majormeilani · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the DLCs and Mafia Town? I know that you also think that Battle of the Birds is the best chapter and that you're not too fond of Alpine Skyline.
hattytime thoughts.... okay.
on mafia town:
i think it's an alright chapter? i mean, i think it's full of a lot of character and environmental storytelling that helps you put everything together about what happened on the island. it also leaves you to wonder a lot about it too. the only thing that kind of disappoints me about it is that we don't really learn that much about mafia boss and his intentions are left extremely vague as well. i also kinda wish the acts had a more cohesive purpose to being there and didn't seem all over the place and random. like the race one is just there for no reason it seems like lmao okay? i know that was probably a leftover from cut content tho (riding a rocket)
i know a lot of people think that mafia town is an 'ugly' level but personally i think it's rather nice looking and i think its kind of 'gummy' look really adds to the degradation of the island.
i do really kind of wish that we got more out of it or some resolution that was properly set for mu as well because i feel like there's so much more we need to know about her.
one underrated part of the level that is probably my favorite is heating up mafia town. not only is the concept really funny but it's actually a nice and light little challenge for the early-midpoint of the game. i love what it tells us about mu and her knowledge of the island as well, so again some rather nice environmental storytelling. i also thought the little feast that the mafia goons had made for her was kinda sweet, even if they were assholes to her and what they did to mu sucks 😔 but the statues that are there and them calling hat kid their "hero" really makes me think......................... like augh.
on the arctic cruise:
i liked this chapter but i wouldn't say it was one of my favorites. i wish it were a little bit longer but tbh i don't know what else i would have personally expected from it in terms of gameplay. it was rather challenging to do ship shape and i remember having such a hard time playing it the first time. i played that level for like over an hour before i got it. i think part of it is really nailing the layout of the level and knowing all of the shortcuts, which is really hard to do in your first time around.
i liked rock the boat however, even if that one was also really challenging. i mostly liked it though for what it told us about hat kid and her character. that instead of just abandoning everyone for how rotten that they treated her, she makes the effort to save everyone. and you could tell that hat kid really regret her decision and felt remorse like idk i love that a lot. esp bc some people took hat kid to be the type to not care about any of them but it goes to show that she did, at least a little bit.
i think walrus captain does deserve some more attention too but it's kind of sad that he doesn't play all that big of a role in the dlc. but he seems like a good guy just very depressed to the point that he can't really find the energy to be more involved in things. also his little backstory is really tragic and you can tell he used to care deeply about everything until he experienced loss. i think grief is one of the most interesting things to have a character endure and i'm kind of thankful that they had a character in ahit going through it. it's also really sad to me that he wanted to go down with his ship, like he didn't have anything else to live for at that point but hat kid still pulled him out of it and carried him to safety. even if that part is played off like a joke kind of, like everything else serious in the game really, it's still very. sad.
there's also the deep sea rift that was like the worst fucking thing ever, at least first time i tried to figure it out. that level genuienely made me turn on assist mode for the first time ever playing ahit it was that bad for me LMAOOOOOO. like aesthetically it's very pretty but augh. very unforgiving level for sure. HOWEVER i will say that i've gotten much better at that level and the trick for those who are struggling: collect as many pons as you can on the first levels and you should have enough to skip one of the really difficult ones.
deathwish itself since it's a part of the dlc i have many thoughts on it. i'm probably in the minority in that i actually think a lot of the deathwishes were lots of fun! my favorites were wound up windmill and killing two birds. wound-up windmill is just a lot of fun for how fast paced it is and i've always really liked a lot of the platforming for the windmill. and for killing two birds, y'know as a dead bird studio enthusiast that's kind of a given. but more because that deathwish actually makes me laugh hysterically to play, especially since dj grooves and conductor can actually damage each other with their attacks. and that deathwish is prone to the funniest glitches i've ever seen. i don't even mind dying a thousand times because i'm just laughing my ass off. also both of those deathwishes have the best osts too like i can unironically listen to both of those for hours.
though in general i think all the deathwishes are really cool. i like the bonus storybooks too they mean a lot to me tbh. the only deathwish i cannot for the life of me beat is the 'no jumps' candle for trainrush like i've tried so many times and i don't think i'll ever get that one...
