#for the sake of everyone’s sanity
noahtally-famous · 1 year
tda featuring duntrent, gwourtney, a proper characterization for trent and his ocd, exes gwent and duncney (plus initial awkward tension to sincere friendship and solidarity), and a final two duncan and courtney would’ve slayed so hard
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tinea-siderum · 9 months
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art block autism creatures made in ms paint because it is the superior art program
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courtchip · 1 year
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ECW Halloween 2006
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annymaght · 5 months
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I did this in like a day, I was hooked!!
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nemisisnemi · 9 months
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WE LOVE YOUUU (even if you don't come home and drain my account of my gems n keys)
please be nice and come home soon
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konfizry · 5 months
no because you see actually the fact that zelos hates kratos' guts is by far my favorite aspect of zelos. like like the whole betrayal thing and whatnot, honestly, can't relate man, sorry about what happened to you i guess buddy but personally i dont care i just dont
but then back when i found out through finally playing his route + watching tof2 tls that the guy will diss kratos at any given occasion i was taken with renewed appreciation for him. its just too good. (and actually, there are signs of it even before that. like when you run into kratos in sybak and supposedly zelos doesnt know him at all but he still takes a moment to loudly go "omg fuck this guyyyyy" once kratos has left the scene and it's just ertghrteguhireg. zelos actually makes a couple more efforts to have lloyd trust kratos as little as possible. meanwhile theres that character skit in the flanoir area where kratos warns lloyd that there may be "someone in his group with ill intentions be careful no i won't elaborate bye" or whatever. all while k and z are presumably routinely in voice chat arguing over kratos' ridiculous grocery list. what a mess. both of them.) i unironically love it fr. i think it both makes perfect sense from a character perspective, and is hilarious. also it's nice to have one dude be openly hostile towards kratos. what can i say, i live for drama.
so anyway im glad we can all agree that the iselia ranch is a missed opportunity for an absolute train wreck of a skit that should have have happened but didnt.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Sorry to dump this rant in your inbox but the community’s attitude this entire season has legit got me tilted to the point I ignore pretty much the entire community outside of tumblr and a few irl friends. A lot of it has been frustrations I’ve had since Lightfall dropped wrt acting like the story was dogshit bc it didn’t give all the answers.
I legit got so fed up with Byf’s whole “oh all this season of the deep lore should have been in Lightfall” stuff bc like. My guy. You were one of the biggest complainers about the seasons having zero lore or story relevance. Fucking pick one or the other. Either seasons are all filled bullshit or you’re gonna get cliffhangered and expected to have some damn patience for storylines to get picked back up over time in the seasons after the main campaign of an expansion is done.
Especially bc like. IMO anyone expecting anything not a cliffhanger from the end of Lightfall when we KNEW The Final Shape was coming after it was just setting themselves up for disappointment, you need big tension and shit like that before the final act and this way getting dripfed answers in the lead up feels less like we’re dicking around doing nothing useful for the entire year as we wait for TFS to drop. It legit felt like being a KH fan back when KH3 dropped who had payed attention and played all the games and knew wasn’t the end of the series, just the conclusion of an arc and anyone mad about the stuff left unfinished was being unreasonable when it was made pretty explicitly clear it would either be answered in the future bc this wasn’t the ending or had been answered ages ago and people just hadn’t bothered to pay attention to it. Lightfall was never going to have all the answers bc it wasn’t the ending, and Bungie has proven they’ll circle back around and answer questions and pick up story beats if you’d just have a little patience! I’ll agree it wasn’t done perfectly and could do with more focus on the Veil and less on Strand but come ON my guy!
Combine that with the general toxicity of non-story focused Destiny YouTubers, especially PvP only typesc about Destiny and the way their fans have behaved and I’m full on not watching Destiny content creators anymore. Genuinely never seen content creators who need to touch grass and maybe just. Take a break. I’m not saying Lightfall was perfect or that Bungie hasn’t fucked up but I’m honestly just. Extremely fucking tired of how the community outside of tumblr has reacted to everything. And I’m especially sick of crybaby crucibros being obnoxious. Much as I don’t actually think it’d be at all good for the game there’s a part of me that thinks the idea of them splitting PvP stuff and PvE stuff into separate Destiny games in the future might have some merit to it purely so those of us who just want to explore and enjoy the story in peace can never bother with them again
Go off, honestly. So true. I've felt the same and I've pretty much not watched any Destiny youtube content in months. I started a few of them, but then stopped because of how utterly annoying and just plain wrong they were. The Lightfall situation is such a shitshow, not because of Bungie or the expansion itself, but because I genuinely believe that Destiny is above the reading level of most gamers.
