#criminal mids fuff
fayemarvels · 3 years
Please come pick him up
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Summary: After a hard case, Spencer and the team go get drunk to forget about it. Spencer gets drunk and this leads to (Y/N) accidentally meeting Derek.
Warnings: mentions of death, murder, unsub, consumption of alcohol – not specified, 1 sexual joke, / please inform me if I missed something
Word count: 2k
! Please don't repost my work anywhere without my permission. Thank you!
My masterlist : *******
Spencer and (Y/N) have been dating for 9 months. Everything was going great, they met each other’s parents and Spencer even met (Y/N)’s parents. But she still hasn’t met his. It wasn’t because he was ashamed or embarrassed by her.
He just knew the team would make a huge deal about it, and would probably embarrass him or make a huge deal out of it. He knew he would have to introduce them eventually. But for now, he wanted to keep the relationship a secret from the team.
(Y/N) knew the reasons as to why she didn’t meet the team, and she was okay with it. He wanted to introduce them on his own terms, but he didn’t think she would meet them because of his alcohol intolerance.
It was 1 am and (Y/N) was waiting for Spencer to come home. He and his team went out to get their minds of the latest case in California. It was physically and mentally very draining. It took them 4 weeks to catch the unsub, who killed 9 people before they got to him. And as usual, everyone on the team blamed themselves just a little, for all the lives that were lost, especially Spencer. Scratch that, Spencer fully blamed himself for the killings, and it broke (Y/N)’s heart.
“I should’ve known where he was hiding, it was on the geological profile and I glanced over it! They would still be alive if I saw it sooner.” Spencer was sitting on the ground with his back to the couch sobbing. His hands were tugging at his hair, his eyes full of tears, his cheeks red and blotchy and he tried to catch his breath.
“Bub, please don’t do this to yourself,” (Y/N) begged as she tried to get his hands out of his hair. She took him into her arms and he leaned against her.
“It’s okay, it’s fine,” she tried to calm him down. He put his face into the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent. His breath started to calm down and his eyes started to close.
“Bub, we have to get to the bed, your back will hurt if we sleep here” She slowly walked him into his bedroom and helped him into his pajamas. When they flopped onto the bed, Spencer immediately laid his head on (Y/N)’s chest and wrapped his hands around her waist.
“Goodnight bub, it’s gonna be better tomorrow, I promise.” She whispered and ran her fingers through his hair. He fell asleep quickly that night.
Originally, Spencer didn’t want to go to the bar with his friends, but (Y/N) persuaded him. She said it would be good for his mind, to get his mind off the case.
She dropped him off in front of the bar and kissed his cheek.
“Call me when you want to go home, have fun, get your mind off the case, don’t drink too much please, your head hurts when you are hangover.” He nodded and got out of the car.
“I’ll call you, Love you bye,” he said and walked into the bar.
He came to the bar at around 9 pm. Penelope, Emily, and Derek were already there and they saved him a place in the booth. They talked about work, personal lives, and the rest of the team. Rossi and JJ came at around 10 pm and Hotch came 15 minutes after them. The alcohol started coming their way, and Derek persuaded Spencer to drink.
3 hours later, Spencer couldn’t stand on his own properly. He was really tired and wanted to go home and cuddle with his love.
“Okay pretty boy, I think that’s enough for you,” Derek said and Spencer shook his head.
“Noooo I want some more, she told me to have fun,” Spencer whined and Derek looked at him confused,
“Sorry pretty boy, but we need to get you home, you said you have someone who will pick you up, give me your phone, I will call.” Spencer pouted and mumbled,
“I want to go home, she will be worried, I told her I won’t drink.” Everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows.
“Her? Who is her? You have a girlfriend we don’t know of?” Derek teased and Spencer nodded dreamily.
”Yeah, her name is (Y/N) she is the most beautiful person in the whole world. She is my ride home, call her.” he instructed and Derek rolled his eyes.
