#currently i am slightly leaning towards translating a few of the card stories before moving onto road to sss 2 if i do
prism-rush · 5 years
King of Prism Road to Shiny Seven Stars 1 Main Story translation
I, Shin Ichijo, am a 1st year in senior high!! I’m going to the entrance ceremony!!!
Translator’s notes: Road to Shiny Seven Stars was a series of events on the Prism Rush game covering the gap in the King of Prism timeline from after Pride the Hero and before the SSS anime. 
So if you read my posts when this event was actually in progress, you may remember some additional stuff happening. Like details of where Taiga was before and after the entrance ceremony, and Louis flirting with Shin at the photo shoot while Leo got jealous, etc. Well that’s because that stuff did happen. But all that and more happened exclusively in the card stories. I will be translating some of the card stories but not all for every event. There will be a link at the end to any card stories I have translated so far.
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(On the morning of the Kakyoin Academy Senior High Division entrance ceremony.)
Leo: Shin-kun! Please hurry up! 
Shin: O-okay! Here I come... 
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H... How do I look?
Leo: Wooow! The senior high red blazer! It really changes up your image! ♪ Your new uniform looks so good on you! 
Kakeru: Yeah, lookin’ good! Way to go Shin-chawan! 
Yukinojo: Indeed, you do look sharp. ....Excuse me for being rude, but isn’t it a little big?
Minato: He’s still a growing boy, so at this age a little big is actually just right. 
Kakeru: Minatocchi, you sound like someone’s mom.
Shin: Thank you everyone! ....So I’m really a senior high student starting today. I’m kind of nervous. 
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Yu: Ahhh I want to wear red already.... 
Yukinojo: No need to rush. You should appreciate the junior high school uniform while you can. 
Kakeru: Yes, yes. Us senior high students couldn’t wear them anymore even if we wanted to. 
Leo: I agree. The green blazer is cool too!
Yu: Y.. Yeah.... that’s right. It will be only two more short years before I’m wearing red! 
Minato: Now that we’ll be in the senior high division together, we’ll be seeing you around a lot more often from now on, Ichijo. 
Shin: Yes! I’ll be looking forward to it. 
Yukinojo: So will we.
Minato: Our school life will be even more fun from now on. 
Kakeru: And as your upperclassman, I’ll teach you lots of secrets about the senior high division ♪
Shin: Secrets...? Like what?
Kakeru: Hmm, let’s see. For example... lend me your ear?
Shin: Oh, okay.... 
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Kakeru: The physics teacher, Ms. Takikawa’s.... *whisper whisper*
Shin: Huh? ....HUUUH!? REALLY!? I’ll take a closer look next time! 
Minato: Kazuo! Don’t fill his head with that sort of nonsense! 
Kakeru: Eheh, sorry sorry. ...Hey, wait! By the way, where is our other freshman? 
Yukinojo: Oh. Now that you mention it... 
Minato: Hmmm. Do you think we should go wake him up....? 
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Taiga: ...*yawn*.... sle..... py............
Kakeru: Good mornin’ ☆ Speak of the devil! Our delinquent has finally arrived! 
Taiga: What are you so cheerful about this early in the morning... Ahh I’m starving.... 
Minato: Leave that to me. I’ve got everything prepared. Since today’s the morning of your entrance ceremony I went a little overboard. Toast and eggsluts with homemade meat sauce. A morning assortment of vegetable salad, and then minestrone soup! And of course.... it’s got celery in it!
Shin: All right! 
Yu: Hm? Hey, Taiga’s school uniform.... 
Kakeru: Yeah, it’s no different than before. Ah! Could it be... You break-danced too hard in your new school uniform and ripped it to shreds already?
Taiga: You idiot. Of course not. 
Shin: Taiga-kun, you’re going to wear the same uniform to senior high school?
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Taiga: .............Argh. 
Shin: Huh??
Yu: ??? What are you so mad about all of a sudden.... 
Yukinojo: I think he’s trying to tell us that something is different. 
Leo: Taiga-kun certainly has his own way of doing things, doesn’t he. 
Yu: ....? So there is something different!?
Taiga: Tsk! 
Kakeru: Heyy.... You don’t need to pout.... We already know that you’re feeling disappointed that we haven’t noticed.
Taiga: Can it, Kazuo! 
Leo: Ah, Taiga-kun... Your necktie is all twisted. 
Taiga: Hm? Oh... 
Leo: I’ll fix it for you.... there you go. You look so handsome! You changed your necktie to red, just like the senior high blazer!
Taiga: ...Yeah! 
Kakeru: Oh?
Shin: ....AH! Now that you mention it, it was green before but it’s red now! 
Kakeru: Oh yeah that’s right! 
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Yu: This is like playing spot the difference on a quiz show.... 
Taiga: GAH! 
Leo: The two of you look so dashing in your new senior high uniforms! 
Shin: Thank you! It’s a little embarrassing to hear so many compliments, isn’t it Taiga-kun?
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Taiga: ............
Minato: Well, let’s sit down to breakfast. If we don’t get to eating soon we’ll be late. 
Kakeru: That’s right. Yaay, breakfast time! ♪
(Around that time, at the Edel Rose dorm administration office.)
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Hijiri: They sure are lively this morning. We can hear their voices from the dining hall all the way up here. 
