#best of all? no love triangle yet there’s still drama and tension
noahtally-famous · 1 year
tda featuring duntrent, gwourtney, a proper characterization for trent and his ocd, exes gwent and duncney (plus initial awkward tension to sincere friendship and solidarity), and a final two duncan and courtney would’ve slayed so hard
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
I can be wrong but I don't think there will be jonerys if Jonsa going to be happen. It will be absurd for Jon and Sansa to have feelings towards each other and tried to deal with those feelings with other external issues only for him to fall for Dany too. Already Jon and Sansa suffered enough and still had to deal with things. Shouldn't they get some respite instead being dragged into some kind of love triangle? Jonerys bring nothing in story and to their characters besides unnecessary suffering
I happen to agree.
They can't coexist without destroying the point of either.
Whatever controversy and tension you create with introducing Jonsa as a fake!incest romance, you entirely undercut by adding Jonerys, the genuine aunt-nephew Targcest romance, on top of it.
Narratively, it erases the tension of the former (Incest? No big deal, old hat, been there done that.) alongside the deeper emotional significance for Jon. Since all that sister-incest drama apparently isn't remotely captivating enough to hold his attention and keep him from becoming enamored of a dragonriding invader, one that it turns out he is also related to.
What, apart from the deepest satire, is enabled by such a heaping of bait and switch incest?
Even if you place the parentage reveal very late (erasing all chance at Aegon drama for Jon) and turn it into a surprise accidental incest switch, you're left with a wishy-washy hero who basically goes "Awww, shucks, now I'm related to HER? Guess I can shag the redhead now, because we're only cousins, lol. Surely she won't care I was in love with the Targ queen until three minutes ago and only choose her now that the other one is off-limits. I am, after all, the ultimate and only worthy prize. Aww, CRAP, my platinum forbidden love is now charring a town! Is it my fault?"
Even any iteration of a sexual political!Jon storyline would suddenly place an embarrassing emphasis on Jon as an irresistible man prize no woman can resist, who is "forced to" have sex with the hot dragon queen to save the world and then fall into the patient and forgiving arms of the long-suffering maiden (who would never emasculate him with something as unpleasant as sexual competition, that's strictly for girls to endure)... apparently. Maybe with a "tragic" delay-by-exile to make it look a little less like he gets to have his cake and eat it too. A dream of spring, indeed. "Jon, your ten years are up. Sansa is ready to give you everything you ever wanted now after spending ten years waiting for you after your epic romance with your aunt. You were so very brave."
It erases the significance of the political messaging by making philosophical differences secondary to sexual attraction, and it really hurts the dignity of the female characters involved, Sansa and Dany both, by reducing their "peak" romance to a competition. It erases the concept and importance of fidelity and loyalty, if betraying one's love is either easily done in earnest, or handled like the rational and necessary choice by a true hero. Fidelity is a luxury that women can't ask of men unless they don't want to save the world!
Considering the level of importance GRRM has placed on romantic imagery specifically with Sansa, I find it sincerely improbable that he would reduce her to a reward prop for Jon, a clean and dignified maiden wife and mother-to-his-children as a treat, after suffering so terribly in yet another sexually charged relationship with dangerous and beautiful woman. (Yawn.) The love story she has been waiting for is going to have to be worth the wait? No?
Sansa's perspective on this would be pretty bleak, otherwise. What's the point of jonsa from her perspective? What's so great about Jon's love if he would just give it to a violent invader? What's supposed to be compelling about this romance for Sansa if it's just another disappointment because Jon's best political trick is sleeping with the beautiful enemy? Is pain the lesson here? Is jealousy and humiliation the price to pay for the crime of... what exactly? And what's the price Jon pays for loving Sansa, then? A little bit of feeling guilty for ten minutes before/after sleeping with his hot aunt? Really? That's love? That's romance? That's the future of House Stark? Sansa has no better option anywhere? Jon is literally the best possible guy, so she has to settle for that hot mess?
And what about Dany, who seems to spend her story arc essentially swinging from murder to falling for the wrong guy, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Girl just thinks with her hormones, apparently. Compelling stuff. At least she gets to make Jon feel a little conflicted, I suppose. A lot of build-up in Essos for that, but anything to serve his story arc.
I don't buy it.
I don't buy it from Jon's perspective, I don't buy it from Dany's perspective, I don't buy it from Sansa's and I don't buy it from GRRM's.
I have never read a proposed storyline for Jonerys that would rival the intrigue of them being allowed to be platonic enemies. The dignity of letting their politics and personalities, not their genitals, take center stage.
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crikeygatormate · 2 years
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Tied Down (Part One)
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Cowboy!Bakugou x AFAB Reader
Summary: You've been trying to become number one for so long, but just when you thought you would become a Champion Reiner, Bakugou Katsuki steals the spot from beneath your nose and becomes your number one rival. While on your way back to the top you find out there's more to Bakugou than meets the eye.
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Hi friends, back again with Cowboy!Bakugou! I'm pretty excited about this one :) It's got some good tropes rivals to lovers, sort of a love triangle, and some good old drama and spice lmao I'm not sure how long this will be, but I guess around six or seven parts! This first part is a little short, just to get the ball rolling lol think its about 5k?
Warnings: Alcohol, mentions of an accident, someone becoming paralyzed, dub-con, only a little bit of grinding lmao kind of a love triangle
Part Two! Part Three!
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Part One
There was something brewing in the air the night you saw him. The wind had stilled, the air grew thick with moisture, and the smell of rain tickled your nose. Tension was high and you could feel it and the horses could too. 
That night was an important one, probably the most important one of your career. It practically determined if you would be able to keep your family's ranch or not. You were in the final champion show for reining horses and the pool of riders was small, just you and about twenty others. Apparently, you were expected to win, at least so you thought.
That all changed when he showed up on his big blue roan stallion and you instantly knew that you had lost. He got a perfect score and a standing ovation from the crowd, that night his horse had become the number one reining horse in the whole country. 
You ended up having to pull out before you ran, his horse had kicked yours in the knee, hard, on the way out of the arena in a scuffle you thought had to be fate. Both stallions never even acknowledge each other until you locked your gaze with his. He didn’t even apologize, all he did was turn his nose up at you and told you to “get a better hold on that damn stud, its a fuckin’ wonder you even made it this far.”
Those words lit a fire under you that would burn hot and bright for three years and for three years you worked hard to climb back up to the top of the ranks, and along the way you would never forget the face of Bakugou Katsuki, the man that took everything away from you.
------------------------------ Three Years Later—------------------
His face was everywhere you turned and so was that fucking blue roan. Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the magazine in your hands, staring into the red gaze of Bakugou Katsuki.
“If you keep glarin’ at that magazine any longer it’s gonna catch on fire,” Toshinori’s deep voice sounded from next to you.
You sighed, drawing your gaze away from your number one rival, well at least in your mind he was your number one rival. “I know,” you answered with a sigh, “it’s just why does everyone kiss the ground this guy walks on? He’s not that great.”
“He’s number one,” Toshinori answered loosely.
“Well I’m gonna be number one too,” you seethed, “just wait, this year it’s gonna change.”
Toshinori looked at you, his expression was soft, yet it held mild concern. He had always looked out for you, being your father’s best friend and all. Once your father passed away, and you lost the ranch, he stepped up and tried to make sure you would fill your dad’s boots, but it proved to be harder than he thought. You had the potential for sure, but you were hot-headed and stubborn.
“Stop lookin’ at me like that, Toshi,” you sighed as the announcer told the crowd that the competition was about to start.
Toshinori sighed as he ran a hand through his straw colored hair, “I know, but kid, you’ve gotta cool off, that horse of yours gets too riled up when you do and you mess up. Both of you can’t be too hot out there or you’ll keep gettin’ second.”
“I know that,” you said through gritted teeth as your gaze cut to your stallion. He had gotten older, probably older than most stallions in the show, but he was your pride and joy, a big dunskin with four white socks. He was a good horse, mean as hell when he needs to be, which you liked, that meant he was smart. 
However, you did acknowledge you both were too hot in the arena. Too insync with each other needs to go, to be number one. So you nodded and sighed, letting your shoulders relax as you reined in your anger. 
Today you would be calm. Nothing could even go wrong really, this was just a qualifying bracket and an early one too. Your horse was way too good to not get first right now. If you won this bracket you’d move up and then you’d be three shows away from competing with Bakugou. 
“Go get on, you’re about to run,” Toshinori’s voice cut into your thoughts.
You glanced up at your uncle and nodded, deciding to keep quiet as you got on your horse and made your way into the arena. You were the first one to go. The crowd was sparse, but that didn’t matter to you, you weren’t there to impress, like a certain someone you knew. 
The announcer called your name and number and you set off, going through your course pretty smoothly until you came to your last sliding stop. As your horse slid across the arena dirt you suddenly locked eyes with the last person you were expecting to see at your show.
In fact, he was sitting right next to Toshinori, listening as your uncle rambled about something, but he was watching you. He had his legs crossed at the knee, showing off his fancy new boots that you could tell cost him a pretty penny. 
You narrowed your eyes and backed your horse up before patting the side of his neck. He was breathing hard, and so were you. The fire inside of your belly got hot with anger as your rival lifted his lips up into a smirk. 
You turned your horse away from him and made your way out of the arena and back towards your trailer and truck that were parked. Some voices sounded from behind you and you didn’t even bother to look back, you knew whose voice that was. That deep timbre accented with a country twang that had all your girlfriends raging. 
With a disgruntled sigh you stopped your horse and got off, still keeping to yourself as you led him up to where his halter was tied at the trailer. 
“Did good out there, kid,” Toshinori said as he patted your horse's bum, “Cowboy is easily gonna take the win on this one.”
“Didn’t keep your hands soft though,” Bakugou quickly added in before you could say your thanks to your uncle.
“Don’t talk to me about soft hands,” you hissed as you took off your horse's bridle and placed his halter back on, roughly tying the rope by the side of his cheek while he started to grab at his hay net. 
“Bakugou does have soft hands, darlin’,” Toshinori gently said. Even though he knew you hated Bakugou’s guts, he also knew that he’d be a great teacher to you. Teach you patience and how to cool off, something he had to teach Bakugou himself. Granted he had to admit your temper was much more fiery than the blond next to him.
You clenched your jaw, muttering something venomous under your breath as you undid the girth of your saddle.
“What was that?” Bakugou asked, lifting an eyebrow as he moved up next to you, and easily lifted the saddle from your horse's back.
“Nothin’,” you snapped, watching as he easily placed your saddle back on its rack in the tack section of your trailer. “I had that.”
“Y/n,” Toshinori hissed quietly from behind you, “let the poor boy help ya, okay? He’s trying to extend - wadda you call it?- an olive branch?”
“Olive branch or not, he’s full of it,” you sneered, eyeing Bakugou as he snooped through your tack, “you and I both know he’s just sniffin’ out the competition. Does this every year, it gets his rivals unnerved. You saw what happened to Izuku last year? Yeah, you and I both know Izuku doesn’t just fall off his horse during a spin, Bakugou got all up in his head.”
Toshinori’s lips flattened into a flat line, he seemed displeased that you brought up his favorite student, practically his other adopted son besides Bakugou. “Katsuki isn’t like that, don’t you dare blame him.”
“Yeah fuckin’ right, Toshi. You just can’t see it cause you love him like he’s your own, but I can. He’s a snake, plays dirty as hell to get what he wants. Even to his best friend, Izuku, and he’ll do it to me too. Your actual family,” you said, feeling your anger flare as you turned on your heel heading towards Bakugou who was looking at your horse's stifles.
“These look a little sore, probably need to get them injected,” he said, lips quirked up again at the sight of your deepening frown.
“Yeah? Are you a vet?” you scoffed as you kicked his knee, prompting him to stand up. He was tall, you'd give him that. Probably around 6’4 without his boots on. You knew he liked to use his height to intimidate people, but that didn’t work on you. Not anymore. “Get the hell out of here, I know what you’re doin’ and it’s not gonna work.”
“And what would that be, princess?” Bakugou drawled as he leaned against your trailer.
“You’re trying to get in my head, make me mess up,” you answered while folding your arms across your chest. “It’s not gonna work this year, Katsuki. I’m gonna take that number one spot from you.”
Bakugou’s playful dememour instantly turned dark at your threat, he laughed, it was deep and mocking. “I highly doubt that. You can try, but just like all the years past you’ll mess up. Get all tangly in that head of yours,” he said as he flicked you in the forehead.
“Ouch!” you hissed, rubbing your forehead as you glared up at him. “That supposed to scare me? C’mon Bakugou, you can do better than that,” you hissed glancing back at your uncle who was on his phone and not listening, which allowed you to lean into Bakugou closer, “I know what you said to Izuku last year, don’t think that’s gonna work on me.”
An emotion flashed across Bakugou’s face that you couldn’t place, but you quickly guessed it might have been guilt, which was strange. However, it was quickly replaced with a smug smirk, “you think so? Then you better watch out, princess, you’ll be next.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes, “alright, sure. Go and get, I’m tired of lookin’ at you.”
Bakugou huffed, glancing up at your uncle who was now watching you both, “yeah whatever, work on your hands? I want to have some actual competition this year, ya know?”
You snorted and shook your head as you watched him turn on his heel and walk towards his obnoxiously large black truck. Well, you both had the same truck but yours was better. “Let’s go home,” you said aloud.
“Don’t you think you should listen to him?” your friend Tsu asked as she rode past you on her large warmblood gelding. 
“My hands are soft,” you said with a huff as you loosened your reins.
Tsu shook her head as he cantered up towards a high jump. You could hear her counting her strides before her horse leaped over the jump and landed perfectly on the other side. She rode back up to you and came to a stop, “he’s right, you extend your shoulder too far out, I think you’re just being nice to Cowboy. He’d do better with more contact on his bit.”
You frowned as you grabbed your reins and adjusted your arm so you weren’t letting it hang too far over the saddle. It’s not like you didn’t have soft hands, you did, but that’s when you were riding English. Which is where you met your friend Tsu. Both of you met when you were younger and learned everything you knew about riding.
“That’s better,” she said as she watched you trot around her. “I hate to say it, but maybe you should let Bakugou give you a lesson?”
Tsu!” you almost screeched causing her horse to jump at the shrill tone of your voice, “you did not just say that!”
Tsu laughed, “just kidding, Y/n, but maybe go watch him ride?”
You chewed the inside of your cheek as you mulled over her suggestion, “I guess I could. Maybe get inside his head.”
“Sure sure,” Tsu said with another chuckle as she glanced down at her watch, “look I gotta go, but text me if you’re going to that bar tonight with Ochako and Momo?”
“I will, just be ready by ten just in case,” you said as you watched Tsu head back to the stable. You were currently working as a ranch manager on Toshinori’s ranch which allowed Tsu to board her horse at his stable for cheap. It was a nice gig and Toshi paid you well, despite you being his niece. 
Granted he needs the extra help anyway. You swallowed thickly as a memory flashed in your eyes. You took a shaky breath before heading back to the stables and watching Tsu peel out of the driveway in her green car. 
You dismounted Cowboy and began untacking him again and let him loose around the stable so he could graze. He was good for a stallion, you trained him well, so you didn’t have to worry too much about him getting to the mares or the other horses. You’d still put him up before you left anyway.
“He’s always been a good one, hasn’t he?” a gentle voice said from inside of the stables.
You squinted as you watched Izuku wheel out of the stable with a solemn look on his face. “Yeah, Cowboy is a special horse.”
“I know, you’ve trained him up pretty good, Y/n,” Izuku said with a small smile as he stopped his wheelchair in front of you.
You smiled down at Izuku. What had happened to him was tragic. He was neck and neck with Bakugou during last year's championship competition. You thought he was better than Bakugou actually, he had raw talent and a work ethic that was insane.
Although during his run last year something that seemed impossible happened, Izuku came out strong but once he got to his last spin his horse slipped and landed right on Izuku crushing his lower back and paralyzing him almost immediately. 
You knew Bakugou had been taunting him before, telling him not to hold his reins too tight, don’t press his heel too hard into his horse's side, relax in the saddle or something would go wrong. All things to unnerve Izuku and for Izuku to have a fall like that, whether it was his fault or his horse just slipped, you would always blame Bakugou for trying to get into Izuku’s head, mess with him. It wasn’t right. 
You’d never forget the cry that Izuku let out when his horse landed on him or the shock in his voice when he shouted he couldn’t feel his legs, it was horrifying. 
“You okay?” Izuku asked, tilting his head as his green curls fell to the side of his face.
You nodded and plastered on a smile, “yeah, and hey we got first yesterday. Gonna knock Bakugou down from the top this year.”
Izuku smiled, “I’m sure you will, Y/n.”
“Thanks Izu,” you said with a smile as you placed your hand on his shoulder.
“Y/n,” Izuku began as he gazed out into the open arena, “I know you blame him, but he didn’t do this. I just want you to know that, it was just an accident.”
You curled your fingers into Izuku’s shoulder, “He shouldn’t have been telling you all of that before your run. He got into your head, made you nervous Izu.”
“He did do that, but I’ve made peace that it was an accident,” Izuku said, even though there was a small hint of anger in his voice.
“If you think so,” you said quietly, watching your best friend gaze out across the field to where some of the horses were grazing, including his now gelded stallion.
Izuku nodded and gave you a small smile, “have fun tonight, don’t let Ochako talk to any other guys,” he teased.
You snorted, “she’s only got eyes for you, Izu.”
Izuku’s cheeks flushed and he looked away from you trying to conceal his grin.
You grinned and ruffled his hair before heading inside to get ready to have fun with your friends, but the nagging voice in your head told you that Izuku should be with you too. 
The bar you were in was a bit interesting, but it was your favorite. There was a big dance floor in the middle, lots of places to sit, some places to play pool, and a mechanical bull. However, the best part was that off to the far right there was a small indoor arena where there would be bull riding at midnight.
It was pretty entertaining and it helped you loosen up a bit. Which you needed, you were acutely aware of the stick up your ass right now.
The music was loud as you chugged down a whiskey sour before reaching for another one, feeling your body become buzzed with the alcohol. It felt nice to be feeling so light for once.
“Ooh! Look! They’re about to ride the bulls,” Momo shouted as she dragged you across the bar and towards the arena where you both climbed onto a table to get a better look.
“What about Tsu and Ochako?” you slurred as you fixed your crop top.
“They’ll catch up!” Momo shouted as the lights turned on and the announcer started to hype up the crowd as the guys in the pen got the first bull ready.
“First up we’ve got Eijirou Kirishima or better known as Red Riot! He’s well known around here, never seen a guy take as many horns to the side as him, dude’s built like a boulder!” the announcer shouted as the crowd went wild.
Your eyes widened as you watched the largest guy you’ve ever seen get on his bull, which was huge too. He had a mass of wild red hair and laughed as his buddies slapped him on the shoulder. 
“That’s like your dream guy, Y/n,” Momo said loudly as she watched your face, you were in utter awe.
“I know,” you said as you mindlessly took a sip of your drink. 
“Better go get ‘em before the other girls do,” Momo said with a giggle as she nudged your arm, “you gotta let loose for once.”
You nodded, keeping your eyes glued to Kirishima as his ride started. He was good, hanging on tight as he kept one arm up while the bull bucked wildly around the small arena. You let out a gasp as the bulls head slammed back into Kirishima’s face causing his mask to fly off, but he held on until the timer buzzed and then let go. He landed rather roughly but managed to scramble to his feet and climb the fence.
In a brief moment you caught his scarlet gaze and he grinned and wiped the blood off his face from his nose. 
“Did he just smile at you?” Momo asked, glancing between the two of you.
You nodded, a slow grin growing on your face as you watched Kirishima hop off the fence and towards the back after his bull exited the arena. “He did.”
Across the bar, Bakugou was nursing a warm beer as Denki continued to ramble on about how he breaks in colts to the girl snuggled into his side. 
“Look who's here,” Shindo said from next to Bakugou as he set his beer down, “Y/n’s up on that table with Shoto’s girl, yeah?”
Bakugou turned his gaze towards you to see you standing on your toes, dressed in something he doesn't usually see you in. He then watched as you hopped off the table and practically sprinted towards the arena. “The hell is she scurrying off to?”
“Who knows,” Shindo said with a yawn, “that one is trouble though, mean as hell, just like that stud she has,” he added as he rubbed his arm, there was a small scar there from when your horse bit him.
Bakugou huffed, cutting his gaze to Cami who had come back by his side and placed her hand on his chest, “got your drink?”
She nodded, grinning as she took a sip of her drink, “yup, thanks for paying, Kats.”
He nodded, giving her cheek a small pinch between his fingers as he turned his gaze back towards you. To his surprise you were talking with one of his close friends, Eijirou Kirishima. He was a bull rider and did some ranch work on the side, pushing cattle and such.
“Oh she’s talking to Eijirou,” Shindo said with a snort, “he better watch out, sure she bites too.”
“You’re just jealous,” Sero finally spoke up from the other side of the booth, “she’s rejected you like four times, Shindo.”
“Yeah whatever,” Shindo said with a snort as he took a heavy sip from his beer.
Bakugou furrowed his brows as he watched his friend tuck some of your hair behind your ear, and he felt something heavy settle in his stomach like lead.
“You’re really good,” you said rather awkwardly to Kirishima who had just tucked a strand of loose hair behind your ear.
“You think so?” he said with a chuckle as he let his hand drop down next to his side again.
You nodded, “yeah,” you trailed off, feeling your face turn hot.
Kirishima laughed, “you’re cute, you wanna dance?” he asked as he held his hand out for you.
Your eyes widened, “um okay, I’m not very good though."
He laughed again as his hand engulfed yours, “that’s okay, just follow my lead. I’ll take good care of ya.”
You smiled as you let him lead you onto the dance floor and he immediately pulled you in close. He was tall, pushing 6’6 and you were level with his chest, which meant you had to look up to see his face. 
Kirishima placed his hand on the small of your back and held your hand in his as he began to pull you along to the music, making you laugh.
“Gonna twirl ya, ready?” he asked, his scarlet eyes shining under the multicolored lights.
