#cr 118
namchyoon · 6 months
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day 118/547 until joon returns cr. jung-koook
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utilitycaster · 10 months
In the most recent CR episode I found it really interesting (and really concerning) that it Laudna's truth about wanting Bells Hells to ripcord out of saving the world came hot on the heels of Imogen's truth about not wanting to save the gods
Idk it could just be me, but it seemed like her truth was just another attempt to placate Imogen's moral confusion, while simultaneously pushing those things back onto the whole group
All it makes me think of is the fanon and 4SD discussions about Imogen and Laudna retiring to a farm and living happily ever after. What are either of their reasons for remaining with Bells Hells at this point, if their truths are that they don't want to save the world?
See, that actually seemed fine to me! Fearne had earlier admitted she felt they were ill-equipped for the job and likely to fail, so it's not just them who feel it, and honestly I think that Laudna's confession was one of the more valid ones that I hope get unpacked. Fjord and Jester made a very similar admission to each in both episode 72 and episode 118 of Campaign 2, of "hey, wouldn't it be nice if we just ran away somewhere quiet and never had to deal with this again" and I think that having that admission and then finding a way forward anyway is a really great moment. I didn't write at length about how Orym's "but we have to work together and do this" has also been a really big factor in the party's dysfunction because I covered a lot of that in my discussion of how he handles his own grief well and the grief and pain of others very badly, but honestly it's good that Fearne and Laudna are getting to "we don't have to do this, this was always thrust upon us because an old guy brought us to a cool orc who hired us to look into some stuff and in the process found out that the comparatively small-time political crook was tangentially involved in a a vast cosmic death cult conspiracy that several of our parents are also involved with."
My issue with Imogen is that she literally said two episodes ago she's never prayed and now she's claiming the gods never listened to her, as well as that her reasoning is the horrifyingly self-absorbed "they don't love her", but I actually think it's fine if this party does not wish to save the gods on the grounds of "we feel underqualified and overwhelmed and like we've been at the mercy of many (mortal) masters with no time to pursue our own interests." And I think that Laudna didn't force this specific thing on the rest of the party; she said they could all ripcord, but didn't say who should do it or who felt that way or force them into agreement.
I've talked about the campaign's earlier pacing at length and I don't want to revisit it at length because it evened out, but more so than any other party, Bells Hells has rarely had self-directed adventures. That's a big reason why they're such a mess; they didn't need to develop the tools to come to consensus because Eshteross or Ryn or Keyleth would give them tasks, so we never actually have delved particularly deeply into what most of the party members want to be doing, which is why we're here with this group that's mostly stuck together because they've had jobs to do. I think acknowledging that is an important step, because the task at hand (scouting on Ruidus) is in my opinion within their abilities, but they've been pushed and pushed and have finally reached a point where they can't just keep going. (This by the way is the underlying premise of this post; this is the fundamental reality of Bells Hells as a party. If you like that the most then hell yeah, but a lot of people who claim to love C3 are blaming the entire plot of the campaign for why the party is a mess which is like, so you like the premises of these characters and dislike the vast majority of the actual story in which they exist, and you really just want the story of Campaign 1 or Campaign 2 but Ashton is there.)
With that said though, I do agree that's kind of at the core of Imogen and Laudna. They're so insular, and that's been claimed as a feature, not a bug, for much of the fanon of that relationship. Like, I think Laudna is valid for this specific statement, but unlike Fjord and Jester, who had established in through the course of the campaign both deep ties to each of the rest of the Mighty Nein and a profound sense of responsibility in general, I find myself wondering why Imogen and Laudna don't go off and live in a cottage together and leave the rest of the party to handle this. I mean, Imogen is also impossibly tied up in the fate of Ruidus, but she dithers about the approach so much I wonder why she doesn't decide that perhaps she should stay out of it altogether and retire to that cottage with Laudna until it's all over.
