#ahit monster au
crescentblossom66 · 5 months
Bond of the Beasts Chapter 11
“Hey, do you think she's awake? Her ear was twitching.” The voice of girl, maybe roughly around her age, woke her up earlier than the rays of the sunny day outside could.
“I'm not sure...Do you think that she'd mind if I touch her fluffy ears?” That was a different voice, slightly lower than the first, but still obviously from a young girl. Wait...she had heard those voices before. She immediately sat upright, causing the curly-haired girl to retract her hand that she had moved toward her head. “I'm sorry!” She apologized immediately, likely thinking that she had angered her. Mu jumped out of bed, causing the other two girls to take a step back. She looked between the Hat Kid and Bow Kid for a few seconds, Bow fidgeted under her gaze while Hattie gave a small wave in greeting before she jumped back when the blonde haired girl got in her face showing her sharp teeth.
“I remember you! Why didn't you help me back on that truck?!” Mu pointed at Hattie who nearly jumped back in surprise. When the other didn't answer, Mu put her hands to her hips glaring at her a few more seconds before brusquely walking past Hattie and Bow who were stunned and looked at each other in confusion for a moment.
“I think she meant the day you used your magic to make a key float, the day you saved me and Timmy.” Bow tried to spur Hattie's memory. The young sorceress was hit by a wave of guilt and the happiness that she had felt over the young werewolf girl waking was replaced by her feeling awful about having been unable to save her.
“I would have saved her, but...there...there were too many hunters-” She suppressed a sob, and tried to keep her tears back. “-I panicked, I panicked, so I ran! Am I...Am I a bad person, Bow?” Hattie asked sincerely, still having her head down.
Bow shook her head vehemently denying that claim. “You're not! I know you tried your hardest, it was a bad situation, they could have captured you again.” She hugged her sister tightly.
“I'll make it up to the werewolf girl, I promise.”
While the two sisters were talking about their close encounter with the hunters, Mu made her way downstairs, picking up a pleasant humming tune, that managed to get her out of the frustrated and slightly irritated mindset, as she reached the bottom of the stairs and spied into the kitchen. There, she found an older woman dressed in a chef's outfit, her red hair tied in a ponytail. The young werewolf recalled that the old wereowl she had met yesterday night had told her that she should speak with a red-haired woman, he likely was referring to the quietly humming woman that was preparing some mouth-watering waffles. Thinking that talking to the woman wouldn't hurt, and that she could easily flee if things went south, she approached the kitchen cautiously. Her eyes immediately went to the food, maybe just maybe, she could swipe one or two of the delicious looking baked goods.
“It's good to see you back on your feet, sweetie, I was beginning to think that my potion wasn't working right.” For a moment Mu wondered if the woman had eyes on her back, as she had been trying to sneak in to grab a waffle before drawing attention on herself when the older woman was getting a few plates from the cabinets and had her back turned to her, it seemed like a good opportunity. The blonde girl quickly grabbed a waffle and began eating it, waiting for the scolding or an expression of anger or disappointment, but only got a soft smile and warm gaze as punishment for taking a bite. “Oh, I guess I should make a few more, you must have gotten quite hungry, being unconscious for days.”
“I was out for that long! Those stupid hunters will pay for this!” She flinched as she moved, and the hiss of pain that followed didn't go unnoticed by Cookie, who stepped a bit closer and knelt down to examine the wound, only for the young girl to take a step back. “Hey! Don't get too close or I'll bite!”
Cookie was unfazed by her resistance, even when she let out a low growl as a warning for her to not get any closer. The only thing that calmed the werewolf somewhat was that there seemed to be no malice at all in the eyes of her suspected enemy, her hands were also moving slowly toward her side, much unlike all the other times people had tried to grab her to throw her out, or hurt her. “Please, hold still, I just want to make sure that your injury is healin' alright.” Upon being touched, Mu swiped at the skilled witch out of reflex which caused both parties to gasp, one in pain, the other in shock and surprise.
“I-I didn't mean to...” Even though she still wasn't quite sure if these people meant harm to her, so far they had been nice and she was taking what she could get, but now, she feared, she ruined all the chances she had by hurting the woman who tried to help her.
Cookie grimaced in pain for a moment and looked at her now bleeding arm that showed four cuts from the sharper and sturdier nails that most werebeasts had naturally. Her eyes soften again quickly and the gentle smile returned, much to the surprise of the young werewolf. “It's okay, sweetie, I know you're scared.” Mu tried to put on a brave face, trying to hide her shock about the calm reaction as best she could by taking a step back. The older woman knew that the young girl likely went through the same as most other werebeasts, her tattered clothes and rather defensive actions showed her as much. The tension ease up again when Cookie offered Mu the plate of waffles which the girl eyed rather suspiciously, switching form the plate to look back at the soft looking eyes to see if she could detect even a hint of anything suspicious.
