#css pricing table
codingflicks · 1 year
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Bootstrap Pricing Table
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divinector · 2 years
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Responsive Pricing Table Get Code from divinectorweb website
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codenewbies · 4 months
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Responsive Price Plan Design
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bedicoder · 10 months
🃏Simple Pricing Card Table in HTML & CSS
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skinsort · 11 months
I don't think I have a ton of followers, but for those who are here, below the cut is basically a very long think piece on jcink skinning that will probably offend a lot of people, but it's my honest take and I'm willing to hear other people's constructively expressed criticisms, and am very open to revising my opinion. I just was surprised by the SOPs I found in the jcink rpc when I started writing this skin and was doing research into whether I wanted to try selling it or not. For anyone wondering about the future the TLDR is as follows: I will probably make another skin and sell it as a multisale and see how that goes. This will probably happen a long time from now. I will probably never take custom commissions. I will probably charge more than people would like for my skins, but I think I have good reasons for that. More below the cut on the actual thoughts.
There were a few obstacles that became immediately obvious when beginning to work on a jcink skin for the first time.
First off, jcink is imo fundamentally bugged.
It has a slow initial load time even on the default skin, always over a second, usually over 2 in my testing. Industry standard is .5, and php (the backend language of jcink's templating system, and i assume the databases), though old, is perfectly capable of meeting that threshold. I personally find this an infuriating fact about jcink, especially since I can do nothing about it.
There are two distinct skins on any site by default, neither of which are responsive. Responsiveness basically refers to whether or not a website looks good regardless of screen size. It's a universal concern in any modern tech company. I understand that when jcink was first written, a lot of what's possible today wasn't available, however we are long since past the time (in my opinion) that it would have been simple for John to reskin the default view of jcink to be responsive and provide that as an alternative to the og defaults. If nothing else, this would provide a better standard for what a 'functional' skin might look like, and maybe even a baseline for people to build off of. Instead we have tables which are generally unusable in modern web design.
Jcink is also not terribly accessible by default. I found text labels missing in several places (for screen reader users), no keyboard accessibility on a few default functions (for people who can't use a mouse), and of course, nothing in the docs to remind people to keep what features there are in the default skin.
Then we have the added complications of the jcink rpc community, the skinners and coder in general within the space. I think I can break down my thoughts on this into three main categories: Price, Product, and People. I have a lot of thoughts about these topics, so bear with me.
Look me in the eyes. Not one single skinner I could find was charging a market rate for front end web development. The most expensive person I could find wasn't even asking for 25% of the money a front end website developer would make for a skin professionally, and I found them because people were putting them on blast for charging as much as they did. The jcink rpc has been getting bargain basement prices on code for EVER, and seems to have NO concept of the time and complexity of writing actually good code.
I have mixed feelings on this.
I have not seen a professional grade skin in the wild, not once, not even my own. The css on my skin is sloppy. There are areas I got a serious case of the fuckits on and wrote some ugly code. There's at least one info page on my site that looks weird af on mobile and I have no intention of fixing it. I say this with love, compassion, and appreciation for everyone who codes for this community. Not one single jcink skin I have ever interacted with would constitute a professional level of work in my field. No one whose work I have interacted with (again, including my own!!) should be charging a fully professional rate.
This is a hobby. We do this for fun. We shouldn't be in an arms race for the prettiest skins, but we are. People like nice interfaces, it will affect their decision to consider or nope out of a site. So, we're in a situation that for a 'not boring' skin, custom skinning has become much more of a norm. In order to have a successful site, admins generally need to invest in a decent skin. With a custom skin, you can easily get to $250 in cost, and I've seen it go quite high from there. That's a lot of money for a site which may not survive. That's a big fuckin' deal. Some people are serial site starters so if one fails, that's fine, the skin can be reused, but I personally have not adminned a site since 2016 until a month ago. If I had sunk $250 into a skin, plus $80 for jcink premium for a site that never took off, suddenly my 'free' hobby becomes quite dear. I think it's only right that there be a certain degree of friendliness in the community when it comes to pricing because of this, even for truly professional coders (again, of which I've seen zero). Skinners are part of the ecosystem and deserve to be properly valued. Admins shouldn't have to pay out the ass just to have a better chance of their site taking off.
There's a great deal of risk involved in most skinning transactions I know of. First off, unlike the real world, we often don't know each other's irl identities. This makes a situation rife for scammers on both ends of the transaction- from skinners not getting paid for delivered work, and customers not getting the product they asked for, if they get it at all. This rightfully affects both parties' feelings on how to adjust pricing to account for risk. If you're a coder, prices should be higher, if you're an admin, prices should be lower. This has been more or less solved for multisales with payhip etc, but custom skins are still fraught, and in a world where plenty of players won't consider a site if they've seen the skin too much, that is still a significant chunk of the activity at play.
So do I think skinners should be paid fully professional rates? No. From what I have seen and learned, absolutely not. It didn't occur to me to track the time spent on my skin until quite late in the process, but if I had to guess I'd put it at about 40 hours worth of work. I'll talk more about this in the product section if that seems like a lot of time to you. I'll throw out a very loose figure and say that $50/hr is about right as a figure for what a professional developer would make doing this kind of work, after tax etc. If you're being responsible about the IRS, it would bump significantly higher. If you multiply that by the 40 hours I spent on my skin, we're getting into multiple thousands of dollars for a custom skin if people were charging professional rates. Now it's very possible that if I made skinning My Thing, that I'd build up a library of components I could pull on to make skins much more quickly. I know for a fact that many skinners do. But even if we say I halve my time on my second skin (optimistic but v possible), we're at $1000 if I was charging the prices I charge my employer to keep me on board. That is CLEARLY unsustainable for a hobby centric community where money never gets involved. So what should pricing look like? I really think that depends on the product.
So. I think there's some room for honest reflection in jcink skinning communities about what is being sold. To contextualize this, I have to lay out the basics of what my general mindset is around what makes a website good for its users.
The obvious one, and the one that I think gets the most attention in jcink skinning is aesthetics. How a site looks, whether it's pretty, etc. I think this is important, I care about things looking good, but out of these five concerns, this one is frankly last on my list of what's important.
UX Design/Functionality. No, this is not the same as aesthetics. Is a site easy to understand, use and navigate. Does it make it seamless for a user to get where they want. Does it provide the contextual information they expect from the page they're visiting. These questions are fundamental for me, and I'd rather have a well designed user experience, than a well designed asethetic experience on a site.
Accessibility. Is a site readable. IS A SITE READABLE. IS A SITE READABLE. Is there enough contrast on a page that a colorblind user could read it? Can you navigate it with a keyboard? How about a screenreader? Is the text large enough for standard screen sizes. Does it stay large enough across devices?
Responsiveness. If someone on a phone visits my site, will they have a good experience in every view? Will they have the functionality they need? What about a tablet? What about someone with a small desktop screen, or a huge one? If I have hovers somewhere on my site, is it still navigable on mobile, or is it now an unintuitive situation? Phones take way longer to load than most computers, do all the assets (gifs, images, multiple fonts, etc) on my site make it frustrating for a mobile user to visit my pages?
