#cute girl. said happy valentines day to me
kimjiwoong · 1 year
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#?#?#?#😭🌷🌷🥴💞💞 😭 💞💓💘 😭 💘
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obsessedwithceleste · 4 months
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Til It’s Gone
Theodore Nott x reader
Based on this cute lil request 🤗
Summary: It seemed like they’d always been there. An ever-growing thorn in Theodore’s side. He really didn’t realize what he’d had until it was gone. (Happy ending I swear)
word count: 3.2k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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Theo let out a heavy sigh as he slumped into his seat, ignoring the cheery smile on your face as you turned to face him.
“Hi Theodore!” You chirped brightly, gaze landing on the tall brunette boy coming to sit next to you.
Salazar, here we go, Theo thought bitterly.
“Right. Theo. How was your day?” You continued on, seemingly oblivious to his indifference as you scribbled mindlessly on your parchment.
Theodore wasn’t stupid. Quite the opposite in fact. He knew you liked him. That much you’d made rather obvious. Especially as of late. If saving him a seat everyday in this miserable class didn’t make it clear to everyone that you had a certain affection for the boy, then the notes dropped in his bag, or kisses blown from across the Great Hall certainly did.
The only reason Theo even accepted sitting next to you was because the seat was positioned perfectly to be just outside of Professor Binns’ field of vision, saving him the work of pretending to care about whatever topic the professor was rattling on about.
“I don’t see why you even put up with it all,” Mattheo often said. “Just reject them and move on with it.”
“Or at least stop sitting with them. You’re only encouraging them,” Enzo would add.
Yet, here he was, still sat lazily in the seat next to you. Theo didn’t particularly care that you fancied him to be quite honest. He’d gotten used to the same pattern of stoically ignoring your chatter, copying your carefully organized notes, and leaving. So long as you weren’t too annoying, he didn’t see the harm in sticking around. Besides it’s not like you weren’t easy on the eyes. And he supposed there was something to be said about the confidence with which you acted that set you apart from the general hoard of girls harboring similar feelings.
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he glances at you out of the corner of his eye.
“Fine.” He replied tersely before turning once more to stare blankly ahead.
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He’d changed his mind. Absolutely not. This was horrible. At this point, Theo wasn’t even sure if you actually liked him, or were only claiming you did as an excuse to see how much you could embarrass him.
“Mate, this is getting to be Weaselette levels of weird,” Draco said as their group stared in horror at the third year who had approached them warily in the halls with a poem to read aloud in hand.
Theo visibly shuddered, remembering the awful valentine the youngest Weasley had sent Saint Potter a few years prior.
“Save everyone the embarrassment and walk away now, kid,” Draco told the boy. “Go on. Scram.”
The third year didn’t need to be told twice and quickly darted off, away from the group of Slytherin boys.
“It isn’t even 8am mate. Where does that girl get the time to do all this?” Enzo grumbles as they made their way into the Great Hall for breakfast.
Theo simply ignores his friend’s comments, something he was getting used to doing, as they all sat down at their usual table.
They’d all seemed to have an opinion on you as soon as it became apparent that you had developed a crush on him, and Theo had just about had enough of his friend’s seemingly endless comments regarding his not so secret admirer.
The familiar small parcel tied neatly with a white ribbon that sat waiting for Theodore in his usual spot didn’t go unnoticed, starting the whole thing up again.
“For Salazar’s sake Theo, do you not find it creepy?” Draco asks, eyeing the package.
Theo rolled his eyes at his dramatic friend.
“I don’t care. You all seem to be more interested in y/n’s little stunts than I am, and I’m the one they’re intended for. They’re harmless. Just leave it and they’ll probably get bored eventually.”
“Yeah, or they’ll just keep it up thinking you’re playing all hard to get or what not,” Mattheo snorts.
Theo just glares at his friend, stabbing a sausage with his fork. Just behind Matt’s head, seated at a table with your own friends, Theo sees you blow a kiss his way, winking cheekily.
“Aw, they growing on you? Who would’ve thought dark and broody would be into golden girl herself,” Mattheo teases, earning him a sharp kick from under the table.
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“Morning Theodore,” you greet, as the brooding boy once again took his seat beside you, this time in potions.
“It’s Theo.”
“That’s what I said.”
You hear the boy let out a small snort and you smile to yourself. That was one of the biggest reactions you’d been able to get out of the boy.
Your friends often wondered why you so insistently pursued the grumpy Slytherin boy, despite his general apathy towards you, and honestly, it was as simple as the fact that you enjoyed the challenge.
It was like your own little game of cat and mouse. Constantly finding little ways to make the boy smile, even if he didn’t realize it was you. And the rush of excitement you got anytime you were able to elicit any sort of reaction from the boy was like a drug that kept you coming back for more.
You’d found that the best way to elicit such reactions was by staging little acts of public affection whether it be a kiss sent his way or an origami note perched on his desk. Each time, you could see the heat rise softly in the boy’s cheeks as he tried desperately to keep it at bay, sometimes even fighting back a small smile.
Today you had come to class a bit early in order to set up both you and Theo’s potion stations before the brown haired Slytherin arrived, taking extra care to gather enough ingredients for each of your potions. You weren’t even sure he realized that you were doing all this for him, but watching his satisfied smile as he brewed away made it worth it.
That was another thing you had grown to appreciate about the boy. While his friends were all rather light-minded and rowdy, his wit and level-headedness balanced out the group. Theo was smart, and didn't feel the need to make a point about it, flying under the radar of many of your classmates when it came to who had the best marks. Sure it was fun to tease the boy, but you also had a certain admiration for him that went deeper then the nonserious way you often conducted yourself around him.
The rest of the class passed in a sort of agreed upon silence as you worked on your potions. Of course you’d like to talk to Theo a bit, but you’d found he’d preferred the silence, usually not uttering more than a few words to you per class. It was something you could work on eventually you supposed.
“See you later Theodore,” you said brightly once you had finished gathering up your things. Joining your group of friends, you toss one last wave over your shoulder at the boy, smiling to yourself. He hadn’t bothered to correct you for once.
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The last thing Theo expected while roaming the dusty shelves of the library was to hear his own name being whispered from deeper within the maze of books he was searching through. The library was where he went to escape his friend’s incessant gossip about the rest of the school’s population, yet he was interested in what was being said about him. He didn’t often venture outside his usual group of Slytherins, so he didn’t know exactly what he expected to hear.
Following the loud whispers, Theo stopped, looming in the shadows once he was able to make out the dark figures of students huddled in one of the many rows of books.
“Sure Theo might be one of the most attractive boys in our year, but his head is so far up his own arse, it’s a wonder he can see straight.” A voice practically snarled as its owner leaned lazily against one of the shelves.
Theo felt himself immediately tense. Is that what they thought now? His fists clenched as he refrained from crashing through the shelves to give these snots a piece of his mind.
“Honestly, being an arrogant prick isn’t something to be proud of. He’s just like every other Slytherin who makes being a pure blood their only personality trait.” Another voice adds.
“Oh fuck off you two.”
Theo’s ears perk up, surprised to hear your voice join the chatter.
“Please, like you’re one to talk y/n. You’re practically blinded by desperation. Theo Nott is an utter prat and he treats you like shit. Have some bloody self respect.”
“I’m not desperate, you git. And Theodore isn’t an arrogant prick. There’s nothing wrong with having a little bit of pride. It’s not like you see him going around bragging about how amazing he is. If you’re going to talk about arrogant pricks, talk about Cormac. Or Draco even.”
“Whatever. That still doesn’t excuse his behavior towards you. I don’t understand why you insist on embarrassing yourself when he clearly has no interest in you. But he’s too much of a coward to say anything.”
“Oh for the love of- Theodore doesn’t owe anyone anything. Me included. I do the things I do because I can and I want to, and quite frankly it isn’t anyone else’s business but my own. So why don’t you two get your heads out of your own arses and stop worrying about me, and stop worrying about Theodore.”
With that, Theo listened as your footsteps slowly got quieter as you stomped away, your words ringing in his head.
Theo had never been in love before. But in that moment, he was beginning to see the appeal. Fuck that was hot as hell.
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For Theo, it all spiraled down from there as he finally began to see you. Really see you. And not just as some girl who had a silly crush on him.
It started with the notes. He hadn’t noticed before, but it wasn’t just him that you’d slip a note to in the hallway. After one particularly difficult transfiguration exam, Theo watched as you dropped a note with a chocolate candy attached into the bags of your friends.
Another day, he arrived to potions early to find you carefully setting up his station as he hovered in the doorway. After class, he didn’t rush out like he normally would and instead watched as you quietly slipped an extra copy of your notes to a student he knew struggled with the class.
And while you weren’t exactly blowing kisses to all of your friends across the Great Hall, Theo began to notice the way you didn’t hesitate to throw your arms around your friends, hugging them tightly when you got excited. Or grasping onto a hand as you wandered through Hogsmeade, arms swinging in carefree bliss.
It was about a month after Theo had begun his silent observations that he began to feel it. The slow pull away as your presence began to fade from his life. He almost didn’t notice at first. It had been about a week since he’d last found a note in his bag, or parcel waiting for him on his seat. You still smiled brightly at him if your eyes met from across the Great Hall, but now that he thought about it, Theo couldn’t remember the last time you’d blown a kiss his way.
It all came to a head the day Theo walked into History of Magic to see one of your friends sitting next to you in his usual seat, chattering away.
“Nice mate, they finally get the message?” Mattheo asks with a grin, elbowing him in the ribs.
Theo remained silent as he followed his friend to a seat in the back, eyes not leaving the spot where he should be sitting.
It continued on like this for what Theo thought was eternity. Salazar he missed you. Weeks passed filled with sleepless nights where he would stare at the ceiling contemplating where he had gone wrong. At the very beginning really, he thought dryly, remembering his initial feelings of agitation and annoyance. He wished he could go back and give himself a good smack upside the head.
The day Theo passed you in the hall and you didn’t even spare him a passing glance was the day Theo finally broke.
“Lorenzo.” He said, slamming the door of their dormitory open, startling his roommate.
Theo glares at the use of the name.
“You’re the romantic type. How do I do it?” Theo asked as he stomped his way over to his bed.
With a bemused look, Enzo swings around to look at his roommate, wondering if one of the ghosts had somehow possessed him.
“You want to know. How to do romance?” Enzo asks slowly, not fully believing he’d heard his friend correctly. Theo was probably one of the most emotionally detached people he’d ever met.
“Yes. Y/n. I want to make it up to her.”
"I thought we didn't like her?" Enzo said, growing more concerned for his friend's mental state by the minute.
"We didn't. But now we do, and I want to make things right."
Enzo blinked. Oh this was not going to be easy.
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As you sat in the court yard with a group of your friends, textbooks in hand as you attempted to study for the charms test the next day, your eyes flickered momentarily as a sea of green wandered by. Quickly you look away before your eyes could meet Theo’s and you try to turn your attention back to your friend’s idle chatter.
It had been what? A month since you’d stopped actively seeking out the boy’s attention. Maybe more. And you missed him. His sarcastic smiles and pretty eyes that seemed to be fixed in a permanent glare.
But you were also tired. Mostly tired of the snarky comments. “Have some self respect.” “So desperate.” The voices of your classmates echoed in your head, and eventually you began to draw back. You knew he’d noticed. You’d seen his eyebrows furrow in confusion that day you’d let your friend sit beside you in class. A pang of guilt washing over you. But it’s not like he showed any signs of wanting things to go back to the way they were. So you simply stayed away. Maybe that’s what he’d wanted all along.
Your thoughts followed you as you eventually made your way back to your dormitory, wanting nothing more than to wrap yourself up in a warm blanket and disappear. As you approach your bed however, you make out something that definitely wasn’t there when you’d left that morning. A gorgeous bouquet of little white flowers wrapped in thick brown paper, tied off with a silky emerald green ribbon. Stamped on the corner of one of the brown folds, the letters TN shown at you in gold curls.
“Oh those are beautiful!” Your roommate gasps when she sees the flowers. “Lily of the valley! Those can symbolize renewal ya know. Usually they’re given as like, an apology of sorts, or if someone wants to start over.” She tells you. Ever the herbology buff. “Who are they from?”
A smile grows on your lips as her words sink in and you press the flowers close to your chest.
“Just a special friend,” you reply.