we also can't forget that deathwish also brought us the peace and tranquility smug dance which is iconic LOLLL
on nyakuza metro:
ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS DLC. i think it's genuinely gfb's best work on ahit thus far. i think the animations are gorgeous, especially empress' animation like holy fuck? i love love love the environment design and i think they applied the concept they intended with the free exploration well and in a creative way, much better and less confusing than what they did with alpine. i just think everything about the environment and level designs were so good! and the ambience and character of the npcs also added so much life to the level. it's just. there's so much to praise.
i also love that the finale level instead of being a face off against empress is you escaping the metro with her chasing you. it broke away from the mold but in a good way to where it actually. it told you a lot about empress as a character too in that she usually has others handle her dirty work instead of acting on it herself and that when she has to she's rather ruthless about it, though even a little reckless because she ends up having some fallout to her own detriment in the end. empress also seems to know the metro like the back of her paw as well, seeing as she beats you to the elevator and confronts you which makes her really intimidating.
i also looooovvveeeee all the outfits and hat flairs that you can get from the metro cats and the buying food mechanic was cute and unique, i love the little voice acting with it too. i also love the stickers and the charm they add and how fun they are to collect. the badges are also lots of fun ever though they're cosmetic mostly. also it kind of gave end game players a way to spend their pons, which i think is really awesome because you always end up with so many of those lmao.
in regards to the storybook for the dlc i'm a little bit disappointed we don't learn all that much about empress or any of her background from it. but that timerift was really unique and fun to explore. i like to believe that the rift taking place in a rumbi factory tells us that empress used to work in one as a mechanic but that's just me.
by far my favorite dlc though!
on vanessa's curse:
this one was one i was very excited for when they made an announcement for it. it kind of was a little less story than i was expecting to come from it but it think despite that it was really impressive for a creator dlc.
when it first released it was so cool to explore all the corners of the manor and figure out the mechanics of it. even though it still can be glitchy at times, it does run rather well despite that and i play on a laptop LOL.
i think what they tried to do with it was a cool concept as well. it took the collect-a-thon aspect and built off the multiplayer concept that was implemented in an earlier addition to the game and made those work in a real time environment for challenging collaborative play.
i think that the level design is very pretty and well thought-out too, even though i often still get a little lost sometimes. i've especially a fan of the interior design and decor.
i think my favorite thing about the dlc though was all the cosmetics. i loveee how there's hat flairs that actually did unique things with hat kid's powers. like how the ice hats give you a different ice sculpture and the brewing flairs add unique splatter and explosion effects. i think my favorite flairs have to be the dweller mask glasses, the crown, the donut and the lampshade. the dyes were also really pretty and i loved that we got another unique weapon variant. i'm a sucker for the cosmetics they make me happy. ALSO i love hat kid's little pigtails for the punk dye. it's about time that she got another unique hairstyle.
overall i think vanessa's curse is fun but idk. sometimes i wish there were a little more? but i suppose what we have is good too.
thanks for asking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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nasubeenwithcat · 1 year
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doodles for this! Don't worry about the Japanese, it's totally a note for me! Almost all of them say "I like this". @crescentblossom66
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spirit-doll · 11 months
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Just recently I read an interesting story about my birds. I really liked her and drew the moment at the beginning of the fight.
here is the author @crescentblossom66
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witch-sweets · 1 year
Welp not the au thing I posted earlier but it's an au alright
Saw some cool peeps trying to revive the ahit monster au so I did some art cuz ye
this is technically fanart for @crescentblossom66 cuz it was their fic that inspired me but the design is most likely VERY different In the fic)
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Vampire Snatcher!
