#couldve made it more believable yall lmao
kuiinncedes · 4 years
Lol hoW do the Warblers not lose s2 sectionals
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strangesigils · 3 years
Lmao "no receipts" people cant send links in asks!!! Learn to google things and get your head out of semples ass to actually get some perspective on the situation. Vantablack was military bullshit, kapoor gets rights for himself to use it for art, then semple attacks him for internet points. kapoor being a jerk doesn't preclude semple from also being a jerk? Hes not your friend, or acting in good faith. Hes trying to make money just like kapoor. Theyre the same dude!! The fight benefits both!
My personal messages are open to everybody, always have been, and nobodys sending me any proof of anything, so yeah my no receipts point stands. Every point I’m being sent by anonymous cowards are some of the farthest reaches I’ve seen in a long ass time. 
I have no respect for people that slander peoples names on anonymous with no proof to provide, copy and paste for links exists, and google isn’t coming up with any of the crap yall are talking about. Making shit up about somebody being an antisemite over a huge reach of speculation is a vile thing to do to an activist in a time were we have more than enough antisemites to deal with as it is without making shit up and witchhunting proven equality allies.
Yeah I’m aware vantablack is being used by the military, but it can obviously also be used for art, because it is. It’d be an insanely expensive process at this point in time sure, but what Anish did was not only put money towards being able to use it in art himself, he put money towards being the only artist allowed to use it for those purposes. If he hadn’t done that it couldve been used by other artists that could currently afford it, or more artists in the future if it ever got synthesized into a safer medium. Like you said google exists, and that fact is freely available.
Kapoor deserved to be attacked and called out for that, and thanks to Semple calling him out and being motivated by the discourse he created some really fucking awesome alternatives to vantablack, and he only charges what it costs to make and distribute it so artists that aren’t well off might still afford it. He even went homeless for a while in the process of this because he was LOSING money on this venture, so tell me again how disgustingly wealthy he apparently is. Which is info that’s also freely available to you but you want so bad to be on a bandwagon you’re not going to look for info that discredits shit you read in a random tumblr post that had nice looking and easy to understand bullet points.
I don’t think it makes somebody an asshole to ‘attack’ a greedy self centered man who did something that rocked the artist community to its core, I don’t think it makes him an asshole to use it to boost his self made alternatives. Tasteless? Possibly But he makes up for that with his constant activist work for LGBTQ+ rights, his commitment to the removal of anti-homeless structures in the UK, his commitment to empowering poorer artists, and so on. Things you seem so sure he’s got no good faith in when he does them.
Cancel Culture has it’s purpose: to get rid of actually horrible people like rapists, nazis/white supremacists, people that support homophobic or racist organizations, evil people, people that cause real harm. All yall got is distaste for his advertising strategies  Get off your high horse on this one folks because this is pathetic, just admit your bored and looking for something new to be mad about during quarantine and leave the dude alone 
I don’t give a fuck if I don’t know him personally, neither do you! Yet your ready to tear him down off some random internet persons speculation about him. I’m defending him off of facts that I know and can support because I believe it’s the right thing to do.
I’m turning anonymous asking off from now on. If yall are so confident in the reaches youre making and bandwagoning on you should have the guts to say it with your online identity. You’re comfortable sending mobs of hate over to a person based off vague speculations to the point where they close down their business you should feel solid enough in your stance to be able to defend yourself on your blog from angry online randoms in the exact same way Semple is right now.
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enchantedpendant · 3 years
internal medicine
nearly 2 weeks ago now i finished my IM rotation. sure, it was only the second rotation i fully got through (bcs covid and all that)... but tbh, it already seems like the best. i have a few reasons for that.
the first thing would be how i, at this point, am actually most interested in IM as a specialty, as in i actually do wanna become an internist. i even have a subspecialty in mind — endocrinology! and for this i think i’d have to give a shoutout, with utmost respect, to one professor, an endocrinologist who gave several classes back in preclinical. he was just... very smart, which of course not that im saying others aren’t as smart, but his teaching method is just very effective. his classes were among the few which i’d actively take notes for, thats how invested i get. he was probably the first one that got me thinking “huh... IM seems interesting” when for years before that i thought i wanted to be an OBGYN.
aside from that wonderful teacher, allow me to elaborate more on what i like from IM. all the complex cases with long lists of comorbidities that some would complain about? listen, i love them. not in the sense of “oh theyre easy”, obviously theyre complicated and difficult, but like thats the fun! everything connects and the discussions could become endless. it might sound pessimistic when i say that somehow it would feel like no matter how much i study there would always be something i dont know, something others would know better about... but i dont mind that — the things to learn about are endless. IM is vast, dare i say it’s a large portion of medicine. the patients we come across are extremely varying. i love how these complex cases could feel like giant puzzles. i love how you get to work with other specialties or maybe even subspecialties among the internists for each cases — i love how its like a team game. and the workload feels like it hits a perfect balance — as in, i get to ‘directly’ save lives (hopefully... i mean, dealing with possibly mortal cases could be scary but also very rewarding), but on the other hand the chances of being forcibly woken up at 3AM for an emergency are far less (than, lets say, the surgical specialties... im sorry OBGYN).
last but absolutely not the least, i would like to say thank you to my preceptor throughout this 9 weeks rotation. the coolest dude ive ever known. my senior in junior high and senior high (10 years my senior, to be exact), the dude who went through the same trajectory through school as i did (started school at 5, skipped 2 years, got into med school at age 15)... ive heard a LOT about him (“OH you started med school at age 15? youre just like Alex then!!” i get that from nearly everyone yes his name is also Alex) but this was the very first time i actually got to interact with him. dude’s so smart, he became an internist at age 27 bruh holy shit dude what the hell and he could really teach. dude treated us coffee on our first and last meeting, greeted us on Whatsapp with “gang”... believe me when i say that we were truly shocked bcs... nah mates attendings just dont do that😭 i could go on and on about him, ive bored my mom by talking endlessly about him lmao all on how cool he is, but i’ll spare yall on that. he told us a story on how he decided to become an internist (after initially wanting to become an OBGYN!) and his story made me go... hey.... yeah i could relate to that. i sent him a message earlier today, a nice lil thank you and that im really happy to have him as my preceptor and i hope i could be just like him within the next 10 years. he responded along the lines of “awww! i hope our discussions were helpful, i wish we couldve had more but too bad we dont have enough time😞 see you on top, doc! ideally you dont need 10 years, you have lots of potential👍” which deadass i sent my mom the screenshot of it and i said “look at him and these white lies hdjskdjsksks omg how do i respond” i havent even opened the messages bcs idk what to say🥺😭 tl;dr knowing him has been very inspiring and i feel like ive learned a lot, more than just in an academic sense. i dont get all inspired and motivated often... but he did that.
okay yeah this post is long enough, ive said plenty i think! lol but i think IM deserves this.
imma rate Internal Medicine 9/10... the only 1 its losing is bcs i wish i had spent less time napping etc etc and spent even more time studying😭 like i still couldve done more i think😕 and like holy shit this is wild yall you dont often get to see me retrospectively wishing i studied more and of course with covid and all, we had no night shifts, we were discouraged from doing certain invasive interventions to the patients, so we still werent getting the Full Experience™ you see... but oh well
thank you IM (and doctor Alex!) — i hope i’ll see yall again☺️
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fairy-made · 4 years
I dont think I ever said anything about this, but when I replayed the skyrim romance mod after it got an update a while back, it seemed like someone read my random comments about it and like....actually tweaked the mod?? which is really cool imo. putting this under a cut since I think the mod still generally has a bad rep, even though it seems like theyre working on that in some capacity. I didnt really even know what the drama was about in the first place.
