#cow colostrum for babies
Get the Best Bovine Colostrum For Babies
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Are you in search of the best supplements for babies? Do you need a supplement that covers different ailments and offers the best muscle-building properties? You should go with bovine colostrum for babies. Colostrum is purely a vitamin and mineral rich substance. Usually, newborns are vulnerable to many diseases. This is where colostrum or first milk can play a major role to prevent diseases as it is filled with antibodies, minerals, growth hormones, vitamins, etc.
Colostrum is a combination of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that naturally occur in flawless combination. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and vitamin E are all found in small amounts as are traces of all other vitamins. Minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium and zinc are also present. Colostrum is a rich source of all the amino acids and essential fats.
Bovine colostrum for babies-
There is no doubt that Colostrum contains various scientifically-proven health benefits. It is suitable for premature babies and unable to nurse.  It also contains the antibodies and immune globulins that serve as a source of protein, carbohydrates (lactose), fat and fluids for newborns.
Although colostrum has the lactose that leads to digestive issues for breastfed babies, it also creates an adequate amount of lactase that breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. Moreover, colostrum contains many health benefits for newborns. 
Total Colostrum contains vital growth factors which stimulate normal cell growth* These growth factors to regenerate and repair:
       Aged and injured muscle
       Skin collagen, Bone
         Nerve tissue
    Colostrum sets up a newborn’s immunity defenses. Colostrum is nature’s healing miracle.
Choosing Quality Bovine Colostrum For Babies-
When it comes to health and fitness, everyone is looking for it. This is the reason people are searching for the best supplements. In addition, the bovine colostrum supplement is also good for babies.  Make sure you got the best quality colostrum products. They should be pure, neat colostrum from healthy, pasture-fed cows. Professional suppliers offer these products at the best pricing range. But, the quality of these products should not be compromised. There are different brands available in the market, but we offer quality products that are completely natural dietary health supplements suitable for all ages.
Call us 021 228 2964 for more information. Place your order today online!
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cutechan555 · 28 days
I wonder if
which one of the parents had the most turns feeding vigert, amelia or brian?
assuming baby cheeseslimes need colostrum or cow milk
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I'd say Amelia did , When Vigert was still an infant, Amelia had to stop being a sheriff for a while so she was taking care of baby Vigert while Brian worked tho there wasn't much dangers at oregano desert at the time so Brian was able to spend alot of time with his wife and son
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yabagofmilfs · 1 year
Spare a crumb of context ma’am? 🤲
haha, okay. I think the poll is done now anyway (and there was a very clear winner, ha.)
Forgive me, father: Sid takes a stupid penalty. Sully is disappointed. (Geno takes care of it.)
Locally Sourced: read an article about how Sid drinks protein shakes with cow colostrum and things spiraled from there, as you can probably imagine.
Gold-skinned, eager baby: the preceding lyric is he’s so pretty when he goes down on me (next part of the rabbit heart series).
Haunt me, then: in June Geno asks Sid to marry him. In July he asks for a trade.
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lolz88 · 2 years
Dairy cattle misconceptions pt 1
Ok so while a majority of my cattle expertise is in beef cattle, I still know my fair share about dairy cattle
Note, I am not a certified expert though I have years of experience
These are all things I’ve heard or been told
1. Dairy cattle are forced to produce milk with hormones
This is a fairly common sentiment I have seen across the board and I’m happy to report to you, it’s false. While milk production can be taxing on an animal, it’s as natural for a cow as breathing.
Here in Canada dairy cattle cannot be given unnatural hormones or chemicals to increase milk production, Milk is tested regularly and if there is any trace of chemicals or hormones from medication for example, the batch must be tossed.
The only exception to this is the occasional oxytocin injection to help the cow drop her milk, the oxytocin is absorbed into the cows body and doesn’t contaminate the milk. Though keep in mind that this is a once or twice occurrence with cows new to milk production.
The only thing that can reliably increase milk production that is legal ( In Canada) is the animals feed. Cows who have a very high protein and carb intake can often produce more milk as they have the energy stores to do so.
A Dairy cows milk production is for the most part, entirely natural ( chemical free), dairy cows were selectively bred for hundreds of years to be able to produce as much milk as they do
Now this isn’t to say that it’s always what’s best for the animal, but that’s why farmers strive to care for and produce better animals
2. Cows are forcefully milked against their will, and their milk is stolen
Now this, is entirely untrue, the thing is, if a cow doesn’t want to do something there’s not really a way to get it to cooperate, and when it comes to something as sensitive as an udder your shit out of luck
Milking cattle isn’t stealing but more an exchange, you feed, shelter and care for them and in exchange you get milk, it’s a partnership.
There’s also the fact many cattle enjoy being milked, as milking is facilitated through the production of serotonin, which is what allows cattle to produce milk in the first place,
This is what facilitates automatic milking robots, cows will be milked on their own free will, choosing when to be milked
A little milking fun fact, cows can be so excited about milking, that the serotonin causes the muscles in their teats loosen and they start to leak milk
Not to mention that a commercial dairy cow, on average a cow produces around 4x as much milk as her calf can drink in a day, your not “stealing” a calves food, your taking the surplus
3. Calves are stolen from their mothers
This is a bit of a more touchy side to dairy, but calves are not stolen from their mothers, they are often removed for many reasons
Firstly, dairy cows are more often than not terrible mother’s, they have basically had the it maternal side bred out, and are the most dangerous thing to their calves after predators, many dairy cows will often abandon or even forget they had a calf, and some of the worse ones will consciously lie on their calves just after they’re born, or they may step on, kick or ram their calves into the ground. These cows are essentially unfit mothers and their calves are taken away for their own safety
On top of the attempt murder, calves are born with no immune system, so to increase their survival chances, they are quarantined and monitored often in calf huts, during this time they are fed their mothers colostrum, or first milk filled with essential nutrients and such, that help build up their immune system. Once old enough they are often moved to communal pens with others that are the same age so they can socialize and bond, they stay with that group into adulthood and milking
It seems cruel from the outside but it’s necessary, understanding calf behaviour is difficult through a human perspective, calves don’t cry for their mothers, they cry for food even after eating. Cows don’t call back to their babies cry’s out of sadness but more to quiet them. Cows don’t feel the way humans do, after a year it’s surprising to see a cow still close to its calf
If you have any more questions feel free to ask, and I’ll let y’all know
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I just realized I never posted my second short on here and I’m like “Ahhh!” Because the next short is in the process of being written. So…. Here it is!
Title: Gordon and the Goat
Rating: G
Summary: Camille works often with the farmers of Sodor and one day Farmer McColl really needs her help. But this helpful moment brings a little bit of strain into her relationship with Gordon, specifically when she’s been asked to care for a rejected baby goat.
Based on a real goat here at my homestead.