Performance. When I said jcink is bugged earlier, performance was one my complaints. The base page load time of jcink is shitty. However, what's worse is when a skin takes a baseline of 2 seconds for pages to load, and bumps it up to 5, 8 or (the worst I've seen) 13 seconds to load after someone tries to visit a page. I have not seen a single jcink skin (aside from my own), which adds less than a second of loadtime to jcink's default performance. Again, in an industry where the basic standard is under half a second, jcink skins do not perform to a professional level.
If a website fails along these metrics, it cannot be considered professional for general public consumption. The problem is, everything except aesthetics requires a considerable baseline of knowledge and practice to do well. These are problems that many fortune 500 companies have not figured out (that's because their execs are dumb dinosaurs, but still). So when it comes to the question of 'how much should a skin cost', I think a skinner is obligated to consider their product. Is it aesthetically pleasing? Is it functional? Is it accessible? Is it responsive? Is it performant? For most skins, the answer to at least three of these questions is NO, and I think that pricing should reflect that. In my opinion, I think most skinners do well with asethetics, some skinners do well with functionality, and I have yet to see any truly accessible, responsive, or performant skins in the wild. When it came to writing mine, I think I needed about 5 hours to get familiar with how jcink worked, and then if I only wanted my site to look good on a desktop monitor, I probably could have spent 10-15 hours to write my skin as a noob having to look up every php variable John uses in jcink's terrible docs. That is not what I did. My skin is fully responsive, it is fully accessible, it is to my personal taste aesthetically, and is very performant (on average .25-.35 added seconds to my load time) despite having piles of functional scripts (all of which i wrote myself) on several pages. I also wrote several things that make my life and my member's lives easier. I have a member directory and face claim that require no work on my end past sorting an accepted character into the right member group. I have an autotracker built into member profiles so people can keep track of their threads. I have a button which allows members with lower end computers to turn off most graphics on the site so their computers don't sound like airplanes taking off. I have a light mode/dark mode switch that guests and members can both use. Personally, I would not feel like a freak for charging $1000 for a custom skin of this caliber. It's half what I would earn normally (using the $50/hr figure from earlier), and it lives up to all my standards for what professional code ought to do for its users vs. one or two. The css is not my best work, but I can say without undue arrogance that it's far and away easier to touch without breaking things than any other skin I've looked at, and the actual interface that people see and interact with is great. Again, the aesthetics are simple and to my taste, but it makes sense and has lots of quality of life bits and bobs in it. I'm proud of it. I understand if that entire paragraph read wildly, but I don't say any of it lightly or with the intention to belittle anyone. I'm trying to contextualize how I think about how price relates to what is actually being delivered. But even though I genuinely feel $1000 would be an excellent deal for the work I have done on my skin, I could not possibly stomach charging that much money to a single person for this skin, which (in addition to me using it on my own site) is why it is not going on sale.
To be honest, I have NO idea how much time a typical skinner spends on a custom skin. My approach is different from most people who do this for the community, and I also do adjacent work professionally and have for many years. I suspect that if asked to achieve all 5 of the above criteria, I would be able to do that significantly faster than most skinners. That said, I have no library of components I can turn to, and I hate a lot of the standard choices in building skins and would rather write my own. Isotope, cfs, etc can burn, they're bad code. There's tradeoffs to how I'd do things and how others would, which have significant impacts on time spent, but also on the outcome. Generally however, when it comes to jcink pricing, and how much people should charge or spend on a skin, I think the above 5 things should be the primary metrics. I made my own because I couldn't find a single skin that was truly accessible or responsive, and because I know how the sausage is made I simply couldn't stomach it. I can't really tell you how much you SHOULD pay for a skin that only does Aesthetics and Function, or only Function and Accessibility or any other combination. It's really not my place. I have thoughts on what I would charge, trying to be fair to myself and others if I were to make a multisale. But that's for a different post.
And then there's people. I touched on this earlier with some talk about scamming. I have heard horror stories on both ends of this interaction, and I think, simply speaking, it has created a lot of distrust around something which is a core decision for a lot of boards- which skinner to work with, what standards to set, how much things should cost, how to arrange payment. Payment structure has to take care of both you and the commissioner, but it also has to take into account that lots of people are gonna drive you up a wall, go ten rounds on their requirements, and then expect finished work two weeks after they finally got back to you about a core feature. With all due respect, clients who know NOTHING about tech and still have a lot of opinions on exactly how things should be done are my personal nightmare. I have not figured out any good way to account for this. I think custom commissions can be great for both the coder and the customer, but it's a total crapshoot as far as I can tell with no solve that I know of. I think there is also greater than average honesty and flexibility required from both parties in a non-professional setting(like jcink coding is) where money is still being exchanged. I think skinners have to be honest about their capabilities, their timeline, and how they want to work with customers. I think customers have to be honest about their expectations, their priorities and their consistency (are they going to change their mind frequently). I think both people need to be willing to find compromise. Since NO ONE is producing professional products and NO ONE is paying professional prices, there needs to be an understanding that sometimes things need to adjust. But, with custom skinning, it's often a lot of money for people. 250+ is a significant chunk of change. It feels wild to pay that much and not get exactly what you want. However, exactly what you want may be outside the skillset of a hobbyist, or it may simply be difficult or tedious or finicky, even for a professional. You want me to do custom svg clipping all over a skin? I'd rather die than do that during my free time. Furthermore, no skinner is being paid to do EVERYTHING that a professional site might demand. Being unhappy that you didn't get every concern addressed is not reasonable with the rates getting paid right now. There's ground to give on both sides. Flexibility is key, and it gets hard when there's money on the line.
Okay but so what?
Bish i don't know!!! Skinning is difficult niche stuff, especially if you're actually meeting any kind of professional standard. It's really easy to do badly. Paying for products where there is literally no professional available is always complicated. Idk what to tell you man. I'm just saying that I don't think anyone is getting paid a rate they deserve relative to the time they put in (probably), and simultaneously people don't get a product that lives up to the rest of the web right now because there's no real industry level professionalism available. And what's worst is that it's nobody's fault!! It's a tough spot to be in as a community! As for me, I'll probably do multisales in the future, and I'll probably charge significantly more than others because I'll be delivering significantly more. I am simply incapable of coding something that isn't responsive and accessible and performant if I'm going to charge money for it. It simply shan't happen, which means my time and skill will be reflected in the work and ergo the price. As for commissions, other people's taste irritates me too much to willingly get into typical freelancing in any capacity (affectionately, i will never be doing certain aesthetics unless people are willing to pay me my full rate, which no one should lol). I will almost certainly never do fully custom commission work. It is simultaneously not worth my time to do it for the rates offered by the jcink rpc, and it's not worth a commissioners money to pay for my skills when people are well used to skins that don't rise to professional standards anyway. Since I've finished my skin I've started posting some of the scripts I whipped up on caution. You can scroll back in this blog and find some of them. I'll probably continue to do that with anything I think another skinner could use. I will probably also start posting tutorials for discrete components so people have some examples of what responsive coding looks like. It's a tough nut to crack if you've never seen it up close before! If I'm really going to be a good member of the community I should probably start posting those here too more regularly. I basically just really want to help people out with their coding and contribute to the overall health of jcink skinning without undervaluing myself or gatekeeping good code. I will probably post my thoughts on how I'll be structuring the pricing for upcoming work in the next week or so. Expect updates after the holidays on upcoming skin ideas. Most of them have to do with implementing fun design stuff I never get to do at work- parallax effects, color manipulations, funky shapes, abusing css filter rules. I'd love to hear what kinds of things people would be excited to see first!
