#creatura grimoire
hsuits · 1 month
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Ankou are cloaked, skeletal wraiths with bat-like wings, and sharp claws. While rarely seen by the general public, it has been noted by those unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon them that there appears to be a glow emanating from the folds of the creature's cloak where their heart would be. Their faces, although humanoid in nature, are a frightening sight to behold and leaves any surviving witnesses with trauma from the experience of viewing it.
Ankou are also sentient beings, and many offer assassination services on the black market, charging high sums for the most cruel and tortuous of deaths. While those with any sense would leave them to their chosen solitude, some (probably suicidal) individuals have hunted down an Ankou to claim their cloak which on the living will turn the wearer invisible.
If you happen to be looking for an Ankou, the most likely environments to check would be abandoned buildings, unmaintained cemetaries, and the most dark, desolate corners of our world.
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Books and Others
•One of the many ways for Magi to gain Learnt Magic
•It is not uncommon for a Magus to have a room full of Grimoires, Codexes, or Spellbooks or be seen bringing said items around with them
•It is not uncommon either to witness an Apprentice cast magic while reading out of one of the books
•Often made and written by other Magus, though there are exceptions
*Following descriptions are based on average content for each book category, and are not entirely accurate
•Thick books with detailed intructions on how to create certain items or artifacts
•Includes lists of specific needed tools and items
•There are a few spells, though they're mostly for mild to strong transmutation and restoration
•Some editions include recipes for simple potions or medicines
•Thin to thick books with detailed instructions for alchemy and clerical healing
•Includes lists of types of magical herbs, chemicals, other ingredients
•Spells included are mostly for healing, restoration, revival, or summoning the dead
•Some codexes also include detailed illustrations of human anatomy and medical plants or herbs
•Usually small to pocketsized books with lists of spells and their descriptions
•Includes ritual spells or summoning spells; both normal and necromancy types
•Includes conjuration, divination, and abjuration spells
•Also includes a few basic healing spells and potion recipes for emergencies
Other Books:
Codice Daemonium
•Book of Hell written by the first Pact Bind Magus
•Has detailed description of Hell, with heavy emphasis on its hierarchy and traditions
•Has a highly detailed map of the entirety of Hell
•Said to have detailed descriptions on how to summon and form a pact with one of the High Demons
•Includes detailed descriptions of the demons in the Four Districts and the families ruling over them
•Illustrations of the diffirentiating demon anatomy of the demon hiearchy with descriptions included
•The many kinds of food, environments, and weather is also included
•Includes history of the Holy War from the demons' perspective
•Only four original copies are known to be made, though one is discovered buried in an old ritual site but horribly tarnished and missing a few pages due to natural weathering and water damage
•Current copy is currently hidden in the Chancery, with Magi and archivists working to restore the book
Sanctus Aether Issium
•Book of Heaven made by the Magus who's said to have been blessed by and met Malkiel the god of aether
•Includes how to summon and communicate with the Archangels of Malkiel, also known as High Court, though one name is scratched out
•Detailed map of the 15 Regions and illustrations of the differentiating architecture in each regions
•Paragraphs about something called Judgement is written down
•Includes illustration of the "hierarchy" in heaven alongside with weapons, armor, and clothing
•Illustrations and decriptions of each of the 15 Generals included
•Angel anatomy is illustrated and explained
•Descriptions and illustrations of food and weather is included
•The many laws of the High Court is also written down
•Includes history of the Holy War from the angels' perspective
•Only one original copy is made, and fortunately in good condition
•Is currently being copied for mass production to Magi Society
Imago: Orbis Terrarum Incognita
•An ongoing encyclopedia collection about the faeworld of Reflection written by various exploration Magi
•Currently five are out to the public:
•Book 1: Introductio gives a detailed introduction about Reflection, the rules, laws, what to do and what not to do; goes into depth about the portals
•Book 2: Tellus Creaturae I goes into depth about the known creatures found on land, though mostly about the harmless or docile creatures, their anatomy, society, etc.
