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This is long and I don’t even know why! :P It has a lot of Bughead’s friends, a lot of Reggie (cause I love the guy), Archie’s birthday party for Jughead, many smutty mentions and it turns a tad steamy at the end! Thank you so much to the both of you for your lovely words, darlings!! I hope all of you enjoy! <3
“Alright, I know that with Jason’s current RIP situation my question could be considered blasphemous, but I’m so dying to ask, no pun intended. How fiery was the Blossom ginger in bed after all, P?” Veronica smirked foxily, her attention solemnly focused on perfecting the burgundy nail polish on her toes.
“I’m still in the room you know.” Cheryl’s voice came cold and annoyed from behind her, the redhead beauty dropping dramatically the Vogue magazine she was reading on her bare legs that seemed to go for miles on the beige sofa she was occupying. The brunette just shot her a look over her shoulder.
“Well, nobody invited you in this room to begin with.” Sarcasm and New York attitude mixed in a perfect combination, Veronica knew how to push the bottoms of her frenemy like a pro.
Cheryl just scoffed, her attention going back to an article about belts and pricey pashminas, Veronica mouthed a ‘thank you’ in mockery and Betty let a soundless chuckle. The night was indeed going to be fun.
It was a night filled with giggles and girly banter inside the Lodges’ luxurious apartment at the Pembrooke. After seeing Polly’s utter happiness at the baby shower, the older girl just longing to have her sister and friends close after spending years in the solitude of that god-forsaken place her mother had forced her into, the gatherings of the three girls, along with party-crasher Cheryl, were frequent and very much enjoyed by all to say the truth. Alice Cooper was starting to get a tad more lenient too, seeing as Betty was standing her ground and dreading the possibility of losing both her daughters, so tonight Betty Cooper had an allowance slip to spend the night at Veronica’s for a much needed and ridiculously girly slumber party.
The apartment’s spacious living room was transformed so only the beige sofa was in its original place but with comfy mattresses laid in front of it and covered with a sea of colorful puffy pillows and warm knitted blankets and duvets, creating a cozy huge bed for all the girls to rest on. The Lodge women had gone all out with the food too; colorful cupcakes and any flavor milkshakes, chocolate donuts, all kinds of sweets and candies, salty treats, pop-corns, nachos, you name it. There was even a large plate of chocolate brownies exclusively for Polly, since they were her favorite and she was always craving them now that she was expecting. Betty felt eternally grateful for what Veronica and her mom were doing for her sister. Of course they had helped themselves to everything while watching a couple of classic rom-coms, the light entertainment making them forget the crazy world they were living in and actually have a laugh, and now that Hermione had retired to her own room for the night, the girls found the opportunity to move on to the most cliché part of the night; beauty and boys talk.
“C’mon, don’t be shy with me now Polly Cooper, I need to know!” Veronica urged on the blushing teen who was across her, resting comfortably back surrounded by a ridiculous amount of pillows, and pinched her ankle lightly, making her giggle. “I’ve seen pictures; he was a total smock show! Was he offering a spectacular show in the bedroom too?” she burst out laughing at her own words and Polly joined along with Betty, who was lying on her elbows next to Veronica, peeking through a photo album and munching some pastel blue marshmallows.
“He was amazing.” The girl finally cracked in a naughty whisper, sending the two girls in front of her in a shrieking round of giggles. “We had this real chemistry, you know? It was intense and loving at the same time.” She went on to explain with a lovely smile, missing him terribly.
Cheryl’s groan of discomfort and inappropriate jealousy made them all three roll their eyes in amusement.
“Ugh, that chemistry thing must be a real deal and it sucks that I’m missing out.” Veronica flinched in annoyance, blowing on her nails. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I had plenty and awesome sex back in New York” she shot the Cooper sisters a smug grin “but being with somebody that makes your head spinning just by his presence alone sounds pretty orgasmic tbh.” She sighed in disappointment.
Betty let an equal sigh but hers was blissful, while biting another marshmallow. “Yeah, it is.” A small smile creeped on her rosy lips as the feeling of Jughead’s soft lips came to her mind.
“Like you’d know.” Cheryl shot her down apathetically, turning another page of her magazine. “All you and creeper Jones do is reenact CSI and keeping it PG; lame.”
The blonde frowned in offence. “Not that it’s any of your business, but we are not doing only that.”
“Oh c’mon, Betts! Yeah, Cheryl is the epitome of dramatic, but a little reality check here?” Veronica abandoned the nail polish to the side, adjusting her silver nightie to sit cross-legged and face her best friend. “You’re dating now what, nearly two months, and the only physical contact is the hand holding and simple pecks. You are sixteen, not six.” The brunette said cleverly.
Betty opened her mouth to reply, a blush rising on her cheeks due to embarrassment but also slight irritation. What she and Jughead had was special, unique. They might not have been as typical as their perpetually horny peers but they had that intensity, that need for each other and their presence, even if that was still expressed with loving, small kisses and simple, innocent touches. They were something more than just sex and that made Betty’s heart race even more.
“That’s us. We like it that way.” She laconically stated, not wanting to spare more details because she was sure they wouldn’t understand.
“Which roughly translates into you being a prude and him probably hiding the fact that he lacks in size.” The redhead replied tactless and with her usual bitchy tone, joining the circle of girls on the floor too, intrigued by the new topic of conversation.
“We are not lacking in anything.” Betty threw back stubbornly, sitting up annoyed now and sending a deathly glare to Cheryl.
“Don’t you, like, need to push him on the nearest wall or, I don’t know, make out shamelessly with him until there’s no oxygen left in your lungs?” Veronica wandered with a sexual glint in her chocolate eyes.
“My lungs are left without oxygen every time I see him passing by or smile at me.” Betty shrugged in a girly manner, a lopsided lovely smirk decorating her lips at the thought despite her irritation towards her friends. They just rolled their eyes, brushing her off, thinking that the idea of true love without any sexual undertones was idealistic and overrated. “And we do kiss more and make out when we are alone, it just happens that we actually talk and communicate like normal people do too.” She spat in defense at their impolite behavior.
Veronica just turned to Polly, desperately trying to prove herself right. “When did Jason make a move to even unbutton your blouse?”
The girl in question blushed and smiled shyly, her answer colored by girly appreciation. “Third date.”
“And when did you make a move to take off his shirt?” the brunette went on with a naughty smile of her own.
“Same night. We ended up making out all night long in your wine cellar at Thornhill.” Polly smiled cheekily at Veronica and Cheryl, the first girl gasping a laugh and the second letting a disgusted, vomiting sound.
“See?” Veronica turned to Betty with a look of triumph. “And that’s your sister speaking, not me or Cheryl.” She pointed out and Betty’s eyes went to Polly who just nodded reluctantly, as if to agree with the female majority of the room.
The blonde curled her arms defensively over her white and turquoise stripped pajama shirt. “There is a lot of thigh caressing and-and neck kisses!” she shared stubbornly, not quite understanding why she felt the need to justify her relationship and its value to anyone. “I even had a small hickey on my collarbone last week, you saw that!” Betty offered in a high pitched voice upon seeing them unconvinced.
“Wow, B, raunchy indeed.” Veronica replied deadpanned, Cheryl snorting besides her in equal boredom. “I get that it’s the first time for the both of you and taking it slow is acceptable but we’re talking about turtle pace slow here!” she insisted in exasperation, Betty feeling uneasy under her scrutinizing gaze. “Plus, you know, slow is good but fast is way better.” The sexual innuendo and her naughty smirk made Cheryl and Polly laugh loudly along with her, the blonde girl across them flinching and pulling the sleeves of her pajama awkwardly.
