#cranial remolding helmet
alcammedical · 1 year
The problem with corporate efforts to increase diversity is that they are often focused on the end result and not the process. They want the perfect diverse workforce but they don't know how to get there.
This is because most companies think of diversity as a problem to be solved, rather than something that needs constant work and attention. It's easy for businesses to put their attention on hiring more diverse employees, but it's much more difficult for them to keep them there in a workplace where discrimination still exists.
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Customized Comfort: Choose Cranial Remolding Helmet Services in New York
In the heart of New York, families navigating the complexities of cranial asymmetry in their little ones find solace and solutions at Short Hills Cranial Center.
Our center, renowned for its customized approach to cranial remolding helmet services, brings a blend of compassion, expertise, and cutting-edge technology to the table. This combination ensures not just treatment but a transformation in the lives of infants and their families.
Tailored Solutions for Your Child
Understanding that every child’s condition is unique, we emphasize personalized care plans designed to achieve optimal results. Our cranial remolding helmet therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution; instead, it’s a carefully calibrated treatment that respects the individuality of each little one we have the privilege of helping.
By choosing to partner with us, you're ensuring your child receives a level of care that’s as unique as they are.
Leading Technology for Precise Outcomes
At Short Hills Cranial Center, we pride ourselves on employing the latest in cranial remolding technology. The STARband™ and STARscanner® systems are at the forefront of our treatment protocols, offering safe, proven outcomes. These innovative tools not only enhance the precision of our treatments but also significantly reduce the stress associated with traditional methods.
Our commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technology ensures that your child’s comfort and safety are always our top priorities.
A Stress-Free Experience
We understand that the idea of cranial remolding can be daunting for many parents. That’s why we strive to make the process as transparent and stress-free as possible. From the initial consultation to the final fitting of the cranial remolding helmet, our team is here to provide support, answer questions, and guide you every step of the way.
Our goal is to not only achieve beautiful, symmetrical results for your child but also to ensure that the journey is a positive and reassuring experience for your family.
Partner with Us in New York
If you’re in New York and exploring options of cranial remolding helmet new york for your child, look no further than Short Hills Cranial Center. Our dedication to personalized care, combined with our use of advanced technology, makes us a trusted choice for families seeking the best possible outcome for their child.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your family’s journey towards a future filled with confidence and comfort.
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seowork036 · 1 year
Cranial remolding helmet in New Jersey
Short Hills Cranial Center provides expert cranial remolding helmet in New Jersey. Our experienced team of professionals specializes in treating infants with plagiocephaly and other head shape abnormalities using custom cranial helmets.
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eliteinternet023 · 1 year
Cranial Remolding Helmet New Jersey
If you are looking to shop for a cranial remolding helmet in New Jersey, you need to connect with Short Hills Cranial Center. Our mission is to be your expert resource for awareness, prevention and treatment of child cranial disorders.
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themomsandthecity · 3 months
Baby Helmets Are Becoming More Common - but Are They Really Necessary?
Morrison Goodwin was born in March 2018 with a head that looked a bit like a "Lego block," says his mom Georgina, a sales executive in Los Angeles. Morrison was twin baby A, packed below his sister Rae at the bottom of Goodwin's uterus. Goodwin mentioned her observation about her son's head to her pediatrician, who recommended various exercises and repositioning with the help of their physical therapist. When Morrison's head shape didn't budge, their pediatrician suggested visiting a cranial remolding orthosis clinic. The doctors there diagnosed him with moderate plagiocephaly, suggesting it might eventually impact his sleep and bite, and recommended a baby helmet to round out his head. "We were very skeptical. It wasn't a slam dunk," Goodwin says. "This is a business. I'm guessing that they're more likely to want to give you a helmet, if that's how they make their money." Even so, Goodwin warily gave the green light. "Our insurance paid for it. And it's very noninvasive. You're a new parent. You're like, well, I'm supposed to set this kid up for success, and I'm told to do this," she tells POPSUGAR. Plagiocephaly and brachycephaly - two types of flat head syndromes - have recently been on the rise in the United States. In 1994, the National Institutes of Health launched its Back to Sleep campaign, after a slew of studies showed that tummy sleep is linked to an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). "It worked wonderfully," says John Girotto, MD, FAAP, FACS, the section chief of pediatric plastic surgery at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI, who specializes in craniofacial surgery. Rates of SIDS dropped from 130 to 78 deaths per 100,000 live births between 1990 and 1996. "But what happened is kids developed misshapen skulls," he adds. Because babies now spend more time lying on their backs, their soft heads develop flat spots. At first, many pediatricians and surgeons were concerned about the long-term effects, Dr. Girotto says. But by the late 1990s, researchers confirmed that babies simply had "positional" molding and most didn't require surgery. Today, however, an entire industry promises to fix babies' flat spots via "helmet therapy," also called helmet orthosis. Clinics with mottos like "reshaping children's lives" devise their own guidelines for helmet therapy and sell baby helmets, which can be personalized with Star Wars and Minnie Mouse motifs. Some have Instagram accounts with tens of thousands of followers. Got an especially photogenic baby? You can even submit a pic of your helmeted baby to your orthotic company's "calendar contest." To be clear, these clinics probably aren't harming their patients. But the question of how often baby helmets are really necessary remains. Amy Mischnick, PT, a pediatric physical therapist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital who treats flat head syndrome, says that part of her job is to provide evidence-based recommendations to parents. This includes, she says, correcting "misinformation, especially when it is used as a scare tactic to place emotional pressure on parents to pursue helmeting not based on facts but on unfounded fear and guilt." Why Do Babies Get Flat Heads, Anyway? Some babies, like Morrison, are born with a flat spot (aka positional skull deformity), often due to their position in the womb. But most flat spots tend to develop gradually after birth, due to pressure from staying in the same position while sleeping and playing. The most common positional skull deformity is plagiocephaly, a flat spot on one side of the head that makes the opposite forehead prominent, which may affect nearly half of all 4-month-old babies. Brachycephaly is less common and occurs when the back of a baby's skull is very flat and wide. Parents usually notice a flat spot within three months of birth, when a baby's skull is soft and moldable. "At that point in time, behavior modifications usually do a great job of helping the skull round… https://www.popsugar.com/family/baby-helmets-flat-heads-49344030?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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danihost-blog · 1 year
Bling Your Band
Article Bling your band has a great way of adding a unique touch to your child’s cranial remolding helmet. You can choose from a variety of designs including Batman, ballerinas and many others. They also have a wide variety of stickers and appliques available. Check out their website for more information. Want to add this vendor to your event? Click here to learn how. Bling Cherry is a disco –…
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tinyraindropxx · 5 years
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February 20th, 2019 (6:37pm).
Big day, today!
You are now officially fixing your flats. For the next few months (3-6), you will be sporting this suuuuuper fashionable dinosaur print helmet to help your little lopsided melon even out. You were born with torticollis (tight neck muscles) and positional plagiocephaly (two flat spots on your head due to the positioning of your body while in my womb). Despite our trying different repositioning techniques and having 1-2x weekly physical therapy appointments after your arrival, we saw little to no improvement in the over all shape of your head. At the recommendation of your pediatrician and your amazing/awesome physical therapists, you now have this kick ass cranial remolding helmet! You won’t be in any kind of pain -it simply redirects the growth pattern of your skull.
Torticollis and positional plagiocephaly whooooo? 💁🏻‍♀️💙
I’m so fortunate to be the mama of a rockstar like you! You’re so happy and extremely strong and resilient through everything. 💙
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ramshariraut · 3 years
Cranial Remolding Helmet  Market: Worldwide Industry Analysis and New Market Opportunities Explored By 2028
Global Cranial Remolding Helmet  Market, Geography (North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), South America (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)) Industry Trends 2021-2028
<strong>Market overview</strong> This market report on Cranial Remolding Helmet   can help the companies to make crucial business plans on production techniques, raw materials procurement, and to increase the industry chain cycle of the market globally. The case study report on Cranial Remolding Helmet   is a brief history and a detailed assessment of the Cranial Remolding Helmet   market 2021 including key company profiles, and overall competitive scenario, key market trends, upcoming technologies, industry drivers, challenges, regulatory policies.
<strong> Request a sample Report of Cranial Remolding Helmet  Market @ <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/reports/cranial-remolding-helmet-market/sample-request-86352>https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/reports/cranial-remolding-helmet-market/sample-request-86352</a></strong>
<strong>Methodology</strong> The research work involved the usage of both primary and secondary data sources. The research methods involved the study of many points affecting the industry, including government guidelines, market surroundings, combative landscape, past data. Primary and Secondary research are the two methods that are used for the survey purpose. The primary sources consist of having interviews with many industry experts, suppliers, and other specialists. The secondary sources consist of an analysis of empirical data from press releases, government-designed websites, yearly reports of the companies, and other related documents. Other fields of the examination are modern shifting in the market, technological invention, upcoming technologies, and the technical enhancement in related industries, market risks, opportunities, hindering, and risks in the operating market. The Data acquirement phase involves gathering and merging market information and data related with the help of various sources and research processes. Structured databases such as D&B Hoover and Bloomberg are used which helps to recognize the competitive environment of top market players along with profile details.
