alyssabct · 4 years
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whereisthebreaddd · 4 years
Creative Audio
Creative Audio 2020:
Genre(s): Alternative/Lo-Fi
Concept idea: A mini EP album containing ideally three tracks which produces a juxtaposed form of sounds. I wanted to try to formulate work that is both calming and energising at the same time. Something like a mix of emotions, or symbolising confusion - if there were lyrics I would definitely consider rather slow, sad or significant expressions in the songs. 
The past few weeks, generating ideas for a song was tough but I made a few tracks that needed heaps of tweaking. Although I am inexperienced in this field, learning how to utilise some basic features in Audio editing apps has connected me, in a way, to my favourite artists, as I sort of have an understanding of how they produce and lay out their work.
For one, I have always loved sad songs - or very slowed and out-of-zone type beats. I like to find slowed + reverb versions to songs. I find it relaxing and it keeps me in a steady place of thought for a while.  
Most inspirational Artists:
Billie Eilish - I find that I relate to this artist in many ways. From connection to her music as well as her personality and being around the same age, I see that a lot of her music and agendas correlate with some issues in our generation. Her debut album “Don’t smile at me” was something I could heavily relate to 3 years ago as dealing with a lot and not feeling I can talk to anybody, this album was always sitting in my playlist, and I was ready to indulge into an emotional mind field almost at any point. I also think she really set a standard for our generation and pioneered a new era in music. The song that not only went viral, but also caught my attention was Ocean Eyes (2016) because it was one of the very calming and go-to songs. 
Troye Sivan - Although I don’t identify as a LGBT person, growing up in my early teens I was feeling down a lot of the time. I would often listen to his music because it was soothing but every time I’d listen to one his Blue Neighbourhood (Debut Album, 2015) it always felt like I was listening to it for the first time again. One of his best techniques, in my opinion, is how he uses suspense in his songs and a sense of unpredictability especially in FOOLS in the “Blue Neighbourhood” album(2015).
Tyler, the Creator - I really love his sense of music style. He does not care about criticism and produces what he wants, when he wants - I love his aggression in his music with also a reflecting sense of vulnerability, especially portrayed in EARFQUAKE from the “IGOR” album (2019). I grew up (from age 12…) watching OFWGKTA and I loved the rebellious sensation they give off. 
7:AMP: Que (7:AMP) is a very very underrated artist. Listening to his music on sound cloud at first was a bit overwhelming with the unusual composition. I am used to a certain structure of a song - a catchy beat and repetition. His music often embodies a sense of unpredictability - the elements he uses is so messy and unsteady to the point where it is kind of soothing. I can’t explain it but it kind of gives me something to look forward to as the sounds used in his songs are usually unexpected and that’s what makes it unique. Prada don Dada, Boonana and Baby ball are some of his best I reckon.
Cover Art research:
These are cover art pieces I always enjoyed observing or inspire what I want to make…
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These album covers are of the following artists in chronological order:
Don’t smile at Me - Billie Eilish (2017)
Blue Neighbourhood - Troye Sivan (2015)
IGOR - Tyler Okonma (2019)
Thank u, next - Ariana Grande (2018)
BLOOM - Troye Sivan (2018)
Prada don Dada - 7:AMP (2018)
Lovely - Khalid & Billie Eilish (2017)
1999 a Charli XCX x Troye Sivan (2018)
Wings - BTS (2016)
I have always had an admiration for rather simplistic artwork or cover art. Album or single art covers are something I observe to try and break down the artist or their intentions. I consider the colours, layout and style highly effective in portraying a proper image of what an artist will want to convey. 
Symbolism is always interesting in art, as you have to interpret or comprehend it in different ways, either how the artist intends to show it or how you relate to it in your own way. 
Colours: Either using soft and opaque colours OR bright and vibrant colours, I don’t feel as though they would work together efficiently, in my opinion…
Minimalism: Having a simple image or design is always elegant, when using the right colours and techniques I think. I do like negative space in my work and a clean finish. 
Cover Art:
These are rough designs derived from one concept made today in class...
I like using a lot negative space as mentioned earlier. It is more aesthetically pleasing. This concept was just inspired by my fascination for outer-space, particular Saturn. I just like Saturn. To me, it depicts that there is much more out there, not just in the world, but in this entire universe - more than what we could ever imagine.
