#cruise in myanmar
pronititravelagency · 1 month
Book Luxury Travel Packages to Explore South-East Asia
Planning the next holiday trip to a place where you can get all the luxury and explore the hidden charm of nature?
Do you want to explore the natural beauty and wishing to stay at a serene place surrounding by greenery, water bodies, and rich landscapes?
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Choose luxury travel packages to some of the most charming destinations in South-East Asia. It will be an entirely different and surprising experience to keep you engage and busy in the exploring something more.
Don’t miss the chance to experience the epitome of lavishness with the luxury travel packages. It will be a convenient way to immerse you in opulent escapades across Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Whether it is captivating cultural tapestry of Cambodia or the exotic charm of Vietnam, they craft journeys that redefine luxury for discerning travelers.
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globerovers · 9 months
A land where babies swim before they walk - this is the world of the Moken sea gipsies and remote island getaways.
In the 1946 book Biggles Delivers the Goods by Captain W.E. Johns, the goggled hero flies over the Burmese coast and Andaman Sea as he conquers the Japanese army. Looking down, he sees “Below the aircraft, like a string of green beads dropped carelessly on blue velvet… the islands of the archipelago, lonely, untouched by civilisation, each hiding beneath its tangle of jungle, a wealth of animal, bird, and reptile life...” 
This part of the world remains a largely unexplored lost kingdom where nobody knows all the species living in the dense jungle and in the turquoise waters. A pristine utopia of primal seclusion which is irresistibly lovely, and one of the last few paradises on earth. Here everything is alive, even the shells are crawling. 
Welcome to Myanmar’s Myeik Archipelago! Formerly known as the Mergui Archipelago, this is a place where adventure seekers can make their dreams come true. This is a place for explorers. A place for those who are yearning for destinations that still remain untouched, immaculate and unspoiled by mass tourism. This is a place where tourism is a brand-new terminology. 
The Myeik Archipelago is an immense area with more than 800 islands stretching for 400 km (248 mi) along the long narrow Kra Isthmus, part of the Tanintharyi Region in the extreme south of Myanmar. To the north is Myanmar’s Mon State, and further south are the idyllic Thai islands of Surin and Similan. 
Mainly composed of limestone and granite, the islands vary in size from small jagged rocky outcrops to islands many miles in diameter. The consistently pleasant temperatures, with average lows between 20-24°C (68-75°F) and average highs ranging between 28-33°C (82-91°F), are ideal conditions for tropical wildlife to thrive.
Most of the islands are covered in very dense jungle that drops into the turquoise waters, interrupted only by brilliant white powder-soft sandy beaches and rocky headlands. Some have tidal rivers and are fringed by large mangrove forests where fish and other sea creatures flourish. Others are surrounded by coral reefs and beds of seagrass, adding to the region’s diverse fauna and flora. 
The majority of islands remain uninhabited and untouched, although some of the larger islands are home to small communities of Burmese fishermen and the Moken people, also known as the Sea Gypsies. A few islands each have a single resort catering to tourists who are mostly well off.
However, the archipelago now faces challenges, including climate change, overfishing, and illegal poaching.
UNESCO recently assessed the Myeik Archipelago against World Heritage Site criteria, concluding that it “... forms an ecological system of outstanding biodiversity and integrity. Surveys have recorded 50 globally threatened plants and animals in the Lampi Marine National Park alone …” 
While too early to determine the long-term prospects for this fragile ecosystem, it is hoped that the increasing interest in ecotourism will provide an incentive for local authorities to protect the fauna and flora of the reefs and islands before it is too late.   
The history of Myeik Archipelago is generally unknown to much of the world. Most stories remain untold.
Most, if not all of the islands in the Myeik Archipelago, remained officially off-limits to foreigners for decades. However in 1997, Thai dive operators gained access to selected dive spots as Myanmar’s military government started lifting travel bans, although strict regulations were kept in place. 
When opposition leader and activist Aung San Suu Kyi became state counsellor in 2015, international travellers found it politically and morally acceptable to visit Myanmar. However, during the 2021 military coup she was once again placed under arrest. Still, Myanmar remains open to tourists who are warmly welcomed by the locals, especially those in the tourism industry.
The vast majority of islands remain undiscovered by tourists with many inhabited only by colourful wildlife and the odd fishing village. 
While tourism has increased since the late 1990s, the lack of infrastructure means only a few travellers visit the area, mainly via chartered yachts and live-aboard dive boats from Thailand or even Indonesia. However, the region is poised for change as the almighty tourist dollar is knocking on the door!
The indigenous people guarding this island paradise refer to themselves as Moken, but they have several names. In Myanmar, they are generally known as Salone, while the Thais call them Chao Lay. They have also been dubbed “Sea Gypsies” or “Sea Nomads” by outsiders. Some Western travel writers have described the Moken as a “semi-aquatic race inhabiting a tropical haven”.
The Moken, who have lived undisturbed for centuries among these islands, are one of Myanmar’s most distinct ethnic groups. Over hundreds of years they have adapted to living on the water and moving to land during the rough monsoon season where their huts are built close to shore so they can constantly monitor the sea and their boats. 
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Considered hunter-gatherers rather than fishermen, they hunt big fish from their boats using three-pronged spears rather than the destructive nets favoured by traditional fishermen. Masters of free diving, they can hold their breaths for a very long time while perfectly focusing their vision underwater. Women collect a variety of molluscs, sea urchins and sea cucumbers from the bottom of the sea, often as deep as 12 metres (40 ft). 
While the Moken believe one should not be greedy and only take from the sea what they need, they also believe that resources are infinite. 
Often they embark on multi-day fishing trips, though the trend is towards shorter trips, due to decreasing numbers of traditional kabang or big houseboats. As the government no longer allows cutting of the thickest trees needed to construct them, the Moken increasingly harvest fish and other food items closer to the coastline from smaller dugout canoes. 
Traditionally they moved from one island to another once resources were replenished. Nowadays they increasingly inhabit small permanent villages on the islands while their population—currently estimated at between 2,000 and 3,000—continues to slowly grow.
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The seas they presided over for centuries are now getting busier with large trawlers and squid boats infringing on their territories. 
The Moken can’t compete for the limited resources, although the Myanmar government is trying to control the influx of foreign boats. As competition increases, it is not clear how they can continue to live a sustainable existence, so they are likely to increasingly abandon their traditional lifestyles and turn to the lucrative tourist trade.
When I recently visited a Moken village on a remote island, I found several stalls selling foods and candies, much of it packaged individually in plastic, with lots of locally-produced dried fish also available. Their customers are local Moken as well as Burmese from nearby islands and the mainland. 
The Moken kids are friendly and welcoming towards visitors, though some gasp in shock—perhaps they have never seen Westerners. Their faces are painted almost comically with the traditional Burmese thanaka, a yellowish-white paint made from ground bark. 
They are very much at home in the water and I could easily believe these kids really can swim before they can walk. 
Some adults smoke locally-rolled green-coloured cheroots, a potent Burmese cigar, as they lazily sit outside their homes and shops gossiping about the latest village news. 
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Babies casually sway in little hammocks hanging between palm trees and on the small verandas of the stilted homes. This peaceful existence fits my image of life on a small remote tropical island.
British photographer Cat Vinton spent several weeks in 2009 documenting a Moken family aboard a kabang. 
She writes “...their nomadic free spirit, their lack of a routine, their knowledge of the sea and the jungle, their love of nature… these elusive people are born, live and die at sea. The Moken children can swim before they can walk. Their philosophy focuses on pride in the face of scarcity…”.
The lifestyle of the Moken has changed significantly in recent years and is set to change even more as these islands are increasingly opening up to outsiders and tourists.
From high above the archipelago, the islands appear to form three vague strings, spread out over many miles.
Located in the westernmost reaches of the archipelago, about 85 kilometres (53 mi) west of mainland Myanmar and Thailand, Boulder Island is remote and pristine, earning its name from the gigantic rounded boulders scattered along its shores, some stacked into gravity-defying formations like immense stone sculptures.
Beyond its bizarre rocky landscapes, Boulder Island’s interior harbours lush jungle while idyllic beaches tucked into protected coves are scattered along the coast. With no villages or roads, and only one small eco resort, Boulder Island remains virtually untouched by civilisation.
Its isolation and lack of development means clear waters and intact coral, making Boulder Island one of the archipelago’s finest snorkelling and diving destinations. Look out for juvenile black tip reef sharks, sea otters, and large schools of small fish right in the shallows near the beach!
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Jungle trails connect all eight beaches—your escape routes to a hidden paradise of beauty and solitude. 
Each one reveals new surprises from gravity-defying boulder formations to secluded snorkelling spots and beautiful shells. They share soft white sands and crystal clear turquoise waters. The trails also lead to lookout points for panoramic views over the island.
This rugged and unspoiled island is excellent for birding with a diverse array of bird species—spot the white-bellied sea eagles, Brahminy kites, Nicobar pigeons and many more. The chirpy white-rumped shama will unquestionably wake you up early with its beautiful songs. 
Harmless monitor lizards and reticulated pythons also inhabit the jungles, but fortunately, no dangerous animals or insects have been identified making it perfectly safe to explore.
The island’s only accommodation is the privately owned solar-powered Boulder Bay Eco Resort tucked behind the lush fish poison trees and screw pines of Boulder Beach. This small, cosy resort was built to sustainably integrate into the island’s ecology.
