#crafts ask meme
technofinch · 1 year
ok new oc ask game
Send me 📻 + an oc and I'll give you a random song off their playlist + an explanation of why it's there
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calandrinon · 1 year
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rollinpinwheel · 3 months
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I couldn't find these in my tags so here are a bunch of art responses to the height meme [I'm always accepting height comparisons, Pinwheel is 6'-]
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david-box · 10 months
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I'm not tagging all of them for the sake of spam even though it would be technically relevant. but I made squidward buttons for your squidward reaction needs. If I fucked up the terms genuinely my bad I'm up past my bedtime tbh. Image ID in alt text
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varjopeura · 1 month
8, 9, 14 and 38 for *you* for the ask game! :D
8. any recurring dreams?
I think the only Actually Repeating dream of mine was when I was a very small child (about 5-6 maybe) and would have the same dream every time I got a fever. It was a very simple one - me standing in my bedroom and looking outside, where the entire scenery was now underwater. There were fish and various other sea creatures swimming in front of my window and across the yard. And then, in the distance, I'd see a gigantic apartment-building-sized purple octopus. I always immediately knew that it had caused the flooding outside, and that it had evil intentions (no matter how pretty all the fishies and the water were). Usually all I could do was stare at the octopus and worry about the flood reaching inside of my home.
It was maybe the third repetition of the dream when I finally managed to get a hold of a bunch of friends before it ended, and together we had a great battle against the evil octopus. We defeated it at that time, and the dream never came back after that.
Nowadays I only get recurring themes and motifs instead of full dreams. My faves are, while technically stress dreams, the ones where I'm late from a thing and trying to run there as fast as possible, and can't help but slip into a four-legged gallop instead of running on two feet. It's always such a struggle to try and remain upright and avoid weird stares from people, but the feeling of that animal gait is just. unparalleled in how natural and GOOD it feels, no matter how stressful the rest of the dream is. I wish I could do it in real life, too!
9. tell a story about your childhood
Let me tell you the tale of Great Pokemon Summer of 2000 (this is later than I thought it would be! I was already nine years old, but this is the earliest possible timeframe for this memory because the Pokemon anime only started airing in Finland in the late autumn of -99. Wild!)
So, my friend and I had just gotten into Pokemon, and obviously we wanted to become pokemon trainers. We did what any nine-year-olds would do in that situation, and just assigned ourselves some inaginary pokemon companions! I had a Haunter as my partner, while the friend picked Kadabra (I can't remember if they started out as already evolved or did this happen along the way, but these were their forms for the vast majority of that summer).
One thing that was clear to us from the very start was that these two weren't of the easy starter type. Our partners were Powerful and thus Challenging To Handle, and we took our responsibilities with them super seriously. We knew these guys required daily training and exercise, so we trained them, we battled wild pokemon we found in our neighbourhood, we had sparring matches with each other, we took them to fields and forests and beaches to use off some of their energy. Every. Single. Day. It was very much like taking care of high-energy dogs, these ones just had magic powers and were invisible to everyone else!
Then the summer came to an end, and suddenly we had to worry about real life stuff like homework and other hobbies and rainy weather, and we realized that we couldn't devote as much of our time to our pokemon as they needed. They might've survived the neglect for a while, but in time they'd become miserable, and they'd become bored, and no one wants to deal with the havoc a frustrated ghost or psychic type can break, especially when there's a bonded pair of two of them.
We knew we only had one option, and one autumn day took a walk to the edge of the great forest nearby, and decided to let our companions run free again. This was taken just as seriously as the summer training program, and there were tears on our faces as we released our dear pokemon friends back to the forest where we first found them. They were powerful, they could take good care of themselves even without trainers, and we would miss them horribly for a very long time. But it was the best option we had at that moment, and it was the only option that was any fair for our beloved Haunter and Kadabra.
I think we went to see them a couple of times after that, but the magic of that summer faded fast and the very real companionship turned into just regular play after the pokemon were released.
14. what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
First thing that comes to mind is getting a tattoo! I've always liked to imagine what kind of tattoos I'd like to have, but for the most part it's been just pure theory and daydreaming. For the past few years I've been entertaining the thought more seriously, really dying to get some nice pictures on my skin, just haven't done anything about it yet. And now when I have a clear plan of what I'd want to get first, I find myself being nervous about it :D I'm faaaairly sure that I'd like my first tattoo to be on my inner wrist, but I fear that's a place that's going to be very painful and I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to jump straight in like that! Maybe someday!
38. fave song at the moment?
Ooh, hmm, lately I've had a lot of fun with When You Don't See Me by Sisters of Mercy, so let's go with that one for this exact moment!
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kiwiana-writes · 10 months
I think you are a kind human who loves their people fiercely. I admire you so much, and I always look forward to interacting with you. I also think you’re one of the most talented writers I’ve ever met, and I aspire to hone my talent and to grow it in the way that you have worked so diligently on yours.
Okay when I said “tell me your honest opinion of me” I didn’t mean MAKE ME CRY, anon, damn. This is an incredibly kind-hearted, generous message for you to take the time to send and I really appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
[anonymously tell me your honest opinion of me]
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loumauve · 4 months
Obligatory but no less meaningful honesty hour ask: what is one pretty cool thing that's happened today in your life?
