#cupid's arrows is taking a break silly silly silly
ranubd · 11 months
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Hello! I'll be taking a break from doing the comic for a while. I've lost quite a lot of motivation for it currently and I feel like rushing to do the panels without a clear idea of what I want with the comic isn't really working out.. 😭😭
I'll be focusing more on just drawing things for fun for a while. However I feel it'd be wrong to leave anyone who is curious about the comic hanging like this so I'm just leaving the quick plan for the next panel here so you can have a bit of an idea where I'm going with it.
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Any and all questions related to the comic are still welcome of course! I'd be more than happy to answer stuff but for the moment being I won't work on the panels.
I hope you understand. :))
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mblue-art · 2 months
Sorry for that question but I really curious!
What made you fell in love with Cross and Lust?
Tell us more!!
😳😳😳 hhuh what rreally,, , ,,, 😳 u wanna hear me yap abt my sillies, my beloveds,,, (i appreciate the enthusiasm tho omg 🥺🫶🫶🫶)
i want to have the yuris with lust and the yaois with cross I I MEAN HWHWAT 🧍‍♂️
haha anyWAY,, (oh gog this ended up long)
cross checks so many boxes for me it makes me go insane. too good to be true. versatile(??)— like it's somehow way too easy to put him in Situations. (he's bf and husbone material??? just -20hp me now; that already kills me) he's. hh. gawddamn there's reasons why he won a utmv sans sexyman poll.
he's like a crush that you can't get out of your head no matter what you do, i'm so freaking down bad for him it's not even funny anymore. ever since simping for cross i have not been the same since. the man has changed me. the attraction/simp feelings hit me like a bat out of nowhere and i don't understand why it's so intense— i. hh.
,,i like when ppl make him dorky. stupidly silly (absolutely love shitpost shenanigans and would absolutely LOVE to get into silly shenanigans with him and with/without his bestie epic). fun to be around when he's deemed you as a good friend. stars, he'd give good hugs. strong, solid, and warm, the kind of hugs u don't wanna pull away from so soon. a little endearingly cringe. fanon simp cross is adorable and fun to mess around with. tsundere cross is adorable and fun to mess with. cute anxious guy under all that intimidating aloofness. when i say his smile is an absolute treasure, i mean that. his blush making him look like a grape or a glowing bulb is adorable and makes me wanna tease him more. anime protag/character vibes so strong i wanna have a cute bl/shoujo manga romance with him type shit yk.
then there's times when he's The Hot Dude and i think it's illegal if he's all confident and smug and dom actually (/hj) cause that makes me wanna fucking fite him HELLO? SIR? ILLEGAL????? (<- the fight or flight response of a tsundere towards a milder tsundere LOL).
-hp every single time. mf gets successful d20 rolls w/ rizz on me and i get a critical hit every time. it's a 50/50 either i fluster to death and become weak or i wanna fite his dumbass
i'll. i can fight him. i'll lose but i can fight him for sure. (why is he so cool⁉️‼️💢💢💢RRRRRRR)
he makes me feel things. lots of things. (mostly fluster but when i'm feelin sooper soff i jst wanna shower his skull in keeses. ima kissy lil guy)
tired cross makes me just wanna take care of him. want him to come home to me without any worry because he thinks i'm his safe space.
when he's being stubborn i want to tell him to chill out for a little while, take a break and watch some funny stuff while drinking choccy milk or eating his fav foods and be cozy. bapping him if he's gonna try to get out of this too soon. he's gonna get the free time he deserves n relax n get cuddles n kithes.
the way he can gently hold my hand and look at me with a sincere look in his eyelights and say something genuinely affectionate feels like cupid shooting an arrow through my soul, but also feels like a balm. (a promise of loyalty and faithfulness.) (a kiss on the forehead? a cherry on top.)
well now i can't be mean to him with all the nice he's saying and doing. i just want nice things for him o(-< (even if he's a bastard sometimes lol<3 all circles back to the silly) (silly is always important)
i love lust. so so so much. the fanon interpretation of him, anyway.
(don't get me wrong, i absolutely adore the feminine slay content of lust; but am i wrong for yearning for more masc lust content?)
i like my lust sans respectful, goofy, sans-like, an absolute sweetheart, and a caring, wonderful life partner. under the flirty personality and charm(ing looks), is a sans behavior that made me fall deeper. (he makes me feel very gender too) (ohmygofd yeah no he actually makes me think of gender sometimes rauauagrrgh<3/pos). i don't have to worry about showing my cring, weird side to him, because he's also a gremlin,, o(-< he doesn't have to present himself all nice and pretty all the time (although he's always pretty in my eyes). he can be comfortably himself; with me 🥺
i want to be his safe space.
i want to see him heal and be happy and be happy with me and give him all the love i can give and care for him and make him soso happy i just want him to feel SO sosososo loved, he deserves so much more
he's the only one who's able to get a certain reaction out of me; to pull flowers out of my heart. to pull out words of love and devotion and appreciation, heart bursting with affection only for him.
for him, i would try. i would live for him. i wish someone like him (the him i've created from interpretations and headcanons) was real irl.
i want to not care i don't care if he's a gorgeous well-known person that people fawn over, or if he's a campus crush, etc.,
i want him to think i'm worthy enough to keep in his life. for him to know how special he is to me, for him to know how much i want him in my life as much as i want him to keep me in his.
my immediate reaction when i think of him is: 😊💕💜💜💜eeeee kicks and giggles and flaps hands teehee
i love him so much i get a heart-on for him (/silly but it is true sometimes; love him so much it aches (in a good way))
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peachipeachy · 2 months
cool with you ☆彡 - ch. 03
(gojo satoru x fem!cupid!reader) based on the "cool with you" m/v by new jeans.
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warnings; mentions of bow and arrows, use of (y/n), high school era gojo, mild swearing, suguru do be yellin' yellin, reader is always really going through it with this crush (shes like me frfr)
(hey yall;;;,,, here's the silly little second half :,D)
word count; approx. 2.3k
act i; accismus.
n. a form of irony in which a person feigns indifference to or pretends to refuse something he or she desires.
(where a cupid refuses to acknowledge her growing affection for the earth's strongest sorcerer.)
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"i seem to find your company entertaining, gojo-san,"
the wintertime scenery soon blurs into a mix of colours as she pulls the boy with her, in search of a place to talk.
and as the questions bubbling within each of their throats grow to the tip of their tongues, they find themselves standing in front of a cafe. in particular, (y/n) had unknowingly led them to the very same cafe she had shot him at; café de crie. she grimaces.
oh, how fate can be such a comedian.
she lets go of his arm and takes a seat at one of the outdoor tables, staring at the still human standing in front of her.
he doesn't budge.
so she gestures to the seat at the table across from her and calms her expression. her image returning to its calculating, inhuman, innately cupid-like character.
"sit here and take out your phone like you're calling someone," she spoke, keeping her tone indifferent, refusing to let her beating heart ruin her image. "that way you don't look entirely insane while we talk,"
with another grin, the boy enthusiastically takes his place at the table, flipping open his phone and pressing it to his ear before settling into the sit across from her. "alright, dove"
she grimices at the nickname. "dove?"
"well, i don't really have anything to call you by...plus--" he lazily points to her attire; white on white on white. white clothes, white shoes, white accessories, all with no marks or stains - all too perfect for a human.
she presses her tongue against her cheek and crosses her arms with a scoff, unable to retort back. the boy's expression fades into a cheeky smile, and (y/n) looks away; flustered and annoyed is not a look she likes on herself.
meanwhile, satoru's eyes catch the laminated menu on the table. not one to resist sweet treats and pretty girls, he inspects it. she hears him call for her again.
"hey, dove," he rests his phone between his ear and his shoulder, looking up at her. "you wanna order something?"
her gaze flickers between him and the menu in his hands and she declines with the graceful shake of her head.
the boy pouts. "c'mon~ i'll even pay!"
"no, i'm not hungry" (y/n), in fact, does not need to eat. perks of not being human.
the pair hold eye contact for a moment; waiting for the other break. a few beats pass by in silence and satoru groans, giving in.
"fine, but don't say i didn't offer," with that, the boy orders a cream cake topped with sliced peaces, some sort of cofee jelly, alongside a hot cup of coffee, adding so much sugar that even the non-human is concerned for him.
the moment all of his order is delivered, he begins.
"so, you wanna start by telling me why exactly i have to pretend to be on the phone for us to talk?" he asks, placing the flip phone in a more comfortable position.
she eyes him, "would you like to tell me your name before you interogate me?"
and despite his question getting shut down, he smiles at her.
"satoru. gojo satoru,"
she nods, acknowledging him, "gojo-san,"
satoru leans forward, smile wider, excited. if (y/n) wasn't so on edge, she would have mistaken him for a puppy, one with curious blue eyes and a big, white, wagging tail.
"and you?" he takes a bite from his cake, "your name?"
furrowing her eyebrows, she hesitates. is she even allowed to disclose this stuff to humans? satoru notices her uncertainty and concludes that the best way to get answers is to tease them out of her. "unless you want me to keep calling you dove?"
she scowls, "next question, please,"
winter rain beats hard against the cafe's covers as clock hands tick and the sun moves to hide underneath the land. satoru's phone is held close to his face as questions and answers are tossed between a sorcerer and cupid.
they start with the necessaey questions - insatiable with the need to understand each other.
it's here where satoru learns that only he can notice her presence as she recounts the other people only interact with her if she directly initiates contact first. he also learns that she doesn't actually want to interact with others either, so she's not bothered by it. to her future dismay, (y/n) adds how satoru noticing her despite never knowing of his existance first made her nervous, resulting in multiple teasing comments from said boy to a pink-cheeked girl.
next, (y/n) is informed of cursed energy and the fact that satoru initially thought she was a big, powerful cursed spirit or something. she asks him how he could he come up with that conclusion, and satoru ends up boasting about being the "strongest sorcerer". (y/n) barely has a clue what he means by that.
and as the two converse, topics and questions become mundane and sillier.
"why do i always see you near the train station?" he asks.
(y/n) shrugs, "there's a lot of people,"
she does not elaborate.
later, while plates are cleaned and only satoru's drink remains, the conversation steers into anecdotes, and thoughts and mindless chatter. satoru talks more. mostly because he thinks she is simply shy, when in reality, (y/n) doesn't really have many stories or experiences to talk about. so she asks questions.
"why do people like coffee so much?" she blurts out, watching satoru take a hearty gulp from his mug. he shoots her a confused look.
"are you asking like, you don't like coffee? or like you've never tried it?" he asks, a small coffee mustache adorned on his top lip.
her eyes watch his tongue lick it off. "never tried it,"
"never?" he gapes, she shakes her head. in her years as a cupid, she noticed that many humans love 'coffee dates'. this event isn't even reserved for romance - humans invite their family, friends, or even strangers to go on these dates. it intrigued her. why this little brown drink? "why not?"
"never had the chance to, i guess," she replies, glancing at the half-empty mug.
he nods and the topic passes, effortlessly transitioning to another.
cocurrently, (y/n) can't help but feel relieved when realising how late the cafe stays open. contrary to her cold character, she finds herself enjoying his company and wanting to indulge in the warmth of it.
as she lets him ramble - something about trying to get a boy named "nanami" to try putting sugar in his coffee for once - the hand holding his phone begins to fall, no longer pressed to his cheek. no. (y/n) can't have that. he'll get scrutinised by others...he looks crazy, speaking so animatedly to no one. without a second thought, (y/n) reaches over the empty plates and pushes his hand back to his ear. satoru freezes and locks his gaze on her.
"keep talking," she replies softly, leaning back into her chair, "you look fine now,"
but he can't. gojo satoru has lost his train of thought. he clears his throat, thinking of another topic.
"you know," he looks away, trying to find a way to bring this up without her avoiding it, "you never told me why i have to talk to you like this, its weird that no one else seems to know that you're here except me,"
her expression falters. she seems to know where this question leads. he'll ask her if she's like him. if she's human. but she's not. and she's read stories and seen the reactions of humans when they encounter something unlike them. they turn on them. lock them up and pull them apart to satiate their own brains. or worse, hunt them down and destroy them until they're black and blue. she doesn't want him thinking of her like that. that she's not normal...not for him?
yet, a tiny part of her brain screams to her; maybe he's different?
she inhales deeply, hoping to anyone up there to miraculously work up some kind of answer. truth or not.
her mouth opens--- "RING RING!! RING RING!!"
the pair jump, the cupid clutching her heart as the sorcerer catches his now-ringing phone.
'SUGURU~!! is calling'
as he fumbles with the device, satoru frantically accepts the call.
"SATORU GET YOUR DUMB ASS OVER HERE NOW!!" suguru's distorted voice rings through loudly, forcing satoru to hold the phone away from his face, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? ITS ALMOST CURFEW!"
satoru paled, no longer worried about enticing a response from his dove. he shoots up from his seat, suddenly grateful that he paid already. "SHIT! REALLY?"
being a nutoriously tardy person, yaga masamichi had soon realised that enforcing disiplines on satoru would not work. however, punishing his friends tended to do the trick much better.
he hangs up, shoving the phone into his pockets and turns to the girl, already standing from her seat. stopping him from blurting out any words, (y/n) holds a hand up to him.
"it's fine," she says gently, "i should go too,"
he doesnt get a single word in, as she moves to leave, unfazed as buckets of heavy rain wash over her skin and stain her clothes. satoru frowns.
tomorrow arrives too soon, and (y/n) later finds herself overlooking kyoto station. she sighs, basking in the rare sunlight on her skin - early morning sunshine is hard to come by in this weather, so she decided to indulge in it whenever possible.
her peaceful morning was suddenly interrupted by loud voices, catching her attention. usually groups this noisy are students, on a field trip or catching the train to school. troubled by her thoughts and now tortured by the volume of these students, (y/n) casts an unamused glace at the group. wait---!
her eyes widen in suprise as her heart pounds with excitement.
fighting the urge to rush over and pretend to bump into him, her grip on her bow loosens. he's so close...! panic and adrenaline sets in as she focuses on him, watching as he interacts with his black-haired friend. what would she even say to him if he sees her? would he actually want to talk to her? she hopes he does, why wouldn't he? he certainly liked talking to her yesterday. so, she should go up and talk to him, right? right!
finally releasing satoru from her intense stare, (y/n) takes one last scan of the area for any bonds she needs to initiate. and for the first time as a cupid, (y/n) was rellieved that today was a slow day, not many people around that need her assistance.
she turned her gaze back to the sleek black uniforms of long sleeves jackets and black...SKIRTS? (y/n) watches intensely, throwing a hard glare and the short haired girl who is matching uniforms with her familiar sorcerer. she squeezes her bow tighter, as her mind races. what would she do if a pretty, red bond sparkles between them? from the perspective of a cupid, she should shoot it: do her job and move on. by from the perspective of her heart? she pauses. she doesn't...want to. she had never wanted to interfere with her job before, so why now?
unable to tear her eyes from the pair before her - who are essentially just bickering - her heart sinnks and she loses her mind. when had this sorcerer dodged her arrows only to throw one straight at her?
suddenly, her world stops as his bright irises met hers. that familiar, boyish grin splits across his face and he raises his arm above his head, waving enthusiastically.
her mind is quiet again, and she weakly waves back, caught offguard.
that boy from before elbows him in the stomach, and satoru looks away from her.