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After being invited to visit, I boarded the resort’s boat in Kawthaung, Myanmar’s southernmost town. On the pleasant five-and-a-half hour journey to Boulder Island, we passed many beautiful islands and beaches, mostly uninhabited. A speedboat can be arranged for a faster trip.
As the boat approaches the southern side of the island with its distinctive piled-up boulders in the shallow waters, you will see the resort ‘s well-camouflaged beachfront bungalows peeking behind the trees. 
At high tide, you can disembark right onto the beach. During low tide, the boat moors at the concrete jetty which extends beyond the exposed corals. Depending on the conditions, you may need to be chauffeured to the jetty or beach by rubber dinghy or two-person kayak.
The friendly staff will welcome you with an ice-cold drink at the resort’s spacious thatched-roof community centre and check you into your bungalow after a short briefing. With open sea views, the community centre is a place to relax while dining, enjoying the bar, accessing the satellite internet, and playing card games with other adventurers. 
Welcome to paradise!
The resort offers eight eco-friendly seafront bungalows with another twelve amongst the trees. Constructed in the traditional Burmese style with wooden frames and walls, and local palm-leaf roofs, none of the building materials other than bamboo have been harvested from the island. 
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The ample supply of fresh water is pumped from a well and meticulously filtered to ensure it is clean and safe to drink. Close to the adjacent beach is the large Yoga Centre, a versatile space for yoga, meditation, meetings, and any other events.
Make use of the resort’s fully equipped dive centre—with a qualified dive instructor, kayaks and snorkelling equipment to explore the surrounding and nearby reefs.  
The area has prolific fish and invertebrate life—in the shallower waters, you can expect to see many coral species as well as parrotfish, pipefish, butterflyfish, snapper, grouper and lots of colourful sea anemones with their resident clown-fish. 
While diving, you may see shark species such as black-tip and tiger sharks, as well as eagle and manta rays, giant stingrays, octopus, seahorses, frogfish, scorpionfish, ribbon eels, ornate ghost pipefish, schools of barracuda, rainbow runners, tuna, trevally, Spanish mackerel—the list is almost endless.
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Alternatively, take a multi-day sea safari on the custom-designed live-aboard Burmese-style junk, the MV Sea Gipsy, ideal for diving, snorkelling, adventure excursions and romantic overnight trips. The tastefully decorated boat features five comfortable open-air gazebo areas on the main and upper deck which are transformed into beds with mosquito nets at night, and two bathrooms with toilets and freshwater showers on the main deck.
The huge sundeck invites guests to sunbathe on the wooden deck chairs or sit back under the stars with a glass of wine. Other areas provide space for relaxing either in the sun or shade. 
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With the diving and snorkelling gear aboard the boat, explore the world below the surface teeming with iridescent reef fish that glitter like jewels and corals glowing with life. The underwater world invites exploration and promises discovery for those who venture into the depths.
The MV Sea Gipsy cruises between several islands where you can stroll along picturesque beaches, try sea kayaking, swim in crystal-clear turquoise waters, and go snorkelling. You may also meet the local inhabitants, such as the Moken. 
To experience all the resort has to offer, combine a few days in a bungalow with a few days on board the boat. Note that the resort is closed during the monsoon season when the seas can be rough and rain may fall for hours on end.
Boulder Island stands out among the many islands of the Myeik Archipelago—its natural beauty is breathtaking and offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature, while the Boulder Bay Eco Resort ensures your time on the island is comfortable and unforgettable.
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Arguably the most well-known island in the archipelago is also one of its largest. Lampi Island, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) from the Myanmar mainland, is around 48 kilometres (30 mi) long and five kilometres (3 mi) wide. The island is home to the National Wildlife and Marine Park which protects over 1,000 species of animals, plants and marine life in the Myeik archipelago and was declared an ASEAN Heritage Park in 2003.
As Myanmar’s only marine national park, it is rich in biodiversity with numerous plant species associated with its vast mangrove forests. Some of its many bird species are classified as threatened, including the plain-pouched hornbill and Wallace hawk eagle. 
Among the more unique birds are the white-bellied sea eagle, Nicobar pigeon, crested partridge, red-throated sunbird, brown-winged kingfisher, Pacific reef heron, emerald dove and more. 
Look out for loggerhead and green sea turtles, Sunda pangolin and dugong on and around the island. The region’s diverse range of wildlife also includes the cute spectacled leaf monkey, gibbons, reticulated pythons, monitor lizards, oriental small-clawed otter, lesser mouse-deer, civets, and many more.  Sometimes crab-eating macaques can be seen foraging for crabs on the rocky shores.
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Many globally threatened species are amongst its amphibians, reptiles, sea turtles, mammals, fish, crabs, sea snails and sea slugs, bivalve molluscs, sea cucumbers, seaweed, seagrasses, and 333 species of plankton.  
Activities here include canoeing on the two perennial rivers on the west side of the island where the best-conserved mangrove forests are to be found, and hiking in the jungle. While official hiking trails throughout the archipelago are still very limited, if you are adventurous enough to take on the dense forests, you will find hiking through jungles on the islands to be one of the most rewarding experiences in the region. 
Visit the traditional Moken villages with houses built on stilts, and join them for diving and snorkelling in the Andaman Sea.
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Across a 220 metre-wide (722 ft) channel known as Salet Galet cove at the westernmost tip of Lampi Island is Wa Ale Island. The protective cove is a popular anchorage for fishing boats in the fairly shallow waters, particularly during turbulent weather. A tiny island in the cove is home to a small community of Moken people. 
Wa Ale Island is known for its pristine kilometre-long dazzling white-sand beaches, flanked by rocky cliffs and backed by lush evergreen jungle. 
The island’s only accommodation is the luxurious Wa Ale Island Resort, creatively constructed with local materials including river stones and reclaimed wood to minimise its impact on the surrounding environment. 
Its luxury tented and treetop villas overlook the beautiful beaches on its doorstep, while the restaurant serves Asian-Mediterranean cuisine with ingredients from the resort’s organic garden and seafood from local fishermen who use sustainable fishing methods. 
As well as relaxing on the white-sand beaches, recreational activities include snorkelling and scuba diving, hiking through the dense jungle, paddle boarding and kayaking through the inlets of the dense mangroves forests. Kayaking and paddle boarding offer great opportunities to move slowly across the shallows that skirt the enchanted mangrove forests and up the small rivers, while getting a glimpse of the many small creatures living in these shallow protected waters.
For more detail about Wa Ale Island Resort, please refer to GlobeRovers Magazine, July 2018.
One of the gateways to the Myeik Archipelago is Kawthaung, Myanmar’s southernmost town, separated from Thailand’s Ranong Province by a broad estuary of the Pakchan River. Known as Victoria Point during the British rule of Burma between 1824 and 1948, it is a charming, laid-back town straddling the hills between the Kra Buri River and the Andaman Sea. 
Several points of interest include the 21 metre-high (69 ft) Pyi Daw Aye Pagoda on a hill overlooking the town. Built in 1949, the temple features eight meditation niches representing the eight days of the Buddhist week, and 14 Buddha images. About three kilometres (2 mi) further north is the Mey Paw Kyan Pagoda. 
Explore the large area of stilted houses along the edge of the river at the northern end of town with a few restaurants and drinking spots. At low tide, the residents scour the muddy riverbed for molluscs and crabs, while at high tide the kids run along the wobbly planks connecting the houses and then jump into the water to play like fish. The people are very welcoming and curious to engage with visitors.
The downtown area has a few small restaurants serving authentic Burmese food, as well as coffee shops and interesting markets. At the most southern tip is the Nagayone Temple right at the water’s edge. Nearby is the Kawthaung Grand Spirit Shrine.
Before or after your island adventure, stay a few days at the lovely Victoria Cliff Hotel and Resort, located on the cliffs just 6.5 kilometres (4 mi) from Kawthaung harbour. The resort’s luxury accommodation includes Ocean View Wings, Lake View Villas, and Hillside Villas, many of which are brand new with exceptionally beautiful interiors and open sea views.
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The resort grounds are well-groomed botanical gardens, complete with a lake, swans, a variety of flowering plants, very tall palm trees and incredibly well-maintained giant bonsais. 
After a day spent enjoying the resort’s facilities or exploring the southern tip of Myanmar, visit the resort’s Maliwan Spa for a relaxing massage or scrub, or work out at the well-equipped fitness centre overlooking the pool and gardens. Enjoy this large swimming pool set among the gardens or the smaller infinity pool overlooking the sea. The resort can accommodate up to 500 guests for weddings, conferences and celebrations. 
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At dusk, relax in the large open-air restaurant with stunning views over the sea and nearby islands while you enjoy top class Burmese, Asian, and Western cuisines, paired with wines, beer or cocktails. 
As vibrant sunsets give way to glittering moonlight, you will be astounded by the star-strewn skies at night. The restaurant’s prime location promises to make memories as vivid as the surroundings. Pure bliss!
As our journey through the Myeik Archipelago comes to an end, we leave the untouched beauty of its islands with a sense of awe. 
The pristine beaches, dense jungles, and vibrant underwater life have shown us a world that remains largely unexplored, while the warmth of the Burmese villagers and the Moken people have added a human touch to our tropical paradise adventure. 
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However, the challenges facing this archipelago remind us of our responsibility to protect these natural wonders for future generations. 
As we bid farewell, we carry not just memories of scenic beauty, but also a renewed commitment to preserving such magnificent corners of our planet. 
Whether you’re an adventurer at heart or simply a lover of nature, the Myeik Archipelago awaits your discovery. So come, explore, and help to keep this paradise unspoiled.
