#curtwen my beloved
itsjusteds · 5 months
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I loved it. The acting choices felt fresh and yet still held true to the characters that we know and love. I love that Owen chose to be closer to Curt in some parts as a teasing thing because that petty wanker totally would
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Curts little reach out to Owen, while it was short HOLDS SO MUCH MEANING. It shows that he wants Owen, he needs Owen back, but he can't have him. So for only a second he'll cave to that voice in his head that wants Owen back before remembering that this isn't his Owen. Not anymore.
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smytherines · 6 months
the specialest boy alive
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kairithemang0 · 6 months
Gahhhh drunk curtwen how I adore thinking about you
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toringo · 4 months
Me: Time to make a nice Curtwen au <3 Owen lives, and they are together <3 (Owen is borderline obsessed and traumatised and Curt is held hostage by the guilt and codependence they can never shed, not even in death. They are deeply unhappy but will never leave the other alone. They almost kill each other every single day, but it only ever ends up in a 3h long crying session.)
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missholloween · 3 months
tell me about crossnamera. To be honest, they’ve never really clicked with me but the fic I’m planning has them be together and I wanna do it well.
Okay, so this will probably be long.
For me, one of the things that make me love crossnamara is about the trust they had with each other.
We don't know much about their relationship pre-portal: Wilbur was MacNamara's mentor, he taught Macnamara all about the creatures he would later leave him to serve. By the way they speak about the other, they might've spent a lot of time together, working on different missions, getting to know the other. Maybe they shared some drinks, maybe they shared some secrets that no one else could understand. After all, not everyone would believe them if they talked about the paranormal, the extraterrestrial or the interdimensional.
Moreover, they might have had other secrets they shared. On one hand, MacNamara is confirmed to be queer by the Langs. On the other, Wilbur reads as the same type of antagonist as Owen, that is, a queer villain (I hc there's something funky going on with his gender too, but that's for another day). By being two queer men working for the government in the early 2000s, they could not only see someone like them (as people wouldn't be as out as they are today), but also they could see someone like them in a field not made for them. They'd have another person to go to.
However, what makes their relationship so interesting to me is how, even if there is/was a deep bond between them, their convictions are greater than any of their feelings. Wilbur will always turn to the Lords in Black, as he believes they'll liberate him and humanity. On the other hand, even if John once loved the person that called himself Wilbur Cross, he'd never let the world die for him. Their love is very important, but, when the chips are down, it won't make much of a difference. Maybe their conversations will be softer, maybe they'll kill the other in a fastest way than they'd do with others, but facing their former partner won't make them stop.
Although during their face-downs they will do what they have to do, I also think they are haunting presences in the other's life. MacNamara sees Wilbur in new cadets and old threats, remembering the person he knew before the portal. Wilbur remembers the man he once trained when he tricks younger folks to enter a world too big for them. It's about absences, and what might be built on them (I also love the headcanon that Wilbur and John switched tags before the portal incident and they've kept them).
TL;DR them..... I need the Langs to give us more info about what happened in 2005, because there's so much (angst) potential.
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chaotic-goodsir · 8 months
Your curtwen drabbles get me everytime you write them so well!! Thank you so much for writing them 😭 If you’re up for it, how about 95 for curtwen or lautski
Aw, thank you!! You're absolutely welcome - I've had a lot of fun writing these and I'm glad you enjoyed them! This is maybe not quite what you expected for this prompt, but I hope you like it anyway. It's also the longest so far I think, so uh, so much for drabbles. I really need to learn to write shorter things.
(I went for Curtwen again, because I am predictable 😅)
Ms Mega has a plan.
The inspiration first struck couple of days ago. Curtis was away on agency business  - some kind of important meeting - and she was in the living room, sorting through old photo albums. She'd almost forgotten she wasn’t alone in the house when a hesitant voice spoke up from the doorway.
'Um, good morning, Ms Mega. Could I… can I help you with that, at all?'
The voice's owner looked, as usual, in dire need of a decent night's sleep. He leant against the doorway as though it was the only thing keeping him standing, one hand anxiously twisting the tie on that blue plaid dressing gown she’d given him to borrow.
