#courtney conquers
total-feminism-takes · 5 months
Lesbian Courtney anon here I like to think we don't sexualize cartoons but sadly we do. (Not all of us do!)
Courtney I love her... but I am not ignoring her hatred and sexualization in the fandom.
I love myself now, well I am working it out, ok?
But I am Latina and was hypersexualize growing up by grown men as well as harassed sexually a lot times.
I know this bad take or awful thing to say but sometimes we writers use our favorite characters from TD (Me it's just me as a fanfic writer) I make Courtney seem so goddess like status with describing her body type but sometimes the way people expect Latinas to be wide hips, big butt, and etc.
But it's not because I believe all girls that love Courtney needs to be like that because that's bullshit.
You don't need be anything but yourself because you are killing it girl and you don't need to do much but exist is my opinion.
Oh yeah. The point is I need to make is women bodies are sexualized throughout history most our cartoons aren't made by women for women only. Society has failed us in many ways and forms along with sexualizing out cartoons for young and growing minds.
I am at fault too because I describe TD girls like goddess or from 'perfect' women yet it actually something I am unlearning through age and writing. I want them to be pretty but how I write them it sounds like shitty 80's heated romance book!
Looks aren't all that, it's a plus.
We shouldn't sexualize. We should learn to appreciate people how they are.
ALSO... Bimbos are needed and goth girl as well. Lindsay is beautiful and she can be a bimbo and still wear whatever she wants! Some bimbos, gothic, cheerleader, nerdy cosplaying girls, and etc, have been sexualize not because of their soul or maybe they shouldn't be dress like that in the first place. It's because some people are just awful seeing little girls to teens to women as objects/ to conquer and use. (Not all people but too much of them that causes feminine bodies feel awful of existing)
All these girls of TD could be more.
But now it's our jobs to do if we choose to, yes, we need to make safety place for children in the fandom too but a lot of children are curious about the world.
We can tag 18 plus all we want, fanfics of M and Up, and put not for child or minors yet it will take a community to raise these children in said community of TD Fandom. But we aren't their parents who control their search history, can delete their A03 accounts, and take away their Tumblrs.
So the question is how can we do better?
and etc.
Need better representation, so then write it, create it yourselves or ask someone to create for you, call us out when we fail you too.
Women are more than beauty and their bodies.
But remember not all think like that, I am a Latina who writes of her trauma onto Courtney.
I know that Leshawna is more than we got her hoops, her loudness, and mistreatment is overwhelming to someone to rewrite especially if you don't family members or 3D black teens representation in media. She should never needed be called gh*tto or all that stuff by anyone. I like her loud and proud, her dancing should be more in fanfics, and sometimes sadly some people in your community seem like a stereotype. I love Leshawna she reminds me of my older cousin growing up and she still has the hoops too! Guess what, she is married to a white man with two kids- she was stereotyped and treated awful by many even my own family. In end the day she loved herself still proud her but struggled with outside because people judge her on everything mostly them hoops, nails, speaks, and way she was.
I know that Lindsay is big chested and she can breath, everyone let her breath maybe make her love interest fall for her blonde hair or her eyes. We get it she's big chested... I am pretty sure her back is killing her doesn't need more the fandom trying make her uncomfy. Like if she was real person she would block half of us already! Also I love bimbo Lindsay and stupid act. Yeah I am say it she acting stupid because she was emotional wise, good friend, and even more.
(You don't need post this lol)
But Bimbo Lindsays! RISE UP!
Gwen transfem rise up too. (I feel like I have a whole rant gothic girlfriend trend that start years ago and in anger with bloodlust too. Because you don't actually see them as a person but to sexzaile them and sexual thing to flex on people on online like gross and I will end up in FBI custody for explaining I want fight men for only dating them for I just wanted gothic baddie toy but alive to date to fuck with not a person that actually is person with a soul)
I am sorry for cussing in my rant but I think fandom tends to sexualize these girls maybe too much and I am also at fault sometimes I have to put warnings don't copy this or this not how to treat teens and it's just my trauma hopping out again in writing... make them TD girls eat a sandwich and giggle about baby duck funny videos!