Check out Boulder Bay Eco Resort’s website for more information and contact them to book an unforgettable experience. Alternatively, make contact via [email protected]. An even better way to enjoy these islands is to combine a stay at the resort on Boulder Island, with a few nights cruising around the islands with their boat, the Sea Gipsy. For more information, check the website of the island safaris or write to them at [email protected].
To stay at the Victoria Cliff Hotel & Resort, email them at [email protected].
Also, check out my complete guide to the beaches of Myanmar and my list of Myanmar’s 10 best beaches.
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For three years running…
Kobe. Pandemic. Lockdown. Koalas on fire. Harry and Meg retire. Toilet paper hoarding. Alcoholism. Impeach the f*cker. Parasite. Bonnie Henry. Tiger King. Working from home. Sourdough bread. Harvey Weinstein guilty. Zoom overdose. Dip your body in sanitizer. 6 feet. Quarantine. OK Boomer. Home schooling (everyone passes). Murder hornets. Dolly Parton. Don’t hug, kiss or see anybody, especially your family. Chris Evans’ junk. TikTok. Glory holes. Face masks. CERB. West Coast wildfires. Stay home. Small Businesses lose, big box stores win. F*ck Bozos. ‘Dreams’ and cranberry juice. Close yoga studios, but thumbs up to your local gym. Speak moistly to me. George Floyd. BLM. F*ck Trump. Phase 2, 3 and Summer. RBG. Baby Yoda. Biden wins. Bond and Black Panther die. No more lockdown. Back to school and work. Just kidding... giddy up round 2. Giuliani leaks shit from his head. Resurgence of chess. UFOs are real. Restrictions. Dave Grohl admits defeat. Monolith. “F*ck... forgot my mask in the car”. No Christmas shenanigans allowed. Bubbles. Alex Trebek. Use the term ‘dumpster fire’ one too many times. Jupiter and Saturn form 'Christmas Star'. Happy New Year Bitches!!!! 2021... you better not sh*t the bed!!
“We love you, you’re very special”. Failed coup attempt at the Capital. Twitter, FB and IG ban Donny. Hammerin’ Hank goes to the Field of Dreams. Bozo no longer richest man but still a twat. Leachman, Tyson, and Holbrook pass. The economy is worse than expected. Kim and Kanye split. Brood X cicadas. Dre has an aneurysm and nearly has his home broken into. Bridgerton. MyPillow CEO is a douche. Covid restrictions extended indefinitely. Captain Von Trapp dies. Proud Boys officially a Terrorist Organization. Richard Ramirez. Cancer takes Screech. Travel bans. Impeachment trial (again?… oh and this was barely February? WTF??!!) Suez Canal blockage. Myanmar protest. Kong dukes it out with Godzilla, while Raya watches. Olympics. Friends compare elective surgeries. F9. Canada Women’s Soccer Gold. Free Britney. Multiverses. Residential Schools in Canada unearth children’s bodies. Kate is Mare of Easttown. Cuomo resigns. Disney and Dwayne cruise together. Wildfires. Delta variants. Musk passes Bezos. Candyman x 5. Capt. Kirk goes to space. F*ck Kyle Rittenhouse. Astros didn’t win. Squid Game. Goodbye Bond. Dune is redone. Angelina is Eternal. Astroworld deaths. Meta. Omicron. Three Spidermen. Tornados in December? World Juniors cancelled. Pills against Covid. School opening delayed. And Betty White dies. 2022… my expectations are ridiculously low…
Wow… eight billion people. Queen Elizabeth II passes away after ruling the Commonwealth before dirt was invented. The monkeypox. Russia plays the role of global asshole. Wordle. Mother Nature rocks Afghanistan. Hover bike. Styles spits on Pine. Olivia Newton John, Kristie Alley, and Coolio leave us. Pele was traded to team Heaven. FTX implodes. Madonna and the 3-D model of her vagina. Pig gives his heart to a human. Beijing can brag that it is the first city ever to host both the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. Uvalde. $3 trillion Apple. Keith Raniere gets 120 years. The Whisky War ends with Canada and Denmark going halfsies. Mar-a-Lago. Nick Cannon brood hits a dozen. Shinzo Abe is assassinated. Inflation goes through the roof (if you can actually afford to put a roof over your head). Volodymyr Zelensky. European heat wave. Bennifer. Salman Rushdie is stabbed on stage, Dave Chappelle tackled, and Chris Rock is only slapped. Thích Nhất Hạnh. Heidi Klum goes full slug. Cuba knocked out by Ian. Liz Truss and 4.1 Scaramuccis. Taylor Swift breaks Ticketmaster. Human shitstain Elon Musk ignores helping mankind and buys Twitter instead. Riri becomes a mommy. NASA launches Artemis 1. Trump still a whiny little bitch. Music lost Loretta Lynn, Christine McVie, and Meat Loaf. Democracy died at least three times. Pete Davidson continues to date hottest women on the planet. Microplastics in our blood. Alex Jones is a cunt. So is DeSantis. Argentina wins the World Cup. Meghan and Harry. Eddie Munson rips Metallica in the Upside Down. tWitch. Roe vs Wade is overturned by the micro dick energy of the Supreme Court. CODA. James Corden shows he is a "tiny Cretin of a man". Amber (and the shit on the bed) Heard (round the world). Sebastian Bear-McClard proves he’s one of the fucking dumbest men alive. Latin America's ‘pink tide’. Anti-Semitic rants by Ye. Bob Saget. A verified blue checkmark. Godmother of punk Vivienne dies. And, Tom Cruise feels the need for speed yet again. 2023… whatcha got for us?!? Nothing shocks me anymore.
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kmp78 · 8 months
Another but old.
Salary 80 000 $ 😎
Well if he's such a bitch he has to pay more than Tom Cruise or else no one wants to be his PA... 😂
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Well that can't be a good sign for dear Thinnie far away in Myanmar... 😭📵
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Eurofighters from Germany start QRA tasks in Slovakia
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/05/2023 - 11:00am Military
The Eurofighters of the 74 Squadron of the Neuburg an der Donau Tactical Air Force will protect the airspace over Slovakia from September to December 2023. (Photo: Bundeswehr)
To shorten the time until the entry into service of the new F-16 Block 70/72 for Slovakia, which delivered its MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine, the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) will be on alert in the Eastern European country until December 22 of this year.
As part of the assistance to the NATO alliance, the German Air Force took over air policing in Slovakia's airspace on September 2, 2023.
The associated tasks are carried out by the QRA (Rapid Reaction Alert) group of Squadron 74 of the Neuburg an der Donau Tactical Air Force. The Eurofighters of Neuburg will not only fly over Slovakia during real alerts, but will also carry out training flights in Slovak airspace and land on Slovak airfields.
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Brigadier General Frank Gräfe, Head of Department 2 of the German Air Force Command, is responsible for the strategic and operational deployment planning within the Luftwaffe. He said: "The Eurofighter flights of the Neuburg Squadron in Slovakia are another visible contribution to the alliance, in addition to the security of airspace by the Patriot squadrons in Zamosc, Poland, and regular air policing missions in the Baltic States."
After delivering its last MiG-29 to Ukraine, the Slovak Air Force no longer has its own combat aircraft. They ordered 14 F-16 Block 70/72 fighters from Lockheed Martin in December 2018. The first four F-16s for Slovakia were supposed to be delivered last year. Slovak pilots are being trained in this type with the Arizona National Air Guard at Tucson Air Base.
Tags: Military AviationEurofighter TyphoonLuftwaffe - German Air ForceNATO - Air Policing MissionNATO - QRA (Quick Reaction Alert)
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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July 4, 2023 - Day 190
Hubbard’s Glacier, Alaska
In the comments section “easyasgoingtothedentist” asked the following question so I thought I would try and answer. My response is probably too long but I wanted to give it a go so here it is.
Question = “It’s hard to believe you have been on this journey for half a year now. With one month remaining, would you reflect on your favorite places and where you would return to? Any comments on the world atmosphere post-Covid which you have experienced? How about any interesting people you have met on the ship? Which ports did they embark? What nationality were they? It has been really fun to read of your escapades. Thank you. Oh- and could you please post a map of the rest of your ports-o-call?”
Thank you for your note. I appreciate that someone is actually looking at this. It is hard to answer your first question because there have been so many but let me give you a few statistics before I try.
On this trip we have visited 44 countries with 117 stops in different cities. I keep track of how far we go each day and the two screenshots below show my mileage markers. To date we have traveled 51,430 miles and have 7,195 miles to go for a total voyage of 58,625 miles. As far as the rest of the voyage we will be visiting Sitka, Ketchikan, Prince Rupert, Victoria, Astoria, San Francisco, Cabo San Lucas, Zihuatanejo, Puerto Quetzal, Puentarenas, Cartagena and Great Stirrup Bay in that order. We weren’t allowed to land in Peru or Myanmar because of political unrest and missed Kodiak Island and Hubbard’s Glacier because of weather. Because of CoVid we were the first cruise ship to return to many of the ports and there were extremely happy to see us. Bands, dancing and big welcome signs were common. Many of these places depend on the tourist business and there were many closed businesses and restaurants that didn’t survive.
The average age of people on the ship is 72, the oldest is 92 and the youngest is 23. Five people have died during the voyage, there was one helicopter evacuation because of a heart attack, there have been 8 people that have broken arms, legs and wrists because of falls and 2 couples have been kicked off the ship because of misbehavior. The ship doesn’t advertise these events so there may have been more but these are the ones I know about.
