#credit: texanona
taleslations · 6 years
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Original Picture: Tales Ch Twitter Translation: @yume-x-hanabi Editing: Texanona
Wedding Lloyd
His necktie color is from Kratos' default outfit and the tie brooch is modeled after Dirk's belt, giving him motifs from both of his fathers. His tie is made out of a smooth material.
His vest and slacks are plain but high quality. His slacks are stylish and a perfect fit.
His shoes are also plain. I hope you can get a sense for their shine.
A classy jacket.
His pocket square is folded in a crushed style to look like Colette's wings. (The closest tutorial I could find for this type of square)
Rough sketch of his back. It's a very plain vest and suit. There's a slit in the middle.
The pocket brooch is silver and borrows its motif from Colette’s default outfit.
Here’s how the hidden parts of his pin and pocket square look.
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taleslations · 5 years
About the demons, if Aselia is considered their original home makes you wonder if they have right to be pissed of what the elves did as they were literally driven their home and it sounds like not very nicely either, Were they considered inherently evil and not good for the planet? Were they not considered living beings worthy of respect to because mana is highly toxic to them? I am not saying that they are in the right but i has been bugging me awhile and makes me think a lot.
Texa here!
I really have no idea how the Elves felt about it. There’s nothing that’s ever stated their views on that subject. I’m gonna have to assume that they didn’t care because the planet suited the their needs and they do tend to view themselves as being above other sentient races. As far as we’re able to tell Derris-Kharlan was used as some kind of colonization vessel and that’s a very colonizer thing to do.
I’d put that all on the Elves and the spirits though, not the humans, dwarves, and half-elves who came into being as a result of them arriving on Aselia.
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taleslations · 6 years
(1/2) Thank you so much for this blog, I just finshed TOS and had SO MANY QUESTIONS and your posts answered most of them. Some things still don’t add up with Mithos though and I wonder if you have any ideas? First, after he rescues you with Aska, where did he get the Rheaird from? Yuan says it’s not one of his. And did Yuan just shrug and go, hey, free Rheiard? And not bother to check where it came from? Second, can he be in 2 ppaces at once? When he shows up at the Tower of Salvation after
(2/2) you beat Pronyma, he’s supposed to be at Altessa’s house, did Altessa and Tabatha not notice he suddenly went missing? His motives also kinda strange, he doesn’t care about the world anymore so why not take the Great Seed+Martel and go off to live om Derris Kharlan and let Aselia die? Why did he want to make a body for Martel in the first place if his goal is for everyone to live bodiless in their exspheres? Mithos y u no make sense?? Oh and also if Lloyd can’t use the Eternal Sword bc he’s a human, why can’t Yuan or Genis or Raine or whoever use it? Or is the sword without the ring only usable by Mithos specifically and the “only usable by half elves” thing was a mistranslation or the characters being misinformed?             
The Rheaird belonged to cruxis, they have them too even though it never comes up directly in the game.
He can’t be in two places at once, as far as I’m aware they just didn’t notice.
He cared a teeny tiny little bit until Martel told him that he was wrong, he lost his final heck after that scene.
Mithos didn’t want people to be bodiless, Martel would technically be living out of her high exsphere even if she got a new body. Her soul was absorbed into her high exsphere when she died but she didn’t have any way to interact with the world like in that state because exspheres are just sentient rocks. Something that might’ve gotten confusing from the choice of terminology in the localization is that exspheres are alive and people would still be alive if he achieved his goals. He just wanted everyone to be inorganic because he believed everyone being able to do stuff like being able to change their bodies at will would get rid of discrimination.
The eternal sword thing is not a mistranslation. Yuan could have used the sword if Origin acknowledged him, but that was a BIG *if* since he was a part of the original group that betrayed the spirits and created the current predicament. Raine and Genis’ reasoning for not doing it was “I don’t think I can handle a sword” that was it. Honestly, Sheena probably could’ve used it since she was both acknowledged and is supposed to have some elven blood and aselia stuff will call (other) people with any amount of elven blood half-elf sometimes. But it ends up being Lloyd in the end so there can be the ring plot point to show how Kratos tried to make up for his mistakes but ditches his son for an awesome space ride anyways.