Where are you writer of TD fandom have more representation for the fandom?
I am she/them queer Latina girl I struggle with representation better for my girl Leshawna but goddamn someone save me not her!
You know why? Leshawna deserves the best and better than the stereotype and only being that stereotype. She can be more still wear them hoops!
Also, I am not like full black? I am mixed race to the point I don't what I am anymore. I wasn't raised in black experience, but I have acknowledged most people look at skin tone before meeting you which I don't like that but :/ it happens. Black experience in America is different for everyone but I didn't even grow up in it and that. Some my friends didn't tell half their experiences, but I been there in awkward moments where I was like you know what I am step for my girl and yell this fellow classmate for stereotyping her and fight if I have to.
Point is representation matter a lot and I hate sometimes use of gh*tto because links back to Jewish people centuries ago and people ahhha we need to learn history more stop using words that harmful to Jewish and Black community without least tagging harmful words are at use but writer doesn't support it like such.
That's it for now.
I am sorry and I understand if you ban me for the blog too for cussing and having awful take, I understand and will be respectful leave the blog alone. Love y'all peace out!
- 🧡
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poppyandzena · 5 months
The divide and conquer strategy Poppy is trying is so obvious. Poppy blames Britt and Milena for the emails sent to her work, and she knows Britt and Courtney are fighting. She’s literally heaping praise on Courtney in hopes that she’ll agree to a “truce”. Nevermind the fact that Saige was calling him a dangerous person less than a month ago! Nevermind the fact that Courtney literally told Saige to kill herself a month ago! It’s all so slimy and gross.
This is such snake behavior and it's so obvious. Britt didn't send shit to her boss. Milena was very adamant on not sending anything to her boss until Poppy crossed the threshold of harassment towards Noehflake and Dormiyu.
She's aware Courtney is in a very rough place given personal life events shared. Poppy thinks if she butters Courtney up enough, she'll use the BPD cheat code to make Courtney flip and join her side. It will be a rare, cold day in hell if that happens. Why the FUCK would a well meaning person who loves her girlfriend Saige give praise to the person who told Saige to kill herself? If I was Saige, I'd be very hurt.
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ltwharfy · 8 months
"Bob's Burgers" Season 3 Episode Ranking Rewatch (long post)
So, I've been rewatching "Bob's Burgers" from the beginning and ranking the episodes using the spreadsheet that @babsvibes created! If you want to know why I'm doing this or how I view the 1-5 rating scale, you can check out my Season 1 post!
Now on to Season 3:
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Average (Mean) Score: 4.43
Mode (Most Common Ranking): 5
Ranking breakdown: 12 5s; 9 4s; 2 3s
Season as a whole thoughts:
Season 3 is a goddamn delight! My season 2 as a whole review was positive and Season 3 just builds on everything I enjoyed in season 2. More wonderful recurring characters are added to the mix- Mr. Branca, Mr. Ambrose, Courtney, Henry, and a certain Regular Sized boy I relate to way too much- among others! The world of the show expanded with our first visit to Kingshead Island. And the show continued to grow creatively- hitting new highs in music with "Lindapendent Woman" and "Topsy". Plus, we finally got a full length season meaning we get our very first holiday episodes, including my all-time favorite Christmas episode! I also feel like the show had mostly conquered the tone/characterization issues that popped up in the first two seasons. Bob's occasionally still a bit more of a dick than in later seasons, but he gets called on it now ("The Unnatural")!
In my season 1 review I mentioned watching that season as it aired and thinking it had potential. In my season 2 post, I mentioned that at that point it had gotten good enough that I would've been upset at the time if it was cancelled. By season 3, it had become one of my favorite shows- one that I would encourage friends and family to check out. If people weren't watching the comic glory of "O.T." and "Topsy" they were missing out big time!