He fished out Spencer’s phone from his back pocket and dialed the contact with the name “My (Y/N)”
“Hey love, everything alright?” he heard a cheery voice from the other end and he chuckled.
“Hey, this is Derek Morgan, Spencer is very drunk and he says that you are his ride home, can you come to pick him up please?”
“Um, sure yeah I’ll be there in about 10 minutes, bye.” She said and ended the call.
“So, pretty boy, tell me about this girlfriend of yours.” Derek teased and Spencer grumbled.
“I won’t tell you anything, you will make fun of me”
“I won’t, I promise, I just want to know everything.” Derek tried to get any information out of him, but Spencer didn’t budge.
“No, if I told you anything, I would regret it tomorrow.” Spencer shook his head and Derek shrugged his shoulders.
“Ok, but just now, I will get it out of you.”
Just as he finished his sentence, a car pulled up next to them.
“Hey lover,” The woman in the car called out to Spencer and his eyes widened in happiness.
“My honeybun, you are here,” he slurred and (Y/N) laughed in embarrassment. She got out of the car and walked towards Spencer.
“Well hello,” Derek greeted and she smiled at him.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N), it’s pleasure to finally meet you, ” she shook his hand.
”I would like to say the same but considering I just learned about your existence, I would be lying.” He glared at Spencer and the genius wrapped his arms around his girlfriend’s shoulders from behind.
“I missed you so, so much, honeybun” he mumbled.
“I missed you too Bon Bon,” she teased and he glared at her. He always called the weirdest nicknames when he was drunk, and she loved it.
“Okay lover, let’s get you to bed,” she said to Spencer and he wiggled his eyebrows and she smacked his forehead very lightly.
“Not like that you idiot,” she shook her head and his shoulders sagged.
“Come onnnn,” he whined and she started to push him towards the car. When she finally stuffed his long body into the car, she turned to talk to Derek.
“Thank you so much for calling me, do you need a ride home?” she asked him and he just waved his hand.
“No, I have a ride, thanks for asking though.” She nodded and thanked him once again.
They said their goodbyes and (Y/N) sat in the driver’s seat. She turned towards Spencer and saw him passed out with his head against the window. She covered him with her jacket and started the car engine.
She drove through the empty streets and listened to the random song on the radio, which played through the car quietly. The bar wasn’t far away from Spencer’s apartment, only about 10 minutes. She pulled up to the parking lot in front of his apartment and turned off the engine.
“Baby wake up, we are at home,” she softly stroked his cheek and he slowly opened his eyes.
“Already?” he asked groggily and she hummed in agreement.
“Yeah, come on, I’ll help you” she got out of the car and went to his side. She opened the door and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“Come on, up.” She struggled to get him to stand up, but they finally made it. His limbs were like jelly and didn’t listen to him at all.
“m’ really tired” he whispered and she rubbed his side.
“I know my love, we are nearly there,” she tried to comfort him.
They slowly walked into the building, and towards the elevator. After they stepped in, and Spencer pushed the floor number, she sighed in relief. Her back was killing her, and her arms hurt from holding Spencer’s body weight.
The elevator came to stop and (Y/N) dragged him down the hall towards his apartment. When they got to his door he slumped and she fished out keys from her pocket.
When she finally opened the door he stumbled in and slid down against the wall, and stretched his long legs in front of him. (Y/N) laughed when she saw him and he made grabby hands towards her.
“What is it bub?” she asked and crouched down beside him. He pulled her towards him and she sat on his lap. She moved some hair from his forehead and he kissed the inside of her palm.
“I love you so much, you know that?” he asked and she hummed.
“You told me quite a few times.” She put her forehead on his and pecked his lips softly.
“I love you so, so much.” They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before (Y/N) pulled away.
“Come to bed” she whispered against his lips and he nodded his head. She could see that Spencer sobered up a bit. When she helped him up, he could stand on his own and move quite easily.
They walked into the bathroom first. (Y/N) put some toothpaste on both of their toothbrushes while Spencer pulled out the things each of them needs for their skincare routine.
