#crimson x ennui
crimsennui-week · 15 days
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Here is the official Crimsennui Week 2024 Prompt Poster that was created by my closet friend, @tdramakingfan
And the photos used in the poster belong to Elliott Animation/Teletoon
I want to first thank everyone who took the time to vote in the poll.
Now as you can see, the poster only shows the top 7 prompts/themes that had the most votes from the CxE Week poll.
Normally I would have a double prompt but for this year, I wanna see how single prompts work.
Anyway, the poster shows the days of Crimsennui Week along with what theme will be focused for each day. But just to be safe, here are the themes for each day of Crimsennui Week 2024
Oct. 25th: Dream Date
Oct. 26th: Vacation
Oct. 27th: Casual
Oct. 28th: Birthdays
Oct. 29th: Parenthood
Oct. 30th: Haunted House
Oct. 31st: Halloween Party
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acacia-may · 6 months
Star In A Dark Sky (TDRR Crimsennui Fic)
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When a haunted house fails to live up to Ennui and Crimson's expectations, it seems their date night might be ruined, but a game of ring toss might just save the day.
Crimsennui Slice of Life and (Fluffy?) Goths In Love.
Rated G. No warnings only fluff.
A/N: This fic was a gift for @randomsprinkles who has been insisting I post it for the world too, so I finally conceded put it up on AO3. I honestly wasn't planning on cross-posting to Tumblr, but this is for you @repo-net (I hope you enjoy it!)
Also highly recommend checking out the song "Star In A Dark Sky" by BATZZ in the Belfry (Spotify link; YouTube Link) which inspired this fic and provided its title. It's one of the most goth love songs of all time (in my opinion) and definitely makes me think of this pairing.
This story is meant to be read in their monotone, emotionless delivery and shouldn't be taken too seriously. That said, I hope I managed to give this amazing ship some well-deserved fluff.
Link to the fic on AO3 and full fic text below the cut. Thank you so much for reading! 🖤
“That was a let down.” Even though Ennui’s voice was monotone like usual, he saw the way Crimson was blinking at him and knew he was getting emotional. It was hard not to feel disappointed. That haunted house had gotten such good reviews, but it wasn’t scary at all. The blood wasn’t even realistic, and the supposed jump scares were pathetic. The actor playing the deranged chainsaw killer actually screamed when he turned to find Crimson, allegedly, sneaking up behind him, but she was really just standing there.
If Ennui was being honest, it was the best part. Watching Crimson terrify the haunted house employees made a feeling flutter in Ennui’s chest, and he didn’t hate it. Being with her made him feel like a new man—made him feel things, period. It was a strange but not unpleasant sensation. He just wished he could show her a better time than a pathetic, unscary haunted house.
“Sorry. I thought that would be scarier,” he said emotionlessly blinking at her, but when she just blinked back at him, he couldn’t tell if she was disappointed. She was so much less emotional than he was.
“It’s okay,” answered Crimson in her monotone voice. “It’s not your fault that they completely misused their budget and hired bad actors.”
Ennui supposed Crimson had a point. The problem was probably misappropriated funds, unscary actors, and bad writing. Still… “It was the only reason we came here. I would have never brought you to this carnival if I didn’t think we would get scared.” He paused—blinking at the bright, flashing carnival lights. “It’s too bright.”
Crimson nodded in agreement, but she said, “Walking past that petting zoo and watching you get mobbed by cute, fluffy animals was pretty terrifying.”
Ennui’s eyebrow twitched. The emotionless monotony of Crimson’s voice was so comforting. She knew just what to say.
“You would expect a carnival to be a little more creepy, but they really cleaned things up around here,” she continued, and Ennui nodded. He missed the days when the pier was dirty and dingy—filled with old, dilapidated buildings and shady carnies who smelled like cheap box wine and musty cigarettes.
“Things have really gone downhill around here thanks to the new management.”
Crimson nodded in agreement, and they quietly made their way to the exit. “We’re just not carnival people,” she said. “But I guess some of the games are okay.”
The colorful stalls of carnival games Crimson had just mentioned suddenly caught Ennui’s attention. Maybe he could make up for this dud of date by winning her a prize.
“Do you want to stop at one on our way to the exit?”
Crimson blinked. “Okay.”
Ennui and Crimson stopped at one of the carnival stalls for a game of ring toss. When Ennui won, he was so enthused his eyebrows twitched. From the blank stare Crimson was giving him, Ennui could tell she had definitely seen that gross display of emotions. It was embarrassing, but he couldn’t help it. Crimson brought out a very emotional side of him.   
After giving them many confused looks, the barker told Ennui he could pick a prize. Unfortunately, most carnival prizes consisted of brightly colored cotton candy and plushies of fluffy animals. Crimson wouldn’t like anything he got her here.
He let out a heavier breath than usual without even thinking to stop himself. He should have thought of that before.
Just as he was about to give up, he saw a ripped and crumbled plushie of a grey bunny hidden behind the others. It was missing an eye, was covered in dirt stains, and one of its arms was hanging on only by threads. It was perfect.
“I’ll take that one,” he said pointing to it. It took the barker several attempts and multiple directions of “Not that one. The one behind it” before he finally picked up the ripped bunny.
“Are you sure?” he asked in confusion. “This one fell off the truck.”
“Even better.” Ennui could feel the corners of his mouth twitch. It was gross, but he didn’t care. He handed the bunny to Crimson who blinked at it.
“It looks like its been through a woodchipper.” After a long pause, she looked up at him and added, “I love it.”
“I love you,” said Ennui. He paused. He hadn’t been meaning to say that even though he had been thinking it for quite some time.
