#custom boxing shorts manufacturer
hasufin · 7 months
So, I found out a fun fact this last weekend!
Every state has a Department of Weights and Measures. One of their jobs is to make sure that companies are actually selling you the quantities they claim they're selling. For example, this is the department which tests gas pumps and makes sure they're really pumping out a gallon of gas when they charge you for a gallon of gas.
If you happen to, just as an example, notice that your 1lb (16 ounce) box of San Giorgio spaghetti actually only has 10oz of noodles, and you weigh your other boxes of spaghetti to discover they run from 10 to 14 ounces but never the full pound they're supposed to have, and that's why you never seem to have enough pasta for leftovers the next day, then you can report that to the Department of Weights and Measures.
They will want to know where you bought the item, and then will investigate whether the store or the manufacturer is routinely shorting customers. If they do, they will issue a fine to the offending party, you will be eligible for a refund, and under some circumstances lawsuits may follow.
Now, I don't know the outcome of the complaint I just initiated, but they did not want to know specific receipts or times of purchase. Which is good for me as I didn't keep any of those things, at the time I just said "Wow, fuck San Giorgio" and switched brands. But this is still enough to get an inspector out.
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themetalvirus · 13 days
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so... i've owned two fountain pen revolution himalaya v2s for a while now, and i have some thoughts.
TLDR: fpr is a small business and you shouldn't avoid buying from them, but the himalaya v2 is not worth your time unless you're an enthusiast who has access to a lot of hobby supplies.
if you want an essay on why that's my thought, keep on reading bestie
fountain pen revolution is a remarkably small company making their own proprietary nibs and pen bodies, which is already incredible. their ultraflex nibs are a pretty popular modern flex nib choice in the fountain pen community. another thing i see touted a lot and agree with is that they have fantastic customer service.
hang on... why have so many people had experiences with going to customer service?
well, to put it bluntly, their pens do not work out of the box and they don't tell you this anywhere on their website. for the lucky few, they have received their pen and been able to fill and write with it without issue. for the rest of us, their pens are nothing but issues when they first arrive.
if there isn't some kind of manufacturing error (which is common, and they are always quick to replace these), there's an issue that you have to fix yourself. if your pen is drooling ink, you need to grease the threads of the converter with silicone grease, and if you don't have any then fuck you. if that doesn't work, you need to heat set the nib, which involves dunking the pen in near-boiling water, but watch out, it can severely discolor ebonite pen bodies and may not even work the first few times you do it! marvelous!
their proprietary converters also love to drop their stems. as in, the physical plunger becomes dislodged from its designated socket in the construction and the pen refuses to fill, so you have to shove it back where it belongs with a paperclip or something. this happens almost every time i try to fill it. fun!
when you fill the pen, you may think you did something wrong, because the full converter looks like... this.
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there's a whole lot of ink in the grip section, but you can't see that. all you can see is the giant gap of dead air in the converter, which is discouraging. no other converter or piston fill pen i have does this, but this is considered normal for fpr converters. this feels like a nitpick, but all of these little weird experiences add up over time to make these pens feel like they were made by aliens.
everything in these pens is made by fpr themselves, which is really cool! their ebonite (not plastic, perfect for the essentially REQUIRED heatsetting step) feeds are very chunky and can handle feeding any ink-hungry nibs (like the ultraflex, for example) just fine.
their nibs are... fine? i have several of their nibs, and their standard grind lineup (xtra fine to bold) is quite uninteresting. i decided on the two-tone architect nib for my pink himalaya. in short: architect grinds give you thin up and down strokes, thick side to side strokes. great for arabic calligraphy! or drawing, which is what i use these for.
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the ultraflex nib is... a can of worms. i didn't prepare any photos for discussion of this which i'm kicking myself about. flex nibs let you put down thicker lines the more you press down, which is very valuable for calligraphy and is a desirable trait for FPs. the more flex the better. the ultraflex is VERY flexy, but uses a lot of ink very quickly, is difficult to heat set properly, is prone to leaking, and is picky with how you use it lest it stop working. it's a very specific nib with a lot of downsides, and those downsides just make it more troublesome than it's worth for me.
the pen i have the ultraflex nib in hasn't been inked in a few months. let me show you some pictures nonetheless.
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do you see those pink, yellow, or oddly dark patches in what is supposed to be pearly white sections of the finish? that's staining. the taj mahal finish is VERY prone to staining and it gets ugly quickly. these stains do not come out with washing.
the grip section on these pens is STINKY. if you've ever owned a pen made of "plant-based" plastic or resin, you know the exact stench i'm talking about. i have a pretty bad sense of smell, but the smell is even a bit disruptive to me. i can't imagine how it would be for someone with a sensitive nose. it smells like half-rotten compost, and will make your fingers smell much the same. again, the smell isn't a dealbreaker for me, but it's just another one of those details that makes the whole thing weird.
here's some more pictures of the pen body:
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the body itself is actually perfectly nice! it has a nice middling weight which is balanced nicely throughout the pen even when posted. this is actually one of the pens i feel most comfortable writing with while the cap is posted - it's secure up there and doesn't add extra weight!
there are, of course, things to like about this pen. FPR's pens are very customization friendly. just yank out the nib and feed, pop a new combo in there, heat set it, done! they're super fun to tinker with and are a great excuse to break out all your fancy fp hobby supplies, lol. you know how some people love having project cars? this is a bit of a project pen. fun to use, and when it inevitably has some kind of problem you get to tinker with it.
FPR pens are first and foremost FOR. HOBBYISTS. these aren't pens that are beginner or even intermediate friendly, and that's their biggest drawback. they feel like they're built for tinkering rather than writing, and the quirks of a fully built in-house pen add up to create something that is, on the whole, odd.
again, FPR is a small business. my only experiences with them have been with these pens and the free muft they package in (which you should opt out of if you purchase from them, as like all things from fpr, they have poor quality control), so their other pens may be far more reliable.
the guy who does customer service is nothing but friendly and helpful. i just wish it wasn't practically a requirement to get a pen that you can write with.
all of this ends with me not inking these pens for fear they will leak and i'll have to do some kind of annoying maintenance on them i didn't plan on doing. they take up room on my pen desk, uninked and a little smelly, and they don't do much for me. they fill a niche, but i'm not sure if i am their niche.