Mu wondered if the wereowl was trying to lead her into a trap, given that he had pointed out that she was supposed to talk to the woman in front of her, maybe these waffles were actually poisoned. The color drained from her face. “They're not poisoned, deary. Do you want proof?” Cookie called Bow and Hattie down from upstairs. When the two girls arrived, she offered them both a waffle, which they took.
“Why did you call us? Is something wrong?” Hattie asked, stuffing the waffle into her mouth while Bow ate a bit slower.
Cookie shook her head slowly. “Just wanted to show our new friend here that my food isn't poisoned.” Mu watched the sorceress and the changeling carefully, wondering if those to were tricked and captured, they looked happy and healthy though. Her eyes fell back on the waffles that were still offered to her and she cautiously picked on up again, instead of eating fast, so it would be taken away from her, she actually enjoyed the flavor for once. It had been weeks since she had eaten something that didn't taste like food that was technically unfit for human consumption. Small tears got to her eyes after she realized for the first time that she might just be safe for once...she turned her face away so no one could see the tears, but it had been to late, one person had seen them.
“No need to cry, you're safe here with us.” Bow had walked over to her and pulled her into a gently hug. “You don't have to be scared or lonely anymore.” Her words only caused more tears to drop down Mu's face, the curly-haired girl's embrace was strangely comforting...when was the last time someone had hugged her?
Seeing that the blonde girl was more scared of adults...no surprise there, Cookie thought it best to keep her distance and let Bow handle the situation for now. She'd wait to ask her questions once the child was more stable again. Cookie noticed that Hattie was a bit standoffish toward the red-clothed girl, now that she was awake. “Is something wrong, Hattie?” She thought it best to call the young sorceress over to her. From what she had seen so far, it was quite unusual for the more open of the two non-biological sisters to be so withdrawn, she almost looked...sad. Cookie brought Hat Kid over to her side, a bit away from the comforting idle chatter about drawing that Bow Kid was trying to involve the blonde girl in. “You look a bit out of it, is something bothering you?”
A sigh escaped the lips of the brown-haired girl who couldn't even look into her eyes, it seemed. She was gripping her right sleeve tightly with her left hand before she started to speak in a quiet tone. “Do you remember the time Bow and I escaped from the Hunters?-” When the older woman nodded, she continued “-That girl was there too, I...I managed to open our cage and free us, but...I couldn't free her because I got scared and ran away.” The poor girl looked like she was about to cry. “I dropped the key to the floor and simply fled. I wanted to help...I really did!”
“You did your best, Hattie, that's what counts. I understand that you're upset that you failed to safe our friend here, but it was important that you fled. You did amazing already, saving yourself and Bow.-” Cookie tried to comfort her. Her heart ached at the thought that the werewolf girl could have been trapped in a cage for several days. It was awful...all of this was so awful that it made her heart bleed. “-The important thing right now is that you're all here, and your safe.”
Hattie wiped away a few tears with her sleeve and gave a determined expression, one that she did see only a handful of times before. “I will do better, I'll make sure that something like this won't happen again!” With that statement, Hattie walked back upstairs, past Bow and Mu that were having a pleasant conversation...more like Bow ranting about her favorite flowers while the werewolf quietly listened, just enjoying that someone her age was talking with her.
“Do you want something to drink, sweetie? We have orange juice and apple juice in small boxes with straws, or would you rather have a nice tea?” Cookie addressed Mu who got brought out of own thoughts, jolting a bit.
Bow clapped her hands together. “You should try the apple juice, it's really tasty!” She reached for the hand of the more reluctant girl and pulled her over to the fridge. Cookie had expected the young werewolf to resist, but she looked rather surprised at being grabbed by the hand while the other girl simply smiled and handed her a juice box that had the picture of a red apple on the front.
“T-Thanks...” Mu replied in a quiet and slightly shaky voice. Maybe she was still a bit unsure of what she should do, Cookie concluded.
After Bow had sat down on the corner bench with her new friend, the witch decided to start with some easy questions to get some more information about to the girl. So far, all she knew was that she was a werewolf that Conductor had found injured by a silver bullet that could have ended fatally, had she not intervened. “What's your name? I don't want to address you as werewolf girl.” As Mu hesitated to answer, Bow simply smiled and nodded to her, hoping that the other girl would know that it was okay to speak.
“My name is Muriel, but I usually prefer my nickname, Mu.” Her voice still had a wavering tone, it was clearly difficult for the girl to open up. Cookie wanted to ask about the parents of young Muriel, but she had an inkling that they were...likely no longer around or got captured.
“That's a very nice name, Mu. How old are you? If you don't mind the question.” Cookie sat down to not be intimidating the girl, even though she wasn't tall at all, Mu was still a bit smaller than her, so she thought it best to sit down to be on a more even level with her, she also avoided direct eye contact, it was seen as more confrontational to werebeasts and might intimidate her, so Cookie busied herself by cleaning the table.