Yamada: Those boys. Even though they moved up a grade, they never change. 
Hijiri: It’s a good thing. I’d like them to learn to fly with their own wings... Shin and Taiga were able to enter senior high, and the others successfully moved up a grade as well. 
Yamada: ….By the way, how did Taiga’s exams go?
Hijiri: …Ha ha… Well, it’s over now. Let’s not discuss that anymore. 
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Yamada: …..I’ll buy you a drink later. 
Hijiri: Anyway, it’s a wonderful morning. A morning of new beginnings. Let’s pray the roads they will embark upon be as sunny as this beautiful day. 
Yamada: Yes, let’s. As long as they can enjoy what they’re doing, that’s all I’d ask for. 
Hijiri: Yes. And thanks to them Edel Rose has made remarkable progress. I have high hopes for their future. 
(A few minutes later.)
Yu: ...Hey Taiga, are you really planning on going to school like that? 
Taiga: What do you mean?
Yu: Well... I guess if that’s what floats your boat, it’s fine with me. It’s just that if only one person is wearing a different uniform at the entrance ceremony, it will stand out, won’t it....
Taiga: Whatever.
Yu: You know what! You need to work on that attitude! Recently, you...
Leo: Settle down, settle down. It will be OK. He’s got Shin-kun with him! 
Shin: Yeah! Leave it to me. 
Kakeru: Yes, yes. And he’s got us as well. ....But even if he did have the same school uniform, he’d probably still cause a scene... 
Yukinojo: Yes. Indeed, it seems like that is destined to happen no matter what. 
Shin: Huh? What do you mean.... 
Kakeru: Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s just get ourselves to school first! 
Shin: W-woah, Kakeru-san you’re pushing me... 
Taiga: Ugh, you’re annoying as always.... 
Yukinojo: Heheh, it’s nice to see everyone lively as usual. 
Minato: Yes, Tachiba--
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Shin: ...........!
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Kakeru: ..............!!
Leo: What’s going on? Why did you two st--W-WOAH!
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Hiro: Hello there! Good morning everyone.
Kouji: Good morning. Did you all sleep well last night?
Kazuki: Morning. It’s really important to get both a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast to build up the strength to start your day off right! 
Shin: Hiro-san! Kouji-san! Kazuki-san!
Minato: What are you all doing here so early in the morning?
Kakeru: And isn’t today your university entrance ceremony...?
Hiro: Yeah. But the starting time for our university entrance ceremony is a bit later.
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Kazuki: We all thought, “We want to see our beloved underclassmen off on their fresh new day!” And then BAM! All of a sudden we were wide awake.
Kouji: Eheh. What they said.  
Hiro: So let us say it one more time. Shin, Taiga, congrats on becoming senior high schoolers!
Kazuki: Taiga, your school uniform…
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Taiga: *twitch*
Kazuki: I think it’s great! It’s just like you! You’re off to have a straightforward, fired up lifestyle in senior high school too!
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Taiga: Yeah… Thanks…. (ALL RIGHT!!!!!!)
Kouji: And you look sharp too, Shin, in your new senior high uniform. 
Hiro: Eheh! Even though we only graduated last month, looking at those uniforms makes me feel nostalgic already. 
Kazuki: Me too. Take good care of those uniforms! This time of your life only comes once!
Kouji: Yu is a junior high 2nd year… and Leo is finally a 3rd year! Leo, you’ll look after Yu, won’t you?
Leo: Leave it to me!
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Yu: Don’t leave anything to him! Since when do I need “looking after.”
Hiro: Kakeru, Yukinojo, and Minato are all 2nd years in senior high now too... 
Kakeru: That’s right! We’re all dependable upperclassmen now ♪
Kazuki: It will probably be tough for all the new freshmen. This goes for Taiga and Shin too, but we’ll be leaving all of the Edel Rose underclassmen in your hands! 
Yukinojo: Of course. Understood.
Minato: We’ll make you proud!
Shin: And congratulations to you three too for entering university! 
Hiro: Thank you!
Shin: Going to school in regular clothes seems so cool. 
Kazuki: Since we have only known what it’s like going in uniform it’s a little strange. 
Kouji: I feel as though the more time passes, the more it will probably sink in that we really are university students now. 
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Leo: Since everyone was able to successfully move up a grade and/or get into their new school, wouldn’t it be great to have a party to celebrate the new school year?
Shin: Oh wow! That would be great! 
Leo: We could eat dinner and snacks in the dining hall and all share our goals for the semester! 
Shin: Yeah! Yeah that sounds fun! 
Minato: Eheh. In that case I’ll take care of the catering. 
Kouji: I’ll help too, Minato. Two sets of hands in the kitchen would be better than one, right?
Minato: But you should be one of our guests of honor to celebrate your entrance into university. I’ll be alright on my own this time...
Hiro: Oh come on. We may be starting university, but all of you are starting new years in school as well. It’s like we’re all moving onto a “new stage” together. So I think we should celebrate equally, no?
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Kouji: Hiro is right. Everyone is a guest of honor this time. How about that?
Kazuki: A new stage... It sounds so exciting when you put it that way! 
Leo: All right ♪ This is gonna be so super fun! 
Yukinojo: Indeed. I agree as well. However....
Kakeru: Yeah. I don’t want to be a wet blanket here, but I think I know what Yuki-chan’s about to say...