Personally, my thought is that Imogen does in fact secretly like being the special Ruidusborn Exaltant On The Other Side, especially since she's realized her mother wasn't that (as she had hoped). I agree with the fairly common opinion that Imogen and Ashton are in many ways extremely similar people, but whereas Ashton just got a very brutal wake up call of "your parents did fuck up and you're not built different and your desperate attempt to be something special could have hurt everyone" Imogen is still out here going full Javert on everyone's personal thoughts. So I suspect she won't ripcord out in the end, and therefore Laudna won't. But I do think it's valid for Laudna to bring up, and indeed, one of the many things that would make great progress in fixing this party dynamic would be Laudna independently expressing her own needs some more instead of being Imogen's Yes-Woman or projecting her own desires onto other people as I suspect she's doing with Fearne and the shard.
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viktuurishipper96 · 4 months
You’re challenge by champion Douglas of the sodor region.
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You may think that Douglas is caring, beautiful and intelligent but watch out because his Pokémon is based on beauty, speed, defense, attack, special attack, special defense, and accuracy. Believe it or not, Douglas is crowned a contest coordinator in the beauty category and is ranked masters. Together with his ace Pokémon froslass, he will defeat you with sheer cold. And he specializes in primary ice, water and fairy. Good luck and don’t mess with mama Douglas.
and fun fact, Douglas has a husband and his name is Oliver who specializes in psychic type, fighting type and ground type and if a double battle, he’ll have him by his side.
Ref used
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Thanks @kenora-pizza for this idea and @mondsee-the-cr-engine-118 for mentioning mama Douglas.
and here are his full team as a ref
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periodiccompletionist · 2 months
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H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na _ Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr _ Fe Co Ni Cu _ Ga Ge As Se _ Kr Rb _ Y _ Nb Mo Tc Ru _ _ _ _ In Sn Sb Te I _ Cs _ La _ Ta W Re Os Ir Pt _ _ _ _ Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac _ _ _ _ _ Mt Ds _ _ _ _ _ _ Ts Og Ce Pr Nd _ Sm Eu _ _ _ Ho Er Tm _ _ Th Pa U Np _ Am _ _ _ Es Fm _ No _
...may we all one day live in uninteresting times
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 8 months
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day 118/639 of yoongi's military service
this selca was posted on 140314 with the caption:
Let’s not overlook the traditions of White Day du-doong
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
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the-island-of-quotes · 3 months
Thomas: Alright welcome to the fleet new guy, first off your probably gonna be used in one episode and ditched so ima run through the rules for background characters. No over the top accidents off screen, mind your business, don't be plot revelevant, and don't insult the little western around Duck, Oliver, Donald, Douglas, Toad, or @mondsee-the-cr-engine-118 . Don't question that last part.
New engine: Wha......
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inspiredwriterstory · 4 months
I just realized how much of a insane internet culture combo I am. I love Thomas and friends, Cars, Nascar, Fast and Furious, Sonic, Mario, Pokemon, Murder Drones, The Amazing Digital Circus, Friday Night Funkin, Amphibia, The Owl House, Fortnite, Roblox, and thats not even getting into all the physical things like hot wheels, model trains, the types of drawings I have stacked in my room, and so much more.
Its fucking insane.
You wanna know the best part about it? I've made some of my closest friends like this. For instance: @maskofmetal , @mondsee-the-cr-engine-118 , @lizard12323 , and so much more.
So yeah, thats what's going through my head right now.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Dahlia Damutamu
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Image © Fur Affinity user slushy.
[I've been statting up a fair amount of my own OCs as characters for Monster Girl Summer, as well as a few belonging to other folks I've become friends with over the course of my time running the Codex. This is the latter, being an OC belonging to @arachcobra. They sponsored me covering some of the Crimson Court, after all, so what better way to expand on that than a mosquito anthro with a rocket launcher?