You nodded, grateful that the alcohol was making you more relaxed and definitely looser, or you knew you’d be stiff as a board in his arms. A small shout escaped you as he twirled you and then dropped you down into a dip, making you scramble to grab onto him.
“You’re just too cute sweetheart,” he cooed, giving you a wide smile and exposing a set of perfectly white teeth.
You nearly melted as he pulled you back up flush against him. He smelled good too, like spice and just a little bit of alcohol. It was almost addicting as he pulled you close to him again, and ran his thumb over the back of your hand as he led you both around the dance floor.
The song soon ended and you found yourself back in a secluded booth sipping on another whiskey sour as Kirishima told you about his day job of working as a ranch hand at Crimson Ranch. 
“So what about you darlin’?” Kirishima asked as he pulled you closer to him and rested his big hands on your thighs.
“Oh I work as a ranch manager for my uncle’s ranch now, but I rein,” you answered as you felt yourself lean into him.
“Really?” Kirishima drawled as he inched his hands up further on your bare thighs, “well, believe it or not, I’ve seen you ride before, you’re talented.”
Your eyes widened, “you have?”
Kirishima nodded, “yeah, one of my friends does reining too, he’s pretty good, but I’d reckon you’re better,” he said with a wink.
If he hadn't already won you over with the smooth talking and dancing he sure did now. “Yeah?”
Kirishima nodded, as he helped you settle onto his lap. He gazed up at you as he placed his hands on your hips and hooked his thumbs into your belt loops and pulled you flush against him, “oh yeah, you and that dunskin make a good pair, you gonna bring home the championship this year?”
“Now you’re just tryin’ to butter me up,” you said, trying to keep your cool as you resisted the urge to grind down on him.
Kirishima almost purred, “nah, just tellin’ the truth darlin’.”
You lifted an eyebrow, “dunno, not sure if I believe ya.”
“No?” Kirishima teased as he watched you lean over, you both were so close that your lips were just barely grazing his.
“No,” you answered, letting your eyes close as he pressed his lips to yours. A soft sigh escaped you as you kissed him. He tasted like whiskey and a little bit of blood, but that didn’t bother you. All that you could think of was his hands on you and the warm feeling starting to spread into your limbs from your tummy.
Kirishima nipped at your lip making you whine as you tangled your hands into his mane of hair and pressed yourself closer against him, so close that you coud feel the planes of muscle through his flannel and the bulge in his jeans.
You broke away to catch your breath as he pressed open mouthed kisses to your jaw and down the side of your neck as you rocked your hips against his, gasping into his ear as the buckle of his belt pressed aginst your core just right.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Kirishima groaned as he squeezed your sides and spread his legs more, he was fixing to run his hand under your crop top, but he caught sight of someone marching up towards him.
“Kiri,” you muttered, voice needy as he pressed his hand to your lower back making you whine softly.
“Hold on sweetheart,” he whispered sweetly into your ear, “Katsuki, what’s up dude?”
You froze, Katsuki? Dread filled your veins like ice as you stiffened in Kirishima’s big arms.
“The hell are you doin’?” Bakugou’s deep voice cut through your syrupy haze like a hot knife.
“What I want, mind your own business, yeah?” Kirishima said with a large smirk, which only grew as he felt you stiffen even more, “look ya scared her.”
You gulped and turned your head to look at Bakugou over your shoulder.
Bakugou held your gaze, trying to avoid looking at your swollen lips or the red marks on your neck, or the fact that he could see Kirishima still grinding up into you. He swallowed thickly and narrowed his eyes at you before finally speaking, “better not miss your lesson tomorrow, princess.”
“Lesson?” you asked, raising your eyebrows in shock.
“Your uncle set it up a few hours ago, don’t be late, it's at eight tomorrow morning,” Bakugou said while rolling his eyes as he turned on his heel and headed out towards the front door, reaching his hand out for Cami to grab.
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scorpionyx9621 · 2 years
In Defense of Mako from Legend of Korra: The Avatar Franchise's Unsung Hero (Warning | Does Contain Spoilers for the Legend of Korra as a whole series)
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Well this isn't a controversial topic that's going to garner me hate. My main intro to fandom in general started way back with two franchises: Resident Evil and the Avatar: The Last Airbender Series. As someone who is on the verge of turning 26, I realize I'm on the older end of the demographic trend of those who like the franchise (Even though the show first aired in February 2005) and as many people will tell you, The ATLA franchise and especially the original series is widely lauded as one of, if not the best animated series of all time. With the Legend of Korra coming out as the sequel to the original series back in April of 2012, I was a high schooler during that time and was beginning to develop and understand more nuanced and complex topics and character traits. And to me, despite it's multiple flaws, The Legend of Korra was a brilliant sequel built atop a personally flawless universe.
The Legend of Korra was a more adult take on the Avatar franchise. A series well known for not shying away from very real and very adult topics like war, poverty, death, genocide, classisim, etc. To see this world evolve into an industrial revolution and live through its form of Gilded Age was such a unique and engaging twist on a fictional universe I already had a deep love for. We have our new Avatar; Korra, a young woman from the Southern Water Tribe given the title of the next Avatar following the death of Aang, the main character of the original ATLA series. We get to see her perspective and watch her juggle being The Avatar and being a young adult in the same universe we saw the original Gaang work tirelessly throughout their adult lives to create. We get to watch her make new friends and eventually form her own Team Avatar, which is where we get introduced to Mako and Bolin.
That's enough gushing about the universe this is set in but it does help provide context to what I will try to argue in this post. Mako is one quarter of Korra's Team Avatar, the eventual ignored axis of the Korra/Mako/Asami love triangle, and almost 70% of the drama that happens within the party. One of Legend of Korra's weaknesses as a series compared to Avatar the Last Airbender was its heavy focus on romantic relationships as subplot to create tension and drama within the team. To call Mako a fuckboy is like calling the sky blue. That being said, the sheer vitriol that the fandom has against him is astounding. The Legend of Korra holds no punches with Mako in that they are very upfront about Mako not being a generally nice person at best to being a selfish player at his lowest characterization. However none of this detracts from the fact that Mako has saved the world alongside Korra and the rest of Team Avatar MULTIPLE times.
Yet because of a poor reception of his character to the literal world-spanning conflict that was this show's shipping wars. We've seen Mako get cast to the side over and treated worse than the freaking villains of the show, which include but aren't limited to; terrorists who want to commit ethnic cleansing (Among) a religious zealot who wishes to usher in thousands of years of Darkness (Unalaq) an anarchist who literally does not care who he kills and ALSO wanted to commit ethnic cleansing (Zaheer) and a literal fascist dictator who was willing to go as far as putting her own people in concentration camps all because they disagree with her. (Kuvira)
In this tangent I'm not trying to say any of Mako's actions in his relationships with Korra and Asami were justified or good decisions. I am trying in this post to provide context as to why he is how he is and why he, to this day, still is my favorite protagonist from The Legend of Korra. So enjoy! Or don't, you're choosing to use your free time to read this, I'm just infodumping because I'm a LoK fan, a simp for Mako, and a history buff whose favorite time period to study is the Industrial Revolution/Gilded Age/Edwardian Era. So enjoy! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I guess we should give a general history of these two because hey, context. Mako is a mixed-heritage fire bender who grew up in Republic City, a nation-state-city-thing founded by the original Gaang to be a city where all people of all nationalities whether you were from the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, or the Northern and Southern Water tribes could come together and live harmoniously.
Mako and Bolin's father, San, was an Earth Bender and an Earth Kingdom national originally from Ba Sing Se who came from a very large family of grocers/produce vendors and hailed from the poorest economic circle/caste in Ba Sing Se. San had aspirations and dreamed of moving to the fabled Republic City in an attempt to try to better his life. This caused a fallout between San and his father, after which San made his way from Ba Sing Se to Republic City. After an undetermined amount of time, San met a Fire Nation woman named Naoki, the two formed a relationship and eventually had a son who could fire-bend. (Mako) Two years later, they had another son, this time one who could earth bend (Bollin)
We don't know the economic standing that San and Naoki found themselves in but considering how Mako and Bollin had to grow up following what happened, it can be assumed they were lower-middle class at best. However after an indeterminate amount of time, the family took this photo seen above together and sent it to San's family back in Ba Sing Se, like you'd take a picture of your family and send it out as holiday cards, which I assume this is what it was. But it let San's family know that he was alive and now has a family of his own and two sons.
Unfortunately this happiness did not last. As supposedly not long after, in a break-in robbery gone wrong, Mako witnessed as his mother and father were murdered by a fire bender. Making him not only an orphan but now the sole caretaker for his younger brother. Now, I need to stress to everyone reading this of the fact that not only was Mako just a kid when this happened, but Mako was EIGHT (8) years old when he watched his whole world get turned upside down as he watched a fire-bender murder his mother and father. Mako was a genuine child. Most human males don't start the very first phases of puberty until about 10 at the earliest. All of this piled on top of the fact that Mako now has to care for his six year old brother when he himself is just a kid.
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People ask, 'why didn't Mako take Bolin and himself to Ba Sing Se?' 'What about Naoki's family?' San was basically disowned by his father, and from what we know about how Mako and Bolin stayed in Republic City it's very likely San didn't tell Mako or Bollin about his family. When Mako and Bolin met their paternal uncle Chow and their Grandmother Yin in Book 3, Chow and Yin didn't even know that San had died. That's how little San and his family communicated. The only reason why they even re-united was that Chow noticed the striking resemblance Bolin had to San. Chow's brother and Bolin's father. We literally know nothing about Naoki other than her name and what she looked like. We don't know her family or her origin or where she came from or even if she was a fire bender. It's implied that she was a fire bender because Mako is a fire bender, but we don't even know that for sure because again, all that we know is her name, what she looked like, and that she was from the Fire Nation. Even if Mako was 8, I feel if he had known about these family members, he would have at least tried to find them or reach out to them. But given what we were shown in S3. Mako and Bolin never knew they had family in Ba Sing Se, let alone they had any family left other than the two of them.
As the show went along we got more details about who the brothers were and how they came to be, and even a short mini-series on how three years prior to meeting Korra they met Pabu and discovered Pro-Bending called Republic City Hustle. It's a cute short that sheds light onto their background and insight to their characters.
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It's established pretty early on that Mako is the stern, but caring older brother on the show. He still has his funny moments but in general his main focus is keeping him and Bolin alive. It's stated in the show that Mako did anything to keep him and Bolin fed and alive. A lot of people don't get that this show was taking place during this universe's Edwardian Era (it feels like the Gilded Age and the Edwardian Era get lumped together because it falls right after the industrial revolution and before World War I even though the Gilded Age ranges from 1870-1900 and the Edwardian Era spans from 1900-1914/15-ish. So I guess the Edwardian Era because they had radio broadcasts and early forms of movies/televisions but Auto/Satomobiles were just becoming mainstream/readily available.) (Post update I've come to realize that what they were going for was the Roaring 20's but this honestly changes little) ANYWAYS Child Labor laws really weren't what they used to be, even in the most progressive of countries at the time. I want to circle us back to Mako and Bolin by reminding you that Mako was 8 when his parents were murdered. At that point and time, as he watched both of his parents get murdered by a fire-bender, at that exact moment Mako stopped being a kid and immediately had to become an adult.
Mako is often portrayed as this brooding, hard ass type who can be really immature when upset but also gloats and acts even impudent at times. A lot of this stems from the fact that since he was 8, Mako had to learn not only how to survive on the streets of a major city, learn how to make money, how to feed, clean, house, and support not only himself but his six year old brother. Most people in their teens and twenties once they reach the point they can physically have children struggle with this GREATLY. Let alone an EIGHT YEAR OLD. Mako spent the entirety of his formative childhood years and well into his early adulthood having the stressors of a fully-matured adult on his shoulders. I'm not surprised at all he's lacking in terms of the social skills department. Especially when it comes to talking about his emotional maturity around friends and romantic partners. I think it's safe to say outside of what little schooling Mako did receive, his childhood wasn't focused on making friends and maintaining friendships/relationships.
Also yes, Mako detractors, it's proven multiple times that Mako and Bolin both are fully literate. Mako has been made to write NUMEROUS incident reports as a police officer via Lin Beifong, and in probably the stupidest use of the Avatar State ever, Korra used the bright white lights of doom to act as a nightlight for Mako so he could read a book. Infuriatingly stupid? You bet, does it show that a literal street-urchin defying all the odds thrown against him and being someone who is literate enough to enjoy a book on his own free time? You betcha.
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In a roundabout way, I'm trying to explain that Mako doesn't have the best social skills based on the fact that he was an orphan in what was essentially the early 1910's for this world's societal timeframe and as such he didn't have much in the ways of a social upbringing. I don't think he really had a good, genuine friendship with anyone outside his brother until he met Korra and Asami. He most likely had to adopt the mindset that everyone who isn't paying him is an obstacle in the way of him earning a means to survive.
Yet at the same time, this is what I grew to love about Mako. Was that despite the literal mountain of trauma he carries on his shoulders, he's an amazingly well-adjusted person considering his circumstances.
When we first meet him in Book 1 he's finally at a bit of an upswing in his life, he works at a power plant that utilizes Fire Benders who can generate lighting to power Republic City's electricity. (Most likely fantastic for the environment, on a meta level thinking about human rights? This is a literal nightmare.) And with this job he's able to keep a roof over his and Bolin's head and he's able to participate in Pro-Bending on the side. Considering not 3 years before him and Bolin were basically wearing rags and on the street doing whatever he can to get him and Bolin food.
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Can we also discuss how utterly broken Mako is if we go based on the original lore of the ATLA universe? If memory serves Lightning generation is a thing that naturally not every fire bender is able to do, like it's a genetic thing or something, it has culturally waned in terms of being taught. To the point that at the end of ATLA: The only four humans known to be capable of generating and redirecting lightning were Ozai, Zuko, Azula, and Aang. It became taught by Zuko through the generations and although it became significantly more common again, not every fire bender could generate lightning. Mako already is a fairly talented Fire Bender considering he hasn't had much of any formal training on his bending abilities but the fact that his fire bending is to the caliber as some of the fiercest enemies in ATLA, but having lighting generation skills on par with, if not surpassing that of the literal Fire Nation royal family not even a century ago.
And this is when we just meet Mako when he was just 18. He's able to generate a genuinely powerful blast of lightning at Amon while he's being blood bended and gave Amon a powerful enough blast to temporarily incapacitate him. (Aang was blood bended by Amon's father and was only able to break out by going into the Avatar state) but it gets to the point by book 4, in order to stop Kuvira's Mecha from destroying Republic City, Mako generates lightning at the spirit branch powering the machine to the point he physically burns and disfigures his own arm by just how much lightning this man was generating. The entire power-scaling gymnastics Legend of Korra goes through is already nonsense but this? This is fucking scary. This is some Sozin's comet level shit coming out of some random 22 year old man who grew up on the streets. I don't know how else to emphasize that Mako canonically has killed a person because of his lightning bending. (she was a villain about to murder him but still)
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Regardless of his abilities, Mako is a character who has been through an extreme amount of trauma. As a social scientist by trade, Mako had defied literally every statistic placed against him. After losing his parents he not only was able to provide for himself but for Bolin too. He managed to do all of this starting before he even hit puberty. Yet despite all of the years of unresolved trauma. Mako is still a good person.
Back in Book 1 Mako was just as on board with taking down the Equalists as Korra. Mako did this to help people and he did all of this of his own volition. Yes he was at Korra's side and he was technically eating Asami, but Mako had 0 obligation to stay by The Avatar's side. Especially when him and his brother's lives were in danger. Given Mako's background and how he had to live a very selfish life to survive, this shows that Mako genuinely is a good person who went along for the ride and came out on top.
Funnily enough, when you look into the next Book, Mako becomes a cop in Republic City. Our boy here really is just poor Bruce Wayne with superpowers. He got to go on one vigilante adventure with a hot girl paying attention to him and now he's about honor and justice. God, Mako, I want to hit you. He clearly went through a power trip by the end of Book 1 and him working at a Power Plant wasn't going to give him the same kind of rush so he goes to Chief Beifong. And honestly, I'll bet Lin was fucking relieved that the most powerful fire bender she's ever seen is a temperamental 18 year old blue collar worker just suddenly decided to make any potential headache and stack of paperwork disappear by walking to her office and asking her for a job. And as Book 2 would later show us, Mako is literally just an incident report waiting to happen.
Regardless, a large part of his character arc was finding out how to be a good person and be a good friend at the same time. Mako is a character who tears down a lot of personal walls and matures a tremendous amount as the books go on. He starts as an adult at 18 with 10 years of experience to opening up as a friend and love interest, to being confronted with a lot of his own negative traits, him not taking it well, to him recognizing that no, he's not the hero and is actively the problem the majority of the time to bring a fully matured character by the end of the show. Again, Mako really is just Bruce Wayne if Bruce was poor and had to take care of a child once his parents died. I get Bruce's reasoning of being a vigilante hero and beating up "villains" isnt a story everyone likes. But I fuck it, I'm basically 2000 words in and we're still here.
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Okay obligatory simp section: people don't appreciate the fact that Mako is INTIMIDATING AS FUCK. Yes the guy is in his late teens and early twenties but Mako is 6'2. And is an athlete who becomes a cop who then becomes the personal bodyguard to the heir of a Queen who was murdered. Wu hired Mako because he KNEW Mako's reputation as a bender. (and as a man) Mako is often portrayed as a stick whereas Bolin is everyone's beefy thick god supreme. Mako isn't thick with 72 C's but Mako is not scrawny and has a very athletic build and is quite muscular.
Add on top of the fact that benders, particularly Fire Benders, had a very negative stigma surrounding them during the events of book 1. Mako, to someone who you've never met, a 6'2 muscular, sharp-faced rough looking fire bender coming your way is a very intimidating site. And this information isn't lost on Mako. He's well aware that he holds the exact same power that many people in Republic City fear. He apologizes to Asami after finding out a fire-bender killed her mother. He carries the exact same power that was used by the very person he watched murder his own parents. And Mako knows how to capitalize on it. Mako has threatened to use his bending to harm people on numerous occasions as a means to get what he wants out of them. Notedly for the greater good but still. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a pissed off 18 year old who is pinning me to a wall and has fire superpowers and lightning superpowers to match that of the gods all whilst he's generating a knife made out of FIRE and putting it between my arm and my head. (Don't fucking lie you simp that is your DREAM)
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One of the areas where I feel we see LoK succeed over ATLA is we truly get to see these characters evolve over the course of years. There's a big gap between books 2 and 3 and an even bigger gap between books 3 and 4. By the time we re-united with Mako at the start of book 4, he's 22 and a fully established adult. He's now the personal bodyguard for the extremely eccentric Prince Wu, the nephew of the now deceased tyrannical Earth Queen and next in line for the throne of the Earth Kingdom.
They establish very early on that yes, this is the same Mako as before for better or for worse, but Mako has truly come into his own of who he wants to be, a protector. He wants to be someone who defends the innocent and punishes those who are unjust (Insert Bruce Wayne reference here) However when we look at his re-design for Book 4 Mako has one of the most dramatic design changes. He's very non-descript with a toned down style as opposed to his loud and brash style with his rocking up-do haircut. He's now settled for a neat, gelled comb-over that looks like it ages him about 5 years older than he actually is. I feel a large part of this has to do with him working with royalty, as in the follow-up comics to Book 4, when given the choice and not under obligation to protect Prince Wu, Mako will choose to go back to his original hair style.
But Book 4 serves as what I consider a good enough wrap-up to his character. Mako realizes that even though he does still harbor feelings for Korra. That's not what is in both of their best interests and that's completely okay. Him and Korra are still able to maintain a solid friendship based on a deep amount of trust they both have for each other. I cannot stress enough that again, Mako and the rest of Team Avatar were walking into a mission against Kuvira they very likely wouldn't make it out of. And Mako very nearly almost killed himself by just how much he was exerting himself to destroy the Spirit Branch. Hell the actual burst of lighting he generated was so powerful and was so prolonged he literally physically burned his own arm to the point he's physically disfigured now because of it. That is how far Mako was willing to go for the Avatar and for what he believed in.
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The Legend of Korra is a phenomenal successor to Avatar the Last Airbender. That being said, LoK had a lot of glaring weaknesses that overall dragged the show down. Its heavy reliance on its romantic subplot has got to be the biggest weakness of the show. As it polarized the fandom very quickly to the entirety of the main team. Mako fell on the short end of that straw because he was the player, the main love interest of the Avatar for the first half of the show and we spent the latter half dealing with the fallout of their relatively messy break up. Causing many in the fandom to immediately subjugate Mako to just being a fuckboy hard ass.
Mako is a character who has seen and lived through an untold amount of trauma from a very early age. I don't need a PHD or MD to tell the people of Tumblr.com that trauma literally changes the way you form relationships and respond to the world. Mako is no different. Yet he doesn't let his trauma define him. I like Mako as much as I do because he's an absolutely ridiculously powerful bender but also this is a man who you can't say no to. You can't tell Mako no or he can't do that because he's smart and creative enough to give it a multiple good college-trys and he's also strong enough to electrocute a quarter of freaking Republic City so he'll find a way to do it and get it done.
I think Mako's key sticking point is that he's a bit too adult of a character for this TV shows. A lot of the decisions he makes are seen as cold and harsh but this guy has spent a decade on the streets trying to keep not only himself but his kid brother alive. And the second he gets a moment to actually express himself emotionally and romantically things go awry because he wasn't properly socialized on how to sustain and maintain healthy friendships and romantic relationships. It almost feels like he was set-up from the get-go to fail in this regards.
Regardless Mako is not the demon the fandom makes him out to be. He's brash, brooding, and a little bit immature, but to call him the villain of the show is both an insult to Mako but to the villains of the show. Because Mako is the man who I genuinely believe would give you the shirt off his back if you were struggling and my single favorite part of this whole series is the villains. Where Korra's Team struggled and felt conflicted the villains were the true highlight of the show.
Anyways long tangent over: I love Mako and his absolute dorkiness and his stupid eyebrows and nice muscles. He's a genuinely good character who deserves his pearls but to be studied as well because why did we need to give him the power of Thor? Why? It was very sexy of them to do it but I'm just confused as to why. Anyways I hope you gained something out of this infodump because boy this took a day and a half.