Taiga: Huh?
Yukinojo: The idea of getting never mind just us Edel Rose students, but all of us together at the same time seems kind of daunting... doesn’t it?
Shin: ...Ah, that’s right!
Hiro: Yeah, that’s a good point... We’re booked with jobs both solo as and Over the Rainbow for a while... 
Kouji: Yeah.... And now that you mention it, you are all busy too aren’t you? If I’m remembering correctly, later today--
Kazuki: Yeah, and you guys have a TV appearance lined up as well.
Hiro: Oh I heard. You’re going to be guests on the “Let’s Play With Naru-chan New School Year Special”?
Shin: Oh! Yes! We are! Leo-kun, Yu-kun, Taiga-kun, and myself. The four of us are going to be on the show together. Aaah, and before that we have a photo shoot… Ohhh I’m so nervous.... 
Taiga: It’s no use getting yourself all worked up now. Calm down already.
Kakeru: You say that, but you’re excited too, aren’t Taiga-kyun? I know you’ve been recording episodes of “Let’s Play With Naru-chan” and studying them…
Taiga: You…! I… I’m not… Goddamit, Kazuo…..!
Leo: But this really is like a dream come true! To think we’re really going to be on that program! 
Yu: “Let’s Play with Naru-chan” is super popular.
Hiro: It’s not just popular. It’s also a really high quality program. 
Kouji: With Naru-chan as the main host it’s in good hands. 
Kazuki: That’s right. Have fun, you guys. Even if you’re feeling down, being on that show will take care of that! 
Shin: Okay! We’ll be sure to make the most of it!
Kakeru: Mmm... but you know, with Over the Rainbow so busy, and you four with your TV gig... In the end, we can’t have that party can we?
Shin: I guess we can’t.... 
Yukinojo: Yes, it seems like that is the case. We may be able to work around your schedules, but... 
Minato: We should probably wait until things have settled down to have a party though. Kouji and the others will be busy with getting settled in to university for a while.
Kazuki: I guess you’re right. We have to go through an orientation program and pick out our classes and stuff... 
Kouji: For the first two weeks they really press a lot of stuff on us. 
Shin: I see.... that’s rough....
Hiro: Well, just that’s how life is. All of you will go through changes little by little as well.
Shin: Things will… change….
Hiro: Yes. However, change isn’t always a bad thing. 
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I think it’s necessary for things to change in order for us to grow. You’re all starting a new chapter of your lives. For example, from now on you’ll get all sorts of new job offers… But as you embrace these changes, I think you’ll find so much potential for good things is waiting for you.
Kouji: Hiro is right. And the more things do change, I think you’ll also be able to see how much certain things will stay the same.
Hiro: Exactly. For example… No matter what happens, what will never change is that Edel Rose here will always be our “home”!
Shin: Hiro-san.... You’re right! Thinking about all these changes still makes me a little sad... but change is a good thing, isn’t it?
Hiro: Of course! 
Kazuki: There will still be lots of chances for us all to get together. As long as we want to make it happen, it will! Right now what we should be doing is encouraging each other to challenge new things! 
Shin: Kazuki-san... Okay! 
Hiro: Oh! I think it’s just about time for us to get going, isn’t it?
Kouji: Wow, it’s already this late? You’re right. Take care getting to school, everyone. 
Kazuki: See you! We’ll be back again soon enough! 
Shin: Right! Thank you for stopping by! 
Leo: Safe travels everyone and have a good day!
Yu: ….Aw crap! Hey Leo! We have to get going too!
Leo: Huh? Ahh you’re right! Well then! Shin-kun, Taiga-kun, do your best at the entrance ceremony!
Taiga: I don’t even know what that means. All we’re going to do is listen to a bunch of boring speeches.
Kakeru: Our little bright eyed freshmen are dragging their feet as well. Are you guys going to be OK?
Yukinojo: Indeed. The new students are supposed to arrive earlier than the rest of the school if I recall correctly... 
Shin: AHHH! Oh yeah that’s right! Taiga-kun, we have to get going!
Taiga: I don’t see any reason to rush. Even if we’re late I don’t really ca–
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Shin: Nope, that’s no good! It’s your entrance ceremony! We’re going right now!!
Taiga: Okay, okay I heard you! I’m going already so stop pulling me so hard….
Kakeru: ...... Hey Yuki-chan, Minatocchi. You don’t think Taiga-kyun would actually skip his entrance ceremony.... do you?
Yukinojo: ....Surely he wouldn’t. Not after Kazuki-san gave him such hearty encouragement.... 
Minato: Everyone, Kougami is a senior high school student now. Surely we have nothing to worry about. Now, we should get going too. 
(At Kakyoin Academy, in the gym)
Principal: And.... so... as I was saying, as all of you gradually begin to embody our school traditions.....
Shin:  (Ahhh… As I thought, the atmosphere is totally different in the senior high division…. 
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All the upperclassmen look so mature…. ! Well, from now on I am a senior high school student. I have to work harder than ever before!)
Shin: (Huh? There’s some sort of commotion going on over by the door...?)
Male student 1: …Hey, that guy is Kougami, isn’t he?
Male student 2: He’s late for his own entrance ceremony… He really is a rebel, just like the rumors said.
Shin: (Huh… Taiga-kun?!)