Camille had been out on her normal railway chores, taking goods from station to station and dropping off much needed grain and hay to the farmers of Sodor. She always enjoyed visiting the farm, especially Farmer McColl. He enjoyed teaching the young engine about farming and ranching. In fact, Camille, being small in stature, had been called upon to help during the spring birthing season to help animals that were struggling. Together, her, Farmer McColl, and Trevor had helped several cows with complicated birthing positions. It was such a joy to help out and see the little baby animals make their first noises and watching them stand for the first time.
She chugged along happily towards his farm. She was done with her freight cars for today and was happy that he was on her way to the next station. Farmer McColl was out working with Trevor when he saw her and flagged her down. Camille came to a halt with a smile.
“Do you need any help today, Farmer McColl? I don’t have any urgent deliveries right now.”
Farmer McColl scratched the back of his head, “I do actually. I have a rather big favor to ask of you and your crew if you don’t mind.”
Camille glanced back towards Edan and Dallas. They shrugged and hopped out of her cab so she could shift into her human form.
“What can we help with?” Dallas asked, hopping the fence. Camille and Edan followed him into the field.
“I’ve got a goat that’s a new mom and she’s rejecting one of her babies.” Farmer McColl said solemnly, “I’m so busy with the other animals that I don’t have time to tend to the little one and without intervention, she will die.”
Camille gasped, holding her hand over her heart, “That’s horrible! But what can we do to help?”
Farmer McColl waved for them to follow him back to the barn, he hopped back up on Trevor while Camille and the others climbed into the trailer.
“I know it’s a lot to ask, but I was hoping you’d be willing to take the little critter in.” The farmer said, “I’ve got plenty of colostrum from mom and lots of goat's milk. I can supply you with the right kind of bottles.” He sighed, “I know that’s a lot to ask but soon she’ll be able to be with the herd, I can get a bottle stand ready for her, just for now I need someone to watch her. A few days maybe a week at tops.”
Camille glanced at Dallas and Edan. Both looked very uncertain but knew the little tank engine was going to be more than willing.
As they reached the barn, Farmer McColl showed them in. Trevor opted to wait outside.
When Camille came to pen with a warming lamp she gasped. Down in the pen was a small goat, maybe 2 pounds. She was shaking while she tried to stand. She was white with a few little black dots on her coat. She had bright blue eyes. Her little bleats were very high pitched and soft.
“She’s adorable!” Camille coo’d. With that, Dallas and Edan knew they were doomed to take the goat. Farmer McColl brought a bottle with a thick yellow milk inside and handed it to Camille.
“This is the Colostrum she needs before she can have milk. I’ve tried getting her to drink but she’s not very willing. Maybe you could give it a try?” He asked the engine.
Camille entered the pen happily and sat down in the warm straw. She sat cross-legged and gently pet the little animal. At first, it shied away from her, but then it wobbled closer a few steps before falling. Camille picked the little doe up and cradled it in her arms. She offered the bottle, helping put it in the baby's mouth. The little goat let out a bleat of happiness, standing to the best of its abilities and nursed from the bottle, its little tail wagging happily.
“Well I’ll be hornswoggled.” Farmer McColl said with a smile.
Dallas sighed worriedly as Camille looked up and grinned at the two of them, “How exactly are you going to take care of a baby goat while we’re doing our chores?”
“The thing is maybe the size of a chihuahua, Dallas. It’ll be fine in her cab. Just put a diaper on it.” Edan said nonchalantly.
Dallas looked at the very happy engine, “What about the others at the manor?”
“Oh they’ll love her!” She grinned, “You honestly think they won’t melt looking at this tiny thing?”
He cocked an eyebrow, “What about Gordon?”
Camille waved her hand, “You don’t need to worry about him, I’ll take care of that.”
Dallas sighed and Edan grinned, “Looks like we will be taking the goat with us.”
Camille smiled as the baby relaxed in her arms curling up.
“Oh. My. Cuteness.”
Thomas had walked into the living room of the manor and stopped in his tracks as he saw the bundle of white on Camille’s lap. The little doe was sleeping curled up in a blanket.
Camille smiled up at him, pausing her game, “Isn’t she? Farmer McColl needed help with her because she was rejected by her mother. She really likes me.” She grinned, “He gave me a kennel and everything to take care of her till she’s big enough to join the other goats.”
“That’s so awesome! I mean, not awesome about her mom, but awesome you get to take care of her.” Thomas sat down beside her and pet the little sleeping figure, “Does she have a name?”
Camille beamed proudly, “I named her Breezy, because she was born on a windy Wednesday.”
“Breezy! I like it!” Thomas smiled.
Camille handed him a second controller and the two sat back to play Overcooked together for a bit.
Overtime the others slowly trickled back into the manor, each taking in the little goat with surprise. James wasn’t all that sure, not being a big animal person, but after the little goat gave him a soft “baa” and gummed at one of his fingers he quickly melted at her goaty charm. Edward asked the most questions about the responsibility to take care of her but was satisfied with all Camille and Farmer McColl had done.
Henry melted at her originally but then panicked quickly for his plants around the manor. Camille swore she would keep her away from his room or the plants on the balcony and in the kitchen. Hiro pet the little animal with fondness.
Percy was thrilled, laying down on the floor to let her climb over him. Thomas quickly joined him, tapping at the floor to get Breezy’s attention. Emily was indifferent as long as there wasn’t a mess, but occasionally petted the animal.
Percy was cuddling Breezy on the floor when he looked up at Camille, “Does Gordon know?”
All the engines turned to her curiously. She grinned bashfully, “Ummm… not yet…”
“Oh that’s gonna be fun to see. Gordon’s gonna flip.” James snickered.
“I’m going to flip at what?”
Everyone turned as Gordon walked through the downstairs entryway. He had removed his hat, suit coat, and boots. He raised an eyebrow looking at the rest of the team as they looked at him.
“What? Is there something on my face?” He asked.
Before anyone could answer a little bleat sounded in the room and Breezy hopped from her spot with Thomas and Percy to Camille, nudging her for a bottle. Camille gave a nervous laugh as she picked the baby goat up and gave her the bottle.
“Heh heh… Surprise~” Camille said looking at the shocked and slightly upset Gordon.
Gordon gaped looking between the goat and Camille as she nursed the little critter. When he finally found himself, Gordon sighed with a hand at his face, “Camille. No.”
“Well, wait a minute.” She started, “Farmer McColl and I-“
The others watched as Camille tried to explain the situation and Gordon looked more and more exasperated. Little Breezy just curled up, falling asleep on the bottle, and got comfy on Camille’s lap.
“Gordon, she needs me.” Camille said with a frown, holding her ground against the larger engine.
She glared at him, he glared back at her. Glancing around at the others, Gordon cleared his throat, “If you all wouldn’t mind, I need to speak with my girl. Alone.”