Both normal and monstrous forms
The normal form is more of a disguise tho he normally looks like the purple cryptid
(yes murder drones has permanently warped my perception on vampires and now they must have a person form and a murder form)
Lore under the cut if anyone wants it
Prince Crowne was a normal guy until after a fight with his girlfriend where she bit him and they broke up
But that night he felt sick almost as if he had been poisoned
He underwent a painful turning process and was horrified at what had happened to him
So he ran very deep into the woods scared and anxious
Due to it being a full moon he encountered The Conductor (in his wereowl form)
He managed to befriend the owl beast and they rested in a small cave till morning
When he woke up he was shocked that he hadn't changed at all and he was still a fluffy purple thing
The Conductor after remembering what happened that night took him to Cookies house to explain everything to him about what he was and get him cleaned up a bit
Cookie was surprised to say the least
But The Conductor explained to him that he was a vampire now a rare kind of vampire to be exact
A type of vampire that could shapeshift into more than just bats and wouldn't burn in the sunlight
He of course learned how to shapeshift in order to look like a completely normal person and slowly became desensitized to eating souls and drinking blood in fact he enjoyed it
He liked when people feared him
Plus he didn't need to quit his job cuz nobody would suspect a thing about him being a vampire
So he grew to enjoy being a soul eating blood sucking cryptid even saying that becoming a vampire was the best thing that ever happened to him other than becoming a lawyer
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yourlocalductor · 1 year
@crescentblossom66 diddlydarnDONE. Sadly i didnt have the motivation to draw the full details and right colors of the train bc you know- PEOPLE CAN LOSE MOTIVATION IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING LMAO but i managed to at least draw Conductor chilling so I hope that satisfies you :’)
I decided to do a more doodly-crayon type of style with lineart bc yes.
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majormeilani · 2 years
Hello, I was wondering, if you could give me some pointers on how to write DJ Grooves. I always think that his personality is kinda bland in my fics, and I really like him in yours.
PS: I hope cold has passed and you're feeling better :)
aww thank you!! i'm doing a bit better now but still trying to recover 😔😔
but i'll try to give some tips on how i try to write him ? or like things i keep in mind when portraying him in different situations? hopefully these can help a lil hxjcjjgjc
- when i write grooves, i often think about how he would think about the world around him and the perspective he would hold towards certain things. for example, when talking about his moon penguins in relation to him, i know that i describe them in a very affectionate or loving way. same with the kids because i like to think despite everything he likes the kids a lot.
- one thing i also like to keep in mind is that grooves is not a perfect person or always as kind and loving as he let's on. like of the ahit characters who are antagonists, i do personally believe him to be the most genuine and good in nature but also has negative traits to him. like, often lying to others about his true feelings or intentions to save face and such. and he can be rather selfish at times and thinks with his heart rather than his head. i also think he has a hard time putting aside his pride and apologizing when he makes a big mistake. i like to think he often has good intentions with his actions but gets caught up in going about things the wrong way, especially when it's for something he really wants.
- this is just a personal thing too but i definitely view a lot of what he'd gone through in his struggle as a "second rate" director as playing a factor in his behavior sometimes. i think he probably often feels like he's owed something for trying so hard and getting nowhere almost everytime and that can sometimes carry over into things that aren't related.
- i also believe he had a tough upbringing that makes a lot of his choices be framed in a kinda way of keeping himself from getting hurt, though sometimes he ends up hurting others too, even when he tries his hardest not to or goes through the effort to minimize any possible fallout for anyone else.
- i do think he definitely is very nice in a genuine way and tries to be patient with others but i do think sometimes he will hold grudges too and may get back at others in petty ways. sometimes i think he's one to prank others or mildly inconvenience them a little bit.
- when portraying conductor and grooves' relationship, i have them kinda on a certain wavelength. like, of course i still have them bicker and fight on occasion or argue about things, but i also have them capable of joking around and bantering with each other sometimes too in like a silly way. people often think that they just have a seething hatred for each other and nothing more but i do think there's some mutual understanding they have, especially bc they both want the same goal.
- they also i think can have genuine conversations with each other but those conversations are often left with a lot of awkward pauses and silences and they don't often open up to each other very easily. when they do though it's often something that they kinda ease their ways slowly into with tough conversations and they have to like, put aside their differences and let their guards down a little to get through.
- i also think when it comes to portraying them, i think the two have some admiration for each other they would never outright admit tbh. like, grooves somewhat admires how conductor is able to succeed all the time at everything he does and conductor somewhat admires dj grooves' strong will and determination to keep fighting. there's other things i think they admire in each other too but that's just an example. but again that's another personal take i have about their characters hdhdhshshd
- when describing some of grooves' attitude i think he also has a bit of diva behavior sometimes. like minor inconveniences can annoy him a lot, like a spill on his jacket or his feathers or hair being in a bit of disorder or a scratch on his shoes. breaking a claw can also be a big deal for him LOL….