literally everything I talked about that could be fixed within a reasonable amount of time was fixed. back then (~3-4 yrs ago) I was a little more tolerant of the “bad boy, borderline abusive” type and while the character himself seems to be intentionally pushy, it seems to be a bit better. if I remember correctly, I think they cut the rapey bits and just worked around it so that bishop was still a brat about your player not wanting to have sex, but not a scary horny nutcase. theres a big difference between “youre gonna have sex with me one of these days wench!!” and “ugh, fine, be like that!” its def not A+, but it is an improvement that still suits the character. I obviously wasnt too bothered with the earlier version back then (had some stuff I was going through), but now I can see the concern, and to me its less cringey. Id have to replay it again to see how I feel exactly, but Im sure its better at least.
they re-did the whole interaction with cael so instead of him talking about how he could give you orgasms like youve never seen, hes cautious of you yet still kind of flirty. a real sweetie. I mean, I like the new bit, but he could also let me know hes dtf a little bit. lmao thats just me though. 
the one thing I did not like too much was that they added animations for the sex scenes, and that you had no choice but to sit through them (unless you said no to sex altogether). since I literally set the camera so that I could not see the sex anims, I did get to hear bishops VA during the scenes and Imma just say.......... you should hear them. even if its just the once. lmao. I read that theyre gonna cut out the sex mod dependencies so that you can just have fade to black scenes, and I am for that 1000000%. 
now I just hope it gets ported it to the special edition, because it seems waaay too hard and time consuming to do it myself. I tried to start but the list of tasks was just too long to justify working on when I have homework and other stuff to do.
outside all that, I can see why there was such a bad vibe surrounding the mod at first. it all made sense when I read about the drama on reddit, but the harshness  was a bit... much?? from what I read, the creator made some bad choices and eventually acknowledged/fixed them. her reasoning and intentions for making them could be questionable, but people are human, idk what else to say. Im just... not grabbing a pitchfork over this and I fail to see any reason to continue that now lmao. she obviously still wants to hold everything together for the mod and do things better so... Im not gonna hold a grudge even if she made bad choices. she ultimately canceled the kickstarter, and this is all ultimately over a mod. a skyrim mod. you either wanna play and support it or you dont because of very valid reasons. its up to you. but either way it just will never be that serious.
I honestly got the impression that she might be a bad person from stuff I read until I got the chance to read about everything, and then I was like wow.. she fucked up, but the worst thing she did was undone the same day it happened so...like... yall couldve just went on about your lives and left this woman alone. 
anyway, long talk. it seems like the mods at a standstill, since it hasnt been ported to the SE yet and I dont think the creator herself has made any announcements about actual updates coming soon. but I actually hope things stay positive for the mod. 
(also psa, this is for my followers/mutuals if there interested in talking about it. Ive tagged this for the sole purpose of being able to be filtered by those who dont want to hear anything about it.)
Update: so I downloaded the beta for the SE. it wasnt working for me as the dialogue would seem to break anytime after I used racemenu. I literally cant play skyrim without changing my hair, and the person in charge of the beta said to try playing it on a no-rush new game so... I kind of gave up. I had started over twice after already sinking 4-8 hours into those 2 new games, specifically for the mod, and I just didnt feel like doing it again.
Replaying the bits that I could, I will say it is... kind of cheesy. Doesnt bother me much though. I used to write bad fanfiction, so its not the worst. Its just not impervious to being... cheesy at times. Idk how to put it lol. Maybe you could say its tropey? Like something youd read in a romance novel with those dramatic traditional cover illustrations. Not bad. Just, if you hate that kinda thing, you might not be into it. Im not very critical because the alternative is like. 1 other mod? So I just dont mind.
Outside of that I kind of have no idea what my complete opinion is on it now. I intended to find out, but gave up due to modding issues. I was a little younger when I first played it, so I may have different opinions on it now. As I mentioned before my opinion of sex and certain character traits used to be different, and its changed a lot since then. Its still kind of changing even now. I still go “yeah... that was the trauma” about stuff I used to think was not so bad.
To be honest I didnt even remember having an opinion of it as cheesy a few years ago, but now after replaying for the 3rd time Im like... from what little Ive seen so far, its some pretty sharp cheddar lol. So if it is a lot worse than you felt you were led to believe from reading this, Im sorry, and you can inbox me about it. Especially since I may not ever even play the newest version.
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ariesbilly · 5 years
Maybe you've said this already but... what if Gladys was a year or two younger and she was still in high school when FP finished basic training and he got an assignment? (Cross country, another country, I dunno.) And he was so afraid to go away so he asked Gladys to marry him and she dropped out so she could come with him and live on the base and be his cute little army wife. It didn't last long but they got out of riverdale for a few short years at least...
kim.... 😭
i did say something once about gladys and fp getting married straight out of high school before fp left. yours makes more sense cuz im just now realizing i failed to acknowledge the fact that she didnt finish high school lmao although if this show wants me to believe gladys is younger than fp.... lies. im barely tolerating them being the same age yall couldve just made gladys his sugar mama stop the ageism now. although im perfectly fine with robin playing the same age as everybody.... dont ask me why my mind works the way it does it just happens.
anyway this is sad and youve given me a lot to think about
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ts-akhmim · 4 years
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GET YOUR BOTTLES OUT YOUR BONGS YOUR CRACK WHATEVER YOU WANNA CELEBRATE WITH GORLS BECAUSE WE DID IT!!! I've offically conquered my biggest fear of playing in any of these games for the third time in a row, i will NOT be the first boot! I also am keeping my own lil personal record of never having to go to the first tribal council of the season which is wig, although idk lmao i kinda wanted to go to tribal just because im gonna be honest, i want to PLAY the game. Right now everyone is still kinda in that annoying honeymoon woohoo go team phase, which granted I do want us to keep up for the numbers, but ... im bored. im trying my best to keep up and be in the social circle but i swear actually talking to other people is probably one of the hardest things for me, especially the whole call culture thing like oh gorl i dont even like talking to my grandma on the phone, like im all for group calls but when people message me wanting to do 1 on 1 calls? uh.... my commitment issues jumped out. I hope that doesnt hinder me in the game because im really trying my best with what ive got to make friends and hope people just dont hate me and wanna vote me out, but i still feel like im not doing enough. Maybe im just being hard on myself, ive been having good convos with AJ, Augusto, and Amir, kinda Austin too, but then i feel bad I haven't connected as much with Connor or Kendall, but i do enjoy them on the tribe. My strategy now is gonna be to just work on my social game since we wont have to go to tribal, maybe tone down my dying urge to just wanna strategize, especially because my first time i played i spent too much time talking game and not enough getting to know the people and it ultimately cost me in the end. But i'm also concerned no one is talking game with me really but amir and aj so like.... i literally STILL have no idea how half these people feel about each other from a game perspective, which is okay i guess ,ill be patient, keep my fake smile on and haha hehe'ing with everyone, but just know i have my knife in my boot and im READY to whip it out whenever. But not tonight, we did good, so now i can focus my energy back on this DAMN TOMB. see yall at 2:29 am on the dot!