The others quickly made themselves scarce. Thomas grabbed the Switch and two controllers for him and Percy to play with Emily in tow. James whispered a ‘good luck’ to Camille as he and Edward left. Henry and Hiro walked outside to do some gardening together. Camille sat with the baby goat in her lap, her eyes having not once left her boyfriend.
Gordon sighed again, “Camille, we’re engines. We don’t have time for pets.”
“She isn’t a pet, she’s livestock and she needed my help. It’s only temporary.” Camille retorted.
“What did Sir Topham Hatt have to say?”
Camille went quiet and looked away, “I haven’t told him.”
Gordon rolled his eyes in frustration, “Of course you haven’t, because you know what the answer is going to be.”
“Farmer McColl said she would die without help.” Camille said softly, stroking Breezy’s soft coat, “What else was I supposed to do?”
Gordon shrugged frustrated, “Tell him no. There has to be others.”
“Well he asked me.” She said through grit teeth, growing frustrated.
Gordon looked at her disapprovingly and she returned it right back to him. Eventually she looked away from him and down at the sleeping kid. He sighed again and sat down next to her, looking at the sleeping form. “Please do not get attached. I know you’re trying to do the right thing and I know your heart is already in it, but our job first and foremost is to the railway.”
Camille was absentmindedly petting the little goat, “It won’t be long, Gordon, I promise. Farmer McColl is making some sort of bottle stand where she can be nursed and can spend time with the other goats. He said only a few days, maybe a week tops.”
She leaned her head against her lover. Gordon huffed a bit, but placed his arms around her, “Alright then.”
That night, Gordon laid in the tub of the bathroom, trying to relax. It was getting late and Camille had insisted that the little goat sleep in the kennel in their room. She was prepping it with blankets and a stuffed animal, because of course, humming to herself delighted. Gordon sank in the warm comfort of the bath and let out a comfortable sigh. Although he originally hated the idea of baths after Camille had been in his life he found them more and more needed on hard days. She had all sorts of bath salts and minerals for comfort and every once in a while he really needed to indulge. He was thankful the tub fit someone his size, it must’ve been custom made although he didn’t give it much thought.
He was in a peaceful, restful state when he heard the light tippy-taps of hooves on the linoleum floor. Opening one eye he watched as the little goat had entered the bathroom, doing little hops as she explored. She would bleat every once in a while, quietly, but noticed him and cautiously made her way over.
For a split second, Gordon thought about splashing water at her, sneering. The little goat paid him no mind, curiosity had gotten the better of her. She walked up to him, sniffing at his fingers over the tub and gave them a little nibble, having no teeth it didn’t bother him.
“Oh, no. You’re not going to win me over.” He said as Breezy continued to nibble and sniff at him, playing by the tub.
She gave a warm bleat and hopped in a circle, almost knocking herself over. She regained her balance, looking around.
“Don’t you get hurt.” Gordon grumbled, “She’s liable to blame me.”
Breezy, who clearly did not speak or understand English, tried to do a kick in her hops and fell with a bleat.
He winced at her and, for reasons unknown to himself, scooped the little animal up and held her up above the bath. She just hung there on his hand looking at him. He stared at her back.
“What does she see in you animals?” He asked out loud.
Then, without much warning, Breezy squirmed hard and went right out of Gordon’s hands and into the bath with him.
“Oh, crap!” He yelled out as the little goat, soaked and frightened, bleated and kicked.
“Camille!!” He called out less than dignified.
Camille came running in and quickly grabbed a towel taking the panicked goat.
“Would you get that thing out of here?!” He yelled, standing up disgusted by sharing bath water with the kid.
“She’s not a thing, she’s a she!” Camille shouted back at him, “And how did she get in the bath anyway? She can’t jump that high!”
Gordon wrinkled his nose, “It… She fell and I picked her up and she moved and I dropped her in the water.”
Said goat was shaking her wet head and snorting as Camille dried her off.
“Oh, you poor baby.” Camille coo’d, cradling the baby.
Gordon’s head shot up, disgusted and mad, “She’s the poor baby? What about me?? My bath is ruined!”
Camille looked back at him, “You’re a big boy, you can handle yourself. She’s not even 24 hours old.” She turned and walked back to the bedroom, drying the baby off and talking to her like she was her own baby.
Gordon’s lip quivered in anger and he snatched the towel from the towel rack, proceeding to dry himself off. He murmured quite a bit under his breath.
“No. No. No. NO. NO!”
Gordon was folding his arms over his chest absolutely livid. Camille had dried off Breezy, only for the baby to cry anytime she put it in the kennel alone. After worrying about keeping everyone up, Camille put a diaper on the kid and laid it next to her in the bed.
“She’s not going to hurt you, Gordon, and it’s the only way she’ll sleep without crying.”
“You are not sleeping in MY bed with a goat!” He demanded.
She sat up with a sigh, “Fine.” She picked up the sleeping goat and walked to the door.
“Where are you going??” He asked exasperated.
“I’m sleeping in my old room. That way I am taking care of the goat, you get your bed without a goat, and everyone gets sleep.” Camille said with a struggling sigh and left.
Gordon groaned, flopping onto his bed, running both hands over his face. It’d been a while since he hadn’t slept with Camille by his side and he didn’t enjoy it one bit. He grumbled to himself, angrily pouting, mimicking her voice in a higher pitch, “You get your bed without a goat and I’m gonna go sleep in the other room. BAH! I might as well sleep in the shed.”
He grumbled, pulling the covers over his head in a harumph. He scowled and wrinkled his nose at the whole situation, but eventually Gordon and sleep found each other.
The next few days went well for the most part for Camille, despite her and Gordon’s tiff. She woke up once in the night to feed Breezy and then slept till her alarm. Gordon was already up and gone to work so Camille had no problem returning to his private bathroom to get herself ready for the day. Little Breezy stayed right by her side, full of bouncing spirit.
Edan and Dallas greeted her and Dallas held Breezy while she shifted. Unfortunately for the trio, Breezy wasn’t nearly as eager to be in the cab not knowing Camille was the engine. She cried for her often but figured out the routine soon enough, when Camille did have time she would shift and offer Breezy her bottle.
They stopped at Farmer McColl’s for a brief moment one day. The farmer pat the little animal on the head and smiled.
“She looks much better than she did.” He smiled, “Thomas dropped some materials off today to help build the bottle stand. I hope she hasn’t caused any problems.”
“She’s getting into the routine.” Camille said, but looked a bit sad, “I just wish I could convince Gordon she’s not a handful.”
Farmer McColl gave her a soft smile, “Well it’s been about a week and I’ve got other kids that have been born. We could go ahead and try having her spend time with them. It’d be good for her.”
Camille smiled and kissed the little goat's head, “I think a play date is in order.”
She handed Breezy to Farmer McColl and they walked to a pen where easily 10 other goat kids were bleating and playing.
“They are the cutest!” Camille exclaimed watching as the baby goats hopped and kicked around.