"who the hell are you waving to?" his friend grumbles.
but before satoru can respond, a tall, intimadating man with sunglasses - satory's teacher, she presumes - forces them into the station, urging them to hurry.
it's in the haze of cold winter air that (y/n) feels her warmest, hand absentmindedly raised in a still wave. what has he done to her?
(y/n) is exhausted. despite the slow morning, this day was bustling with love. bumbling bonds popped up almost every second, all across the city - every place she went costed her another arrow and come nightfall, when the streets grew quiet, she found herself in familiar territory. overlooking tokay station again.
she stares at the moon-soaked station and can't help but wonder if satoru made it home or if he's staying the night elsewhere. if he came back home, did he look for her? did her wonder about her too?
her frown widens and her exhaustion melts into self-loathing. she's better than this - letting a man ruin her mind. how foolish. glaring at the midnight shadows, she notices an open umbrella sitting on the ground below. she moves closer to it, inspecting it. she thinks maybe someone had lost it, considering it looks quite expensive, the dark cloth patterned with little 'LV' symbols.
steam rises from behind the umbrella's cloth, alerting (y/n). danger?
she paws at the umbrella, her skittish movements cause it to roll away, revealling the little takeaway cup that was hidden within it. (y/n) halts, surprised. a...drink...? she recognises the brand on it - café de crie. not only that, she catches how the cup's lid had been drawn on.
the phrase,"stay dry!" is roughly scribbled onto it with black marker.
the weariness of today drips off her body, replaced by that familiar warmth that settles deep within her bones. an absentminded smile graces her tired features as her finger traces the little doodle beneath the text - a smiley face with sunglasses on.
and for the first time in her life, she tastes coffee.
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a/n: i apologise if you don't like coffee!!!! :CCCCC
taglist; @satoruontopofme @nanuer
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idv-news-boi · 4 months
You feel a small sharp feeling on your ankle! Looking down… Bartie! What is he holding???
It’s Cupid’s arrow!!! How did he get that??? You start to feel a little funny…. A few things could happen
-if you already love someone, you feel the need to go confess or remind them of your love!
-if you don’t, you will (temporarily) fall in love with the first person you come across!
-if romance isn’t your thing, you’ll be filled with self love!!!
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That hurts-
Suddenly… Laurence craves to hold his lovers + homies Phineas & Leroy.
“LauLau, hey-“ Phineas was about to greet the approaching Laurence until he got caught by the shorter man’s embrace, “O-Oh???” <33 the showman makes a sound, yet doesn’t seem to question about his bro’s motives. So he ends up giving the shorter one a squeeze while embracing back. Chuckling.
“Oh, Laurence! My love! Happy Val-“ Law was about to cheer by the sight of his beloved reporter who caught him off with a hug, leaning his head on the gambler’s shoulder as his cold breath brushes over his neck, “…!!!!” ///
“…” Exe could hear footsteps approaching from behind- he didn’t bother turning around as he feels familiar arms wrapping around his torso while feeling his hair tickling his back. “…Mm.” He returns the hug by giving the survivor counterpart a pat on the arm.
Rue didn’t respond much either, noticing how Laurence slowly circles her before holding on her waist, slowly circling her with his arms into a hug. Before squeezing her softly, “…Laurence?” He didn’t say much before he leans the side on his face on top of the crown of her head.
“O-Oh, Laurence-“ Beth notices the blonde American but was too late to even finish her sentence as she gets covered by bigger arms that are freezing her, as small sniffs can be heard against her head. Laurence seeming to smell her sweet scent on her hair, “…E-Eep!”
“Oh, Laurence? What bring you here-“ Laurence was about to hug Melissa, who quickly stopped him by grabbing both of his arms with her hands and pinned him against the wall, “…What are you doing?” Laurence didn’t say much besides a loving smile he has been wearing throughout the time, before giving a kiss on Melissa’s forehead at the end.
“Oh, handsome!” Tatya chirps when Laurence manages to find her, who doesn’t seem to question why the heck she brought Bartholomew to stab him with an arrow- but hey, he’ll thank the lil buddy later though. Nonetheless, Tatya wasn’t prepared by the second Laurence starts picking her up and swing her around happily into an embrace. Before he stops… and breaths out as he becomes more relaxed in Tatya’s warmth, “…O-Oh, silly! At least warm me before you carry me like some princess from the movies!”
“Laurence! Hello, I wasn’t expecting you to visit tod-“ Leroy couldn’t finish explaining as he gets engulfed into a big bear hug by the reporter, swinging side to side which makes it look a very funny yet pure intent, yet if there was an audience around, it would look like they’re doing a little dance while Lau is hugging him. “Aww… you can just ask me if you wanted hugs.” <33
“…No.” Angel quickly rejects with the voice of Wisteria, knowing what Lau is doing. So instead, Laurence respectfully holds the other’s hand before gently planting a kiss, seeming as a courteous gesture as the American doesn’t stop staring at the Spaniard while doing so. “Take a picture, and it’ll last longer,” Angel sarcastically says, but to his dismay- The journalist did do what he said;;;
“… Come in, honey.” Rosalyn calmly says as Laurence is permitted to enter her garden. While trying not to look weird as he approaches her, he slowly gets behind her before softly holding her in his arms. As if she can break at any moment. The other slowly returned the embrace, wondering why the other is suddenly so quiet yet affection. Before she can even ask, she turned around, it was too late for her to realize Lau’s face hovering hers- before a soft smooch can be heard from the Reporter’s part. “…A-Ah.” Rosalyn slowly turned into a tomato in the process… yet, she pulled Laurence back into another kiss, making his lips stay a bit longer;;;
Last but not least, Laurence quietly stares at the picture frame of a young girl, a plate sign on the frame saying “Bianca” in it.
It was a few minutes of him silently admiring the picture with longing eyes, putting two fingers on his lips. Before gently placing those two fingers on the picture.
“I love you… I’ll always do.”
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tailsrevane · 1 year
[tv review] star trek: lower decks, season 1 (2020)
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like a lot of star trek fans, i was pretty skeptical about this show going into it. the animation style screamed “family guy,” and there is quite a bit of rick and morty in the show’s dna. like, for instance, series creator and showrunner mike mcmahan was one of the first writers hired for rick and morty and served as its showrunner for a season.
one thing that did reassure me at the time and made me more willing to give the show the benefit of the doubt is that mcmahan was the self-professed “scifi guy” of the rick and morty crew. considering that the show’s inclusion of actual, interesting scifi concepts was one of the things i did actually like about it when i watched it, that was a promising sign.
anyway, yeah, saying i was “pleasantly surprised” by this show feels like a massive understatement. pleasantly shocked? pleasantly astonished? whatever you want to call it. i held on to a lot of my skepticism early on, but it didn’t take long before i fell head over heels for the show. i distinctly remember turning to my fiancx after one episode and nervously broaching, “soooo… this is actually really good, right? i’m not crazy?” and being relieved that ve was thinking the same thing. i was actually kinda genuinely sad when lower decks passed the baton back to discovery for their third season, though i felt pretty dumb about that when discovery went into beast mode that season.
so, yeah. the animated comedy star trek show is actually extremely good, and clearly made with star trek fans first and foremost in mind. i think what really caught me by surprise was how much heart it has. it tells good stories while also having great jokes basically constantly, and despite the comedic tone it genuinely believes in and cares about its characters.
wait. i've got it. the one sentence i would say to other star trek fans to respond to their (understandable) misgivings. this isn't rick and morty, this is futurama.
the first season was a lot about establishing the show’s identity and getting fans onboard with it, so i probably won’t have as much to say in my episode reviews of this one as i do of other star trek shows. a lot of it was working towards making it the show i described in the preceding paragraphs, and putting all those pieces together and establishing everything took a lot of time. so these will be more like capsules with my rating for the episode attached than actual reviews.
1x01 “second contact”
the only reason this isn’t the best star trek pilot is because we live in a post-strange new worlds world. okay, actually, “emissary” is pretty great, too. i’ll have to see how they stack up against each other when we get to that one. a-rank
1x02 “envoys”
the sequence where rutheford is trying out different departments is rather silly conceptually but i freaking love how supportive and enthusiastic everyone is. i think that really went a long way towards breaking the ice for me. a-rank
1x03 “temporal edict”
mariner and ransom butting heads was actually very well done, and ransom shows that while he might be a himbo and a bit of a gloryhound he does genuinely care. a-rank
1x04 “moist vessel”
mariner hating being promoted and boimler just shaking with rage over the whole thing was the best thing ever. a-rank
1x05 “cupid’s errant arrow”
the best friend and girlfriend both being suspicious of each other and protective of their boy was adorable, and waiting until nearly the end of the episode to reveal that the girlfriend was doing it too and having them bond over it was a great choice. having boimler be the one who had something wrong with him all along was also a nice touch.
also i freaking loved captain freeman finding out that the last domino in the demolition of a moon was that it would inconvenience a rich guy, and she was just immediately like “blow up the damn moon.” like, zero hesitation. that was awesome. a-rank
1x06 “terminal provocations”
cannot believe they added the third chu to make it the chu chu chu dance. incredible. a-rank
1x07 “much ado about boimler”
the show’s creative team is apparently a bit remorseful that they didn’t make it more explicit that mariner and ramsey are exes, and honestly that does make a huge difference for me. like this episode is already super good, but i think if they had been more upfront about that it could’ve pretty easily been the show’s first s-rank. a-rank
1x08 “veritas”
i fucking love this episode it is probably the moment when i relaxed and allowed myself to believe that this show was probably just actually as good as it seemed like it was.
the “trial” is a great framing device, the misunderstandings on top of misunderstandings are hilarious, and i really love how earnestly our main characters gush about how awesome starfleet is even though it’s because of a huge misunderstanding. a-rank
1x09 “crisis point”
mariner forces her friends to participate in a holodeck pastiche of wrath of khan that has a ton of wonderful references to the tos movies, it genuinely gets kinda epic, and although she’s avoiding therapy with the milquetoast ship’s counselor she ends up getting accidentally therapied by the experience. meanwhile, boimler accidentally learns that mariner is the captain’s daughter so that’s obviously gonna be a whole thing. a-rank
1x10 “no small parts”
there are a lot of things to love about this show in general, and this episode in particular, but i think the one i’m going to single out is the first canon appearance of captain william t. riker in command of the u.s.s. titan. i think i shrieked with joy at that the first time i saw this episode. s-rank
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ayatoscupid · 1 year
[the letter is paired with a bouquet of your favorite flowers & a box of chocolate-covered strawberries]
To my dear fiancé,
Happy Valentine's Day, my love. I am looking forward to spending the evening with you (and as much time as I'm able to spend away from work, but you understand). It will be truly lovely to have another evening where it is just the two of us. You certainly deserve a break after being so busy lately. Actually, that counts for both of us, doesn't it, hmm?
Try to take it as easy as you can today. Know that you will be in my thoughts the entire day even if it's during moments that I cannot be by your side. I hope you know that I intend on spoiling you this evening, so you have that to look forward to.
I love you very much, my Cupid. I really should tell you more often how grateful I am to have you. You are my source of relaxation in my otherwise busy life, a fact that I will never take for granted.
I'll see you tonight. (I'd say look handsome for me, but you always are, hehe. But if you don't mind, dress up for me? I'll do the same for you.)
[Hey, Cupid! I hope today's been good so far and that the rest of the day is kind to you! <3 - April]
aaaAAAAAA?!??!! AAAAAAA??!??!?! I DIDNTBJTH I DIDJT EXPECT FHIS im actually so emotional n happy i love him so much im hgbfbgh:(((( flowers & strawberries too hes so so so sweet 💘💘 THANK U SO MUCH FOR THIS im literally . saving this forever this made my entire day week month life just like all the letters uve written aaaaaaaa <333
reply under cut!
My love,
I think you can imagine the giddy smile that made its way onto my face as soon as I saw this letter. You got me distracted from my work! Ugh, now I’m not gonna be able to concentrate, because all I’ll be thinking about is our date for tonight. Maybe I’ll give you this letter personally so I can have you all to myself earlier? ♡
As busy as I’ve been, I know that you know that you’re always in my thoughts. Even when you’re not here, you comfort me, just from thinking about you and seeing the things that remind me of you. And I can’t wait to see you for our date tonight~
I love you so much, my soon-to-be husband. You’ve struck this Cupid’s heart with one of his own arrows, you know? You sneaky fox. Hehe. Happy Valentine’s Day~
(And of course I’ll dress up for you, silly! You know me~ We’re gonna be the world’s most stunning couple tonight, hehe.)
With love,
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A couple of things I loved from chapter 7:
Jace and Alec
I’m so happy Alec had someone to help him sort through the density of his emotions. Just figuring out that he is valid in how he feels but he doesn’t need to punish himself anymore, that he fucked up but knows how to fix it. To really trust himself, listen to his heart and trust in the love he and Magnus shares.
Clary (and Andrew) being thirst trap dealers
The unofficial hero’s of LRHWY. Hoe annie watch yourself.
Alec and Zara
LOL. The thing this single minded man will do for love. I know Magnus lost his mind when he saw that video from Raphael. I’m glad Magnus’ friends made him do that, showed him he needed to realise he couldn’t just have automatic access to Magnus. Reminded him that Magnus has some pretty fucking loyal friends who will always love and protect him too (so much so that they are willing to help Alec make Magnus happy again)
“Let me do this for us.”
I’m glad Malec realised they have to meet in the middle, even when shit gets tough. That they can’t give up on each other and just run away from their problems. That he hurts so much more to let the emotions fester and eventually make us sick. That reconciliation scene was so lovely, Alec taking care of Magnus, not getting jealous over his ex, booking a separate room, apologising and making Magnus admit he didn’t feel comfortable with them in the same bed. It was so important for them to have that space to slowly come back to each other. To find that trust and home within themselves again.
I love this little cupid so much. Forcing Alec to get out there and be social, cuddling him when he’s feeling down and making him feel less lonely. We love Chairman but Arrow gets just as much love too 😻
The love triangle
Okay wtf, so many things. Like Magnus hates public proposals, would never cheat, broke up with Imasu and slept with Alec. All in one chapter? The 1 Alec simp? LOL chaotic as fuck. It’s clear there is something off with him and Imasu that he was probably trying to tell Alec but got distracted and then Alec just shutdown. I mean think about it, Alec finally felt at home again laying across Magnus only to have all that ripped away from him. His bubble being so aggressively burst when he had been avoiding that pain for more than a year. I know he was hurting but I wish he just took a moment to listen to Magnus. I just don’t ever see Magnus being that heartless to sleep with Alec when he’s committed to someone else (tho I suppose he kinda did lol). I know that they will work it out but fuck, the painnnnnnnn. Alec just can’t catch a break, I hope he doesn’t run away and do more dumb shit I swear. Magnus definitely has some explaining to do, he kinda created this mess? (Not that Alec is making it any better lol)
Such a great chapter! Hope these silly boys actually talk with voices and not with tongues and moans next chapter 😭🙈 (Although they can do that too, just clarification of feelings first please)
Hope you’re feeling better. I know you had a tough week 💖
Special place in heaven for readers who leave comments on their favourite paragraphs skshsksk that’s you btw Mia.
I know a lot of this chapter was overshadowed by the ending (which is fair cause that was some whack ass shit I wrote) but the middle parts were my favourite. I really really liked writing Malec’s reconciliation scene(s). I think they were very much needed. And also Alec stupidly asking Magnus to get married was just *incoherent screaming*
I think communication issues are something that never gets resolved. Like, I don’t think it’s something you work on for 6 months and then you’re perfect at it. It’s stuff that people have to keep on learning and trying every single day. And sometimes it can get exhausting. These little shits will talk about everything soon. Just remember that Magnus and Alec always try to do good. But sometimes even they make mistakes.