Crimson merely blinked at him. Her blank expression was more unreadable than ever.
His eyebrows twitched again. Had he ruined their evening? “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make things mushy,” he said monotonously, but Crimson cut him off.  
“It’s okay.” She met his eyes—her deep, serious, and unemotional gaze sparkling like a star in a dark sky. Looking at her now, Ennui couldn’t help but think that even if sunlight was overrated maybe starlight wasn’t. And when she said, “I love you too” in that beautiful monotone way of hers something fluttered in his chest again.
Yes, Crimson made him feel things. But maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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totaldramafan1998 · 11 months
I know this fic I did here is over 7 years old, but I thought it would be good to revisit it for day 1 of Crimsennui Week 2023.
A What If AU where the Goths did not get eliminated from the Race.
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nyctoaerah · 3 months
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CONTENT WARNING: Angst, Gore, Mutilation, Implied Stockholm Syndrome, Obsession.
PAIRINGS: Suguru Geto x Fem! Non-sorcerer! Reader
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“I had a bad dream,” Suguru murmured, his warm breath gently caressing the nape of your neck as he nuzzled against you.
“Again, huh...?” Your voice trailed off, a deep-seated concern for Suguru stirring within you. Ever since the  Star Plasma Vessel mission, he had been plagued by haunting nightmares and restless nights, and it made you worried — because fuck, suguru started to look more depressed as days goes by, and you can’t even do anything about it. 
You sighed softly, your fingers delicately threading through his soft raven locks that now“I had a bad dream,” Suguru murmured, his warm breath gently caressing the nape of your neck as he nuzzled against you.
“Again, huh...?” Your voice trailed off, a deep-seated concern for Suguru stirring within you. Ever since the  Star Plasma Vessel mission, he had been plagued by haunting nightmares and restless nights, and it made you worried — because fuck, suguru started to look more depressed as days goes by, and you can’t even do anything about it. 
You sighed softly, your slender fingers delicately threading through his soft raven locks that now cascaded freely around his face.
“What was it about this time?... Wanna talk about it?” 
“It’s fine if you don’t want to.” you said softly.
“...I was a murderer,” 
“A cult leader...”
“You hated me, and i killed you.”
Reaching up slowly, you allowed your fingers to delicately brush on his cheek, feeling the soft skin against your calloused pads.
“Come now, it was only a dream. Surely you know dreams cannot harm you.”
A shuddering sigh escaped Suguru's lips as he leaned into your fleeting caress, finding solace in your touch.
“I know.. but even so, I don’t want you to hate me.” 
“because.. what if it actually happens..?”
“Suguru,” you murmured, tracing the bow of his lip with the barest brush of your thumb. Leaning in slowly, you replaced fingers with your mouth, capturing his lips in a kiss meant to reassure where words failed.
You pulled away just enough to whisper against his mouth, “I could never hate you.” 
“Never, i’ll always love you... I promise.”
How did everything spiral to this fucked up state? Suguru was once tender and loving, your sweet and loving boyfriend who would never dare lay a finger on you, has morphed into a monster unrecognizable to you — the exact opposite of what he was before.
Despite hurting you both mentally and physically — even though he beats you up just for the slightest slip-up, a deep-seated love continues to bind you to him, gosh maybe it even borders on obsession.
Even as you teeter on the precipice of death, your love for him remains undiminished.
Even if he was the one who did this to you.
The one who put you through a lot of pain.
“I told you, I’ll always love you... I can never hate you,” you wheezed, a weak chuckle escaping past bloodied lips. Your head lolled to the side as crimson rivulets meandered down your chin. Your limbs, severed and mangled, lay scattered around like abandoned toys, with Suguru’s cursed spirits voraciously devouring the remnants. A few, audacious, had begun to gnaw at the tender flesh of your exposed shoulder, but suguru swatted them away. Pain radiated from every nerve ending, carving tendrils of excruciating pain deep into your bones, which jutted out like shattered ivory shards.
Each breath you drew was a jagged, ragged effort, slicing through your chest, and it hurts so bad, like you were being cut by a saw-toothed blade. 
“...So it really happened, huh...? Your bad dream..”  you muttered. “damn.. you.. didn’t have to.. ah.. mutilate me... should’ve just killed me fast instead of this torture..”
Suguru sighed, a sound heavy with ennui, before he leaned in close, his breath mingling with the metallic stench of your blood.
“it’s not like i wanted you to die this way...”
“uh-huh.. it looks like you wanted it this way.” you retorted.
He cupped your cheeks with gentleness that belied the savagery of his actions. Your vision blurred, the world dimming as your eyes began their slow march toward lifelessness.
“I wanted to kill you painlessly but you just had to be miss goody two shoes... And it makes me want to... hurt you so bad.”
“Why can’t you just hate me?”
“Because i promised to always love you. Or maybe it’s just this — heh — stockholm syndrome.”
 “a promise, huh? i forgot about that already.” He pressed his lips to your forehead, the kiss lingering as your eyes fluttered shut.
“...you don’t hate me, huh? Not even if i’m the one who did this?” he murmured.
“not even if i put your through so much hell?”
“Never... Always... I’ll love you...” you whispered.
Suguru leaned in and kissed you, and you just let out a shaky sigh, feeling his soft lips press against yours.
It was not a kiss of passion nor love but of penance, his mouth moving delicately— almost reluctantly—against your own. Nothing like his actions before.
“Stupid fucking girl,” he hissed as he finally pulled away.
“Why did you have to be a non-sorcerer?...”
