#crosscanon fanart
cranebruleed · 4 months
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don't mind me and my crosscanon rp shit. been re-reading a toxic spicy integra and penny dreadful's alexander sweet (dracula, duh) rp I did with a buddy a while back and needed to draw them...
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luclovestruck · 8 months
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this is relevant to no one and is so many layers of crosscanon/au/deleted scene bullshit that i'm not even going to get into it but they're trolls and they're adorable and i'm proud of this lil piece so have it
also if ur wondering this is a reference to the deleted world tour song "queen of pop" where branch and hickory sing VERY polyamorously to poppy
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romancingbarret · 4 months
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Hello, Final Fantasy VII fans! Are you ready for a Hot Barret Summer? Join us July 7-14 for our third annual Romancing Barret Week, a multiship week for acknowledging and celebrating Barret as a romantic partner!
July 7 - vacation | summer heat
July 8 - first date | anniversary
July 9 - fairy tales | post-apocalyptic
July 10 - secrets | inside jokes
July 11 - right hand | battle couple
July 12 - animals + nature | hobbies
July 13 - crossover | what if
July 14 - free day!
ALL Barret ships are accepted and encouraged! Likewise, we welcome any level of participation, whether you do one sketch of your OTP or go all out trying a different ship every day. We want to see your fanart, fanfic, gifsets, meta, or whatever you’d like to put together!
And yes, we welcome: explicit content, poly ships, queerplatonic relationships, trans headcanons, and crosscanon ships.
Use the tag #RomancingBarretWeek and/or tag us @romancingbarret to make sure we can see and reblog your work. Please keep anything spicier under a cut or AO3 link with appropriate content warnings.
We will not reblog any ship or character hate. Let’s keep it positive!
@ff7central @ff7zinenews @ffviifandomcalendar
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phantastus · 6 years
HOWDY Y’ALL here’s Kit’s stupid tagging system EXPLAINED:
#silent feels: inspiration for my silent hill fanfiction and rp (contains any art, photos, music, or writing that makes me think of SH but usually NOT any official SH materials). 
#route feels: inspiration for pokemon rp (contains pokemon fanart but also travel photography, landscapes, unusual animal-animal or animal-human interactions, and sometimes food). 
#dazlious feels: inspiration for my original fiction about shitty teenagers who can spawn universes and create flesh and blood people with their brains but can’t balance a checkbook to save their lives (contains starry/space imagery, crosscanon interaction goofs, and existential angst)
#feels about wolfs in capes: inspiration for my grimdark medieval bullshit furries (contains winter landscapes and Redwall nostalgia)
NOTE: none of these are kin tags, if your artwork or posts wind up in here it just means they’re super inspiring!
#these trying times: distressing current events tag
#SURVIVE: related to the above, but reserved for more empowering statements / info / imagery. still that’s not everybody’s cup of tea so it’s in here.
#epilepsy warning: any gifs or animation that feature flashing lights or seem like they could cause eyestrain
#horror and #body horror: i’m a horror person, but if you’re NOT then these are good tags to block. (note: silent hill content isn’t usually put in the horror tag because then it would just be the silent hill tag occasionally feat. other horror)
#kit loves bugs: content featuring insects and spiders goes here!
#animal welfare: content like PSAs or signal boosts for animal-related info and causes go here. if the post includes mentions of animal abuse or animal death they will have a tw tag.
#nsfw: this tag is NOT religiously followed but anything involving sexual topics will definitely be tagged with this. NEVER FUCKING MIND I GUESS LMAO  I ain’t tagging SHIT and you can thank Tumblr for actively outlawing safe tagging practices. I rarely blog nsfw things to begin with but follow at your own risk.
#queer stuff: this is my tag for anything lgbtq-related, only listed here so that anyone not comfortable with usage of that word can blacklist it. but please don’t come into my messages to yell at me about my existence/identity/community being a slur. i’m not interested in having a conversation about it. if it upsets you, blacklist and move on.
NOTE: MOST common triggers other than the ones listed above will be tagged “#tw: trigger” (ex: #tw: scopophobia)
NOTE: all fandoms are tagged with the full title (ex: Fullmetal Alchemist, Silent Hill etc), with specific versions/entries tagged by abbreviations (ex: FMA 2003, SH2 etc). pretty straightforward. If a specific studio or creator is responsible for multiple works, their name will usually also be tagged (ex: Laika Studios, DC Comics, Hayao Miyazaki etc). outside of SH and FMA, i don’t tag any character names. sorry!
#Silent Hill: main SH tag. characters are tagged by their full names. main-series games past the first three are still tagged “#SH[number]” (ex: Silent Hill Homecoming is tagged #SH5, Origins is #SH0, Downpour is #SH6, etc). Shattered Memories is tagged #SHSM. Silent Hills/P.T. is tagged #SHZ (because silent hillz oh my sides). fanart featuring characters from specific games will only be in the main tag rather than the tag for their game.
#Fullmetal Alchemist: main FMA tag. individual version tags are #FMA 2003 and #FMA BH. the only characters I tag are the Homunculi (#FMA [Homunculus name]). will probably come up with stupid tags for them eventually.
NOTE: all art and/or crafts are tagged with the medium and the artist’s full name to the best of my ability, both for organization and credit purposes. artists are tagged with the format “#artist: [artist name]” (ex: #artist: Francisco Goya). i don’t have specific tags for photographers though. sorry!
mediums i tag include: #photography, #painting, #animation, #sculpture, #ceramics, #jewelry, #street art, and more. i ain’t gonna list them all here, just type what you wanna find into the “tagged” url bar you lazy bum!
