#cuz i wanna start....doin them but im embarrassed
stozkpile · 7 years
you're never too old to make oc animations on youtube, rite......
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for the music asks, can you answer either all of them or at least 5 of your choosing? I'm very curious 💜
queen bee wants em all she gets em all 💜🤙
(putting this all under the cut cuz its a lot 😅)
1. Song that always makes you happy
ocean man by ween for sure, its hard to be upset listening to that one
2. Song you listen to when you're sad
forget it by getter is def one of my go to feelsy songs
3. Top 5 songs of an artist of your choosing
island in the sun, say it ain't so, my name is jonas, beverly hills, sweater song
4. 3 most played songs on iTunes or Last.fm etc.
doin time by sublime, by the way by rhcp, i wanna get better by bleachers (on spotify cuz i dont have that other shit lol)
5. Favourite song right now
ive been weirdly obsessed with buried alive by terror reid lately
6. Favourite album of all time
probably sublimes self titled album if i have to pick
7. Favourite song of all time
8. Favourite artist of all time
9. A memory associated to an artist of your choosing
my dad really liked selena...he used to say she had an angelic voice. i was only 8 when she died but i remember my dad being devastated
10. Song that you feel you must always dance to
i literally dance to everything lmaooo must be a drummer thing but as long as it has a beat im groovin to it
11. First album you bought
my first album was dookie, unintentionally pissed my mom off but it was totally worth it
12. A song that reminds you of someone you love
13. A song from your childhood
gonna have to put this here for reasons
14. A song that reflects your personality
def gonna have to go with alien boy by oliver tree
15. Most hated song of all time
honestly anything by tool i cannot stand tool
16. Most overrated song
oblivion by grimes
17. Most underrated song
18. Most overrated artist
grimes 😏
19. Most underrated artist
everyone should go check out peach prc shes great her music is great
20. Favourite vocal performance
i just have to share a video for this one lol the whole thing is a ride from start to finish
21. Favourite guitar solo
i mean this 100% jack blacks solo in school of rock at the end where they perform in battle of the bands is fuckin choice dude
22. A song no one would expect you to love
i love terror jr ive been kind of following her for a while, this is a fave by her
23. A song you get stick for liking
i have a couple of lana del rey songs on my smoke playlist and i get mad shit from c137 AND morty 😒
24. A song you'd like at your funeral
i want im a believer by smash mouth blasting at my funeral (definitely joking)
pls play i miss you by blink 192 at my funeral (very much not joking)
25. Karaoke song
likely anything by sublime or weezer 😅 talking heads is fun to do too
26. Favourite summertime song
summertime by sublime 😏
27. Favourite Christmas song
oh my goood ive been waiting my whole life to share this because no one believes me but SIMPLE PLAN PUT OUT A CHRISTMAS SONG
28. An artist you used to love but don't really listen to now
im actually embarrassed to admit this but i had a very short lived obsession with limp bizkit when i was a kid 😅 lets just say i was an angry child lol
29. A cover that's better than the original
ive really been digging doja's cover of celebrity skin
30. A song that you have to crank the volume up for
i always crank my girl doja up
31. What song was top of the charts when you were born
ok so i had to look this up and the first thing i saw was everybody have fun tonight by wang chung lol
32. C.D. that's always in the car
i havent really done cds since like...2009 maybe 2010 lol
33. Which genre of music features most heavily in your collection
grunge and pop punk mostly but id say i have a pretty good mix of everything
34. Which genre(s) do you try to avoid
im not the biggest fan of most metal tbh (mort and i clash a lot when it comes to this 😅)
35. A song that is always stuck in your head
ngl this is on loop constantly in my head
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justsomefluff · 5 years
ATEEZ Reacts to You in Another Member’s Bed
Summary: You had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. When you come back to bed, it is not the bed you were expecting.
Big baby wouldn’t want you to leave the bed in the first place
Clutching at your shirt to keep you in place
When you manage to escape you can still hear him whining and rolling around
After you finish your business, you stumble back into the room and fall back into bed
But Wooyoung is like wtf are you doing
You're like whoops
And then bounce over to the right bed and Joong is like
I saw that
Like okay? And?