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jiye0ngs · 3 years
POV: YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON YOO JIYOUNG — alternatively titled: love is stored in the (Eating together) (going on walks by the river) (holding hands) (tender gazes)
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✯ notes: jiyoung x sapphic mc , office romance (?) , second pov
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- it all began when Inhyuk Came Down With the Flu and you had to step in as a substitute secretary.
- the arrangement was supposed to last for 3-4 days until inhyuk came back. it wasn’t a totally unpleasant experience — after all, you did get the privilege of working with the chairwoman of shinhwa for a couple of days. this was a one in a lifetime chance and you werent going to waste it!
- the only downside was having a heavier workload. meeting after meeting, assessment after assessment; within the first 12 hours of the job you wanted nothing more than to go home, have a long, hot shower, and get 72 hours of sleep maybe. seriously, how was inhyuk able to do this?
- either way, you still appreciate the opportunity. you do notice that jiyoung looks as tired as you do, though, so you try to cheer her up somehow by bringing her hot snacks and cold drinks.
- (”what’s this?” she had asked the first time you did it. she had this tiny smile on her face and a tiny part of your brain was preening, wow, I Made Yoo Jiyoung Smile.
“it’s snack time,” you replied. no brain filter whatsoever. fuck, get it together you dumb bitch. “no, i mean. i got it for you! you might be hungry.”
then jiyoung smiled again, and holy shit was the heart supposed to do somersaults like this? “thank you. this one’s my favorite, by the way.”)
- okay, so that was a success. so maybe you do it again. and again. and again.
- you buy her strawberry pepero and packs of banana milk. you scribble tiny messages on pink post-it notes (your best set of scented ones too!) and stick it along with the snacks. you take note of what her favorite food is, and what she likes the most, and whether she liked her coffee cold or hot.
- soon enough, you start walking home with her and making sure she gets to the apartment safely. you walk to the bus station together and you stop by the convenience store to get your last dose of caffeine of the day together. you even walk by the riverside together at times, eating convenience store fried chicken together as the sun set. you make small talk, and you discuss future plans at work, and you banter sometimes. if the banter crosses the line and becomes subtle flirting between the two of you, then there wasn’t anyone to know except you and jiyoung.
- (inhyuk hasn’t come back yet at this point, and you’re beginning to worry, really, but some part of you hoped he wouldn’t pop up out of nowhere just when you were just starting to grow closer to jiyoung like this.)
- she invites you for over dinner one night and you say, sure, i’d love to! and you’re promptly thrown into a night of feasting on greasy takeout food with the yoo siblings and watching high-tension dramas. yoo jisuk was probably the only teenager you’ve ever seen to be this emotional over a 16-episode show about the usual love affair, evil stepmother, and death by The Truck of Doom — but to be honest, yoo jiyoung was also the only person you’ve ever seen to not be engrossed in such show.
- the day ends with jisuk subtly asking his sister to let you stay over and jiyoung telling him no (”but noona, who will i curse this love triangle with together now?”). she walks you to the door instead, and your hands brush together a little, and she tells you with the tiniest smile — i had a lot of fun today. i wouldn’t mind if you’d come over again, just like jisuk said.
- (you do not sleep that night. you cannot sleep. your heart is racing like a literal horse in an open field. miss chairwoman. why are you doing this to me.)
- (do i have a crush on her. you think to yourself. immediately, you think about jiyoung’s face of displeasure (scrunched up nose, very microscopic pout) at jisuk wheezing at the cheesy drama. immediately also, you answer: wow. maybe i do.)
- and on the next day, inhyuk comes back! you dreaded the moment you’d stop seeing jiyoung, your newfound friend (and possibly crush), but to your suprise, jiyoung offers to let you and inhyuk work together side-by-side.
- (“that’s great!” inhyuk said then, clapping in joy. “i’ll leave the hard stuff for someone else to do now!”
you choked. “uh,”
jiyoung sighed as inhyuk chuckled light-heartedly. “ahem.”)
- things go back to normal after that. you work on arranging meetings and official sparrings for shinhwa members. you go on trips to see high-ranking awakeners with jiyoung. you kick inhyuk’s shins under meeting tables when jiyoung isn’t looking. he kicks back. she very much knows what you’re both doing but chooses not to say anything and sighs in exasperation instead.
- you and jiyoung walk home together, work together, eat snacks together. you bring her replenishments and ask if she’s feeling well, if she’s alright. you make an effort to go home earlier to accompany her to her apartment. honestly, some of your coworkers even began to notice what was happening. got yourself a boyfriend now, did you? look at you, coming home early and everything, they’d tease, bumping your shoulders at the printing office. you snort. as if. then they’d smack the printer twice because the godforsaken thing never works and reply without missing a beat, a girlfriend, then? and then you’d promptly glitch right then and there because you just thought of the chairwoman. and shit — since when did your brain want to correlate Yoo Jiyoung with the word Girlfriend? and why were you so enthralled by that?
- you ignore it. it’s fine. you were fine. your coworkers were Nosy and Irrelevant. you would definitely not want to see their smug faces during your wedding and — wait, wedding? what wedding? with jiyoung? what the fuck what the fuck —
- one evening, inhyuk tells jiyoung she’s invited to a dinner party with other higher-ups from other awakened organizations, and that’s how you wind up in a table for twenty-four along with other awakeners. you drink. you eat. you give pieces food to jiyoung that you know she’ll like — try this, it’s good — and she does the same for you. inhyuk drags the both of you to a noraebang once the party had ended and opted to let the three of you sing your hearts out for the first time in a while. you belt creaky high notes. you sing off-key ballads with inhyuk. jiyoung laughs at you both, and it’s the happiest you’ve seen her smile in a while. your hand bumps against hers on the walk home. she wraps her pinky around yours. you decide to swallow your heart growing bigger in your throat and hold her whole hand in your own.
- what happens next is solely up to the divine fabric of the universe, but you decide to roll with it anyway — you get braver every day, and on the walks home your hand reaches for hers first. when she wants to stay by the river to look at the sunset, you ignore the phenomenon of literal sunlight spilling over the serene river happening in front of you and look at her instead. there’s a small beauty mark on her right cheekbone, and her hair really was smooth and dark and silky, and she was so, so beautiful and so, so charming.
- she was yoo jiyoung, and you were in love with her.
- you walk home together that evening like always. jiyoung had to pick something up from the shinhwa headquarters so you make a detour there first. you wait for her by the lobby. it’s freezing. you were just thinking of buying a heat pack from the convenience store when some Random Dude comes up to jiyoung (who was just exiting the main entryway) and asks, “hello miss, you seem lonely. would you like to let me give you a ride home? “
- without a beat, jiyoung answers, “no, i’m here with my girlfriend.”
- you watch with bursting pride as the man backed away, shellshocked, and jiyoung made her way towards you — heels click-clacking loudly on the pavement — and laced your hand in your own.
- you take it. you have literally glued your mouth shut. you walk for a good twenty steps before you stop, turn to her, and say, “we’re girlfriends now?”
- jiyoung blinked. you can feel her hand go lax in your own, and you see the color rising in her cheeks. you have an inkling that it wasn’t because of the cold.
- “if you want to be.” she says. her hand tightens around your own, squeezing and unsqueezing. “i’d...very much like that.”
- you suck in a breath. holy shit. your mind was freezing over and bursting into flames at the same time. so was the rest of your body, and your hand especially, which was becoming clammier by the minute.
- “okay.” you manage to choke out. a smile melts on jiyoung’s face and the breath is knocked out of your lungs again. “okay. i like that a lot as well.”
- you stand unmoving under the street lamps for a few moments. the tree branches above you rustled slightly from the evening breeze, and the two yellow eyes of a cat on somebody’s roof stared at you two. your hand felt it was burning from where it was entwined with jiyoung’s own.
- “chairwoman,” you stepped closer to her. “jiyoung. can i kiss you?”
- jiyoung smiles. the corner of her eyes crinkle, and there’s something akin to fondness radiating off her. your heart is on fire when she says, “please do so,” and grabs your neck and slots her lips above your own.
- the first thing you think of is, wow, her lips are warm. and really, even in this freezing cold, your skin burned wherever jiyoung’s fingertips landed. first, your cheeks, then your jaw, then your shoulders. you can faintly taste the expensive lipstick she always wore. the back of your mind registers she’s tiptoeing a little to match your height. you choke on mental happy tears — oh, wow. your heart doesn’t stop it’s gymnastic routine. you feel like one of those main characters from the dramas.
- when you pull apart, you don’t say anything like wow, that was nice or hey, i’m in love with you. instead, you reach out and smoothen her bangs that had accidentally gone a little askew from where it brushed against your face moments ago. (it’s like petting a cat). and then you say, “i’m in love with you.”
- jiyoung stares at you, wide-eyed. it’s the most flustered you’ve ever seen her. then she coughs, dusts down invisible lint from her clothes a bit. she smiles again. “i’m glad to know that. it would have been very unfortunate if i were the only one that felt that way.”
“you have a crush on me??”
“i just kissed you moments ago...?”
“yeah, but stil!! you have a crush on me???”
“we’re girlfriends now too, just to remind you...”
(you meant to say “GIRLFRIENDS??” at this part, but you short-circuited from the butterflies corrupting your nervous system, and your giddiness got the best of you, so it just came out as ‘IGRLGRLGFRIENDS?)
- you both laugh it off and begin the walk home again. this time, your hand drifts to hers, and her hand drifts to yours, and you don’t need to push down your heart growing bigger and bigger in your chest and in your throat anymore. you let your heart overcome you. you let it soar.
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- ( jisuk was ecstatic at the prospect of you staying over to watch dramas with him all night. (”hell yes!” he had cheered). what he was not so enthusiastic about, though, was the fact that jiyoung had a Girlfriend now, and that (in his words) ‘god forbid if i ever catch my sister doing anything cheesy or corny....’)
- (as expected, that was followed by a stray throw pillow to jisuk’s head and jiyoung saying, “i am neither cheesy nor corny, yoo jisuk, shut your mouth.”
you make her way towards jiyoung and kiss her on the cheek. “yeah, but i am. prepare for the worst!)
- (”hey, inhyuk...” you approach you co-secretary the next day and elbow him in the side. “thanks for getting sick that day.”
“what in the world is that supposed to mean?” inhyuk turned to you with an incredulous look in his eye, but you were already sauntering away and waving a leisurely hand at him. you had places to go and a girlfriend to go on a date with. you couldn’t just waste your time on things like this anymore, you know?)
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
June 2021 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Y-Destiny Ep 10 - love me some players! What can I say, players mock tropes by their nature, it’s refreshing. We see the glorification of purity a lot in BL, a bit of gay messiness never hurt nobody. Wait, no, that’s not true. It always hurts the characters, because... DRAMA! Anyway this was definitely my favorite installment in the series. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 9 - oh Fish what am I gonna do with you? *Throws hands up into the air, with the fishes. * It could have been worse, I suppose?  
Top Secret Together Ep 4 - still cute, no subs as yet so I only sorta know what happened. No gay advice dads, but my two favorite couples dominated, and there was domesticity so I can tell you it was definitely CUTE. 
Nitiman Ep 5 - I love the true uni rep with homework, papers due, and drunken room parties. I also like how Jin is honest about being confused, acting on that confusion by trying to flirt and determine what he likes. Everyone around them knows Bbomb is likely to get his heart broken but different friends are reacting differently to that situation. Honestly, Jin is basically a rake disaster bi, and it’s working for me. Theres a lot more honest bisexual confusion going on with this love triangle than the usual cribbed in faen fatale rigamarole.  (This is when I warn you that I happen to enjoy Love Mechanics and Love Sick BECAUSE they are messy disaster queers.) 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Love is Science? (Taiwan) Ep 11 (BL subplot) - DELAYED
Be Loved in House: I Do (Taiwan) Ep 4 - I’m not entirely sure what’s going on. I think it’s linguistic, Viki’s subs feel very off to me. However, the script is starting to soften the main couple, and I like that. They’re laying in depth with backstory and romantic tension. So I’m enjoying it, but I can tell it’s unlikely to be a favorite. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 9 - in one of those Vietnamese whiplash moments we got the secret identity reveal, the faen fatale relinquishing her claim, and a bisexual identity crisis one & done. Plus a bunch of tropes. Meanwhile, seme continues to be a total lush. Feel ya, babe. Next week looks to be a doozie. Could be the final episode, but who knows? Pacing? What pacing? Still this series is loads of fun and crazy queer. (Vietnamese whiplash is my new kink, okay?) 
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Thai BL bodyguard romance Golden Blood dropped some more content, so fingers crossed it’s still happening.  
Workshopping photos from Bad Buddy dropped, so GMMTV is definitely filming it soon. I don’t think it’s soon enough for this to pick up Fish’s time slot, but I’ve been wrong about Thai scheduling before. 
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Breaking News
Hey Rival, I LOVE YOU! is one of my personal favorites from Vietnam (just a 30 min microfilm but very cute) and it got a second (longer) season! It’s called My Monster in Law AKA Mother Welf AKA Me Chon Dau Cao, and it picks up 3 years after HRILY, with the characters married with an adopted daughter. It's basically just adorable domesticity featuring the trials of work, friends, child rearing, and in-laws. I love the domestic look on you, Vietnam, very cute. Here’s watch order + links for ya (more to come I think so I’ll put it into the weekly rotation).
Hey Rival, I LOVE YOU!
Mẹ Chồn Dâu Cáo Tập 1+2 I Phim Boy's Love Đam Mỹ Tâm Lý Tình Cảm Hay 2021 IBest Gay Short Film
My Monster In Law 2 I Episode 3 I Best gay short film / Gay Drama / Boy's Love Movie I Gay Best Kiss
Mẹ Chồn Dâu Cáo Tập 4 IPhim Boy's Love Đam Mỹ Tâm Lý Hay 2021 IBest Gay Short Film IGay Movie
His (the original Japanese teen series) is now available on Viki. This is the (ostensible) prequel to His the movie (different cast). They don’t feel all that related to me. On Viki it’s under: His - I didn’t Think I Would Fall in Love. It’s more Japanese cinema than it is live action yaoi: beautiful, atmospheric, slow, floaty, and with an amorphous ending. I’ve talked about the nuances of Japanese BL enough now for you to get what you’re in for. There’s a moment where Shun and his dad quietly eat passion fruit together that was about as thrilling as it gets. So, ya know, watch at your own risk, don’t expect anything Thai-ish and you’ll be fine. Okay? Okay. 
Speaking of Viki, I watched Emily’s 5 Things. It’s het but it features everyone’s favorite piner Sam Lin (We Best Love) pining the pine to end all pines (after a girl this time), friend-zoned since high school by the great love of his life. (It’s mutual pining, of course, they’re both just stupid.) It’s very emotional and drama lama but also cute and silly so I enjoyed it. And ya know, I just wanna support Taiwan. No queer rep tho. 
Lovely Writer special EP coming June 9th. Thailand is trying to spoil us, so why do I feel like this is too much pf a good thing? 
Strongberry, Korean queer film studio, has a new microfilm coming out called Fingers. I’m a fan of their work, so I’m excited. 
Speaking of Korea, announced on Instagram, Hwang Da Seul (Where Your Eyes Linger & To My Star) is bringing out a new BL in July! I love her consistently bright style and casting choices (even if I’m not wild about her pacing). It’s based on the webtoon Something is Wrong With Popularity (not sure if it will have the same title, no MDL listing yet). 10 episodes 10-12 min ea. Thank you Korean Wave. Definitely NOT too much of a good thing. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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v-hope · 4 years
Pairing: Actor!Kim Taehyung x Actress!Reader ft. (mentions of) Park Hyungsik
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3.1k
Request: “Is this the moment that we kiss? + Taehyung + make it so awkward/cringe as you can and the ending so cute that you might have to throw up from it”
Summary: There might have been a slight change in the script for the k-drama Taehyung and you were starring on, but that did not mean there were any changes when it came to the way you felt towards each other when the cameras weren’t rolling.
A/N: So this was supposed to be a smol drabble but this idea came to my mind and I just went with it 🤧 i hope you guys enjoy!
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When Taehyung had signed up to be a part of the next big k-drama coming later that year, starring both you and one of his favourite hyungs, Park Hyungsik, as his co-stars, he had signed up for a love triangle kind of plot, which would end up with him getting the girl in the end.
At least that was what the first script he had been handed to said.
And, as the story went on and your characters’ relationship developed, he could only be confident about that being indeed the outcome for it.
So now, after nearly three months of filming, it was finally the day they would shoot his first kiss with you. Well, his character’s first kiss with yours, to be more specific. Those were the lines he had rehearsed and also what he had emotionally prepared himself for — the idea of getting to kiss those lips of yours he had wanted to get a taste of ever since you first met, being the reason he had gotten little to no sleep the night before.
And that’s why, when the two of you were working on said scene, being face to face after he had followed you into Jieun’s —that being the role you were playing— living room, and you said different lines than the ones on his script, he found himself being absolutely puzzled. Nevertheless, everyone else seemed to be okay with it, which is why he carried on, saying the lines he had rehearsed, and this time being you the one to be completely dumbfounded.
However, even though you didn’t know what was going on, you did not find it in you to lean back and away from his lips, as you felt your heart beat ever so hardly against your chest at the sight of him leaning in to kiss you.
Not like it mattered anyway, for although you might have not found it in you to do something about it, the director didn’t have a problem with it — a loud “cut!” resounding all around the set, managing to stop Taehyung from pressing his lips on yours like both of you had so badly been anticipating.
“Taehyung, what the hell are you doing?” director Han questioned with furrowed eyebrows.
Taehyung’s mouth formed a pout, both because of not understanding what was going on, and because the moment he had been looking forward to the most —that being, your kiss’ scene— had been interrupted before it could even take place. “Isn’t this the moment we kiss?”
You found yourself taking in a shaky breath at his bold question, focusing on the lips of his that remained slightly puckered up in confusion after some people from the staff had gasped as others tried their best not to laugh.
“In the old script, yes. But not in the new one”.
“The new script?” Tae asked, giving you a quick glance and growing even more confused when you confirmed it with a small nod.
“Yes, you didn’t get it?” director Han had seemingly grown irritated by then.
“I… don’t think so?” Taehyung replied.
The director sighed, looking to his assistant next to him. “Okay, find out whose fault this was and tell them we need to talk” he ordered sternly, before he looked around and announced to the rest of the crew: “Everyone else, take five!”
With that said, and everyone else dispersing around the set to mind their own business, the man went up to the two of you.
“God, I can’t believe we’ll have to push back the recording because of this” he pinched at the bridge of his nose.
“It wasn’t his fault” you defended Tae in a heartbeat, causing his eyes to soften as they gazed to you.
“I know” director Han agreed with you, much to your surprise. “Still sucks though”.
That it did.
“So…” Taehyung begun. “What is this thing about a new script?”
“Oh, yeah,” the older man didn’t wait to begin his explanation. “You know how we’re always taking into consideration the viewers’ opinions as we go on with the story?”
“Turns out, they all are over the moon with Y/N and Hyungsik’s chemistry,” those simple words were enough for Tae to feel uneasy. “So, after giving it a lot of thought and having a few meetings, we decided they will be this story’s endgame”.
Well, that surely had felt like a bucket of ice cold water being thrown straight to his face.
And although there were so many questions he wanted to ask, and so many of them he could’ve asked, he ended up looking at you and asking the one his heart felt more troubled with. “So you’re kissing Hyungsik hyung”.
It had not quite came out like a question, but more of a statement, yet either way, you nodded in affirmation.
Taehyung sighed. “I mean, hyung mentioned something about a kissing scene but… I didn’t know you...”
And although you didn’t have to explain yourself to him, at the sight of his disappointed expression, you felt the need to do so anyway. “It will only be a couple of times though. And it’s only for the drama, I wouldn’t—”
“Okay, look,” director Han cut your words off mid-sentence. “I don’t know what’s going on with you two when it comes to your personal lives, so I’ll leave you guys to talk it out. But um… we’re done for the day, I guess” he sighed, later fixing his eyes on Taehyung so he could inform him: “I’ll send you the new script. You guys may leave now”.
Nodding your heads, you watched the man head out of the set, leaving the two of you alone to ‘talk it out’.
The thing is, there was nothing to talk out. Or, more precisely, you didn’t know how to talk out what you so desperately wanted to do. Because you had feelings for him and he had feelings for you, but neither of you knew about one another’s. At least not for sure.
Truth be told, the two of you felt an instant attraction to each other the moment you met, but you thought nothing of it. You were both professionals. You would be a couple on the drama and that would be it, for you both knew getting involved with a co-star could only complicate things when it came to work.
However, that mindset of yours did not quite go to plan as the filming went on and you got to spend quite a lot of time together. Yes, your characters were written to fall in love, and so you had to act like it when the cameras were rolling, but the chemistry you and Taehyung had outside the set was, for sure, so, so much stronger than the one your contracts forced you to act out.
And so, soon enough, the two of you would be attached to the hip, spending not only every second off camera on set together, but also texting nonstop every other day you didn’t get to see each other.
It had just been so natural for the two of you to get along so well together, that neither of you questioned it. Neither of you had questioned why you felt like keep talking to each other every single moment you were apart, or why you craved one another’s attention whenever you spent time with other people of the crew… or why your hearts sped up so damn much every single time you were close.
You didn’t question any of that, you just went with it. To the point you came to terms with your feelings without having to go through any kind of epiphany. They were just there, and you would keep them to yourselves.
That’s why this particular kissing scene was so important to the both of you, for it would give you an excuse to do what you were dying to without actually having to risk anything. And that’s why you had been so disappointed when you got the new script three days before, and why Taehyung was now having such a hard time accepting the new fate of the plot.
“I, uh…” his eyes fixed on yours after a few seconds. “I’ll go change now…”
“Oh, okay…” you nodded. “I’ll go do the same”.
The sweet smile you gave him right then had somehow managed to ease the tension he had been feeling those last couple of minutes.
“You want me to drive you home?” he wondered like he did every day your shootings ended at the same time.
You could always just call your personal driver, he knew that, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t still try to spend as much time with you as he could. And the fact that you accepted his offer every single time could only encourage him to keep on doing so.