BTW, if you're interested in Arachcobra's world building and characters, they've started a side blog for their original writing @weavercobra. ]
Dahlia Damutamu CR 13 CN Aberration This creature appears to be a humanoid mosquito, with a needle-sharp proboscis and clawed hands. Her carapace is black, and her swollen abdomen and the veins in her wings are a lurid red. She wears tight fitting leather armor, and has daggers hanging from her belt.
Dahlia Damutamu is an inhuman hedonist, always looking for her next thrill. She is amoral rather than immoral, having grown out of the petty evil that characterizes most of her fellow crimson courtiers, but still primarily concerned with filling her belly and entertaining herself. Although her heroic deeds have saved lives and averted catastrophes, Dahlia was more motivated by the challenge than by any thoughts of helping others. Only if the people she cares about are threatened will she do anything remotely selfless.
In her centuries of existence, Dahlia feels that her mind has gone a bit stale. She is an avid reader, and has quite the collection of rare books, but is more inclined these days to read old favorites rather than learning anything new. This frustrates her as much as anything, and pushing herself out of her comfort zones is Dahlia’s primary goal. She is, however, flighty and scatterbrained, especially once blood has been spilled—the smell of her favorite food drives her to distraction and violence.
In combat, Dahlia fights with a mixture of her natural weapons and enchanted daggers. She is an excellent marksman, and her favorite strategy is to weaken foes with thrown daggers before closing in to feed. The more blood she drinks, the more durable Dahlia grows, and most combats end with her swollen and her foe dead and desiccated. One of Dahlia’s newest toys is a rocket launcher, stolen from a Technic League wizard she killed and ate; she isn’t proficient in heavy weaponry but still enjoys and uses its explosive firepower.
Dahlia Damutamu CR 13 XP 25,600 Variant crimson courtier fighter 9 (Calistrian hunter) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +9, scent Defense AC 24, touch 17, flat-footed 17 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural, +5 armor) hp 118 (5d8+9d10+42) Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +7 Immune disease Defensive Abilities darting riposte (6/day) Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (good) Melee +1 dagger +20/+15/+10 (1d4+8/17-20), +1 claw +14 (1d8+3), +1 bite +14 (1d6+3 plus bleed and sip blood) or 2 +1 claws +19 (1d8+6), +1 bite +18 (1d6+6 plus bleed plus sip blood) Ranged +1 daggers +20/+15 (1d4+8/17-20), dagger +9 (1d4+7/17-20) or +1 daggers +18/+18 (1d4+8/17-20) and daggers +12/+7 (1d4+7/17-20) or rocket launcher +14 touch (12d6) Special Attacks bleed (1), powerful charge (claw, 2d8+7), vengeance (1d6) Statistics Str 20, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 16 Base Atk +12; CMB +17; CMD 34 Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms) (B), Flyby Attack, Improved Critical (dagger), Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger), Weapon Specialization (dagger) Skills Acrobatics +16, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10 (+12 gathering information), Disguise +10, Fly +20, Knowledge (local) +12, Knowledge (nobility) +12, Perception +9, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +22, Survival +9 (+11 following tracks) Languages Aquan, Common, Necril SQ armor training 2, crimson noble, savor the sting, tenacious tracker +2 Gear +1 dagger (x2), blinkback belt, +2 studded leather armor, cloak of resistance +1, amulet of mighty fists +1, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of cat’s grace (x2), rocket launcher (5 charges), 4 daggers, 473 gp Special Abilities Crimson Noble (Ex) As an ancient and practiced crimson courtier, Dahlia does not have the humanoid form weakness of an ordinary crimson courtier; she can make claw attacks and weapon attacks without changing form, although she does only have two legs and a 30 foot movement speed on land. Dahlia has wings, unlike a typical crimson courtier, granting her a fly speed of 50 feet with good maneuverability. She also gains a +2 racial bonus on all ability scores. This ability increases her CR by +1. Darting Riposte (Ex) As an immediate action, Dahlia may attempt to make a melee attack against a creature that makes a melee attack against it. If she hits, it can move up to half its speed without provoking an attack of opportunity, although the attack made against it resolves as normal. A crimson courtier may use this ability a number of times a day equal to its Dexterity modifier (3/day for the average specimen, 6/day for Dahlia) Savor the Sting (Ex): Whenever a target takes bleed damage from Dahlia’s vengeance ability, she gains an equal number of temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute and do not stack with each other. Sip Blood (Su) Whenever Dahlia deals damage to a living creature with its bite attack, she gains 5 temporary hit points. These hit points are lost in 1 hour if not expended. Tenacious Tracker (Ex): Dahlia gains a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information and on Survival checks made to identify or follow tracks. Vengeance (Ex): Dahlia deals 1d6 points of bleed damage when he damages a creature that has damaged him since the beginning of his last turn. Whenever a creature takes bleed damage from this effect, it also takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 round. This penalty is a pain effect and does not stack with the effects of the sickened condition.