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taleslations · 6 years
What happened to your page "so many tops" explaining the versions/translations of ToP?
Tex here! I deleted it because I didn’t like it very much and I felt there was a better way to explain the differences. Which I haven’t actually gotten around to yet because I started to wonder what the point really was or if anyone would even really be interested in that. Plus I started hanging out a lot with the absolute zero folks this year and the way people reacted to them cancelling their projects, going out of their way to be very personally insulting, soured me on the tales fandom for a stretch.
I’m back on my tales of bs now but really busy with working on crafts for aselia con so I can’t really justify spending that much time working on articles until I have steadier revenue going. I’m sorry this got kind of personal, but tl;dr we all get jaded sometimes.
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taleslations · 7 years
Is there anything in the guides about the demons from Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and might as well thrown in Tales of Phantasia as it is the same world thousands of years later like what their backstories and stuff? I am just curious as the Tales of Symphonia make it sound like they all they care about is taking over the world and I wonder if there is more to them then just conquering the world?
Texa here! They don’t want to take over the world so much as live there again. I’m not digging up game quotes right now because I’m tired af but basically before the elves moved to the world in ToS/ToP games there was no steady supply of mana aside from derris-kharlan would cast off when passing by every hundred years or so. Demons can’t thrive in a world full of mana, the weaker ones will die outright (I think Katareki/the dhaos novel states that).
Where the demons live after the world has its own tree and life flourishes is inconsistent. In ToP they’re deep underground in a realm with its own border of some kind but it still has various access points.You encounter their king Pluto in the bottom of Moria under the right conditions and ToP also explains that demons can be willingly summoned like spirits. In ToS it seemed more like a pocket dimension that had various access points. In DotNW they’re past a gate in the Ginnungagap in Nilfheim.
So yeah, they used to live on the surface which in ToP means getting rid of the mana tree. In Katareki they’re actually the ones who pushed MIdgard to develop the mana canon while also making Dhaos look like a big bad threat that needs that much power to defeat. Dhaos meanwhile thinks they’re on his side and helping him fight Midgard’s magitechnology use. The game never really explains that itself though which is frustrating.
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taleslations · 7 years
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Original Picture: Tales Ch Twitter Translation: commissioned from   [email protected] as a holiday present from me to the Tales fandom Editing and References: Texanona 
Colette Pajama Party Design Illustrations
Light, baggy pajamas made out of fleece-like material. The retro flower designs are printed onto the material so they look fuzzy (other patterns also available). The Kalanchoe flowers symbolize happiness, many small memories, protection and a benevolent heart.
a. On her head, a soft hair band with the same print as the pajamas b. Print pattern on the pajamas and hairband.
The negligee is the light type that flares when its wearer twirls, so it should hang straight in illustrations (with appropriate pleats).
Fluffy Martel Slippers. Simple slippers in Martel colors, with leaf adornments. I want people to look at them and think, 'Huh? Don't those resemble Martel?'.
Prone Noishe Beads Pillow. Apologies for the design being so rough. This is a large Noishe beads pillow. Imagine it being well-stuffed with beads so that it's plump, but when one rests one's head on it the body still deforms under the weight (I think it would be uncomfortably hard if it didn't deform).
A rough size comparison. As in the illustration, when held tightly in a choke sleeper-hold and swung around, the beads settle downwards and make its tummy fat. It's rather huge for a pillow. It's a beads pillow, so you can imagine that its material is a common stretchy polyester.
Colette Pajama Party Plush and Donut Design Illustrations.
 a. Noishe Hugging Pillow b. Plush of Murry, the dog in front of Harley's house in Asgard, the City of Ruins c. Plush of the dog that Colette kicked and sent flying while in the Imperial City of Meltokio d. Sorry for the rough designs. How about having these plush dogs be based on the dogs that are around Colette (in the game)? e. Plush of Pudding, the dog in front of the musician's house in the Imperial City of Meltokio.
a.The container's surface should have something like this pasted on it, with colorful donuts b. Lloyd-brand Donuts Box: 'Lloydonuts' in Link script (repeated in English) is printed on it.