“Thanks love,” He thanked her when she handed him his toothbrush. They brushed their teeth quietly and occasionally bumped their hips together. When they spit out the toothpaste and flossed their teeth, they did their skincare routine.
They started by washing their faces, put on some cleanser, toner, eye cream, and moisturizer. They put it away and shuffled into the bedroom hand in hand.
“What do you want to sleep in?” (Y/N) asked Spencer, who was already laying in bed, trying very hard not to fall asleep.
“Pajama pants and your pink sweater, you know which one” Spencer replied and (Y/N) threw the clothes at him. He caught them and changed into them.
“Come cuddle me please.” He requested softly and she complied. In her pajamas, she walked towards the bed and slid under the comforter. She opened her arms and Spencer put his head on her chest.
“The headache tomorrow is going to be huge,” he sighed softly and she ran her fingers up and down his back soothingly.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of you.” She comforted him and he snuggled deeper into her side.
“You know, you have to introduce me to your teammates now that they know I exist.” She teased and Spencer nodded
“I’ve thought about it quite often lately.” He confessed and (Y/N) looked at him shocked.
“You have?” she asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, I want them to know all about the girl I love.” He said and she kissed his cheek in gratitude.
“I can’t wait” she whispered.
“We should sleep, so we can go to the market tomorrow.”
The market thing was their tradition. It started about a month before they officially started dating, back when they were just friends. She membered it like it was yesterday. They were watching doctor who at Spencer’s apartment and she wanted some apples in caramel.
They went out and wandered around quite a bit before they stumbled on the little farmer’s market. It was October and apples were everywhere. It turned out great, (Y/N) got her apples in caramel, and they got a tradition that would last for a very long time.
(Y/N) came back into reality, when she heard a snore come from Spencer. She smiled at the sight of him, looking so peaceful. He looked so beautiful when he slept. All of his facial muscles relaxed, and with his mind at peace.
“Goodnight my love, sweet dreams” she whispered softly, tucked the comforter up to his chin, and kissed his forehead one more time. Her eyelids closed and she drifted off into sleep.
I am sorry this took so long, but I have been so busy, we are back in school, homework and everything piled up and I didn’t have time for writing.
Also, thanks for 57 followers, I am so, so happy you are enjoying my work.
I want to write some more one shots around this one ((Y/N) meeting the team, the farmers market tradition origin), would anyone be interested in reading it?
Thanks for reading my work, and if you enjoyed this story, please check out my other work, like, reblog and follow.
If you have any ideas or requests for fanfics, blurbs, or headcanons, you would like me to write, please write me and I will do my best to write it.
Also, would anyone be interested in a permanent taglist? You can let me know
I would really appreciate it if you left some feedback, so if you think I could improve something, please let me know.
-Faye xxx
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
Requested by @slytherinnbitch
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Dialogue Prompt - 4. " How bad do you want to kill me right now ?" " I'm hovering somewhere in the mid thirties " | I'm so so glad this isn't an angst | fuff | non established relationship |
Harry and draco are assigned to be together in one room without killing each other( sarcasm of course )
" harry it is was a reckless move-"
" but-"
" you could've been killed. Why are you not taking this seriously? " Robert raised his voice
" but we caught the criminal " harry shrugged
" on the stake of your partner's life " Robert threw his hands in the air in frustation
Draco scoffed sitting on Harry's side.
" you're no right either draco. What harry did was just a soon to be collateral damage, you defied the original plan " Robert slammed his hands over his desk
" but it led us closer to the criminal -"
" again at the stake of life of people, at the stake of your own life " Robert collapsed into his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose " I- I'm so bloody done with both of you. You know what you both were right, pairing you two was an absolute disaster, it's all my fault that I thought you could work together but I will not be having anymore of this, of this nuisance "
" glad we agree finally-"
" about time you figured-"
" you both are demoted- "
" What ?" They simultaneously responded in shock
" -for the day. I want you both to take the day off, clean out the file room "
" we're not in fucking school. It's like giving us detention " draco whined
" but you two are nothing more than kids. I have made my decision and if by the end of the day too you are still ready to kill each other, you both will be in Different department or possibly promoted or demoted " Robert sighed
" you- you can't do that " harry said, holding onto the armrest of the chair too tightly
" I can and I will if you both force me to. I have made my decision. The room is on first floor " Robert said as he passed them the keys and started looking through his file.