Some thoughts on particular episodes:
(Since these seasons are longer I will be writing about a smaller percentage of the episodes- feel free to let me know if you want my thoughts on an episode I don't discuss)
"Bob Fires the Kids": One of my favorite things about this rewatch is discovering what I think of as the "sleeper hits"- episodes I remember being fine but, upon rewatch, turn out to be even better than I remember. This episode was the sleeper hit for Season 3. The kids are exceptionally hilarious in this one- especially being upset about Bob firing them and their attempts at summer fun before they work on the farm. And everything Mickey does is hilarious- the calypso song he sings, his description of "Big", not knowing how to put his hands up, pretty much all his dialogue with Bob ("B.B. King has that disease" "shut up, Mickey"- that exchange always makes me laugh.) Also, "I knew you so briefly, you dead soap dog" is an all-time great eulogy title.
"Mutiny on the Windbreaker"- Probably one the show's zaniest episodes and I love it! Gene falling in love with a a manatee puppet, Louise getting the manicurist to make her claws, all the Bob and Duval interaction- it never fails to make me laugh!
"The Deepening"- "Our toaster is confused, too. It doesn't know why we put bagels in it." This episode could get a 5 for that line alone. Also, I love Mort's standup comedy attempts in here, and the Bob, Teddy, and Mort vs. the shark finale. I wish they revisited the idea of Bob as Block Captain and Hugo as Quadrant Captain in future episodes- stupid neighborhood power struggles make great comedy, and it could've been a great way to get Hugo in the show without threatening to shut down the restaurant.
"Tinarannosaurus Wrecks"- One of this season's two 3s; in an ask game I once said this was my least favorite episode of the show. I empathize with Tina waaaaaaay too much in it to find it particularly entertaining. The first time my mom tried to teach me to drive in an empty parking lot, I basically had a panic attack. I didn't hit anybody's car, but my mom gave up on teaching me and my dad was out of the picture, so I ended up not learning to drive until I was in my 20s. It's hard not to think of that when watching this episode. That said, Tina's Hell fantasy is funny, I enjoy the Mort as the Belchers' chauffeur subplot, and Bob Odenkirk is always good. But it's still my least favorite episode of this season.
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentle-Mannequins"- My favorite Christmas episode! "Mannequin comes to life" is one of those tropes/plots that always amuses me for some reason, and this episode has some hilarious fun with it. "He said he's not a murder mannequin" is an all-time classic line in my book. Also, the ending with Chet saying he has a loft in Manhattan and Bob's "What?!" is one of the best last lines of an episode. Always leaves me with a laugh.
"Broadcast Wagstaff School News"- If I do a top 25 episodes list at the end of this rewatch, this episode will almost certainly be on it. Both the main plot and the Gene-as-little-Bob subplot are hilarious! "Back to you, Andy!" "Back to you, Ollie!" is the ultimate Pesto Twins moment to me. We get some character development for Zeke (his family moves around a lot), Mr. Branca makes his debut, Tammy and Jocelyn team up for the first time- this is pretty significant episode in the development of the support players at Wagstaff- in addition to just being really freaking funny.
"O.T.: The Outside Toilet"- A hilarious episode with a great "Belcher kids and their friends have an adventure" bit (I live for those), and an emotionally resonant plot for Gene. And drunk Linda repeatedly changing her terms for taxi ("snacky", "snatchy") always cracks me up! One time, I was creating a dating profile on Bumble and I had recently rewatched this episode on Cartoon Netowrk, and in the "About Me" section of the profile I wrote "I will never get tired of that episode of Bob's Burgers where Jon Hamm plays a talking toilet". I'm still single (but that profile did actually lead to me meeting one of the more interesting people I've met through a dating app, so...)
"Topsy"- Pretty much generally acknowledged as a classic, so I'll just specifically mention how much I love Teddy in this one. The whole backstory he comes up for "Dr. Glen Wellness" and the line "What's it like out there? Are people still the same, with their funny ways?" is sooooooo good. Like, I need to think of an occasion to say that in real life.
"It Snakes A Village"- Meh. If you want me to care about a story, don't make it about Gloria and Al. Especially don't make it about their sex life.
"The Kids Run the Restaurant"- I don't watch this one a ton because I can kind of empathize with Bob's squeamishness re: blood, but it is pretty hilarious. I especially loved Gene's idea of reformatting the restaurant to serving chicken. This week, I managed to turn his line "Chicken on a treadmill, last offer" into a running joke with a coworker whose never seen the show, so that was fun.
