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Cupcakes and Crooked Spoons Mood board馃巶馃馃拪
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bbbbookblog-blog 6 years
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This last month I have been quite a slacker... I have been here but not been here lol. Life has a way of getting in your way sometimes, and we have some things we have been dealing with.. for the most part not bad but there is a not so good in there.. #cangersucks. I feel like I have missed so much going on but at the same time feel so refreshed and ready to get back into the swing of things. Something totaly exciting going on. I was nominated for Utopia awards!!! Umm who did this! I love you!!! But there are a ton of amazing people over there to vote on. so If you have time go forth and vote <3 I would love to get your votes http://www.utopiacon.com/2018/06/ Reading wise... Book 2 for the month is Cupcakes and Crooked Spoons by @charitybauthor I and so fricken excited to read this arc!!! I have read the rest of the series and am loving the ride I have been on with all these characters. I think I better stock up some sweets before I dig in.. These books have a way of making me crave sugary things ;) What books have you read lately that you would recommend? Do you have any anticipated reads for the month? Fill me in on all the goodness going on! leave me a positive if you want cause I love seeing all the positive in this book community/Insta community <3 #june #bookstagram #CharityB #cupcakesandcrookedspoons #arc #bookblogger #pretty
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It's oddly a relief to know my heart can still break.
Toben (Cupcakes and Crooked Spoons)
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