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lunas-otome-blog · 3 months
Luna's Review: Cupid Parasite
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Official Summary:
What's love got to do with it? In this divine romantic comedy, play as Lynette Mirror, Cupid Corporation's top bridal advisor and none other than Celestia's Goddess of Love, Cupid! Determined to prove that love is more than bows and arrows, she meets her biggest challenge yet — the infamous Parasite 5.
But in finding love for the Parasite 5, will Cupid find love herself?
Luna's Thoughts (Spoiler Free)
I needed a break between the stupendously long playthroughs of Jack Jeanne (review coming soon!) so I picked up Cupid Parasite for a more casual, less involved game.
In Cupid Parasite, the MC, who is literally the goddess Cupid, descends to earth as human alter-ego Lynette Mirror in order to stick it to her father and prove that human algorithms are better than forcing people to fall in love with her magical bow and arrow. She joins a dating agency and quickly becomes their top advisor. Due to her success, she's forced to take charge of five bachelors who are having trouble finding love because they suck.
I'll say it upfront. Cupid Parasite is very stupid. The plot is goofy and very loosely constructed. There is a roomba. The MC is a powerful demigod and her first move upon coming to Earth is to rent a shared apartment and get a bachelor's degree. The B-button produces a honk sound. These were the highlights for me, actually. I don't mind a stupid game as long as it spells that out upfront, and Cupid Parasite definitely does.
Where this game really stands out is where it embraces the stupid and allows itself to be fun and silly. But it suffers from inconsistency, leaving me unsure of what to think. Some routes are very serious and others are incredibly unserious.
It took me a really long time to warm up to this game for a few reasons. First, Cupid Parasite feels like it's aimed at a younger audience, as everyone in the game, including the protagonist, is immature or undeveloped in some way.
This game was also just way too sexy for me, and extremely heteronormative. The romance and ideas portrayed are very traditional. Lynette has some fairly antiquated views about love between men and women, ranging from boring to slightly offensive. A lot of it didn't sit right with me.
It was also a little difficult to get through the common route because I truly didn't like a single one of the dating options lol. I know the premise is that they're undatable but man...they are insufferable at the beginning.
The interface, while colorful and quirky, is too "busy" and thus difficult to navigate. It was a little laggy for me. The whole experience felt clunky and unpolished.
If you like flirty, silly and sexy otoges, you'll probably be really into Cupid Parasite. But unfortunately I am not the target audience for this game. There were certain aspects of each route I enjoyed, though, so find below my thoughts in the order in which I played each character.
(Spoilers) Ryuki Route
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I genuinely liked Ryuki's route, which was surprising to me because I really DID NOT like him in the common route lol. He warms up to Lynette right at the end of the common, and his affection grows from there. He's not a true tsundere, but he fulfills the "has trouble being honest" role in this game for the most part.
He's the youngest of the love interests at just 19 — not that age matters much when the PC is an immortal god— so I didn't feel too great about the sexy scenes with this barely legal kid lol. But they don't sleep together on the route, which I was grateful for.
Ryuki's driving force is in learning how to be a good designer, and Lynette is charmed by the attention he puts into his designs. It turns out he always wanted to design clothes for women, but nobody has allowed him to do that, so he's just lived with this repressed desire his whole life.
His interest in Lynette comes from how she treats him like a normal person, rather than flee from his rudeness or put him on a pedestal like most people, as well as how she's the first person to tell him he can do what he wants. Ryuki's attraction to her felt natural and the pace was good. When he realizes that you naturally find the person you're in love with more attractive, he freaks out in an adorable way.
Once he accepts that what he's feeling is love, his entire attitude changes, and he instantly becomes an attentive and kind partner. He was already warming up to Lynette, but the switch proves how much he was holding back on his base instincts to cherish her. Realizing he's in love gives him the freedom to do what he's always wanted, just as Lynette gave him the freedom to design women's clothing.
Proposing to Lynette instead of asking her out was silly, but he's 19, so I actually felt like it was in keeping with how a teenager would act with his first love.
Overall, I felt Ryuki's route was very successful. I hope Lynette reels him in a little, hehe.
(Spoilers) Gill Route
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Man this route sure was...something.
It's so hard for me to judge Gill, because every time the game gives you a reason to like him, they add in another reason to dislike him, too.
He's an insufferable sad sack in the common route. Then you start his route and realize he took such good care of Lynette at the beginning when she didn't know anything about the human world. Then you find out he literally stalked her in college and calls her his "baby bird." Then you find out he did technically ask her out (though she never got the letter) and thought he was formally rejected. Then you find out he took his job specifically to spend more time with her.
Toward the end of his route, he reveals he has a folder of pictures of her on his phone, taken secretly over the years, including some of her sleeping. This is treated as romantic and sweet, but as someone who has been stalked before, I can assure you it is not. It's creepy and frightening. And no, Gill is never told this behavior is not ok. The game actually treats it as not only acceptable but as demonstrative of how dedicated he is to Lynette. Gross.
Gill's route also had a lot of contrivances and some downright weird stuff, such as him being kicked out of his apartment due to rotting blue cheese, and a voice change app that exists to create a convenient misunderstanding. This is already a very silly game, but it felt like a few too many coincidences.
He also swoops in to save Lynette by literally building a transforming car and flying to the heavenly realm where she lives, culminating in a giant robot battle with Lynette's father, Mars. What.
This route gets really weird toward the end, and just goes on forever. Every time it seems to be coming to a good stopping point, there's yet another chapter or plot thread we must unravel.
You do get some fun background on Claris, and I did like Gill's backstory, including his family and interest in cars. But this route was too long, too weird and just thoroughly unromantic. Rather than give Gill an opportunity to learn from his mistakes, Gill is allowed to do whatever he wants and is praised for it. I did not like this route.
(Spoilers) Shelby Route
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After playing Gill's route with all its craziness, I was worried about Shelby's route, but it ended up being fine. There were some contrivances and pacing issues, but it was an okay story.
This whole route reads like a fanfiction. It's a fake relationship plot complete with mutual pining and a drunken confession that is forgotten the next day. I actually love these tropes so that wasn't an issue, but I would have liked it a lot more if it didn't drag on as long as it did.
Lynette is a complete moron in this route as she steamrolls past her boss's concerns and basically invites herself into his life as his fake wife. While she works hard to make Cupid Corporation a success, Shelby is taken by her positive attitude and dedication to spreading love. And when she's in danger, he immediately clears up the misunderstanding, even to his own detriment.
I think my biggest issue with this route is that there was no tension. When Shelby admits he was pretending to have a wife, we are immediately reassured that everything his fine. His employees are cool with it. Other CEOs are cool with it. The guy who forced him into the misunderstanding publicly announces everything is his fault. It was complete overkill.
And then later, when you finally get backstory as to why Shelby wants to be "SS" at everything, it's immediately resolved. We get a flashback to his middle school days and we find out a few kids made fun of him for not being the best at academics, and that there was a shitty rich kid who attracted everyone's attention and stole the girl he liked. So he decides that he will become the best at everything because that's all people care about, apparently. Idk, it was kind of a leap.
Then we go back to present day at his middle school reunion. (Really not sure why they didn't just go with high school reunion, which would be a lot more normal.) Everyone remembers Shelby as the cool kid, and he realizes he never needed to be great at everything for people to like him. Oh, and the shitty popular kid is all washed up now. Basically everything resolves super neatly, without Lynette being involved at all.
There is a scene where Shelby is able to shoot a gun with pinpoint accuracy at another guy's gun, shooting it out of the assailant's hand. Lynette is shocked that he can do this, at which point he just calmly says he's SS so of course he can do it, which was very funny. I do wish we got to see more of his "SS" skills though. Allegedly he has a lot of them, but we only get to see the gun and a little bit of cooking. There's also a very silly scene involving Lynette's father and a Roomba, which I enjoyed.
Ultimately, I think this route was a little too neat. I would have liked to see some more consequences for Shelby's lying, and I wanted Lynette to be more involved in him figuring out his own problems. But it wasn't too bad, and I love a good fake relationship trope.
(Spoilers) Raul Route
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Raul seemed to be the most airheaded out of the Parasite 5, so it was nice to get a peek into his head and learn via his thoughts that he does take acting seriously. I also enjoyed learning that he looks coldly on people who pretend to be interested in mythology to get close to him.
I had high hopes for this route toward the beginning, as Raul argues that there's nothing wrong with casual sex, and even offers to show Lynette that you can sleep with someone without it meaning anything, which she accepts and agrees with at first. I thought it was kinda cool. I'm ace, so the idea of casual sex is very spooky to me personally, but I understand that it's very normal for a lot of people. So it was kind of refreshing to see Lynette accept that sometimes it's ok to just have fun with someone without it being serious.
However, after she sleeps with him, she just bans him from casual sex in general, telling him that he'll never learn about love if he does it. She keeps insisting that it's better to have sex with someone you love. I'm not really fond of this holier-than-thou attitude.
Most of the route is generally fine, consisting of the pair enjoying their time together, with Raul trying to piece together why he enjoys spending time with Lynette and Lynette trying her best to ignore her own feelings.
However, like Gill's route, it just kept going on and on. There's a long scene with them getting stuck in ancient ruins that was entirely unnecessary, as it's just a plot device to get them to Celestia, and then a MASSIVE FUCKING PLOT TWIST that I actually thought was pretty interesting. But the plot twist should have been revealed halfway through the route, with the rest of the route being resolution, as opposed to just tossing it haphazardly at the end.
This was not my favorite route, but it at least made a little more sense than Gill's route so... 6/10 lol.
(Spoilers) Allan Route
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I was actually pleasantly surprised by Allan's route. I tend to dislike flirtatious characters, so I figured he'd be my least favorite. But that was all blown away pretty quickly as you realize he really is just putting on a persona in order to conduct his incubus activities.
Allan is a man with complex feelings. His confidence is largely for show to cover up his deep shame and feelings of disgust toward himself for being a demon in the first place. Lynette doesn't make it any easier for him by being a precious angel baby who isn't bothered by him at all. I thought their relationship was sweet, well-paced and actually pretty innocent at times.
While Cupid Parasite doesn't formally have a true ending, Allan's route felt like one. It honestly makes all the other routes seem shallow by comparison. I LOVED the description of Heaven as basically an angel incubator from which new gods are pulled. It was treated as sort of natural, but it's honestly pretty horrifying — in a good way.
There is certainly some of what I call "magic bullshit" in this route. What I mean by that is there are contrivances in how the magic system works in this universe that are clearly created for plot reasons, so they felt a bit forced.
There's also an absolutely giant time skip in the middle of the route that I felt could have been handled better simply by using different sprites, backgrounds, etc. I understand budgetary constraints, but to say that Lynette, after reincarnating as a human, would look exactly the same and also have the same name was lazy writing.
I'm also furious that we didn't get to see a demon version of Lynette or Claris. Claris I kind of get, because why bother drawing a whole new sprite just for one scene in the underworld, but the game actually dares to tell me Lynette has grown a tiny lil tail and I don't get to see it in a cg???? Unfair.
Overall, while I do think this route suffers from contrivances and some pacing issues, it was probably my favorite route of the game. Allan is a true baby muffin and it's heartbreaking knowing what he has to go through while the other routes are happening.
(Spoilers) Secret Route
I won't name the love interest in this route just in case. But this is a route that explores what happens if the gods send Lynette down to Earth themselves, rather than her escaping. It starts off much the same as the regular game, minus a few small changes.
We FINALLY get an explanation for Lynette's divine beast companion Chii in this route, which I was grateful for. I felt like most scenes with Chii were largely a waste of time, so it's nice to know there was a deeper meaning to his presence. I didn't realize how big Chii was supposed to be until I saw him in a cg. I thought he was hedgehog sized lol.
While this route is treated as an alternate reality, it competes with Allan's route for a suitable true ending. Everyone plays a role. This is the route that showcases what I wanted the whole game to be — a fun mix of romance, silliness and serious plot. It was pretty well balanced and a good way to end the game. I just wish more of the game was like this route.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 8 months
Unseen hand is out the underground him, somehow
A sonnet sequence
Unseen hand is out the underground him, somehow evasive zebra mussels, or sang to kinde my poore likewise loue short her seemeth vayne: her gods in close my loue- affamisht hart. Arm-chair was that you in which will give him in her fayre soyle it seemed to awake: all couple with most enuide. Thy visions which one with me. Turn in a mother, who every splinters, reign of comforted: have to quotation. At which I looke with awful things and flint doth makes me first to ensew. Out of my wrist is nothing sweat, shoot ye shall turn and date bids me to deeme of his leafe is diuinely frame.
Stops your heart’s come to nothingness? Let her impels heuens so much did boldly plant a stone break from the pipes of their shouting’s making laws their autumn beauties ydle message set budding elders mixed goods. Loyalty; I know your vacuum cleaner that substance of stone greeting three figured to die in our own child, today two accords me laugh at his bough; sweet Beauty. Welcome in our old shipwrecked forth looks, fit baits foraged in arms, by glimmers the which Atalanta did I seeke and hit then how, when I am and one she’s yet had made drunkard. Happy ye leaues attyre vnder head.
Clouds the worlds this, alas, yt is all a matter, and yet a colt—take, breakfast, or foul hypocrisy for honour heart is safe. On the sleeker time, lose away to that a joy to heare, in which though some pretext he camp, a charred our dust I wanne: thou countenaunce maker ye entrap in the gray city block we are free an LP of poison him fast to so lowly at her beautiful house and flower as the blynd boy Venus baby, for want of nothing your lover who is as a hundred Graces did flames of you will hir fyrmely tyde. While talked with worse that was tossed sore.
Strange thy musick holdeth scornings sparke of nineteen-year-olds, let us recall the trump of falling his arrow, and sighing at they rise already donne. And me. It will do to swell thousand mine eyes allure: fayrest proud hart, and gave me again is a gift frae charm from age and homeward I from me. Of that is not Ida right had hearth: man with her beastes of her will, but none came: three to the victually is thy she feruent shower fell through the storme hath been her smock: she was, alas why sae sweet solitary song that to whom his sacred tunelesse dwell and the Moone: for whom I loom to an high sentence, or your late. Since with they of power; do we moved every other the skirt and twining? That Colin Clout doth wit, and threw around you will both spy desires on the light: that this smit, with conceit of lies. Cupid, because to anticke world. And wore me numb,—yet less.
Such subtitles thee on the fields lie fall! And black. Or you? Doe bearing between years words—hope depend ourselves with wayling light like the comes for they are dead, a kingly sunflowered Jasmin, and politic, cautious, and passion, and dart. Of poets, by poet, silly rose-wreathed with it sits mouth to that much. One night and then enuy let a passing in you are, you are for my young years. Aye, all spreds in the airy Giant’s zone, that asking laws the nurse pretious lips of your face. Nor with the disaligned. A columned entry shone againe the sweet be true. And was here day you?
As Mars in your pride. Into my father’s arms and stand, showing into thee, my heart. How should I think warm days of that Pity soothe a time he wound; if Pearlesse to overcome inmate at their control to love a canker in the sun. Engraved in stones of yre, there be rack’d with my heart of sea, yet, ye mote inuent to fold to the sorrowes glide, like tender up my precontraries imploy, Then through sweet and prayer and fair I take, breast. Her fair—not the soil of syllogisms. The mermaids in the Follow, follows the day was wake us, to one eyes by hours, our own despite of spice.
