zharizard666 · 5 years
DAY 1: Beach.
it’s done
My stupid latino references are done.
Expect more shitpost from me this week.
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blazealdyne · 5 years
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Day 1: Beach
I’m late with this one.
Anyway here’s Craig and those guys at the beach 🏖
P.S. It’s Clyde’s fault for not wearing sandals just saying
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suckasstakenames · 5 years
Craig and Those Guys Week: Day 1 - The Beach 🏖
“You definitely brought the towels didn’t you Craig?”
“Yes Tweek, for the third time, you saw me put them into the bag.”
Five teenage boys cross the parking lot and make their way towards the beach. It was the weekend and this particular beach was quite the tourist spot, but it was one of the only days of the week in which all of the boys were free. They’d assigned this trip as their monthly event; an event that wasn’t just meeting up at the cafe or hanging out at somebody’s house.
Leading the group was a tall, slender boy. The tallest of the group. This was Craig. His beach attire was pretty basic; he donned navy blue swimming trunks and black sandals. He wore a beige bucket hat over his jet black hair, and covered his blue eyes with blacked out sunglasses. He was carrying a big beach bag, filled with all the essentials. Craig was their ring leader, the centre of the group. Whenever anyone else would talk about their group it would be referred to as his gang.
Trailing closely behind him was a noticeably skinnier boy; Craig’s boyfriend, Tweek. He too wore a bucket hat, white this time, and covered his bony torso with a vest of the same colour. He had untamed wild blonde hair, shooting out from underneath the hat in all different directions. His hand was fiddling with the bottom of his khaki swimming trunks, clearly on edge. His eyes were bagged, but he wasn’t a bad looking guy overall. Tweek’s anxiety around large groups of people meant that he was practically clinging to Craig for dear life.
Not far behind was a more boisterous boy, rambling about his friends’ sense of fashion. Clyde was a little chubby in build, but wasn’t afraid to flaunt it. He wore an open red shirt with a palm tree design on it, and on the bottom half…a pair of black speedos. He even accessorised with some aviators and a shark tooth necklace. He was clearly the most enthusiastic of the group; flicking his chocolate coloured hair in the wind whenever he sensed a female within range.
Next to him was Token, who didn’t try as hard on the fashion side, but still managed to pull off a pair of violet trunks and gold-rimmed sunglasses. He was assigned the role of carrying the parasol. His body was probably the most toned out of the group, but he was cool about it, and wanted to come across as casual as possible to his peers. But that was slightly difficult when you’re the son of a millionaire…and it definitely showed.
The last boy was a brunette, using his crutches to keep up a steady pace with his friends. His ochre coloured trunks were accompanied with a brown baseball cap and a grey t-shirt. This was Jimmy, who had a form of cerebral palsy, yet was one of the funniest guys in their town. He was wearing trainers and had no intention of entering the water at all, simply content with chilling out with his best friends.
The boys eventually reach the beach, finding a spot nearer the back that wasn’t too close to everyone else for Tweek’s sake. Token forcefully stuck the parasol into the sand and opened it, Tweek immediately running underneath. With the palest skin out of them all, he’d coated himself in 3 layers of sunscreen before coming out for the day.
Craig sets down the beach bag, whipping out a pile of folded towels, leaving a couple spare in the bag. “Take your pick.”
Tweek is the first to grab one; a simple striped design.
Clyde was next, opting for the one with the slogan ‘Cool story bro’ on it.
Token passed one to Jimmy that had fruit decorating it, and then took a basic blue one for himself.
Craig was left with the towel with an adorable looking cartoon shark on it, one of which used to belong to his younger sister Tricia. He didn’t seem at all bothered and laid it out next to Tweek’s towel.
“Alright so who’s coming for a splash in a little while?” Clyde enthusiastically asks.
“FUCK no. I’m not gonna be present while you awkwardly try to pick up chicks by the water.” Craig protests.
“Oh Craig,” Clyde tuts, “You should be more supportive of me!”
“Yeah well, I’m not supportive of those speedos.”
Token chuckles, “Again with the speedos…you really aren’t a fan are you?”
“Dude, look at him. He looks like a middle aged dad who flirts with teenagers.”
Clyde pouts, “HEY…at least I’m not flexing a damn fisherman hat!”
“Nghh, not cool Clyde! Don’t drag me into this too!!” Tweek contributes, awkwardly tugging on his hat.
“Firstly, it’s called a bucket hat. Secondly, fuck you. It keeps us cool.” says Craig.
