coversart · 10 months
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New Blue Sun - André 3000 (2023)
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papyrusparanormal · 7 years
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This gem SOLD before I could post it, but had to share that bitchin #coversart 😱 #70s #horrorbooks #darkfantasy #anthology #vintagebooks
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tiefighters · 3 years
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Star Wars - Sketch Covers
Art by Jason Goad
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midshipmank · 7 years
There has actually never been an addition to any of my posts that has annoyed me as much as that one about Sherlock Holmes on the post about Dorian’s name.  It’s managed to so thoroughly get on my nerves that I cannot focus on the paper that’s due tomorrow, so I’m just gonna vent for a hot second so that I can get this out of my brain and think about something that’s actually important.
[AN: now that I’ve finished writing this I feel much better, so I just want to say that I know this sounds really mean (it is really mean at times), but it’s honestly just because I have been extremely stressed for the past week (finals!) and that comment was just the last straw]
1) A single google search could have answered that question, saved that person from looking like a fool, and saved me from extreme annoyance.
2) The fact that they were asking a question but phrased it rhetorically like their suggested answer was obviously true, when in fact it was obviously wrong and anyone with a basic knowledge of Victorian literature would know that
3) Clearly they didn’t have a basic knowledge of Victorian lit or even just original ACD canon because they’re probably more interested in the BBC Sherlock show, but at this point I am so done with that show that any mention of it annoys me, so adding a comment about it to a post that was never even about Sherlock Holmes to begin with is just going to annoy me. Period.  
4) Their comment implies that it would have been common knowledge that Oscar Wilde and John Gray had a romantic and/or sexual relationship????? Only Oscar Wilde’s closest friends knew that he was even interested in men???? And sometimes not even then (see also: Frank Harris). Oscar Wilde and ACD met when they were commissioned to write novels for Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine. Clearly they were not close friends. And it really, really wasn’t common knowledge that Oscar Wilde was into men. The final result of the trials shocked people. 
5) If ACD really, truly, desperately wanted to name John Watson after a man Oscar Wilde had a close public relationship with, John Watson’s name would be Alfred. But guess what! Bosie (Lord Alfred Douglas) and Oscar Wilde didn’t even meet until after the publication of The Picture of Dorian Gray. And, as we’ve already established, the original publication of The Picture of Dorian Gray happened THREE. YEARS. AFTER. the publication of A Study in Scarlet. And even if Oscar and Bosie did know each other in 1887, when ASiS was published, people still wouldn’t have looked at them and assumed they were together, romantically or sexually. Even the Marquess of Queensbury (Bosie’s father, who sent the calling card “to Oscar Wilde, posing somdomite [sic]” that started the whole series of trials) was shocked when he found out that his allegations had truth behind them. I know it seems obvious looking back at it over 100 years later but it really really wasn’t. 
6) There is some implication in their comment that ACD and/or the Sherlock Holmes stories are somehow on an equal level of queerness as Oscar Wilde and/or The Picture of Dorian Gray. Normally, I resist anything that might lead to the reduction of Oscar Wilde to his queerness. However, I think it goes without saying that the notion that ACD/SH is as queer as Oscar Wilde/Dorian Gray is just false. Like what. No. Get off my post. 
7) Objectively, there is a better writer in this coversartion. It is not Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The post wasn’t even about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Why did you bring him up. Get off my post. 
8) Oscar Wilde’s writing has problems with anti-semitism and Orientalism. So does ACD’s. But, again, objectively, to a much greater extent. Have you read The Sign of Four? 
9) Also sexism. There is so much sexism in ACD. Oscar Wilde, on the other hand, edited a women’s magazine and was as close as you could get to feminist back then.
10) I have read The Sign of Four and it was boring as fuck. This is a personal opinion. However, it is a personal opinion that applies to basically every Sherlock Holmes story I have ever read. On the other hand, I have read The Picture of Dorian Gray three times this year. I love it more every time I read it. This is still a personal opinion, but either way, the comparison was bound to annoy the fuck out of me. 
11) The reason I find the original Sherlock Holmes canon boring as fuck is because it’s so old it’s no longer clever. It’s shaped the detective genre too much for it’s own good. I realize this is a personal (and unpopular opinion). Don’t @ me. 
12) What’s worse is that the only thing it’s trying to do is be clever. With a side order of imperial anxiety. There’s so much more going on in Oscar Wilde’s writing. Aestheticism, yes, but also socialism! Feminism! Social commentary! Queerness (before it was understood as queerness, or even actually understood itself as queerness, but that’s a whole different conversation).
13) At least Oscar Wilde cared about his art. 
14) Actually, I can’t believe I said “at least.” Oscar Wilde’s art was everything to him. ACD hated his so much he tried to kill off his main character just to make it stop. 
15) Literally John is the most generic name ever, the only way it could ever be a significant reference to anything is if it were biblical. There’s a reason John Gray preferred the name Dorian. Also, ACD probably gave John Watson a generic name because he literally didn’t care. (see also: What does the H stand for? Where is John’s injury? What is Mrs Hudson’s real name? etc etc)
16) I know the BBC Sherlock fandom had that ~awesome time~ a few years back when they figured out that tiny connection between Oscar Wilde and ACD but like please just leave me alone. Also, leave Oscar Wilde alone. Stop exploiting his queerness to feed your high hopes. One day someone will write a queer Sherlock Holmes, but ACD, Moffat, and Gatiss just don’t care. I was on that train for a long long while, and all it left me with was this fuckton of bitterness.