“I'm 10 years old.” A short and simple answer that resulted in a gasp from the changeling next to Mu.
“Wow! We're the same age!” Bow's eyes sparkled, happy that she might get a new friend her age. Not that she hated Hattie of course, but she had known Hattie all her life, so finding another girl she could talk to was just awesome. “Can I ask you something?”
Mu simply nodded. “Do your parents also have a mustache like you? I don't think I've seen another girl that has one, I like it.” Had Bow not mentioned her parents, Mu would have smiled and been happy that the changeling girl hadn't made fun of her and actually enjoyed the oddity, instead, she was close to tears. “Oh no...” Bow realized her mistake too late, she immediately regretted asking that stupid question.
Cookie cringed for a second at Bow's questions, it was unfortunate that she had breached the heavy subject. she knew that it wasn't her attention to make Mu sad, given that the young girl was desperately trying to fix her error by pulling the other girl into a hug. It all but confirmed what she had been dreading, that the poor girl was just as alone as she had feared.
“They're...they're gone...” Muriel whispered into the silence that had followed after Bow's clumsy inquiry. Cookie sighed heavily, and slowly and carefully reached for the right hand of werebeast that met her eyes as soon as she spotted the small hand in her peripheral vision. The same expression of kindness greeted her, no malice, no bad intentions were present in that calm gaze.
The red-haired woman was glad when the small hand she was trying to reach didn't get pulled away, she could feel the poor girl tremble as her hand shook in her own. “You can stay here if you want, Mu. We maybe a ragtag bunch of individuals, but I can assure you that we'll do our best to keep you safe. If you need proof, look at Bow here, and Hattie. We won't harm you.” She spoke as gently as she could and it caused the girl to nearly break down in tears.
Poor Mu couldn't understand why those people were so nice to her, neither the wereowl man from the night before, nor the woman that was gingerly holding her hand, had tried to get rid of her, quite the opposite, they seemed to want her to stay. At first she had thought it was because they wanted to harm her, but when she had spotted Bow and Hattie that were doing alright, both looked happy to be here...Could she really be safe for once, would this old woman keep her word and protect her? ��Why?-” She sniffed, “-Why are you helping me?”
“Because I want to. I've seen plenty of your kind suffer, young and old, and...I swore to myself that I'll do all I can to make sure that I'll save as many of you as I can.” There was conviction in Cookie's words, enough to get Mu to finally put her trust in her.
“.....Thank you, n-no one has e-ever been so nice t-to me. Most a-adults just p-push me away like, like I-I'm rubbish.” Mu had started to sob quietly, trying her best to stay as strong as possible. Bow was hugging her from the side while Cookie squeezed the hand she had been holding the entire time.
“We'll be your family now, we can't replace your parents, but I will be the best friend ever, I promise!” The calm and somber sounding voice of Bow slowly calmed Mu down more and more. The more she calmed down, the more embarrassed she was that she had practically bawled her eyes out in front of strangers.
Cookie noticed that the red-clothed girl was slowly calming down. “How about you take a look around the house, get acquainted with the place. Conductor told me this morning that he spoken with you, so you already met him. I'm sure that DJ Grooves will greet you with open arms.-” She was more worried about Snatcher saying something that could upset the girl, he wasn't know to be the kindest. “-Snatcher is a bit...rough around the edges, but he has a kind heart.” Bow seemed to disagree with that statement as she narrowed her eyes and frowned.
“You should keep away from that guy, he's giving me bad vibes.” Bow whispered, so that only Mu could hear her. Mu kept that in mind as she looked around the house, she had wanted to explore the house anyway.
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witch-sweets · 9 months
Welp not the au thing I posted earlier but it's an au alright
Saw some cool peeps trying to revive the ahit monster au so I did some art cuz ye
this is technically fanart for @crescentblossom66 cuz it was their fic that inspired me but the design is most likely VERY different In the fic)
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Vampire Snatcher!
Both normal and monstrous forms
The normal form is more of a disguise tho he normally looks like the purple cryptid
(yes murder drones has permanently warped my perception on vampires and now they must have a person form and a murder form)
Lore under the cut if anyone wants it
Prince Crowne was a normal guy until after a fight with his girlfriend where she bit him and they broke up
But that night he felt sick almost as if he had been poisoned
He underwent a painful turning process and was horrified at what had happened to him
So he ran very deep into the woods scared and anxious
Due to it being a full moon he encountered The Conductor (in his wereowl form)
He managed to befriend the owl beast and they rested in a small cave till morning
When he woke up he was shocked that he hadn't changed at all and he was still a fluffy purple thing
The Conductor after remembering what happened that night took him to Cookies house to explain everything to him about what he was and get him cleaned up a bit
Cookie was surprised to say the least
But The Conductor explained to him that he was a vampire now a rare kind of vampire to be exact
A type of vampire that could shapeshift into more than just bats and wouldn't burn in the sunlight
He of course learned how to shapeshift in order to look like a completely normal person and slowly became desensitized to eating souls and drinking blood in fact he enjoyed it
He liked when people feared him
Plus he didn't need to quit his job cuz nobody would suspect a thing about him being a vampire
So he grew to enjoy being a soul eating blood sucking cryptid even saying that becoming a vampire was the best thing that ever happened to him other than becoming a lawyer
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spirit-doll · 4 months
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the idea of such a snetcher is not mine, but my friend's, but I decided to implement it this way. snetcher vers.