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Taiga: ……
Shin: (It really is him! But how? We left the dorm at the same time… Even though we got separated at some point, we weren’t all that far from the school the last time I saw him.)
Teacher: So you’re Kougami, huh!? So this is how you’re starting off the school year... I’ve heard all about you! 
Taiga: ....*sigh*..... 
Teacher: Don’t you get an attitude with me!
Shin: (Ahh! Ahh! And he’s on the teacher’s bad side already! W.. What should I do… Should I step in and try to help him out….)
Taiga: I told you! I don’t need a reason to be late!
Teacher: To have the audacity to show up to your own entrance ceremony with no reason! Who do you think you are.... 
Taiga: ...If I don’t have a reason I don’t have one... 
Shin: (Huh? Is… is something poking out of Taiga-kun’s stomach?)…What is that?
(And so, an annoyed Taiga begrudgingly sat in his seat and began to sing the school song for the end of the ceremony.)
Shin: (I was really worried for a while. But I’m glad Taiga-kun and I both get to be at our entrance ceremony together.)
♪~ ♪~
Taiga: ….Ow! 
Shin: (Ow?)
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Taiga: Ah, hey! Stop you idiots! Settle down… AH…! 
Cat: Meow! 
Shin: C… Cats?! Cats are coming out of Taiga’s shirt!? 
Teacher: K... Kougami! What is going on here! 
Taiga: ....Ugh. 
Cat: Meow.... 
Female student: Huh--cats?! So cute!
Male student: WHAAAA! What are a bunch of cats doing here!?
Shin: (Oh no, this is turning into a panic!) Ahh well um… Here kitty! Here kitty, kitty! It’s alright… Phew, well I got two of them. Now where is Taiga-kun… Oh, there you are! Taiga-kun!
Taiga: Huh? Oh, Shin… You caught them for me? Thanks.
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Shin: Well…. You don’t need to thank me, if you could just tell me why you have so many cats?
Taiga: Uhh… Well. Y’know. Okay, 1, 2, 3…. 
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All right! I got all seven of them back!
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Shin: S… Seven?! You had SEVEN cats in your shirt?!
Taiga: Yeah. They were keeping calm in there but I guess the school song woke ‘em up. Well anyway, thanks for the help. I’ll be going.
Shin: Huh?! Taiga-kun, wait! The entrance ceremony isn’t over yet…
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Taiga: I don’t have time for that when I have these guys to look after.
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Shin: Wha… whaaaaat?! ….He left.
Teacher: Hey, WAIT! KOUGAMI!!! ....What a piece of work we’ve got in the freshman class this year.... 
Shin: (Eek! The teacher is furious... and the entrance ceremony was almost over too.... Well I guess I’ll go back to my seat.... ) 
Male student 1: Taiga Kougami…. he’s that street style guy, right?
Male student 2: …Hey, and isn’t that the same Shin Ichijo who was in the Prism King Cup?
Shin: (Huh? Were they just talking about me?)
Female student: Eee! To think we’re going to be so close to real prism stars! Kakyoin Academy is the real deal ♪
Shin: (Huh? Huuuh? Why is everyone talking about Taiga-kun and me? And I feel like everyone is looking this way too… W-What’s going on?)
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Yu: ...WHAT. He did WHAT at the entrance ceremony? Taiga, that guy.... 
Leo: I’m sure he just wanted to help those kitty-cats. Taiga-kun is really kind. 
Yu: That’s not the problem.... Rumors are spreading about Edel Rose already as it is. 
Shin: Ah! Yeah that’s right! There were people who already knew Taiga-kun and I at the ceremony! A lot of them too! I wonder why?
Yu: Why, you say.... Well, I guess it was spring break so you didn’t hear the news. You may not have noticed, but we’re really starting to get more and more well known. 
Shin: HUH!? REALLY!?
Yu: Of course! You were in the Prism King Cup! And it’s not just you and Taiga, either. Alec and Joji from Schwartz Rose are suddenly the talk of the town as well. 
Shin: Oh really.. I had no idea..... 
Yu: But this is all only just the beginning! From here on out is our is our real chance to make things happen! The more everyone knows us, the more jobs we’ll get! Let’s keep on goin’ until Edel Rose is a household name! 
Shin: Yeah! All of a sudden I’m all excited! 
Leo: Let’s all do our best together! But first things first, we have a job to do today!
Yu: Yeah! .....Oh, and what happened to Taiga after all that anyway?
Shin: Well... After the entrance ceremony ended I asked Kakeru-san and the others if they had seen him, but nobody has. 
Yu: WHAT!? Where did he run off to... He’s not going to miss our photo shoot, is he....
Leo: I’m sure he won’t. We can count on Taiga-kun.
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Yu: You think so....?
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Taiga: What are you talking about? 
Yu: Woah! Speak of the devil! Taiga, where the heck were you?
Taiga: ....Nowhere special. 
Shin: Ah, Taiga-kun! Are the cats OK?
Taiga: Yeah. You don’t need to worry about it. 
Leo: Ah! Since we’re all together, let’s head over to our job! It’s getting to be almost time! 
Shin: Ah, you’re right! We should get going....! 
Leo: Oh yeah, and I heard there will be other prism stars there too... I wonder who it will be? 
(Inside the studio.)
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Shin: Wow so this is what a magazine photo shoot is like... I’m so nervous...! 