" what are you waiting for ? Go "
Groaning they both stood up scowling at each other and left the office to go to the file room. Somehow harry had dodged off for a while and then went into the room on the first floor, seeing draco sat on a chair with his legs up over the desk reading something.
" it's a pleasure to be here with you mr. Malfoy " harry rolled his eyes, making space to walk into the room
"pleasure to know you finally showed up " draco rolled his eyes, taking his feets off and watching harry stumbling over things.
" couldn't you had made enough room to walk ?" Harry sighed as he stumbled over a box, his shoelaces and falling backwards with a gasp.
At first it didn't bother Draco until it hit him and immediately stood up, shock formulating his face.
" you- fucking idiot " draco gasped as he Walked towards the door, trying to unlock the door.
" I can't wrap my head around how Caring and kind you are. Thank you for asking me how I am, which by the way I am fine " harry rolled his eyes, getting up and dusting off his clothes.
“you dumb nitwit, the door had no handle and you fucking tripped over “ draco insulted as he tried to look for a desperate way to open the door 
“ well someone should’ve told “ harry threw at draco, blaming him for not telling him before
" only if you had kept your mouth shut- and for fucks sake tied your shoelaces you wouldn't had tripped over " draco sneered
" not like I asked for it. We'll just alohomora it" harry shrugged casually. Draco raised an eyebrow at harry, crossing his arms.
" be my guest "
Harry rolled his eyes, taking out his wand, casting alohomora and failing without a doubt
" aw, has the chosen one, the golden boy failed to cast a simple unlocking spell " draco sarcastically cooed
Harry sneered at draco, casting another spell to allow it to open but with no success.
" you know what, why don't you just cast a bombarda spell, Maybe that'll break it open like you almost did to me today" draco scowled
"you so make me wish I had blown you up. I wouldn't had to be stuck with you here " harry narrowed his eyes at Draco
" oh trust me I'd rather be blown up than be here with you " draco rolled his eyes, Bending down to pick something to open the door.
" why don't you try opening the door If you're desperate to just break free "
" oh my god, you gave me new insights potter. I never thought Of it " draco sarcastically strolled, rolling his eyes afterwards.
Harry angrily huffed rolling his eyes " you know I didn't ask for this "
" oh really ? Because it seems otherwise " draco threw at him as he went back to sitting on the chair, Lifting his legs upon the table, back to reading whatever he was reading before.
" so what? You're gonna sit there like a bloody king and not do anything ?" Harry insultingly raised his eyebrows at draco.
" you know what, take it as a fruit of your doings. You are the reason we're here, you're the reason the door is locked which isn't opening to any spells because it's a safe room by the way you idiot. So yes you're doing it, not me " draco titled his head in a mock, smiling devilishly before drowning into reading.
Harry cursed under his breath " whatever, I'll do it myself "
Draco shrugged his shoulders without looking up at harry.
Harry silently sneered at draco before he actually decided to work and started stalking files over the desk draco had raised his long legs upon.
" can you not ?" Draco huffed as harry stalked files after files over the table.
" oh my majesty are you troubled ?" Harry asked innocently with a pile of file in his hands
" of course " draco raised an eyebrow in obviousness
" too bad " harry gave a mocking smile before he placed the stalk right where his feets were making him quickly take them off the table.
" okay this is enough, what the fuck Is your problem ?" Draco threw as he slammed the book on the chair after standing up facing a slightly shorter harry.
" my problem ?" Harry sarcastically Chuckled pointing to himself " you think I have a problem?! Are you like high or something, I'm Just doing the work we're supposed to do. If there's anyone who have problems that's you. What the hell is your problem Malfoy ?"
