind of crooked but it’s fiNE
your sneakers squeak against the linoleum as you make your way down the familiar hallway
and you heaR the chorus of kids singing coming from tae’s classroom
you even hear tae singing along
“five little ducks went out one day, over the hill and far away, mother duck said quack quack quack quack, but only four little ducks came back-“
you peek into the room a little and giggle lightly when you see tae wiggling his arms and shaking his butt like a little duckling
how precious!!!!!!!
u hate to interrupt the fun morning song but you really gotta get the heCk out of here and go back to class
you already hate that you might be missing 20 minutes of class so you’re trying to minimiZe those minutes as much as possible  
you give the bright red door a couple knocks and shoot everyone a sheepish smile when the entire class and tae turn to look at who’s at the door
taehyung tells the kids to busy themselves with the duck song before he excuses himself
“hey!” he steps out of the room and shuts the door behind him “what’s up?”
“hey… emma left her lunch bag in the car so i figured i’d drive back and drop it off so it doesn’t look like i’m a negligent mother.” you joke before holding it out for him to take
“the girl loves her beanut putter sandwiches, doesn’t she?” taehyung takes the bag from you and shakes it gently
he only knows that because she has it for lunch like every day and she’s always showing it off to her friends because ‘my mommy cuts mY sandwiches into hearts because she loves me!!!!!!!!!’
“i keep telling her it’s peanut butter and not beanut putter… i think she knows the difference but she’s just doing it because she’s a little joker.” you snort and look down at the takeaway cup in your hand
you feel bad for interrupting the class so- “oh, before i forget! i brought a hot chocolate for you. it’s from starbucks so you know it haS to be good-“
“first an apple, then a starbucks hot chocolate?” taehyung beams and takes it from you “if i didn’t know any better, it’d seem like you were buttering me up or something…”
“ah, was it really that obvious?” you tease back
a beat of silence goes by
the both of you are now fully aware that there is a mutual attraction here
the unfortunate thing is that you’re both still big ol wuSSIes
taehyung wants to ask you out on a proper date.,.,. which he did yesterday!! but then you kinD of asked him if he wanted to join you and em for hot cocoa and scones??
and he kinda wants to take you out on a date that perhaps doEsn’t include emma.,,. no offence to her, of course!
he just wants some alone time with u
“so… yesterday was nice!”
almost instantly your cheeks flush and you let out a light laugh “yeah, it really was…”
he has you alone
so he might as well go for it agaIN
taehyung clears his throat “hey, so… i don’t know if it wasn’t clear yesterday, but i… would you want to go out on a date with me? like, a proper one?”
“you mean yesterday wasn’t a proper date?” your brows knit together and taehyung automatically enters pANIC mode
“n-no, not at all! i kinda meant l-like, ah, i don’t know, maybe this isn’t a good-“
“tae-“ you reach over and pinch his arm gently “i’m kidding. i would… love to go out on a proper date with you.”
taehyung lights up immediately and nods quickly “how does tonight sound? i overheard emma and hwayoung talking about their sleepover tonight, but if you’re busy we can totally find another time to-“
“tonight’s fine! tonight’s good.” you nod and smile at him
taehyung’s heart skips a beat
he doesn’t know why he’s so nervous and stuttery around you  
“i can come pick you up at your place since i know where you live-“ oH gOd okay reel it back “-bECAUSE it’s on the registry-“
“sounds good! you can text me what the plans are after class today so that i’ll know what to wear-“  
your lashes flutter when taehyung leans forward and kisses your cheek just like you did to him last night
you unintentionally let out a little gasp and reach up to brush your fingers over your reddening cheek “mr. kim! keep it professional…” there’s a playful glint behind your eyes and taehyung can’t help but snort and roll his eyes playfully “besides - it looks like we have an audience.”
he glances over his shoulder and sure enough all the kids are squiShed up against the window in the door to sneak a peek at mr. kim and emma’s mom
“…scATTER-!“ you hear emma and you can’t help but laugh at the sight of the kids panicking and heading back to their spots
you open your mouth to speak
and then it happens
“mr. kim and emma’s mom, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-s,,,,..,,e?,,.i…a!!! i..?” the song trails off into unsure mumbles because none of the kids know how to spell kissing yet and you let out a groan and reach up to cover your face
taehyung stifles a laugh and shakes his head
“i think that’s my cue to leave” you kiss your teeth and point towards the hallway
“you’re going to leave me here to face the merciless teasing of all those kids by myself?!” taehyung gawks at you before turning to look into the classroom where all the kids are huddled by the whiteboard trying to figure out how to spell kissing as if it was some biG ol conspiracy theory
so far they have ‘khisign’ and ‘keccing’ and.,., one kid wrote down ‘kitten’
maybe he should replace morning singing with morning spelling from now on  
“i’ll make it up to you, mr. kim!” you’re already hALfway down the hall and taehyung’s heart goes bAbumP when you blow him a kiss
“i’m holding you to that promise, miss y/l/n!”
ah, yes.
to be young and in love.
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author interview tag
i was tagged by @ambivalentmarvel!! thank you so much!! all the love to you my friend 💕
name: amy // thinkingisadangerouspastime // faerialchemist on ao3
fandoms: in terms of what i’ve written about… well, in chronological order, it was teen titans, a dash of winx club, fairy tail, a dash of ohshc, fma/fmab, mcu, ml, good omens, tdp, she-ra, a dash of fruits basket, pjo, and finally atla. im most active with atla and tdp right now, though fma/fmab will always be my favorite and i sporadically jump in and out of the mcu lmao.
where you post: ao3, ffn, wattpad, and quotev lol. idk why quotev too tbh but i started writing fic in middle school (which is why you should not. Never Ever. go to my ffn lmao) so i guess i just wanted to cover my bases?
most popular one-shot: on ao3, Inevitable (Avengers Endgame fix-it) has the most hits but There’s a Fine, Fine Line (Flash Thompson character introspection) has the most kudos.
most popular multi-chapter fic: i don’t really have a lot of true multi-chapter fics? i only have a couple multi-chapter fics and a few oneshot collections (back when i was worried about posting too many stories; now i have no shame 🥰). No Ordinary Exchange has the most hits (Rayllum College!AU and a true multi-chapter fic) while certainty has the most kudos (Catradora fluff prompts; a oneshot collection)
favorite story you’ve written so far: oh man that’s so hard? i have things i like and things i dislike about all of my fics where once they’ve been posted for long enough it’s hard for me to pick a favorite. i guess No Ordinary Exchange, because it’s the longest fic i’ve ever written (and possibly the only multi-chapter fic i’ve ever completed? lmao) and i just had so much fun writing it. i got to explore a lot of rayllum fluff, angst, and hurt/comfort while also delving into soren’s strained relationship with viren and even introducing some of my ocs, just as a way to explore them! i also got to make everyone queer which y’all know i love
fic you were nervous to post: Sigh No More (Maiko Much Ado AU) because it’s so niche and keep the paper lantern lit (zutaraang week oneshots) because i’d never written an ot3 before
how you choose your titles: mmmmmm song lyrics, randomly thinking of them, texting my best friends in our group chat, and using a significant word/phrase from the fic
do you outline: yes? for shorter fics, i usually just think it through in my head, but for longer fics i’ll either write down an outline (bullet-point style) or type it in the notes app on my phone (i KNOW, pls don’t judge me)
complete: if we go to ffn, where all of my fics are, 21/30 are strictly complete. if you include oneshot collections that are always in limbo between complete and incomplete since i can update them but don’t have to, 25/30. some of those remaining five will probably never be finished 😳
in progress: five fics, two of which are 99% abandoned, another two of which could be completed one day (although the change in my writing style might kill any readers who come across it), and then No Ordinary Exchange, which is written in full and updated weekly.
coming soon/not yet started: a katara-centric fic about her path to forgiving zuko (with a heavy focus on her guilt regarding kya’s death and aang’s near-death, meaning there’s some nice kataangst, too); two sequels to fire lily (young!maiko fluff and hurt/comfort), the first of which will be kinda angsty can’t lie; mai and sokka content (i have a few ideas for mai&sokka and maixsokka babey!!); an aang-centric drabble-esque fic or two; possibly some “outtakes” to my rayllum college!au
do you accept prompts: technically, yes! my ask box is always open. but my rule is very concrete that i am not required to write any prompt i receive and i will only write what interests me.
upcoming story you are most excited to write: im technically already in progress of writing it but my katara-centric fic,, AHHHHHHHHH. and then the sequels to fire lily!! i can’t wait to work on them 🥰
tagging: @justoceanmyth, @penguinsledder, @the-last-cuddlebender, @korvidaee, @irresistible-revolution, @praetorqueenreyna, and anyone else who wants to do this!! just say i tagged you :) and no pressure to those i tagged - only do it if you want to
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
My 1D-related fic faves of 2019
I've read a TON of great fic this year in all kinds of fandoms, Jeeeeeeeeeesus, there are so many talented writers out there, but I won't list it all here (or even list everything I bookmarked this year). Instead, I'm gonna stick with 1D-related works released in 2019 that pulled me in hard and made me stare at the wall and/or read again and/or scream about with other people, and I'll try to do it in cutesie number order because WHY NOT make it that extra level of arbitrary, lmao. I love fanfic because no matter what fandom I'm dipping in, something new is gonna jump up and kill me (this year in particular, I've subscribed to a lot of "new to me" writers that I LOVE, and I hope you know who you are [do you know who you are, etc.]). Thank you for the free gifts, for your time, for your blood, sweat, and tears! I owe you hugs, coffee, and my undying love, gratitude, and support! I'll put my list under the cut to avoid some v. v. real screen scroll rage--happy new year, y'all!