- i also describe some of his behavior having a bit of an extra "flourish" to it. like grandiose gestures when he's speaking or emphasizing things in a particular way with the words that he uses. in canon he also writes in cursive so i describe his handwriting in a way that makes him seem fancy and refined. just making sure his big personality shines through in a story is something i find of importance in the way i portray him. sometimes describing how he leaves a scene helps me too, like glitter or paint splats on the floor or stray props or something like that can really show how even when he isn't present, his personality still lingers.
- it's also a good idea to read up on equipment that goes into technical stuff about being a director or a dj/club owner as that sometimes helps me in situations where i write about him doing things with his occupations, helps me with conductor too
- think when he's being affectionate and loving, he can tend to gush and fawn and dote over someone or something. i just think he's one to be rather over the top when being affectionate to really show that he loves or cares a lot about something.
- when he gets angry or upset, i often have him try to calm himself by self soothing means, like grinding his beak, holding himself/crossing his arms, fidgeting his hands or running through breathing exercises, maybe even preening his feathers too. i feel like that's what he does in order to try and hold his composure and keep things together, approaching his feelings different than the conductor does, who doesn't do anything like that to calm himself and often resorts immediately to anger before later confronting his true feelings about something by himself.
- sometimes i will include headcanons i have about his character in stories if i feel they are necessary or relevant to a scene ? though i often try to stick to canon as much as possible but if it's something that i feel obliged to share or i want to i often go for it anyway ndjdbdids
- when writing him with other characters he hasn't interacted directly within canon, i consider how he might interact with them and the relationship they might have and shape scenes in a story around that. for instance, i think him and cooking cat would get along so of course any interaction between the two would most likely be positive rather than negative (though if the situation called for it, negative interactions can happen too but are more likely to be resolved since they get along imo)
- another thing that ig kinda helps me is analyzing his character in the game and drawing conclusions from the way he's presented there. sometimes even replaying the levels multiple times and studying certain things about his character are things that help me in nailing how i want to portray him in a story.
i'm sure there's some other stuff i'm forgetting so i may have to add some stuff later as i see fit but hopefully this helps a little bit? though feel free to ask for anything specific you might need help with and i'll be more than happy to share my perspective on how i portray him.
thank you so much for enjoying my portrayal of him though it makes me feel like my hardwork really pays off jsbsjsbsj
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majormeilani · 1 year
Got an OC ask for you and your sister.
How do Cassedy and Nicole react to- or interact with Conductor's grandkids if they met them?
i had to ask mice for her response to this and here's what she said about nicole:
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as far as how cassidy would feel about them, he'd not really have any strong up-front feelings about them. if tasked with caring for them, he'd likely be able to handle it as he often looks after some of snatcher's minions (often being their Contractually Obligated Babysitter because he continuously breaks into subcon LOL) and he also sometimes looks after the little baby crows that some of the caw agents bring into his hotel. he knows how to look after children from that and would be a rather decent caretaker, if conductor or their parents ever left them in his care.
he'd probably entertain them with 'scary stories' similar to those that are told around a campfire or just normal tall tales, as those are often what he does for the baby crows and some of the minions. conductor's grandkids seem like the type that will settle down for a good story, given their grandpa's passion. i also imagine he'd be able to manage their chaos while still getting his work done somehow (?) i mean it's not like his hotel guests are any less crazy than some rambunctious babies LOL. just a baby throwing a knife his way and without looking up from what he's doing, grabbing the knife from midair and just going like "remember what i said about throwing knives, little dears" and just throw it straight into a nearby dartboard like "never miss your target...!" JDSYSHHDDJDJCJDHXJNC
but i think he might like em a little bit though, even if they probably can be a bit of a handful. and they're well.... conductor's grandkids.