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noonaishere · 6 months
Music of the Heart [J.YH] - thirty-five | what a feeling
You were glad that security didn’t randomly decide to stop you because they would have asked a bunch of questions, such as: why do you have a bunch of tools that look like you’re planning on building a bomb? Or sabotaging an elevator? Or driving a bus over 55 mph for most of a movie starring Keanu Reeves? Or doing some other heinous act?
And then you’d have to explain that - like a lot of musicians - you liked a particular set of pickups, and you liked replacing them yourself, and you liked your tools, and you were going to be a goblin and take them all the way from your house to your job just to do it. Would it have been easier to take the bass home and do it?
Who the fuck knows? Maybe.
But it wouldn’t be nearly as fast.
You had to stop yourself from skipping at the thought of a new instrument as you walked down the hall to the studio, where you knew your bass would be, shiny and brand new.
You walked into the recording room to find no one inside. Surprising. Unsurprising was finding your bass on the table as Maddox said he had left it.
You smiled and put your stuff down quickly, excited like a kid on christmas. You always loved getting a new instrument, and you loved pulling it apart even more.
You ripped open the box hurriedly, getting stabbed by one of the extra large staples that held it shut. But that didn't deter you since you had all your shots and tetanus couldn’t touch you. You put your finger in your mouth to clean the blood.
You pulled the bass out and turned it around. A classic Fender Precision Bass in a sparkling custom sage green color. Something sturdy for the many hours it would be played on hundreds of tracks in the future. Such a beautiful color, such lovely flecks that made it glitter in the light, you had researched for hours and already knew what it was going to sound like…
Now to take it apart.
You took your bag of bass-modding tricks out of your backpack and opened it. Whoever invented the battery powered electric drill was a genius. You revved it for no one in particular: the sound of fun. You made short work of all the screws that held the pickguard on and set them aside; you’d need them for the new pickguard you bought. You checked the potentiometers as you pulled them out of their holes on the pickguard. You were thankful that the manufacturers hadn’t cut the wires too short, since that always made them a pain in the ass when it came time to put the whole thing back together. In your mind, you thanked whoever cut the wires, what an absolute gem of an individual. The soldering looked good, that was always a good sign; nothing worse than having bad soldering come apart in the middle of playing a song.
Too bad you had to get rid of it, you smiled to yourself. A+ for soldering though, whoever did it, they had done a really good job. Nice and clean.
You took out the new pickguard you had and unwrapped it. You had actually had it sitting in the bottom of your closet for a while now since you bought it on a whim and had no bass to put it on. It was a purple faux mother of pearl number that reflected the light beautifully and would look gorgeous against the sage green body of this bass. You pulled the knobs off the potentiometers, put them through the pickguard, put the knobs back on, and unsoldered the spots where the wires of the pickups were soldered to the potentiometers. You were glad the ventilation in the room was so good and hoped that no one got mad at you for doing this. With the potentiometers unsoldered and cleaned up, you set it aside so you could fuck with the pickups. Easy peasy.
You unboxed the pickups you bought and looked them over, unwrapping the wires so they were straight and put them down. You - as carefully as you could - took the factory pickups out of the bass, and held them up against each other. There was a marked difference, you felt. You rooted in your bag of stuff for the multimeter you brought with you. You were always curious about this kind of thing: you checked the voltage of the factory pickups… 10.35k ohms, that was pretty normal. And you checked your new ones… 10.67. Little bit better. But while the magnets in the factory ones had wider diameters, the ones you bought were heavier.
You laughed to yourself. Time for it’s glow up.
Of course you were going to replace them.
Your phone, having sat on the table this whole time, inert, lit up with a message.
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You laughed. Of course he had a crush on Jennifer Beals as a kid. Of course.
You got back to your bass, you were almost done.
You took the screws that came in the box and screwed the new ones into place and soldered their wires to the potentiometers. It was excruciatingly difficult to wait patiently for it to cool, you were excited to see it all put back together and be able to play it. After a few minutes of waiting, you put the new pickguard back and screwed it on. You put all the strings back, and grabbed the small amp by the wall and plugged it in: it made noise, so you were successful, now you just needed to tune it.
Whatever many minutes of tuning later, you could finally play it and played a song.
Someone knocked on the door.
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meret118 · 3 days
Lumber Liquidators worker shares how flooring companies trick customers into re-doing their floors.
. . .
In December 2023, Newsweek reported that the cost of home maintenance had doubled in the past year. 
In short, he says that the locking mechanisms used to connect vinyl and laminate flooring can be changed by the manufacturer, even if the floor itself stays the same. This means that one can install a floor, require a repair ten years later, then be completely unable to find the flooring with the correct locking mechanism to replace it.“
I tell every single person that comes in here to buy an extra box or two, and they always give me the face, like, ‘Do I really need it?’” he says. “Yes. Yes, you need it. Right. Because 10 years from now, you’re gonna spend weeks, months, forever trying to find that discontinued floor that they discontinued on purpose to make you buy more.”
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slowmissiles · 2 years
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Back in a former life, I had an addiction that I loved beyond sanity. Here’s the story of it. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 pt1 2009 pt2 2009 Redux
This is the final spec list for my glorious, insane Brutal Truth.
Nissan Skyline BCNR33 GT-R (Type 2) manufactured in April 1996. JDM non V-Spec vehicle retailed through Osaka Nissan Prince in May/June 1996. Imported to the UK in June 1997. Remained in original JDM spec without speedometer conversion until August 2002. Only the steering wheel & white dial sets were fitted in Japan.
