#courtney-trent friendship
noahtally-famous · 1 year
tda featuring duntrent, gwourtney, a proper characterization for trent and his ocd, exes gwent and duncney (plus initial awkward tension to sincere friendship and solidarity), and a final two duncan and courtney would’ve slayed so hard
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opuestocomplementario · 4 months
I think I never read about a fandom who somehow agreed of having the same thing mentioned all the time, like wow, you guys agreed in so many things. The friendships, group interactions, likes and relationships, the MANNERISMS AND TROPES, the looks and the descriptions. I am literally reading the same shit written by different people and I am living for it. This is my jam. I love it.
That being said, I got a little suprised when suddenly in one of the fics I get a pairing that never see before. Good for whoever wrote it. They are for you and you only (I am not a fan but I get it. Kinda)
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Beth’s win in Total Drama Action is miles better than Duncan’s.
She won two crucial late-game immunities back-to-back in the Final 5 and 4, eliminated the biggest competition in the game (Courtney), had the sense to jump from alliances that were a sinking ship (abandoning Justin with Lindsay, leaving Courtney’s girl alliance), and played a stealthy under-the-radar social game by never having a vote cast against her the entire season OR being in the bottom two despite attending the most elimination ceremonies that season.
Her lowkey game isn’t appreciated because it’s not entertaining, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive. Despite her flawed actions (cheating on Brady with Harold, calling Lindsay a “tanorexic” in a moment of anger then immediately offering her a friendship bracelet), she maintained a reputation on the island as sweet, non-threatening, and likable.
Had Leshawna, Lindsay, and Trent’s jury votes been counted by Chris (production rigged the voting by not using their votes), it wouldn’t have mattered if Beth got 3 or 4 votes in e it her alternate ending: Those 3 extra votes (undoubtedly pro-Beth or anti-Duncan in Trent’s case) would’ve given her the edge in a 6-4 or 7-3 jury vote, and she would’ve won regardless.
The flack she gets for her “boring” game/presence in the season reminds me of Danni’s win in Survivor: Guatemala. Danni played an equally lowkey game, relying on her social connections and late-game immunity wins (especially in the Final 3) to get her to the finale. Opposite a fan-favorite player (Stephenie LaGrossa) who had bullying tendencies on the season, her win was underappreciated.
Put some respect on her name!
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ameliaszahmet · 1 month
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Duncan , the most EVIL character in TOTAL DRAMA HISTORY- a psychological anaylsis of the narcissistic syndrome and the downfall of 3 great characters: Courtney , Gwen and Trent (and why Courtney made a list)
I want to specify something from the start. Duncan Courtney Gwen and Trent are ALL MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITES . I just tried to make sense of this situation through a psychological point of view. Each time I analyze this it gets darker but a lot more interesting than expected. So the point is not hate them but figure them out.
I wrote this covering almost each and every aspect. courtney's sudden friendship with gwen , duncan as the one and only evil character , courtney's downfall and her list. I split this in more parts cuz it was already too long . So more parts to come .But in this one I cover their characters and their personalities
To understand better what really happened in total drama and that love triangle there is only one and ONLY ONE EXPLANATION for that . Narcissistic syndrome.
For those who don't know narcissistic syndrome refers to people who have a constant need for attention and a complete disregard of who they might be using to get that. We're not talking about someone just simply looking in the mirror we're talking about a complete painful form of abuse.
To get a better understanding of Duncan ‘s character we need to see how it all started . The first thing that Duncan did when coming to Island was flirt with whatever moved around him, torture animals and bully people. He pretty much made a point how he wants to be seen . A bully . “Being bad is cool.” He tried his luck with some girls on island :heather, lindsay , gwen , till courtney fell for it. "told you she wanted me". While for her it seemed like the best day of her life because she finally got her chance to express herself as she is without that pressure of rules and "perfect image" , for Duncan was just another usual Monday. She was so obsessed with rules ,raised to believe they are the only thing that keep her safe in society but the moment a bully showed her how to be free she accepted that immediately. She wanted to be free and Duncan offered what she wanted.
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I do follow rules , that makes me a loser , right?