<strong>Regional Analysis</strong> Any type of report on Cranial Remolding Helmet   is a highly valuable and important tool for any business association regardless of the scale on which it operates in the sector. It provides a source to track and examine the performance and overall condition of the business while also identifying fields that has the scope for improvement for the better functioning of the organization. A well-prepared business report also holds great value as it suggests preventive measures that need to be done to avoid the business fails to meet the desired targets and thus helps to recover from the adversities. An annual report on Cranial Remolding Helmet   prepared in the company is an effective tool for providing employees, investors, and other clients with a complete picture of their business.
<strong>Customization of the Report: </strong> The customized report is provided by our consultancy at a reasonable price. We provide updated information according to the requirements of the customers in the market world.
<strong>Top Listed Companies in the Cranial Remolding Helmet  Market Include</strong>
Orthomerica,Becker Orthopedic,Ballert Orthopedic,Boston Brace,Cranial Technologies,BioSculptor,Hanger Clinic
<strong>Reasons to buy this Report:</strong> It helps in understanding the major key product segments. This report throws on Cranial Remolding Helmet   light on the dynamics of the market such as drivers, restraints, trends, and opportunities. It offers the regional analysis of Cranial Remolding Helmet   Market along with business profiles of several stakeholders in the research market. It offers massive data about trending factors that will influence the progress of the Cranial Remolding Helmet   Market. It offers an in-depth analysis of the changing competitive scenario in the Cranial Remolding Helmet   market of the research industry.
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<strong>Full Report Summary of Cranial Remolding Helmet  Market @ <a href=https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/cranial-remolding-helmet-market>https://www.statistifymarketresearch.com/cranial-remolding-helmet-market</a></strong>
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alcammedical · 2 years
Maintaining regular appointments with your pediatrician allows your provider to track your baby’s skull development. Your physician will first perform a visual exam on your baby’s skull to evaluate any unevenness, then may lightly feel for any variations on a baby’s normal skull shape.
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A New Jersey Guide to Cranial Remolding Helmets for Your Baby
Cranial remolding helmets play a crucial role in addressing plagiocephaly and other head shape abnormalities in infants. If you're a parent in New Jersey seeking expert guidance on this matter, look no further than the Short Hills Cranial Center. Our commitment to providing top-notch care and specialized services makes us your trusted partner in ensuring your baby's optimal cranial development.
Understanding Plagiocephaly: Plagiocephaly, commonly known as flat head syndrome, occurs when a baby's head develops a flat spot due to prolonged pressure in one area. To address this concern, cranial remolding helmets are recommended, offering a non-invasive and effective solution.
Short Hills Cranial Center's Approach: At Short Hills Cranial Center, our experienced team of specialists utilizes state-of-the-art technology to create personalized cranial remolding helmets tailored to your baby's unique needs. Our comprehensive approach involves a thorough assessment to determine the severity of the condition, ensuring that the treatment plan aligns with the specific requirements of each child.
Customized Solutions for Every Child: We understand that each case is unique, and our team takes pride in crafting helmets that are not only medically effective but also comfortable for your baby to wear. Our commitment to quality extends beyond the medical aspects, encompassing the overall well-being and happiness of your little one.
Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way: Choosing a cranial remolding helmet new jersey for your baby can be a daunting task. Short Hills Cranial Center is here to guide you through the process, offering informative consultations and answering any questions you may have. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that you feel confident and informed as you embark on this journey toward improving your baby's head shape.
Conclusion: Investing in your baby's cranial health is a decision that requires careful consideration. Short Hills Cranial Center, with its expertise and commitment to excellence, stands as a beacon of support for parents in New Jersey seeking the best for their little ones. Explore our website for more information and take the first step toward ensuring your baby's healthy cranial development.
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seowork036 · 1 year
Answering Questions about Craniosynostosis and its Management
The craniosynostosis spectrum is quite broad. Sagittal synostosis, also referred to as scaphocephaly, is by far the most prevalent. This variation involves the premature closure of the suture that separates the bones at the top of the cranial remolding helmet in New York head, which might give your child a broad forehead and a long, narrow skull shape evocative of a boat. The skull has a distinctive shape, hence it was given the moniker "boat head" (scaphocephaly).
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eliteinternet023 · 2 years
Toddler Cranial Helmets New Jersey: Bring the Head of Your Baby to a Normal Shape
Plagiocephaly is a common disorder that poses no threat to your baby’s brain development. Exercises, repositioning, or helmet therapy may be advised by your pediatrician if the problem does not get better on its own. Toddler cranial helmets new jersey is frequently advised here. And in other instances, the baby’s skull’s plates fuse too quickly or improperly. This disease, known as craniosynostosis, may need for surgical correction of the skull shape, either with or without the use of a helmet.
