hanban371213 · 2 months
last book1 hooray
good evening Hannah nation, finaly i got to the last book necessary for the exam. which also happens to be the most boring to me personaly, since it covers a FUCK ton of topics but with not much depth, quantity over quality. full context on the first post, check the first tag
Book 9 - Geoestrategic changes, political tensions and socio-cultural transformations in the modern world
Part 1 - The end of the international system of the Cold War and the persistence of the North-South dichotomy
With the Soviet system deteriorating Mikhail Gorbachov decides to restructure the economic model of the USSR, decentralizing it and promoting the private sector. These measures are known as the perestroika, and they also had a political side to it, the glasnost, meant to mix Democracy and Socialism.
However these changes came too late, as the built-up tension of decades of supression, suddenly blow up with the slight opening of the USSR. The country implodes, with the various soviet republics declaring independence. The Eastern Bloc and the Berlin Wall both fall, and the Warsaw Pact and the COMECON are dissolved. Russia's transition to a capitalist market economy ends up being disastrous, with the economy rapidly deteriorating, with most of the population getting poorer, while a very small group becomes rich very quickly.
The fall of the USSR and the Soviet Bloc mark the end of the Cold War, and alongside the USA's economic prosperity, technological advancements and military supremacy, they become the sole hegemonic power. They went around militarly intervening on all conflicts, imposing and securing their own interests, becoming known as "cops of the world"
With the creationg of the European Union, Europe becomes a grand economic power, on par with the USA and China, making it very influencial and giving it a voice in international affairs. They expanded with the fall of the eastern bloc, created a single large unified market, a single coin, second most important, and a single unified European citizenship.
In Asia various countries, starting with Japan, rapidly developed, most notably China under Deng Xiaoping who, after the failure of maoism, liberalized the Chinese coastline and integrated the country in international economic organizations, turning China into the second world power. And with the anexation of the ex-colonies of Macau and Hong Kong, European dominion over Asia finaly ends.
After the Cold War, ethnic, religious and nationalistic tensions remained persistent around the world. Near the USSR, the invasion of Chechnya, the Yugoslav wars and the current invasion of Ukraine; in Africa, due to the made up borders by the Europeans, different religious and ethnic groups were grouped together, or split apart, leading to violence, civil wars and massacres; and in the Middle East, especialy due to British and unitedstatian intervention, instability only grew, leading to extremist groups such as ISIS.
Part 2 - The turning of a new age
Due to the oil crisis in the 70s, the "Thirty Glorious Years" officialy end, as inflation and monetary instability take place. As a result, the welfare-states and intervencionist policies no longer become financialy possible and a new economic model, neoliberalism, reducing the State's intervention to the minimum possible and heavily liberalizing the economy. This led to increased economic development, however it's also responsible for an increase in economic inequality, worldwide recessions, worsens the social situation, and is also blamed for climate change.
The world nowadays faces many problems. Migrations, caused either because of wars and conflicts, or due to natural disasters caused by climate change, that mostly affect third world countries. There are many issues relating with Security, be it due to terrorism, cyberatacks, or the persistance of nuclear threat. And in the Environment, such as polution, soil degradation, and global warming.
With multinational companies all over the world selling standardized products, and the development of technologies that facilitate international communications and the spread of information, interests and life styles become homogenized across the whole world. The rise of the internet affects all aspects of life, and also facilitate the spread of misinformation and fake news, making digital literacy very important.
Part 3 - Portugal in the new international framework.
With the Portuguese integration in the EU and the funds that came with it the Portuguese economy was able to develop for a while, but with the adhesion to the Euro, the single market, and with the following restrictions on agriculture and fishing, the Portuguese economy starts to decline. Portugal has had significant prestige and respect by other nations, having had 4 presidents of the European Council be Portuguese, and many Portuguese people being chosen for high level jobs at an European and international scale. Portugal also maintains good relations and cooperation with it's ex-colonies through the CPLP(Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa).
and that is all, im done studying, if anyone finds any of these posts i hopeyou have fun reading about history
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nimbartgallery · 3 months
Ninguém o supera nas denúncias do lamaçal guineense - Recensão da obra «OS CAMINHOS DA MORTE».
