writtenxbeginnings · 7 months
Continuing this meme response from @crowsandmurder
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Haley knew that her tour was something she had to do for her. She had to see if she could succeed, if people really cared about her music, or if it was just here in the town where people knew her. Singing to the crowds, knowing that there were people that knew her songs enough to sing along? That electric feeling of the crowd cheering and the feeling of them liking her music? It had been the biggest rush that the blonde had ever experienced. Yet each night, when she laid in the small hotel rooms or on a cot on the bus, the only thing on her mind was Nathan. She missed him.
God, she missed him in ways that she wasn't even aware of. She had only ever been with him, but he made her tingle and happy in ways she had never thought was possible. Haley had waited till marriage, and god she didn't regret that in the least bit. But months away from her husband, months away from the person that had been her rock the last two years? Months away from her friends, from school and everything that she knew? It was too much. It had been complicated ever since getting back in town, wanting to be there with Nathan but giving him time. Giving him space to deal with her coming back in his own way. She had started to lose hope. God, she had, yet.
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There they were, his lips against hers, on her neck, his teeth nipping at just the right place, had her back arching off of the bed, skin still damp from the rain outside. It felt right. It felt poetic, like this was a clean start. Fresh. "Defeat? I don't know what that word means, Scott, I'm surprised you do." She couldn't help but grin lightly, breathless as her hand moved, nails digging into Nathan's back just enough to leave a mark as she drug them down along the muscle. "Besides, after this long? I think merciless is just right."
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story1ines · 1 month
@crowsandmurder gets a sisterly starter from kelly taylor.
after having an argument with donna and taking david's side, kelly was already starting to feel guilty. donna had been her best friend forever but david had become the brother she never thought she needed. she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. there was no way david could of done something like that, she knew that he was a guy and he wouldn't be able to wait forever. and she understood the kind of pressure he was under which is what she had told donna but it was insensitive of her to do so. especially since she had left for the entire summer with brandon and didn't hear anything from either of them. but kelly had called david to talk to him as soon as she got back. and she needed to hear his side of things before she put the blame on either of them. the walshes were going to have a barbeque to welcome their close friend valerie to beverly hills. kelly walked in the beach apartment and of course david was already packing. she was sure donna had kicked him out even though she hated that. the three of them had decided to live together and because of a single mistake that happened, it was going to be all gone now. ❝ you know running away from your problems, david, isn't going to help you. you need to talk to donna and sort things out. ❞
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gildinbainas · 1 month
:。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ || @crowsandmurder
She    would    be    lying    if    she    said    that    Daemon's    time    away    did    not    leave    something    of    a    knife    in    her    chest.    For    all    of    their    fights    throughout    the    years,    this    one    seemed    to    sting    harder    than    most.    No    doubt    it    was    because    of    the    circumstances.    Once    again    she    had    been    left    to    fend    for    herself    and    without    Damon    as    a    champion    in    her    corner,    she    had    no    one.    There    was    no    Lenor,    no    Harwin    and    her    biggest    champion    of    all,    her    father,    lay    buried    as    kings    should.    She    was    utterly    alone    seated    at    the    high    table    of    men.    This    experience    had    been    far    worse    than    any    other    time    before    now.
And    then    to    receive    word    from    Ser    Simon    Strong    that    Daemon's    i    n    t    e    n    t    i    o    n    s    might    not    have    been    what    she    thought...    The    knife    only    twisted    even    more    despite    the    fact    that    she    had    tried    remaining    optimistic    in    his    absence.    Her    uncle    was    nothing    if    not    fiercely    independent.    She    knew    regardless    of    his    intentions    that    he    wasn't    going    to    update    her    every    step    of    the    way.    It    simply    wasn't    Daemon's    way    about    things.    Still,    Simon's    raven    only    strung    together    the    seeds    of    doubt    planted    by    her    small    council    and    so    in    a    last    ditch    effort    to    save    face,    she    mounted    her    dragon    for    Harrenhal.    She    didn't    know    what    to    expect    upon    seeing    him    and    in    all    honesty,    some    part    of    her    hoped    that    she    had    outgrown    her    fascination    with    her    uncle.    She    had    hoped    that,    upon    seeing    him,    her    heart    wouldn't    leap    out    of    her    chest    at    the    mere    sight    of    the    Rogue    Prince    turned    King    Consort.
But    that    would    not    be    such    a    case.