So you just close your eyes again, I mean no biggie 
But Joongie is like
Heyyyyyyyyyyyy.... you should know betterrrrr
Whiny to the max
So you just squish your face up under his neck and shush him
In the morning he’s all pouty still 
So you have to make a big show of apologizing to both him and Wooyoung
Takes a hot second to get forgiveness
Highkey, he wasn’t actually mad
Actually thought it was really funny
Just wanted extra affection (brat)
This possessive fool
You get up and go to bathroom no problem
He just kinda rolls over once you leave
But when you go back to bed
In Mingi’s bed...
Mingi screams bc he’s dramatic
And you scream bc terrifying
And Yeosang is like wtf can y’all stfu
So you’re all embarrassed and apologizing profusely
You back out of the room and start laughing to yourself in the hallway
This time you check the room to be sure it’s the right one
You slip under the covers next to Seonghwa, still laughing
He wakes up this time and he’s like
“Funny dream?”
And you tell him what happened
He laughs at first but then he’s all
How could you go to Mingi’s room
Oppa told you you’re his to cuddle
Starts referring to himself in the third person, as Oppa
You’re rolling your eyes like dude hush
So he gets pouty like 
Don’t roll your eyes at Oppa
And then you go back to sleep without incident but have to give him extra affection in the morning
As soon as you get out of bed he starfishes
You’re like wow I’m never gonna be able to get back in bed, there’s no room
When you finish in the bathroom you’re all squinty because your eyes are droopy and stuff
When you wiggle yourself into bed next to the starfish, you’re like ugh this sucks
You start poking his belly to get him to move
Then Jongho’s like who the hell is poking me
He opens his eyes and is like whatcha doin’ kiddo
And you’re like oh geez
So you just run out of the room and hope he thinks it was a dream
When you find the correct starfish, he has transformed into a burrito
So now, instead of not having space, you won’t have blankets
But you decide not to poke because you have just experienced some seriously awkward consequences to poking
You just start violently tugging on the sheets
Who really cares if he wakes up
Yunho will just fall right back to sleep anyway
Unconsciously, Yunho lifts his arm above his head 
And you YANK
Burrito: unrolled
So basically Yunho sleeps through everything and you have to tell him in the morning
And he’s like HAHAH you’re embarrassing
Doesn’t care and makes fun of you for the rest of your life
“Lmao remember that time-”
Yunho I swear to God
Smushy cheeks on his pillow
Dead asleep when you leave
But you end up back in bed
With Hongjoong
Hongjoong wakes up and he’s like 
Um, s’cuse me
Get out
And he’s blushy because it’s awkward
But you’re so tired that you don’t really care tbh
Of course in the morning you’ll be mortified but cross that bridge ya know?
So you waddle over to the right room
Slip into bed next to Yeosang
He wakes up this time like where’d ya go
Bathroom then I slept with Joong
“Accidentally went to his room and almost fell asleep in his bed lmao we didn’t have sex dummy”
He laughs but you seriously scared him how rude
But then he thinks about it some more and he giggles (you know the super cute one he does?? that one)
Genuinely finds humor in the situation
Still laughing about it in the morning tbh
Makes fun of you so much when you’re dying of embarrassment 
But who remembers facts? Not Yeosang
San is more bitter about it than the others
When you tell him how you accidentally got in Seonghwa’s bed instead of his he’s like
Then go back
Jealous baby
How could she not know my bed??
Expects you to have some sort of sixth sense about him just cuz you’re dating
Tbh always thought you were a superhero aww
But you’re powers are weak apparently
How dare you not recognize his bed at 3 in the morning when you’re tired and there’s no light?!
And you have to spend the entire next day forcing him into cuddles and kisses and stuff cause he’s lowkey mad at you
But you’re determined to get it through his thick ass head that it was an honest mistake
Finally he relents but he’s like, next time you have to pee...hold it
San literally makes the exact same mistake and ends up in Seonghwa’s bed
And then it’s your turn to make fun of San so you’re even
Big. Baby.
Clingy and all that
But you’re half asleep
I’ll be back I just have to pee chill the f out
But then you are not back
Because you’re in Yunho’s bed
Two big boys can get confusing in the dark okay?
And Yunho didn’t wake up when you got in his bed so he doesn’t even notice anything out of place
Mingi is like
She’s been gone a while
And he goes to look for you
Clingy or is he just worried bout you? You decide
Anyway you’re not in the bathroom so he’s like ??????
But then he’s walking by Yunho’s room and he’s like
He never leaves the door open what’s up with that
So he peeks in and he’s like... there’s one extra person in that bed...