With his usual taste to break the rules it is quite obvious why he was fixated on Courtney and why he didn't try to flirt with other girls when she was around. He knew that at some point she would fall for him ,cuz Courtney = rules and Duncan LIKES breaking them.He saw her as a challenge and not someone he particularly liked for herself. He dislikes rules or police or law or anything that courtney mostly takes interest in: studying, school, being a good kid etc. He had a lot of girls, specifically those that "are crazy" . "I had crazier chicks and uglier or" hey I like that in a chick. "He likes to drive them crazy for him and the attention he's getting from them and Courtney gave him that each EACH AND EVERY SINGLE TIME.
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While most of the guys have shown a particular interest for the girls they genuinely liked , like Trent for Gwen , Geoff for Bridgette , Owen for Izzy , and Tyler for Lindsay ,Duncan was the only one who tried his luck with ALL of them. Touching Lindsay's shoulder without permission, flirting with Heather the first moment he got there or flirting with Gwen later.
It is not unusual for a narcissist to use one or more victims to get their constant supply of attention and Courtney offered him plenty.
The situation changed in season 2 , especially when Courtney was not around anymore to give him that ,and Gwen's relationship with Trent was his PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to get it. He saw Gwen weak ,vulnerable during her difficult time with trent just like he saw courtney's obsession with rules as her own weakness, which made them the "perfect victims".
The sudden interest and the amount of time Duncan spent with Gwen made her confused enough about his feelings for her and Duncan knew that it would work against both her and Trent. He knew how much Trent cared about her and he used his jealousy to his advantage while turning his genuine love into a pathetic image in front of gwen. He saw this as an opportunity and not genuine interest. " Personally I would choose the money ", "I would remind you two about it when money' s divvied up" .While Trent valued her more than money and always as his first option Duncan saw her as a second option.
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idk ....duncan? Not sure herself of her choice this was the very moment Duncan understood his plan worked. She made her confused for his own gain.
He instigated the doubt between them to make their relationship fall. A narcissist doesn't care who is he using for that as long as he gets to be the centre of attention and create trouble. He doesn't care about people more than himself. Just like he didn't care what Courtney might think watching this back home and seeing him doing this to people around him without remorse.
season 2 he noticed that Gwen 's relationship with trent suffers a change for the worst so he used that to his advantage. He told in his audition tape he is "resourceful" , he adapts to many situtations. His best skills are "fake tears"as he refered in his confessional . A skill that he proved to have it from a young age " oh mom was that your favourite vase? boo hooo" It is seen through his friendship with Alejandro how easy is for them to lie to women for their own convenience and even when both Courtney and Gwen were around.
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those 2 are pretty much on the same page when it comes to seducing women without any regard of how they both feel. The main difference is one does it for the game and the other for "FUN"
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Duncan can manipulate his goodness and his badness to his own advantage .
When he saw he's losing his game with Gwen he lured her back by saving her from the leeches trying to insist he's good while he simultaneously tried to send hints to courtney by using his relationship with Gwen and trying to make her notice him . All this while he tried to prove his bad boy image for a whole season. He doesn't want to be good, he doesn't want to be seen like this. It just happens his goodness was useful for him when he wanted to prove he's bad.
In season 2 he told gwen about the stars, and how good he treats his girlfriend because he knew this very thing would ATTRACT her when she was dealing with her hard time with Trent and offered her a safe option she can pick when her relationship with trent completely falls , just like he told courtney "oh look sweetheart how cool it is to break rules but I have a "soft side "so of course I'm not gonna hurt you." He knows Gwen is a kind girl in spite of her strong appearance just like he knew courtney is weak in spite of her forceful personality. He doesn't like to be seen as nice but it is not uncommon for narcissists to use that if it's proven to be helpful in achieving their goals. Duncan pretty much like Alejandro has to analyze the situation and act according to the victim's preference. Harold is obsessed with duty and honour? then Alejandro suggests "harakiri" , Bridgette's character turned completely dependent on Geoff ? then Alejandro makes her fall for him cuz she's weak without him. Dj has a curse problem? He creates a "gold fish" fakely making him believe he is not cursed anymroe.
Duncan operates in the same way Alejandro did.
He used Courtney's weakness and love for him against her to get Gwen and he used Gwen's trust and emotional vulnerability to get Courtney. To understand why it was easy to do this to them we need to see their characters.