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©𝐍𝐲𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐡 || 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.♡
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pursuitseternal · 6 months
“Seek Me:” naughty Hide and Seek for you and your Vampire Lord in “The Rogue You Were”
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Ascended Astarion x F!Reader | E | 3.4 K of predator/prey, hide and seek double smut
Summary: To fight the impending ennui of politics, you play a game, just a simple hunt, a sort of dark and perverted hide and seek. Winner claims the spoils, and the spoils are always… delicious.
CW: predator/prey dynamics, perverted hide and seek, slight exhibitionism (twice), rough sex, possessive sex, double cream pie, (surprise) carriage sex
Ao3 link | Astarion fic Masterlist
Chapter 11… Seek Me
Shadows stretch across the palace halls, bending and misshaping anything familiar. That creeping memory of sneaking in here years ago to stop the Rite that made you and your love what you are still niggles in your thoughts and nightmares sometimes.
Times like this, you wonder why Astarion insisted on living in such a place of past torment. Even though the decor was brighter and the crimsons more vibrant, it didn’t matter in the dark.
All looked the same cloaked in shadows and covered in night.
Your undead heart pounds, it's slow and hard as your breasts rise and fall rapidly with your breaths. Why… why did you agree to let him go first? Some little game to break the ennui. A simple game of hide and seek. But you should have known, hiding and seeking was more than that in an ancient ancestral, vampiric palace.
And it was always more than that with Astarion, your love, your sire, your husband.
You keep your eyes open for his glowing red gaze… your ears train the ground for his near silent step… he’s far more practiced at all being a vampire entails. He can hold his breath, slow his heart, move like death incarnate.
Your only advantage is that you know the palace better. All these days spent overseeing renovations as he attended council meetings and travels, you had more than a few tricks up your sleeve. As long as he didn’t catch you first.
Darting onto the balcony, you keep to the shadows and hug the wall. If you can just make it inside the hall, you’re sure he won’t find you for quite some time.
After all, it’s just a little game to play while your guests are still departing, admiring your new palace. It’s only a matter of time now before you both need to leave for some grand soirée, another of many evenings wrapped up in tedium and the boring banter of politics and power. This game is to spice up the evening ahead. And instead, it just makes your heart race.
Winner or loser, you know you’re just going to end up split on his cock, gasping and pleasured wherever you are. Wherever it is he finds you.
You just hope it’s not within earshot of these nobles…these poor, pathetic souls who wander to look at your splendorous home. You hear their voices from down below, lightening your step to go unnoticed. Muffled noises grow closer. Hands shaking, you know that hidden door is here… behind this panel, your hands skim over the ornate wallpaper, searching with fumbling touch for the switch. Noises grow louder, and suddenly you’re aware of the milling crowd on the other side of the railing. They can just catch you from the corners of their judgemental eyes, their ears just within reach enough to hear you if you were to make enough noise…
You wonder if they can also hear those footsteps approaching. Astarion. Hunting you down, seeking you in your fun and twisted game.
Trembling, ragged breaths come from your mouth as you finally hear the click of the hidden switch, the panel shifting in the wall to reveal total and utter darkness. You smile, relieved….
Until two glowing crimson eyes open to look down on you from within. Quicker than breath, he’s turned you around, dagger to your throat and arms pinning you against his chest as he laughs so quietly in your ear. “Shhhh, not a sound… my treasure.” He grinds his prominent erection on the curve of your ass through your thin silken gown. “Not if you want those Patriars and Council members to hear how much of a slut you are for your lover…”
You swallow the sound that longs to break from your throat. His hand, the one that isn’t skating the blade of his dagger tantalizingly over your neck, skates up your thigh, rucking up your skirts to reveal your bare legs and curves. Just the way he likes you.
“You want that, want to show off how much I crave you, don’t you…?” you hiss the question, pulling at his arm enough to free you, but he only retaliates with a smile on his lips.
Clutching you all the harder, he spins you both into the wall to press you into that elegant wallpaper. That dagger blade is stowed away, replaced by his hand at your neck. His laugh is laced with pure devilry—he lives for this. That hand returns to hiking up your skirt until you feel nothing but the fine, supple leather of his trousers grinding against your ass. “You question if I’d like the powerful men of this city to know that its Hero against the Netherbrain whimpers for me almost every hour of the day?” You feel his hands quickly, dexterously unlace those leathers. That thick, hot head of his cock teases against your ass, slipping beneath your thighs as he spreads you wider with his knee. “You wonder if I’m proud that my beloved longs for me always, and I for her?”
You stifle your groan against the rich and ribbed texture of the wallpaper. That cock head teasing into your entrance just enough to make you shake, to make you press against the wall harder to lift your hips more for him. A low growl shakes against your sensitive ear as he approves, that cock teasing inside you just a little bit more. “Tell me, my treasure, how hard did you try to hide from me? That couldn’t have really been your best…” he taunts you, both with that hot and blunted head in your folds and his words in your ear. “Once I’m finished claiming my victory this round, you’ll just have to try again you know…”
Shivering, you nod, your cheek rubbing that expensive paper, its lush colors too bright to have your face shoved against it. “Oh no, I was barely trying, my love,” you lie just to taunt him all the same. “I just wanted you to claim your victory, worried you’d take too long for how badly I need you.”
“Such pleasing words from my lust-driven consort,” he chuckles, quiet enough for your ear alone. “Such a slut, just for me, is that it?” he rasps as he shoves himself deep into you at last, fangs sinking into your neck all at once. “What kind of lover would I be to deny you that?”