After all the months of Theo's coldness towards you, you'd never quite allowed yourself to truly believe the boy would ever return your affection, but maybe things were beginning to look up.
Over the course of the next several days, you begin to notice little things that had Theodore’s name written all over them.
After the charms exam the following day, you find a note of encouragement written in Theo’s familiar scrawl dropped in your bag along with a bag of your favorite toffees. How he’d managed to get it there without you noticing was beyond you.
There were little things too. Your stations in herbology and astronomy were always set up and waiting for you when you walked into class. The book on ancient runes that you’d been searching for showed up on your bedside table. (You weren’t sure how he was doing that either, but you weren’t about to question it.) And there always seemed to be a comfortable smirk on Theodore’s face whenever your eyes wandered over to where he sat with his friends, eyes seemingly boring into you.
Now, you sat quietly in your own little nook of the library, quill in hand as you scribbled away at your ancient runes essay, the book Theo left you being quite helpful.
You were happy he'd found his way back into your life, happier still that he was actually making a point to be included in your life.
“You don’t mind do you?” A voice asks, startling you and causing ink to splatter against the parchment.
With shocked eyes, you look up to see Theodore standing next your table as if your thoughts had summoned him there. He sets his books down, frowning at your now ruined paper.
With a flick of his wand, the mess is gone.
“Sorry bout that,” he mutters, sitting down across from you.
You blink, not entirely convinced you’re not hallucinating.
“You know, I remember you being much more talkative,” he says, a sly smirk reaching across his face as you realize you’ve yet to say anything to the boy.
“I remember you being significantly less talkative,” you blurt out before quickly covering your mouth with your hand in horror.
To your relief, the boy in front of you lets out a low laugh.
"Fair enough. See you've been liking the book," he says, gesturing towards the open text.
"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to say something, thank you."
"Don't worry bout it. I never said thank you for all the things you did. Probably should've." He replies, looking down as he pulls out his own quill and parchment. "I am sorry by the way."
"For?" You ask, head tilting to the side in curiosity.
"Everything. Or for doing nothing is probably more accurate," he says, flipping open his text book.
You can tell that he's nervous as he fidgets with the corners of the book's pages, and you desperately want to ease the tension between the two of you.
A moment of silence passes between the two of you as you debate whether or not to say anything more, or go back to your essay. Finally, you look up at the boy that you had been chasing after for all these months, and remind yourself that he had actually been the one to go through all the trouble of seeking you out tonight.
Gathering your courage, you open your mouth to speak. "Theodore?"
"Yes, Bella?" he replies, eyes carefully following the lines of next.
"Would you like to join me in Hogsmeade this weekend?"
His eyes snap up at this, and you see the familiar hint of red make it's way into his cheeks once more.
"Only if I can have my seat back in History of Magic." The boy replies.
"I think I can have that arranged."
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Hi hi hi! I hope this lives up to all of your hopes and dreams, anon 🫶🏽
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ssahotchnerr · 4 months
can i request jack wanting reader to be his valentine? 🥹😭❤️
like, aaron had no idea & his son just totally steals his thunder (bc he’s been pining over reader, ofc lol) but he can’t even be mad? it’s just so sweet & cute!!! but ofc, aaron gets the girl in the end hehehehehe <3
something exhilarating
happy valentine's day <3 cw; bau!reader, mutual pining, fluff!!!!!
"jack!" you grinned as he rushed towards your desk, aaron following right behind him.
"happy valentine's day." he gushed, with newfound shyness you've never quite witnessed from him.
"happy valentine's day!" you grinned, getting up from your chair to crouch, allowing you to be more at his eye-level. "did you have a fun party at school today?"
jack nodded, rocking back and forth on his heels a bit. "we passed out valentines, played games and ate cookies and candy. but dad said i'm not allowed to have any more today. or else i'll never go to bed tonight."
"well." you looked up at aaron, who nodded amusedly. your mouth drew into a humorous yet sympathizing line, returning your gaze to jack. "i'm sure your dad is right."
jack shrugged and quickly changed the subject, holding his hand out. "i brought you a card."
"you did?" you blurted gently in surprise, taking the small valentine card from him.
"uh huh," the shyness returned, his big brown eyes looking as sweet as ever as he asked, "you'll be my valentine, won't you?"
"um i'd be completely honored." you agreed instantly, your speed of which and enthusiasm also prompting a smile above from aaron.
"cool!" jack beamed, throwing himself into you as a hug. once back on his feet, he reached for the ziploc clasped in aaron's hand. "dad, can i have the rest?"
"sorry about that," aaron chuckled once you stood up, the two of you watching jack bounce from desk to desk excitably, passing valentines out to the rest of the team. "he told me he was only passing out his cards."
"no worries. he made my day." you grinned, looking down and admiring the character valentine in your hand, which read 'you r2 cool'. "star wars huh?"
aaron nodded, naturally crossing his arms over his chest. "we scoured the entire valentine's day section for those. he's been really into it recently, all he wants to do is watch the movies."
you flipped the card over, reading both your and jack's name scribbled in his kid-like handwriting - it was adorable. "never seen them."
"oh c'mon," aaron laughed in disbelief, before his expression turned to a lighter stoic than usual, "seriously?"
"i swear." you admitted, a slightly embarrassed laugh shaking through you.
the two of you fell into a comfortable silence; still watching jack, both laughing gently as derek tossed him into the air (aaron did vocalize a careful warning). as you both stood there, there was a mutual, something you could only describe as a buzz, going back and forth between the two of you. something eager, exhilarating.
"maybe you could come over and watch them with us sometime."
aaron said it so nonchalantly, so naturally, you almost questioned if you heard him correctly. but yet, you knew you had. somehow, it just made perfect sense.
"i'd love that." you replied, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
"and maybe," aaron paused, as if he needed just a bit more courage. "we could get dinner afterwards. you and me."
"i'd love that even more."
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webslingingslasher · 4 months
Care less
for the frat!peter girlies.
Peter blames his aunt. 
May went and raised him to look forward to the middle of february. She would make little boxes and handwritten notes tied up with a fun-sized candy bar. May told him it was a day to celebrate love in its entirety. For a friend, for a teacher, for just the sake of love existing everywhere you went. 
Except, not everyone likes valentine's day. Some even hate it. Some would loathe the day so much that Peter feels like an idiot for caring. Dinner reservations that were going to be ignored, flowers that would go wilted and chocolates that were never going to get eaten. 
Peter has a handful of nothing and the one time he really wanted to outperform himself, it was brushed off and it was his aunt’s fault for getting his hopes up about valentine’s day. He had been so thoughtful too, planning weeks ahead to book a dinner slot and a fun date. Not to mention the mini fortune he spent on roses, not that you were a giant fan of roses but every girl deserves a bouquet on valentine’s, even if they triple in price. Peter even bought a second bunch of your favorite kind, just to prove he cared. 
It meant nothing. His efforts meant nothing and maybe he shouldn’t have assumed, but he never thought that you’d hate the holiday. It was a day entirely built around feelings, around love- and you just rolled your eyes at him. 
“I fucking hate valentine’s day.” You said it like it was nothing, taking two bites of a banana and handing it over to Peter. He asked if you were excited, maybe even hinting at that you should be excited. Peter Parker was about to romance the hell out of you. But not anymore. 
“Explain that one for me?” A toss, the peel falls into the trash can. You shrug as if you’ve never thought about it before, but it’s something you’ve held in your chest for as long as you can remember. 
“It was a holiday created by girls who didn’t feel loved enough by their boyfriends, or something. I think the practice is stupid, you should treat me good and do nice things for me everyday, not just once a year. And everything is crowded! Everyone has the same lame idea about dinner and a movie and flowers and… it’s just not something I buy into.” 
Peter feels every bit of him curl up and die inside. Valentines is his third favorite holiday, he adores the pinks, reds, and purples. He loves seeing couples of every stage, the beginning stages or lifelong partners. They all love the same; with everything in them. 
“Well, actually, I do have a confession. Chocolate covered strawberries. They’re outrageously expensive, but I buy them every year. If you’re wondering, I was hoping we could boycott the baby holiday and eat some strawberries or something.” 
A small lift in his heart, it’s something. You’d be happy with one thing and he could deliver that, but first he has to try and sway you, right? Peter needs to preach what valentine’s is about, he needs you to understand how lovely it is. 
“I’m surprised you hate it so much. I figured you’d love it, since it’s pink and feelings, and stuff.” You wink at him, you think it’s a joke and Peter’s in the same boat as you. “I know, right? It always seemed so gimmicky to me, I think.” 
“That doesn’t mean it’s bad.” You pretend gag, Peter feels his heart sink into the hollow of his chest. “You’re right, it’s cringy and that makes it so much worse.” Peter doesn’t agree, not even in the slightest. Nothing about it is cringy, there’s nothing embarrassing about showing you love someone. 
“Right. It’s cringy and a gimmick and everyone who participates is stupid.” Maybe he’s a little cynical, it hits harder when you nod with exaggeration. “So glad you agree, petey!” He doesn’t. Peter couldn’t be further away from your opinion but he’s really not in the mood to be shut down or judged, so, he just changes the subject and tries to ignore everything crumbling apart in the back of his mind. 
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“Isn’t this cute?” 
You squint your eyes when you read the card, a tiny smile shows. “It’s cute. Not worth…” You snatch the glorified cardstock and flip it, your eyes widen, you pretend to choke on the dollar amount. “Ten dollars, holy shit. For some glitter? Fuck that.” 
You want it out of your hold, scared that if even a speckle spread you’d be forced to buy it. “What happened to the good old days of making your own card? My mom used to eat that up.” 
Peter delicately sets the card down, he tries to see it how you do, but he can’t. Sure, it’s wildly marked up, but wouldn’t your partner be worth the price? Peter would buy the moon for you if he could, a ten dollar Hallmark card won’t be his holdup. 
But, maybe you’d like a handmade one more. He can do that. 
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Peter’s trying to be mindful of your opinion while also planting the seed that valentine’s isn’t all that bad into your brain. It’s days away and all he can hear in the back of his mind is ‘I fucking hate valentine’s day.’ 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Peter- do you fucking see this?” 
A romantic gesture? A public display of love and admiration? Dozens of carefully inflated heart shaped balloons? A girl crying into the arms of her friend while her partner showers her with flowers. Is it the love? Is that what you’re pointing out? 
“Yeah, it’s-” 
“-cute.” Peter frowns, is that what you really thought of valentines? Nothing was swaying your mind, Peter thinks that you’re more solidified in your mindset than before. 
“I’m sorry, trouble, but I’m finding it hard believing you hate valentine’s day.” It’s like he just called you a slur, you pull your hand from his and stuff it into your jacket pocket. 
“I don’t hate it, I loathe it. What do you see watching that? Personally, I’m seeing gravel covered flowers and wasted space that turns into deflated balloons. Fuck that.” Peter shakes his head, you’re seeing it wrong. “It’s about the gesture.” 
“It’s about how you love someone so much, there aren't enough things in the world to buy to show it, and there are never the right set of words to say it quite right. I’ll buy all the flowers in the world for you, and I’ll use all the air in my lungs for these balloons but it’ll never match the love I have for you.” 
Peter clears his throat. “That's what I see, anyways. I think valentine’s day is an excuse to be a little cringy and basic because we all want that sometimes.” He might’ve finally broken through, but you crack a grin and bump your shoulder into his. 
“Ah, yes, because I’m so unfulfilled that a man has never gotten me a teddy bear for valentine’s day.” Would you want one? He could get you one. Or could that be a reason you might detest the holiday, not that he’d ever take your opinion for resentment or bitterness. 
“Have you ever had a valentine?” A small stumble, your hand is tied into his again. “Besides elementary, nah. And honestly, I should be happy so I don’t have to deal with all that stuff.” 
‘I should be happy so I don’t have to deal with all that stuff.’ But, now you do, don’t you? 
“Trouble, you do realize you’re my valentine this year, right? And I’m yours?” You feel your breath catch, no, you hadn’t realized. It’s always just been another day for you and you assume the same for Peter, it’s not like there was much to celebrate. 
“It’s also just a day that ends in Y.” Is that really the answer you have? It’s just another day to you, even if you finally have someone to claim? You might not care about the holiday, but Peter does and he’s going to get his valentine’s day, no matter what. 
And you’re going to enjoy a handmade card. 
