esinahkabanjo · 2 years
Please give me names that start with Cow, my previous sims cats were cowson and cowlene but now im all out of names D::
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thefieldtripgang · 1 year
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Bessie Cowson is sorta curious about you
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anime-captured · 6 years
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saltytothecore · 6 years
@freebooter4ever replied to your post “I lied, I’m also prepared to die on the hovercycle hill, because...”
oh my god thank you. i mean im on board with the cool factor of the hover motorcycle but. still
they don’t fucking make sense. they’re worse jet skis.
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champloo-cafe · 7 years
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Oh man, those two sprays for Fareeha and Jesse from the artbook, just imagine. Imagine Jesse trying to teach Fareeha to shoot pistol. Ana’s already drilled the basics with her, has done for years. Firearms safety is second nature for Fareeha. She’s got respectable rifle scores for a novice (her targets, with tight groupings in the 10-ring, decorate the refrigerator in Ana’s quarters).
Jesse checks out a revolver from the quartermaster. Strictly speaking, it’s against the rules to check a weapon out for another person, but it’s Captain Amari’s daughter. He already collects reprimands like baseball cards and Captain’ll give him top cover if anyone bitches too much. He gets a smaller caliber than his own sidearm. The last thing he wants is to send Fareeha home with scar between her eyes if she fucks up her recoil management.
Fareeha has her own ear and eye-pro, top quality stuff, but Jesse inspects it anyway. He learned without, but his mama could only afford small caliber rounds and they weren’t that loud. They shot outside, aiming at tin cans in the wide open desert, not an echoing indoor range. Still, no sense in risking hearing damage.
Fareeha’s not used to this no-nonsense Jesse. Her mom’s protege is usually a pain in the ass, always teasing her or trying to piss her off. On the range he’s steady, where normally he’s twitchy, always looking over his own shoulder like he’ll need to bolt. She knows a little about his history, bits he’s let slip and things her mom has told her trying to explain his behavior. Plenty of people would be scared of a man like Jesse with a gun in his hand, but she’s not, and that’s not just bravado. She knows him well enough to know she’s as safe with him as she is with her mom or Uncle Jack or Uncle Gabe. Even if he is a dick sometimes.
Jesse makes her aim with the gun unloaded, lets her get a feel for the weight, corrects her form. He fumbles with his words, but the gentle prodding of her arms and shoulders is sure. He knows what she needs to do. Then he makes her load the revolver, and stands behind her, looking over her shoulder as she squeezes the trigger for the first time.
“Yer heelin’“ he mumbles. “It don’t kick you that bad, don’t try’ta catch it.”
She breathes out slow, trying to focus. She doesn’t try to anticipate the gun recoiling this time. The next round hits closer to the center of the target. She collects herself and aims again, the recoil having bucked the sights out of alignment.
The next shot is better, the one after that worse. The next two hit on opposite sides in the seven ring. Jesse claps both hands on her shoulders, shaking gently.
“That’s damn good for a newjack!”
“You’re just saying that.” Fareeha sets the gun down on the table.
“Psh, when do I ever cut’cha any slack?”
Never is when. They shoot through the rest of the box, and Jesse goes to get more, grinning. He pushes the target out further, helps her compensate for the added distance.
Ana finds the two of them still in the range past dinner. She watches from the door, unapologetically fond, and snaps a picture on her phone. These targets end up on her fridge with the others.
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wet-raccoon · 8 years
Things I have in common with Mccree
- bad fashion sense - tries my best - “I have a mighty thirst” - loud
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akathecentimetre · 5 years
Hey you’re that really awesome cool person that wrote “Then it more steadfast will endure”! I know it was a while ago but I just wanted to tell you how much I loved reading that piece! It’s one of my fav goldgraves fics out there and I just love your writing style. I’ve read it at least 3 times and well, if you ever decide to continue the fic, I’d be so happy to read more!
