#couldnt decide if i should keep her length make it longer or something else
cottageivy · 1 year
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alysia makeover
to go with eliza's makeover i did a few months ago :)
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
Hey! Can you do a scenario for AOT with Mikasa, Sasha, and Annie’s S/O gets seriously injured during a fight with some titans? Whether the reader survives or not can be up to you. I love how you write for the AOT characters haha
“Battles,” Mikasa x Sasha x Annie Headcanons
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Couldnt find a gif with all 3 of them. SAD
Summary: Being with one of the girls and you get injured in battle
Warnings: none, no spoilers
Also pls don’t comment any spoilers and be considerate of others thank you <3
You weren’t supposed to be on this expedition but Mikasa had convinced the Captain to let you tag along, knowing how much of use you would be which was true.
You were pretty good at your job and you were well known for your skills so it wasn’t a hard decision for Levi to accept the offer of you being on his team and coming along with them.
But you were way over your head. You were thinking the capture of Bertholdt and Reiner would be simple, easy, won’t have to do much but you were far from right.
As the both of them transformed into their Titan forms, you had tried your best to take Reiner down- going to far lengths and risking your life completely. He needed to be down, no matter the cost and you knew what you needed to do.
As you swung and flipped in the air, shooting the gear to shoot into the wall, helping you fly up higher up to the back of Reiner’s neck, trying to be quick to swipe your sword through his thick skin but he had seen you from a mile away.
He moved his hand up, swinging it across the air and knocking you back quite hard, making it difficult to move and dodge the attack. You were thrown across the sky, your gear crushed and too jammed to shoot a hook up and the impact of his armor had almost instantly knocked you unconscious.
Mikasa had seen everything unfold before her very eyes, panic running through her veins as she tried to fly towards you and was trying to be fast enough to catch you midair but you were flying at high speed.
You finally landed on the hard ground, sliding against the cement and the impact of your head hitting the ground had killed you in seconds. There was no way for you to survive the landing, it was too hard, too fast. You were like a bug smashing on the ground.
She didn’t want to believe that the impact had killed you, she knew how strong you were, you could survive, you could make it out of this with some broken bones.
As her feet landed on the ground, the sight of your body on the ground, frozen still. She kneeled down beside you, wanting to hold back her emotions, she hated to show her true feelings but seeing someone she considered her soul mate laying before her dead, her tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.
“Y/N,” She whispered more to herself, her hands reaching down to pick you up and hold you in her arms, sighing to herself.
The guilt and blame had washed over her quickly. It was her fault you were out here risking your life, she shouldn’t have pressured you to come but she had confidence that you would be the one to end this fight once and for all.
A few tears had slipped down her cheeks, shaking her head as the anger boiled inside of her. She was going to make him pay for this, she was going to kill him with her bare hands no matter what.
She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t want to leave your dead body here and she didn’t want to leave you behind but what more could she do? Carry you around while everyone is fighting for their lives? She grunted, walking inside one of the broken down house and laid you on the floor.
She had taken her jacket off, looking down at you one last time, not knowing if she’ll be able to come back and collect your body for a proper burial. Her heart was broken, it pained her to see you like this but she needed to keep herself together- for the others.
“I’ll be back for you, I promise.” She mumbled, laying her jacket over your face after she had planted a single kiss to your forehead before returning back to the fight.
The scouts were doing a short expedition that shouldn’t be of much trouble, it was just to explore boundaries and figure out future plans that needed to be set.
But randomly a crowd of titans had showed up unexpectedly. You were told that not many would be out and this would be an easy mission to get through before going home but you knew by the large crowd, you weren’t going home anytime soon.
You glanced over at Sasha, a look of panic written on her face and as you both stood high up on the tree, you reached over to grab a hold of her hand to reassure her that everything would be alright.
“Don’t panic, I’m sure this would be a breeze.” You said confidently and she gave you a weak smile, squeezing onto your hand.
“Just don’t die on me.” She said sarcastically, moving her feet to stand closer to you as the both of you looked down at the Titans that were only getting closer.
“Same goes for you.” She laughed at your words, feeling much better about the situation and before she leaped off the tree, she had given you one last smile and blew you a kiss.
You had watched her swing along the trees, you were in complete awe with how talented she actually is with the gear and being able to take down some Titans no problem.
But once you heard the others swing down, you had snapped back into reality and jumped off the tree branch, feeling the wind gush up against your face before you had shot the wire into the tree and swung up in the air.
It wasn’t hard to take down most of them but once you heard there were more problems deep inside of the woods, something the scouts weren’t aware of except for Levi’s team and Eren himself.
You had taken it in your own hands and risked going deeper to be of some help since the Titans were under control near the edge of the woods. But once you made it towards the middle, you instantly regretted your decision as your eyes stared up at the female titan.
“Y/N, you need to go back!” You heard Eren shout towards you as all of Levi’s team laid out around you dead.
Everything was spinning, you head was spinning and you felt lightheaded but the look of determination on the female Titans face as she stared down at Eren, it clicked in your mind that he was first priority. Levi would want you to protect him.
“Eren just ride to the others, I’ll distract her.”
“But you’ll die just like them!”
“As long as you have time to run away, I’m fine with that just go.” You looked at him, nodding your head and watched him ride away through the woods.
Before she could try to run after him, you flew up and sliced through the skin on her ankles which somewhat prevented her from running right away. You just needed to give Eren a few minutes, that’s it. Nothing else mattered but his safety.
It wasn’t long till Levi had swung in and tried to help you and at first it was working until one wrong turn and the female titan had grabbed onto the wire that was attached to your gear.
