#curiel one piece
Favorite Whitebeard Commander
Round 2!
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fat-tasty-krogan · 2 years
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Это были трудные полгода. Но я снова пытаюсь рисовать)
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lowqualityonepiece · 2 months
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serving cunt in 10dpi
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stillxnunpxidintern · 5 months
I had a thought earlier this afternoon when I was out, about who are the best dancers of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Izou and Marco were at the top (This phoenix likes when Marco dances cause birds do mating dances).
Ace is in middle but I can see him moving to high middle.
Thatch is at the bottom with two left feet. While Thatch has amazing footwork when he's fighting but as soon as he's dancing with someone he suddenly has two left feet.
Top - Izou, Marco, Whitey, Tate, Vista, Haurta, Rayuyo,
Middle - Ace, Whitebeard in his youth/healthy, Fossa, Blenheim, Kingdew, Speedy Jiru
Bottom - Thatch, Joza, Namur, Blamenco, Curiel, Atmos,
I only did the commanders with Whitey and Tate. I did think about putting Oden, Toki and the some of the spade pirates on it but decided not.
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star-fiend · 1 year
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One Piece, chapter 966, "Roger and Whitebeard"
Curiel was so lanky back then compared to his current physique
I think Marco was 17 around this time and Jozu was 14
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onepiece-birthdays · 12 days
It's September 12th
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Happy birthday to Curiel, former 10th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates!
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maxkennedy24 · 2 years
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A gift for my friend’s B-day ^__^
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optreasurecruise · 1 year
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onepiecebdays · 13 days
september 12th - curiel
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debut chapter: 552
recent chapter: 965
current age: unknown
affiliation: whitebeard pirates
bounty: unknown
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
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cozage · 1 year
The Daughter's Return Part 3
Chapter 10: Change in Plans
Start From Beginning | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 1.2k
Sanji was the first to approach your unmoving form. He sat in front of you and held out a plate. 
“You should eat. Ace told me you needed to eat.”
Ace’s name made you flinch, but other than that you showed no sign of seeing or hearing Sanji. In a sense, you didn’t hear him. Everything felt distorted, like you were underwater or in a dark and echoey cave. 
This wasn’t happening to you. It couldn’t happen to you. Ace would be back soon. This was all a big misunderstanding. 
“Come on,” Sanji said. “I hate to see you like this, darling. You need to eat. He’s not worth it.”
Tears filled your eyes. “You don’t know anything, Sanji,” you snapped. “So don’t talk about things that you don’t understand.”
He seemed startled that you addressed him, but he took that as a good sign. “Listen, you’re a beautiful lady. You don’t need him, so just-”
“I need him,” you whispered. “I need to find him. I need-” you eyes widened. “His vivre card,” you breathed.
You rushed to your feet and raced to your bag, pulling out a clip of papers.
Whitey, Brew, Dad, Marco, Jinbe, Izou, Curiel, Shanks, Namur, Haruta, Epoida. 
You looked again. Whitey, Brew, Dad, Marco, Jinbe, Izou, Curiel, Shanks, Namur, Haruta, Epoida. 
No Ace. His card had drawings of hearts all over it. You did it so his card would stand out against the others. It was impossible to miss. But it wasn’t there. 
“Luffy!” you called out, clipping the papers back together. “Did Ace give you a piece of paper?”
“A paper?” Luffy asked, staring at you confused. 
“A paper.” You held out your other vivre cards as an example. “Like this?”
Luffy stared at your hand long and hard, and then shook his head. “Nope.”
“Luffy.” Panic was rising in you, desperation beginning to spill into and seizing your muscles. “Give me the paper.”
“He didn’t give me one.” Luffy turned away from you, unable to meet your eyes. 
You knew he was lying. You could see it written all over his face, which is why he was hiding it from you. But could you fight him for the possibility of getting Ace’s vivre card? You didn’t even know where the card was hidden, and Luffy wouldn’t give that information up, even if you did try to beat it out of him.
Plus, beating up Luffy meant beating up his crew too. Could you fight every Strawhat here? Logistically, it’d be a walk in the park. But you weren’t sure if you could live with yourself. You’d have to convince him. 
“I promise I’ll give it back when I’m done with it, Luffy.”
“He only gave me the snail,” Luffy said, his lip sticking out in defiance. 
“Please,” you begged. “Ace will die without-”
“Ace won’t die!” Luffy yelled, glaring at you. “Have more faith in him! He has faith in you!”
Your lower lip trembled, and you bit it to keep it steady. Luffy clearly knew nothing. Ace didn’t have any faith in you at all. Or else he wouldn’t have left.
“Luffy!” Sanji screamed back in your defense. “Don’t yell at a lady!”
“You’re yelling at Luffy now!” Zoro yelled.
“Yeah, ‘cuz he’s an idiot, idiot!”
“You won’t find it,” Luffy assured you, ignoring his crew. “I don’t have it.”
You knew he did have it, but you couldn’t bring yourself to take it from him by force. So you walked to Yuba with the crew, hoping that he might change his mind the more you were together. 