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aricastmblr · 5 months
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Jimin es ahora el primer y único artista en la historia en tener tres canciones en Worldwide All-Kill en iTunes, ¡con 119 #1!
También es el primer y único artista en lograr el All-Kill en múltiples canciones.
Solos y proyectos de Jimin con 100 #1 en iTunes
With You — All Kill 119 Like Crazy — All Kill 119 Closer Than This — All Kill 119 Filter — 118 Set Me Free Pt.2 — 113 Vibe — 102 Angel Pt.1 — 101
Jimin ahora posee tres de las cuatro canciones que lograron iTunes All-Kill Worldwide. cr. a JiminGlobal
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jiinjiinjarra · 4 months
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BTS // Media // Weverse // [Behind Cut] Package // RUN BTS! // Ep. 118 // 201201 (preview) & 201202 // 2020
date: 2020-12-01 & 2020-12-02
Cr. Weverse Media
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jymeia · 1 year
All the elements of the periodic table in the Kichwa language
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Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, Sisa P. Chalán-Gualán, Santiago D. Gualapuro-Gualapuro, Simone Belli and Michelle B. Chicaiza-Lema recently published in the Journal of Chemical Education a proposal to adapt the names of the 118 elements of the periodic table to Kichwa (Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language; J. Chem. Ed., 2022 99 (1), 211-218, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00383).
The authors explain that the Kichwa lacks scientific tools to respond to educational needs, triggering the gradual loss of intercultural diversity. To adapt the periodic table to Kichwa, they took into account the different linguistic variations of the language and the opinion of the speakers. This is the adaptation compared to the Spanish version, the language most widely spoken in Ecuador:
Lo autores explican que que el kichwa carece de herramientas científicas para responder a las necesidades educativas, desencadenando la pérdida gradual de la diversidad intercultural. Para adaptar la tabla periódica al kichwa tuvieron en cuenta las diferentes variaciones lingüísticas del idioma y la opinión de los hablantes. Así quedó la adaptación:
Kichwa Spanish