2 lactation kink fics
(aka the Jaerie category, nobody else is out there writing this even as Harry's tits get bigger and milkier and why am I the only one fully appreciating all of it?????)
I Think You're Already Home, by jaerie, Seeing Louis Tomlinson today, it would be hard to guess that he was ever once a member of the world's most famous boyband. These days he doesn't even the leave his own house. The truth is he can't leave his own house. (a December gift to remember for all of us! a/b/o dynamics, famous Louis, omega Harry--which is practically canon at this point--crippling agoraphobia, lactation-related sexiness, I would read at least ten (10) more chapters of this)
freaks from the internet, by jaerie. Harry sells his breast milk to freaks on the internet. Louis turns out to be one of those freaks. He also happens to be Harry's ex. (I legit can't believe this came out this year, I rec it all the time! it was anon for forever, and I was low-key obsessed because I just wanted mawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr of it, and I got it, thank CHRIST)
3 fics for meeeeeeee
(These works were gifts to me, and I am so truly hashtag blessed to receive!!!)
I Just Wanna Taste It, by @homosociallyyours​. In his mind it's watermelon and sticky strawberry sweet, and he craves the feeling of his own round, firm belly warm under his hands on a summer evening. (Megan loves to kill me with Harry mpreg imaginings, and this one feels like canon to me!)
Powerless (and I Don't Care It's Obvious), by objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain​. He should not be getting turned on by Harry’s full-bladder discomfort, his little twitches, his hips-stuttering. And yet. (AND YET!!! I don't even know where to start with how much I love Phoenix, what a treasure her work is in ANY fandom, how shitty this particular fandom has been to her, how much I'm gonna miss harry/louis fic gifts from her in the future, how HOT this pee kink fic is in general, dot dot dot)
Tuxedo Classic Dance Party, by Blake/ @newleafover​. Instead of flying out to meet his touring boyfriend in Madrid, Louis sticks around to be responsible and do things like dance at Lady Gaga night at the gay cowboy club in West Hollywood. (Blake has written at least five fics in various fandoms that I would say are my favorite fics of all time, but they really topped themselves with this one!)
4 fic series
(I feel like there are probably loads more that qualify, but these ones grabbed me in their own particular way)
Not That Gone, by abrighteryellow/ @a-brighter-yellow​. Louis’s 20-year high school reunion takes a turn when a celebrity classmate – who also happens to be Louis’s long unrequited crush – unexpectedly shows up. (this was inspired by Chris Evans, and both parts stand on their own, tbh)
Maybe I Miss You, by 13ways. Louis is on his way back to London after the Hits Live Birmingham concert. Harry is flying to New York for the Met Gala. They connect. (from the very first story in this series, I was HOOKED, canon angst that builds up to something truly wonderful)
There's something I want to try..., by TheMagicWord. Harry wants to try something. Louis's not convinced. Until he is. (the installments are super short, super hot)
One More Time Again, by orphan_account. On the morning of his second sold-out performance at Madison Square Garden, Harry wakes up to find that he's sixteen years old, on The X Factor, and that he has a chance to make things right. (I'm sad that this author orphaned, but I seem to recall her getting a TON of shit, which is unfortunate because this is a great read, and part two is an imagining where Louis goes back instead)
5 fics featuring holidays
(These ones are basically from Christmas and Halloween of this year, so quite recent!!)
once bitten and twice shy, by @pinkcords​. In a rush of bravery only senior year can bring, Harry confesses his feelings in a letter to his neighbor and best friend, Louis, only for the entire school to hear it and laugh him out of their small town in Wisconsin. (the notes on this one blew me away: first-time author, pinch-hitting for a fest, and damn, a knock out)
you've set my soul to dreaming, by we_are_the_same. Thirty-year-old Harry Styles goes to bed single on Christmas Eve, only to wake up on Christmas morning with a husband in his bed and a son down the hall. (I'm not always into this trope, but when it's done well? NICE, and this one did it well)
when half spent was the night, by @juliusschmidt​. I’ve skimmed your website and am interested in hiring you to be my doula. I’m 7 ½ months pregnant and not keen to do this whole labor and birth thing alone. After looking around, I thought you might be a good fit. (girl direction advent fic with pregnant Louis that’s incredibly well done, especially given how short it is, I was so sad to see it end, but the author says something about act II coming??? YES!!!)
Fictober 2019 Collection, by flowercrownfemme/ @lesbianiconharrystyles​. Features lots of monsters and creatures and Harry Styles being a general nightmare as well as a few Girl Direction drabbles and a timestamp for Fool For You and one for Treat Mothman With Kindness. (Chloe's Halloween drabbles, each of which could outrival other stories 4x the length...she's a GIFT)
Cat & Mouse, by jaerie. It's the one day out of the year that Harry doesn't have to hide and can be himself — at least he thought so. Louis is just a little more observant than he anticipated. (I'm not a big hybrid fic fan, BUT GOD THIS STORY IS SO GOOD, it's so short I wanna cry, but so good!!!)
6 a/b/o fics
(I can handle "traditional" a/b/o if it gives me my dose of omega Harry, but I absolutely adore "untraditional" a/b/o, you know, where it actually is NOT about straight dynamics being put on a m/m or f/f couple (excuse me, a/a or o/o)...these ones NAIL IT, as did the entire gaybo ficfest)
violence of my own touch, by 14hrflight/ @silverfoxlouis​. Louis hasn’t said anything, but Harry knows something is wrong. Harry’s rut had ended a few days ago, and Louis had kept him under as best as he could. (whenever I read Chi's alpha/alpha fics, I find myself internally screaming "CHI!!!" god, do they Get It, and I really hope they continue this one!)
Amor Victorious, by HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals​. Louis finds himself following Harry on a journey through Italy, complete with long train rides, greasy food, naked Christs, and too many lingering touches. They're definitely not like other tourists and he definitely doesn't have a crush on his best friend who happens to be an alpha, too. (this one came out during Thanksgiving week, so I held it to savor, and BOY, DID I SAVOR, it's so incredible, the gorgeous writing, the visceral, indescribable feeling of reading it, sighhhhhhh)
do you know me by heart, by HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals​. Harry comes back wearing alphas' scents, a pleased smile and a lace dress. Somehow, Louis still ends up making him come until he cries. (for me personally, 2019 was the year of Nina: getting to know them, catching up on all their writing, falling in love with the way they can kill us all with beautiful angst and the hint and hope of redemption...here's a tissue, you'll need it!!)
the way that you're thrilling me, by @hereforlou​. Alphas were smelly and cocky and mostly arseholes, in Harry’s experience. Or at least they were at school. He didn’t understand how his friends—lovely, soft-skinned, sweet-smelling omegas—could actually want to touch them, or be touched by them. (this is just one of the many, MANY faves I had from the gaybo ficfest, A+ all around)
Constant Debauchery, by Blake/ @newleafover​. Harry is an alpha who loves getting his mouth knotted by other alphas. Louis is happy to serve. Fun smut! But also angst and sexual awakenings. (Blake knows how to sum up their writing, lol, but YEAH, me as at least one of the comments both public and private saying they'd want to read 100k more of this)
how many nights did I crash against the waves, by Blake/ @newleafover​ Louis is going into heat and Harry thinks it's hot. (the SKILL of writing something that's 1.7k, yet builds a complete--and v. v. hot--world)
7 fics with Harry and someone else
(I still have a few I need to read in this category--I'm getting there! But these are some from my fave authors that really had me pondering some walls [heh])
I Want Your Belly, by @glasscushion​. Harry wants Adam to knock him up. Inspired by on-stage thirst, the Instagram Stories Shirt, Watermelon Sugar, and Harry’s persistent baby fever. (Adam/Harry, mpreg kink of the finest order!!)
