#credit: trigun overhaul project
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black hair vash // trimax vol 14
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It's time for Trigun Maximum Vol 7 in the original Japanese version! This means it's the dialogue as written by Yasuhiro Nightow. We've only done cleaning work to remove any damage done to the pages through wear and tear, literally, and then some minor editing for chapter and page numbering.
This is also the quality you can expect from the 2.0 translation release, as this is what we will refer to as 2.0 in terms of the scans. We hope you enjoy the scans and their resolutions, and as always, everyone's free to make edits and art with our scans as long as they leave credit.
Please do not publicly share this post on X (Twitter), instead share it with people through private accounts or in DMs. We hope to stay a little bit under the radar with the non-transformative releases to avoid attention. If we believe trouble might be brewing, we'll be deleting the post again, so remember to save the files if you can so you have them forever.
Please support the original creator however you can!
Download the entire volume here.
Read the chapters online here:
Chapter 01: Happy Days
Chapter 02: セパレイトウェイズ
Chapter 03: 孤独の王
Chapter 04: ろくでなしとブルース
Chapter 05: 辿り着けばそこはすでに終わりの始まり
Chapter 06: コンフリクト
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merylstryfestan · 1 year
Trimax Bookbinding Update 1
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i finally started making real progress yesterday! after a week of image formatting and testing various software options, i finally got the pages formatted how i wanted and got them printed!
as a quick aside, this isn't quite regular printer paper. regular printer paper is long grain, so it's easier to fold parallel to the long edges. since i need to fold parallel to the short edges, i printed this on short grain paper. (if anyone is interested in hearing more about the paper, let me know and I'll make a separate post!)
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with everything printed and ready to go, i then made sure to organize the sheets into their signatures, checking that the page layout was correct along the way. one of the trickiest parts when formatting for printing was making sure all the two-page spreads would actually be next to each other, so that's mostly what I was checking for.
then it was time to get folding! when i've made books before, i would fold an entire signature together at once. however, with several panels that go all the way up to the center fold, i wanted to be very precise so i opted to fold each sheet individually. i'm glad i did, as the results were pretty much perfect!
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now i don't own a book press, but i do have a kitchenaid and some boxes so that's close enough. leaving the signatures overnight in the "press" will really secure in those folds and help the final book lay flat when closed.
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that's all for now! next update will be stitching the signatures together into a text block (my favorite part!)
full credit to @trigun-manga-overhaul for the translation i'm using! if you want to read the manga but don't want to deal with whacky translations, their project is the way to go.
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askthestampedes · 3 years
REPORT OF THE DAY.  I already have this established  in my rules but just in case ;- I only reference the OFFICAL TRANSLATION by dark horse for Trigun / Trigun maximum when it comes to manga content!
I have provided a link to read the official dark horse translation online in my rules! As most, if not all, search results turn up the scanlation version!
I do not in any way acknowledge or condone the scanlation (the scanlation I’m refereeing to is the one that features credit pages in association with #mangaproject / ‘A maximum 7 release’.)It is riddled with content not true to the original Japanese text (e.g. dialogue being inserted that was never there to begin with.) And parts of the scanlation are also based on the original magazine publishing for Trigun maximum which had numerous sequences  altered for the official releases and so, not the true canonical version of trigun!
The official by dark horse isn’t perfect, but is of superior quality automatically to the state of this fan scanlation. I say this with utmost honesty because this was how I experienced the manga and was left confused / disproving of the quality untill I learnt this was a un-official fan scanlation.
The only fan translation I am willing to acknowledge (or recommend) is the @trigun-manga-overhaul project! A translation project that desires to release the best possible version of the manga for fans to read. All Whilst respecting Nightows original vision and the original Japanese dialogue so as to do the manga justice! Please support this fan translation over the scanlation any day.
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We're happy to announce: the entire Trigun Vol 1 in the original Japanese version! This means it's the dialogue as written by Yasuhiro Nightow. We've only done cleaning work to remove any damage done to the pages through wear and tear, literally, and then some minor editing for chapter and page numbering.
This is also the quality you can expect from the 2.0 translation release, as this is what we will refer to as 2.0 in terms of the scans. We hope you enjoy the scans and their resolutions, and as always, everyone's free to make edits and art with our scans as long as they leave credit.
Please do not openly share this post on X (Twitter), instead share it with people through private accounts or in DMs. We hope to stay a little bit under the radar with the Japanese releases to avoid trouble. If we believe trouble might be brewing, we'll be deleting the post again, so remember to save the files if you can so you have them forever.
