#cute velcro sneakers
confettieparfait · 2 years
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today we celebrated my birthday
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smile-files · 8 months
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i decided to redraw this human fluttershy i drew in 3rd or 4th grade :)
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mo0nbugs · 1 year
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Made it! Didn't miss 413
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uraniumbones · 1 month
For those of you keeping up with the book of Bill and it's accompanying website and the bill cypher backstory. THE PARALLELS GOT ME FUCKED UP.
Spoilers incoming.
people love to talk about the dynamic between Stanford and Bill. Sure, interesting. But you know what people aren't talking about? Stanley and Bill. Specifically referencing the website (thisisnotawebsotedotcom.com)
If you input Stanley a bunch it will eventually open a new document instead of eBay pages. The page mocks Stanley and reveals his secrets or whatever. One of the clickable options on this page is "HOW HE BEAT ME". Each time you click into this is an increasingly deranged meltdown about how it shouldn't have been possible. Calling him a "cheap trick loving, past-denying overgrown child protected from failure only by a force field of denial and shamelessness" among other things. And when further pressed accuses you of acting like "those PREACHY INFANTILIZING AUTOMOTONS AT THE THERAPRISM who are SO OBSESSED with getting me to TALK about my "FEELINGS"." After that he spirals further eventually talking about "how much pain I'm in" and only in code admitting "I can still see through the eyes of everyone I've ever..." presumably killed.
If you don't know shit about Euclydia read the wiki page on it, it's not long. tldr Euclydia is bills home dimension, which he destroyed and killed every single inhabitant of in blood and fire. He did so (accidentally?) in an attempt to show them the third dimension which (because of a genetic mutation) only he had the ability to see (with his eye). Please also note when Stanford asks about his home dimension Bill says it was"destroyed by a monster".
In the website's many documents it repeatedly makes reference to Bill's parents and how much they loved him, his home, his childhood (he wore velcro sneakers it's actually incredibly cute), the ways in which he was different and not easily accepted.
Now knowing all these things. A pattern may emerge to you. Are you seeing it? Are you seeing the patterns yet?
Obviously Bill hates Stanley because he's stupid and still he somehow beat Bill. That's annoying, maddening even. But I believe it goes beyond that. He hates him all the more passionately because Stanley reminds him of himself. The poem at the end of the Stanley password on the website summarizes it best "always dragged his family down / One mistake, disowned, denied, / only thing to do was hide." Destruction of his own family, running and hiding from his own mistakes. "Reinvent, retry, reload" trying again in a new life. "When your actions make it worse, / When they see you as a curse," Making things worse where you have tried to make them better. "Give the wheel one last spin, / Take your chips and go all in" this is what weirdmagedon was for both of them. and this is where their lives differ "And lucky stan- the rolls on black, / he got his life and family back. / His big break it finally came, / Redemption from a life of shame." AND THERE IT IS. Stanley got his family back. Bill didn't. (Which is what it seems he was attempting). Stanley got his redemption. Bill didn't.
Stanley was a lonely kid fuck up just like Bill was. And he absolutely hates Stanley's guts for it because he hates his own guts for it. And all this time they're the same, just trying to fix those mistakes, to have their family back again, to be loved again. They both have this facade of untouchable aloof levity, the same insults Bill hurls at Stanley may as well be hurled at himself. "Protected from his failure only by a force field of denial and shamelessness"? "Cheap trick loving, past denying overgrown child"? You can see Bill goes from being outraged and insulting Stanley, to denying a deeper meaning to those feelings (and calling you a therapist), to talking about how much pain he is in (seemingly over all the people he killed in Euclydia), all without any specific prompting. Just pushing. Bill is the one that connected those things. Bill hates Stanley (at least partially) as an act of self hatred. Because he has made the same mistakes and can never forgive himself for them. AND (at least partially) because Stanley is not only just like him, but now just like him if he had succeeded. Stanley got his "Redemption from a life of shame". and in so doing actively prevented Bills.
Now do you see what I'm saying about THE PARALLELS?!
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earlysunshines · 6 months
i get misty the moment you’re near
kindergarden teacher!sana x fem!reader (remastered) ; part one ; fluff
summary: it’s normal to get all bittersweet watching the girl you’ve helped raise step into her first day of kindergarten, but is it normal to find her teacher so captivating at first sight? is it normal for her teacher to find you just as cute?
wc: 2.8k
warnings: none!
a/n: rewrite of the series that started it all :P, enjoy!!!
