ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
A disgusting family, the Gibsons were. They think it was OK to groom and berate their twins because no one would believe their children. But Jurai did. She stalked them, growling as she sees the twins cry in their sleep. Tonight, would be the night the parents would be tortured, gone and out of the innocent lives that were their children. As a mother, she was sure the twins would understand. So, as gently as she did, she went in the window and began to slaughter the horrid guardians.
On this particular night, however, it was not just the Gibson parents in the home, but another soul. Roderick had been offered a room to rest in as night drew near after helping them with a deed, and so was resting somewhat softly in a nearby room when the sounds of commotion—and the scent of something foul—crossed his senses.
The Paladin quickly leapt to his feet, drawing a sword but dressed in his evening clothes. He quickly rounded a corner, throwing open the door to the conflict, and raising a beaming bead of light from his outstretched hand. “Halt! Who’s there?”
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
wooly aphids are just fairies
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"Merry Christmas, Gyutaro!! I have a present for you and Daki."
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She hands him a small jewelry box with a ring full of pink pearls and peridots. Then,a bigger flatter box for him. In it, was a thick, very well made, green haori that had a pattern that was akin to his markings. It matched the tips of his hair. "I commissioned this lovely seamstress to make this for you. I know demons don't really get cold, but... I wanted you to know I adore how you look, even though you may not. I see beauty in you, inside and out."
Oh hey Eclair!
*he smiles when he sees her. And when he sees the gifts she got for him and his sister he’s left speechless*
You-you got this… for me?
Thank you… this is so thoughtful of you. I don’t know what to say…
*his cheeks turn pink and he’s really touched*
*he doesn’t know what to say so he just wraps his arms around her and hugs her tightly*
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delugedecade · 1 year
Kira was excited. The middle-aged, light and dark mage finally got to the newest volume of magic she so loved to learn and squealed as she ran her cold hands all over the Purchased book. "Eeeee! finally, it came out!" She fixed her glasses and went to the other direction- Bumping into a shorter man and falling on her rear. "Wah!" scratching the bac of her head and fixing her hat, she looked up at him. Blushing a bit, she fixed her glasses. "Ah, I'm sorry, sir. I got too excited and didn't see you."
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"Sshhhh, that smarts... No it's okay, I should've been watching where I was going. But I got caught up on wanting to get this new book..." Deluge rubs his head, pulling himself back up before she did, he reaches down to help her up when he noticed the book. "That's the book I wanted! Do they still have them in stock?"
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sins-of-warriors · 9 months
💋 🎇 from Eclair to her delightful king~
Send 💋 🎇 to revive a new year kiss from my muse.
As the sky of the kingdom lit up by the barrage of fireworks that bloom and fade one after the other Tryndamere move at the side of his champion, one of his arms wrapped around her waist and pull her up "May we share more delightful memories on this new year my Dear Eclair..." Leaning down he presses his lips into hers with a tender touch, but as they share the warmth of each other on that day of winter it became more deep, more passionate, as he could not stop once they share that intimate embrace, the colours of the night changed with each explosion as the couple remains on their own world.
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uppermoonkoku · 1 year
@cursetopia liked for a starter Muse: Eclair
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"Who are you?"
The demon wasn't in the mood for having a conversation. He's having a bad night.
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
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One of my miis think Loki is hot too XDD
She knows what's up. Loki is so gosh darn good looking,
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rabbitprose · 1 year
your art is so good!!! i love it!!
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thank you so much!! i've been drawin d.oma for like a hundred years i will never be free
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viciousbite · 1 year
your ocs are so interesting!!
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//Thank you so much <3 I'm glad you find them interesting. My self conscious self is always worried they aren't interesting enough, so those words mean a lot to me. <3 -happy noises-
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sunsblaze · 1 year
* can i have some?
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(would you like Megumi's bio in dms or-)
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The sun user was currently sitting crisscrossed in a patch of clover, a small pink cloth containing a few onigiris resting in his left hand while his right contained just one that was half-eaten. Wordlessly Yoriichi lifted his left hand toward the demon girl, offering her one of the rice balls, though he found it strange that a demon would want human food he didn't question it. "Here, take what you need."
(I read her bio on your page :) )
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ofdarkestdesires · 11 months
one of the crew members goes to the captain, a tad concerned for a member that was on for a bit. "Uh, Captain? You know that pink Harpy lady that joined the crew a month ago? Well, they said they couldn't get to work because their body is making them feel weird. You have any idea what they mean?"
Scourge paused in his work—pulling tight on the rigging of the ship to hold it steady as he pondered his crewmate's words. "No, I don't think I do," the tiefling murmured after a moment of quiet contemplation, and he turned to tie off the ropes firmly, clapping his hands once the lines were secure. "But, I suppose I could check up on her—I am a healer, after all," he chuckled slightly, before patting the man on the shoulder and making his way down below decks to the crew rooms.
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
the tailless whipscorpion is so creeture!!
One of the creaturiest creatures available to view, I think.
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After seeing a upper rank demon having trouble with a few slayers, Nozomi decided to go help then, despite not being ranked yet. "H-Hey! You're lookin' hurt, Gyutaro-dono! Let me help you!" She calls out, flying over to him on her broomstick.
*he scowls and looks up at her*
Ngh... no way! I don't need any help... I don't need your pity either
I can handle this on my own...
*he growls and turns his back to her*
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bouquet-of-muses · 6 months
do you like desert pizza, Stocking?
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"Desert pizza...?" Stocking's mouth is watering at the idea of it.
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primordialfell · 2 years
Orchid brings a basket of two of a kind of each type of berries, including the hard to get ones like the micle and ganlon berry, as an offering to the large behemoth of a pokemon. "May I have one day with my grandmother again, dear Eternatus?" She asks
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THE WORM OUR GOD changed the world itself. Grass shifted to form a great field, a meadow of daisies, dandelions, and dragonflies. A wode of trees scattered about the field. The sky shifts to golden ladders of light peeking through overcast clouds. The leaves fall softly and carefully.
A woman sits beneath a tree, upon a blanket meant for picnics. She is real and not at the same time. One final day.
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uppermoonkoku · 1 year
Ask | Accepting | @cursetopia
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🌙 Does the mun stay up long or goes to bed early? 
"Oreo has no true sleep schedule. Something she needs to fix."
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