“You wouldn’t mind?” you asked with another smile, causing one of his own to take over his factions.
“You know I don’t”.
“Okay” you accepted, like it was oh-so-usual by now. “I’ll meet you at the parking lot in ten?”
“Yeah” he agreed, his smile only growing bigger at the way your stares had lingered before you turned around to go change into your personal clothes for once and for all.
That’s how, ten minutes later, just as agreed, you were entering his car, fastening your seat belts before he started driving over the route he knew by heart at this point.
The ride was quiet, yet not uncomfortable — both of you having too many things on your minds to even pay attention to the way the only sound filling the car was coming from the radio.
Both of you debating within yourselves whether or not you should bring up the topic the two of you were about to discuss before director Han interrupted you back on set.
And when Taehyung parked his car outside your place and you thanked him for the ride home, placing your hand over the door handle so you could pull at it and get out, he found himself speaking before he could even stop himself.
“Hey, uh…” his quite unsteady voice caught your attention. “It slipped my mind to say it before, but sorry about today…” he apologized when your eyes met his. “I never meant to make things uncomfortable for you… for us…”
You smiled sweetly at his sincere words. “It’s okay, Taehyung-ie” his heart jumped at the way his name sounded like honey to him whenever you said it. “It wasn’t uncomfortable… I was just, you know… worried you would get scolded because of the script and all that”.
“Yeah…” he recalled the way you had jumped on his defense the moment director Han had approached you. “Thank you about that…”
“It was nothing…” you shrugged. “Sorry I didn’t tell you about it” it was now your turn to apologize. “I know we talk quite a lot and I had the chance to, but I just assumed you had read the new script”.
“It’s okay, don’t worry” he reassured you.
“Do you have time to learn it?” you wondered, knowing both his idol and actor schedules tended to overlap a little too much.
Taehyung nodded softly before he gave you a small, reassuring smile. “I’ll manage”.
“That’s good” you smiled as well. “If you want to rehearse our scenes beforehand or just need help with yours… just hit me up”.
“I probably will, to be honest” he chuckled, earning a light laugh from you; for going over your scenes together from time to time, just for the sake of it, was something the two of you had found out to be rather helpful these last couple of months. “Sucks you will be rehearsing the kissing ones with hyung now…”
Your heart jumped, feeling your face heat up at his boldness.
“I don’t think we’ll be rehearsing them. I mean…” your eyes nervously gazed to the window. “We never did…”
Taehyung took in a deep breath. “Right…”
And although a part of him was screaming at him to just shut his mouth, for he had been bold enough already, he couldn’t help but go on with it; not wanting to let go of the topic just yet.
“Why didn’t we?”
Because we’re idiots. Because it would’ve felt too real. Something along those lines was the answer you wanted to give him.
Instead, you said nothing, just shrugging and looking out the window to your place. “Doesn’t matter anymore…” your eyes travelled back to him, taking in his beautiful factions and anticipating eyes before you explained: “Junho’s the one getting the girl now”.
The way your eyebrows had teasingly moved up and down as you referred to Hyungsik’s character, got Taehyung throwing his head back against the driver’s seat as a loud whine escaped his mouth.
“Aish, you little—”
He wasn’t planning on finishing that sentence, of course, so he stopped himself mid-sentence right as you threw your head back as well — a loud laugh coming out of your mouth.
“Just for the record,” you faced him, catching his attention. “I was really rooting for Sehun”.
A flustered laugh abandoned his lips, shaking his head in disbelief before his chocolate eyes fixed on yours once again. “Yeah… he would’ve been good to Jieun” he lamented his role’s defeat with a small, dramatic nod.
You giggled. “I know. But J—”
“If you say Junho will be better, Y/N, I swear to fucking God—”
Just like he had cut off your words mid-sentence right before, you cut his — only not with actual words, but with a cackle instead. “Biased much?”
“Sehun would’ve been better and you know it!” he accused you.
“Oh, yeah?” you questioned rather tauntingly, unconsciously moving closer with a daring demeanour.
“Yeah” he stated confidently. “And he would’ve kissed her so much better, too”.
Although your heart had skipped a beat at that and your hands were suddenly trembling, you went on with the teasing, not being ready to lose the unspoken competition this conversation had somehow just turned into. “Hm... I wouldn’t know about that though…”
“I can show you if you want”.
Just like that, Taehyung left you speechless.
He had gone for it, and was waiting for an answer now. One you weren’t able to give him with actual words, but with a small, almost unnoticeable, nod of your head instead.
It didn’t go unnoticed by him, though — the way your eyes had focused on his attractive lips being the last straw for him to just finally let go of any rational thought he might’ve had until then.
Tenderly cupping your face, he brought his face just close enough to yours so you could feel your already heavy breathings mix, before he gazed up to your eyes for one last brief second.
“Is this the moment we kiss?” he mocked his previous words that day, earning a giggle from you that sounded like music to his ears.
“Just kiss me already, you dork”.
So he did.
Gently caressing the corners of your mouth with his thumbs, he brought your face up to meet his lips in the middle — softly pressing them together.
And only that took for you to know you would, from then on, not enjoy kissing any other than him.
Letting out quiet, content hum when he deepened the kiss a few moments later, you pressed your hands on his chest, causing him to smile at the way your hands had lightly tugged at the fabric of his sweater as you managed to pull him even closer to you.
Damn the directors for depriving you both of the many kisses you could’ve gotten as the series went on.
“Was that Sehun kissing Jieun or Taehyung kissing Y/N?” you couldn’t help but softly ask once your lips were no longer trapped in his cloudlike ones.
He laughed under his breath, sweetly running his thumbs on your cheeks. “If I said it was just me kissing you, would you be okay with it?”
You nodded in a heartbeat, not being able to hold back a small giggle that had his heart skipping a beat in a second.
“Oh, good” he finally breathed out the air he didn’t know he had been holding, letting his forehead rest on yours. “Because I’ve wanted to do that for a while now”.
“So have I” you laughed lightly under your breath, lovingly removing a strand of hair that was covering one of his pretty eyes. “Maybe our characters won’t get to be together but… that doesn’t have to apply to us, does it?”
“Absolutely not” he smiled, planting a small peck on your lips. “Even if people think you have better chemistry with hyung, whatever that means”.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the bitter remark he had let out, followed by a huff. Director Han’s words had really stung deep. Maybe if it had just been that the viewers liked Junho and Jieun together, it wouldn’t have been that bad. But he said Hyungsik and you. As your own persons outside of the fictional drama world. And that was a whole different situation he could not help but dislike.
Kissing his cheek ever so sweetly, you pulled back to fix your eyes on his. “Good thing I don’t care what they think” those words alone made that cute boxy smile of his show on his face. “Are you okay with me having to kiss him though?”
“Can’t promise I won’t get a little jealous, but… it’s your job, of course I’m okay with it” he smiled reassuringly. “I’ll have you know, though,” his eyes squinted daringly. “For every time you kiss him, you’ll have to kiss me a hundred times to make it up to me”.
You snorted. “Don’t you think that’s a little too overpriced?” your teasing words had him raising his eyebrows. “How about five kisses for each time I kiss him?”
“Did I stutter?” he lowered his tone to seem more serious, causing you to bite your bottom lip as you shook your head in amusement.
“Oh, well…” you sighed over dramatically. “You’ll be too distracted kissing me to even keep count of them anyway”.
“Don’t test me, baby”.
“Okay, okay. I won’t” you laughed, catching him by surprise when the next second your hands tugged once again at his sweater to pull him closer. “May I pay some of those in advance though? Since there will be way too many of them to pay for in a few days”.
Taehyung chuckled, gently pushing your chin up with his thumb as his face came closer to yours, until his pink lips were faintly brushing yours. “That you may do”.
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
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( Notice: OKAY - The pic there says ‘The Hobbit/LOTR’ but for times sake, and my own sanity, there is none listed thus-far (same goes for the ‘other’ category’). Merci for understanding! )
So I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, and I already have a blog for it ( @nemosrepost ) but that doesn’t get too much attention. Thus, here we are! 
(This was a nightmare to get done - it took weeks to get all the links and pics done up in my spare time - I hope you appreciate that.) 
They’re all sorts here, from Medieval Marvel AU’S, to Modern Attack on Titan one shots. They’re all organised via fandom, and I’ve tried my best to link and tag everything properly, but that is a difficult feat, so beware - for some it may not have worked too well.
Like my *actual* masterlist, this will be updated regularly with new fic recs, and even new characters and fandoms as I read them. All fic’s currently listed (as of November 26, 2020) are found on my reblog account. 
I’ve also tried to add in a ‘recommendation summary’ thing of each - so basically just my thoughts on the fic(s). But anyway, have fun browsing, and overall - enjoy! 
(AND also - LMAOOOO - Have fun scrolling lololololol!) - Nemo
( Pre - Warning: I am not tagging anything as NSWF, 18+, or triggering content. However some fics listed do contain such material. Please refer to the warnings or Authors Notes on each Fic before reading. Stay safe guys! I love you! ) 
Bluebellhairpin’s Masterlist 
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Bucky Barnes
Knight in Rusty Armour - Medieval / A/B/O AU! Series - by @revengingbarnes Honestly I binged the first eight chapters (+ prologue) in close to one sitting. That was mostly because that was all that was published at the time. It is completed now. I love both these AU’s, and I love Bucky - win, win! 
Flowers Bloom - Soulmate AU! Series - by revengingbarnes  Another great series, and honestly I’m a slut for soulmate au’s, so this author might be coming after my heart - keep up that good work, if you know what I mean. 
The Great Build Up - Modern / Firefighter Au! One Shot - by @thottybarnes  This ones goes from cute, to hot and steamy, to angsty, and back to cute again. A one shot rollercoaster, and I thoroughly enjoyed every word of it. 
Maybe This Time - Mob Au! One Shot - by @propertyofpoeandbucky Okay, so if there’s one thing I like more than an mobster au, it’s adding children into the mix. Something about big bad guys going all soft for this tiny human - and then making them - and that’s called perfection. 
Whatever It Takes - Biker AU! One Shot - by @sgtjbuccky He like’s to be loud, so what. He rides a bike, so what. I what to ride him and his bike, so what. 
(Un-Named) - One Shot - by @softlybarnes  I’ve never liked Bucky’s metal arm more in my entire life. Using it for a baby going through teething? A+ idea. 
Hero, Waiting - Medieval AU! One Shot -  by captain-ariel-barnes Sadly, this fic is unavailable now, and that - obviously - makes me sad. But I’m adding it her anyway because of how much I adored it. The love triangle between Bucky, Reader, and Steve was amazing, and the feelings? Phenomenal. 
Steve Rogers
If Walls Could Talk - One Shot - by propertyofpoeandbucky  I’ll recreate my original comment on this fic - ‘Ouch’. And that’s all I have to say about that. 
The End of the War - College AU! One Shot - by @redgillan There’s nothing quite like a enemies to lovers trope that’s well-written. But then throw in fight club, a jerk date, ice-cream and pizza - just read it. You’ll understand then. 
The Edge of the Water - Mermaid AU! Series - @floatingpetals I have to admit now, I haven’t read all of this yet. But I also have to say, what I have read was fantastic. Mermaids - and Mermen - they just hit different, you know? 
Pseudo Princess - Medieval AU! Series - by @shreddedparchment​ To date, it’s one of the best fics - nay - stories I’ve ever read. I’d dare to say it’s easily the length of a novel, so if you’re up for the long haul, I’d definitely recommend it. It’s worth the wait - trust me. Op obviously put a hella lot of work into it, and it shows. 
Loki Laufeyson
Loki’s Happy Ending - Series (?) - by @gingerwritess  Listen, I have been and forever will be a Loki girl. Nothing will change that. And every scrap of content Theo produces for Loki I will cradle in my palms and keep warm until they’re ready to go out into the world or whatever - point is, read this. 
Just One Quick Glance - One Shot - by @imagines-trashcan  After watching ‘Endgame’, and squealing at every moment Loki appeared on screen, only to not have him show up in the final battle - this was one of my comfort fics. 
thunderstorms. - One Shot - by @tarynkauai Naturally, Loki’s child would inherit his unease of thunderstorms. And naturally, seeing Loki as a dad makes me happy. 
Stitches - One Shot - by @lokibug​  Loki being nice. I like that. We stan. 
Quentin Beck 
The Curveball - One Shot - by @healingchurch​  Listen, this is on here for a reason. I didn’t really like Mysterio ‘cause of what he did to Peter, but hey, some people are good actors, and some write characters acting very well. 
Stephen Strange 
(Un-Named) - Imagine / One Shot - by @archieimagines​ A cocky bastard and a shy Reader, as far as I’m concerned that a one-way ticket straight to my heart. *wink wonk*.
(Un-Named) - One Shot - by @whirlybirbs​  Honestly, there are multiple fics of hers on this list, and that’s because she’s a damn fine writer, and her stories are just that addictive. This one is no different. I was preparing to read more and then it ended. But all good things, right?
Crash and Burn - One Shot - by @lilyswritings​  The angst, and the angst. I cry, you cry, everyone cries. Unfortunately there is only the one part, but much to my personal joy that means I can interpret the after-ending however I want! 
Frank Castle
(Un-Named) - One Shot - by @alexsunmners​ This is just cute okay? I have no other words except this was plain and simply very, very, very nice to read, and that it makes me feel very soft right here on the inside. 
Peter Parker
Super Smooth Genius - One Shot (?) - by whirlybirbs  Back at it again with the cute, awkward, friendly, neighbourhood, Peter Parker. 
Just Don’t - Soulmate AU! One Shot - by @papel-creativo​ What’d I tell you about soulmate au’s? I can’t resist them. And of course Pete being a caring bf with his hero s/o. So nice. 
Ronan the Accuser 
Make You Proud - One Shot - by @kayleighhalliday2203​ This is justifiable because I was going through a Lee Pace faze and I found it and loved it immediately. 
(Un-Named) - One Shot / Series - by @snarky-badger​ This I can also justify having read, because (and if you know me then you know) the robot thing ... Doesn’t bother me as much as it should. And I binged all of it on ao3, so. 
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Poe Dameron
(Un-Named) - Masterlist - by propertyofpoeandbucky Okay, I know there’s a lot on this list, and it could take you a while to get through it all, but trust me - it’s worth it. Lani likes Poe, and it shows. He’s written so well. 
Dashing - One Shot / Series ? - by whirlybirbs Birbs does it again. She’s got Punchy!Reader, and if there were a legal way to get all of this Poe thing down into a written book, I’d do it. 
You Can See Me? - Modern / Ghost AU! One Shot - by @tintinwrites​ I just this this one’s really cool. And what Poe does for the reader at the end? So sweet! He would totally do that! 
Across the Hall - Modern / Nurse AU! Series - by @starryeyedstories​  It’s cute, it’s fun, it’s got tension, and a little drama - plus a smidge of angst and Corgi!BB-8. If perfection were ever made into a Modern/Nurse au Poe fic - this would be it. 
Deepest, Lightest Secrets - One Shot - by @writefightandflightclub​  It’s got the humour and overall feel  you’d expect to come from something Star Wars related - honestly I had so much fun reading it, and I’ll happily do it again. 
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Levi Ackerman
Names for Him & You - One Shot - by @commanderserwin​ Again, op is one of my main sources for fic’s in this area - so there could be quite a few of them listed here. But this one? Cute as heck. 
Levi’s Secret - Modern AU! One Shot - by @theamberwriter​ This one was damn funny in my opinion. Nothing can ever be hidden from Hange for long. 
You Look So Beautiful In White - Modern AU! One Shot - by @alrightberries​ This fic, it carved out my heart, diced it, shoved it in a blender, then made it into an atomic bomb. I - I was not okay. That amount of angst shouldn’t be allowed. Read it. 
Abeille - Modern / Mafia AU! Series - by @ackermans-freedom-inc​ Honestly, this isn’t finished yet but, honestly, I’m not ready for it to finish. The heartache. The betrayal. The child. I can’t even. 
Lights - Modern AU! One Shot - by commanderserwin This was the first fic I ever read of op’s, and I couldn’t believe what I read so I went back and read it again. I can’t tell you how much I love it, or how I feel about it, so just go read for yourself and you’ll know. 
To Build a Home - Modern AU! Series - by @vennilavee​ If you’re a fan of Levi, you must go read this. It’s so detailed, and just so perfect - whenever a new part comes out I have a quick reboot before going to read it. 
Erwin Smith
One of Us - Modern AU! Miniseries - by commanderserwin I’m not going to lie, this one is here because I requested it, but also because I really liked it, and cried while reading it. So there. 
Reiner Braun
Service to the Crown - Medieval AU! Miniseries - by @present-mel​ It should probably be illegal to write Reiner or Medieval au’s this well, and yet here op is writing both. Like, McScuse me, where do you acquire such talent and can I have some? 
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Toshinori Yagi
Flirting with All Might - One Shot - by @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten​ Toshi. The great. The hero. The awkward. He’s a blond boy doing what blond boys do even if he’s a little older he’s still part of the crew.
Stitches - Villain AU / Mini Series - by @itsallmightbitch​  Okay, so I said above that I wouldn’t put warnings on these - but this time I have to. Nothing I’ve read in my whole life emmits such an amount of pure horniness - and I love it. 
Godless - Fantasy AU / One Shot - by @pleasantanathema​  Another ‘All Smite’ fic, yes, I know. But god. They’re so good. This one is another real horny one, so if you can’t tell there is a slight theme running here. And - sksksksks - this is actually from the same ‘general area’ as the Reiner fic listed above (Service to the Crown). There was a event. I read everything. 
Keigo Takami
Preening - One Shot - by @shoutaaizawas​ Literally the softest and cutest damned thing I’ve read for Keigo. No, I’m not just ‘saying’ that, it’s genuine. The feelings I get - or lack thereof due to them turning to mush - it too much for words. Honest. 
Seasonal Special - One Shot - by @keiqos​ I’ll say this now and I’ll say it first - any Hawks fics written by op are *chefs kiss*. They’re amazing. Secondly, rut!Hawks is my weakness - this fic is one of such weaknesses. 
Shouto Aizawa
(Un-Named) - Series - by @theamberwriter​ This is *technically* the second part in the series, but it’s the only part I’ve read and goddamnit, I’m in love. Hubby Aizawa. The disappearing Baby-Zawa. 
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I Miss You Texts - SMAU - Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou, Nishinoya Yuu - by @briswriting​ I miss them too. They ain’t dead. I just feel like I haven’t seen them in so long.  
Little Things - Headcanons - Karasuno - by @haikyuudreaming​ Every single one makes me feel so nostalgic, and I feel so much longing. I love. I loose. I pine. I want. And yet I cannot have. I only dream.  
Cheerleader - Headcanons - Karasuno - by @imagine-101​  I want to be their cheerleader. Now I am able to be. Op, many thanks for the feeding. 
Tsukishima Kei
Cherry Wine - Single Parent AU! Series - by @bakugou-jpg​  I’m gonna head out and say that Tsukki was my first favourite Haikyuu character - then I ‘character developed’ but that only went so far as to give me more favorites. But deadass - read this and you won't regret it. 
Ukai Keishin
(Un-Named) - Ballroom/Latin Dancer AU! Headcanons - by @imagine-that-haikyuu​  I know nothing about dancing. Or ballroom dancing. But I do know I’d love to dance with Ukai. So how’s that for ‘middle ground’? 
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ectora · 3 years
So, after the post of season 2, I decided to continue with season 3. I wanted to do Until episode 9 cause that’s the strict half but I knew there was along break after episode 10 so I was like let’s do until ten. For the second part, I might do it for every episode separately in some sorte of episode review or whatever, or just wait for the end of the season and do a global season 3 post. We’ll see I guess, I’m an indecisive so I hate taking decisions lmao. Anyway, let’s get to it.
Screen time
Macy : 3h03m10s (10/10)
Mel : 2h47m12s (10/10)
Maggie : 2h40m57s (10/10)
Harry : 2h09m34s (10/10) (+Jimmie 7m37s)
Abigael : 47m40s (5/10)
Jordan : 1h02m24s (9/10)
Again, those numbers are not to the second but scene wise. The only time I would separate the screen time in the scene itself was if the focus was completely on one character (vision + sound) and we know another character is there but we don’t really see them).
As before, here a graph of the screen time per episode for each character.
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*harry and jimmie’s screen time are mixed for the graph but again, Jimmie’s is like 7 minutes.
And here a graph of all the characters screen time by episode so it’s more easily comparable.
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Now, again, the screen time is pretty obvious on the fact the sisters are and stay the focus of the show. But far. Though I’m Ngl, I was really surprised to see Maggie being the last of the three sisters. She had way more screen time in season 2 but idk in season 3 it also felt like she was also a bit ahead. At least of Mel. But I think that’s a question of how they handle the story. I think Maggie is actually the one with the best treatment out of the three sisters, with the more consistent development. So maybe that’s why she feels more present. Because she’s actually getting development. Mel, imo, can’t really say the same. She doesn’t have that much more screen time than Maggie and yet, to me, she feels a lot more less developed. Macy had her story focused around men last seasons. And if this season hasn’t fixed that issue when it comes to Hacy imo, I do feel she gets a bit more personal development. But still, Maggie feels the most developed to me.
Jordan is more present in the story so that’s good. I love him and I hope they can find him a good place in the story as a human because he’s a sweetheart. To be honest however, he could have a bit more screen time Ngl. Same can be said for Abigael. I personally have the feeling that the story she has now wasn’t necessarily planned if I’m being honest, which is why it feels so detached. And obviously she needs to have her story more liked to the main storyline and TCO so her presence can be more natural and cohesive. However when you think about it, half the episode when we’re half way through the season, for a regular/main character, it’s a bit weird. I hope going forward, they’ll fix both these issues. Have her be in more episode and linking her to the main story.
Detailed screen time
As I did last time, here are the tables with their detailed screen time with each other main characters.
* group means 2+ characters of the core six that doesn’t involve all three sisters.