"Boyz 4 Now"- One of the strongest candidates for the title of my favorite "Bob's Burgers" episode. After rewatching it, I really think it might be the episode I would use if I only had one episode to try to convince someone to watch the show. It's unfailingly hilarious yet also has a relatable emotional core. I'm a 42 year old man, and I still feel like Louise every time I have a crush. Louise and Tina stories and "Louise in denial of her feelings" stories are two of my favorite types of stories and this is both. Plus, the tablescaping subplot really shows the Belchers at their best- all getting really enthusiastic about something pretty weird that one of them is doing! Also, Boyz 4 Now and their songs are hilarious and a perfect parody of pop music. My ranking scale for this project only goes up to 5, but in reality this an A++++, 15 out of 10, no notes.
"Carpe Museum"- Another all-time classic. Putting aside it introducing my favorite recurring character for the moment it also has: some of the show's definitive Bob-Louise bonding moments; the introduction of Henry Haber; Linda joining a picket line and coming up with obscene chants; Frond and the museum lady flirting; Teddy's speech encouraging Linda to go to the museum...so much good stuff! But yeah, there's also the introduction of Regular Sized Rudy, the most "me as a kid" character in TV history. Oh, and that last scene with Bob, Louise, and Rudy cuddling on the school bus? Basically the cutest thing ever in my book. If I ever seem a bit too excited to talk about Roudise on here, please keep in mind that I've basically been shipping them since May 5, 2013, with relatively few people to talk about it with until I joined this silly website last year.
Random Thoughts (stuff that doesn't affect the ratings):
-It is so nice for the show to have the normal version of the theme song and opening credits! Yes, the changes are small, but they matter to me. The opening music and credits in the first two seasons are just not as fun and lively as the version from three onward- and it makes the show as a whole feel a bit more fun now.
-Gene in "Broadcast Wagstaff School News": "Quick! Comb me over! Trump me!" It's so weird when pre-2016 TV shows make jokes about that guy in the genre of "businessman"/TV personality with bad hair knowing now that he is a wannabe fascist dictator.
-"Things that are different in their first appearance" department: Regular Sized Rudy's voice is noticeably different in "Carpe Museum" (it was funny to hear that interview where Brian Huskey said he was told "do what you did at the table read" and didn't really remember what he did at the table read). Also, Mr. Branca's pants are a different color in his first appearance than they normally are- I'm assuming that his normal pants were damaged in an unfortunate incident with his work crowbar.
Well, much like the Deuce of Diamonds and Toad the Wet Sprocket, I gave you my magic and now I am going to disappear. (Not really, I'm just ending this post. I'll still be here. I just couldn't resist making another reference to that line)
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Been thinking about the anon that wanted a Courtney vs Scott final for All Stars. Their version is awesome, but I was thinking of a different route!
Something something Scott is about to win when Fang shows up and runs to help Courtney (conquering his fear of sharks) but lets face it Courtney beats Fang into the ground before Scott even reaches her lol. Scott gets the win for being a brave girlfriend and impulse buys the dumbest shit like fancy dirt
For Courtney’s win, she realizes how horrible of a person she’s become and goes back to her roots, which is playing the game fair and square. Its a narrow win, but she’s got the million and can spoil Scott. Either way, its a happy ending for the both of them!
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ohsoulymoons · 2 months
Bee boo pew I plan on killing the zombies, all of them, but I don't know how...
Probably making Duncan eat them?
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In a world where music intertwines,
Jonny Greenwood and Mike Patton, two shining signs.
Star-crossed lovers, their passion ablaze,
Their melodies entwined in a cosmic haze.
But a challenge arose, a fierce battle to face,
Courtney Love, a force they couldn't erase.
The fight seemed daunting, victory out of sight,
But they summoned their strength, ready to ignite.
With guitars in hand, they played with might,
Notes soaring high, piercing the night.
Their harmonies clashed, a symphony of war,
Yet their love for each other burned at the core.
As the battle raged on, hope started to fade,
But determination surged, they refused to evade.
In the final moments, when all seemed lost,
Their spirits soared, a triumphant exhaust.