“This pen gives mama’s a break and lets the kids go nuts.” Farmer McColl said as he put Breezy down. There were large wooden spools and little homemade seesaws around the pen. “She’ll fit in just fine.”
Camille smiled watching Breezy go and mingle amongst the other goats, starting little head butting fights and skipping around.
“Well, I’ve got to get back to work. I can come get her later.” Camille said with a smile.
Farmer McColl nodded his thanks and waved goodbye.
Camille ran into Gordon at Knapford later that night. He had just finished his Express run and was eager to see her. She stopped at Platform 2 and leaned into him a little while he waited for his passengers to unload. He smiled at her, a few passengers saying “aw’s” as they watched the engines cuddle.
“How was your day, my dear?” He asked her.
She sighed, “Better that you're here. But I feel odd without Breezy.”
Gordon looked a little surprised, “She’s not with you?”
Camille shook her head, “No. She's with the other goat kids at Farmer McColl’s. I’ve got to go get her soon.”
Gordon huffed, “If she’s with the other goats isn’t your job done?”
“Well, she still see’s me as her momma so not really. I’ve still got a job to do.”
“Momma?” Gordon asked, confused
“Well, yeah… and it’ll be a slow transition. I think…”. Camille looked worried.
“What’s the matter?” He asked concerned.
“I just… never thought of it that way till I said it outloud. Being a momma.”
“Camille, we’re engines. We aren’t capable of being parents.” Gordon said rather bluntly. He wished he hadn’t been but there was an uncomfortable feeling in his boiler.
“I know that Gordon. I know.” She sighed again, “But it’s never crossed your mind what it would be like to have a family?”
“I have you and I have Scot. I guess the rest of our team and household. That’s all I need.” He said, trying to be kind.
When she didn’t answer he couldn’t help but ask, “Do you want children, Camille?” The idea of small baby like engines driving around Tidmouth scared him, not to mention him being responsible for them.
She sighed again, “I dunno. I never thought of it before but… maybe…”
There was an awkward silence and then Camille asked, “What about you Gordon? If you could be a father, would you want to be?”
Gordon wanted to answer absolutely not but the more he thought about it, considering his relationship with Camille, he wasn’t sure. “I’m… not sure Camille.” He watched as some of his passengers, who had children disembarked. Some parents looked absolutely exhausted, others happy. He tried to imagine him and Camille with a small child, a mix of their looks, but he couldn’t wrap his head around it.
“Not that it really matters, since it can’t happen.” Camille said, watching the same passengers, “But it’s just a thought. Similar to us trying to fly.”
“But… you’ve flown Camille. Just not in your engine form.” Gordon corrected.
She whistled when her signal turned green, “That’s true. I’ll see you later, honey. Gotta go!”
Gordon watched her leave with a wheesh. This whole goat thing was really starting to worry him about Camille’s psyche.
“I want you back in our room.” Gordon stated when Camille got ready for bed. He leaned against the doorway of the bathroom in his normal blue shirt and plaid blue pajama bottoms.
She stopped mid brush, “But Breezy won’t sleep in the-“
“I know.” Gordon interrupted her, “But I want you back in our room. It’s been a week, Camille.”
She finished brushing her hair and smiled, “I’ve missed you too.”
“Why does it feel like you’ve been on the other side of the island instead of just down the hall?” He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She laughed softly, “Probably because we’ve been in an argument.”
“Over a goat.” He said incredulously.
“A baby goat.” She corrected, watching Breezy clip-clop around the room.
Gordon scoffed, watching the goat, “A goat nonetheless.”
Camille picked the kid up and cradled her. Gordon looked in the mirror at the three of them. He tried hard to imagine the goat as a child instead and for whatever reason, his mind listened. Instead of the fuzzy goat, he saw a child. A little boy, with messy blue hair like his own but eyes like Camille’s. The scenario made his heart pound, especially with Camille looking so fondly at them.
She glanced at him in the mirror, concerned, “Gordon? Is something wrong?”
Gordon shook his head from the thought and looked at her, “I-I’m fine. Just lost in thought.”
“About what?” She asked.
Gordon paused, “About what you said earlier. About… being a mother.”
“Oh!” Camille said surprised, but with a smile, “Don’t mind me, Gordon, I was just thinking out loud.”
“Yes, but now it has me thinking.” Gordon hid his face in his hands for a second.
Camille turned away from the mirror to look at the real Gordon, “Do you want to be a papa, Gordon?”
Gordon wrinkled his nose, “I don’t think I like the sound of being called ‘papa’.”
Camille took no time to think, “What about dad? Or daddy?”
He leaned back against the wall, shaking his head, “I can picture it but at the same time I can’t. I’m an express engine! Not a father.”
“Don’t get worked up, dear.” She placed a hand on his arm, “It literally cannot happen. I’m a tank engine, there are no eggs here, my dude.” She said playfully, gesturing toward her hips.
He sighed and smiled, “It’s one less thing I have to worry about I will say that.”
“But for now…” she raised Breezy to his eye level, “You have to be a daddy goat to Breezy.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her, “You’re pushing your luck.”
Camille only laughed.
More time went by and Breezy grew. Eventually she was too big and wild for Camille’s cab and first thing in the morning she was taken to Farmer McColl’s. Time continued and, as it would happen, Breezy was becoming more and more reluctant to leave the other goats.
Camille found it to be bittersweet. It had become more work keeping an eye on the little goat. She pottied outside her diaper sometimes, particularly at night. She was starting to eat hay and was beginning to find ways to Henry’s plants. Her bleating was getting more loud and shrill, keeping everyone alert and awake.
She was an outdoor animal and it was time she lived like one.
Camille asked Gordon if he would come with her to drop Breezy off for the last time. Gordon found time to come off the main line and onto the branch line and join her. Breezy was in a happy mix of other goats, head butting, skipping, and playing. Farmer McColl had explained how she could officially be away from Camille no problem.
Camille felt a twinge in her chest, her heartstrings being pulled at.
“You can come visit anytime.” The farmer assured her, “Breezy comes from a long line of good stock, she’ll be living here all her life.”
Camille smiled at the idea of visiting the goat every once in a while on the branch line. Gordon put his hand on her shoulder for comfort.
“It’ll be OK.” He told her, “She’ll be here every day.”
Camille called for the little goat one last time and Breezy came running. She picked her up over the fence and gave her a hug and a kiss on the head.
“Thanks for being mine for a while, Breezy. I really will miss you.”
The goat gave a little bleat as Camille put her back down. She promptly went back to the other goats and began playing.
It was a hard goodbye for Camille. Her and Gordon left shortly after, saying their goodbyes to Farmer McColl. Things went back to normal at the manor too. Many of the engines in their spare time or passing on the branch line whistle to Breezy. Camille visits most out of any of them, eager to watch Breezy play and grow, happy she has the no-longer little goat in her life.
