#eds rambles on
itsjusteds · 5 months
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I loved it. The acting choices felt fresh and yet still held true to the characters that we know and love. I love that Owen chose to be closer to Curt in some parts as a teasing thing because that petty wanker totally would
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Curts little reach out to Owen, while it was short HOLDS SO MUCH MEANING. It shows that he wants Owen, he needs Owen back, but he can't have him. So for only a second he'll cave to that voice in his head that wants Owen back before remembering that this isn't his Owen. Not anymore.
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nolife-sin · 2 months
Don’t report just block
Tips and tricks to pũrg1ng
Foreword- only do it when it’s the last resort ( consistent vomiting can be very detrimental to your health).
Foreword 2- I don’t encourage anyone to do this, but this will make sure if you have to, it can be less painful, tiring, and quick. It’s not a pleasurable experience and I don’t want anyone to do it all the time.
1. You have a 30 min window to insure all food comes up after eating
The longer you wait, the more acidic it will. Ofcit will be acidic still bcus it was in your stomach at some point, but less is better .
2. Chew food thoroughly! The mushier (gross word) it is the easier it’ll come up.
For dry foods, take a small sip of water during bites to help.
3. Take sips between chews, if you drink w/e all at the end, that’ll be all that comes up- and only a little bit of food
4. Sometimes your finger doesn’t do shit, so use the end of your toothbrush (nothing else or you could hurt your throat more)
5. Once you find that sweet spot, keep going at it until you start to gag, that’s when you know you got it all ( or at least most of it)
6. Be gentle! You’re already doing damage to your health, you don’t want to cause damage to your mouth/ throat.
7. DO NOT FORCE IT! It is OK if you can’t do it or slim to none comes up. Forcing it can do more damage than the actual act
8. REPLENISH! When pũrg1ng you are dehydrating yourself. Drink an electrolyte beverage (most are 0-10 cals). It will replenish and hydrate you more than plain water
9. Rest. You will feel tired afterwords, so be lazy for awhile
10. Take care of yourself ❤️
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autism-connoisseur · 2 months
fem riddler wouldn't be called "[first name starting with E] Nygma", she would be "[first name] Terry" because then when addressing her formally she would be "Ms. Terry". miss-terry. mystery. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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eliounora · 4 months
I don't like the hobbit films for many reasons but the "what is this horrid creature, goblin mutant?" "that's my wee lad, gimli!" scene was such a precious addition, like legolas had no place in the films but if they gave him that one cameo it would have been brilliant
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The one thing I'm always gonna love about "Our Flag Means Death" is how Ed and Stede met each other.
I don't mean the circumstances (the raid, Stede getting stabbed, etc.).
I mean, when Ed first walked up on Stede (who was laying on the deck of a ship, bleeding out, barely conscious), and his first words to him were "The 'Gentleman Pirate', I presume...?"
And despite being close to death, Stede actually smiled a little and went, "you know me?"
...Because that's what Stede had been longing for, fame as a pirate, with the moniker he chose.
And when Stede later woke up (in the next episode), and Ed realized that he didn't know who he was, he put out his hand to shake and said, "...I'm Ed."
He didn't first introduce himself to Stede as Blackbeard, because there was a man in front of him who didn't know who he was, and he could introduce himself with his own name; as the person he'd wanted to be known as (instead of just "Blackbeard") for a long time.
They got to be who they wanted to be with each other, right from the very beginning.
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starryemeralds · 11 months
“i know the odds of this finding you are slim, but so were the odds of us finding each other in the first place”
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someone please force feed drywall to me
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thin-l0v3 · 3 months
daily workout plan!
wake up
10 toe touches,
30 squats,
30 crunches
80 jumping jacks,
20 push ups,
40 sit ups,
50 squats,
20 lunges (each!!),
60 sec. wall sit
before eating
65 jumping jacks,
60 sec. wall sit,
40 crunches,
35 sit ups,
25 squats,
20 push ups,
after eating
80 jumping jacks,
70 crunches,
60 sec. plank,
55 squats,
35 sit ups,
before bed
20 crunches,
15 squats,
10 push ups,
15 leg lifts,
30 sec. plank
good luck ♥︎
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chronicowboy · 11 months
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lumiilys · 6 months
actually on the verge of tears thinking about how after calypso's birthday ed must have woken up wrapped in Stede's arms, all soft and warm and safe. He got to watch Stede sleep and listen to his breathing... and then eventually he must have decided he wanted to do something nice for Stede, to make Stede feel just as loved as he felt in that moment!!!! And im just thinking about him carefully untangling himself from Stede's arms and sneaking out of bed, careful not to wake Stede up and going to make him breakfast!!! And even though the breakfast was kind of a jumble of random stuff it was made with so much love and I just,,..,,.., ARGHHG AUGGGHHHH OOOOHHHHH!!!!
