neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
Q: when did you start considering yourself physically disabled?
A: in 2020! 2.5 years ago to be more precise. that's relatively recent given the fact i've been physically disabled for at least half my life.
im so glad i found out that i was disabled. it gave a name to what I'd been experiencing, and has allowed me to connect with people like me. which has been really empowering!
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
10 and 14
Q10: what is something you want other people to know about your physical disability/disabilities?
A: i want people to know that, energy consumption wise, doing one task for me is like as an abled person doing it at Least 3 times. literally. go through your day and imagine doing everything 3 times. it'd be awful.
so i want listen to me when i say i cant do something. and if i am doing something, that means i care because i wouldnt waste energy on it if i didn't. i want them to appreciate what i can do - not chastise me for what i cant.
Q14: what good has happened recently related to your physical disability?
aaa omg ok so. i have a rollator my cat loves being driven around the house on it. he sits there and just looks around!! he'll even jump up on it himself sometimes.
and it just makes me so happy! he loves walking around the house and getting pets, but i havent been able to do that very often as my condition declines. so im very thankful that my rollator has given me the opportunity to make my bestest friend happy this way again. cats are my special interest and i would consider myself cathearted. they are everything to me so :') yeah.
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