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opening the door, you watch your little one unbuckle her seatbelt. the smile on her face is everything to you and more, shining even brighter than the sun even with that missing canine of hers.
she slips herself out of the car and onto the concrete of the parking lot, eager to get out there and into the world (it's a bittersweet moment, watching her grow up before your eyes, tumbling away from your grasp so soon at the ripe age of five). yet, her small gesture of grabbing your pointer and middle finger instead of holding your hand in the traditional way brings a smile to your face. it's a unique quirk of hers, a subtle reminder that she’s still your little girl no matter what.
as you and your niece hana make your way into her elementary school, she’s much better at navigating this foreign territory than you are, leading the way confidently and pulling you with every step. you follow closely behind, admiring her determination and poise, the smile on your face growing with each hall you pass. 
as you approach her classroom, you notice parents bidding their goodbyes and waving to their children inside the cheery, chat-filled room. it's a heartwarming scene, filled with families sending their little ones off to the place that’ll start it all.
when you look down at hana, it seems as if her excitement had been erased in a matter of seconds. she stands there, peering into the classroom door nervously, looking hesitant to even enter.
you crease your brows, looking at her with concern. “is everything okay?”
“y/n,” she begins, almost frowning. “what if no one wants to be my friend?” 
her words catch you off guard, and a look of surprise crosses your face. she avoids your gaze, her eyes fixated on her beige velcro sneakers. you squat down to her eye level, sensing her discomfort.
your features soften. “hana… why would you think that?”
“i don’t know… i’m just scared, i don’t want to be the only one alone.” she says, her frown deepening.
“hana, sweetheart,” you start, holding both her hands in between your palms. “trust me, at least one person will talk to you. even if it isn’t today, someone amazing like you will make a friend, i mean, who wouldn’t want to be your friend? i made a lot of friends when i was your age.” you pause, putting your hands on her shoulders as you make eye contact. 
she looks at you with a slight pout, your heart cracks a bit.
“you and i, we’re alike, your dad and grandma think so too.” you begin, hands moving over to fix the white shirt under her denim overalls. “and be glad that we’re alike.” a mischievous smirk tugs at your lips. “your dad isn’t as cool as me, as us – trust me. be glad you got some of your auntie’s genes, you’ll be the coolest in the room since you’re like me.”
“you sure?” 
“of course i am. one hundred percent, no questions asked.” you assure her, standing up. “now, come on, let’s go inside, your dad said your teacher was nice!” you beam, smiling at the little girl. “now , you lead me, to be honest i’m starting to get a little scared… i might get lost– i mean, this isn’t my classroom.”
hana’s worried expression is replaced by a grin after hearing your last remark, and then she teases you with that cheeky, high-pitched voice of hers, “you’re so silly y/n, you’re old and scared? i thought you said you were the coolest!” 
“hey! i am the coolest! and i'm not old! you should see your dad! so many wrinkles on his head when he snores…”
hana's laughter rings out, her newfound confidence sparked by the playful banter between the two of you. without hesitation, she seizes your hand and practically pulls you into the classroom, her excitement palpable as if she were alice venturing into wonderland.
(they grow up too fast)
as you step into the classroom, a pleasant aroma envelops you, carrying hints of vanilla intermingled with subtle undertones of peaches and pears. the scent isn’t overpowering, you think it’s perfect and adds to the ambiance of the slightly chaotic yet meticulously arranged classroom. in an oddly comforting way, it reminds you of the cozy atmosphere of the café where you work.
as you scan the classroom, you observe children engrossed in various activities—some coloring at their desks, others darting around with more energy than you have after four shots of espresso, and a few kids posing for pictures taken by their parents. 
hana excitedly tugs at your hand, leading you to the vibrant cubbies where students store their completed work and lunchboxes. with a proud grin, she points out the sticker adorning her cubby: a little shark sticker, hammerhead. the sight of the sticker brings a warm smile to your face, knowing how much hana and her dad adore these creatures.