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saltpepperbeard · 11 months
What he says: It's everything about that! It's EVERYTHING about fishing.
What he means: I want simplicity. I want sweet nothings. I want you to love me for who I am, for who I want to be. I have been trying to shed my skin, trying to shed who everyone wants me to be. I want to be Ed, not Blackbeard. Just Ed.
And it's scaring me. Seeing you around all of this fame is scaring me. Seeing you not be stoked about my simplicities is scaring me.
Because, deep down, I feel like people only liked me for Blackbeard. People only respected that name, not my real one. And now? I'm folding stuff. And that's okay.
But you weren't okay. I shaved my beard and you ran. I caught a fish and you complimented me only to "make me feel good."
I'm so scared you only like me a certain way. I'm so scared I'm not enough.
I'm so scared you'll leave me because I can't be who you want.
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itsjusteds · 5 months
Ok so I just finished Spy Another Day and OMG OMG OMG OMG THIS THIS THIS THIS
Everyone is so much more confident in their voices and IT SHOWS
I love the audience engagement like that's amazing
I laughed, I cried, I melted into the floor at a Joe Walker vocal riff and my family asked me if I was okay
It was so amazing and so worth the $15 I spent, 10/10 completely recommend :D
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ayanobloom · 7 months
March will be your month. Stop making excuses. Stay under your limit, keep ⭐️ving. Any excuses now are pathetic. You cant keep losing what youve lost before.
Get it together.
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nolife-sin · 18 days
You did this
You ate yourself to this weight, now you can starve your way out
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
i hate you fad diets i hate you skinny teas i hate you detoxes i hate you meal replacements i hate you ‘carb-free’ i hate you fasting i hate you body checks i hate you stupid fucking internet repackaging the habits that ruined my life over and over and over again
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hotvintagepoll · 1 month
How are the more recent Dracula castings affecting the movie?
When we last left off, Jimmy Stewart (Jonathan) had just beheld Mary Philbin (the agonized woman) getting eaten by wolves. (this being a vintage film we do not actually see her get eaten. we are given a haunting image that subtly conveys her getting eaten which is somehow ten times worse). He stares, shocked and bereft, out his lonely black-and-white window in Castle Dracula. The movie has gotten very solemn and a little bit artistic.
SMASH CUT to Omar Sharif (!!) and Leonard Nimoy (?????) on board the Demeter! Omar Sharif makes total sense for this role and is conveying responsibility, stoicism, nobility. Leonard Nimoy is thanking god and his agent that he finally got onto a film that doesn't have him in the pointy ears. (he is still contractually obligated to call the strange cargo they have on board "fascinating.")
Back in England, our heroines Setsuko Hara (Mina Murray) and Judy Garland (Lucy Westenra) are sitting by the seaside cemetery, enjoying the ramblings of old seaman Mr. Swales. because Mr. Swales is played by Ed Wynn, this is less "crusty old sea man giving bram stoker's idea of a British dialect" and more "the movie is suddenly produced by Disney in the 1960s and everyone is having a GRAND time because this man is Silly™." his various tales of suicides, deaths at sea, child abuse, and familial hatred are all suddenly very harmless and cute and Setsuko Hara is wondering where all the Technicolor came from.
Back in Hell on the Demeter, the movie is sliding back into black and white as the fog gets thick and the crew is picked off one by one. Omar Sharif is shooting for an Oscar with this one. He is terrified stoicism personified. Leonard Nimoy has hit his stride and is doing that brand of feverish madness the amok time fans know so well. We catch a shot or two of Gloria Holden's Count, but she is mostly veiled in mystery.
In Whitby, a plucky reporter sees a ship coming in: Ethel Waters is on the case! You know if anybody is going to book it on to a ship with a corpse tied to it (rip Omar) with 0 issues, it's going to be her. She's after a story, by god, never mind that mysterious dog!
Speaking of that mysterious dog, it's headed up the hill toward the cemetery. Boy, I hope it doesn't run into Mr. Swales. Seeing an Ed Wynn character get killed off in gruesome fashion this early in the movie would be a pretty horrifying tonal switch! I'm sure he'll be fine though, the movie seems so lighthearted and comedic now :)
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epic-edster · 19 days
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Overwatch really just created the most beautiful character ever didn’t they
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