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chloedoesart · 3 months
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Some random sketches from hatcord shenanigans plus a Cursed Chloe and a beast AU doodle!
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bittybattybunny · 3 months
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What I'm alive?!
Hey guys finally TLC is ogg hiatus and updated! Back to dealing with the morons as they now enter a new era of figuring things out.
From Hattie knowing her mother's long kept secret, Eclipse and Arulius trying to navigate actually being an official couple, and a few more things that will come to light--
Anyhow I'm back!
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slime-sandwhich-nom · 11 months
Really wanna make a version of mine of that one au I saw on AO3...
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gracebethartacc · 1 year
for that outfit thing. amy A1 holt B4 izzy C1 feel free to do as many of these as you want
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Honestly I cant decide if I tag this as ahit au or not
but someone suggested 'nugget' star in his own godzilla movie and I was posessed to make something akin to a movie poster image
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eldritchtaur · 1 year
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@gracebeth3604 hey so i heard it's your birthday so i drew shapes and your draculaura design because they looked really neat!!
happy birthday!!!
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ravensroleplays · 1 year
Might draw Moonjumper doing this at some point?
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the-cosmic-blogger · 1 year
Finally finished Part 8 of A Cursed Fate!! :D
And since it's been an insanely awful long time, here's the series. Enjoy!! :3
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crescentblossom66 · 10 months
Bond of the Beasts Chapter 1
Back in the saddle! I know it's been bit since I my last big story. This time I'm gonna try my hand at reviving the beloved Monster AU created by MonsterMonsoon and Teenytinyhatkid. The former has written a one-short or two and an abandoned story about this, and I had a few ideas and decided to try and get this concept to work.
Dark, darkness as far as she could see, and nothing but darkness, it had been so for hours now. She would have doubted that she was even alive had it not been for the steady rocking as the dark metal crate they had been shoved in forcefully moved as the truck drove along to a location that was unknown to her, but she doubted highly that it wouldn't be a nightmare. Her small body trembled in sheer terror as the images flooded her mind, images of others like them being burned alive, tortured and beaten, purposefully crippled and mutilated. She shook her head to ban those horrible thoughts from her mind, they'd only scare Bow Kid more.
The young changeling girl was shaking so much that a leaf in the storm was calm in comparison. Her purple eyes that glowed in the dark darted in all directions frantically, her breathing was sharp and shaky, and uneven, she even hiccuped from fear as she sobbed and cried. She took the hand of the horrified girl gently in hers and squeezed it for comfort. It seemed to calm her down somewhat, her hiccuping ceased and she stopped shaking...as far as she could tell in this dark, ominous prison they found themselves in. She wondered if Bow Kid could feel her fear as well, she tried hard not to show it, but she couldn't deny that she was freaking out more and more as the journey progressed. All she knew was that they were brought back to the main base, wherever that was, she had heard the men that moved them talk about it.
She took a deep sigh as she waited for something to happen. Sometimes she wondered what she had done to deserve this, who she had wronged to end up being showed off to people like some kind of trophy, to be given the bare minimum to survive...It had been like this all her life, moving from place to place being moved around from market to market, from 'Owner' to 'Owner'...The only constant had always been her non-blood related sister, Bow Kid. She had been with her for almost as long as she could remember back, she had been her one and only source of comfort and she knew that it was the same for the young changeling. If it wasn't for her, she would have lost herself long ago.
“H-Hattie?” Bow Kid Kid's quiet and trembling voice leveled itself just about the general noise of the truck, it had been the first thing she had said in over three hours. She could feel that the curly-haired girl gave her hand a slight squeeze.
“Hm?” She squeezed back and heard Bow Kid try to stifle her tears and sobbing.
“Are they going to e-experi...expe...run tests on us?” Hat Kid put her other hand to hold Bow's. Experiment, a simple and fairly innocent word, but to them it meant torture, being prodded and poked at, having their 'oddities' checked, and being treated like some kind of science project. It made her sick just to think about it, and she knew how much they caused Bow Kid to suffer. The poor girl was subjected to various skin test, creams, injections and other horrible things they had tried on her, that's what Bow Kid had told her, and Hat Kid knew it was true...she recalled her screams in fear and pain, and how traumatized her beloved sister returned from each and every 'experiment'.
“I'm sure it will be different this time. Maybe the new people are nice.” She tried her best to sound hopeful and reassuring, although she didn't even believe herself. All she could do was pray, pray that something would be different this time, that for once, they could be happy.