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majormeilani · 2 years
I know that you have a moon penguin OC, do you have an Express Owl OC, too?
yeah i do!! i just haven't drawn him yet aftsgsafhdgsgshd
but his name is phillip. he sorts the mail in dead bird studio since both bird directors there get mail sent there so he makes sure mail goes to the right one (tho whether or not they check that mail is a different story)
his personality is a bit more bold than most of the other express owls but he's still a bit wimpish and cowardly LOL. also a bit of a wet blanket sometimes.
unfortunately i haven't drawn him yet dhudhdhd
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majormeilani · 1 year
Got a question not ahit related for once. Which Ratchet and Clank game of the original trilogy is your favorite and why?
my favorite r&c...... it's so fuckin hard to choose lol 😔
but i want to say the 3rd one because i have the most nostalgia associated with it.
i love the original trilogy a lot tho. and deadlocked and a crack in time were really good too, even though they don't really count.
but size matters and secret agent clank were so......... IVSGIWIGWGIWBOSOBVISBISBISBKKBS they took the biggest L that's all i will say LOL.
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majormeilani · 2 years
Alright, leave it to my tired af brain due to sickness to come up with extremely stupid shit.
So, I saw your drawing of your OC this morning and took a nap this afternoon (it's currently around almost 8pm here) And then my brain blessed me with the following comedy.
DJ Grooves and Conductor, for some unknown reason, were inside Cassidy's hotel, they had some kind of conversation and then, Conductor being himself, made a rude comment about Cassidy's hair style and Grooves made a rather snarky remark too, I don't remember what exactly they said, but it resulted with Cassidy whistling and the normal- and pompadour crows started to chase after the two.
Both of the directors gasped and started bolting down the long hallway that was basically where my viewpoint was from, meaning that I could see Conductor and Grooves hightail it out of there, whilest being able to see their faces and the murder of crows that were chasing after them.
Grooves went down another hallway to his right, while the yellow owl kept running. Out of nowhere, a doorbell rang and both Conductor and the crows stopped. Conductor open the door that was apparently right in front of him exclaiming: "Oh! Me peperoni pizza!", (A thing of note is that everyone spoke English, normally I dream in my mother tongue),before handing basically me the money for his food. Conductor then took a sharp right, eating his pizza while running. Apparently the two hallways merged at the end and Grooves joined up with Conductor and grabbed a slice of his pizza before the dream abruptly ended.
I swear my dreams are like acid trips sometimes, but I thought I'd share that one XD
LMAOOO that's really funny jxhdhsdidduidkf
conductor running with a pizza is a hysterical image. also cassidy whistling to summon a group of crows to chase them is so real he probably would do that HSHSHSKFDHDFKLC
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majormeilani · 2 years
Do you think Conductor won all his trophies legitimately, or do think he cheated like DJ Grooves claims?
I think it's interesting topic.
i think part of them were won legitimately and part may have been him actually cheating.
i really think conductor used to be more passionate about his movie making and such when he was more early on in his career but maybe his rivalry with grooves escalated over time and at some point he started kinda... cheating things. he lost some passion for making movies, evident by how spent he is on ideas, and may have begun to cheat a little, even if just in petty ways.
a part of a script lost here; a prop gone missing there; maybe the outfits dj grooves chose for his moon penguins were mysteriously stained with paint. maybe a file gone missing in editing.
i don't really think that EVERY single instance of grooves' losses is conductor's doing of course. i do think there were instances where both of them played (relatively) fair in how they made their movies, maybe even helping one another at times (like critiquing each other's work) and if there were any possible sabotaging, maybe at the hands of their actors' own choices, they managed to overcome it anyway. but still conductor managed to prevail over grooves despite everything.
but given if you let conductor be the winner, he says "dj grooves would mock me for cheating" seeming as though he isn't above cheating, he just worries a lot about word getting out that he was cheating. it seems to me he greatly values how his audience sees him and if anything like cheating gets out, dj grooves is certain to make it known to any and everyone in order to confirm his own suspicions and make conductor look bad.
which i do find it kinda funny how dj grooves essentially is one to cheat too, making you get a passport so you're "legally" a bird so that you can play part in bird movies, which conductor points out as fraud which is essentially cheating. but i suppose dj grooves' reputation as a movie director is already low enough that conductor probably doesn't feel the need to say anything about it to anyone else and just essentially is like "oh? grooves is cheating? hah! two can play at that game" and makes you work for him too.
though i have a feeling that in dj grooves' perspective, grooves doesn't see what he is doing as cheating. but i feel in a way grooves is somewhat of a hypocrite in that regard lolllll.