Rachel, Nevada, by @vondrostes​. Harry has a close sexual encounter of the fourth kind. (Jeff/Harry, Rachel/Harry, and I honestly can't even BEGIN to describe this, holy WOW)
Sea Salt, by @glasscushion​. Nick's drunk, and he can't avoid his feelings forever. Set in 2013 and 2019. (Nick/Harry, rip gryles...the grylers I know had an absolute field day in terms of angst, damn!)
all my lies are safe beside you now, by HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals​. They both know what it was like to love Louis Tomlinson fiercely, irrevocably, ghosts of it on their skin, even if the traces were etched in vastly different ways. (Zayn/Harry, and FOR REAL, this is a huge ouch)
call me anything you like, but my name is, by @wishforwishes​. Some conversations are better left forgotten, some conversations are worth remembering, and some conversations you never get the chance to have. Featuring three mentors, two tea parties, one and a half recording studios, and a reference to Archie comics. (Harry/CHASM, essentially; LISTEN, I am obsessed with this fic, you don't need to read part one to really Get It, but the bits with Zayn, and James/Ben, and all the parts with Harry working through gender? SO GODDAMNED REAL)
Come Out and Play, by @dinosaursmate​. Harry and Louis discover a new kink in their relationship, and it brings all the boys closer than they could have ever imagined. (ot5 orgy, so not really Harry with anyone so much as everyone with everyone, and let's call this one canon)
Like a Rolling Stone, by @vondrostes​. By the end of it, Nick realised his tea had gone cold in his hand. He’d barely taken a single sip in the hour-plus he’d been sat there, unmoving, transfixed by Harry’s songs—haunted by the knowledge of what had inspired them. (Nick/Harry, rip gryles)
8 canon fics
(This was a VERY hard category to narrow down, but yeah, a big push this year from "newer" writers = lots of nuanced fic)
Per Aspera, by @sedfierisentio​. Louis’s throat feels tight, his heart like a hammer in his chest. You know my rot, he thinks, and I know yours. I love you still. (these achingly beautiful time stamps are centered around taste, and if this fic has taught me anything, it's that buying an author a coffee has a ripple effect)
A Nullo Amato, by @sedfierisentio​. Inspired by Harry carrying books around outside LAX, a canon-compliant, Canon AU fic set between 2014 and 2015; mostly, timestamps roped together by a common theme—literature. (this was removed four years ago and reposted, so maybe it's a cheat??? i don't care, it was brand-new to me and a lot of other people, I'm so glad the author shared it again!)
no love like your love, by @dykes4louis​. A collection of tumblr drabbles. (Hima is REALLY burying the lede on this one because each of these is short and SCORCHING, her skill, check out her other works, too!)
Dancing in My Dreams, by @kingsofeverything​. Louis doesn't mean to imply that Harry's too old to dance for him, but Harry takes it that way, and sets out to prove him wrong. (this is one that *could* go in the series pile, but I love it as a standalone...feels like canon to me, regardless!)
Sonic Sounds, by @glasscushion​. "Harry takes a deep breath, suitably embarrassed, “I’m just really...” and he can’t say the obvious. He can’t just say "really wet." Or Harry loves feeling embarrassed. Louis is happy to help. (I'll never look at those One Direction electric toothbrushes quite the same way again)
Bruised Fruit, by @glasscushion. Louis is obsessed with the way Harry smells in the heat of LA. (hey, you know what, me, too, bitch, you ain't special...the way this fic SMELLS, my god, I"m obsessed)
be my once in a lifetime, by HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals. Just like there are only four other people who will ever understand what it’s like growing up in One Direction, there’s only one other person who knows what it’s like to find your soulmate just before you’re thrown into the spotlight and forced to acknowledge that the both of you have too many flaws and vices to make it through fame together. Or: It's all about having sex and being sad. And drunk. (can u believe Nina wrote this before Fine Line???)
in this dress, by cabinbythesea. Louis is so lost in his eyes and his words he feels if a step above heaven exists, it has to be Harry. Loosely inspired by Harry’s dress from the director’s cut of Lights Up. (I sure hope we see even more fic inspired by every bit of this album/every video it produces)
9 fics by Phoenix/ @alienfuckeronmain
(This fandom doesn't deserve her, and I hope everyone's reading her other works because they're all so amazing, she's such an incredibly gifted writer, my fave of faves, my life is so much brighter with her in it...I could rec her all goddamned day, and I do slash will!!! Here are nine she cranked out this year, each one a gem in its own way)
Silver White Winters. In which Louis catches a cloud and pins it down, aka, a Sound of Music AU (the shittiness in the comments underlines why we can't have nice things, but jesus CHRIST, this is so pure and good, and she cranked it out in, like, two hours)
I don't do that dance. Harry is easily the worst ballet dancer in her whole Intro to Ballet class. Except maybe Taylor Swift. (I adore how Phoenix writes girl Harry, but the way she writes Taylor? Unparalleled...nails her perfectly!)
magic, madness, heaven, sin, by @kerasines. It’s the flashing lights painting colors on her eyelids, it’s the drumming bass competing with her heartbeat. It’s the manic energy rippling through the crowd in waves, the deafening, frenzied passion filling the stadium that remind Eleanor that she actually used to like going to concerts. (technically, this one is FOR Phoenix, from Kim, but it takes a pairing that Phoenix is making her very own, so I'm counting it, lol)
Snakes and Stones. If you call a girl a snake enough, sometimes she becomes one. Her legs lengthen and fuse, her pupils shrink to slits. She gets colder and colder, until she has to spread herself on the warm cement beside the pool, soaking in heat, sipping gin and tonics to warm her blood so she does not turn to ice and shatter to bits. (god, I'm blanking on this ship name, but El/Taylor is such an inspired pairing, and I hope that P's drabbles make it over to ao3 in full)
Something good (will come from here). Taylor does not answer, because she is too busy licking her lips and pitching forward, as if Eleanor is the sky, or the sea. (you can practically SMELL this fic, El/Taylor drabble)
I Must Confess (I Still Believe). Harry is the new girl at an all girl Catholic Girl's School, and Louis is the unattainable, dashing senior who changes her forever. (this fic breaks my heart, the entire experience of its production and aftermath will forever be bittersweet, a gorgeous swansong)
Only One at the Finish Line. “I want to be another alpha’s omega,” is what he says, and it comes out like something reckless, something wild. Like he doesn't care anymore if Louis hates him or not, if Louis understands, he just needs to speak his truth aloud to darkness, to the slender pines that surround them like a jury panel. (Phoenix was the gaybo mod, and this was her contribution, and it is PERFECTION PERSONIFIED, fest goals)
The Pink Ghost of Princess Park. The thought of the vibrator does not go away. It’s sitting there collecting dust all through January, and every time Harry and Louis have to leave town for a press event or a show or to record or what have you, they come back home, and it’s still there, the Pink Ghost of Princess Park, the fucking glittery haunting that Harry cannot stop thinking of Louis stuffing up his arse. (a very good year in general for Princess Park clapbacks)
Life Saver. Louis is a sweetheart punk with a theater background and a heart of gold, Harry is an inexperienced nerd who plays by the rules. Classmates, lab partners, and eventually friends, what happens when Louis knows he’s in love, but doesn’t know how tell Harry? (this one came out a year ago tomorrow, and it had a tough birthing process, but it's so good, so hot, my love for virgin Harry gettin’ it on knows no bounds)
10 AU fics
(yes, yes, this could be LOADS longer, but I’m sticking to my theme!)
breathless for an eternity, by cabinbythesea. Harry conquers double duty on SNL and Louis wishes he was Nick Jonas. (dangggg, this came out too late for me to rec it along with my other snl-related fic, but it joins that lofty canon!)
Pretty Baby, by @littlelouishiccups. Louis helps Harry unwind after a busy week. (I was NOT expecting a new chapter in the iconic sugar baby Harry series, but HERE WE ARE)
into another (another) serotonin overflow, by @mercutionotromeo. Sweet first time sex wherein Harry's adorably awkward, Louis is achingly cool, and Harry rides Louis wearing his jersey. (this is one of my all-time fave fics, and I'm not sure what changed in it to get it reposted, but yeah, HERE FOR IT, THANK YOU!!!)
'Sup, by @mediawhorefics. All Louis wants is to finish the play he’s been commissioned to write, but one of the regulars at his local coffee shop keeps distracting him. ft. older larry, pushy gemma, harry being a disaster gay and silver fox louis. (this is so short but so tantalizing, GOD, DO I WANT MORE OF THIS UNIVERSE)
Tan Lines and Some Memories, by twoshipstiedup. Harry Styles is the indie movie darling he’d been avoiding ever since Louis saw his movie at Cannes and harbored an unreasonable grudge against him. A unicorn t-shirt finally brings them together in person. (I honestly thought we'd get more unicorn shirt fic, but this is a wonderful standard-bearer, banter city)
Bitter Tangerine, by purpledaisy/ @daisyharry. Nine months after they break up, a twist of fate brings Harry and Louis back together at Christmas. (so much ouch in this, but wow, do you feel like you're reading fully realized, realistic, growing characters)
We're Driving in Your Fast Car, by @sadaveniren. Harry felt himself light up - both with excitement and the thrill of getting what he wanted. “Really?” “Of course, anything for you." aka Louis and Harry are car thieves about to pull off a million dollar job. (another one I'd love to read more of...how did they get here, where are they going, etc.)
remember you well, by @fondleeds. Harry’s a criminal, Louis’ a cop, and they’re stranded overnight at the Motel 6. (what's with me and my love of heist/caper fics this year?)
Tied Down, by HamPalpert/ @ham-palpert. The most interesting case in Liam and Niall's careers falls directly into their laps, courtesy of an epic fuck-up of one Harry Styles, partner to the almost-infamous drug dealer Louis Tomlinson. The investigation yields an unexpected yet satisfactory outcome for Liam and Niall. For Harry and Louis, however, things are far more complicated. (SEE ABOVE, JESUS, I THINK ABOUT THIS FIC...ALL...THE.......TIME)
Harry Styles Cooks..., by sunsetmog. Louis owns all of Harry Styles’ cookbooks, and he never intends to cook a single thing out of any of them. (yeah, it's a wip, yeah, I flatline every time it updates, what of it, I'm living my best life vicariously through it!!)