She shuffled over and patted the couch beside her.
‘Well of course! Come and sit down. I was just trying to get these photos organised. You know, I can never get Curtis to help me with things like this. You wait here and I’ll get us some coffee – or tea, if you want?’
Owen sat down like someone half in a dream, picked up an envelope of unsorted photos and stared at it like he wasn't sure exactly what to do.
‘Tea or coffee, honey?’ she asked again.
'Oh, um, tea would be excellent, thank you.'
‘I haven’t started on that envelope yet – how about you have a look through them and we’ll pick the best ones for this album? I’ll be right back.’
When she glanced back from the door as she left, Owen had barely moved. He sat staring straight ahead at the fireplace, absent-mindedly turning the envelope over and over, in a way that made Ms Mega think of her cousin Jack after the Great War. Not for the first time, she found herself worrying about her son's English friend.
By the time she came back with the drinks, he'd at least opened the envelope and was flicking through some of the photos. He paused on one that showed Curtis, aged maybe about twelve, dressed up all fancy with his arm around that lovely girl from next door, whose name she found she couldn’t recall.
'Ah, that's from the dancing competition!' she explained as Owen studied the photo. 'He used to be very good, you know. Takes after his mama.'
'Ballroom,' she said proudly. 'He used to love dancing with me when he was little, so I sent him to classes when I could afford it. That girl lived next door to us - she was his partner. They were such good friends. Like peas in a pod. I used to think they might get married one day! Well, I suppose he doesn't do much dancing now, with all the spying and everything. It's a shame. He had a real a talent for it.'
'So you'll want to keep this one, then?' Owen asked, looking at the chaotic pile of albums on the coffee table as though wondering where to start.
'Keep it? Maybe I oughta frame it! Curtis would be so embarrassed to see it again.'
Owen smiled a little at that. He put the photo aside and picked up the mug of hot tea, clasping it tightly in both hands. She couldn't help but notice the mug shaking a little.
'Are you feeling alright, honey?’ she asked, sitting back down beside him.
‘Mm? Yes, sorry. I’m fine. Thank you.’
She’d have thought a secret agent would be a better liar.
‘There’s no need to help me if you’re not feeling so good. You just watch if you like. It’s nice to have someone to talk to. Curtis will tell you, I can talk anyone’s ear off.'
So she carried on with her sorting, and Owen listened while she talked about vacations and school awards and weddings and christenings and relatives he had no reason to be interested in. It was strange - she'd done the same with Tatiana, but as sweet as the Russian girl was, she'd never shown the kind of interest Ms Mega would have expected from her son's future fiancée. Maybe Tati just wasn't the nostalgia type.
Owen, on the other hand - once he finished the tea and relaxed a little - seemed to have a million questions. What did Curt win that award for? (Dancing, again. He and his partner were first in the county!) Where were they in that photo by the sea? (California, the furthest they'd ever travelled before Curtis got his spy job and the house in Guadeloupe). Who was the man in some of the older photos? (Curtis's father. He left when he was a baby, and good riddance. By that time he wasn't a very nice man to be around…)
Something about the interest Owen took in her son’s life only increased Ms Mega’s suspicions – the ones she’d been harbouring ever since Curtis first brought this stray to her door. She knew her son must have his reasons for bringing Owen here, and for jumping through what seemed like endless agency hoops to help him after whatever it was that happened in Europe. Before he left for this particular meeting, he’d asked her to take care of Owen while he was gone - which, of course, she would have done anyway, but there was something in his tone she’d never heard him use for anyone else. Not even for Tati.
Ms Mega is nothing if not both nosy and resourceful, and so, after the photos reminded her of her son's talent for dancing, she started to hatch her plan.
Now, a few days later, she's waiting in the living room holding a record she found in the attic, grinning to herself at her own mischief. She’s pushed the coffee table to one side to make space for a dancefloor, and strategically left the album with the photos from her son’s dancing career open on top of it. Dinner is in the oven, and now all that’s left to set the plan in motion is for Curtis and Owen to return.
Curtis got home last night, and she chased the two of them out of the house this morning with ‘spring cleaning’ as an excuse. Of course they (or, well, Owen) offered to help, but she pushed them out of the door all the same.