Por Mário Beja Santos Há uns anos, conheci este escritor corajoso graças ao livro “Maré branca em Bulínia”, uma quase metáfora muito bem engendrada e com subtil arquitetura da escrita, a revelação nua e crua do narcotráfico na Guiné-Bissau. Manuel da Costa é um engenheiro-escritor que tem um percurso imparável, formou-se no Instituto Superior de Agronomia em Lisboa, é mecânico de eletricidade e…
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i-iip · 5 months
1997 | J.E.Agualusa :: Nação Crioula
"... sob a mudez de um mármore."
🇦🇴: Bengo; Cabinda; Ingombota; Novo Redondo: Quisala; Calumbo; Quanza; Mossâmedes; Quiloango;
🇧🇷: Ambriz; Quissembo; Capibaribe, Beberibe, Pina; Rio Seriji; Cajaíba; Niteroi;
12. palhabotes; Cubata; Quimbombo; canoas de bimba; Cacussos; Quissangua; Amazónia: Alto Xingu; farinha bombó; feiijão cabulo; engalanar; brigue; semba; esparrela; entomofagia; canoras; cabalas; manipanso; maka [contenda]; vaticínio; falua;
14. corveta; mazurca; vociferar
16. senzala; escaramuças; guerreiros nagô; maometanos; lânguidos; <€ escravos Moçambique; < adaptabilidade escravos Gabão: suicidio, depressão; dança cucumbis/congadas; belbutina; quimbanda; vicariato; cercanias; Johann Moritz Rugendas;
18. Cajaíba; Newxastle-on-Tyne; opróbrio; Champ-Élysées; Rua do Ouvidor; rebita; Ópera fo Charles Gamier; Oďéon; chofre; mucamas;
19. iemanjá; quiandas;
20. Cagliostro; Quinta Saragoça; caleche;
22. nefelibata;
"Entre o cavalheiro melancólico de Jourre, minha gentil madrinha, e o remoto canibal do Alto Amazonas, não existe séria divergência moral, apenas gastronómica."
24. fleumático;
25. cafrealizam; Verney Lovett Cameron_Across África; bacilo de Koch; nédios;
"Nós, Portugueses, estamos en África por esquecimento: esquecimento do nosso governo e esquecimento dos governos das grandes potências."
26. molecas; escaler; organdi; mácula; jinguba; cuamatos; buschmen; Ondurman; salsugem;
27. quimbundu; tripanossomiase; cabiro; Samotrácia; hiatos; profusão; cuamato; mogno; musseques; calunga; sabiá; Lei Áurea; Balzac;
"Uma pedra debaixo de água não sabe que está a chover."
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guineamarket · 2 years
Frederico Pinheiro da Silva, embajador de Portugal en Guinea Ecuatorial visita BANGE Business School
Frederico Pinheiro da Silva, embajador de Portugal en Guinea Ecuatorial visita BANGE Business School @bangeoficial, @BangeBSchool, @EmpresasGuinea
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astratv · 2 years
Ισχυρά οικονομικά αποτελέσματα από την Capital Product Partners
Πολύ μεγάλη άνοδο κατά 393% κατέγραψαν τα κέρδη της Capital Product Partners (CPLP), συμφερόντων της Οικογένειας Βαγγέλη Μαρινάκη, το τρίτο τρίμηνο του 2022. Ειδικότερα η εισηγμένη στον Nasdaq ναυτιλιακή εταιρεία, πραγματοποίησε καθαρά κέρδη 58,7 εκατ. δολάρια έναντι 11,9 εκατ. δολαρίων την αντίστοιχα περυσινή περίοδο, με τα κέρδη ανά μετοχή να διαμορφώνονται στα 2,9 δολάρια. Την ίδια περίοδο τα…
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richardmurrayhumblr · 2 years
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The reality is countries in Africa are still trying to figure out how to live between the empires of foreigners https://aalbc.com/tc/profile/6477-richardmurray/?status=2146&type=status #rmaalbc
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rodadecuia · 2 years
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hatutannews · 2 months
MNEK ho Sekretáriu Ezekutivu CPLP Diskute Preparasaun bá Reuniaun Konsellu Ministru CPLP
Hatutan.com, (13 Jullu 2024), Díli- Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun (MNEK), Bendito dos Santos Freitas, Sesta (12/07/2024), hala’o enkontru kortezia ida ho Sekretáriu Ezekutivu Comunidos dos Países da Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), Zacarias Albano da Costa, hodi ko’alia kona-bá preparasaun ba enkontru anuál Konsellu Ministru CPLP ne’ebé sei hala’o iha loron 19 fulan-Jullu, tinan ne’e, iha…
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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World Portuguese Language Day
Many would agree that Portuguese is one of the most melodious languages on Earth. It is a language spoken by millions of people worldwide. It brings together millions of people from all corners of the globe in one unity.