“Can you stop already? Jug and I are fine, end of discussion.” She shook her head, upset at their ongoing laughter.
“Trust me, Betty Draper, make your move or else he’ll be snatched by someone that’s not afraid to get her knees a little dirty, if you know what I mean.” Cheryl threw her fiery tresses over her shoulder in her usual snobbish manner. “I hear Jughead Jones has become quite the eye candy amongst the River Vixens lately.” She grimaced in appreciation, Veronica doing the same next to her.
Betty shrunk to a smaller size, her insecurities kicking in with every small comment that came out of Cheryl Blossom’s full lips. Maybe she was wrong, maybe she indeed was a prude after all, maybe she needed to do something or worse, maybe she wasn’t attractive enough in that way. Seriously, that must be it.
Polly must have sensed her inner panic attack. “Alright, there’s no need to think all the negative scenarios now, okay? Maybe they aren’t ready yet and that’s fine, Betty, truly.” She smiled warmly at her sister and the younger Cooper offered her a small smile back, thankful for her intervention. “And if you want to ask anything or just talk, we are here okay? I am here.” She assured her, like she always did when they were kids and Betty was scared of the dark, squeezing her hand affectionately.
“Yeah, first rule of Polly Cooper’s erotic handbook: Always double check condom dates.” Veronica teased and burst out laughing, Cheryl joining her too and Polly threw a pillow at them while Betty smiled, a little too fake for it to restore her previous mood.
 “Is it really mandatory for me to be present at this thing?”
“Well, seeing as it is your birthday party, I think yes.”
“No, it’s your house party.”
“Yes, but for your birthday.”
“But in your house.”
“Jughead! Enough; we’re throwing you a party and that’s final!”
Jughead’s growl of discomfort echoed loudly inside the otherwise empty student lounge, the raven haired boy slouching on the red couch at the center of it, long legs resting on the coffee table in front of him and Crime and Punishment opened pages-first on his lap. His best friend was lying equally lazily on the armchair next to him, poking his phone and sending Facebook invites to pretty much every one on their year, inviting them to the first party of the season. Fred Andrews was going to be out of town for the weekend, inspecting a new construction site at Greendale and, since Jughead’s birthday happened to be on Saturday, Archie thought it would be an amazing idea to throw a birthday party for his best friend and now roommate. Needless to say, Jughead hated the idea with passion.
“My last birthday party was when I was ten and you and I tried to finish a giant triple chocolate birthday cake in one sitting.” They had both ended up in the hospital that evening from an allergic reaction due to sugar overdose. Jughead never regretted eating the chocolate goodness but then again having his birthday in a hospital bed throwing his guts out and nearly fainting was not an experience he wanted to relive. “Think how well that turned out and stop now.” He tried to snatch the phone out of his hands but Archie dodged him quickly, his athletic reflexes strong and efficient, kicking Jughead’s boot with his converse over the table.
“It’s done now. Everyone is invited over at ten.” The redhead sent him a smug grin, locking his phone and burying it in his pocket.
Jughead sighed in despair, eyes flattering in irritation. “I really don’t wanna spend an evening with numerous bottles of vodka walking around in human form.” He complained with his usual sarcasm, sinking more into the couch. “If, and I say if, anyone actually comes to this thing.” He didn’t think any of his classmates would be very eager to come celebrate the birthday of Jughead Jones III.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Cole Sear, if it wasn’t for my man Andrews and the free booze we wouldn’t care less about your baby birthday candles.” Reggie, the only other student inside the small room, who all this time occupied another couch at the very corner, nose buried in his phone that vibrated from some action game noises, interfered with his usual bitterness regarding anything Jughead Jones.
Jughead rolled his eyes and mouthed a “told you” to Archie who just shook his head, indicating for his best friend to not pay him any attention.
“Didn’t see you in your room last night.” He then went on, changing the subject.
“Is lacking observation one of your character flaws too now?” the other boy teased him with a side smirk, Archie smirking a little back with a scoff.
“My eyes are fine, thank you very much. I woke up to pee and saw your door open. Your bed was messy, as always, but you weren’t there.” Archie raised an eyebrow, amused at his friend’s behavior.
The wheels in Jughead head turned in lightning speed; he wasn’t very careful with his sneaking out yesterday as it seemed. “Um, I-I was just, you know—” he tried to find an excuse but Archie cut his stuttering short.
“You were at Betty’s, weren’t you?” he gave him a naughty smirk, enjoying so much the fact that he was the one teasing him about girls for the first time. Jughead opened his mouth to object, faint blush on his ears and all, but Archie didn’t let him. “Don’t even try to lie, my room is opposite hers. I’ve seen you sneaking up her room a million times before.” His grin became even smugger, if possible.
Jughead sought help from the abandoned book on his lap, bringing it up to pretend that he went back to reading, only to just have something to seal his face from Archie’s pleased one. He cleared his throat uneasily. “I…Yeah, I might have gone over for a while…” there was no point in denying it actually.
“You sneaky bastard!” Archie laughed loudly, kicking his sole again, earning a side glance from his grumpy friend. “How long has this been going on?”
“Since we started like…seeing each other.” Jughead’s words were hesitant, him twitching nervously on the couch. “It’s nothing, we just talk and stuff.” Talk and stuff, great Jughead, there goes your eloquence and your affluent vocabulary, just by a simple mention of Betty Cooper.
“Oh please, I’m not my dad, stop bullshiting me!” the ginger boy scoffed. “I don’t want details for obvious reasons but is it good?” his eyes shined with boyish curiosity about the sacred world of sex.
“Is what good?” Jughead rumbled back in total oblivion.
Archie fixed him an ‘are you kidding me’ glare. “Are you really going to pretend that everything is just cool and casual between you two?” he stopped abruptly when he saw his friend shaking his head in confusion. “You two are like doing it, right?” he hesitated by asked.
“No, we are not.” Jughead replied in a blink, a tad embarrassed and offended.
“WHAT?!” two voices exclaimed in disbelief, Archie sitting up straight and Reggie dropping his phone to open his arms in exasperation.
“I don’t understand your surprised and, bottom line inappropriate, reaction.” Jughead sat up too, fixing his flannel over his t-shirt with a deep frown just to occupy himself with something.
“I told you!” Reggie shot up from his seat to join the two boys, pointing a finger at Archie. “I told you that all Barbie doll and Ken-Ken here do is play house and eat maple syrup only on pancakes at Pop’s.”
Jughead frowned more at Reggie’s incoherent sentence. “Seriously, Arch? Are we locker room gossip now?” he turned to his friend offended.
“Dude, you’re the couple of the month; everyone is talking about the two of you!” Archie defended himself. “Are you being serious about the whole ‘not doing it’ thing?” it was impossible for his mind to grasp it.
“Yes!” he groaned.
“And what do you do? Snoop around police files, break into mental facilities and discuss clues?” Archie wondered with narrowed eyes and a face of utter confusion and slight disgust.
“Pretty much…” Jughead nodded with a thinking expression.
“Jesus Christ, I knew you were retarded, Count Orlok, but this level of freakiness? I am truly impressed.” Reggie shrugged in appreciation, taking a seat next to Jughead who eyed him uncomfortably. “Do you get turned on like that?” he wanted to know with genuine curiosity.
“What-No!” Jughead snapped his eyes shut in embarrassment. “Me and Betty are different, we…we take our time.” He nodded to himself, slouching back, not really liking being the center of the conversation.
“Is this what she wants?” Archie tried to understand the situation, figuring that Betty was the one not ready yet.
“Not really… Both, I think… We haven’t really discussed anything of that kind…” he started stuttering again, eyes darting nervously around the room.