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For both Gwen and Courtney art is basically the only place they allow themselves to be weak
Both of them are sensitive souls who keep their feelings hidden in the hopes someone might get them one day . Gwen likes drawing , music and actual romantic stuff in spite of her dark strong goth appearance. And Courtney was the kind who never wanted other people see that she is weak , not even let them see she has a small fear or open up for a moment about her feelings ," you must be afraid of something"
"No ...nothing...."
or that her eye was hurt : " what happened to your eye girl ?" nothing! ! but it's worse.!!
" shh we don t want to let them know that. "
Her violin is the only thing she particularly feels attached to and her only safe way to actually express what she really feels. For many musicians, playing the violin is an emotional outlet and a way to express their innermost feelings. The physical closeness of the violin to the player’s body creates an intimate connection, allowing the musician to channel their emotions directly into their playing. She uses her violin to share emotions she wouldn't normally tell out loud just like Gwen creates art through her drawings revealing her deepest emotions on paper
Courtney has trouble trusting people fearing her weakness might be used against her and Duncan was the first person she completely let her guard down for. Why Duncan? She noticed he was "different". Until that" soft side episode " she did not have interest in him that much. He called her princess cuz she is spoiled not as a form of affection. that's why she hated it. She doesn't like to be reminded she has to keep up with a "perfect image" . All she wants is to be herself . Courtney mostly thought he is just a bully , just a plain bully. But the moment she saw that he has" a good side " she completely changed her mind "ohh, a bunny , wow he is nice??? " yet for him it was not something he is particularly proud of or wanted to show her. Everyone has a soft or weak or a mean side , something that Courtney and Gwen find it hard to accept .
That's for the first part. second to come.
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iluminaru · 10 months
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Some Gwourtney for my heart <3
Also my post-show designs for them, i'm not sure about Gwen's tho-
Some headcanons for them:
Courtney is a closeted lesbian and Gwen is a non-binary bisexual (they/them)
They prefer sleep overs over dates.
Kinda secret relationship? They aren't very public with it, but If you ask them about their relationship, they won't hide it. So far only people who know about them are: Alejandro, Heather, Brigette, LeShawna, DJ, Geoff, Cody, Sierra, Trent, Duncan, Zoey and Cameron.
Gwen saved more friendships from the show than Courtney. Courtney is a bit jealous about it.
One of a few friends Courtney saved is Alejandro. Actually, they are very close. So when Courtney and Gwen plan a smoll event, they always have to invite Alejandro (Courtney insists), and that means that, often, they will have to invite Heather. By the end of the event, when most of the guests left, it's looks like a double date. A platonic double date.
They do each other make up and nails.
Courtney's family is homophobic :'(
Courtney loves when Gwen holds her, It makes her feel like a princess.
They do have a cute nicknames for each other! For Gwen is Moony, and for Courtney is Cinnamon.
Gwen always insists on watching scary movies. Courtney doesn't really like them, but watches them for Gwen.
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dududuuuuudud · 2 months
Friendly reminder for u guys!
To Duncney and Gwent fans,
WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION. Boo hoo your ship was filled with toxicity which you and your toxic fanbase ignore because they were 'nostalgic'. You guys are probably 10-year-olds who have no sense of what a healthy and non-healthy ship is. Many people cheated on their partners and do you talk about that? No because you guys are attacking two people who genuinely loved each other. ALSO, I would like to state that harassing Gwuncan shippers is not going to get you anywhere. Just because your ship died which everyone knew was going to happen because HOW WOULD THEY SETTLE THEIR RELATIONSHIP OUTSIDE OF THE SHOW. Alright, tell me about Duncney. They are not cutesy wootsie when Courtney abused him every way possible. To top it off, Duncan was happily cheating on Courtney by flirting with Heather as well. AND Courtney happily about to kiss Justin IN FRONT of Duncan. This is a way to prove that Duncan would not work.Read through my rants and you'll get why. Another thing, Trent was creepy and making Gwen so uncomfortable. He was so insecure that he shouldn't be in a relationship at all and work for himself. AND he kissed Heather back as well. Meaning Gwent would not work as well outside of the show. 'But Gwuncan revolved around Courtney.' NO TF IT DID NOT. IN TDAS GWEN HAD TO FIX HER FRIENDSHIP AND DUNCAN IN FACT DID NOT LIKE COURTNEY. HE HAD A BIG EGO AND THAT SEASON ITSELF SHOULDN'T BE COUNTED AS ONE FOR WHAT IT DID TO EVERY CHARACTER. Not the point. Gwuncan DIDN'T revolve around Courtney so with the most disrespect, SHUT UP. Stop hating on a ship when two people GENUINELY LOVE EACH OTHER and DON'T have just a physical attraction. You Duncney and Gwent fans are actually so toxic and parade your opinion which NO ONE ASKS FOR to people who have done nothing but have an opinion. No one gaf about your opinion which has zero to NO facts or evidence to actually prove as a healthy ship. 'Oh it's just a show.' Well if it's just a show why are Gwuncan shippers receiving death threats. I'm making this for people like you to stop because it's really aggravating seeing a Duncney fan or Gwent fan everywhere I go in the community, plastering your opinion. Mind I say again, NO ONE FUCKING CARES.