World Portuguese Language Day, celebrated on May 5th each year, is a vibrant occasion dedicated to the Portuguese language and culture. It aims to celebrate the rich linguistic and cultural heritage shared by Portuguese-speaking countries around the globe​​​​.
This day isn’t just any day. It’s a tribute to the rich culture, history, and, of course, the beautiful Portuguese language that connects diverse nations and peoples. Picture this: music that moves your soul, stories that take you on adventures, and art that dazzles your eyes – all thanks to the Portuguese language.
But why May 5th, you ask? Well, it’s all about marking a moment in history when the CPLP ministers first got together in 2005.
They chose this day to symbolize their unity and the shared heritage that binds them. Fast forward to today, and we see people from all over the world – Brazil to Mozambique, Portugal to East Timor – coming together to showcase the splendor of the Portuguese language through music, literature, and so much more​​​​.
So, whether you’re a fluent speaker, a curious learner, or just someone who appreciates the beauty of diverse cultures, World Portuguese Language Day is your invitation to explore and celebrate the wonders of the Portuguese-speaking world. Are you ready to be part of this global fiesta? Let’s make it a day to remember!
History of World Portuguese Language Day
World Portuguese Language Day has an interesting story that began not too long ago. In 2009, a group of countries where people speak Portuguese decided to start a special day.
They chose May 5th for a very cool reason. It was to remember a significant meeting in 2005, where culture ministers from these countries gathered​​​​.
The idea was to celebrate these nations’ Portuguese language and rich cultures. This language connects countries across oceans, from Brazil in South America to Mozambique in Africa and several others. Imagine, over 265 million people speak Portuguese worldwide​​.
Then, in 2019, something big happened. UNESCO, an important global organization that oversees culture and education, said, “Let’s make this official.” They declared May 5th as World Portuguese Language Day to highlight the importance of Portuguese as a global language​​​​.
Since then, every year on May 5th, people celebrate with music, literature readings, and lots of cultural events.
These celebrations happen worldwide, showing how the Portuguese language brings people together. It’s a day that celebrates not just a language but a bridge between diverse cultures and histories​​​​.
This day reminds us of how languages can unite us. It’s a celebration of shared identity and heritage. Whether you speak Portuguese or just love learning about different cultures, World Portuguese Language Day is a day of global unity and joy.
How to Celebrate World Portuguese Language Day
Celebrating World Portuguese Language Day is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the rich culture and history of Portuguese-speaking countries. Here are some fun and engaging ways to mark the occasion.
Start by learning some Portuguese phrases, focusing on greetings and common expressions to connect with the language. Then, cook a traditional Portuguese dish like pastéis de nata or bacalhau, which are staples of their cuisine.
Dive into Portuguese culture by listening to Fado music, known for its emotional depth. Watch a movie from a Portuguese-speaking country to experience their unique storytelling. Explore the language further by reading a poem or short story from a Portuguese-speaking author, immersing yourself in the language’s nuances.
Attend a cultural event or join a language exchange to meet Portuguese speakers and learn about their culture. Finally, share your journey with friends on social media, whether it’s a new word, thoughts on a Portuguese song, or a movie you enjoyed.
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nimbartgallery · 1 year
Autor(a), Nelvina Barreto A Esperança é sagrada!!! Excerto de Prefácio de Augusta Henriques Integrando uma centena de pequenos artigos de opinião em forma de crónicas, este livro constitui uma espécie de diagnóstico do estado da nação e, simultaneamente, lições de boa-governação, que poderiam fazer parte de um guia de boas-práticas de governança para a democracia e o desenvolvimento…
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zodiacdeathvalley · 2 years
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🩸Thanks to @buzzbandsla for having us @harvardandstone last week. And to @swyndle.la and @showlist.la for throwing the Lou Reed b day party. 🩸 🎥 @buzzbandsla 🌿 📸 @lashowshots 📿 Mixing and filming now Back soon x🖤x (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cplp-sXv1yF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jornaldeluandanews · 5 months
Relações Diplomáticas Fortalecidas Entre Angola e Arábia Saudita
LUANDA, NOTÍCIAS DE ANGOLA — Nos últimos anos, as relações entre Angola e a Arábia Saudita têm se fortalecido significativamente. O estabelecimento das relações diplomáticas entre os dois países ocorreu em 2007, e desde então, houve um aumento notável na cooperação bilateral.