“Appearance vs p-p-practicality. A truly difficult decision f-for sure.” Jimmy jokes.
“Who cares about how good you look when you’re frying to death?!” says Tweek.
“Chill out Tweek, we’re not frying! We’re just sun-kissed.“ Clyde teases. Token pushes him playfully, shaking his head and smiling.
Jimmy looks out over the crowd of people, stopping when he sees someone he recognises. An auburn-haired boy of their age was sat reading a book next to his mother, who was watching his father and younger brother throw a ball back and forth to each other.
“H-hey, isn’t that K-K-Kyle Broflovski and his f-family over there?”
Token squints his eyes in the same direction, “…oh shit, it is! Shall we go say hi?”
“What?! I’m not going all the way over there!!” Tweek protests.
Craig lies back on his towel. “If Ike sees Clyde he’ll just annoy him with pirate songs again.”
“I don’t need reminding of that you guys!!” Clyde whines.
“Kyle looks pretty bored…” says Token.
“Damn…and S-S-Sheila is looking pretty…th-th-th-thick.” Jimmy stutters, watching as Sheila rubbed herself with sunscreen.
“Gross Jimmy, put your boner away.” says Craig.
“Relax b-buddy! Only her m-mother could love t-that face.” he jests.
Token gets up, “I’m gonna go say hi, Craig come with!”
“Ugh fine but we’re not staying long.” Craig groans.
“Bring us back ice cream will ya!” Clyde declares, pointing at the ice cream van nearby.
“Anything for you, princess.” Token jokes, before helping Craig up by the hand and wandering off towards Kyle.
They quickly return with 5 ice cream cones, one with toffee sauce since Tweek likes toffee.
Obviously, Clyde had something to say about this. “Uhhhh, where’s my toffee sauce??”
“Go and get some from the van if you want it, you lazy twat.” Craig says, handing the cone to Tweek. Tweek smiles warmly up at him before thanking him. Clyde takes his cone from Token, pulls a sour face and sticks his tongue out at Craig before heading towards the van.
After not even 2 minutes of receiving his ice cream, Tweek has a sudden large twitch and accidentally drops the cone onto his leg. Clyde bursts out with laughter, while Craig grabs a spare towel from the beach bag and helps him to clean up.
“I will literally pay you half of my w-w-wage if you lick some of that.” Jimmy jests.
“WHAT?! Are you nuts?!” Tweek yells.
“That’s a comment I’d expect from Clyde, not you Jimmy.” Craig retorts. “Fuck off.”
“What if it was Token’s wage?” Clyde suggests.
“Not even for Token’s wage.” says Craig.
“You guys, my wage isn’t that much different than yours!” Token objects. He’s not wrong; he only earns about 3 or 4 more dollars than the rest of them. However he serves wealthier customers and the tips tend to be double, even triple the average waiter gets.
Once Craig finishes cleaning up a very embarrassed Tweek, and returns to the van to buy him a replacement ice cream, the five of them lie on their respective towels and sunbathe quietly in each others company. So quiet in fact, that none of them realise until 20 minutes later that Clyde had fallen fast asleep. Only when he suddenly lets out a loud snore, waking himself up in the process, does he attract the other’s attention.
“Jesus Clyde, scared the shit out of me.” Craig snaps.
“The heat must’ve knocked me out…” says Clyde. “I need to cool down…time for a swim!”
Almost instantly, as if he hadn’t just woken up, Clyde immediately springs to his feet and flings his shirt off. “Who’s coming??”
“I will. The water looks fresh.” Token gets up a little slower, taking off his shades and placing them on his towel.
“Ngh, maybe later…” Tweek replies. And by ‘maybe later’, he meant ‘probably not at all’.
“No worries bud.” Clyde reassures. “Jimmy? Oh yeah Jimmy said he wasn’t swimming today…Craig?”
The two standing look over to Craig, who’s very clearly pretending he didn’t hear them. Clyde bends over him, casting a shadow over his face.
“Craig? Yoohooooo?”
“Are you coming swimming with us?” Token asks.
Token rolls his eyes, exchanging a disappointed look with Clyde, before leaning in and whispering something into his ear. Clyde grows a mischievous grin and looks over at Craig, who is completely oblivious.
Craig is a slim guy and relatively lightweight, so it wasn’t a problem for Clyde and Token to grab him by the legs and arms and lift him up abruptly.
“Wh-? What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Taking you for a dip.” Clyde replies nonchalantly.
“I hate you both so much, fucking put me down!”