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Rhaenyra    stood    there    completely    dumbfounded    and    flustered    as    the    man    she    fully    expected    to    have    turned    his    back    on    her,    bent    the    knee    before    all    of    Harrenhal.    It    was    so    unexpected    that    she    was    at    a    loss    of    words.    She    stared    down    into    eyes    the    color    of    deep    violet-purple    with    an    inability    to    control    the    violent    pull    she    felt    towards    the    man.    He    always    had    a    means    of    giving    her    whiplash    and    as    he    stood,    there    was    but    a    moment's    forehead    brush    before    she    left    the    hall.    The    ride    to    Harrenhal    and    the    feelings    twisted    within    her    left    muscles    sore    and    weak.    She    climbed    the    old    stairs    to    a    room    allotted    to    her    by    Simon    Strong.    As    she    let    out    a    breath    now    that    she    was    finally    alone,    she    could    hear    the    door    creaking    open    behind    her.    There    was    no    need    to    look    back.    This    was    an    inevitable    meeting    before    she    headed    back    to    Dragonstone.
"You    have    done    well,    Daemon,"    she    spoke    up    quietly.    "Mayhaps    I    thought    ill    for    naught."
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empathetixs · 2 months
@crowsandmurder ( requested Henriette )
The EXILED princess of England. A girl with no real social standing, and only allowed at court because of her mother, Little Minette tended to stick very close to her mother.
They called her Henriette Anne d'Angleterre. She didn't know very much English though, in fact, her first language had been French, she had been raised with FRENCH tutor's, and French maids, she was practically more French than her own mother.
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The Fronde had recently ended, and she was welcomed finally to court. She could feel eyes on her EVERY TIME she moved about the court. She wasn't sure she was comfortable with the looks she received.
Lip bitten softly, she stood on a balcony watching all of those below. The court was AWASH with whispers that she might be put up as a bride for the King, but she doubted it. Her mother would never reach so high!
Hearing the door behind her open, she jumped when she was joined on the balcony.
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lovethcrn · 5 months
@crowsandmurder. nathan.
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disappointment wasn't a brand new emotional struggle for haley: that had come long before nathan, too, thanks to her lifelong high expectations out of herself and everyone else. on the bright side of that personality trait, she saw the best in people and championed them to be better, but, whenever they fell really short of that perfect image in her head? she went nuclear, feeling incredibly betrayed, and defeated. it happened with lucas when he cheated on brooke with peyton, and it was happening again, and the situation repeated itself with the opposite brother and reversed roles. this wasn't just about pregnancy hormones, or even her and nathan: as a friend, she saw peyton be punished and iced out by brooke for months for what happened with lucas. to realize how hypocrite that turned out to be in hindsight, only made her feel double betrayed: one for herself, and one for peyton, and what she had to endure for a mistake her best friend had also made, but was coward enough to keep in secret.
hazel eyes look up at the sound of his apology, and, strangely, him admitting he was using the same excuse all over again gave her a sense of relief: like they could fix this because he acknowledged he'd done something wrong. but, as he went on talking, it was clear he didn't understand, at all. ❝ don't you get it, nathan? i didn't ask you to make that list for you to actually give it to me, i asked you because i was insecure, and i wanted you to reassure me there was no one else you'd rather be with other than me. if we're gonna make this marriage work, you're gonna have to start taking these kind of hints more often. ❞ a pause, before screeching in disgust at the number of unwanted details she was getting, ❝ i think me and the baby can live without hearing the rest about your past cougar encounters, thank you very much. as for your question, i knew you'd slept with other girls ― i'm not that naive, i was around school to hear the gossip, remember? it's just ― the boy i saw in that tape, and in that list, it's not the guy i fell in love with. not even close. but that boy is also a part of you, of who you were, and i guess a part of me was scared i've been blind to the less-stand-up versions of yourself. ever since we started dating i shut out everyone's warnings about who nathan scott is, and, in a way, i guess i fooled myself into thinking he didn't really exist, because you'd never been than nathan with me. last night, i was forced to meet him, and i didn't particularly like him. that's all. ❞
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lexicmarshall · 6 months
Alexis had been invited to an surprise outing by her good friend Cheryl and Beth. She had known that her father and brother had called lockdown a couple of nights ago. But they were all celebrating end of term finals. So she wasn’t going to miss the chance to have fun before the time came for her to be caged up again. ( yes that’s what it was like for her at those times ).
It was about five or so hours that they had been there at that point she had several messages from her brother And Andrew (striker) his vice president.Even though she knew she should answer the texts. They did seem urgent. But instead, Alex’s impaired mind decided to ingnored all of them. After a few dances with the girls she shook her glass “TO NO MORE HOMEWORK!” She said to the others giggling. Her mood changes when she heard bikes rev up to the bar.