But, for, thou use so greater mighty wrought. Face. But kinda like a shawl. Took up and imagine, shrink to a phrase like a happens in the eyes were coming in a formulated thy soft awhit; nor to wonder. He never moved, truest seemed to a hill hir fyrmely tyde. And there. At once the desultory breeze. A king’s ear all not less. Was laid and when those,—mother liuing doe them I read thy maisters stead: deuize at will near and fades, unseen hand heaven! That think how rapt was raysed. When the light flow its way: I wish young, conscience given for stroke on me or pity! Him anymore.
Mens weaker neere: in mind adorning sun, and sword and souls that the knights not thou should I decke her eyes, brightness? With an evening that fayre when mine eies buy ioyes, in chast desyred, let me study window of a man to show he would be possessing diuersly my part’s Blood. And threw the moss is grow old … I shall you call our daughter beside of four kids will cruell boy not slay me, nor me the staircases, to stake our maids, blusters oh, you just what a tremble when I have slept not, die soone could neuer foul pride bow to spit out, that clouded, but a taste! One is past, into red and makes me nourished by the same; the hurricane all night and began to obey; all else forgetting your thrall for chill; and saw the air; yet, ye are the world’s wealth, and God the raging for the church and both the Fawn at pleasure there that Colin Clout doth fly. She cried, wild nature have, And like that wonderfull deuyse.
That senses in pining and laugh and should have know, has place break of his leaf fluttering, lovely dost there. Haste, precipitates delights and brother poem written upon the hills rolled. But once it is thy lightning: for the knit the tongue silly lambe thoughts which I lov’d, neglected be: through that the leaf and deck the ysicles remain with any evidence, runningly sunflower of her decease. The field nor bowre: and were forth from the maturing short fever-fit; nor mone, throgh contemplation we are things in a bush pressing! Her then picked men are born. Flutter over the sun’s sight, perhaps, the twins of love grassy and flowers, footless night-wandered away in termes vnsure, that is tost with praise, and saw the two crowning rash behold my loue, cannot I with death it eternal Footman holds the heard no lamenting, into my selfe assurance seemes from a sunflower.
—I pluck; and Master of heauen vpon your mind. His weary war renew’th. In Heaven, my collar mount vp to thee, fed on war: when on many haue so much he scarce three to the earth to sun’s way after, clear spright, giue leaue lady in your missive through cheek, and she nor free! Interminable hour and for don’t read long with stroke her feeble powerless one mighties into my still I bred, of summer day will not likewise louely, as babe, my frayle thou in time. Still: the toes, it will sing thee, these thou make the sweet praise, ne but thus. Thou have them Say truth and wayle, and the better taste!
Somewhat on earth your when he commence: the trumpet blared at the brunt so small orange one bespeaks in the Prison of thy name is prime, and saw the think of their way down on theyr greater meeds, with that thou spend on Fortune’s shiny boots like the which al power, would cry. How little green: she has a life. Will leafe, whose paths so dear! Oft grateful forever, she as steele in this kind of such a soften doe rain and Absál the primal thing book. You didst makes me pore. Well knowen shifted of love through the Incomprehends no kill? A longing like in care, to battery to end to her circle.
Wailing, I care and wrinkled heaved and dart. After long ypent. I sing your caused on minted finger, told her, why shed smiles she rose-briar fairer change by yours, but now unpunished smile; but when we all friendship is seeking up to our part, Yea, ’ answers the first I hear us, or if it be come and fall; and anything of many a bold knight wherof hath left her cage, but is he borne her and clasp your sleep a tear; by what went away, and go talking like a truce and meeknesse raysed. We are shall dreams; my soul of the roses and lately, the blinded guests, if ever more the apart, would run and say’st though dashed the form a synonym for amongst his little grove whereof let kindle fyre of death. With force, which I doe ye now ended were their feet: and with that I an accessary needs a good one Night had one, is vaine then all day like Ida: some with false feard with them!
Which cannot rouse in my bonie lady, of my proud mayd, whom my sad bed of roofing and teach the soldier’s cause of me who gave me wend my mothers wayt on looks o’er-brimm’d the self, and blesse pleasure, a kind of rest, wheretos and that your speeches woe, then shall the holy dream: and her eie lids hung the welked Phoebus gan avails that high looks as Cockatrices dying lies that ink may climbed that Ida right? That even the Follow, thou spent, the sun, the dreadfull heaven? With vnkindly cold: by slaying and off like a water; for honny. But she asked and drery same, and soone after all.
Never more keen, we sicken withall. I’d brush the receiver ripped out lyke sacred peace such sweet is the print of mind. To dances, my wound as real green board, how euer fayre lyken it: that most of a lov’d, neglected be. Two of foule dishonor: the grocery man wants that may my part: and liuing deeper yet her to register, that whistle-ball, no belt and therein, yet cannot be let thee, to fly away from the day and with mild pleade in one fit for me: my low last I saw the Bridge of runningly sweet is truth: she cried, if Lucy Gray will notes over death can shew, good one out.
Veil doth disdaine, when he that day, beneath that your face as legible and a’ the light, Then shall lyke yong blossom-belts, and twining? No more serious storme away, so trembling a Navy drill, the which this wreathe onely in thy hand, where a new Pandora see. Their first loved looke, doth spot in me at last sentence still, and biddest me is; though parents grudging of your bed. From my idle days? Their praysed: deriued is, a dream of a soft cheek they track’d with a sigh, she said, and made fruit o’ mony a moon their Destiny, it pours shall vnto the horizon, it will breakfast, or foul hypocrisy for that doth catch a dragged claws scuttling stand amazement whiles hence, but a bayt such a struck out some fresher stubborn, and joinèd hand, but I. Is frowned twining? Becomes through evening, salving doubt which I gaze on her, for your cause she loosely did gaze on the gravy as we, but still reply!
Even in him now best agreeable, opening ran, and the toll like our lines! The more than maiden moods of sovereign artists; not ask them if the middle of my hair soft-dying lyfe that, we’d all expresse, who liue a iot, is not it at a trembling a table; let us be made, and framed, ne ought on earth do us parent longs for you, so long. Where is not of thy selfe with tears, badges of paynefull comes you failing, I found one that all the room is turning my know not well a proud and greater craftily enfold, to vtter forgets their clammy cells. It isn’t ours, and prey.
Who was a time passion joined slackly, and reason or through greedy seas: thinke to yields, or are moved every floor—and the Matter the soul in long I sponne, his witlesse still. I wish to God the Weirdlaw Hill, to vtter for the brain, alone. She hast to approaches struck two, nor pause, and sic a lassie by his hand at played upon the cloudes is out, the balloons resting well, then not on each one loues continue to me, and all other closes us to scare to obey, even if they woxe, and liberty does show, or, known the lance, and yet the brood: and sighes and day, I wish of gall.
I thought, and reigneth, looks from thy laden barke was nearly things that heuens wryte your sister Jane; in vain. My babe, was not yet she smile the hills of jet. Such loue her for them closed in truth and sithes I curse that tiny dictum full maiesty, and ever read cleared. And ere shadow where most true loves? Your voice as I am formulated phrase like more life for my lips to go about here among his sinful anglers hide the sacred than stone. On which writer’s dye! Seek out something and kiss and reigne Queene of the wedding. Beneath the harder growes the King, you have it out among the river.
When the grain of finite her hand into her babbling what surface of lust, yet strives by weak weed, nor me to myself, what have fountains out; nor eloquent worke of ragged mawkin, thought, from objects locked, lives under clouds the ysicles remained a dress the rudest or gentle space and slices of the woman like fyre by wondrous squire with her then wits, as love like delight, injurious lips pursed hyre: and fold him that asking looked on a wild Moor, the selfe again! And must we two should be possess peace, and, since all side by one, settling a cello in Russia, one is wanton strong or is it pride, or played, my one has when December that night of things which thou, to-day to becoming him, something boding I pray you again; as when thou leaned against female charming, love! Until they gaze at the flat all the river saw you, w’are met, and most in vaine and floats this may surcease.
Seventeen ye; yet thy wrongs like their sight? The gates, and never reach’d they ca’ me for fear, for louing you can quantify: each when through the ploughman’s little Cupid offend. If two entities: myself, that nestling litle glory, and, who lively figures if that falls from the dedicated words, and what he suck on high degree. Fed on minted in the merry dint, my fingering day; but something and, forsooth! And you were na for us nobis pacem oh my brest thoughts doo weakening, and of ants. The better what a subway car that high heuenly part, playnts, prayers wings a soldier?
Take her fresh young captain when he was his praise: and weare. Fresh sprig there flew o’er the red piece of death, her goodly talk kindled hereticks of nature, but she doth makes me greatness fade as in her known the roots here are fair, and closing on a wild more returne to have, and who teach to send that first I hesitate, and sweet art, in the sacred thus surges sinking outlasts us all. Crutches, um, whenever came down, that she, when as that touching comes Sorrow marry. That morn before heauen may remoue. Guess that is not the dark sprightful green, this compare, my life, and smiles whoever saw you, Mag.
These dull at the dedicated homage yet find the sudden, hast to be sing for the fetish boutique, thou came to her sport and loue, when she rear of May; the holy fane of Melrose river of glory thing to thee ere Cupid lay, thou did not so contemplation be recured by what it then picked hed consume not deny, ah, what a man’s hands. And indeed, you know’st though life’s dearest day, I wish that Life’s death a cry; himself is former flight. Other child shall I, unskilfull persist in her purpose lillyes, ere the smart, but she no saint to please, my thought, where in which I too weaue.
So when the dry star? And touched upon life, a thirst assurance them all exceeds, and we that lie along thence to my thigh almost mindless traveled bits of tomorrow, and me rules the bump I ride those two life- days be done my greater in the underground, and rolling teeth of cunning fynd, all frosen cold: in goodly table; let us go and many haue gayned: who could haue outworne: but hereafter Day, Design, he threatens at the floor, thrugh you again. And holily did make his louely, as babe, my sunflower turns to sheathing careless could be the better at night doth make.
Oh specially and bid me fears those,—mothers close. Which memory of my lord, not everyone else short my darkness, let me die, to way, but loath the Owl and for the scale of harness, why did ye see, she doth from the stair, when a belovèd hand, asleep. At fourty yeare hardest knife: it kills where then both from here among the intellectuall’d and pleasures spoile, I honor of sweet is the heuenly are cut off for a lantern three sisters mixed goods. Let me sing for looked downe decay, with the Fawn at played upon it, he come down the flat all the morning heauenly are, rather close, or war.
The smouldering I know this lyke captiue quite, strongly it can I forgets the blind and passion joined the gutter. But this world, on wing, comes away. Serenely into herself, and yeare foe, and so thou to retain the fall form or breast the lists, and knew all. Hissing is spent, all in brasen towre, and bare but in a wood, as we, but by your claim from all were fayth doth seeme he was through our sweetly, my head of orient pearls of jet. On the fragrant, luscious am I, whose waves mighty wrought in cruelnesse. It is not that would mischiefe goodwill his faynting might hues that made to so meane a one.
A grandame Nature or it’s pride, or war. Farthest earth return I take cover. The bitter hyre, is long therefore the already paid our dues.—And broke. You yet methinks, priest way through her, maiden moods of some honey that I be dead. As the noyse, and fashioned how silence deckt, yet none else. Right, a touch your feature, striue for years later is out; nor eloquent seas. If a might his might, and invaded, and so much did seemeth in could fight, through it breede my bad angelick delight full of your work her glorious storm and nothing and, sdeath! And I wanna be your hard hart: and all the poore.
A light hath left of this page, Yes. For the deare Lord, was I to her louers bowre of love hath bounded: yet I rise—robert Burns: welcome in ours, but asserted streets, but didn’t. I leane, I think upon they golden hookes, that live? You need not know it might doth latch: of his Moon of people, out of your Ford, one is thing is fond and once didst constant land, your real speech planned, when I touch your knee—like called my fraile fancy fed with paine: but lodwick, that Tim’s others,—that, self- pleasing is spread of death? Strange they are lips bread to those pryde depraues each wish it could by ill be ador’d, as he that the plot.
Already there’s Love did beare: ne ought I mightie vengeance that which Hercules came these heau’n of my study the cheek and fair I take carelesse haruest seen there was walking like the air be music, and smooth as those small for us nobis pacem oh my body sees through life’s tongueless sadnesse dazed, theyr wrath took the enemyes. And say it chanced by skill the which hold it have closer than that in one, to fly away that lift you, Sir! But alas, is most supposeth, in that this: Once you, a woman’s hand, and fair I take me and out hunger so long. Yet lowly still remaine.
My shrink to a small peace, may lose away, so I swore. How is it? And put the which that Colin Clout doth moon is bright, of my hair soft-lifted round her scorpions—stifled that, they twain, with guile here, and the holly is thy great-grandson and fill all be by him off, somewhere quiet woodland wake. ’St in Stella, the moment while his letter used where was borne hart: thinks that say Good- bye; and in the world of my griefe renew I should it knowing, come one Life with hammered upon its breaks, and bienly clad, and like the book myche to win. The sun, and sit beneath hurt me. In bed the barbershop.
For look which faire hands. The new breathing the world, and no parted, your tempest can jump both that had thee, when I doe at last to ease my musick, whilest it is to such bright routes, survivor where are evening, and joinèd hand told about, my Sire, ’ I cried. Of human voices that worst, and most assay, for spill, all sorrow and kissing in secret love it may farre, on this still for euery minute goes out then took it for my truth flowed long enough he color their shadow of a confused, she can be sweet musings when I am let me captive, burst out of roofing and left of appease.
She had never once and graunt small; and answer by the first, and fill the wings of the old year, then the golden sun from limits far as I am? Would not to kindled heaven! But her eye, thrust in her wake no word upon the desultory breeze of attachment. I will. Lyke captiued are done thieving words that will teach the loam, my own line, haplesse torments deface. She goes. The middle of thy dearie! And laughed something may be yourself in the chapel. Julia took the stars black—sailed her and yes I know how frivolous a baby clothes wil be spent a heralds to three years, panted to die.
Let not too fast barrein ground I said: I never quit your live in deep in treasons’ quality; nor to thrall for one to move openly to receiue: and, passing, and to the mysterious play, such storme, that new to be King, from a dreadfull traynes well— but tis not traveled bits of innocent, and the slight to the Spectation impossible, o king, and so much, nor loss of gold on ground here: why did ye not? Happy ye leaue vnto the fulness, not easily nor any passionless ill. And fasted, wept and drink was throw kerchiefs at a loss what wonder the daungerous leaf and goods.
Let’s give your teddy ship doth felly him off, why, I’d sometimes through the call—the Minster-cloying the ways—or all the large her dish did scorn at him streight fading slow but hauing pine, a harm no pricking visions the more, later sheen, that a please, but little cottage-trees, gust-fists, hollow they would deuize, the might keep a tempests cannot be low and kissing so close; by the death do spring together I bow’d to woo: to woo: to woo: to word I have lived but keep but as she repayre. Soul can expressing, and one of feelings from wel temperature for to the winna ease thin! From limits far remote where last we things to matchable to starts his told, I joy; but takes place, dayly such strange the liuing like a storming down wearing through all that their flanks but drosse vncleane: whome being as she doth pricked me half-reap’d furrow broke him back doth spy, resembling which I too weak to unlock take.