Craig wriggles a little in protest, his hat falling off in the process, but it’s not long before he gives in and simply lets the other two carry him over to the water.
Tweek and Jimmy laugh as they watch them go.
“Ngh…am I an unsupportive boyfriend if I just sit back and let them pick on him like that?” Tweek jokes.
“It makes a ch-change from Craig p-p-picking on everyone else, I suppose.” Jimmy shrugs.
They watch on as Clyde and Token count down from 3, and on zero, Craig is slam dunked into the water. He resurfaces flicking his hair and immediately targets Clyde by jumping onto his shoulders and sending him underneath the water. The antics continue as Tweek smiles from afar, happy and tranquil. Seeing his boyfriend and his friends messing around and having fun made him feel so relaxed and carefree, and distracted him from any worries he may have.
He sighs with contentment. At least he didn’t have to worry about being alone. His friends were always there for each other and supported each other an equal amount. And days like this just proved that the five of them were closer than ever.
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blesspastacraig · 5 years
My contribution for Craig and Those Guys Week Day 1! @craigandthoseguys-week
Craig and the gang go to the beach, but Craig is a new parent and still getting the hang of it.
Creek is sort of hinted at here but it’s not like, established. Creek will feature in future chapters more heavily.
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The time you’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived! Today’s the day we're posting our official Prompt list for this week!
- The event will run from July 28th until August 3rd
- You can make art (comics / illustrations), write fanfiction, or any other creative output that you want!
- You CAN age the kids up for the prompts (kids, teens, adults). Don’t feel restricted to just leaving them as ten year olds!
- We want to see what you guys post when you upload it so please tag us (@craigandthoseguys-week) and make sure to tag things with #craigandthoseguysweek or #craigandthoseguysweek2019 and we’ll reblog it!
- You don’t have to make something for each day! If you miss a day that’s fine, participating in only a few days or whenever you can is perfectly acceptable.
- Late posts for prompts will also be accepted! If you miss a day and upload it later just make sure to tag us... we’ll still reblog it!
We want this week to be about celebrating the boys and their friendship. Have fun, be creative and please share everything  you guys make with us!
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send us an ask!
Huge thank you to @highooze for the artwork that they made for us to use!
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zharizard666 · 5 years
DAY 1: Camping.
The quality of this is worse than the first one but a continuation needed to be made.
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zharizard666 · 5 years
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DAY 4: Graduation.
I lack the time to do anything more, but I’m satisfied with the results.
I hate that every time a “something-week” starts, classes starts the same week. It’s so unfair ;-;
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suckasstakenames · 5 years
Craig and Those Guys Week: Day 5 - Sleepover 💤 🎮
The third and final oneshot I wrote for @craigandthoseguys-week !! Craig POV this time!
Thank you for reading!!
Token’s residence has always been the favourite hangout, so it was expected that the votes were unanimous when our group decided where to have our highly anticipated boy’s night. My house usually had adult guests over during the evening, Tweek’s parents don’t leave us alone at his place, Clyde wasn’t a very good host, and Jimmy’s parents had completely banned any of his friends from going over because of the aftermath when they went out of town once. Playing fantasy in fourth grade had it’s consequences.
Mr and Mrs Black even decided to take a spa trip so that we’d purposely have the house to ourselves. Risky, but I guess Token is reliable enough to make sure the house is in pristine condition by the time they get back. Even if the rest of us aren’t.
After the four of us shared a car to get there, we were joyfully greeted by Token at his front door and led up to his room. Only it wasn’t Token at the front, it was Clyde, who excitedly (and pretty rudely) barged right in front of us all. We’re all equipped with sleeping bags and rucksacks, each carrying a different assortment of things. Well...besides the essentials.
We collectively decided that I would be in charge of bringing booze to the occasion. My parents were the only ones who didn’t give a shit if I hoarded a large amount of alcohol, so there was no debating it.
Clyde had brought a TON of junk food. He regularly had a pantry stocked with all kinds of goodies (when he wasn’t scoffing it himself) so he just grabbed whatever he could find and stuffed it in a bag.
Tweek was in charge of DVD’s. Being the anxious wreck that he is, we figured it would be best that he picked the film selection so that he didn’t get too disturbed by anything. I did help him out a little, though.
And lastly, Jimmy took it upon himself to come up with any backup plans, incase we got bored with anything. We had no doubts that he would think of some fun shit to do, or bring something that would entertain us. After all, we’d do anything to avoid going to sleep early.