They sat anxiously for a while until suddenly a loud pop could be heard and they were slammed against the left wall of the crate. “Ow!” Bow Kid yelped as her arm hit the wall rather violently and Hat Kid barely managed to stop her face from colliding with the metal by using her hand to catch herself.
The blue-eyed girl shook her head to clear away the daze, and listened for the voices of the men outside. All she understood was something about a tire, she wondered if the popping noise was caused by a tire breaking. One of the men was very agitated while another spoke in a calmer and higher pitched voice.
The low rumbling and the spite in the agitated man's voice caused Bow to tremble more again and it didn't get better than the lid was opened after the calmer man told his comrade to check on 'the goods'. Now Hat Kid could see Bow Kid's darting eyes and her trembling legs and hands. Her cat-like tail had shown itself again, it was rigid and the fur on it stood on end. The colors of her skin changed rapidly, but showed mostly purple and blue hues, fear and sadness, as far as she could tell.
“I told you a changeling only brings trouble, they should have killed this brat a long time ago!” Bow flinched and looked to the ground, her colors changing and glowing, she even started to shrink in size a bit.
“Are the items undamaged? The boss wants them alive.” The calmer man inquired and the agitated man scoffed and turned to face the calm man, before turning to give a look of absolute contempt to Bow Kid who started to breathe heavily again.
“They're undamaged, okay!-” Bow Kid cowered under the harsh gaze of the man, who now gave her a wicked and cruel smile, “-Just look at this abomination, feigning to be a young girl. I know what you are! You're just trying to make me feel bad for you!” Hat Kid's eyes widen in sheer horror as the man grabbed her sister by her small horns and dragged her out of the crate while she screamed. “You're not fooling me, you hear me! YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ME!!!” Bow Kid writhed in pain and tried to pry the man's hands from her horns as he shook her and taunted her.
It was back, the same feeling that she had felt so often now and managed to control so many times before...but enough was enough. People had ignored their feelings and their health for long enough!”Let her go!” Hat Kid closed her eyes as her hands started to glow a brilliant white, when she opened her eyes again they sported the same color. Both of the men stared at the young girl who started to glow from head to toe, the man dropped Bow Kid to the ground and the purple-eyed girl averted her eyes from her sister as the a huge magic explosion enveloped the whole forest and road around them. The surge could be felt from miles away and those well attuned to it could feel it as the air appeared charged with the aftermath of the magic.
The explosion flipped the truck over and picked it off the mud, spinning it over the floating and glowing child like it had been caught by a powerful tornado before it was launched away. The two men were flung backwards and landed somewhere deep in the woods, Bow Kid shielded herself as best she could, still panicking and breathing heavily.
“Stop, Hattie, please stop!” Bow Kid cried out after seeing her sister like that, she appeared to be protected from the large outburst and stumbled over the wet ground through the mud in an attempt to reach the other girl whose eyes were showing anger and frustration, her body shook as the large amount of magic channeled by her was too much for her small body to handle. Bow Kid had trouble even reaching the blue-eyed girl, as the waves of energy were like wind that pushed against her and flung the mud and the rain against her body, almost causing her to trip backwards and fall into the dirt if she wasn't leaning forward to combat it. The purple-eyed girl reached out a shaky hand to reach her sister and pulled her into a hug. “It's okay, Hattie, I'm okay.” Bow Kid spoke in a gently in comforting voice, despite her fear. All she knew was that she had to stop Hattie before she would collapse and end up in the terrible state that she had been once before.
Hat Kid's eyes flickered and slowly stopped glowing and turned back from the glowing white to her regular soft blue, and her body fell forward and into the arms of Bow Kid, who was forced to support her. “W-What happened?” Hattie asked in a quiet and exhausted-sounding voice while Bow slowly walked her away form the open road. She feared that they'd search for them and punish them for what Hat Kid caused.
“Don't worry about it, just...stay with me, Hattie, please.” The rain made it hard for Bow Kid to even see, let alone maneuver Hat Kid and herself through the thicket. They moved over to a hole in the trunk of a big oak, which was just about big enough to provide shelter for the both of them.
Hattie tried hard to focus, her head pounded and her eyes refusing to stop blurring. She felt like everything was disjointed, like she was only half there. Her body barely obeyed her own commands as she hardly felt anything, not the rain on her skin, nor the leaves and sticks under her feet. Her whole body ached and felt as heavy as a ton of bricks. The only thing that kept her from simply fainting was Bow Kid, who talked to her and tried her best to shield her from the weather. It was so cold though, it was among the few things she did feel. Hat Kid could only hear her sister's panicked voice before she drifted in an out of consciousness. “This is bad!”
“You take that back right now!”
“Make me! Ye son of a...!”