"hana, sweetie, stand next to your cubby. i want to take a picture to show your dad," you suggest, gesturing towards the spot where you'd like her to pose. hana eagerly complies, flashing a wide smile that lights up her face and reveals her adorable gums. her infectious grin brings a smile to your own lips as you swiftly capture the moment with a quick snapshot. without hesitation, you send the picture to the group chat shared with your brother, mom, and dad before taking a little selfie with her yourself.
as you and hana make your way towards the area where the backpacks are hung, your gaze runs wanders around the room, taking in the environment. amidst the flurry of activity, your attention is drawn to a striking woman across the room, her warm smile immediately catching your attention. 
you watch as she interacts with another parent, her friendly demeanor evident as she crouches down to the level of a young boy, pointing to – which you assume – his seat before returning to her full height. a moment later, her eyes meet yours, catching you off guard.
she’s unreal, she’s so unbelievably beautiful.
her flowing dark brown hair cascades gracefully around her, framing her face elegantly. you're struck by the perfection of her nose, it’s perfect. its gentle angle and graceful slope draws your admiration and it surprises you how much you appreciate such a seemingly small detail, but there's an undeniable allure to it, how could a nose be so perfect? was it weird to think that? 
your gaze then drifts downward, drawn to her peach-colored lips, which appear soft and lush and  inviting, and wow, impossibly alluring; in fact, they look really kissable and–
you stop your thoughts there because this is a woman you’ve just seen for the first time, you shouldn’t be thinking this – you can’t be (one part of your brain is telling you to stop, the other continues to daydream in the back of your mind).
her outfit is almost as cute and pretty as she is. the beige cardigan and loose white skirt she has on compliment her slender figure beautifully, emanating effortless grace. the delicate silver necklace sitting on her fair skin catches your eye a little more than small bracelet adorning her wrist and the tiny gold earrings that glint softly in the light.
hana feels your hand loosen up around hers, and then she looks up at you to see you staring across the room at the familiar woman she had met a week ago, ears tinted a shade of light pink. feeling hana's gentle tug on your sleeve, you snap out of your trance and return your attention to her with a soft smile. 
“that’s my teacher, she’s really nice,” hana says, smiling, “last time, she gave me an extra sticker! dad says she reminds him of you.”
“he says that she’s… warm like you? no, something about you and her having the same warmth or something,” hana explains, trying to recollect her memory. “i don’t know how people can be warm in the same way, i think dad is just saying things. that doesn’t make any sense, same warmth– oh! he also said the way she talks to me reminds him of you.” hana adds. 
without warning, your niece walks you over to the woman and she smiles at your niece. you try to regain your composure during those few steps taken.
“this is ms. minatozaki.” hana introduces her to you shyly, tugging at your hand. 
"hello, hana. it’s lovely to see you again." the woman greets, gently patting her head. her voice is sweet like honey, soft like a breeze, and the way she speaks is welcoming, easing you immediately. it even makes your cheeks warm up a bit.
her smile nearly knocks you off balance, as if you were a sturdy tree getting hit by a sudden gust of wind. the genuine joy reflected in the curve of her lips as she greeted your niece made your knees go weak. meeting her gaze, you find yourself captivated by her eyes—those big, beautiful, brown eyes. she's a few inches shorter, so her head tilts up ever so slightly, and you struggle to resist falling into another trance as you take in her alluring features up close.
you try to compose yourself as you put your hand out to greet the beautiful woman.
“hello ms, i’m y/n.”
with that voice, gosh, her wonderful voice, she responds, “it’s nice to meet you, y/n.” 
sana is stunned by the woman in front of her, taking a moment to take in your presence. your face is almost intimidating with its sharp features, but there’s those subtle similarities – dimples, faint beauty mark in the corner of your eyes, and akin smile – that you have with hana. she's trying not to swoon over you in the moment, especially since you're in the middle of introducing yourselves, and it would be a bit (very) unprofessional to do that in front of the kids’ mother.
her smaller hand fits perfectly in yours as she shakes it. the world seems to pause for a moment as you realize this beautiful woman is shaking your hand – yours. it feels like you're in a romance drama of some sort with everything seeming to slow down around you. she puts another hand on the outside of yours, welcoming you into her precious workplace with both hands.
hana looks between the two women, a small smile tugging at her lips. she senses the spark that forms from the small interaction, and observes how her aunt's usually stoic and confident facade disappears in that moment.
so much for having the “cool” genes, you seem like putty in hana’s eyes.
you notice that your hands are still connected, her soft skin still touching, ms. minatozaki is still holding your hand. 
in an attempt to hide your nerves, to conceal the fact that you’re still thinking of her smooth skin on yours – you pull away to run a hand through your hair.