'Don't be silly! Now off you go for a walk, or whatever it is you boys do for fun. It'll do you some good to get out of the house.'
Officially, Owen is not supposed to leave the house at all. But a guest in Ms Mega's house lives by Ms Mega's rules - not those of any spy agency, even one that pays the rent.
The boys should be back soon, now. She dusts off the record and sets it on the battered old record player, and once she’s sure it isn’t too scratched to play properly, she starts to dance.
She pretends she doesn’t hear Curt call out as he walks in the door. Best not to look as though any of this was prepared.
Curtis and Owen appear in the doorway just as she's twirling under the arm of an imaginary partner, her skirt and apron spinning. She can tell Owen is politely trying to hide a smirk. Curtis just looks mortified.
'Mom? What are you doing?'
She grins.
'Oh, don't mind me! Just reliving my younger days. Curtis, I found some old photos of when you used to go do dancing lessons with that girl from next door. Do you remember that? She was such a nice girl, what was her name?'
'That’s it! You know, I was telling Owen the other day what a good dancer you used to be. You had a real talent, ever since you used to dance with me as a baby.'  She grabs his wrist, trying to drag him into a dance with her, but he pulls away, face scarlet.
'What? Too embarrassed to dance with your old mother? Jeez. I guess I’ll just go and get dinner ready then. Honestly, a mother can’t have any fun.’
She winks at Owen as she passes him in the doorway, and enjoys the slightly baffled look on his face. Plan stage one: complete.
She tries her best to listen in from the kitchen as she takes the pie out of the oven and prepares the potatoes. The record stops playing abruptly, and for a moment she’s disappointed, but then it starts up again. There’s muffled talking as she sets the table, the sound of Curt groaning in embarrassment and Owen making fun of him. And then - and then - the talking stops altogether.
And that’s her cue to slowly make her way back through the hall, treading as quietly as possible. Little do those boys know, they aren’t the only spies in this household.
She peers around the doorway, and watches silently for a moment.
Plan stage two: success.
Curtis spins his partner around the room, a little shorter than Owen but still managing to lead. It doesn't surprise her that Owen knows how to dance. After all, the Brits have all those fancy pride and prejudice balls, don't they? But she’s proud to see Curtis is clearly the better dancer of the two. Maybe that's a little unfair of her - she knows Owen injured himself quite badly at some point, and that must make things more difficult. But still. Her son is in his element here, maybe more so than when he ever danced with a girl.
Sometimes, Curtis reminds her so much of his father. Before Curtis was born, before Mr Mega started drinking more than he ought to and getting angrier than he ought to afterwards, they used to go out dancing on weekends. As they spun around the dancefloor, she'd look up at the man she would one day marry and feel as if they were the only two people on earth. And she can see that same look in Curtis's eyes now - like nothing in the world could possibly matter more than the person he's dancing with.
Than Owen.
It's really no wonder they haven’t noticed her in the doorway.
Smiling to herself, she slips back behind the doorframe and executes the final stage of her plan.
'Alright you lovebirds, dinner's ready!'
Immediately, there's panic in the living room. Incredibly efficient panic. In the seconds it takes her to round the door, the record has stopped, Owen is sitting on the sofa, and Curtis is leaning against the fireplace, nervously fixing his hair in a way that might look casual to anyone but his own mother.
She wags a finger at him.
'Don't think I didn't see what you were doing, Curtis Mega.'
Her son's eyes go wide. He moves away from the fireplace, raising his arms in defence.
'Mom, I can explain, I -'
‘Did you really think I wouldn’t figure this out? I'm an old woman, not an idiot. Your friend has been here for more than four months now, and a mother notices these things! I mean, really - '
But then she stops, because Curtis is staring at her now with genuine fear, and Owen isn’t looking at her at all, just sitting with his head in his hands. It occurs to her, too late, that the motives for her plan might have been misunderstood. That maybe she should have asked, instead of plotting all this just to surprise them.
But then, if she did ask, would Curtis have been too afraid to tell her the truth?