With a burst of energy, they seized the stage,
Their music resounding, breaking free from the cage.
Courtney Love, defeated, stood in awe,
As Jonny and Mike emerged victorious, raw.
Their love for music, a bond unbreakable,
They proved that even against odds unthinkable,
With passion and talent, they conquered the strife,
Jike Pattonwood, love sharp as a knife..
Vote Jike please
Nobel literature prize for you
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screamsinsilver · 6 months
fics I am gonna get down at some point hopefully
that mando slight angst slight smut to tomato red I started
that noah/nick vampire fic
matt dierkes/alex ballew based on matt tuning alex's drums on concrete forever even though he hasn't been erra for years and the "alex only fucks" comment (maybe also a follow up about the "jt only gets fucked and the rest are generous lovers" idk)
jesse/jt hotel hand holding whatever that I posted about yesterday
noah and jesse disagreeing whilst writing a song together and nick "conflict de-escalateor" ruffilo getting them to shag it out
mike stringer awkwardly asking jesse to finger him cus jesse is good with his fingers and courtney keeps her nails long
reader getting ruined by courtney (don't usually go here but I'm surprised I haven't seen one of these yet)
kia/izzy conquer divide femslash cus we need more f/f in this scene
mandoscar angst
brocedes angst filled with intense longing cus I've wanted to do one for years
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Ten Years of GOTY: The Magnum Opus
(Will be periodically reblogged and updated- feel free to use these characters or further their head cannons!! And as always, AG hire me.)
2030: Soleil Levy
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Why Does Soleil Matter?
Soleil is unapologetically herself- even when it complicates things. Her story conquers the ups and downs of the early teenage years with autism spectrum disorder, and shows the importance of community and acceptance.
Soleil’s Vibes!!
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Dress Like Soleil!!
Starry Hoodie Outfit
Bright Stripes Outfit
Spring Flower Outfit
First Day Outfit
Ready For Fun Outfit
Nicki’s Skateboarding Outfit
Stars and Stripes Sleep Set
Maryellen’s Dachshund Pajamas
Earth Day Outfit
Courtney’s Halloween Costume
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cosmic-violet-witch · 7 months
When I feel weak & conquered by men & destroyed by patriarchy, I just have to remember to put on some of Courtney Love’s music & then suddenly I feel powerful again. 🥺
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n7viper · 2 years
While I'm going through my metal revival, do you have any band recs? Favourite songs of the moment? 😌😌😌
oH man... you know not what you ask. I rewrote this so many times trying to make something coherent 😩 I'm just alskdfjdlgkf at all times. I don't know if you want a handy list or if you want me to infodump about music, so I'll try to be Normal about this and just do a list for now. I tend to listen almost exclusively to metalcore/hardcore adjacent music, so that's the tl;dr of this whole post. I like screamies and breakdowns that make me want to throw hands/drive my car through a brick wall.
First off: I love last.fm. You can see my all-time (aka 2020-2022...) listening habits here if stats are your thing. It's not as Snapchat-like as Spotify's Wrapped, but I can also get a mini "Wrapped" report every week so I think it's pretty cool.
If you've seen me mention music, you probably know I'm bonkers about Motionless in White, so I'll throw them out there as their own little paragraph. Goth/horror isn't my thing at all, but something about their music just does something to my brain that makes me end up in the top 0.005% of their listeners on Spotify last year 🙃 It was really hard to narrow it down to two songs, but I'll suggest Devil's Night (synths! yeah boi) and Scoring the End of the World (feat. Mick Gordon!).
Bad Omens - Dethrone / Blood
ERRA - Sol Absentia / Eye of God
Beartooth - Below / Beaten in Lips / honourable mention to The Last Riff (instrumental!)