He’s nosy so he’s like who dis
He’s like what in the world
But you and Yunho aren’t like, cuddling or anything so he’s like whatever
Basically you just made a wrong turn on the way back from the bathroom bc their doors are across from each other
Mingi just kinda picks you up and takes you back to his room
Doesn’t say anything to anyone in the morning because he doesn’t wanna embarrass you sweet boy
Does make you stay in bed with him for a while longer in the morning though
But you don’t really think anything of it bc he’s hard to wake up anyway
You’re scared to tell him that after you went potty you ended up in Yeosang’s bed
I mean nothing happened but Wooyoung’s mind can spiral into suspicion so you’re worried
I mean Yeosang was just as terrified
Wooyoung’s wrath ya know?
Yeosang’s like did you see him win that blindfolded swordfight omg
So you and Yeosang decide to both tell him
You’re all on different couches like an intervention
And you explain what happened super gently
You’re already apologizing to both of them when Wooyoung laughs straight in your face
He’s like WHO CARES
As long as anything didn’t actually happen between you then whatever
Just try not to do it again
And you’re like ahhhhh omigod
Wooyoung just kinda gives you a hug and a kiss
Then he leaves the room like nothing happened
And you and Yeosang are like... wut
So you follow him like are you actually okay bc like
And Wooyoung’s like I genuinely don’t care
But then you make him cuddle for the rest of the day bc you wanna make sure he knows you love him
You never intended to end up in San’s bed
Quite the opposite actually
I mean he does share a room with your boyfriend so I guess that’s an alright excuse
But you pretty much passed out again after your head hit the pillow
San wakes up and is like wtf
And instead of waking you up to get you out of his bed he starts whisper shouting to Jongho
And Jongho’s like shut up Im asleep
San’s like get yo girl
Jongho wakes up at that one
And then he’s laughing like really loud
Because he thinks it’s hilarious
Like San is so uncomfortable and you're dead asleep
Laugh riot
And he’s being loud so you wake up
And then Jongho’s standing and San is in bed next to you and you’re like oooowhooppsssiee
So you get up and you’re like my bad
San’s like whatever don’t get in my bed, you kicked Shiber out of his spot
Sorry Shiber
You get back into bed with Jongho but he keeps laughing so you don’t sleep for another hour
Teases the living daylights out of you until San threatens to kill him and he’s like sorry hyung
Then you sleep
But if you think he's not gonna start making fun of you straight out the gate in the morning
You’re so wrong
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Front Row of Last Resorts
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Summary: Calum never got a reason why his girlfriend left him. So when they run into each other six months after the fact, he’s determined to both get an answer and the girl.
A/N: Got angsty vibes when I came across the line “but do you miss the way those lies tasted” thanks to @cxddlyash​. And here we are.
Content: Smoking, alleged infidelity, hitting, pissed off female reader, smug Calum
Word count: 1.2k
And away, and away we go!
“Fuck you!” Her scream bounced off the buildings as she kept walking away from me.
Even though she was halfway through calling me every name in the book, my hands reached out to steady her as the heel of her shoe caught on an uneven part of the sidewalk and she stumbled backwards. “Whoa, easy there.”
“Don’t you fuckin’ touch me!” she snarled, snatching her arms back before I could even touch her.
I held up my hands in fake surrender. “Fine. Fall on your ass. See if I care.”
“You!” She took a step forward, a finger pointing dangerously in my face. “You fuckin’ disgust me! I never wanna see your face again, you hear me?!”
I dug into the pocket of my jacket for my cigarettes and lighter. If I was gonna listen to her continue to berate me, I was at least gonna have a smoke. “This some new sort o’ game you’re playin’, sweetheart?” I drawled as I lit up, taking a long drag.
“The only one playing games here is you!”
“Am I at least winning?”
“Fuck you, Calum,” she spat one more time before turning her back on me.
It took me snuffing my smoked cigarette into the concrete with the tip of my shoe to realize she wasn’t coming back.
~6 Months Later~
“What’re you doin’?” My lips moved around the cigarette in my mouth as I eyed Ashton in suspicion.
The other man giggled as he grabbed a nearby traffic cone and placed it on my head like a hat. “Makin’ sure you don’t get run over!” He flashed a grin.
“Piss off,” I chuckled good naturedly, lightly kicking his leg with my foot as he started to take a picture.