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To be honest, these tables brought light on issues we - I think- were already aware of. Mel/Macy for example is basically inexistant. It’s really sad to see them barely share scenes just the two of them. Like Mel and Maggie have really nice scenes together where we can see them talk and bond. Macy has that sometimes with Maggie too. But Mel and Macy ? We barely even know what their relationship is if I’m being honest. Like it feels like Maggie and Mel have each other and they make Macy have Harry. He is her one to go, the one they develop her relationship with the most which, imo opinion, shouldn’t be the case.
It brings me to my next point. I know it’s only half season but TCO purely together isn’t even the biggest screen time anymore. Hacy actually is. Love them or not, that’s not the topic, I think there is the need of a discussion about how they slowly shifted the focus of these two characters toward each other. The pairing isn’t an issue, the way it’s handled kinda is. Because at the end of the day it’s also a disservice to both of them. I know COVID is to be taken into account and that they’re limited in the interaction and that Harry is the most integrated of the three main supportive characters but it is still an issue. Even in the story, Harry is all about his relationship and sometimes forgets his duties. Macy’s first thought is basically Harry. They could have used some of this time to develop further the sisters between themselves. Like Maggie and Mel don’t feel as centred on their romance while Macy definitely feels like it’s the major characteristic of her character right now. Same with Harry.
In a general manner however, they’ve been doing better with the sisters sharing scenes that aren’t all about fighting but there is still some serious work to be done. As said, Mel and Maggie for example have some nice scenes where it’s a bit more domestic. They talk about their actual lives more. Maggie has that a bit with Macy too but it’s mostly Mel/Maggie. While Macy talks to Harry.
When it comes to their personal time, by that I mean without the core six, they have around the same time so that’s good. Tho again, as I said before, they have around the same time but it feels like some character just have better written development.
I’m also glad to see Jordan and Abigael share screen with a bit more characters but also would like to have more mix between the mains. It’s almost odd at this point to see Jordan interact with anyone else than Maggie and Harry. I loved his episode with Macy but it almost felt random because he shared 90% of his time with Maggie. Abby it’s a little bit less the case because I feel like in season 2 she had the opportunity to share scenes with all of them (and I want more cause I love it) but now I would like to see her interact with others more too.
Hacy : 53m11s
Joggie : 18m18s
Abimel : 12m37s
Melby : 5m58s
That’s probably one of the things that annoy me the most in the show so bare with me.
Let’s start with the small things. I’m Ngl, I’m a bit confused about Maggie. Jordan is pretty obviously supposed to be her love interest I think we can all agree on that. I don’t know if they’re trying to throw some love triangle drama or fake drama with Antonio but well. In any case, I think they’re just a bit more slow burn. And I do think they’re actually the best written romance in the show since the beginning. Maggie never feels centred around Jordan. And tho Jordan does majorly gravitates around Maggie, he also gets a story and development. And yet their love connexion is obvious. Don’t know why they can’t do that with others.
I think I made my issue with Hacy rather clear. Not the ship itself but the way the show does it. I mean their time is clearly superior to everyone else (and i know it’s because Harry is technically the fourth character in terms of importance and is integrated in the story but still, I think there are still things to be fixed about this) and I think the way the show tend t have these two continuously gravitate around each other first is a disservice and just too much at this point. Like in ten episodes they have had more than the entirety of season 2. I’m pretty sure it means something.
Which leads me to my last point. And the most annoying one. Mel. It’s a whole other level. The show has a serious issue on their hands. Mel is the only sister that isn’t straight. And her relationship are not even remotely treated the same as her sisters. Season 2 was one thing. But season 3 makes it so painfully obvious. And it’s not ok. She has two potential ships. And yet, the screen time of these two combined is barely above Maggie’s with Jordan. And not even half Hacy’s. And that’s a genuine issue. I need the show to start treating their lgbt relationship the same way they do the straights. I’m tired of ghosts. I’m tired of unseen. I’m tired of two dimensional. Of the lack of development. Or the unbalance with her sisters. It’s enough.
Talking about her potentiality, the show definitely has me confused with the whole Abimel/Melby situation. They’re hinting hard on the first one while keeping the second in the background. Which is entirely confusing. And low key a problem too. Because yes I ship Abimel but I do think Melby deserves better. And if the show is just keeping melby while they can develop Abimel then that’s just weird too.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Melby just doesn’t feel like a relationship the show has any interest of putting effort in. Ngl, when Mel said at ClexaCon that the writers didn’t really give them backgrounds or anything, it didn’t sound like freedom, it sounded like they just didn’t care enough to develop it. Sometimes, it almost feels like they just kept it around because of the Abigael backlash, so have a sapphic relationship while they can develop something else on the side. Ruby has a charming actress so she has that working for her, but her character is very superficially developed, they didn’t bother to give her depth and it doesn’t feel like it was meant to last with the whole not wanting to be involved in magic thing. I’m not trying to bash anyone or any ship, but that relationship does feel very superficial in terms of writing. And honestly if they’re just keeping it around while building something else, it’s in itself annoying due to the nature of the relationship. Like at that point it’s not even the bare minimum.
Abimel seems more build up already. They’ve been hinting at it since season 2, poring them all the time. The lines. The tensions the chemistry. The connexion. It genuinely feels like that’s were they were going toward. Because it just makes sense. It also makes sense in terms of pairing. All three sisters have their love interest in the main cast. Enemies to lovers trope. As said, it makes sense. But also who actually knows. Because let’s be honest, the show has an history with not treated sapphics the same way as straights. Which is even more obvious in this first part of the season and looking at the numbers. Again I understand Ruby is not a regular (which reinforce my previous points). But likes. That’s what brings me to say again and again that at this point, the show needs to either actually commit to that relationship and make Ruby an actual part of the show or let it go. Because what we have right now ? Not ok. Because they give us zero energy. And I’m pretty sure that if they wanted to actually do more, they definitely could have. Right now, the show is under a pretty bad light when it comes to lgbt characters and their treatment. It’s a bit ridiculous and it’s just not right.
Anyway, I think this concludes my rant. I’m sorry it’s very, very long and for WHAT 😭 I have too much time on my hands I’m telling you. Anyway, if you read all of that I hope you’re enjoyed but also you probably, too, have too much time.
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years
Minette watches Victoria season 3, part 6 (A Coburg Quartet)
- Hoo, boy, where to start? Well, probably with the title - because uncle Leopold is back, baby! He doesn’t do nearly enough to save this episode, but his mere presence is enough to make me scream with joy.
- This is such a victorian episode it’s not even funny. Phrenology? Emotionally abusive husbands? Fancy dress? Scandal over the queen *gasp* being seen taking care of her kids?
- This episode starts nicely, with the domestic Victoria and Albert, probably just to twist the knife further when this episode descends into DRAMA. And I think they might have overdone it a little. Albert believing Feodora over Victoria? Possible, even if I don’t like it? Culmination of the tensions between Feodora and Victoria? Yeah, baby, bitches fightiiing. Albert being a condescending jerk? Fine, he sometimes does do that. But him just full on gaslighting his wife? Admitting he doesn’t love her anymore? No, stop, fuck you, that’s not my Albae anymore, that’s some kind of terrible misogynist caricature! Feodora wanting to actually SEDUCE Albert?! NO GOD WHY ARE YOU PUTTING SUCH IMAGES IN MY HEAD... Feodora will have a nice hatesex with Palmers the next episode, and that will be the end of it!
- Albert being the one to believe in phrenology makes way too much sense. On the other hand, what doesn’t make sense is him being this much worse than Vicky in parenting. You know, it’s almost funny to see Albert call Eddikins stupid when he’s being the biggest dumbass the room. I officially hate this subplot and curse every kind word I ever wrote about it.
- I’ve seen people calling out Victoria on her behavior this episode, mostly because of that slap. On the other hand, what bugs me is that she threw that stupid plaster head on the ground and not in Albert stupid smug face. And yet I still don’t hate Albert... I hate the writers. Go fuck yourself, Daisy. You officially ruined my best boy.
- Shock and horror, little Vicky acts like a normal kid this episode! And I actually still like Eddikins, despite all the stupid shit around him.
- Palmers is still the MVP, and this time he’s assisted by uncle Leopold as the only two people in the room with any braincells. Well, except for Feodora, who uses hers for evil. On the other hand, she looked really fetching in that riding suit... Daisy, Palmers and Feodora hatesex when?
- Do not even try to make me believe for a second Albert could have sex with Feodora! I guess Feodora herself could think that’s plausible, but there is no way in hell a man married to Jenna Coleman would go for a “kinda pretty in a good light and a snazzy hat” middle aged lady. On the other hand, Palmers’ wife looks a bit like Feodora, so she’s definitely his type... Okay, okay, I’ll stop, but you have to understand, I need this ship to keep my sanity in the face of Albert’s character assassination.
- I actually liked Victoria’s fancy dress a lot! The ones Albert and Feodora wore, on the other hand, were hideous, especially Albert’s wig. Palmers wore an extremely stupid looking wig, but it’s Palmers, so he was still the most charming man in the room (although the fact that the rest of the men there also wore stupid wigs probably helped). Duchess of Monmouth looked fine as a scullery maid or whatever.
- Speaking of, the useless love triangle! You can tell I am not the most invested in this subplot, since these two fucked for the first time last episode and I didn’t even mention it. Throughout all of this, I care about one thing, and one thing only: will this subplot end with Boring Blonde’s asshole husband getting hurt, humiliated or killed? I don’t care that much about Boring Blonde or Joseph the Himbo, but I really, really want to see this dude suffer. He is supremely hateable, and even pisses me off more than Daisy. Which is saying something.
- Also, re: the asshole’s grandmother. I couldn’t find anyone with the title “duke of Monmouth”, apart from, get this, fucking James Scott. You know, the oldest of the many bastard of king Charles II. The one who organized a rebellion against James II. and got killed for his trouble. In short, not only wasn’t asshole’s grandmother real, so probably wasn’t the asshole himself, or the Boring Blonde for that matter.
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cozyforjate · 4 years
MacGyver 5x02 Review
We had another great MacGyver episode. That's two for two!🥳👏
This season so far has brought us back the good ole "MacGyver" feel that was partly lost in season 4. And i have a good feeling that it's only gonna get better.
As a MacGyver fan since day 1, i couldn't be happier. The characters are more open with each other. They are getting more depth. Mac is doing more hacks. I’m enjoying the lighter tone of the episodes. We are not getting any unnecessary drama between Mac&Desi. Which is a breath of fresh air! Totally helping the quality of the episodes. We have 40 mins, so we better use it the best way possible, right?
Back to the episode.
I've always been big a fan of heist plots and this episode did not disappoint. Loved the blonde thief lady AKA Jess Miller. Loved the chemistry between Desi and her. The training scenes were awesome. And we had not one but two heist plots. Go MacGyver!
This episode mainly focused on Russ and Desi. But before that i’d like to point a few things.
Matty noticing right away that Russ had an emotional connection with the case was brilliant. Nothing gets by the boss lady!
Action scenes were so good!
The songs they pick are on FIRE! I’m gonna need the season 5 soundtrack.
I wished we had more Bozer and little bit more Riley but i’m not gonna complain.
Now lets talk about Russ and Desi.
Russ & Desi
Henry Ian Cusick is a brilliant actor. I’ve been a fan of his since LOST and so far I'm really satisfied with the Russ character. Sometimes he makes me want to shake him real hard, sometimes he makes me laugh i wanna be besties with him and sometimes i just wanna hug him badly! That's a great character for you btw. He has many layers and he is growing. His sadness over losing his protegee, the way he feels responsible for her death, the way he made the choice of sending the bad guy to prison instead of taking revenge were all great moments. And instead of keeping secrets from his team this time when Matty and later Mac asked what’s going on, he opened up and told them the truth. The last scene with the grieving family was also very emotional. 😭
Now you know that i'm not a big fan of Desi. I've been waiting for some growth, asking the gods to save her from being a one dimensional character since season 4 episode 1. Last season didn't do good for Desi. Apart from a few good moments, she was mostly and badly used as a love interest. 
This season tho, i'm finally starting to relate to this character. In the first episode i didn't enjoy that she blamed Riley for her own wrongdoings but in the end she revealed that she was mostly angry at herself and regretted what she's done. This episode she was great from the start to the end. She tried her best without complaining, she risked her life, she bonded with Jess and it was beautiful to watch. We've seen her smile more! And she pulled a Mission Impossible level job like a professional thief.
MacRiley-MacDesi... What's happening with the triangle?
I didn't talk about MacRiley or MacDesi much in my first review bcoz i wanted to watch at least one more episode to see the situation more clearly. The first 2 episodes did not focus on romance and it's totally fine. I'm good with that. What i hate is when they "force" scenes into plots for no good reason. Romance needs to feel natural just like the action scenes or character moments.
While 501 and 502 didn’t have big “ship moments” they did hint on where all 3 characters are standing. It was done subtly and didn't feel forced at all.
In first 2 episodes the thing that caught my eye was the lack of "sexual tension" between MacDesi. The writers been forcing the sexual tension between them ever since Desi first showed up. They created so many out of the blue situations to catch the "hot couple" vibes, it was agonizing to watch at times.
The first 2 episodes announced the good news: No more forced tension between them.
But the important question is, what kept MD so far was mostly the physical attraction and now that it's gone, what's left? 
The training scene in the ring could have been one of those moments where the writers use to keep the tension going, but it didn't happen. Jess made a comment on how Mac might have lost his chance of dating Desi. But Mac seemed pretty cool about it. The look on his face didn’t say "Oh no i can't lose her"; it was more like "Lost my chance? Oh lady, i’m way passed that!"
But Desi's reaction told me a different story. She heard what Jess said and she looked at Mac with this “almost” sad expression? Like she wished he would still want to have another chance with her...
Btw- Mac coming up with a plan to electrify Desi and made it stronger than what he would do to a cow was the funniest sht ever! 🤣🤣🤣
Jumping to MacRiley…
I know we didn’t get any MacRiley solo scenes (yet) but have you all felt the "closeness" between them? The camera intentionally focuses on them a lot more.
501- Running towards each other in the corridor... Mac looking at her for ideas, her teasing him... Riley telling Mac to follow her to the medical room and Mac running after her without asking why... Them giving each other the signature MacRiley looks before they all get lifted up to the roof?
502- Mac's eyes always finding Riley's... Them sitting face to face in the plane (in both scenes).
& The cheers scene? It was reminiscent of the scene from 4x05. They’re celebrating a successful mission just like 4x05 but with one difference! In 4x05, the camera focused on the shared looks and cheers between MD, hinting what's about to come. But now the focus is on MacRiley. The way Mac stared at Riley and the smile she gave him... very telling!💯🔥❤
And i should also mention the first scene with them. MacRiley hunting down Jess in their own nerdy ways was great. Riley hacked every device possible, Mac improvised. Macsplaining was priceless as always. And Jess's "The Geek Squad" comment was SPOT ON. Yes Jess, Mac and Riley are professional geeks. That's how they roll and get the job done.🤣 Loved it so much!
Next week we'll get the first new episode that's written and filmed with Monica Macer as the showrunner. So it's an important one. We'll be getting a confrontation between Mac and Desi. And the synopsis says they are "forced" to confront their relationship. 10 months passed and they NEVER discussed the broken trust between them? Wow... just wow.
I'm expecting a scene with less yelling this time. I'm expecting a resolution that ends with "we never worked as a couple but how about we try to be good friends?"
We need some peace between these two. Lets start over, this time with no forced romance please. (Don’t let me down writers!!!)
Of course the triangle will not be resolved that quickly. So here’s how i see it going: 
Desi slowly lets go of Mac, figures out what she really wants from a relationship (if there’ll be a season 6, she finds happiness with her true match).
Mac realizes his "hidden" feelings for Riley and finally dares to explore them.
Riley decides whether she should take the risk and act on her feelings for Mac or not.
I believe that the triangle’s fate was decided the moment Riley realized her feelings for Mac in 4x04. The writers didn’t let Riley (finally) fall for Mac for nothing. It’s for a reason. MacRiley is happening!
See you next week!
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Last Chapter: For The Rest Of My Life
(from the My Girl Series: Stay Mine)
…in which they live happily ever after.
Word count: 5.9k
AU: actor!harry, older!harry, younger!y/n (4-year age gap).
Wattpad link (Thea as Y/N)
This is it, guys. This is the last chapter. Thank you for following my beloved characters on this long journey. I never would have written three books without your support! :)
Love, Allie.
P/S: The first preview of TCTM2 - The Winter and the Crown (and first chapter on Patreon) is this Friday! I’ll postpone the new series until after TCTM2 so it’ll be updated weekly instead of biweekly :)
“And they lived happily ever after. The end.”
Celine shot her head up. Y/N could see her friend’s shocked expression in the mirror. “Excuse you. That was a great speech!”
Y/N apologised to her makeup artist, spun her chair around and told her maid-of-honour, “I love you, babe, but your speech was an hour-long. While you were reading, Allison has managed to finish yours, Amala’s, Alice’s, and my makeup. So it needs to be shorter.”
Celine stared at her paper as she blew out her cheeks. “But this is the complete story of how you and Harry got together.”
“Well,” Alice, who sat in the corner, finally spoke. “You might want to skip the whole love triangle drama last year.” She paused, gazing upward. “And the year before that. My God, Y/N!” Alice whipped her head to Y/N, her mouth wide open. “You got three men chasing after you in two years, became a best-selling author, and now you’re getting married after having been engaged for only a month to your super hot, super rich, super famous boyfriend! Talk about being ambitious!”
“Three months, actually,” Amala interjected. She was sitting beside Y/N, looking at her phone. “When she broke the news, Cece and I thought they were rushing the wedding because she was pregnant. As it turned out, they were just too in love to wait.”
“What the fuck? Your life is perfect!” Alice exclaimed.
Y/N shook her head. “No, it’s not. When he proposed there wasn’t even a ring!” And turned to Allison. “Can’t you believe my ex-boyfriend forgot the ring when he proposed?”
“You need to stop calling your fiancé ‘ex-boyfriend’,” Celine said.
“I don’t care. I want three hot men to fight for me,” Alice said.
“Don’t envy me. I’ve only dated three men in my life,” Y/N said then turned back to the mirror, “and today is my wedding day, so can we not make this about them?”
“Of course, baby,” Celine chuckled as she rose from her seat and came to give Y/N a kiss on top of her head. “I’ll make my speech shorter, but we'll keep the part where you read the story about Harry in front of the whole class and you and I became friends.”
“And also any other part that I was in.”
“Fine.” Y/N snorted, rolling her eyes.
Celine gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze then bent over to press her cheek against Y/N’s, their eyes locked in the mirror as they shared a smile. “Now, let’s get you into that dress, baby.”
“Rings? Where’re the rings?! WHERE–Oh, they’re on the desk.”
“Niall!” Harry and Isaac shouted at the same time.
Niall stared at them. “What?!”
Harry gave his tie a hard tug. To Isaac, he said, “I’m seriously considering making you the best man.”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Niall objected as he shoved the ring boxes into his pocket. “You,” he jabbed at Isaac with his finger, “are my understudy today. So don’t even think about trying to sabotage me to take my place.”
“The stage’s all yours.” Isaac spread his arms. “To be honest, it’d be really weird if her ex-boyfriend was the best man at her wedding.”
Harry cast him a pointed look. “Can you not make me want to uninvite you right here right now?”
“You can’t. I would be your sister’s plus one anyway.”
“Damn it,” Harry murmured, looking back at the full-length mirror.
This was nerve-racking and kind of strange. Never had he thought one day he’d be standing in his childhood bedroom with Niall and Isaac let alone getting ready for his own wedding here. When imagining his wedding, he’d thought of something in the range of Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra’s wedding and the royal wedding for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. And yet, here he was, in his hometown with a guest list of under fifty people. And he had never been happier in his entire life.
“Can you check if the rings are in the boxes?” he told Niall and sighed in relief when Niall confirmed that the rings were safe. “Can’t be too careful. The day I proposed to her, I left the ring in my hotel room in New York. It was really embarrassing.”
“Y/N doesn’t care about this stuff,” Isaac said.
“I know,” Harry replied, feeling a grin taking over his face.
Suddenly, Niall burst out a laugh. He looked up from his phone, grinning goofily. “Harold, Alice just texted me a photo of your girl, would you want to see it? It’s really funny.”
“Is she in the wedding dress?” Harry asked.
“Then no. It’d be bad luck.” Then he cast Niall a look over his shoulder. “Yes, I’m superstitious. Judge me.”
Isaac’s brows knitted as he considered Niall with a tentative look on his face. “What’s going on between you and Alice?”
Niall’s smile suddenly vanished, and Harry realised he couldn’t recall the last time he’d seen Niall so nervous. The lad was rubbing the nape of his neck as he cleared his throat and was unable to make eye contact with either of them. “We’re not...ready to make it public yet,” he finally admitted. Harry and Isaac looked at each other, smiling with their mouths wide open. “My fans will tear her down just as they did to my other relationships. And after what happened to you and Y/N, I think we’re gonna lay low for a while.”
“I’m glad Bambi and I went through hell to set an example for you,” Harry said amusedly.
Niall’s mouth curled. “I’ll make sure to thank you in my speech.”
“Hold on!” Isaac interjected. “I thought I’d get to have a speech.”
“I’m the best man, though,” Niall retorted.
“That’s the point. You’re already the best man.”
“Niall’s right.” Harry gave Isaac an apologetic look. “But hey, you dated my wife and you’re dating my sister. Our friendship is on thin ice, so don’t jinx it.”
Isaac rolled his eyes, and a smirk peaked at the corner of his lips.
Without warning, Niall wrapped an arm around each of them and aggressively tugged them into a hug. Both Isaac and Harry scolded him for having wrinkled their best suits, yet neither tried to break out of Niall’s tight embrace.
“I’m so glad we’re back together,” Niall said. “The three of us, without all the weird tension between you two.”
Isaac opened his mouth to say something but was forestalled by Niall’s ringtone.
“I’ll be right back,” Niall said as he released them and pulled out his phone. “Yeah, that’s the firework guy.”
Harry and Isaac yelled at the same time.
“The what guy?”
“What the fuck?!”
“Niall, this is supposed to be a secret wedding,” Harry said in frustration. “I don't want the whole town to know that we're getting married in our backyard!”