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Wednesday, 27 Apr. 2022 10:08 a.m.
You're so fat!
Those words lingered in the air
Like the putrid smell of sewage
They dripped of judgement and repugnance
The silence that filled the room
The nauseating emptiness that suddenly filled her heart
She clutched her fat belly
Her belly filled with love, love for a baby growing
Growing in her own young body
Her tears, hot as coal on her cheeks, brings her back to those words
Those words being added to a bank of words from others over the years
You're ugly
You look like a cow
You're so fat!
Those words resonate loudly through her body
Her thick thighs that grew with her constant cravings
Her wide hips that spread to help support her baby
Her back fat that appeared as she was bedridden with pain, but keeping her baby safe
You're so fat!
Those words slithered across her delicately scared skin
Her extra belly fat that hung a bit lower than the perfect beach ball belly
Her full painful breasts, leaking colostrum
Her plump arms and swollen cheeks
All having changed for a tiny human inside of her teenage body
You're so fat!
Shame swirled around her as his displeasure was palpable
Sadness crept through the cracks of her mind, dancing with her shame
Her heart beat heavy and slow as she felt she had to apologize
She let herself go
Embarassement felt like a sink hole she couldn't avoid
Sorry, she murmured
More to herself than to the father of her child
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bbcolostrum · 1 month
Colostrum Supplementation During Pregnancy: Is It Safe and Effective?
Pregnancy is a time of heightened focus on health and nutrition, as expecting mothers seek to provide the best possible start for their babies. Colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid produced by mammals shortly after giving birth, has gained attention for its potential health benefits. But is colostrum supplementation during pregnancy safe and effective?
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What is Colostrum?
Colostrum, often referred to as "first milk," is packed with antibodies, growth factors, and essential nutrients that support the immune system, promote gut health, and aid in overall development. While it's most commonly associated with newborns, bovine colostrum (from cows) is available as a supplement for people of all ages, including pregnant women.
Potential Benefits of Colostrum During Pregnancy
Immune System Support: Pregnancy can place extra demands on a woman's immune system, making it important to maintain strong defenses against infections. Colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins (antibodies) that help fight off harmful pathogens. Supplementing with colostrum may offer additional immune support during this crucial time.
Gut Health: Colostrum contains growth factors that promote the integrity of the gut lining, which can be beneficial for pregnant women experiencing digestive discomfort. Healthy gut flora and a well-functioning digestive system are essential for nutrient absorption, which supports both the mother and the developing baby.
Nutrient-Rich: Colostrum is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that contribute to overall health. These nutrients can complement a balanced diet, ensuring that both the mother and baby receive adequate nourishment.
Safety Considerations
While colostrum offers many potential benefits, safety during pregnancy is a primary concern. Bovine colostrum is generally considered safe for most people, but pregnant women should approach supplementation with caution. There is limited research specifically on the use of bovine colostrum during pregnancy, and its effects on both the mother and fetus have not been extensively studied.
It is crucial for pregnant women to consult with their healthcare provider before adding colostrum or any supplement to their regimen. A healthcare professional can assess individual needs, potential risks, and possible interactions with other supplements or medications.
In conclusion, colostrum supplementation during pregnancy may offer immune support, promote gut health, and provide essential nutrients. However, due to the limited research in this specific context, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual situation. Prioritizing professional guidance will help ensure the health and well-being of both mother and baby.
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themomsandthecity · 4 months
How Long You Should Try and Breastfeed, According to Doctors
If the thought of breastfeeding triggers a cascade of questions and emotions, you're not alone - it's totally fair to feel overwhelmed. But the thing about breastfeeding is that it looks different from one family to the next. It can take time for a newborn to get the hang of things, and once you're finally in some semblance of a routine, you're likely going to start wondering, how long should you breastfeed? Well, there isn't necessarily a clear answer, says ob-gyn Sarah Borders, MD. That's right: it's going to be unique to you and your baby, she explains, whether it's your first or fourth child. Breastfeeding is also an intimately personal decision, often accompanied by a lot of emotion, which can make it harder to know the right time to stop, says lactation consultant Chrisie Rosenthal, IBCLC. So while it's hard to give an exact timeline of how long you should breastfeed, there are some general guidelines. PS talked with experts to find out everything you need to know, including the benefits of extended breastfeeding, when to stop breastfeeding, and how to know what's right for you and your baby. --- Experts Featured in This Article Sarah Borders, MD, is an ob-gyn with Axia Women's Health. Chrisie Rosenthal, IBCLC, is an international board-certified lactation consultant and director of clinical resources at The Lactation Network. Jenelle Ferry, MD, is a neonatologist and director of feeding, nutrition, and infant development at Pediatrix Medical Group. --- How Long Should You Breastfeed? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Academy of Pediatrics, and World Health Organization recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life prior to the introduction of solid foods, says neonatologist Jenelle Ferry, MD. Each organization also recommends continued breastfeeding while complementary foods are introduced "as long as mutually desired by mother and baby" for two years and beyond, she adds. Most babies self-wean sometime after a year old, but Dr. Borders says you can transition your baby to alternative milk (such as cow, almond, or soy) at 12 months if you choose. Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding "Extended breastfeeding" generally refers to breastfeeding beyond 12 months, and if you're willing and able, it comes with a slew of the following benefits: * Nutrients: Breast milk contains the perfect amounts of vitamins and nutrients for your baby, Dr. Borders says. The composition of your milk also changes as your baby grows to meet their needs, she adds. * Bonding: Due to skin-to-skin contact and the intimate nature of breastfeeding, it can be a wonderful opportunity to bond with your infant, Dr. Borders says. It helps your baby feel safe, warm, and loved. * Convenience: Not only can you breastfeed on-the-go, but breast milk is always warm and ready whenever baby is hungry, Dr. Borders says. * Soothing: If your baby is fussy, Rosenthal says breastfeeding can be incredibly soothing (for mom and baby). The skin-to-skin contact also boosts your levels of oxytocin, a hormone that helps breast milk flow and promote calmness, per USDA WIC Breastfeeding Support. * Immunity: Breastfed infants have a stronger immune system to fight bacteria and infection and a lower risk of asthma, ear infection, diabetes, and diarrhea-related illness, Dr. Ferry says. Colostrum, the thick milk women produce right after birth, is also known to boost immunity. * Cost: Not only is breastfeeding free, but since breastfed babies may have a stronger immune system, it can keep health costs low, Dr. Borders says. * Digestion: Breast milk is easily digested and can even act as a laxative to prevent constipation in newborns, Dr. Borders says. * Maternal Health: For the parent, research shows that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, Dr. Borders says. It's also worth… https://www.popsugar.com/family/How-Long-Should-You-Breastfeed-44304616?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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wyatt-06 · 5 months
ABK’s Guide: Correct Ways of Feeding Kittens
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Kittens right from their births have high energy requirements but have small diets and need to be kept safe from infections. This is all part of raising kittens from a very young age. Feeding anything to young kittens can potentially be dangerous and possibly lethal too. Even when their diet is milk from day one, motherless kittens shouldn’t just be fed cow or buffalo milk.