The sidedoor beside us opened, and we snapped our heads to it, expecting to see Luke and Michael walking out in search of us. When we saw it was a gaggle of girls, we averted our attention. “You’re a shit photographer, mate. Don’t quit your day job.”
“Am I the shit photographer, or are you the shit model?” Ashton quipped.
“Wouldn’t be the only thing Cal’s shit at,” one of the women snorted.
“Hey, Ash, remind me to look up ‘never’ in the dictionary. I wonder if there’s a second definition where it says ‘is actually 183 days.’” I took the cone off my head and took one last pull of my cigarette before digging the snub into the ground and rising to my feet. “How’s it goin’, sweetheart?”
“Eat shit,” she told me.
“Oh, so we’re still playin’ that game.” I tapped at my lips in thought as I walked over closer to her, leaning a hand against the wall. “We ever figure out who won?”
She let out a small scream of frustration before her hand cracked against my cheek.
I rubbed where she had struck me, my entire cheek on fire, brushing off Ashton who took a step forward, ready to intervene on my behalf. “Now that you got that out of your system, you ready to talk to me like a big girl? Or you wanna cuss me out some more? Let’s see… you already told me to eat shit, so look’s like we’re right about where you say I disgust you, and that you never wanna see my face again.”
“Fuck you!” Her hand shoved hard against my shoulder but I barely budged. She turned around, ready to walk off just like last time. Jesus, it was like clockwork with her.
I opened my mouth to call out after her, but Ashton cut me off with a hissed, “Mate!” his eyes wide as they pleaded with me to just let her go. 
“No, fuck this,” I dismissed him, before whistling loudly to get her attention. “Go ahead, and walk away again, sweetheart. I’ll see ya in another six months. Lovely catchin’ up!” I waggled my fingers and smiled sweetly at her.
“You stupid, smug, son of a bitch!” she fired, stalking back over to me.
I grabbed her wrist before she could hit me again. “Well, there’s no reason to drag my mum into this…” She growled and I grabbed her other wrist, holding both of them in one of my hands. “Now, that’s not very nice, sweetheart. What happened to all those words you had last time?”
“You’re not worth the air.”
“Alright. You wanna do what you didn’t do last time, and actually tell me just why the fuck you’re so hellbent on ripping my head off? Maybe, I dunno, change the outcome?”
“Why don’t you ask the girl you fucked what happened?!”
“I am!”
“Oh, so you weren’t fucking some other girl when you were with me? So, you’re not even an honest cheat? You’re a fuckin’ lyin’ one!”
“A cheater?! You think I cheated on you?!”
“I don’t think you cheated. I know you cheated! And you’re gonna stand there, and continue to deny it?!”
“I’m not denying shit, Y/N! I didn’t do anything! The only person I was crazy enough to fuck when I was with you was you!”
“Then explain this!” She quickly pulled up a picture on her phone before flashing it in my face.
I took one look and howled with laughter. I laughed so hard my sides ached and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I slumped against the wall, bracing a hand on my knee and pointing at Ashton with the other. “She thinks I fucked your girl!” I wheezed. “Oh, my, God! That’s fuckin’ great! Here I am, counting the days and kicking myself in the ass over Y/N when apparently I’ve supposed to been fuckin’ my best mate’s girl the whole time. Shit, I wish someone would've told me. This celibacy shit blows...”
While I fought to regain my composure, and she sputtered, “I- I- I,” at me, Ashton pulled up the unedited version of the picture on his phone. The photo that had him in it, his girlfriend’s hand on his jaw as he kissed her cheek the same way she was kissing mine.
“Believe me now?” I asked as she looked back and forth between the picture, Ashton, and me, her cheeks scarlet with embarrassment.
“Cal, I’m-”
“Save it,” I cut her off with a shake of my head. “I can’t believe you thought I would cheat on you. I can’t believe you read so much out of a fuckin’ picture so quickly that you drew you a conclusion about what happened without even having the decency to talk to me about it first before going off. I fuckin’ loved you. You know that this is the first time in 183 days that I’ve been able to stomach going out? Do you know that you had me so fucked up, that I actually know it’s been 183 days? Do you know how pathetic that is? To have literally counted the fuckin’ days?”
“Calum…” her voice shook.
“Yeah, doesn’t feel so good to not get a word in, huh?” I shot her a wink before I broke out in a held back grin.
She opened her mouth in shock. “Oh! You little shit!” She swatted lightly at my chest.