Nismo RB26N1 bare engine: [N1 water pump (improved flow & less cavitation)/Reinforced cylinder block head bolt boss/Increased sump capacity (6L 20w60)/1.2mm oil restrictor]
N1 head with 0.5mm overbore (2598cc)
Cryogenically hardened N1 crankshaft
Wossner forged & cryogenically hardened pistons
Abbey Motorsport reinforced & cryogenically hardened con-rods
ACL Race Series conrod & crankshaft bearings
Tomei sump baffle kit
Tomei high flow (larger drive gears) oil pump
HKS 1.2mm metal head gasket
Tomei Procam Spec 2 cam kit (270 degree inlet & outlet with 10.25mm lift)
HKS V-Cam System Step 1 Type B (variable 248-278 degree inlet; replaces Procam inlet camshaft)
HKS vernier cam pulleys
HKS kevlar reinforced timing belt
Trust metal intake & throttle gaskets
HKS front pipe & decat gaskets
GReddy Iridium 08 Racing sparkplugs
Mocal 19-row oil cooler & Abbey Motorsport remote oil filter assembly
Abbey Motorsport catch tank & washer reservoir with SFS breather hoses
Abbey Motorsport Pro Alloy large radiator
Tomei fuel pump, fuel regulator & 600cc injectors
A’PEXi Power Intake induction kit
A’PEXi GT Spec intercooler (237x610x136mm) & hard pipe kit
HKS GT-SS turbos
HKS twin AFM delete kit
Tomei turbo elbows
HKS downpipes
HKS Silent Hi-Power exhaust
Abbey Motorsport 80mm decat pipe
Mine’s VX-ROM
HKS F-Con V Pro
HKS EVC 6 boost controller (1.6 bar)
AEM wideband lambda sensor
Splitfire DI Super Direct Ignition System
HKS Circle Earth kit
HKS GD Max twin-plate clutch (with lightened flywheel)
Abbey Motorsport rebuilt transfer box
Abbey Motorsport rebuilt gearbox with cryogenically hardened gear set, modified Nissan synchromesh upgrade and OS Giken strengthening plate
Abbey Motorsport rebuilt rear diff
Nismo gearbox mounts
Nismo Solid Shift gear stick (10% short shift)
Omex Shift Light Sequential
Sunsei SE-135 solar panel trickle charger mounted on a custom aluminium riser between the rear parcel shelf speaker enclosures.
Team Dynamics Equinox alloys 19x9.5, ET+15 in silver with polished stainless steel rim.
Falken FK452 265/30/19 Y-rated tyres
Cusco brake master cylinder brace
Cusco rear steering delete kit
Cusco front & rear upper suspension links
AST Sport Line 1 full suspension kit with UK spring setup
Nismo stainless steel braided brake hoses
StopTech 355mm rotor 4 pot caliper front brake kit
StopTech 355mm rotor 2 pot caliper rear brake kit with Abbey Motorsport modified pad retainers
Ferodo DS2500 brake pads front & rear
Bomex AD-390 front splitter
Nismo R34 smoked front indicators in custom aluminium mounting plates finished in crackle black
Nissan Xenon headlamp units
Border Racing Aero Fenders (vented front wings) with silver GT emblems from a R32 Skyline
Nismo smoked side repeaters
Top Mix one-off FRP twin blade rear spoiler on custom aluminium mounting plates
Entire exterior resprayed in BMW black (code 086) base and lacquer
Nissan Motorsport International carbon fibre B-pillar plates
PIAA carbon effect silicon wipers, front pair with spoilers, rear without
Nismo white face dial sets (dashboard & centre console) in carbon fibre panels
AEM AFR gauge mount replaces the lighter socket
HKS EVC display mounted on custom carbon fibre plate replacing the ashtray
Lighter socket relocated to the fog light switch panel
Nissan Momo steering wheel (with airbag)
Dressycar Nismo harness pads
Redline Automotive leather gearstick & handbrake gaiters
Abbey Motorsport carbon fibre door sill trims
Carbon fibre boot sill trim
Inlet plenum and sundry induction pipework finished in powder grey
Trust clear cam pulley cover
HKS Kansai Service carbon fibre spark plug cover
Right hand cam cover finished in crackle black
Nismo radiator & washer reservoir caps
HKS Kansai Service front strut brace finished in high gloss black
GReddy aluminium slam panel finished in crackle black
Tein bonnet dampers with black sleeves
Custom made one-off Cobra Misano Lux front seats: [Alcantara (colour code 9189) outers/Alcantara (colour code 9182) centre panels/One-piece carbon fibre backs/Sidewinder bases on custom subframes adapted by Abbey Motorsport/Cobra logo in silver thread on the headpads/GT-R logo beneath the grommets on seat backs]
JVC KD-AVX2 multi-media DVD/CD receiver with built-in 3.5” widescreen monitor
2x JL Audio Evolution VR600-CXi 6” speakers (front)
2x JL Audio Evolution TR650-CXi 6.5” speakers (rear)
Multiple and interlaced Thatcham rated security systems.
500 bhp. 520 ft/lb.
Ludicrously, hilariously, unbelievably fast.
Hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane with me. Cheers! JM.
(Photo by N. Liassides.)
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kaguya-muneuji · 1 year
ok i will ramble abt my ocs as promised
so long story short how i thought of them is. i saw the word digital somewhere on a sign and i misread it as digigal so uh. hey can you tell where this is going (no) anyway . so in this world i have created theres like this company called DigiPal that makes robot friends and usually theyre acessible to some extent..? like you can rent one i guess. most use digipals as like temporary friends?? or as caretakers . yeah those exist! they can also be customized for certain tasks / objectives and also visually customized (i literally cannot think of a better way to put that im so sorry) but theyre like REALLY REALLY expensive that way
so ANYWAY this girl. i do not know her name. but on a whim in a depressive spiral she. buys one. and she fully customizes it too. yes this part is important beAR WITH ME ;_; and usually a fully customized digipal takes +3 months to code/manufacture and she wholeheartedly believed shed be in her apartment alone for her indefinite future. i dunno what went thru her brain honestly but i guess she did that. wow im talking about an oc like its not my own character!! so fun! ok yea
so. actually i have no idea how to explain this part. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BASICALLY the digipal has 2 sets of code- their like example-based programming and an a.i learning type thing. i guess you could think of it like chara.cter ai?? but yeah something with this digipal's a.i got Fucky and basically forced the human manufacturers to give it a more feminine body. ok now do u see where im going with this.
so while this digipal (who calls herself digigal now) is shipped to this girl's apartment, she (the girl) gets a roommate (who i have in my notes as roommate. none of these girls have got names!!!) and by this point which is like 4 months later, the girl is doing better off now that she has her roommate and they help each other its a mutual benefit and also theyre basically dating but neither of them know it !! OK back to digigal who i keep calling digigirl in my head. ive also been calling her digi so. yeah anyway digi arrives in this MASSIVE box and the roommate opens the door to their apartment and is like ??? what the hell is this thing and the girl is liike I CAN EXPLAIN. anyway all 3 of them eventually get into a loving relationship w each other :D!
ok basically my thought process went: digigal -> oh fun! robot girl :) -> what if she was a robot GIRLFRIEND -> wait what if she was trans. wait how do i get to that. -> wait what if she had TWO girlfriends AND HERE WE ARE. ok heres what they look like!! first is digi, second is the roommate, and last one is the girl (i need names for them aaaaaaaaaaaa)
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i had a lot of trouble designing the last one but its fine!!! and these are just concept drawings anyway. ok im. how do i end this off. uh. hm. uhhhhh LESBIANS FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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qqdahao · 1 year
The 2 types of databases for your business
Do you need to provide you and your team with a full-featured free value-added application builder to digitize the workflow? Collaborate with unlimited users and creators at zero upfront cost. Get an online database free now, and we will provide your business with all the basic tools to design, develop, and deploy simple database-driven applications and services right out of the box.