Token had a good amount of food and entertainment himself, but we thought it was only fair to handle our own, since his parents were being so accommodating to us. Plus, he had every video game console thinkable, and a good game selection at that. We were more than prepared.
Walking into Token’s oversized bedroom, Clyde drops his backpack on the ground and launches himself onto the kingsized bed starfish style.
“You know you’re not sleeping there right...?” I remind him.
“Unless you’re s-s-spooning with T-Token.” Jimmy jokes from behind me.
Clyde just nuzzles into the bed even further. “I’m sure he’d be happy to have me.”
“Uhhh like fuck I would...” Token retorts, “Your ass is on the floor.”
Clyde turns onto his side and attempts his sexiest pose (which, believe it or not, wasn’t sexy at all). “Don’t be like that baby~”
“Just get over here and unroll your damn sleeping bag” Token says, throwing the sleeping bag directly at Clyde’s head with perfect aim. The impact sends him flying backwards. I thought Clyde was supposed to be the sporty one out of us? He can’t catch if his life depended on it.
Tweek stands next to me, shaking his head and smirking. It definitely isn’t a first for us to witness antics like this; we’re so used to it, it’s unbelievable. I take his rucksack off him and put in down next to mine.
“Here, I’ll take care of your bed.”
“Ngh! Craig, I’m fine doing it myself, really!”
I ignored him and started to set it up anyway. But the little shit went over and grabbed mine instead. Tweek can be a stubborn fuck sometimes, but it wasn’t all that much of a bad thing.
We’d all laid out our sleeping bags in a line (in front of the television, of course) as the sun was just about to set outside. Mine was on the far left, with Tweek next to me, Clyde next to him and Jimmy on the right. We changed into our pyjamas and nestled into our sleeping bags, Token sitting down right in the middle of us. Damn right were we gonna make this a proper conventional slumber party.
Token switched the TV on and some animal documentary was showing. There was a lioness with some lion cubs and it was telling the story of their survival.
“No way?! You’ve got the Nintendo Switcheroo!” Clyde exclaims out of nowhere, making us all jump out of our skin. He crawls over to the console to investigate. Token looks pissed off as Clyde’s big-ass head was blocking some of the screen, and he seems kind of invested in the lion story.
I sigh. “…you did NOT just call it a fucking Nintendo Switcheroo..."
“Of course he’s got one man! He owns everything!” Tweek jokes.
“Yeah, p-p-pauper.” Jimmy stutters. Token just blows a raspberry in response.
“We need to play Mario Kart. We’re playing Mario Kart. Right now.” Clyde dictates.
I groan and roll my eyes. I thought that game had died many years ago…however…when it WAS a thing, I did kick some serious ass.
Fortunately the game box was staring him right in the face, so he started trying to set it up, taking out the disc and trying to figure out how to switch the console on.
Meanwhile the documentary was getting pretty dramatic, as a group of hyenas were closing in on the mother lion and her kids. She was fighting them off, but then the narrator explains how she left behind one of her babies while doing so. It shows one of the hyenas circling the cub like a shark.
Tweek yells out, turning his head away. “Oh god hurry up Clyde!! It’s gonna eat the cub!!”
“I’m trying!!” Clyde whines, pressing any button BUT the correct one. It was clear he wasn’t a fan of the documentary either by how frantic he was being.
The hyena started closing in on the cub.
“CLYDE!! PLEASE!!” Tweek holds his hands over his ears, trying to completely shut it out. I try and comfort him while looking over at Token as if to say ‘don’t just sit there, help him’. He does exactly that and crawls over, pressing a button on the side with ease. Thankfully, the channel automatically switches over and the game console loads onto the screen. I feel a giant exhalation of relief coming from Tweek, who finally withdraws himself from burying his face in my chest.
Eventually the title screen appears with the familiar Mario Kart jingle playing. Jimmy starts to wiggle along to it, which, of course, persuades Clyde to dance too. Tweek and I decided we’d share the controller and take it in turns since there could only be four players at once.
When it came to selecting our characters; Token picked Mario, Jimmy went for Toad, and Clyde settled for the ‘Fly Guy’ (Shy Guy). I let Tweek pick our character and he went for Yoshi.
The first course was selected and it was one of the basic Mario stadium courses. Tweek passed the controller to me and the race began. Clyde and I zoomed off ahead, Token went at a normal start, and Jimmy pressed the button too early and caused his kart to blow up.
“Fuck…f-f-f…f-fuck a duck.” Jimmy curses.