“Oh, c’mon, you deserved that, and you know it,” I laughed, grabbing her hand and pulling her to me.
“So you didn’t cheat?” Her voice was small and muffled as she buried her face in my shirt, inhaling my scent the same way I was doing with her.
“God, no. I fuckin’ love you, you crazy ass woman.”
“Good. Cuz I’ve really fuckin’ missed you.”
“Well, next time don’t leave me.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 3 (Branjie) (and background everyone else) - Ortega
a/n: hey fam!! we are over halfway through the rewrite so hopefully soon i can get a brand brand new chapter out to u soon, in the meantime enjoy chapter 3 all over again and see if u can spot the differences lmao?? idk but i hope u enjoy anyway!!
fic summary: Strictly Come Dancing enters its 18th series and its producers, after being goaded by a rival dance show on its inclusivity, commission it to be an all-female cast. Unlike Akeria who’s just here to bone her potential dance partner, dancer Vanessa is ready to act like a professional.
And then TV presenter Brooke Lynn walks into the rehearsal room.
28th September 2020
Vanessa has never been more excited in her life as she paces the rehearsal room, checks herself out for what is surely the millionth time in the mirrors and pulls a few strands of her dark hair out of her ponytail to frame her face. There’s a cameraman and a lighting person and a random producer set up in one corner too but Vanessa hardly acknowledges them, because it’s her first rehearsal with Brooke and in a moment she’s going to walk through those doors and they’ll get to start their journey together.
Saturday night had been a blur. They’d been rushed off to film their post-show reaction interview and Vanessa hardly remembers what she’d said. She supposes it couldn’t have been more incoherent than her immediate reaction. Or perhaps it had been. They’d swapped numbers excitedly, Vanessa’s heart dipping a little as Brooke insisted she couldn’t join for post-show drinks as she had to film early the next morning. With a pang of embarrassment, Vanessa remembers the text she’d sent to Brooke in the early hours of the morning as a result of Monique and Akeria’s shocking influence and way too much tequila:
V: iknow its 1am but im still so excited to be partnered wirg u and i cant wait for first rehearsal!!!!!!! x
It’s a miracle Brooke had still been up so her reply could come instantly and Vanessa didn’t have to wake up smelling of alcohol, kebab and regret the next day.
B: I’m excited too!! Have a good night, can’t wait for Monday x
It’s not like Vanessa has a crush- she’s just excited, as she keeps reminding herself, and Brooke is her first partner. It’s natural to look forward to seeing her as much as she is.
Vanessa inspects her reflection again, frowning and pulling out two more strands of hair from her ponytail to hang loose. She gives a cry of frustration as she realises she’s ruined it by pulling out way too much, so she bends over and hangs her head down between her knees to gather her hair up again.
She’s in this position when the door opens and she hears Brooke’s voice ringing into the echoey room.
“Good morning! Oh shit, am I interrupting something?“
Embarrassed, Vanessa flips her hair back and stands up straight, walking quickly over to Brooke as she dumps her gym bag at the door. “No, fuck, sorry, I was just fixing my hair! Hey!”
Brooke has her arms out ready to hug Vanessa and she accepts gladly. She smells all clean and of fabric softener. She probably uses in-wash scent boosters like an adult who has complete control of her life and more money than sense. They pull out of the hug and Vanessa fixes Brooke with a smile.
“So!” Vanessa starts, but there’s a noise from the other side of the room. One of the producers has stepped forward.
“Uh yeah, ladies, we can’t use that intro. We’re gonna have to film again.”
“How come?” Vanessa asked, realising too late that it’s because she was bent over with her hair hanging to the ground and that Brooke swore. The girls share a guilty laugh and Brooke retreats to the door. The good news is that they get to hug for a second time when they reshoot, and Vanessa gets another scent of Brooke’s detergent and the protected feeling of having the other girl’s strong arms around her.
“So, first rehearsal!” Vanessa chats cheerfully, leaning on the barre and tilting her head as she talks to Brooke. “How we feelin’?”
“Good! Excited. Ready. Positive adjectives,” Brooke says all at once, smiling at her. “How about you?”
“I’m happy. Kinda nervous, ‘cuz now I have to live up to your expectations.”
“And they are great expectations.”
Vanessa nods. “George Orwell style.”
Brooke pauses, fixing Vanessa with a funny look, then bursts out laughing. “Even Charles Dickens?”