'Please, Mom,' he says, his voice urgent. 'I know you’re upset, but please, you can't kick him out. Cynthia's trying to arrange something, but that won't be for months yet, and this is the only place where Chi… Look, there are bad people looking for him. Here is the only place that’s safe. And I know we lied and hid this from you, and I know it’s wrong-'
She holds up a hand to shush him, then crosses the room and throws her arms around him, squeezing tight. She pulls away, smoothing down the sleeves of his sweater, and looks up at the boy who used to be small enough to hide behind her skirts.
'Oh, sweetheart, nothing is wrong, and no one is kicking anyone out of anywhere. What kind of mother do you think I am? Owen can stay as long as he needs to. I'm just sad that you two thought you had to keep this from me. But I understand. I do. I shouldn’t have scared you both. And I want you to know you don't have to hide anymore. Okay?'
Curtis looks as though he might cry, so she hugs him again. She thinks for a moment, then fixes him with a stern look.
'I do think you oughta apologise to Tatiana, though.’
There’s a pause as her son frowns down at her, confused. ‘To… Tati?’
‘Of course! Poor thing. She'll be so upset that you have to call off the wedding.'
Somewhere behind her, maybe a little manically, she hears Owen start to laugh.
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g0lden-wings · 1 year
It's currently 4am and I'm trying not to laugh because that would wake up my partner all because I remembered that one image that someone drew of Agent Curt Mega that said Full of guilt, like the full of soup meme, I'll try and find it later but that all I can think of rn XD
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uhhhitsme · 1 month
holy shit its done!!!!!! im not even joking when i say ive had this fic in mind for months. literal months. i've been thinking about it ever since i saw the curtwen week prompt "happy ending" and initially planned on writing it FOR curtwen week but ended up not doing it because of everything else. but now!!!!!! its here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was incredible exploring what it would be like for these two dumbasses trying to make things work, and how they are after everything that's gone down. character studies my beloved <3
a million billion trillion thank yous to @smytherines for looking at this during the writing process, oh my GOD. this is an absolute monstrosity of a fic, and i struggled a lot trying to put out the best version of their story, and her advice and support is definitely what got me through it. most of you probably already have, but if you havent---GO READ HER FICS!!!!!!!! THEY LITERALLY MAKE ME CRY ON A REGULAR BASIS!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!
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szollibisz · 9 months
it's 2024 and i am still thinking about your curtwen hockey au
spyce au my beloved <3 i do think about it a lot too, i just never draw it... i should change that
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have a little doodle <3
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honeydewmelan · 6 months
oh my beloved tumblr mutuals specifically you the curtwen/saf fans you have no idea whats in store
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itsjusteds · 5 months
I love Agent Curt Mega so much OMG he is just so silly.
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smytherines · 5 months
It would be really really reweeeellly nice...
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kairithemang0 · 1 month
Owen post fall sends Curt bananas like they’re letters to hogwarts. They show up everywhere, flood his home with bananas and Curt just cries in a sea of bananas that he can’t bring himself to eat and he doesn’t throw them out so his apartment smells like rotten bananas and he doesn’t know where they’re coming from
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hello beloved mutuals. this is my message to you showing you why curtwen needs to win @bestfictionaldivorce. and the propaganda? the scene itself.
spoilers for spies are forever (but it's kind of already been spoiled for you, purely because of the nature of the bracket)
there's a little bit of other dialogue in there that you can easily skip over, but this is the scene where they have a break up song while fighting each other with various weapons, and then have a highly intense conversation where it confirms that they were indeed dating (as explicitly as possible without saying "oh yeah we were in love"). they are SO SO divorced and although i have not watched transformers, i am certain these guys are more divorced than the other two. please vote curtwen for best fictional divorce.
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missholloween · 3 months
Hatchetfield femslash fortnight has made me remember how much I miss Lex Foster, Ethan Green and lexthan. Thank you so much to everyone for providing so far 🫡
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considerablecolors · 2 years
i have been plagued by new brainrot thanks to my beloved @an-awkward-bi. everyone block the Sarazanmai tag and be kind to me. expect a curtwen crossover fanfic at some point. thank you and merry christmas ❤️
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