GROW UP OR LEAVE THE COMMUNITY. Because you guys are the most obnoxious and disrespectful shippers who go out of their way to ruin everything.
~Read my other rants for more my evidence and proof to why these ships suck~
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saccgiriangel · 2 months
Good question, my anon buddy!
(I have to clarify that the AU is still in process so these are some ideas I have so far)
(This will be a very long text lol)
Alejandro + Geoff: Same relationship as Cody and Trent, with the difference that at first Geoff was suspicious and jealous of Alejandro but realized that he was not the person he thought he was and they became friends.
Noah + Harold: Polar opposites that complement each other in some way, they would begin to interact during TDWT (not in the same context as Gwen and Courtney) and develop a lasting friendship. I don't have much to explain this friendship because it would be similar to the one Courtney and Gwen have in the series.
Sadie + Katie: I like to think that the two started talking and interacting when they were on the Playa Des Losers.
Eva + Justin + Heather: Team Escope 2.0, not much explanation for this.
Lindsay + Ezekiel: Ezekiel would be interested in Lindsay (not romantically, he would just find Lindsay's sports skills cool) and Lindsay would find Ezekiel funny, they would probably have sleepovers with each other while Ezekiel does Lindsay's make-up and Lindsay plays with Ezekiel's hair.
Duncan + Ezekiel: two silly and stupid guys doing stupid but fun things, I can see them being those friends who constantly go on outings and always end up making a mess or end up accidentally getting into trouble Duncan probably likes to tell Ezekiel about his "intellectual interests" and Ezekiel just listens to him while asking him a question every 8 seconds
Bridgette 💔 Geoff: Theyre exes, they already knew each other outside of the program and had had a quick romance that ended on "good terms" (according to Bridgette). Although I can see Bridgette trying to flirt with Geoff again and Geoff would just avoid her or make it clear to her that he doesn't want to have something with her again.
Duncan ❤️ Harold + Duncan 💔 Trent (I love both ships ngl):
With DunHar, Harold initially had no interest in interacting with Duncan, he didn't hate him but at the time he didn't care for him. On Duncan's side, Harold automatically attracted his attention and consequently began to develop feelings for him as the challenges progressed, Duncan tried to interact with Harold more often and draw his attention with compliments and positive comments or interest. Harold is no fool and noticed that attention he was getting from Duncan so he started to play along in a joking mode but he wasn't being so joking after all, which made Harold realize that he had feelings for Duncan (and surely his mind was like "why did I have to end up finding a guy like him attractive?" But in a good way). The rest I think is obvious and they both ended up in a relationship, then the vote-swapping thing would happen causing Harold to be voted off but they would both continue their relationship even outside of the show.
With DunTrent, in the au they are childhood friends, they already knew each other outside of the show and upon learning that they would both participate in the same season they were happy. Trent despite spending a lot of time being friends with Duncan, as he grew older he began to develop a thing for him, this was interrupted when Trent began to notice that Duncan had an interest in Harold and his feelings were becoming more noticeable. Trent had trouble accepting that and felt some jealousy internally but pretended not to care about the details, not that it made him sad but disappointed that his crush with his childhood friend didn't have a chance of happening. Trent decided as an act of desperation to change the votes and kick Harold out of the competition, something that made Duncan not feel good and Trent felt some regret and action for this action. The good thing is that Trent decided to talk about it all with Duncan before being eliminated and Duncan accepted his apology and they both returned to their usual friendship (of course Trent had to suffer Harold's fury when they arrived at the Playa Des Losers but later they managed to make peace and pretend that nothing of the above had happened although Harold would still feel a little bit of resentment for the situation)
Gwen ❤️ Courtney: I feel that at the end of the show it would be revealed that all this time they were a couple and everyone would not be surprised knowing how close they were during the competition.