Three hundred and fifty of the Around The World passengers got on and will get off in San Francisco. Fifty seven got on and off in Miami and NewYork. Half the passengers are from the US, 25 % from Canada and the rest from other countries including Switzerland, Germany, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Holland, Israel, Mexico, Columbia, Turkey and two Ukrainians. The passengers are fairly affluent with representation from all races, colors and nationalities. Most are retired but some still working a little. The professions include medical Doctors, lawyers, engineers, book authors, a retired bus driver, a police detective, a tobacco factory owner, university professors, bed and breakfast owners, medical laboratory technicians, the owner of a Canadian lumber company, the chief architect for Home Depot, high school superintendents, a physiologist and many more that I don’t know.
The crew is even more diverse. The Captain is from Croatia and most of the officers from Eastern Europe. There are only about 8 of the crew that actually work for the cruise line the rest work through a contract company and are mostly Indian, Philippino and Indonesian. The chef and ship manager are French.
As far as places I would like to go back to there are many so let me just pick one or two from each continent. The highlight of the trip was Antartica. Amazing scenery, amazing animals and absolute desolation. In South America it would be Punta de Este, Uruguay followed by Puerto Monty, Chile and Recife, Brazil. In Africa it would be the Seychelles followed by Cape Town, South Africa and Walvus Bay, Namibia. In the Middle East it would be Muscat,Oman. Dubai, of course, is great but it is just a big international city. In South Asia it would be Columbo, Sri Lanka. In the Far East all of Japan was great but if I had to pick it would be Hakodate and Kobe, Japan followed by Ha Long Bay, Vietnam and Singapore.
Politically my biggest surprise was how strong the Chinese influence is in many of the countries especially West Africa. The situation in these countries is very sad. It is to much to discuss here but basically the vast majority of people live in extreme poverty with the few people in power selling off the resources of the country to China to enrich themselves. The Chinese then move their people in to gain land and resources at the expense of the local population.
Another surprise and disappointment was what I saw in San Diego and San Francisco. The downtown streets are lined with tents and cardboard boxes housing the homeless. There were many many more than I saw in even the poorest countries we visited. I am not going to get into the reasons I think this is happening but there is definitely something wrong in these cities and it needs to be fixed.
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Cagliari, torna il Festival sul cinema asiatico
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Cagliari, torna il Festival sul cinema asiatico. Saranno cinque giorni dedicati a proiezioni, incontri ma non solo quelli di Across Asia Film Festival, che dal 7 all'11 dicembre 2022 propone un'iniziativa che sarà ospitata nello Spazio Fuori Margine di Sa Manifattura in via Falzarego 35.   Oltre venti film inediti avvicineranno Cagliari alla cultura asiatica come illustrato venerdì 2 dicembre 2022 nella conferenza stampa di presentazione alla quale ha preso parte l'Assessora alla Cultura del Comune di Cagliari, Maria Dolores Picciau.   "Questo progetto – il commento dell'Assessora Picciau - ha molti punti di forza tra i quali la capacità di fare rete con tante realtà, cittadine e internazionali, in una visione interdisciplinare che raccoglie tante espressioni artistiche oltre al cinema e alla musica. Il Festival si è inserito, e questo è un altro punto a suo favore, su un tema di nicchia che in città mancava, proponendo uno sguardo importante su tutto il mondo asiatico non solo politico-territoriale ma anche culturale. Diciamo che accorcia le distanze tra Cagliari e il resto del mondo".   Ad illustrare il ricco cartellone di appuntamenti, che prevede anche due fuori programma, sono stati i direttori artistici Maria Paola Zedda e Stefano Galanti che sono scesi nei dettagli dell'iniziativa. Con un’accurata selezione di oltre 20 film inediti provenienti da tutto il continente asiatico, tra cui diverse anteprime italiane, europee internazionali, la kermesse propone cinque giorni di proiezioni e incontri in diverse location del capoluogo sardo, tra cui Cinema Notorious, che ospiterà le proiezioni, Sa Manifattura – Spazio Fuori Margine, Circolo ARC - Polo Bibliotecario Falzarego 35. Across Asia Film Festival rinnova quest’anno il suo format proponendo un programma di ampio respiro che abbandona il precedente focus dedicato a un singolo Paese o area geografica per abbracciare l'intero continente asiatico. L’attenzione si rivolge in particolare verso le produzioni indipendenti ed emergenti, il cinema al femminile, i giovani, la distruzione dei generi, il pop, l’universo queer e del politicamente scorretto che in ogni Paese ruota su differenti assi distintivi. Presso il Cinema Notorious di Cagliari, la rassegna cinematografica comincia mercoledì 7 dicembre con l’appuntamento Nel cuore della bestia, che prevede le proiezioni di Autobiography (ore 20:00), opera prima e matura del regista indonesiano Makbul Mubarak che tratta la banalità della violenza e il sadismo delle dipendenze psicologiche sul solco tracciato dalle dittature; To Pick A Flower di Shireen Seno alle 22:10 e del pluripremiato Myanmar Diaries (ore 22:30) firmato a nome collettivo e presentato dalla giornalista Sara Perria, che racconta dall’interno il golpe militare del febbraio 2021 tra documentario e autofiction, già vincitore dell’Orso d’Oro per il Miglior Documentario alla Berlinale. The Weird And The Eerie, l’appuntamento di giovedì 8 dicembre, comincia alle 19:00 con The Residents, regia di Kahori Higashi e Swallow di Mai Nakanishi, tra cannibalismo e jet-set. La serata prosegue con House of Time di Rajdeep Paul e Sarmistha Maiti (ore 20:00) e si conclude con il meta-cinema e le reminiscenze preraffaelite di Shingo Ota in At Kinosaki (ore 22:00) e con il film del maestro indiano del documentario no-budget Don Palathara Everything is Cinema, che racconta il processo di creazione di un documentario da parte di un regista, in reazione a quello a opera dell’occidentale Louis Malle, Calcutta, quando all’improvviso il virus lo costringe al lock-down, trasformando il suo film in qualcosa d’altro. La rassegna continua venerdì 9 dicembre con l’appuntamento Il mondo è tutto ciò che accade: alle 20:00 il crudo cruising nei boschi tra senza tetto, prostituti e minatori disoccupati in The Men Who Wait del vietnamita Truong Minh Quý e il revenge-movie malaysiano Stone Turtle diretto da Ming Jin Woo, un viaggio emozionale verso l’inaspettato che affonda le sue radici nel folklore, tra forze ctonie e paesaggi magici. Segue l’omaggio al giovanissimo autore coreano - premiato come miglior regista di fantascienza al BIFAN - Park Syeyoung, ospite del festival nella giornata di sabato 10 dicembre durante l’appuntamento Pop’ Philosophie con le proiezioni di Cashbag e Luxury Staycation (dalle ore 19:00) e del suo primo lungometraggio dal titolo The Fifth Thoracic Vertebra (ore 20:00) – una produzione al limite dell’horror che strizza l’occhio a Lynch, Cronemberg e Dupieux. Hip-Hop, fantascienza e manga sono, invece, i linguaggi che fonde il giapponese Hoya Seiyo nella sua delirante opera prima Alien Artist (ore 21:30). Il festival si conclude nella serata di domenica 11 dicembre con l’appuntamento In The Realm Of The Senseless. Spazio al cinema d’animazione con The Magical Tracing di Wu De-Chuen, Tiger Stabs Tiger di Shen Jie e Perfect City: The Mother di Shengwei Zhou (dalle 19:00). A seguire c’è Yuni, film diretto dall’indonesiana Kamila Andini e premiato al Toronto International Film Festival 2021 che racconta i taboo culturali e le restrizioni subite dalle donne nel più grande Paese musulmano del mondo attraverso lo sguardo di un’adolescente piena di progetti per il futuro. Chiude infine la rassegna A Night of Knowing Nothing della regista indiana Payal Kapadia che documenta le rivolte degli studenti contro il sistema delle caste utilizzando found footage e una struttura che accarezza la fiction narrativa. L'ingresso a tutte le rappresentazioni sarà gratuito. EXPANDED: gli eventi collaterali La sezione EXPANDED del festival presenta una serie di eventi collaterali alle proiezioni cinematografiche. Si comincia mercoledì 7 dicembre alle ore 18:00 presso il Circolo ARC – Polo Bibliotecario Falzarego 35, con l’appuntamento On the language of men loving men in Japan: un incontro con l’artista interdisciplinare Jacopo Miliani in occasione della presentazione del libro Whispering Catastrophe, di Jacopo Miliani e Sara Giannini, frutto di una ricerca relativa all’erotismo gay maschile in Giappone e alla sua rappresentazione. Dai sussurri erotici del leggendario attivista gay Togo Ken alle velate immagini del fotografo underground Kuro Haga, il libro segue la costruzione di un sottile linguaggio di infiltrazione. Come un linguaggio segreto, questo idioma speciale dà forma a un corpo collettivo – una comunità – che agisce al di là, attraverso e nonostante identità normative, etichette e ruoli sociali. La serata di venerdì 9 dicembre si svolge presso il Cinema Notorious con The Night of the Living Soundtracks, una serata di sonorizzazioni dedicate ai fantasmi del cinema asiatico. Si comincia alle 22:00 con la sonorizzazione di Yukoku (Patriotism) di Yukio Mishima, prima e unica regia del grande intellettuale e letterato giapponese, da parte del musicista Daniele Ledda, che musicherà il capolavoro con il progetto Clavius, con cui compone e improvvisa attraverso una famiglia di strumenti auto-costruiti partendo dal concetto di pianoforte preparato di John Cage. Chiude la serata il chitarrista e cantautore inglese Mike Cooper, che corona il tour di celebrazione dei suoi 80 anni ad Across Asia Film Festival con il progetto Tropical Gothic. Artista culto presente sin dalle prime edizioni del festival, Cooper