Please support the original creator however you can!
Download the entire volume here.
Read the chapters online here:
Chapter 00: High Noon at July
Chapter 01:  600億$$の男
Chapter 02: Looney Tunes
Chapter 03: ハード・パンチャー
Chapter 04: ポポ
Chapter 05: 強襲
Chapter 06: Die Hards
Chapter 07: レム
Chapter 08: デュエリスト
Chapter 09: そして荒野と空の間を
Chapter 10: リトル・アルカディア
Chapter 11: 息子
Chapter 12: 命の川
Donate to the Overhaul Project here!
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trigun-manga-overhaul · 8 months
OVERHAUL UPDATE 02/02/24 - New manga only server and more double page spreads.
Hey there, everyone!
After asking for help last update, we were able to find someone who could take over the job of compiling and translating sound effects. We are thankful for the people offering their help and those boosting our post with reblogs, helping in their own way by bringing attention to our post. We are excited to accept this new person into our team, as we are yet to fully get them introduced to the rest of the team.
This server will be both for fans of the Trigun manga, and people who want to get into the manga. It can also help everyone with finding the physical copies of the manga and other manga merch, like the magazine or official Nightow art.
Beyond that, it will also work as a point for people to more directly interact with the Trigun Ultimate Overhaul team, for both receiving updates or asking questions. The cleaning process of the manga will also be regularly streamed for people to watch the magic happen, and how exactly that entire process looks like.
Furthermore, it will be a collaboration with the @trigunbookclub to have a centralized point for organizing events and event announcements. This puts Trigun Tumblr's two projects under one roof, but will an always open door to accept collaboration with even more projects in the future.
More specifics details about the server:
It will be a SFW server for both adults and minors
It will attempt to remain manga focused with no channels dedicated to discussing the two animes and the movie.
The link to the server will only be shared and should only be shared on Tumblr to keep the number of users to a reasonable level, but also to keep the atmosphere akin to what we're all hopefully familiar with.
Fanart channels will be made, and an option to share the art of others with the proper credit. We will have very artist friendly rules about feedback and sharing other people's art.
Server will be handled by people with experience in running servers, but potentially also by people wishing to try their hand at modding for the first time.
We will be posting the link to the server when it's ready some time next week! Keep an eye out!
Lastly, we didn't give you any cleaned double page spreads last month, so we brought some really fine ones from Vol 5 this time around. Beware of manga spoilers!
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That's all for this update, look forward to interacting more with everyone in our new server!
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trigun-manga-overhaul · 5 months
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It's time for Trigun Maximum Vol 6 in the original Japanese version! This means it's the dialogue as written by Yasuhiro Nightow. We've only done cleaning work to remove any damage done to the pages through wear and tear, literally, and then some minor editing for chapter and page numbering.
This is also the quality you can expect from the 2.0 translation release, as this is what we will refer to as 2.0 in terms of the scans. We hope you enjoy the scans and their resolutions, and as always, everyone's free to make edits and art with our scans as long as they leave credit.
Please do not publicly share this post on X (Twitter), instead share it with people through private accounts or in DMs. We hope to stay a little bit under the radar with the non-transformative releases to avoid attention. If we believe trouble might be brewing, we'll be deleting the post again, so remember to save the files if you can so you have them forever.
Please support the original creator however you can!
Download the entire volume here.
Read the chapters online here:
Chapter 01: ザ・ガンスリガー
Chapter 02: Double Team
Chapter 03: クロスxアサシンズ
Chapter 04: 宛兆
Chapter 05: 色無き相貌
Chapter 06: 星を往く種子莢の中の世界
Donate to the Overhaul Project here!
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trigun-manga-overhaul · 8 months
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It's time for Trigun Maximum Vol 3 in the original Japanese version! This means it's the dialogue as written by Yasuhiro Nightow. We've only done cleaning work to remove any damage done to the pages through wear and tear, literally, and then some minor editing for chapter and page numbering.
This is also the quality you can expect from the 2.0 translation release, as this is what we will refer to as 2.0 in terms of the scans. We hope you enjoy the scans and their resolutions, and as always, everyone's free to make edits and art with our scans as long as they leave credit.
Please do not publicly share this post on X (Twitter), instead share it with people through private accounts or in DMs. We hope to stay a little bit under the radar with the non-transformative releases to avoid attention. If we believe trouble might be brewing, we'll be deleting the post again, so remember to save the files if you can so you have them forever.
Please support the original creator however you can!