Obviously, I still have some issues with how some stuff was handled, just as you do. Literally nobody is saying that everything in Lightfall was perfect. And I extend that to all expansions btw. Every expansion had faults. None of them are perfect. I think Lightfall's mysterious storytelling could've been a little bit clearer. And make no mistake, Lightfall WAS clear that nobody knows about the Veil, it just wasn't as clear as it could've been. Nothing would've really changed about the mystery if this was made more obvious earlier on in the campaign.
But dear lord, the bullshit around it is so tiring. I get it. I was confused at first too. I even posted here that I found certain things not as good and that they made me a little annoyed! And like that's fine! Your first impressions are your first impressions. But please move on. Are you seriously deciding everything based on first impressions? Do you never look into things and see if maybe there were things you missed or were wrong about? Like, it's okay to be confused at first and then realise later that you missed things. That's how learning works.
And yeah, the whole "everything should've been in Lightfall's campaign right away" is not only annoying because of the stuff you said, it's also annoying because it ignores that there's too much content to fit inside of a single campaign and also that this content has a theme. The campaign is a self-contained story with a theme and a plot (and the plot is NOT "learn what the Veil is." The plot of Lightfall is "stop Calus and the Witness from destroying Neomuna" which has concluded perfectly well in the campaign). Post-campaign stuff, the Witness cutscene and the Veil Logs are all things that don't fit thematically with the high action 80s movie story about protecting a city from destruction. These things were deliberately spread out through the year to give us multiple stories to follow while we wait for TFS. It's a live service game. You're here for the whole year. And it's fine if that's not the storytelling type you like. It's fine! That doesn't mean the story is objectively bad.
But yeah, agreed with what you said. It helps to vent! There's definitely people out there who are in the same situation and who just want to enjoy the game as usual and not having to deal with crybabies who make the whole experience absolutely miserable and make it impossible to engage with anything. Luckily, there's also always people who are still engaging with the game normally. We like the game and we like engaging with the game. And when I stop liking it, I'll just stop engaging with it. I wish other people could do the same.
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blue-thief · 3 months
guy who plays into entp stereotypes + npd is the worst possible combo (for everyone else)
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serenescribe · 3 months
so the thing about glaciers chapter 5 is that it's currently sitting at a pretty 18.7k. you would think that maybe i'm half done right? right? i mean, chapter 4 was 30k! so maybe this one would get a bit longer?
i'm not even 1/4 of the way through.
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hey, no pressure, but can i ask why pandas are only occasional bears? is it that they only bear occasionally?
please read the tags of our previous post about pandas that no doubt prompted this ask. the team is not in the mood to entertain questions about pandas or our classification of them as such so to you and everyone else who sees this, please be advised
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betapopish · 24 days
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saw this ace attorney character meme going around so i thought i’d do my take on it! tried my best to spoil the important stuff lol
if you want to see an uncensored version, it’s under the cut!
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gay-jesus-probably · 8 months
it would be really funny in hywar for ruto and darunia to recognize the "hero of termina" but probably be confused because why is he tiny. wait there's more of them. okay i guess this isn't the guy we know (it is)
Oh yeah, I'm thinking Ruto and Darunia are 100% onto him, BUT they're the adult timeline versions, so they haven't seen the baby Hero of Time in years, so they're not 100% sure if that's actually him, or if the kid just happens to look like him. Besides, the kid says he's just the Hero of Termina, and the Hero of Time definitely didn't scowl that much when he was younger so... they're suspicious, but not confident enough to try and address it. And since all the sages except Sheik ascended into non-existence or something after sealing Ganon, Ruto and Darunia must have been pulled from somewhere in the middle of OOT, so they're used to the teenage Link, and unlike Sheik they have no reason to think he's going to return to being a kid. So as far as they know, it makes perfect sense for the Hero of Termina to just have a strong resemblance to how the Hero of Time looked when he was younger... but man are they ever identical.
Mask avoids them like the plague, because he knows they could bust him... and he also knows they're basically going to die shortly after they go home. He really doesn't have the emotional bandwidth to try and deal with that, so he just keeps his distance. But Ruto and Darunia are having many quiet debates in the background about "is that our Link or not". They are constantly pressing X to Doubt.