Thank you so much, dear anon! A second (& hopefully more) sections of this fic are most definitely on my to-do list, and I even have parts of the next chapter written. Life has been a [good] rollercoaster recently and finding the time & energy to really sit down and focus on the Writing Trance has been difficult, but I have no intention of abandoning it forever. The reaction to it so far has been incredibly kind, and a source of great cheer to me. To tide you over, here’s a little snippet of what might be coming up...
“I hadn’t heard that phrase before,” she murmurs, hidingher face for a moment in the Scotch.
“Very particular, it was,” Theseus says, grinning, stillstaring at Graves. “How many of you were there in your first half-platoon?”
“Eleven, including myself,” Graves says, glancing away atthe fire. “Six, by the end.”
“There you are, then, Ms. Goldstein,” Theseus says.“There are six idiots left in the world who’ve given themselves that pithylittle excuse for explaining away their nightmares.”
“Have a care, Scamander,” Graves says, his humor rich andwarm above the exhaustion, “or I’ll tell her about Hill 70.”
“You utter cowson,” Scamander retorts; his eyes are assharp as his body, in his armchair, is studiously languid.
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jacobmuller · 7 years
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Happy holidays from the Amari family and their adopted cowson.
Pharah is @celinedaqueen
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graymalkyn · 7 years
(If anybody wants to know what I’m like in real life, that video up there is -sadly- a good example XD - Also, I loved they changed Lawson to Cowson.)
Out of all the series I watched this week, Netojuu no Susume (”Recommendation of the Wonderful Virtual Life”) is my favorite one, closely followed by Just Because! - both are slice-of-life, but this one is a comedy. Moriko is an elite NEET - that is, someone who’s worked hard so as to save enough money to retire early in life. She tries out this new MMO, Fruits de Mer, and she creates an ikemen called Hayashi as her avatar. There, s/he meets Lily, a friendly healer who joins Hayashi in his quests. Lily’s player, however, might not be the gentle girl Moriko imagines she is... 
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I think Net is supposed to have 10 episodes, so it’s one of those short-and-sweet series. Also, super relatable, at least to me....;;;;;;
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traitorinthemidst · 7 years
Nosce te ipsum - Know Thyself
He disliked being on the water. He disliked traveling away from the indulgences of Cair Paravel and that of which the surrounding areas held for him. With except in events of battles, great adventures, or something that allowed him to use his sharp tongue and mind, of course. But most of all Edmund Pevensie, King of Narnia, Duke of the Lantern Wastes, Count of the Western Marsh, and Knight of the Highest Order of the Table disliked having to travel without a companion to take along with him. However, if there was one good thing to come of this inane escapade, he wasn’t traveling to Calormen while alone. Edmund disliked Calormen more than he disliked being on the water. It wasn’t that Edmund loathed solitude; he actually found he was able to concentrate on his tasks better alone. The problem was that he often kept himself in seclusion too much and for far too long, cutting himself off to the point of overwork and becoming useless to even himself. Someone, or something, like Lucy or Peter or his favorite tavern, that held both drinks and people he enjoyed the company of, were always able to pull him away from his work. Being on a sea voyage meant that he only found amusement in what was there, and what was there was often predictable. Board games, the same conversations (that mostly consisted of gossip), and stories of lands and people he’d already seen were those predictable things found on the sea. And the young king preferred things that were a little more unpredictable.
The Eastern Sea was clear and smooth, and Edmund was thankful the journey was short—a mere 2 days at sea. They would land at the port town of Fecuria before night’s time, and Edmund could find the first establishment that served alcohol that wasn’t on the ship in his cabin. Just one drink was all he’d allow himself, but it would be a stiff one. After that he was to set about his business, meeting with the Duke of Galma, whom Edmund called “Your Graceless Cowson” when not in the company of the man.