(hana sees right through you.)
“well,” you begin, shifting your gaze to your niece as you squat down to meet her eye level. a loose strand of hair that escaped her braided locks is gently tucked behind her ear with your slender finger. placing a thumb on her cheek, you rub it lightly. "i'll let you be off on your own now. go have fun and be good, okay? i'll be here in the afternoon."
the corners of sana's lips curl upwards as she witnesses the tender interaction between you and hana, her smile growing wider at the evident care and love in your voice.
“okay!” hana gives you a toothy grin. you laugh out softly and give her an almost identical grin back, squishing one of her cheeks in between two knuckles. 
in your heart, a faint trace of worry lingers, subtly etching a furrow in your brow despite your smile. you genuinely hope for the best for your niece; she's your only niece, and your deepest desire is for her to simply be happy. 
“if ms. minatozaki says you were being good today, we can go to the cafe and i can make you your favorite hot chocolate, how about that? ms. dahyun also said she made a special croissant for you~”
“please! please! i’ll be good, i promise.” hana almost shouts, practically jumping up and down.
laughing at her enthusiasm, you then respond, “alright, be good to ms. minatozaki lovely, i’ll see you later.” 
the two of you exchange a nice, warm hug, your head burying in the small of her neck and staying there for a few seconds more. after you pull away, you push away her bangs and press one last kiss to her forehead, lingering for a little longer. 
“you’re growing up too fast for me, i don’t know how i’ll catch up.” you mutter under your breath, quiet enough for only you to hear.
you stand back up and watch the little girl run off on her own to an empty desk, so eager to get out there and pick up some coloring pages – she’s already aching to get to work.
“she’s very enthusiastic,” sana begins. you turn her head back to meet her gaze, humming in agreement. “she’s a wonderful little girl from what i’ve observed so far. she’s seriously adorable!” 
“yeah, she’s a curious little girl – very bright.” you agree, “i just hope she doesn’t too much trouble. she’s pretty shy with new people, but she’s very energetic when she warms up and, well- you know how kids are.”
ms. minatozaki giggles and the little scrunch of her nose catches you off guard, prompting a spontaneous laugh to escape your own lips. your neck tingles and there’s a flutter in your stomach, the moment overwhelms you, and you find yourself smiling and giggling along with her, your ears undoubtedly turning a shade of pink that you don't even bother to acknowledge in the moment. 
there’s really nothing else you can acknowledge other than the wonderful woman in front of you, all attention deserves to be on her, especially when she’s so lovely to the eyes and her voice is like a gentle melody with each word uttered.
“i’ll be going now ms-”
“it’s sana, you can call me sana.” she cuts you off, “i mean, you’re not my student.” she adds, giggling again.
"definitely not," you quip, savoring the opportunity to keep the banter light and the laughter flowing. the thought of stalling this moment, making her smile and witnessing the way her face lights up with each shared joke makes your heart warm. you want to joke and joke forever if it means hearing and seeing her like this.
sana watches you adjust your dark brown jacket, a little cue that you have to depart soon (much to her dismay).
a hue of pink dusts her cheeks as you flash that charming smile of yours, she probably won’t get over the sight or the feeling she gets when you do so – ever. 
you seem entirely unaware of the effect you have on her, she mentally punches herself for feeling a flutter in her chest over – who she assumes is – her student's mother. the young teacher wonders how she'll manage to get through the year if she finds herself encountering you more often.
“well,” you check your watch, “ i have to get going now. please let me know if anything happens with hana.”
sana nods. “of course, i’ll make sure hana has a great day.” 
as you and sana exchange sweet smiles once more, a familiar warmth spreads through the two of you as you say your last goodbyes.
before heading out the door, you wave to your niece again, both of you grinning sweetly at each other. you also sneak one last glance at your niece's beautiful teacher before you head out and navigate your way back to the car.
leaving the building, the sun seemed to shine a little brighter, and there was a new warmth in your chest knowing that hana is in the caring hands of such a beautiful, sweet, and charming teacher: ms. minatozaki.
as you get into the car, you lean back into the seat and sigh, closing your eyes like a stupid idiot in love (that’s what you are, honestly).
you were definitely going to convince your brother to let you take hana to school more often, and even pick her up regularly too. it works pretty well with your schedule anyway, considering how flexible it is.
and little did you know, sana would secretly hope to see you more often as well. the image of you, your captivating smile, and the memory of your sweet tone of voice would linger in her mind throughout the entire school day.