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For the colours, I just thought that using contrasting colours in the first two as it would not be difficult to see. Third one, I wanted a softer, opaque base and a warm colour for the planet - not too harsh on the eyes... 
For the music, I haven’t quite got used to all the tools in Adobe Audition. Serato studio was fairly simple to make a basic tune but I much preferred to use a traditional looking programme. I’m still in the process of producing three tracks and still learning. Although, producing isn’t my forte, I get a lot of help from my brother who happens to work under Sony: Columbia records. I want to produce music similar to his although the genre of his songs aren’t officially a genre. Siren jams are popular amongst Polynesian, Micronesian and Latino communities, especially in Mexico. I wanted to attempt to make a different kind of sound without it just sounding like a bunch of random sounds - still working on it.
Playlists of interesting songs:
General: https://music.apple.com/nz/playlist/heat/pl.u-AkAmPlyU216Xbd4 
Project inspo: https://music.apple.com/nz/playlist/creative-audio-inspo/pl.u-RRbVvBVF35EVJlv 
Trap/Hip-hop: https://music.apple.com/nz/playlist/trap/pl.u-leyl0yeCjXqz7Kk 
Tranquillity: https://music.apple.com/nz/playlist/playlist/pl.u-vxy693XCzV9REqA 
K-Pop: https://music.apple.com/nz/playlist/kpop/pl.u-AkAmPNbF216Xbd4
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ashtoncreative · 4 years
Creating an NPC (Part 1)
In the office, the entire reason that we are creating this experience is to feel isolated and out of place by people judging the character, thus meaning that we need an NPC model with animations inside our project. With some of my new Blender skills, and with the help of a couple different tutorials, I began working on my very first character model. I used the ‘mirror’ function on Blender, which essentially means you only have to edit one half of the model and the other half will mirror perfectly.  I used a photo as reference to have somewhat correct anatomy, I wasn’t aiming for a super detailed photo realistic model, but I still wanted something which the human brain would register as a human in order to feel the isolation effects that other humans can cause someone to experience. 
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After some hours, I had my basic model completed, although I later realised there were many little problems which would cause me trouble in the future while trying to rig my character, For example, the tail bone vertices were seperate, which would cause the model to split in half if I was to make the legs move in different directions.
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I uploaded the model into our office scene, to get an idea of how it looked within the environment and if there was anything else I needed to change. The character is extremely low-poly, and if I was to have more time, I’d spend it learning how to become better at 3D modelling, and making the NPCs more realistic in order to have the VR experience blend with real life, tricking the brain into perceiving the VR world as the real world. 
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I had many issues when I finished my model and started working on the rig. The tutorial I was following was not working, as the person who made the video skipped over lots of details, and I felt that their method of rigging the character wasn’t the most sufficient way in doing it, so I moved from blender, and started going through different tutorials for rigging the character in Autodesks Maya. 
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Luckily, in Maya, the rigging system is extremely simple with basic models like what I have created. It’s as simple as clicking on your entire mesh, navigating to the rigging window, clicking skeleton and then ‘auto rig’, after that, Maya uses its magic to create a (almost) perfect rig for you to use. The key word here is almost, as it definitely was not perfect and had loads of issues on its own. When I moved the legs, they would appear to squish, and lose their density and make the model appear as if his legs could easily snap in half. 
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After going back and fourth from rigging on Maya and rigging on Blender, I decided to stick with animating the model on Blender. It took loads of trouble shooting and lots of googling, but I figured out how to rig the NPC model to a skeleton within Blender that I custom made myself to fit the model perfectly. After that, I parented the rig to itself, and then I was able to start rotating different body parts in order to manipulate the models movements and positions. 
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The first NPC that i’m creating, needs to be sitting behind a desk, typing away on their keyboard. This is the most important NPC as the player will spend more time in the actual office than any other part of the map. If I have time, I will make more animations for NPCs walking around, NPCs eating in the lunch room, and even NPCs sitting on seats waiting.  So, using Blenders built in animation software, I positioned the NPC model to be in a seating position, exporting it as an .fbx many times over to ensure that the model would fit onto the office chairs correctly, and that the arms would be hovering over the keyboard, so that it gives the look that the NPC is typing at their keyboard and I wanted it to be as believable as possible. 