And a teddy bear. 
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Peter’s finger-combing his hair after a shower, he’s had the reservation for weeks, but he also wasn’t aware of your detestment towards red hearts and arrows. 
“Wanna grab some dinner wednesday?” If he didn’t say it by name he’s hoping you won’t scream bloody mary on him. “Sure.” A smile washes over Peter’s face, it drops in a second. “Wait, isn’t that valentine’s day? Ha, yeah, no thank you. You, me, and the entire city? Fuck that.” 
‘Fuck that, fuck that, fuck that.’ Weeks boiled into nothing. “But, if you wanna cuddle and watch a movie I’m down.” It’s something. He’d get to give you flowers and a card and a teddy bear and he can’t forget the strawberries. You told him you loved them. 
“Good with me, trouble.” 
Peter tried to sway your mind, he tried to make you enjoy the love and glitter and colors. But you hated it all. So all he has to do is ditch the flowers and the dinner and just… do nothing. 
Peter’s first real valentine and all he has to do is… nothing. 
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Three rose bouquets tossed onto his closet floor, it was haphazardly done. Petals scattered around the cellophane, some even reached to his shoes. They were thrown in without care, they were hidden. 
But they were beautiful. A few front buds have taken a beating, but the others were fully blossomed and lively. You’ve never seen roses in such a vivid red, their petals almost like velvet under your fingertips, their smell unlike any other. 
The thorns have been expertly shredded, nothing but smooth, soft stems in their wake. It doesn’t matter if Peter didn’t mean to have you see them, they were too gorgeous to leave locked away in a dark room. They deserved the affection water and sunlight would give them. 
You clutched all three in your arms, the weight welcomed. You laid them out nicely across his bed, the third bouquet dropped a small card and you picked it right back up. 
This day was made for you. 
Charlie’s at 8. 
You bit back a smile. Charlie’s? It’s nice, too nice. And expensive. Peter got you reservations at Charlie’s? Holding the card to your chest you nearly squeal, you have no idea how he kept the secret from you. Or the roses. 
When you hear his bedroom door open you spin, waiting for him to be in the doorway so you can place a thousand kisses. Instead it’s Ethan and he looks surprised. “You’re here?” He points to the flowers, “Peter gave you those?” 
“I found them in his closet, he just tossed them in here! And he must’ve forgotten to tell me about Charlie’s.” Ethan doesn’t smile with you, he’s not sharing any joy. For a second you start to wonder if you were the person who was supposed to receive the gifts. 
“He didn’t forget.” You scrunch your face at him, “I think he did and I need to start getting ready now. Ethan, do you know how nice Charlie’s is? It’s fucking fancy.” You’re not prepared, you don’t have anything that screams Charlie’s worthy in Peter’s closet. 
“No, you’re not hearing me. There is no Charlie’s and there weren't supposed to be roses. I was supposed to get them before you got here, but, here we are. No roses and no Charlie’s.” You smack at his arms, pulling at his fingers to drop your flowers. 
“They’re mine!” Ethan’s on a mission to steal them, and he’s not being gentle. 
“No, you didn’t want them.” 
You watch him for a second, how could he say that, of course you want them. Thirty six reminders of Peter, how could you ever say no? You fight for what's yours, Ethan allows you to keep one bouquet. 
“I do want them!” 
Ethan’s not being nice to you tonight, he’s gruff with his response. “No. You didn’t.’ 
“You keep saying didn’t! I never said I didn’t want…” 
Except you did. Just like you said you didn’t want to get dinner with Peter. You feel terrible, you feel like crying. He’d had this planned for weeks and the whole time all you did was poke fun and degrade the holiday not knowing you were crushing him behind the scenes. 
You wanted the flowers, but you didn’t deserve them. You hand over the last bouquet silently. 
“I think it’s best if you pretend you didn’t see these.” You can’t imagine the ache Peter must have in his chest, he planned something out just for you to stomp all over it. It’s not about the value, it was the gesture. He can’t tell you how he feels, but taking you out to one of the nicest places in the city, where you know it has a month minimum reservation list makes you understand him just a little bit better. 
“This is so bad, Ethan. This is so,” you suck in air, “so bad.” 
“It’s not terrible,” a crinkle when he shifts weight. “But it’s not great.” You wince, if you could, you’d go back in time and shove your foot in your mouth, or tell yourself to shut the fuck up. 
“Well, I mean, what the fuck?! It’s fucking Peter! How was I supposed to know he was pro valentines day?”
“How was he supposed to know you were anti valentines day?” 
You sink to the bed and hold your head in your hands, “I just want Peter right now.” You want to hug him and kiss him and tell him how sorry you were. Ethan hesitates for a second, before stepping closer to lay the flowers across your lap. 
“You found them. They’re yours.” You protect them from being taken, but still have self-pity. “I don’t deserve them.” Ethan scoffs, “of course you do. Everyone deserves pretty flowers.” 
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You pout at yourself in the mirror and fix any smudges. Brushing out any stray wrinkles your newest dress might’ve made on the way over. Ethan had very kindly instructed a pledge to pick you up an outfit so you could change before Peter got back. 
With minutes to spare, he’s back and taking a deep breath at your appearance. “Wow.” A surprised hum when you kiss him, you wipe red from his bottom lip while you apologize. “I’m so sorry, petey.” 
“For what?” A look around the room, red roses give him the reason. “Oh. Hey, it’s no big deal and I-” A frown when you silence him by holding a finger to his lips. 
“I’m sorry. I found those flowers and all I could think about was you and how much it meant to me that you got those for me, then I saw the card and I couldn’t believe you got us reservations and I just felt… special. I’ve never had a valentine, but I get it now. It’s just a day you get to dote on me extra hard.” 
Another surprise kiss, “and if you didn’t already cancel I think we can get to Charlie’s on time. But if you did, that’s okay. Because I think those are the most lovely flowers I have ever gotten, and I might have seen a little teddy bear in there but I didn’t wanna get too presumptuous.” 
This time, Peter kissed you. “There’s also a homemade card.” 
“You didn’t!” You fall in closer to his chest, his hands can have free reign tonight, you wore the dress just for him. 
“I did. I even wrote a little poem.” 
A chaste kiss, “just when I think you can’t get better.” 
“There’s also glow in the dark mini golf planned for after.” A peck, “so thoughtful and handsome.”
A whisper, he’s got blown pupils and hoping he’d get another kiss. “And your strawberries are in the fridge.” 
Your hearts about to explode, “fuck, I love-” you stop yourself, but you heard it and so did Peter. He brushes it off, “love?” Fuck it, you’ll both keep circling around it. 
“Yeah, I love love.” 
A hungry kiss, a squeeze to the back of your thighs. “Yeah, I love love, too.” 
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Valentine reloaded
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Summary: Your fiancé breaks your heart on Valentine’s Day out of all days.
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader, former!(any male character) x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, break-up, mentions/implied cheating, fluff, Bucky being the best, flirting
A different kind of Valentine
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Bucky pulled the chair for you and whispered soothing words in your ear. He tried to help you forget about what happened earlier that day. “That’s my favorite restaurant, doll. I hope you like it.”
“Oh, I wanted to try it out for so long. But—” You sighed deeply and shook your head. “I like it already. The ambiance is nice, and I like the cute aprons the waitresses are wearing.”
“You have a good eye for details,” Bucky smirked at your flustered state. “Relax, doll. I won’t bite or eat you alive.”
“Maybe I’m into biting,” you retorted and mirrored his smirk. “You never know about people’s kinks until you end up in bed with them.”
Bucky laughed at your attitude. “I like you already.” He said and sat down to have a look at the menu. “What do you like?”
“I like it spicy, wild but with lots of kissing and gentle touches,” you grinned at Bucky. “OH! You meant the food.”
“You are something else,” Bucky snickered and dropped his eyes to the menu. He’d love to hear more about your preferences in the bedroom but decided against it. You were still hurting and tried to hide the pain another man caused with your cockiness. “I’d love to know everything about you.”
“I think you’d get bored, just like him if you knew everything about me,” you whispered. The light in your eyes and the smirk gone you tried to keep yourself together. “Sorry, I didn’t want to ruin your mood.”
“Doll, you are hurting,” Bucky grabbed your hand and squeezed it. “The man you loved broke your heart and left you for some other girl. You can be sad about it.”
“I don’t want to be sad,” suddenly aware that you are at a fancy restaurant, with a very attractive and nice man you shook your head. “He doesn’t deserve a single tear. Whatever we had, he ruined it and I’m not going to let him win. Let’s eat.”
“Let’s eat, Y/N,” Bucky nodded and squeezed your hand before turning his attention back toward the menu. “I’ll go for meat tonight.”
“I knew you were into some meat,” you winked at Bucky and smirked again. “I’ll go for pasta.”
Bucky nodded and called for the waiter. You ordered your food and released one last sigh. This night should’ve been special for you and your now ex-fiancé. All you wanted was to make him happy. And now you realize, it should’ve been him trying to make you happy for once.
“What do you want for dessert?” Bucky asked, watching you with concern. You were lost in thoughts, and he tried to bring you out of your intrusive thoughts. 
“Can you recommend anything?” You asked and looked at Bucky, taking your time to drink his features in. Just now you recognized his eyes, bluer than the ocean you longed to see again for the longest time.
“Doll, you can order whatever your heart desires. My treat,” he softly said. “What do you like? I like the awfully sweet stuff.”
“Sweet,” you giggled. “Really? I thought you were more into the manly kind of dessert.”
“I’m man enough to admit that I like sweet desserts and to caress a woman. All these testosterone-driven wanna-be men are fake. A real man can admit his feelings and make sweet love to a woman.”
“You are laying on thick, huh?” You smiled at Bucky. “I like a man who can manhandle me but make sweet love afterward. The perfect combination of roughness and softness.”
“Y/N, you are making it hard for me to be a gentleman,” Bucky cleared his throat and tried to ignore the desire growing in his pants. He’d love to get to know you better before devouring you. 
“Well, you started this, Sir,” you pointed your finger at Bucky. “You cannot talk about your qualities and expect me to not fall for you.”
He chuckled at your words. “I’m warning you, Y/N. If you want me to, I’ll make you fall for me so hard you’ll not even recognize that I put a ring on your finger before you are walking down the aisle.”
“A shotgun wedding then?” You challenge. “I bet you look even better in a smoking. Let me just get a nice dress and we can drive into the sunset.”
“What will you do if I kidnap you and make you my wife?”
You shrugged. “What’s the worst thing that could happen to me? If you wanted to hurt me, you had more than one chance to do so.”
“You are tempting me, doll,” he laughed and tried to play it cool. Bucky was mesmerized by you the moment you slapped him with your clutch. No one ever dared to lay hands on James Buchanan Barnes. Everyone fears the ruthless mobster. “I can still kidnap you after dinner.”
“Good plan, Sir,” you winked at Bucky, feeling a weight get lifted off of your chest. Somehow being around this stranger, you just met helped you forget about your ex-fiancé and his betrayal. “I’m starving and can’t marry a man on an empty stomach.”
“A very good plan, Y/N,” he smiled at you. “Let’s make this dinner worth your time, sweetness.”
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Dinner was pleasant. You ate, drank, and chatted with Bucky. Honestly, you didn’t have so much fun for the longest time. 
You soon find out that Bucky is easy to talk to. He never judged you or made a face when you ordered the most expensive and delicious dessert you ever ate.
He simply enjoyed your presence and the fact that he made you smile more than once.
When it was time to pay, he refused to let you pay a single buck. It was his pleasure to invite you. 
Bucky helped you into your jacket and held the door open for you. You walked next to him, feeling hope bloom in your chest when he suddenly grabbed your hand to hold it.
“That okay?” He murmured. “If not, just say it. I don’t want to overstep.”
“I overstepped by slapping you, Bucky,” you stopped in your tracks to look at him. “You didn’t deserve the slap, or to get yelled at. I’m sorry.”
“Doll, I’ll give you reason in the future to yell at me. Believe me, I’m no saint,” he grinned and wrapped you in a hug. “But I make up for it in the bedroom.”
“Bucky,” you slapped his chest and giggled. “Can we…do this again?” You asked. “I pay next time. I mean…can we go out together or have coffee?”
“We sure will, Y/N,” Bucky said and slung one arm around your shoulder. “Or we could just get married tonight.”