“Well then, make a move!” Reggie urged him on. “What kind of couple are you without getting down and dirty?” he smirked naughtily and sent a wink to Archie.
“A real one.” Jughead shot back deadpanned, raising his eyebrows cleverly. He and Betty weren’t just physical. They were bounded by heart and that was the most important thing for him and he hoped for her too.
“Seriously man, intimacy” Jughead raised his eyebrows again in surprise at the use of the word from his friend, Archie sending him a glare to drop it “is going to bring you closer, make what you have stronger. I mean, don’t you want to know what it feels like? What it’s like being with her in every way?” he wondered more secretively.
To say that he never thought about any of that would be a lie. Jughead always knew that he was in love with her but since they had started growing closer and trying out this thing between them, something had awaken in him, something he never felt before towards any woman. He liked touching her, liked having her flat against his chest, liked her lips, the feel of her hair, her full of promises female curves. Taking it to another level was something that excited him but he would rather take his time than rush into something that maybe both of them weren’t ready to experience yet.
“I do…” he answered to his friend and hesitated. “I just… I don’t know.” He huffed defeated, running a palm over his face. Maybe they were right?
“Man… I don’t get you; both of you.” Reggie went on, dropping back on the couch. “First you, Archie, you turned her down. Now you, Marilyn Manson, have her but insist on keeping it all vanilla and clean… I mean if I had Betty, mmm” he hummed in delight “the things I would do to those lips… And those legs, dude—” he bit his lip with a dreamy stare.
“Say another word and you’ll see the things I will do to this disrespectful face of yours.” Jughead lashed forward in a jealous range, Archie’s hand coming to grab his shoulder to restrict him and Reggie rising his arms up in surrender, still maintaining his teasing smirk though.
Kevin’s head popped from the doorway right on time, searching for something or someone but smiled upon seeing his friends. “Two jocks and a loner, well, isn’t it the start of yet another cliché 90s movie?” he teased them while walking further inside to join them. “What are we talking about?” his eyes glinted with curiosity.
“My love life.” Jughead flinched at his words and dropped back on the couch with his usual broody, ‘so done with the world’ attitude.
“Or lack therefor.” Reggie butted in cleverly, earning two side glares from Jughead and Archie.
“Oh, same old.” Kevin waved a hand dismissively, bored already with the topic. “As if we didn’t know already that Betty and Jughead are even more boring than any amateur porn clip ever made.” Reggie laughed loudly at that, giving him a thumps up.
“Alright, I will not stay here to endure any more of this invasion of my, or Betty’s for that matter, private life.” He got up annoyed, gathering his belongings with urgent, angry movements. “Find something more significant than gossip to fill up the void of your dull lives, will you?” Jughead threw to their faces, because he was angry and angry Jughead was not a filtered Jughead. Luckily for him his friends just chuckled soundless at his outburst, trying to hide their amusement behind ridiculous grimaces, as he stomped to the door.
“Hey, Jughead” Reggie said his name for the first time, the boy in question actually rising his eyebrows in surprise and alarm and turning to face him “try to relieve some tension with Betty Boop, okay? It seems like your right hand doesn’t help much anymore.” And with that he was out the door with a fuming growl, still hearing the roaring male laughter of his friends at his shameful condition as he turned left to head to the Blue & Gold for some much needed peace and quiet. Something that was impossible since their words still clung at the back of his head all day long.
Saturday night came rather quickly much to Jughead’s dislike and apparently everyone came, much to his dislike again. The party was now in full swing with sweaty bodies packed inside the now open area of the Andrews’ living room, chatting and mingling and dancing to some vulgar R&B whereas others were occupying the hallway or the kitchen, all of them armed with red plastic cups filled with alcohol.
Although grumpy as always, Jughead felt like he was enjoying himself a little. Having a house party and acting like a normal teenager was indeed refreshing, not to mention that his friends were all gathered together, plus the chocolate with Oreo cookies frosting birthday cake that Betty had made for him was heavenly delicious. But the highlight of the evening was one and only again; Betty Cooper in her whole glory, walking around with a dress that should have been considered illegal.
He rested back at the kitchen counter staring at her, absentmindedly swaying the cup of soda in his right hand. She was chatting with Veronica and some girls from the cheerleading squad and stealing shy glances from him, her face beaming with happiness. Her make-up was light as usual but with the Seduce Scarlet shade she, and secretly Jughead too, loved on her lips and her golden hair down in loose waves, grazing her bare collarbones that her off-shoulder dress left uncovered. It was a great dress, Jughead noted for the millionth time that night with a gulp; a little under her mid-thigh, form fitting and a seductive burgundy and his eyes had nearly dropped off their sockets upon seeing her entering the house all smiles and strawberry perfume hours ago to help them deal with last minute preparations. He honestly didn’t know where to look; her delicious collarbones, her sinfully pointed-out curves, her legs that went on for miles on a pair of medium high beige heeled sandals, her eyes that shined in joy every time she looked at him through the crowd of people. Without a doubt she was the most stunningly beautiful girl in the room. And she was his.
“We’re trying desperately to find some booty to tap and Ozzy Osbourne here has a so-called girlfriend and still stands back like an idiot, drinking alone. Man, life is so unfair.” Reggie Mantle’s characteristic voice brought him out of his reverie and Jughead inhaled deeply with closed eyes to suppress the annoyance that he felt just by the douche’s presence alone. What was his deal with him lately anyway?
“Maybe you should reconsider your astonishing choice of words, Reggie.” Jughead snapped back in his apathetic manner, taking a sip from his virgin drink.
“Or maybe you should reconsider your life choices, Freaky Friday.” He offered back cleverly, resting back on the counter next him, both of them now watching the party from afar. “Look at her.” Reggie pointed at Betty that was now laughing at something Tea shouted over the music. “She put on that pretty little dress, which definitely doesn’t belong to Ms. America, fight me all you want on that, just for you and you just sit here and stare! You are humiliating the whole male population right at this very moment!” he groaned in exasperation, not believing that somebody was that bump not to jump face first at such opportunity.
Reggie had a valid point; Jughead knew that Betty was putting an effort to impress him tonight. The dress might still have been of her taste and elegance, not too revealing or skin tight, but then again it wasn’t something she would buy at a normal trip to the mall. He appreciated that and, truth be told, there was a small discomfort in his pants whenever his eyes dropped to her killer legs or to her firm behind, swaying seductively as she cheerfully wandered around.
Archie and Kevin marched inside the kitchen too, the two boys laughing at something and being drenched with sweat, quickly heading for a refill of their drinks from the numerous liquor bottles on the kitchen island.
“Now that’s an odd combo of people.” Kevin commented upon spotting Jughead and Reggie slouching at the corner together, Archie raising a curious eyebrow next to him while sipping from his beer.
“Take him away, he’s annoying.” Jughead whined.
“I’m just trying to knock some sense into his air-filled head. Quick question, gentlemen.” Reggie turned to face them, intrigued to prove himself right. “Do you think that our sweet little Betty wants to seduce this stupid idiot tonight, yes or no?”
“Of course!”
They said in unison with equal clever expressions and Jughead dropped his head back with a groan.
“Dude seriously, stop pulling a Mr. Darcy!” Kevin complained, tired with his friends’ cat and mouse game. “She wants it, she’s just being subtle about it but the dress can’t lie. It screams Veronica and we all know our friendly New Yorker means anything but innocent.” His lips formed a smug grin and Reggie exclaimed a satisfied ‘I knew it’, punching Kevin on the shoulder in a bro manner, the boy stumbling back with a painful expression.