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I had the alter the model many times to get the feet touching the floor, and the arms over the keyboard, while keeping the NPC a believable size, not being too small or too giant. This is what the NPC currently looks like sitting at their desk:
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I needed to make sure that when the player walks around the office, the NPCs heads can always be seen, peering over at the player with their eyes always watching them, causing the player to feel uneasy.
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This is the finished product, of the model, the animation and the positioning at the desk all complete:
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The next step is to create different textures, my goal is to have at least four different NPCs around the office, ideally six. This means that I’ll have to learn how to paint materials/skins, and being able to put them onto the NPC models.
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I attempted using Blenders texture paint to create a skin for the model, firstly smoothing out the model so it no longer has sharp edges.  I have no experience with 3D painting, let alone painting in general, so I ended up creating this abomination. For now, I’m going to keep the model with no skin, and work on finishing the office, and if I have enough time afterwards then i’ll continue 3D painting skins which hopefully won’t look as bad as this.
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markyeoh · 5 years
The idea behind pulse is the fragile serenity in the rhythm of a heartbeat.
With different circumstances this project could have more time to grow. As it is, i did learn alot in terms of audio effects and have only scratched the surface of what’s possible. I’ve become much more confident in terms of using Ableton, but need more practice and experience producing music. More mini experimentation sessions could help to develop more sounds and techniques. 
My mixing skills have vastly improved with a better understanding of audio effects such as Compression, EQ & Filter. 
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mybctexperience · 6 years
Creative Audio Proposal
My proposal is both specific and quite vague because I have a lot that I would like to learn in quite a short space of time. I don’t think that I’m very good at working with sound, but it is something that I find quite important to me, I want to work at getting better at it. That means really learning and putting in the effort with it. So I sent this in:
I want to try to create background music that could effect and change the atmosphere of an environment.
I’d like to learn to be able to work with different types of artists to create/compose/compile tracks for a smooth transitioning stage performance.
I am excited to try out and learn to work with as much hardware and software as I can get my hands on. Specific interest in soundboards, (launchpads?), mixers, and stage performance tech.
I would like to work on broadening what I listen to, and seeing how that my effect my individual style.
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michaelabct · 5 years
After receiving feedback on Monday I’ve edited and fixed up my sound. However, I cannot export the sound because my trial for Ableton live has expired. I’ll be buying the app in a couple days (AKA when I have money hah) The song doesn't have a title yet so the name is pending. 
In the latest version (that I cant export) I’ve added a piano and viola in separate live sets. Im still deciding which instrument to use. I’ve added some snares and used EQ to give it a bounce. (Might change it)
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sushmita-devi · 6 years
Creative Audio: Time to export?
Notes taken in class:
 Mixing, iteration
Visual identity (but this was my focus since the first week)
 The dominant feature must be put in place for mixing/editing
Dominant feature > hard panning (left and right), arithmetic
 Audio must be on full volume in terms of its output (Don’t rely on the headphones for the final output)
(U) Unity – game level I a sweet level on a mixer
Notes taken while applying those to the final product.
The sound of thunder pulls the audio towards a sour track when my aim is to end it with the sweetest but hatred feel. 
Screenshots taken to show to improvement:
The use of compressor to avoid the jumps in between two tracks, not separating the two but blending in the sounds.
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Adjustment for the end: Having dynamic with the sound of flames to portray two actions(calm and peace with hatred) in one, without confusing the audiences. 
I used this effect through this story line, relating to myself because I am the person that keep things calm even when I am angry at or about something.
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Sound of ‘breaking glass’ didn’t sound right as it separated the two so I used the sound of thunder instead. 
Tested off YouTube:
Glass breaking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R14G5ac76Uc
Thunder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0yKAzXMr4c
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Testing the ‘feels’ with thunder and breaking glass sound - not successful
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Highlights- distracting the mood with the sound of piano - removed
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This dynamic takes over the mood
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Accomplishment- EQ
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Testing with high freq
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Increasing the rate of the drums because it wasn’t loud enough to mix into dynamics
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I have also been thinking about changing my ‘Visual Identity’ from the critic audio to something that relates to this piece but also something that I have experimented visually to portray the sound. 
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bambi-ct · 7 years
Alrighty then.
This is mostly referencing to everything I know I need to be doing this week,
Firstly, for CTEC600 Knowledge, Inquiry and Practice. I’m needing to create and blog about my project proposal. This is gonna be research heavy so I need to show that in evidence. I’m most likely going to keep it public, so it'll be here for ya.