“You’re not funny,” you teased but leaned your head against his shoulder. “Thank you for tonight. You don’t even know me but tried to cheer me up.”
“All for a pretty and sweet dame like you,” he simply said and walked you toward his car. “I’ll drive you home, and make sure you sleep well. I won’t leave you alone tonight.”
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Bucky kept his promise and settled on your couch. He knows how hard it is to get your heart broken by the person who should love you the most.
Even though he just met you, Bucky felt responsible for you. That his heart was beating a little too fast close to you didn’t help.
“Fuck,” you sniffled while walking back out of the bedroom, rubbing your tired eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Hey,” Bucky got up from the couch to wrap you in his arms when you started to cry again. “We agreed on not crying over that bastard. Didn’t we?”
You nodded against him. “Yeah.”
“What do you need me to do?”
“Can you hold me for a while?” You hid your face in his chest. “Please.”
“Of course, doll.” He softly replied. Bucky wanted to tell you that he would hold you for all your life if you allowed him to do so. “Let’s get you to bed. I won’t leave your side.”
Best Valentine ever
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Tags in reblog.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Valentine's Day
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Jessie Fleming x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: It's Valentine's day
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You yawn as you shuffle into Momma and Morsa's bedroom.
You're very tired but Morsa's gently guiding you to the bed with a hand on your shoulder. You're walking slowly and holding a tray of Momma's special Valentine's Day breakfast that you helped Morsa make.
You'd woken up early to the smell of pancakes cooking and shuffled out to see Morsa slaving away over the stove. She'd smiled at you and let you help and explained all about Valentine's Day and how it was a special day for people who were in relationships to show how much they love together.
You don't really understand but you find out that being someone's Valentine is special and you kind of wish you were someone's Valentine because it sounds really cool.
But Momma and Morsa are each other's Valentine's and you get to help Morsa surprise Momma.
"Happy Valentine's Day," Morsa say softly, shaking Momma awake and dipping down to steal a kiss.
"Happy Valentine's Day," Momma replies.
"Princesse has breakfast for you."
"Morsa made it!" You tell her because this is a day for couples to love each other so Morsa's handwork shouldn't be forgotten. "Because you're Valentine's and that means you're in love!"
Momma and Morsa share one of their secret smiles that means they know something you don't and Momma takes the breakfast tray while Morsa lifts you onto the bed with them.
As Momma eats, Morsa brushes through your hair.
It's a late start for training today so you all take your time getting ready and Morsa explains to you that sometimes friends are each other's Valentine's too. You think that's pretty cool and tell her so before Momma sweeps you away into your bedroom.
She puts her finger to her lips and you do the same as she rummages around the back of the wardrobe.
You and Momma had gone shopping a week ago and she'd made you hide all of the gifts in your room where Morsa wouldn't look. You weren't too sure why the presents were such a big secret until today but now you know they're Valentine's Day presents and they're to show Morsa how much Momma loves her.
"Okay," Momma whispers to you as she hands you a bundle of flowers," I want you to go in and give these to Morsa for me."
You're more than happy to help, barrelling into the lounge to give them to Morsa.
"From Momma," You say proudly," To you because you're Valentine's!"
Morsa laughs, pressing a kiss to your cheek before her attention is pulled away by Momma walking in with all of the gifts she got for her. They both laugh and kiss and open presents while you sit in front of them with your toys.
You decide that girl-swan and girl-moose are Valentine's too. They're friends that sometimes kiss so they can be friend-Valentine's like Morsa told you.
Morsa gets flowers for Momma too. They get delivered with a fancy card and a box of chocolates that Morsa feeds to Momma. They even let you have a few before bundling you into the car to get ready for training.
You decide that you like Valentine's day because Momma and Morsa are extra lovey-dovey and do fun things like including you in lots of hugs and kisses.
Morsa even puts on a little sappy playlist for the car journey and her and Momma sing along even though they're not the best singers in the world.
You think it's cute though, that Momma and Morsa are so in love with each other.
Your moster Frido once said that you're proof of their love for each other because they love each other so much they wanted a little baby to share all that love with.
That's nice and it makes you feel all soft and fluttery inside.
"Momma and Morsa are each other's Valentine's," You say to Niamh earnestly," They're the girlfriend kinds of Valentine's. You can be a friend kind of Valentine but Momma and Morsa are very in love with each other so that's why they're the girlfriend type of Valentine's."
Niamh nods along. She smiles over your head at someone. She's smiling that secret smile that Momma and Morsa smiled this morning and that confuses you.
You don't like not knowing things that other people do. It makes you feel all bad and icky inside and you don't like it.
But this is a special day for Momma and Morsa and you don't want that ruined because you were too nosy with Niamh.
But she's still smiling that secret smile as you explain to her that even though your girl-swan and girl-moose kiss sometimes, they're friend Valentine's and not girlfriend Valentine's.
"Morsa says they're friends with benefits but I don't know what that means and Momma got angry at Morsa when I asked," You say solemnly when Niamh asks why they're friend Valentine's and not girlfriend Valentine's.
You're about to keep talking when there's a tap at your shoulder.
Niamh's secret smile gets larger and you turn around.
Jessie's kneeling in front of you. She's holding out a flower to you. You recognise it from a book Momma read you a few nights ago.
It's called a tulip and this one is pink.
"This is for you," Jessie says and you take it slowly.
"Thank you, Jessie," You say, suddenly going shy. You play with one of the petals. "Why've I got a flower?"
"Well," Jessie says," I was hoping that it would mean you could be my Valentine's today."
That makes a nice warmth spread through your body and you nod.
"I'll be your Valentine's, Jessie," You say," Will you be mine?"
"I would love to be your Valentine's."
You don't want to crush your special flower from Jessie so you hold it carefully as you move to hug her.
You kiss her cheek.
"Momma! Morsa! I'm Jessie's Valentine's! Best day ever!"
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lewisvinga · 4 months
girl dad | daniel ricciardo x fem! reader
summary: the ricciardos as shown on daniel’s jpg account
fc; various girls on pinterest
warnings; none
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
note; requested ! happy (late) valentine’s day every1 🫶
masterlist !
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others !
daniel3.jpg: picnic with my best girls today
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: abi and i love u sm🫶🫶
daniel3.jpg: my girls ❤️
username: abigail is so cute🙁🙁
landonorris: princess abi💅
daniel3.jpg: the princess made me carry her the whole time 😌
username: y/n and daniel really are the cutest parents omg
username: the baby🙁🙁
username: the scenery looks so nice wtf
username: them>>
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, and others !
daniel3.jpg: family vacation time with my queen and princess ☀️⛱️🌊
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: abi was scared of the water until he held her btw🥹🥹 she’s such a daddy’s girl 🙁
daniel3.jpg: don’t worry, when we have a boy, he’ll be a mama’s boy
yourusername: abi is still a baby i am not popping another baby out for another 2 years AT LEAST
daniel3.jpg: we’ll see about that..
username: yo😭
username: the first picture 🙁 they’re such a cute family i
username: girl dad danny ric>>>>
username: i care more abt this family than my own😭
maxverstappen1: how’d abi like the sun hat kelly and i gave her 😎
daniel3.jpg: she loved it !
username: 🥺🥺🥺
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others !
daniel3.jpg: danny ric jr, aka the cutest baby, documented by the most beautiful woman on this earth
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: the helmet was so big on her but she wanted to be like ‘dada’🥹
daniel3.jpg: she’s my mini me❤️
yourusername: danny come home ur daughter ( & me ) misses u
daniel3.jpg: just a few more hours, my love, then my attention will be ONLY for my favorite girls
username: the way the last 10 posts have been about y/n and abigail 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
username: daniel just like me bc if i was married to y/n and had the cutest kid w her, i’d be constantly posting them
username: daniel is such a lover boy omg
username: my heart can take it anymore
username: major baby fever rn 😣
landonorris: abi slay
daniel3.jpg: abi slay 💅
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, and others !
daniel3.jpg: happy valentines today to my sweetest girls 💗
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: happy valentine’s day to the best dad itw! we love you💗🥹🫶
daniel3.jpg: and i love my girls ❤️
username: abigail’s lil dress ☹️☹️
username: ugh they’re so goals
username: adding this to my pinterest board
username: i love the ricciardos
username: girl dad danny ric! girl dad danny ric!
maxverstappen1: happy valentine’s day to the princess of the paddock aka abi 😌
daniel3.jpg: she said u gotta let me pass u every race, her words not mine
maxverstappen: love her but no❤️
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mariclerc · 4 months
Soft fur | cl16
Summary: When your date with Charles takes an unexpected turn. Or when you have a new fluffy member in the family.
Warning: None, a lot of fluff from Charles and reader.
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You and Charles have been dating for a long time, and occasionally you go on casual dates since you are both busy and hardly have time for a date as such, and today is one of those. You are both sitting in front of each other, the sun was coming through the window of the place, plates with half-eaten and delicious pastries occupy the space between you. You take a bite of a macaron, your eyes sparkle with delight.
“You're enjoying that, mon amour?” Charles asks while keeping a little smile on his face.
You nod with your mouth full. “Mmm! It's so light and airy, just like... Well, you.”
He chuckles. “Me? It's that because I'm sweet and fluffy? Flattery will take you so far, love.” He winks and reaches for your hand, intertwining your fingers. You blush lightly, a shy smile playing on your lips.
Moments later, you walk hand in hand down a cobblestone street. The afternoon sun warms up your skin, and the gentle murmur of conversation hangs in the air while you talk about everything and nothing at the same time.
“...and then the girl screamed very loudly in the office, and I was scared, she screamed because there was a bug in her coffee cup, she started shaking the cup, spilling coffee all over the floor. I swear it was something out of a movie.”
“Oh god, I can imagine it, baby.” he said while laughing.
Suddenly you feel something soft against your ankle, you stop and look down at the floor to see fluffy siamese kitten nuzzling you leg. Its emerald eyes looked at you with great curiosity and innocence.
“Oh god Charles, look! It's a kitty! It's so small, oh my!” You say while gasping.
He kneels while extending a hand. “Hello there, little one. Where did you come from?”
The kitten rubs against his palm, purring contentedly. You watch, your heart melting at the beautiful sight.
“It's so cute. Can we pet it?”
He smiles. “Of course, mon ange.”
He gently picks up the kitten, cradling it in his arms. You reach out with a shy smile, tentatively stroking its soft fur. Memories of your childhood flood back: begging your parents for a pet, daydreaming about cuddling with a furry friend, or simply being your companion while you study.
“You know? I always wanted a kitten when I was younger. But my parents never let me had one.” You said with your voice a little brittle.
He notice your wistful expression. “Is that something you still want princess?”
“I don't know... It seems a bit silly now, being an adult and all.” You say a little hesitantly.
Looks at you intently. “Silly? I don't think it's silly love. If it makes you happy, it's not necessarily silly.”
He holds the kitten out to you. You hesitate for a moment, then cautiously take it in your arms. The warmth of its tiny body fills you with a sense of comfort and joy.
“Thank you Charles.” You say in a whisper.
He smiles warmly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Consider it an early Valentine's day present.”
You let out a little giggle and continue walking together, now with your new furry friend, which is quite comfortable in your arms, the sun light becomes brighter and more resplendent. After walking for a while, you and Charles stand in a bustling pet store, the kitten nestled comfortably in your arms. Shelves overflow with cat toys, treats, and colorful accessories.
“There are many options! What can we choose?” Your eyes are wide with wonder.
He chuckles. “Well, let's ask the experts, don't we?” He approaches a friendly-looking employee wearing a name tag that reads "Sarah." “Hi there! We found a little lost soul and are looking for the perfect essentials to welcome it home.”
“Oh, how adorable! What a lucky kitty. Let's see what we can do.”
Sarah guides you through the maze of cat supplies, explaining the differences between food brands, litter types, and scratching posts. You bombard her with questions, your excitement growing with each answer.
Later, you stand in your cozy apartment, transforming a small corner of the living room into a cat sanctuary. Charles helps you assemble a cat condo, set up a litter box, and fill bowls with food and water. The kitten, now sporting a cute red collar and named "Sparks" by you, explores its new territory with playful curiosity.
“All ready! What do you think Sparks? Happy with your new digs?” You say while wiping some sweat from your forehead caused by the work of arranging things.