He sucks harder at your neck, hips pistoning against your rear deliberately and smoothly. You physically bite your tongue and cheek to keep from moaning, the hard won prize of this game going to both of you, that desire flooding your bond. Thighs shaking, you know you won’t last much longer, not with the thrill of being just out of eyesight from the dozen or so guests that still mill around. “I look forward to you trying to beat me again,” he growls in your ear, words staggered and stuttered with his thrusts. “But we better finish this round before anyone suspects the Vampire Lord and his Consort of being so madly in love they can’t keep their hands or sexes off each other, hmm?”
A small whine escapes your self-imposed gag on your lips, and it makes him laugh low and dangerously in his throat. “What a good little consort,” he nips at your ear. “Just can’t help yourself. So clever to get caught…” he groans. With that thickening inside you, that gravel in his voice, you know he’s growing close.
The thought alone makes you come undone, back arching, your fangs breaking your own lip’s flesh. It takes every ounce of self-restraint to keep yourself from mewling and screaming as you burst in heat. And all the while, he’s groaning and rasping in your right ear. Shivers run down your back as he grunts harder in that sensitive spot against your neck. Erratic, hard thrusts jab deep inside you, his cock twitching as it pulses and fills you.
“That scent will make it harder for you to hide this time, you know my treasure,” he emphasizes with a deep breath right against your neck. “Your blood, my cum, your arousal… You’re such a mess, marked so well. There’s nowhere inside this palace I won’t be able to track you down, you know…”
You smirk, spinning in his arms to rest your back against the wall. “We’ll see about that…” you tease, breathless and overconfident. He just smirks, that edge of arousal and intrigue darkening the deep crimson of his narrowing eyes.
“I’m sure you’ll do your best, my darling little vampling,” he kisses your lips longingly, a little playful nip at the end, the mingling of iron on your tongues from your blood. He breaks away, eyes wide, frightening as he wraps his hand around your throat, your skin still slick from blood. “We have half an hour before we must depart for the evening, my pet. You had better not delay us, you know.”
“You wish me to let you win in that time so we remain… punctual?” you tease.
“I’m just stating the obvious,” he shakes his head very slowly as he smirks wide enough to bare his fangs, “I won’t be pleased if I have to leave without you just because you decided to be clever.”
“I… am… clever,” you taunt, tapping him on his nose with each insolent word.
Astarion pulls his hand away from your throat, eyes glinting, breath still. “Then I’ll let you get a head start, my clever girl…” he leans his fanged face into yours, “so you had better run.”
You stumble away, thighs slick as he watches you break out into the evening on the balcony again. He just laughs, your scent too strong in his nose. Voices from below call up to him, those guests wishing to impart a few more good wishes to their host before their departure for the next gathering. Astarion shoves his cock back in his trousers, perfecting his appearance before leering down at the nobles form over that thick railing. Those mortals so literally far beneath him. “A fair evening to you,” he calls with a flourish. “My lady and I will see you at the festivities anon. A few matters of home to wrap up before the evening, I’m afraid.”
He sniffs the air, the stink of these guests cloud his senses. Striding down the stairs, he tries to pick up your scent, but there are just too many bodies, too much stale wine and general stink. Once the door is shut to the palace, once he is truly alone, he tears through room after room, searching and sniffing. His mind tugs against yours. “Where are you… darling….?” he growls down your bond, but you know better than to answer. “Trying so hard to be clever, is that it?”
He sneers to himself as he sweeps silently through bedchambers and ballrooms and galleries. He presses against the walls at cracks and hidden doors to scent you within the tunnels. The clock starts to chime, and Astarion hisses in frustration. He hears the carriage rumbling outside the main doors.
“On the gods, darling,” he hisses outloud and down their bond. “If you don’t come out right now, I will be sorely disappointed.” He huffs, grabbing his gloves and cane perched neatly in the foyer. He pauses for a moment, tilting his pointed ear to listen to his palace, scanning his domain for her. “You think you’ve won?” he snips, irritated and irked as he starts out the door towards the waiting coach. It’s black paint trimmed with gold shines in the torchlight as night falls. “I assure, my darling, if you don’t come this moment to the coach for the evening’s gathering…”
He lets the threat hang in the air. Not even a tremor of a laugh from her end of their bond. Teeth grinding, he launches from the door into the gathering dark of night. He opens the carriage door with a shout for the driver to make haste. Before the door has even shut behind him, his team of raven black mares is off through the Upper City.
Astarion flops down on the elegantly cushioned seat of his coach. His cane in his hands nearly breaks in the strength of his angered grip. “How dare she…” he hisses into the dark as the carriage bumps and sways over the streets. That little window lets the wind whistle in. Usually he enjoys the breeze on his face, but now, tonight, it annoys the hells out of it. He slams it shut
Suddenly, without that breeze, a scent reaches his nose. Blood… arousal…
“Oh… my love…” your voice tickles his mind.
The couch sways around a corner, something shuffling near his feet. A hand shoots up to grab the hem of his jacket, yanking him towards the floor.
“Darling…” he purrs down at you as your eyes lock into his, your fangs must be glinting in the dim light in the carriage.
“I win,” you gloat, your body pinned beneath him on the floor of your carriage. His legs are already spreading yours, hands already roughly pulling your skirts up to your waist, yet you feel like the victor. The prey finally catches the predator in her neat little trap.
“Clever little consort, setting her snare so neatly for me to wind up between your legs…” he rasps, his body bumping and swaying against you in time with the movements of your coach. But then he begins to add a few more deliberate thrusts of his clothed and hardened cock against your already used and soaking folds. “What is the prize you wish to claim, my treasure?”
“You know my favorite prize,” you purr, catching the edge of his pointed ear in your mouth for a suck, one that deafens him for the moment from the rumble of your coach. A moan slips out from his lips far louder than would be dignified.