Stray From the Path - Goodnight Alt-Right / Chest Candy
I Prevail - There's Fear In Letting Go / FWYTYK
Fit for a King - End (The Other Side) / Reaching Out
Trivium - The Phalanx / Strife
Stick To Your Guns - Hush / No Way to Live
Norma Jean - 1994 / Penny Margs
Electric Callboy - We Got the Moves / Spaceman (feat. FiNCH)
Bleed From Within - I Am Damnation / Into Nothing
Make Them Suffer - Doomswitch / Contraband (feat. Courtney LaPlante)
Alpha Wolf - Akudama
Bury Tomorrow - Abandon Us
Every Time I Die - It Remembers / Planet Shit
Thornhill - The Hellfire Club / Nurture
Underoath - No Frame / I'm Pretty Sure I'm Out of Luck and Have No Friends
I also made this into a playlist on Spotify if you listen there! I also have a longer suggestions playlist here on Spotify if you're interested. It has a lot of the same stuff and more, if the first one tickles your fancy.
Friday was Bandcamp Friday over on, well, Bandcamp. This just means that Bandcamp waives their fees for artists for the day, so artists receive basically full sales. I don't listen on there as much as I should, but you can find me and my collection here. Here's some fun stuff I've found or been sent:
Transgressive - Seize the Means of Reproduction // trans thrash
INTERRA - In Your Hands // melodic death metal
orphantwin - Future Classic // melodic ??? metalcore? idk man. side project for two of the guys from Norma Jean
G.L.O.S.S. - DEMO // punk
Sharptooth - imperfect animal // hardcore
Employed to Serve - Conquering // metalcore
PUPIL SLICER - Mirrors // grindcore
Vein.fm - This World Is Going to Ruin You // mathcore
SION - self titled // metalcore, ex-Killswitch Engage vocalist
Khemmis - Deceiver // doom metal
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Singing Slumber Party
Once upon a time, on a cozy slumber party night, Bridgette, Courtney, Leshawna, and Gwen gathered in one room. They decided to take turns singing their favorite Disney Villains songs.
Bridgette started, and she chose to sing "Poor Unfortunate Souls" from The Little Mermaid. She belted out the wicked lyrics with an eerie smile on her face, perfectly capturing the essence of the evil sea witch, Ursula.
Next up was Courtney, who opted to sing "Be Prepared" from The Lion King. She had an intimidating presence as she roared the lyrics, just like Scar himself. Her voice echoed through the room, sending shivers down her friends' spines.
Leshawna was up next, and she chose to sing "Mother Knows Best" from Tangled. With her commanding voice and confidence, she embodied the manipulative Mother Gothel. She even added some theatrical flair, utilizing hand gestures to emphasize the lyrics.
Last but not least, Gwen took her turn, and she chose to sing "Hellfire" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. She sang with passion and intensity, capturing the inner turmoil of the villainous Judge Claude Frollo. Her friends were in awe of her stunning performance.
As the night went on, they took turns singing more Disney Villains songs, relishing in the darkness and mischief that came with each tune. They danced and laughed the night away, feeling empowered by the music.
In the end, the girls fell asleep with smiles on their faces, feeling like they had conquered the world with just their voices and a few villainous songs.
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SPIRITBOX Releases New Single 'The Void'
SPIRITBOX has released a brand new song, "The Void", and its accompanying visualizer. The track features the band's calling card of complex, multi-layered soundscapes and gloriously ethereal, hugely catchy vocals whilst also furthering their incredible ability to release music that is immediately recognizable as SPIRITBOX but simultaneously sounds unlike any of their previous releases.
SPIRITBOX is currently on the road for its first ever U.S. headline run - the completely sold-out "Eternal Blue" tour, where the new track has been making its surprise live debut to much excitement from fans.
Speaking on the official release of "The Void", SPIRITBOX vocalist Courtney LaPlante shares: "'The Void' is a song that came about very quickly. I didn't have to fight with anything to write it, and when that happens, I don't argue with it. It's a type of song that I've been wanting to write for a long time. I've heard it hundreds of times now, and it makes me so happy every time I hear it. It's been such an amazing experience playing this song on our tour, and watching people hear it for the first time in real time."
The "Eternal Blue" tour 2023, produced by Live Nation, began in Vancouver on April 10 and will culminate in Minneapolis on May 10.