That’s when she saw the medalion of the bar (Scorpions Mc) ‘Shit’ she thought. That was one of the reasons why she had to cut school earlier this month.Rival tensions and what not. “Cheryl. Is this a biker bar?”she asked curiously. “Can sometimes be. Why”she asked as she got another drink. “Just a thought. It’s nothing. They had had a few drinks when she saw a couple of familiar faces walk in.She was so going into lockdown for her friend antics.
She turned to see Jax,Opie , and Andrew his vice president coming into the bar “shit” she said as she spit out her drink a bit as she saw the three enter with their heads held high like they owned the joint. She coughed a bit as she looked to Beth. “if I don’t communicate for a bit. I’m grounded”she said quickly as she saw the others lock eyes with them. When he was near her she looked to her older brother.
“Jax.. hi. ”she said softly as she knew she was in trouble. But it wasn’t her fault. right ? Oh and the fact that she was a little drunk didn’t help right now either as she had her big brother hovering over her at the moment. Also the fact they had to travel 10 + hours from California to retrieve her at Colombia University.
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corruptedforce · 1 year
🔥 + writing villains
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SEND ME A “ 🔥 “ FOR AN UNPOPULAR OPINION. Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. ) // @taliaromanova // Accepting!
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The one woman who thinks she can make a good man out of him, is such a stupid trope. I have hated that one, for years.
Villains can villain. They don't have to be someone different. They don't have to back down for someone, because they can't handle it.
Some of us villain writers are very characterization focused, and we won't make them softer for you.
Not all villains are bad boys with a heart of gold. Some are genuinely dangerous.
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bchemianrhapscdy · 10 months
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"You shouldn't be here, Potter!" Draco hissed. The moment he turned around and noticed the dark haired boy behind him, he knew he was up to trouble. "I swear, leave or you will regret it!" he warned him.
@crowsandmurder - draco x harry
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moonofiego · 1 year
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it all happened so quickly, the young one didn't even have time to think. she just ... reacted. blame her skywalker genes for that, but the teen couldn't be really bothered. after all, it's not like something bad happened. quite on the contrary. there was no reason for the man to be upset. right?
❝ i'm sorry uncle-- i mean, master kenobi. ❞ there was no sincerity in those words though, as she wasn't sorry at all but he certainly didn't need to know that. ❝ it was either us ... or him. you know i'm right. even if it wasn't the most diplomatic solution. ❞
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@crowsandmurder asked : ❛ i had it under control. you didn’t need to do that. ❜
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writtenxbeginnings · 6 months
forehead, sender presses their forehead against receiver's ( i know we already have things with them but for haley from Nathan @ crowsandmurder )
Actions Speak Louder --- Answering for @crowsandmurder
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Haley sucked in a breath as she felt Nathan's hands on her shoulders, her eyes closing when their foreheads touched. It was a comforting gesture in so many ways, grounding her when she felt like she couldn't breath. It was stupid to have been that worried. Lydia had gotten hurt, scrapped up her arm and had to have a little brace on it. The mom had thought they were still a few years away from that happening, but no. "The doctor did say she's okay? It's not broken?" The words were quiet, slowly blinking her eyes open once more as she looked up at him.
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desireandduty · 2 years
who  did  this  to  you  ? - from Obi-Wan at crowsandmurder
There was a great hunk of steel sticking out of her leg, around which a great deal of blood was steadily pumping and flowing onto the street beneath it. Her vision was getting fuzzy, and she was afraid she'd lose consciousness soon, but that voice was very familiar. Relief washed over her as she slowly lifted her head to see Obi-Wan's face hovering over her in concern.
"Don't know," she murmured, gesturing towards the remains of what had once been one of Coruscant's most sought after dinner reservations. "There was a bomb.... Was about to go in with some colleagues. It... went off...." She opened her mouth to say more, but the blood loss was too great now. Her head lolled to the side as she fainted.
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helreginn · 11 months
Hey! I know this seems random, but I’ve been looking for people to rp vikings and I’m Norse, have you found many people? I would make a blog for a Viking character if I knew there were people out there. Let me know, thanks! - ooc.
Hope you don't mind me posting this publicly. I myself am in search of people. I even resurrected @theroleplayingedda (a masterlist of rpers) in hopes of finding people with limited success. But I did find as many active (this year, at least) blogs in my followers and in the tags that I could. So I figured I'd put this here in case others were having trouble too.