“You should have said that before I called my firework guy!” To the person on the phone, Niall said, “Cancel! Cancel! No, do not light it up!” Then he dashed out of the room, almost slamming into the door.
Once his heavy footsteps had faded down the stairs, Harry and Isaac exchanged looks and broke into laughter.
“You know what?” Harry said, catching his breath and wiping a single tear from the corner of his eyes. “Just in case he gets himself blown up before the ceremony, you probably should prepare the best man speech.”
“I’m on it.” Isaac grinned, and to Harry’s surprise, he pulled Harry into a hug. Not just their usual one-arm-and-a-pat-on-the-back kind of hug. A real one, with both arms and a firm grip that said everything Harry needed to know. “I’m really happy for you and proud of you, H.”
Harry found himself beaming as he hugged his best friend in return. “And I’m really happy to have you here.”
They embraced for a second or two before Isaac broke off and straightened Harry’s jacket. “I’ll see you downstairs,” he said. “Now I have to go save Niall from getting blown up in your backyard.”
When Y/N was little, she had wanted her mum to be the one to walk her down the aisle. Between her parents, she had always loved her mum more, simply because her mum had been there for her for most of her childhood. Y/N’s mum had been her first best friend, her advisor, the person who had known all of her secrets. But if Y/N’s mum were still alive, she would be glad to let her husband walk Y/N down the aisle.
Y/N’s dad burst into tears when he stood by the front door and watched her descend the stairs. It was the first time he’d seen her in her wedding dress. She’d had it altered so it’d look more casual than what a wedding dress should look like. The long sleeves had been removed and the skirt shortened. It was quite plain, perfect for a backyard wedding, and yet her dad was looking at her like she was the Queen of England. Perhaps in his eyes, she was. And as he wiped away his tears with the sleeve of his jacket, she felt her tears start flowing too.  
Her dad rarely cried. At least not in front of her. She remembered how much she’d loathed him for not shedding a tear at her mother’s funeral. It wasn’t until years later that she’d found out that he had cried, just not in front of everyone. He’d slept with a photo of her mum every day for many months after the accident, and cried himself to sleep every night, for the woman who had fallen out of love with him.
Y/N supposed her dad used to think tears represented vulnerability and if she’d seen him at his most vulnerable, she wouldn’t have trusted him to be her protector. He’d tried to be strong in front of her. But Dad, this is you being strong for me, she thought when she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tight. He could have left when he’d found out her mum hadn’t been faithful. He could have given up on Y/N when she’d tried to push him away. But he’d stayed. Because brave people never gave up on the ones they loved. And she believed he loved her most of all.
“I’m sorry. Don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup,” her dad said, holding her face. “You’ll get two black lines on your pretty face like in the movies.”
“My makeup is waterproof,” she told him, laughing and sniffling at the same time.
“Why don’t actresses in movies use that stuff?” he asked, looking genuinely confused.
“You’re such a dork.” Y/N snorted and wiped his cheeks with her thumbs.
Her dad’s forehead creased. As he took in the sight of her, his eyes lingered on her short white dress. Recognition suddenly dawned on his face. “Is this—”
“Yes. It was Mum’s,” she said, fanning out her skirt. “I made some alterations. Do you love it?”
Her dad brought a hand to his mouth and was speechless for a long moment. She wasn’t sure if he was looking for the right words to say, or he was too emotional to speak.
“You look just like her,” he whispered as he held her arms, leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry she wasn’t here to walk you down the aisle.”
“Don’t be,” Y/N said, fixing her dad’s collar. “I’m already the happiest to have you give me away.”
“Give you away,” he echoed, and even though his expression remained unchanged, she could catch a sign of sadness and regret. Then, the corners of his mouth raised in an attempt to lift up the mood. “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too late to cancel the wedding.”
Eyes wide, Y/N chortled. “Dad!”
“I’m just saying.” Her dad gave a half-shrug. “I want you to know that your old man always supports your decisions, no questions asked.”
“Thank you,” she murmured and kissed him on the cheek. “But I’d still like to marry Harry.”
“Ahhh. You know you’re getting old when your child starts being kind to you.”
Y/N scrunched up her nose at the remark which stung her heart a little. Still, she decided to be light-hearted. “Funny. Harry told me it was me who was getting old when I started being kind to him and you.”
Her dad raised both eyebrows. “You know what? Forget what I said. Do not cancel the wedding. I love that kid.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and gave him a playful nudge.
Suddenly, Celine emerged from the kitchen holding a bouquet and shoved it into Y/N’s arms. “Your flowers, babe. Good luck!” It was hilarious how she looked even more nervous than Y/N was, and Celine had been a bride before.
She kissed Y/N on the cheek, patted Y/N’s dad on the shoulder and then left as fast as she’d arrived.
Y/N’s dad offered his arm to her as the corners of his eyes crinkled with joy. “Shall we?”
She nodded, chin held high, and settled her fingers into the crook of his arm.
The last time Harry had been to a wedding in Holmes Chapel, he’d returned to London with a broken heart. It was the day he’d thought he’d lost his girl forever, that he’d been too late and missed the only chance to make it right. And now here he was, back at the same place, but this time, he was the groom and his childhood best friend was the bride.
He and Y/N had decided to get married right where the old tree used to be. The new one hadn’t grown big enough to cover them in its shade, but Harry liked the symbolism of it – there was never really an ending, just another beginning.
He stood at the end of the aisle as the guests settled down, waiting for the bride to make her big entrance. His palms were sweating so hard he could feel it soaking through his jacket which he’d been clutching the whole time. In his entire acting career, he had never felt self-conscious standing in front of a crowd, and yet, standing here in front of the people he knew and loved, he could barely move a muscle.
The music started, and Harry straightened like a soldier. He met his sister’s eyes in the front row, and she mouthed at him, ‘You look stupid.’ His mum, who was sitting beside Gemma, shot her a pointed look before mouthing at Harry, ‘You look handsome.’
He gave his family a tight smile as he laced his fingers together in front of his crotch, like a nice little boy waiting for the photographer to take the photo. He supposed he did look stupid. He felt stupid. However, the fear didn’t last for too long, because as soon as the gate to Y/N’s backyard opened and she appeared with Bradford, Harry felt as if there were fireworks exploding inside his chest. Time stopped. And the rest of the world disappeared.
She was wearing her mother’s dress. He knew that because she’d told him when he’d offered to find her a famous wedding dress designer. She must have made some alterations to it, and as excited as he’d been to see her wear it for the first time, it didn’t shock him as he’d thought it would.
When he looked at her, in that white chiffon dress with her hair in a high bun and that big smile on her face, he could see the little girl in a tutu, and he was the little boy who waited by the car with her parents after her first ballet class, because she’d insisted that he came with them to pick her up that day. Then Harry saw the little girl with daisies in her pigtails; she’d made him play house with her and they’d had a fake wedding. That little girl, now older, was a princess for a school play; she’d practised in front of him so many times that he remembered all the lines and mumbled along as he watched her from the third row with her parents. Then she was at a school dance; they hadn’t been talking but he’d watched her in silence just to make sure her date didn’t cross the line. Then there was the girl at the Oscars; messy hair, messy makeup, out of breath, still the most beautiful girl in the room. The girl in his bed, the first face he saw in the morning, no makeup on. The girl with tears running down her face as she said yes on that windy roof. The girl who was drunk in the streetlight, red-faced, smeared mascara as he told her he loved her for the first time. The girl at the entrance of his treehouse; older and taller every time she returned. The girl telling him she’d given up on him for good. The girl telling him she’d love him forever.
He loved every single one of those girls. Y/N was a million girls in one; all were his. And he loved every version of her there had ever been, and every version there would ever be.
His eyes prickled with tears as she reached for his hand, and the first thing she said to him as the music stopped was, “Are you crying?”
“No, there’s something in my eyes,” he said, smiling at her. “Are you?”
“Yes, I am.” She nodded, staring heavenward and blinking back the tears as she tried not to laugh and cry at the same time. Harry almost leaned in and kissed her right then but then he remembered he would have to wait for the priest to say, ‘You may kiss the bride’. He’d meant it when he’d said he was superstitious. He didn’t want to bring bad luck to their wedding. Niall was already an exception.
As the backyard fell to silence and the priest said something Harry did not hear, he couldn’t stop beaming down at his bride and mouthed “I love you” as if she hadn’t got tired of those words already. She mouthed them back, as if he hadn’t got tired of them. Well, at this point he didn’t think it was possible to ever get tired of hearing or saying them.
“Psst, Harry!” Niall’s voice pulled him back to reality. He blinked fast. Everyone was staring at him. “Your vows!” Niall said.
“Right, right. Just a sec.” Holding up a finger, Harry frantically searched in his jacket for the speech he’d prepared last week. His cheeks heated as he pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and flashed his teeth at Y/N, who was staring patiently at him.
He held up a fist at his mouth and cleared his throat. “Forgive me if my vows are generic and badly-written.”
Laughter crackled from the guests, and Harry decided to focus all of his attention on his Bambi. It’d feel less weird if he was saying this to her instead of trying to impress their families, although the way her father looked at him was really intimidating.
He blew out his cheeks, shook his head and began, “I...wanted...to write something cheesy...something like ‘I always knew we’d end up together’ or ‘I fell in love with you the moment I first laid eyes on you’. But that wasn’t how it happened. Because when we first met, you were only nine, and you cried a lot so I didn’t really like you.”
Someone, probably Y/N’s stepmum, awwwed out loud. Y/N tilted her head, scowling at him, and he shot her an apologetic grin before he continued.
“It wasn’t love at first sight, or second, or third. But I think that’s the best part of our relationship. There wasn’t an exact moment where we fell in love. Our love grew as we did. It was always within ourselves even though I realised it a bit late and I let you down. Despite all that we’ve been through, you’ve always been by my side, and you’re the only person who loves me unconditionally.” His eyes searched his mum and Gemma. “Alongside my mum and sister.”
The guests cracked up as Gemma, with her arms crossed, mouthed, ‘I don’t love you,’ at Harry. Ignoring her, Harry turned back to Y/N. “You make me a better person–” And wiped his eyes. “You can call me a crybaby later.”
“I will,” she said as her fingers found his.
He squeezed her hand. “I cannot promise that–that I’ll be perfect, because everyone who knows us knows that we are far from perfect. But I vow to always try to be the best version of myself and love you for as long as I live. I’ll be your best friend, always listen to you, take care of you, always make you proud, and whatever obstacles are thrown in your way, I’ll face them with you.”
This time when a sob broke from someone’s lips, it was Y/N’s old boss, Eddie.
Y/N placed a hand on her heart as her bottom lip quivered. Tears shone in her eyes but she wasn’t crying like a baby like him. She released a nervous laugh, glancing at their families and friends. “I’m embarrassed. My vows probably suck compared to yours.”
“No way,” he murmured, not sure if she heard him.
She sucked in a breath, held her smile, and began. “Harry, I’ve never told you this, but when I was nine, I told Celine that I wanted to marry you when I grew up. I asked her to keep a secret because my mum had said that if you told too many people about your dreams, they would never come true.
“At nine years old, my biggest dream, beside being a writer, was to marry the boy next door. And I can now tell everyone about that dream, because after today, we’re gonna go home together and the boy I’ve loved since I was nine years old, is gonna be my husband.” She took a step forward, pressing his hand to her heart. “I vow to be by your side through sickness and health, through your bests and your worsts. I vow to never lie to you, never give up on you. Thank you for making me a better person. I’ll love you for the rest of my life.”
“That was so much better than mine,” Harry whispered, smiling so big his cheeks began to ache.
They exchanged rings, and then Harry’s heart started thundering as the priest looked at him. “Harry, do you take Y/N–”
“I do,” he said without taking his eyes off Y/N, who was beaming like the sun. “Yes, a million times.”
“I do.”
Harry believed he’d heard the priest sigh, yet he hadn’t paid attention to know for sure. Then came the words he’d been waiting to hear. “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
His arms could not catch her fast enough since hers had wrapped around his neck as she locked her lips to his. He pulled her against him, tipped her head back and kissed her like he had the first time at that same spot. This time, in the cheering of their family and friends.
The wedding reception was also held in Harry’s backyard. By the time Niall and Celine had finished their long speeches, everyone had been starving. After the meal and a few drinks, Harry had forgotten what Niall had said about him in that speech, still, he was grateful for Niall. He hoped the firework guy was having a good time being their uninvited wedding guest.
Their first dance was to the song Hearts Don’t Break Around Here by Ed Sheeran. Harry had picked the song and Y/N had joked about him listening to sappy music, but she’d cried when he sang the words into her ear as they danced with her cheek pressed against his chest and his chin on top of her head.
That every night I'll kiss you you'll say in my ear
Oh we're in love aren't we?
Hands in your hair, fingers and thumbs baby
Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was her, but he was so upset when the song ended and he had to let her go so she could dance with her dad. His disappointment didn’t last for long because his mum was also a fun dance partner. After two dances, Isaac and Harry’s two cousins stole him away to do some shots. As the drink burnt his throat, he heard someone speaking into the microphone. They didn’t have a band or a stage so Harry didn’t even know they had a microphone. From the looks on Isaac’s and his cousins’ faces, he knew they had no idea what was happening, either.
“Hi guys, I’m Niall.”
“Oh my God,” said Harry’s cousin as he clasped Harry’s shoulder. “What is he doing? Is he drunk?”
“I’ll get him.”
“Stay exactly where you are, blondie!” Niall stabbed a finger at Isaac and all eyes shot at the poor lad. Isaac raised his hands and stepped back. It was then that Harry realised the firework guy wasn’t the only uninvited guest. Niall had brought his whole band. “I’m not drunk,” Niall said, nodding at his guitarist. “I have a little present for my two best friends.”
Harry caught his wife’s eyes from a distance, and she mouthed at him, ‘Do you know about this?’
‘No,’ he mouthed back.
“I wrote a song, inspired by their relationship. If you haven’t read Y/N’s book, I’m an important part of their love story.”
Isaac arched an eyebrow as he took a sip from his glass of champagne. Harry saw Y/N smiling with her mouth open, clinging onto Celine’s arm. She hated surprises so Harry was very relieved that she didn’t seem angry at Niall.
“The song is called ‘Black and White’,” Niall said as he put on his guitar. “I just thought black and white would be like the black suit and white dress and it would become a bit of a wedding song. I was getting a bit nostalgic with it and the song is basically about first love, when you're a teenager and you're like, ‘That's it, me and you are getting married.’ It's got a very happy feel to it, like a stomping driving tune. I think it might be my favourite on my next album.”
“He’s really using my wedding to promote his album,” Harry said, sounding more surprised than he actually was.
“Classic Niall,” Isaac chuckled, shaking his head.
Niall signalled for his band, and someone dimmed the lights in the yard as the song began with a guitar intro.
That first night we were standing at your door
Fumbling for your keys, then I kissed you
Ask me if I want to come inside
'Cause we didn't want to end the night
Then you took my hand, and I followed you
Isaac and Gemma were the first couple to step forward, and the others soon followed, gathering in front of the ‘stage’ and rocking to Niall’s song. Harry met his wife halfway in the crowd, and before he could say a word, she took his hand and pulled him into her.
Yeah, I see us in black and white
Crystal clear on a starlit night
In all your gorgeous colours
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
See you standing in your dress
Swear in front of all our friends
There'll never be another
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
“He didn’t have secret cameras installed around here, did he?” Y/N shouted over the music as Harry spun her around and drew her back in.
“Why?” he asked, laughing.
She cupped his face, bringing their foreheads together. “To film a music video. Because I would shave his head. Or Alice’s head. Which one do you think would hurt him more?”
Harry’s jaw dropped as he hugged her waist. “Just as I thought I could not love you any more.”
I want the world to witness
When we finally say I do
It's the way you love
I gotta give it back to you
I can't promise picket fences
Or sunny afternoons
But, at night when I close my eyes
I see us in black and white
Crystal clear on a starlit night...
“Are you happy?” he asked, his eyes closed.
“Yes,” she said. “Never been happier. I love you.”
“I love you, too. So, so much,” he mumbled into her hair. Suddenly, they were swaying on their own, just them two, under a starry sky.
I see us in black and white
Crystal clear on a starlit night
In all your gorgeous colours
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
See you standing in your dress
Swear in front of all our friends
There'll never be another
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
(Three years later)
Y/N burst into her father’s reading room and found him sitting in his swivel chair with a book in his lap. Outside, the sun was setting. Dust was drifting and dancing in the soft warm light filtering through the stained window. Bradford closed his book as he spun around and narrowed his eyes at her. “What happened?”
“I think I lost her,” she said, still out of breath.
Her dad jumped to his feet. His expression went from confused to shocked to horrified in one second. “How did you lose a child?!”
“I don’t know. I was writing and then she–Hey, Marcy!”
Y/N’s stepmother, who was standing in the doorway between the bedroom and the reading room, cast her husband a tentative look before raising an eyebrow at her stepdaughter. “What are you doing here? Harry and Minnie were looking for you.”
“Oh!” Y/N started though she’d tried her best not to look so relieved. “S-She’s with Harry?”
“Yeah. I saw them down by the lake behind the school.”
“Great. See ya!”
The door swung shut, and Marcy looked to her husband. “She lost Minnie again, didn’t she?”
“Yup,” Bradford sighed. “I’m worried.”
“Don’t be,” Marcy smiled as she rubbed his arm. “I’m sure she’ll be a great mother.”
Bambi dropped her bike as soon as she found Harry by the lake, tossing rocks into the water to impress the two-year-old sitting on the tire swing. He’d hung that swing for Minnie at the beginning of last summer and promised that when the tree in his backyard was big enough, he’d build a treehouse for her.
Dry leaves crunched beneath Y/N’s boots as she made her way toward them. When Harry saw her, his smile glowed as bright as the sun behind him.
“There she is,” he said and picked up Minnie. “Say hello to your irresponsible big sister.”
“Shut up,” Y/N snorted.
“Shut up!” Minnie told her, happily. Minnie was still learning to talk so she would repeat everything.
Harry, with a smug look on his face, tugged slightly at Minnie’s little pigtail. “You’re on my team, aren’t you, Min?”
“You’re setting a bad example for her,” Y/N said, smirking at the inseparable two.
“I didn’t lose her.”
“I was writing. I got distracted.”
“Excuses, excuses.” Harry clicked his tongue, shaking his head. To Minnie, he said, “Now, Minnie, would you be so kind as to tell your sister who’s my favourite girl?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, but then her half-sister surprised her by throwing her tiny arms in the air and said, “Bambi!”
Harry chuckled and kissed Minnie’s chubby cheek.
“Did you teach her that to impress me?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah.” As Harry leaned in to kiss Y/N on the mouth, Minnie covered her eyes with both hands and said, “Yuck!”
Y/N’s heart fluttered as she watched the two of them. She had waited for the special moment to break the news, but seeing her husband and Minnie together, she knew she must say it now.
“Don’t get too attached to this one,” she told him while stroking Minnie’s pink cheek. “Our baby might get jealous.”
Harry snorted. Y/N pressed her lips together.
His face dulled. “Are you serious?”
Harry’s mouth opened so wide Minnie must have thought he was playing. She burst out laughing, hugging her stomach. Her bright high-pitched laughter made Y/N laugh, too. Then all three of them were just laughing together, not knowing why, and yet they couldn’t stop.
When they finally did (and were on the verge of tears), Harry rubbed a palm over his face, his forehead creased though his grin never faltered.
“Wow. I can’t believe it.” He turned to Minnie. “Min, I’m a dad now, and you’re an aunt. You’re only two years old and you’re an aunt! Such big responsibilities for both of us, don’t you think?”
Minnie didn’t understand what he was talking about, but she could see the elation on his face so she started clapping like a baby seal. Y/N snorted, shaking her head. “Now I have to share your love with another girl.”
“How do you know it’s a girl?”
“My maternal instinct said so.” She shrugged. “Or maybe I want it to be a girl so I can teach her the things my mum taught me.”
Harry broke into a smile as he brushed Y/N’s hair out of her face. “Girl or boy. You know you’ll always be my number one.”
She took his hand and kissed it. “And you are mine.”
This time, Harry had to cover Minnie’s eyes as he went in for an open-mouthed kiss. His lips were cold against hers yet her face burnt as they broke apart.
Suddenly, his phone rang.
“Oh shit.”
“Oh shit,” Minnie repeated happily.
Y/N smacked Harry on the arm and the kid once again shook with laughter. “Look what you did!”
“Sorry!” Harry pointed a finger at Minnie’s little nose and said in a baby voice, “Do not copy Harry. That’s a bad bad word.”
“Harry!” Minnie said and pressed her lips to his cheek. Y/N was so confused when Harry told her Jeff was calling then turned off his phone and shoved it back into his pocket.
“Work can wait,” he said before she could ask. “Now I belong to you and Minnie.” Then he touched Y/N’s belly. “And also little Harry or little Bambi.”
Smiling, she told him, “You’ve only known that you’re a dad for like two seconds and you’re already acting like one.”
“What can I say? I can take on any role.”
He put Minnie back on the swing and wrapped his arms around Y/N, drawing her close. She hugged his waist and buried her face into his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating in sync with her own.
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crazy-loca-blog · 4 years
Personal thoughts on Open Heart, Third Year, Chapter 1
Note: As the title says, these are just personal opinions on Choices books and chapters. Of course, you may agree or disagree with them, I only use this platform to express my thoughts on what I read every week and what I’d like to see in the next chapters, because none of my friends play Choices so I have no one to comment the books with.
OMG, I didn’t expect this to be so long, I’m so sorry! I guess I was inspired…
I had planned to find some time to do this tomorrow, but I just can’t… because… book 3 is finally here and I can’t stop venting about it! And even though having my favorite people in this app back is making me really, really happy right now, writing about this is a bittersweet experience because we don’t know what will actually happen to this series after this book. So I think I’ll just enjoy the ride this time, because if this is the last book in the series, I want to feel happy about it and I want to keep the focus on the good things.