#art reference and #art resources: tutorials/informational posts related to art and posts about programs/resources FOR art, respectively
.fanart tag is #awesome fanart, cosplay tag is #flawless cosplay
IMPORTANT: if i have reblogged your art and tagged it with your name, 99.9% of the time it’s because I checked your blog out and it was publicly listed somewhere (either in your “About” or on a linked portfolio/shop/something similar). i do this both for the sake of full credit/directing traffic your way AND organization so i can find stuff on my blog more easily or tell if i’ve reblogged a thing before. if you don’t want that info out there, PLEASE feel free to contact me about it and i will be more than happy to remove it! my goal is only to organize consistently, not step on toes!
relatedly, sometimes if i have a bunch of art from a specific artist on my blog and they don’t have a name listed, i will make up a goofy name to tag the reblogs with.  all such posts will be tagged #assigned sillyname at reblog to the best of my ability. i hope this makes you smile but if it does not, please contact me and i will cut it out.
#agelaius phoeniceus: art, music, writing, images etc that remind me of Heather Mason specifically.
#corvus corax: same as above, but for James Sunderland.
#corvus frugilegus:  same as above, but for Henry Townshend.
#corvus brachyrhynchos: same as above, but for Harry Mason.
#canis dama: same as above, but for Claudia Wolf.
#cathartes aura: same as above, but for Travis Grady.
#larus marinus: same as above, but for Eddie Dombrowski.
#macroura turturilla: same as above, but for Angela Orosco.
#linaria cannabina: same as above, but for Stanley Coleman.
#strix nebulosa: same as above, but for Walter Sullivan
#saturniidae antheraea: same as above, but for Mary Shepherd-Sunderland.
#papilionidae papilio: same as above, but for Maria
#this is shark house: buffoonery from the pokemon rp game i play in
#OTP: The Wolf and the Wren: ship tag for Heather Mason/Claudia Wolf
#OTP: Shark Infested Woods: ship tag for Greed/Envy
#OTP: Winry and EVERY GIRL: ship tag for Winry’s powerful canon wlw clan
#OTP: Girls in the Woods: crossover ship tag for Laura Palmer/Heather Mason
#OTP: Mercury on Fire: crossover ship tag for FMA Envy/Heather Mason
#OTP: Rough Luster: crossover ship tag for FMA Lust/Heather Mason (shut up she’s really shippable in a panfandom setting okay???????)
#OTP: Devil’s Luck: oc ship tag for Jonesy Fenix (mine)/Roman Gulliver (@wolfyttwisted)
#OTP: Manic Pixie Dreamboat: oc ship tag for Rosemary Pines (mine) / Harmony Cello (@wolfyttwisted)
NOTE: the crossover ships are RP ships that occurred when both characters were similar apparent ages/maturities and no one was underage, don’t be a creep.
ANOTHER NOTE: none of these are kin tags either. i don’t have any kin tags.
#tyger tyger: tigers and tiger-related materials
#run run run: graphics or animations of four-legged animals running
#things with wings: just what it says on the can
#show me ya teeth: i swear this is not a vore tag i’m not about that life i just think snarlin beasties are cool
#kit loves birds: it’s true.
#kit loves horses: also true.
#my god it’s full of stars: real or stylized, this tag is full of them
#it’s clown town now boys: quit clownin around and just block this tag if you don’t like clowns
#spooky scary skeletons: this way to the skeleton war
#oh no a ghost: zombie goasts leave this place
#it’s never ogre: shrek is love. shrek is life.
#el grande showmande: this movie is fucking terrible, i say as i play ‘the greatest show’ on loop.
#real hipster hours: click this tag and watch as this blog instantly transforms into a starbucks-chugging white girl’s christmas-light spangled dream house.
#stuff that makes me smile: wholesome intersectional content that warms my heart goes here.
#literally me: cursed images
#my art: anything of mine, usually reblogged from my art blog (@undergrounddawniii​).
#asks 4 me: what happens when someone looks in a mirror and says ‘silent hill’ three times to summon me for my questionable wisdom.
#art fo’ me: anything that someone drew for me with their talented hands.
#stuff tagged for me: anything that someone looked at and either thought ‘kit would like this!’ or ‘i’m about to obliterate kit with a single @
#i love my friends: anything produced by the delightful folks in my social circle
#kit rambles and #kit rants: any posts where I talk a lot or yell a lot, respectively.
#kit zoo: pictures or posts about my pets and/or the pets of family/housemates!
#relatable content and #reaction image: we’ve all been there!!
#no she’s from texas: <3
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romancingbarret · 1 year
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Calling all Barret fans! Do you think he should be kissed more often? Join us July 2-9 for our second annual Romancing Barret Week, a multiship week for acknowledging and celebrating Barret as a romantic partner!
July 2 - no gettin' offa this train | watch my back till the end
July 3 - nature | the planet
July 4 - weight of the world | hurt/comfort
July 5 - journey's end | new beginnings
July 6 - safety | family
July 7 - going in style | outfit swap
July 8 - paths not taken | AU
July 9 - free day!
ALL Barret ships are accepted and encouraged! Likewise, we welcome any level of participation, whether you do one sketch of your OTP or go all out trying a different ship every day. We want to see your fanart, fanfic, gifsets, meta, or whatever you’d like to put together!
And yes, we welcome: explicit content, poly ships, queerplatonic relationships, trans headcanons, and crosscanon ships.
Use the tag #RomancingBarretWeek and/or tag us (@romancingbarret) to make sure we can see and reblog your work. Please keep anything spicier under a cut or AO3 link with appropriate content warnings.
We will not reblog any ship or character hate. Let’s keep it positive!
@ff7central @ff7zinenews @ffviifandomcalendar
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