Here is the definition of a database according to the dictionary:
Structured set of files regrouping information having certain characters in common; software allowing to constitute and manage these files.
The data contained in most common databases is usually modeled in rows and columns in a series of tables to make data processing efficient.
Thus, the data can be easily accessed, managed, modified, updated, monitored and organized. Most databases use a structured query language (SQL) to write and query data
Compared to traditional coding, oceanbase's free online database platform allows you to create database-driven applications in a very short period of time. Build searchable databases, interactive reports, dynamic charts, responsive Web forms, and so on-all without writing any code. Just point, click, and publish. It's that simple!
Traditional software development requires skilled IT personnel, lengthy requirements gathering, and manual coding. Databases and applications built with code are also difficult to learn, deploy, and maintain, making them time, cost, and resource intensive.
On the other hand, codeless database manufacturers enable business professionals to participate in rapid iterative development, even if they have no technical experience.
With oceanbase's simple database builder, you can use off-the-shelf application templates and click and drag and drop tools to build powerful cloud applications and databases 20 times faster than traditional software development.
Oceanbase provides the best free database with an intuitive code-free platform for building data-driven applications that are easy to modify and extend. Get results faster without writing code or managing the server.
The 2 types of databases for your business There are 2 different ones. Here they are:
Databases for functional data This kind of databases have for objective to store data to make a process work. For example the MySQL database for a website.
In a next part, we will advise you the best tools for your business.
Customer databases The purpose of these databases is to store the data of your prospects/customers. For example, a contact may leave you their email address, phone number, or name.
This type of database is highly sought after by businesses because it serves several purposes:
Store contacts. Assign a tag or a list per contact. Perform remarketing or retargeting.
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Wednesday Wonderful Merchandise
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Unbeknownst to me, there's a custom enamel pin fandom / consumer. Meaning, fans draw designs, have a pin manufacturer make it, and then sell them in limited edition number, like between 20 through 75ish. Prices vary, depending on the number, and how detailed / complicated the design is. Most of it is centered on Disney, especially the princesses (I had no idea how popular they are), but there is a Marvel segment, mostly MCU. Alot of them seem to be funded by pre-selling the pin, that also pays for a few extra that are sold when they come in, perhaps at a slighter higher price. I'm just learning about this, so I don't know everything, and I'm sure it varies for each pin creator / seller. ANYWAY, cutting it short ... there are MCU Namor pins!
This one combines the MCU and the MU Namor with the movie head dress and hand gesture superimposed over the comic book corner box from the 1st silver age issue.
You can find it on Etsy here:
And the holographic sticker:
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christiangrest · 2 years
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Custom Canik Rival 
A short time ago, my wife and I attended the IV8888 shoot down in Georgia. One of the vendor booths set up was Century Arms. Of course they had a nice selection of Canik pistols among other firearms they either manufacture or import. My wife at the time was only a few weeks past major shoulder surgery on her left arm. She is right handed, so at least she still had use of her good arm. She is also a huge Canik fan. She’s owned a TP9SF pistol in FDE for quite a few years now. I wanted to see her reaction on the Canik Rival pistol since it ws their newest model and had quite a number of physical as well as appearance changes when compared to her TP9SF. She was shooting everything that day one handed and when she took some shots with the new Canik Rival, she was hitting a steel plate half way across the range with very little ease. 
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After that event was over and with a very special birthday coming up in December, I saw an opportunity to do something special for her. I went over to Brownells and they happened to have Canik Rival pistols in black, in stock. I quickly ordered one up to my local FFL. Upon picking it up, I marveled at it’s beauty, but wanted it to be extra special for her. My wife’s favorite color is purple, but a solid purple pistol might be too much. I reached out to a company, fairly local to me, Weapon Works. I contracted them to do a black Multicam cerekote pattern with some purple accents added in. They quoted me 8 weeks to complete the project. About 4-5 week after I dropped it off, they were finished. Wow, what a quick turn around. M wife’s birthday was still 4-5 weeks away. So I took some really nice photos and put together a before/after video for my YouTube channel, then tucked it away until the big day.
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Finally the day had come…it had been so hard keeping this pistol under wraps for such a long amount of time. I wrapped the pistol up in some foam, then placed it into the case. Put the case into a box and gift wrapped it. When she went to open the box, she saw that it was a pistol case and undoubtedly saw the Canik logo on the box. Once she pulled the foam off of the pistol…her first response was priceless… “Oh sh**” she exclaimed when she first put her eyes onto her new pistol. She was so surprised at what it looked like. I told her it was a one of a kind…no 2 Canik Rival pistols have that particular finish on it. I’m hoping that this doesn’t deter her from enjoying it and shooting it at the range. She is a very good shot…much better than I am at shooting handguns. 
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A huge thanks to my good friends over at Brownells… always great selection of parts, accessories and firearms like this Canik Rival. Hats off to the folks over at Weapon Works as well…I’m looking forward to having them do some more work for me in the future. If you’re looking for custom cerekote work or builder sets, definitely check them out. 
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meandmyechoes · 2 years
Very happy to say I ended up like getting the Disney doll a lot more than expected! She has articulation that rivals MTM, and even though the shoes are sculpted, it is entirely swappable like action figures. The hands are removable (for easy dressing) too but not peg/hole combo, so I will have to modify the expressive hands to work with it.
The clothes are not usual doll clothes fabric and have a nice texture and finish. The cape especially resembles H*t Toys and came wired. The whole outfit is removable! I came to forgive the price tag better once I have her in hand. All in all a great budget/playline version of the HT figure, and a pretty cool doll itself.