His ear slips from your mouth as he turns his head, a snarl in Astarion’s throat as he catches your chin. “Then it is everything you shall receive…” he growls, “when I decide to finally give it to you…” he teases you darkly, those hips grinding against your folds mercilessly. He’s heavy on your core, the bumping and jostling of the carriage stealing your breath as he sometimes times his thrusts with the unpredictable up-down. It only makes him laugh harder and capture your lips in his when he squashes you so completely.
“Maybe if you had just played the game properly, you wouldn’t be feeling so trapped like the little prey you are for me, my little treat…” he nips into your neck, just a small bite. Enough to draw blood by the mouthful for him to feast on.
“I did play, and I won,” you chuckle low in your throat, reaching between our hips to blatantly touch myself. “Maybe it’s time you paid respects to the victor this round?” You tease him, acerbic and haughty as he hears your fingers toying through your own slick.
Astarion gives that low and wicked laugh, relishing your defiant spirit. “I don’t think you want anything respectful done with you…. Do you my treasure?” He can’t stiffle a groan as he teases his own cock head through your sopping seam. Over the rattling of your wooden coach cobblestones, you hear the wet sounds of him playing inside you. It sends shivers down your spine and makes you bite your lips enough to draw your own blood to paint your lips scarlet.
You groan, the carriage lurches around a corner making you both roll to the side. A wicked laugh in your throat, you take full advantage of the surprise. Momentum swings you around, until you are the one on top, in a second, a little rise of your hips, and you sink his cock deep inside you.
Astarion bares his fangs and hisses at the sudden warmth and wet that sucks him in, his head now bouncing on the floor. You ride him mercilessly. “Such a good prize you are…” you tease him, gripping his chin to make him look at you. “Nothing like having the Vampire Ascendant at my mercy for once,” you flaunt your victory.
“You think yourself so clever and….” he starts, but you press a finger against his mouth before sticking two of them inside his mouth as you shush him.
“Hush,” you smirk, glowing in your moment of power. You swirl your fingers around his mouth, grazing over his wet and sucking tongue, pricking your skin on his razor-fangs. “Just let your clever Consort have this victory once,” you smile, pouting down at him a bit as you pull your fingers from his salivating lips.
“Very well, my darling,” he growls, “but at least you could let your loving Ascendant lord sit up so his head isn’t addled by the roads.”
You snicker, “Of course. We wouldn’t want to have your mind any more befuddled by my glorious win.” Your smirk is feral and arrogant. You ease off of him, watching with a knowing and careful eye as he slides himself up to rest against the door of the carriage.
He tosses his head, your bodies still joined perfectly, the coach still rocking with that extra, insatiable friction that moves your sexes on their own. He smirks as you ride over a massive bump, one that fairly throws you into the air to slide down his cock with more force than you can give. You gasp as it makes you land squarely on him, cock head slamming your cervix.
The grin on his face grows delightfully sadistic as it twists those sharp features. You see his ears twitching as he listens closely to the rumbles of the coach, smirk winding higher as he lifts you up in time with the coach to slam you back down as it falls….
You grit your teeth and scream through them with a smile as he fills you, sharp and suddenly. “Get riding, my clever treasure,” he chuckles as he pulls you in for a kiss, “or these roads and I will do it for you.”
You give him a glare, more amorous than angry, your mouth slack as you buck your hips with abandon. You bite your lip as you move, the vibrations of the coach send you barreling towards your bliss so quickly. Hard and fast, your hands grip into the stitching of his jacket, his breath hot at the base of your neck. His gaze burns your skin, watching the way your breasts jiggle and move right before his eyes as you are thrown around, at the mercy of the coach’s movements.
He groans, the pressure so great inside you both, you feel it searing between you and crashing down your mental bond. With one breath, you clench around him, his hands grip into your waist to keep you steady as he tries to snap his hips. It bursts inside you, the pressure and pleasure erupting through your core as you reach your peaks as one. He places a breathless kiss on the soft skin of your bosom. “I do so love when you win too, my perfect prey and equal hunter…” he pants against your flesh. “I’ll gladly let you claim your victory from me…” his left brow arches rakishly and teasing, “but only when you’ve earned it, my darling…”
“Hmmm,” you hum, irritated and yet shivering in pleasure. “Just admit, I’m just as good…”
Suddenly the carriage rumbles to a stop, and you lock eyes with Astarion. Voices approach from behind the door, and your two sets of crimson eyes flare wide a moment before the door pulls open behind him.
He grunts as he spills backward, unceremoniously dangling out the door. His head hangs over the edge of the coach, his fanged smile wide and grinning as he stares into the crow upside down, while your hands grabbing furiously at your skirts to hide your sexes still throbbing and intertwined. He laughs that low and rumbling giggle, quite the sight as other guests pause to stare at the Vampire Ascendant indulging within his own private coach. “Well,” he chortles, sitting up to give a bit of privacy as you slide off his lap, “there isn’t any use hiding our love any longer…” Astarion nips at your neck playfully as he refastesns his trousers. “If they sought a glimpse into the loving depravities of the Ascendant and his consort, they certainly found it.”
You giggle, the rush of being so on display racing through your nerves. Carefully you follow him out of the coach, both of you straightening your clothes as if nothing happened. “And you wanted to play your games thinking tonight would be boring,” you rasp into his ear.
He stops in the middle of the grave path and pulls you hard into him, his kiss all lips and fangs and tongue down your throat. Hiding nothing of your passion from the spectators. “Nothing is boring when I’m with you.”
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totaldrama-showdowns · 7 months
Submissions for Most Transgender that didn’t make it into the bracket!