Vanessa laughs, shrugging. “They both wrote books, I stay winning.”
She watches as Brooke doubles over clutching her stomach in hysteria, and feels a sense of pride at having made the girl laugh so much. Remembering the film crew in the corner, she smacks her hands together. “Right! For our first dance as a Strictly partnership, we are doin’ a…quickstep!”
Brooke raises her eyebrows and nods slowly. “Ballroom first, okay! I can do that. I guess I’m surprised we’re not doing Latin.”
Vanessa shrugs. “Ballroom ain’t my strong suit so I figured it’s better to get it out the way early while we got other, shittier girls we can hide behind.”
There’s a beat of silence as the two girls look at each other. They both speak at the same time. “…Farrah.”
“Reshoot!” the producer shouts over, Vanessa feeling herself roll her eyes like a teenager. Brooke snorts a laugh and Vanessa feels that little match spark up in her gut again. They reshoot, having the same conversation as before in so many words. It’s tricky remembering not to swear- Vanessa peppers fuck and shit into her daily language like she’s seasoning it, so it’s odd attempting to remove that from her vocabulary. She should probably be trying to give Brooke the impression of a mysterious and graceful woman who says gosh and darn but if she’s going to be working with her she’s going to be working with her, not a cookie-cutter picture perfect imitation.
“You wanna warm up?” Vanessa asks her, feeling a little bashful as Brooke rolls her neck slowly. She gives a small shake of her head as a long strip of her bare neck is exposed, her blonde ponytail falling over her shoulder. Vanessa feels like shaking her head herself, shaking all the thoughts that just entered her head out of it. Get a grip.
“Nah, I already did a bit before I came. We’ve got a gym at the flat, so it’s good for that kind of thing.”
Vanessa feels her eyebrows fly up her face. What kind of fancy-ass flat does she live in? “You wanna just do a bit of conditioning then? I saw you were good at it on the induction day, so you prolly don’t need to do much-”
“You had your eyes on me on induction day then?” Brooke interrupts, gives Vanessa a cheeky wink that makes her face hot. She thinks about making a jibe related to Brooke eyeing her up during squats, but she thinks it’s maybe a bit much. This is only the third time they’ve seen each other, after all. She doesn’t know why she’s acting like such a teenager.
“You wish, princess,” she sticks her tongue out. Brooke laughs and Vanessa joins her, trying not to think too much about where that princess appeared from out of nowhere.
Brooke shrugs in agreement and they do a bit of conditioning on the mats that are kept at the studio. They don’t really need to be doing too much- it’s a quickstep, it’s not exactly Cirque du Soleil- but Vanessa enjoys giving her muscles a proper stretch anyway. She doesn’t need to be the bendiest dancer in the world but she likes to feel as if her flexibility and strength are constantly improving. The film crew stay to catch some rehearsal shots but Vanessa feels as if it’s only her and Brooke in the room, their easy small-talk coming naturally as they stretch and chat over the chill R&B Vanessa’s stuck on in the background. Brooke’s been working that morning already, shooting for The Voice. They’ve moved filming to the morning so she can participate in the show. Vanessa says she hopes it’s not inconvenienced her too much and Brooke laughs and waves her apology away, saying it’s been her dream to get asked on the show ever since she rose to TV-presenter status.
Vanessa agrees, tells her about growing up watching the show with her Mom, how it inspired her when she began to compete all those years ago. She could get into other stuff, like the Summer when they couldn’t fly back to Puerto Rico because Vanessa had begged and pleaded with her Mom to spend the flight money on another term at dance school instead and it had caused a rift so huge it almost tore a hole in her family. But she doesn’t. As Vanessa reminds herself, it’s only their third meeting.
So why does she have to fight the compulsion to tell Brooke her damn life story?
Before Vanessa can blurt out any emotional moments from her upbringing (and she doesn’t exactly have a shortage of them), she slaps her thighs, stands up and rolls the mat away.
“Okay, let’s get started. Now obviously you’re good-”
“Oh, of course,” Brooke jokes. Vanessa’s heart gives a dip.
“- so I think we can maybe just start learning the full thing? If it’s too hard then we can just do some of the basics and go over lil’ techniques an’…stuff,” Vanessa clocks the cameras, changes the “shit” she was about to let out. “But the good news is we got two weeks to learn this one instead of one.”