SPIRITBOX is continuing to support its debut album, "Eternal Blue", released in September 2021 via Rise Records and Pale Chord. Since the arrival of "Eternal Blue", SPIRITBOX has been conquering the live arena one mind-bending performance at a time. Prior to the "Eternal Blue" tour, they played major festivals in the U.S., Australia and Europe, several sold-out, one-off headline shows in major cities such as London, Los Angeles and Munich and toured with the likes of UNDEROATH, GHOST and LAMB OF GOD.
Once done touring the U.S., SPIRITBOX will hit Europe for a run of shows with GHOST in France, BRING ME THE HORIZON in Budapest and Paris, two co-headline shows with MOTIONLESS IN WHITE in Germany, standalone headline shows in Milan (Italy),Munster (Germany),Haarlem (Netherlands),Eindhoven (Netherlands) and Helsinki (Finland),several major festivals and finally the U.K., where they will play a run of headline shows supported by LOATHE and BRAND OF SACRIFICE.
"Eternal Blue" rolled in on a global tsunami of critical acclaim, from perfect score reviews and features everywhere including Spin, Forbes, Billboard and Alternative Press to multiple front covers including Kerrang!, Metal Hammer, Alternative Press, Rock Sound, Distorted Sound, Pollstar and Revolver. The album spawned a string of hit singles, including "Holy Roller", "Constance", "Circle With Me", "Secret Garden" and, most recently, "Hurt You". To date, "Eternal Blue" has clocked up 235 million streams.
SPIRITBOX followed the release of "Eternal Blue" with the three-song "Rotoscope" EP, in 2022. The "Rotoscope" title track came accompanied by an official music video shot by Max Moore, which has received over 3.1 million YouTube views so far. The EP has clocked up 24.9 million streams.
To date, SPIRITBOX have accumulated over 395 million career streams across platforms and 76.4 million YouTube views. They were also nominated for two Juno Awards, for "Breakthrough Group Of The Year" this year and "Metal/Hard Music Album Of The Year" last year.
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dxwnxdusk · 2 years
Muse Theme Songs : Azure Lion
post theme songs for your muse
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 ❤️‍🩹Standard Theme❤️‍🩹 : Home - Machine Gun Kelly x Ambassadors x Bebe Rexha / Atlantis - Seafret / Saints - Echo
 ����Battle Theme🧡 : Conquer - Neoni x Magnus / Glitter & Gold - Barns Courtney / I'm Not Sorry - Neoni
 💔Emotion Theme💔 : Are You Satisfied? - Marina and The Diamonds / Boats and Birds - Gregory and The Hawk / I Wish - Imagine Dragons
❤️‍🔥Boss Battle Theme❤️‍🔥 : Notorious - Neoni / Machine - Neoni / Warpath - Tim Halperin x Hidden Citizens
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missjanjie · 1 year
courtney conquers tweeting that air canada cancelled their flight and tried to give 6+ drag queens 3 hotel rooms…dayasco there was only one bed thoughts
realistically i feel like everyone would be too pissed about the cancelled flight to be horny, but on the other… there was only one bed 👀
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Hey Mod Courtney
I don’t believe I ever sent you an ask, I’m 🦇 from Mod Ripper’s blog, but idk if you have a different 🦇 on here
Here’s my assorted s2 takes
I don’t really think Damien was being set up to win season 2. Cool of him to conquer his fears and want to play ig but he wasn’t doing particularly amazing. He found the immunity idol but I fully expected Julia to take it. Ig he could’ve been fun in the finale tho.
I like Caleb quite a bit actually but he was kind of a bore in the finale
Wayne winning was out of absolutely nowhere and didn’t really feel right. Like I like bro but come on💀
I also like Priya but she had her moment and her just being really good at the game but like again and with a dude this time didn’t hit for me
I do actually like Prileb a lot despite my statement above. Just not a fan of its place in the season
Have a good one y’all
-Other Blog Bat Anon 🦇
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ohsoulymoons · 5 months
Would you be Mad at Me?
What if I make Evil Brick and Evil Courtney?
Make them kiss?
What about that?
Who will save the world, now?
Or what if I let them conquer the universe?
Or would you rather Good Jo and Duncan join them instead after failure of saving their own universe?
What did they do?
Would you like to know?
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