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YAY. I get to enjoy my first day off EVER in tumblr survivor. im so so happy even though i definitely overdid it in this comp and got too much attention on me but... whew. just gotta wriggle my way back under the radar now
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So, I’m actually not surprised that we lost. I had a gut feeling that we were going to lose just based off of everyone’s activity and performance in the challenge. First tribal always sucks because no one wants to be the first person voted out. Luckily, I don’t think it’ll be me just because I think I have solid connections with everyone. Devon and I had another call where he told me I was his number one ally in the game. Isaac also told me that he and Trace want to both work with me. And I’m also in the DADS-R-US alliance with Autumn/Duncan/Devon. I have connections with almost everyone on the tribe, so I hope that after this tribal we don’t lose another challenge cause then that’s where things are going to be tricky. For this vote, I think it would be best for Bodhi to leave. He gave the worst score for the challenge, not to mention I really haven’t communicated with him much. From conversations that I’ve had with Devon, Isaac, and Trace, they also seem like they are on board with Bodhi. Now the next part is just to convince Autumn and Duncan to vote out Bodhi too. If it’s unanimous, it’ll show that our tribe is more united going forward. I think that’s the easy vote going forward, mainly because I think I have solid connections with everyone else on the tribe so I would hate to ruin those connections going into a swap. I have the DADS-R-US Alliance with Autumn, Devon, & Duncan. I like all of them so I’m glad it’s a thing. I feel like I vibe with all of them and it really solidifies that there’s a majority within the tribe. I do feel bad that Isaac and Trace aren’t in it, just because they’re definitely down to earth people. I can see Trace being a threat long term, so I mainly feel bad that Isaac isn’t included. I like the DADS Alliance, the only concern I might have is that Autumn/Duncan seem to be close so that’s something I need to look out for. Devon says I’m his number 1, but I kind of get the vibe that he might betray me around mid-merge just because it seems like he’s trying to play a big UTR game. So that’s something else I want to think about in the back of my mind. Overall, I feel like everything else is self-explanatory. I feel like after the first night, people just kind of got quieter and quieter. I’m hoping that everyone will be on board with voting out Bodhi and that I don’t end up being #blindsided at the first tribal. Cause that would be awful.
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Night number 3, ive done my research, studied up on my questions, i basically AM an egyptian now, only for me to get my ass back on the path to the tomb for the 3rd time, only to get all the questions right and see the pedestal is EMPTY. Meaning there's a few scenarios that couldve happened. Clearly I was too slow, and my honest hunch is someone found this damn thing night one, no one has said anything to me, and i feel like ive had decent conversations with the people i semi trust? My first instinct says it could be amir because me and him were both going non STOP on looking for that idol night 1 and then he never mentioned it to me again, which granted i didnt say shit to him when i found it so touche on that one, hopefully he has it and just doesnt want to tell anyone which i wouldnt mind, or aj could have it which i really would hope he doesnt and is lying to me about it because clearly that would be bad because itd make me think he wants to use it against me, but i dont think aj has it. Everyone else is a wildcard, I wouldnt be surprised a bit if connor or kendall have it, there's a reason to me why everyone could have it so im not gonna let it drive me crazy, clearly im just not in the know about it with whoever has got it and thats JUST fine and dandy.... I know how to play this game with or without idols in my possession, whoever has it might have a bit of a head start on me, but trust and believe it's only day 3 the shenanigans have just begun dahling. Now that just means I have to REALLY be on my A game, it'll be a bit of a tricky challenge navigating around the idol, especially in a tribe of 7, but much like everything else in my life, im gonna suck it up and make it work, so whoever you are that's got it, you better beware of me! Because now I know you got it! And if I got a lead that's all I need to cause some chaos, in fact I think im gonna go do that now, I wanna talk to everyone who might not have found the way to the tomb yet and let them know someone got it already, create some paranoia and maybe make sure the target isn't on my back but we'll see, like i said when i get bored i get creative
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okay so i'm already really anxious KJLASDF. i really am mad at myself for getting the highest score in the challenge, that was so stupid. next challenge i somehow have to wriggle my way backwards, because being a winner with the highest score? what was i thinking that was suchhhh clownery ugh. well. i need to tone it down 100%
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Deep down, I almost prefer losing the first competition for two reasons: 1. You can weed out the weakest member of your tribe (almost like cutting the fat off the meat) 2. You are able to test tribe loyalty from the start. If you win a bunch of comps and go into a swap with numbers, that's great, but you will always be itching to actually play the game. Those without tested loyalty will have a hard time adjusting against those that have been forced to play already. In terms of the vote, it sounds like everyone wants to take it easy and vote out Bodhi. That is fine, but I'm not thrilled about it. I feel like Isaac would have made a better first boot considering his messages are somewhat dry and he has more connections across the current cast. However, it doesn't make sense to cause a rift right now. Pending an idol play, this should be a remotely easy round for the tribe. -Slithers-
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cast assessment: the brawn tribe is losers. who the fuck wins a challenge lol. fucking losers.
but i like ali and im excited to play with jordan pines. the beauty tribe is FULL of former allies of mine. Augusto, Connor, Amir, AJ, and whoever else? they're all people i've worked with (maybe aside from aj i dont remember tbh). So far I'd say im alligned with everyone on my tribe to an extent. Isaac and I have a night one alliance, but I think I have to cut him this round... Fuck. I love Autumn and Duncan, and I like Devon and Scott. Trace I'm indifferent to, and I'd be happy to see him go, but idgaf if he stays. Right now im trying to find the idol with isaac, while im not telling isaac that he's gone if he doesn't find it and play it. Ideal scenario: isaac finds the idol and we idol out trace 6-1 ( i want to protect myself from being seen as helping isaac).
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Bodhi is driving me insane. First he blows the challenge and now he's like gone on a mad dash to get into the Tomb, which is probably boobie trapped to hell btw. I'm just kinda over him being here like he pulls me aside Day One and tells me he wants to work with me and then I hear from Trace that not only is Bodhi writing my name down but thinks everyone else is going along with it. I hope Bodhi doesn't have the idol; but in the event he does I'm thinking about throwing a vote on someone else to make it a 5-1-1 as a contingency. Bodhi if you read this I'm sorry buddy that you might be a 2 time first boot but I can't help you and I don't think I really want to. I'm just praying I survive this round.
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I have not been the best in explaining myself in these confessionals huh… but let’s do a recap for y’all <3
Day 1 went by super fast but the good thing about my social game is that I do make a good first impression on people and I think that ultimately helped me get my footing so far? Within the first hour or so of talking to Kendall, she suggested we become an alliance. At first I was taken aback like MA’AM you don’t know me like that… but I of course said yes because why deny an alliance yknow? I do like Kendall though, so it was nice that she quickly decided she wanted to join forces in the game. Connor and I reconnected from our time in Socotra and we were dropping hints of protecting one another in this game, which was nice. Amir and I clicked INSTANTLY like it was insane how well we meshed together yknow? I would consider him my #1 ally so far and I know for a fact the feeling is reciprocated but I do wanna keep an eye out for him because he’s gonna be incredibly dangerous in this game. Adam and I also clicked super quickly due to our love of skinny legendt herself Mariah Carey and we are basically the same person. Austin and I did talk for a bit over our love of similar stuff which was cute. I had the hardest time clicking with AJ. Overall, I had 2 solidified partnerships, 1 unknown partnership, and then a good vibe with mostly everyone else. Day 2 was big to say the least! Amir had let me know that he was the closest to me and Adam during the beginning of the day. He later mentioned Kendall once the alliance was made. So for me, Amir’s connections are me > Kendall > Adam > Connor > Austin/AJ. Adam had told me that I was one of his faves to talk to so yay for that. Austin had also told me that I and Kendall were his faves to talk to. So… here I am thinking that I am doing THAT in the game ngl and then Connor asks me “lowkey like we’re gonna work together right” which I already assumed but said ofc. He then told me Kendall wanted to make an alliance with us two, herself, and Amir. I am totally for this as my 3 close personal alliances basically combine into one alliance which is nice. That being said, the others were trying to think of a fake 5th member to add and it’s a little early to quickly add one person to it. We need more time to feel people out and whatnot, but it did seem interesting that Amir suggested Adam and Kendall suggested Austin given what both had told me way earlier in the day. I would prefer Adam personally as I do feel like currently, Kendall is the most connected and strongest socially in the game just based on my observations. I’d love to think I am a close second but I could be delusional, I tend to be. But yeah, I’m finally in a majority alliance which is cute. And that’s what you missed on Glee <3
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When I tell you that I am SHOOK that I didn’t lose this challenge like… I was expecting to lose ngl so yay for that! Especially since I was one of the top scorers on this challenge… I just hope that excuses my flopping on whatever flash game we get gbhvcnxm but yeah, the thot tribe lost and Bodhi… did so bad like SIR. It is very safe to say he could leave and that makes me sad because I wanted to reunite with him and do some potential damage. I do hope he made an alliance pretty early because Bodhi is honestly a very nice person so yeah. This tribe got told they won the challenge and disappeared like all I hear is crickets nnnn which kinda sucks but oh well. The shitty thing about me as a player is that I sometimes need a lot of reassurance so I just want these people to hit me up first and see what’s up. We shall see what transpires luv xx
The biggest headache of the season (aside from me) is the idol system like I may only have half a brain cell but I’m exerting all its power on trying to find this thing. The clue said to look around and I’ve looked all over the blog and NOTHING like… I do not know what else I could do and it’s driving me absolutely mad luv xx (‘: not that advantages do me any good ever but I just wanna figure it out ;-;
i’m me finding the link to the tomb right after submitting that confessional is a MOOD. k so i put the link in and sent it to the hosts, they told me that “Unfortunately, you have not entered the Tomb” and after that, the picture I saw had disappeared. So now I’m thrown in for a loop (is that even the correct term? ghfdjsk) because I think that the link/pic is only there at certain times and the first person to find it gains access? It is my theory and i’m sticking to it ofc but now what do I do with this information? I think I will sit on it until I gain access to the Tomb for the first time and then we shall see what happens.