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ghostlyraveyard · 1 month
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prototype for baby bill's cute little velcro sneakers (they squeak when he runs, if you even care)
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minivan-littleblog · 5 months
I want Velcro shoes !! I think they'd be really cute and fun and easy to wear !!
I don't like tying my shoes :( it's hard ! I just force my foot In my sneakers :((
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sanini-panini · 1 year
ok so i mentioned i was doing this oc ask game and some friends off tumblr threw questions at me but i thought i’d cross post here for funsies (part 2)
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit? (for everyone)
this question was intended as a jab at my complete inability to remember anyone's glasses but i think it is actually just revealing of how little i think about fashion. anyway. i'm going to consult the color-coded spreadsheet now.
new guard first
ilia: flannel button up and skinny jeans with tennis shoes, usually in cool colors
morgan: i'm cheating bc morgan's creator gave me the outfit word for word. jeans, tank top, dark-colored turtleneck, a red leather jacket, and combat boots. i have forgotten morgan's glasses and i will continue to forget them.
peter: black hoodie and sweatpants/jeans. i haven't used the velcro suit gimmick yet and i feel like i should
juli: goth butch vibes... given their line of work i think it's usually dark t-shirt + cheap faux leather or denim jacket + skinny jeans since anything nicer than that would end up with bullet holes in it
lian: cute patterned sweater + miniskirt or midi skirt in pastel colors
joshua: i am cheating again btw. green aviator jacket + sleeveless turtleneck + ripped jeans + fingerless gloves with steel knuckles + combat boots. first character to have glasses mentioned in canon.
rae: on a casual day probably like. a polo and khakis or dark jeans. i am not at all basing this on my brother
karyme: cardigan + plain blouse + patterned pants +/- scarf depending on weather and if she's going out and such. she has glasses. are you reading this earthy.
dani: tank top + skinny jeans + sweater tied around her waist + sneakers. YES she has glasses i did NOT forget.
auster: black hoodie and jeans. i didn't ask auster's creator for this but i know this in my heart
annnd now the ennead. i need everyone to know that my sister looked at me while i was writing this, narrowed her eyes, and told me to stop insulting her. i had not even told her what i was writing.
jinal: if not scrubs (for work), the answer is probably more casual kurtis and leggings/jeans
haku: dresses like my sister. t-shirt + hoodie + either athletic shorts or sweats. the only character whose glasses i consistently remember
minerva: rompers. hear me out: it's easy to move in and also has the potential to be cute as shit. alternately the dress + leather jacket combo (ty mika for opening my eyes to this)
ven: crop top + jacket + short shorts + long socks or cute dresses
kai: polo or button down + dark jeans or khakis depending on how formal he needs to look
mateen: sweater vests
ridwan: there's no one go-to but like. over the shoulder tops. crop tops. short shorts. patterned leggings. usually darker colors but not always
silpa: dresses like my sister... 2! free t-shirts and jeans but with overalls thrown in. socks and sandals when not working with sharp implements.
felix: pastel blouses/button-ups and patterned short shorts
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confettieparfait · 2 years
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accessories 〜☆
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mdecredico · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ⚫️🔴 VANS Off The Wall Velcro Sneakers.
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yohgar · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mishansha Boys Girls Hiking Shoes US 4 EU 35 Low Top Sneakers Outdoor Trekking.
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mamahuggiebear13 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Size 4W Champion Sneakers*.
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allthingsnew833 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🔥Toddler Skechers sneaker- Zstrap-Size 5🔥.
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earlysunshines · 1 year
kindergarden teacher!sana x fem!reader. (p1. 1)
summary: you take your niece to her first day of school and- shoot, you might have a crush on your nieces' teacher.
wc: 2k
warnings: none, pure fluff
pt2 pt3 pt4
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a/n: hiii this is my first post, feel free to leave feedback or just ask, comment, or anything like that, hope u enjoy!!
also, credits to @soliarus for inspiring and encouraging me to post my take on this! I really liked their take on this prompt/idea, so please check it out!!! it's so cute :'-]
you and your niece Hana, approach the classroom, and you spot parents already bidding their goodbyes and waving to their children from the cheery, chat-filled classroom. 