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Then, for CTEC605 Creative Audio. I’m gonna have to figure out exactly what I want to do for this week I’m thinking something like my own EP with about 3-4 musical pieces. I have no idea what the plan is from there, I at least want to have an idea of that, and maybe a list of song titles for inspiration.
The difference here is that I will have a new blog for this section. I feel like Music is going to be big for me this year so it seems suitable. So if you wish to see this new blog click here.
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For Studio this semester I have found myself in Miranda’s Stream. I’m currently in a group with Rachael Li and we are pushing on this Deep-sea, Lovecraftian, Eldritch Abomination concept. Think Bloodborne with more Glowing, Hypnoticness.
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This is what it looks like inside my Construction Soundscape. A couple fan noises made buy Xav and my PCs create a background which is permiated with varoius bang noises from metal and wood.
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alyssabct · 4 years
Making Cover Art - Creative Audio
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In progress but I think our top pick is this one:
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taynebct-blog · 5 years
Case Design Timeline
These are the cases and designs in the order they were created.
1.The first design was incredibly basic and built on a flimsy understanding of the project and fusion. Built from a sketch segment rotated around the central axis.
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2. The second design was created with more understanding of the prototype, however it lacked consideration for the ability to print the case and had a considerable design flaw of being unchangeable, the lines being overlain over themselves creating mess, only a single component. It did however show an attempt to accommodate machine restrictions for printing.
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3. The third design was inspired by the design of a pump. It was focusing on compacting the design, but it did not allow enough space for internals and used a cylindrical shape which clashed with the box nature of Calebs internal design. The two halves were held in place by struts that slotted into spaces of the opposing half.
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4. The fourth design was created to be ergonomic, solid and comfortable. However the design was more of a personal though experiment and would force redesign of the internals rather than changes in the casing. This design was intended to be gripped in a fist with buttons under each finger grip, and the screen showing in the gap between thumb and index finger, with and extra button being usable by the thumb on the underside.The sensors would be accessed from the protrusion. It was created by the liberal usage of fillet and chamfer, of course done as the last step to allow for easy changes in the future if needed.
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5. The fifth design was created with the specific measurements of the prototype in mind and was the first iteration that we printed. The design was more efficient than previous iterations and one of the main features is the thickened case back which could be bolted into the front of the case. It used bolts instead of screws because I was uncertain of the specifics of the screw type vs hole size.
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6. The sixth design is the most specific and the most encompassing as it includes the distance measure and is designed to house the latest internal design. It has appropriate screw holes and distributes the necessary width to the sides to create a thinner but wider case that would better accommodate pockets. It also has a slid-able access port for battery and charging as well as a closing window. It is also by far the most complicated design i have created in fusion 360. It heavily uses sketch to create the intricate housing for the internal design.
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ashtoncreative · 4 years
Finishing ‘The Intern’
The office did not have any windows, as at some point I removed them all seeing as the outside was just an empty grey void which would take you away from the realism that we were trying to create, so I began creating an outside environment, and I put windows in, which I made have enough transparency to see there’s buildings outside, but not enough you can tell they’re just giant walls. 
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Sadly, with the amount of time we have left for our project, and with everything taking a lot more time than we thought it would, we had to get rid of the meeting room and boss’ office, as we didn’t have the tasks completed that were going to involve needing to enter these two spaces. The benefit of being able to delete these, is that our game runs a lot more smooth now without them as there’s less assets taking up space. 
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Adding Sanitising Stations
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The one room I was the least happy with in the entire office scene was the waiting room, it felt very bland and felt like it served no purpose, as a part of my final touches I went over it again, making it tighter to stress the player out as they have to navigate their way past two judging NPCs who are sitting there watching the player as the player walks past. 
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Creating The Players Lock-screen on their Computer
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People who tested an early prototype build of ‘The Intern’ complained that they were confused and didn’t know what to do, and although that was what we were aiming for, we decided to add subtle elements to help people understand what to do next. For starters, on photoshop I created two posters, the first poster is advertising fire safety, letting the players know there are three fire extinguishers around the office. The second poster is next to the coffee machine, this poster teaches the players how to make different coloured coffees.
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The last few things I created on Blender, these are little sticky notes. There’s three of them for the three different tasks which the player has to do, the first being the passwords for the computer, the second telling the player to microwave their lunch with a picture of what the lunch looks like, and the third being a post-it-note which tells the player to make three different coffees for three different NPCs inside the scene.