Duncan (2)
Idfk transmasc Duncan who also happens to be misogynistic is hilarious to me and makes him such a better character
Sammy (2)
How to make poorly-developed characters infinitely more interesting: transgenders them. That is a nonbinary egg
Demi-girl. fuck it, gives her cool gender juice
Crimson (2)
transmasc crimson
She's got that transfem swag. to me
DJ (2)
nomebinary. he likes lemonade
dj is so transgender in all ways but ive recently become rather fond of transfem dj. people keep telling her to man up and she's like huh? :(
Mal (2)
agender. He's been he/it
Yeah I know I just submitted svetlana but mal is also trans...
Wayne (2)
Raj (2)
gay AND trans because i said so
Geoff (2)
He is canonically dickless. (That one moment in X-Treme Torture where they did not censor between his legs despite him lacking pants). Also he’s totally the type to display his top surgery scars proudly.
katie and sadie (2)
changing their names to be similar to eachother. its cute.
cody (2)
t4t coderra please please please
he's got toy cringe
Chase (2)
ripper do you think I'm transgender
he's rep for trans guys who are assholes!!!
Justin (2)
nobody will get it but me but trans girl justin please...
Intern Girl / That one intern that wayne helped (2)
Mike (2)
Tyler (2)
T4T LYLER SEE MY VISION..... he could go any way for me i love transmasc tylers i love transfem tylers....... i love you tyler
Jen (2)
You know Bulletproof heart... yeah Johnny/Jenny
she just gives transbian
Staci (2)
She's got that "just started transitioning" haircut
actually her great great great great great great grandparent invented gender. mhm. yah.
Junior (2)
i like to think the reason dwayne sr is all "man men manly men" is because he's trying to bond with his recently out son and supporting him in his transition. he's just being weird about it
She’s just an egg!!
Emma (2023)
Wanna know why we got another Emma after ridonculous race? It’s because TD Emma named herself after RR Emma during her transition
nonbiney swaggr
transfem ennui
Chris McLean
Trans rights, sure, but Chris supports trans wrongs
the mtf creature ever
all of them
none of these fuckers are cis
both shawn and dave together
maybe its just all the fanart but they really bring out each others transmascness
she is just so non-binary to me
Ripaxel can also be yaoi
Blaieneley (is that how u spell it??)
divorced trans swag
i can see it
Gwen's face
Gwen is trans therefore the boat "Gwen's face" is also trans. In this essay I will
he has fucking voice dysphopria
cant grow his own fucking wizard beard
stupid lesbian
he transitioned just to rival chris
i need to give him a redeeming feature
Emma tdr
transfem swag
milf and also trans. the whole package
that is just a trans woman in stem
she'z cute
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What Pairings Aren’t Rarepairs?
(Please let me know if I didn’t put a pairing on this list that you don’t think counts as a rarepair!)
Ships NOT allowed in this event are:
Adult x Minor (If you’re doing RR characters, use the confirmed ages as a resource! This means NO gen 1 x gen 3, sorry!)
Incest Ships (Including Chet x Lorenzo)
Bowie/Raj x Women
Gen 4 x Past Gens
Axel x Nichelle
Priya x Millie
Wayne x Raj/Bowie x Raj/Wayne x Raj x Bowie
Chase x Emma
Crimson x Ennui
Noah x Emma
Stephanie x Ryan
Jasmine x Shawn
Sky x Dave
Trent x Gwen
Chris x Chef
Jasmine x Sammy
Alejandro x Heather
Alejandro x Noah
Alejandro x Tyler
Duncan x Courtney/Duncan x Gwen/Gwen x Courtney/Duncan x Gwen x Courtney
Team E-Scope (Noah x Eva x Izzy)- Individual combos count as rarepair!
Lindsay x Tyler
Leshawna x Harold
Noah x Cody
Noah x Owen
Owen x Izzy
Geoff x Bridgette/Geoff x Brody/Poly Surfers (Geoff x Bridgette x Brody)
Scott x Courtney
Cody x Sierra
Priya x Damien
Scary Girl x Damien
Julia x Wayne
Zee x Emma
Gwen x Geoff
Sam x Dakota
Mike x Zoey
Devin x Carrie
Jo x Brick
MacArthur x Sanders
MacArthur x Brody
Dawn x Scott
MK x Julia
Chase x Ripper/Chase x Zee/Zee x Ripper/Chase x Ripper x Zee
Jo x Anne Maria
Cody x Gwen
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Weird alternate names for ships that I came up with
Scott x Zoey = Red red
Justin x Izzy = Beauty in Chaos
Crimson x Ennui = Gothic red
Ella x Rodney = Ripe cherries
Sammy x Mickey = The pariah's show-off
Amy x Jose = Poison Pearl
Noah x Lindsay = idle talk
Bridgette x Gwen = sun over the cemetery
Dawn x Brick = Soldier's Dream
Kitty x Brody = Last summer's photo
-🪭 anon
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i’m curious, do you have any like super obscure td rarepairs you like?
ooooooooo let’s see
i really like the idea of a rivals to lovers courtney x emma (rr) ship, logically i know their similarities would probably make it difficult to get along but idk i think it could work in a weird way. they’re both one of my favorite character archetypes (im a sucker for the type as) so i’d love to explore how they would interact. honestly i should write a fic for them
beth x sierra is another rarepair i like! they’re both seen as Weird Girls (derogatory) who get crushes easily and i think they could have a cute little thing going on.
i also like beth x katie (& sadie?), they all hung out during the aftermaths for tdwt, i could see it as a poly thing or as a similar dynamic to wayne & raj where katie is realizing she’s a lesbian and sadie is supporting her
this one actually has some basis in dramarama of all things, but harold x lightning. i thought it was really cute how tdr harold had a crush on lightning and i would love to play around with that dynamic within the main canon. ooo especially with the inclusion of transfem harold (bc lightning don’t judge!)