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taleslations · 6 years
Hey! I was wondering why Zaveid is given two true names in the Aselia wiki's article. Which one is the correct one?
From @guardianoftime: “He only has one true name and it has always been “Fylk Zahdeya”. We did not have an official romanization for it until Berseria came out. However this was his true name even in Zestiria–albeit you only ever heard it spoken. I, personally, originally spelled it “Filk Zadeya”.There was, for a long time, a mistranslation being spread around as fact that said Zaveid’s true name was something akin to “Wirukun Zavie”. I debunked that long ago in this post: http://guardianoftime.tumblr.com/post/140893638865/dear-zestiria-fandom-this-is-a-picture-of “
From Tex: So yeah, the aselia wiki is incorrect there but whenever I inform them of stuff like that directly I’m told to “edit it in yourself”. I’m limited in how long I can sit upright to type every day because of medical issues and I have no earthly idea what my login for that wiki was so someone else will have to handle it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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taleslations · 6 years
I can't ask you on your home page as an anon user for the chapter.
Texa here! I don’t take anons on my personal, you’ll have to message me normally or contact me via http://taleslations.tumblr.com/othercontact .
Also fearfulfracture, I just now got your message about the Jude page. Mobile is weird with asks. I will give it a look next time I can sit up for a while. I still need to work on the side materials page too but its taking more time and focus than anticipated, and like mentioned recently I’m physically limited in how long I can sit up to work on stuff. But I’m still planning on it ^ ^
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taleslations · 7 years
Do you have any information on Anna's age? Ive always wondered that. Was Kratos a borderline cradle robber since he's like 4,028? Also, since he removed his exshpere when he was with her, what if he was biologically 25 when Lloyd was born?
Texanona here
I’m familiar with pretty much all ToS-specific guides, novels, the audio dramas, the head writer’s twitter, and general chatter in the Japanese fandom. Absolutely nothing ever even hints Anna’s age. All that I confirm is what’s in her biography and Kratos’ biography; that she is listed as Kratos’ wife in the Kratos novel and a few guides; and that her last name was Irving, she’s never officially addressed as Anna Aurion.
The only thing I can offer that does officially address her age is that in Japanese she’s always referred to with terms for woman and not girl as far as I’m aware. Like in Tales of Fandom vol. 2 Mithos specifically calls her “あの女/ ano onna/that woman” which can also be taken as “that bitch” because he says it in a disrespectful context. But given how he generally addresses people I think he’d use more of a youth-based insult if she was younger.
I think overall things about Anna are kept kind of vague because Takumi Miyajima has shown she likes adding things into stories that people can come to their own conclusions with in creative ways. Things like her specific age, personality, and the details of her relationship with Kratos have given the fandom a lot of inspiration over the years and I believe Miyajima enjoys seeing ToS and its characters take on a life of their own beyond what the game could address.
As for the cruxis crystal thing, there is no right answer imo. According to everything I’ve read though every single function of a cruxis crystal can be controlled when its on and it can be removed so long as the user has a proper key crest and its not malfunctioning. Specifics beyond that are speculative.
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taleslations · 7 years
Do you know where I can find Zestiria's manga raw scans?
For the record, the ToZ manga is being released officially in English and everyone at Taleslations encourages our followers to support the official release in the fragile and fleeting hope that more official Tales of manga can get physically released in English.
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taleslations · 7 years
gonna sound like a total idiot but i am rlly new to the tales of series - how are they all connected (if they are) and how can i get more into them?
Texanona here! The games are officially connected are
Tales of Symphonia, Dawn of the New World, Tales of Phantasia, and Narikiri Dungeon all take place on the same world at different points in time. This was directly confirmed by the Tales of producer Makoto Yoshizumi.
Tales of Destiny and Tales of Destiny 2 (PS2)
Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of Zestiria and Tales of Berseria also take place on the same separate world at different points in time. Berseria was stated to take place on the same world as Zesty when it was announced.