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yehet-me-up · 4 years
Writing Tag 📝
Tagged by @yeoldontknow @kyungseokie @ninibears-erigom @xiubaek-13 thank you!! 😄💕🌟I loved reading everyone’s and getting a peek into your writing process/faves!
1. what is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
Definitely Panera Bread (a cozy restaurant chain that has the BEST cinnamon bagels and mac & cheese, for anyone not familiar). I’m praying that by next year COVID is to a point where I can write there again. Other than that usually at home at my desk is best for focus.
2. what is your favorite genre to write?
I’m down for anything as long as it has at least a little bit of romance 😂I think on here I’ve written rom coms, sci fi, fantasy, angst, horror, thriller, etc. and I definitely plan to continue being a wide and varied writer but with that constant romance bent, as I am a diehard romance hoe 💕I was thinking about this recently and I think the universal vibe for my work is /longing/ since that’s a reflection on who I am as a person lmaooooo
3. do you prefer to write on paper, or digitally?
Oh my god digitally. I used to have atrocious handwriting as a kid, but it’s gotten better. I have a persistent ache in my wrist/thumb on my dominant hand (i think because of carpal tunnel due to spending five years growing up working at a theater and constantly using my wrist to sweep up popcorn lmao) so I could never be a longhand/paper writer.
4. it’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. what do you do?
I used to just type it into an email to myself or into the search bar on my phone or on random pieces of paper but now I just have a ‘misc’ google doc that I can pull up on my phone and jot things down. The virgo energy that thrives in my chart is SO happy to have this organized 😂
5. who is your favorite person to write about?
hmmmm I actually had to think about this. I think I’m in the minority here in the fandom since I have only written one (?) story about my ult bias Kim Junmyeon. I’m not sure why that is necessarily but I think it’s since I keep my thoughts about him so close to myself I usually spend my time and creative energy writing for other people??? My favorite person is probably Kyungsoo or Baekhyun. Baek because he’s so !!! I feel like his stories are very fun to write and Soo because he’s a bit quieter/more introverted so the fics I seem to write for him are very internal and full of longing which I vibe with on the daily, so it feels like writing myself almost lmaoooo
6. do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
I’d say both? I really enjoy writing my own characters but I also enjoy writing fanfic, since there’s already a universal knowledge of the ‘characters.’ I always write AUs vs. RPF (real person fiction) about the IRL people I’m writing about, so it’s easier to just jump into the idea vs. spending a whole lot of time establishing the appearance/general personality of characters. While writing my book I’ve been dipping back into writing fics since it’s a nice break from having to create every aspect of the world/characters myself, so I’d say I like both equally!
7. have you ever written a book, or a story with more than 15 chapters (or 100k words)?
PLS PRAY FOR ME LMAOOOO god I’m like uhhh at about 85k on my book and just shy of 100k is the target word count for a book in the age group/genre i’m writing for so I’m aaaallllmmooossttt done. Other than that I think EXO mall is over 100k??? it’s not all one series but I sometimes consider it one. Other than that I think if I do end up writing Regency Husbands aka A Truth Universally Acknowledged here on tumblr itself I think that will probably be in the ballpark of 100k since I plotted it out as an entire book lololoollol.
8. how often do you get ideas?
fuckin hell, just - all the time. I have a few fics/books plotted out and I’m dying to get around to them and then I have a ‘misc’ google doc that holds lines, images, snippets of things that I’d love to throw together into a story at some point. I talk about this below, but now that I’m taking on trying to write books/be traditionally published (and since I’m a virgo... rising/mercury/mars/etc. I get VERY stressed by loose ends/unfinished things ughhhgghgh) I’ve had to be really clear/strict with myself when something comes up. 
Like is this new thing 1. a fic/book i want to write and 2. do I want to prioritize that over things I’ve planned already. So for now my plan on tumblr is to finish EXO mall and then re-evaluate the overflowing folder of ideas to see what’s next lmaooooo. One thing at a time seems to work best for me so that’s what I try to do, OR possibly see if it’s something I can work into an already in-process fic to try to kill two birds with one stone :)
9. do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
GOD YES. So many. The EXO x Italian Job series that almost was. The Jongin fae story that was supposed to be a drabble and almost became a friggin book. A lot of the things I did for drabble parties came from snippets of things I planned to write as full on fics and just didn’t feel like I could do it justice.
It’s so hard because I work full time and life is busy and I can only write SO much, so as I’ve gotten more uhh experienced? Idk if that’s the right word, but as I’ve come to know myself better as a writer I get more adept at figuring out which ideas will actually sustain me through an entire series or a 20k+ oneshot and which ones will just be drabbles/brief flashes of an idea but ones that I can’t fully ‘finish’ and explore, if that makes sense? 
I’ve come to just enjoy the idea and write a short little thing for it and be done and happy with it vs. spending ages feeling guilty/beating myself up that I just don’t feel like writing that idea. And who knows? Maybe it’s something I’ll come back to later and ‘finish’ but it’s just not the right time!
10. what is your least favorite plot?
Hmmmm I’d say anything with romantic on-the-page abuse (that’s supposed to be romantic??)/dubious consent/verbal humiliation/etc etc. I’ve found a ton of books feature this lately under the guise of an ‘alpha’ male character and I just 🙃it’s not my thing, personally. I am usually still down for like age difference fics (as long as both parties are legal adults ofc), sub/dom vibes in smut, some teasing/jokes etc. but anything with the specific intent to demean/degrade/etc. another person I’m like that gif of the mouse walking in a door and then walking right back out.
11. tag 5 or more people
Tagging @jeonocho @kpopchangedme @jinterlude @yixingminseokjongdae @kpopimagi @strawberrybobohu @simplesanitys @julietsoddeye 🥳
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taeguboi · 4 years
“Would You Rather...?” Drabble 06 - Reader x Yoongi [Suga] (Angst / Smut)
Would you rather fight with Yoongi a lot only to have the greatest makeup sex or have sweet sensual sex with Jungkook only once a week (or less) cuz he’s so busy?
This is a lot angstier than a situation I’d actually choose and is faster paced than what I usually write since I tried my hardest to make it a short piece [it’s still like 2.5k words though lmao] so I’m sorry if it loses the vibe because in one paragraph something’s just starting and in the next it’s already done hahhahaha
My new fic masterlist is here (I will no longer be updating the old one)
One last note: I remembered the ‘keep reading’ link this time to not take up your feeds - sorry for before
Send me BTS “Would You Rather…?” questions in my ask box for a drabble
“Say You Love Me”
An aura of suspense filled the room as you were alone with your ex boyfriend for the first time since you two had broken up. It was so bitter towards the end when the two of you were slamming doors and raising voices. It was only a few weeks ago since the two of you mutually decided to break things off in the midst of both your frustrations and anger towards each other.
But now he is standing here in front of you, it feels just like yesterday. Any hint of progress you made in moving on, vanished. Any rational thoughts about what went wrong, faded. Any moments you were convinced you don’t need him, forgotten about.
You only came back to the old house this evening to collect a few things after realising you left a few important documents here. It was just your luck that at the exact same time you had decided to make a visit, so had he. Who is he? Yoongi Min.
“What are you doing here?” you huffed at the sight of him entering the poorly lit living room just moments ago. It seems the electric had been cut off already probably from not paying the bill. 
“Hello to you too” Yoongi had retorted.
“Look I’m just here to get a few papers and then I’m outta here so I’d appreciate it if you could just give me my space” you instructed, fumbling about in drawers for what you needed.
“Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” he sighed and although you weren’t looking at him at that time, you could actually hear him folding his arms.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Never mind. What’s the point? We’ve been here already” he grunted.
“You’re right, I think I do know what you mean” 
“Yeah, but did you really y/n?” he questioned, voice raising. “Because from what I could tell, I was about to give you my fucking everything and you threw it all back in my face because, and I quote ‘too intense’!”
Things had escalated super fast as he was full on yelling at you once again, just like in the argument that broke you two up.
“Well excuse me for wanting some me time!” you protested, finally finding the sheets of paper you were looking for. 
“You call that ‘me time’? Constantly pushing me away whenever I showed you any affection? Dismissing the things I would say about how much I loved you?” he blared in frustration before toning it down again. “You broke me y/n. What else was I supposed to think when all you did was…”
“And you should have trusted me!” you interrupted. 
“And I trusted you! I trusted you so fucking much! You pushed me to breaking point though!”
“Just because I didn’t want to spend everyday with you didn’t mean I stopped loving you” you muttered.
“Sorry, what was that?” Yoongi asked in shock. It made your heart sink too.
Love. It was a feeling you were too scared to ever admit. Your heart felt irreparable after the hurt a previous relationship brought you a long time ago. You were frightened when you realised you’d fallen hopelessly in love with Yoongi, but you went for it when he expressed that he wanted to be more than your friend. Yet you couldn’t ever find it in you to tell him you loved him. That you still do.
“I said…” you stammered, unable to repeat yourself.