We’ll talk about how to create the proper diet kittens require during their growing up days.
Weaning Kittens
Neonatal kittens need their mother’s milk within a few hours of their birth. The first milk also called colostrum, is dense with nutrients and antibodies which are absolutely essential for infant kittens.
Weaning kittens off milk to solid foods usually starts around week four. Kittens at this age will start nibbling the bottle of milk when fed. This is when you can start introducing solid kitten food in very small amounts while still feeding them milk. 
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At week five, you can start introducing moistened dry kibble and can gradually start phasing out milk as their primary feed. After week six the weaning process can end as kittens will naturally start to rely on conventional kitten food. By week seven, the weaning process should be complete and kittens will only be eating normal kitten food.
Protein, Fats, & Amino Acids
These are the building blocks of a mammal’s healthy body and young kittens need a lot for their growth. When choosing food for kittens make sure it contains the right amount of all of these nutrients.
Feeding kitten baby formula or any other human food is not advised since it doesn’t have the nutritional requirements kittens need.
Feeding Frequency
Since young cats have high energy requirements but have small diets you might end up feeding kittens more frequently during the day. This is fine, according to pet experts and is considered normal as long as they get the correct amount of nutrition.
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Giving kittens more nutrients than they need is as bad as giving less. Supplementing their diets with vitamins and minerals can lead to adverse health issues. So supplementing diet should be very specific and only given under veterinary guidance.
Perhaps the most critical nutrient there is. Cats, especially kittens should be given purified water at all times. It is a good idea to invest in a pet water dispenser as they also have filtration units within them and keep the water flowing, meaning every sip is met with purified water.
Avoid Raw Diets
Raw liver, fish & eggs may contain harmful bacteria and salmonella, which can lead to fatal diseases. After kittens have been weaned, feeding these items after they have been cooked is absolutely fine. In case of cooked fish, make sure bones are removed from the cooked flesh as the cooked bones can lead to internal injuries.
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gomoringa123 · 1 year
What Is Colostrum? Nutrition, Benefits, and Downsides
The cow secretes a milky fluid after delivering its baby. Bovine colostrum is prepared from this fluid. It promotes gut health, combats germs, and improves immunity. It is safe for everyone. Read More:-
What Is Colostrum? Nutrition, Benefits, and Downsides
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adamfinchley · 1 year
In some of the most recent work, looking into the wonderful world of the human microbiome, a strange phenomena has arisen.
About thirty of the two thousand different gut bacteria, have been discovered to prefer particular prebiotics. The prebiotics are foods that are mostly fibre and need these bacteria to complete the final breakdown.
In other words, these are things like the vegetables and fruit, nuts and whole grains that are always advisable as part of a balanced diet.
And here is the interesting discovery, one of them seems to have disappeared from people from wealthier parts of the world such as the USA and Europe. Wealthier, may be the wrong word. It's mostly countries that eat too much ultra processed food.
Scientists discovered the missing bacteria by noticing the difference between babies poo from all over the world. The women from the USA and Europe generally had babies that have a runny mess, and other parts of the world generally have slightly more solid stools.
After analysing gut microbiome from many thousands of women, the missing bacteria turned out to be bifidobacterium longum infantis.
The purpose of this particular bacteria is to eat the unusually rich glucose content of colostrum. This is the immensely diverse, super fat rich first milk from mothers. It's super- strength bioactive milk that delivers protein, sugars, fat, along with antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses. It also delivers digestive enzymes.
In other words, it gives the baby the best chance of surviving the first few weeks of life.
It's no problem that this bacteria is missing from some new mothers as it simply means that there is nothing to eat it, and it will therefore just pass naturally.
There are a very small number of cows that have never been inoculated with the usual hormones and anti-bacterial drugs, that produce colostrum commercially. The supplement most commonly found is Colostrum (organic-120 capsules) and is popular with athletes.
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It is legally accepted as it is a totally natural product and is not considered to enhance ability.
Colostrum is also at the heart of the immune system. The immune system is about as well-researched as gut microbiome. In other words, there is still a great deal to learn.
Another point made by recent research is almost stating the obvious. But the more we harbour of those super-useful digestive bacteria, the stronger our immune system.
And stress is made upon the importance of variety in food to keep those bacteria busy and multiplying. When nutritionists bang on about five or ten fresh fibre products every day, whether fruit or vegetables, they should not be ignored.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of gut microbiome is further development in the connection between all those trillions of creatures and our brain. This connection is so strong that many professionals consider the two to be as one.
The health of the gut and brain are complimentary. If one isn't happy, it follows that neither is the other.
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colosiggold · 1 year
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You know why colostrum is so special? It's the first thing a mother (cow) produces after giving birth, and for babies, it's essential for building their mucosa and boosting their immune system.
Guess what? Colostrum works wonders for your entire body too! It naturally rebuilds, strengthens, and revitalizes your mucous membranes, making every system perform at its best. It's packed with growth factors, immunoglobulins, and proline-rich polypeptides – a true superfood gifted by nature for ages!
And now, 𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗢𝗦 𝗜𝗴𝗚𝗢𝗟𝗗 brings this goodness to you in the form of all-natural Colostrum Powder. Easy and efficient access to this superfood every day.
Want to know more? Check out the link in our bio!
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kingherbs · 1 year
New Nutritional Fortifier---Inositol
Today we will give you an overview of inositol, an ingredient that has been buried for too long.
What You Need To Know About Inositol
1) Structure and mechanism of action
Inositol is a six-carbon cyclic alcohol. In terms of mechanism, inositol, with the molecular formula C6H12O6, is exactly the same as glucose. It is a slightly sweet sugar, about 50% as sweet as sucrose, a good carbohydrate.
As the precursor of inositol phosphates and lipids, inositol is involved in various life activities of the body, such as growth regulation, biofilm formation and signal transduction, etc. It is an essential nutritional factor for human beings. It has been added as an effective ingredient in functional foods, health foods and drugs according to the 2010 national standards.
Inositol, commonly known as myocardial sugar, is essential for the growth of human beings, animals and microorganisms. The daily dosage of the human body is 1 ~ 2 grams per day. It has similar activity to vitamin B1 and was once classified as a B vitamin. New research shows that the body can make inositol from glucose.
2) Sources
The biggest food sources of inositol are organic whole grains, nuts, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, Lima beans, raisins, and cabbage.
The main source of inositol in infants is breast milk. The content of inositol in human colostrum is about 35.5mg/100mL, the average of mature breast milk is 14mg/100mL, goat milk is 5.3mg/100mL, and cow milk is 2.1mg/100mL. Because the inositol content in cow milk is low, baby formula is usually supplemented with some inositol.