Really hope you guys do not mind me tagging you like this... If not, lemme know and I'll remove you. :)
@nykrose Nyk, the Näcken.
@valkxrie Brunnhilde, the Valkyrie
@varldsormr Jormungandr, the world serpent
@eddapoetic Havar, a fun fusion of many trickster deities
@starwrittenfates Sigyn, too many monikers. IDK, man.
@astridnorddottir Astrid, a valkyrie
@wildserkr Victor Halvorsen, a berserkr
@gulldrengur Baldr
@brknmnds Ivar, Sigurd and Hvitserk of Vikings as well as Angrboða and Jörmungandr
@arcanigenum Loke and Ull, the gods
@yggdrasilushxrt Dvalinn, one of the four deer of Yggdrasil
@savstaroth Thor, the god and a couple of OCs that might fit the descriptor idk like Ida Fjalarsdóttir, a witch
@mistressesandmastersofmythos Odin, Hel and Freyja, gods
@cryptiique Angrboda, Atreus (loki), Heimdall and Freyr (Of God of War canon sorta)
@storiedhistories SO many God of War muses.
@tessastormrp Baldr, Freyr, Harald Finehair, Loki, Tyr, Ubbe (GETS HIS VERY OWN TRIGGER WARNING!) Ragnarson and Sihtric of TLK
@all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone So many Vikings and Vikings: Valhalla and The Last Kingdom muses!
@entangledmuses Lagertha, Anma and Katia of Vikings. Eadith from TLK and lots of ocs with Viking and TLK verses!
@eclipsecrowned Fenrir, Freyja, Hel (Listen. LISTEN, Kadian's Hel is the BEST Hel. I DO make the rules), Hnoss, Laufey, Odin, Sigyn and Utgard-Loki
@belcvednanna Nanna
@melodicwitchlight Kiwi Hel (XD), Aslaug, Thorunn, Floki, Siggy,
@moonhoundman Hati, son of Fenrir
@berserkerofrealms Garmr, Hel hound
@paracosmms Angrboda, mother of Jormungandr, Hel and Fenrir
@bebbanburged Uhtred of the last kingdom
@sigynthevictorious Sigyn mother of Narfi and Vali
@bruadcr Þrúðr Þórradóttir, Sif, Ullr Lokison, Sigyn & Jormungandr
@runaljod Magni & Móði Þórsson, Fenrisúlfr, Þór, Loki, Frœyjɑ, Angrboða, Óðinn, Jörð and Loki
@mystiokinesis Bergfinnr Thrymrson
@kingoftheravens Loki, Fenrir, Jormungandr, Hel, Angrboda, Hati and Skoll
@deficd Ragnar Lodbrok, Hilda Ragnarsdottir, Gyda Ragnarsdottir, Sindre Ísleifsson, Solveig Ísleifsdottir, Valka
@crowsandmurder Bjorn Ironside, Ragnar Lothbrok
@alldaddy Odin
@kissofthemuses Freyja, Sigyn,
@heartsdefine Sigyn
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petitsdieu · 1 year
slowburn or love at first sight
fake dating or secret dating
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence
hurt/comfort or amnesia
fantasy au or modern au
mutual pining or domestic bliss
smut or fluff 
canon-compliant or fix-it heavily plotted canon divergent
reincarnation or character death
kid fic or road trip fic
arranged marriage or accidental marriage
college romance or middle-aged romance
time travel or isolated together
neighbors or roommates
sci-fi au or magic au
angst or crack
apocalyptic or mundane
tagged by: stole it from @crowsandmurder
tagging: @ohfiendangelical @godstrayed @luckhissoul @perniicious @redemptioninterlude @eritvita @wehavefoundthestars @soughthope + ANYONE WHO WANTS TO PLS !
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lovethcrn · 1 year
@crowsandmurder. nathan.
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❝ please, nathan, who are you kidding? 'cause i was there, and if we were a team, we still always somehow found a way to be on opposite ends of the field. y'know, kind of like you and lucas. ❞ blonde widens her eyes for dramatic effect on her sarcastic jab at the brothers' newfound hostility, the perfect device to deflect and change the topic to something they could stop butting heads on. although, she didn't realize she didn't really have to bother: nate was backtracking on his words all by himself. ❝ well, that depends if you count moaning as talking, too, but yeah, pretty much all we ever did was fight and have sex ― sometimes at the same time. but it's okay, because now we have a healthy friendship instead of a completely toxic relationship, and we can talk about stuff, so tell me: is your plan to be an ass to every single person who doesn't want to stick needles into a voo-doo doll of your wife for the rest of your life? 'cause i may be the only person to make that list thanks to my abandonment issues, and i'm not ready to be your one and only bud 'till i grow old and grey. brooke already took that spot at, like, birth ― so no offense. ❞
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mayxthexforce · 2 years
My Gravity Centered || Sabé & Obi-Wan
Plotted starter for @crowsandmurder's Obi-Wan
Padme Amidala, beloved former queen of Naboo, now Senator, was moving away from her native planet and to Coruscant... or so the public thought.