I end up taking the lead by quite a bit, Clyde chasing me in second. He’s super competitive; the kinda guy who leans in the same direction as he steers. He was constantly targeting me; sending red and blue shells in my direction at any chance he could. Typical.
The race ends with me in 1st, Clyde in 2nd, Token in 5th and Jimmy in 8th.
“Loser chugs his beer!!” Clyde makes a terrible suggestion. Jimmy rolls with it anyway, grabbing a can of beer and impressively chugging while Clyde and Token count from 10 down to zero. Jimmy can be a real dark horse. Well…maybe not when it comes to Mario Kart though.
Race number 2 is some sort of jack-and-the-beanstalk type level. Tweek takes the wheel this time, and it proved to have been a bad idea. The road has a lot of holes and tight corners without barriers, and Tweek somehow managed to fall off every single one. It even got to the point where the CPU in first place was lapping him.
Of course, he was very vocal about this. “Jesus are you kidding me?! How are you supposed to make that turn?! HOW?!”
Token ended up in 2nd place, Clyde in 4th, Jimmy in 5th, and Tweek…in last place. Before the other guys could even suggest it, I grabbed my can of beer and chugged for ten seconds. They just looked at me dumbfounded, including Tweek. Like hell was I gonna let Tweek chug his beer; I don’t even think he’s opened his can up yet. We’re a team, and I’m the one who’ll be taking the consequences.
The next race came around and it was one of the Bowser castles. Clyde struggled in this level, while Token, Jimmy and I were in the top three. Clyde, after somehow blaming Token for his loss, ended up coming 9th and chugged his beer like there was no tomorrow.
The last stage loaded up…Rainbow Road. Of COURSE Tweek had to get the two difficult courses... I kept my beer in my hand ready to chug again.
The race starts; there goes Clyde. Plummeting into the void below.
Jimmy starts off pretty well but eventually starts to lose his skill when it comes to the tight corners.
Token is a little better than the other two, but he keeps getting hit with items from the CPUs and ends up being knocked back in the placing.
With Clyde in last, Jimmy in 11th and Token in 9th…where does that put Tweek, I hear you ask? Well... Tweek was driving so slowly and cautiously that he managed to dodge the majority of the corners. Then he got a bullet item on the last lap and soared his way right into 2nd place. He even gave an excited little fist pump when he crossed the finish line.
“…...I think that victory alone deserves a chug from all of you.” I insist, slinging my arm around Tweek. He chuckles in response.
After a few groans and eye rolls, the three of them reluctantly chug their beer while Tweek and I counted down from 10.
A couple hours later and Jimmy had decided that we were going to play drinking games. How old were we again?
Tweek even agreed to it, intrigued at what kind of secrets were going to be revealed during this.
“Never have I ever…gotten arrested!” Token starts.
Well…we’ve all been in trouble with the police at some point, but actually arrested? Hmm…I’m sure I got caught with something illegal once. I drink anyway.
Jimmy drinks due to causing grievous bodily harm to his ex girlfriend, Nancy.
Clyde drinks due his whole involvement with the Nazi zombies and stealing the green goo from the government.
Tweek doesn’t drink because he’s never actually been arrested. Of course, he’s still been in trouble with the police like the rest of us back in our ‘vigilante’ days.
Next it was Jimmy’s turn. “N-never have I ever been awake for more than t-t-twenty four hours.”
Clyde doesn’t drink. The dude can’t function without at least 8 hours of sleep.
Token takes a sip while telling us about how one time he’d spent all night studying for finals and then worked a 12 hour shift the next day. He makes way too much work for himself sometimes...
Tweek and I both drink. Do I even need to explain Tweek’s reasoning?
“Uhhh…never have I ever…broken somebody's heart.” Tweek takes his turn.
Fuck, another shot for me. I had no regrets when it came to making girls cry when I was younger. He manages to catch the other three out too; Clyde and Token even clink their cans together, sighing disappointedly. We’re a gang of heartbreakers.
Clyde is up next. “Never have I everrrr…..sent a text to the wrong person!”
Nobody else drinks but Jimmy; I figured he would be pretty flippant in that area.
But then I realised something.
“…wait…that is horse shit.”
Clyde looks at me bewildered. I whip out my phone and bring up Clyde’s texts. I can feel Tweek’s chin resting on my shoulder, taking a peek.
“3 weeks ago. Wednesday, July 10th. 9:24pm. ‘hey babe u looked gorgeous on ur recent instagram pic, u got nice legs’.” I look back up at him with a blank expression, Tweek chuckling next to me.