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themesfores · 1 month
Porto Theme v7.1.14 – Multi-Purpose & WooCommerce Theme
https://themesfores.com/product/porto-theme-woocommerce-theme/ Porto Theme v7.1.14 – Multi-Purpose & WooCommerce Theme Porto v7.1.14 WordPress theme introduces a lot of new features and demos, we also enhanced our speed Optimization wizard and reached top performance scores in ThemeForest. Porto releases 5 wonderful features – Soft Mode, Merged JS and CSS, Critical CSS, Type Builder, Single, and Archive Builders. Porto improved performance by optimizing dynamic styles by about 30ms, using CSS variables, optimizing server response time by about 30ms, etc. Please check the changelog below for more details. Porto Multi-Purpose & Woocommerce Theme Main Features: Multipurpose design WordPress Multisite (WPMU) Tested and Approved Child Theme Ready Bunch of Useful Demos – Construction, Hotel, Restaurant, Law Firm, Digital Agency, Medical, Real-Estate, APP Landing, Resume etc Plenty of Widgets Multiple Page Styles Powerful Speed Optimization Tool Visual Composer is highly optimized One Page Template Social Sharing Features 33+ custom elements for Visual Composer (banners, carousels, tabs, toggles, accordions, buttons, quotes, table, alert boxes, tables, lists, forms, icons, glyphicons, progress bar, pricing tables, dropcaps, team members, call to action boxes, columns, etc) SEO Optimized (Rich snippets for breadcrumbs and reviews are built-in) Responsive Design Unlimited Colors & Layouts WooCommerce Compatible Wishlist, Ajax Search, Filtering & Sorting WPML Support RTL Ready FAST Support & Updates Cross-browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge) Valid HTML5 code 30 + unique homepage layouts: More amazing concepts are coming soon! 6 extra layouts of the slider area: Text and Form, Static image, Single Video; Mega menu and 3-level drop-down menu; 20+ different headers 5 different breadcrumbs 4 different portfolio types (total 19 pages) 4different blog types (total 6 pages) Grid / List view Shop pages Ajax filtering in shop and product archive pages Revolution Slider ($19 value) plugin Visual Composer ($34 value) Woocommerce Catalog Mode Powerful Page options Elegant animations 3 different contact page layouts Install Demo content with One-Click Wide / Full / Boxed Layout Typography page Switch on/off sticky header option Additional pages: About, Services, Team, Process, Careers, FAQ, 404 page, Sitemap, Contact us, etc. Lightbox Share icons on project and product pages Contact and newsletter forms Twitter Feed Widget Google web fonts Custom Font Control Documentation ? step by step Compatible with WordPress SEO plugin Compatible with WordPress Social Login plugin Compatible with WP Cache plugins such as WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache plugins Compatible with Mailpoet newsletter plugin Compatible with Revolution Slider plugin Compatible with BBPress, BuddyPress plugins Compatible with Better WordPress Minify plugin Compatible with Nav Menu Roles plugin Compatible with Woocommerce Product Filter plugin Compatible with Post Views Counter plugin Compatible with GeoDirectory plugin Compatible with WooCommerce Multilingual plugin Compatible with Major multi-vendor plugins like Dokan, WC Vendors and Yith WooCommerce Multi-Vendor plugins Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search plugin Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Badge Management plugin Compatible with WPML plugin Compatible with Polylang plugin Compatible with qTranslate X plugin Compatible with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin And much much more? Please note: that any digital products on this website do not contain malicious code, viruses, or advertising. https://themesfores.com/product/porto-theme-woocommerce-theme/ #WooCommerceTheme #WordpressTheme
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justdoit24 · 1 month
One AI : Access all premium AI's from a single dashboard.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of AI tools out there? Or maybe you’re tired of paying hefty monthly fees for multiple AI services? Well, I’ve got some exciting news for you.
Let me introduce you to OneAI, a game-changing platform that’s set to revolutionize how we access and use artificial intelligence.
What exactly is One AI?
In a nutshell, OneAI is the world’s first cloud-based AI app that brings together the most advanced premium AI tools in a single dashboard.
And here’s the kicker – you can access all of this without paying any monthly fees. Sounds too good to be true, right? Let’s dive deeper and see what OneAI has to offer.
OneAI isn’t just another run-of-the-mill AI platform. It’s a carefully curated collection of the world’s leading AI technologies, including:
1. ChatGPT 4.0 & ChatGPT 4
2. Google’s Gemini Pro
3. DALL·E 3
4. Leonardo AI
5. Microsoft Copilot Pro
6. Meta’s Llama 3
7. Stable Diffusion XL
8. Google’s PaLM 2
Now, imagine having all these cutting-edge AI tools at your fingertips, accessible through a single, user-friendly interface. That’s the magic of OneAI.
The possibilities are virtually endless, but here are some highlights:
* Create top-notch content and sales copy using ChatGPT 4
* Design stunning 4K HD AI images with DALL·E 3
* Produce ultra-HD 8K AI videos and realistic paintings via Leonardo AI
* Write complex HTML, CSS, and programming codes using Copilot Pro
* Translate languages and get answers to intricate questions with Llama 3
* Transform text into lifelike portraits with Stable Diffusion XL
* Develop powerful AI tools and apps using PaLM 2
And that’s just scratching the surface. With OneAI, you’re limited only by your imagination.
Here’s where things get really interesting. If you were to subscribe to each of these AI services individually, you’d be looking at an annual bill of over $12,000.
OneAI lets you access all of them for a fraction of that cost. We’re talking about potentially saving thousands of dollars every year. For small businesses and freelancers, that’s a game-changer.
But Wait, There’s More! OneAI isn’t just about accessing existing AI tools. It’s a platform that empowers you to create your own AI-driven business. Here are some exciting possibilities:
* Launch your own monthly AI subscription service
* Start an AI content creation agency
* Sell AI-generated content on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork
* Create and sell AI tools and apps
Plus, OneAI comes with a commercial license, meaning you can use it to create and sell as many assets as you like to your clients.
OneAI boasts an intuitive, easy-to-use dashboard that doesn’t require any technical expertise. Whether you’re an AI expert or a complete novice, you’ll find OneAI accessible and user-friendly.
About Creator
Uddhab Pramanik is the creative force behind USP Internet Services Pvt. Ltd. This forward-thinking entrepreneur has made a name for himself as a leading software developer on popular platforms like Jvzoo and WarriorPlus.
Pramanik’s products stand out for their high quality and competitive prices. Over time, he has left a lasting mark on the industry by releasing countless impressive software solutions. Some of his most popular offerings include Ink Buddy AI, MobiApp AI, AI Wizard, etc.
His groundbreaking work hasn’t gone unnoticed, cementing his status as an industry pioneer. In the following section, we’ll take a closer look at the exciting features of One AI, providing an in-depth review of what this innovative software brings to the table.
Features and benefits
Key Features of One AI
One AI boasts a robust lineup of premium AI tools, each offering unique capabilities that cater to various needs. Here’s a closer look at what you get:
* ChatGPT 4.0 & ChatGPT 4: The latest in conversational AI, providing intelligent, human-like responses that can streamline communication and content creation.