First of all, I have to admit I was scared. Yeah, I love romance books, but what makes Open Heart my favorite series is that the writers manage to balance both the medical cases and the leisure/romance/friends time pretty decently when compared to other books in the app. And I was scared to lose that hospital setting because it looked like everyone was looking for more romance and less medical stuff. So I’m glad that they managed to keep the balance in this chapter. Not only they found a way to include scenes with all our friends, but they also gave us equal time with the LIs, we got to work on a new case, and we were given some hints about the new dramas, so I’d say we got the full package, and I’m happy about it.
There is no doubt that the main focus of this chapter was the introduction to a new Edenbrook… and for me, this thing has the word “shady” written all over the place. I didn’t trust Leland Bloom in the past, and I certainly don’t trust him now. What worries me the most is that the only ones who seem to realize that something is suspicious are the MC (depending on your choices), Jackie and Ethan (and I have a feeling that Zaid might be questioning some stuff, too). And even though I’m waiting to see Naveen at some point of the book because I need to know what he thinks of all this (Ethan says the MC something about him in the pre-sex scene, but I think I need more info), I also think this chapter gave us some hints of the issues we might face in the future:
We all know Leland Bloom is not a doctor, he has no idea about medicine, but he still wants to run a hospital and do things his way. And that might explain the first “non-sense” of this book: Rafael being hired as physical therapist and Harper joining the diagnostics team. I know Raf has plenty of experience as an EMT and that will save him plenty of time in case he wants to study to become a therapist, BUT we all know that’s not enough… I mean, not even Raf thought he’d be getting the job! And then we have Harper, who is an amazing doctor… but she’s a surgeon. Even though she’s perfectly capable of doing research (do you remember Bryce looking for surgical options to save Ms. Martinez in Book 1 and Kyra in Book 2?), her main job is not to discover what’s wrong with people, but to fix what’s wrong with them. And I believe both of them performing jobs they have no experience with will only mean trouble in the future.
Leland also added some extra zeros to our paychecks, gave us a completely new doctors’ lounge and threw a party… of course, you can bet this is not for free. Just as the man tried to buy us at the end of book 2, he’s trying to buy the rest of the doctors, nurses and everyone else. The man needs to find a cure for him and his wife, so people getting all these high amounts of money will do anything he wants them to do. And I think the first one to fall for this will be Elijah (because Jackie already learned her lesson). He is so in love with research and all the new technology, and he sees so many new chances to discover things that will save people, that I wouldn’t be surprised if he finds himself agreeing to do things he normally wouldn’t do just to help Leland. So our boy must be protected at all costs.
Finally, we know that Leland is a business man, so he’ll be treating Edenbrook as a business, not as a hospital. And that got me thinking about the role of the patients in all this. Depending on your choices regarding Martha, she asks the MC about the cost of a full-body exam, and the MC tells her not to worry about it. What the MC forgot is that Edenbrook is under a completely different business model now, and that might mean trouble for future cases, as the patients might not be able to afford their treatments and they might feel forced to participate on researches to cover the expenses (like some kind of offer… “oh, but if you cannot afford the bill, then you may want to participate on a trial…”). After all, if Leland wants to make Edenbrook the best research institution, he needs to have not only personnel, he also needs patients subjects.
Besides all the Edenbrook drama, we had some nice quality time with our LIs, but the pre-sex scene with Rafael actually broke me, because it’s the kind of scene that we were all waiting to have, but not everyone will be able to see in their games. For the first time, the MC and Rafael took some time to remember Danny and Bobby, and to share their feelings about the accident in Book 2. It was a brief and very meaningful scene, but I think it deserved more than being seen only by people who are romancing him. I was also glad to discover that both Jackie and Ethan seem to be on the same page as the MC when it comes to having doubts about Leland Bloom (if you follow the route of being suspicious, of course), but I’m so disappointed with Bryce! I mean, what was that of not wanting to be seen with the MC? I swear that I read it and I felt the same heartache I felt when Ethan told the MC he didn’t know what was going to happen with their relationship after Edenbrook… that’s not OK Lahela, and you know it! You’ve been hooking up with the MC for over two years now, I demand answers! And yeah, I’m publicly rooting for Keiko to return and give him a piece of her mind.
As per our friends, it was so nice to see Sienna wanting to move on, but never in a million years would have thought that Ines has a girlfriend… after all these years rooting for Ines and Zaid to become a couple, and after all these years that this couple has been actually canon for most people, discovering that she’s actually a lesbian and that she has a girlfriend was something like “you have to be kidding me, right?”. Anyway, love is love and if she’s happy, we’re all happy… it was just funny to realize it after so long! Another one that got me a little worried is Aurora. Maybe it’s just my perception, but I felt like she didn’t give us anything new, like nothing happened to her… it’s like the writers put her in the chapter just because she had to appear in the book… or maybe she’ll have some more important role in future chapters? Like taking Baz’s place in the diagnostics team?
I seriously didn’t think about this until now. I don’t know if Baz leaving the diagnostics team surprises me (remember that in Book 2, Zaid got him his dream job), but the way he left the team was weird… and I have so many theories on my mind now. He was very explicit about leaving the team, not Edenbrook, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually got some lead role in some research team at Edenbrook (we know Elijah was given a chance to work on research, so Baz is probably on the same page). Or he might have been tempted by June and be leaving to Kenmore. I honestly have no idea… as I have no idea of who will be replacing him. I have two candidates, and both of them would definitely cause drama in the team: I already mentioned Aurora. Can you imagine Harper and Aurora working together? I can already feel the tension in that team. However, I’m taking a risk and I’m going to say that the new member of the diagnostics team will be Tobias Carrick. This was the only plot that wasn’t fully addressed in Book 2, and I wouldn’t be surprised if PB decides to rekindle this old feud to give it the proper closure it deserves.
Finally, I can’t help it… this topic needs to be addressed… if you’re romancing Ethan and you didn’t feel at least a little jealous about what we saw today between him and Harper, then you’re a liar. I stan Harper Emery, I love her and everything that she represents as a powerful, successful and independent woman, and there is no doubt that I would ship her and Ethan if my MC weren’t romancing him. But the truth is… my MC is romancing Ethan, and yes, I did feel jealous about them (and I felt so stupid! LOL!). However, I’m far from thinking that this will be a love triangle thing. This will be a strictly professional conflict (that may have some extra dialogs if you’re romancing Ethan). Why? First of all, the writers have to make this conflict work for everyone (and not only for Ethan stans), and second, because I think the writers are bringing back an old friend of our MC. And here is where I remember a moment during the first book where my favorite pep talker in the world (I’m talking to you, Bryce Lahela) said something about how the MC tends to doubt themselves… and this is exactly what I think this is all about. Harper’s presence will be bringing our MC’s doubts and lack of self-confidence back, and that’s it.
I’m not going to lie… everyone knows I’m super biased here and that I love this series to death, so it’s hard for me to find something I don’t like, especially in the first chapter, because everything is new and things aren’t quite developed yet. So what can I say? I can’t wait for next Friday to come fast!
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: hidden side 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: chigasaki itaru/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 3.4k words
𝐚𝐧: Thank you for the request ♡ Lowkey based off similar experiences from school lol ~♪ I had so many different ideas, but I wanted to write this one for a while so here we go! P.S, happy belated birthday @starryneve​ :> ♡
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Normally he’d be able to withstand not opening his phone every few minutes— he’d always make sure to clear all his AP, LP, SP, BP, whatever P before heading to work. Stamina bonuses were never a problem too, either he’d head to the comfort room or log-in during lunch break.
However, events were simultaneously running right now and he’d be damned if he wasn’t gonna rank in the top 1%, no, 0.1%.
Itaru discreetly looked around the office, and as soon as the coast was clear he opened up his desk drawer. His phone was stored inside, his team of expensive waifus auto-battling against the enemies for this event.
They weren’t doing bad at all, but he trusted himself a little more than the AI.
As he went over the best skills to use on the final boss, he heard a knock against the divider separating his desk from his co-workers.
“Code red, Chigasaki-san.” You muttered, volume low enough so only he’d be able to hear you.
Yikes, a red so early in the day? His boss must want something done immediately.
He hastily shut the drawer, sighing in relief that the metal filing cabinet barely made any noise.
“Thank you,” he said gratefully as he watched his boss approach from the corner of his eye, already looking agitated with a word yet to be spoken.
“Chigasaki, I need you to work on a new project,” his boss drawled on with the details; Itaru’s ears somehow being able to pick up on the necessary information despite all the words blurring in his head. Something about a presentation being needed and closing a deal— he’ll just check his email for specifics.
He continued to nod, pretending to absorb everything when in reality he was just looking forward to finishing the battle and getting his rewards.
However, hearing your name halted his movements. As you peaked over from your desk, Itaru could tell even you looked a little caught off-guard at the sudden mention.
“Yes, sir?” you questioned, swiveling your chair to face the two men.
“Since you’ve dealt with GeneSys before, I’m assigning both you and Chigasaki as the heads,” he explained, “there shouldn’t be a problem with this arrangement, right?”
“No, sir,” you replied.
“Not at all. We’ll start on the project as soon as possible,” he sent off his boss with a polite smile as the both of you watched his back disappear.
The silence restored in the room, you let out a quiet laugh to break the tension. “Honestly, thank god I’m partnered with you,” you sighed in relief, before humming thoughtfully “although I might get some envious stares for a couple of days.”
He pursed his lips.
“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” he said, but by the twinkle in your eyes, he could tell you knew he wasn’t being truthful.
Not that he minded. It would be an understatement to say he was pleased you were the one assigned to help him; if he could set a favourite co-worker, it’d probably be you. Not only were you dependable with work, but you didn’t bother him needlessly either. Even so, the two of you weren’t exactly friends, at least not until a month ago.
“Thanks for saving me. If he found out I was using my phone…” he trailed off as you shook your head understandingly.
“It’s fine, Chigasaki-san. After all, you’ve saved me a bunch of times as well,” you reminded him, “so what were you doing this time?”
Oh crap, he probably should get back to the game. He shouldn’t keep his waifus waiting, right?
“Oh, just messaging my troupe mates. They wanted to know what time I’d be home for practice,” he lied, pulling the drawer open and quickly selecting the skills and moves to beat up the final boss.
After collecting his rewards, he saw the little red exclamation point by the bento box icon. Lunchtime stamina bonus time~
“I didn’t realise it was 12 already,” he mentioned off-handedly, missing the way you jolted up for a second before pulling open your file drawer as well.
“Should probably have lunch in a while,” you said, unknowingly opening the same game Itaru was playing. “Want to eat lunch together? I’ll go over my previous experience with GeneSys Tech Corp.”
“Sure. The faster we get this over with, the better.”
‘So I could get back to my games in peace,’ the both of you thought.
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Corporate slaves needed more rights. The project wasn’t so difficult that he’d collapse in exhaustion, but he was definitely frustrated with all the demands that needed fulfilling.
Should he game to destress? Ah, but he once he starts he might not be able to stop-
Itaru’s phone screen lit up, and he would have thought it was a game notification if it wasn’t for the ringtone blaring. As soon as he saw your name, he wondered if you somehow picked up on the fact that he was planning on slacking off taking a break.
“Good evening,” you greeted him, voice calm and not at all angry— right, he can strike off the ‘my co-worker has a 6th sense?’ theory. “Sorry to disturb you, just felt like checking in. How’s work going from your side?”
He looked at the graph currently shown on his desktop, already feeling a headache incoming. “Not too bad, could be better,” Itaru answered vaguely, not wanting to give you a bad impression.
He couldn’t figure out whether you believed him or not, the only tell being the hum you let out.
“Same boat, then. Seriously, for a company whose most relevant success is a video game in the 90s…”
Itaru immediately perked up, pressed at the mention of the game. “Right? Then again, what do you expect from them after that total disappointment of a sequel that-“ he suddenly stopped.
If he said any more he totally could’ve been in trouble just there.
“Oh, how’d you know about the video game? GeneSys rebranded themselves a couple years ago, so I didn’t think you’d know about it,” you questioned him, leaving Itaru to scramble for the best excuse he could think of.
Yeah, he’s not about to take the risk and assume you knew the game because you’ve played it before.
“Did some research on the company’s past endeavours,” he began, sounding as nonchalant as he possibly could, “I suppose I got a bit invested.”
That was one way to put it. He still remembered being upset as a teenager that the long-awaited sequel was a total cash-grab.
“Pfft,” you let out a small laugh, and for a moment Itaru felt frantic— did you somehow figure him out? He wouldn’t put it past the you who caught him using his phone, when no one else had, a month ago.
“This oddly passionate side to the princely Chigasaki Itaru-san is really nice.”
He was eternally grateful to whatever higher being (beings?) there was that this conversation was taking place over the phone. Despite the air conditioning, his face began to warm like his phone would overheat after playing for too long.
Seriously, all you said was that side of him was nice— not that you knew the full extent— so why did he feel like a cliche otome MC? Wasn’t he past the stage of getting flustered over stuff like this?
“Chigasaki-san, are you still there?” you called out, and Itaru calmed himself down to the best of his abilities before answering.
“Yeah, sorry. Connection got cut for a bit. You were saying?”
If a smile had a sound, he was definitely hearing it right now. “Oh nothing~ I was just thinking that your fans would be so jealous if I told them I got to see a hidden side of their prince just now,” you teased.
Probably not. It’s not exactly the definition of charming, not even urban dictionary worthy, but he’ll indulge you.
He didn’t even bother covering up the huff that escaped him. “And who knew my dependable and quiet project partner was so chatty? Keeping a guy up this late and distracting him from work?”
It was your turn to be silent, and before he could apologise you beat him to it.
“I didn’t realise it was so late! Sorry, I wanted to chat away the stress,” you explained, “should probably stop disturbing you, right?”
He looked at the time. He’s not sure what he’s doing exactly, but he doesn’t need to go in-game until the reset at midnight— might as well refill his irl stamina too, right? Well, if he could be the bento box that helped you refill your energy, why not?
… Yeah, that sounded better in his head.
“I mean, we could probably talk about work on call… or,” he paused for dramatic effect, “we could just talk.”
Itaru’s equally as relieved as you when you breathe a sigh of relief. Oh thank god, he didn’t want to actually talk about work. It was only the first day of the project, both of you had time to kill. Probably.
“Why do I have a feeling you’re gonna end up sniffing out my secrets?”
He snickered at your suggestion. “Then I’m not the co-worker you should be worried about then,” before you could question who he possibly meant, he continued, “though since you got to see a quote, hidden side of me, unquote, shouldn’t I know more about you?”
“Hmmm? Like what?” you asked.
“Like what you even do on your phone anyway? You’re on your phone just as much as me,” as he uttered those words you were voiceless for a split second, not unlike the momentary silence committed by Itaru minutes ago.
You tittered, your awkwardness not going unnoticed. “Mostly reading e-books, nothing too special.”
Okay, but the way you made it sound gave off the impression of it being fan fiction or something. Not that he’d judge, just a little surprising for you he guessed.
“Oh? What’s it about?”
His suspicion died down quickly enough as soon as you went off about the plot and characters of the story you were reading. He made a noise every now and then to let you know he was still listening, moving to his bed as he slipped on his headphones.
As you ranted about some complicated love triangle he figured would be popular in TV dramas and reverse harem routes, the more he found it undeniable that he enjoyed seeing this side of you, too.
He felt the tension of the workday slip off his system, your voice washing it away. Who knows? Maybe you’d consider a career in streaming or ASMR or something.
A couple of minutes pass by, and Itaru’s wordless responses died down after a while.
“Chigasaki-san?” you asked gently, not wanting to disrupt him should your suspicions be correct. When he didn’t respond, you smiled to yourself. Well, midnight just struck after all.
“Good night, sweet dreams,” you whispered before ending the call.
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Imagine finding out from a 17-year old brat that his ranking dipped because he fell asleep listening to his co-worker’s voice while waiting for the reset. He was a little upset at having to spend diamonds just to climb back up the leaderboard, but at least he’s in the top 0.1% again. It was nothing a bunch of grinding couldn’t fix.
What he was mortified about, however, was falling asleep in call. He was the one who suggested staying in the call in the first place, yet he dozed off on you. You didn’t send him an angry text or anything, but he was still prepared to press an f in the chat for himself.
Itaru found that you were already sat at your desk by the time he arrived, prodding at the phone inside your drawer. While it was mostly hidden, if he looked close enough he’d probably be able to see what you were doing.
… Not that he was going to, of course. You were mutuals in this we-secretly-use-our-phones-at-work tendency, he wasn’t going to betray you now! Still, he was a little curious. A peek over the shoulder wouldn’t hurt, right?
“Chigasaki-san, good morning! You looked like you rested well~”
Mission failed. We’ll get ‘em next time.
“Aha, my apologies. I suppose I was more tired than usual,” he paused, feeling something off— by the way you narrowed your eyes slightly at something behind him he could tell people were probably eavesdropping.
“Don’t worry! It was getting too late to discuss the upcoming project anyway,” you replied, putting emphasis to deter any rumours. Though you weren’t shouting by any means, the sudden volume definitely got you the response you wanted by the upwards pull of your lips. “We can continue working on it now that you’re here.”
As he sat down, turning his chair to face you, Itaru was unable to mask the small grin he sported on his face. “Very cool of you. So you have this side to you as well?”
“I’ve always wanted to try out a scene like that! Though I always imagined myself more on the MC’s side than the ML’s.”
“Hm? MC? ML?” he asked, feigning ignorance to the terms used. Not that those terms were limited to use in games, but still it was a teensy bit suspicious.
“Oh? Uh, MC for main character and ML for male lead,” you explained to him, not knowing that he already knew what they stood for. “Reviews for novels use those terms a lot, so I guess I picked up on them.”
… damn you right, though.
“Didn’t peg you for an office romance lover,” Itaru said, watching you shrug your shoulders.
“What can I say? I’m a versatile person with many interests~” you grinned, the sudden flash of your teeth a little blinding.
Unexpectedly all it took was one late-night phone call for you to be more comfortable around him; he finds himself feeling much of the same. Still, weren’t you getting a little bolder with your vague responses?
Well, if his dating simulators taught him anything, it was clear that you were begging for a response. For an unathletic man, his heart rate increased steadily like a man on a morning jog— the anticipation similar to what he felt when a game continued to throw him pleasant surprises.
“Really? What else are you interested in, then?” he asked, keeping his voice low so that only the two of you could hear each other. On the outside, the two of you probably (hopefully) looked like you were discussing work; at worst, conspiring a business scheme together— the glint in both of your eyes said otherwise.
“Wouldn’t you like to find out?” you laughed quietly, almost tricking Itaru into believing you wouldn’t say any more. “For starters, I’m interested in you,”
He’s, well, more than a little dumbfounded. Shellshocked might be the appropriate word for it. Seriously, who told you it was okay to be so direct? Illegal, absolutely illegal. Someone arrest you already.
Still, his face is as calm and relaxed as ever; you wouldn’t have noticed anything was wrong if not for the colour beginning to dust his cheeks.
“What specifically about me?” He could be digging himself a deeper hole, but all the same, he could use this to turn things around.
You rolled your eyes at him, as though the answer was obvious. “Everything, pretty much— though especially your, let’s call it the non-princely persona. I’m onto you, Chigasaki-san~”
He resisted the urge to laugh, pushing down the bubbling feelings of excitement that threatened to leave him.
“Not if I expose you first, sweetheart~” he threatened jokingly.
Thus began a game that would end sooner than both of you expected.
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“Chigasaki-san, is it alright if we end our planning session early today?” you asked him, picking up your mug and placing it between your lips. He found himself mirroring you, drinking his coffee as well before responding.
“Sure. You have something you need to do?” He asked curiously, the dip in his smile showing the slightest disappointment on his features.
Work was still stressful as always but your presence, especially over the past week, had made things bearable if not enjoyable at points.
“Yeah. I have to pick up something from a store and I don’t wanna rush before closing time,” you explained, setting the now-empty ceramic down. “Thank you for the drink, Chigasaki-san. It’s easier to work with no one to bother us, you know?”
“Don’t mention it. You treated me yesterday, so it’s my turn now,” he waved off, shutting his laptop to begin packing up his things. “Need me to drive you to… wherever?”
The two of you exited the coffee shop, the cool breeze hitting your faces as the two of you descended the stairs. As you turned to greet him farewell he fought to keep his hand still as he looked at your wind-blown hair, slightly unruly but endearing at the same time.
“If I didn’t know you better I’d say you just wanted to be around me a little longer,” a soft, airy laugh escaping your throat. A smile touched the corners of his mouth and played in the laugh lines beside his eyes.
“Who’s to say you’re wrong, though?” he watched the red creep from your cheeks to your neck, half reveling in his success and half wondering if it went any further. He’s only a little dismayed that you hastily wished him goodbye and ran off to who knows where, but there was always tomorrow.
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By the time you enter the game shop you’ve calmed down, for the most part, hair still a little disheveled but otherwise alright. Did playing around and teasing him finally come to bite you in the ass?
Ugh, that felt like a moment in otome games where the MC decides to tease the ML and the comeback has them all flustered and they run away.
Okay, that’s exactly what happened.
Seriously, you were an adult, what were you doing acting like a teenager? Did the dating simulators infect your brain or something?
You browsed through the new figurines to distract yourself, waiting for the inventory manager to retrieve the game you pre-ordered a while back. Once you and Itaru Chigasaki finished this deal with GeneSys you were going to immediately put in all your free hours into playing the game.
From the corner of your eye, you could see a familiar character, his figurine hidden a couple rows back.
“Damn, haven’t seen you in a while,” you muttered to yourself, grabbing the figurine. Shitty sequels aside, the OG game was totally fun. Maybe it was due for a replay of the game? You could probably dig up the cartridge somewhere in your room.
Distracted by your nostalgia, you wouldn’t have noticed him if it wasn’t for the narrow space causing you two to bump into each other.
“Ah, sorry…” you apologized for blocking the way, about to put back the figurine and move on until you heard your name.
Shit, you knew that voice all too well.
“Chigasaki-san?!” you exclaimed, taking in his widened eyes and knowing your expression wasn’t too far off from his own.
Once the initial wore off, rationality and relief took place. To think you were hiding the extent of your, uh, gaming obsession when in reality he wasn’t too far off, as far as you could tell by the sleek, limited-edition controller he was holding.
Yeah, he might even be worse than you.