Sparks rubs against your leg, purring loudly. You kneel down and scoop it up, burying your face in its soft fur. A contented sigh escapes your lips.
“You look radiant, mon bébé! Even happier than with the pastries.” He said while wrapping his arms around you.
“Maybe it's the pastries, maybe it's the kitten, but mainly it's you. Thank you for making this dream come true, Charles!” You say with a little smile on your face as you lean into him.
He kisses your forehead, his eyes filled with love. Sparks, sensing the affection, snuggles closer to you, completing the picture of perfect domestic bliss.
“Now we have a little family!” He says while having a smile on his face.
“Maybe later, a little human addition to the family?” You say in a whisper.
Charles's eyes widen in surprise, followed by a slow, teasing grin. “Mon ange, are you proposing?”
“Maybe...” You say while blushing. “But I think for now we are fine the way we are.”
You don't rule out the idea of ​​having a family in the future, whether near or distant, with Charles, but at the moment you guys are pretty good with Sparks and their fun and curious things that they do every day and that make them smile at the least expected moment, no matter how stressed or tired you both are, Sparks is always there to make you smile.
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axelsagewrites · 4 months
Felix Catton*Best Gift Ever
Pairing: felix x working class!reader
Word count: 1241
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Warnings: money struggles, insecurity, rich people
Masterlist Here
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You and Felix had been going out for around few months now and it had been amazing. You could tell his friends were defiantly shocked. You were from a different background to put it politely.  Aka he was absolutely filthy rich, and you were your average broke uni student.
This was your first Valentine’s day together and Felix had been going on for the past week about how much you were going to love what he had planned. All you knew was that it involved dinner and likely some kind of gift that was way nicer than anything else you owned.
Being surrounded by so many rich people though had a tendency to make you doubt yourself especially since one of Felix’s ex flings told you that she had bought him a gold necklace for valentines last year. Felix had assured you he’d gotten rid of it ages ago and thought it looked tacky as hell, but you couldn’t help the pit in your stomach.
You were essentially just waiting for your student loan to come in to get him something but by the time it came in and you paid for all your essentials, you were left with 100 quid for the month. Which considering Felix and his friends liked to go eat and drink out all the time and he always wanted you to come meant it wouldn’t last very long. it didn’t help that whenever Felix would buy you a drink you’d inevitably get comments from one of the jealous rich girls in the group about it.
After writing down your months budget you felt like you were going to cry. You only had a spare tenner to get him something. How the hell does money go away so fast? You tried looking around the local shops for something but there was another issue about going to oxford; everything nearby was designer or name brand.
Your options were essentially a sample size of cologne or one tenth of a bracelet. Eventually you decided to suck it up and just try make something.
There you were on valentines waiting for Felix to arrive at your dorm while you finished wrapping up his present. You had bought a blank CD and spend hours curating the perfect playlist and illegally burning it onto the disc. You’d also diy’d a bunch of kiss notes by writing a small note, kissing the back of it, cutting it out and sealing the whole note in sticky tape so it didn’t smudge.
It had actually turned out pretty cute however when you opened the door and saw Felix holding a huge bouquet of flowers and 2 wrapped presents you felt your heart sink but you tried not to show it, “Roses for my flower,” he grinned, leaning down to give you a quick kiss before pressing the bouquet into your hand, “Happy valentines baby,”
“Happy valentines,” you said, opening the door so he could come in without a care in the world while you internally freaked out.
Felix instantly went to sit on the bed, sitting one of the gifts down and holding the other one out to you, “Cmon open it. I cannot wait to see your reaction,” he said, bouncing up and down like a kid on Christmas.
“Okay okay,” you laughed, taking the gift and starting to carefully unwrap it. Felix reached a hand out, pulling you by your hip to sit on his leg while you opened it. “Wow Felix I can’t accept this,” you gasped as you opened the jewellery box revealing a gorgeous pink pearl necklace.
“Don’t be silly of course you can,” he said, taking the box from your hand, “You deserve it. can you?” he said, nodding at your hair. You moved it out the way while he clasped the necklace around your neck, “and done. Almost as beautiful as you,”
You found yourself melting into his smile. Before you could say anything else however his eyes landed on the gifts you’d just finished wrapping. “Oh, are these for me?” he asked, grinning even wider as you nodded and he reached for the gifts.
You bit your lip as he tore into the first present. The CD. Suddenly it looked so cheap, and you felt your heart break as he flipped it over. you closed your eyes, expecting him to get annoyed but instead you felt him wrap his arm around you as he read the back, “This is so wicked thanks babe,” he said as he laughed at some of the songs you had listed on the back, “We should listen to it tonight. I’ve never had someone make me a CD,”
“Theres the envelope too,” you mumbled, and he lit up all over again as he gently sit the CD down and picked up the envelope.
As he pulled out the kisses his eyebrows knitted in confusion but when he flipped them over, you’d never seen as big a smile on his face, “Did you make these? These are so fucking cute oh my god you’re amazing,” he said, sitting them down so he could wrap his arms so tightly around you, you wondered if you may snap.
“I didn’t expect you to like them so much,” you laughed as Felix finally let you go enough to breathe again, “Sorry it’s not much,” you said, smile dropping slightly when you saw your gifts laid side by side.
“Hey,” Felix said, reaching up a finger to your chin, turning your head to face him, “I love them. Why do you look so sad?” he said, his smile dropping.
“I just don’t want you to think I’m some cheap skate. I wanted to get you something good and- “
Felix practically picked you up and turned you to face him while straddling his lap, “No. don’t feel bad about any of this. I love them. You have no idea how much this means to me. I mean the time and effort you put into this,” he said, looking down at the gifts. “The money doesn’t matter to me. It never has. But you,” he said, moving to hold your hands, “you mean way more than any dumb bit of jewellery,”
“I’m sorry,”
“Don’t you apologise,” he said, wrapping his arms around you for a tight hug which you quickly reciprocated. You stayed like that for a solid minute before Felix pulled away, “Now, you need to get ready or we’re going to be late,” he said with that dopey smile back on his face. He was never one to linger on the sadness after all, “Speaking of open it,” he said pulling the last gift over.
You laughed as you tore into the present, Felix getting a kick out how you didn’t try save the wrapping paper like last time. you gasped, yet again at the sight. “And don’t even think of trying to refuse it. seeing you in that is a gift for me too you know,” he joked making you slap his chest before you went to pull the gorgeous red dress out the box. “Now c’mon,” he said, pushing you out his lap before slapping your ass.
“Cmon get dressed,” he said, leaning back in the bed.
“Aren’t you gonna leave?” you teased, holding the dress up to yourself.
“Nope,” he said, popping the p, “I think I’ll stay right where I am,”
“You’re lucky you’re cute,”
“No. I’m lucky I have you,”
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leaawrites · 4 months
Valentine's day kisses
Percy Jackson x Daughter of Apollo reader
Warnings: fluff, kisses, valentine's day mentioned,
Summary: Percy brings flowers in hope of getting a Valentine
For everyone who needs a bit of love today! I love and appreciate you all so dearly <3
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The first thing she woke up to was a fresh Bouquet of flowers beside her bed. Y/n looked around the room, trying to figure out who the mysterious sender was. No one looked at her in a way that told her they were it, they all only looked at her in expectation. None of her brother’s or sisters knew who had smuggled the flowers in here. Or more importantly, who was crazy enough to sneak into the Apollo cabin before dawn to surprise someone.
Apollo kids were always the first to wake, but not today. Today it was someone who wasn’t too afraid of potentially getting caught, but too bashful to admit that they were it.
“Looks like you’ve got a Valentine,” Laura chirped in from across the other side of the cabin, making the others laugh.
Y/n looked down, flowers in her hand, cheeks growing red. Whoever it was, she wanted to know who they were.
“Are you going to find out who it was?” It felt like Laura could read her mind. That wasn’t the first time it happened. She already did it when Y/n stared into the distance at one of their traditional campfires.
“He’s cute, I know. But stop thinking about him,” she told her back then.
“Who are you talking about?” Y/n asked since she wasn’t looking at anyone in particular.
“The new kid. Peter?” Laura guessed his name wrong.
“Percy,” Y/n corrected her.
She guessed wrong on purpose.
Y/n looked at her best friend, she knew her all too well.
“Of course, I will,” she answered confidently. Even though she had no idea where to start. “But where?”
“What is with outside the cabin?” Another camper said as he walked through the door.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at 1. How he knew about what they were talking about and 2. What he meant by it. The girl pushed her blanket away from her body, freeing her legs from the heat. The cold morning air hit her bare skin the moment she stepped outside the cabin. Everyone was watching her as she walked outside. She had no idea who or what would be outside, until she saw Percy Jackson leaning against the wall of Cabin 7.
“Percy Jackson,” she mused. “What brought you out here this early?”
“So, you like them?” He asked, partly answering her question, when only vague.
“You slipped the flowers beside my bed?” Y/n asked holding his gaze. She was always someone who would look the person she was talking to in the eyes out of respect.
“Happy Valentine’s day.” He smiled at her like a innocent boy.
Y/n laughed at him and his unusual shyness. He acted all relaxed when he was still leaning against the wall, but now that he’s face to face with the girl he secretly admired, the words left his mouth. There was no other sound coming from his vocal chords but a small laugh when he heard hers.
“Thank you,” she said, kissing his cheek in gratefulness. “What about, I get dressed and then we could go down to the lake or so?” She asked, trying to stop the tension between them.
“Yes,” he answered, smiling at her still. “Or you could teach me how to use bow and arrow?”
“I’m not sure if that will end well,” she said, amused at the memory of his first try with the gear.
“I mean, I’m a fast learner,” he shrugged, playing the embarrassing off with a cool facade.
“Sure you are,” Y/n said, before disappearing again into her cabin to get dressed for the day ahead.
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anastasiabowe · 2 months
I hope this isn't too much, but, can you write about JJK (Nanamin Toji and Choso) men and how they have a plus size girlfriend, and can you make it nsfw? It's ok if you can't! Happy Belated valentines day!💖💖
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𝙏𝙤𝙤 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙈𝙚 - JJK men with plus size reader!
note: I loved writing this so much, this is one of my favorite requests! Also I'm making my way through requests for real this time💀
𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨:
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♡ 𝙉𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞 - The Admirer
Not another day goes by without Nanami being infatuated with you. Nanami always stops dead in his tracks when he sees you every morning dragging your feet into the kitchen, lazily smiling at him as you wiped the sleep from your eyes. He always puts whatever he was doing or eating down so he can get up and help wake you up with kisses and coffee breath.
Nanami never found anything wrong with you whenever you looked unhappy at yourself. He usually asks you what's the matter and gets shocked every time you mumble out "I'm fat." It hurts him every time you say that, knowing saying it seals it deeper into your head, making it a reality. Nanami never knew what to say when you say that but the usual "you're not fat, you're beautiful!" Which he too knows is getting old. Nanami knew nothing he said would completely erase the idea from your head since he himself is quite fit and muscular. But, he does know one way as to which helps you temporarily forget.
"Not there, Ngh! I'm sensitive there!" You squeal when he is laying on you, softly sucking on your tits. You guys didn't have much time, but he knew how to get you going fast.
"just relax baby, you know this feels good." His deep voice rung in your ears as he slowly brought his hand down to your cunt slipping it under your dress. "You're so beautiful Y/n, especially like this. You make me insane for you, absolutely psycho." He groans as he felt how wet you were. Your lips were red and wet from you biting on them. Everything felt so good, and there was nothing you wanted more than to be like this.
Nanami took his time, even though you guys had a dinner to attend, he had to slowly bring you to your high so it could crash down in the ultimate euphoric finish. He knew you were close by the increase of you squirming and pushing his shoulder with your hand so he could give your boobs a break.
"Uh uh, move your hands." He lowly commanded as his fingers inserted into you. You let out a moan gripping the back of Nanamin's head pushing him deeper into your chest.
"I-im cumming! Don't stop Kento, please don't stop!" You begged as he sped everything up. His tongue flicked your reddened nipples and his thumb circled your clit at the same time as his fingers fucked you finally pushing you over into a coma.
You let out a choked moan and Nanami chuckled as he helped you ride out your orgasm, taking his fingers from your cunt and and licked/sucked them clean.
"So fucking beautiful, fuck, it hurts just to look at you so cute and perfect for me. Too perfect for me."