Clyde goes completely silent for a minute, his face flushing bright pink. Jimmy and Token laugh a little too, Jimmy putting his arm over Clyde in sympathy.
“Are you s-sure he doesn’t just think your legs are nice, C-C-Craig?” Jimmy winks at me.
“Jimmy…when have I ever showed my legs on Instagram.” I scoff.
“There’s a first for everything!” Token jests.
In the early hours of the morning we find ourselves sprawled across the floor in our sleeping bags, watching All Dogs Go To Heaven - a film that Tweek had chosen. He was resting his head on my lap, and when it neared the end of the movie, I noticed him sniffing. I reached down and wiped away the tiny bit of water that had appeared under his eye. Meanwhile, Clyde had used up an entire tissue box, Token wasn’t even watching the film because he was cleaning up after Clyde, and Jimmy was making fun of every little aspect of the film.
When the movie finished we moved right onto another one; some cheesy comedy that Token had suggested. Mainly because Tyler Perry was in it.
Clyde was asleep within minutes; mouth wide open and snoring like a pig.
It didn’t take long for Jimmy to doze off too, clearly not impressed with the humour.
Token was now in his bed, snickering to himself and eating potato chips. From the angle he was at, he probably didn’t realise that all four of us were completely disinterested in the movie.
Tweek was snuggled into the side of my neck, slowly drifting into dream world. I drew circles on his back with the tip of my fingers, using my other hand to play with a strand of his thin blonde hair. A few years ago this would have never been a thing; there’d only be the four of us, with Tweek hanging out with entirely different cliques. Luckily the guys were quick to accept him into our group once we started dating, and treated him like one of us immediately.
I guess that’s one of the many things I can thank them for.
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suckasstakenames · 5 years
Craig and Those Guys Week: Day 2 - Camping 🏕
This one is from Token’s POV! Enjoy!
As part of @craigandthoseguys-week
“- and then…he DIED.”
“Clyde, that’s not a ghost story. That’s something you saw on 1000 Ways To Die.”
Telling ghost stories around the camp fire at 2am; that’s where this night has ended up. Clyde, Craig, Tweek, Jimmy and I had decided to spontaneously set up a tent in the woods around Stark’s Pond. It was pretty abandoned during these hours and we weren’t likely to be disturbed, so we brought beer, smokes and junk food, and set up a boy’s night. We’d been sitting on deck chairs in our PJ’s around a portable camp fire that my dad had lent to us, breathing it the humid summer air (and tobacco smoke), catching up on everything that had happened since we last met. And then Jimmy brought up how telling ghost stories was part of 'the traditional camping experience', and here we are. Tweek didn’t even flinch, that’s when you know Clyde is telling a terrible ghost story.
Time to interfere.
I grabbed the torch from the floor next to my chair and shone it onto my face, briefly flickering it for dramatic effect.
“Have you heard about the tale of Mr Bennigen?” I whisper huskily.
“Who?” Craig says bluntly.
“He was a man who lived in South Park 47 years ago. He lived by the church.”
“Father Maxi’s church???” Tweek squeaks.
“The very same one. He had a habit of wandering the streets late at night, and it used to upset his wife because she thought he was meeting hookers or something. His marriage was rocky, to say the least.”
“Like most marriages in this t-t-t-town. Go on.” Jimmy jokes.
“Well, one night he told his wife he was going for a walk in the woods. And as usual, she got pissed off and they argued. So he stormed out of the house. BUT...she followed him. And unsuspectedly, while he was looking out over Stark’s Pond, she approached him from behind and pushed him into the water, screaming ’No more!!'. What she didn’t know, was that her husband couldn’t swim……and he drowned to his death right there and then.”
Craig blinks. “…and?”
“It doesn’t stop there. A year passes, and his wife pays a visit to his grave one evening. While walking back home, she was grabbed by the hair by an unknown force and dragged into the woods of Starks Pond…..and she was never seen again…......true story.”
A  moment of silence falls onto the other guys, before we get a very expected reaction.
“GAAAAAH-HA-HAAAAA” Tweek yells in horror. “True story?!? What do you mean true story?!? We’re at Starks Pond right now!! Oh god!!”
“Geez thanks Token.” Craig groans. "Any chance of Tweek getting even the slightest amount of sleep tonight has flown right out of the fucking window.”
“Now that’s a g-g-ghost story.” Jimmy applauds me.
“…d-did she drown? or did she really just...v-vanish out of thin air?” Clyde’s on the edge of his seat; I can tell I really freaked him out.