1 H Yakutiksi Hidrógeno 2 He Hilyu Helio 3 Li Lityu Litio 4 Be Wirilyu Berilio 5 B Puru Boro 6 C Killimsa Carbono 7 N Nitrohinyu Nitrógeno 8 O Wayrasamay Oxígeno 9 F Flur Flúor 10 Ne Nyun Neón 11 Na Sutyu Sodio 12 Mg Maknisyu Magnesio 13 Al Aluminyu Aluminio 14 Si Silisyu Silicio 15 P Puspuru Fósforo 16 S Salliy Azufre 17 Cl Kluru Cloro 18 Ar Arkun Argón 19 K Putasyu Potasio 20 Ca Kalsyu Calcio 21 Sc Iskantyu Escandio 22 Ti Titanyu Titanio 23 V Panatyu Vanadio 24 Cr Krumyu Cromo 25 Mn Mankanisyu Manganeso 26 Fe Hirr Hierro 27 Co Ankasi Cobalto 28 Ni Nikyl Níquel 29 Cu Anta Cobre 30 Zn Zink Zinc 31 Ga Kalyu Galio 32 Ge Hirmanyu Germanio 33 As Arsyniku Arsénico 34 Se Silinyu Selenio 35 Br Prumyu Bromo 36 Kr Kriptun Kriptón 37 Rb Rupityu Rubidio 38 Sr Instrunsyu Estroncio 39 Y Itryu Itrio 40 Zr Zirkunyu Zirconio 41 Nb Nyupyu Niobio 42 Mo Muliptinyu Molibdeno 43 Tc Tiknisyu Tecnecio 44 Ru Rutinyu Rutenio 45 Rh Rutyu Rodio 46 Pd Palatyu Paladio 47 Ag Kullki Plata 48 Cd Katmyu Cadmio 49 In Intyu Indio 50 Sn Istanyu Estaño 51 Sb Antimonyu Antimonio 52 Te Tiluryu Telurio 53 I Iwtyu Yodo 54 Xe Sinun Xenón 55 Cs Sisyu Cesio 56 Ba Paryu Bario 57 La Lantanyu Lantano 58 Ce Siryu Cerio 59 Pr Prasyutimyu Praseodimio 60 Nd Nyutimyu Neodimio 61 Pm Prumisyu Prometio 62 Sm Samaryu Samario 63 Eu Yurupyu Europio 64 Gd Katulinyu Gadolinio 65 Tb Tirpyu Terbio 66 Dy Tisprusyu Disprosio 67 Ho Hulmyu Holmio 68 Er Irpyu Erbio 69 Tm Tulyu Tulio 70 Yb Itirpyu Iterbio 71 Lu Lutisyu Lutecio 72 Hf Hafnyu Hafnio 73 Ta Tantalyu Tántalo 74 W Ulpramyu Wolframio 75 Re Rinyu Renio 76 Os Usmyu Osmio 77 Ir Irityu Iridio 78 Pt Platinyu Platino 79 Au Kuri Oro 80 Hg Mirkuryu Mercurio 81 Tl Talyu Talio 82 Pb Antaki Plomo 83 Bi Pismutyu Bismuto 84 Po Polunyu Polonio 85 At Astatyu Astato 86 Rn Ratun Radón 87 Fr Fransyu Francio 88 Ra Ratyu Radio 89 Ac Aktinyu Actinio 90 Th Turyu Torio 91 Pa Prutaktinyu Protactinio 92 U Uranyu Uranio 93 Np Niptunyu Neptunio 94 Pu Plutonyu Plutonio 95 Am Amerisyu Americio 96 Cm Kuryu Curio 97 Bk Pirkilyu Berkelio 98 Cf Kalifurnyu Californio 99 Es Instinyu Einstenio 100 Fm Firmyu Fermio 101 Md Mintilipyu Mendelevio 102 No Nupilyu Nobelio 103 Lw Lawrinsyu Lawrencio 104 Rf Rutirfurtyu Rutherfordio 105 Db Tupnyu Dubnio 106 Sg Syapurhyu Seaborgio 107 Bh Puhryu Bohrio 108 Hs Hasyu Hasio 109 Mt Mitniryu Meitnerio 110 Ds Tarmastatyu Darmstatio 111 Rg Runtihinyu Roentgenio 112 Cn Kupirnisyu Copernicio 113 Nh Nihunyu Nihonio 114 Fl Flirupyu Flerovio 115 Mc Muskupyu Moscovio 116 Lv Lipirmuryu Livermorio 117 Ts Tinisyu Teneso 118 Og Ukanisun Oganesón
Reprinted with permission from “Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language. Author: Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, et al. Publication:  Journal of Chemical Education Publisher: American Chemical Society. Date: Jan 1, 2022. Copyright © 2022, American Chemical Society”.