3) Nine isomers
They are Myo-inositol, D-chiro-inositol, L-chiro-nositol, scyllo-inositol, epi-ino-sitol, muco-inositol, allo-inositol, cis-inositol and neo-inositol.
About 99% of inositol in nature is myo-inositol (Myo), and about 1% is D-chiro-inositol (DCI). There are few inositol in other structures. At present, the industry mainly focuses on the research and production of Myo and DCI, and these two inositols can also be converted into each other under the action of epimerase.
Application of D-chiro-inositol
The study of D-chiro-inositol (DCI) is also a hot topic at present. Several studies have shown that it can regulate the function of autonomous follicle development and oocyte quality in patients with polycystic disease.
DCI is a signaling substance involved in insulin signaling in the human body. After taking inositol normally, it will be automatically converted into DCI, which can regulate blood glucose, menstruation and improve PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). Patients with insulin resistance cannot convert to DCI even after taking inositol, so they need to take DCI directly to regulate blood glucose, menstruation, and improve PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).
The mature technology of DCI is derived from carob extract, which is also classified as natural flavor according to regulations. It can be added in various kinds of food according to production requirements, and is commonly used in chocolate, functional candy, beverage, etc.
Application of terminal product
According to the current regulations and applications, inositol is not only a food nutrition fortifier, but also a health food and a medicine. Conventional applications include the following directions:
1)Application of drug
As drugs, there are inositol tablets, Inositol Nicotinate Tablets, and vitamin tablets with inositol added. The indications of inositol tablets are usually described as being used for fatty liver, hepatitis, early cirrhosis and arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, etc.
2)Application of milk powder for special medical purpose 
Special formulas for preterm infants and young children contain twice or more inositol than mature breast milk to meet the infant's demand for inositol, a functional sugar.
As an important nutritional fortifier, inositol is widely added to infant formula food. From the market products, inositol can also be found in most infant formula milk powder.
Inositol can be used as food, health food or medicine. It is also a carbohydrate with special physiological functions.
Although it can be easily found in baby formula, food for special medical purpose and functional food for women, it is only used as a special vitamin at present, and has not been more diversified and comprehensive development and application.
On the whole, the current research on the mechanism and efficacy of inositol at a deeper level is still relatively limited and lacks rich and solid basic research support. In terms of preparation process, inositol preparation process is very simple and there is no barrier, which causes that inositol is not paid attention to. But it is important to note that inositol has an excellent range of applications and no regulatory hurdles, and if companies can study it further, inositol may have a promising future.
article from:New Nutritional Fortifier---Inositol - Kingherbs Limited
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Various Colostrum Milk Powder Benefits 
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Reap Colostrum Milk Powder Benefits! Bovine colostrum is a milky fluid, produced by the mother cow. It contains all sorts of antibodies, including IgA and IgG that set it apart. It is the best solution to prevent infection and inflammation. It also has all essential Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, and Glyconutrients. Moreover, it offers various health benefits.
Colostrum Milk Powder Benefits-
Balances Blood Sugar and Insulin- The colostrum milk powder represses glucose production by beta cells and controls blood sugar levels. It can also lessen the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Improve Immunity- There are many people with a low immune system and they use different types of supplements and other products to develop their immune system. You can now use colostrum milk powder which is rich in protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins. It can aid the baby’s nutrition while boosting the immune system.
Prevent Infections- The best quality colostrum milk powder is a rich source of antibodies. It helps to fight against infection. IgA prevents respiratory infections and IgG protects against gastroenteritis (stomach flu). In some cases, Immunoglobulins aid in fighting against certain types of cancer by stimulating T cells.
Essential Minerals- A colostrum milk powder contains all essential minerals including magnesium and selenium. Usually, the human body is not capable enough to produce these minerals on its own. We normally absorb minerals through diet or supplementation. Undoubtedly, minerals have a great role to play and it aids to metabolize iron and other nutrients. These minerals are also available in different sources like vegetables and fruits. However, you can consume colostrum milk powder for minerals as it is a natural energy source. It contains Vitamins A, B6, B12, and D, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, Fats such as omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), Essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) and omega-3 fatty acids.
Lessen Soreness- Colostrum milk powder lessens inflammation in the body. You must know that Inflammation can cause cancer, heart diseases, and autoimmune diseases, such as arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Lose Weight- Many people want to lose their body weight but don’t find the right and natural way. This is where you can opt for the best colostrum milk powder. It helps to lessen appetite and enables you to reduce your weight faster compared to other products available.
Lessen Your Stress Levels- Many people take much stress owing to various reasons in life that leads to poor sleep. The best colostrum milk powder contains the stress hormone cortisol which aids in preventing stress-related diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and so on. It also improves your blood circulation and muscle recovery.
If you are serious about long-term weight loss, then you must consider this remedy which is considered a tasty tool for your body. If we will explain the potential advantages of this milk powder, it includes inch loss, high energy levels, tightening of the skin, and better mental clarity. You can also take it as a healthy meal replacement option which is great for protein intake and boosting energy levels and maintaining sugar levels in your body, and supplying vital amounts of vitamins and minerals.
To know more about Colostrum Milk Powder Benefits, visit www.totalcolostrum.co.nz
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huyentram95 · 2 years
Unwell baby cow lies on the ground all alone up until canine comes to aid
When Lewis the orphan child cow came to The Gentle Barn, he was sick and defending his life. Skies the treatment canine was one of the keys to Lewis’ fast healing.
In 2020, the Gentle Barn, started by Ellie Laks and also Jay Weiner, took on a calf bone, who had just become an orphan.
They had actually rescued him from a slaughterhouse, where his mother did not endure.
He was only a week old. They named him John Lewis Thunderheart because he was likewise a boxer.
When Lewis got to The Mild Barn, he had not been in the most effective of wellness.
” He had serious pneumonia. He had loud, raspy breathing. He had a deep cough. He had an extremely heat,” Ellie claimed.
And due to the demanding atmosphere he was born in, Lewis did not get adequate colostrum to construct a stronger body immune system. That’s why when he got pneumonia, he defended his life.
They knew he would not have the ability to survive living in the barn so they brought him inside their cool residence. He needed a tidy as well as great environment and this way, they’ll be able to care for him 24/7.