“You used the word ‘love’” he said, eyebrows furrowed and mouth open in disbelief. “You never said that to me before”
Tears involuntarily escaped your eyes and you let out a sniffle. You put down the stupid papers and you could hear Yoongi take a step closer to you as you tried to dry your eyes, bringing you to this point right now.
“I really did love you Yoongs” you admit, the delayed expression of emotion pouring out. “I was scared, I…”
“...should have told me you were scared, y/n. We were supposed to be able to tell each other everything and anything”
“It’s not always that easy” you remind him.
“It’s not too late either” he adds on, watching you take a seat on the sofa, head in your hands.
He walks over to sit next to you, hand on your shoulder to comfort you. You look up at him, face to face for the first time in what feels like years. Perfectly perfect. His face so handsome and his heart so kind. You hate yourself for hiding from your feelings to the extent that you lost him.
You’re looking into each other’s eyes, reading everything both of you are unable to say. Hurt. Regret. But also love that hasn’t gone, not yet.
It’s almost uncontrollable, your urge to feel his lips pressed against yours once again and before you know it, your head is tilting slightly to one side.
Despite the circumstances, this is the best kiss you’ve ever experienced because of how much you missed Yoongi. You want more and it seems so does he as he kisses you back, leading to a string of passionate, heartfelt kisses.
It only feels natural that your hands begin to explore him, that you get to touch his body again, You stroke a hand down his chest and to his leg. Your hand rests on his leg as you continue with just kissing. You might have gone too far however when you allow for your hand to trail up a little and towards his crotch because he pulls away.
“Y/n I-I-I don’t want to take advantage. You’re vulnerable” he tells you, his breathing heavy from the intensity of the situation.
“I promise I’ll talk, for real… I will, I just… I need this” you tell him desperate for his touch, a sudden rush of lust and desire overcoming you. “I need you Yoongi”
“I need you to tell me you love me” he asks of you, longingly, his hand on your still teary cheek.
You kiss his lips again “I love you” you tell him, followed by a kiss on his cheek. “I love you so fucking much” you continue followed by a kiss on his neck which causes him to groan a little and stroke your hair and in return, you hand starts to stroke along his leg once more.
“I love you too, y/n” he pants with a gulp, adam’s apple bobbing up and down.
“I missed you” you tear up looking back at his face and he cups yours. 
“Show me how much you missed me” he demands though his wishes are unclear.
“Anything” you reply.
“Let’s go upstairs” he smiles lovingly, standing up and bringing you up with him. He leads you upstairs and into the old bedroom you once shared.
Before you even reach the bed itself, you’re passionately making out, exploring each other’s bodies, lightly undressing each other as his jacket comes off and his shirt unbuttoned and you kick your shoes off.
“Tell me what you missed about me” he instructs as the two of you sit on the edge of the bed, continuing to make out.
“The way you make me feel” you pant, followed by a couple of kisses. “Your eyes, your smile” you continue to list, allowing Yoongi to kiss your neck, wet sounds resounding deliciously into your ear. “Your kind heart… I was so dumb”
He grabs one of your slightly shaky hands and you get to feel his semi-erect cock through his trousers. “How much did you miss this?” he asks menacingly, purring into your ear.
“So fucking much” you admit.
“I bet you missed this the most, didn’t you?” he challenges.
“No” is all you can utter, chest starting to heave as he places a hand on your trousers, teasing at you increasingly throbbing womanhood.
Yoongi eases you backward so that you’re laying on the bed underneath him as he goes on all fours at your side to hover above you.
“Did you… did you see anyone else while we were apart?” he asks.
“No one” you truthfully tell him. 
“Good” he smirks. “Promise me you’re mine” he requests.
“I’m all yours Yoongi” you tell him, providing him with the reassurance he clearly seeks.
Your trousers are tugged at and pulled off in an instant as he swiftly whips them off you to your surprise.
“And this pussy is all mine too then, yeah?”
“Always baby”
Yoongi pushes your pants to one side, desperate to devour you. “I love it when you call me that” he coos, tongue then teasing at your clit.
“Oh, Yoongi!” you exhale in delight even though he’s barely started.
Contrastingly to the kitten licks he just gave you, he presses his tongue flat against you. Sighs of pleasure escape your breath to which he hums contentedly which buzzes pleasurably on your sensitive area.
“So fucking good” you praise as he brings you close to climax.
“Oh, baby” he exclaims, voice vibrating at your clit once more. Yoongi always did love it when you said out loud how good he is in the bedroom. He loves to hear you say his name. He loves to know he’s doing a good job.
“I-I’m close” you moan as his tongue picks up speed with the circles he’s drawing.
At the very last moment, he adds in a finger which slides in with such ease because of your wetness for him. He increases it to two fingers after just a few thrusts and you see stars as he helps you reach orgasm.
“Yoongi! Fuck!” you exclaim at your very peak of pleasure.
“That’s right; say my name” he commands, riding out your high with just his fingers.
“Yoongi… I have to taste you” you state, arousal still high.
“Where did you wanna taste baby?” he teases, fully well knowing the answer to that question.
“Your trousers” you reply, sitting up. “Take them off”
He does exactly as he is told and gets off the bed to unzip and lose the trousers as you climb off the bed.
“Sit in that chair baby” you tell him. “Let me treat you now” you smirk as you watch him sit and then you fall to your knees met by the sight of the bulge that is aching to be freed from his boxers.
You don’t take the boxers off fully; instead you pull them down only enough to reveal what’s underneath.
Yoongi always did have a beautiful cock. It angles a little to his right and his head is a gorgeous, delectable shade of pink. You hold it firmly, precum dripping out onto the back of your hand and you begin to pump up and down slowly, almost painfully slowly.
“Ahhh, don’t tease me babe” he commands, a hand running through your hair. “Let me fuck that pretty little face of yours”
With a few more teasing pumps and licks, you give in, taking him in almost whole the first time he’s in your mouth and Yoongi could swear this is the best your mouth has ever worked on him as he watches your head go up and down. He can’t help but guide your head down to take him in just a little further, hungry for more and it really hits the spot.
“Mmm….” he hums deliciously, pleasure continuing to stir inside of him. “Oh shit, baby, you’re gonna have to stop, I’m too close. We both know I have to be in you”
You lift your head up for a final time, a small pop sound happening as your mouth leaves his aching cock.
As if you read each other’s minds, the shirts finally come off and are slung onto the floor and all underwear is discarded.
You’re back on the bed on your back with Yoongi on top kissing you like there’s no tomorrow. You’re exploring each other’s bodies as if it’s your first time doing this together and you each just have to take in every little detail of one another.
You roll Yoongi over so that you’re on top and guide him backwards to sit up. You straddle him, your wetness pressing against his dick and even this humping brings immense pleasure to the both of you as you sigh into each other’s mouths.
You remember how much Yoongi enjoyed the faces you made for him when he made you feel good, so you’re sure to let him see you biting your lip, eyes closed.
“Fuck baby, I’m not gonna last much longer like this” he tells you, fingers gripping tightly into the skin of your hips as you continue to grind on him.
You transition from grinding on him to allowing him inside you as you guide his cock to go inside you. Moans of pleasure erupt from both of your throats as he enters you. Your arms are now around his neck. He’s looking up at you with loose lips and a relaxed gaze, occasionally staring down at your breasts which bounce up and down as the rest of you does.
Looking into each other’s eyes means everything right now. The eye contact only enhances the feelings of pleasure and raw emotion. You bounce and you bounce on that dick until you feel weak, almost too weak to keep the pace going but Yoongi assists by thrusting deep into you, his hips now going up and down.
“Gonna come” you utter, deeply in pleasure.
“Tell me you love me” he demands.
“I-I-I” you stammer, just seconds away from climax. “Oh my god! I love you Yoongi! I love you, I love you, I love you!”
Your string of proclamations of love seem to really hit the spot for both of you. Tears stream from your eyes both in pleasure and emotion for Yoongi and you appear to simultaneously come for each other.
“I love you too y/n!” he groans as you feel his hot see ejecting into you whilst you also reach orgasm.
You both ride it out just a little longer so that you both can finish until you pull out and collapse onto him. He strokes your hair lovingly and catches his breath before speaking again.
“All that stuff you said; was it for real?” he asks.
Your heart sinks a little at how insecure you’ve made him just because of your own past trauma.
“It was Yoongi. I can’t believe I lost you just because I couldn’t swallow my pride and open up” you sigh, appreciating the feeling of being able to rest your head on his chest.
“I don’t want to push you into doing anything you’re uncomfortable with though, just to let you know” he assures.
“I know, I know… in the morning, I want to do this properly. We’ll talk, like two civilised adults should… That is, if you’ll listen or even consider having me back” you sigh, drawing circles on his bare chest with a finger.
“One step at a time, yeah?” he sighs back.
“Yeah” you agree, yawning afterward.
“You sound tired and it is getting late. Let’s sleep on it and we’ll talk over coffee and breakfast” he suggests, humming in a lazy way.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. For all of this” you apologise.
“I’m just glad to be here with you.”
“Me too”
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ladyxxdaydream · 5 years
47 (Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation)
Well, this was a fun way to spend my sunday morning (✿◠‿◠).
These are meant to be a little rough–spur of the moment writing with little editing–while I’m working on my longer fics. If I get enough requests, I may add a drabble section on my Ao3 page, and polish them up to post over there. Thanks for the request, tea! Hope you like it.
ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ You can submit your own from the list here. ♡
Kakashi couldn’t sleep. He grabbed his track pants he had discarded on the floor, removing a wrinkled piece of paper out of the pocket. Gai had finally entered this century, and gotten a cell phone. He had scrawled his number on top of a flyer for his personal training program—Green Beast—before Kakashi had left the gym earlier today.
He punched it into his phone and sent a text.
Yo, what are you doing?
Binge watching the newest season of Icha Icha instead of grading exams. God, it’s so terrible.
Wait, what? Kakashi knew for a fact that his best friend didn’t watch Icha Icha, much to his dismay. Gai was a crossfit trainer; he’d have no reason to be grading exams. And Kakashi imagined that his friend’s exuberance would translate through text. There wasn’t nearly enough yelling in the form of all caps and exclamation points. Did he have the wrong number? But then why would this person be answering like they knew him?
And what was that crap about Icha Icha being terrible?!
He couldn’t help himself.
Then why are you watching it if it’s so terrible? He typed out, annoyed.
It’s like being stuck in traffic over a car accident, and you’re cursing the people who keep slowing down to stare, while vehemently telling yourself you won’t act like everyone else, but then you get there, and you become that bitch. You can’t help but stare.
Kakashi couldn’t hold back his laugh. It rang out in his empty apartment.
Hm. Sounds like you secretly like it.
Of course I do. What, you think I have no self restraint? You know me better than that.
Shit. What was Kakashi doing? He should really tell this person he accidentally sent a text to the wrong number, but it would be weird now. He already continued the conversation.
Another text came through.
LMAO I can’t believe Lori went after Gavin. Good lord.
Kakashi’s face broke into a grin. He knew the exact moment this person was talking about. He’d already watched the season, twice, despite it being released on Netflix yesterday.
God. This puts my students drama to shame, which is rather impressive. Speaking of, Naruto ‘accidentally’ kissed Sasuke today, and Sakura ran out of the classroom crying.
Kakashi answered without thinking.
How do you accidentally kiss someone?
You don’t? That was his wording when I asked him what all the fuss was about. Guess he’s not ready to admit he kissed a boy on purpose. I’ll tell you about tomorrow. What time did you want to meet at Blackberry Cafe?
Oh god. Kakashi had a terrible idea.
10? He typed out.
Can we make it 11? I’ll probably be up all night watching this bullshit.
Kakashi was sitting at a table in the corner of the patio, inspecting the customers. It was 11:15. So far he’d narrowed it down to three people. One was a woman, who had just answered her phone, which immediately eliminated her. The speech pattern didn’t match. That left two men who were sitting alone. If Kakashi was being honest with himself he was hoping it was the cute one with the ponytail—
—who had just glanced at his watch, sighed, and pulled a stack of papers out of his messenger bag, along with a red pen.
..watching Icha Icha instead of grading exams…
Kakashi got up and walked over, standing in front of the empty chair across from the teacher.
“Uh, hi.”
“Hi?” the man replied, giving him a small smile as he wrinkled his face in confusion.
Kakashi’s heart skipped. Fuck.
“Is this seat taken?”  
The smile grew a little bigger. A blush coloring his cheeks.
“Actually, it is. I’m waiting for someone.”
Kakashi thought he saw the slightest bit of disappointment flicker across the man’s face. It was enough to encourage him forward with his ridiculous plan.
“I think that someone is me.”
The man put down his pen, giving Kakashi his full attention.
“Clever, I’ll give you that. But I know that it’s not.”
“No, really. It’s me.”
The man scratched at the scar the cut across his nose and over his cheeks, his irritation apparent.
“I’m flattered by your effort, but pushy persistence isn’t attractive to me.”
Oh boy. Well. He’d already come this far…
“I’m not being pushy. It was me you were texting last night.”
The man narrowed his eyes. Kakashi tried not to wince under his glare. It was formidable.
Kakashi pulled out the chair and sat down, as the man nearly squawked with disapproval.
“My friend wrote his number on a piece of paper. There was one number that could have been a 4 or a 9 and I guess I got it wrong.” Kakashi said, matter of fact.
He watched as the man face contorted through several reactions.
“Are you insane?” he hissed.
Well, maybe, but…
“Not clinically. I’m not a serial killer or anything, if that’s what you’re asking.”
The man widened his eyes.
“Ok, sorry, that was a stupid thing to say, considering.”
“Try idiotic.”  
Kakashi bristled.
“Well, what about you? My number can’t have been in your phone, yet you spoke like you knew me.”
“I just got a new phone yesterday! None of my contacts transferred. I thought you were Izu—my friend. The number looked vaguely familiar I—this is fucking absurd. Why the hell would you come to meet me?”
“You seemed interesting.” Kakashi shrugged.
“After a ten minute text conversation?” he asked, incredulous.
Kakashi rattled off other reasons in his head. How he’d had a terrible fucking night. How he couldn’t sleep because he was plagued by painful nightmares. How he was seconds away from taking enough anti-depressants to knock him the fuck out for a few hours, when their texts had distracted him enough to forget about it completely.
“I was having a bad night and you made me laugh,” he settled on saying.
The man scoffed, yet there was a softness in his eyes.
“How can I trust you? It’s not like someone can vouch for you—“
Gai was mid-stride to their table, before he froze.
“K..kakashi!? You two know each other?!”
“You two know each other?!” Kakashi countered.
“Iruka’s my newest protégée! We just started training a few weeks ago,”—Gai’s eyes lit up—“Why have I not thought of this before?! This is absolutely perfect! What incredible genius set you two up?!”
“Uh, actually, you did, Gai. I misread the number you gave me and well,” Kakashi spanned his hands out in front of him to say here we are.
“What luck! How beautiful! It was meant to be. I’ll leave you two alone,” Gai said, quickly making himself scarce.
“You know Gai,” Iruka deadpanned, both eyebrows raised, as he leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest.
“He’s my best friend.” A smile crept across Kakashi’s face. “How’s that for vouching for me?”
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 6 years
gruvia drabble
author’s note: imma keep it real w/ yall... im a lil drunk rn!!! hope this fic is still good tho lmao! this is pertaining to the plot of the anime rn like how gray and juvia reunited after six months... well we never did get to hear gray’s explanation or apology..... so here it is! enjoy! side note: after actually writing this 1. im not rly drunk anymore, a shame. and 2. all my fics as of recently literally have the same exact format lol!!! cool! great!! we love a boring queen! ok hopefully i can stray from this format in the future but for now! here is ~this~.<3
“Oi, Juvia,” Natsu turned and called out to Juvia. They were finally beginning their long awaited journey back to Magnolia, to reform their guild, after just defeating Avatar. “Did you and Gray wanna’ go back to your cabin and get some of your stuff before you go back?”
“G-g-go back?! Just the two of us?! After all this time?!” Juvia’s face turned a blistering red as she cupped her fiery cheeks in her hands. It had been so long since they were both alone in that house together. What would it be like? How would they act? Would things be different?
“Oh yeah.” Gray calmly chimed in. “There are some things I wanna’ get.” He then turned to Juvia. “We should probably go.”
“O-of course! If Gray-sama insists!” She perked up, suddenly eager to go.
They caught a train back to the village they stayed in and made it there in a fairly short amount of time. Gray looked around their old home with suspicion.There wasn’t a soul to be seen. The town was once so full of life, and bright with spirit. Now the grey clouds above seemed to reflect the dreary village.
“Did something happen?” Gray asked Juvia as they casually walked through the town. “There’s nobody here.” He continued looking, looking for any sign of life.
“Oh.” Juvia remembered, and slouched slightly, partially ashamed. “Everyone kind of, well, left.” She said simply.
“What?” Gray was surprised. “Why?”
“Well...” She paused and took a moment to breathe. “Juvia’s rain sort of... came back, and it was, well, constant.” Her voice was sheepish. “It sort of drove everyone out of the village Juvia supposes.” She forced a smile and a fake lighthearted laugh.
That got Gray’s attention. He stopped looking through the village and snapped his focus onto Juvia. “What do you mean it came back?” He seemed annoyed.
“After Gray-sama left, Juvia’s rain came back.” She shrugged. Once she saw Gray’s look of what seemed like agitation, she began to panic. “It’s not a big deal or anything! Juvia was just being over-dramatic!” She gave another plastic smile, attempting to ease Gray.
“Tch.” Gray looked away from Juvia and turned back to the path to the way to their house, dropping the conversation.
Eventually, they approached their cabin. The wood that the house was built out of was seemingly becoming moldy, or at least dingy. All of the drapes to the windows were now closed, although Gray remembered Juvia always insisted they leave them open. The plants that Juvia adored that were littered around the porch were dead from drowning in her storm.
“Juvia is sorry the house is so out of shape, Gray-sama!” Juvia was embarrassed. She only ever had Gray on her mind, so she never took the time to worry about the appearance of their home once he was gone. Even though that place meant everything to her, she seemed to completely disregard it.
“Stop it.” Gray said, harshly. He didn’t need Juvia to explain herself. It was ridiculous of her. “It doesn’t matter anyway. We’re just here to get our stuff.”