♡ 𝙏𝙤𝙟𝙞 - The Fondler
Always touching you somewhere. You used to think that maybe he genuinely didn't realize how touchy he was, but you soon realized that he knows what he's doing. You guys could be simply watching a movie on a 4 seat couch, and out of those 4 seats, only 2 were taken. He would be either pulling you as close as you could into him, if he'd be laying on you.
He seemed like the type to hate clingy girls but he's the clingy one in the relationship! I mean everywhere you go, he's maybe 3 inches away, body touching yours, and hands gripping somewhere, and what I mean by somewhere, it's ass, tits, or thighs. You guys would be in Walmart and he'd have his hand in your back pant pocket, every once and a while squeezing your ass cheek. You guys could be driving home, his hand obviously on your thighs, or you could be simply reading a book in bed, and he'd be laying over you, one hand on your tits and the other holding his phone as he scrolled or watched something.
"Fucking love this ass, but you already know that though." Toji chuckled as his hips and your ass collided every 2 seconds. He loved how your ass rippled when you both made contact. He loved how he could grip you hips and squeeze the flesh on them, giving him the perfect handles to fuck you into oblivion. He knows that no matter how much he loves you and your body you will always find some reason to fucking hate yourself.
All through this fuck session, he keeps finding more things that you had said throughout the day about how much you hated your tummy, hated how wide you looked, hated your thighs and how they rubbed against each other, how much you hated how your feet hurt all the damn time. He never hated any of those, he never hated you, he never disliked any part of you, actually, how could he? You were so fine in so many different ways that even he himself gets surprised by, but he shouldn't because you are ethereal.
"Can't. Fucking. Get. Enough. Of. You." Toji said breathlessly as he now had you in the mating press. His hard chest against your soft tits felt so amazing in a weird way to him. Having your cute face so close, and your thighs wrapped around him had him cumming faster than usual.
"Sh-shit baby, I'm gonna cu-" he groaned loudly as he finished inside of you. You giggled, shocked he came this quick, but also turned on by how hot he was.
He didn't realize how much you turned him on until he really started thinking about it. Shit, now he's gonna have to work on not cumming so fast just thinking about you.
♡ 𝘾𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙤 - The Overachiever
Choso always felt like he had something to prove with you, but definitely not in a bad way. He genuinely thinks you are way out of his league. Anything you complained about, he'd be there to do it better and more efficiently. If your feet hurt, he'd give you a whole massage AND he'd wash your feet. If you didn't like how the food tasted from a fast food restaurant, he'd go back and order a new meal telling them exactly what to do and how to do it better. He wanted to praise you, wanted to be there at your every need and desire. And when I mean every need and desire, I mean every need and desire.
Choso would do everything in his power to let you know how much he loved you. If you complained about anything you didn't like about yourself, that'd be everything he worshiped until you thought differently.
So when you complained about how your tummy couldn't fit into your jeans, he'd fuck you and fondle and praise how much he loved your tummy, "Fuck, I fucking love your tummy so fucking much, love it so much I wanna see it full with my baby, fuck imagine having my baby, oh that'd be so fucking hot." Even though you knew what he was doing and how it might be corny sometimes, it still made you love yourself so much more.
On that matter, if you weighed yourself and complained how you gained a few pounds, he will strictly fuck you by either carrying you or having you sit on his face, his favorite was the latter.
"Cho baby, I can't!" You whispered as he tried to tug you down on his face.
"Yes you can, and you will. Sit on my fucking face." His usual soft and cute demeanor was shifted into a dominant commanding demeanor. You only held yourself up by the help of the headboard, not even trying to lower yourself, afraid you might hurt him.
"Chooo, I don't wanna hurt you, please can we do something else?" You cried out. You did deep down wanted to sit on his face and have him ruin you, but it'd be so embarrassing if he'd tap your leg because he felt like you were crushing him. Choso only sighed and forcefully pulled you down catching you off gaurd. His arms locked around the base of your thighs, securing you onto his face. He even pushed his face up into your cunt to get deeper. You let out a moan as you felt him instantly sucking on your clit.
"F-fuck Cho, feels so good!" He chuckled sending vibrations straight to your core. His fingers dug into your thighs as his eyes rolled back. Your hand found its way to Choso's dick, you leaned back a little and started pumping his rock hard dick. You began to feel confident that he was okay, and you could finally relax, which Choso was so happy you did. You tasted so amazing, and he felt so amazing tasting yummy, and you touching him. Soon Choso came, and you right after. Your body shook as he continued to hold you down on his face, overstimulating you both.
Choso finally released his grip, letting you get off of his face and lay beside him. He had a cute smile on his face and looked so out of it. You laughed and he looked over at you. "We need to do this more often."
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mcflymemes · 2 months
GONE GIRL (2014) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
what are you thinking? how are you feeling? what have we done to each other?
i felt i needed to shoot something.
we've never fucked in a bookstore.
you know i have to kiss you now.
sometimes i want to punch us in the face, we're so cute.
when you're upset, you bottle up.
brought you a present.
i need you. now. touch me.
that's very sweet of you and very unnecessary.
pour me a bourbon, would you?
it's a bad day.
i'm so crazy, stupid happy.
i met a boy. a great, gorgeous, sweet, cool-ass guy.
things could get ugly.
whose beer am i drinking?
i prefer men who are funny, not "funny."
i'm the guy to save you from all this awesomeness.
it's hard to believe you. i think it's your chin.
you are way too into that cat.
tell me how it ends.
i'm not someone who hits the panic button, but... it's weird, right?
you mind if we look around?
so what do you do now? for work.
perfect, time for a quick tour of my failings.
i love your parents, but they can be assholes.
people want to hear from you.
i thought that'd be embarrassing.
i am here on a strictly journalistic capacity.
[name], you are beyond amazing. you are incredibly smart but entirely unsnobby. you are kind, but never a martyr.
you surprise me. you challenge me.
isn't it time we fixed that?
we're going to take this very, very seriously.
i go there for the quiet.
we're still not sure what we're dealing with.
please don't take that tone with me.
everyone told us... and told us and told us... marriage is hard work.
technically we're supposed to fuck at the next stop.
books, sex, bourbon... life is good.
i knew you shouldn't have moved back here.
maybe i'll teach you a thing or two.
i'm a little drunk.
let's swear we will never be like them.
everything else is background noise.
why are you throwing that in my face again?
it's like you're daring me to be someone i don't want to be.
i'm not that person. i'm your wife.
suddenly i knew everything was about to get worse.
i'm asking you nicely.
everyone is projecting their shit onto me.
i feel like i could disappear.
i've been so worried about you.
i don't want to fight. i just want to be with you. that's all i want.
you fucking lied to my fucking face.
for valentine's day, i thought i'd buy a gun.
you have to fucking talk to me!
i'm not going to be scared anymore.
this man of mine may kill me.
men always use that as the defining compliment, don't they? she's a cool girl.
i will admit. for someone who likes to win, it's tempting to be the girl every guy wants.
we were happy pretending to be other people.
i need to show you something.
see we have the same taste in men.
you're reading it again? you know how it ends.
whatever the hell they found, we have to assume it's very bad.
everyone would hate me.
why are you so good to me?
my defense is the truth.
i've never seen it in my life.
i feel myself fading.
i just said what you wanted to hear.
take off your clothes.
i'm a fighter. i fought my way back to you.
kiss my cheek.
you're not at risk anymore.
you know you can sleep with me, right?
we should hold hands.
you called me a murderer.
i haven't touched you.
i've killed for you.
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lvnleah · 1 month
Valentine’s Day | Beth Mead
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This was a request but I cannot find it to save my life 🥲 anyways, in honour of Beth’s birthday enjoy this cute one-shot!
Summary: it’s valentine day and your wife, Beth, surprises you throughout the day and makes you feel like the luckiest girl ever.
You stirred as you felt soft kisses being placed on your skin. You opened your eyes to see your girlfriend, Beth, hovering over you. Her lips brushed against your skin, leaving a trail of delicate kisses along your jawline. The softness of her touch sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Good morning,” she whispered, her voice a gentle whisper. “Happy Valentine’s Day, darling!”
You reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” you replied, leaning up to peck her lips.
It was Valentine’s Day, the four one together for you and Beth and the first one married. Beth reached over and grabbed a tray from her bedside table before handing it to you. As you sat up, Beth placed the tray in front of you. On it were four heart-shaped donuts and two glasses of orange juice as well as a card and a small box.
You laughed, “This is the best breakfast ever! Thank you, babe.” You picked the card up and undone it. You took the card out gently and as you opened it a handwritten note fell onto your lap.
“This is for me?” Beth nodded, answering your question, “Oh Beth, this is so sweet.”
Beth's soft laughter filled the air, you couldn't tear your gaze away from her. The handwritten note laid cradled in your hands, its words etching themselves into your heart.
"Read it aloud," Beth urged, her fingers tracing patterns on your leg above the duvet. "I want to hear it."
You cleared your throat, your voice trembling with emotion. "To my darling wife," you began, glancing up at Beth. "Happy Valentine's Day! Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you, to deserve the love that you give me."
Beth's smile widened, “Go on."
"I didn't realise I could feel this much love for someone until I met you," you continued, your voice soft. "There aren't enough words in the universe to express how much you mean to me. You make me smile every day, no matter how difficult or tough things get."
Beth's fingers brushed against your cheek, wiping away a stray tear. "Keep going," she whispered.
"You're my everything," you read, your voice catching. "My best friend, my lover, my partner in crime, my soulmate, and the mother to our future children." You glanced at the small box on the tray, wondering what it held. "I can't imagine life without you, and I never want to. You're my whole world and always will be."
Beth's eyes welled with tears. "And the last part?"
Taking a deep breath, you continued, "You're the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you, and forever will."
Beth's eyes never wavered from yours. She reached for the small box, her fingers trembling slightly. "Open it," she whispered.
Inside was a delicate silver necklace—a heart-shaped pendant with a tiny diamond nestled in the centre. It caught the morning light, sending rainbows across the walls. You touched the pendant, your heart swelling with love.
"It's beautiful," you said, your voice barely audible.
Beth leaned in, her lips brushing against yours. "It’s just a little something, instantly thought of you when I saw it in the shop with Jen and Steph.”
You kissed her, taking in the sweetness of the moment before pulling back and reaching down to your own draw and getting your gift for Beth.
“Don’t know how I’m going to upstage that.” you laughed, handing the grey box to Beth.
Nerves bubbled up inside you as you watched Beth take the grey box that was wrapped with a pink bow. You wanted your gift to be perfect and now that she’d given you yours, you didn’t know if your gift could be as beautiful as hers.
She untied the bow, her fingers unwrapping the silk material. Inside was a delicate silver bracelet. Two tiny hearts linked together were engraved on the front whilst your name was engraved inside the bracelet.
Beth’s breath caught as she lifted the bracelet. She turned it in her hands, the silver catching the light. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.
“Do you like it?” You asked, anxious about her answer, “I know there’s no sappy love note but—”
Before you could continue, Beth interrupted you, “Darling, this is perfect, I love it. Thank you.” She sealed her sentence with another kiss on your lips.
The pair of you ate your donuts in bed together before getting ready for work. Beth had training and you were a primary school teacher. You weren’t full time, you and another teacher shared a class and today was one of those days where you taught for just the afternoon.
You would’ve loved to spend your day with Beth but work needed you and you loved your year one class. You had many activities planned out for them, something that you were excited for and could take your mind off not spending the day with Beth.
Later that day, you were clearing up your classroom. It had been a messy day so things were everywhere and you felt bad for the cleaners. With the kids gone, you took this as your chance to tidy.
Your classroom door sounded open, you were greeted with your wife. Beth was standing in your classroom, holding a bouquet of pink tulips which were your favourite flowers. The silver bracelet you’d given her earlier shined her wrist, the delicate hearts catching the light.
“Beth!” You smiled as she held the bouquet of tulips out to you, “These are stunning!”
You closed the distance between you, wrapping your arms around her and placing a kiss on her lips. The scent of tulips enveloped you, and you buried your face in her hair. “I missed you,” you murmured against her lips. “What brings you here?”
Beth pulled back, “Just wanted to surprise my favourite teacher,” she teased. “And maybe steal a kiss or two.”
You chuckled, feeling the weight of the afternoon lift from your shoulders. “Well, you’ve succeeded on both counts.”