attraversa nel suo lavoro una ricerca per suoni e immagini che indaga il concetto di Sud, inteso non solo in termini geografici quanto politici e poetici. Spazio alla performance e alle questioni legate al corpo con la coreografa e artista srilankese residente a Berlino Sara Mikolai, di origini Tamil, che sabato 10 dicembre dalle 10:00 alle 14:00 presenta una masterclass dal titolo On listening, moving, resting and being, presso Sa Manifattura – Spazio Fuorimargine per poi proseguire domenica 11 dicembre alle 17:30 con l’installazione sonora e la performance l i s t e n i n g – sound narratives of a dance in cui il linguaggio delle danze tradizionali diventa momento di mistero, generativo di nuovi immaginari e politiche dell’ascolto. La giornata conclusiva di domenica 11 dicembre prevede un focus sull’Asia meridionale attraverso l’incontro con la comunità di indiani di fede Sikh residente nel quartiere di Villanova. L’appuntamento è alle ore 11:15 presso Piazza Costituzione, angolo viale Regina Margherita per visitare il tempio Sikh, dove si potrà assistere alla cerimonia e alla pratica del common kitchen, per mangiare insieme e condividere sapori del Punjab. Nato con l’obiettivo di sviluppare scambi culturali internazionali e di favorire una maggiore prospettiva interculturale, Across Asia Film Festival approfondisce di anno in anno la conoscenza della produzione cinematografica asiatica, mostrando la grandezza del suo apporto sul panorama mondiale in termini di sperimentazione, ricerca e innovazione. Dal 2013 a oggi, Across Asia Film Festival dedica la sua programmazione alle scene indipendenti e al cinema arthouse, mostrando la prolifica produzione del cinema asiatico per diffonderne la conoscenza ad un pubblico internazionale. Il festival rappresenta una finestra sul mondo e un modo non stereotipato di guardare l’Asia e le sue rappresentazioni. È anche un luogo di relazioni internazionali, un contesto per connettere scene artistiche lontane stimolando occasioni di sinergia e coproduzione. Sotto la direzione artistica di Stefano Galanti e Maria Paola Zedda, Across Asia Film Festival è un progetto di ZEIT – Art Research - associazione culturale dedita alla promozione dell’arte, della performance e della cinematografia - con il contributo di MIC – Ministero della Cultura, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Comune di Cagliari, il sostegno della Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission, insieme alla collaborazione di AFIC Associazione Festival Italiani Cinema, Ticonzero, Spazio Danza, Centro di Produzione della Danza FuoriMargine, Centro di Produzione di Danza e Arti Performative, ARC Associazione Culturale e di Volontariato LGBTQ+ OdV, Collettivo CA, e ai media partner Asian World e Asia Movie Pulse. Si ringrazia Oltre lo specchio Film Festival di Milano.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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yashvitours · 2 years
Top 7 Romantic Honeymoon Resorts In Thailand
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Hey, Congratulations, you’re getting hitched! Now you get to think about the best part…The Honeymoon! And if you are looking to spend some quality time with your loved one in a tropical paradise, look no further than Thailand!
              This beautiful country is known as the ‘Land of Smiles.’
Thailand is an exotic destination perfect for a romantic trip; its idyllic offshore islands feature crystal clear oceans, limestone cliffs and mangrove forests and its luxury hotels boast beachfront villas, sparkling infinity pools, pampering spas and much more. Hey, all the honeymoon couples, the good news is that there are several exotic resorts in Thailand that will surely surprise you and leave you in the woo. Book your Thailand Holiday Packages and enjoy your stays at the below-mentioned Romantic Resorts in Thailand.
Here are 7 Romantic Resorts in Thailand to Cosy Up your Romance
The Sarojin
Scenic locations, and comfortable & luxurious accommodations, are a perfect set-up for any honeymoon. From hot tubs and jacuzzi baths in the rooms to private dinners on the beach or in the jungle, couples massages, sunset cocktails and sun loungers for two-if, you’re looking to indulge thoroughly in your newlywed status, then this is the place to do it. The Sarojin will do its best to make these days the best days of your life. Book Thailand Tour Packages to mark memorable days.
Four Seasons Resorts, Koh Samui
The Four Seasons Resort invites couples to enjoy the laid-back island lifestyle while having all their home comforts. Various accommodations are offered, including 1-bedroom pool villas, 2-bedroom pool apartments, and family pool villas. During your visit, you may get a relaxing massage at the Secret Garden Spa, practice Muay Thai kickboxing, and utilize the fitness facility.
Private cruises, sunset drinks, private film screenings, private Thai-style sala meals, and private in-villa meals are among the fantastic options to spend some quality time with your partner in the resort by booking Thailand Holiday Packages.
Pimalai Resort and Spa, Koh Lanta
Poking out of the jungle slopes, the Pimalai was built to complement nature. The resort is located on Thailand’s Andaman coast, with the most fudged views from its endless pool for couples to enjoy. The premises are pristine and luxurious, and you will have plenty of opportunities to pamper yourself. The evening time is famous in this resort as you can spend time with each other. The Pimalai Resort and Spa is one of the most romantic resorts in Thailand. So, this allows you to indulge in really romantic moments in complete solitude by booking Thailand Honeymoon Packages.
Layana Resort and Spa, Koh Lanta
Koh Lanta is home to many romance-inducing luxury resorts, and one of the best is the Layana Resort and Spa. Watch the ocean strum shoreline from a beautiful infinity salt-water pool. Tides Restaurant and Sundowners Bar are the areas of specialization of the Layana Resort and Spa, which gives stunning views of the beaches. Book Thailand Tour Packages for Couples and enjoy a romantic Candlelit dinner on the beach with your partner.
The Float House, River Kwai
If you are looking for somewhere a little bit different from staying in Thailand, then a night or two in a floating villa will be a fun addition to your itinerary. The Float House is located on the iconic River Kwai and is the unique setting to base yourself for adventuring around Kanchanaburi. Jump straight into the river for a morning swim, explore the nearby caves, and swing on your deck while you watch the sun go down.
Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp and Resort
Perhaps one of the most atmospheric places to stay in Thailand, Anantara in Chiang Rai is pretty special indeed. With a prime location to take in mountain top views that stretch to Myanmar and Laos in the distance, it boasts spectacular spaces filled with Thai art and design, serene pool sides and romantic restaurants. It’s also home to a traditional mahout camp for rescued elephants. Explore this incredible place by booking Thailand Holiday Packages. 
Romantic Resort and Spa, Khao Yai
Khao Yai, the first national park in Thailand, is where you will find the Romantic Resort and Spa. A rather dreamy resort pool (flanked by six elephant statues) sits in a pristine courtyard, while a decadent spa offers bathing facilities in the style of Japanese onsen(hot springs), a salt room and aqua beds. There are a variety of rooms, many of which have a private balcony, a minibar and gripping views of the pool and mountains. Book Thailand Honeymoon Packages and enjoy the most spectacular scenery with your partner.
Concluding Words
For a romantic honeymoon tour, take your partner to any of these resorts and make your days more special in Thailand. Log into Yashvi Tours and Travels website for the best deals on Thailand Tour Packages from India and get to know all about visiting Thailand.
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thailandmototours · 1 month
Explore the Thrill of Motorcycle Tours in Thailand with Thailand Moto Tours
If you're seeking an adventure that combines the thrill of the open road with the beauty of a tropical paradise, motorcycle tours in Thailand are your ultimate getaway. At Thailand Moto Tours, we specialize in curating unforgettable journeys through the most scenic and culturally rich regions of this Southeast Asian gem.
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Why Choose Motorcycle Tours in Thailand?
Thailand is a country of contrasts, where bustling cities give way to tranquil villages, and dense jungles open up to pristine beaches. The best way to experience these diverse landscapes is on two wheels, where every twist and turn of the road brings you closer to the heart of Thai culture and nature.
Breathtaking Routes: From the mountainous terrains of Northern Thailand to the coastal roads along the Andaman Sea, our tours are designed to showcase the country’s most spectacular routes.
Cultural Immersion: Ride through ancient temples, local markets, and traditional villages, where you can experience the warmth of Thai hospitality and the richness of its cultural heritage.
Customizable Adventures: Whether you’re a seasoned rider looking for a challenge or a novice seeking a leisurely pace, our tours can be tailored to suit your experience level and preferences.
Top Motorcycle Tour Destinations in Thailand
Chiang Mai & the Mae Hong Son Loop The Mae Hong Son Loop is a bucket-list route for motorcycle enthusiasts. Starting and ending in Chiang Mai, this 600-kilometer loop takes you through winding mountain roads, dense forests, and charming hill tribe villages. Highlights include the town of Pai, the breathtaking Doi Inthanon, and the serene Mae Hong Son.
The Golden Triangle Explore the historic Golden Triangle, where Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet. This tour offers a mix of adventure and culture, with stops at the ancient city of Chiang Saen, the Mekong River, and various border towns. The roads here are a mix of twisties and straights, perfect for those who love varied riding conditions.