Hana reaches for your hand, holding your large hand with her small one. you look down at your niece, and she wears a white shirt, denim overalls, and a beige backpack, you had dressed her up this morning. The young girl stands outside the door with you and looks into the classroom from the door nervously.
“y/n, auntie…” She begins, “What if no one wants to be my friend?” 
There’s a look of surprise on your face after hearing what she said. She looks down at her beige, velcro sneakers. You squat down to match the little girl’s level,
“Hana… Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know… I don’t want to be the only one alone.” She says, and her frown deepens,
“Hana, sweetheart,” you start, holding both her hands in between your palms, “Trust me, at least one person will talk to you. Even if it isn’t today, someone amazing like you will make a friend, I mean, who wouldn’t want to be your friend? I made a lot of friends when I was your age,” 
You pause and put your hands on her shoulders, making eye contact, and your tone softens,
“You and I, we’re alike, . your dad and grandma think so too.” you begin, “And, be glad. Your dad isn’t as cool as me, trust me. Be glad you got your auntie’s genes, and because you have my genes, you’ll be the coolest in the room.”
“You sure?” Hana questions,
“Of course I am.” You assure her. You stand up and encourage her, “Now, come on, let’s go inside, your dad said your teacher was nice!” you say, smiling at the little girl and standing up again, “You lead me, I might get lost and I’m a bit scared myself, this isn’t my classroom after all.”
Hana’s worried expression is replaced by a growing smile after hearing your last remark,  “You’re so silly y/n, you’re old and scared? I thought you said you were the coolest!” Hana giggles, teasing you slightly.
“Hey! I am the coolest! and I'm not old! you should see your dad!”
The little girl laughs and gains a sudden boost of confidence from the lighthearted teasing, holding, no, grabbing your hand and practically pulling you into the classroom with her as if you were Alice traveling into some wonderland.
You two enter the classroom, and the first thing you notice is the smell. The vanilla scent isn't overwhelming, and you can even smell the faint notes of peaches and pears. The scent matches the slightly chaotic classroom and its well-thought-out arrangement and reminds you of the cafe you work at in a way.
There are kids in seats that are coloring, some looking or running around the room, and some with their parents taking pictures. Hana drags you to the colorful cubbies where she would put her finished work and lunchbox in. She shows you the sticker she put on the cubby with her dad from when they visited for the open house, and you smile at the sight. It’s a shark sticker, Hana and her dad love sharks.
“Hana, love, stand next to the cubby, I want to show your dad.” You tell her, pointing to the area where you want her to pose. She scoots over to the spot and smiles widely, her gums showing a bit as she smiles so brightly; it makes you smile too. you quickly snap a picture and send it to the group chat that your brother, mom, and dad are in.
You two wander around to where the backpacks are supposed to be hung, and your gaze wanders across the room to see a beautiful woman waving to a parent. The woman smiles at the other parent and crouches down to the little boy's level, then points to an empty seat before standing up and making eye contact with you. 
The woman is beautiful. Her dark brown hair flows effortlessly down to around where her ribs are. You find that it might be weird to think this, but her nose is perfect. The way it’s angled and the slope of it, and you surprise yourself at how much you like her nose, because you’ve never really thought about a nose like this. your gaze moves down to her peach-colored lips, and they look soft, lush, and really kissable-
you stop your thoughts on her lips there, because this is a woman you’ve just seen for the first time (and she’s making you all flustered and blushy like a stupid teenager in some romcom).
You look at her outfit, it’s cute and pretty, just like her. She wears a beige cardigan and white skirt that is loose on her thin figure, and the jewelry that completes her look is a small silver necklace sitting on her fair skin, just above her exposed collarbone, a small bracelet around her hand, and small gold earrings.
Hana feels the hand that holds hers slightly loosen up, and she looks up at you to see you staring across the room, ears tinted a shade of light pink. She looks over to what, or- who you’re looking at, which makes her tug at your sleeve, and it breaks you out of your trance.
“That’s my teacher, she’s really nice,” Hana says, smiling, “Last time, she gave me an extra sticker! Dad says she reminds him of you.”