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The game is all put together, here is some photos that I took of environments early in development and then their final outcomes. 
Waiting Room Prototype:
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Final Waiting Room:
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Kitchen Prototype:
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Final Kitchen:
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Office Prototype:
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Final Office:
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Prototype Gameplay:
Final Gameplay:
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markyeoh · 5 years
Work on my sound project is hitting a dead end.
Recent events have kept me distracted and uninspired, and no matter how hard I try nothing seems to be going right. I’m missing the spark that drove ‘Scene’. 
The basic outline and idea is there, but its still sorely lacking character and flavor.
I’ve experimented with all the things I’ve learnt from my research, but they don’t seem to fit together.
Maybe my mind isn’t in the right place.
I did manage to setup my own synth as a preset, and have gotten familiar with the Auto Filter effect. Using Auto FIlter, EQ & Chorus all together allows me to modify sound into something very different. Useful for experimenting with new sounds.
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vintagexvr · 7 years
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Here we are trying to remove background sounds of people talking in our forest track. The bottom left graph-like space is where we were focusing on. The sounds of speech were found around the dip and where most of the dots are. This frequency was cut out and the rest remains in the track.
The top is where all the sounds are placed together and the area selected was the specific area we were focusing on.
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mybctexperience · 5 years
Creative Audio Research 4
By a fellow classmate I was given an awesome list of artists, songs, and albums to take a look at. I have finally caved and gotten the free version of Spotify. It’s kind of to help me with this list.
This is the list I typed out. (I think I got a few things not exactly right, but it’s what I’ve got to go on.) 
Artist Recommendations:
The Regrettes
Mini Mansions
Snail mail
Song Recommendations:
I wanna get better - bleachers
Little death - the beths
Runs in the family - amanda palmer
When he died - lemon demon
Pain killers - beach bunny
Thumbnail - louie zong
Hello Anxiety
All men are pigs
Heat wave
Album Recommendations:
Transgender Street Legend
How to be a human being - glass animals
I have not gotten very far down the list at all, but I have already become quite attached to “All Men Are Pigs”, and the album “How to Be Human”. All Men Are Pigs is just really catchy, it’s taking me quite a few re listens to actually think about the lyrics. The album I found was How to Be Human by The Classic Crime, I don’t think that it’s the one I was meant to find, but I do really enjoy it. The songs I’m most attached to right now from the album and just artists because of Spotify’s shuffling are, “The Third Way” and “Gravedigging”. I think The Third Way is about letting go, and I relate so much right now. It has a nice tempo and beat. I have adoration for Gravedigging because of the driving beat, and it’s close (to me) punk, rock, metal, and screamo parallels. It brings me back to those types of genres. It’s also another relatable song for me at the moment.
Overall I’m also really enjoying how Spotify just floats you through lots of different slightly related songs. It can be frustrating when you just want to listen to something really specific. But otherwise it’s a fast way to find new songs you might like, and a plethora of different connected artists, albums, and genres.
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[CREATIVE AUDIO] - Reflection
City Sounds - Auckland Edition is a sound-art installation that explores the concept of stereo imagery in story-telling scenarios. The piece itself is a dome of four speakers that outwardly project a quadraphonic soundscape that runs the world around it into an auditory map of New Zealand’s most populous city. As the viewer walks around the piece, they can hear themselves moving from the airport in Manukau to the wild western black-sand beaches, loosing themselves into the culture, diversity and nature that the city has to offer.
The concept was originally inspired by the SoundDome as presented at the University of Auckland last year (School of Music, 2016). The piece presented work by sound artists and composers, David Downes and Dr John Coulter, are were played in a 8 metre dome fitted with 28 speakers of varying kinds. The experience as an audience member was unlike anything else I have ever seen or heard in my life. I was whisked away to a magical land, except it was Coulter’s childhood farm, not Oz, and I rode sound waves, not a tornado. I lost myself to the other world, and I was inspired to consider how this feel could be recreated in a different way. I wanted to be able to take the immersive feeling that the SoundDome creating and launch it out into the real world, creating an auditory augmentation of sorts. After investigating how others had been capturing the sounds of their homes through sampling to creating online visual maps littered with playable samples to add another layer to the digital perception of a city (Ouzounian, 2014), I began to consider how I could take concept from the SoundDome and bring my home city of Auckland to life wherever I was. Anywhere could become home. Thus, the concept was born.