Southern Thailand’s Coastal Roads For those who dream of riding along the coast, our Southern Thailand tour is a dream come true. Cruise along the Andaman Sea, with stops at Krabi, Phang Nga Bay, and the famous islands of Phuket and Koh Samui. The route offers stunning ocean views, hidden beaches, and plenty of opportunities for water-based activities.
Northeastern Thailand (Isan)Discover the lesser-known but equally captivating region of Isan in Northeastern Thailand. This tour takes you through vast rice paddies, ancient Khmer temples, and along the banks of the Mekong River. It’s a journey through Thailand’s rural heartland, offering a glimpse into the country’s agrarian roots.
What to Expect on a Thailand Moto Tours Adventure
At Thailand Moto Tours, we pride ourselves on delivering a seamless and exhilarating experience. Here’s what you can expect when you embark on one of our motorcycle tours:
Expert Guides: Our knowledgeable guides are seasoned riders who know Thailand like the back of their hand. They’ll lead you through the best routes and ensure your safety throughout the journey.
Top-Quality Bikes: We provide well-maintained, high-performance motorcycles that are perfect for long-distance touring. Choose from a range of models to suit your riding style.
Accommodation & Meals: We care for all your accommodations, ensuring comfortable stays in boutique hotels, eco-resorts, and guesthouses. Enjoy authentic Thai cuisine, with meals included as part of your tour package.
Support Vehicle: For your peace of mind, a support vehicle accompanies every tour, carrying luggage, spare parts, and offering assistance whenever needed.
Why Ride with Thailand Moto Tours?
Personalized Experience: We believe that every rider is unique, which is why we offer customized itineraries and flexible scheduling. Whether you want a short weekend ride or a multi-week expedition, we’ve got you covered.
Sustainable Tourism: We are committed to responsible and sustainable tourism. Our tours are designed to minimize environmental impact and support local communities.
Passion for Motorcycling: As passionate riders ourselves, we understand the thrill of the open road. We’ve crafted our tours to maximize enjoyment, offering routes that challenge and inspire.
Book Your Motorcycle Tour in Thailand Today!
Are you ready to embark on the ride of a lifetime? Whether you’re a solo rider seeking solitude or a group of friends looking for an epic adventure, Thailand Moto Tours has the perfect tour for you. Visit our website to explore our tour packages, check availability, and book your next adventure.
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Why Should Myanmar Be Your Next Vacation Destination?
Myanmar, the present official name of Burma, welcomes international and national tourists who are interested in Buddha and pristine beaches. On a very pocket-friendly budget, you can visit one of the most fascinating Southeast Asian countries. Once, the place had significant historical value from the times of the East India Company and the Indian independence. Though, Myanmar also owes to its magnanimous history of the rulers and breathtaking Buddhist architecture. Give a second thought before booking tickets for flights to Australia from UK and detour to Myanmar for an amazing and unique travelling experience.
This article is dedicated to those tourists looking for off-beat destinations and also couples who are looking forward to experiencing the best phase of their life by spending a memorable honeymoon. Often people choose the honeymoon destinations based on their preference, again sometimes the travel guides and agents suggest to them different locations to explore an enigmatic experience. Whether hills or seaside; all the places have their unique beauty and elegance. If you are an adventurous traveller, then book your tickets for business class flights along with the best safari packages and desert explorations to experience something new.
So, if you’re interested in enjoying a perfect Burmese vacation at a cost-effective rate- then vacationing in Myanmar can be a great idea. Naypyidaw, the capital, Yangon, and Mandalay- the second largest city in the Republic have the best Myanmar luxury hotels and resorts. 
Here, some details are explained in details that will allow you to understand why Myanmar should be your next vacation destination—
Abundance of luxury hotels and boutique resorts
Mandalay, the pearl of Irrawaddy, the cultural capital of Burma houses some of the fine boutique hotels in Myanmar. Experience the colourful mix of amiable people and culture. Burmese hotels exhibit the stupendous traditions in every single corner with a mix of modern touches in the rooms. You can book suites and single rooms whether you’re off for a romantic getaway or a family vacation. 
Though you have the feasibility to compare and book the flight tickets or the accommodations online from an OTA pre-booking a packaged trip to Myanmar will also keep you relaxed. Just the way you pre-book the tickets for flights to Canada from UK or any other destination, months before the travelling date to save more, plan your trip to Myanmar at least three months before and book the tickets during the shoulder season to avail of more discounts. In the same way, explore and pre-book the accommodations at the premium resorts of Myanmar with hot deals.
Ideal for honeymooners
More or less everyone wishes to spend their post-nuptial vacation at the best honeymoon destination. But they also have to think of budget, locating the destination and think about the travel distance as well. In this article, we will offer some tips to locate the right destination. Myanmar should match their expectations without any doubt. 
If you’ve recently tied the wedding knot and wish to go ahead for a proper honeymoon in a tropical country- Myanmar serves the finest deals as they have the true essence of the thousand years of traditions mixed with their humble behaviour towards their guests. At a very pocket-friendly investment- Myanmar hotels can offer you the hottest deals throughout the year. 
Excellent food
Burmese food is world-famous. You’ll be fascinated to explore the mouth-watering food they serve from the world-class hotels to the local sacks. Try the nangyi thoke- the famous main Burmese main course along with the tea leaf salads with shrimp sauce, nuts etc. 
Explore the Buddhist pagodas. For additional adventure, buy a ticket for the balloon ride on Bagan and go for a river cruise with your partner or family whenever in Myanmar. 
Water & beach activities 
Myanmar offers fun-filled water and beach activities. Water scooty rides, wave surfing, swimming, diving, scuba diving, windsurfing, snorkeling etc are some of the top activities that attract tourists. If you’re intrigued to book tickets for flights to Bali from UK as Bali is one of such islands of Asia that offers a complete package of entertainment and fun- you might enjoy Myanmar with a cultural twist!
Enjoy this Asian country for the enriched culture and heritage besides the outstanding geographical wonders.
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thailiveabordno1 · 5 months
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South Siam 3 runs twice weekly 3 day / 2 night trips to the Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai, Surin islands and Richelieu Rock. Divers can make a longer trip by starting on the right day (ask us for details - see more information and prices below). The South Siam boats are low budget options but are about the only option for a short 2 night trip that includes the amazing Richelieu Rock. 2 day / 1 night trips are possible starting most days with diving at the Similan Islands and Koh Bon. Overnight trips do not include Tachai or Richelieu Rock. Trips begin almost any day during the high season (late October - early May), but if you want a 3 day / 2 night trips including Richelieu then you must start on Wednesdays or Sundays (South Siam 3) or Saturday or Tuesday (South Siam 4). The South Siam 3 and South Siam 4 boats are built to almost the same design, sleeping 28 guests maximum. The boats can be crowded on some days as there may also be day trippers on board.
Koh Bon Island included (chance of Manta Ray)
with trips starting Tuesday and Saturday Similan Islands only starting Monday, Thursday and Friday
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SOUTH SIAM 3  Deck Plans
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SOUTH SIAM 4 Deck Plans
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Trip cabin prices per person: Lower/main deck twin/double bed cabin: USD 379  
Duration: 1 night Max no. of dives: 7 Trip highlights: manta rays, turtles, schooling fish & big pelagics Diving environment: advanced divers, beginner divers, very popular, wall diving  
Sample itinerary: Similan Islands every day, except for Koh Bon on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Day 1 Your pick up is between 6-7 am if you stay in a Phuket hotel or at 07:45 hrs if in a Khao Lak hotel. Once at Thap Lamu pier in Khao Lak, a speedboat will take you to the Similan Islands where the MV South Siam is moored. Meet the crew, grab a hot drink and enjoy the welcome briefing before being assigned to your cabin. Set up your dive gear and you are ready to start having fun as there will be 4 dives around the famous dive sites of the Similans. A continental breakfast plus Thai main meal dishes offered in buffet-style served on the upper deck will help you restoring the calories lost during the day, and also to discover more about the delicacies of the local cuisine.  
Day 2 Enjoy a maximum of 3 dives around the Simians or alternatively at Koh Bon. Diving from a liveaboard will give you the chance to explore at your leisure the sites and marine life that populate these waters: leopard sharks, whitetip and blacktip reef sharks, schools of batfish, moray eels hunting or resting inside small crevices, snappers, barracuda, triggerfish, surgeonfish and unicornfish. The national park hosts breathless underwater topography and a great variety of marine life. Huge granite boulders with caverns and swim-throughs are a natural playground for enthusiastic divers who search for sharks, schools of reef fish, as well as a whole range of macro critters including countless types of nudibranchs, frogfish and pipefish. Koh Bon is famed for its frequent manta ray encounters. Koh Tachai provides an opportunity of catching glimpses of ‘big stuff’. Then be transferred by speedboat back to Thap Lamu at 4:30 pm, then on to your hotel in Phuket or Khao Lak. Breakfast and lunch are served on this day.  
[Information is best estimate in ideal circumstances and subject to changes beyond our control. The itinerary is a guide only and may be adapted to best suit the weather, tides, currents, availability and other prevailing events. Price is for the cruise, not for an exact number of dives].