“Right.” Juvia nodded.
Inside, the rooms were dark, and dusty. It was hard for Gray to believe they even lived their at one point, that this was the same home they shared. He remembered Juvia always making a fuss about keeping the place clean, and decorative, and so full of life: some things that this foreign lot was lacking.
Gray was finished packing up first. He had all of his belongings in a duffel bag with a couple other things held in his hand. The door to Juvia’s room was open, so he walked in and leaned on the frame of the doorway.
“Yo.” Juvia flinched to Gray’s low voice, it had been so long since she heard it. She paused her packing and turned around. “I’m all packed up. If you need any help just let me-” Gray paused. As he looked around, Juvia’s room seemed to follow the same format as the rest of the rooms. Dull, gloomy, muted, but something caught his eye.
“What’s this?” He set his belongings down. He walked over to her bedside table towards a vile of red liquid, which was now almost empty. 
“Oh, well, nothing really.” Juvia sporadically said with a forced chuckle and quickly was at Gray’s side, hoping to take the bottle before he could get a good look at it.
“Medicine?” He read the label of the bottle. “And it looks like Wendy’s handwriting.” He turned to Juvia.
“Y-yes.” Juvia took a step back and nervously held her hands together. “Wendy-san made that potion for Juvia.” She looked away.
“Juvia was, uh, well, sort of sick.” She remained avoiding eye contact.
“Sick?” Gray’s voice and tone raised. “You were sick? And Wendy couldn’t cure it with just her magic? She had to make a potion?” All of these little things were building up to one big slap in Gray’s face.
“Juvia had a very bad fever. I was sitting outside most of the time, so it was caused by my rain...” She said to the volume of that of a mouse, fidgeting her hands.
“Oh my god.” Gray sunk. He put the bottle back on the table and collapsed onto the bed, holding his head in his hands as his elbows rested on his knees. Just what had he done?
“B-but none of this is Gray-sama’s fault!” She was quick to perk up and defend Gray.
“All of this is my fucking fault!” Gray lifted his head and snapped his gaze to Juvia with sharp, blunt eyes, glistening with a sheen of tears. Juvia dropped her defense, and looked back beneath her.
“If it weren’t for me, this place wouldn’t look like shit, your rain wouldn’t have come back, and you wouldn’t have gotten sick!” He was angry. Juvia said nothing. “Am I wrong?!”
Juvia’s shoulders began to bog, jaggedly, up and down. She had finally broken. She was out of false excuses.
“Why did you leave me, Gray-sama?” She looked back up to him, tears overflowing in her piercing, yet helpless gaze. 
Gray’s eyes widened, the sight before him caused his breath to catch itself in his throat.
“I-it was a secret mission.” He looked away, bringing the blank look back to his face. “It was to get more info on Zeref. I had to go, and Erza told me I couldn’t tell or bring anyone.”
Juvia’s tears fell onto her face, and then onto the floor.
“Juvia knows.” Her head was down, once again. She gathered her composure, slightly, for a mere moment. “Juvia understands. Putting and end to Zeref and E.N.D is very important to Gray-sama. This was all for the best.” She sniffled. “So, why..?” She brought her hands up to her eyes, and lost the weak grip she had on herself for that second, and began sobbing into her palms.
“So why is Juvia so hurt?”
Gray said nothing for a brief instant. He looked at her, although she did not return the contact, with shock and sorrow in his eyes. He didn’t know what to think, and he couldn’t place Juvia’s emotions, but he knew what he was feeling.
Remorse, guilt, responsibility, sadness, Gray’s heart was a melting pot of these horrible things. He couldn’t bare to see her in so much pain before, and all because of him. He would not be the reason she shed tears. He refused, especially after all she’d done for him. She was by his side, supporting him through everything. Even after he abandoned her for six months, she still did nothing but be there for him. 
He quickly arose from the bed and wrapped his arms around her, with her hands still covering her eyes, causing her breath to stop in surprise for a second.
“It’s alright. I’m sorry.” His words were soft though his face was flinty. He stared at the wall as he brought his hand up to the back of Juvia’s head, firmly bringing her face to his chest, as he rested his chin atop her.
“G-Gray-sama should not have to apologize.” She shook her head as she sobbed into his chest, her voice muffled.
“Like hell I shouldn’t” His voice was even lower. “So cut the crap. You’re allowed to be sad. From some aspects, what I did,” He paused. “What I did to you was a shity thing. Really shitty.” Her cries were much softer as he spoke. He remembered all the scolding Natsu gave him, and manifested it into his words.“So let me say I’m sorry.” He grumbled through his pouted lips as his cheeks were colored pink.
Juvia finally removed her hands from her face and wrapped her arms around Gray, being encased by his warmth. The warmth that she had missed, so very much.
“It’s ok.” She hummed; her mood was already much better just by appreciating being in Gray’s hold. “Juvia is glad Gray-sama is ok.”
She held on even tighter, and in about a minute, her instincts kicked in. Her mind began to soar with thoughts of Gray, and his big, toned arms that were engulfing her. She subconsciously began to sniff him, and exhale with delight.
“Ahh.” She swooned. “Gray-sama still smells just as delicious as he always has.” She snuggled up against him. 
“O-kay” Gray announced. “That’s enough of that.” He said, avoiding Juvia’s odd comment. He pulled her away from him and turned back to his things. “We should probably head out. The guild isn’t gonna’ rebuild itself.”
“Aw!” Juvia said, defeated, and dramatically slouched over.
“Don’t sound so disappointed cause’ I stopped you from smelling me! Don’t you realize that ain’t normal!?” He exclaimed.
“Juvia doesn’t care about what’s normal! Juvia hasn’t smelled your sweet scent in six whole months! You can’t blame me!” She defended, reaching her arms out for Gray.
“Quit bein’ creepy and meet me in the living room when you’re done packing.” Gray asserted with an annoyed, but familiar look on his face as he quickly made his way out of her room and shut the door, as Juvia sulked on her bed.
They soon packed all of their belongings and walked through their front door, back into the village where a ray of sun peaked through the dispersing clouds.
“Juvia is so sad to say goodbye to she and Gray-sama’s home.” She frowned with exaggerated sniffles.
“I wouldn’t call this a goodbye.” He said frankly. “It’s more like a ‘see-ya-later.’“ He turned to Juvia with a smirk on his face. Her eyes began to glow, and she settled onto a content smile.
“Yes, Gray-sama.” She looked to the ground with her fulfilled smile.
On their walk to the train, Gray grabbed his arms and gave a small shiver.
“It’s gettin’ kinda’ cold out.” He simply said.
Juvia pondered and looked around a little to see any signs of anyone or anything being cold, which she did not, and felt her own body temperature at a fairly normal level, and for Gray especially, this weather was hardly anything.
“Really? Juvia doesn’t think it’s too co-” She turned back to Gray with confusion and quietly gasped as she saw him wrapping himself with a grey, poorly knitted, homey/cozy looking, seemingly worn in scarf. He did not make eye contact with her, and kept his sharp expression on the road ahead.
She knew that scarf all too well.
“Actually, Juvia is a little chilly.” Attempting to keep her overjoyed reaction in line, she simply wrapped her one arm around Gray’s and with the other she reached out and held his hand, causing him to initially flinch, but he kept his hand intertwined with hers.
They made their way to their true home, Fairy Tail, walking in bliss, putting the bad parts of the past behind them and looking to a hopeful future.
One where Juvia’s rain would never return.
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wigglywormy · 7 years
Kiribaku | Stupid Jeans [submission]
Just a quick Kiribaku tickle drabble because I’ll probably die when the scene where Bakugou laughs for the first time ever gets animated. It’s SFW so don’t worry! Lots of cursing though lmao. (Worm, you’re the super bestest tickle blogger I’ve ever met and you’re making my BNHA tickle fantasies come to life every day so thank you for that. I’ve been following your blog for like?? A year now? I keep deleting my blogs but I always read up on your posts whenever I have the chance. Also your writing really really inspires me!! I love you lots okay!!)
worm’s notes: AHHH DUDE THANK U SO MUCH FOR SUBMITTING THIS TO ME!!! it’s super cute holy shit ive reread it like 4 times i love it!!!!!!!! <333 if you ever write any more tickle fics please dont be afraid to submit ‘em to me, or link them to me if u post it! :D (and thank you omg, im so glad my writing can inspire you!)
Stupid. Fucking. Jeans.
Bakugou stood in the middle of his dorm room, trying to pry off the skin-tight jeans that his pro-hero teacher forced him into the other day. He couldn’t get them off yesterday, so he gave up and just slept in them. But now the circulation was being cut off from his ankles, and he hated the feeling of the belt pressing against his middle. It pinched whenever he bent over or tried to move his legs at all, really. It made using his quirk far too difficult. He needed to get these things off. Frustrated, he growled as he tugged at the pant legs, which were seemingly stuck around his brawny thighs. He went from frustrated to infuriated, throwing his head back in anguish. 
“FUCK THIS!!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, stomping furiously into the floorboards. Alas, the pants felt like they were growing tighter. He couldn’t stand it. A wavering aura of sadism washed over his expression.