•Book 3: Tellus Creaturae II is a continuation of the previous book but about the more violent creatures
•Book 3.5: Earthshine: Papilio Mediocris is a more indepth look at the butterfly fairies, the Monarchs, that currently rule a huge section of Reflection and rumored to be in a Pact Bind with a Magus family
•Book 4: Tellus Viror is about the plants and vegetation found in dry land Reflection
•Book 5: Catarracta Intruductio is currently still in the works, and is said to include an introduction of the bodies of water in Reflection and the underwater portion of it
Illicitus Verba
•A book about the known Forbidden or Cursed Spells with their descriptions and warnings
•Forbidden Rituals and Summonings are also included
•There is nothing against using them, and it is highly encouraged if the situation is dire, but it is always recommended for only one spell from this book to be used once
•Kept in a special archive in the Chancery, and is always being updated by head archivists
•Apprentices are banned to read from this book until they've graduated to avoid accidents or misuse of a spell
•Magi can only learn one Forbidden or Cursed Spell from the book for emergency purposes
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allmadamevrath-blog · 6 years
Dizionario dell'esoterismo. Storia, simbologia, allegoria. Magia
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Dizionario dell'esoterismo. Storia, simbologia, allegoria
La magia è la potenza del Verbo. Pronunciando i loro nomi, il mago  evoca gli spiriti, per farli partecipare alla realizzazione dei suoi progetti. Possedere il Verbo è saper risvegliare le forze dell'universo. Dio ha chiesto ad Adamo di dare un nome agli esseri  e la creazione stesa è nata da un Verbo all'imperativo. I Verbo è la ragione del mondo, e gli dà la vita. Ora, il Verbo è il Figlio, Hokhma nella cabala, al quale <<è stato dato tutto il potere sul Cielo e sulla Terra>>. Il Verbo è scienza e potere. Dall'orientamento di tale potere, egocentrico o disinteressato, dipende la natura della magia: nera o bianca. Nel primo caso l'acquisizione dei poteri è rapida, ma va a detrimento dell'autonomia del soggetto che tiene al suo servizio solo per breve tempo i demoni di cui sarà la futura vittima. E' il senso del vendere l'anima al diavolo, per cui niente potrà salvare Faust, se non l'amore, il sacrificio di Margherita. La magia biana prende il sopravvento sulla magia nera, in rpimo luogo da un punto di vista anto-teologico: la creazione voluta da Dio è chiamata a 'santificare' il nome del Signore. Attraverso la preghiera, l'Amore, e la conoscenza dei nomi delle entità, il mago trionfa sulle fore ostili e partecipa all'operato positivo di Dio. Il processo è lento ma duraturo: esso presuppone una preparazione e una rinascita, è oggetto di un'iniziazione. La magia è quindi la pratica stessa esoterica, e non per principio, un obbligo meccanico, nè 'la ricerca dichiarata dei poteri'. Se, <<la magia è autoritaria, sua sorella, la religione, è umile>>, ciò è nel senso  in cui Gesù ha parlato dell'autorità, quella conferita da Dio al Verbo, la stessa che permette al Figlio di esorcizzare Satana. La magia ha due dimensioni: è <<personale o cerimoniale>>. E' personale, quando la si opera senza ricorrere a un rito estereiore; cerimoniale è invece l'alta magia. L'una e l'altra possono essere esercitate nel microcosmo o nel macrocosmo. Nell'alta magia, l'obiettivo è principalmente qello di una partecipazione cosmica ai piani di Dio. La pratica del maestro, che mira all'evoluzione degli esseri e dei mondi, coniuga l'antagonismo delle forze occulte. L'alta magia si ssitua oltre l'opposizione illusoria e ancora etica delle due magie, la bianca e la nera. Gesù è venuto a seminare la discordia e lo scandalo, anche se non vuole essere occasione di scandalo per nessuno. Il Venerabile Vegliardo dell'Apocalisse ha una spada a doppio taglio al posto della lingua. Il Verbo, per compiere l'opera, di due forze della natura antagoniste. Le principali operazioni di alta magia possono essere ricondotte a quattro tipii