All of the others aren’t related canonically outside of little cameos and references that are included for fun in a “I GET THAT REFERENCE” kind of way. The Tales of series likes to make spin-off games where multiple characters from previous games come together, like we have in Tales of the Rays and Tales of Link currently. These usually aren’t related canonically. The only ones that we at Taleslations might use as a reference in biographies are parts of Tales of Fandom vol 2.
Things like the Kratos and Jade routes in Tales of Fandom vol 2 are outliers when it comes to spin-off games. Their side-stories in that game were written by their original creator Takumi Miyajima and contained information that was intended for sidequests in the main title but couldn’t make it in because of time/budget issues, and are still written in a manner where they could’ve occurred in the game itself without changing major events.
As to how to get more into Tales, PLAY MORE TALES!
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taleslations · 7 years
I loved reading the Symphonia character trivia thing you posted with the little details about each major character. Do you have ones for other games like Abyss, Vesperia, Berseria, etc?
Texanona here! I came across this cleaning out the ask box I apologize if this was sent a while ago but other people have been asking this too and orz.
I’m still floored by how popular the ToS trivia post was. It was just something I typed out over 2 days days just for funzies while I was working on other projects that took a lot more focus and research. I never thought it would blow up the way it did.
The thing about it though was that it was me writing about things I found interesting in my own writing style (which is a huge mess, I have auditory processing disorder and I’ve never understood how to organize words good). I’m not as dedicated to the other big Tales games. I don’t think I would be able to put anything out for those games and still have it be the same kind of thing. Like, I’ve only played ToB once, didn’t finish Abyss, and know next to nothing about Vesperia.
Trivia is whatever you want it to be, but for it to really come alive the person presenting it has to be genuinely passionate about the topic. If anyone wanted to copy my format for another Tales of trivia post I’d be happy to point them to some of the resources I used and I’d also be willing to reblog it here so long as it follows these rules
No blatant favoritism towards one specific ship unless it’s to point out something that a real person on that game’s dev team did like Miyajima making her ToS miis marry each other.
The author doesn’t need to be a translator (I’m not a translator I’m an info person!) but if you use someone else’s translations/scans please ask them and credit them in references section if they want you to.
Try to keep speculation to a minimum and cite your sources.
No character hate unless it’s Remiel.
Please feel free to message me here or on my personal if you are interested.
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taleslations · 7 years
Are you guys going to be doing translations of the wedding dress notes for Alisha and Rose, too?
Texanona here
The Colette wedding dress and Velvet furisode costume notes were only translated because I asked Yume and Dai to work on them specifically. Nobody currently has plans for the others but I am still asking around and keeping tabs on interest when I see it. For anyone who wants to find the others they’re all from the media posts on the official Tales ch twitter https://twitter.com/tales_ch/media
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taleslations · 6 years
Do you have a translation or the official translated page of Marta's chapter from Tales of Symphonia Successors of Hope?
Tex here! I do, but its against our policies on this blog to post links to stuff like that. I’m willing to make a slight exception for that novel specifically though since it was bundled with the collector’s edition of ToS Chronicles which came out quite a while ago and isn’t available to people who are just now looking for it. BUT, you will have to message me on my personal I’m not posting the links publicly or through here.
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taleslations · 6 years
I’ve made a short contact page http://taleslations.tumblr.com/othercontact (not sure if pages work on mobile but idk) for people who need to contact the admins directly or wish to get in touch with taleslations outside of tumblr for any reason. We’re always happy to post and reblog any kind of tales related translation from people of every skill level whether or not you’re on tumblr, so long as we have the translator’s permission. Just give us a ring!
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taleslations · 7 years
Hello! I'm sorry I feel kinda bad for asking, but... what Kratos novel are you talking about? Is there a way to read it in English?
Texa here! You’re fine don’t worry that’s our job to explain stuff like that.
Shokuzai no Kratos is a novel that was written by the woman who originally wrote the scenario for ToS, Takumi Miyajima. She said on twitter before that’s it’s full of material that was planned to be like side quests and stuff but didn’t make the final cut during production. There is no full translation at the moment but you can check
My notes from what Yume skimmed for me
The Kratos biography I wrote using the info
If you’re interested!
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