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majormeilani · 2 years
To whom do you think the trophy room in the basement belongs? I'm always found it a bit confusing that it's above DJ Grooves' dressing room, which would imply that it is his, but the newspaper clippings are about the Conductor. Any theories?
i've always seen it as grooves' room. both bc it has his dressing room below it but also i feel as though it fits more inline with his character
given all the stars on the wall and ceiling and the fact that grooves has star motifs on his design (back of jacket, stars on his pants) and the completely unnecessary gaudy solid gold hand dryer (lol) it just seems like a grooves room to me. also you find one of the level's keys there, though i can't remember if that one is the one for the treasure room or one required for beating the level. (i haven't played ahit in like weeks RIPP)
i don't think the trophies are real though but i've heard some people say they are ? and supposedly they think they're bronze trophies that he won. but personally i disagree with that idea and see it more as him being rather obsessed with the idea of winning and it being his main goal and him surrounding himself with fake success is to motivate himself to succeed, or create a kinda like self fulfilling prophecy. also if i remember correctly, there's over 300 trophies in that room and if they ARE real that would imply grooves is hundreds of years old, which i don't personally believe but i've heard some people say that. i think grooves is at least in his sixties and the trophies are fake plastic replica, possibly even props of some kind.
as far as the newspaper clippings, i haven't looked at the contents of them in a while but from what i remember, the newspaper clippings were related to negative publicity on conductor's part. i see it as grooves saving them both in hopes of catching conductor in some kind of lie or mistake that exposes him for "cheating," like he thinks to be the case with conductor when trying to reason with hat kid. they also could be means of collecting anything that he could point to that makes conductor look bad if necessary, similar to how he says that conductor swearing will "get him in trouble some day"
i also think it could be a part of his self motivation as well, showing that it's possible that conductor can fail and he can succeed and has done so before and will do it again. that's why he's rather smug towards conductor when he says he makes "boring train related westerns" and has "done so for the last ten years," implying the possibility that grooves may have won his first place trophy at some point during the past ten years (something i personally believe to be the case but since ahit is so vague timeline wise but it's hard to tell)
i also believe the way his rooms are set up to be environmental storytelling that aligns more with him being the canon winner but it's arguable i suppose.
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majormeilani · 2 months
Happy Birthday! I wish you health and hope you got nice gifts!
tysm !!!
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nasubeenwithcat · 9 months
How to draw!! Thanks for helping me improve my writing. I wrote this because there were some people who were interested in this.
First, find your ideal style of art. Look at the work of various artists and find your favorite art style. If you don't know what your ideal is, look until you do. Just find a style that you think is cool and decide on your style. Then work hard to learn it. What lines and colors do your favorite artists use? Which pens do they use, and what kind of processing do they do? Once you have learned that, imitate them. Repeat this process and you will get an incomplete style of drawing.
Once you have learned some of the artist's style, you can now turn it into your own style. In essence, the style is like a plastic model. We can replace or add parts. If you observe the work of other artists, such as eyes, mouth, coloring, etc., you will find those attractive parts. You have to work hard to learn them and incorporate them into your style. Of course, learning them takes a lot of time until you get used to them. But it's worth it.
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Digital is easier and I recommend downloading Ibis Paint if you don't have the tools. It's free. Luckily I have unfinished data to demonstrate. This is how I do it FYI.
make a draft
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2. draw lines
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3. paint him
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4. add some processings
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5. Done!!
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That's all. If you have any questions, I'll answer them.
✉️ @darkmedolie @crescentblossom66
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nasubeenwithcat · 2 years
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practice(fanart for @crescentblossom66 )
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nasubeenwithcat · 2 years
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fanarts(and doodles) for @crescentblossom66 's writings~🎉(cw:blood,injury,violence,Japanese)(spoiler:not killing two birds,writing prompts)
A kudos to a great writer.(There are some notes in Japanese, but don't worry, they all mean "pretty")
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