“Alright, listen to me.” Archie walked to his friend, resting an encouraging hand on his shoulder. “There is a party; inhibitions are low, adrenaline is in the air… When is there gonna be a better time to make your move?” his voice was just an echo at the back of Jughead’s head, the boy being caught in a dilemma. His body was telling him hell yes but there was something holding him back; fear, nerves, cowardice? He didn’t know. What he truly knew though was that Betty looked sinfully irresistible that night and every guy in the room could see it.
The girls from the cheerleading team walked away from the two best friends to join a group of jocks playing beer pong whereas Veronica twirled Betty under her arm, before grabbing her hips to move her to the beat, the blonde beauty giggling shyly but hesitantly moving her hips to the way Veronica guided her. Her eyes connected with his again; he smiled, she bit her lip.
“Dude, seriously, go! She’s so ready!” Reggie shook his shoulder urgently, having caught the exchange between the couple, Jughead squirming away from his grasp annoyed and frowning like a five year old. “Take one for the team.” He used bro talk, like that would even work in Jughead’s case.
“He’s not even in the team.” Kevin narrowed his eyes at Reggie’s goofiness, the latter just elbowing him to shut up.
“GO!” the three boys finally exclaimed in exasperation, being so done with him and his tactic of beating around the bush.
“OKAY!” Jughead yelled in the same tone of voice, annoyed and angry at his friends but mostly at him and his ridiculous self and his now sweaty palms. Suddenly the room felt a little too warm, like it was suffocating him.
“Here.” Reggie took something out of the pocket of his jeans and slipped it in the front pocket of Jughead’s, the boy looking down in confusion and then snapping his head back at him in horror, upon realizing that he had just given him a condom. “Now, go make her scream.” He fixed his flannel and Archie pushed him forward by his shoulder with a smug smirk, Jughead tripping over his long limps, dizzy and disorientated by Reggie’s unusual behavior and what he was about to do. Why did it matter so much to his all those years tormentor if he got laid? And most importantly, was he seriously going to get laid?
Holy shit.
Back at the living room, the two dancing girls kept enjoying the beat of the pop song that blasted through the speakers. After some minutes of awkward swaying, Betty had found her footing and the much needed confidence to dance next to someone as gorgeous as Veronica and she was actually having a blast. Betty loved dancing and she was good at it. Maybe not in a ‘make people stop and stare’ way but she definitely got moves and she definitely knew how to work her hips, now even putting a bigger show as she knew her boyfriend’s eyes were on her back. She felt excited at the simple naughtiness of the thought that maybe he was getting excited by looking at her acting her like just any other girl her age.
“Poor boy, he doesn’t seem able to even blink away from your goodies Betty Cooper.” Veronica giggled naughtily, pushing her hair back and checking at the boys in the kitchen over Betty’s shoulder.
“Really?” the blonde exclaimed in disbelief.
“Duh! He just stands there and gawks!” she chuckled lightly at his misery. “Not that I blame him; the dress looks smocking on you, B, I was right about it.” She smiled widely in satisfaction that she was yet again right.
Betty creeped over her shoulder to catch a small glimpse of him, indeed looking at her with that intensity in his baby blue eyes. “I don’t know, he always looks at me like that.”
“Well, if that’s true, let’s push him to the breaking point.” She winked subtly at her and grabbed her hips, making their bodies move seductively and in sync over the beat.
Betty knew what her best friend was doing; she wasn’t that much naïve as everybody thought she was. She knew that Veronica hadn’t suggested for all of them to get ready at Pembrooke just for more added girls’ fun nor had she insisted on Betty trying on the very dress she was wearing now just because she thought the color would look good on her, subtly pestering her to abandon her choice of outfit, consisting of a silk camisole and some mini but still modest skirt. Betty knew Veronica was trying to light the fire between Betty and her boyfriend. The blonde girl didn’t know if this was going to work but, even though she felt out of her element, she had put on the dress. One, because it made her feel powerful and two, because Jughead’s expression upon seeing her all dressed up for him was totally worth her nervously shaky legs.
Now the brunette just wanted to perfect her devious little plan. In her opinion, Betty and Jughead wanted just a small push in the right direction and Veronica Lodge was more than willing and able to help. So she rolled her hips in coordination with her best friend’s and laced her arms behind her neck, her pointer beckoning the raven haired boy over with a foxy look from her chocolate orbs when she saw him stumble awkwardly out of the kitchen.
“He’s coming over. Go get him, vixen.” The brunette whispered to Betty’s ear and the girl panicked a little, only for Veronica to give her a reassuring smile as she danced backwards and away from her to get lost in the sea of dancing teenagers.
Betty turned around with a dashing smile. That seemed to ease his nerves a little. “Hey there, birthday boy.” She purred sweetly, lacing her hands behind his neck. “Came over to dance the night away?” she teased him.
Jughead smiled at her, leaning down to close his own arms around her waist. “You know that I don’t dance.”
“Too bad.” She pouted adorably and he couldn’t help but chuckle, even though he could feel himself sweating all through his shirt. And was his heart beating this fast before?
“I missed you tonight.” Jughead whispered against her lips, hating the fact that all those people kept them occupied and not with each other.
“Yeah, me too.” Betty sighed, rubbing her forehead against his. “Let’s go upstairs for a little bit. I could use some piece and quite with you.” Her heart was thudding like crazy against her chest and she was sure her cheeks were flushed at this point, let alone her legs that felt wobbly and unsure. But, nervous or not, she had made her mind.
Jughead gulped at that; okay it was really happening, don’t freak out please. The room was even more suffocating him now, her perfume was making him dizzy and the curve of her body against his was driving him crazy. As if she sensed his nervousness, she chinned up and placed a small, sweet peck on his lips, Jughead deepening it to his own surprise, the need to feel more of her suddenly overwhelming, and if it wasn’t for her pulling back after a while he would still be there, lost in time and space. She smiled again and brushed a thump lightly over his lips to wipe away the red lipstick she left behind and he chuckled breathlessly, before their eyes connected in a silent agreement and she took his hand to pull him behind her. He felt like he was in a sauna now, sweat and nerves in knots over his stiff body, and he brought a hand to undo one button of his flannel for a desperate need for air.
“Get it, Jones!” he heard Reggie howl over the loud commotion of people and music from his spot still inside the kitchen, as the jock watched them head to the stairs, and a lump appeared in his throat now too, making his throat dry and his long limps even more uncooperative than usual.
Betty walked them down the hallway of the second floor and reached the spare bedroom that now belonged to him, pulling him inside with a shy smile, leaving him to close the door behind them. He watched her walk to the mahogany dresser and leave her empty red cup there, before turning to face him with an anxious but still beautiful smile.
A famous hit from The Weeknd – Starboy, if his minimum knowledge in contemporary music wasn’t failing him – started playing from downstairs, sending the teens in a wave of loud cheering that faintly vibrated to where they were standing. Jughead started laughing.
“What?” Betty asked with an adorable confused smirk on her lightly smudged lips.
“I’m having a house party for my birthday, vulgar R&B is playing and I’m getting lured into a dark bedroom by a model-like girl. When did my life become a crappy CW teen drama?”  He exhaled the breath he was holding all this time and slouched back against the door, eyes shining with adrenaline and something else, something he didn’t even know how to describe. His hands nervously went to his pockets and his left one came in contact with the metallic package of the condom, sending his nerves on overdrive once again. Was this happening for real? Will he be any good?
Betty chuckled lightly, shaking her head. “You forgot to mention that this so-called model-like girl is also a cheerleader.” She walked slowly to him, circling her arms around his neck again, both of them smirking at each other. “Plus, you actually look pretty damn hot for a heartthrob teen actor.” The girl murmured the compliment against his lips sexily, feeling his large palms caress down her back to her waist before cheekily resting on her butt.