(For an individual, for non-commercial purposes, permission is granted at no charge for a cumulative total of 4 or fewer figures, tables, or micrographs, or an excerpt of 400 or fewer words for a single article. Appropriate credit should be given. Appropriate credit should read: "Reprinted with permission from {COMPLETE REFERENCE CITATION}. Copyright {YEAR} American Chemical Society." Insert appropriate information in place of the capitalized words. Please save this page for your records and for publication in print provide a copy to your publisher).
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de-attolis · 2 years
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I posted 16,320 times in 2022
That's 6,335 more posts than 2021!
457 posts created (3%)
15,863 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,275 of my posts in 2022
#jrwi - 414 posts
#hollow knight - 134 posts
#pyrrhus tag - 118 posts
#exu calamity - 97 posts
#jrwilb - 79 posts
#toh spoilers - 71 posts
#cr spoilers - 70 posts
#favorite - 62 posts
#fashion - 56 posts
#jrwi spoilers - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like literally had to grow algae for science and i was so excited that they were alove and well after i wasnt able to check on them for two
My Top Posts in 2022:
Councilblr oc!!! Marisol!! He's a fire genasi aberrant mind sorcerer!!
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17 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
Unfollow me now the hadestown thing is going to be the only thing I talk about now
18 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Closet cosplay of Rumi!! Also the only instrument I had was flute so like
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31 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
The Aegis shield
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First time completing any sort of embroidery
73 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Greek myth class has an art final project so I had to do something based on Orpheus and Eurydice
98 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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olessan · 2 years
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I posted 277 times in 2022
118 posts created (43%)
159 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 277 of my posts in 2022
#memes - 57 posts
#tolkien - 44 posts
#the rings of power - 41 posts
#critical role - 40 posts
#the lord of the rings - 39 posts
#olessan oration - 36 posts
#olessan art - 35 posts
#tumblr - 31 posts
#art - 31 posts
#cr spoilers - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i drew this in excessive jaw pain because i have cavities growing in one side of my mouth and every so often they get hypersensitive and jus
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Mononykus doodles
2,770 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
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The central continent of my worldbuilding world is dominated by marsupials and monotremes, and birds. There are several species of thylacine, and one — which is essentially our Thylacinus cynocephalus — is domesticated.
They are a recent domestication, with about 250 generations having passed. Compared to the wild ancestors, they have similar builds, but with more colours, variation in size, and longer lifespans (12-20 years). They have lost their natural reclusive nature and though shy, are friendly and inquisitive and trainable to a point. Most prefer to be solitary or tolerate the presence of 1-2 others, though get along well with other calm-tempered species. Their prey drive is greatly reduced but many suffer anxiety in loud or busy environments.
Lil update: If you would like fancy thylacines to put places, I turned this into a poster/prints, and there's also a sticker <3
2,777 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
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I got an almost 4 star charizard in Pokemon Go so here's a charizard :)
4,353 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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Hold mononykus gentle like hamburger
5,738 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
8,666 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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i-ve-been-to-hell · 2 years
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I posted 1,849 times in 2022
21 posts created (1%)
1,828 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,845 of my posts in 2022
#critical role - 934 posts
#c3 - 337 posts
#cr: spoilers - 222 posts
#mighty nein - 202 posts
#exu calamity - 170 posts
#vox machina - 137 posts
#laudna - 119 posts
#cr: fan art - 118 posts
#tlovm - 116 posts
#cr: cast reactions - 112 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#says the guy who in s1 was angry that his siblings went on the diplomatic mission when that was his job & who eventually became inquisitor
My Top Posts in 2022:
Love the realisation going around the table that Laudna was indeed one of the people they hung on the Sun Tree
29 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Orym, *looking at the moons*: maybe running isn't the solution
You're talking about Imogen or yourself?
34 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
Well. This breaks the streak of the only one to be able to kill Marishas PC to be Marisha
39 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
If you had never seen c1, in any different setting, Laudna's backstory would be somewhat met with comments of going too hard on the Tragic Backstory.