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God, I cannot believe we literally got our asses HANDED to us by the other tribes. I actually put a good amount of effort into this challenge so it was a bummer to see that not everybody could hold their weight. But actions have consequences so I guess it makes sense why we're here at tribal council. I really do like all of my tribe mates! There is not a single person on this tribe that I don't want to work with, which makes this whole thing very complicated. Right out of the gate, people were talking about voting Bodhi because of his HORRIBLE performance in the challenge. He came to me right away, calling himself an idiot and hoping I would pity him? I don't tbh, he fucked up and there is no fixing it. I am just kinda pissed because like I understand the concept of procrastination, but we literally had two days to do it and he submitted what, 5 things? Like get a fucking grip idk. So I want him out. It's not a fixable problem for him. I trust Isaac quite a bit. He is def my closest ally at this point. I also really like Scott, even though he fucking ruined me in Maluku. Duncan would be my 3rd. I proposed to them to create a group, and we did. I am hoping that this 4 will help me survive at least a few more pre-swap tribals, but I also feel relatively close to Autumn and Devon too, so really it could swing any way that we want to if Isaac and I are in trouble. Bodhi claims that 6 people are voting for Isaac. I could be that oblivious, but I think that Bodhi is going to get blindsided tonight, which is awkward because how could he not see it coming? Idk, the kid has got some blind ambition lmao. Let us just hope that Isaac and I survive tonight's tribal and then can really this misfit tribe to win a goddamn challenge.
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So after my last confessional, the DADS alliance got on call and lowkey there was actual contemplation on whether or not we should vote out Isaac instead of Bodhi? This video below describes me in that moment
So I'm trying to subtlety tell the DADs that I think Bodhi should go over Trace and Autumns the only one that agrees with me on this. Duncan and Devon are like "no we should keep him and get rid of Isaac" and I really didn't want to do that but at the same time didn't want to seem like a dictator. So I told them I'd vote out Isaac if they felt comfortable with that. We couldn't really agree so we decide to sleep on it and reconvene tomorrow. 
Tomorrow comes around and Devon tells me he still wants Isaac out over Bodhi. I'm like "bruh seriously?" so I try to tell him my reasons for wanting Bodhi out but also tell him if he/the group want to do Isaac then I'm down for that. So we wait for Autumn and Duncan and when I get on the call they're telling me they're leaning towards Bodhi which has me happy cause it was what I wanted to do to begin with and I didn't need to make my arguments. We love having great minds that think alike. The big takeaway from this is that Devon is definitely lowkey shady since he was all about Isaac leaving before the call and then suddenly had a change of heart. Anyways, I reach out to Trace and I'm like "oh we're good with Bodhi right? and he purposes an alliance of the two of us, Isaac, and Duncan. Which has me thinking, this could work. I can have Trace and Isaac think they're in the majority alliance to ensure none of them play an idol if we lose. OR, maybe I could use them to get Devon out? So I tell Duncan that Trace wants to have an alliance with us and Isaac and he's all for it. We like being the Kim Spradlin of the season. But then things get shady because Trace tells Duncan and Isaac that I MYSELF purposed the alliance which is not the case. So now I'm on edge with Trace because he wants to build me up as the threat. So if we do lose, I also wouldn't mind voting out Trace and explaining to Isaac that Trace was spreading lies about me which I didn't feel comfortable with so that the alliance of Duncan/Isaac/I could vote out Devon should we continue a losing streak? The only thing I do know is that Bodhi is leaving tonight. Bodhi, if you're reading this I'm sorry for voting you out. You're a cool dude, and I feel bad for not talking to you much until you left. Also I'm sorry for not talking to you about the vote at all today, I feel bad lying plus I was lowkey busy with school work that I procrastinated and finals prep. The only thing I need to do now is figure out how the hell i get into the tomb?
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okay so i'm not actually going to tribal but gotta make it all about me and do a round wrap-up? i'm already feeling like this might be my last game i forgot the stress of games. the main thing in this game is that i really like jake? he is SO much fun and i manifested from preseason that i would like him and it happened (i haven't told him i figured out he was cast preseason that feels like it would be too creepy), but i'm just happy i manifested him as a really fun ally and it came true!! i really like him and jordan. also my tribe is scaring me i feel like they want me out and me having an idol does not help with my neurotic panic nnn. for guessing who is gonna go home, i really hope autumn and isaac are safe, duncan too!! i kinda assume it'll be bodhi or devon just because they didn't do too hot in the challenge but we will see for sure
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theday · 7 years
hide and seek, fireworks, my style, coloured, your love, dream might (romantic or platonic? i love options), i'll be there, because it's you ((((:, you smile, with you, and better with you!!!!
thank you so much for aksing falen i love these and it also got super long lmao rip
Hide & Seek: what’s the first thing you notice when you meet someone new?
in real life, its probably their shoes/socks?????? LMAO and then their appearance but im trying 2 not let their appearance stop me from becoming friends with them :-o
online, i usually??? read ppl’s abouts first???? but idk like when it comes to actually talking to them i guess itd be their typing style?? and their use of emojis/the gif function (jenny) helps me to assess them although i do know that the way they type =/= how they are as a person but thats just what i notice first
Fireworks: name something astro’s done that has made your heart explode
falen u rly had 2 do it to me? ????? but hrm…. whenever they post selcas and when they just laugh every time myungjun laughs thats the shit that gets me the most bc its so/???? pur??e??? i love them a lot theyre always so happie and theyre all smiles every time they do a vlive it makes me happie
My Style: what do you usually wear out?
clothes not 2 sound like a loner but. i rarely go outside bc i only go outside when my family eat out and thats only on like weekends and if im hanging out with pals so i always get the chance to wear the same shirt, shorts and shoes lmao 
but its a black cat shirt (used to be a button up thing but singapore is 2 hot 4 me) and blue shorts and white converse 
Coloured: favourite MV aesthetic? 
ok real talk all of their mvs are so pretty and everything??? but my favourite has to be baby or csc
Your Love: top three astro songs
o w0rm
every minute 
Dream Night: describe a dream date with anyone
idk?? smth ive always wanted 2 do with anyone is just walk through a park or just walk when the weather is not 2 hot or 2 cold (ike what binuki did in their recent vlive) 
if we’re getting more romantic mayb just??? cuddling???? idk i rly cant see this happening tbh 
I’ll Be There: fave astro vlive you’d watch over and over again?
but theres so many :-( but possibly all of eunwoo’s just 10 minutes with binnie :-0 the shrek vlive with the ice cream made me laugh so hard though mmMM
Because It’s You: why do you love your astro bias?