The soundscape itself is a four channel piece, with one channel designed to represent each direction (North, East, South and West). All samples were recorded in the field using a Focusrite Scarlett LDC - except for one that was used to replace a dud field recording (SoundEffects, 2015) and collated to be arranged into a channel representative of each the North Shore, East Auckland, South Auckland and West Auckland. The four tracks sitting within each of these channels were fitted together in a bricolage of sounds that came to life after various processes (equalisation, compression, gating, levelling and more). This process offered me with an opportunity to build on some of the skills that I used  frequently when I practiced audio engineering regularly, as well as presenting the opportunity to utilise new tools to create the best audio art that I possible could, including phase mapping and stereo imagery visualisers.
The hardware that I created is comprised of laser-cut mdf panels designed especially to fit together on the precise angle needed for audio projection in the method that I wanted. The signal is sent from a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, through four mono, single channel amplifiers into four speakers. The speakers are wide-range 4 inch, 8 ohm drivers, with shielding to protect themselves from each other’s magnetic component within the close proximity used in the structure. The hardware required the most research, exploration and experimentation to bring to life. While I have had some experience soldering and plenty of experience in sound rigging for theatres, I’ve never built anything remotely like this. I had to learn how to draw in Illustrator to make the CAD file for the laser cutting, how to design the most efficient shapes for the structure, how to solder RCA plugs, how to understand single channel amplifiers and attach my own power supplies. As a practitioner with more theoretical understanding and narrow-minded practical experience, it was refreshing to through myself into creating a physical object that pushed me to learn new practices and skills that would benefit my work in the future. 
There are many things that I would change if I did the project again, starting with the scale of the project. If possible, I would make it bigger to not only build upon the world that I was trying to create, by also to better some of the physical attributes/issues with the sound that came to light through my proximity (namely phase cancellation). Increasing the size would also create space for a wider range of higher quality speakers, meaning that I would not use wide-range drivers but rather drivers specialised for certain uses (including subs and tweeters) to optimise the authenticity of the sound as well as minimising any issues of pushing the drivers too far.  However, I will still deem this project a success (even though I feels far from finished) as I created something to be proud of through an effective working practice. I found it most interesting, and thrilling, that I pushed myself far beyond my comfort zone when building a piece of art to capture the essence of my home. This project was a blessing in the form of a challenge; I dived into the unknown areas of the field that I thought I already understood well as an experience audio engineer and swam back to the surface by grasping at new knowledge that all pulled me towards my final objective, home. 
British Library. (2017). Sound maps. Retrieved from http://sounds.bl.uk/sound-maps/
Cities and Memory. (2017). Cities and Memory: global collaborative sound project. Retrieved from https://citiesandmemory.com/
Google. (2017). Auckland. Retrieved from https://www.google.co.nz/maps/@-36.859234,174.6294563,8.79z
Lawlor, G. (2014). How sound effects a person’s mood. Retrieved from https://mahara.dkit.ie/view/view.php?id=23810
Mohn, T. (2017). New ‘noise map’ tracks road and aviation levels across country. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/tanyamohn/2017/03/30/new-noise-map-tracks-road-and-aviation-levels-across-country/#6c4356e83c34
New York Society of Acoustic Ecology. (2006). Soundseeker. Retrieved from http://fm.hunter.cuny.edu/nysae/nysoundmap/about.html
Noise map. (2017). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved August 15, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noise_map
Ouzounian, G. (2014). Interactive sound maps provide new tools for mapping cities. Retrieved from http://www.citymetric.com/skylines/interactive-sound-maps-provide-new-tools-mapping-cities-552
Prebble, T. (2010). Sound maps. Retrieved from http://www.musicofsound.co.nz/blog/sound-maps
Prikrylova, Z. (2013). You learn a lot about the city by asking about its sound. Retrieved from http://cdm.link/2013/05/you-learn-a-lot-about-the-city-by-asking-about-its-sound-peter-cusack-interview/
School of Music at the University of Auckland. (2016). SoundDome'16. Retrieved from http://www.sounddome.org/SoundDomeProgramme.pdf
SoundDome. (2016). SoundDome.org. Retrieved from www.sounddome.org/
SoundEffects. (2015). Plane fly over sound effect [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZXQOOAVk4E
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