* Gemini Pro: A multi-modal AI tool that integrates various forms of input and output, enhancing both creativity and productivity in your projects.
* DALL·E 3: Generate stunning AI images effortlessly with the latest advancements in image synthesis technology.
* Leonardo AI: Create ultra-HD AI videos and realistic paintings, pushing the boundaries of digital art and design.
* Microsoft Copilot Pro: Boost your productivity with AI-powered assistance in writing high-demand HTML, CSS, and programming codes.
* Meta Llama 3: Access powerful language models for translation, complex question answering, and more, making communication across languages easier than ever.
* Stable Diff XL: Transform text into high-quality, realistic images and portraits, perfect for marketing materials and creative projects.
* PaLM 2: Google’s revolutionary AI for developing powerful tools and applications, with next-level natural language processing capabilities.
Why Choose One AI?
One AI stands out in the crowded field of AI tools by offering an unparalleled combination of accessibility, affordability, and power. Here are some of the top reasons why One AI could be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for:
* No Monthly Fees: Access the world’s leading AI tools without the recurring costs that usually come with premium AI services. This alone can save you thousands of dollars annually.
* All-in-One Dashboard: Manage all your AI needs from a single platform, eliminating the hassle of juggling multiple subscriptions and interfaces.
* Commercial License Included: With the commercial license, you can create and sell as many AI-generated assets as you like, making One AI not just a tool, but a potential revenue stream.
* User-Friendly Interface: Even if you’re new to AI, One AI’s intuitive dashboard makes it easy to get started. No technical expertise required.
* Support and Training: One AI comes with dedicated live chat support and exclusive training videos to ensure you make the most of every feature.
How One AI Can Transform Your Workflow
One AI is more than just a collection of AI tools—it’s a platform designed to supercharge your creativity, efficiency, and profitability. Here’s how it can make a difference:
* Create World-Class Content: Use ChatGPT 4 to generate compelling content and sales copies that engage and convert.
* Produce Stunning Visuals: With DALL·E 3 and Leonardo AI, you can create eye-catching images and videos that stand out in any marketing campaign.
* Streamline Development: Microsoft Copilot Pro allows you to write clean, efficient code faster, while PaLM 2 helps you develop powerful applications with ease.
* Expand Your Reach: Meta Llama 3 enables you to break language barriers and reach a global audience with accurate translations and multilingual content.
* Maximize Profits: Whether you’re freelancing or running a business, the ability to create and sell AI-generated content without monthly fees can significantly boost your bottom line.
Personal Experience – Ease Of Use: How One AI Works
After using it extensively for the past few months, I can confidently say that One AI has been a game-changer for my business.
Getting Started
The onboarding process was refreshingly simple. After signing up, I was greeted with a clean, intuitive dashboard that gave me instant access to a suite of AI powerhouses including ChatGPT 4, DALL-E 3, and Stable Diffusion XL.
As someone who previously juggled multiple subscriptions and logins, having everything in one place was an immediate time-saver.
One feature that stood out right away was the unified interface. Whether I was generating text with ChatGPT or creating images with DALL-E, the experience felt cohesive. This made switching between tasks much smoother than I expected.
Exploring the AI Tools
* ChatGPT 4:
The crown jewel of One AI is undoubtedly its integration with ChatGPT 4. The quality of text generation is remarkable, often producing content that requires minimal editing.
I’ve used it for everything from drafting blog posts to crafting social media captions. One small quirk I noticed is that occasionally it can be a bit verbose, so I sometimes need to prompt it for more concise responses.
* DALL-E 3:
As a visual content creator, having DALL-E 3 at my fingertips has been invaluable. The image quality is consistently impressive, though I’ve found that very specific or complex prompts can sometimes yield mixed results. It’s been a learning process to refine my prompts for optimal output.
* Stable Diffusion XL:
While similar to DALL-E in many ways, I’ve found Stable Diffusion particularly useful for generating more artistic or stylized images. It seems to handle certain aesthetic styles better than DALL-E in my experience.
* Gemini Pro:
Google’s Gemini Pro has been a pleasant surprise. Its multimodal capabilities have come in handy for tasks that involve analyzing both text and images. However, I’ve noticed it can sometimes be a bit slower to generate responses compared to ChatGPT.
Real-World Applications
One of the most significant impacts One AI has had on my workflow is in content ideation and creation. For a recent client project in the fitness industry, I used ChatGPT to brainstorm article topics, outline key points, and even draft sections of content.
I then used DALL-E to create custom header images for each article. The ability to seamlessly move between these tasks in a single platform saved me hours of work.
Another area where One AI has proven invaluable is in coding assistance. As someone with intermediate programming skills, having access to Microsoft’s Copilot Pro has been a godsend.
It’s helped me debug tricky JavaScript issues and even assisted in building a small web app for a client. The code it generates isn’t always perfect, but it provides an excellent starting point that I can then refine.
For multilingual projects, the integration of Meta’s Llama 3 has been particularly useful. I recently had to translate a series of marketing materials from English to Spanish and French.
Llama 3 not only provided accurate translations but also helped me understand nuances and idiomatic expressions that might not translate directly.
Monetizing with One AI
Beyond improving my own workflow, One AI has opened up new revenue streams for my freelance business.
I’ve started offering AI-enhanced content packages to clients, leveraging the platform’s capabilities to deliver higher-quality work more efficiently. This has allowed me to take on more projects and increase my rates.
I’ve also experimented with selling AI-generated assets on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. For instance, I created a gig offering custom AI-generated book covers using a combination of DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.
The demand has been surprisingly high, and I’ve been able to command premium prices due to the quality and uniqueness of the output.
One particularly successful venture has been creating and selling prompt libraries. I’ve developed curated collections of effective prompts for different industries (e.g., e-commerce, real estate, tech startups) that help others get better results from the AI tools. This passive income stream has been growing steadily.
Challenges and Limitations
While my overall experience with One AI has been overwhelmingly positive, it hasn’t been without its challenges. Here are a few areas where I’ve encountered some friction:
1. Learning curve: Despite the user-friendly interface, there’s still a learning curve in understanding how to effectively prompt each AI tool for optimal results. It took me several weeks of experimentation to feel truly proficient.
2. Occasional downtime: I’ve experienced a few instances of server issues or tool-specific outages. While rare, these can be frustrating when working on time-sensitive projects.
3. Limited customization: While the unified interface is generally a plus, there are times when I wish I had more fine-grained control over specific tool settings.
The Financial Impact
One of the most significant benefits of One AI has been the cost savings. Prior to using the platform, I was spending upwards of $200 per month on various AI subscriptions. With One AI, I’ve been able to eliminate those recurring costs while gaining access to an even broader set of tools.
In terms of revenue, the efficiency gains and new service offerings have allowed me to increase my monthly income by approximately 40%. This boost has more than justified the initial investment in One AI.
* Looking Ahead
As I continue to integrate One AI more deeply into my workflow, I’m excited about the potential for future enhancements. The team behind One AI seems committed to regularly adding new features and integrating cutting-edge AI models as they become available.
For anyone working in content creation, digital marketing, or really any field that can benefit from AI assistance, I highly recommend giving One AI a try.
While it may not completely replace human creativity and expertise, it’s an incredibly powerful tool that can elevate your work and open up new possibilities.