ur rly gna make me do all 6 members falen??????? ill try 2 keep it short
myungjun; binnie said he was sure mj wouldnt make it into astro and im assuming its because he was the one who was a trainee the shortest but??? look at him now with his strong vocals and even stronger personality!!! astro mightve done fine without mj but listen.. their vlives, appearance on variety shows, etc. would never be able to be as funny because mj is the reason for everyones laughter and it makes me so happy??? mj has that ability to crack anybody up with his laugh and the shit he says and does is so funny too pleaseth and i just?? appreciate mj for being there so fucking  much because he really resolves any tension in the atmosphere so easily and as the oldest member im so glad to see he doesnt find anything awkward AND despite the age gap between him and sanha, theyre like the closest?? lets not forget on that one radio thing yesterday they (astro) were asked who they were most comfy with in the dorm and 3/5 answered myungjun :_) im just happy myungjun exists? thank u mj i love u mister 777
PARK JINWOO; jinjin is the one of the sweetest leaders out there and i know every group has a great leader but jinjin is really that leader to me because as the rest of astro have mentioned before, jinwoo really buys them shit and they have said that he is the sweetest?? remember in the fan made fanmeeting i dont know what its called but i linked it and just??? jinjin is literally an angel!!! the one vlive he did with dogs? my heart melted off!!!!!! he really went and learnt the names of all the dogs present in the dog cafe!!!! he stopped the black dog which was biting hard on the table bc he was scared it’d injure itself/get in trouble and just??? jinwoo is so fucking nice just ??? if u look in the dictionary park jinwoo will appear as a synonym believe me ok and jinjin is part of dance line everybody lets not forget that he dances to release stress and that amaizng intro to again he did with rocky for their dream pt2 showcase because that was fucking so ?? i love talent and! AND i will never shut up but as a leader jinwoo takes care of his members so much and he also knows how to have fun with them and he jsut!!!!! i love him a lot
cha! eu! nwoo! (dongmin); i know 4 a fact that this will get so long lmao rip but first i just wanted to say that i am so proud of dongmin and how far he has come as a dancer and vocalist in astro ok so obviously i dont know the real hard facts tm and i can never tell the difference in anything so i dont know how accurate i really am but last year (and even now) i know eunwoo had a lot of personal schedules and he barely had time to practice? ?? i really dont know but im p sure that was it???? idk but dongmin has had to work so hard the whole of last year with the amount of comebacks astro did and i jus??? im so proud of eunwoo for being able to work hard for astro and still attend all those other schedules at the same time??? like i said idk how much time he did have/didnt have but i know it mustve been little with how late it would be whenever he arrived back at the dorm after his stuff and??? eunwoo had to practice his lines and the dance (astro’s choreography looks hard as shit and its tiring too) in time for their comeback promotions ??? and!! dongmin used to be that member (now its all of astro) who would constantly do vlives for arohas and lets not forget his just one 10 minutes where he would do vlives that were always over 10 minutes where he just talks to fans im eternally grateful for all the work dongmin puts in for astro and arohas and im sure he puts in more than 100% effort when it comes to his personal schedules too!!!! dongmin deserves the best and ive seen someone say b4 that he’d probably feel bad if he had more lines bc he was already “stealing” the spotlight by being a “face genius” and i just!! youre righ??t???? eunwoo is incredibly selfless and its easy 2 assume these kinda things tbh lee dongmin is so much more than his face and visuals he is a hardworker and!!! he loves his members and fans so damn much im !!! i love eunwoo so much i hope he knows how much we love him 
binnie; god with bin there isnt somethiing that made me love him??? all he did was go :) and my brain decided i was gonna love him forever ok but……hrm….. i guess i love him because hes such a dork?? like. .. when he laughs he just snorts and its so funny lmao i believe bin’s a good friend too well no shit ?? uMMm moon bin has a cute smile yall…… whenever he smiles my heart explodes hes just that powerful and also!!! bin has been a trainee for 7 years now and im just !! he made it!! like what the post i reblogged earlier said, he probably had other dreams but he still stuck with being an idol ??? in the end and that !!! im sad he didnt get to pursue the things he couldve liked better but im also happy hes managed to find a dream he likes and that hes basically living the dream right now??? and im so happy for him because 7 years may not be a lot to some but bin’s still young his childhood was basically training??? im just!!!!!!!!!!! so proud of him and now hes on the same kind of music shows his faves are on too nd it makes me rly proud (idk any other words my vocabulary is so fucking weak oh my god) he is having the time of his life with astro and arohas right now im so glad i forgot what i wanted 2 say im sorry bin i did u dirty im2 tense rn but i love u and i love bin bc of how much hes done and the amt of scarifies he has 2 have made in order 2 get 2 where he is tdy 
rocky swag (minhyuk); minhyuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love him because !! hes so awkward but he tries his best for arohas!!!!!!!!!! in that first vlive he did alone he was so nervous but he managed to warm up and in the next vlive he did alone he did something that he was comfortable with (dance) and im glad he’s able to do vlives normally now even if there isnt any recent solo vlives i can see how much more comfortable he is on vlive now !!!!!! my love for minhyuk is similar to bin’s bc all he did was smile and suddenly????? im in love???? its the swag lmao but seriousy tho after finding out rocky did all sorts of dance i found him really??? respectable??? because he was able to learn so many types of dance and isnt that the coolest thing ever???? lets not forget how well he can sing???? im happy and so proud (jesus) that he sang on the recent album since previously he said that he didnt hvae any plans of singing in the albums so!!!! now!! hes singing!!!!!!!!!!! although the songs dont do him justice tbh its ok we all know how lovely he sounds when he sings especially in the binuki vlive where he sang wyls i swer my ear drums were blessed?? park minhyuk can do anything get urself a legend like rocky so basiclaly i love rocky aka park minhyuk bc hes just!!!!! outstanding???? hes handsome, he can dance really fucking well, he can sing and rap !!!!!!!!!!!!! and?? hes just a fool??? he’s warming up to doing vlives and just being himself and its the greatest thing ever i love him a lot
sanha; YOON SANHA!!!!!!!!! Love of my LIFE the baby i will protect for the rest of my LIFe??????? he is DAT boi .. the boy i love so much with my whole heart!! sanha is so cute and he just!! hes always making fun and bullying the older members i love it so much but ofc everyones weak 4 sanha bc b*tch is 2 cute honestly can relate if sanha punched or stole my money ill let him off bc hes just that cute . lets not forget he learnt how 2 play the guitar all by himslef jae is shaking ok and sanha is such a nice voice?????? every time he screams i lose my hearing its ok id do anything 4 this boy???? and to think hes only (1) year older than me is kinda??? wowie???? sanha is rly out here being a superstar and a student @ the same time and hes doing an awesome job @ being amazing !!! sanha is so cute and just?????? he loves his other members and family so much i love sanha a lot and i hope nobody will ever make him cry (sad tears) bc i will personally go to that person and we’ll have a nice chat :-) i cant think of anything atm but sh loves arohas so much and hes always doing aegyo 4 us idk its just . … thakn u young prince
You Smile: name three things that have made you smile in the past week
ok easy
mx comeback
daily astro vlives (its okay if they dont do vlives everyday they have 2 rESt)
becoming friends with lovely mbbs :_) 
with you: talk about a mutual without using their name
how long is this answer gonna be oh w0rm.. but here we go this is abt someone who ive never talked about but do talk 2 p often and theyre the other online person i am most comfortable with talking 2!!!!! 
theyre great tbh and rly good @ art and i know theyve gone through so many shit things in their life but im so glad theyre still hanging on even if their sleep schedule is totally wack still love u tho lmao at least theyre getting more than enough sleep!! theyre cute when they see sanha and it makes me soft seeing them go soft bc theyre never that warm??? when it comes 2 other ppl (kihyun crying) and im just so glad i managed to help them get (further) into astro!! being able to talk to somebody about astro has helped me so much and then i became friends with jen but im still so thankful to have a friend like [redacted] and im happy we’re friends!!!!!!!! i love them so much and i hope their days are filled with happiness even if it doesnt last for long i hope they have at least (1) happy time each day bc they deserve the BEST!!!!!!!!!!! 