The youngest of the Kings of Narnia had set sail to Galma Island to propose the increased export of horses readied for battle. Boring, yes, but Edmund had lost a round of cards with his older brother, High King Peter. In winning, Peter had set off to the front on reminding the giants who they had pleaded their allegiance to, and in losing, Edmund had set sail to Galma Island to engage in polite squabble with the Duke. In the end, Edmund knew Peter was better suited for the task of dealing with the less competent minds of the giants with his brute force, titles, and contract in hand. And the arrangement of getting the horses would allow Edmund a swifter journey back home to be home surrounded by the indulgences he enjoyed.
“Land Ahoy!” A call from the man in the masts was a welcomed sound to the King’s ears. Rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands, Edmund stretched his arms over his head as he could feel the vibration of life from the crew almost instantly come into full swing as if no lull had gone by. --------
Docking at the port was a chore, as all Edmund wanted to do was stride off the wooden planks of the docks, onto the cobblestone streets, and into the closest tavern. But he was just as much a part of the crew as any of the sailors, and so he would only be the first off after all tasks were complete. Still, he’d already spied out the sign that read, ‘Port of Call’ which seemed to hold a bit of irony in the name, while tying off a rope on the starboard.
When he finally made his way toward the tavern, the young King crossed paths with a rather flushed man in court attire, the Duke’s valet. The man was heavier set, with stunted limbs, and held his hands clasped together as he approached and spoke to Edmund. Much to Edmund’s distaste, the words and actions pulled Edmund away from the doors of the tavern and he was following the valet toward the hideously, gaudy manor of the Duke. As the out-of-breath man spoke to Edmund, it quickly became apparent that the Duke hadn’t expected their arrival until the morning.
“The Duke is pre-occupied in his office with business, but I am having some tea and cakes brought out to the private seaside gardens and beach for Your Majesty.” The valet bowed his head lowly and Edmund had been reminded of the supposed cruelty of the Duke of Galma he’d heard through rumors. The most unfortunate circumstance was that neither Edmund nor any of his siblings had ever been able to properly catch such an acts of cruelty to deem punishment on the Duke. However, Edmund could see the tales of abuse in the deepness of the valet’s courtesies.
“Gin and cucumber sandwiches instead. It’s been a long trip, my friend.”
That was to say that Edmund hadn’t gotten his drink at the tavern, and wasn’t letting up on it. After making the short trip to and through the manor, Edmund was left outside on a grand patio overlooking a private beach, the sun setting under the horizon. He perched on the railing pondering over the possible distant lands stretched out over the Eastern Sea that no one had thus found. At that thought, he was thinking of what he could suggest to his siblings they might call the island or land. He then caught a glimpse of a silhouette on the beach. This was the Duke’s private beach. Who could have possibly been allowed the privilege?
“You there!”
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Edmund called out, not forceful or sternly, but inquisitively. The person was too far out to be seen properly, but the clothing read as male from this far away.
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newtypezaku · 7 years
twotommyolivers replied to your post “twotommyolivers replied to your photoset ...”
True. Also, no roofies, but the implication of sex was there. I'd probably give it a 4, which is still being a shithead and committing a fireable offense if noticed by the wrong people.
Yeah, that’s fair.
When you strip away the context, Moriko has to deal with some icky stuff. Like, the scene in the Cowson where Koiwai is chatting her up and badgers her into giving him her phone number, all while she’s visibly uncomfortable, only works because the universe constrains his intentions with the parameters, “this is a romantic comedy where they all play MMOs.” 
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anime-captured · 6 years
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Cowson Market
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saltytothecore · 6 years
cryptidhanzoshimada replied to your post: I started listening to within the wires again, and...
you say bringing in Gabe acting like a wrathful father like its a bad thing but i dont see the downside to that
Overprotective Goth Dad burns down mad scientist lab, takes cowson out for ice cream before delivering him to high strung, worried boyfriend.
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clueingforbeggs · 5 years
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So I was watching something about Top Of The Pops. The songs in question are ‘Oliver’s army’ and ‘Gertcha’, which has the word ‘Cowson’. 
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kidzbopmallcop · 7 years
Reaper: Don’t talk to me, my cowson, my xbox son, my depressed daughter, or my vaporwave daughter ever again. 
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