SOUTH SIAM 3 3D/2N 11 Dive Similan-Koh Bon-Surin-Ricgelieu Rock NORTH ANDAMAN ITINERARY    
Trip cabin prices per person: Lower/main deck twin/double bed cabin: USD 625 Duration: 2 nights Max no. of dives: 11 Trip highlights: whale sharks, manta rays, turtles, great macro life/ marine diversity Diving environment: advanced divers, beginner divers, very popular, wall diving  
Sample itinerary: Similan Islands every day, except for Koh Bon and Koh Tachai on Tuesdays and Saturdays, Surin and Richelieu Rock on Wednesdays and Sundays Day 1 Your pick up is between 6-7 am if you stay in a Phuket hotel or at 07:45 hrs if in a Khao Lak hotel. Once at Thap Lamu pier in Khao Lak, a speedboat will take you to the Similan Islands where the MV South Siam is moored. Meet the crew, grab a hot drink and enjoy the welcome briefing before being assigned to your cabin. Set up your dive gear and you are ready to start having fun as there will be 4 dives around the famous dive sites of the Similans. A continental breakfast plus Thai main meal dishes offered in buffet-style served on the upper deck will help you restoring the calories lost during the day, and also to discover more about the delicacies of the local cuisine.  
Day 2 Another great day of diving, with 2 morning dives followed by an afternoon dive and either a sunset or a night dive just before dinner. Diving from a liveaboard will give you the chance to explore at your leisure the sites and marine life that populate these waters: leopard sharks, whitetip and blacktip reef sharks, schools of batfish, moray eels hunting or resting inside small crevices, snappers, barracuda, triggerfish, surgeonfish and unicornfish. The national parks host breathless underwater topography and a great variety of marine life. Huge granite boulders with caverns and swim-throughs are a natural playground for enthusiastic divers who search for sharks, schools of reef fish, as well as a whole range of macro critters including countless types of nudibranchs, frogfish and pipefish. Richelieu Rock is your best chance to encounter a whale shark. Eagle and manta rays are also common visitors here during the diving season. Your guides will probably plan more than one dive at this unforgettable site. Huge schools of trevally and barracuda cruise in the currents, and many tiny species such as frogfish, ghost pipefish and seahorses hide in the cracks and crevices. Koh Bon and Koh Tachai will provide extra opportunities of catching glimpses of ‘big stuff’. There will also be plenty of delicious food and snacks for you to enjoy throughout the day. Day 3 Enjoy a maximum of 3 dives around the Simians, or at Koh Bon and Koh Tachai on Tuesdays and Saturdays, before being transferred by speedboat back to Thap Lamu somewhere around 4:30 pm. Breakfast and lunch will still be served during the day.  
[Information is best estimate in ideal circumstances and subject to changes beyond our control. The itinerary is a guide only and may be adapted to best suit the weather, tides, currents, availability and other prevailing events. Price is for the cruise, not for an exact number of dives].
SOUTH SIAM 3 4D/3N 15 Dive Similan-Koh Bon-Surin-Ricgelieu Rock NORTH ANDAMAN ITINERARY  
Trip cabin prices per person: Lower/main deck twin/double bed cabin: USD 734 Duration: 3 nights Max no. of dives: 15 Trip highlights: whale sharks, manta rays, turtles, great macro life/ marine diversity Diving environment: advanced divers, beginner divers, very popular, wall diving  
Sample itinerary: Similan Islands every day, except for Koh Bon and Koh Tachai on Tuesdays and Saturdays, Surin and Richelieu Rock on Wednesdays and Sundays Day 1 Your pick up is between 6-7 am if you stay in a Phuket hotel or at 07:45 hrs if in a Khao Lak hotel. Once at Thap Lamu pier in Khao Lak, a speedboat will take you to the Similan Islands where the MV South Siam is moored. Meet the crew, grab a hot drink and enjoy the welcome briefing before being assigned to your cabin. Set up your dive gear and you are ready to start having fun as there will be 4 dives around the famous dive sites of the Similans. A continental breakfast plus Thai main meal dishes offered in buffet-style served on the upper deck will help you restoring the calories lost during the day, and also to discover more about the delicacies of the local cuisine.  
Days 2-3 Another great day of diving, with 2 morning dives followed by an afternoon dive and either a sunset or a night dive just before dinner. Diving from a liveaboard will give you the chance to explore at your leisure the sites and marine life that populate these waters: leopard sharks, whitetip and blacktip reef sharks, schools of batfish, moray eels hunting or resting inside small crevices, snappers, barracuda, triggerfish, surgeonfish and unicornfish. The national parks host breathless underwater topography and a great variety of marine life. Huge granite boulders with caverns and swim-throughs are a natural playground for enthusiastic divers who search for sharks, schools of reef fish, as well as a whole range of macro critters including countless types of nudibranchs, frogfish and pipefish. Richelieu Rock is your best chance to encounter a whale shark. Eagle and manta rays are also common visitors here during the diving season. Your guides will probably plan more than one dive at this unforgettable site. Huge schools of trevally and barracuda cruise in the currents, and many tiny species such as frogfish, ghost pipefish and seahorses hide in the cracks and crevices. Koh Bon and Koh Tachai will provide extra opportunities of catching glimpses of ‘big stuff’. There will also be plenty of delicious food and snacks for you to enjoy throughout the days. Day 4 Enjoy a maximum of 3 dives around the Simians, or at Koh Bon and Koh Tachai on Tuesdays and Saturdays, before being transferred by speedboat back to Thap Lamu somewhere around 4:30 pm. Breakfast and lunch will still be served during the day.  
[Information is best estimate in ideal circumstances and subject to changes beyond our control. The itinerary is a guide only and may be adapted to best suit the weather, tides, currents, availability and other prevailing events. Price is for the cruise, not for an exact number of dives].
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pronititravelagency · 1 month
Book Online Family Tour Packages – a Gift for Your Family
Planning to surprise your family this holiday season but still confused from where to start and how to make it a memorable time by exploring the hidden charm of nature, enjoying delicious food, and a lot more. The best way is to book a tour package, especially family tour packages that are customized by recognized tour operators to explore amazing places in Cambodia, Myanmar, and varied other destinations. Varied recognized tour operators are offering attractive plans for family tour packages. It will be the best way to elevate your family bonding with the selected package to explore the captivating destinations across Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
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From the rich heritage of Cambodia to the lush landscape of Laos, they design experience of all ages – seeking a personalized touch. Their team crafts customized tour packages and ensuring your family gateway is tailored to your preferences. You can start building cherished memories today and move on the track of happy life.
Choose Attractive Family Tour Packages Online
Depending on your choice, you can book a tour package according to your choice to explore the hidden charm of wonderful nations. Some of the most preferred family tour packages are the following:
8 Days Memorable Trip in Thailand
9 Days - Myanmar Classic Adventure
6 Days - Essential Central of Vietnam Tour
10 Days - Best of Cambodia Tour
15 Days - Myanmar Highlight tour
7 Days - Luxurious Adventure Around Mergui Archipelago
11 Days – The Myanmar Classic Adventures
4 Days - Best of Yangon and environs Tour
9 Days - Luxurious Adventure In Myanmar - The Mergui Archipelago Tour
5 Days - Magical Yangon and the Ancient Temples of Bagan
14 Days - Best of Myanmar Tour
You have to choose the best one according to your choice to explore the wonderful destinations that are sure to keep you engaged and provide you with a better way of enjoying wonderful time. Finding a recognized travel planner is a crucial point to explore the wonderful time. You will find top tour operators offering you the best of tour packages. Choose the best one, know about the packages offered, and leave rest of the work on experts there.
When it comes to find a recognized travel planner to book family tour packages in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and nearby nations, you will find name of Pro Niti Travel on top – transforming the way of tourism. The leading travel agency has become a trusted source where experts are working to provide you with a breathtaking view. So, what are you looking for, book family tour packages and enjoy wonderful time.
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sailawayphuket · 7 months
Yacht Life – Living the Dream with Phuket's Premier Charter Services
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For many, owning a private yacht is the ultimate symbol of luxury. But the reality of maintenance, crew, and expenses makes personal boats impractical for all but the mega rich. Chartering a private yacht provides the same glamorous experience without the hassles of ownership. Phuket’s cruising grounds make it a world-class charter destination, and the island is home to premier charter companies offering access to the yacht life.
- Escape the Ordinary
Chartering a private yacht means saying goodbye to crowded ferries and tourist trap cruises. Groups pick the boat, create their own itinerary, and enjoy the freedom to explore Phuket’s coastline in privacy and comfort. It's an exclusive experience far removed from average vacations.
Savor the luxury of waking up in a new tropical cove daily. Spend days snorkeling and scuba diving off secluded beaches. Watch the sunset over the Andaman Sea from the deck, then dine under the stars. Charter guests can bask in luxury while creating unforgettable memories.
- Live the High Life
Phuket’s charter companies offer stunning vessels designed for comfort, from sleek catamarans to elegant sailboats. Well-appointed cabins provide guests with private space to relax. Crews handle all the sailing, catering, and service, leaving guests free to soak up the luxury.
Options range from affordable smaller boats to ultra-luxurious superyacht boat charters Phuket. Bask in decadence with amenities like infinity pools, media rooms, and personal chef service. Chartering the largest, most well-equipped boats lets you experience the utmost yacht lifestyle.
- Island Hopping Adventures
Charters can easily access Thailand’s most famous islands and hidden gems. Spend days underwater with spectacular scuba diving and snorkeling sites. Visit the famous beaches and villages of Phi Phi and Phang Nga Bay. Discover remote islands with empty shores.
Longer itineraries open up cruising to islands across Southeast Asia. Multi-week charters can island hop through Thailand, Myanmar, and Malaysia. Custom charters tailored to guests’ interests make anywhere in the Andaman Sea accessible.