even when i was still a young myday they helped me by providing links and everything just telling me where everything was and i was so :_) bc!!! they !! a bigger account was helping me someone who didnt even have 20 followers at that time and without them i wouldve never found anything tbh!!! even now when im the one whos been into astro longer, they still manage to find things so much faster than me and imlike?????? wow thats amaizng???? theyre amazing and i appreciate their presence on my tl/dash and in my dms so much thats one of the reasons why i thought they were older bc of how mature and just?? the older vibe they gave off was strong with they way they help people and whenever they comment on my tweets or someone else’s tweets im like !!!!!!!!! you’re doing amazing sweetie 
theyre so easy to talk to and even though our humor was something i thought was very different we manage to make each other laugh so much and i jsut!!! happiness!!!!!!! 
ok this was abt bell and i dnt think they’ll ever see this but if u do i love u a lot bell thank u for being alive ur so funnie and cute just thank u so mch!!! for everything
better with you: your favourite memory related to astro?
every time i watch them on vlive live i get so happy and thats my favourite memory
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charlesef3 · 6 years
Not to be, not even a question
Damnit, i still miss her
Get over it
Nah, i love her
Man its been a year get over her
No not that stupid ass way yall mean when you say it the instant you go out with someone, i mean i honest to god love her
So what she doesnt even like you now
Maybe i can change, maybe she'll give another chance then
Shes done with you, shes onto better things
No way man i-
Look man heres the reality, regardless of how fucking 'heart-broken' you are she aint going for it, and if she did would you really wanna damn pity relationship? Honestly knowing that you love her more than she does you?
Look, shes special i get that. But your not, shes gonna date some fucking amazing guy or girl out there, like nobel Prize type shit, and your gonna still be the highschool fling
I know...
So why the fuck are you still agonizing over her. If you know that move the fuck on
I knew that from the get go, i shouldnt have let her convince me otherwise but i cant-
Shut the fuck up, this isnt a goddamnned story where the pauper gets the princess, fuck around, date other chicks, youll get over her
No, date one girl while wanting another? Fuck kinda bullshit is that
Well you're fucked then period
Well i could...
You could what
I honestly dont know anymore, ive tried everything, i even begged her
But i thought you didnt
But i did, for her
Wanna know the worst part?
The worst part is, after she broke me off like a month later she hmu wanting to get back together. And you know what my dumbass did?
Whatd you do
I said no, i said motherfucking no just because i was scared shed leave me again. Saddest part about that? I already couldnt function right without her. She was my bestfriend, my girlfriend, my everything already, yet i said no. Wait a littlw longer make sure shes sure
Damn so its your fault
Yeah, and then i had the nerve to try to aak her out a month later, and youll never guess what she said
She said no, didnt tell me why just no
She waa probably already moving on talking to someone else man, itd been what? 2 months?
She was, she told me that after awhile, but honestly man? Honestly i probably couldve bounced back or maybe tried to forget her a little better had she not said that one thing
Whatd she say?
'I do still love you, not like a friend or a bestfriend, i love you'
Then not even 15 minutes later i fucked up
Howd you manage that this time?
I was talking to her bestfriend about everything like it was just ok to, like it wasnt on purpose, it came up in conversation while she was complaining about her first love, but my dumbass sat there talking to her going back and forth about it
... And what did the girl do when she found out?
She cut me off again, that was enough to just snip the last thread of a chance i might've had, went from maybe i could have a chance again to she wants to be strictly social media type friends, not bestfriends, not even good friends
And i can honestly say its all my fault you know?
...i know
It was fun though, i enjoyed every second with her, and even now stuck on her. I know id never take any of that back. She was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Probably the best thing that ever will
There's other girls out there man
None like her, shes one of a kind i promise you
You know, your the only one i can talk to like this
I know
Anyone else somehow itd get out, or theyd just find some reason to be mad at me and never talk to me again
I know, ive seen
Is it ok for me to just stay single for good? Everyone thinks i have hoes anyways
The way you think, until you stop loving her thats probably the best move
Ill never stop loving her
You'll never find love that'll be reciprocated then
Thats something ill have to deal with
Why, why so head over heels for her
What about her makes her so special from the trillions of people on this earth
Everything, from how she liked to bury her face in my chest when she was feeling shy. To how she never would believe anything i told her not from first hand experience, hell even the way she likes to switch it up how she dresses, she goes from a couple days looking comfortable asf to a couple days belonging on a throne,
Theres plenty of girls like that out there, shes special not all that special
And then shes caring beyond belief, like god. There were times where i honestly didnt want to tell her things because shed be sad for someone elses sake you know? And jesus how she hated it when i wouldnt tell her things, i actually had to weigh out whether itd be worse to actually not tell her 😂,
Awe man and don't even get me started on hoe creative she is, like she honestly made me think about allot of things in a new light. Albeit she was a tad bit impatient, but even that i thought was cute asf,
And man she had some beautiful eyes, like honestly whoever eyes are the windows to the soul? HAD to have seen hers
And i hated seeing her sad dog, like that shits actually painful, like there was this one time where i was about to move right? She started crying, like honestly crying and it hurt so fucking much man, like i actually went around and had to move in with my cousin near me cause i straight couldnt deal with the thought of making her that sad
Damn dog, sounds like you had something special there
Mannnnn i haven't told even quarter of it, that would take more time than this entire conversation
LMAO chill
Lol aight aight.... But man she had the body of a goddess too 😵, like everything about her is just right, like head to toe she is gorgeous
Lol but that's enough i guess man, im depressed ats and lo and behold of course my depression hit there,
Depression? Cause of her?
Pfft, she is in no way shape or form the cause or even assistant of my depression. She was one of maybe 2 people i trusted to help me deal with it
Ah damn ok
Well shit it was a little relieving talking to myself but now its time to bury this conversation under a ton of aesthetic pictures
Because everyone i trust with this kinda info about me invariably leaves me, one reason or another after having a convo like this they just *poof* , its at the point where i dont even trust them to read it and not disappear
Damn dog
Its cool though, i still got a bit of time before the pressure kills me
Yeah but we need someone
We do
Like i said, burying this whole thing, you get the morale though, whatever else. We still love her, and we always will
Yeah... I guess she was kinda the best thing to happen to us
Goodbye, and goodluck
Thanks man we need it...
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moonbinandback · 7 years
My KCON experience!!!!
I just got home and I wanted to write down everything while it’s still fresh in my memory so pls prepare for a very long very screaming account of today’s amazing events ;___; (I’ll post the pics and videos I got soon!!)
so my mom and I drove together (she didn’t want me to go alone bc none of my irl friends like kpop lol rip s/o to my mom for being the coolest ever!!!), and we got to the venue at around 11:30ish. I wanted to get there earlier bc i was really paranoid about not getting an audience pass for astro ;___; we went to get our wristbands and stuff and our concert ticket barcodes ended up showing as invalid ?? ?! even tho we bought them from the official website ;~; so we had to get our tickets validated at staples center and then walk back to get our audience passes. after getting that sorted, I opened my passes and got Heize and Oh My Girl, both of which had already been completed :((( but as I was standing to the side trying to figure out if I could get passes off facebook, I overheard this group of ppl opening their audience passes and they were like “who did u get???” “uh... astro....” “me too....i don’t rly know them” and i was like HI HELLO DO U WANT THOSE BC IF NOT IM LOOKING FOR 2 PASSES FOR ASTRO NO PRESSURE THO and they were like “uhhh yeah sure” AND I GOT 2 AUDIENCE PASSES FOR FREE HOW LUCKY IS THAT !!!!! ! 😭😭 bless those ppl i hope they got hi touch or something lol they saved me like an hour of hunting for passes
after that we checked the room where fan engagements are held to see if there was a line for astro and there was already a crowd of like 60ish ppl there like 2 hours before the event and i was like fuk!!!!! but also it’s so nice to see fellow astro fans supporting our bois!! c: there were actually so many astro fans at the con i was so happy!! so we got in line and chilled and there were some rly cool fans handing out free astro banners with their own digital art, and one person was passing out these nice quality pics of the boys and asking “who’s ur bias??” and then just giving them out for free?? arohas are so nice ??? ???