ella x sky! i think their ship name is ellsky? anyway they should’ve cut out the axis of the brief tdpi love triangle (dave) and just had ella think of sky as her knight and sky learning to relax a bit with ella
while i don’t really ship either of them with anyone, i do like the idea of zee x damien. i think zee’s chillness could help balance out damien when he’s a little more high strung, and damien could help ground zee. after all, zee was damien’s biggest supporter to help get himself voted off! i also headcanon damien as a trans guy and zee as nonbinary so t4t couple rights lol. ngl every time i see someone shipping zee with chase or ripper (or both!) i shed a silent tear. zee deserves better (im mostly joking)
(i’m not sure if these count as rarepairs but i also enjoy nichaxel/axelle and mkulia from the new season)
this is very silly but a goths + best friends polycule where devin goes goth after his breakup and ennui kinda digs it, carrie wants to support devin, crimson is down for whatever, and oh would you look at that they’re somehow all dating.
jacques x ryan. idk how it would work but they have stuff in common (athletics + dealing with josee & stephanie) so i think there’s potential there
jacques x josé. as in alejandro’s brother. don’t ask me to explain myself.
kitty x crimson. they could be cute together.
sanders x emma (rr). somehow i think they could make it work.
honorable mention of rarepairs i like that aren’t super obscure: lesheather, djuncan, trody, dawnkota, brott, justowen, jasammy, bridgney, dashawn/shave (idk their ship name), shawn x jasmine x sammy, jomaria (is this even a rarepair? are any of these rarepairs? idk man)
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crimsennui-week · 3 months
Crimsennui Week 2024 Prompt Suggestions (Open)
Happy 4th of July, everyone!
As the title stated, I am now currently beginning to prepare for Crimsennui Week 2024 a month early than the past previous events. Main reason, is because I have literally noticed that not a lot of people have been able to participate in the past events and I've come to realize that it is because I am not giving you all enough time to prepare.
So, after making a poll on my main Tumblr Account, I asked you all if I should prepare for Crimsennui Week a month early and many of you voted for 'Yes'.
So, like always, I am giving you all a month to send me as many suggestions as you want that you would like to see be use for Crimsennui Week this year. This will remain open until August 4th, 20204, at exactly 10:00 PM EST.
Also, spread the word out to anyone who would like to participate in the event. Until then, thank you for taking the time to read this post. Have a wonderful day and Happy 4th of July.
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real-total-drama-takes · 10 months
crimson x kitty. "what abt ennui??" ennui × brody i can do this all day guys
-crimson anon
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polls-showdowns · 1 year
Sorry it took so long I’ve been busy but I finally got the list together
Best Goth Submissions List
If there are any characters you think do not qualify let me know so we can do a vote on it to avoid people complaining during the competition
Also tell me if any names are misspelled or characters are on there twice
And finally I think some of you should learn the difference between goth, emo, and vampire (the vampire part is not a call out on all vampire submissions especially since I don’t know most of them so don’t yell at me for saying that)
Anyway here’s the list:
Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family or Wednesday depending on the preliminary)
Kirara Hazama (Assassination Classroom)
Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
Karlach (Baldur's Gate 3)
Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate 3)
Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler)
Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Thatch (Casper's Scare School)
Slither (Casper's Scare School)
Adrian ‘Alucard’ Tepes (Castlevania)
Carmilla (Castlevania)
Dracula (Castlevania)
Prudence Blackwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Sabrina Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Ashton Greymoore (Critical Role)
Caduceus Clay (Critical Role)
Jamie Wrenly (Critical role)
Delilah Briarwood (Critical Role)
Essek Thelyss (Critical Role)
Kingsley Tealeaf (Critical Role)
Laudna (Critical Role)
Percival de Rolo (Critical Role)
Vax'ildan (Critical Role)
Yasha Nydoorin (Critical Role)
Sam Manson (Danny Phanthom)
Ember McLain (Danny phantom)
Misa Amane (Death Note)
Morrigan (Dragon Age)
Lily (Duolingo)
Elvira (Elvira's Movie Macabre)
Crowley (Good omens)
Alucard (Hellsing Unlimited)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
Chrollo Lucilfer (Hunter x Hunter)
Gazlene 'Gaz' Membrane (Invader Zim)
Ashe Winters (Just Roll With It: Prime Defenders)
William Wisp (Just Roll With It: Prime Defenders)
Queen (Just Roll With It)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Rowan Fielding (Mayfair Witches)
Juleka Couffaine(Miraculous)
Luka Couffaine (Miraculous)
Claire (Monster High)
Elissabat (Monster High)
Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal)
Inky Rose (My Little Pony)
Goth Boy (MySims)
Osaki Nana (Nana)
Uchiha Itachi (Naruto)
Abby Sciuto (NCIS)
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Nosferatu (Nosferatu the Vampyre (1922))
Dracule Mihawk (One Piece)
Perona (One Piece)
Roronoa Zoro (One piece)
Trafalgar Law (One Piece)
Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death)
Ruby Gloom (Ruby Gloom)
Nico Minoru (Runaways)
Dusk (Scooby-Doo)
Luna (Scooby-Doo)
Thorn (Scooby-Doo)
Sibella Dracula (Scooby-Doo)
Kirishiki Sunako (Shiki)
Shimizu Megumi (Shiki)
Goth kids (South park)
Darth Maul (Star Wars)
Trilla Sudari (Star Wars)
Abigail (Stardew Valley)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Count Von Krolock (The Fearless Vampire Killers)
Herbert Von Krolock (The Fearless Vampire Killers)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Gerard ‘Gerry’ Keay (The Magnus Archives)
Death (The Sandman)
Crimson (Total drama$
Ennui (Total drama)
Gwen (Total Drama)
Akasha (Vampire Chronicles)
Claudia (Vampire Chronicles)
Gabrielle de Lioncourt (Vampire Chronicles)
Lestat de Lioncourt (Vampire Chronicles)
Louis de Pointe du Lac (Vampire Chronicles)
Nicolas de Lenfent (Vampire Chronicles)
The Vampire Armand (Vampire Chronicles)
Black Hat (Villainous)
Keith (Voltron)
Leslie ‘Laszlo’ Cravensworth (What We Do in the Shadows)
Nadja of Antipaxos (What We Do in the Shadows)
Nandor the Relentless (What We Do in the Shadows)
Darcy (Winx club)
Icy (Winx club)
Stormy (Winx club)
Anna ‘Rogue’ Marie (X-Men)
Terry ‘Scary’ Marlowe (Dungeons and Daddies)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Maddie Flour (Amphibia)
Mermista (She Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Mai (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender)
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totaldramafan1998 · 5 months
The Future of Zoke Week and Crimsennui Week
Hello and afternoon everyone. I’m going to cut to the chase and say what needs to be said.