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The Importance of a Cranial Helmet
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A cranial helmet is an orthotic that can be used to correct deformations of the head and skull. It is made up of a series of bony plates that flex to fit over a growing brain. Various causes can cause a deformity of the head, but the most common is scaphocephaly, a congenital condition in which the bones of the head fuse together prematurely.
Infants with congenital muscular torticollis should always be put to sleep on their backs to avoid SIDS. It is also important to wear a cranial helmet while playing outside to protect from injuries. While parents of newborns should always keep them on their backs, children with flat heads are at risk of developing congenital muscular torticollis. It's important to learn how to care for them during the treatment, and how to prevent future deformities.  Read about torticollis baby helmet.
In order to help prevent flat-headedness in infants, parents can prevent this problem. Proper positioning and physical therapy are critical. An infant should sleep on their back to prevent the risk of SIDS. During the first month, the head should remain flat. It should also be kept upright to avoid falling and causing trauma to the skull. For older children, a helmet may be the only treatment needed. But it's crucial to remember that your child will be wearing the helmet for at least 23 hours a day for the entire treatment to be effective.
If your child has flat-headed syndrome, early treatment may be possible to cure the condition. Early treatment may help prevent the need for a cranial helmet. The head needs to be remolded and properly shaped in order to prevent future deformities. A cranial helmet may be needed for years, but a proper fitting one will be a lifetime investment. You should contact a pediatrician or plastic surgeon if your child has deformities that require braces. If a cranial helmet is required, the child will need to wear it for at least 23 hours per day. It is important to monitor your child closely for the first few months after surgery to ensure that it is working.
In the case of severe congenital muscular torticollis, early treatment may be possible, as well as the use of a cranial helmet for babies under 18 months. However, you must make sure that you are aware of the risks associated with this condition and what type of helmet is best for your child. Your child's doctor should also provide a consultation and advise you on the best treatment options. If he or she feels that your child's condition requires further treatment, the orthotist will help you determine which options are right for your child.
If your child has congenital muscular torticollis, your doctor can help them find the best treatment. In addition to a cranial helmet, you can also consult a pediatrician or a pediatric plastic surgeon who will provide further guidance. The therapists will help you choose the best option. If you have concerns about your child's condition, the surgeon will examine him or her to identify the appropriate course of treatment.  See more plagiocephaly helmet.
For additional info, visit this link - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiocephaly
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tinyraindropxx · 5 years
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May 9th, 2019 (12:25am).
You offically graduated from your helmet yesterday! We are so excited to see the final physical difference that the cranial remolding therapy did for you (before on the left, after on the right)! My once lopsided bean now has an almost perfectly shaped head after 3 months! I’m so exited to finally be able to take you outside!!! 😭💘
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craniofacialvegan · 6 years
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Craniofacial Remolding Cranial Helmets
This may be useful information for parents with babies who have #craniofacial conditions and are in need of cranio remolding helmets. 💜 https://goo.gl/SRfxwB
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Answering Questions about Craniosynostosis and its Management
When your child is born with craniosynostosis, his or her skull's bones will fuse together too soon, preventing the normal development of brain structures. These sutures usually heal by the time a child is two to three years old. The fissures in your baby's skull may close before or shortly after birth if he or she has craniosynostosis. However, craniosynostosis isn't the only health issue young children may face. These symptoms are associated with the genetic version of the disease and include epileptic fits, blindness, and a general lack of mental acuity.
The craniosynostosis spectrum is quite broad. Sagittal synostosis, also referred to as scaphocephaly, is by far the most prevalent. This variation involves the premature closure of the suture that separates the bones at the top of the cranial remolding helmet in New York head, which might give your child a broad forehead and a long, narrow skull shape evocative of a boat. The skull has a distinctive shape, hence it was given the moniker "boat head" (scaphocephaly).
When it comes to craniosynostosis, frontal plagiocephaly is the second most prevalent occurrence. In this disorder, the cleft between your child's ears on his or her skull closes before it should. It's more frequent in girls and can be mistaken for positional plagiocephaly or brachycephaly, both of which are more common in infant boys. Having the metopic suture, in the middle of the forehead, close too soon causes metopic synostosis, which is more common in boys. If a child's brain has stopped growing, he or she may have craniosynostosis; if the brain is still craniosynostosis treatment in New Jersey.
www.shorthillscranialcenter.com,craniosynostosis may cause increasing swelling and discomfort. Permanent deformity, increased intracranial pressure, migraines, delayed development, and seizures might result from ignoring this issue.
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