fondamentali. Con la consacrazione, si sacralizzano degli dèi o degli oggetti, allo scopo di conferire lo ro un potere. L'esecrzione è la caratteristica di tutti gli esorcismi, con cui si espellono i demoni da un soggetto; è l'atto che obbliga le forze malefiche, attaccate agli oggetti come agli esseri, a ritrarsi. L'invocazione realizza attraverso i conti rituali e le formule in contatto, attraverso cui si rivolge una richiesta a uno spirito superiore, un genio benefico. L'evocazione infine è l'invito, o addirttura l'ordine, rivolto a delle entità affinché si manifestino o manifestino la loro presenza. In tutti i casi elencati l'operazione magica va preparata nei minimi particolari bisogna fare attenzione ai luoghi prescelti, soprattutto al cerchio magico tracciato al suolo, agli accessori. L'alta magia è rituale: la cerimonia diventa operativ solo attraverso l'unione attuata al rito tra alto e basso. La saccralizzazione, la consacrazione regolare, la benedizione, come le destituzioni, le scomniche, le maledizioni trasformano gli oggetti e gli esseri in simbolo sacro, gli uni degni di partecipare all'operazione, gli altri di allontanare a seconda della loro carica fluidica. L'oggetto magico deve essere accordato, manetizzato in determinati momenti, regolati dall'astrologia magica. Il 'magista' colui che pratica la magia cerimoniale, prepara personalmente le proprie vesti, spesso una tecnica di lino bianco. Porta dei pentacoli, i cui segni sono dei catalizzatori di energia. Sta a testa nuda, a mani nude, a piedi nudi. La scelta del momento propizio all'operazione dipende non solo delle condizioni determinate dall'astrologia generale, ma anche da quelle determinate dall'astrologia cabalistica, che associa alle ore del giorno e ai mesi i rispettivi arcangeli, angeli, spiriti e geni planetari. Munito di sapda, il magista può allora penetrare nel cerchio, che ha la funzione di proteggerlo dagli spiriti negativi mediante i segni che contiene, e di attirare le entità corrispondenti ai suoi sigilli e ai suoi segni. Ogni volta va preparato un cerchio diverso, tenendo conto del giorno della settimana e degli spiriti di cui si desidera l'aiuto. Il cerchio viene tracciato con la spada magica o con una miscela di carbone e di polvere di calamita. Il cerchio contiene tre cerchi concentrici nel diametro di tre metri, distanti tra loro un palmo di mano. Nel cerchio di mezzo figurano il nome dell'ora, dell'angelo, dell'ora dell'angelo e dei ministri del giorno, del tempo attuale, degli spiriti che lo presiedono, del segno reggente, della terra secondo le stagioni, della luna e del sole in quel momento. Il cerchio superiore porta ai quattro angoli della croce, che attraversa solo il cerchio inferiore, i nomi degli angeli dell'aria ddi quel giorno. Quanto all cerchio interno, su esso sono segnati i quattro nomi di Dio, separati dalla croce. All'esterno del cerchio, a ogni angolo, è disposto un penatagramma. L'alta magia presuppone la teurgia e l'astrologia cabalistica. La scrittura o la pronuncia dei nomi degli arcangeli in lingua ebraica è dovuta, per i cabalisti cristiani. al carattere sacro di qest'ultima. La pratica dei mantra in India, del dikhr islamico, o il ruolo delle formule nell'esicasmo si basano sulla regolazione armonica del suono e del divino. I riti di consacrazione in ogni confessione corrispondono allo stesso principio: fare del luogo della cerimonia un luogo sacro, una proiezione del cielo sulla terra, delimitata, materializzata, orientata, attraverso simboli appropriati. Le ventidue letere ebraiche fanno un sigillo magico di ogni nome di Dio, le lettere del sanscrito corrispondono ciascuna a un Dio, a un colore, a una virtù. L'efficacia di operazione magica dipende dal grado di precisione con cui viene costituito simbolicamente il luogo in cui si officia ma soprattutto dalla trasformazione dell'uomo in tempio vivente. La capacità magnetica, il potere di concentrazione delle energie psichiche e l'attitudine a far risplendere l'aura sono le condizioni essenziali di un Verbo creatore. La magia realizza le