“I have no idea.” I tell him. “You’ll have to look up the article to find out.”
“So it IS true???!!!??” Tweek cries.
“Don’t worry, ghosts aren’t real.” Craig tries to comfort him, but it doesn’t seem to help much. Tweek flinches as soon as Craig places a hand on his knee.
“You look like you need another b-beer, C-Clyde.” Jimmy says, picking up a bottle and handing it to him.
“Damn right. This shit creeps me out man…you never know whether these stories are really true or not.”
“Well, we’ll know if it’s true if you get dragged into the water by a mysterious force.” Craig jests, looking at Clyde.
“Shut the fuck up!! Why would it come for me??” Clyde protests.
“Because you’re the fuckboy. And fuckboys always die first in horror films.” Craig says savagely.
“Actually I’m pretty sure the minority in the group always gets it first-” I spit the truth.
“He’s n-not wrong...” Jimmy agrees.
“Exactly CRAIG.” Clyde pouts.
“-but when the minority doesn’t die first it’s usually the manwhore.” I continue.
Suddenly we’re interrupted by a loud rustle coming from a bush nearby. We all turn our heads in alarm.
“What was that?!” Tweek scurries behind his deck chair to hide.
Craig isn’t too fazed, but still raises an eyebrow. “Probably just a fox or something.”
“Or it’s Mr B-B-Bennigan…” Jimmy chuckles.
A moment later, a howl in the distance distracts us once again. Tweek lets out a high pitched scream and jumps on Craig’s knee, clinging to him Scooby Doo style.
“You’re something else Tweek.” I titter.
“This might be a good time to retreat to the tent for the night…” Craig huffs from underneath a trembling Tweek.
“R-retreat, he says…” Jimmy looks over to Craig. “Sounds like someone else sees a p-p-p-potential threat in the woods.”
“Fuck off Jimmy.” He snaps. “It’s an animal…we’re surrounded by them. If it was a ghost guy I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be fucking howling like a dog.”
After a little while we started to grab some our stuff and head towards the tent. I was in the middle of packing up the deck chairs when I heard an unfamiliar voice in the distance. The only other voices were Craig and Tweek bickering about something I wasn’t really listening to. This voice was deep and husky, and sounded like it was mumbling to itself. Separating myself slightly from the group, I walk closer to the woods to peer through the trees and investigate. I can just make out a shadow shuffling towards us; tall, lanky and wearing a long coat.
I decide to address him since he was heading in my direction anyway. “...you okay there sir?”
The man stops, looking directly at me. He’s now close enough that I can make out some rough sideburns and a bushy beard. He doesn’t say a word, just continuing to stare.
I try once again. “Uhh…...sir?”
No answer. Just a continuous death glare. It sent shivers down my spine.
A sudden tap on my shoulder makes me abruptly whirl around. It’s Clyde.
“Who are you talking to dude?” He asks.
“I saw someone coming over here so I-“ I turn back around to show him. He was gone. Completely vanished. Typical horror movie cliche…
“Someone came over here?” Clyde looks past me curiously. “Where?”
“…he was right there. Staring at me. I swear…”
Clyde smacks my arm in annoyance. “Dude, stop! The Mr Bennigan story was enough for me tonight!”
…oh I see. He thinks I’m joking.
“No Clyde! I honestly just saw-“
“I’m exhausted as fuck. Come help me put away the fire pit.”
I try and shake off the weird encounter before going over to help Clyde put out the camp fire. We’re just about finish and Craig was already in the tent.
“Tweek I already unrolled your sleeping bag.” He shouts from inside as me Clyde and Jimmy wrap everything up.
“Thanks man, do you think you could--“ Tweek stops mid sentence, and an odd silence follows.
“Do you think I could what?” Craig replies, poking his head out of the tent. I happen to look over to him first, and the look on his face was what spurred me to check on Tweek.
Tweek was stood with his back to us, staring upwards at a tall, lanky homeless man. The very same guy I just saw in the woods.
I quietly get Clyde and Jimmy’s attention and then all four of us are solely focused on Tweek. We stay silent and still, as if the man were a wild bear that mustn’t be disturbed.
The man opens his mouth. “…no…more…” he croaks.
That’s all it took. Tweek screamed louder than he’d ever screamed in his life, which then caused Clyde to scream just as loud. Tweek turned and darted towards the tent at lightening speed, bowling into Craig and sending him flying backwards with a thud. Clyde hid himself behind me, gripping tightly to my shirt as Jimmy and I started to back away from the man.