“I’ll make a poster of my ridiculously charming face for you to put it on your bedroom wall.” He teased her back with a smirk, relishing to the feeling of her pressed against him.
“What’s the use when I can have the real thing whenever I want?” Betty sighed in desperation and ended their conversation, leaning forward to join their lips in a heated battle for dominance, both of them needing to go hard and fast. He felt her arch her back to have him closer and he inhaled heavily, rising in his full height and grabbing her cheeks to force her lips more on his demanding ones, wet smacking sounds filling the room and making them dizzy. He started walking and pushing her backwards, Betty clawing his shoulders to find her footing as he was making her unsteady, until her knees found the edge of his twin bed.
She lay back down, pulling him by his flannel on top of her, their lips disconnecting with a soft gasp as they collided with the mattress. He captured her lips again with heated urgency, her squirming underneath him to move them to the center of the bed, feeling his whole weight on top of her and kissing him back with equal frenzy. Their lips were nibbling and sucking, soft sighs leaving her lips, and he started to pant, as their clothed chests were rubbing deliciously against each other and one of his legs was between hers, hitching up and making her dress rise up her tanned thighs. One of his hands got buried into her golden tresses, closing a fist around them and angling her head to smother her with more feverish kisses, Jughead moaning lightly when she sucked wetly on his down lip and then he almost came right here and there as she sucked on his tongue, long and sensually, like how she would suck another part of his. He felt a growl rip through his chest, foreign and primal, and his hips involuntarily bucked against the inside of her bare thigh, his jeans getting tighter by the minute. How they had gone from zero to one hundred in a matter of minutes was incomprehensible to him.
“Do you want that?” he pulled back to whisper breathlessly, his voice raspy and deep, and took a minute to look at her with her closed eyes, swollen lips, disheveled hair and misplaced dress; she looked thoroughly sinful and he was losing his mind, fast. His head dropped to her neck, spreading wet, open-mouthed kisses all over the soft skin and Betty’s sighs became louder, especially when he started paying attention on her pulse point. Proudly, he left the mark of his lips there as a badge of honor and well-deserved “stay away” sign to Reggie Mantle.
“Only if you do too.” The worlds trembled through a needy sigh as her hands caressed from the back of his neck to get buried inside his hair, effectively pushing his beanie off to drop next to them on the bed, and Jughead nodded against her skin, breathing loudly against the hollow of her neck before licking a trail from her left collarbone to her right.
“I don’t know what to do” he exhaled a deep manly breath, upon coming up to face her, digging his fingers in her hipbones “but I wanna do more.” He confessed, needy and desperate, and she just nodded, pushing his face down on hers again to steal his breath away with her lascivious lips, her off-white nails grazing his scalp and fisting his hair, wanting to have him as close as possible.
Her hips started to rub down against his thigh and he took that as a sign that it was time to start doing more things. Jughead trailed kisses down her jaw and settled on the other side of her neck, his palms coming to caress from her thighs up her sides and then her bare shoulders and collarbones until his fingertips dipped slightly under the hem of her dress. He pulled back for permission and he saw her nodding while biting her lip, her fingers anxiously fidgeting with the material of his flannel on his elbows. Jughead gulped audibly; he was about to see breasts, even so Betty’s breasts, for the first time in his life.
He lowered the material with shaky fingers and heavy breathing, until it was just skin and elegant white lace, the color of innocence contradicting with the color of fire she previously had on. Her breasts were pushed up deliciously, round curves tantalizing his teenage mind and creating a mental imagine that he was sure was going to occupy his wet dreams from now on, and he just gulped again not knowing what to do. He only just stared shamelessly, feeling himself panting and growing inside his jeans but being completely clueless as to how to proceed.
Lucky for him, Betty found a little confidence in her and regarding the look of admiration and boyish attraction he was giving her, she rose off the mattress lightly. Without breaking eye contact, she unhooked her bra and pushed it hesitantly to the side and to the floor, the undergarment useless anymore. She laid back and waited for his approval, dreading from the inside the rejection she always got to experience regarding boys, trying her best to put a brave face and not let her insecurities show.
For Jughead, she was the most beautiful sight his eyes had been ever blessed to witness. His Adam’s apple bobbed upon dropping his head to take a proper look at the round mounds, full, heavy and with dark pink nipples perky and erect already under his ministrations and his gaze. One of his hands caressed from her stomach up until his fingers reached the soft flesh and their pads run over the hard peak, hearing Betty taking a sharp intake of breath and roll her head back at the foreign sensation. Good, that was good, he mentally noted.
He brought his other hand up too and started fondling the soft flesh with no sweet or innocent moves but experimenting with massaging them and groping them urgently and flicking the hard bundles of nerves, loving the little sounds she was making and the way her body arched to meet his hands. One of her own hands covered his and squeezed her breast hard, indicating for him to use more pressure, before her lips opened wide and she whined loudly, him growling at this new side of Betty and dropping on top of her to shove his tongue inside her inviting mouth. But as the kiss grew fast and messy and his hands kept exploring with harsh, inexperienced movements along with the hungry rubbing of their hips, something snapped inside him.
Suddenly he could hear everything and not just her delicious sighs or desperate whines. Jughead could hear the crickets outside, the hollowing of the wind, the buzzing from the people downstairs, the loud bass vibrating through the walls, the giggling of people in the next room, probably in the same position as them, the scratchy noise of his jeans against her dress, the bed lightly creaking underneath them. But most importantly he could feel his left pocket getting heavier and heavier, the condom inside it making his chest rise and fall with anxiety this time.
His palms became sweaty, his breathing uneven and he couldn’t concentrate on anything else but the heavy feeling he had low on his stomach. The room was suffocating him once again but this time he couldn’t even breathe. What were they doing? Were they really going to lose their virginity hastily at a party so for Reggie and any other jock to hang a metal of masculinity around his neck and the label of ‘easy fuck’ around hers? Because even though he hated labels and she did too, that was high school and high school meant unfair gossip and anachronistic beliefs that boys were boys and girls were just sluts. Suddenly he felt sick; sick at the image of them letting other people control their lives and criticize how they were going to live it. They deserved better than that; she deserved better than that.
A loud commotion of voices started downstairs, the door of Archie’s room next to his opened and closed with loud thuds, some faint moaning was coming from Fred’s master bedroom, girls were giggling outside the bathroom. Jughead felt her stiffen underneath him, slightly a tad less urgent that she was at the beginning, and he took that as an opportunity to stop and pull back, palms still covering her breasts.
“Juggie, are you ok?” Betty’s green eyes, although filled with sexual arousal, looked up at him with concern, a hand coming to caress his cheek affectionately.
“I’m sorry, Betty, I…” he hesitated, feeling ashamed that he was yet again going to be not enough for her. “I can’t.” he sighed a loud defeated sigh before he snapped his eyes open in alarm. “I want to, and badly if I might add, but here with all these people and with everything going around I just—” the words died on his lips and he waited for the disappointment in her eyes or pity or anger but nothing like that happened.
“I love you, you know that by now right?” she assured him lovingly, her thump caressing his cheekbone in affection. “And either we have sex now or tomorrow or next week or next month or even year I will still love you like I do now; unconditionally and endlessly.” Betty confessed with all honestly and he exhaled the breath he was holding all this time, dropping his hands from her breasts to rest on her sides, his semi buttoned flannel coming to cover them.
“I’m sorry, it’s just doesn’t feel right. I want this to be something special, like the kind of special we are, you know?” he tried to explain with a sigh. “It didn’t feel right.” He mumbled again.