“So there’s no excuse for it not to be perfect,” Brooke nods immediately. Vanessa freezes, taken aback. Brooke in turn looks almost as if she’s been caught out, and her face turns a little red. “Sorry. That probably seems way too keen, it’s just a fun dancing show-”
“Nah, keep that spirit. I’m a fan of that,” Vanessa smiles at her and Brooke, reassured, smiles back. The girl’s clearly a perfectionist. Vanessa adds that to her growing list of things she’s learning about her new partner. “Aight, I’m gonna show you how it’s gonna look. Lemme get my phone.”
Vanessa dashes over to her gym bag, scrambles about in it for a moment. She spent all of Sunday and stayed up all night finishing off the choreography with Crystal, who she’d also helped choreograph her first dance too, not that Crystal needed any help choreographing Latin. Or indeed ballroom. Or indeed any dance full stop. They’d brainstormed and drank gallons of water and chatted together excitedly the whole time. Being on the show with Crystal is nice because they practise their Spanish together so Vanessa doesn’t lose too much of it, and she understands what it’s like to be away from her huge extended family on days like Cinco di Mayo when the only real celebration of that in the UK is a display of Mexican party food in Tesco, and they moan together about the fact that neither of them have seen a single plantain on sale since arriving in the country. Finally finding her phone in her gym bag, Vanessa searches for the video she and Crystal took of the quickstep once it was all finished. Finding it, she plops down next to Brooke who’s sitting on the dusty floor and leaning against the mirrored wall. She hits play, holds her breath nervously and hopes Brooke will like what she’s come up with. Vanessa is relieved when a small smile grows on Brooke’s face.
“Are we actually doing it to Pon De Replay?”
“Damn right we are!” Vanessa replies proudly. She got her song request in early and the producers approved it on Sunday morning. She knows that she’s not as good at ballroom but she likes the fact that she can use songs she likes and twist the style to fit, making it more comfortable for her. The dance she’s created is clever, even if she does think so herself. First week is all about showcasing your celebrity and what they do, what kind of person they are, so Vanessa wants to give Brooke a challenge. The first half is a straightforward quickstep and the second is the same but everything mirrored and in reverse. There’s a silly bit at the start where Brooke’s going to pretend to be interviewing Vanessa to reflect her everyday career. It’s cheesy, but that’s Strictly.
The video comes to an end and Brooke is smiling from ear to ear. “Oh my God. I love it.”
“Ah! Amazing. I’m so glad,” Vanessa beams, happy and relieved all at once.
“I mean, it looks hard. But I didn’t think any of this would be easy.”
“It’ll get easier, though! Just needs practise. And remember, we’ve got two weeks!” Vanessa reminds her, standing up and shaking herself out. “So we’ve got ages. I mean. In between all the press and social media madness, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Brooke laughs, pushing herself up from the floor. “Right, come on then, teacher. What do we start with?”
Vanessa begins showing Brooke the routine, the complex and intricate little steps and hops of the quickstep taking Brooke a little bit of getting used to. But by lunchtime, they’ve gone through a little chunk of the dance already and they’ve run it without and with the music. Vanessa’s pleased with their progress and when they stop for their lunch break they’re both exhausted, sweaty, and smiling.
“You good?” Vanessa asks Brooke, who’s taking a long swig of her drink. Her eyes widen as she nods quickly.
“Yeah! Christ, it’s so tough. You’re a good teacher, though,” Brooke says, finally finishing her water. The praise makes Vanessa blush; she’s glad she’s already red from all the dancing so it doesn’t show as much.
“You’re doin’ great. Makin’ my job easy,” Vanessa smiles at her. She bites her lip before speaking again. “Hey, you wanna come have lunch with me?”
Brooke pulls a face and pouts. “Aw, that sounds amazing but I’ve got a meeting with my agent at quarter past. To make sure you’re not committing human rights violations against me or whatever.”
Vanessa snorts a laugh, tries not to look disappointed. They promise to meet back at the studio in half an hour, and Vanessa heads to the canteen where she knows some of the other girls will be having lunch too. The studios that a bunch of them have had the foresight to block-book are great and modern, and Vanessa feels bad for girls like Jan who’s having to rehearse in a draughty church hall near Jackie’s sleepy Hounslow suburb. Pushing open the double doors, she finds Phi Phi, Jaida, Monique, Crystal and Plastique already sitting at a table and eating lunch. Vanessa dashes over.