then after we got into the room, i was like 3 rows from the very front of the audience barrier, but the hi touch ppl were way closer than us rip i was so jealous ;~; when the boys walked on i LOST MY FUKCING SHIT AS EXPECTED and OH YM GOD LET ME TELL U HOW BEAUTIFUL THEY ARE! !!!!!! they all had on very crisp clean button ups and slacks and they looked SO FRESH omg 
jinjin’s hair was so beautiful and smooth and he looked extra tiny today!!!!! i LOVE mj’s current hair color on him it looks so pretty and he also looked tiny af I LOVE!!!! sanha is SO FREAKING TALL like he absolutely towers over the hyungs lmaooooo but he’s also the CUTEST BAB his hair was slightly messy and very beautiful i cryyyy and rocky looked SO GOOD with his hair color!! it’s actually a lot more subtle irl than in the pics he posted recently :’) it’s like a very gentle auburn-burgundyish kinda color, and a little more brown than mj’s hair!
and eunwoo!!!! oh my god he is absolutely prince charming irl, even more so than in videos and pics like HOLY SHIT he is so stunning!!!! he was wearing this beautiful white button up and his brown hair makes him look EVEN MORE PRINCELY like i could not believe my eyes and when he hits u with THAT EYE SMILE u are deceased on the spot!!!!!!! he is a very beautiful dork and i love him!!! AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BINNIE LIKE I THOUGHT I LOVED HIM A LOT BEFORE TODAY?? ??? WHTA THE FUCK ???? he is genuinely the most handsome and attractive person i have EVER seen like i was blown away by his natural charm, hes just SO DAMN CHARISMATIC IRL like if u dont stan bin before u see him irl.. ..u do afterwards lmao like he’s UNREAL ;__; he was wearing a bluish black button up with the tucked in and puffy look which I LOVE and some very well fitting slacks 👀 HES FINE AS FUCK YALL I RLY CANT EVEN EXPRESS HIS BEAUTY RN LIKE GOD DAMN!!! MY IDEAL MAN!!!! i was looking at all the bois but i kept going back to him like i honestly couldnt take my eyes off him he is so gorgeous!!!!
the Q&A session was CUTE AF but i couldnt hear them over the screams ;____; also ppl were sticking their phones in the air all over the place so my view was partially blocked sometimes but i got some lil viewing windows most of the time :D after the general questions from the mc they played this dice roll game where they have to do whatever action corresponds to the number they rolled! they did “switch parts” if i remember correctly, they sang confession and FUCKING JINJIN SANG I HEARD HIS BEAUTIFUL VOICE IRL I WAS DYING HE SOUNDED SO LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!! (@FANTAGIO LET MY BOI SING!!!!) ALSO ROCKY SANG AND I LOST MY MIND HE WAS SO AMAZING AS WELL!!!! sanha, eunwoo, and mj sang their fave pop songs and they were SO GOOD as usual!!! 💞💞 ALSO EUNWOO RAPPED HE WAS SO CUTE
ok and here’s the part that literally killed me: THE SEXY DANCE WHAT THE FUUKCJKEJGHDJ I WAS ON FIRE!!!!!!! rocky’s dance was SO DAMN GOOD and i was like FUUUUUUUUCK ok that was amazing and then the bois were like “binnie u do it!!” and i was like GOD.. ..IF UR OUT THERE,,, ,,, MAKE IT HAPPEN and then not only bin but jinjin too! !!! BICH!!!! THEY ENDED ME RIGHT THEN AND THERE I CANT BELIEVE I SAW BIN DOING HIP THRUSTS IRL LIKE ?????? PLS WATCH THE FANCAM OF IT IF U HAVENT, IT WILL SAVE UR LIFE OK
so after the sexy dance i was in a state of euphoria ofc, and i remember them rolling aegyo on the dice and they were like “SANHA DO IT” and he was SO PRECIOUS I LOVE HIM he did the arm cross thing with a lil head shake and rocky joined him too!!!! god bless!!!!!!
during hi touch i just continued to bask in the boys’ presence hahah and i noticed they were doing mostly single handed high fives instead of the usual two hand high five/hand hold that they normally do :c but they all looked so cute and happy and smiley!!!! it made my heart so happy!!!!
after hi touch we took a group selfie with the boys (which i am definitely invisible in lmaooo) and then after leaving the room i was like “ah i heard they’ll be at the toyota booth at some point today i better go find out what time” and right as im walking to the booth i see a group of well dressed guys walking on the 2nd floor above me and im like “no way they beat us here” and then i saw a tall bean with white hair and i was like SANHAAAAAAA and they had just gotten to the toyota booth right as i got there!!!! a crowd had already formed but I got a decent view, and they were doing some more q&a that i couldn’t hear lmao but I was so happy that i got to see them again!!!!
when they left I walked around the marketplace and bought a dream part 1 poster (the one where they’re all in white dress shirts lookin cute af) and a poster of sleepy autumn story bin bc im WEAK and I LOVE MY BOIS
then i just hung around the food trucks area until we got to enter the concert venue, and my seats were pretty good!!! they weren’t GA or lowest tier, but i was decently close and i had a clear view of the stage like 95% of the time blesssss
first up was KARD and they were pretty good! their songs are not rly my style but they’re very talented and they look like a hardworking group!!! :D also they are all hot hahah
after that was Oh My Girl, and they were also good! again, their songs are not usually what i like but they were SUPER CUTE and charming!!