“I know.” Betty sighed too, running her fingers up his scalp, messing his hair. “I didn’t feel that must comfortable too to be honest.” She admitted in a smaller voice, biting her lip unsure.
Jughead’s eyes snapped up to hers. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you stop me?”
“I guess I wanted to get this over with? I know that’s lame and unacceptable but the girls kept saying—” she gasped as his pointer came to her lips to shush her.
“No one and I say no one, not the girls not your sister not your mother not anyone else has the right to interfere in your life and show you how to live it. It’s your own damn choice, Betts, your own body for that matter and you should let people know when they are crossing a line, myself included. Always.” Jughead told her with determination, hating the fact that she felt the need to prove anything to anyone.
“You are right.” She nodded in agreement, feeling embarrassed and a tad stupid for letting people like Cheryl get under her skin. “It wasn’t that I didn’t want it to happen with you…” she wanted to let him know that she desired him that way, that in another time and place she wouldn’t think twice before giving her whole to him.
“Believe me, I get the feeling.” He gave her a small smirk and grounded his still painful hard on more on her thigh to offer his solid proof, Betty blushing and biting her lip at the butterflies the action erupted in her stomach. “And I was brainwashed by peers too.” She looked at him in disbelief. “Shocker for me but yeah. And the worst part is that when I say peers I mean mostly Reggie.” He admitted with a sigh of regret.
“Reggie? Seriously?” Betty exclaimed incredulously. “Why does Reggie care about our relationship?”
“I honestly don’t wanna know. And I promise no more hanging out with Reggie; he brings a fuckboy side out of me and I feel repulsed by it.” Jughead frowned in disgust.
Betty giggled light. “You’re way too affectionate and well-read to be a fuckboy.” She assured with and leaned up to peck his lips slowly, him sighing into the kiss and burying his fingers into her hair.
“I love you.” He whispered lovingly to her, rubbing the tip of his nose against hers.
“I love you too, Juggie.” She whispered with an equal tone, smiling blissfully with her eyes closed. “So what do we do now?” Betty frowned up to him, not really sure if she was ready to go down and face the ridiculous questions of her friends.
“How about we lock this door and we do a Scream marathon? You know put in use my brand new TV and DVD player that Fred kindly bought me as a gift?” his eyes shined with excitement and gratitude towards the man that opened his house and his arms for him to find shelter. “I even have snacks stored because, well, that’s me and I can give you a t-shirt to change or something ‘cause even though I love this dress on you, it seems highly uncomfortable.” He scanned the garment with a boyish clueless expression, making Betty chuckle before pecking his lips playfully.
“Sounds like a plan to me!” she agreed with a wide smile. “But what about the others? They’ll think that we…” she raised her eyebrows to send her message across.
“What? Are having hours-long, mind-blowing sex? Fine, let them think that.” Jughead shrugged without a care in the world. “No more worrying about what other people think of us; we know where we stand and what we have and that’s not gonna change.” Jughead assured her looking at her eyes with determination and utter love for her. “Plus, that’s not entirely a lie since a) I saw the most amazing pair of breasts today” Betty rolled her eyes at that, blushing “and b) when we start having sex, believe me, it will be hours long and mind-blowing every time.” He spoke against her lips in what seemed a sexy whisper.
“How can you be so sure?” Betty whispered back, biting his down lip lightly and hearing him gasp.
“Because we are us, babe. And us together is perfect.”
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@crunchrocket reblogged your post and added:
I made the mistake of reading this in public…
OMG! Your Gif! A ++++++ use!! And thank you, love!
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my 300+ follower appreciation post~
first of all, I’d like to apologize for taking much longer than I had promised for I hit over 300 the same night I made that post about doing an appreciation post orz there were personal issues a lot of them involved in me not posting on time
despite that, I took the time to go through all of my follower pages and tagged each follower till this moment :) which is why it took even longer to post this~ 
tumblr wouldn’t let me properly tag some of you, but i appreciate eacha nd everyone so much! i’m so glad for the jonsa family and how we have continued to love and support each other throughout this despairing season~! 
i’m not too good with words, or much else really but let’s remember our words!  winter is here~
@beeha17 , @princess-lea-olicity-swift808 , @princessdayne , @sweatysnow , @jaezayn22 , @amymel86 , @jonquilclegane , @jumikarekhung , @mydearestlauren , @redsansa , @mvaleriiiiup , @dragonflysansa , @lovaholic-robotronic , @wouldsmellassweet , 
@shoutohdoroki , @gold-hatted-lovers , @booklover0829 , @ladycommanderofsalt , @rsabrstark , @super-galeazzi , @theuniverseistheonetruebeing , @kissing-the-sun-at-night , @starsforever1990 , @margaerymurder , @pineappleheartkorea , @h-onyxeyes , @namafia , @reemakins , @nuttynat02-blog , @puregalaxies
@arypowow , @tlynn6126 , @fandom-nerd-ld-ven , @alyssamiaxxi , @letjonsnownap , @thesethangshappen , @shoppingtrolleycat , @yourdearladydisdain , @autumnhair , @shezzowicked13 , @oikawa-tooooru , @epicallycosmic , @lovesweetandsubtleposts , @madrigalp , @quietpower127 
@nykaleat3 , @captainwintertony , @caranism , @marianastark , @gaybie-baby , @twiseei , @emegm , @desperateshaginaskip , @hails0owl , @quietlydesperatelives , @pluna81 , @nyanahc , @graceverse , @crawleylove , @guiltypleasuresgr ,  @nowordshelpmemakesense , @dokado , @crazydaisy1999 , @thatlucreziaborgia , @ifyougoforbloodgoforthejugular ,
@misssophie46-blog , @evilsquirrel18 , @iknowplaceswecaneat , @brujhahii , @mary-rose-grace-love , @iquiethuman , @sweetaspastrytrain , @afandommess , @bgddrgkfsg , @hopelessely-rxmantic , @weekend-wayfaring , @favelfarrington , @captainstarghost , @panssj , @gypsycat111
@leya26khalifa , @superfifi15 , @yol101 , @mjc199 , @crunchrocket , @theklynnsmith , @aprilisreckless , @nicolas-morelli , @itsnawia , @annielovebug22 ,  @snehathings , @jamkam123 , @saracollinskay , @sabrinahines30 , @achapterbreak , @rayyvenous , @elodin-the-namer , @yonosenadadelmundo-blog , @gingerlou0120 , @knnkng 
@patrek-cerwyn , @tayl0crow , @cenareignsambrose , @ishouldbestudyingrightnow26 , @warcraftofworld , @snowbby19 , @evabreath , @acrylicbooks , @englishrroses , @lopeeeeezzz , @albinoflamingoes , @foregoneache-blog , @nutellaninja0001 , @here-4-kylo-ren , @elmo08115-blog , @thealykat , @empresstocomplete 
@themagnificentcat , @wolfmaiden25 , @bisney , @siriuslytalking , @prongs5 , @liluranimue , @queenofsnowheart , @poliearbear , @ritzintherabbithole , @mysticalcheesecakefury , @flashbang728 , @commanderstark , @abi117 , @peachesmyhart , @jamesbarnes9 , @ongeduldig , @lesslie1518
@nhz98 , @world-of-westeros , @foxie-ladyy , @yemmy1758 , @artform1 , @nahmesis , @faith-ken-doll , @asongforjonsa , @moonwner , @somethingofpeace , @oncealittlebird-nowashewolf , @jeidjdufjjf , @hippocratology , @livnicole971 , @theprincesthatwerepromised , @danzcoach24 
@sheldonwillneverruleitoutnow , @lackadais-ical , @xmoonbeamsx , @deansdarling1283 , @poisonousmind , @cocoliso13 , @crazyharleenquinzel , @infinitegraces , @stormforasoul , @lovegameofdead , @savelveteen , @the-bohemian-demon , @justarandomnerd01637 , @blaugrana-almighty , 
@hopeyourehappynow , @speedilydelicateballoon , @casa-de-awesome , @drowning-in-you-summers , @theknightwolf82 , @timidmunster , @thatshowwestroll , @mollyraesly , @sadiemaeg , @northremembcrs , @adiiguner, @starkiller9993 , @pangeasexual , @aneternalfangirl , @xiaosaobi99 