(Marin is also a solid member of the Press X To Doubt club, because she's like 90% certain that Ravio guy's voice is identical to her Link's, and even though she can't be sure with all the robes she thinks they might also have the same build, and the few glimpses she gets of the bottom of his face looks like Link... but also he doesn't seem to know her at all, and is just generally acting kind of off, so she's just... not sure what's going on there, but it bothers her. And she doesn't even have anyone to compare notes with.)
Also, please consider for a moment that Ganondorf knows basically nothing about the whole Majora's Mask debacle, so he only knows Mask as being the Hero of Time, and could out him literally by accident. I have this mental image of Ganon attempting to do a big dramatic showdown, only for the mood to thoroughly ruined by Mask frantically cutting him off mid-sentence, because if he gives any details right now, Mask is fucked. The exchange is something like "We meet again, it's been awhile, Hero of T-" "TERMINA, YES, that's me, how about we stop talking right now and try to kill each other instead". Ganon then delays the boss battle to try and work out what the fuck is going on, and also because Mask's obvious panic is hilarious to him.
(Meanwhile Captain Link knows that something is up, but he is literally always having a minimum of three simultaneous mental breakdowns at any given moment, so he's pretty happy just not acknowledging his suspicions that Mask's real hero title is very well known, he really doesn't need more stress in his life. He's trying so hard not to hear the extremely incriminating argument Mask and Ganon are having, and trying even harder not to connect the dots and realize what Mask's real title is. He's not succeeding. After that particular battle, he goes back to his tent and spends a solid ten minutes screaming into his pillow before he can successfully repress the knowledge that he's been fighting alongside the literal Hero of Time and affectionately referring to him as a demonic little gremlin. As long as Mask doesn't acknowledge it, he doesn't have to either, so it's fine. Everything is totally fine.)
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wheezes i made. a game! a functioning playable game that i've had a lot of fun playtesting so far! sat down and made the core rules in one session yesterday, wrote up another few chunks for guiding/prompting the roleplay part this morning. and i have a bunch of variants drafting and those are definitely still in the works lmao, but the rules as they are are 100% playable and i am extremely proud of having gotten them down this fast.
there is definitely going to be further drafting etc, and i'm hoping to be able to format it with an actual graphical layout at some point. and also make like an actual proper intro post for it instead of just dropping it hot on my blog for whoever happens to be following me. in the meantime though here you go, if anyone decides to try it out have fun and i'd love to hear how that goes. enjoy!
[cws: horror, mentions of death, gore, and injury, possible themes of stalking. it's a game where you're being hunted down and have to prepare for what happens when you can't run anymore, so it has the potential to get real dark depending on how you play it lmao]
Core Rules
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Guiding the Fiction
(this section is probably a lot less coherent and has more repetition going on than i'd like, definitely is going to need a redraft or two, but i think it gets the mechanics across in a usable way as-is. meant to get further into the last set of examples, but i had to catch myself before i got carried away and ended up just filling out a d100 table. that'd be fun to do at some point but not by dropping it in the middle of the rulebook lmao)
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and that's the game so far! if anyone reads these and finds any specific bits to be confusing, please feel free to ask questions; i want to do my best to make sure my games fit together and are as clear as possible, with or without graphical gamebook format for visual aid, so fresh eyes are always welcome. in the meantime thank you for your time, and should you check it out may you have fun being chased by a Funny Little Guy
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musical-chick-13 · 10 months
It’s during times like this where she thinks, in a manner that’s insane even for her, that maybe the abysmal parts of her childhood were all worth it. If it hadn’t been for the Silence and Madame Kovarian, she might never have met the Doctor at all, and then she wouldn’t have this–this little moment (which, to be honest, really shouldn’t affect her as much as it does), this one-of-many stupid little moments of hope that what they have might be as precious to him as it is to her.
That’s a thought, isn’t it: turning years of compounded trauma into something good. One could even call it optimistic, if they were naïve enough to think that word had any meaning in the grand scheme of the universe.
But then, her husband has a way of making optimism and naivete look surprisingly tempting.
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Day 547: I do not know why, but for some reason a while ago I was randomly possessed and made a tier list on all (or at least most) ships that involve Siegfried.
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epicdogymoment · 6 months
ok replying to redditors is a fruitless endeavor
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