I managed to remember the magic-circle start for the new crochet project (a dice bag for my cousin who has turned out to be a DnD nerd to my absolute delight) and figure out the amount of stitches I need to increase by in each new round.
which.. is all stuff I've known before, and done a bunch of times, it's just been over a year since I last seriously worked on anything crochet related, so getting back into it and figuring out some vague idea of a pattern that might work for a two-layer bag with scale stitches on the outside layer.
crochet in the round requires a forever-surprisingly high and tiring amount of math to figure out how many stitches you need for those and where to place them etc etc etc, so getting this right on my first attempt in a long while has been a real good feeling
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cakesandfail · 7 months
3 and 8 for the crafting asks!
3. when did you begin crafting?
Almost thirty years ago lmao, I first got into cross-stitching at Brownies so I would have been about seven or eight. I started knitting shortly after that, and picked up crochet when I was thirteen.
8. what was your first project?
It was a very simple cross-stitch sampler in primary colours, on absolutely enormous 6-count aida fabric, and I made it in the Brownies session where they taught us how to sew. It's probably still in my mum's house somewhere.
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tinknevertalks · 6 months
For the crafting asks: 3, 10 for crochet, and 12, please! :)
Eeeeee! I do so like talking about my crafting adventures. XD
3. when did you begin crafting? - I learnt to knit when I was about six or seven, and for the longest time I would be making extra stitches. It looked like the shape of a fibre optic lamp. 😂😂😂 But I started consciously wanting to make things from about the age of 12/13 (whenever it was Philosopher’s Stone came out in the cinema) - I wanted a Slytherin scarf (🫣🙄😅😂) so I started to make one… Except I knitted very slowly, and I didn't know how to swap colours and in the end Mam finished it for me. At the time, my school colours were bottle green and grey, so my aunt (Mam’s sister) asked why I was knitting a school scarf. 🙈😅
Crochet came waaaaaaaaaay later. My eldest was about six months old, and both my husband’s SiL and one of my not so crafty friends had shown me (separately) their crochet work. That lit a fire in me - if they can do it, I totally can. (Please remember, I am not always a nice person. 😬😂) My crochet-aversary was a few weeks ago, I think. I used to follow it avidly on Facebook but since not updating there as often my memory of starting things is not great. 🙈😂😂
10. worst thing about crochet is? - Toss up between sore wrists and, “Oooh, whatcha knitting?” Everything else is just maths. Oh! And when I enter amigurumi items into crochet competitions, for the people taking the entries to say, “It doesn't look like crochet. Are you sure it's crochet?” Pretty damn sure, you old bat. Just because it isn't a doily doesn't mean it isn't crochet.
12. how long did your longest project take? - That I've finished? Probs Smaug (I'll find pictures in a mo), but I wasn't working on him constantly. That I haven't finished? Uh, the dragon I'm making my eldest. I started that when she was my *only* kid. I mean, what's mostly stopping me now is not remembering where I put the bloody project bag - I'm 99.99% sure it's in the cupboard under the stairs, but there’s a lot of stuff in there atm so I can't go rummaging.
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badwolfarcadiabay · 9 months
Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate
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chronicowboy · 1 year
sometimes i sit and think about how you’re my favorite writer and so nice and ☺️☺️☺️☺️ idk what i was going to say
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
tag drop (redo: general & peter)
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rollinpinwheel · 5 months
📏 + 5'1<3
You need to be above 6' to piss off Pin || Accepting
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pyjamacryptid · 2 years
omg I love your bbc merlin content ! Luv the memes, fellow meme maker ;)
Also very gud art :>>
Oh!!! Fellow meme maker, hello hello 🤝🏻🙇🏻‍♀️ I’m so honoured to have my work peer-reviewed by you
And thank you so much!
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aliquamprimus · 1 year
headcanon + home
[ send me a headcanon! ]
There is a phrase that stuck with him upon seeing it in popular culture: "Home is where the Heart is"
Unbeknownst to all but those who happen to be in Optimus' living quarters, is an etching is hung on the wall in Cyberscript with the saying. A necessary mantra in these trying times.
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hey, can you give your blog a title or description so it doesn't doesn't look like a bot?
Hi! So, fun fact- this is the first anon I’ve ever gotten on this blog, which I’ve been using regularly and consistently since 2012.
This is… potentially the first post I’ve ever made. It’s certainly the only one in the last 8 years.
Trying to craft a persona on this website freaks me out, so I’ve never done it, and I’m not particularly interested in doing it at this point. That’s not what I use it for!
Most of the people I follow are people I know and know me from other parts of my life. I talk to them about content in other forums. I’m not worried about those people blocking me, because they know who I am! And if they did I would be able to mention it to them.
I didn’t know what to title this blog when I made it 11 years ago and I never pay attention to that part of this site, so when a few years went by with me spending as much time as I did here still without a title I started thinking it was funny! It became an inside joke with the friends I made the account to follow in the first place, so I kept it!
I considered adding a title when the bot thing started getting bad again, but honestly, I’ve grown attached to it and I still think it’s funny even if it’s just an active joke with myself. I made a new friend recently who is on tumblr who thought it was HILARIOUS that I had spent so much time here but never titled my blog or made an original post! They laughed for like a full minute which was delightful!
The reason I’m writing all this instead of just ignoring your ask is because I’m sure you were trying to look out for me and be kind! I do feel the need to justify everything I do with people who don’t know me which is why this is so long and also why I don’t interact with the internet in a social way.
I’m not sure if you’ll ever see this but if you do I want you to know that I appreciate your reaching out to me but I’m not going to title my blog. I’m actually fine with being blocked by strangers? Besides if you look at my blog (which is the only way you’d see the title right? I don’t really follow new people often) it feels like you’d be able to see I’m a person with the loooooooooong string of nonsense on there. Unless there’s some other reason or like functional detriment to being blocked!
I hope that answers your question hahaha
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