Geoff ❤️ Noah: Gwen x Trent but this time it ended well and nothing strange happened to ruin their relationship- 😭
And so far those would be all the couples and friendships, as I said before, the AU is in process so some things may have changes and different ideas.
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type-a-princess · 2 months
i love how every duncney or courtney centered fanfic taking place years after td all follow the same format which is like
- courtney's life improved
- duncan's life did not
- the role for courtney's closest friends are usually bridgette, trent, or heather
- courtney and gwen are on good terms or still working it out
- the role for duncan's closest friends are usually geoff or dj
- codependent gwuncan friendship
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jrat226 · 4 months
Imma rank the TDI contestants cause yeah
1. Duncan (I mean he was it, he's awesome)
2. Harold (I love Harold, he's funny, comes in clutch, I did like his crush on leshawna) "give daddy some sugar"
3. Dj (I mean of course he's making top 3??? You surprised you know why he's here?)
4. Noah (look I love snarky asshole characters)
5. Gwen (best girl hands down)
6. Leshawna (she's awesome you know why she's this high)
7. Heather (we love and evil bitch)
8. Tyler (he's funny, I like him, also he was voted off unfairly)
9. Izzy (I like Izzy, that's all)
10. Eva (listen the buff angry girl was kinda fun I'm not gonna lie I wish she stayed longer and her friendship with Izzy and Noah is cool)
11. Cody (I like him but I do wish he was fleshed out more)
12. Owen (imma get my ip leaked, but he's so overrated like yes he's very nice and sweet but besides that it's just *insert fat/fart joke here*
13. Geoff (again cool kind I like him)
14. Bridgette (she's cool)
15. Courtney (another one that'll get me killed, but I mean she was annoying, the only time I liked her on screen was when Duncan was with her on screen)
16. Lindsey (she's cool but she's just a bit too dumb)
17. Justin (damn that boy sexy, but he got the personality of wet toilet paper)
18. Beth (eh she cool)
19. Ezekiel (he's wasted potential if he could've stayed longer and learned things he could've been taken under someone's wing but as he is he can go here)
20. Trent (this one will get me killed but, he's just so basic I'm sorry)
21. Katie (annoying ass)
22. Sadie (she was there longer than Katie so she could annoy me longer)
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axel-ambassador · 8 months
Thinking about Ripaxel again
I think one of the biggest reasons I've come to love it as much as I do is because it does almost everything right where the first gen characters went wrong.
As I've said before, I've been burned before by this show and the way it handles romance. It is not fun to be a Gwen and Courtney fan, and it's especially torturous to have Gwourtney as an OTP considering everything that canon offers.
I also loved Gwent during island, despite the inconsistent writing. Trent's derailment and the messy breakup that followed painting Gwen as the only one in the wrong absolutely destroyed me.
I became obsessed with Gwen's friendship with Courtney. It was so nice to see these two girls whose arcs were normally contextualized by their relationships to breathe and be themselves, without any of the romance drama.
But then the love triangle happened and we all know how I feel about that.
But then All Stars gave me hope. Sure, my fav was incredibly derailed at this point, but it was worth it for the genuine relationship she formed with Courtney.
And then the show spit in my face. Romance and relationships would always suffer just because the plot simply demanded it.
Ripaxel though...doesn't have any of those issues.
Never at one point are they trying to change each other that negatively affects them. Yes, Ripper does change, but he makes the conscious choice to change because he wants to be better. He wants to fix his misogynist tendencies and superiority complex because he knows Axel won't take any of that shit.
Axel on the other hand, sees this. She's willing to give him a chance, and yet she never changed herself besides trying to be more friendly, which she did for herself.
And once they're together, that's it. They are their authentic, better selves. They bring out the best in each other. Axel is the driving force for Ripper to drop his faux persona and be himself. Ripper brings out Axel's sweeter, more compassionate side.
They actively try to better themselves while sticking to who they are because they love each other. And they embrace each and every part of each other.
It's so personally vindicating to see my favorite character flourish in a relationship after the absolute disaster that was Gwen and Courtney's love lives.