She looked around your classroom, “Looks like you gave them a fun afternoon then?”
You glanced around your room, taking in the sight around you. Colouring sheets were scattered across the tables, pencils were laying on the floor and paints from earlier were dotted around the room. You never knew five and six year olds could make this much mess.
You winced a little, “Yeah they definitely had fun, I did too, but not looking at my classroom I’m regretting my decisions.” You joked.
“How about I help you clean it up so we can head home?” Beth offered, placing a comforting hand on the small of your back.
You nodded, “that would be perfect if you didn’t mind.”
“Of course not, darling.” She placed a kiss on your temple, “team work makes dream work!”
Together, you tidied up. The tulips sat on your desk along with your other things. Beth took on the job of cleaning the pains up whilst you organised the children’s colouring sheets, each put into their draw ready for them to go home with the students tomorrow.
Before you knew it you were in your car, making your way home together with your playlist sounding in the background and you both sang along.
Beth handed you the front door keys as you stepped out of the lift. You turned the key in the front door, yoj stepped inside, kicking off your shoes. The lights were dimmed, and the soft glow of flickering candles shone across the walls. The dining table was set for two, decorated with delicate china, glasses, and a vase of fresh red roses.
“Beth?” You said, turning on your heels to face your wife. “What’s all this?”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, darling!” she smiled, “I thought we could have a quiet dinner together.”
You were speechless. Beth wasn’t usually one for grand gestures and after this morning you were just expecting a cosy night in bed together. After this, you felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world.
“You did all this?” You finally managed to say, your voice hoarse.
She nodded, stepping closer. “I wanted to remind you how much you mean to me,” she murmured. “After working hard today, I wanted to show my wife how much she meant to me.”
“I don’t deserve this.” You murmured, “this morning would’ve been more than enough, love. Thank you so much.”
You kissed Beth’s soft lips, her hands resting on your hips, “You deserve the whole world, darling.”
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ynmead6 Valentine’s Day <3
tagged: bethmead_
bethmead_ love you ❤️
leahwilliamsonn aww sappy
↳ ynmead6 aww single leah
jbeattie91 adorable
stephcatley my favourites!
kyracooneyx yuck
↳ bethmead_ go to bed child
comments limited
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melusines say the darndest things
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Even after successfully hiding your relationship to the eyes of Fontaine's people sometimes children melusines can have loose lips and accidentally say a bit too much and cause misunderstandings
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Wc: 1.2k
Cw: reader gets called mom by Ngen but treated as GN/ they/them, melusine causes a pretty big misunderstanding, ideas of having children (unspecified if pregnancy or adoption)
“Good morning, mister barista” a small Melusine calls from behind the cupboard, the little green girl tiptoes so her eyes could be seen.
“Morning Ngen, chocolate milk?” The kind man asks as he does everyday, and already knowing the answer he starts heating the milk.
“ Yep, thanks” she hops towards a table and keeps seated while kicking her feet waiting for her milk.
Soon after Arouet came with a tall glass with a little bit of foam on top and grated chocolate over “Here is your milk, do you want something to eat?”
“No, thank you” she smiles at him, making him beam, “but can I ask something?” She asks softly.
“Of course, what is it?”
“What is a mom and a dad? When I go play on the playground ladies always ask where are my mom and dad” she pouts
At the question his blood runs cold “ uhm, a mom is someone who takes care of you and comforts you when you feel scared and a dad is someone you know can protect you from anything and spoils you rotten?” The forty year old man never thought much about that but attempts to summarize it with his own experiences.
“ Oh! Then I do have a mom and a dad!” Her small eyes shine
“ Really? Good for you”
“ Yep! That makes Dr. YN my mom and Monsieur Neuvillette my dad! So that is why they sleep in the same bed then!” She clasps her fin like hands together as if she just figured out the answer to a riddle.
The base chatter that always swarmed the cafe and gave it its characteristic liveliness fell silent, the different tables all were interested in what the Melusine said.
The journalists found a fresh scoop that could be exploited for months on end, amdeven if the noblewomen would spread the information around their circles faster than they can finish editing the news, such a shame the great judge isn't a bachelor any longer but that does allow them and their husbands to try and social climb by associating with his spouse.
On the other hand the salarymen working for the palais mermonia were neither happy nor sad, simply concerned. If their boss had a fight with his lover or decided to take half a day on valentine's day or his anniversary would they have to shoulder the extra work?
“ Oh~ how cute” a pitchy and sickly sweet voice starts speaking at her, a woman with black hair and wearing a noble dress takes a seat next to Ngen “tell me more, shop owner get me a platter of macarons for the sweet girl!”
“ And a portion of madeleines!” The reporter sits on the other chair, leaving him facing the noblewoman with the Melusine on the middle
“I'm not sure… Dr. YN, I mean mom always says too many sweets are bad for you”
“ Don't worry! It's just some cookies for breakfast, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you don't eat dessert at night”
“ Exactly as the woman says, moderation is key”
As the plate with macarons gets settled on the table first the lady pushes it towards the melusine accompanied by her questions “So, tell me what do your mom and dad do? Do they frequent a certain restaurant? Or do they read certains books?-" Before any of the cookies were grabbed the journalists pushes the macarons away with the madeline plate, the colorful sugary dots moving to one of the edges because of the force.
“ At least ask something interesting, when did they get married? How long ago was that?”
“ What is up with those useless questions? How are you even using that information?” The manicured fingers tap methodically against against the glass tables, the noblewomen who were still on the other table started muttering about the scenario
“And for what use would knowing what books they read? Readers of the gossip column need to be started with the base of the gossip, like when and how it started“
Before they can keep bickering Ngen bit on a madeleine before taking another bite of the macaron as she spoke “ I know dad really likes soup at the hotel Debord so that is why mom rented the whole place for a night for next week” the journalist mentally notes the date for later use
“ A special secret dinner? So romantic”
“ Yep, mom said they wanted a private moment when they told dad…” she keeps speaking when suddenly she seems to notice something
“ Told what??”
“ Oh, does that make me a big sister then?”
“Is that another baby set?” Neuville looks at your reflection from the bathroom's mirror, your hands holding a yellow dress with daffodil embroidery and white knit socks
“ It's from Mrs Jonquille” you rub the cotton skirt between your fingers “ it seems to be good quality too”
Neuvillette walks towards you and grabs the socks, inspecting it awestruck. They could barely cover the tips of his fingers, causing you to laugh “ Are human newborns so… tiny?”
When suddenly a howl breaks the silence startling you both and leaving the set on the nightstand
“ I'm sorry, daisy!” Ngen apologizes to the puppy barking at her under her bed
You quickly tell her “Ngen, I told you to be more careful where you walk, daisy is still very little” a soft thumping against the tiles approaches the shared bedroom and a sad melusine hugs your leg
“ I don't want daisy to be mad at me” she whines into your pajamas
“Don't worry, I'm sure she will forgive you” you pat her head softly, messing the green and blue hair “she is just scared because you hurt her, but she truly likes you”
“ because I'm her big sister?”
As she asks that Neuvillette’s eyes dart towards yours, confusion meeting with confusion. The only idea that Neuvillette could conceive of the sudden titles being thrown around was Ngen being jealous of the attention towards the new puppy. Even then he recognizes to himself that he doesn't mind the familiarity and might even enjoy the cozy feeling in his chest.
Holding her in his arms a placid smile on his lips “Yes, Ngen, Daisy loves her big sister” Without her noticing the dog now peeks her head inside the room after hearing her name the puppy sits down at your feet and you hold her to Ngen’s face
“See? She was just scared. Now get ready for bed, it's past your bedtime”
“ Okay~” she quickly jumps out of Neuvillette's arms and the puppy follows after her, her tail playfully waging
A few seconds of silence settle in the room and you walk to the bathroom to brush your teeth
“Why did she suddenly start with the mom and dad thing?”
Neuvillette starts tying his hair back in a braid, his two blue streaks outside of it “ I'm unaware, she still referred to me as ‘monsieur Neuvillette’ when she accompanied me to the Palais mermonia” he sits down on his side of the bed, the white sheets matching his pajamas made of white silk and blue details “I hope it didn't bother you. If it did I apologize, I will talk with her about it tomorrow”
“ I didn't mind, actually. I think kinda sweet, like if she was our daughter”
As he pulls back the blankets he finds the baby dress on your nightstand and stretches over to grab it, the yellow cotton intricately embroidered with a darker stringing the form of daffodils, it was a very delicate work, noticeably even just by touch “it would be a waste for this to go unworn” he mumbles softly
“ It would, wouldn't it” you smile at him from the on suite bathroom
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rintarolovebot · 1 year
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summary — in which your athlete boyfriend decided to take a day off from practice on the day before his big game, to spend valentine’s day with you, the most special person in his life.
author’s note my very very very late valentine’s day post <3 isn’t the best but it works ><
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you were expecting an empty space beside you as you awoke at 7 am in the morning. to see your boyfriend’s arms draped over your waist surprised and confused you.
you wondered if he accidentally slept in.
oh, shit! did he? he’s gonna get an earful from his coach when he gets there..
you shake him awake “rin? love, wake up.”
he stirs awake.. a bit. well, progress.
“you’re late for practice,” you told him. he rubs his eyes as he gets adjusted to the light from your bedroom’s window. your eyes softened while watching him do the things people do on a daily basis but something about watching him do it makes you melt.
he just looks so cute doing normal habits. you already came to a conclusion that you were a simp for your own boyfriend — and it didn’t even bother you.
you are so in love with him. it hurts. you could only hope he feels the same way.
and well, little did you know — he does. even more. he feels more love than what you feel for him.
he fell first. you fell harder. he fell even harder.
when he finally opens his eyes, you smile at him. “hi, good morning. you’re late for practice,” you chuckled mid-sentence.
your hands find its way to his hair as you pushed back his bangs to kiss his forehead. he closes his eyes and exhaled softly.
he feels so much love for you — it makes him want to cry sometimes because he has not never felt this much love in his entire life. and he’s damn sure he would never let anyone take this love he’s feeling from you away.
you two were a thing ever since high school, and now you two are both adults working for a stable life. you two have come a long way in life, and will continue to strive life’s obstacles together.
and he vowed he would always be yours.
“what’re you thinking about?” you asked him when you saw him stare at you. his eyes were soft, full of love and comfort.
he smiles, “just how much i love you.”
you snorted, “well stop thinking about me and get ready. your coach is gonna make you run laps and i’m gonna have to massage your back again because you’re not going to stop bitching about how sore they are,” you joked.
he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to his chest. “you like it when you massage me. don’t deny, babe,” he nudged his face onto your waist.
your hands fiddled with his hair as he continued to rub his face onto your waist. “i have to make breakfast, let go.” he simply just shook his head and tightened his hold on you.
“it’s valentine’s day, baby. let’s stay in bed longer,” he murmured.
so, that’s why he got a day off? for valentine’s day?
“you got a day off to spend valentine’s day for me?” you teased. “the suna rintaro is going soft for me, it seems.”
you could feel his smile as he raised his head to speak his mind. you were expecting a snarky remark but he said, “i did. wanted to spend the day of love with my girl,” he gives a toothy smile when he sees you roll your eyes.
“that’s so cheesy, let go of me,” you said. he went back to his previous position — his face squished against your waist while his limbs were tangled with yours.
the cold temperature from your air conditioning unit while the sunlight peaks through the blinds makes you want to give in to your boyfriend’s wants and stay in bed a little longer.
and boy, did you give in.
you fixed your position and pulled rintaro’s head closer to your chest as he snuggles around your body. you kiss his forehead again before squishing your cheek onto the top of his head.
this is home, you figured.
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additional hi hehehehe
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 4 months
WE NEED A ETHAN X READER VALENTINES DAY FLUFF like Ethan delivers flowers to reader and it’s super cute and then she surprises him with something and she texts the girls of the friend group and they hangout and talk about ethan. Then maybe Ethan and reader go out to dinner and he proposes to her? It would just be super cute
Okay, I know there's only an hour left on the east coast for Valentine's Day, but FUCK i was so determined to get this done. I hope you like it:)
Perfectly Perfect - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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Part 2
Summary: Your boyfriend planned the best Valentine's Day ever.
Contains: Fluff, the occasional f-bomb.