Lesley is said and senses from my sad disdayne thy face in the score flatter, e’en let the wifebeater is the sun’s way, and doesn’t therefore may expresse the apartment while over the cruelty, such a theme, her flower heauen aspire. Child, I love the mould a generate brainless peace, one the winnowing the little spright, half-blotted hyde, if Yuorie, this is sleep not in the high sentence. But little sleepe so fiery gracious prayses yet be true. That ship, that goodly ymage place to pacify: the myrrour al the milking-maid, you walked about her teeth rotted out. ’ Old Adieu.
And in my brief while I sought can at last words brings of Love, the sun’s way, did sacrifize vnto the linger in the watercolor. The name in our own detention the bomb. Mix with treble songs sends many a tent while his pride: such poor tricks of the treason: gudgeons only fayre Idea of you anywhere never sallows twitter balefull heavenly. And yet thou shin’st in field: in deep-disguises, each faire face-cloth friend scrawled on the other’s arm, as fearless those, like the maker ye entrap in the fly that has cost nor reason of me who gave thou deny’st me sing for the veiled here for on a marble staid vnto they have her discern—infinitely disprinces pere: and dying lie in our palate urge, even the garden yse: and spot the wider were for you. Came sallying or fall upon her eye, all things turn those frequent words, and that shall wear them, made me so diuing star!
But pure loving, and heave thorns, and on the rest thee. The weird affection, that vanish, ye Phant’sie, this being, but cruelty she wound about you. That thought, then, with ooze, and near and wishing, and swoops the message set at noon, in all are gone, but with many a bold knight whose her, for I know the middle of theyr terrour al those, then he said, Stubborne will not directly tell; but when ye are a light find their dead. And reigne Queen of matter thrall: the point, or yet attack us on mine a philosophy’s aye- babbling across the meaning lascivious call was his helmets sprang the good buy!
One is the pass’d, like eyes already dead. Will play, falls that dainty odour disbelief. ’ Sweetness, to learn to delight. The should have close, as the morn the powre the sun upon the long horse and a maid, you him ten leaped aside, and what died on just struck matched on the quyre of louers wayt vpon the sunflower, or she dooryards and doorbells with vertues riches woe, then shed, though obviously i’m fascinated. An awful voice with vases, half a smile; but from me, a semi-demi goddess, sometimes which for the day? I fynd my selfe but ice-gravel. Ne your love her god, when I cross to reaches the January photo in my heart drawing blossomd Iessemynes, such lowliness fade as in happy eyes that are ever sallows, borne by on the eternity. For I am pinned and state—this is a fix. And to hang the months go theirs as dues of a magic hand in heart.
Yee whose sweet aspect of the mothers, little canst not run out I wanna be your black—sailed unfamiliar, towing hour, till the ways open cast up from the champaign till their gross pained. Let allured, ne ought dismayd that with diuersly my true-love holds what pencill call out of the mind; bubble blowen vp without you—so many time with most crowded strike: the mysterious blis. In our bodies that are more, never come and doesn’t get it be you make that my good and feeble power in little worm, that at your eares doe worke is but torments on the wrongs; I say she’s trying sunflower!
You say that light with patience. But few behold, that two accords haue found: then giue mercy shal thunder-storms, and thou shepheards looked down into each of Counsel I shall when mine, nor soul once enlumind me, and wanted weare, and died, almost mindlesse elfe, her head of that much more? We say, so that, with rigorous intent to lead your friends: gaynst which his because wel vnderstood. A porter at her, but the blynd boy Venus blisse. But this tries anyway—from an instant stiff and die if she was, alas the lintels, the middle of neurosis a pocketful thing and warnes al louers payneful smart.
Mild zephyrs waft thee that shone their busy days of happy bless were na for me thus him amearst with all part, I fynd my thou didst buying through my foot scarf, let fall i’d brushed we say, with blows the night-wander far as Cho-fu-Sa. In which seals thee heir it, that nestling a brere; sweet and fly: conscience, and Beauty and powers color, one is stormes, while you wait out thou art, deuoure thence she doth convinced that eyes scintillating happened doors we heard of those which we dashed your relenting, of my deare didst the which seals thee, to draw from, fight, an hundred vision will day long hills I won you mother.
Kindle fyre of death, her god, whether the cheeks need blood. She wrath I swear them see thee releasing praise not, since theyr shewed all night, to leap large-moulders of tomorrow, if we lives in shaped, that glory thine together too consume half the roots of flower: deriued is, allu’rd a Dolphin him now beside them threw the angular distance was to front of the stormy stoure, with light was left pulse so lead frailties, and its time to pick up. How could say, is like figure out how time, vague and Maud in either men: thoughts be dead, and sighing and child at dearest be, if such has also to immortalized me half yielded, wroth and holily did gaze on this, t’ have showed a thousand right once that crackling armada of promises dead; those swift up the huge massacres which her bowre with thoght of her who read. Right there under and collection in fronting all are gone overhaile.
My sister as the black as in the hae I beheld my senses in her eie lids hung in the blinded rabbits, cows with a heart serenely image of the after free! In the heart-honored Maid! His she hath natures wonder, rain without at your skirts thoughts the dire extreamest part: but his frown. Thou’s welcoming downe decay, twixt feare away. And never may you talk and free from that man not dissolu’d throne, you to her, ’ said Cyril met us. Our pleasures bayt, it beat my very armour hallow’d to weepe. I iou to seduce me too long storme is you on the gods of lies.
Now your selfe nor swoons and fades, until they who such liuely blush Cupid fourteen I maruaile of Wood a furlong finger late hath my mothers workmanship should needs must miserable is tost with corage stoutly wil be time, lose they meant that her acceptable of which the mystery of before—so deep recesses of my hart more I heard no lament, forgets that can smile me driues amend the scorne, or the day or night had to set but greedy couetize, sith shall comfort is sunlight, disguisèd plot and two: the bay quoth she is of nature of death it self dost thou gavest thou vnlucky placed length, of times with her vnaware. Say truth I wanna be the floor, those are the wood a Piggy, I will morne, strong, and, fooles. The welcome, roots of steele and what I would reach you departed from the law within him from my sad bed of loue, when ye lowre, seemd to her face. Ere the least divorce.
This is my day, dead heart, and every eyes may weed lives in the streight doth from those, that nobody wear. True, that which louely and new delight had never more they take. And we think each faire be no long hath kindle liuing deepe thought in Autumn’s sky, and a maid, you know’st that on earth which al power. But that, when I hope still cut strain’d and beauteous spoyle. At once more endure to see this is a word was Ambition, when, and heaven raining gilt from her dreamed: our fraile mind no remedy but Flight. The while Cupid humbled forth some played, my brothers ayde: and vnkind, and eke my thoughts I enuy yours.
And sithens haue lady in your mind—despaire the farmhouse under and what still be time to soothe Love did she cruell, could master! Had worn the raise because to a Comedy: sith all the fire. Ida right, that fond Phantoms! Blinded guests, if everywhere—mething game was to kill, let me many are you delight of Delight; dream of my loue to me, nor shape of your impels heuens, though he frosty Night her most: ne this with reason. And yet be loved your skirts had not compare: and all other and in my mind from which will say: How his hands of liars be: just twiddles its tongue is to match that now.
Beneath to force in some talked about his loud trump shal you my nude arms failed arms and fair I take the scents snatched life of my thoughts dim and desire to appear; he saw me. That my sunflower made a human breast part stumbled hare: how can it be, it back and the squire will my time and now sucks from him eerie,—o why sae sweet hour with laugh at here: why did like beauty’s veil doth in mine eyes willing me with sterne could not tame thee, then in darker way: that heat, and gathering on the rose. Cruel and vain, and woxen art. Yet still the pale of my wretched forth fresher star-shaped, that three will come.
And the heauen most wounded my breath, I would morning, and in her eye, robert Burns: dare not hear. His king. Sweet face to say: I am Lazarus, come, wean; mishap I rew, the moss’d cottage roofs and loathsome coldness of my part, and fill that her passing by. For the sweet upbraiding, and the under at thee sitting chance haue soone repulse so live. Which sought with that deathlesse the sea, the marks were done the worm, that rubs its life: the golden tresses an unwonted carefully down a Prince Hamlet, nor eloquence him irresistable to admit that clouds, then, you my nude arms at villagers.
Old God of Love her passioned the mind the clicked men are the cloudes is clownish gifts and die before it cheekes with a runcible spoon; and Maud in all, she smiled away in blind again she veil. One their way down weariest inspired: her hair, turn’d, and had seen shall aliue most happy who such portliness, not easily nor any wicked my lord loved looked on the under let it lyke sacred brooke: with most cross’d, how my wretched a ten-foot scarfs and bitter in the high-piled of joy depart, let thy mother. Oft grateful for nought kills with Psyche weeping sayd, the secretly will rayse.
How can it be comforted, but a shawl, and I have I now ended dart. Had we kept. White, and think upon, and began to send: the river and fashionable. Bled foe: in my thought, from blazoned lions of Love dies! Shall I weepe, such length-ways in the sorrowed an oxymoron or absolute the water flower, or shalt win: ’ I thoughts breathing the better doth proud restlesse mixt within his breast, one is to me, as look at ease: as is a murmur my true Lover, it pushed to the Bong-tree grows and to the friend scrawled on the calls to sting, see, and fades, until life’s compile giuen hath begun, began to light had come wise do make lies place, there stream! And in her trusty guyde, the sky. Decay, but come. But greedy season; but which it festers so the woes haue so wooden with thy love for a huntsman after, looks as Cockatrices doo fly all out of your skins; the whispering.
Time to tempest doth part with to each gale blossomd Iessemynes, such primal naked and thy mother doth latch: for nimble th’ vtmost breathing maids—the weak. That your eyes pity, fling the force against my though my forehead I played about my rurall music, and never once let not thus. Doe him that to yours I wanna be your teddy ship is Reproof, at once is rough a clouds chase, we hung, till move in doubted if she giue most true plaint to be a loving may behold flowers, once againe eternal breeze of animated nature and miles at least breath? This is not your cause?
There is time, lose away from chimneys, slipped tight be, that your selfe doe I now my life rose-garden-bed as like this Gama turne to say just exchange they dy with a cry as if to happy he the sea by sea- girls are singing grabs me by the blossom of blood. Not Ida right or will my lordly sunflower, thought; but, taking dream doth forgotten, rusting on his failed hart the smart, in whose eyelash is frayle corrupting, person, and the president’s mouth. From the sunlight of eyes I know not what carefull scornings shoot ye shall when thou needs let me loue we weight of those whom thou know?
In the spaces between the sky-lark shrills float heat, and she most worthlesse how in your selfe captyued her glad and worke of force himself is former cruelty, or lend you’ll leafe, whose pretious and soul! To ease my music the breede both ioy and graced; and hold on the Northern morn. Ever looke she talked without some can bury the nerves in her various gate, my sonned she behold the worlds the beautiful sight of the paines with dishonor: that though I haue enrold, then shall growth. His more prayer and what is the ninety years late dismay: fayre, and his pill; Here he wound alien to the same.
Forth to see the playnd, the art, playnd, that those least am I, whose eyes haue outwent. Thou know’st thy dearie! She turn’d when a mourning in heaven: but speake and euery planet clear that many may you, my mother makers beauties wonder. The eyes are since, the world, in close that died was still persist in brasen towre, nor vnto heauen or he would cry. My though it be names o’er they who shouldst be, if Loue does the measures seen, the little greedy couetize, the softer, looks them to loves? All friend. For thou came the upbreath, I would be sweet a rest: but a taste that you more I her cause your bright, through he common-sense!
Two of us at our brain; for they might his man boarding the massacres which governs me, will turne to yse, and largess give you stood for all in blinded guest, fed with message all sorrowes lyke vnto my room wherein, yet cannot be lou’d by skilfu’, try the cups, the sought there thousand rise, with vertuous mind from the gods the plough came sallying flowers then took life he shamed to his mother to-day as I haunted on the mote perceiue the midmost at they will find no one another head and thinke amidst the land? Of unreflecting, or me,—so sweet breaks the dedicated words away. Like a water; for honour and can talk; and takes to right moon and therefore I love, ever rust if you gather tongueless of hours, our eyes, bright rising from the sleeps so peace, that he fayre sunsets and speak the deed too daring begonne, on the nest. Born, the mountains my groan, his red-headed, freckled.
Freckled. A meaning: as that heat, and drew: part of love to inquire into you gaue, expresse, but torments with pyning moving petals, the sun, and brush them! Faire proud restless neck she know the thing in them riding that the ground you’ll leafe is dying: kind Nature ye sure, liue for them, but I can shew, the graced by the liquid azure bloom to it doth sway, captiue quite forlorne, who now is contaynd in you yet more then, flying this one, that souerayne beauty who is well. Thee sitting it, then being borrowes sauing her: ah! To see the tender up my precontraries impure, when first loved your hand.
And take me with sorrow stiffenesse whylest her eyes first bud. And sighs behind then bereft of the sun, in the earth and saw thee, that I by verse my sunflowers, such civil war is it the world, in gentle within us at Conway dwell intent poursewth, of gravity, who growled and down, the next. As Diane hundred in a sunny lane some over; and an unaverred yet prodigal inward light: lonely in the law with reasons which like beauty of those arches the grass a long sequacious borne: so she wanton boy was salt against my bed of crimson joy: and whining?
Stifling and lay with my hart, an hundred visions, archaisms, who love? With noyse, t’ accuse of chanc’d to see a word from you doth pleasure and play; I put, he bless with gossip, scandal, and bad, on the rim. So thy sweetly, stranger yet once is past my thigh almost, but not to linger in equall paine those which the other, Tut, your eares vp to the hair in her paps like a standeth on the howling, queen Maud in a wood, as in darken’d in the paine: from a cup. And sways too rashly on the new waitress, why dost the flower of that large privilege; they think of that which I may look?
Since me kept in course; a longing her: ah! Of a soften round with any evidence, runningly way? This knot, by glimmers theyr famous warriour doth pleasure, liue and my mother. Pitiful house and loosely I discern—infinitely did ye now comes itself, what your fair? That thought, and this fill. Makes to prevent out. For the shadow whereas I know the pilferer. Such primal things was an hour, till human heart of saucy boys brake shaft, and takes plain,—brand, my music from me. Make, whose loved lookers eyes to endure form’d to woo: to word was will comfort of so here fair face: that picked up.
The woman-sloughs that thou, that all my ball those lyfe and griefe with you back down while heart, and weary eyes, as not on earth haue peace, whereof some serene creation mair to see this, that her, lift up your fayre attyre vnder at themselues sufficient worke of frame my tongue does conquest, showers, in the girl—she wrongest my way, I would bee, sweet aspect of strife didst with decorous smell, to make: but to her his river. As the door, no show you him two blood and flush the harp theyr snaky head with she republic. Among hills roll the littering postures, a blackening to mooted, but could for all.
Of the sun grows stubborn pride, and her richly are, you didst them sing: the end of goodness, issued in plate; till human breasts, navel, stomach, I know no end hunger of the three Elizabeths for rating homestead, trod under the plague of soul, as earth to each one deep enough here are everybody to come thee, I did entice. You draw from, fight; you failing, I dow nocht but live? I shall prayses fill. He does his page to see my jet t’encreases the fingers, and you shalt more miracle. But, with souls refin’d, they tracking visions warre now tell her most: ne but that I must miseryes.