No toxicity, no derailment, no drama, just 2 people in a loving, healthy relationship. It's so refreshing to see.
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Don’t mind me, I’m just listing off annoying mischaracterizations of td characters that I commonly seen in fanfics <)
Izzy: Being crazy is her only personality trait. No character depth whatsoever and is just there to be insane and annoying.
Trent: Basically the same except he’s way too laidback and an overall pushover (+ from what I heard, he’s also written as an abuser in some stories which is not..)
Owen: A constant fat joke and that’s it; basically every other trait is stripped away from him. mainly revolves around Noah and is immediately tossed to the side if otherwise.
Courtney: A spoiled brat who whines and bitches about everything and hates everyone.
Gwen: Mean-spirited and hates almost everyone. Mainly shipped with Duncan. Secondary writer’s pet (Duncan’s the first).
Duncan: The literal embodiment of writer’s pet.
Lindsay: She’s 10x dumber than usual and lets heather walk all over her, (if action and the bike race eps didn’t exist)
DJ: A flanderized shell of himself. “MAMA! 🥺😫”
LeShawna: She relatively stays the same except her potential friendship with Heather is hardly ever mentioned, and if not, entirely erased from the plot.
Noah: The same, that’s basically it.
Geoff: Action Geoff but worse.
Beth: She’s (SOMEHOW) mean and rude when it’s the complete opposite and gets ooc. (fanfic writers what are you doing)
Sadie & Katie: Stays the same
Justin: idk
Ezekiel: The same but has more character and a fleshed out personality.
Sierra: Somehow 10x worse in fanfics than in canon. A s3x off3nd3er.
Alejandro: Can’t be affected by fanfics cus he’s Alejandro :)
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real-total-drama-takes · 10 months
my favorite little friendships that the show doesn't care about or the fandom doesn't care about. or I just wanna talk abt idk:
Beth and Leshawna - what could've been...
Bridgette and Gwen - like they were friends pre-merge on island cmon
Cody and Harold - they are nerds TOGETHER. I appreciate Harold's lil rap in wt.
Cody and Heather - LOVE popular girl and nerd bestie truther
Harold and Heather - Harold just wanted to be her friend man. Heather did in secret too but she didn't want to ruin her rep.
Harold and Tyler - THEY WERE SO SILLY IN THAT ONE EP IN WT they can be nerds TOGETHER
Izzy and Lindsay - nobody talks about them.
Justin and Owen - they were kinda fruity as well ngl like... but anyways if not they were goofily friendly in action
Justin and Trent - I LOVE AND APPRECIATE THEM they're best friends thank you
Lindsay and Trent - THEY'RE THE GOOFIEST FRIENDSHIP dumb girl and lovesick boy...
honorable mentions
Alejandro and Duncan - I just had to mention them ik they're popular
Beth and Cody - sillies
Beth and Duncan - idk man I just appreciate them. the unknown best friends
Bridgette and DJ - ik everyone loves them but. I just had to mention
Bridgette and Leshawna - I love the girls friendships
Cody and Owen - they were so chill together in island
Courtney and Katie - why were they hugging in that one dodgebrawl scene IT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE BFFS besides Sadie ofc
DJ and Geoff - bc I Appreciate them
DJ and Leshawna - she's his older sister figure
Duncan and Heather - yeah.
Izzy and Noah - again, I just want to mention them. they were so goofy in wt
Lindsay and Sadie - GBF they had ugly hair TOGETHER
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total-feminism-takes · 5 months
this isn’t really for a specific character, and it’s a pretty popular take but I hate how the majority of female characters have their plots solely revolving around male characters. Here’s a list I came up with that irk me the most:
Gwen: in island and action her main “gimmick” was her romance with Trent and staying away from Cody and in world tour she had the whole cheating plot with Duncan and trying to keep Cody away from her. You could argue she had barely any personality outside that in wt. and then ofc she also had the arc w her Duncan breakup in All Stars but the rest of her plot from there was Duncan related. Courtney: this one kind of speaks for itself. Zoey: Don’t get me wrong i love Zoey but she could have been so much better if her whole plot didn’t revolve around Mike. I wish we got to look into her character more and watch her make more friends while still maintaining something with Mike. Same thing with Anne Maria. Emma (reboot and RR): both of these characters are super fun but their plots fully revolve around male characters. RR Emma had her full arc with Noah which was cute, but I sometimes felt like it was her only personality point. Reboot Emma makes me SO MAD bc I love her character but she doesn’t have any personality outside Chase. I think the creators of td had points when they tried to make her independent (her friendship with Bowie maybe??) but they didn’t have anything planned so they brought it back to Chase. It irritates me SO BADLY 😭😭
- 🧡
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legayfuck · 9 months
hey propoganda here duncan should've cheated on courtney with heather instead of gwen and here's why
it would prove trent and courtney wrong about duncan and gwen which would be great because they could've been just friends and GREAT
it wouldn't break gwen and duncan's friendship (which I loved)
heather has a track record for these types of things
um I had more reasons but forgot anyways it would be wonderful if heather didn't actually like duncan back. she did it because she hates courtney and duncan's guts. and because she knows that they need to break up and STAY broken up.