The ability to access such a comprehensive suite of AI tools without the burden of multiple subscriptions is truly game-changing. One AI has not only streamlined my workflow but has also expanded what I thought was possible in my freelance business.
As AI technology continues to evolve, I’m confident that platforms like One AI will play an increasingly crucial role in shaping the future of work.
My Opinion: Is One AI Worth It?
Comprehensive AI Access
One AI’s standout feature is its ability to provide access to multiple leading AI models through a single, unified dashboard. This includes popular tools like ChatGPT 4, Google’s Gemini Pro, DALL-E 3, and more.
For businesses and individuals who regularly utilize various AI services, having them consolidated in one place could streamline workflows and boost productivity.
* Potential Cost Savings:
Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of One AI is its pricing model. Unlike traditional subscription-based AI services, One AI advertises a one-time fee structure.
For heavy AI users, this could translate to substantial savings compared to paying separate monthly subscriptions for each tool. However, it’s important to note that the long-term viability of this model remains to be seen, especially as AI technologies continue to advance rapidly.
Versatile Applications
The range of AI models accessible through One AI opens up possibilities for diverse use cases:
* Content Creation: Leverage ChatGPT 4 for writing assistance and ideation.
* Image Generation: Create visual assets with DALL-E 3 and Stable Diffusion.
* Code Development: Utilize Microsoft’s Copilot Pro for programming support.
* Language Tasks: Access Meta’s Llama 3 for translation and complex queries.
This versatility makes One AI potentially valuable for content creators, marketers, developers, and other professionals who rely on AI tools.
* User-Friendly Interface
One AI emphasizes a user-friendly dashboard, which could make advanced AI capabilities more accessible to those without deep technical expertise. This democratization of AI tools is a positive trend in the industry.
* Commercial Licensing
. Considerations and Comparisons
While One AI offers an attractive package, potential users should consider a few factors:
1. Model Versions: Ensure that the versions of AI models offered through One AI meet your specific needs, as they may not always be the absolute latest.
2. Integration Depth: While convenient, using AI models through a unified platform may not offer the same level of customization as direct API access to individual services.
3. Data Privacy: Users should carefully review One AI’s data handling practices, especially when dealing with sensitive information.
Is One AI Worth the Investment?
For many users, especially those already juggling multiple AI subscriptions, One AI could represent excellent value. The potential for significant cost savings, combined with the convenience of a unified platform, makes it an intriguing option.
However, the “worth” of the investment will ultimately depend on individual needs and usage patterns. Power users who require the absolute cutting edge of each AI model may still prefer direct access to individual services.
Conversely, those looking to explore various AI capabilities without committing to multiple subscriptions might find One AI to be an ideal entry point.
While it shows great promise, potential users should carefully evaluate their specific needs and compare One AI’s offerings to standalone services.
As with any rapidly evolving technology, staying informed about updates and alternatives is crucial. One AI represents an exciting development in making advanced AI more accessible, but users should approach it with both optimism and a critical eye to ensure it truly meets their requirements.
By acting quickly, you will receive the vendor’s most huge bonuses, along with my incredible bonuses featured in the final section of this One AI Review!
One AI OTOs, Discount Coupons and Pricing Options
For a limited time, you can take advantage of the early bird discount for One AI with the options listed below. Choose the one that best suits your needs before this special offer ends!
1. OneAi Front-End $17
2. OTO 1: OneAi Unlimited $67
3. OTO 2: OneAi Enterprise $37
4. OTO 3: OneAi Vision $47
5. OTO 4: OneAi Plug-N-Play $147
6. OTO 5: OneAi Money Site $67
7. OTO 6: OneAi Agency: $197
8. OTO 7: OneAi TurnkeyProfit: $67
9. OTO 8: OneAi Unlimited AI Driven Traffic: $167
10. OTO 9: OneAi Reseller: $77
11. OTO 10: OneAi Whitelabel: $297
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hrinternationalindia · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Web Development Company
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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Web Development Company
In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business. A website serves as the cornerstone of your digital identity, making it essential to partner with a top-tier web development company. However, finding the right company can be challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key factors to consider when choosing a web development company, ensuring you make an informed decision.
Understanding the Role of a Web Development Company
A web development company specializes in creating websites that are not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly. They handle everything from coding and design to maintenance and updates. Therefore, selecting a reliable web development partner is crucial for the success of your online venture.
Why You Need a Professional Web Development Company
In a competitive market, your website must stand out. A professional web development company brings expertise, experience, and creativity to the table. They ensure your website is optimized for search engines, mobile-friendly, and aligned with your business goals.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Web Development Company
1. Portfolio and Experience
Firstly, review the company's portfolio. It provides insight into their style, expertise, and the type of projects they have handled. Additionally, consider their experience in your industry. A company familiar with your niche can better understand your needs and deliver a tailored solution.
2. Client Testimonials and Reviews
Secondly, look for client testimonials and reviews. Positive feedback from previous clients is a good indicator of the company's reliability and quality of work. Furthermore, you can contact their past clients to get a firsthand account of their experience.
3. Technical Expertise and Skills
A reputable web development company should have a skilled team proficient in various technologies and platforms. Check their expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other relevant technologies. Additionally, ensure they are up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.
4. Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication is vital for a successful project. Therefore, choose a company that values clear and consistent communication. They should be open to your ideas and provide regular updates on the project's progress. A collaborative approach ensures the final product meets your expectations.
5. Pricing and Budget
Cost is a significant factor in any business decision. However, don't compromise on quality for the sake of saving money. Instead, find a company that offers transparent pricing and delivers value for your investment. Request detailed quotes and compare them to ensure you get the best deal.
6. Post-Launch Support and Maintenance
Your relationship with the web development company doesn't end once the website is launched. Continuous support and maintenance are essential to keep your website running smoothly. Therefore, choose a company that offers reliable post-launch services, including updates, bug fixes, and technical support.
The Importance of SEO in Web Development
Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in driving organic traffic to your website. A good web development company integrates SEO best practices from the start. This includes optimizing site speed, ensuring mobile compatibility, and implementing clean, efficient code.
1. On-Page SEO
On-page SEO involves optimizing individual pages to rank higher in search engine results. It includes keyword research, meta tags, headers, and content optimization. An experienced web development company ensures your website is fully optimized for on-page SEO.
2. Technical SEO
Technical SEO focuses on the backend structure of your website. It involves improving site speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and fixing any technical issues that may hinder search engine crawlers. A proficient web development company addresses these aspects to boost your site's visibility.
3. Content Management Systems (CMS)
A CMS allows you to manage your website content easily. WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal are popular CMS platforms. A skilled web development company can help you choose the right CMS and customize it to meet your specific needs.
Trends in Web Development
The web development landscape is constantly evolving. Staying updated with the latest trends ensures your website remains relevant and competitive. Here are some current trends to consider:
1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
PWAs offer a seamless user experience similar to native apps. They load quickly, work offline, and provide a high level of interactivity. Many leading web development companies are now offering PWA development services.
2. Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots
AI and chatbots enhance user engagement by providing instant responses and personalized experiences. Integrating these technologies into your website can significantly improve customer satisfaction.
3. Responsive Design
With the increasing use of mobile devices, responsive design is no longer optional. A responsive website adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience across all devices. A competent web development company prioritizes responsive design in their projects.