Knowing the Sun Tree scene, we all - while still deeply unsettled - just go: ah yes, the Sun Tree scene, we've all seen it
42 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
And Fearne had to break the "we can't heal her because we revivified you" to the guy already dealing with survivor's guilt.
64 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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50% of 118 is 59; 75% of 118 is 88.5; 90% of 118 is 106.2
Periodic Symbols are: H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
EDIT: As of November 14th 2023, I've decided to start keeping track of when a post does not include a single-letter element. Single-letter elements are, in order: H B C N O F P S K V Y I W U. These posts will be tagged with "missing single".
Spaces, capitalization, emojis, numbers, and punctuation will not be taken into account. For example, the term "lush🍃13garden" would still count for Mercury (Hg). Letters are the only thing that interrupt symbols.
Anything that isn't a tally is tagged with "not a tally", asks are tagged with "Arsenic Potassium Sulfur", and posts people tagged me in are tagged "Thanks for the tag!" (because "tag" and "tags" unfortunately can't be made with only elemental symbols. they could if we had G but we do not)
Some things to keep in mind:
I try to avoid any piece of moving media (video/gif) that has words in it of any kind. I'm already a transcriber as a job, and while I love it, I'm not gonna do it on my silly little side blog.
I usually don't analyze anything fandom-related, since nothing good can come from a fandom post leaving its circle. There are some exceptions I'll make, though.
I use a script to search for the symbols, but it can't read the words in images, so they have to be retyped into the script 100% manually. I'll most likely still do it, but just keep that in mind when sending in posts with lots of images.
I'll only analyze posts where it's very clear what order things are read in; charts, graphs, doodle pages, and other images with words all over the place won't be counted.
When it comes to URLs, I don't count them for the main tally unless they show up in a screenshot or as a tag somewhere in the thread; instead, the URLs of the users in the thread are listed out afterwards in their own separate tallies, with the elements listed in the order that they appear in the person's URL (this does not include URLs that only appear in screenshots/tags).
If you tag me in a post, I won't be counting anything that you added to the thread, though you will still be part of the secondary URL tally.
When I make a tally, I (usually) won't be adding my own comments, and on the occasions that I do, whatever is in my comment is not added to the final tally.
I tend to stray away from analyzing posts with other similar gimmick blogs already in them these days. This is because we all tend to influence each other's results- for example, if I analyzed a post where alphabetcompletionist tallied up all 26 letters, that would (potentially) artificially add Cd, Mn, and No to my tally. If I did end up doing this, I would be highlighting Cd, Mn, and No in a different color to denote that they would not have been there had I not reblogged from alphabetcompletionist directly.
My main account is not disclosed at this time; please do not try and find out what it is or I will block you. Another blog I run that is publicly known is @cantheykillmacbeth, if you just want to see more from me.
There might be times where I will accidentally reblog from someone other than the source of the post, or where I can't due to the source having been deactivated. If you go digging into the people that I reblog posts from, I am not responsible for what you see. If you blame me for what you saw from the people I happen to follow, then you shouldn't have gone looking in the first place. That's on you.
I will not be adding my gimmick to posts about serious topics. This is not because I do not care about these topics, but the exact opposite: I do not want the gimmick of this blog to be used to detract from anyone's message. These sorts of gimmicks are meant to add to the humor of a post, not act as a twisted punchline to a serious discussion. If you tag me in a serious post, you will be ignored (at best).
I don't care how you feel about gimmick blogs. I'm having fun and you can't change that. Seethe.
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lesbiansloveseokjin · 6 months
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day 118/548 of namjoon's military service
this selca was posted on 140923 with the caption:
Ah I’m Rapmon! (Referring to previous tweet)
(trans cr: Tiffany @ bts-trans)
bonus post from that day:
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Some fan who looks like Dooly wore the same sweater as me so I thought it was cute of him and decided to take a photo with him - Rap Mon
(trans cr: wonnie @ bts-trans)
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