@sarjear , @seeyouonthegayside , @those-crazy-chicks , @wasm-alajmi , @itstime2cry , @masarudovic04 , @thelushtoaster , @willowmidnightr3d , @marinaandtheunicorns , @trippybassist , @dashabast , @ehhhhrin , @relavnt , @eve0737 , @rosegold-darling , @purplefloofs , @kiliandkillian , @myrish-lace-love 
@nessa1393 , @serbert4 , @domnaranjo15 , @maddiekinoshi , @stage-of-fools , @robynismydiamond , @sometimesigetgiddy , @natthedwobbit , @hanna-vincent , @i-read-alot-of-books , @prettyshardsofglass , @lcdyofwinterfell , @allthingsnerdyfan , @leprakans , @hatake-shishou , 
@katthemusical , @affirmationm , @makeaplanetsetagoalwor , @fabledfangirl , @danibwills , @tayanassayag , @lmuckiaeen , @no--te--necesito , @jshloon , @suveniii , @little-big-bang , @asph99 , @hanatalesofthenewage , @silvio256512 , @random-histories , @itscupcake , @andtheyllnevereverevercatchme 
@complex-clockwork , @lemoncakez , @trinuviel , @medurith , @swansansa , @glimpseofmidnight , @lorecraft33 , @direwolflemoncakes , @eva-freesoul , @genxarry , @darkflame9098 , @jh0i-mari3 , @lonelysoul6996 , @stonesnows , @quillinkandmuse , @scarlet00rose , @nyssanobody , @sophmounty 
@feyre-nightcourt , @riticho , @sophietvrners , @aryawolfchildstark , @almiraislamey , @sansa-for-jon , @dracossoul , @shafran7 , @pittsburghgirl15 , @blloom1234 , @lena02342 , @ranyaf25 , @mellowpeanutstudentworld , @queenbolyen , @likelyfoe , @5sostag
@darknesscanbefoundwithinoursoul , @signalfire915 , @flashingarrows81 , @aknowsnothing , @hyacinth-girl , @thewolvesmouth , @kategisel , @thisshitisfuckingfunny , @lunaticonthegrassblr , @cheapp-thrillls , @blood-of-winterfell , @becarefulwiththatonelove , @winterosas , @dendronhils 
@ravenpoems , @charlotte-wressell , @peacestark , @sicilianlemon , @duchess-sophie , @aubraye , @sasotu21 , @teammcarter , @mochaelfatbender , @briannaheatherrae , @jilfar-blog , @ranmanwen , @spnwolves , @bianca-spirit , @ada1705 , @kimfarewell , @cryingb0ys 
@lttdv , @forsansabaelish , @itsbrittfutch , @maidenxofmischief , @nerdfighterextraordinaire , @rockthegon , @darthdregden , @mjorn777 , @gina86440 , @zairabia , @fiphigenie , @luxuriasdance , @gallavantinggallavich , @lau-less , @floravan , @dreadlavellan , @borderlinemangle 
@youngrapunkzel , @blogging-silently , @imnotapologizingforwhoiam , @leestafford912 , @lieselstark , @lyarasnow , @iron-knees , @vanityfaire000 , @batofthecanals , @mochasmati , @snyderblondie-blog , @misgraffed-giraffes , @ibelieveinthegoodthingscoming , @northstarbirdlady , @pbandjimothy , @iheartsheamus23 
@achelaebalu , @ktextreme1 , @denizgzkra , @gabriel-ahs , @jon-sncw , @mshorsenc713 , @stormycalm360 , @ accdntprne16  , @mikotas , @born-into-the-fandom , @goodforzaylena , @greatengineerdinosaur-aac6eb62 , @omg-cathvelasquez 
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The Serpent and The Swan - Ch.4
@rarecolesprouse @juggiebettyy @eltroplectris @crunchrocket @marissamon @--blossom-- @bugheadtrashh @iamcamerashy @oooooidk @jennfordays @efquinn @believe-that-you-can-my-friend
Thank you all so much, you sweethearts for being so lovely about this chapter. Trying to get over these damn writing issues is so much easier when you get such amazing responses to what you put out. And Vera, your comments are invaluable, they help me see my work from a different perspective with the detailed response you offer and I’ll be forever grateful. 
Next chapter just needs to be edited and then I can upload!
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deathlydelight · 7 years
Tagged by @eedaasif Thank you dear 💕
RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. THE LAST: 1. Drink: sprite 2. Phone call: my dad  3. Text message: Some public advisory regarding text scams 4. Song you listened to: Luna- The Smashing Pumpkins 5. Time you cried: a while ago 6. Dated someone twice: nope 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yup (I was heavily inebriated then) 8. Been cheated on: yup 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: yes 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Several times but not recently (I’m a good girl now 😝) LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS:
12.-14. pink, silver, and periwinkle IN THE LAST YEAR, HAVE YOU:
15. Made new friends: yes 16. Fallen out of love: no 17. Laughed until you cried: yup 18. Found out someone was talking about you: i think 19. Met someone who changed you: I guess everyone I meet changes me in some way 20. Found out who your friends are: yeah 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I guess most of them 23. Do you have any pets: Yes, my little pomeranian princess haha 24. Do you want to change your name: no 25. What did you do for your last birthday: nothing really. I just hung-out with some friends to watch a movie the night beforer 26. What time did you wake up: 6am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. Name something you can’t wait for: The season 2 of Riverdale and the possible ComicCon breadcrumbs hahaha 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a few minutes ago 31. What are you listening to right now: Linger by the Cranberries 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes I think? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: lack of concern or sensitivity for others 34. Most visited website: Tumblr and twitter are quite tied now 35.-37. This didn’t have any question next to it! Who knows…… 38. Hair colour: Dark brown  39. Long or short hair: Medium length 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yup  41. What do you like about yourself: My creativity and resourcefulness at times when such skills are especially needed 42. Piercings: I have one on each ear 43. Blood type: A+ 44. Nickname: Charm 45. Relationship status: single 46. Zodiac: Cancer 47. Pronouns: She, her 48. Favourite TV show: Riverdale, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Brooklyn 99, Daria, Agents of Shield 49. Tattoos: none 50. Right or left handed: right 51. Surgery: none so far 52. Piercing: see question 42 53. Sport: none but if I had the money for it I want to pursue car racing like the F1 haha 55. Vacation: I would like to go backpacking through Europe someday  MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Vienna Sausages 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: fall asleep  61. Waiting for: Riverdale Season 2 and ComicCon  62. Want: stability  63. Get married: Maybe  64. Career: legal/law if I pass the bar :) WHICH IS BETTER: 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs!  66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Taller 68. Older or younger: Older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: yup 75. Drank hard liquor: yes a lot during my undergrad college days  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex on the first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: Maybe? Idk 80. Had your heart broken: yes. 81. Been arrested: never 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: I try to 86. Love at first sight: I wouldn’t really call it love but I get attracted  87. Santa Claus: not anymore haha 88. Kiss on the first date: nope  89. Angels: yup OTHER: 90. Current best friend’s name: Jesse and Caress 91. Eye colour: Dark brown (almost black) 92. Favourite movie: Clueless and the Godfather Im now tagging these people:
@rileybabe @hellodmncdp @thedenisecarla @lovemesomechoco @crunchrocket @quirkyanya @dorothytv10 @thethoughtsofanorangelady @gershwinn @gogenevieveart @mariafernandez4 @thatfangirlingfreak @iamcamerashy @efquinn @jansatabi @crownbeaniepastelsweater @jandjsalmon @freetimefase @manictipsyfangirl @fiendfyrx
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jennimisk · 7 years
Music Tag Game
I was tagged by some of my favorite Buggies @juggydunes and @ficmuse
Rules: list the top ten songs you are listening to nowadays and tag (ten) mutuals.