Download the entire volume here.
Read the chapters online here:
Chapter 01: レザボア・ドッグス
Chapter 02: セメント
Chapter 03: No Escape
Chapter 04: エミリオ・ザ・プレーヤー
Chapter 05: Long Goodbye
Chapter 06: ファミリーズ
Chapter 07: His Life As a...
Donate to the Overhaul Project here!
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trigun-manga-overhaul · 10 months
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It's finally time for Trigun Maximum Vol 1 in the original Japanese version! This means it's the dialogue as written by Yasuhiro Nightow. We've only done cleaning work to remove any damage done to the pages through wear and tear, literally, and then some minor editing for chapter and page numbering.
This is also the quality you can expect from the 2.0 translation release, as this is what we will refer to as 2.0 in terms of the scans. We hope you enjoy the scans and their resolutions, and as always, everyone's free to make edits and art with our scans as long as they leave credit.
Please do not publicly share this post on X (Twitter), instead share it with people through private accounts or in DMs. We hope to stay a little bit under the radar with the non-transformative releases to avoid attention. If we believe trouble might be brewing, we'll be deleting the post again, so remember to save the files if you can so you have them forever.
Please support the original creator however you can!
Download the entire volume here.
Read the chapters online here:
Chapter 01: Hero Reborn
Chapter 02: リィナ
Chapter 03: ガールズ・ブラボー!
Chapter 04: Hero Returns
Chapter 05: Dancing Revolver
Chapter 06: 罪
Donate to the Overhaul Project here!
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trigun-manga-overhaul · 11 months
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We're happy to announce Trigun Vol 2 in the original Japanese version! This means it's the dialogue as written by Yasuhiro Nightow. We've only done cleaning work to remove any damage done to the pages through wear and tear, literally, and then some minor editing for chapter and page numbering.
This is also the quality you can expect from the 2.0 translation release, as this is what we will refer to as 2.0 in terms of the scans. We hope you enjoy the scans and their resolutions, and as always, everyone's free to make edits and art with our scans as long as they leave credit.
Please do not publicly share this post on X (Twitter), instead share it with people through private accounts or in DMs. We hope to stay a little bit under the radar with the non-transformative releases to avoid attention. If we believe trouble might be brewing, we'll be deleting the post again, so remember to save the files if you can so you have them forever.
Please support the original creator however you can!
Download the entire volume here.
Read the chapters online here:
Chapter 00: 特別編 Day In Day Out
Chapter 00: 特別編 パイロット版
Chapter 01: Blood and Thunder
Chapter 02: Diablo
Chapter 03: フラジャイル
Chapter 04: 傷 痕
Chapter 05: Slaughter Cafe
Chapter 06: 魔人集結す
Chapter 07: 不可視の隻眼
Chapter 08: フィフス・ムーン
Donate to the Overhaul Project here!
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trigun-manga-overhaul · 9 months
OVERHAUL UPDATE 01/05/24 - Help needed.
This year's first update will be a little different than usual, as we don't have much new to update on. The process of cleaning and preparing pages is going smoothly and we're currently way ahead of schedule. There is however one thing that we want to mention.
Our previous compiler had to pull out from the project due to private reasons, and therefore we're in need of a new person comfortable in the Japanese language and familiar with the writing. If you have any experience in compiling and translating manga sound effects, then that is very helpful but not required.
There won't be any intense deadlines, work flow can be easily discussed, having Discord would be helpful for communication but not required. You'll primarily be working with me, the project lead.
The compiling work will include reading the sound effects off the pages, putting them into an organized system in both original Japanese script, both Katakana and Hiragana, and Latin-script form. Lastly, adding a suggestion for an English translation to later be discussed with other members what we want to go with and how to write it.
There are very few things that are a must with how this compiling will be done, so there'll be a lot of freedom to do it in whatever way works the best for you.
You'll be fully credited for your work in the Team Overhaul credits if desired, or not if you wish to remain anonymous.
We hope to be able to keep our sound effect translation promise, as we too fully agree that the sound effects are very important for the understanding of scenes. But as it stands now, we need help to make it happen as the work load on our members is already heavy enough.
Sorry for the lack of cleaned double pages this month, but that just means we've got even more double pages for next month's update!
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trigun-manga-overhaul · 9 months
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It's time for Trigun Maximum Vol 2 in the original Japanese version! This means it's the dialogue as written by Yasuhiro Nightow. We've only done cleaning work to remove any damage done to the pages through wear and tear, literally, and then some minor editing for chapter and page numbering.