4. Voice Search Optimization
Voice search is becoming more popular with the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants. Optimizing your website for voice search can give you a competitive edge. This involves using natural language processing and long-tail keywords.
Choosing H.R. Software Solution for Your Web Development Needs
At H.R. Software Solution, we understand the importance of a strong online presence. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering high-quality web development services that align with your business goals. Here’s why you should choose us:
1. Extensive Experience
We have a proven track record of successfully delivering web development projects across various industries. Our portfolio showcases our expertise and creativity.
2. Client-Centric Approach
Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We believe in building long-term relationships based on trust and transparency. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
3. Skilled Team
Our team comprises highly skilled professionals proficient in the latest technologies and trends. We are committed to staying updated with industry advancements to provide you with cutting-edge solutions.
4. Comprehensive Services
We offer a wide range of services, including website design, development, SEO, and maintenance. This ensures a seamless and hassle-free experience for our clients.
5. Affordable Pricing
We provide high-quality services at competitive prices. Our transparent pricing model ensures you get the best value for your investment without any hidden costs.
6. Ongoing Support
Our relationship with you doesn’t end at launch. We offer continuous support and maintenance to keep your website running smoothly and efficiently.
Choosing the right web development company is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your online success. By considering factors such as portfolio, experience, technical expertise, and communication, you can find a partner that aligns with your business goals. At H.R. Software Solution, we are committed to providing top-notch web development services that help you achieve your digital objectives. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a powerful online presence.
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Author Bio: Simi Gajala has been working in digital marketing since 2018, amassing 6 years of experience. Currently Working as a Digital Marketing Executive at H.R. Software Solution. Simi specializes in SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, and blogs & content writing, Boosting Brands, Increasing Visibility, And Enhancing Online Performance.
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allcnaprograms · 2 months
Start Your Career as a CNA: Top-rated CNA Training in Fresno, CA
Title: Begin Your Career as a CNA: Top-rated CNA Training in Fresno, CA
Meta Title: Top-rated CNA Training in Fresno, CA: Kickstart Your Career‍ as⁢ a CNA Today!
Meta Description: Looking‍ to​ start a rewarding career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)‌ in Fresno, CA? Discover the top-rated CNA ⁢training programs in the area to jumpstart your career ⁤in healthcare.
Are ⁤you passionate about helping‍ others and interested in pursuing a ⁢career in healthcare? Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) could be the perfect choice for you. CNAs play a vital role in the⁣ healthcare⁣ industry by providing essential care ​to patients in various settings, such as⁣ hospitals, nursing ⁢homes, and long-term care facilities.
If you’re⁣ considering a career as a CNA in Fresno, CA, you’ll need to start by completing a state-approved training program. To ‍help you kickstart your career,​ we’ve compiled a list of the top-rated CNA training programs in Fresno‌ that will provide you with the skills and ⁤knowledge‍ you need to succeed ‍in this rewarding‌ field.
Top-rated CNA​ Training Programs in Fresno, CA
1. Fresno⁣ Adult School
– Location: 2500 Stanislaus St, Fresno, CA 93721 – ‌Program Length: 6-8 weeks – Curriculum: Classroom instruction, hands-on clinical training – ‍Certification:⁣ California‌ Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) – Cost:⁢ Varies⁣ (financial aid may be ​available)
2. Career Care Institute
– Location: 1435 N. FiIson Ave, Fresno,‌ CA 93728 – Program Length: 4-6 weeks – Curriculum: Classroom lectures, lab practice, clinical training – Certification: California Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) – Cost: Contact ‌for pricing information
3. Institute of Technology – Clovis
– Location: 564 W Herndon Ave, ⁢Clovis, CA ⁤93612 – Program ⁤Length: 6-8 weeks – Curriculum: Classroom instruction, lab practice, clinical experience – Certification: California ⁢Certified‌ Nursing Assistant (CNA) – Cost: ⁣Contact for pricing information
Benefits of⁢ Becoming a CNA
– High demand: CNAs are in high demand across ⁣healthcare ⁣settings, providing excellent job security. – Quick ⁤training: CNA ⁤programs are typically shorter in duration compared to other healthcare training programs. – Fulfilling work: CNAs have the opportunity to make a⁤ difference in patients’ lives every⁣ day. – Career advancement: CNAs can pursue further education and training to advance their careers in healthcare.
Practical Tips‍ for CNA Training Success
– Stay organized: ⁢Manage your time effectively​ to balance coursework ⁤and ⁢clinical ‌training. – Practice communication skills: Effective​ communication is ‌key⁤ in the healthcare field. – Seek mentorship:​ Connect with⁣ experienced⁣ CNAs for guidance and support. – Stay motivated: Keep‌ your long-term goals in mind to stay focused during training.
Embarking on⁤ a career as a Certified Nursing Assistant in Fresno, CA can be a ⁢rewarding and fulfilling journey. ⁤By ⁣enrolling in a top-rated CNA training program,‌ you‍ can acquire the knowledge⁢ and skills necessary to succeed ‍in this⁣ essential healthcare role. Take the first step towards your career goals today ‍and start your ​CNA training journey‌ in Fresno!
Whether ⁤you choose Fresno Adult School, Career Care Institute, or Institute of Technology – ⁣Clovis, you’re on your ⁤way to becoming a successful CNA. ⁢Begin your ​career in healthcare with confidence⁣ and compassion⁣ as you make a positive impact on ​the lives of others.
CSS Styling: “`css .article { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #333; }
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I hope this article provides ⁣valuable insights into top-rated ⁤CNA training ​programs in Fresno, CA. Good‌ luck on your‍ journey to becoming a Certified ‌Nursing Assistant!
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codingflicks · 2 years
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Bootstrap Price Plan Design Get Code from codingflicks website
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divinector · 2 years
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Price Plan Snippet Get Code on divinectorweb website
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codenewbies · 1 year
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Responsive Pricing Table
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thememakker · 3 months
Mplify - Versatile Bootstrap 4 Admin Template by Thememakker
Mplify Admin makes the development process easy and fast for you and aims to help you implement your idea in real time.
Product Highlights
Mplify is a fully professional, responsive, modern, multi-purpose, and feature-rich admin template. It can be used to create various websites, admin templates, admin dashboards, backend websites, CMS, CRM, blogs, business websites, timelines, and portfolios. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for developers looking to build functional and aesthetically pleasing web applications efficiently.
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Key Features
Bootstrap 4.3.1: Ensures compatibility and modern design standards.
jQuery 3.3.1: Offers extensive plugins and support.
Built-in SCSS: Provides more flexibility and control over styles.
Light & Dark Full Support: Allows users to switch between light and dark themes.
RTL Full Support: Right-to-left language support for global accessibility.
W3C Validate Code: Ensures high coding standards and practices.
Mobile and Tablet Friendly: Responsive design for all devices.
Treeview: For hierarchical data display.
Drag & Drop Upload: Simplifies file uploading processes.
Image Cropping: Integrated tools for editing images.
Summernote: Rich text editor integration.
Markdown: Support for markdown formatting.
Beautiful Inbox Interface: User-friendly email management.
User-Friendly Chat App: Built-in chat application.
Scrum & Kanban Taskboard: Task management tools.
Add Events to Your Calendar: Event management capabilities.
File Manager: Efficient file organization and management.
Blogging: Tools to manage and create blog posts.
Testimonials: Features to showcase user testimonials.