She had spun around, dragging you by the wire and let go to watch you fly pass the trees and eventually hitting one pretty hard. Instantly you can feel a few of your bones break at the impact, making you fall to the ground in pain.
She didn’t even bother trying to finish you off, her mind was set on Eren and she quickly ran away. Levi landed in front of you, looking down at you state and cursed under his breath, he could tell you weren’t going to be able to stand on your own.
“Just go, I’ll be fine.” You groaned, wiping the blood from your mouth and his eyes had stared into yours, deciding whether or not he should actually leave you here and he did after saying he’ll have someone come back for you.
But while you sat up against the tree, having a hard time breathing properly, you could hear a familiar voice yelling in the distance calling for you. You had tried to move but everything hurt too much, making you sit still.
You finally saw Sasha come in view, her eyes landed on you and they grew wide as she quickly jumped off her horse and ran to where you were. She started to panic at the way you were covered in blood and she could tell a few bones were noticeably broken.
“Are you okay? Can you stand?” She asked, looking down at your legs and reached down to try to grab a hold of you.
“Sasha..” You barely said loud enough at first but she continued to try to lift you up and hold your body up.
“Sasha just leave me here, I’ll only slow you down.” You spoke louder, the pain unbearable and you could feel it take over your entire body.
“What? No!” She yelled at you, practically carrying you to her horse and tried her best to put you on top of it, almost failing but she managed to do it.
“Don’t ever tell me to leave you, are you crazy?” She scoffed, jumping on behind you and made sure you were leaned back comfortably against her chest as she rode through the woods.
Your eyes moved to look up at her, a small weak smile coming across your lips as you tried to wipe the blood leaking down your face as it tickled your skin. You couldn’t help the pain shoot through your body but you were also glad you were alive to be with Sasha just a bit longer.
“I love you.” You mumbled up to her, making her eyes shoot down to meet yours and she couldn’t help but laugh quietly, her heart racing.
She was grateful she even made it in time and that you were still breathing, she wouldn’t know how to live if she came a little too late.
(this one is gonna hurt a lil)
When Annie had started her mission to bring information back to Marley, she didn’t expect herself to fall for one of the Scouts that she went through the training corps with.
She always tried to stay away, keep her distance and do what she needed to do but you were always persistent and always got on her nerves which you enjoyed doing.
After a while, you grew on her more and more and eventually it turned into a little fling. She didn’t want to admit that she considered you two a couple and she also didn’t want to go too deep about feelings or go forward with asking you out.
So instead it was an unsaid thing between you two.
After a while, Reiner had caught on to the fling she had with you and he could see how much it distracted her from her mission and the reason why she was here.
He had tried to slap some sense into her and even threatened her on many occasions, nothing ever worked but nothing can scare Annie so easily. But she knew if Reiner had even tried to lay a finger on you, he was dead.
But during one of the expeditions you were called on after the Armor titan had kicked another hole into the second wall, you were there to try to save as many civilians as possible but Reiner had another plan in mind.
He had somehow gotten you alone during the mission, asking for some help but he was lying, his plan to get you killed by a titan was on the top of his head, he needed to do it for Annie’s sake.
“I heard there’s more civilians over here, needed some help to collect them.” Reiner said to you, making you nod your head and follow him.
Until he purposely jammed up your gear, forcing you to stumble down on the ground at the perfect place and time- a titan stumbling along towards the both of you.
“Reiner, what the fuck?” You shouted up at him, your eyebrows furrowing together and you slid your blade back out.
“No hard feelings.” He said, staring down at you from the rooftop.
He had watched the titan stumble closer to you and it didn’t take long for it to eventually catch up to you and without your gear, it was no use, you were dead.
The titan had easily bitten down onto your leg, ripping it clean off and doing the same with your arm, making you practically bleed to death as you screamed with agony, the last thoughts in your head was of Annie.
She had swung through the air, looking around for you when she hasn’t seen you in a long period of time which was unusual, your team was stationed not too far from hers- she would’ve seen you by now.
She had an awful feeling in the back of her head, like something bad was gonna happen. And she believed it when she had seen Reiner with you.
“What’s going on here?” She said, walking up behind the both of you but you were laid out on the ground.
Her eyes had went wide, seeing your body on the ground- half eaten.
“I tried to save them but I was too late.” Reiner lied through his teeth as her body shook with anger, she didn’t believe one word from his mouth.
“You did this, didn’t you? You forced a titan to capture Y/N.” She mumbled, her skin growing hot as her hand gripped the sword and she glared up at him.
“Maybe they’re just not that good as they seem.”
Annie swung her fist, punching him straight in the jaw and watched him stumble back on the roof, almost falling over and Bertholdt had landed behind them, stepping in the middle.
“Hey, stop it!” He yelled, making her eyes glare at him as well before her full attention landed on you.
She sighed under her breath, she should’ve known this would happen. She wasn’t meant to be tied down because every time it happened, it ended badly. Maybe she was bad luck.
She kneeled down to pick up your body, wanting to scream, maybe even transform and kill the both of them for doing this to you. Most of all, she wanted to cry and she was never good at expressing emotions. She never cried, never smiled but when she was around you- it was different- she felt every emotion.
“I’m so sorry.” Annie mumbled, her eyes staring down at you and her heart felt empty again.
It was empty before you then you filled it up with such love and happiness and now she was back to being empty, back to feeling alone and angry. She wished she didn’t put you through this, such pain and suffering just by being with her. She felt guilt and she just wished she could have saved you and protected you.
“I’m sorry.”
Annie’s is kinda short but I tried😳
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