You didn’t eat. Sanji begged and pleaded with you, but you refused meals. You considered laying down and never moving again, letting your bones get covered by the sand. 
“You’re being dramatic,” Luffy finally said, shoving a spoonful of stew in his mouth. “Ace knows what he’s doing. He’s not stupid. And if you’re really actually mad at him, you need to just go punch him. Don’t suffer because you’re mad. That doesn’t make any sense.”
“I can’t find him, Luffy,” you hissed. “That's why I need that piece of paper you have.”
He stuck his lips out again, pouting at your aggression. “I told you I don’t have a paper.”
You rolled your eyes, clearly not believing him.
“Besides,” Luffy added. “Someone else has to have this paper you keep talking about, right? Go ask them!”
You perked up at that thought. All of the subordinate captains had each of the commander’s cards. Which meant Whitey would have Ace’s card. If you could convince her to give you his card, you’d be able to follow it back to him. 
“You’re right,” you agreed, reaching for your spoon. You unconsciously ate while you thought, trying to work out the kinks of the plan. 
It could work. It would take some time, but Ace had left you all the money. You could probably buy a small, old sloop. If you couldn’t afford one, you’d just steal it and leave the money you had as payment. 
You still had Whitey’s vivre card, and you knew she was in Paradise. Brew was as well, if Whitey wasn’t able to help you out. You had plenty of people who had Ace’s card. 
And just like the ship, if they wouldn’t give it to you, you’d steal it. You’d find a way back to Ace so you could fight Teach together. Together, with your strategy and his power, you were certain you could do it. You were certain you could win. Your spirits lifted just a little bit, thinking about the possibility of meeting back up with Ace again. 
You all only made it about halfway to Nanohana before Luffy demanded they turn around and head back for Rainbase. 
But Rainbase would only delay you further, and you didn’t have a moment to waste. 
“You guys go,” you said. “I’m going to keep on going to Nanohana and find a ship.”
“Are you sure?” Nami asked. “What if you get lost?”
“I’ll be fine,” you said. “It’s only another day or two, isn’t it? It can’t be that hard.”
“A lady shouldn’t travel alone,” Sanji said. “What if-”
“Sanji,” you laughed. “I could kick anyone’s ass who’s on this island right now. Yours included. I’ll be fine.”
Sanji collapsed backward, overtaken by your words. 
“Follow the brightest star in the sky at night, and use the sun as a guide during the day,” Vivi offered, trying to give you a crash course of desert survival. “Nanohana is south-east, so follow the sun in the morning, and keep it to your back in the evening.”
“Ace wanted you to stay with us,” Luffy said. “But if you need to go find him, then you should.”
You gave him a polite smile, trying one last time. “You could give me something that would help speed up the process.”
Luffy deadpanned. “Don’t have it.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing lightly. “Alright, alright.”
You gave them all a deep bow. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Even when I didn’t want it.”
“It’s nothing!” They all said in unison. 
“I’ll see you around, Luffy.”
“See ya!”
And with that, you and the Strawhats went your separate ways.
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Tell us a bit about the Whitebeard commanders. What do they do for a living?
Wowoo lets go !! I love the wbp so much
Jozu: owns a trading company with Haruta who’s more of the salesperson than anything he just does all the transportation and stuff, his pokemon are Tauros and Two Machamp
Thatch: owner of a small bakery company that got so popular he had to open several branches across the Grandline to meet the growing demand, he often swings through all of them to ensure they’re meeting his standards n stuff, his main shop is in Sphinx tho, bc he can’t leave Pops without fresh croissants!! His Pokémon are Fidough (ee new pokemon!) and Dartrix
Vista: fashion designer, usually has his brothers and sisters model the clothes he designs, well decorated in the field for providing unique and flattering bespoke fashion for all body types, his pokemon are Gardevoir, Gallade and Kirlia (yeah. Haha) he’s absolutely enamoured with Ace’s proportions though and Ace really does not want to be alone in a room with vista just because he won’t be able to say no to him asking for a moment of his time to model some things (last time he said yes he was occupied for a whole weekend LMAO sorry Ace, Vista got INSPIRED hard)
Blamenco: physics professor, specifically interested in the Ultra Beasts phenomenon and worme hole pocket dimesions, has published several papers on the subject and his prized Pokemon is indeed an ultra beast, the highly dangerous Guzzlord, as such he’s under strict monitoring to ensure he doesn’t let it go on a rampage, his other pokemon are: Granbull, Mr Mime and Goliscopod, he lovingly calls these three his Guzzlord insurance policy haha (because theyre all super effective type countersagainst Guzzlord)
Rakuyo: game show host and popular radio host of an opinion based channel that talks about news and reacts to it etc ( the reason Izo keeps getting invites to do tv appearances ZBDBD) his pokemon are Elekid and Braixen (theyre both game show pokemon mascots!)