then Heize played!! I LOVE HEIZE OMG shes so pretty and her voice is beautiful!! i also love her style and her songs are so soothing/fun to listen to!! she asked us to turn on our phone flashlights while she performed Star and she started tearing up before she started singing and i was like NOOOOO BABY she almost made me cry ;~; anyways YES I LOVE HEIZE U SHOULD LISTEN TO HER IF U HAVENT YET
i had only rly listened to Energetic and I only knew ong seongwu before seeing wanna one, but HOLY SHIT they blew me away!!!!! i was really impressed by their choreo and they’re really great performers! their songs are catchy af damn!! AND ALL THE MEMBERS ARE CUTE like daniel?? ??? hot as fuck???? he had on this earring and im like damn?? what is this guy doing to me lmaooo
i hadn’t listened to any NCT 127 besides cherry bomb and I thought it was an okayish song, but again i was SO IMPRESSED by their performance!!! they were so on point for choreo, other theatrics, visuals, etc!!!! honestly i feel like all kpop groups are like 100000x better live bc of the choreo and atmosphere!! and there was a guy with light pink hair who was HOT AS FUKC i need to find him omg (taeyong? yeah hes fine as hell hahahah) also the bass in the staples center is SO INTENSE like my entire soul vibrated during cherry bomb lmao
GOT7 were great performers too but after hearing about the jaebum stuff im like 😒😒 also they give me a very arrogant vibe and im like eeeghhhh (sry to any GOT7 stans 😷) bambam looked cute tho shhhh
okay onto ASTROOOOOO so they first came on stage with Kim Tae Woo (who i don’t know at all rip sry ;__;) and they were wearing white/baby blue suits and they looked SO CUUUUTE they were covering Kim Tae Woo’s songs i think? and they did some CUTE AF CHOREO PLS WATCH THE LIVE STREAM TO SEE IT IT’S AMAZING
after doing 2 cover songs they LEFT THE STAGE and i was like THE FUKC!!!! but then i was like oh wait they’re definitely coming out later too lmao
THEIR OUTFITS WERE SOOOOO GOOOOOD they were all wearing tight black pants and eunwoo and sanha had on white graphic tees with black blazers and jinjin had a nice black striped dress shirt and mj had this super cool black and white jacket and ROCKY??? HAD A BEAUTIFUL WHITE DRESS SHIRT THAT HE SWEATED COMPLETELY THRU AND U COULD SEE HIS CHEST AASHSHJSFHSJ
when i first saw these outfits i was like CONCEPT CHANGE ???? DARK ASTRO ??? ? so we’ll see what happens omg but DAMN the more mature look suits them so well and as much as i love their cute style i 10000% support this more dark look like hnnnn yes
the first song they performed was AGAIN AKA THE SONG OF MY DREAMS THE CHOREO OF MY LIFE and it was EVERYTHING to see it performed live!!!!!! and in those outfits??? i was LIVING oh my god and i got to see bin and rocky do the pirouette flippy thing and it was SO AWESOME
they did their mentions next and they were so cute!!!! also rocky kept jumping and dancing around everywhere hes the lov of my life ;__; then they were like “we have a special surprise! we’re going to play.... pinata!!” but eunwoo pronounced it PEEN-uh-ta and i was like omg what is that...and then i figured it out when it came up on the screen LMAO EUNWOO IS SO CUTE
it was another randomized game to decide what activity to do and they got “fan gifts” so they all had 1 min to decorate a tshirt to give away, and they also gave away some other signed merch!! then sanha was like “we gave the shirts to the ppl in the front bc we can’t reach u up there, but we want to give u shirts too!!” and they brought out TSHIRT CANNONS HAHAH but they only shot as far as the lowest tier boooo :c
then they performed a shortened version of breathless and IT WAS AMAZING TO WITNESS EUNWOO CARRYING MJ IRL AAAAAAAA also it was kinda funny watching them perform a super cute poppy song in their current wardrobe lmaooo
then they did a bit of polaris and i was like EEEEYYYYYY and then they did baby!!!!!! the baby choreo is SO GOOD and it’s so amazing to see them do choreo irl bc u can really focus on them and see their talent and hard work come to life!!!!! I LVOE THEM SO MUCH AND I AM SO PROUD!!!! THEY ARE SO TALENTED AND THEYVE COME SO FAR I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHAT THEY HAVE IN STORE FOR US 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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ariesbilly · 6 years
i tried watching the opening number and i had to stop literally one second in i cant do it lmao there will be no musical moments for me in this ep absolutely not
“im thrilled youre getting back into music even if its not rock n roll” FRED !!!!
also .... at my high school we had to build our own sets..... wasnt nobody coming in to help. i mean we had one adult who worked there full time to do BIG stuff but like.... mainly it was the dudes in stagecraft who built shit
funny story one time we were painting sets and this giant plank fell on this girls head but all of us hated her so we just kinda sat back and laughed so then she goes to the nurse and comes back in a wheelchair and we were like “ok... dramatic...” she was fine. you can see now why one day in drama 2 my teacher made us all sit on stage for a group therapy session
josie in the back straight up said “no” lmao me
oh no.... my hand slipped.... did fp and alice have a scene.... wow..... cant believe....i missed.... it....
i would die for hirams stupid ass i love him
i mean my best friend and i too often sing to each other but its more like “ass...titties. ass and titties. ass ass titties titties ass and titties” so once again riverdale just remains completely unrealistic and takes me out of the whole thing
“you gotta show your mother whos in charge” um...pretty sure...as the MOTHER....its.... penelope. but go off i guess
listen toni i love you and have defended you when the rest of the fandom hated you i cant believe you are going along with cheryls stupidity i wont hesitate to cancel you too
i want to feel sorry for alice but i just... dont. listen i have a low tolerance for bullshit and this season has been nothing but for her so.... whatever
fred with that tool belt is very hot 10/10 do recommend 
archie idk how to tell you this but you literally already let hiram get in between you and your dad so idk about all this “you will lose every time” nonsense he’s already got some wins under his belt
alice aint allergic to shit get the fuck outta here
chic is freds this is obviously where this storyline is headed idk what else yall think is happening
if we cancel this show now halice stays together and i think thats for the best. let us not air any more episodes. 
archie what the fresh hell is that ?!
FRED !!!!!!!!
i know DAMN WELL penelope aint scared of cheryls theatrics girl.... im tired of this show playing my faves like this WRITE BETTER
i know its 2018 and we shouldnt condone child abuse but penelope shouldve done slapped the shit outta cheryl this is ridiculous 
every teen show has to have one emancipation. i still maintain the only show that had a valid reason was roswell. didnt sean get emancipated on degrassi? but i forgot his situation. 
im like...3 seconds away from slapping cheryl myself
fp you stupid fucking bitch.... thats it. thats all i have to say. thats all i ever have to say. get control of your life. alice is not your present or future. you stupid....stupid bitch
that ending is hysterical im sorry i cant.... i just cant
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ariesbilly · 6 years
so if hals not chics father....and fps not chics father.... then whos flying the plane ???? 
um i need more hal x hermione scenes like yesterday
was bravo’s andy cohen just hiding waiting to make a dramatic entrance? me
SO WHEN IS MARK OR MARISOL SHOWING UP ON WWHL HMM???? ALL DAMN SEASON IVE BEEN WAITING. rude is what it is. omg put them both on. i want them all drunk on live tv right now
kevins gonna grow up to be andy cohen you heard it hear first
fred being concerned about the soul of the south side :’)
“we tell YOU what to do” hooooo my god why do yall pay hiram and hermione DUST my bisexuality cannot handle this theyre so hot
toni that was a striptease not a cheer wtf is anyone on this squad ever doing ever
and like.... every girl in this school wants to be a cheerleader??? fake news
“you go about your business, i go about mine” is essentially the same fucking line fp used back in s1 about him and fred splitting so like.... do with that what you will
this sleepover scene is so cringey lmfao stop
“theres a stranger in my life as well” yeah that you invited im supposed to feel sorry for that bitch? i dont
oh penelopes so homophobic and the heather thing scarred cheryl for life but toni can sleep in her bed ??? bitch bye
ch*ni couldve been great but this stupid fucking plot for how theyre doing it ruined the whole thing so....what else is new
the more murderous penelope gets the hotter she gets. can we cover her in blood at some point that would really get my engines going
like shes in an elegant dress with her hair all done and shes got blood on her face that she wipes with her gloved hand but all it does it smear it even more and she’s got this dark grin on her face.... im wet
“my uncles wearing my fathers pajamas. he pushed my grandma down the stairs” sound logic
the wisest thing jugheads said all season is about being concerned the lodges will close down the only gay bar in riverdale aka the whyte wyrm
what riots? did i miss something? probably. idk what the fuck ever happens on this show lmao
hermione got her titties all out for her gf mary. bless
i knew we werent gonna get shit with the lodge/andrews sitdown why did i even hope.... i hate this show
hermione in glasses yas queen
how many times are they gonna say war in this episode
chic ratting out betty (i just wrote batty jfc but i mean... yeah) is the best chics ever been
alice you killed a guy maybe nows not the time to pass judgement
there is no way theres 12 burgers in that bag fp cant count
is it raining everywhere except fp and jughead specifically ??? 
jughead went to south side high for like 2 days what is he reminiscing about
911 I JUST WITNESSED A FUCKING MURDER !!!! the greatest decision i ever made was coming out of the womb stanning molly ringwald
me imagining fp and alice fucking really just consists of fp being really drunk and crying about fred so... i mean go off i guess
“doesnt it look bad to have grown ups go after teenagers” YEAH, IT DOES. IT REALLY REALLY DOES RAS
fp still calls archie red even when he’s about to beat his ass.... wholesome
this is so dramatic i cant
ngl kinda want fred and mary back together they cute. also i want molly ringwald around all the time even if they cant afford her
“come what may” that sounds a bit too much like some foreshadowing for bad shit i uh..... am scared
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