1) Waves- Dean Lewis 2) Don’t Let Me Down- The Chainsmokers 3) Something Just Like This- The Chainsmokers 4) Believer - Imagine Dragons 5) Jar of Hearts- Christina Perri 6) Now Or Never- Halsey 7) Eyes Closed- Halsey 8) Got It- Marian Hill 9) Creep - Kina Grannis 10) I Try- Jasmine Thompson
I’m tagging: @a-girl-named-whiskey @strawpple23 @crunchrocket @cheryllclayton @1sleepydormouse @xoheatherkw @redpandariffic @starlitsummersky @it-happened-one-starry-night and @marissamon
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tea-and-cardigans · 7 years
Thank you so much to @believe-that-you-can-my-friend and @jandjsalmon for tagging me!
Tag 9 people who you want to know better
Relationship status: Married
Favourite colour: Green
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last song you listened to: Owner of a Lonely Heart - Yes (it was on the radio)
Last movie you watched: The Avengers
Top 3 Characters: Betty Cooper, Sherlock Holmes, FemShep
Top 3 Ships: Bughead (Betty Cooper x Jughead Jones), Sherlolly (Sherlock Holmes x Molly Hooper) and Flaurel (Frank x Laurel).
Books you are currently reading: Battle Royale by Koushun Takami and Dangerous Women by Various Authors.
Top 5 musicals: (In no particular order, and just the ones that come to mind first) Calamity Jane, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Kinky Boots, Hairspray and Little Shop of Horrors.
I would like to tag:
@batninja02 @bugheadjones-the-third @xobughead @raptorlily @bettysjuggie@bugheadotp @bugheadsunshine @justanotherbugheadtrash @crunchrocket
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deathlydelight · 7 years
Music Tag Game
Tagged by @gogenevieveart , @gershwinn and @rileybabe Thanks for the tag, guys 💖 Ten songs that you listen to these days + tag ten mutuals Lost- Emily Afton La Vie En Rose- Edith Piaf Silver Lining- Rilo Kiley Gimme Sympathy- Metric High and Dry- Radiohead Seven Nation Army- The White Stripes Young Folks- Peter Bjorn and John When I'm with you- Best Coast Luna- The Smashing Pumpkins Walang Hanggan- Quest* *This is a tagalog song. It is so beautifully sad and tragic. I recommend you guys to listen to this and look for the translation online 😊 Tagging: @crunchrocket @dorothytv10 @quirkyanya @zumpie @lovemesomechoco @freetimefase @vouxmevoyez @manictipsyfangirl @gingerheel @buymemilkandtea
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@crunchrocket I hope I didn’t do much damage and you can all forgive me for making you sin along with me!😂 Thank you so much, dear!! Happy that you enjoyed it! ❤️
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Can I say how taken aback I am with all the amazing and so beyond fluttering words all of you left on my latest fic??? Wow, I’m in shock! Seriously, I tried to express how thankful I am to each one of you but I don’t think I succeeded! You guys are the loveliest!
@okbutbughead Aww, please don’t!! Don’t shed any tears over my stories! Love that my story had that kind of impact but I don’t want any of my words bringing you any sadness! 😘😘 Thank you for reading, so happy that you liked the story! ❤️
@timmyhatesit Yeap, you’re right, it’s just me and my stupid typos due to the fact that I always find more inspiration at night and when I go over my fics I’m usually half-asleep to notice any unintentional mistakes. They bug the hell out of me though so I need to change my writing schedule I guess. 😝 Thank you for your kind words!! 💗 (also great username I’m lol-ing so hard!! 😂)
@doingitwiththedrummer Thank you!! But you are allowed only happy tears!! 💗
@xobughead Thank you so so much, honey!!! 💙💙
@t00-many-feels So happy that you liked it!!! Thank you so much for reading!! 💗
@vouxmevoyez Such a huge compliment, I’m beyond fluttered!! Just wow, thank you very much for your words!! 💕
@nataliekilla Glad that you enjoyed it! Thank you so very much!! ❤️
@jandjsalmon So many people are crying and I feel bad for that! I’m not even sure I should say “happy that you enjoyed it” in that case lol! But thank you nontheless, dear! ❤️ I hope it was a good read!
@riarkledale I’m so excited that you think so! Thanks so much! 💙
@changminn I know, that this was pretty angsty, mess was inevitable! Happy that you enjoyed that! ❤️
@bugheadotp I hope only nice and beautiful feels! Thanks for reading!! 💗
@jugandbettsdetectiveagency Oh wow! Your comments just left me speechless, I don’t even know what to say. There are surely not enough words to thank you! The only thing I can only say is that I feel incredibly honored that somebody as amazingly talented with words as you showered me with such heart-warming and utterly praising compliments. Best thing in the world, truly. Love you, sweetheart! Once again a huge thank you! 💖💖
@juggieheadcoopers Thank you so very much!! I also love your fics so you dropping by to comment to one of mine means the world! Happy that you enjoyed it! 💝
@createandconstruct Thank you, sweetie!! I’m so excited that you liked the story!!! 💙
@birdlovesafish I’m so happy that I made you feel the emotions I was feeling while writing! Thank you very much!!! 💞
@zarahksg Thanks for reading, so happy you enjoyed it! ❤️
@crunchrocket Thank you so very much for you lovely words!! 💝
@hanxleia4 Sorry for all the tears!! Thanks for reading!! ❤️
(I littered the whole thing with heart emojis, I’m sorry, but I desperately want to shower all of you with love, you made the happiest gal alive with all your lovely comments!)
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jennimisk · 7 years
The Tagging Game
Tagging Game: I was tagged by: @crunchrocket and @a-girl-named-whiskey -Thank you, I'm flattered 😘 Tag 9 people who you want to know better: Relationship status: Married Favorite colour: Violet and Peacock Blue Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick Last song you listened to: 'Something Just Like This' by the Chainsmokers Last movie you watched: Moana Top 3 characters: 1) Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper- DO NOT MAKE ME CHOOSE BETWEEN MY BABIES 2) Olive Penderghast (Easy A) 3 Penny Lane (Almost Famous) Top 3 Ships: 1) Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones (Bughead) 2) Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter 3) Pacey Witter/Joey Potter Books you are currently reading: The Handmaid's Tale and The Firebrand 5 top musicals (in my order of preference): 1) Les Mis 2) Chicago 3) A Chorus Line 4) Moulin Rouge 5) Rent I’m tagging, but don't feel pressured to do this: @strawpple23 @batninja02 @1sleepydormouse @bughead-in-the-comics @starlitsummersky and whoever wants to do this
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@crunchrocket replied to your post:
I'm here for the domestic!bughead prompts!! how...
I think I grew a heart reading this one. 😘
Hahaha, aww you’re such a cutie <3
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