“I’ll burn these fuckers off before I even try to pull them off. I’m never wearing these again.” He grumbled angrily to himself, small pops of explosions crackling in the palms of his hands. Just when he was about to explode his actual leg off, there was a knock at his door.
“Get lost.” He barked, realizing how ridiculous he looked. Hunched over, with pants half-way down his legs, one hand sizzling in preparation for attack.  Of course, that was his usual way of greeting people at the door, so whomever it was, ignored his warning and walked in anyway. A bit to his relief, it was just Kirishima. 
“What are you yelling about now? I heard you all the way at the end of the hallway.” The red-haired boy said, kicking off his shoes and shutting the door behind him. Before Bakugou could reply, Kirishima caught sight of the other. The two had just started dating; probably a few months ago. Bakugou was used to him seeing him undressed, but this time, it was slightly more embarrassing. “Wh-?” Kirishima began to ask, before immediately bursting into a fit of rowdy laughter. He doubled over, howling. 
“What the heck?! You- You look so-!” He gasped for air between each bellow of laughter, causing his knees to grow weak. He leaned against the wall, clutching his stomach. “I can’t breathe!” 
Bakugou erupted into anger. Nothing pissed him off more than the sound of someone laughing at him. “Shut up!” He hissed. “Make yourself useful and help me get these things off.”
He struggled once more, beginning to rip at the seams desperately.  Catching his breath, Kirishima swiped a tear away from his eye. “Sure, sure. Just calm down, will ya?”
“I’M COMPLETELY CALM.” Bakugou screeched, his palms crackling a bit louder. Kirishima shielded his face, frowning slightly. 
“No, you’re not. Just relax. We’ll get these off of you, okay?”
Bakugou actually began to take a deep breath, before huffing it out exasperatingly. “Fine. Hurry up.” He looked back at the door. “And lock that door. If anyone sees this, I’ll have to murder them. And then murder you.”
Kirishima laughed at his feisty boyfriend, ensuring the door was locked before strolling back over to him, pointing to the bed. 
“Lay down. It’ll be easier if your legs aren’t bent or holding your weight up.” Grunting, Bakugou obliged. Kirishima took a hold of the jeans, more towards his lower calf, tugging with all of his might. But Bakugou came with him. He gripped the sheets to keep from sliding off of the mattress, grunting again. Kirishima expected him to start cursing him out, but it seemed he was actually willing to work together on this. Bakugou pulled his leg back, trying to at least slide his heel through the tight hole, but it didn’t work. He threw his head back into the pillow, huffing. 
“DAMMIT!” He punched the mattress. “I’M GONNA DESTROYYYY THESE JEANS!” His palms began to flare up, but his boyfriend took his hand gently. “Breathe, Katsuki. We got this.”
Bakugou took another shaky breath. It was rare Kirishima used his first name, but it at least proved to him that he was trying to be serious, despite how absurd the scene looked.
“Lets try again.” Bakugou muttered, guiding Kirishima’s hand to the top of the pants, which were still scrunched around his thighs. Kirishima blushed, looking away sheepishly. It’s not like he hasn’t been this close to him before; it just still made him nervous.
“O-Okay.” He hooked his fingers into the belt loops, tugging at them yet again.  “Pull harder!” Bakugou ordered, leaning back more, trying to slip his legs out the opposide direction. Kirishima put more oomph into it, but the belt loop snapped, and Kirishima stumbled back a little bit. Bakugou huffed again, sitting upright.  “Get the scissors.” He rasped through clenched teeth, digging his fingernails into the palms of his hands.
Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck. “Are you sure? I think Best Jeanist will be angry if he finds out you cut up his jeans.”
“Whatever. He can just make more.” Bakugou grumbled. “Like I care, anyway.” He glowered at the floor, hissing under his breath, “Why did it have to be skinny jeans?”
“Why don’t you try wiggling out of them?” Kirishima said suddenly, his face lighting up.
“I’ve tried everything!” Bakugou barked. “They’re not budging. I’m done with this shit.
“Wiggle more, then!”
“C’mon, wiggle, like this,” Kirishima did a ridiculous jig with his legs. Bakugou only glared, his eyebrow twitching slightly. Kirishima sighed, placing his hands on his hips.
“I’ll help you.” He said, a teasing smirk lingering on his face. He reached down and pinched Bakugou’s hip. The blonde jerked back, his breath hitching in his throat. “Don’t.” He snarled, one hand gripping Kirishima’s wrist firmly. 
“Don’t what?” Kirishima grinned, pinching his hip again with his free hand. “Don’t tell me you’re ticklish.” 
A pause. “I’m not.” 
Kirishima only laughed. “You are! That’s perfect. That’ll get you out of these jeans in no time.” 
Bakugou scoffed, smoke seeping from his palms. “I will melt you into a puddle, Kirishima. Don’t fucking touch me.” 
“Too late!” Kirishima cooed, activating his hardening quirk, but leaving his hands soft, as he began to dig into Bakugou’s side. The blonde yelped, trying to kick him away, but with his legs stuck in those stupid jeans, he could hardly move. The ticklish sensation shot throughout his sides, and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best not to smile or laugh at all. He bit the inside of his cheek, tasting blood in a matter of seconds. 
“G-Get off of me!” He hollered, a grin tugging at his lips. Kirishima tickled up his sides, crawling underneath Bakugou’s arms. Bakugou snickered, trembling slightly. 
“But you have to wiggle, Katsuki. It’s the only way to get these jeans off!”  His damn teasing voice caused Bakugou’s face to turn red, a full smile on his face at this rate. 
“Stop-” He snickered again, “Not there-” Those last words were almost whispered, before he started cackling. “S-STOP!”
“But it’s working!” Kirishima pushed his boyfriend back onto the bed, drilling his thumbs into the hollows of Bakugou’s hips. The poor blonde began to laugh helplessly, still pushing at Kirishima’s shoulders. His body was much heavier while hardened, making it challenging to force him away. Bakugou was beyond pissed off, though you couldn’t tell with him laughing as hard as he was. 
“I-I’m gonna k-kill you-!” Bakugou choked between laughs, kicking his legs again. To his surprise, he felt the jeans begin to slip off a little. He couldn’t believe this was working. 
“Your laugh is so cute, Katsuki. Why don’t you laugh more? It’ll help with your anger issues, I’m sure.”
“SHUT! UP!” Bakugou bellowed, his hands crackling as he shoved Kirishima’s shoulders again, without much avail. Kirishima scratched at Bakugou’s stomach as he watched the other struggle with amusement. “You’re ticklish everywhere, aren’t you?” 
Bakugou couldn’t even bring himself to retort. He curled his legs up into his chest, heaving with laughter. His laugh was raspy and loud, occasionally transitioning to a high-pitched chortle. Each helpless giggle squeezed Kirishima’s heart, but it only made him want to tickle him longer. Even if the jeans slide off, he wanted to hear his laugh until the end of time. As the two rolled and struggled, the jeans slid off a little more, inch by inch, until one leg finally popped free.
“Hey, look!” Kirishima beamed, but continued to tickle his boyfriend under his arms again. “It’s working!”
Bakugou pressed his foot against Kirishima’s hardened hip, thrusting as hard as he could. 
“I SAID STOP-!” He howled, melting into a pile of giggles for a split second, before returning to his regular, explosion-ridden fury. “K-KIRISHIMA!”  Kirishima laughed along with him. “I like your red underwear, by the way. Remind you of anyone?”
That was it. 
Bakugou sent a small blast into the air, scorching one of their posters right off of the wall. “CUT IT OUT! I CAN’T FUCKING BREATHE!”
Kirishima finally backed off, his hands in the air pensively. “Holy shit, babe.” He breathed, hoping the wall hadn’t caught on fire. Luckily, the only thing harmed was a bit of paint on the wall. And, well, his All Might poster, which was now smithereens on the carpet. “We’re gonna get in trouble for that.”
Bakugou shot up, still out of breath. “You’re the one tickling me, asshole!” Kirishima smiled. “Yeah, tell that to Mr. Aizawa when he inevitably asks about the commotion.” 
“I will!”
“You will not.”
“So you’re gonna openly admit being ticklish to our teacher? Who will definitely add that to your hero database? Then everyone will know your secret weakness?”
Bakugou pressed the palms of his hands into his face, shouting into them.  “GET. OUT.” 
“Nah.” Kirishima brushed off some of the burned poster off his leg, yanking the other pant leg off of Bakugou. He tossed the jeans into the trash can, leaning back on the bed. 
“You’re welcome.” Kirishima chuckled, patting Bakugou’s leg. The blonde had finally calmed down, and was laying back on the mattress as well, his eyes closed. 
“I hate you. I hope you know that. I’m going to kill you in your sleep tonight.” He draped his arm across his face, before smiling just a tiny bit. 
“I love you too, Katsuki.” Kirishima replied after a moment. He curled up beneath Bakugou’s arm, humming contently. The two lay in silence for the rest of the evening, not even paying attention to the knocks at the door from neighboring dorm mates, wondering what the explosion and yelling was about. Bakugou was actually calm for once, but would never admit the reason being from releasing his stress through laughter. But at least the torment was over for now, and that’s all that mattered to him. Just as much as the boy under his arm mattered to him. 
[Thank you again for letting me submit this!! I hope you like it!!]
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