duncan would be mad that heather didn't like him back, courtney would be pissed at duncan for cheating and at heather and heather would say she did it to show courtney that duncan is an asshole. and then they can yuri out idk
gwen could then help duncan out of the mess he got himself in, redemption in all-stars later
anyways. that's all I remember from my shower rant about this
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ameliaszahmet · 2 months
Reasons why I think Trent could be the best for Courtney and not for revenge reasons and actually help improve everything including the love triangle and make Duncan and Gwen understand what have they done.
Trent is the ONLY one who understands what is she gojng through after that love triangle
He is cool , calculated , ready to help anyone that needs him, including Heather.
He is a very smart person , a straight A student and has a lot of emotional intelligence, empathy to everyone , heroes or villians, trying to understand them .
Her pain inside could be actually a very solid reason for him to be protective of her, especially when he knows how much a breakup hurts.
He is actually the only one who kept his cool around her bossy attitude so if she tries to be all bossy on him he would not allow it cuz compared to Duncan who freaks out whenever Courtney is angry ,Trent can actually keep his cool and bring solid arguments that Courtney can actually respect. She actually follows rules and strong role models , and Trent is a very good leader . He helped his teammates to victory many times. He can actually be a good role model for her helping to open to people. If she sees him how a great leader he is and people following him , at one point she would have to ask herself what's so great about him that people follow him.
At one point they had to have a chat about that love disaster and open up about their feelings. This is a good start.
He is a romantic guy , he expresses his feelings through music and Courtney does that too. he even made her cry when he was singing his love song for Gwen.
He is quite her type. a good student, handsome, smart , tall , pretty perfect and a true gentleman, she actually admired him when he dedicated his love song for gwen.
They both refused many people who wanted to date them cuz they were looking for that"special someone".
Courtney could teach him to love himself more and he could teach her it's okay to be weak.
idk if they would be a couple but they could be the only ones that could help each other revive what was great about their characters in the first place and it could actually help Duncan and Gwen too.
Duncan and Gwen could actually see them working together or talk about that whole cheating thing and realize how much it hurt them , see them in a very healthy relationship/friendship and realize that they lost the best people in their lives and actually appologize.
Pretty much in season 1 it was a contrast between 2 leaders. Trent was leading his team while Courtney tried to make her team listen to her to complete the challenges. Kind of regret I didn't get to see these 2 working together. Heck even Heather respects him.
Most important , they deserve better
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total-drama-shark · 1 year
I have a fic idea where after the Drama Brothers disbanded for good Trent ends up going to law school like his father wanted but he hates if there. And one inconspicuous day he bumps into Courtney, studying in the same College. They slowly build a friendship and one day while at Trent’s dorm they both start playing some music together,
Trent immediately reignites his passion for music and wants for him and Courtney to start a band together but she refuses, she’s passionate about law unlike Trent and cares for her studies, besides the fact the violin is a hobby for her and she worries monetizing it will suck all the joy out of it.
Trent attempts his pursue for music regardless, under a pseudonym and while studying accounting. With all the expected roadblocks and sleepless night while he tries to juggle music and school at the same time. Courtney finds herself occasionally helping but definitely only because she’s a good friend and not at all because she’s actually interested in Trent’s endeavors and wants to see him succeed.
And as his jig starts actually picking up storm Courtney sort of becomes his unofficial secretary and before they know it she’s wrapped into this mess too, both working on music, searching for record labels to publish their stuff, managing finances together, and expressing themselves through their art.
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