The previous Zoke weeks and Crimsennui Weeks were honestly extremely dead since not a lot of people, including myself, were able to post and participate in them for so many reasons. One of them I believe being that not many of you had so much time to participate due to how I prepare the two events for you all. And I am deeply sorry for that 😔😔
So, I am here asking you all a simple question. What should I do differently to make this year’s Zoke Week and Crimsennui week a lot better? I know I’ve hosted them well before the pandemic happened and since then it’s been honestly a mess. So… I am asking everyone who still love/support Mike X Zoey and Crimson X Ennui, what should I do differently to help this year’s Zoke Week and Crimsennui Week become a success for everyone to enjoy.
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td-rarepairs · 11 months
the carrie harem (carrem? harrie?):
carrie x devin, ryan, kitty, emma, stephanie, crimson, ennui, shelley and ashton
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purplemys · 10 months
My Ships from Total Drama 💕😌
1 AleHeather - Alejandro x Heather
2 Gwuncan - Duncan x Gwen
3 Crimnnui - Ennui x Crimson
4 Shasmine - Shawn x Jasmine
6 Lyler - Tyler x Lindsay
7 Gidgette - Geoff x Bridgette
8 Ozzy - Owen x Izzy
9 Samkota - Sam x Dakota
10 Bro(?)Jock(?) - Brick x Jo
11 Dawn with Ella, B or Lightning (all fine)
12 Sky with Ella or Shawn (If we didn't have Shasmine, totes I would dig this)
As a very minor bonus: Duncney
I'm personally fine they're not canon anymore but if I compile all their good moments and remove a lot of the clips of them just being thirsty, toxic or Duncan just annoyingly going "Oh she's into me, guys😎" then yes, I see the potential. Also, the writers should have picked a set way of writing Courtney's actions and dialogue. Out of everyone in the cast, she gives me the most whiplash. See, going into TDWT, I fucking hated her at that point, only to see the Courtney that I saw back in Island. Where she still had kind moments, an actual concern for Duncan, a much more laid back persona. Yeah she's still bossy but she's not screeching banshee levels of irritating. Plus, she's not getting unfair privileges here. The CIT thing is a tired gimmick tho.
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gwendefender4life · 10 months
"no man should be that flexible."
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guidelines !?
no smut! obvious enough, but the characters in the shows are minors! and as a minor myself, it is incredibly uncomfortable for me to write smut. the most i will write for is making out, and even then it will be very brief and undescriptive.
be respectful! simple and common sense, but some people don't have that. especially when it comes to the characters i like/hate. if you don't like my content or my opinions, LEAVE!
be patient! i have my own life outside of the screen and i have other priorities. if you have an issue with how much time i'm taking to finish a request, ask elsewhere!
don't request for the characters i hate! they will be included in my dni list as "____ stans". if you request for them, i will delete your ask!
don't request for characters that i do not include in my "character list" section! like i said before, if you request for them i will delete your ask!
no dark content! this means yandere, pedophilia, incest, step-incest, etc. even if you support this content, dni!
i write for basically anything else! you can request self-insert x character, oc x character, character x character, platonic relationships, familial relationships, etc. as long as they follow the guidelines/dni list!
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character list !?
gen 1 - alejandro, bridgette, dj, duncan, eva, geoff, gwen, harold, izzy, justin, katie, leshawna, lindsay, noah, owen, sadie, trent, tyler
gen 2 - anne maria, dakota, dawn, jo, lightning, mike, zoey
gen 3 - ella, jasmine, rodney, scarlett, shawn
gen 4 - axel, caleb, damien, julia, millie, mk, nichelle, priya, scary girl/lauren
rr - emma, jacques, josee, kitty
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"your parents must love this show, gets you out of the house!"
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dni list !?
blaineley, chris, cody, courtney, heather, sierra, gwourtney, courtney x scott, & chase x emma (td 2023) stans
anne maria, axel, b, brick, cameron, crimson, dakota, damien, dawn, dj, duncan, ella, emma (rr), ennui, eva, gwen, izzy, jacques, jasmine, jen, jo, josee, julia, justin, katie, kitty, leshawna, lightning, lindsay, macarthur, mike, noah, owen, rodney, sadie, sam, sanders, scarlett, tom, trent, zee, zoey, gwuncan, leharold, gwent, & nemma antis
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"you know what? I'M GETTING A SANDWICH!"
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