Most complaints evaporated but three: 1) she's too short for Seaso 7/lekku too short 2) arms stained from clothing (ramification of them expecting some to leave it in-box) 3) yes i can find extra pairs of feet but how about she comes with real feet in the first place
Also out of the three I ordered they all have some minor defects at the lekku like residual/missing rubber or misprinted colours. Better check them in stores if possible or expect some sanding if you're a perfectionist like me. Or you can just leave her in-box. The box is pretty cool, metallic blue with a Jedi emblem on the side, even if it takes up some space. I don't know how common the staining is but the box says manufacture date is Dec 2021. Although I'm not too concerned about the supply, I do think they might've only ordered one batch and sell while stock lasts. I don't know if I'd heavy custom one yet but I'm keeping all 3 for now.
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Best MCB Distribution Manufacturer in India
An MCB distribution box is an essential component in electrical systems, responsible for housing miniature circuit breakers (MCBs). These boxes protect electrical circuits and prevent overloads, short circuits, or other faults. A good-quality MCB distribution box ensures safety in residential, commercial, and industrial spaces by properly managing electricity flow.
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As the top MCB distribution box wholesaler in India, Star Electrical Industries ensures that businesses have access to high-quality electrical products at competitive prices. Their strong distribution network allows them to meet the needs of wholesalers and retailers across the country, providing timely delivery and excellent customer service.
MCB Distribution Box Manufacturer in India
It has earned a reputation as a reliable MCB distribution box manufacturer in India. Their products are crafted with precision, ensuring that they offer the best protection for electrical circuits. With a wide range of MCB distribution boxes, they cater to both small-scale and large-scale electrical projects.
Best MCB Distribution Box Manufacturer in India
Being recognized as the best MCB distribution box manufacturer in India is a testament to Star Electrical Industries' dedication to quality. Their MCB boxes are built to withstand harsh conditions and ensure safety. Customers across the country trust their products for their electrical needs, knowing they are purchasing from the best in the industry.
Cheap MCB Distribution Box Manufacturer in India
For customers looking for affordability without compromising on quality, It is a cheap MCB distribution box manufacturer in India that offers cost-effective solutions. They provide MCB boxes that are budget-friendly, making them accessible to a wider market while maintaining the high safety standards required in electrical installations.
MCB Box WholesalerAs a leading MCB box wholesaler, It supplies wholesalers across the country with reliable MCB distribution boxes. Their commitment to providing high-quality products at wholesale prices ensures that electrical businesses can offer the best to their customers, ensuring safe and efficient electrical systems in various settings.
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metro-b14 · 26 days
Metro-B14 — Slicing Stone Slabs From Blocks
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In the competitive world of stone cutting, efficiency, precision, and innovation are paramount. Shri Bhagwati Machines Pvt. Ltd., located in Ajmer, India, has established itself as a leader in this field with its state-of-the-art METRO-B14 Multi Cutter Machine. This machine is not just a tool; it represents a significant leap in technology and design that promises to enhance productivity and reduce operational costs for stone manufacturers. In this document, we will delve into the features, benefits, and unique technologies that make the METRO-B14 a must-have for any serious stone cutting operation.
Key Features
· World’s First Successful DUAL RPM SPINDLE Designed for Twin Output Over Single Shaft to Deliver the highest production.
· Unique and fabricated beam, designed without any wheel-carriages to lower the motion friction.
· X axis is working on very Especially Designed “U Shape” Main Box made of thick Cast Iron Material provides excellent compression strength and high vibration damping capacity.
· Machine Bridge Motion by virtue of LINEAR MOTION BEARING SYSTEM gives Highest Positioning Accuracy & Smooth Motion.
· Positioning Accuracy can be controlled up to 0.05 mm.
· No Cutter Marks on Slabs.
· Equivalent water flow on each blades by unique water spray system.
· Stainless steel cutter guard with spray technology.
· Equipped with servo motors for fast to & fro travelling and accurate movement.
· Powerful for hard density granite material.
METRO-B14 Multi Cutter Machine
· Shri Bhagwati Machine Pvt. Ltd. is the visionary behind the DRSH (DUAL RPM SINGLE HOUSING) technology. With a focus on innovation and excellence, we have redefined the cutting machine landscape. Metro B-14 is 6th generation masterpieces of Multi-Blade Granite Block Cutters are nothing short of technological marvels. Designed and crafted by Shri Bhagwati Machine Pvt. Ltd., they bring a new dimension to stone cutting.
· Their magical capabilities enable them to deliver top-tier production levels while keeping power costs minimal and cycle times shorter than ever before. The secret behind these remarkable products lies in their revolutionary DRSH (DUAL RPM SINGLE HOUSING) technology.
· DRSH, or Dual RPM Single Housing, is a groundbreaking concept that defies conventional wisdom. This technology allows the machine to achieve unprecedented levels of production and tool longevity while consuming significantly less power. These machines aren’t just about cutting-edge technology; they’re also incredibly user-friendly. The programmed interface is designed with the user in mind, ensuring ease of operation. The use of “RITTAL” enclosure and switch gears from SIEMENS/SCHNEIDER guarantees the latest safety features, making them robust enough to withstand electrical fluctuations.
Technical Specifications
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Axis Motion
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Speed & Power
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Industry Impact
The METRO-B14 has already made a significant impact in the stone cutting industry. Numerous clients have reported increased productivity and efficiency after integrating this machine into their operations. Here are some testimonials from satisfied customers:
· Client A: “Since we started using the METRO-B14, our production has doubled. The precision and speed are unmatched!
· Client B: “The energy savings alone have made this machine a worthwhile investment. We highly recommend it to anyone in the stone cutting business.”
Unmatched Cutting Speed
The METRO-B14 is engineered for speed without sacrificing quality. Its ability to cut multiple blocks simultaneously reduces cycle times, enabling businesses to meet tight deadlines and increase throughput.
Durability and Reliability
Constructed with high-quality materials, the METRO-B14 is built to withstand the rigors of daily use in demanding environments. Key aspects of its durability include:
· Reinforced Structure: The machine’s robust design ensures stability during operation, reducing the risk of misalignment.
· Quality Bearings: The use of LM bearings minimizes friction, leading to longer service life and reduced maintenance costs.
Feedback from Operators
Operators have praised the METRO-B14 for its ease of use and reliability. Many have highlighted the machine’s user-friendly interface, stating that they were able to operate it effectively with minimal training.