- Unsurpassed Service
Phuket’s premier yacht charter companies excel at delivering outstanding service. Experienced teams handle every detail, from provisioning to itinerary planning. Captains blend local knowledge with seamanship to ensure smooth, safe cruising. Professional crews provide attentive service while anticipating guests’ needs.
Companies adhere to strict safety standards using well-maintained vessels. Thailand’s weather rarely disrupts charters, but contingency plans ensure guests’ comfort in any conditions. Reputable companies work to craft once-in-a-lifetime experiences backed by top-notch service.
- Scuba Diving Paradise
Phuket’s location in the Andaman Sea puts pristine dive sites within easy reach. The area’s diverse underwater landscapes draw divers from across the globe. Charter guests can dive and snorkel at world-famous sites like Richelieu Rock without jostling with crowds.
Multi-Day charters provide opportunities to dive into lesser-known reefs and wrecks. Avoid repetitive dives by exploring different sites each day. Combine diving with island hopping and watersports for the ultimate active charter vacation. Add specialty courses for divers looking to expand their skills.
The Bottom Line
Chartering makes enjoying a luxury vacation simpler and more affordable than owning a yacht. Groups can split costs and customize their perfect shared experience. For special occasions or bucket list dreams, chartering a private yacht makes paradise accessible. Rather than a far-off fantasy, yacht charter Phuket companies turn elite yacht vacations into reality.
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mclawservicesltd · 7 months
Prospects of Blue Economy: Realizing the Blue Dream of Bangladesh
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What is Blue Economy?
The Blue Economy conceptualizes oceans and seas as “Development Spaces” where spatial planning integrates conservation, sustainable use of living resources, oil and mineral wealth extraction from the seabed, bioprospecting, sustainable energy production, and marine transport.[1]In layman’s terms, it encompasses all the activities of the economy that transpires directly or indirectly at seas and the oceans, or centering seas and oceans as well as the coastal waters. Contrary to predominant previous practices that have been around for so long which focused on resource extraction and financial benefits, Blue Economy tries to strike a balance between extraction of benefits and maintaining the resource supply.[2]
Prospects of Blue Economy for Bangladesh in Comparison with the World:
Bangladesh has a 710 km long coastline with an exclusive economic zone of 200 Nautical Miles inside the Bay of Bengal. Following the settlement of its maritime dispute with neighboring India and Myanmar, Bangladesh has now acquired 118,813 km2 of the territorial sea, 200 nautical miles of Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and a substantial share of the extended continental shelf.[3]
China is the world’s 2nd largest economy and enrooted to become the first economy by 2028 has seen a massive rise of coastal economic transaction. The total production value of China’s maritime economy increased from RMB 1068 billion in 2002 to a staggering RMB 7761 billion in 2017, contributing to about 10 percent of China’s total gross domestic product. The procedure of economic valuation to identify the worth of ocean-based industries to national economies has been particularly embraced in China since 1996.[4] In Europe the blue economy represents roughly 5.4 million jobs and generating a gross added value of almost €500 billion a year, playing a vital role in the continent’s GDP. Underlining the blue economy as an untapped source for fueling sustainable development the Prime Minister expressed her resolve to turn the Bay of Bengal into a hub of economic development and prosperity in the First International Workshop on Blue Economy in 2014 held in Bangladesh.[5]
With lucid and visionary planning Bangladesh can build infrastructure that is unparallel to any other sectors. Economic Experts opined that if Bangladesh utilizes its marine resources actively and sustainably, it can be a middle-income country within a short period.[6]
Sectors of Blue Economy:
Twenty-six maritime economic functions have been identified by the government of Bangladesh from among the fishery, maritime trade and shipping, energy, tourism, coastal protection, maritime safety, and surveillance for the development of the blue economy in Bangladesh. These functions include Coastal shipping/Feeder services, Seaports, Passenger ferry services, Inland waterway transport, Shipbuilding, Ship recycling industries, Fishery, Aquaculture, and Mariculture, Marine aquatic products, Marine Biotechnology, Energy Extraction namely oil and gas, Sea salt production, Ocean renewable energy such as wind, wave and tidal range and currents offer a significant potential to contribute to low-carbon energy supplies for regions with appropriate coastal features; Blue energy (osmosis) and biomass, Aggregates mining (sand, gravel, etc.), Marine genetic resource, Tourism Coastal tourism,Recreational water sports, Yachting and Marinas, Cruise tourism, Coastal protection/Artificial islands/Greening coastal belts, Coastal protection: Artificial islands, Maritime safety, and surveillance.[7]
Planning and Materialization of Blue Economy: 
Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen stated, “Bangladesh considers the blue economy as one of the cornerstones for its economic growth and socio-economic development,” in an international webinar titled “Blue Economy in Post-Covid-19 Era: Resilience Strategies for the Coastal States” that was convened by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University(BSMRMU).[8]To better coordinate Blue Economy initiatives across sectoral ministries, the government in 2017, formed the “Blue Economy Cell’ under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), following the recommendation of the Planning Ministry. The Shipping Ministry has created a work plan to accommodate the Blue Economy goal of the government consolidating the sectors of tourism, container freight, and port management. To persevere domestic innovation for exploring the potentials of Blue Economy the Bangladesh Oceanographic Research Institute (BORI) and Bangladesh Institute of Maritime Research and Development (BIMRAD) have been established for the creation of a marine scientific community in the country. 
Challenges of materialization of Blue Dream:
While it is true that the Bay of Bengal holds a great source of wealth and means of sustainable growth for the country, the harsh reality is that we lack the necessary skilled manpower to seek this lofty Dream. Though the government swiftly mobilized to capitalize on the resources it obtained through the international dispute settlements, years of negligence have created a vacuum. However, the best way to ensure sustainable exploitation of the ocean economy would be to first formulate planning then integrate the planning sparsely after gaining experience through the execution of spatial ministerial planning.
[1] Rear Admiral Md. KhurshedAlam (Retd.), BLUE ECONOMY –DEVELOPMENT OF SEA RESOURCES FOR BANGLADESH, <https://mofa.gov.bd/site/page/8c5b2a3f-9873-4f27-8761-2737db83c2ec/OCEAN/BLUE-ECONOMY–FOR-BANGLADESH#:~:text=The%20objective%20of%20the%20Blue,and%20long-term%20time%20frames> accessed on 27th February, 2021.
[2]Moutusi Islam and Lam-yaMostaque, ‘Blue Economy and Bangladesh: Lessons and Policy Implications’ (2016) 2 Economics 1.
[3] Md Shahidul Hasan, “Maritime Verdicts and Resource Exploration for Bangladesh”, BIISS Journal, Vol. 35,
No. 3, July 2014, p. 227.
[4] Alistair McIlgorm, “Ocean Economy Valuation Studies in the Asia-Pacific Region: Lessons for the Future
International Use of National Accounts in the Blue Economy”, Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, Vol.
2, No. 2, 2016, p. 10.
[5]Supra note, 1.
[6] Md. Monjur Hasan, B. M. Sajjad Hossain, Md. JobaerAlam, K. M. Azam Chowdhury, Ahmad Al Karim,
Nuruddin Md. Khaled Chowdhury, “The Prospects of Blue Economy to Promote Bangladesh into a Middle-
Income Country”, Open Journal of Marine Science, Vol. 8, 2018, p. 355-369.
[7]Supra note, 1.
[8] ‘Work plan prepared to tap into potential of blue economy’, The Daily Star, <https://www.thedailystar.net/city/news/work-plan-prepared-tap-potential-blue-economy-2009561>, accessed on 1st Marchh, 2021.
For More Visit Our Firm- MCLaw Services Ltd.
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nishanthtechnexy · 8 months
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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New E-2D arrives in Japan for the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/19/22 - 08:17 in Military
A future JASDF E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is unloaded at the port of the Iwakuni Marine Corps Air Station, Japan, on October 18, 2022. (Photo: U.S. Marine Corps)
The U.S. Marine Corps unloaded an E-2D Advanced Hawkeye AEW (Airborne Early Warning) aircraft at the Iwakuni Marine Corps Air Station for delivery to the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF).
The U.S. Marines unloaded the aircraft from a cargo ship on October 18, before its formal delivery to Japan.
Japan has a total of 13 E-2D aircraft ordered to replace an equal number of the old E-2C Hawkeyes, which have been in service since 1983. Japan is also the largest E-2 operator outside the US.
Northrop Grumman delivered the first of the new E-2Ds to Japan in 2019 and was scheduled to deliver a total of five fuselages by the end of 2022, according to the initial plans. The aircraft that was unloaded on October 18 is the fourth known fuselage to be delivered.
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Developed for the U.S. Navy as a twin-engine aircraft-back, command and tactical battle control aircraft based on aircraft carriers, the E-2D was also acquired by France.
The E-2D AHE represents a two-generation leap in technology compared to its predecessor, the E-2C Hawkeye. The aircraft features a new radar and updated aircraft systems that improve support capacity and increase readiness.
The centerpiece of the E-2D AHE is the APY-9 radar system, specifically designed to provide enhanced surveillance detection and tracking capability against advanced threat aircraft and cruise missile systems in open terrestrial, coastal and ocean environments. With the addition of air refueling capabilities, the E-2D remains the most advanced command and control platform in the world.
Tags: Military AviationJASDF - Japan Air Self-Defense Force/Japan Self-Defense Air ForceNorthrop Grumman E-2D Advanced Hawkeye
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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