Yu: Since they will be doing a feature on prism stars, they found a photo studio you can actually do a prism show in!
Shin: Huh? We’re going to do a prism show here!?
Leo: I think it just means they want to take photos where it looks like we’re doing prism shows, right? 
Shin: I see... This is so exciting.... 
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Louis: Hello. 
Shin: Louis!?
Louis: You’ve got a new school uniform. 
Shin: Yeah! And you too! 
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Alexander: ......Oh?
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Taiga: .......Oh. 
Leo: So the other prism stars to be joining us are you guys from Schwarz Rose I see ♪
Louis: Shin, are you doing a photo shoot here now?
Shin: Yeah! And you guys?
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Louis: Yup. (....A job together with Shin.)
Shin: Wow.... So this is what the Schwarz Rose school uniforms look like.... They’re really cool.....
Louis: Eheh. And the red blazer looks good on you too, Shin. 
Shin: Eheh... thank you!
Yu: Well aren’t these two buddy-buddy. Wish I could say the same for our street-style friends....
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Taiga: ........
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Alexander: ........
Taiga: What are YOU doing here!?
Alexander: Oh shut your hole! I don’t have time to fry a small fish like you!
Yu: Alec, Taiga! Cut it out, you two! We’re on a job. If we cause any troubl–
Alexander: Stay out of this, short stuff!
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Yu: WHAAA?! I’m not “short stuff”, I’m ZEUS!
Shin: Um Yu… now you’re the one that needs to calm down….
Taiga: Well this is good timing anyway. I was just thinking I felt like kicking your ass! Let’s finish what we started at the Prism King Cup!
Alexander: It’s payback time!
Yu: Hey, Shin! Kisaragi! Help me stop them!
Shin: U.. um… yeah! Fighting is… not good! Right, Louis?
Louis: Right. No good.
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Yu: You guys…. 
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HEY! Hands off!
Alexander: What is your problem anyway...! 
Taiga: My problem is your face!!
Alexander: Took the words right out of my mouth! 
Taiga: You wanna go!? 
Alexander: You’re asking for it!
Yu: Hey hey, if you pull any harder on your clothes they are going to---
Leo: Ah! Oh no! Taiga-kun’s necktie and Yamato-san’s buttons are.... 
Taiga: Ack! 
Alexander: Dammit! 
Yu: You guys... We have a photo shoot from now.... I tried to warn you..... 
Shin: Taiga-kun’s necktie is ripped….
Louis: And Alexander-kun’s jacket buttons have all popped off…
Taiga: ……
Alexander: …….
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Leo: What do you two think you’re doing?! I won’t stand for any violence!!
Alexander: Oh… S… Sor…
Taiga: We’re really sorry!!
Leo: I can’t believe you! Ruining your school uniforms like that! Don’t you have any respect for the people who make clothes at all?!
Alexander: …The people…. who make clothes….
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Alexander: N… nothing…
Taiga: .....My bad.....
Shin: Leo-kun, that was amazing…! They both settled down immediately. 
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Leo: Now, you two be good and wait patiently! ♡
Taiga&Alec: …..Yes……….
(As Leo got to work fixing Taiga and Alexander’s clothes, Shin began his photo shoot.) 
(And then....) 
Leo: Okay, all fixed! 
Taiga: Sorry for the trouble... 
Alexander: Appreciate it...
Leo: Taiga-kun, hold still while I straighten out your necktie.... Now, Yamato-san, here is your jacket. Lift up your arms! 
Alexander: Uh, I can put it on myself---
Leo: Okay, right side first ♪
Alexander: Gah.......
Leo: *gulp* ….You have such amazing muscles. 
Alexander: Huh? …Hey, cut it out! 
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Leo: Woah! And here too! It’s so thick! But… it’s a bit softer than I thought it would be… 
Alexander: H.. Hey! Don’t just start touching me like that….! 
Leo: You’re just so cool! Ah, your muscles over here are impressive too! They are so toned….
Alexander: ?!?!?!?! 
Yu: Ohhh? Leo is like a fearless animal trainer taming a wild beast....
(And so, thanks to Leo Alexander and Taiga’s clothing was fixed.)
Cameraman: Next up is Taiga Kougami and Alexander Yamato! The two street-style stars. I’ll be taking your photos today! 
Yu: Well, somehow it looks like things are gonna turn out alright. (To think those two would actually calm down. Leo is really something else.)
Leo: Taiga-kun and Yamato-san look so intense when they are together! They are so cool! ♪
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Yu: You’re pretty intense yourself, Leo. 
Shin: Taiga-kun and Alexander-kun really do look so cool! They can really strike a pose.... I hope I can look that cool someday! 
Louis: I don’t know about that. 
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Shin: *thump* O... Oh.... I guess you’re right....
Louis: Eheh I was just joking. 
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I like you just the way you are. 
Cameraman: Okay! That’s it! You got it! Alright, next I’d like you to look off into the distance, could you give it a try? Yeah, that’s right! Alright, keep it up! I think we’ve really captured the passion of the street! Good stuff! Keep it coming! 
Yu: Passion, he says.... It looks more like they could explode at any moment....
Camerman: Ah, so cool! This is the best! Next, can you make eye contact with each other?
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Alexander: .....Ugh! 
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Taiga: ....Hmph!
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Alexander: .....
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Taiga: .....