He tore his eyes open after trying to ignore the commotion downstairs that had been going on for 20 minutes straight now. He sat up with a growl and got up from his bed. Why couldn't those two imbeciles be quiet for the few hours that he slept at least! He stormed down the stairs and into the kitchen, where he found the two perpetrators of the ruckus and the only sane one in this household.
“What does it take to get some peace and quiet in this house!?-” The tall, young man with a pale complexion stared at the two older men that sat around the table. “-I'm this close to actually using that spirit drain spell!” He rose a hand and made his index and thumb almost touch while looking between the two men.
The small, blonde man only scoffed and crossed his arms. “Maybe I would, if this buffoon would admit that drinkin' coffee with more than two sugar cubes is destroying the very essence of it!” He looked at the steaming mug of nearly white liquid that stood on the table in front of the dark skinned man who leaned back against the back of the corner seat and only smiled.
“Nonsense, darling, one is allowed to drink coffee however they please. There is no rule on how much sugar or cream can be added.”
The tall, young man facepalmed and inhaled deeply. “You're telling me that you two are making this much noise, enough to even rise the dead from their eternal slumber..just because of some coffee.-” He gave a short condescending laugh. “- I expected nothing less from our raging shortie over here given his annoying temper, but you too, Grooves?” The head of short man started to turn red in anger and he growled quietly, balling his free hand that wasn't holding his coffee mug into a fist.
DJ Grooves only gave a shrug and took a sip of his coffee. “The Conductor started it, darling.” The Conductor was about to open his mouth to protest when the only woman in the room spoke up and turned away from the lasagna that she was preparing for dinner.
“Would you three simmer down, I can't concentrate when you're all yelling non-stop.”
“You have to understand, Cookie, those two woke me...” The young man trailed off and went quiet when the red-haired woman gave him a sharp glare, which made him grumble and turn back around to leave, that was when he felt a huge wave of magical energy come from the forest. It appeared that Cookie had felt it too, as she dropped the ladle to the ground, the tomato sauce on it staining the white and gray granite floor.
The other two men in the room exchanged questioning glances before the afro-sporting man spoke up. “Is...Is something wrong? Are they back?” The blonde man immediately got up and looked at Cookie who snapped out of her shock.
“No it's...it's not them.” She shook her head and grabbed her wand from the cabinet just in case.
“It was a magical surge, I don't think I've ever felt one that was this strong, it must have come from a powerful witch or wizard.” The purple haired man walked out of the room and made his way to the back door.
“I think we should check, maybe they're in trouble, given that we're not the only ones they hunt. Are you sure that you'll be alright outside, Snatcher?” Cookie looked determined and followed the dark purple-haired man out the room.
“It's evening already and it's raining, I'll be fine. It should be easy to locate them, given the small magic particles in the air.” He went outside and started to follow the for him easily traceable trail of magic while Cookie motioned for the Conductor and DJ Grooves to follow and the four started to head out into the forest. After walking through the dense conifers and deciduous trees, and getting soaked by the rain, they finally got close to the center of the magical surge.
“Did they have to do this magical surge thing now of all times, when it rains cats and dogs?” The DJ groaned as he wrung the water out of his red jacket for the umpteenth time.
The Conductor just looked at him smugly and chuckled. “Cannae even stand a wee bit o'...-” He stopped for a moment and listened. “-Ye hear that? Sounds a like cryin'.” The others listened, but couldn't hear anything but the loud noise of the rain hitting the ground and the howling of the wind through the trees.
“I don't hear nothing, old man. You sure that your not hallucinating?” The young man rose an eyebrow and was met with a scoff.
“I'm a wereowl, ye dimwitted idiot. Nothin' can escape me good hearin'.” He gave a smirk and easily heard the mumbled 'I doubt that' that followed his statement. “I heard that, lad!”
“Can you lead us to their location, Conductor?” Cookie asked the blonde man who nodded and started to lead the group through the bushes. He couldn't help but smile when he heard the DJ grunt and groan whenever his clothes got caught in a tree or bush or he nearly tripped over a branch or a stump, which occurred quite often, due to his plateau shoes.
Bow Kid could hear someone coming, they were moving through the bushes and trees toward their location. She thought it best to move, but with Hat Kid in the condition she was in, they couldn't walk anywhere. Bow Kid tried to think of what they could do, but her mind drew a blank due to her own panic and fatigue. “B-Be as quiet as you can a-and stay close. I-I'll protect y-you.” The young changeling started to shiver from the cold and her panic, her mind racing at the potential threat that closed in on them. Would they capture them? Were they here to take revenge for the two men that got hurt or even killed because of Hat Kid's outburst? She also feared for her sister, poor Hattie was getting colder and colder by the minute, her body was shivering and her lips started to turn blue.