" what makes your thick brain think I have a problem ?" Draco sneered as he took one step closer to harry
" basically everything. You have problem with mere existence of me and this is definitely not something new, you've always hated me, haven't you "
" you actually believe that? You actually believe that I have a problem with you because I've Always had one? "
" of course. You hate me because you know I'm better than you " harry should've known he stepped a nerve, but he Daringly smirked as draco flared.
" you fucking- moron " draco grunted as he pushed harry against the shelf behind them knocking files over the floor, almost wanting to hit him.
" what are you waiting for ? Hit me? You know you want to " harry egged on
" come on, have you no courage " harry mocked. Draco's fist almost levelled his shoulders when he stopped
Harry sneered at draco inching his face closer " you know you can't do it " and he broke free of the trap and started stalking files again. Frustatingly draco groaned to himself and started stalking files on the floor too.
It might've been over an hour after they had silently obliged to working individually when Draco heard harry groaning.
" what now ?" Draco rolled his eyes turning to harry.
" what, do your own work "
Draco rolled his eyes again and started putting files in shelf according to crimes assaulted in alphabetical order when he heard harry groaning again.
" Just for one miniscule second, push your ego aside, and tell me what you need ?" Draco huffed, dusting his hands off together.
" coming from the most egoistic man " harry rolled his eyes " thanks for your offer but I'm fine" harry screeched as he tripped over the stack of files he was standing to get on top.
Draco rolled his, crossed his arms in front, leaning against one of the shelf and watched harry try again.
" we've got a chair you know that right ?" Draco asked
" I don't need-" and this time before harry fell, Draco grabbed onto harry and helped him up..
" now will you ask for help ?" Draco raised an eyebrow at harry
" you're an odd man, just an hour ago you wanted to punch me, now you want to help me. You get more mood swings than a pregnant women " harry rolled his eyes
" very funny " draco sarcastically strolled as he bought the chair on the level for harry to stand on.
" I know " harry grinned standing over the chair.
" you're quite short, you know that " draco smirked as he stood behind harry to hold him again if he tripped for like the millionth time, not that harry knew it.
" at least I'm not as tall as Burj Khalifa " Harry rolled his eyes trying to reach the top Shelf, unsuccessfully to mention.
" as a what again ?" Draco asked in curiousity. Harry turned around to see Draco as if he couldn't believe he didn't know that but by the looks draco definitely didn't.
" burj Khalifa. The tallest building in the world" harry stated, getting back to trying to reach the top
" oh- how tall is it?" Draco asked again
" I don't know- why does it matter, I'm comparing your height to a building, isn't it enough " harry huffed
" you're shit at metaphors " draco lightly insulted
" I think I'm great " harry replied as he placed his feets on the armrest, and reaching the top shelf after standing on tip toes.
" of course you do " draco rolled his eyes looking away for a moment, but in that one moment of looking everything had happened, harry stepped on his untied shoelace, smacked his face in front, broke both the armrest, heavily broke the chair and fell over, taking draco down with him..
" you fucking idiot-" draco grunted, his hands resting on Harry's back lying in top of him with pieces of chair poking his sides.
" I know " harry groaned as he tried to level up by his elbows
" have you really, absolutely abandoned your brain in a street market or what ?"
" it's not like I asked for it " harry raised his voice slightly
" you never ask for it potter, it just happens with you" draco too raised his voice watching harry covered in dust on top of him.
" whatever " harry rolled his eyes, rising up, offering a hand to draco, who didn't take for that matter.
" what do you want me to say? Apologize for falling over, these things happen alright " harry threw his hands in the air in visible frustation
" no potter I don't want you to apologise, I want you to take responsibility for whatever disasters you cause- oh my fucking goodness " draco gasped as he looked at the desk, all files collapsed from piles.
" okay- that I will take responsibility for "
Draco groaned in frustation, tugging at the roots of his hair.