The METRO-B14 Multi Cutter Machine from Shri Bhagwati Machines Pvt. Ltd. is a testament to innovation in the stone cutting industry. With its advanced technologies, user-friendly design, and robust performance, it is the ideal solution for businesses looking to enhance their cutting operations. By investing in the METRO-B14, companies can achieve higher productivity, lower operational costs, and superior quality in their stone products.
Click Here for detailed product video
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bigbusiness12 · 1 month
Forex Trading
Forex trading, or foreign exchange trading, involves buying and selling currencies to profit from changes in exchange rates. It’s a huge global market, with a daily trading volume exceeding $6 trillion. Here’s a brief overview of some key aspects:
Currency Pairs: In forex trading, currencies are traded in pairs, such as EUR/USD (Euro/US Dollar) or GBP/JPY (British Pound/Japanese Yen). The first currency in the pair is the base currency, and the second is the quote currency. The price of the pair indicates how much of the quote currency is needed to buy one unit of the base currency.
Leverage: Forex markets offer high leverage, meaning you can control a large position with a relatively small amount of capital. While this can amplify profits, it also increases the risk of significant losses.
Pips and Spreads: A pip is a small price movement in a currency pair. Spreads are the difference between the bid (buy) and ask (sell) prices of a currency pair. Lower spreads are generally better for traders.
Technical and Fundamental Analysis: Traders use technical analysis, studying price charts and patterns, and fundamental analysis, analyzing economic indicators, news, and events, to make trading decisions.
Trading Strategies: Common strategies include day trading, scalping (short-term trades), swing trading (holding positions for days or weeks), and position trading (long-term trades).
Risk Management: Effective risk management is crucial. This includes setting stop-loss orders, managing leverage, and not risking more than you can afford to lose.
Regulation and Broker Selection: Choosing a reputable broker is essential. Look for brokers regulated by financial authorities to ensure safety and fair practices.
Are you interested in any specific aspect of forex trading, or do you have any particular questions or goals in mind?
forex trading, big business, online business, invest online, gold, silver
Big Business
"Big business" typically refers to large corporations or enterprises with significant economic influence. These companies usually have extensive operations, substantial financial resources, and a major impact on their respective industries and economies. They can range across various sectors, including technology, finance, manufacturing, and retail.
Big businesses often have complex organizational structures, large-scale production capabilities, and significant market power. They might also engage in practices like mergers and acquisitions, influence public policy, and drive major innovations or market trends.
Is there a particular aspect of big business you're curious about?
forex trading, big business, online business, invest online, gold, silver
Online Business
Online business involves conducting commercial activities over the internet. This can range from e-commerce sites that sell products directly to consumers, to digital services like consulting or software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms. Here are some key areas within online business:
E-Commerce: Selling products or services through online platforms. This includes everything from independent online stores to major marketplaces like Amazon and eBay.
Digital Marketing: Using online channels to promote products and services. This includes SEO (search engine optimization), content marketing, social media marketing, and email campaigns.
Affiliate Marketing: Promoting other companies' products or services and earning a commission on sales generated through your referral links.
Subscription Services: Offering products or services on a recurring basis, such as monthly subscription boxes, streaming services, or software subscriptions.
Dropshipping: Selling products that are directly shipped from the supplier to the customer, eliminating the need for inventory management.
Online Courses and Coaching: Providing educational content or personal coaching through online platforms.
Freelancing: Offering specialized services like writing, graphic design, programming, or consulting on a contract basis through platforms like Upwork or Fiverr.
Digital Products: Selling non-physical goods such as eBooks, digital art, software, or online courses.
The online business landscape is dynamic and rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. Are you thinking of starting an online business, or do you have a specific area in mind?
forex trading, big business, online business, invest online, gold, silver
Invest Online
Investing online involves using digital platforms to manage and grow your financial assets. There are several ways to invest online, each with its own features, benefits, and risks. Here are some popular options:
Online Brokerage Accounts:
Stock Trading: Buy and sell stocks through platforms like Robinhood, E*TRADE, or TD Ameritrade.
Options and Futures: Trade options and futures contracts with brokers like Interactive Brokers or Charles Schwab.
Automated platforms that provide investment management based on algorithms and user preferences. Examples include Betterment, Wealthfront, and M1 Finance. They often offer diversified portfolios and lower fees compared to traditional financial advisors.
Peer-to-Peer Lending:
Invest in loans to individuals or small businesses through platforms like LendingClub or Prosper. You earn interest as borrowers make payments.
Real Estate Crowdfunding:
Invest in real estate projects or properties through platforms like Fundrise or RealtyMogul. This allows you to participate in real estate markets without buying property directly.
Buy and trade digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or newer altcoins on exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, or Kraken. Be aware that this market is highly volatile.
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and Mutual Funds:
Invest in diversified portfolios of assets through online trading platforms. ETFs and mutual funds can be purchased through brokers or financial services platforms.
High-Yield Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit (CDs):
Earn interest on your cash savings through online banks or credit unions offering high-yield savings accounts or CDs.
Stock Market Apps:
Use apps designed for stock market tracking and investing, such as Acorns or Stash, which can help you start investing with small amounts and round-ups from purchases.
Social Trading Platforms:
Platforms like eToro allow you to follow and copy the trades of experienced investors, offering a way to leverage the knowledge of others.
When investing online, consider the following tips:
Research: Understand the investment options and platforms you choose. Look into their fees, security measures, and user reviews.
Diversify: Don’t put all your money into one type of investment. Diversifying helps manage risk.
Risk Tolerance: Be aware of how much risk you’re willing to take and choose investments that align with your risk profile.
Stay Informed: Keep up with market trends and changes in the investment landscape.
forex trading, big business, online business, invest online, gold, silver
Investing in gold can be a way to diversify your portfolio and hedge against inflation or economic uncertainty. There are several methods for investing in gold, each with its own set of characteristics:
1. Physical Gold
Gold Bullion: Bars or ingots of gold. These are typically bought and stored in secure locations.
Gold Coins: Coins like the American Gold Eagle or Canadian Maple Leaf. They often have a collectible value in addition to their gold content.
Jewelry: Although not usually considered an investment, gold jewelry can sometimes appreciate in value.
2. Gold ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds)
Gold ETFs: These funds trade on stock exchanges and represent ownership in gold bullion. Popular ETFs include the SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) and iShares Gold Trust (IAU).