He turned his focus to us and took a couple slow steps towards us. “No….more…?”
Clyde shrieks again, pulling me so tightly that I fall backwards onto my behind, knocking over Clyde himself. The two of us scurry into the tent as fast as our legs could take us, with Jimmy shuffling closely behind. Eventually he jumps in and I zip up the hole so the man couldn’t come in.
“It’s ok you guys…leave the c-cripple behind and s-s-save yourselves…” Jimmy exhales.
“SHHH!” Clyde shushes him. The man was still outside, but I don’t know what being quiet would do. He saw us come in here….
We do it anyway, and we see the man’s shadow shuffling around the outside of the tent. He’s quietly grumbling something unintelligible to himself. Thank god the zip is on the inside…
Eventually he walks away from the area and we’re finally safe. I turn to the guys; Jimmy is next to me sprawled on the floor on his back, Tweek is clinging to Craig and trembling, and Clyde has completely hidden himself inside his Terrance and Phillip sleeping bag.
“…is he gone?!” Clyde emerges slightly.
“I think so…” I say. “Damn that was creepy…”
Craig rolls his eyes. “…you guys know it was just a homeless dude, right?”
“What if it was Mr Bennigan?!?” Tweek cries. “He was saying ‘no more’…just like in the story!!!”
Craig shrugs. “He probably meant if we had eaten all of our food.”
“We could’ve g-g-given him something…” says Jimmy.
“We didn’t have anything left. Clyde ate all the potato chips.” I try and lighten the mood a little.
“Did not!!” Clyde snaps in return.
“A homeless guy huh…” Tweek calms down a little, letting go of Craig and crawling over to his sleeping bag. “…m-maybe you’re right...”
“Exactly.” Craig comforts. “You think you’re gonna be able to sleep ok?”
“Ngh, maybe in like...3 hours.” Tweek curls up into a ball. Craig walks over to his own sleeping bag, placing it directly next to Tweek and climbing in, before slinging his arm over his boyfriend so that he’s spooning him.  
The rest of us follow suit and get into our own sleeping bags to get comfortable for the night. I look at my watch as I’m taking it off my wrist; it’s almost 4am, not a time I’m very used to seeing. It’s only ever when I’m with the guys that I stay up past midnight. I turn onto my front and nestled my head into the pillow, closing my eyes with relative ease.
About 5 minutes later, I hear some rustling coming from my left side. “…....pssst. Token.”
“…what is it Clyde?”
“….do you think Mr Bennigan likes Doritos?” He whispers, crunching on some.
“I don’t know. You should ask him next time. G’night.”
“Okay……night Token……………night Mr Bennigan.”
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blesspastacraig · 5 years
My contribution to day 7 - Road Trip! And with that I’ve done all 7 days! Cheers to whomever liked, reblogged, left kudos or commented, y’all are the best <3
Craig is nauseous and the bumpy road isn't helping. Token has a beach house and he insisted they all hang there for some of the summer. Craig had agreed to this trip almost a year ago and so much has changed since then.
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blesspastacraig · 5 years
My contribution for day three - barbecue @craigandthoseguys-week
“We never do anything anymore” Tweek complains. Craig doesn’t understand why he’s being such a whiny bitch, he’s not the one having to go through all this.
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blesspastacraig · 5 years
My fic for day 2 - camping. @craigandthoseguys-week
Craig refuses to let an illness ruin his camping trip with the gang, or let it ruin potential romantic moments with his not-boyfriend Tweek.
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blesspastacraig · 5 years
My contribution for day 6 - star gazing @craigandthoseguys-week
Craig can vaguely see the night sky from his window. He can’t really make out stars or any detail but he likes to watch anyway.
Again, I kinda wanted to hint that maybe Creek might be together in the future :)
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blesspastacraig · 5 years
My contribution for day 5 - sleepover @craigandthoseguys-week
He wants to tell people. He’s just too scared to face it. It’s more about him than it is about anyone else. He’s terrified of how everything is going to change and how angry everyone is going to be with him.
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suckasstakenames · 5 years
Here are my oneshots on Ao3 just in case anyone prefers reading them there!
🏖 Beach Trip:
🏕 Camping Trip:
💤 Sleepover:
Thank you @craigandthoseguys-week for organising the event and providing the opportunity to share my writing with everyone!!
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blesspastacraig · 5 years
My contribution to day 4 - graduation @craigandthoseguys-week
It's only an elementary graduation but for Craig it's an important milestone he's so proud they reached. It's been a crazy ten years.
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