Maintenance: Tools to manage and schedule maintenance.
Team Board: Collaboration tools for team management.
Search Result: Enhanced search functionalities.
Beautiful Pricing: Elegant pricing tables and plans.
Contact List & Grid: Efficient contact management.
User Profile: Customizable user profiles.
Extended Forms: Advanced form functionalities.
Clean Widgets: A variety of clean, modern widgets.
Technical Specifications
Bootstrap 4.3.1
Bootstrap 4.3.1 is a powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. It includes HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels, and many other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript plugins. Mplify leverages Bootstrap 4.3.1 to ensure a consistent and responsive design across all devices.
jQuery 3.3.1
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, and animation much simpler with an easy-to-use custom API integration that works across a multitude of browsers. Mplify includes jQuery 3.3.1 to provide enhanced functionality and interactivity to your applications.
Built-in SCSS
SCSS is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into CSS. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more, all with a fully CSS-compatible syntax. With SCSS, Mplify offers a more powerful and flexible way to manage styles.
Light & Dark Full Support
Mplify comes with built-in support for light and dark themes, allowing users to switch between these modes based on their preferences. This feature enhances user experience and accessibility, especially in different lighting conditions.
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RTL Full Support
For developers targeting global audiences, Mplify provides full right-to-left (RTL) language support. This feature ensures that languages like Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian are properly displayed, making the template versatile and inclusive.
W3C Validate Code
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets the standards for web development. Mplify adheres to W3C's coding standards, ensuring that the template is built with clean, valid code, which improves browser compatibility, SEO, and overall performance.
Mobile and Tablet Friendly
In today's mobile-first world, having a responsive design is crucial. Mplify is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring that your mobile application looks great and functions seamlessly on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Mplify’s versatile design and feature set make it suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries. Here are some key applications:
Admin Dashboards
Mplify provides a robust framework for building admin dashboards. With its extensive set of UI components, charts, forms, and tables, you can create comprehensive dashboards that provide valuable insights and data visualization.
CMS (Content Management Systems)
With features like blogging, file management, and user profile management, Mplify can be used to build powerful CMS platforms. Its clean widgets and beautiful interface ensure that the content management experience is both efficient and enjoyable.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
Mplify’s built-in tools for managing contacts, scheduling events, and maintaining communication through a chat app make it an excellent choice for developing CRM systems. These features help businesses manage customer interactions and data effectively.
Business Websites
The multi-purpose nature of Mplify allows it to be used for various business websites. Whether you need a portfolio, a blog, or a corporate website, Mplify provides the necessary tools and components to create a professional online presence.
Blogging Platforms
With integrated tools like Summernote for rich text editing and Markdown support, Mplify is ideal for creating blogging platforms. The beautiful inbox interface and testimonial features enhance the blogging experience, making it easy to manage and publish content.
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Easy and Fast Development
Mplify is designed to streamline the development process. With its pre-built components and templates, you can quickly assemble functional and aesthetically pleasing applications. This reduces development time and costs, allowing you to focus on implementing your ideas in real time.
Professional and Modern Design
Mplify offers a clean, modern design that is both professional and user-friendly. The template includes a variety of customizable widgets and components that adhere to the latest design standards, ensuring your application looks polished and up-to-date.
Comprehensive Feature Set
From task management tools like Scrum and Kanban boards to extensive form functionalities, Mplify provides a wide range of features that cater to various needs. This comprehensive feature set makes it a versatile solution for different types of projects.
Responsive and Mobile-Friendly
With Mplify, you can ensure that your application is accessible on all devices. Its responsive design adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless user experience on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Global Accessibility
Mplify’s RTL support and multi-language capabilities make it suitable for global applications. This feature ensures that your application can cater to users from different regions, enhancing its reach and usability.
Regular Updates and Support
When you purchase a license for Mplify, you receive all future updates for free. This ensures that your application remains up-to-date with the latest features and improvements. Additionally, Mplify provides excellent customer support to assist with any issues or queries.
Challenges and Limitations
Learning Curve
While Mplify is designed to be user-friendly, there may be a learning curve for beginners who are not familiar with Bootstrap or jQuery. However, comprehensive documentation and community support can help mitigate this challenge.
Although Mplify offers a wide range of customization options, extensive customization may require advanced knowledge of SCSS and JavaScript. This could be a limitation for developers who are not well-versed in these technologies.
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As with any feature-rich template, there is a potential for performance issues if too many components and plugins are used simultaneously. It is important to optimize the application and selectively use features to maintain optimal performance.
Latest Innovations
Enhanced UI Components
Mplify continues to evolve with regular updates that introduce new and improved UI components. These enhancements ensure that your application remains modern and functional.
Advanced-Data Visualization
Recent updates have focused on improving data visualization capabilities. With enhanced charting tools and interactive elements, Mplify allows for more dynamic and engaging data presentation.
Integration with New Technologies
Mplify is continuously updated to integrate with the latest web technologies. This ensures compatibility with new frameworks and libraries, providing developers with more tools to build advanced applications.
Future Prospects
AI and Machine Learning Integration
The future of Mplify may include integration with AI and machine learning tools. This would enable developers to build more intelligent and automated applications, enhancing user experience and functionality.
Expanded Plugin Support
As the web development landscape evolves, Mplify is likely to expand its plugin support. This will provide developers with more options for extending the functionality of their applications.
Improved Accessibility Features
Mplify is expected to continue enhancing its accessibility features. This includes better support for assistive technologies and compliance with accessibility standards, ensuring that applications built with Mplify are inclusive for all users.
Comparative Analysis
Versus Other Bootstrap Templates
When compared to other Bootstrap templates, Mplify stands out due to its comprehensive feature set, modern design, and extensive customization options. While other templates may offer similar components, Mplify's unique features like RTL support and advanced task management tools give it an edge.
Versus Custom Development
Opting for a pre-built template like Mplify can significantly reduce development time and costs compared to custom web development. While custom development offers more flexibility, Mplify provides a robust foundation that can be easily customized to meet specific needs.
User Guides and Tutorials
Getting Started with Mplify
Installation: Download and install Mplify from the official website or marketplace.
Configuration: Configure the template settings according to your project requirements.
Customization: Use the built-in SCSS files to customize the styles and appearance.
Integration: Integrate Mplify with your backend systems and databases.
Deployment: Deploy your application on your preferred hosting platform.
Advanced Customization Techniques
SCSS Variables: Use SCSS variables to easily change colors, fonts, and other styles.
JavaScript Customization: Extend the functionality by adding custom JavaScript code.
Component Modification: Modify existing components or create new ones to meet specific needs.
Performance Optimization: Optimize the performance by minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and selectively loading components.
Mplify is a powerful, versatile, and user-friendly Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template. It offers a wide range of features and customization options, making it suitable for various applications, from admin dashboards to business websites. With its modern design, responsive layout, and extensive documentation, Mplify simplifies the development process, allowing developers to implement their ideas in real time efficiently.
Whether you are building a CMS, CRM, or a personal blog, Mplify provides the tools and flexibility needed to create a professional and functional web application. Its ongoing updates and support ensure that your projects remain current and compatible with the latest web technologies.
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amit0707 · 3 months
What are the key features of Elementor Pro that make it a powerful website builder?
Elementor Pro is a powerful website builder due to its advanced features, which include:
Drag-and-Drop Editor: Allows users to build pages visually without coding.