condizioni di un mondo vivente, di un microcosmo dotato, in ciascuno dei suoi elementi, di potere operativo, in virtù della relazione con il tutto. Per la stessa ragione le destinazioni tra magia cerimoniale e altre forme di magia non danno l'idea della magia in se stessa, ma tutt'al più del livello a cui si esprimono la volontà e la competenza del maago, e dell'orientamento che egli, in conseguenza conferisce alla propria azione. La magia è il sistema di analogie simboliche e operative del mondo attraverso cui comunicano piante, metalli, fiori, profumi, virtù, pianeti e spiriti. Le tecniche di assoggettamento, la fabbricazione di filtri o di miscele secondo ricette imprevedibili dati dai grimoires in caso di successo implicano terapia, suggestione, infestazione, un mutamento dell'obiettivo delle forze occulte responsabili del successo. Ciò richiede ce non facciano mai difetto né la perseveranza del candidato, né il suo senso dell'humour.   La magia è partecipazione alla creazione costantemente rinnovata di Dio. Contravvenire alla finaliità dell'ordine del mondo è agire contro se stessi, poiché la propria struttura è quella stessa dedl mondo. Per la stessa ragione è a vita dell'uomo ad apparire come il campo di una magia completa e operativa, tuttavia quasi sempre trascurata e ignorata. Il cerchio è la sua aura, la bacchetta magica la sua volontà e la sua colonna vertebrale, il gesto è l'epressione del Verbo allo stesso titolo della voce. La 'creatura nuova' officerà in un 'corpo di gloria'. Magia e religione non sono mai separate, come ha sottolineato l'esoterismo dei rispettivi testi sacri, dalla Tavoletta di Smeraldo al Pater. Magico è l'atto di una onversione analogica e di una trasmutazione, dall'alto in basso e inversamente dalla terra al cielo. E' questo il solo aautentico obiettivo dell apotenza creatrice del Verbo e della sua magia.
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dobbyeslibre · 4 years
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Creaturas fantásticas  . Sabía usted que hay muchas criaturas similares a vampiros o gárgolas? . Ilustración digital, Procreate + Apple Pencil. . Contenido en descargable en HD y timelapse en en el patreon (link en la bio)  . —- New content in PATREON! .  Did you know that there are many creatures similar to gargoyles and vampires?  . Downloadable content in HD an time lapse process in the PATREON (link in my bio)  . . . . . 🧙🏻‍♂️🕸🕷🦇💀🍂🔥 . #librodebocetos #arte #art #boceto #sketch #sketchbook #charcoal #drawing #sketches #vampire #bizzare #occult #occultism #occultart #knowledge #ancient #grimoire #potterhead #defenseagainstthedarkarts #wizard #anatomy #anatomydrawing #anatomical #fantasy #magic vampiro #gargola #gargoyle @procreate #patreon #patreononly  (en Valdivia - Capital de Los Ríos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZxjGPD7Z1/?igshid=135sem4a38yil
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hsuits · 2 months
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The Angka is similar to a Phoenix, but can live for thousands of years before they start their reproduction cycle. They are also much larger, comparable to some dragons in size and with a wingspan of up to 20 feet, and sporting colorful feathers, usually in irridescent blues and greens. The face of an Angka is usually more beast-like lacking a beak and looking almost like the snout of a lion or other large cat.
Angka are not as approachable as their phoenix cousins, territorial by nature and more than willing to eat those creatures that invade their space. They have no natural predators to speak of other than dragons, and maybe very ingenuitive humans if they aren't killed first.
Angka feathers are potent magical items, able to extend the lifespan of most creatures by a considerable amount of time. This comes with side effects, however, and will not render the consumer immortal. Collecting the feathers is a task in and of itself, as approaching an Angka nest, where they are most likely to shed, is an act of insanity if one wishes to survive the encounter.
