#cupcaeky wakey
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You guysssss 😭 Anon, friend, you can’t just murder me like that, please
Now I’m going to make use of this high while it lasts and just post something; I will wrestle the first-fic-for-a-new-fandom anxiety into submission. 
(no one’s surprised, right? that Security Breach sniped me? given my history with writing dad figures, I feel very personally attacked but not entirely in a bad way. rip me, i guess)
I’ll let you guys decide which goes up tonight: 
A) completed 4,500-word one-shot AU of if the game was maybe a little more like the trailers made it out to be, ft. Vanessa actually seeing Gregory and going “i need to help this small child” and Gregory being reasonably spooked by the situation
B) 1,800-word first chapter of a Vanessa and Gregory are siblings AU, ft. feral Vanessa and a Gregory who really didn’t mean to give his sister multiple heart attacks by sneaking into her place of work
I leave this decision in your capable hands...
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
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HELLO???? hello?????? oh lord above.
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viv and i are both 5'2" so this is Something to behold i guess..
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
AHAHAHA! (me and Mothra are the same height so that's fun)
really puts the ItFoS shenanigans into perspective don't it mehehehe
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hollowtones · 4 years
i think they called rubyxsapphire that instead of garnet bc Garnet is a whole ass new person and if they wanna refer to the two tiny lesbians they use rubiphire, bc they are separate space lesbos. i think. i didnt go there but my friend did
Please consider: 
Garnet’s whole deal is that she IS the love between Ruby and Sapphire, she IS their relationship, she is the EXPRESSION of who they are, together, on top of being her own individual 
Garnet is multifaceted (Joke of gemstones) & puts on this stoic persona for the sake of others but also she likes to do tricks and pranks so I think she’d get a chuckle out of her name meaning something different given the context
“Rupphire” sounds like the name of a disease and it does not roll off the tongue 
Referring to their pairing bluntly as “Garnet” is funny
Making things more confusing on purpose gives me abilities 
I will take no more questions or comments on the topic because I don’t really care.
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kaiju-krew · 3 years
if goji dies... I DIE.... deadass 😤
Call me cringe but if that big stupid lizard dies... I may enter a state of misery on a level that I have never experienced before... Why did my dumbass choose an overgrown crocodile who’s constantly getting in life threatening situations as my comfort character... 
I did hear that one of Toho’s rules for Legendary was that they couldn’t kill Goji, crossing my fingers n toes that it’s true 🥺
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i was watchin vids of crocs/alligators vibing at zoos and i thought 'what if maddie took the human!titans to a zoo...' i could only imagine goji looking at the crocs sunbathing and go "god i wish that were me" and everyone else saying "king idk what else to say but that is you❤️"
He spends a week afterward being the most lazily content creature on the planet. Sprawled on his belly in the sand of the beach, curled up on whatever sun-warmed rock he can fit on, doing that little floating thing crocs do so just their head sticks out of the water. No one can even blame him, considering all the crap he's gone through.
He deserves a decadent vacation.
(Mark draws the line at letting him commandeer their tub for a bubblebath. He knows exactly how that would end.)
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im so sorry to hear about your grandma, its always really difficult to hear that kind of news about family. i hope she feels well soon💙
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Thanks for all the well-wishes, guys! ❤️ She's been released from the hospital, but she'll have to get regular check-ups to make sure it doesn't get serious. The tumor/mass/I-can’t-remember-what-they-called-it is benign apparently, so they aren't doing anything about it right now.
On a less serious note, I have a snippet of something? I wrote the beginning of a story, but I don't really have any ideas for more of it, so I might just share what I have here...
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i was showin my friends how big ghidorah is and... legdorah.... 
• • •
submitted by @cupcaeky-wakey
I held it together until legdorah
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Congrats on the promotion, Star!
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Aww, thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
I super appreciate y’all’s patience and support!
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surprisingly kotm did kinda flop at the box office compared to gvk
kotms worldwide $383,299,915 after 2 yrs vs gvks $406,146,076 after a month (found on the-numbers.com)
gvks the highest grossin pandemic film too, i bet if covid was better handled it would have gotten a Lot more money
The results are in! So yeah, objectively, GvK is doing better than KotM, from the looks of things. I’m glad people are realizing the magnificence of the MonsterVerse. Better late than never, right?
So long as we get more movies out of it, I’ll be happy. Thanks for the stats, friend!
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i got hit hard by snowstorm orlena, and as i was being buried alive in the snow by my brother all i could think about was how much the mini titans would LOVE playing in the snow 🥺
It was all I could think about after I read this ask! So...
the domestication of titanus [insert name here]
Chapter Ten: Snow Day
Just as she was contemplating whether to do Kong or Kevin next, a shrill, panicked screech cut through the otherwise still air, and Maddie twisted around just in time to see a golden blur crash into an evergreen with an explosion of powered snow.
Laughing, she stood up and brushed her snow pants off. “Speak of the devil,” she said as she stomped over.
read it on ao3! 
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the first few chapters are very sad
• • •
rip @cupcaeky-wakey​ 
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
alpha titans have always had an iffy relationship with each other (sans goji and mothra for obvi reasons), but they can all be civil. except godzilla. because hes the king. you put all the alphas in the same place, human or titan, godzilla will always have the strong urge to protect his title by any means. whether it be by ~asserting dominance👀~ or just saying "im the king. me. not you. i hope you know. you better know." every few minutes. he wont stop until they all agree that yes he is the king and no they wont try and usurp him.
Probably not to that extent (it'd make him look like one of those overly-aggressive-hiding-inner-insecurity types) but he's definitely more than happy to remind a Titan who's boss around here if they start getting uppity or cop an attitude.
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
gemini out here being the BACKBONE of the hornyposting
o7 we salute you
The spice must flow...
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Heck yeah it is! Thank you! Sound the alarms, the world has to deal with me for yet another year!! >:)
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unus annus was really cool and im glad to have been there but im like 50% sure i did it wrong (in my own mind) lol its nice not to worry abt uploads tho. i was really bad at watching them when they came out
It was! It’s cool to know we were a part of something like that. If it’s any consolation, friend, I don’t think there was a wrong way to do it. The way the experience went was up to you. I certainly didn’t watch all of the videos, so don’t feel bad about it. 
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patron saints was such a refreshing read!!! i have some possible ideas for other chapters 😳😳 what if jonah kidnaps her bc she bonded with godzilla and she uses her own atomic breath to escape! or maybe if u want some fluff, godzilla showing maddie off to the other titans like “THIS IS MY HUMAN!!! LOOK AT HER! 🥺”
Thank you! Oooh, I like the idea of Jonah kidnapping her without there being any connection between him and Emma. Some of the comments I got on the fic also had some ideas worth exploring, so we’ll see. 
Fluff or angst... now that is the question.
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