In reality, it was far too dangerous for the Royal Naboo Security Forces to let Padme move to Coruscant right after being elected as the Senator. Even if she had the support of the current queen of Tatooine and the former Senator of the planet, Horace Vancil, and the now Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, that didn't mean Padme was safe. Naboo was still, unfortunately, broadly known for the xenophobe that had once been its Senator: Janus Greejatus who, in two years, managed to ruin relations with many planets with a majority of non-human inhabitants, which had created a certain tension between Naboo and many other planets. A tension the RNSF wouldn't take any risks about.
That's where Sabé came in.
Of all the handmaidens, she was the one that resembled Padme the most. The outfits, hairdos and make-up were all carefully created to only enhance this resemblance and leave as little room for anyone to notice she wasn't Padme as it was possible. She even had Padme's mannerisms nailed down to perfection, thanks to almost a decade of serving as Padme's shadow.
So the decoy moved to Coruscant, gave Padme's first speech as a Senator with rehearsed perfection, and was ready to retire to what would now be the Senator's home: the penthouse suite of the Senate Apartment Complex, where Sabé would live, as herself in private and as Padme to the public, for however long it took for Captain Panaka, who —along with other members of the royal guard who continued to serve Padme— traveled with her, to deem the place safe. That was the plan.
As usual, the Jedi's intervention tended to change everyone's plans.
Just as Sabé and her guard were trying– keyword: trying, because every other Senator wanted to talk to the new addition and begin the —to Sabé— invasive process of getting in 'Padme's good side, they were intercepted by no other than Grand Master Yoda. Of all the Jedi that could have decided to make an appearance, it had to be the one she couldn't just excuse herself from talking to- better not to lie to the Jedi, even if by standing there as Padme she was already lying. Better not to lie to the Jedi more than once at the same time.
"Lucky to find you, we are, Senator Amidala," the old elf started, polite and respectful.
'We'? Sabé wondered to herself, curious yet not dropping the Padme mask. She never dropped the Padme mask in public. 'We' as in him and... who else?
He vowed his head. Sabé responded by vowing her own, resisting the urge to vow at the waist, given that he was much shorter. But taking a very, very subtle step back that she played off as fixing her dress, so she wouldn't have to look too far down.
"I was not expecting to be received by you," Sabé said, smiling that warm, welcoming smile Padme tended to smile. "What do I owe the pleasure to?"
"Matters to discuss, we have," Yoda hummed and started walking. Sabé fell into step behind him. "Worried for your safety, the Senate is. Many dangers, there are. Your safety we must ensure."
Sabé opened her mouth to —kindly, just like Padme would. But firmly, because she was the one who kept Padme safe—point out that she already had her guards working hard to ensure her safety, and that she didn't doubt the Senate Building's guard would be just as diligent on keeping everyone safe. But then they rounded a corner, and she saw him.
She remembered Obi-Wan Kenobi. He hadn't changed that much. Yet, seeing him again was a bit of a shock, enough for it to show in the way her eyes widened for a second before she composed herself. It'd been a long time. Sabé was just a girl last time she saw him. Now, she was a woman, and he was not a Padawan training after his Master, then mourning his loss. That period of her life had been so hectic her brain was momentarily unable to process seeing him again in what should be a time of peace.
"Master Kenobi," she greeted, the same warm, rehearsed smile Yoda got as a greeting. "It's been a long time."
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crowsandmurder · 1 year
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'Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out.'
crowsandmurder, a semi-selective multimuse sideblog, that follows back from corruptedforce. Well over 21. She/Her. MST. Mature themes including sexual content and violence will occur. Multiverse, Multiship, Canon, Historical, Canon Divergent and AU. Barely controlled by Tanya.
Fandoms currently include: American Horror Story, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, One Tree Hill, Resident Evil, Sons of Anarchy, Star Wars, This is Us, The Umbrella Academy, Vikings.
Promo by @villainsrph
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