#creating good website
atompalace-official · 3 months
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experiment: does atomian creature pass the mirror self recognition test?
outcome: yes (after a brief delay) 🤭🎀🪞✨
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moonlume · 7 months
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tumblr said draw something bad so I did but I'm mad I still didn't feel anything
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thelaurenshippen · 1 month
genuinely think it's good and healthy to follow at least one person in each of your fandoms who reblogs good gifsets but has just...absolutely dogshit takes on the show, or who ships that ship you despise. keeps things fresh. keeps things grounded. you gotta stay humble
#lauren feels things#fandom#this is mostly a joke post#obviously create the experience on tumblr that yOU want#you are not obligated to do any fucking thing on this website#but like....there are a few people I've been following on my other blog#(my real and anonymous one where I do most of my reblogging/fandom stuff)#and I've been following them for YEARS#or they're mutuals from the fandoms I've written fic for#and they just post the most out of pocket shit#or they ship ships that totally squick me out#or - the most annoying sin of all to me -#they post sanctimonious explanations about how the creators/actors/whatever#really feel THIS way about this particular thing#and all you other fans are wrong#(and like......no they don't. unless that actor or writer has said that#you have no idea they think that. also it doesn't matter what they think.)#but I'm honestly not kidding when I say this makes my personal fandom experience better#bc a) some of these people are just pals I disagree with!#and b) none of them are - like - toxic or anything#there's a certain kind of fandom discourse I do not tolerate#these people are mostly just kind of silly sometimes about stuff#and ultimately harmless#but it helps me understand a fandom better#and the fact that I've been doing it for like a decade now#means that i truly never get offended or hurt or feel any kind of way#when I see a bonkers take on something#bc I'm just like 'oh sure you're wrong but whatever good for you seems like you're having fun'#and sometimes ppl in fandoms take things SO PERSONALLY!#and it's okay that some people who make art you like or amazing gifsets feel differently about the thing you both love
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cheylouwho · 4 months
SPHS is kicking around some ideas....
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god-i-hope-so · 3 months
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Later that day, Tommy, lover of romcoms, who's been encouraged by his therapist to journal to deal with his emotions and his daily struggles, but stopped years ago:
Dear diary,
It's been a while, I know. But I met this guy. He's awkward and still figuring things out. I know I promised myself to make better choices, but... I think he's special.
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favesgrave · 1 year
me blocking anyone who annoys me in the earthspark tag
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issue: i am good at analyzing other people’s work, good at synthesizing other people’s ideas. i am bad at creating my own work and coming up with my own ideas. i have no clue how to fix this and it makes me very sad that i never have anything new to say
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hylianengineer · 2 months
The stupid streaming service website has decided that I am forbidden from watching Ted Lasso, specifically. I have tried six times and every time there is some sort of critical error. Usually it just freezes but on one memorable occasion everything was in French and it wouldn't let me change the language preferences.
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lesbiansanemi · 2 months
I’ve been spending less and less time on this stupid ass website recently and honestly….. good
#idk I just don’t find it as? enjoyable as I once did?#which is sad in a way cuz I’ve used tumblr YEARS now and I DO enjoy the way the platform functions#and I for the most part enjoy the space I’ve created#but idk#it’s getting harder and harder to find ppl I actually want to follow and interact with#not many ppl post about my interests in a way I like#and while I once had a pretty active and good chunk of ppl I followed#more and more of them are starting to be inactive#on top of that I’ve been fighting the urge to just drop off of social media entirely recently anyways#like idk….. something about it all of a sudden has started to feel very draining and not fun#not that I have a lot of social media accounts to begin with…..#but I have been seriously debating just deleting most of them#I think part of it is not wanting old ppl in my life having a method of contacting me haha#but also it’s not like I use or enjoy them that much anyways#idk I have some mutuals on here I still enjoy interacting and seeing their posts and such obviously#but idk…. just not been feeling it lately#which in a lot of ways is a good thing! the amount of time I spend on my phone has dropped A LOT#I mostly just use it on breaks at work now and for a little bit before bed#other than? I’ve been actually engaging in hobbies and not mindlessly scrolling#mostly gaming writing and cooking and idk it’s been nice#I doubt I’d ever actually delete this blog#I’ll be here until this website goes down#I am starting to feel like my activity might be slowing down a lot from what it once was tho#kaz rambles
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clouds-oc-corner · 6 months
started rotatinf my little guys again, specifically the high school crew, and I think I should introduce some magical element to their world tbh. I don't know if I can write a straight up highschool drama hfhfhdh
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
every time a job advert asks for an "excellent communicator", an autistic person should magically be given $100000
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lorelune · 1 year
fandom isn’t. a . transaction :)
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
In the Elise ice skating story Silver goes from a skater to a coach because he's afraid of his powers coming out during contests. So Silver still doesn't have complete control of his powers and worries about them activating when he doesn't want them to.