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hsuits · 9 months
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The Achiyalabopa, also called a Tlanuwa , is one of a variety of Rainbow Birds known throughout the world. This particular bird is incredibly large, with razor sharp plumage that appears to refract the light in a rainbow of colors. Because of their durability and naturally sharp edges, their feathers are often used in the production of local weapons including spear tips and arrowheads. They are also used for cooking knives, razors, and many other tools that need a blade. Harvesting the feathers themselves is relatively simple, as the Achiyalabopa sheds regularly and will carefully remove any stray feathers from their nests. They must be extra cautious as they could accidentally cut their chicks before their own mature feathers come in. They choose extra soft materials to keep their chicks safe, and have taken to pilfering textiles left outside in nearby towns and cities to compensate for their lack of soft down. They may also use moss, cotton plucked from the plant, as well as the shed feathers and fur of other creatures to line their nests.
If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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hsuits · 2 months
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A spectral white deer with fiery eyes, the Anhanga are protectors of the forest. While this form is their most well known, it is also whispered among the locals that they are capable of shapeshifting into nearly any animal form, as well as a humanoid shape. Because of their ellusive nature, it is unknown how many Anhanga currently exist, but it is assumed that they are born from the spirits of poached animals, or humans that have died protecting the forest. Anhanga are capable of strong illusion magic, and use it to keep those within their domain safe from outside dangers such as hunters. The illusions of an Anhanga have even driven some victims to madness as they attempt to escape the horrors they are shown.
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hsuits · 2 months
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Anandi are roughly humanoid in shape and resemble peacock as well as other jumping spiders with large patterned crests and furred chelicerae. They are vibrantly colored, and capable of taking both human and spider form when not in their natural in-between state. They avoid showing their true form to most other people due to the prevalence of aracnaphobia. Even if some of their close friends know they are Anandi, they still might not have seen anything other than their assumed human form.
Although they seem to be standard shapeshifters, The Anandi's alternate forms are carefully crafted transfiguration magic mixed with illusion magic passed down over the generations. They are a highly developed sorcerer race, to the extent that it would be unusual to meet and Anandi that does not use magic as a mundane form of it's everyday life.
Combined with their nomadic lifestyle, their predisposition for sorcery leads most Anandi to pursue careers as traveling healers and magic practitioners that are called in for odd jobs and emergencies.
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hsuits · 2 months
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The Amazons are a race of immortal women that are capable of great feats of strength. Their skin is nearly impenetrable, and they can run at speeds of up to 120 MPH. The Amazons also appear to be demi-immortal, capable of dying from mortallly afflicted wounds but otherwise living indefinitely. They take lovers only temporarily, and men are not permitted to live within their society. They only raise their daughters, returning any sons they give birth to to their fathers or the father's family. It does not need to be said that Amazons are a matriarchal race, and have become a stronghold for women's rights across all species. In addition to expanding their society biologically, Amazons can also initiate women from outside their bloodlines, expanding their clan and gifting those they've adopted with the same powers they were born with. Because of this, they have a broad and diverse range of ethnicities and sub-cultures. There is no homogenous description for their appearance. While not as renowned as dwarves or elves, the Amazons are also quite skilled at forging their own magically imbued weapons and armor. Their armor is one of the most assured ways to identify an amazon, as their craftsmanship is unmistakable.
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hsuits · 7 months
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Airavata are, thankfully, a very rare species of flying elephant. While they can be good for air travel, able to carry multiple passengers and large quantities of luggage, they can also be less than graceful with their landings. Airavata can reach speeds of 110 mph, and at their weight can cause catastrophic damage if they come in hot. They must be trained with care and landed in large clear areas.
In the wild, Airavata live in mated pairs in the mountains. They build their nests on rocky cliffs, and teach their young to fly between the peaks where predators are unlikely to travel. The avalanches and rockslides they cause are also a hearty deterent to potential predators or curious humans. Like their terrestrial cousins, their tusks make them at high risk for poaching, as well as their feathers.