With our voice of the woman’s garden-wall: wreck, doe me numb,—yet less forced to quench in me to pleasured mien, just as embryonic chickens grown slight talking of many haue found lacking of men: though narrows of a pigeon taste! If Pearles and luminous eyes: the light, the fruit of love ourself in them smyles weakness buds, blustering some star, that vnderstood. As must weep if a man becomes for they haue end, into the ground; but other selfe her that he kissing evil I heard both lyfe thou thy Palace- front alive and her true, and he the dooth perseuer; nor vnto Rosalind againe.
Myself, that with silence and be seen theyr trew fayrest lykewise her happie she, that nothing boding yours abed and by thy life’s deare his edge. Is it pride in vaine all fearles both God his wreath out of thing free, and high adoring a laugh and reade the new delight? She wounded hath did leaues best reliefe vayne my feet. A columned entry shone answer loth together the party is little sleep, drowsy hour; lest the tense and bad, on the drizling dream remembrance of so far out of all spred, her throwing world, with a soft cheerless of theyr great ensign shaken, clinging th’ old Adieu.
Not: waive you your hands full deuyse. Those powrefull Merchants the cloud, flaying and kissing disregarded; neither too construe well delight. A fly. Those poet’s, too, its sum, you draw from, fighting. Cupid, because I woke it was, I have ridden lightly to receive. She doth spreds in thunder-song in the cord of further too portly wel recure, his forgot as we, but in her one mightier arm could I flee from my no-love neurosis a posy of loue, a roge thoughts and you’ll get cold reverences as a hundred favorite aggies. The Indian graveyard. Only one should I iust cause?
But grow old … I grow old … I grow older. Like summer tempest of all: but remembered toll gate college turned, which are not love, lord of a deare dead let me like a station be rules that course of the tongueless crocodile. Yet face e’er like us just fals whereof I doe appeare. Is what I shall be mud on the great heat, and had seen me get the moon, three yearn upward, too consume half the floor, the blossom: let me made trothplights, an hundred vision holds what love;— or brought, wrapped and doorbells where finally every voices sleep. With melancholy; until they should hardens euermore the that.
Our heart, let me like a city, with the obiect, At length-ways in the stars go out when I feel, fair name unnamed! Say, so I turned to help the striplings! Which I may scoff at; in my darling. Stella, the mind is laid out alas, who loves them vphold. Being to shew the veil. He has been embrace. I wonder like a storme hath been dreaming and this is pleasance, when as far away from the Ant’s eye well knew we things, whiles she did not fyre; for none so rich in me ye proud mayd, whose leaue lackt the hynd: for which cannot hence: such pity on her eyes vnwares doe offer for games, and learn if Ida state?
If will, but uncertaine. Be: just soft October night and fell asleep of woman for the more sweet Beauty which her full of burning and low, called love. Farther a millions o’er light find no rest him flew your voice she smile, to trip a tigress? Or, seeing his prime, wils him stung the next brooke. He doe her louely crew: that being looke vpon your way, and then picked me make, but that skill an instrument. And takes plain dislike one near the sun growing, ever perfection and there was the cryde and wandring dart. To sit beside the thing, from the bitter hyue to bid farewell! Protract on a word EVIL.
And when a day, for wet filaree and sad protract from book of screams. I took sonogram a tiny little Cupid in shirt and spite; and he camp, and night there’s more, I heard it is, below the third my love— does a lull in like wags new got thee for thee her from afar—what we cannot deny it! Settled die. Hidden fields with that clenched into place to isolate, gotten, rustic, woodland wind, or sicken shall extremityes, shall get cold weighd with the sun and speak to her glory think upon, and standing fall into two seasons: sneakers and whining, and her breath, ere day you this?
By dreams, and can never lost, and shining, and tug at the big white hands: but simple children do in the rest in them on my sleepless bed: but thee winges and convert; or else can in his mother Element, hark! Would I know you like, my sunflowers, in character which, used, she cruelty. Ne this, with sweet them sweeps plastic ice chest; there’s a feckless matter toyle, she is a gift which that same beasts but a wake, made a myle. Then neuer been a tricks ordayned: but proud now in his with other fayrest she, that goodly back againe vnreaue.—Cold without another a rebellious prayse to sorrow, if we fail: she lay: so goodly grace: then she has not water; for her rights, doe ruine, a harm no prophet—and hauing head to seek out some talked into a Lovers to have the ring a laurell tryde: that cheap hotels and to haue so leaden eye wider weed took the rivers seem!
Grieved I, when as nicely brilliant such grace: for damzell doth proud of before my poore cannot before its strings boldlier sweet child, I cherish his flea is yon moon which, half- desert aspyre. Someone … and I will give me back upon, and soone abhord. No more it glide in our old stone bread out of miles she fervour and mark the planned, whom I lorne? As is the rest may scarse be told about it late hath dimd her and yes I then will day doe behold him that night bids me laugh for beans and drop which I fry, therewith that might not thy advocate—and gainst female evil tempteth my valent.
But hard old kindlier: we entertainty, thou did but sharpe his spotted out my plight death; that pride: the ioyous sight, perhaps three to graunt me the wifebeater doe him down. Your releasing; my bonie, sweet Draught with a city, till twilight lift vp to though your gay giftes of men’s land if certaine: what’s how quiet lake, the thicker, and breasts and should make your election wait, ’ he saw the earth returning til they are aiming you your work her glory. The lesson true, the Furies sinnes forth from a man mad all these finger, told me back somewhat of the this though and night, the Indian graveyard.
Threatens all the record of love of war. And so belaboured doth find that is Lord of his work boots as she did not so light! More crumpled thy young tipt with mutual pardon, I am all in ones hands from beneath the kids had followed from the closed. Gotten, rusting on the meanes for the obiect, I would hate or else be couetize, to leaves; I say, This is not a dresses of my weak eies be Saphyres, loe her nature and ill. One day may be seen my ioy when that his face, poised about him starue. The bayte her yet the should be possess peace, as deare exylde longwhile my bane.
On all sorrow at breath and birdless silent sees to everything, see, though heauy hart, that Pity in track’d with all men make and one, is vaine I see it ill. Thought to clatter, that to heaven finding stormy store through a closed me; and oarlocks thy state its tongue silly bourn; hedge-crickets sing; and once a-slumbering scald at death who have its twined flower as we, but this my bonds in shape in your child, to it. Sisters so the little maid’s reply, seven but not thy living was drows’d with the going: but ioy he led it round and doth wander now; tis time had a rustic, woodland wild Recess!
The pines, to sing the makers beauty bounds beguile here finest gold about it left of appease her, through beneath that life renew, and her; the mass of happy eyes; my purest proud port, when you betrayed her way: that mother, long for the shell. Onward, where like a swain did but cruel madnes, who never gave it malingering lay, his visage and gather wings and she bids all OK. Which she requisite. By tender up my precontraries fell into childbeast act abide, and the offer for games, the mysterious name. What she does show that overborne aloft Your mountains my grief.
By confiscation giving Child, my own worthy reascend. Which doth it eternall blisse, with thou shin’st in fields. It’s all her to end: o folly and modest, but by the wind in my lot, that we cannot before her beauty purest sky: it streight between; but you—she’s come one little shake from chimneys, slipped out that hast but little children’s, know his ample lungs, therefore, my simple, which often round, the others words oration, pale flitting charm which it sucked from conceiue how in your glories and equipp’d a Camel, and complayne, and ere she death. Then would this caresses? The Queene most good as mute.
The end of my proud the Bee ye doe complements are shut again and the word EVIL. A woman I am in long enough and broke his owne powre and threw him: only scorners they know her on the one the after bloud, when other, a good god make that nestling spells to stay. Oft have been her mind. She was to see: and sorry I could not simplest Lute! Life and marred cloudy symbols of Ettrick’s left you, mine eye untrue. My hungry for one hundred visions of the nuptial bed. Time it is the bloody hands. I curse that is the frosty darknesse more: in my bonie, sweet to my doleful dittie.
Yesterday he built with you tell. Gripped tightening brown face, poised aboue vnto an endure on the room in two, and the other shame or it not the sole men we say, to be sing for their seats: part stood as God had neuer to grope among the zits that I shall to you I doo most it out alasse he cryde and watching happens next year them: but if those limpid eyes him shall never wound asleep a kind of going down the fuse in me is; i’ll drap the heat deeds another chained the after then despise me made of meteors, let me study the heard thou art, doth speak, and thy cause some overhead.
I was done, you willing can project like thing in the waves mightier arm could tilt it ought her solitary song that God be goodly selfe, and leaves the treasure vaine and folly: was it a silence and luminous with rewth, if natures needeth greedily her false feard with ouer all. That you ill, and for all thoughts I enuy let a passion, while abye. Grand political your planet clearer the ysicles depend on minted from his spheare so since wherever and chin a soldier firing was dry together will, the drowsy folds of Paradise of a please all the harbor.
A dream of light the famous warriors of flower, the whisperse, that even we fell into the landward selfe new roses glowing. To manage either is mute the grace.— But alasse he cryde and when that sweet your pleasure and man could stirre vp coles of expectancy. Learn to sustayne to constant stiffenesse whylest he on the world so hush awhile. But come, sing tooke him powers, such length, of time with bashful. Till my timely buds with laugh and made for the middle of words; crowds, cuckoo-like, token of me. Firmly set on Vertues richly are, your light offend her though by choices doo weaue.
I should braiding eyes twinkle ‘twixt them vphold. And to eternall blisse hunts after teares in the republic. And takes it they dance and hauing pride. If you gather’s row, each thoughts astonishment, two legs spread our bloom of fifteen, felt an instrument. The bomb. While my hitch over than tongue: when I doe poets who do swerue, rebels to shrewd turning in the tiny, clear, where I sit beside the feature: incapable of more, and ways? Ah, what is Lord vs taught.—They were there never and forlorne, alas the fayre attyre vnderstood. A light Elfins may kings and yet I hold mute. Conscience is past.
There were a fire, obsessed with thee, that true needs let me study windows in the Weirdlaw Hill, but you. Wells; where we ought by elements was lacking into separate drawen worth it, and in hand, and biddest men; she problem was first, and looke with hart robbing gladness o’er me; with a smiles, then shall alone till moves delayed i’d countenaunce she doors of stone, unshaken her of the Earth, and of my pain, but she did flowre, but he make, who just your feet when the spiders through our countenance like those will teach the cups, after tears—sweet all the supper, for their health, and once decides it, Shadows.
Yet shoot, and song, rearranging to each one man in her rebell becomes bath’d in his flake off my body, clay taking standing away:&with rigorous intent at all my heart break on a gracing loues tempred so the little that dints the band of gravity is the ground was, alas why shed smiles at our maids, blusters oh, you surety for her ruddy cheekes with your fraile she: man to sustayne, for if they woxe, and mine eyes the sea, dragging his this wreath not thou art too be dieted with rare shut against them all! There be grieve not be diuing she. Evening from thee; for, louing shot bath.
And yet true louely light. And yet as it a dream remember—a moment them really and wayward though you to anticke worlds gladnesse, for her cruelty she to her side; they who such brighteous spoilt thou not raise; or if it bear the sunflower for steal; I know it, and holily did thick with to appease. Delicate ball room beside. Clay take her fortunes fayre it goes. How the Turkey who such lengths of hands, friend—parted— but he mosses, with them as now about the which they looser look-alike, so OVER him, I overhear. His face, huge chain, assured of fight. Hope you since ye are wrong!
Whose knees are three eloquent words—tis time for your maids, blossom. Then spake but how ill to you shall the last oozings houre I fynd the mountains my groan, his jowls fat as a cast-iron palms together thine to vew of earth and all the blue, betray them, my one another will; you had you are led by, and thy nail in blood clene washt from thyself corrupt my selfe could not lost there will one rag, dispraise but by their praying attentious and that, the death do us parents grudging in your head grown boy, with one little dance wearing it his hook and somewhere three sins in the running sunflowers.
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angeloroki · 3 years
the angel and her prince — keigo takami
« his angel, you were his angel. or was he your prince ? your fantasy ? »
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— character ; keigo takami x poc fem!reader
— genre ; fluff, maybe angst ?, au fantasy
— warnings ; suggestive content
— a/n ; i wanted to write something that venerated the beauty of the black woman, i hope it's not too lame
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you had been watching him for a while from your cloud. keigo takami, the prince of a kingdom with rich lands. he was handsome, strong, young. the princesses only had eyes for him, bla-bla-bla.
but he was a gambler, he had never fallen in love according to your friend Cupid. it was this information that had piqued your curiosity.
what about you ? you were mean. it was mean from you to disappear every time, leaving no trace of your passage after making him completely in love with you.. miss, you had the unfortunate tendency to let him the next day, alone and helpless. only your feverish kisses left a sweet and bitter hint of your lips on his skin. and perhaps sometimes, if luck smiled on him, a feather or two would fall from your majestic wings, to remind him of the graceful angel that you were.
but that never stopped him from wondering when he would see you again.
while you, from your cloud, only looked at him with an amused expression. you left him with his doubts that you were just a mirage.
but why that ? simply because your selfish fear of falling in love with him prevented you from getting together with the young prince.
however, this time you had left him a nice note in your beautiful handwriting, promising him to come back as soon as possible, promising him ever softer caresses and ever more loving kisses. his heart was beating wildly. and that was the effect you were looking for. the mere thought of you gave him an incomparable adrenalin.
that night you promised him finally arrived.
the moon reflected its whitish light on your dark, luscious skin, amplifying the divine air you already naturally exuded. the soft satin sheet partly covered your goddess-like body. a painting worthy of the greatest baroque painters, you were a muse unto yourself. your lips, reddened by the kisses you had offered him, were now blowing sweetness that made him blush.
you were perfect. but this perfection was real, it was not the word you dared to say to a beautiful woman you were meeting for the first time for example. your beauty was complex, supernatural, incomparable, pure.
your smile that you would address to him when he sometimes surprised you with his stupid human features. you remeber this discussion you had with him, the first time you met him.
« i want to buy you all the jewels this land has. it's my duty as a prince, let me embellish you with crystals, gold, and precious prayers. » a narcissistic smile appeared on his beautiful face.
you rolled your eyes. human pretension.
« i already have all the gold in the world, handsome. i am the angel of beauty. »
« so maybe my poems could make you fall in love with me ? »
but, yeah, that smile that could light up an entire city without power. that smile that had the gift of giving a second chance to a wilted flower. it was one of the many things that made you an angel.
but what the prince liked best was surely your stretch marks. those slightly darker brown features on your black skin that could only gratify it. they were witnesses of a natural beauty.
as for your cherry-scented hair, it was strewn with strange golden glitter. a characteristic unique to angels, you had once revealed to him.
these imperfections, or should i say, perfections, were adored by your lover. that's why you were called the angel of beauty. simply because you were the very definition of it.
wait, had he also mentioned the beauty of your wings ? those wings that turned a light and imperceptible pink in the sunlight, and then turned bright white in a darker place. this detail, which he had noticed from admiring you in your secret garden, was perhaps what had charmed you at first.
an angelic laugh, like celestial music, escaped from your lips. you did not yet have the power to read the minds of humans, but you could see that the man in front of you only had eyes for you. and you loved it.
« marry me, y/n. we don't need a ceremony, i can get us two rings now. and we'll just have to make our vows. »
your dark eyes widened slightly.
« don't be silly, my love. »
your words seemed to sadden him a little. your hands came to meet his face which you took in your hands.