“When I implied wanting to spend more time with you, I didn’t think it’d be like this,” he said, a good-natured laugh leaving him. Despite your original embarrassment, you followed suit soon enough.
“I guess we both ended up seeing each other’s secret pastimes at the same time, huh?” you replied, shaking your head at the ridiculousness of it all.
“I was right though,” you began, watching Itaru’s eyebrow quirk upwards.
“Right about what?”
“Liking this hidden side of you,” you smiled in delight as he looked at you uncontrollably fond, finally getting to fix your hair with his free hand.
He’ll ask you out properly some other time, but for now…
“Just the hidden side of me?” he teased, his hand sliding from the top of your head to poke your cheek. “Meanwhile here I am, liking all of you.”
You huffed, rolling your eyes in faux exasperation. “I like all of you, too.”
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want to order again?
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Anonymous asked:
Would you make a scenario where fem reader is in a love triangle with her two best friends Bomin and Joochan?, Like they're super good friends but both of them like her... So they confess in different moments, she kisses both and she's confused. Both of them know about the others feelings but they still want to have the upper hand. You can pick the ending and write it however you want! It'll be great if we could feel the struggle... Maybe making her have her moments whenever she hangs with one of them, like she thinks she has decided but then they kiss and the same happens with the other and it's all messy?? Thank you beforehand i hope it's not too much to ask 🥺
Group: Golden Child (골든차일드)
Members: Bomin & Joochan
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Choi Bomin
The script made me dizzy, the words on the page nothing more than a daunting, illegible mess. Still, I willed myself to read on.
I'd woken up with this anxious feeling in my chest, though I wasn't really sure why. It was the kind of feeling where sudden noises make you jump and you can't help but wait for something bad to happen.
Now, what that bad thing could be, I wasn't too sure of. It was just a gut feeling. I was probably just being paranoid, but I couldn't bring myself ignore it.
It was too out of the ordinary.
I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a second. "Five minute break," I mumbled. I massaged circles into my chest, trying to soothe the anxious ache. "Five minutes, then keep going."
Not even a minute later, the door burst open. I jumped out of my skin, immediately feeling like I needed to pretend to be invested in something.
I felt like a puppy that'd been caught gnawing on some shoes and was trying to blame it on the cat.
I stared intently at the script, trying to appear as focused as possible. I could only hope it looked somewhat convincing.
"Hey, Bomin! I've gotta talk to you."
I recognized the voice as Joochan. I let out a silent sigh of relief, the tension releasing from my shoulders. Even if he'd caught me slacking off, he wouldn't be too hard on me.
He was a little more strict than Jangjun, and little less strict than Daeyeol. The perfect middle ground.
Judging by how happy he sounded, I don't think he could've scolded me even if he tried.
"What's up?" I asked, keeping up the whole focusing-on-the-script act. "You sound psyched."
He chuckled, nervous yet giddy. "I think I've got a crush on someone," he said. I could hear the smile in his voice, like a kid opening his first present on Christmas.
My heart clenched, though I didn't really know why. It felt like the anxiety I'd woken up with was a shadowy figure, running up behind me and trying to sink its claws into the nape of my neck.
'Ignore it,' I thought. 'This is a happy thing. Be happy for him. You're paranoid.'
The members and I didn't really get crushes—we were way too busy for that. At least...
That's how we were marketed. But still, we're human beings. And as human beings do, we desire love and affection, cringey as that sounds.
Donghyun would talk about a cute girl he'd seen walking the street, Jaehyun about how he thought the seemingly coldhearted barista might be into him, and well... I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't flutter a little every time I filmed a romantic scene in a drama.
Boys will be boys, I guess.
My eyes had long since ripped away from the pages of my script, staring up widely at my older friend. "You do?" I asked. "That's..."
I tried to consider how I really felt about it. Happy? Sure. I was excited for him. He'd been a good friend to me over the years, and I wished him all the best.
Sceptical? A little. I always got a little suspicious whenever one of us had a crush (even myself)—mostly just because I knew nothing could come of it. What was the point?
Relationships were a very distant dream for us.
Scared? Also yes, but that was for an unknown reason. I couldn't really put a finger on what it was that was making me sick.
You know that feeling you get when you lie, and your stomach twists and tightens, like it's just waiting for your lie to be found out?
Still... It was Joochan. My friend, Joochan.
I pushed away the complicated thoughts, flashing him a smile. "That's awesome," I said. "I'm happy for you!"
I tossed the script to the side table and sat up straight. "So, who's the lucky girl?" I asked, genuinely curious. "Do I know her?"
I could see the corner of his lips turn up, even though he was trying to hide it. He looked so earnest and shy. Cute, if you will.
"Yeah, you know her pretty well," he chuckled. I smiled, urging him to go on. "It's (Y/N)."
My eyes widened, breath hitching. The name echoed in my ears like the aftermath of a massive explosion. I guess now I knew the cause of the anxiousness.
Joochan's gaze changed. Everything went from rainbows and sunshine to doom and gloom in a split second. He seemed to realize the same thing I did.
We both had a crush on the same girl.
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I know what you're thinking.
"What a cliche."
Two guys getting a crush on their female friend, resulting in a love triangle and a conflict of interests.
Gosh, now that I say it out loud, it really does sound like the plot of a shoujo manga from the 80s. Though, rather than being heart-fluttering and blush-inducing, it was tense and stressful.
I guess that's the difference between fantasy and reality, though.
Joochan stared at me, wide-eyed like a deer caught in the headlights. He wasn't angry. Just startled and a little bit sad. "You like her?" he breathed.
My fists clenched, paling at the knuckles. I was angry, though I hoped my face didn't show it. "Yeah," I said, voice coming out colder than I'd anticipated. "You too?"
An awkward air hung in the room. You could cut it with a butter knife. "Yeah..." he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck, eyes trained to the hardwood.
'Look at me, you coward,' I thought in a spiteful wave of emotion. I tried to push those nasty thoughts away, but it was hard.
It was hard because I felt wronged. I'd liked her since day one, but I chose to push those feelings away, 'cause I didn't want to mess anything up for the guys.
We were about to debut. I couldn't confess to some random girl I'd just met—especially not my bandmate's best friend. Plus, I was barely sixteen. I was just a kid.
I told myself, "You're young. The feelings will pass, and you'll have found yourself with a good friend and steady career."
But the feelings didn't pass. They got stronger.
I'd found myself unintentionally logging away everything she liked and disliked, all her little habits—like my brain was a filing cabinet built just to hold (Y/N)-related information.
I was angry because I was jealous. I'd been killing myself over hiding these feelings for the past four years, and I wasn't able to tell anyone. If I did, they'd either tell me to give up or man up.
I didn't want to do either. If I gave up, I'd be losing what I considered to be the purest and most passionate emotion I've ever felt in my life.
But if I confessed... It was a grey area. Everything was unknown.
Who knows? I might even lose her as a friend, and I definitely didn't want that. It was hard enough for me to get this close to her. It took me every minute of the past four years.
She's friendly and cordial, but she doesn't open her heart to just anyone. I had to work hard to earn her trust, and even then...
I knew that when it came to her, I would always be second place to Hong Joochan.
Maybe it was because they'd been friends longer, but he was always the first to hear the good news, the first to get an invite to her birthday party, the first to get a 'how u holdin' up?' text when we were on tour, the first to get a hug.
And when she introduced us to people it was always, "Hey! These are my friends, Joochan and Bomin."
Would it kill her to say 'Bomin and Joochan' every once in a while? In the end, he was best friend #1, and I was best friend #2. Loved, but just slightly less important.
It's a terrible thing to imagine, I know, but sometimes I wondered... If there was a fire, who would she save?
A particularly dark part of my heart that I wished would stay buried would always whisper devilishly in my ear, "Obviously Joochan."
My nails dug into my palms, leaving crescent moon shapes in their wake. "How long have you liked her?" I asked.
He finally looked up, though I wasn't sure if he was actually looking at me, or just in my general direction. "I don't know," he started. "Maybe a week?"
That made my blood boil, though at the same time, I knew it was stupid. I took a deep breath, trying to let my muscles relax.
"Funny," I started. "I've liked her for four years."
Joochan's frown deepened, his brows furrowing with a brotherly concern. "Why didn't you say anything?" he asked.
"Because we're idols!" I snapped without thinking. "What was I supposed to do? What I wanted? No, 'cause that's not in my contract."
He sighed. "Bomin, calm down."
"I don't want to." I know it was childish, but for some reason, I could stop myself from saying it. "You wanna confess to her—I can see it in your eyes."
I could tell he wanted to lie to me, make excuses or just straight up leave the conversation, but instead, it was like years of loyalty snuck up on him and he decided he had to be honest.
"Yeah, I do," he said quietly. "Do you want me to back off?"
I felt a pang in my chest. Despite how frustrated I was, my heart could still appreciate the thoughtfulness of a good friend.
"Yeah, I do..." I started, my fists finally unclenching, the color slowly returning to my knuckles. "But if you feel the same way about her that I do, you won't do that. Will you?"
He stopped to think for a moment before a wry, ironic chuckled slipped past his lips. "Nah, I guess not."
I slumped back in my chair, suddenly feeling weak. With my head throw back over the edge, I sighed deeply, covering my eyes with my forearm. The lights were too bright.
"Then what do we do?" I asked.
There was a long, drawn out silence where neither of us could think of a solution. We didn't want to hurt each other, but we were also too prideful to give up.
It might seem silly to be agonizing so much over some girl, but if you knew (Y/N)... You'd understand that she's irreplaceable, and certainly not someone you can easily give up on.
Once you fall for her, you fall hard.
As the silence drew on longer, I felt myself getting more anxious, more angry, more desperate.
I sat up again, making Joochan jump from the sudden movement.
"Can't you just give up?" I asked. "I liked her first, so please just... don't do anything. You've only liked her for a week. Can you do that for me? For old times sake?"
This was the first time I was sure he'd met my eyes. He looked regretful and apologetic, and I could sense every inch of what he was trying to tell me.
A silent but poignant, "I'm sorry, but you know I can't."
I leaned forward, holding my head in my hands. My fingers curled, pulling weakly at my bangs. I hadn't even noticed the tears building in my eyes, but I could feel it now. The warm, salty burn.
"I'm sorry," Joochan said aloud, cutting through the suffocating air that'd settled between us.
I pulled harder on my bangs, mostly to stop my tears from falling. "It's okay," I said quietly, hoping he couldn't hear the shake in my tone.
It wasn't okay. If we both confessed, she'd pick Joochan. He was closer to her, he was more experienced, more affectionate, just...
More than I could offer.
But still, if I'd learned anything after all these years of getting to know her, she was worth the effort of trying.
I looked up only after I was sure I'd blinked the redness out of my eyes. When I met Joochan's, I found myself asking a very selfish and pathetic favor.
"Let me be first," I begged. "Just this once, let me be first when it comes to (Y/N)."
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zpetlovesglitter · 4 years
The Wicked Powers Theories
The Wicked Powers has recently been getting me excited WAY too much - which says a lot about how weird I am since Cassie hasn’t even started on it yet (LOL).
aND, so, I kind of thought it’d be nice to jot down some predictions and theories on how the series might go and maybe some thoughts on THE SHIPS (that really do be the real TEA).
So.Here we go.And do let me know about any thoughts you have on this topic as well - I read anything about TWP like a crazed creature these days istg.
1)The POV has already been envisioned to be from Ty, Dru and Kit. I absolutely love this settlement since they are all very intriguing characters. Ty is an interesting person and his actions are always unpredictable, so we might enjoy this one. And,I believe he is at The Scholomance while the story progresses, followed by Livvy (Ghost Livvy, I mean).It’s still unclear what Livvy’s situation is, so I can’t wait to know more about that - it’s bound to be something unexpected. And, as for Dru, it’s kinda obvious. We all know that WE HAVE A LOVE TRIANGLE COMING UP. But, other than that, we also know she attends The Academy and finally starts to makes some friends and even has that really close Italian (..or was it Spanish???) Shadowhunter friend who’s her age and Cassie also revealed that the two are really tight indeed. And I will be honing in on the Love Triangle soon - I told you I’ll be trying to spill whatever tea I’m guessing at.  And, as for the last character WE HAVE KIT! OMFG YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE OLDER BROTHER KIT.LIKE GOSH DARN IT HE IS SO ADORABLE AND MINA IS SO EFFING CUTE I CAN’T EVEN-                          AND KIT’S TRAINING WITH JEM AND HE IS GOING TO BE A WELL-TRAINED SHADOWHUNTER IN TWP, SO YAYYYY!! And, I absolutely CANNOT wait for MinaXKit interactions, they are the cutest siblings ever and I absolutely know that Mina grows up to be sarcastic. I can’t wait for the possible sarcastic arguments between Kit and 4-year old Mina. YOU THINK I FORGOT ABOUT KITxTY? NOPE.THE REAL SHET’S COMING UP.
2)Now,we know that the storyline is going to have something to do with that Faerie Heirloom that was from the Rosales Family. And, Cassie also said it was going to be kind of an Arthurian Legend-ish story. If you don’t know the Arthurian Legend, I suggest you read on it. I’m not sure if Cassie meant the characters and LOVE Aspect of it or the LEGEND aspect of it as in the stuff about Excalibur and all. But, for now we’ll view it in both and examine it, shall we?
King Arthur's reign ends after his wife and best knight have an affair.
This is the drama in the legend.But, there are no relationships with the MCs yet. So idk. I’m clueless. Like, maybe Dru has a relationship?? Okay I’m clutching at practically nothingness so don’t judge me. :/
So,it’s obviously something to do with the LEGEND.
I am afraid I cannot say too much about it, since I have never read too deeply about it. But, here’s some of the basics:
-He managed to pull out Excalibur from the rock it was stuck in.
-He wielded Excalibur for the people and not for his own self-interest.
-He gets help from a wizard named Merlin.
-The peeps go on a quest.
And I have this reference from a website..I’ll hit u with the link as well, if you’d like to read more on it like I did
Arthurian legend, the body of stories and medieval romances, known as the matter of Britain, centring on the legendary king Arthur. Medieval writers, especially the French, variously treated stories of Arthur’s birth, the adventures of his knights, and the adulterous love between his knight Sir Lancelot and his queen, Guinevere. This last situation and the quest for the Holy Grail (the vessel used by Christ at the Last Supper and given to Joseph of Arimathea) brought about the dissolution of the knightly fellowship, the death of Arthur, and the destruction of his kingdom.
(I’ve linked it with the text above.)
So,now I thought this was interesting- the destruction part. After all, it’s something I’m expecting about the Shadowhunters. Will the Clave maybe be destroyed? Or maybe Faerie will be destroyed? So,there were three things that brought on this uh Destruction.FIRST, his wife and his best buddy were going behind his back and doing them lovey-dovey stuff. And they all go on some quest to retrieve something important to them. So, this sounds like something plausible to be the plot of TWP. Maybe the Heirloom’s missing? And who goes on the quest though? Maybe they venture through Faerie? BLAH MY HEAD HURTS SOME THINGS ARE BETTER TO BE SURPRISED WITH ;)
-----I kinda scrolled back up while writing about Janus down there and remembered CLARY MIGHT BE TAKEN HOSTAGE LIKE YESS AND THEY GO FIND HER MAYBE?
3)We will defo see Christina, Mark and Kieran at some point- no worries, Emma and Julian too. Happy Couples! XD
4)So,then we can look forward to Dru and Jaime’s interactions. I am absolutely excited for this the most, as a shipper of the two. If you remember, we saw Jaime ignoring her for a while back there at the end of QOAAD and then he says “See ya at the Academy soon ig”. I really do hope they meet and hang out as friends, at least. I am excited to see what kind of trope it’s gonna be tho. Like, do they ignore each other and remain awkward until they start the adventure stuff in the book where they eventually have to talk to each other after years or smth. Or, maybe they’re really good friends rn. But, what I’ll warn y’all shippers is that they might not end up together, and could wind up as brother-sister-ish kind of best buddies. Which is equally cute a relationship imo. It’s a really sweet thing to be, really. I lowkey hope Cassie spins something beautiful for their relationship like a sibling-like best friends kind of thing. But, I feel like they might have feelings for each other in secret. Or maybe they date. Or maybe they suppress their secret-feelings for the sake of friendship later on in the book and end up having that really sweet friendship I was talking about.There are SO many options and that is precisely why I am so freaking excited.
5)JAIME ROCIO ROSALES.       Like, I have this gut feeling that he might end up being my fave male protagonist character in TSC. He’s got it ALL. Like, the sense of humour, the looks, the bubbly yet brooding personality, the quirks and OFC THE FRICKING NAME ITSELF IS CUTE AF LIKE BRUH I CANNOT WAIT TO READ ABOUT HIM.I have so much to say about Jaime but I’d rather we let ourselves simply wait for the crumbs Cassie might give us or maybe reread all his parts in TDA like I do everyday or just wait for the book to come out rather than simp for someone we know nothing about yet....
6)Ash Morgenstern.         He’s a cute lil bean.        That was random and untrue lmao. He’s not a ‘lil bean’. He’s totally badass with dem wings and all, but we know he’s soft inside for Janus and ofc Dru, I believe. I find him the most intriguing character, honestly. I would love to know what goes through his head. He’s actually, like, the one character in TSC that I don’t have all figured out. He gon surprise us all for sure tho. He is awesome. That’s all I have to say for now. And he looks up to Janus which is SO GODDAMN SWEET AHHHH. And THE WINGS I CANNOT WAIT TO READ MORE ABOUT THE WINGS IT SOUNDED SO BADASS ISTG I LITERALLY CANNOT WAIT GOSH DARN IT. But he really do be a cute lil bean lowkey tho.
7)Kit and Ty LOL. I have no words really. But lemme tell you how it might go. There is definitely going to be some kind of reunion. AND THEN THAT’S WHERE IT GETS CUTE. They could either be awkward and we know what tension that gets us-perhaps some whisperings of My Watson...(?  ;) and maybe they go all sad and brooding with dem looks later OR, they could be the sweetie-pies they were before and be happy and all HIII BUDDDYYYY MISSED YAAA LESS GO BE DETECTIVES YAY BURN IT UP MAH BUDDY!! Either way it’s going to be cute af and we know it . TRUST IN CASSIE Y’ALL.I trust Cassie to let this ship sail the seven seas and seven more like it deserves.
8)Ash and Dru So, Ash has a strange lil fixation on Dru and I believe he even thought she was ‘pretty’ or something. It was definitely a good adjective, but I think he said ‘pretty’. idk but we know he likes her. and I can imagine a nice relationship. I can picture them with her hair flying in the wind and they meet for the first time or smth. IHNI WHAT IM SAYING. But, there will be DRAMA. They are going to be real cute with each other YOU CAN BET ON THAT.And, by cute I do not necessarily mean ‘Oh, you have the loveliest eyes’ or some shet like that. I have a feeling it’s going to be a case of ‘Well,that’s not weird or anything YOU WEIRDO - NO U - NO U - NO U’ However this relationship is going to go, I know that it’ll be a sweet one.And, for all you shippers of these two, I have no assurances that HE IS THE ONE or anything but he is definitely a candidate. Jaime is going to be some competition I can tell. So, idk. It depends on the Jaime x Dru ship to decide things for Ash x Dru ship imo, since it might be a no-brainer if the two have feelings for each other- I mean,Jaime is an actually perfect love interest in TSC, while Ash is strong potential Best-Friend material, so it’s ONLY if Jaime and Dru don’t like each other that way that Ash could make it as a love interest. So, if y’all wanna find out what’s in it for you guys, ask Cassie maybe about how the Jaime x Dru ship might go, the next time u wanna ask her ;)
9)Tavvy and maybe the kid Helen and Aline might have had We were getting hints of another baby, so HERE WE GO.Tavvy might have a playmate. :D. YAYYYYYYYYYY
10)Janus  I’m honestly worried about him. He is a worrisome character. I hate empathising with the antagonist, personally. AAAAHHHH . I hope we see some character development in him. I really don’t want to see him as an antagonist in the story. He’s sweet and feels cheated, but he should realise that it ain’t Jace’s fault but SEBASTIAN’S fault. I would like for him to make amends with Jace :( And, also, he might get the story started in TWP tho idk. But, seriously tho, when he went home in that short story and Ash asked, “I thought you were gone forever?” or something of that sort and he shook his head sadly and Ash went soft for him. Like, that fricking broke my heart. I love this relationship tho. And, i hope Clary and him can be good friends. But, I feel like he might end up dying to save her or smth and make us all cry . T_T
12)Thule We might learn more about the Thule world and maybe they restore it or maybe the Quest is in Thule. idk. we don’t know much, but Thule will most probably be explored a lot. Cassie wouldn’t have opened up Thule for no reason.
13)Zara and Emma  Showdown? Befriend e/o ? What’s in store for these two? If it’s a showdown we get to see CORTANA YAY I AM OBSESSED WITH CORTANA NOW BECAUSE OF CORDELIA AND HER OBSESSION GOSH DARN IT WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME
14)BIG WAR I see a huge war coming I just know it. It’s a climax so there MUST be a big war and so I cannot wait! Feel like there’s gonna be some deaths as well. Lowkey feel like Jia might die. I can feel it. :(
15)The best-friend shadowhunter of Dru is a nice thing to look forward to! I can’t wait to read about the two! And I love the fact that Dru is finally exposed to new people. And, for anyone who’s confused as to how she goes to the Academy, in QOAAD she only said she’ll have some maturity done AFTER some years .  Those years are over and she at the Academy now hecc yeah I BELIEVE THE BFF IS CALLED THAI AND SHE’S FROM THE SPANISH INSTITUTE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG???
16)Magnus Bane He is literally everywhere. He gon be here too. No worries for all the Magnus Bane stans. He’ll make it here without a doubt!  Good for you :).  and the entire community of shadowhunters they literally always need him  17)THE MAIN MAIN PLOT THE SHADOWHUNTERS SHOWDOWN IS OBVIOUSLY GOING TO ALSO BE RELATED TO THE PRINCES OF HELL COMING TOGETHER AND I AM TOO SCARED TO LOOK TOO INTO IT BUT WE KNOW SHIZ COMING GNJODIFPEDWEFHUGBJ VM
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