If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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hsuits · 8 months
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Adlets are a humanic-canine species from the frozen north. They appear to be humanoid in form with the features of a dog, usually resembling breeds of dogs that popularly pull sleds, and have adapted thick fur over most of their bodies to protect them from the dramatically low temperatures of their climate. Many of them layer clothing over this fur in order to retain additional heat, and craft these garments from the hides of their hunts. Fur-lined sealskin coats are hand crafted and adorn with trinkets and embellishments by their owners, and are seen as wearable art denoting personality and achievements.
Adlets have been known to build large communal lodges, preferring to live in their full packs instead of as individual families as they carry over many of the social norms from wolves. These lodges are akin to small towns in a single building and while they may give shelter to those lost in the snows, it is rare that they will allow anyone outside of their kin to stay for an extended period of time.
Because of their shared characteristics, Adlets do have a soft spot for Loup Garou and have been known to develop strong bonds with them. There have been a handful of known mixed relationships between the two that have resulted in hybrid children. These have become known as Adlet Garou, as they are usually born with the shapeshifting capabilities of their Loup Garou parent. ------------------------------------- If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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hsuits · 8 months
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Coming next week! We are almost to my happy easter egg creature, the Atlantean! And then we are rounding out the month with some spectral butterflies! Make sure you check out patreon for these previews!
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hsuits · 8 months
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I'm redoing the banshee and I can't even be mad that it has to be redone at this point. I am much happier with how the dress is turning out so far, and hopefully I can work the same magic on her upper half!
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hsuits · 9 months
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The Abura-Akago is a creature of flame that can take the form of either a floating fireball or a small child-like shape. They consume oil, such as the kind used to light oil lamps, in order to keep themselves alight and can putter out of existence if they are not able to find a steady supply. You may find many frequenting fishing towns where fish oil is found in abundance and easily accessible.
Because of this odd diet, it is not difficult to befriend an Abura-Akago. Supplying one with meals of oil would ensure they remain in your general vicinity and provide light, warmth, and possibly even a cooking flame. This is a popular alternative to other energy sources, abundantly so in areas where electricity is difficult to source. ------------------------ If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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hsuits · 9 months
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Volume A of Creatura Grimoire has just a handful of creatures left to drop on Patreon! "A" is going to take us into mid-october with the Asen, Astrpanthera, Atlantean (easter egg!), Avelainya, and Avelopardalis. "B" creatures are well underway with most of the paintings done. I plan to start putting pages together for the earliest ones before the end of the month! --------- If you are enjoying this project, please consider backing the Patreon! Hardback copies are available on Ko-fi and Gumroad
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hsuits · 9 months
I hope everyone is having a decent hump day!
I took a look at my Patreon last night and realized it has almost been a full year since I started the Creatura Grimoire preview pages. With the book out and available on my Gumroad, I think it is about time to start posting pages to regular social media! These are going to release on a similar biweekly schedule, with wide release pages going out on Wednesdays! Patreon early pages will still be posted on Fridays.
Please keep in mind, Patreon will be starting into B pages in October! So for those of you that want to catch those early before I start putting together that book, you will want to head over and sign up!
First up is the Abere!
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The Abere is a marsh creature with mossy dermal plants that allow them to blend into their ecosystem. They usually live in groups, with a queen who is the primary hunter, and 2-10 additional pride members. Abere are ambush predators, luring their prey into the bogs where they dwell and trapping them in the natural foliage before consuming them. In this scenario, the queen acts as the lure, while her pride takes down the target.
Abere do have human-like intelligence but rarely integrate with society since human males tend to be their meal of choice. However, it does happen on occasion and Abere queens have been known to open women's shelters as a means of blending in with their communities. They become protective of the human women that move in, which makes these shelters very desirable for those fleeing abusive spouses and families. These particular Abere prides have adapted to more subtle carnivorous diets including livestock and seafood.
It is assumed by many that Abere are capable of taking on both male and female reproductive traits as needed in order to maintain their population. They do not reproduce with other humanoids and nobody has seen a male-presenting Abere since their discovery. Despite this their populations appear to be steady with visibly younger members.
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