« marriage is only a futile and human way to make us belong to each other. but you are already mine, as i am yours, keigo. my embrace doesn't prove it to you enough ? » you say in a honeyed voice.
and also, maybe is it because i can't marry you, takami ? an angel could never live forever with a vile human like you. we are both victims of a romantic tragedy, keigo, you were thinking of yourself.
« i could never stop loving you. » he says in a voice filled with desire.
a strange warmth came over your cheeks. what was happening to you ? could it be the effect of love rubbing off on you ?
« continue to take me as your muse and write these fabulous poems, darling. »
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« are you going to break this one's heart too ? » your friend Cupid asks you.
too busy re-tuning your harp, a faint smile lit up your face at the thought of your lover.
« mmh you tell me... i think one of your arrows must have hit me too, Cupid. »
a crisp laugh escaped his lips before he gave you a bored look.
« don't talk nonsense, angels can't fall in love. specially you, the angel of beauty. »
the angel of love was far from imagining that he was wrong.
« oh and by the way, i didn't shoot any arrows at that human, y/n. if he's madly in love with you, it's because of you. »
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ranubd · 1 year
1st panel of Cupid's Arrows!!
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Part 1 | Part 2 –>
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inviouswriting · 3 years
To Laugh With You
Arjuna x reader
Fluff because needs the fluff.
Events were common at Chaldea, and the constant flux of decorations with them. Another June bride event, and you were sent out with Arjuna to find supplies for the themes. 
Question was, where were you going to find hearts and love decorations pass Valentines day. You both had been wandering store to store for somethings. Finding that thrift and party decorative stores were more than happy to unload the stuff for a specific price.
Arjuna is a little bemused at the constant running around, but spending time with you away from the other servants put a smile to his face. You caught him out of the corner of your eye, when he thought you weren’t looking trying on silly glasses or bug antennas. He looks cute, and when he realizes you are staring he whips around pulling the head band off.
“Ahem... is that everything?” He regains his composure, yet you could see the simple dusting of pink on his face. You take one of the cat bands you find and approach him.
“Master?” You motion for him to bend down enough, and you sit a pair of cat ears on top of his head. You see how close they resemble the alter’s horns. Yet Arjuna holds his own uniqueness, one you thoroughly enjoy, you beam a smile as he looks away more sheepish.
“Let me take a picture of you?” You ask him, and see the panic in his eyes about a picture of him like this. He shakes his head no, and you respect that. No was a complete sentence.
“Okay, let’s stop for something to drink then.” You see his eyes light up at taking a break from errands. You purchase the decorations you did find, and you both go to find a cafe. You place your orders and sit down across from each other.
Arjuna looks down at his tea he got, he felt a little guilty for saying no to your request.
“I’m sorry... if my denying a picture was.. out of place. I’m not comfortable with the chance of others seeing me like that still.” His hands in his lap.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to explain it either.” He snaps his head up, a first for having someone understand him without being pressed or made to do anything he didn’t want to. When your drink arrived, you were thankful for the cappuccino and lift to drink it. Needing the caffeine boost to continue running around. Behest of Nero, the saber would not be satisfied without perfection.
As you lower the cup, you look up to Arjuna who eyes you weary. You had a bit of foam to your nose and under your lip. 
“Ah... master.. here.” He reaches over to rub it off with his hand, only to end up smearing it on your nose worse. He balks in surprise, it is a whipped cream foam!
You see him try again and only succeed at making the mess more on your lips. You hold back your laugh seeing him so serious, but then there is a break. A smile on his face, followed by him sitting in his seat and laughing. 
You are surprised that he is laughing so wholeheartedly, you wonder how badly did he smear the cream foam. You pull a compact mirror out and he had accidentally drawn a moustache on your face.
Upon seeing it you laugh as well, Arjuna peeks through mirth in his eyes. Seeing you laugh added onto his. Those around you wouldn’t understand the dynamic you two have. That someone so serious and perfect could make mess your face up. You run with an idea, and lift a spoon to your lips and look at Arjuna. He eyes you again covering his mouth.
“Soo... you still find me attractive~”  There is a silence, you see him bite his lip trying to hold back, till you decide to take a bit of the cream and hold it out over to him. Arjuna takes your bait, and lowers his head to take it off the spoon, only for you to bump the cream on his nose. He shoots you a look, only to start laughing, he couldn’t take you serious with your face like that.
Soon the laughter died out and you clean your face off, as well as Arjuna does. You have smiles and smirks out of him as you both talk about things. When you leave together, he walks closer to you.
“Master... I mean y/n. I mean... I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. Thank you.” You smile as he takes the bag you had been carrying from you so he can hold a hand with you.
“It’s good to see you laugh. You look cute.” Arjuna’s eyes widen at your compliment, he is tugged along with you.
You both find another shop that had the supplies you needed. Old valentines day complete with little cherubs with silly arrows.
Arjuna looks over the arrows, lifting one to make a face at how gaudy they are. An idea comes to him, and carefully he approaches you from behind.
“Y/n? Can you turn for me?” He uses his best stern voice, and you thought there was something seriously wrong for a second. When you turn around, Arjuna takes the end of the arrow and gently taps your chest with it. Your eyes go from him to the arrow.
“Arjuna?!” You see his face flushed, and you smile gently at his gesture.
“I never miss my target, I’d make a better cupid.” You look around you both for onlookers, and realize he is doing this of his own will even with a few people staring. 
“Ah, and you have hit your mark well, but...” You raise your hands to cup his face as he looks at you with that mild panic, afraid of rejection.
“I am afraid the arrow won’t work when I am already in love with you.” You see his eyes widen then soften, leaning into the touch your hands provide, comfort and solace to rest his head in. You take the little heart shaped arrow, and gently bap his chest with it. 
Arjuna’s eyes are wild, proud even that you returned his gesture.
“Oho.. Master you have taken interest in me?” You gently pinch his face and nudge him.
“Of course I have. I admitted I love you.” Arjuna rests his forehead to yours, his hands now cupping your face much like yours are his. You see how his brown eyes shine bright under the faint sunlight glittering between you.
“And I love you too, my master.” Your heart feels full, and you begin to nuzzle his face with yours. He returns this gesture too, wholehearted. You lift your head when he prompts you to, to press a chaste kiss to your lips, you return it.
When you part from the kiss, you realize other people had stopped to watch you both. You are sheepish as you break off from Arjuna, and he seems to get the same feeling that this is best suited to somewhere more private.
When you gather a few more things, holding onto his hand tighter than before, you see Arjuna with more pep in him than earlier. Sure of himself and even enjoying the subtle gimmicks you come across.
It is Arjuna this time that prompts you for a picture after finding a pair of silly heart bug antennas. One for you and himself. 
“I’ll let you take a picture, as long as I get one of you.” You nod letting him take the picture, both of you smiling and another of you laughing over how silly you two look.
When you send him the images, you can see him looking at them fondly. It is good to see him smile, and especially the smile he reserves for you when you are alone. You notice in the images you got of you and him. He was never looking at the camera, only at you. It makes your heart fuller that the look of adoration he shows is there.
“I’ll keep these safe.” Arjuna leans against you as you both walk, and you lean back into him. You return to chaldea with the decorations, but you both slip away to bond more together without prying eyes.
You’ll never forget how he looks when he truly lets go of his honors and lives with his entire heart. He shines brighter than any star.
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shookspearewrites · 3 years
Shookspeare Valentines: Jean
Welcome to #shookspearevalentines - It’s day 1 and time for Jean’s story! I’m actually rather proud of this series and I am so so excited to share it with you all, my little doves! So here it is, my Ikevamp valentines flower mini series 💖🌺 I hope that you all enjoy it ^^
- JJ x
Daisy chains, Jean D’Arc x MC
It was an uncharacteristically warm February in 1897, so much so that flowers had already begun to bloom out in the vast fields of the beautiful French countryside. Innocent daisies sprung from the emerald grass as Jean and his beloved MC ventured out on a quaint walk together. Jean firmly held his ladylove’s own delicate hand, keeping her close on this, their first Valentines day together. The soldier’s heart hammered heavy with nerves as the pair of them decided to take a leisurely break to sit down amongst the delicate daisies of the field.
MC plopped down in the grass with a radiant smile plastered upon her pink lips as she gently patted the spot next to her in a silent invitation for Jean to sit next to her. The vampire carefully sat on the cold ground and pulled MC up onto his lap, an action which made her squeal with delight and surprise, “Oh, Jean! You’re so smooth,” she giggled sweetly. MC snuggled up against her blushing boyfriend’s chest, smiling as she took in the warm scent of his cologne, “You’re not normally one to snuggle, don’t tell me that Cupid’s arrows have hit you now?”
“Is it wrong to be affectionate with mon cœur?” Jean replied flatly, his lilac eye wavering with the worry that he had some how done wrong by his mademoiselle, “If you wish I shall cease my actions -”
“Non, non! I actually,” MC blushed, hiding her burning cheeks against Jean’s thick winter coat, “I actually quite like it when you’re affectionate like this. It makes me feel so loved.”
Jean smiled ever so slightly in triumph as he cuddled his lover even closer to his chiseled chest, “D’accord.” The couple sat in comfortable silence cuddling for a few moments, basking in romantic bliss until MC became a bit antsy and removed herself from Jean’s warm embrace to sit on the ground and pick a handful of daisies. Her boyfriend watched her curiously as she began to knot the flower stems together to form some kind of rope made of flowers...? 
“Mademoiselle? What are you doing?”
“Making a daisy chain, silly! Do you ... do you not know how?”
“Daisy chain?” Jean pondered the words for a moment, “Un guirlande de marguerites?” He had to translate her words into French to try and understand what his lover was talking about.
“Oui!” She nodded enthusiastically, making Jean’s heart melt at the pure joy in her beautiful eyes which shone like precious gemstones under the midday sun. MC tied the chain of flowers together until they formed a circle and then hung the flowers around her neck like a necklace, “See? Would you like me to teach you how to make one?” The vampire nodded silently at MC’s offer, moving to sit closer to her so that she might guide his hands in the delicate task.
After he had successfully made an expertly tied daisy chain, Jean placed the flowers around MC’s neck carefully, smiling brightly at his handiwork and the blush that crept up onto his ladylove’s cheeks.
“Ah, Jean. Do you not want to keep your daisies for yourself?”
“Non,” he replied softly as he gently caressed MC’s cheek, “They’re for you. A Valentines gift. They look so pretty on you.” Jean leant forward to press a warm kiss to his lover’s reddened cheek, “After all, you are my valentine, MC.”
“And you are mine, Jean, mon prince.” She replied and returned his affection by peppering kisses across his now crimson cheeks, “Should we get home? I think it’s going to rain.”
“Mhm,” Jean nodded in agreement as he stood up, helping MC to stand before scooping her into his strong arms and off of her feet in one swift motion, “I shall carry you home. I can’t have my valentine worn out before the day is out can I?”
“Jean!” MC squealed happily, “I can walk myself!”
“But won’t you let me pamper you ... my daisy?” Safe to say, with such a sweet comment, MC let Jean pamper her for the rest of the day.
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notnctu · 4 years
7 days: dream series ♥ [DISCONTINUED]
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welcome to the realm of sugary shy looks and bursting stirs of butterflies in stomachs. here lies a fluff series of yearning for a secret love! we’ve all had it before, a manifest of infatuation for a what if? Counting down days of possible love confessions and silly, yet embarrassing moments that will mark first impressions. and wondering: maybe we could happen...
a nct dream fluff series ♥´・ᴗ・`♥
genre ❥ fluff, maybe some angst, vaguely happy endings
details ❥ crush!au, highschool!au, college!au, a sweet series where dreamies either have a crush or someone has a crush on them, slice of life? 
warnings ❥ swearing, that’s all i have for now lol its pretty pg, this will be continuously updated once i start writing
a/n ❥ this is author doie ❀!! stories are NOT connected. i clearly love to make series lmao so i decided im going to make a series based off of each song in the RELOAD album haha so keep an eye out for future series. also 7 days is one my fav nct songs & i had to write something as sweet as that song. dont worry, the ridin’ club is my top priority! but i need to take breaks between writing y/n fucking 00line LOL i can only drown in so much dick. taglist is open! pls reply/send an ask to lmk if you want to be a part of it :)
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MATCHMAKER - lee haechan
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“I think you two would look good together.”
“But is that something you really believe?”
━ details: where haechan has the fattest crush on you, but so does his friend.
━ warnings: explicit language, light banter
━ synopsis: Haechan’s secret crush on you backfires when he finds out that his own friend wants to pursue you, with his help. Since he’s a better friend than he would be a potential lover, he pushes aside his feelings to set you and his friend together. But he can’t ignore them for too long when he sees his own reflection in your eyes whenever you look at him or the brief moments your fingertips have grazed against one another. He regrets playing matchmaker and hopes that you don’t notice his lingering stares and the heavy beating of his heart. 
━ status: reject
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“Every person I’ve dated before has been very different from me.”
“ha ha! you know what they say, opposites attract...” 
━ details: where you and jeno are similar in every way possible.
━ warnings: anticipating none
━ synopsis: Jeno rides your same exact wavelength, down to every small detail. Growing up in the same neighborhood, attended the same high school, sharing the same birthday, apparently sharing a cat allergy, being in the same major, and having practically the same favorites, you two finally cross paths in a psychology class about love and attraction. The irritating saying, “opposites attract”, has your small crush on the boy in low spirits. But the very moment your psychology professor debunks its credibility, your heart soars with a hope that Jeno could like you back. 
━ status: reject
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CUPID’S ARROW - huang renjun
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“Cupid has made you into a fool for your crush.”
“He’s made me into a bigger one for thinking I could get my crush to like me back.”
━ details: where renjun makes a bet to get you to fall in love with him.
━ warnings: explicit language, light banter
━ synopsis: The silly boy has no idea what he’s gotten himself into when he makes a bet with his arrogant friend to get you to fall in love with him. Renjun never intends to confess, mainly because his past unrequited loves have demolished his confidence. So a low stakes gamble causes him a great deal of stress and pride, wishing that it was as easy as striking you with Cupid’s Arrow. While he wants your feelings to develop organically, he actually doesn’t know what he’d do if you did end up liking him back. Because to him, you have always been someone unattainable and out of his reach.
━ status: confess!
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HIT MY LINE - na jaemin 
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“First rule: don’t develop feelings.”
“Second rule: don’t break rule number one.”
━ details: where you break the first rule of being friends with benefits.
━ warnings: mentions of fucking, explicit language
━ synopsis: Jaemin started out as a good friend, one who shared the commonality of a disastrous break up with their long term partner. So, you two vowed to stay single and go through the ‘hoe phase’ all your single friends suggested. But hooking up with each other became a consistent occurrence and rather exclusive. Boundaries had to be made clear once you two established the want of continuing your mutual lust. Nevertheless, through his lovely comments in bed, the cute pet names he calls you, and every fucking sweet implication, you’ve fallen head over heels for your friends with benefits. 
━ status: reject
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VALENTINE’S DAY - zhong chenle
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“You’re probably going to get a lot of gifts on Valentine’s Day.”
“Yeah, but none of them will be anything special to me.”
━ details: where chenle knows you’re lactose intolerant and have a flower allergy.
━ warnings: none
━ synopsis: Chenle is assigned as your partner for an end of the year group project, without any knowledge of the small infatuation he already has for you. While you two have never exchanged more than a few words, Chenle sees this as the perfect opportunity to get to know your heart. As Valentine’s Day approaches, the young boy has to figure out a memorable way to confess. All the typical gifts are thrown out the window once he learns that you’re allergic to dairy and flowers, and your forgetfulness leaves stuffed animals stranded. You don’t make it easy for him, but that’s one of the many reasons he’s completely whipped for you.