They were close, he could detect two foreign smells belonging to humanoids, wild animals had a different odor. The group followed the Conductor's lead and he stopped at the small hole in the tree. He carefully turned to look into the cave and was met by a quick swipe from a claw that scratched his arm, causing him to bleed a little. “Hey! What's the big deal ye...!” He stopped when he saw the two shaking girls, the curly-haired one had shifted her hand into a paw with sharp claws, her colors changing rapidly between purple and red. The young girl started to shake and looked beyond scared at his deep scowl and angry expression. “I...I'm so-” He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to see the disappointed eyes of Cookie who gently turned him to the side.
Cookie smiled at the two girls, while the DJ shook his head at the harshness with which the Conductor greeted the poor kids. “Well done, darling, you scared them half to death!” he scolded, and the wereowl's anger flared up again as he turned away from him, walking a few steps away. He knew he messed up, he was shocked at getting attacked at random so he lashed out.
“You don't need to be scared, you two. We're not here to harm you.” Cookie tried to extend her hand to touch Bow Kid's shoulder, and pulled it back when the young girl tried to squeeze further into the tiny cavity, protecting the obviously exhausted looking other girl. “Let me help you.” She got out her wand and spoke a few words in an arcane language, and pointed it at Hat Kid who looked a little better after he magic connected. The purple-eyed girl appeared skeptical and looked at the tall man, and the man with the crazy shades behind Cookie, the former had his arms crossed while the latter gave a soft smile.
The young changeling looked at Hattie, she needed help and shelter fast, that was the one thing that she knew, and it wasn't like she had any idea where they were, and keeping Hattie safe by herself was hard. She had to take a gamble on this, even if it scared her. “You're not hunters, right?”
“Kid, do we look like hunters to you? Ever seen a vampire, wereowl, a basilisk and a witch hunt magical creatures?” Snatcher's sarcasm only caused all the other three adults to give him glares of disapproval.
“Don't listen to him, he's a bit...socially maladjusted, little darling.” Grooves low, but smooth voice and his pleasant smile calmed Bow Kid a bit, after Snatcher insulted her intelligence. The DJ walked a bit closer after noticing the positive response from the girl. “Don't worry, we'll help you and your little friend. Just ignore those two-” He glared at Snatcher and Conductor. “-they simply lack tact, darling.”
“...O-Okay.” Bow Kid started to move out of their hiding spot and moved out Hattie with the help of Cookie.
“Everything will be okay, we'll keep you safe, sweetie.”
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witch-sweets · 1 month
🗡 and 🌸 for any character you want.
Here's my oc Syi represented by Belladonna aka Nightshade
(I basically looked up the meanings of various poisonous flowers and this one worked the best)
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And here's some silly dungeon meshi au concepts because that anime lives in my brain-
(I just drew Snatcher because he's the easiest-)
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I could ramble on about the silly lore I came up with for this au so far but I wanna dedicate a separate post to that once all the designs are done
All you need to know is that Vanessa is the Mad Mage and Snatcher is cursed similarly to Falin (but instead of being controlled by the mage he just kinda lost his memories)
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miasmaclockworks · 4 months
Inhale (killk me)
kinito pet au ideas (all mine now)
Pirate au, swap/opposite au, frenzy au, beach vally au, valentines au, broken computer virus (BCV) au, house care au, real virus au, mimic au, best friend au, candyland au, light's out au, time traveler au, steam punk au, ghost au, phasmophobia au, dragon barrier au, librarian au, magical forest au, fruit au, fruit au, furry au, sailor moon au, pride au, obsessed au, ice cream au, midnight starlight au, AHIT au, star collector au, broken heart au, rejected friend au, accepted friend au, Poppy Playtime au, Five Nights At Freddys au, Warrior cats au, Midnight driver, killer au, prince of the night au, pool swimmer, Magical boy au, Critical au, Escape room au, god au, AU god au, Au hunter AU, scream au, Mii au, plane crash au, pilot au, mc donalds worker au, driver au, smile tapes au, nightmare au, night gamer au, artist au, over eater au, roblox au, creator au, caseoh au, wii au, wand au, childhood friend au, possessed au, apple core au, string worm au, drunkie au, caretaker au, love maniac au, drier au, washing machine au, Im a pretty princess au, venting au, among us au, gentle man au, Youtuber au, Actual axolotl au, you are what you eat au, mince meat butcher au, butcher au, doxxed au, sally the witch au, autistic au, ADHD au, Autistic and ADHD au, Motherborn au, alien au, Mother Mother au, soul au, dragon born au, vampire au, vampire hunter au, it was all just a dream? au, sunshine au, digital circus au, clockwork au, gymnastics au, rainbow factory au, twisted and turned au, patchworks au, unseen au, joker au, minimum wage worker au, skinwalker au, kinito darling au, forever and ever, everlasting pain, story teller au, time teller au, zoo keeper au, smiling critter au, truth be told au, rizzler au, farmer au, anthro au, Digital pop up au, backfired au, chef au, cuphead au, BABQFTIM au, carnival au, internet explorer au, kidnapper au, robber au, parental figure au, parent au, father au, apple picker au, trans au, siren au, mermaid au, cloud critters, monster