17) Okay I’ve worn myself out and I’m ready to go back to my paper. 
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worstward-ho · 7 years
Слушаю “Метаморфозы” Филипа Гласса в холоде предотопительного сезона. Вспонимаю: о Глассе я узнала от человека, которого уже нет в живых. Интересно, понравился бы ему "Лёд" Анны Каван? Это кажется вещами одного порядка -- хрустальное кафкианство. --- Присматриваюсь к горящим окошкам новостроек, к мокрой блестящей дороге в окне и понимаю -- всё то же, всё так же! Так же бездонно. Это совсем иной город, другие дома, другая дорога, деревья, иной холод и другое исполнение “Метаморфоз”, другая поздняя осень, но всё неизменно глубоко, так же, как в моей самой ранней юности, когда я имела храбрость плакать от того океанического, что застаёт тебя везде: в пути от супермаркета домой, в свете из чужих окон, посреди небесной близости или наоборот -- непомерной их далекости. И эта глубина, широта, бездонность -- как её не назови -- она есть, она здесь, во всяком гниющем кленовом листе, в освещенном фарами асфальте, в мягком свечении вывесок. Будто то, что присваивается обычно только небу, разорвалось и рассеялось на всё и на тебя саму. И теперь куда ни глянь -- Красота. И я плачу. Вновь имею храбрость плакать. Я могла бы сказать себе прошлой(или пусть я прошлая скажу себе нынешней) -- ничего не исчезло и не исчезнет, всё здесь, не следует беспокоиться и уж тем более удерживать! Смена пространств и времен не умалит этой вездесущей глубины, забытие и леность ума не влияют на неё. И сквозь всё она. И всё она. --- //Played this to my mother who is in a hospice with late stage cancer, she had the night terrors and couldnt sleep, even with heavy medication. She slowly slipped off into a deep sleep half way through, with a faint smile on her face. Thankyou coversart// -- в комментариях под "Метаморфозами".
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thedeergunter · 8 years
Philip Glass - Metamorphosis (1988)
by CoversArt//
I made this record using an old amazing (one of my favorite instrument actually) Steinway & Sons model O grand piano. (Steinway officially stopped production of the Model O in 1924, but I guess this one was built around 1925-1926 according to serial number)
"Metamorphosis One" – 00:00 "Metamorphosis Two" – 06:54 "Metamorphosis Three" – 13:59 "Metamorphosis Four" – 19:09 "Metamorphosis Five" – 26:29 /// "Metamorphosis", refers to and was inspired by the 1915 short story The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. While all pieces were written in 1988, some were written for a staging of Metamorphosis, while others were for a documentary film called The Thin Blue Line directed by Errol Morris. "Metamorphosis One" is played in an episode of Battlestar Galactica by Kara "Starbuck" Thrace. Within the narrative, her father composed and performed the piece. It is also played in the series finale of Person of Interest, Return 0. "Metamorphosis Two" formed the basis of one of the main musical themes in the film The Hours. It is also the song that the American rock band Pearl Jam uses as their introduction music to concerts.
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born-annoyedx · 5 years
I’m a sucker for deep coversartions. I wanna know what makes you, you
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coversart · 2 years
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Jorge Ben Jor - A Tabua De Esmeralda (1974)
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Philip Glass - Metamorphosis | complete
Philip Glass - Metamorphosis (1988) I made this record using an old amazing (one of my favorite instrument actually) Steinway & Sons model O grand piano. (Steinway officially stopped production of the Model O in 1924, but I guess this one was built around 1925-1926 according to serial number) 
 "Metamorphosis One" – 00:00 
"Metamorphosis Two" – 06:54 
"Metamorphosis Three" – 13:59 
"Metamorphosis Four" – 19:09 
"Metamorphosis Five" – 26:29
"Metamorphosis", refers to and was inspired by the 1915 short story The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. While all pieces were written in 1988, some were written for a staging of Metamorphosis, while others were for a documentary film called The Thin Blue Line directed by Errol Morris.
 "Metamorphosis One" is played in an episode of Battlestar Galactica by Kara "Starbuck" Thrace. Within the narrative, her father composed and performed the piece. It is also played in the series finale of Person of Interest, Return 0. 
"Metamorphosis Two" formed the basis of one of the main musical themes in the film The Hours. It is also the song that the American rock band Pearl Jam uses as their introduction music to concerts. 
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coversart · 1 year
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Bill Evans - Undercurrent (1962)
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coversart · 1 year
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Paradis - Recto Verso (2016)
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coversart · 2 years
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Ajuliacosta - AJU (2022)
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coversart · 2 years
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O Rappa - Lado B Lado A (1999)
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coversart · 2 years
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Belchior - Alucinação (1976)
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coversart · 2 years
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PJ Harvey - Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea, 2000.
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coversart · 1 year
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Motorama - Many Nights (2018)
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