Namur: handyman, jack of all trades he’s always on the move and can’t settle down, Marco’s a little worried about Namur because every time he calls/chats with him, Namurs gone and got fired or has a new job but it doesn’t seem to bother him because he says all of it is experience gained anyway, his pokemon: Whiscash, Quagsire and Wobbuffet
Blenheim: pokemon police force, originally was part of his home island’s military but then he left and instead drafted into law enforcement, his pokemon are Arcanine and Golbat
Curiel: pokemon ranger, he’s always wanted to be one since he was a kid, because he was rescued by one when he got separated from his parents (later confirmed deceased F curiel…) in a national park that had flash floods, his pokemon are Swampert, Pidgeot and Golem
Kingdew: prowrestler, famous just like Izo and often has to comment on Izo’s latest contest win and vice versa and Kingdew shrugs like you’re asking the wrong guy, Izo’s pretty but is he gorgeous like me? No, we are not the same (he means it in a joking way haha Izo indulges him like oh Kingdew? He’s too fabulous for little old me and all the press are like ???????? Huh???), his pokemon are Hariyama, Incineroar and Hawlucha
Haruta: co-owner of a trading company with Jozu, the sales and spokesperson, they mostly deal in mineral goods, his pokemon are Bisharp and Sir fetche’d
Atmos: currently unemployed, he stays with Pops to keep him company, but has recently found out he’s got quite the green thumb, and is apparently really good at trimming hedges into decorative art pieces, he’s looking to take gardening gigs soon, his pokemon are Bellossom, Sunflora and Shroomish
Speed Jiru: a bodyguard, currently employed by Izo who hired his brother due to two things: Jiru won’t judge him for his reasoning to hire a bodyguard and because Izo prefers if it was family anyway, his pokemon are Aggron, Ferrothorn, Drapion, Stuntank and Sharpedo, he’s one of the only WBP siblings to have as many Pokémon as Marco, he’s second in battling prowress to him and should Marco ever resign his elite four seat, the next in line would be Jiru unless he declines
Fossa: fisherman, it started as a hobby and now its a real thing for him, he’s good at rearing water pokemon and currently farms Chinchou, Magikarp, Goldeen and Clampearls, he has a Poppilo friend that visits (begs for scraps) his only Pokemon is a Volbeat
Izo: fashion blogger, popular pokemon coordinator, well known for his beauty tips and how to train your Pokémon to become top tier beauty contestants, often appears on game shows for local celebrities, his Pokémon are Oricorico (blue one) and Froslass (aesthetic matches his)
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marigraphia · 1 year
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Sketches and WIPs that I’ve posted on Twitter over the years (because I don’t trust the site to not simply go down over night)
3rd July, 2020
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“i'm very proud of this fountain, it's the first time i've done something like that 😬“
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another one!
(Both are WIPs of this piece)
10th September, 2020
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“is my first ever drawing on my ipad stevetasha? you bet”
19th September, 2020
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“doodled my dogs real quick while waiting for my grandma 🥰“
23rd September, 2020
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“doodled some stuff while watching enola holmes 😊”
24th September, 2020
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“i don't really like how this turned out but i also don't want to re-do it so eh“
11th October, 2020
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“i’m so in love with her 🥺”
(This is my - still unnamed - OC, but I ended up using the drawing as a base for Amaya in the Primrose Hall game)
24th October, 2020
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“my little cousin requested a drawing of a bear 🐻”
19th February, 2021
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(WIP of this piece)
24th February, 2021
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- espírito protetor dos tapauérs
- cavalo pálido da morte“
(WIP of this piece. It was originally made for the 3rd day of the “Mônicatober” event, organised by @monicaposting on Twitter, and posted on my personal account)
28th March, 2021
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“essa conversa com o meu irmão aconteceu há meses e eu penso nela até hoje“
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“gringo version“
11th August, 2021
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“some sketches ✨“
“1- Katie Cook's character Tom "oh no your dad was hot" Benson from her webtoon 'Nothing Special' 2- Alexander Siddig as Hannibal (no, not that one) in the 2006 movie”
24th August, 2021
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4th October, 2021
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“fell in love w this lil guy from a drawingwiffwaffles video and had to draw him 🥺“
5th October, 2021
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“second day of doodling youtube stuff instead of what i should be drawing, this time it’s karolina żebrowska videos“
10th May, 2022
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“tried to do something and it turned out very much not how i wanted it to but eh“
12th July, 2022
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8th August, 2022
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“have been trying to sketch more lately ☺️
(reference for the second one is marvel's house of x #6, with pencils/inks by pepe larraz and colours by marte gracia and david curiel)“
31st August, 2022
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“oh this is fun“
(WIP of this piece)
22nd September, 2022
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“the news cycle these past weeks had me doodling these particular (still unnamed :/) ocs“
25th October, 2022
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25th November, 2022
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“eu não me contive…”
(WIP of this piece)
26th November, 2022
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“viciada em desenhar fotos da copa“
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Two days left to go!
Check out more details and list of prompts here!
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fat-tasty-krogan · 3 years
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Happy Birthday, Curiel! )))
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shiba-nix · 3 years
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