energy au, emo au, goth au, alt goth, prince au, princess au, priest au, reality au, Epic the musical au, bass voice au, prince of the sea au, stranger au, never used au, stranger things au, abandoned au, hazbin hotel au, lemon and lime au, softie au, grunge au, sugar crush au, rainbow friends au, block break friends au, sugar crush au, sweet tooth au, undertale au, heartless au, toxic au, waist au, epic au, error au, fresh au, reaper au, horror au, other sans aus, medical au, high school au, ruby and max au, little horrors au, planter au, plant au, crystal au, glass crystal au, rockstar au, ancient Greek au, mario au, shroomba au, sonic the hedgehog au, snowday au, cave monster au, dinosaur au, game show hoster au, lunar moon au, bloodmoon au, eclipse au, sundrop au, moondrop au, dignity au, angels gaurd au, demons gaurd au, king of hell, king of the sea au, mother nature au, king of the land, landlord au, your boyfriend au, planetary au, leopard gecko au, leopard au, train conductor au, mountain lion au, polar bear au, Mad Scientist au, don't die au, raindrops au, seraph au, always watching au, teacher au, birthday party au, husk au, royal au, gummy bear au, cannibal au, discord au, My little pony au, bumblebee au, cat au, animal au, sweet treat au, warzone au, warframe au, roblox au, unicorn au, factory worker au, you au, dihedra au, pee au, every au I forget, Deleted forever au (not really), sleep tight au, Fire borne, dragon au, mythical animals au, goodbye friend, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles au, Replicate au, smartie pants au, femboy au, backrooms au, gurlie au, too silly au, silly au, TADC au, lovesick au, grand master au, crazy au, lab monster au, (insert every animal here) au, Monster under your bed au, sloozy au, nightmare monster au, aroace king au, your imagination au, salamander au, desktop pet au, ukagaka au, he knows what you are au, roller blades au, you can run but you can't hide au, poison rain au, dementia au, mr worldwide mr 305 au, anime au, welcome home au, Yume Nikki au, gacha life au, gacha club au, Battle blocks au,
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hollowartreal · 11 days
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Completely forgot to post this whoops
but new mumu design :3 yes she is very fluffy
A friend recommended I name this AU a Mythos in time since I have dragons, werewolves, and other fantasy creatures in my au. I think it fits, but if anyone wants to suggest another name let me know!
I'll drop mumu lore here
So. Kinda took inspo from the headcanon that mu is Vanessa and princes child because it seems very canon in the game, given the hints and clues. Since my au Nessa is a werewolf, had to change mu's design to match the headcanon. Her breed of werewolf is a more "modern" werewolf, basically werewolf mixed with a golden retriever, the more modern the breed is the more it becomes like huskies and Yorkies and other dog breeds. Mu and Vanessa are both mostly werewolf with a bit of the fancy "modern" breed, making them look a bit more like dogs and having brighter fur. The prince and queen planned for an heir to the throne to help ease the werewolf and human kingdoms tension, but it already fell apart before the baby could grow up. The prince tried to flee and hide the baby, asking a brother of Vanessa to help send her to a safer place. He did, but it ended up taking her ahead a couple thousand years since he messed up the portal spell. She landed in "Mafia town" (before it was mafia town) stuck in a little basket with her red blanket that was left with her. A villager took her in, the rest of the island refused and was weary but they gave one person a chance to raise her. (Werewolves are considered monsters in this au, along with any non-human creature to humans.) She was taken in by a caretaker, and they tried their best to raise a fluffy baby they knew nothing about except fables and stories of werewolves. Eventually the Mafia came and took over the island, getting rid of mu's caretaker when she was a toddler and almost getting killed. Luckily she escaped, but is very careful and weary in the island. She misses her home, and is often ashamed of being a werewolf and feels guilty about it. She doesn't know where she came from, no one else does so she's very lost. A lot of the events that happened in her life like almost getting killed, the Mafia are very aggressive with her, and the townspeople would bully her for having fur, as you can imagine has caused her some trauma. She tries her best to live on her own. Eventually hat kid comes by, the events of the original ahit game take place but I'm still working through it- hat kid decides to not leave and gains a lot of friends, having to fix whatever timeline mishap happened on that planet that she encountered. She feels bad for mu and tries to help her, offering a new home and safety. She obviously isn't used to it for a bit but gets used to it after a while, and this is where the current timeline is. It's been a couple years, hat is still working on trying to figure out what's going on but is kinda slow with it (oops) and mu is healing, along with gaining some friends.
Oh and the red cape she has is the red blanket she came in when she was a baby, and she refuses to let go of it or wash it even though it reeks.. although she's taken very good care of it, she refuses to wash it. Maybe it helps her cope, and has the scent of whoever left her behind
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bittybattybunny · 3 months
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Happy Easter! Another update!
Yes I vanished for most of a year and came back with multiple updates.
Hey look levi-Eclipse!
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