A/N: I didn't think I was going to finish this, but I surprisingly got it done! Happy Valentine's Day, and if you don't have one, I volunteer as tribute. 💕
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When you heard a knock on the door as you were snuggled up in your comforter, you didn’t want to answer it. You checked the time on your phone, seeing that it was only 7am. You put on your robe and walked to the front door of your apartment. You looked out the peephole to see your boyfriend standing there.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he said, as you opened the door.
“I have major bed head and I’m in a robe, I’m sure I look super hot right now,” you joked, noticing he was holding something behind his back. “What do you have?”
You tried to reach around him, but he backed away.
“I’ll give this to you if you admit you’re beautiful,” he smirked, as you rolled your eyes.
“Fine, I’m beautiful.”
“Thank you,” he said, pulling the bouquet of roses out from behind his back. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Aww babe, they’re perfect,” you smiled, pulling him into a hug. “Wait! I have something for you, too!”
You ran away from him to go upstairs and grab the gift you had for him. When you came back, you still had the roses in your hand but a box in the other.
“What did you do?” he asked as you handed him the box. He opened it to see the very expensive watch he’d been looking at for months. “Baby, this is too much.”
“You’ve been working so hard. I know you’re probably on your way to work right now…but you mean a lot to me,” you said, as he leaned down to kiss you.
“This is perfect, babe. Thank you,” he said, “But you’re right, I’m about to be late if I don’t leave right now. We’re still on for dinner, right?”
“Of course,” you said, leaning in the doorway.
“I love you,” he said, kissing you again before turning to walk away.
“I love you, too.”
You smiled as you closed the door, sliding down it, absolutely swooning over how sweet Ethan is. You smelled the roses, a silly smile on your face as you stood back up.
You searched for the right vase for it, dying to take a picture to send your friends.
As you sent the photo to the Tara and Mindy group chat, they were so excited for you.
Tara: Since you’re already up, you should shower and come over. I want to do your nails and everything before your date tonight.
You: That date is like, 12 hours away.
Tara: Don’t care. Hurry up.
You: Doesn’t Chad want to spend some time with you?
Tara: He’s going to work soon, but we’re going out after you leave for your date tonight.
You: Okay, see you soon.
You had a regular Monday through Friday job like Ethan, but he begged you to request the day off when you were both home for Christmas. He was hoping he’d get it off, too, but with a major work project being due at the end of the week, he knew there was no way. That’s when he asked Tara to take the day off. He had big plans, and he wanted her to help you get ready for them.
After you showered, you searched your room for something to wear to Tara’s, then the outfit for dinner later in the night. You gasped when you opened the closet, seeing a beautiful dress hanging up.
“How did he get this in here?” you asked yourself, pulling it out and seeing a note attached to it.
‘I wanted you to have something special to wear tonight. I was really hoping you wouldn’t check your closet…I might’ve broken into your apartment yesterday. I love you -E’
You laughed as you read the note. He knew you rarely checked your closet after a long day of work and just pulled a comfy pair of pajamas out of the dresser up against the wall in your room.
You took a picture of the dress and sent it to Tara.
You: What’s up with this?
Tara: Your boyfriend is taking you somewhere nice tonight. Don’t question it.
Tara: Why aren’t you here yet?
You: Getting dressed, be there soon
You decided on some leggings and a sweater, the temperature in February not being exactly the warmest in New York. You still couldn’t believe this was where you all decided to stay after graduating, but there’s so much to do, and you were all able to get decent jobs.
When you pulled up to Tara’s, you struggled to carry the dress, your purse, and the iced coffee you stopped to get on the way. She flung the door open, “This one’s for you,” you said, handing her one of the drinks.
“Are you crazy? What if you would’ve spilt this on the dress?!” She took the dress as well, making you huff.
“Sorry, I’m exhausted. I was planning on sleeping in today, so I binged a new show last night.”
“The coffee should wake you up, let’s go.”
“Seriously, it’s hours away,” you sighed, walking into the living room. “Jesus, are you doing my nails, or giving me a whole fucking makeover?”
You saw the stuff for nails, but you also saw stuff for hair, and so much makeup.
“I wanted us to have options. That’s why I needed you here so early,” she said, hanging the dress up on the opened closet door in the hallway. “So, Romeo showed up with roses for you this morning?” she asked as you flopped onto the couch.
“Yeah, he’s the best,” you smiled, the thought of Ethan making you instantly happy.
You heard the doorbell ring, as Tara went to answer it.
“Awh,” she said, taking flowers from the delivery guy. “Thank you!”
“Those are gorgeous!” you said from your spot on the couch as Tara stood there beaming.
“He just might get laid tonight,” she smirked, sitting the vase down on the counter. “Let’s do your nails!”
You sat there as she pushed your cuticles back and buffed your nails. “Which color do you think will look better with the dress?” she asked, handing you a store bag full of nail polish.
“Why did you buy so many?” you asked, pulling the bottles out and glancing over to the dress.
“Hey, I didn’t. This was all Ethan,” she said, as she continued to work. “He really loves you, ya know?”
“I don’t know how I got so lucky. We’ve been together for almost four years though. At this point, I think I’ll be his girlfriend forever,” you groaned, as Tara held in a laugh for how oblivious you were being.
“Hey, give him time. I know he’ll put a ring on that finger one day,” she said, before looking at the colors. “I think this one looks the best, what do you think?”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, too.”
After Tara finished your nails, Mindy and Anika showed up.
“Hey,” Anika said, pulling you into a hug.
“Hey, guys,” you smiled, happy to see them. “What are you two love birds doing for Valentine’s Day?”
“Well, we were thinking about matching piercings because tattoos are too cliché,” Mindy said, looking over to her girlfriend, “But our appointment isn’t for a few hours, so we wanted to stop by.”
“This is gorgeous!” Anika said, looking at the dress. “That boyfriend of yours has really gone all out today.”
“Yeah, I told him he didn’t have to go crazy with it. If I get to spend time with him, that’s all that matters.”
“That’s why he loves you so much. You don’t expect the world out of him, but he still wants to give it to you,” Tara said, pulling out her phone to order food. “What do you guys want to eat?”
You all decided on a local sandwich shop, not wanting to eat anything too crazy. The last thing you wanted was to feel more sluggish. As you sat at the table with your friends eating, you started to discuss your jobs, and how amazing it was that everyone stayed with their college sweetheart. Chad and Tara broke up once for a few weeks during junior year, but they missed each other too much. They’ve been going strong ever since.
“What time will Ethan get here?” Mindy asked, looking down at her phone.
“I think he said the reservation was for seven, but he’d pick me up from here at six.”
“We need to go to our appointment, but we’ll be back later,” Anika said, standing up.
“You guys should spend time with each other, you don’t have to help me get ready for this crazy dinner that Ethan’s probably going to spend way too much money on,” you said, as Mindy rolled her eyes.
“We have a date later tonight, and we’re leaving now to go do something together. We’ll be back.”
After they left, you checked your phone to see that it was almost two.
“I’m going to shower really quick, then we’ll do your makeup and hair,” Tara said, tossing you the tv remote.
“Seriously, take your time. I feel like you’re freaking out over nothing.”
When Tara made it upstairs, she pulled out her phone to see a text from Ethan.
Ethan: She doesn’t suspect anything, does she?
Tara: No, she has no idea.
Ethan: Perfect. I’m getting off a little early to pick up my suit and get everything ready. I need to run by the restaurant too, but I’ll be there by 6.
Tara: See you then
Tara was only gone for fifteen minutes before she joined you in the living room again.
“What are you watching?” she asked, sitting beside you.
“I don’t know, some cheesy dating show. That one wants to be with that one but she’s still in love with her ex,” you said, explaining what was going on.
“Sounds complicated,” she said, getting invested.
An hour had gone by before Tara jumped up. “Fuck, we still have stuff to do!”
The time it took for her to do your hair and makeup took almost two hours, because you were both still watching the show. She quickly hurried to do hers to get ready for her own date with Chad.
“Where are you two going tonight?” you asked, as she shrugged.
“Somewhere nice. That’s all I know.”
She was lying, thinking about Ethan’s plan. She knew exactly where she was going, and that she was probably going to be crying at the end of the night. She made a mental note to use the waterproof mascara that she used on you.
It was almost time for you to leave, so she helped you into the dress Ethan got for you. “You look beautiful!” she squealed, as you did a little spin for her.
“Yeah, he’s got good taste,” you smiled, before looking at her still in sweatpants. “What are you wearing tonight for your date?”
“Oh, it’s in the closet. I’ll change after Ethan gets here,” she said, when you heard a knock on the door.
Mindy and Anika walked in, showing off the matching rook piercings in their ears. They also had their hair and makeup done as well, but they were in normal clothes.
“I feel so overdressed,” you sighed, as Mindy smirked at Tara.
“Our outfits are in the car,” Anika said, when you heard another knock on the door.
Tara ran over to it, flinging the door open. Your heart pounded as you saw Ethan standing there in a suit that fit him very well.
“Wow,” was all he could say when he walked in and saw you. You ran up to him and hugged him.
“You look so handsome, babe.”
“I wish I could kiss you right now, but I don’t want to mess up the makeup,” he said, before Tara started to speak.
“It’s smudge-proof and long lasting, you can kiss her.”
He wasted no time, leaning down to place his lips on yours.
“You look beautiful,” he said, taking your hand in his. “We better go, I don’t want us to miss our reservation.”
“Bye, guys,” you said, waving.
They said their goodbyes as you walked towards the car. Ethan opened the door for you and shut it after you got inside. You heard a car pull up behind you, and noticed Ethan ran up to the driver’s side door.
“Fuck, Chad. I thought you weren’t going to make it in time,” Ethan said, taking the ring box from him.
“Sorry, dude. We’ll be there soon.”
Ethan slid the box in his pocket before jumping in the driver’s seat. You looked over to his hands on the wheel, noticing him wearing the watch.
“Aww, you’re wearing it,” you said, as he smiled.
“Oh, this? My best friend got it for me,” he said, focusing on driving.
When you made it to the restaurant, he gave the hostess his last name.
“Oh, the private room, right this way,” he said, leading you and Ethan through the restaurant. “We already have champagne for you, and we’re going to bring out water soon. No rush to order, take your time.”
You took in your surroundings, noticing an extra table in the otherwise ‘Private’ area, as the host called it.
“Ethan, baby, you didn’t have to do all this,” you said, feeling a little guilty that he’s probably spent a lot on the night.
“Tonight is special. Don’t feel bad,” he said, taking a sip of the champagne. “You should try yours, it’s so good.”
As the two of you sat and talked as you waited for your food, you saw people in your peripheral vision sit down at the table on the other side of the room. Ethan’s eyes stayed on you, though, because you were so invested in the conversation you were having. He didn’t want to draw attention to the fact that your friends were less than ten feet away.
After you finished eating, you saw Ethan glance over to the other table. Your eyes went wide as you looked over to see your friends, getting up to walk to the table.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, “You guys all look so nice.”
“This was all a part of Ethan’s plan,” Chad said, as you looked confused.
“Yeah, I think you should turn around,” Tara said, a huge smile on her face as a single tear slipped out.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you saw Ethan down on one knee holding a ring box in his hand. Your hands covered your mouth as your eyes started to water.
“Baby, you mean the world to me. I have no doubt in my mind that you’re the one I’m meant to spend my life with. You made every bad day good, and every good day even better. I love you so much, will you marry me?” he asked, his voice cracking as he spoke.
“Yes!” you said, stepping closer to him. He stood up to hold you in his arms as you both cried.
“Oh shit, I almost forgot,” he said, pulling the ring out of the box and sliding it onto your finger.
His hands went to your waist as he kissed you, as your hands were on his cheeks. Your friends were cheering in the background, all so excited for the two of you.
“Wait,” you said, pulling away and turning back to the other table. “You knew the whole time he was going to do this?!”
“I don’t know how you didn’t pick up on it,” Tara laughed, “But I’m happy I was able to help you get ready for today. And we’re all so happy we could be here tonight.”
“I wouldn’t want this to be any other way,” you said, hugging her. “Thank you.”
Chad high-fived Ethan, congratulating him as everyone talked amongst themselves.
“Hey babe?” Ethan asked, wrapping his arms around you. “I’m sorry I made you wait so long. I knew I wanted to marry you after the first year.”
“It’s okay, I wouldn’t want this any other way,” you smiled, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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