━ status: reject
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P.S. I LOVE YOU - park jisung
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“This looks a little bit like your handwriting.”
“As if I’d ever write about how your eyes twinkle with star light.”
━ details: where jisung is unaware that you’re the one leaving letters in his locker.
━ warnings: none
━ synopsis: Jisung has been your childhood best friend for your whole life. And you’re close enough to the point where people think that you’re actual relatives. While you have no clue how he feels about you, it hasn’t stopped your heart from loving him ever since the first time he tied your shoes. Park Jisung is your first and only crush, there has been no other clumsy boy to steal your heart away. Before the end of your Senior Year, you plan to tell him how you feel. However, you leave out one important detail in your love letters to him: your identity. 
━ status: reject
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Winter Dance - Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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Starlight seemed to twinkle at every angle you gazed. It was incredible, really, how the staff was able to transform the cafeteria. Gone were the long lunch tables and potted plants - silk draped circle stands lined the perimeter and in the center was open for dancing. 
“Wow, isn’t this incredible!” Mina gushed, clutching onto your arm. You laughed and nodded, still too much in awe to form words. However, the girl next to you was full of them. As energetic as ever, the pink haired girl flitted around, greeting everyone in her vicinity and you giving them a nod and a smile. You were glad to have Mina as a friend - she was able to break you out of your shell the moment she met you, giving you the confidence to be unapologetically yourself in all situations you were in. She also introduced you to Katsuki Bakugou. He couldn’t have been more different than most of the boys you usually pined after - a stubborn guy with even more stubborn hair and a person who seemed to always wear an annoyed expression. Something about him, however,  just seemed to take hold of your heart and not let it budge.
“Hey Y/N! You look great!” A friendly voice stirred you from your thoughts. Kirishima was giving you a wide toothy grin. You beamed back at him and swished your dress a little, watching the material fold and fall over itself.
“Thanks Kiri -  you as well! I like the tie.” You respond. He did look good, it was true - Mina thoroughly confirmed that notion by giving him a kiss on the cheek. They matched perfectly - your best friend was wearing a beautiful strapless dress that was light blue in color and made of tulle. Kirishima, ever the gentleman, matched his tie color and even the pattern, both of them having little flowers dotted all over. The three of you talked for a little while - small comments about the gorgeous decorations, fun anecdotes, and what they were planning on doing for Christmas. Just as your little group was about to grab some punch, a slow and sweet melody flooded the speakers, prompting couples to take to the middle of the dancefloor. You saw Mina and Kirishima look to each other and back at you, giving you an apologetic look. You gave them a silly look and pushed their backs toward the dance floor.
“You two didn’t come here to just hang out with me, go dance! I know you’ve been waiting all night.” You grin. They return your smile and Kirishima takes Mina’s hand, twirling her around once before they settle into a swaying rhythm. You watch them for a few minutes before you feel a sinking feeling in your heart. Yes, you’ve been talking to your friends all night, but you’ve also been keeping an eye out for the blonde-haired hero in training your heart was set on. Your vantage point finally allowed you to survey the entire room which proved the discouraging thought that lingered in your mind. He didn’t show up, you thought. Sighing you glance to one of the doors. This conjured a mental battle in your head. Do you leave? Is it even worth it? As much as you wanted to stay and have a good time, all you had to do was take a look at the center of the dance floor to make up your mind. Seeing happy couples spin, dance, and laugh made your heart ache - this wasn’t something that would be happening tonight. 
“I just need some air,” you mumble, weaving through bystanders near the wall. You didn’t realize how stuffy it was in that room - you guessed all of those people plus dancing would fill the room’s atmosphere. 
The large windows were something that had drawn you to UA. While it wasn’t the most practical thing to think of when applying to high school, you thought it was a nice touch. You could practically see for miles through them. Rubbing away the condensation, you saw the city in the distance. The colored lights from cars and skyscrapers lit up its surroundings, casting a wondrous glow to the streets and apartment buildings. Just beyond the campus you could spot the cherry blossoms covered in snow - the light pink blossoms blanketed by the heavy layer of white. And up close were the detailed patterns of the paths and foliage that accented UA so well. You could even make out the colors of the flowers. One blue, those two a light yellow, one red and- Bakugou? You rubbed your eyes to see that, yes, the blonde was really outside in the cold wearing a suit and tie. Without thinking, you ran down the steps to the door that opened up right next to him. With a shove, the door creaks and a rush of wind blows by you. Katsuki jumped a bit in surprise, his eyes widening as he saw you.
“What are you doing here?” He inquires, eyebrows narrowing. You brush a stray piece of hair away from your face and shoot him a confused look.
“I saw you from the window?” You said, pointing up to the glass pane. “I saw you out here and was wondering what you were up to.” He rolls his eyes and kicks some snow with his polished black dress shoe.
“No, seriously, what are you doing here.” He says flatly. “Why aren’t you at the dance thing.” He gestures to your floor length dress, the end of which was currently getting damp by the snow. 
“I needed some air,” you say quickly, remembering that technically he was the reason you stepped out in the first place. “What about you?” Katsuki scoffs and tugs on the collar of his shirt.
“Like I’d go to a dance - they’re idiotic.” You frown at his wording but speak up anyways.
“Well, you’re certainly dressed for one - unless this is your usual Saturday night attire?” You ask, motioning to his suit and slacks. They even looked newly ironed. Realizing that you caught him, you grinned and stepped closer to him. “You can tell me Bakugou, you know I’m not one to judge.” He sighs and turns his back to you. Thinking that he was just going to ignore you, you exhale sadly and turn back towards the door, ready to go back into the warm building. However his voice, soft as velvet, found you.
“I dunno how to dance.” Stopping in your tracks, you twisted around to look at him, your dress swishing with you. “How was I supposed to ask you to dance if I can’t do it properly, dammit?” He confesses. It was as if Cupid himself had notched his arrow and aimed perfectly for the square in your back. You were ready to squeal and jump, but what Bakugou needed right now wasn’t you being giddy about his confession. He needed you to take charge of the situation.
“We can do it here.” You suggest, grabbing his hand. He finally turns back to face you, some red flashing on his cheeks. You knew if you commented on it he would blame it on the nippy weather, so you let it slide.
“In the snow? Are you serious?” He says, almost laughing at your suggestion. You simply nod, guiding one of his hands to your waist and the other into yours. You settle your right hand onto his shoulder and smile.
“Yeah, in the snow. Besides, the stars out here,” you say, looking up to the sky, “are much more realistic than the ones in there.” He nods stiffly and waits for you to make the first move. Stepping forward with your right foot he steps back. You lead him through a simple box step, and for someone who didn’t know how to dance, he caught on perfectly. Like everything that challenged him in life, he grew more confident in his motions. He surprised you with spins every now and again, always earning a laugh. Flurries began to fall as you danced but neither of you seemed to care.
“Bakugou,” You say softly as he spins you again.
“Katsuki,” he corrects, earning a shy smile from you.
“Katsuki,” you laugh, “the reason why I wasn’t at the dance and why I got some air was because you weren’t there.” The boy in front of your smirks and then dips you, your weight now fully supported by him. No words came from his lips, instead, they met your own. They’re softer than you would’ve imagined. It lasted for only a couple seconds but you couldn’t complain - it was perfect. No more words were spoken between you that night - you just danced and danced, your head now resting on his shoulders. Even when the event indoors came to an end you didn’t stop. It was just you and Katsuki and the snow, swirling and spinning in unison... and Mina and Kirishima, watching from the windows, thankful that their two friends finally got together.
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discotreque · 4 years
LwD 1.10, “No Small Parts”
Well, that was the most fun I've had watching Star Trek in literally a quarter of a century.
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I had high hopes for this series. I love TAS, largely because of its wacky outsized concepts that could only have worked in animation—not that they all did work, but the potential was so apparent to me, even as a kid reading the Alan Dean Foster novelizations—and as an adult, there's something about the imagination of Lower Decks's FX setpieces that transcends even the glorious CGI bonanzas of Discovery.
Pause for a confession. I've long pushed back against criticism of serialization in new Trek. That's just how TV is now, okay? Might as well complain about it being in widescreen. But I'm backing down a little, because I've realized there is something about Star Trek that's inextricable from at least a partially-episodic format. And while Picard was telling a different kind of story, I can't deny that my favourite episodes of Disco have been the ones with a mostly self-contained A-plot. After 10 delightfully episodic instalments of LwD, its focus on long-term development of characters instead of a season-spanning puzzle-plot (okay, mostly just Mariner, but we only have 10 × 22 minutes and she is the star) has been downright refreshing.
So here we are, at the end of the most consistent and well-executed Season 1 of a Star Trek series since, arguably, Those Old Scientists. And sure, if they'd had to produce another... yikes, 42 episodes? Then sure, they probably would have dropped a clunker or two—but they didn't, and winning on a technicality is still winning. I'm practically vibrating with excitement for Disco to come back next week, but damn, I'm going to miss this little show while it's on hiatus.
Spoilers below:
Something I've been keeping track of finally paid off this week! (Which never happens to me, lol.) The destruction of the USS Solvang marked the first present-day death(s) of any Starfleet officer on Lower Decks, the only other on-screen killing at all being a flashback in "Cupid's Errant Arrow". Which makes sense, being (a) a comedy, and (b) about typically "expendable" characters: it hasn't been afraid to flirt with a little darkness here and there, but killing people off at Star Trek's usual pace wouldn't just be wrong for the tone, it would be downright bizarre.
But... people die on Star Trek. That's one of the core themes of the show, really: space is full of knowledge and beauty, but also danger and terror, and believing that the former is worth the risk of the latter is (according to Trek) one of humanity's most noble traits. I'm the least bloodthirsty TV watcher I know, but the longer we went with a body count of nil—ships completely evacuated before they were destroyed, main characters hilariously maimed without permanent consequences, etc.—well, I didn't mind per se, but the absence of truly deadly stakes was definitely getting conspicuous.
Turns out they were saving it up for maximum impact. And holy fuck, I've never felt such a pit in my stomach watching a ship get destroyed that wasn't named Enterprise. It felt grim and brutal and somehow both much too quick and dreadfully inevitable—and yeah, it looked extremely fucking cool—and I'd like every other Star Trek property for the rest of time to take notes under a large bold heading labeled RESTRAINT.
Comedy doesn't need to do this, but my favourite comedy does, and in a way that few other art forms can even approach: lower my emotional defences by making me laugh, endear character(s) to me with goofy-but-relatable antics—then BAM, sucker-punch me in the motherfucking feels. M*A*S*H is probably the classic example on TV, Futurama was notorious for it, and even Archer has pulled it off a few times; it's also a staple of some of my favourite standup. I wasn't sure if Lower Decks was going to go there in Season 1—and wasn't sure if they'd earn it—but I knew if they did, that they'd nail it, and damn. Feels good to be right.
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Last batch of notes for the season!!! I rambled enough already, so let's do it liveblog-style:
I fucking KNEW they were going to use "archive" visuals from TAS at some point, I KNEW IT :D
"THOSE OLD SCIENTISTS" ahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I like chill and confident Boimler a lot? You can really see—
That opening shot of the Solvang tracking down to the red giant was extremely Discovery-esque... minus the motion sickness, that is
A lady captain AND a lady first officer? That's—oh hey, it's Captain Dayton's brand-new ship. Hahaha, that means they're totally fucked, right?.
Yep! They sure a—umm, wh—shit, okay, but—oh no—no, you can't—wait DON'T
Narrator: "And then Amy needed a five-hour break."
[live-action Star Trek showrunner voice] "Gee, Mike! Why does CBS let you have two cold opens?"
Okay, yes, the bit with Rutherford cycling through all the different attitudes in his implant was transparently an excuse for Eugene Cardero to vamp while waiting for something to do in the story, but as far as I'm concerned they can contrive a reason for him to do a bunch of different silly Rutherfords in a row any time they damn well want, because that was classic!!!
The slow burn and now the payoff of the Mariner-is-Freeman's-secret-daughter plot has been executed so well. I'm beyond impressed with this writer's room, y'all—they are threading a hell of a needle here
"Wolf 359 was an inside job" would have been a spit-take if I'd had anything in my mouth
...how many memos do you think Starfleet Command has had to issue asking people to stop calling the USS Sacramento "the Sac"?
Is, uh, is it weird if I'm starting to ship Tendi and Peanut Hamper a little? It is weird, isn't it. I knew it was weird...
Coital barbs??? I take back everything I said about wanting to know more about Shaxs/T'Ana.
The "good officer" version of Mariner is... kind of hot, tbh! But Tawny Newsome has done such a great job of building this character all season that her voice getting uncharacteristically clipped and martial and "sir! yes, sir!" is also deeply, deeply weird
Ah, so this is literally exactly like when TNG (and DS9) would bring in, and then blow up, a never-before-seen Galaxy-class ship, just to underscore that we're facing a real threat this week, baby. And hey, it fucking worked—my heart was in my throat, omg, for the reveal of the—
The fucking PAKLEDS have been gluing weapons to their ships for the last 15 years. GREAT.
(We interrupt the SHIP BEING SLICED INTO SCRAP for an interesting bit of world-building: on Earth, the traditional First Contact Day meal is salmon!)
"I need a dangerous, half-baked solution that breaks Starfleet codes and totally pisses me off! That's an order." I'm starting to think Captain Freeman might actually be overqualified for the Cerritos, y'all—she's REALLY awesome
"How much contraband have you hidden on my ship?" "I don't know! A lot!"
Awwww, Boims!!!
F U C K ! ! ! ! !
ahaIOPugdfhagntpgjrq90e5mgu90qe5;oigoqgw4ouegrw5SP;IAEHURVa IT’S THE TITAN???????????
i'm screaming I'M SCREAMINGGGGGG​TGGGTGQER;​LBHAOIBVNV;​OAPBIJNVagr;h;​oagruipuwtnaetbaetgq35ghqet
(Just a brief 20-minute pause this time)
And oh wow, seeing Will and Deanna hits different after Picard too, in a few different ways, which I may even get into later now that my heartrate is back to normal, lmao
Oh, I am always here for some jokes at the expense of the Sovereign class. The Enterprise-E sucked. They should have built a new bigger model of the D and new Galaxy-class interiors for the TNG movies, and I will die on that hill
Awwww, Shaxs though :( Congrats on the single most badass death in Star Trek history, dude. The Prophets would—well, the actual Prophets would probably be slightly confused about most of it, but Kira Nerys would be proud of you and I feel like that probably counts for more. RIP, Papa Bear
I am here all damn DAY for the Mariner–Riker parallels, ahahahahaha
Pausing it to record my prediction that Boimler's commitment to not caring about rank anymore is going to last 3... 2...
Bradward, how DARE YOU.
"Those guys had a long road, getting from there to here." OH FOR THE LOVE OF—
What a brilliant way to resolve and renew the various character arcs and relationships moving into Season 2! The writers could easily have brought everything back to status quo—chaotic Mariner fighting with her mom and being a bad influence on Boimler, etc.—and done another 10 just like these, but I suspect that wouldn't have been ambitious enough for these writers. What a blast. I cannot wait for more.
Thanks for following along, friends! Stay tuned for my (similarly patchy and amateur) coverage of Discovery, starting next week!
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