“He says that she has the same warmth or something, I don’t know how people can be warm in the same way, that was kind of weird. He also said the way she talks to me reminds him of you.” Hana says. Your niece walks you over to the woman and she smiles at your niece,
“Y/n, this is Ms. Minatozaki.” Hana says shyly, tugging at your hand. 
“Hello, Hana. It’s nice to see you again.” The woman says, patting her head. Her voice is sweet and higher pitch, and the way she speaks is soft and welcoming, it even makes your cheeks warm up a bit. 
Her smile almost has you losing your balance, as if you were a weak tree getting hit by a gust of strong wind. The way her lips curved up to reflect her genuine joy in seeing your niece again made you weak in the knees. The woman’s gaze lands on you, and she makes eye contact. Her head is just barely angled when she looks up at you due to her being a couple of inches shorter, and you try not to fall into another trance from seeing her alluring features up close.
You try to compose yourself as you put your hand out to greet the beautiful woman, 
“Hello Ms, I’m y/n.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/n.” She replies. Sana is stunned by the woman in front of her, and it takes her a moment to really take in your presence. Your face is almost intimidating from how sharp your features are, and she’s trying not swoon over you in the moment seeing as you’re in the middle of introducing yourselves, and you’re (what she thinks,) Hana’s mother. 
her smaller hand fits yours perfectly as she shakes it. the world seems to pause for a bit as you realize this beautiful woman is shaking your hand, and it feels like you’re in a drama of some sort as everything slows down around you. She puts another hand on the outside of yours so that both hands are welcoming you into her precious workplace. 
Hana looks between the two women, a small smile tugging at her lips. She senses the spark that forms from the small interaction, and the way her aunt’s stoic and (usually) confident facade disappears at the moment.
You notice that your hands are still connected, and you pull away to run a hand through your hair, trying to play it off (you don’t, by the way, Hana reads right through you). 
You shift your look over to the little girl and squat down again to meet her level. A loose strand of hair that didn’t get braided is pushed behind your niece's ear by your slender fingers.
“Alright,” You say, placing a thumb on the girl's cheek, rubbing it lightly, “I’ll let you be off on your own, go have fun and be good okay? I’ll be here in the afternoon.”
“Yes y/n!” Hana beams, giving you a toothy grin. You laugh out softly and give her an almost identical grin back,
Your smile widens and there's a small feeling of worry that doesn’t go unnoticed. You really do hope everything goes well for your niece, after all, she’s your only niece and you just want the best for her. 
“If your teacher says you were good today, we can go to the cafe and I can make you your favorite hot chocolate, how about that? Ms. Dahyun also said she made a special croissant for you.”
“Please! Please! I’ll be good, I promise.” Hana says, practically jumping up and down. You smile at her enthusiasm and nod, 
“Alright, be good to Ms. Minatozaki lovely, I’ll see you later.” You say before you two exchange a nice, warm hug, and after you pull away, you push away her bangs and press a kiss to her forehead, lingering for a second.
You stand back up and watch the little girl run off on her own to an empty desk with coloring pages and markers, you smile at the sight.
“Hana is very enthusiastic, she’s a wonderful little girl from what I’ve seen so far. She’s so cute!” Ms. Minatozaki beams, and you turn your head to meet her gaze again, nodding.
“Yeah, she’s a curious little girl, and very bright.” You begin, then sigh, “I just hope she doesn’t cause any trouble. She’s pretty shy with new people, but she’s very energetic when she warms up and, well- you know how kids are.” You joke. 
Ms. Minatozaki lets out a giggle, and the way her nose scrunches makes you lose your cool a bit, it’s so cute that it has you laughing with her, and you don’t even bother to think about how pink your ears are right now.
“I’ll be going now Ms-”
“You can call me Sana, I mean, you’re not my student.” She says, laughing a little. 
“Definitely not.” You joke, and you want to joke on forever and make her laugh the whole day just to see how her face lights up and how adorable she looks when her nose scrunches slightly.
Sana watches you straighten out your dark brown jacket and her cheeks warm up a bit when you shoot her that cute smile of yours, but of course, you don’t notice due to how oblivious you are in the moment. The young teacher punches herself mentally for feeling a small flutter in her chest from who she thinks is her students’ mom, and she wonders how she’ll survive the year if she’ll see you more often.
“I’ll get going then, again, let me know if anything happens.” 
“Of course, I’ll make sure Hana has a great day,” Sana responds, nodding.