Em 2021, Angola abriu uma embaixada em Riade, capital da Arábia Saudita, marcando um marco importante na parceria entre as nações. Agora, a Arábia Saudita está planejando nomear um embaixador para Angola, solidificando ainda mais os laços diplomáticos.
No entanto, algumas tensões podem estar afetando o processo. Ainda não foi selecionado um local específico para a embaixada saudita em Angola, o que pode estar causando atrasos. Apesar disso, espera-se que a nomeação do embaixador seja um passo significativo para fortalecer os laços econômicos, culturais e políticos entre os dois países.
Essa parceria bilateral é crucial para promover o entendimento mútuo, a cooperação comercial e o intercâmbio cultural. À medida que Angola e a Arábia Saudita continuam a trabalhar juntas, podemos esperar mais avanços positivos nessa relação diplomática promissora.
Relações Diplomáticas Fortalecidas Entre Angola e Arábia Saudita é um texto exclusivo do Jornal de Luanda News — A cópia é proibida.
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Brazil: Immigration Pathways for Citizens of Portuguese-Speaking Countries Forthcoming
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Brazil has introduced two immigration pathways for eligible citizens of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) to live and work in Brazil for up to two years.
The first pathway is a consular-issued Temporary Visa available to foreign nationals of certain professions or who will conduct certain activities in Brazil. The second is an in-country Residence Authorization available to any national of CPLP countries who is in Brazil.
Both immigration pathways will open on October 2, 2023.
Continue reading.
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vincentbarletta1 · 1 year
Unveiling the Essence of Lusophone: A Journey Through Language and Culture
In a world of diverse languages and cultures, the term "Lusophone" holds a unique significance beyond mere linguistic connections. Derived from "Lusitania," the ancient Roman province that encompassed parts of modern-day Portugal and Spain, "Lusophone" refers to the countries, communities, and cultural spheres united by the Portuguese language. This linguistic thread binds regions with rich histories, intricate traditions, and shared aspirations, creating a fascinating tapestry that spans continents and epochs.
The Lusophone Network: A Global Perspective
The Lusophone community is not limited to Portugal and its immediate neighbors; it encompasses a constellation of countries and territories with historical ties to Portuguese colonialism and exploration. Prominent members include Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe, and East Timor. Additionally, regions like Macau in China and Goa in India, which bear the marks of Portuguese influence, contribute to the intricate fabric of Lusophone heritage. This sprawling network demonstrates the far-reaching impact of Portuguese exploration and colonization.
The Power of Language as a Cultural Link
The Portuguese language is the cornerstone of the Lusophone identity, creating a shared bond that transcends borders and historical legacies. This linguistic connection enables meaningful communication, exchange of ideas, and artistic collaboration among nations that might otherwise have little in common. It fosters a sense of unity and familiarity, allowing Lusophone communities to appreciate each other's cultural nuances and engage in cross-cultural dialogue.
Cultural Diversity within the Lusophone World
While the Lusophone community shares a linguistic foundation, its diversity is evident in its myriad cultural expressions. Each member nation brings its unique traditions, music, cuisine, and ways of life to the collective table. From the vibrant rhythms of Brazilian samba and the rhythmic beats of Angolan kuduro to the melancholic melodies of Portuguese fado, the Lusophone world pulsates with a kaleidoscope of artistic diversity. This cultural mosaic is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Lusophone societies as they have evolved.
Historical Legacy and Contemporary Dynamics
The historical legacy of colonialism is a complex facet of the Lusophone identity. While it has left indelible marks on societies and cultures, it has also been a source of introspection, reconciliation, and growth. Many Lusophone countries have embraced their diverse heritage and worked to address past injustices, fostering a spirit of unity and cooperation. These nations have navigated their unique paths to independence and development, often overcoming challenges through collaboration and shared experiences.