Yu: .... (Leo, thanks a bunch.)
Leo: Ehehe. They’re getting along so well. ♪
Cameraman: Next, how about you pose as if you’re doing a prism jump?
Taiga&Alec: !?
Taiga: A prism... jump....
Alexander: Heh heh. Now that’s more like it.... 
Taiga: Yeah... But.... do you know what posing like you’re doing a prism jump is supposed to mean...? 
Alexander: ....No, no idea. Why don’t we just do it for real then? How about it, Taiga Kougami?
Louis: ....... Those two are really good friends, aren’t they?
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Shin: U... Um.... 
Yu: Hey. You guys.....
Leo: Whawhaaa!? They aren’t really gonna--
Yu: H-hey. You aren’t really thinking of performing a prism show right here, are you!?
Taiga: Well, we might as well. They told us to pose like we’re doing prism jumps after all. 
Yu: It’s not supposed to be for real---
Cameraman: Nah, that would be amazing! The best! To think I’ll get to see a passionate street battle right before my own eyes! As soon as you hear the sound of the camera shutter don’t hold anything back! 
Taiga: ...You see. 
Alexander: You’re happy now but you’re going to be crying in a minute! 
Taiga: Oh shut up! Let’s get this started already! 
Shin: Wow, here they go!
Leo: Since this is a studio where you can perform prism shows they even have a scoring system installed. 
Yu: D... Do you think the studio will hold up...? 
Alexander: IT’S ON NOW! HUAH!
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Sonic Spiral! 
Taiga: Here I go! HUAAAH!
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Full Speed Spiral! 
Yu: It... It’s a full on battle...
Camera man: Amazing! Amazing! This is the best! 
Leo: Their auras are clashing together! They are gonna send each other flying...! 
Shin: Taiga-kun and Alexander-kun have both leveled up their jumps since the Prism King Cup! 
Louis: Wow... You can really feel their passion....
Alexander: HUAAAAH! 
Yu: And the score is...
Shin: It’s a draw!
Taiga: *panting* ...Hmph....
Alexander: *panting* ... I guess you... aren’t a total loser...... Ugh! Well, I’ll let you off easy this time.
Taiga: What? That’s my line. 
Taiga&Alec: HMPH!
Leo: H.... hey wait you two! We still have a TV program to film after this.... 
Louis: They left. 
Cameraman: Amazing! Amazing! This is the best! These photos will be leaping off the pages! This raw energy! Passion! The fire of the prism show burns in my artistry! In my 40 years as a photographer I never thought the day would come when I would capture photos like these....! 
Yu: ....That guy’s really into it. 
Leo: Well, it seems like they did a pretty god job after all.
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Shin: .......
(After filming, the Edel Rose students minus Taiga headed to the next studio.)
Leo: Phew.... the photo shoot is finally behind us!
Yu: Everything worked out in the end, I guess... Well! Finally it’s time for the “Let’s Play With Naru-chan New School Year Special” recording! Okay guys, remember “Let’s Play with Naru-chan” is Naru’s pet project that she works really hard on. If you can’t keep it together, you’ll never hear the end of it from me. 
Shin: Don’t worry, we’ll do our best!
Leo: Leave it to us! We’ll make it the best show ever! 
Yu: That’s the spirit! (Ehehe. Just you watch. I get to show off how much I’ve grown.)
Shin:  ….. (Taiga-kun and Alexander-kun have really leveled up since the Prism King cup… And it hasn’t even been a month yet! I wonder if I can ever catch up to them…)
(At the recording of the “Let’s Play With Naru-chan New School Year Special.)
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Leo: Huh? Taiga-kun and Yamato-san, you’re already here?
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Alexander: .......
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Taiga: .....Hmph. Why do I have to deal with you again......
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Kazuki: Hey! It looks like you’re all here! Let’s all have fun today!
Alexander: Kazuki Nishina!? What are you doing here....
Louis: He wasn’t at the photo shoot, but he’ll be doing the show with us?
Shin: Ah, Kazuki-san is--
Taiga: Kazuki-san is a regular on this show!
Leo: He’s super popular as the “Dancing Uncle”!
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Louis: Oh really…
Alexander: Hey, Kazuki Nishina! Let’s have a showdown!
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Kazuki: Yeah! Let’s do it up together! I’m counting on you to make this a great show today, Alec!
Alexander: Dammit! You’re not listening!
Kazuki: Hey everyone, let’s just relax and have a good time today! I’ll do my best to help you guys out in any way I can!
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Taiga: Right on! And I’ll do my best not to hold you back!
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Alexander: …Ug…
Shin: (Kazuki-san is so cool.... But I’m a senior high school student now. So I’ve got to step up my game like him!)
Kazuki: Oh yeah, and last on the program for today Shin’s going to do a prism show, right?
Shin: Ah, yeah…
Leo: Whaaaa?
Louis: Oh really!
Yu: Since when?!
Alexander: What are you talking about!
Taiga: Kazuki-san, why Shin….?
Kazuki: Hm? Oh... We did a survey a little while back called “Which prism star do you want to see do a show the most?” and Shin was number 1! So the producer gave him the offer.  
Everyone: (When did that happen....!)
Taiga: (I wanted to perform on Kazuki-san’s show too...)
Alexander: (That damn Shin Ichijo! That damn Kazuki Nishina!)