Harry distanced himself from draco a little" how bad do you to kill me right now ?"
Draco scowled harry, " I'm hovering on high thirties right now "
" and that by the way is a lot "
Harry pressed his lips in a thin line in guilt and his stupidity.
" aren't you going to say something! Apologize maybe " draco shook his head
" apologise? What for ? It was a mistake, I didn't ask for it, I happen to trip over, fell down and instead of asking me for one bloody second if I'm fine, you're asking me for Apology " harry narrowed his eyes at Draco
" you know- this- this is my problem " draco gravelled " your mistakes. How everyone have to take the fall with you, how everything is about you. This- all of this is because of you, If you hadn't almost blown up our mission today, we wouldn't had been here today or for that matter, hadn't tried to prove yourself, your fucking saviour complex, we wouldn't had to face this. All of this is because of you, so don't blame it on me for having a problem when you youself create like a hundreds of them yourself " draco shouted throwing his hands in the air agressively, being done with harry at this point.
Although he didn't assume harry would take draco yelling at him this bad that his eyes slightly glistened with water before he uttered a small Apology and silently went back to rapidly in much organising manner, started stalking files away according to crimes committed in alphabetical order of victims.
Draco was simply left in mild shock in sudden change in Harry's behaviour, wondering what he had said that actually hurt harry and it wasn't until half an hour later he finally realised what nerve he had pinched .
He heavily turned around to face Harry's back before he cleared his throat to get his attention "i-i- I didn't mean it "
" it doesn't matter " Harry grumbled lowly
" no-"
" you're Right" harry finally turned around with a rather pained looked upon his face "you're right, I should take responsibilities for my actions, I shouldn't put people in position of risking their lives when I have no idea how I might commit a disaster and I let everyone take the fall with me "
" that's not true harry, you know it"
" is it not ? Haven't enough people died because of me because I was too careless " harry disappointedly replied
Draco inched a few steps closer to harry, to perhaps want to touch harry, in comfort, however didn't " you're not responsible for anything that went the other way than it should've. Maybe you're a tad bit careless like with not tying your shoelaces ever since you came here but you're not responsible for anyone's death, not even of your godfather, if anyone's responsible, it would be the woman who's unfortunately my aunt " draco softly spoke as if he was protecting harry from a blow
" I still Could've been more careful-"
" I know " draco interjected " I'm sorry for yelling at you, I get quite mad when someone ruins the done work "
" I know " harry whispered softly as he looked away, somehow draco knew what he was thinking.
" whatever happened was a mistake harry, we were young, I attacked you first. If I hadn't, you wouldn't had done it-"
" doesn't change what happened -"
" it doesn't but you can learn To live with it " draco raised his eyebrows suggestively. Harry looked at Draco's chest, as if he was looking through his white shirt into the scars he gave him long time ago.
" I broke your nose too, it you remember. We're even " draco suggested
" it was fixed by a normal spell-"
" and I was fixed too. Maybe yes the scars remains but I kind of like them " draco shrugged
" you do ?"
" yeah, it sort of reminds me that I lived through. Like it tells a tale to free your past yet remain bound to it. And in any case, I can forget anyone but you, so it's sort of like your stamp " draco chuckled when harry broke into a Little smile.
" I'm still sorry " harry spoke after a while of fumbling with the corner of his shirt looking at Draco.
" I know. I forgave you long time ago " draco replied with a warming smile.
" now clean this shit up because I ain't " draco teased after moments of silence which finally lifted the heavy air off and harry chuckled.
And somehow perhaps in those moments their lives had taken a Twisted turn that led to so many others but never once did they regret it.
And perhaps Robert knew this because the next morning when he came to check upon his lost colleagues, he found them cuddled together on the cleared floor. Worth mentioning he framed the picture he took of them and gifted them as their wedding gift.
Hope you liked it, I don't think it technically turned out how you wanted it to but I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for taking a bit long to get back.
300 followers appreciation dialogue Prompts requests open
Angst prompt requests open.
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