Lusophone in the Modern Context
In the modern world, the concept of Lusophone continues to evolve. The Portuguese language is a gateway to international partnerships, trade, and diplomacy, providing a platform for Lusophone nations to engage with the global community. Organizations like the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) facilitate cooperation among member states, promoting cultural exchange, education, and sustainable development. This collaborative spirit extends to various fields, including science, technology, and the arts, reinforcing the ties that bind the Lusophone community.
Preservation and Innovation: Balancing Tradition and Progress
Preserving cultural heritage while embracing innovation is a delicate balancing act for Lusophone nations. A forward-looking approach to economic and social development complements efforts to safeguard traditional practices, languages, and art forms. For example, countries like Brazil have blended their rich cultural heritage with advancements in technology and industry, leading to a unique fusion of tradition and modernity.
The term "Lusophone" encapsulates far more than a shared language; it embodies a living testament to the interplay between history, culture, and human connections. The Lusophone community showcases the potential for unity amidst diversity, with a linguistic thread that spans continents and fosters mutual understanding. While rooted in a complex history, the Lusophone world is marked by resilience, creativity, and collaboration. As it navigates the complexities of the modern era, the Lusophone identity remains a vibrant tapestry that weaves together the stories, dreams, and aspirations of diverse peoples who share a common bond through the Portuguese language.
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taliesyne · 2 years
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Taken with Leica Digilux 1, 2002, 4.0MP. July - August 2021 #Leica #LeicaDigitalCamera #LeicaDigilux #LeicaDigilux1 #LeicaDigicam #earlydigital #earlydigitalcamera #vintagedigital #vintagedigitalcamera #retrodigitalcamera  #digitallofi #digitallomography #earlydigitalphotography #olddigitalcamera #cameracollector #camerahistory #aesthetic #digitalcamerahistory #digicam #vintagedigital #digicamsquad #photographyislife #testshot #unedited #nofilter #sooc #photographyproject (at Gold Coast, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpLp-DYSC2r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pacosemnoticias · 13 days
Patrulheiro luso em Bissau para estreitar laços com Marinha de Guerra
O navio de patrulha oceânica NRP Viana do Castelo encontra-se em Bissau para o estreitamento de laços de cooperação com a Marinha de Guerra guineense, disse à Lusa Miguel Picoto, responsável pela navegação a bordo.
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O navio, que deverá deixar o porto de Bissau esta segunda-feira, após três dias de atracagem, visita a capital guineense no âmbito da Missão Iniciativa Mar Aberto 2024, que o levou a Cabo Verde e ao Senegal.
A Missão Mar Aberto é uma resposta do Estado português à insegurança marítima que se verifica no Golfo da Guiné e ao mesmo tempo visa promover a cooperação marítima entre Portugal com a Comunidade dos Países Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) e no âmbito das Presenças Marítimas Coordenadas da União Europeia (PMC-UE).
Miguel Picoto, que é também o responsável pela fiscalização marítima do NRP Viana do Castelo, indicou à Lusa que no concreto o navio está em Bissau no âmbito do estreitamento de laços com os países de língua oficial portuguesa, depois de passar por Cabo Verde e pelo Senegal.
Neste caso, precisou, a visita insere-se no quadro de países onde existam comunidades portuguesas significativas ou onde o Estado português tem interesses.
Desde sexta-feira no porto de Bissau, o navio-patrulha oceânica português, com 57 pessoas a bordo, entre as quais 20 mulheres, realizou atividades de cooperação com a Marinha de Guerra guineense e um intercâmbio com os fuzileiros navais do país africano, disse Picoto.
O oficial português destacou a realização de 60 consultas médicas para civis nas instalações da Marinha de Guerra guineense, em Bissau.
"Demos aqui um forte contributo que ficou muito para além daquilo que nós estávamos à espera. Portanto 60 consultas num dia foi um esforço considerável", disse.
O NRP Viana de Castelo e o NRP Setúbal, navios da mesma classe da Marinha portuguesa, têm visitado a Guiné-Bissau regularmente, pelo menos, uma vez por ano, frisou Miguel Picoto.
Para esta missão, o NRP Viana do Castelo deverá visitar 10 países, entre os quais os seis africanos de língua portuguesa (Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Guiné equatorial, Moçambique e São Tomé e Príncipe), viajando cerca de 19 mil milhas náuticas durante cerca de quatro meses.
O navio largou da base naval de Lisboa no dia 21 de agosto.
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