This is also the quality you can expect from the 2.0 translation release, as this is what we will refer to as 2.0 in terms of the scans. We hope you enjoy the scans and their resolutions, and as always, everyone's free to make edits and art with our scans as long as they leave credit.
Please do not publicly share this post on X (Twitter), instead share it with people through private accounts or in DMs. We hope to stay a little bit under the radar with the non-transformative releases to avoid attention. If we believe trouble might be brewing, we'll be deleting the post again, so remember to save the files if you can so you have them forever.
Please support the original creator however you can!
Download the entire volume here.
Read the chapters online here:
Chapter 01: ��を運ぶ 蒼き風 再び
Chapter 02: Resume Our Business
Chapter 03: サムライショウダウン
Chapter 04: ウルフウッド
Chapter 05: Desperado
Chapter 06: ホーム・スウィート・ホーム
Chapter 07: 暗闇
Donate to the Overhaul Project here!
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OVERHAUL UPDATE 10/07/23 - More future content and the Japanese scan upload schedule.
Hey there and welcome to yet another monthly update!
We hope you've been enjoying the new Japanese scans, and having that look at al the new formats for credit pages, chapter indexes, and upload banners. There are still a few things up for potential change, but these are the styles we will primarily use from now on.
Of course, as always, if anyone runs into anything they find strange, gives them trouble, or just general questions about the new upload, feel free to contact us and we'll answer as soon as possibly.
While uploading the Japanese scans, we're also planning on releasing some extra content on the side. While the cleaning work for the scans is the priority, we might clean a few other stuff on the side for release as well.
Few of these uploads in particular are the Trigun RED and BLACK booklets, which a very rare and a lot of their contents haven't been posted online yet. While we have the RED book on hand, we're still looking for the BLACK book.
We also have other things, like magazines, booklets, etc., to share in the future as well.
Anyway, we don't have any pictures to share today, but we will share the future posting schedule. If we update it, we'll make a new post with the new schedule. Will post it below for those who want to read further!
Thank you all for supporting and following our project!
The upcoming posting schedule will look something like this:
October 27th: Trigun RED booklet.
November 6th: JPN Trigun Vol 2.
December 4th: JPN TriMax Vol 1.
January 1st: JPN TriMax Vol 2.
February 5th: JPN TriMax Vol 3.
March 4th: JPN TriMax Vol 4.
April 8th: JPN TriMax Vol 5.
May 6th: JPN TriMax Vol 6.
June 3rd: JPN TriMax Vol 7.
July 1st: JPN TriMax Vol 8.
August 5th: JPN TriMax Vol 9.
September 2nd: JPN TriMax Vol 10.
October 7th: JPN TriMax Vol 11.
November 4th: JPN TriMax Vol 12.
December 2nd: JPN TriMax Vol 13.
January 6th: JPN TriMax Vol 14.
February 3rd: Trigun - Multiple Bullets.
Remember that the posting schedule is up for potential changes, all depending on the speed of the cleaning process. This process also determines when it's possible to start putting the English release on the schedule as well, so stay tuned for any future news of further releases!
That's all for this update, next time will be after we begin the new uploads. Hope you enjoy it then!
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hello! First of all, thank you very much for sharing the scans, it is greatly appreciated. And second, would it be okay if I made a translation into Spanish? I will give all the credits to ourselves for the translation and the scan, if i can't its okay, thank you so much again!
Hey there and thank you for the ask!
You are free to make any translation you like using our scans with the appropriate credits, as any fan project is a good project.
We are already working on our own Spanish translation that will officially be tied to the Overhaul project, but it won't be entirely done until after the English 2.0 translation is also done.
We obviously hold no rights to who can make what with Trigun content, so if you wish to take a crack as a Spanish translation, then we look forward to seeing what you come up with using our scans.
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Hi! I saw your post about people reposting the cleaned up art you guys worked on and was wondering how you feel about having trigun edits made using the overhaul pages?
Hey there!
We love seeing people making edits using our cleaned up pages and art, and we take every chance we get to reblog these works so everyone who follows our project can see these amazing works themselves.
We can't claim the cleaned up art or pages as ours, as all the credit for the fantastic work that is Trigun goes to Yasuhiro Nightow. However, we would greatly appreciate people leaving credit as to where they got the pages and/or the art from. Despite it not being our art, we did spend both time and money on our project, so credit is still very welcomed. It helps our project and it allows us to more easily find works to reblog too, basically, scratch our backs and we scratch yours.
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