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pravalika · 2 years
Global Bovine Colostrum Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
The Global Bovine Colostrum market is estimated to be $229.4 million in 2021 growing at a CAGR of 3.8% over the forecast period 2022-2027. Bovine Colostrum is a milky liquid produced by cows' udder during the first few days after birth before genuine milk appears. Proteins, carbs, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and antibodies (proteins that fight disease-causing agents like bacteria and viruses) are all found in it. Colostrum antigen levels can be 100 times higher than those found in conventional cow's milk. Owing to their amino acid composition and excellent protein digestibility, particularly of whey proteins, milk proteins are considered a "complete protein" source, while colostrum has higher quantities of immunoglobulins, which are less digestible. Carbohydrates in Bovine Colostrum include lactose, oligosaccharides, glycolipids, glycoproteins, and nucleotide sugars, according to NCBI. Lactose is the most common saccharide in Bovine Colostrum, accounting for approximately 2.5 percent of the total, which is lower than in mature bovine milk or human milk. According to recent studies, bovine milk includes oligosaccharides that are similar to HMO, implying a similar protective effect and driving the Global Bovine Colostrum industry.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Global Bovine Colostrum market – Forecast (2022-2027)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Global Bovine Colostrum market.
By Form: Powder, Liquid, Capsules, Others
By Application:  Dietary Supplements, Pharmaceuticals, Nutritional supplements, Infant Formulas, Sports Nutrition, Cosmetics, Animal Nutrition, Others
By Distribution Channel: Online Channels, Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Others
By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, United Kingdom (U.K.), France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, and Rest of Asia Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Rest of South America), and Rest of the World (the Middle East, and Africa).
Key Takeaways
Bovine colostrum is in high demand owing to an increase in the use of dietary supplements. The manufacturing of bovine colostrum products is also being driven by the rising occurrence of immunodeficiency illnesses among children.
Colostrum is being used more frequently in newborn foods, cosmetics, and dietary supplements, which is driving increasing demand.
Increased use of Bovine colostrum by pregnant women and diabetic patients for immune system development is boosting the market growth.
Manufacturers are creating Bovine colostrum products in various forms, including capsules and chewable pills, to meet the demand, which has been steadily expanding.
Detailed analysis on the Strength, Weaknesses, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Global Bovine Colostrum Market report.
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Global Bovine Colostrum Market Segment Analysis – By Form:
The Global Bovine Colostrum market based on Form can be further segmented into Powder, Liquid, Capsules, Others. The tablet sector held a dominant market share in the year 2021. Bovine Colostrum helps babies and newborn animals grow and thrive, but studies show that taking bovine colostrum tablets can boost immunity, combat infections, and enhance gastrointestinal health in adults. Supplements containing bovine colostrum have grown in popularity in recent years owing to their potential to boost immunity, combat infection, and enhance gastrointestinal health. However, the Liquid form sector is predicted to grow at a faster rate with a CAGR of 4.2% over the forecast period of 2022-2027. Some dairy products, such as yogurt, cheese, and kefir, now use liquid bovine colostrum as an ingredient. Several studies are focusing on the manufacture of dairy meals with the addition of bovine colostrum to assure its acceptability for human consumption. Bovine colostrum added to dairy products is claimed to provide a better and healthier product for humans. In the context of yogurt manufacturing, the inclusion of bovine colostrum enhanced total protein content, total solids, IgG, lactoferrin, and minerals when compared to standard yogurt.
Global Bovine Colostrum Market Segment Analysis – By Application:
The Global Bovine Colostrum market based on Application can be further segmented into Dietary Supplements, Pharmaceuticals, Nutritional supplements, Infant Formulas, Sports Nutrition, Cosmetics, Animal Nutrition, Others. Dietary Supplements held a dominant market share in the year 2021. Bovine colostrum supplements are widely advertised for the treatment of a variety of maladies and disorders. As a result, enterprises in the market landscape are expanding their dietary supplement production capacities. This explains why the dietary supplements end-use sector in the bovine colostrum market is expected to create the highest market share. As a result, companies are stepping up their research efforts to include enough immunoglobulins in dietary supplements to help improve the human digestive tract. However, the Cosmetics sector is predicted to grow at a faster rate with a CAGR of 4.5% over the forecast period of 2022-2027. Bovine colostrum is a prominent ingredient in various skin care products targeted at reducing skin irritation and indications of age in the beauty and cosmetics business. Bovine colostrum, when used in cosmetics, has antimicrobial properties and illuminates the skin. For example, Viveza Holding's MCE Pharma announced the debut of a complete line of premium cosmetics, food & dietary supplements, and capsules containing Bovine colostrum as a significant ingredient.
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Global Bovine Colostrum Market Drivers
Rising Usage of Bovine Colostrum By Athletes is fueling the market growth
The market is developing owing to the increasing usage of bovine colostrum by athletes, which helps to minimize upper respiratory tract and intestinal damage. Furthermore, colostrum improves an athlete's general immune system and is becoming a popular nutritional supplement among athletes. As a result, rising consumption of bovine colostrum by athletes is expected to drive colostrum market growth throughout the forecast period. According to NCBI, bovine colostrum has been shown to improve endurance cycling performance and enhance recovery from an acute exercise session, it may be beneficial to athletes who are doing high-intensity training (HIT) on consecutive days or competing with little rest time between sessions. A reduction in exercise duration to fatigue at 110% of anaerobic threshold, a decrease in submaximal exercise heart rate, and a lowering in the anaerobic threshold have all been linked to HIT periods in athletes.
Global Bovine Colostrum Market Challenges
Lack of Awareness regarding Benefits of Colostrum Products is Hindering the Market Growth.
Colostrum's market expansion is projected to be hampered by a lack of awareness about the benefits of colostrum products. Furthermore, there are just a few groups linked with this industry, such as the European Colostrum Industry, that work to raise consumer knowledge and dispel myths about colostrum products. This factor is stifling market expansion. Owing to the huge number of manufacturers in the industry, the intense rivalry is expected to limit the growth of the colostrum market. Owing to fierce rivalry, a new player's entry into the market and prospective opportunity remain a challenge. This aspect is predicted to hinder market expansion. However, innovative product launches by players may support market growth. For instance, in 2018, Biochem Additives located in Germany launched a new product in its offerings-B.I.O.Ig Energy 15% Bovine Colostrum Powders. 
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Global Bovine Colostrum Industry Outlook
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the Global Bovine Colostrum market. The top 10- Global Bovine Colostrum market companies are-
APS Biogroup
Biostrum Nutritech Pvt. Ltd.
La Belle, Inc.
Sterling Technology
Good Health NZ Products Ltd.
The Saskatoon Colostrum Co. Ltd.
NIG Nutritionals Limited
Ingredia Nutritional
Cuprem Inc.
Biotaris B.V
Recent Developments
In May 2021, Surat District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Limited (SUMUL) announced the launch of a 'cow colostrum powder' to strengthen the immunity of Covid-19 patients in India, dubbed 'Sumul Immune Powder'.
In April 2021, Kiylos Nutrition established a relationship with Pantheryx to represent its premium brand and add bovine colostrum to their product offering.
In November 2019, PanTheryx, a biotechnology company, stated that its wholly-owned subsidiary APS Biogroup has reached a multimillion-dollar partnership with Vita Dairy, the leading Vietnamese nutritional dairy manufacturer.
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