Gold Mining ETFs: These ETFs invest in gold mining companies rather than the metal itself. Examples include the VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX).
3. Gold Mutual Funds
Gold Funds: Mutual funds that invest in gold bullion or gold mining companies. They offer diversification within the gold sector. Examples include the Fidelity Select Gold Portfolio and the Franklin Templeton Gold and Precious Metals Fund.
4. Gold Futures and Options
Gold Futures: Contracts to buy or sell gold at a predetermined price on a future date. These are more complex and suited for experienced investors.
Gold Options: Contracts that give the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell gold at a set price before a certain date.
5. Gold Mining Stocks
Stocks: Shares in companies that mine gold. Investing in these stocks exposes you to the performance of the mining companies as well as the price of gold. Major companies include Barrick Gold, Newmont Corporation, and AngloGold Ashanti.
6. Gold Certificates
Gold Certificates: Represent ownership of gold without having to store the physical metal. They are issued by banks or gold trading companies.
7. Gold Savings Plans
Gold Savings Accounts: Some banks and financial institutions offer accounts where you can save and invest in gold, often with the gold stored on your behalf.
Key Considerations:
Diversification: Like any investment, it’s important to diversify your holdings to manage risk.
Storage and Security: Physical gold requires secure storage, which can add to the cost.
Volatility: Gold prices can be volatile, influenced by factors like economic data, geopolitical events, and currency fluctuations.
Costs and Fees: Consider transaction fees, management fees for ETFs or mutual funds, and storage costs for physical gold.
Getting Started:
Research: Understand the options available and choose the method that aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance.
Consult a Financial Advisor: If you’re unsure about how to incorporate gold into your portfolio, a financial advisor can provide personalized advice.forex trading, big business, online business, invest online, gold, silver
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trendingreportz · 1 month
Pet Food Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Pet Food Market Overview:
The Pet Food Market size is estimated to reach $90 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 8.4% during the forecast period 2023-2030. Pet food is a specialty food for domesticated animals and is formulated to meet their nutritional requirements such as meat, grains, cereals, meat by-products, vitamins and minerals. It is available in supermarkets/hypermarkets & pet stores and customized to the types of animals such as cats, dogs, fish and other pets.
Increasing demand for Premium Pet Food Products and rising pet ownership across developing economies are expanding the Pet Food Market opportunities. Rising health awareness among customers and attraction towards organic products are also driving the Pet Food Market growth. As per American Veterinary Medical Association, pet ownership for cats has increased to 29% in 2022. For dogs, it has increased to 45% in 2022. This represents the Pet Food Industry Outlook.
Pet Food Market Report Coverage:
By Food Type
Semi-moist Foods
Kibble Foods
Canned Foods
Nutritional Foods
By Animal Type
By Nature
By Price
By Source Type
By Packaging
Stand-up pouches
Tin cans
Premade multi-layered pouches
Bags Roll stock
Corrugated boxes
By Distribution Channel
Offline Platforms
Online Platforms
By Geography
North America (the US, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia & New Zealand and the Rest of Asia-Pacific)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and the Rest of South America)
The Rest of the World (the Middle East and Africa).
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COVID-19 / Ukraine Crisis - Impact Analysis: 
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the supply chain of the animal feed industry. The different animal nutrition food items, vitamins and medicines including pet pharmaceuticals were out of stock.
The Russia-Ukraine war has impacted the supply chain and resulted in high input prices. In the short term, rising product prices in the domestic market contributed to increased earnings for producers.
Key Takeaways:
Dominance of North America Region
Geographically, North America led the Pet Food Market with a 37.3% share of the overall market in 2022. This is due to the increasing innovation by pet food manufacturers and rising pet adoption in the region. In 2020, as per American Pet Products Association National Pet Owners Survey, 63 million households or 74.6% of all households have dogs as pets.
Canned Food Segment holds the largest market share
According to the Pet Food Market forecast, the Canned Food Segment held the largest Pet Food Market revenue of $18 billion in 2022. The segment is estimated to grow at the fastest CAGR of 9.5% during the period 2023-2030. This is due to increasing consumer desire for feeding their pets nutritional food rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and other elements that are crucial to a balanced diet.
Premade Multi-layered Pouches Segment is anticipated to grow faster
As per the Pet Food Market analysis, the Premade Multi-layered Pouches segment is estimated to grow at the fastest CAGR of 9.8% during the forecast period 2023-2030. It is due to the durable structure, puncture-resistance protection and proper closures for pet food products, driving the segment growth.
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Increasing innovation by pet food manufacturers
The major competitors in the market are focusing on the launch of a number of pet food products to meet the needs of different types of animals that belong to different age groups. This is anticipated to fuel the expansion of the pet food industry. For instance, In November 2020, Nestle Purina introduced pet animal food that builds on alternative proteins to make better use of global resources. The range includes insects and plant proteins from millet and fava beans.
Rising health awareness among customers toward the organic product for pets
Customers are now more aware of the ingredients in their pet food. The market for organic pet food is increasing rapidly as a result of pet owners' growing attention to the health and welfare of their pets. The increasing number of health problems affecting pets has influenced pet owners to choose organic pet food over conventional options. These factors are contributing to the key Pet Food Market trends during the forecast period. In 2020, organic pet food consumption was worth $22 billion.
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Imposition of strict regulations hamper market growth
Pet food comes with some of the strictest regulations out there, especially in western markets. Pet animal products are strictly examined in developed markets at every stage from the ingredients used in food preparation to their sales and marketing. The high stringency involved with commercialization is one of the major factors hampering the growth of the pet food industry.
Key Market Players:
Product/Service launches, approvals, patents and events, acquisitions, partnerships and collaborations are key strategies adopted by players in the Pet Food Market. The 10 key companies in this industry are: 
Mars Pet care, Inc. (PEDIGREE®, NUTRO)      
General Mills (Chex, Lucky Charms)
Nestle Purina Pet Care (Purina ONE®, Purina® Pro Plan®)    
The J.M. Smucker Company (Meow Mix®, Rachael Ray®)
Hill’s Pet Nutrition (Hill's® Science Diet®, Prescription Diet®)
Diamond Pet Foods (Diamond V®, DIAMOND PRO89)         
Simmons Pet Food (Twin Pet, Strongheart)
Global Pet Care (DreamBone, Good 'n' Fun)
Agrolimen SA (Advance Junior Maxi, Ultima Leche)
Deuerer (Katze, Wau)
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Scope of Report:
Report MetricDetails
Base year considered
Forecast period
Growing at the rate of 8.4%
Market Size
90 billion USD
Segments covered
Food Type, Animal Type, Nature, Price, Source Type, Packaging, Distribution Channel and Region
Geographies covered
North America (the US, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Spain, Russia and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia & New Zealand and the Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and the Rest of South America) and the Rest of the World (the Middle East and Africa).