You and Sana exchange sweet smiles again, a similar warmth spreading through the two of you as you part. 
Before heading out the door, you wave to your niece again and the two of you smile at each other. You also take one more look at your niece's beautiful teacher, then head out to clock into your morning to afternoon shift.
Leaving the building, the sun seemed to shine a little brighter, and there was a new warmth in your chest knowing that Hana was in the hands and care of such a beautiful, sweet, and cute teacher: Ms. Minatozaki.
You were definitely going to convince your brother to let you take Hana to school more often, and pick her up regularly too.
… and little did you know, Sana would hope to see you often as well.
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foshanwords · 3 months
Stylish and Comfortable Toddler Clothes: Trends and Essentials for Every Season
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Dressing your toddler can be both fun and challenging. Parents want clothes that are not only stylish but also comfortable and practical for their active little ones. With changing seasons, it’s essential to have a wardrobe that caters to varying weather conditions while keeping your toddler looking cute and feeling comfortable. Here’s a guide to the latest trends and must-have essentials for each season.
Spring: Light Layers and Bright Colors
Pastel Shades: Spring is all about soft, pastel colors. Think light blues, pinks, yellows, and greens.
Floral Prints: For girls, floral dresses and tops are a hit. Boys can enjoy prints with cute, spring-themed patterns like animals and plants.
Light Jackets: A lightweight, breathable jacket is perfect for cool mornings and evenings. Look for materials like cotton or a light fleece.
Long-Sleeve Tees: Versatile and comfortable, long-sleeve tees can be layered under jackets or worn alone.
Leggings and Joggers: Comfortable and flexible, leggings for girls and joggers for boys allow for easy movement and play.
Summer: Breathable Fabrics and Sun Protection
Bold Patterns: Bright, bold patterns like stripes, polka dots, and tropical prints are perfect for summer fun.
Denim Shorts and Dresses: Timeless and durable, denim pieces are a summer staple.
Shorts and Skirts: Lightweight and breathable, these are must-haves for hot days. Look for elastic waistbands for added comfort.
T-Shirts and Tank Tops: Made from cotton or other breathable fabrics, they keep toddlers cool and comfortable.
Sun Hats: Protecting your toddler’s face from the sun is crucial. Wide-brimmed hats or caps with neck flaps are ideal.
Fall: Cozy Layers and Earth Tones
Earthy Colors: Fall fashion embraces earthy tones like browns, oranges, and deep greens.
Plaid Patterns: Plaid shirts and dresses are classic fall staples that never go out of style.
Sweaters and Cardigans: Soft, cozy layers like sweaters and cardigans are perfect for cooler days. Choose materials like wool blends or knit fabrics.
Long Pants: Durable pants like jeans and corduroys are great for fall. Elastic waists ensure comfort and ease of dressing.
Boots: Comfortable, sturdy boots keep little feet warm and dry. Look for options with easy closures like Velcro. Great post to read Potty Training Toilet
Winter: Warmth and Layering
Neutral and Jewel Tones: Rich, deep colors like burgundy, navy, and emerald green are popular in winter.
Festive Patterns: Winter-themed patterns, including snowflakes and holiday motifs, bring a festive touch to the season.
Winter Coats: A high-quality, insulated winter coat is a must. Features like a hood and water-resistant material add extra protection.
Thermal Layers: Thermal tops and bottoms provide an extra layer of warmth under regular clothes.
Accessories: Hats, gloves, and scarves are essential to keep toddlers warm. Choose soft, non-itchy materials like fleece or wool blends.
Year-Round Essentials
Onesies and Bodysuits: These are versatile pieces that can be worn alone in warmer months or as a base layer in cooler weather.
Comfortable Footwear: Sneakers, sandals, and slip-ons are necessary for different activities and seasons. Ensure they have good support and are easy to put on and take off.
Pajamas: Soft, breathable pajamas ensure a good night's sleep. Opt for cotton in summer and flannel or fleece in winter.
Dressing your toddler in stylish and comfortable clothes doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By understanding the trends and essentials for each season, you can create a functional and fashionable wardrobe for your little one. Prioritize comfort, durability, and ease of movement to ensure your toddler is ready for all their adventures, no matter the weather. With these tips, you can keep your child looking adorable and feeling great all year round.
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kaysuniverse-stl · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Fila | Pink High-Top Sneakers.
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