Also in that story he pulls a Katara and COMPLETELY STOPS THE RAIN.
That suits Silver, I feel; he is quite concerned with justice and honesty, and having his powers come out during a match would definitely give him an unfair advantage compared to the normal participants. That, or he gets disqualified immediately. Both of them would be quite bad for him! Since the translation of the story seems to focus a lot on the emotions felt by Elise (how she associates the song with her parents to the point she cannot perform to it, her doubts while practicing, the courage Silver gives her etc.), maybe they wanted to use that sentence to describe something similar to Silver and his own emotions that his powers are linked to? Otherwise, I can't really think of a reason why Silver's powers would suddenly activate during a competition.
And I believe he stopped the rain through forming a dome around the skating rink with said powers, which is quite impressive! Mundane utilities are one of the more fun things powers like Silver's can be applied to, in my opinion. Sure, Silver can stop Elise from landing wrong in her triple axel, but he can also make sure the skating rink stays dry. Best of both worlds!
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piplupod · 2 months
also (sorry i'm chatty today and just in general as of late lol) it's really weird to be talking to people at the centre (mainly the leaders/ppl in charge) because they always comment on how many hobbies and interests I have and like. I kind of forget that this is apparently abnormal? I just... I like a lot of things? and I try a lot of things. at some point I changed my perspective from "oh man I could never do that!" when I saw something cool to "hmm I wonder how I could do that?" and I either try things out exactly the way I see other ppl doing them or I adapt it to work for me with my restraints (constraints?) on money/energy/skill level/etc.
and i'm also very quick to jump on opportunities to try things! there is not a lot available because of where I live (small town, rural, conservative, etc) so when things pop up that I am able to try out I jump on them immediately!
when an opportunity arose to learn the accordion (classes were offered and my neighbour offered to lend theirs to me) I hopped on it so fucking fast because I knew if I didn't then I'd likely never have the chance to learn it ever again! when someone is giving away art supplies for free/very cheap, i will usually take it because I know I'll find a use for it (or I can rehome it if I end up realizing I can't use it). when someone offers to show me how to do something (like skin a mouse), I will agree because why the fuck not! i love learning!
but then people always look at me like I possess some incredible talent just because I have so many hobbies and interests and weird bits of knowledge like... no ? 😭 I just try things. and I give myself the grace to learn new things and be bad at them and continue to try if I have the interest. I hate being told this is my autistic superpower or that I'm some kind of creative savant because I genuinely just... work hard. to learn things. I practice a lot. I enjoy making stuff so I do it a lot because it makes me feel good and keeps me from killing myself dsdgjkl. it feels like they dismiss all the time and work I put into this stuff. I honest to god think just about anyone could do this if they just decided to put the time into it. I'm not special for it, I'm honestly just desperate to be good at something so I put a lot of work into this.
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justanartistiguess · 2 months
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Heyyyyyyy just in case any of my 60+ followers are curious, I’m participating in this years Artfight!! I’m team stardust, and hopefully I’ll be able to attack people this year, I barely did anything the past 2 years lol
Good luck to anyone participating!
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sisaloofafump · 6 months
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