Yu: (To think he actually gets to perform a prism show on Naru’s program...)
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Shin: Wha... why is everyone looking at me like that....
Louis: I can’t wait to see your prism show, Shin!
Leo: Me neither! Shin, do you best! 
Shin: Y-Yeah. I will. Thank you.
Kazuki: It’s Shin’s turn this time. But you never know, one of you guys may get an offer next time. As long as you’re up for the challenge, many other chances will be waiting for you! Now do your best everyone! I’ll be rooting for you. Of course I’ll be putting my best performance out there too, though. 
Taiga: Okay! I’ll give it all I got!! 
(As so filming continued without a hitch and they finally reached the last segment...)
Children: When’s the prism show? I can’t wait! I’m so excited! 
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Shin: Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh calm down deep breaths.... *gasp* 
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(Okay! Let’s do this....!)
Kazuki: Okay everyone! Now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for! It’s time for the prism show! Today big brother Shin’s gonna show all you guys a shining, shimmering show! 
Children: Yaaaay! Big brother Shin! 
Kazuki: Well, here we go! You all know this one, don’t you? “Heart Iro Tori Dream”! Make sure you all sing along and have fun, OK!
Children: Yaaaaay! Happy-Naru! 
Shin: (Alright... here goes nothing!) Shin Ichijo, here I go! 
♪~ ♪~
Leo: Oh, this is a song that Kouji wrote, right? It’s such a great song….
Yu: …..
Children: Happy Happy Happy Naru….  ♪
Shin: (Wo… Woah..! When I am dancing to this song, I feel like I’m floating on air! And the children are smiling more and more!) And on top of that, this song… feels like it’s just overflowing with so many dreams…
Alexander: .....!
Louis: ........
Shin:  (To think my show can make everyone smile this much… Oh yeah, I remember now. The whole reason I started liking prism shows in the first place is because they can make people smile. From now on I want to keep doing more and more prism shows that can make everyone smile!)
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(Shin’s show was a great success! The recording ended with everyone in very high spirits.)
Shin: Thank you so much!
Louis: Shin.
Shin: Ah, Louis!
Louis: That was such a wonderful show.... It made me feel so Happy-Naru!
Shin: Eheh. Thank you!
Louis: No problem.... And thank you too.
Shin: (Something seems different about Louis for some reason....?)
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Louis: ......
Shin: (He enjoyed my show didn’t he? Hehe, that makes me happy.)
Kazuki: Great work, Shin! That prism show just now... it was so passionate! Becoming a senior high student really made you level up your charm even more, didn’t it?
Shin: Really .... !? All right.... !!
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Yu: ...... (Well, I guess admitting the strength of your rival is an important part of growing up too.) I’m a bit jealous, but I think your show was really great. I’ll be the one performing next time, though!
Leo: Shin-kun, great work! While you were doing your show, it looked like you were shining so brightly!
Taiga: ...... Yeah, it wasn’t half bad.
Shin: Everyone......! Thank you!! 
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(I wonder if I’ve grown as much as everyone else has....! I have to keep on doing my best!)
(And so, when the boys returned to the dorm....)
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Hiro: Good work, guys! Welcome home!
Shin: Whaaa! Hiro-san!? And Kouji-san too!? What are you doing here....?
Kouji: It’s just like we all talked about this morning. We want to celebrate with everyone. So we all prepared in secret. Well, Minato was the real driving force though. Right, Minato?
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Minato: Umm... well... I just wanted to make sure we properly celebrated everyone starting the new school year is all.... Eheh...
Kakeru: Oh Minatocchi! You did such a nice thing! Take the compliment!
Hiro: Eheh. We all prepared a meal and waited for you to get home. Now, it’s time for all the guests of honor to take their seats!
Kakeru: And now that we’re all together.... Shin-chawan, how about you make the toast?
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Shin: Wha-whaaa!? Umm umm well.... 
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A toast! To everyone’s new beginning! Kanpai!
Everyone: Kanpai!
Read more: Waking Up Louis On Your Mark Taiga
Next event: Road to SSS Event 2 Main Story
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Elliot Chapter #3 Continued ‘Elliot’s friend Noah’
EnjHey guys! It has been a while since I have posted the extract of this chapter, and this part of the chapter follows on from it. 
All of this story is tagged with the hashtags ‘thewriterandthestoryteller’ and ‘elliot’, so if you search for ‘elliot thewriterandthestoryteller’ you can see all of the story so far! 
As I say quite often, these chapters are only first drafts, and I am putting them on here purely to see people’s reactions to the story. However, I may not be posting much more of the story on here, as I am going to extend it into a full novel which I plan to publish. I will keep you updated on how that goes!
I am dedicating this part of the chapter to @sorae-mina , who not only gave me feedback on it but is in general incredibly supportive of my work.  Thank you so much, I honestly can’t thank you enough.
I would also like to say there is a part of my story that has a made up piano piece in it. These are some links to pieces that they are based on, to give you a better idea of what they might sound like:
Empty Bones - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm0wBiaGBmI
Chopin's funeral march - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D05AB8xs7qA
Black Eyes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZnbLltf7vk
Watson (@thewriterandthestoryteller)
Like most churches, the interior was fairly dated, yet the furniture matched and made the room look put together and attractive. A strong wind was blowing through the open window, sending a shiver down the detectives’ spine. Susan closed the door and began to further examine the room.