Key Market Players
Mars Pet care, Inc.
General Mills
Nestle Purina Pet Care
The J.M. Smucker Company
Hill’s Pet Nutrition
Diamond Pet Foods
Simmons Pet Food
Global Pet Care
Agrolimen SA
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dolvisbio · 2 months
PCD pharma franchise in India
In India, everyone is talking about the PCD franchise pharma business. However, most individuals don’t know the exact meaning of the PCD and how the franchise Business works. But now, don’t worry, Dolvis Bio Pharma Pvt. Ltd, the successful PCD Pharma Franchise in India. We will solve all your queries and help you to start and grow your business.
We have made ourselves the best PCD franchise Pharma Company in India. Our aim is to give a healthy life to all the individuals. When starting a business in the industry through the franchise route, choosing the right partner plays a very important role in the pharma industry.
What makes a franchise model successful?
Before that, let us understand how the business works. A PCD franchise business is a model where you get the authority to run business operations on behalf of a pharmaceutical company. The franchise manages the complete product cycle, from manufacturing to marketing.
For more information, click here:
Low Marketing Cost:
When you buy a franchise of a pharmaceutical company, you don’t have to worry about marketing costs because the company's owner will take care of all these expenses. You can relax and focus on the business's growth.
Career Growth:
The PCD pharma franchise business model offers many career opportunities to young entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses with less investment and earn more.
Basic needs you see while choosing PCD franchise:
Well, there are many boxes to tick before choosing a suitable partner, but here are some boxes that a young entrepreneur should check :
1 Quality of the product:- Make sure that the quality of the product is very good because if not, then it will lose your customers as well as profit.
2 Transparency:- Try to build a good and healthy relationship with the manufacturer that helps you and the manufacturer to share each and every problem and find a solution.
3 Track record:- Do your proper research and check the previous record of the company that helps you find your best manufacturing company.
Dolvis BioPharma is the best PCD franchise company:
We achieved this title in a very short period. But here are some reasons why we are at the top of this industry:
Product range:
In the Pharma business, the wide range of products matters to grow the business. At Dolvis BioPharma, we have a vast range of products that help our partner expand their business and earn more profit. Whether it's generic medicines, herbal remedies, or another diet supplement, we believe that every product is handled with care and delivered safely.
Research team:
In the Pharma industry, we are always looking for new technologies. At Dolvis, we have a professional research and development team (R&D) team that is always trying new formulations, technologies, and drug delivery systems. Also, focusing on R&D allows us to develop high-quality products that the market needs.
In conclusion:
To run a PCD pharma company is not an easy task. But not anymore because now you will know who is the best PCD franchise India? Dolvis Bio pharma Pvt. Ltd. is the leading PCD Pharma Franchise in India. We will make your dreams come true.
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bikekit789 · 2 months
Bags for courier delivery | Bikekit
Innovation is the Key to Success
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The year 2020 marked the beginning of chaos as the Coronavirus pandemic took over. Overnight industries were shut down, death and loss became the buzzwords and it appeared as if ‘survival of the fittest’ had just been translated afresh. It was a time when the world came to a grinding halt and yet, hope loomed on the horizon. With lockdowns happening everywhere, it became difficult to get even essential things like food, water, toiletries, etc. from a nearby grocery store. Fortunately, the last-mile delivery companies had already started mushrooming in early 2017 / 2018. The COVID situation, accelerated the growth of all these companies & from being a luxury of ordering things on an App, this suddenly became a ‘saviour.’ One could order anything on click of a button & get stuff home delivered. Last-Mile Delivery & Logistics companies gained momentum and soon an army of courier boys were seen dotting the streets, each delivering food, medicines, and much more.
Ankit Agarwal, a serial entrepreneur with 23+ years of experience has always believed in innovation & forward thinking. The boom of Last Mile Delivery companies encouraged him to launch BikeKit in 2018. BikeKit is a one-stop shop for all the products that a company needs in its delivery arsenal. It manufactures unique products & provides SMART services in the areas of Delivery Solutions, Rider Safety, and Rider Wellness. In four short years BikeKit has re-written the rules of the game, and its products are exported to more than 20+ countries from its Dubai Headquarters.
Who could have thought back in 2018-19 that in merely two-three years logistics would be one of the top revenue grossing businesses globally?
BikeKit’s innovative LED Delivery Bags
Delivery bags have been around since past many years. Available in different sizes, colors, materials, etc. they are used for carrying a host of items. BikeKit’s team thought of innovating this product & came up with the idea of adding backlit LED panels to these bags.
So, the LED Delivery Bag, is a unique ‘lit’ offering! One cannot miss it, as the 12 V panel, either connected to the bike’s battery or a customized power bank, can be seen shining bright, even from a distance of 50 Meters! Needless to say, it attracts people near and far and hence, acts as a great branding or marketing tool. The bag, made from strong fabric, displays superior stitching and has adjustable straps that provide maximum comfort to the rider. What’s more, the LED Delivery Bag also takes care of road safety, as the rider becomes more visible in dark or cloudy conditions.
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BikeKit also offers 'Plain Delivery Bags' which are reasonably priced and offers ultimate ergonomic comfort to the rider. Made with high-grade quality raw material, it is neatly stitched and has cushioned and adjustable shoulder straps that provide immense support to the rider.
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Both the bags are for courier delivery and are suitable for delivering medicines, groceries, food, and documents, and depending on their use, hot or cool modules can also be added to further enhance their superior utility. Bags can be customized as per a company’s requirements. These bags can either have a top opening flap or both top & side opening. Bags come with superior quality insulation to keep the food at its desired temperature.
LED Boxes
Apart from Plain & LED Bags, Bikekit also manufactures LED Boxes. These are big 50×50 CM boxes, with a huge 46×43 CM back-lit LED Panels on 3 sides. The boxes are ideal for installing it on a motorbike or scooter.
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