Theme Builder: Customizes every part of your site, including headers, footers, and templates.
WooCommerce Builder: Creates and customizes online stores with specialized widgets.
Popup Builder: Designs and deploys popups for promotions and lead capture.
Advanced Widgets: Includes forms, slides, posts, portfolios, pricing tables, and more.
Global Widgets: Ensures consistent design across pages by reusing widgets.
Professional Templates: Access to a vast library of pre-designed templates and blocks.
Custom CSS: Enables advanced styling directly within the editor.
Integration: Seamlessly integrates with marketing tools and CRM software.
Responsive Design: Ensures your site looks great on all devices.
You can also buy the elementor pro plugin from here- https://delima.io/products/wordpress-elementor-pro-plugin-v3-22-0-lifetime-access
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freelancefusion-hub · 5 months
Unlock Your E-commerce Potential: Finding the Perfect Shopify Expert Freelancer on Fiverr
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In the world of e-commerce, having a robust online store is crucial for success. Shopify stands as one of the leading platforms for creating and managing online stores, but navigating its intricacies may require the expertise of a seasoned professional. In this article, we explore why Fiverr is the ideal platform for finding Shopify expert freelancers and showcase three top talents available for hire.
Why Choose Fiverr for Hiring Shopify Experts?
Fiverr, renowned for its vast pool of talented freelancers, offers a seamless platform for connecting with Shopify experts. With Fiverr’s user-friendly interface and secure payment system, finding the right freelancer for your Shopify needs is convenient and reliable.
Top Shopify Expert Freelancers on Fiverr
Freelancer 1: Asad Ali Tahir
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With a keen eye for professional design and a commitment to delivering results, I’ll craft a highly converting Shopify store tailored to your needs. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned entrepreneur, I’ll help you select a profitable niche and set up a fully automated dropshipping system.
Why choose me? I offer 24/7 support, a satisfaction guarantee, and over 700 successful projects under my belt. You can expect top-notch service, including on-page SEO, winning product selection, Facebook Pixel integration, social media setup, and more.
Ready to take your Shopify game to the next level? Let’s connect via Fiverr Messaging to discuss your project and answer any questions you may have.
Freelancer 2: Gift
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My gig features include Shopify store setup and management, theme customization, product listing and optimization, inventory and order management, email marketing, social media marketing and advertising, SEO, Google Analytics tracking, reporting, and much more.
Why choose me? I offer 24/7 availability, on-time and quality delivery, 100% customer satisfaction, and easy communication. Don’t miss out on the chance to take your online business to new heights. Contact me today, and let’s collaborate on a powerful website and digital marketing strategy that drives sales and boosts visibility. Let’s start now and soar together! Cheers to new heights!
Freelancer 3: Waqar Sheikh
Are you on the hunt for a Shopify virtuoso to revolutionize your e-commerce venture?
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Greetings, I’m Waqar, a seasoned Shopify store designer and theme developer with over three years of hands-on experience. And let me assure you, we’re not just good; we’re exceptional!
What does my team bring to the table?
- Expertly crafted Shopify stores - Conversion rate optimization tailored to Shopify - Seamless migration to Shopify 2.0 - Rescue mission for abandoned carts - Integration of Shopify payment gateways - SEO optimization for enhanced visibility - Mobile-friendly designs - Captivating graphic designs - Setting up Facebook and TikTok profiles and linking domains - Harnessing the power of Google Analytics and Search Console - Boosting speed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript minification - Crafting custom sections - Delving into the intricacies of Shopify coding
What sets me apart?
- Certified Shopify developer - Reverence for deadlines - A month of dedicated Shopify support post-project completion
Seize the day and don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Let’s schedule a Zoom call to delve into the nitty-gritty of your project.
Ready to elevate your Shopify store to new heights? Shoot me a message right away to kick-start the journey!
How to Hire a Shopify Expert on Fiverr
1. Search: Utilize Fiverr’s search function to find Shopify experts based on specific criteria such as expertise, pricing, and reviews. 2. Review Profiles: Thoroughly review the profiles of potential freelancers, assessing their skills, portfolios, and client feedback. 3. Contact: Communicate directly with freelancers to discuss project requirements, timelines, and deliverables. 4. Order: Once satisfied, place an order with the chosen freelancer to initiate the project. 5. Collaborate: Maintain open communication throughout the project to ensure alignment and satisfactory results. 6. Feedback: Provide feedback and ratings upon project completion to help build a reputable community of Shopify experts on Fiverr.
Benefits of Hiring Shopify Experts on Fiverr
- Diverse Talent Pool: Fiverr boasts a diverse array of Shopify experts with varying skills and expertise, allowing you to find the perfect match for your project. - Affordable Pricing: With options ranging from budget-friendly to premium services, Fiverr offers flexibility in pricing to suit different budgets. - Quality Assurance: Fiverr’s review system and seller ratings provide transparency and accountability, ensuring quality deliverables. - Secure Transactions: Fiverr’s secure payment system and escrow services offer peace of mind, with funds only released upon satisfactory completion of the project.
In conclusion, Fiverr serves as a premier platform for hiring Shopify expert freelancers, offering convenience, reliability, and access to top talent. Whether you’re launching a new Shopify store or seeking to optimize an existing one, Fiverr provides the tools and resources to bring your e-commerce vision to life.
1. How much does it cost to hire a Shopify expert on Fiverr? — The cost of hiring a Shopify expert on Fiverr varies depending on factors such as the freelancer’s level of expertise, the complexity of the project, and the desired deliverables. Freelancers on Fiverr often offer services at different price points, ranging from affordable options to more premium packages. You can find freelancers offering Shopify services to fit a wide range of budgets.
2. Can I communicate directly with freelancers on Fiverr? — Yes, you can communicate directly with freelancers on Fiverr. The platform provides built-in messaging tools that allow buyers and sellers to communicate efficiently and discuss project details, requirements, and any other relevant information. Clear and open communication is essential for ensuring that both parties are aligned throughout the project.
3. What if I’m not satisfied with the results? — If you’re not satisfied with the results of a project on Fiverr, there are several steps you can take to address the issue. First, communicate your concerns with the freelancer and provide specific feedback on what aspects you’re unhappy with. Many freelancers are open to revisions and will work with you to make adjustments until you’re satisfied. If the issue cannot be resolved, you can reach out to Fiverr’s customer support team for assistance in finding a resolution.
4. Are there any hidden fees when hiring on Fiverr? — Fiverr is transparent about its pricing structure, and there are no hidden fees when hiring freelancers on the platform. The total cost of a project is typically determined upfront based on the freelancer’s service package, additional extras, and any applicable processing fees. Before placing an order, be sure to review the freelancer’s pricing details and any additional charges to avoid any surprises.
5. How do I ensure the confidentiality and security of my project on Fiverr? — Fiverr takes privacy and security seriously and has measures in place to protect both buyers and sellers. When communicating with freelancers, you can use Fiverr’s messaging system, which keeps your conversations within the platform and ensures confidentiality. Additionally, Fiverr offers secure payment processing and escrow services, where funds are held in trust until the project is completed to your satisfaction. It’s also important to review each freelancer’s profile and ratings to ensure they have a track record of delivering high-quality work while maintaining confidentiality.
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themesfores · 2 months
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