The churches’ layout was typical; a long aisle between rows of wooden benches leading to an altar and a crucifix. To the left of the altar stood a full-length mirror, and to the right of it a
grand piano being played by a young boy. He was playing with ease and confidence; a result of long hours of practice, his hands a spider dancing over the keys. He had clearly not noticed the detective entering the building, and was completely focused on his playing. Susan wandered towards the pianist, not taking his eyes off him for a moment. Peering over his shoulders, she noted that he was playing from memory, despite there being sheet music being littered on the music shelf. Susan began examining the papers. It was a single piece titled ‘waltz mortuorum’ ; a dramatic but not greatly technically challenging composition. She smiled as she looked at the composers’ name, N. Randall, the same composer that wrote the piece ‘Elliot’ found in the victims’ bedroom. She had found who she was looking for. After a thorough study of the piece, Susan quickly noticed it was the piece that the musician was currently playing, and found her place in the music. The boy continued to play, Susan following along, looking at the changes in pitch in the music and watching his hands move accordingly. He played the final chord and paused dramatically, ending the piece with a flourish.
Susan tapped him on the shoulder, and he turned around and asked politely
“Can I help you?”
“Yes” Susan replied “as a matter of fact you can”
The boys’ head tilted in confusion, as he watched Susan dig in her pockets and pull out a battered ID card
“Susan Ember” she informed him “detective”. She held out her hand and he shook it.
“Noah Andall” he replied “Although I expect you already knew that if you are a detective” he added
“We are investigating the death of Tiffany Elliot” she continued “my colleague is outside and we would like to ask some questions”
Noah looked around the church and muttered dryly “Really? I never would have guessed.”
Susan frowned; she was already getting an idea of this ‘Noah’ boy and wasn’t particularly impressed.
“I’ll be with you in a minute, let me just pack up my things” he stated. Noah crouched down next to the pedal box and pulled out a leather briefcase
“A briefcase?” Susan thought “That was unexpected”
She watched him carefully pick up all of the loose sheets, and begin to put them in the correct order.
“Your own composition?” the detective asked politely but was greeted with silence. “The piece you were playing just now?”
The boy looked at her straight in the eye and replied,
“Yes, ‘waltz mortuorum’. Translates roughly to Waltz of the dead from Latin”
Clicking the briefcase shut, Noah stood up and announced,
“Well, we should be seeing your colleague right about now, otherwise she will be left wondering where you are”
He grinned and began walking towards the doors, Susan awkwardly trailing behind him.
Lizzie was not very hard to find. Leaning against the wall of the church, she eyed the tombstones, in a world of her own. Susan indicated to Noah where she was standing, and the pair moved forward to introduce themselves.
“Well hello there! ,” she said as the pair got closer to her. “If it isn’t the great detective Susie and her new friend.”
“I would hardly call him a friend,” Susie thought to herself.
“Noah Andall,” the boy said politely as he held out his hand
“Elizabeth Queen” she replied in a similar manner. To anybody else, they would assume she was mocking them, but Susie knew that wasn’t the case.
“I see you have already been acquainted with my colleague,” Lizzie asked, indicating to Susan. The boy nodded his head and added,
“She is very observant, and a brilliant detective”
Susan thought she may have heard a note of sarcasm in his voice, but decided to ignore it, and continue listening.
“I’m glad to hear you think so” continued Lizzie, clearly not noticing any hostility in the statement. “We would like to ask you a few questions.”
“I have been informed,” he remarked
Susan watched as Lizzie nervously brushed her hands through her hair and continued.
“Tiffany Elliot, I hear you were good friends?” she asked, the question in her voice
“My best friend” he replied, “she was the best friend I could have ever asked for.”
Noah looked down at the floor,
“I don’t know I did to deserve her, and I don’t know what she did to deserve this”
Susan was surprised. The sarcastic, slightly arrogant boy she had been introduced to at the church had completely changed. He was broken and sad, sincerely grieving for his lost best friend. Lizzie cleared her throat, and there was an awkward pause before she continued with the next question.
“Was she acting any different during the competition?”
He looked away and said
“I didn’t really see her much in the competition. We competed, then we watched the rest of the performances, the adjudicator would announce the results and that would be the end of it.”
“What about after the performance?” Susan added quickly
“She was happy; she had just won a competition for crying out loud.” he yelled angrily, his eyes welling up with tears “I don’t know what happened okay, I don’t know what made her die, or what made somebody else want to kill her!”
Susan was quite taken aback by his sudden reaction, but Lizzie remained indifferent, staying completely still until he had stopped shouting. Noah took deep breaths, desperately trying to calm himself down, and finally, his breathing returned to normal. Rubbing his eyes, Noah looked back at the detectives as the pair exchanged looks.
“Did you go to her house?” Susie asked quietly “After the competition?”
The boy sniffled and shook his head. There was another short pause, and then Lizzie announced,
“Well, I think those are all of the questions that we need answers to, so if you will excuse me I need to be on my way”
The detective then strode off, determination in every step. Susan looked at Noah, whose head was tilted towards the ground, and said quietly
“I am sorry for your loss”
She then made her way across the field to Lizzie, leaving behind a pale broken boy fighting back tears. A boy named Noah Andall, and Elliot’s best friend.
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