“Beep beep, hoes! Winner coming through,” she shouts over to them cheerfully, Monique laughing and rolling her eyes long-sufferingly as Jaida shakes her head at her.
“Take several seats, bitch.”
“One’s fine, thanks,” Vanessa flutters her lashes at her, causing the other girl to laugh.
“How did you even get in through the door with your head this big?” Monique scoffs, as Vanessa chucks her bag down and rakes through it for her lunch.
“Hey, you’d be crowin’ as well if you saw what my girl can do,” she points out, ignoring the way Monique’s eyebrows fly up her face at the my girl.
“It’s not about who’s got the best dancer from the start, it’s all about the potential,” Plastique shrugs at her. Vanessa gives a laugh.
“Aw, Scarlet’s got loads of that, right?” she jibes, the other girls laughing. Plastique rolls her eyes.
“We spent half an hour on a step-ball-change. Every object in the room slowly started to merge into implements with which I could kill both her and myself,” Plastique put her head in her hands. She’d ended up being partnered with the soap star and Monique, to her badly-suppressed delight, had been given singer Monet.
“At least she’s trying to work hard,” Phi Phi sighed, her face taking on a sour expression. “Willam is killing me. She keeps doing shit wrong and if I point it out she just makes a joke about it. And she keeps dashing next door to show shit to Courtney! What the hell is up with that? Courtney’s got Blair to worry about, she doesn’t need a damn goofball interrupting her rehearsal every two minutes to add to that.”
“Where is Courtney, anyway?” Vanessa asked, taking a big bite out of her chicken and rice. She knows Courtney shares their studios too and she’s notable by her absence.
Phi Phi pulls a face in response. “Let’s just say her and Blair have a lot of work to do.”
“Well, I can’t relate,” Monique smiles smugly. “Me an’ Monet have been doing amazing.”
“So’ve me and Gigi! She’s awesome,” Crystal pipes up excitedly. Vanessa swears she can see her pupils turn into little hearts as she speaks. “She’s so hardworking. We’ve done, like, half our dance already.”
“No you haven’t, stop lying,” Phi Phi nudges her under the table with her foot. Crystal rolls her eyes, resigned.
“Okay, not half, but maybe like a quarter. An eighth? A twelfth.”
The girls explode laughing and Vanessa actually has to wipe tears from her eyes. When she calms down, she asks Jaida how her rehearsals with Yvie are going so far.
“Alright, I guess. The girl’s really great, she’s got so much talent. But the bitch won’t stop filmin’ shit for her fuckin’ vlogs! I’d leap out the damn window but our room’s on the ground floor.”
Another roar flies up from the girls. It’s always funny to see how they all gel with their dance partners, and Vanessa has never got to experience it for herself until this year. She’s so happy she’s been paired with Brooke.
After the girls finish their lunch, Vanessa and Brooke continue to rehearse. The days pass like that easily with hours spent in hold, out of hold, stepping, hopping, watching Brooke tear her hands through her messy ponytail in frustration when she can’t immediately nail a particular move. Vanessa learns that Brooke’s hard on herself and, though she never snaps or yells, Vanessa knows it annoys her having to really properly work at the tricky bits. Truth be told, Vanessa gets annoyed at herself too. She curses herself whenever Brooke struggles with something, becomes convinced she should have made the dance a little easier for her. If Brooke doesn’t pick something up quickly Vanessa is irritated at her own teaching methods. She knows Brooke wants to be the best no matter how much she plays the competition off as simply a bit of fun, and she gets annoyed when it seems like she’s not doing enough to help her achieve that.
On the whole, though, Vanessa tries not to beat herself up too much. They do seem to be making really good progress in comparison to some of the other girls, and they’ve more or less learned the whole dance by the end of the first week. It bodes well for their next few weeks together, as they both know the two-week rehearsal process is a luxury that’s not going to be afforded to them for the rest of the series. Besides, next week is full of social media madness and promo filmings and they’ve got their It Takes Two interview with Cheryl on Friday. It’s going to be exhausting.
“It’s going to be exhausting,” Brooke smiles gently, contemplating the week ahead and rubbing her eyes at the end of their Saturday night rehearsal. It’s 10pm and probably far too late and Vanessa should’ve let Brooke get an early night but she got carried away polishing up little sections with her.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kept you so late tonight,” Vanessa laments, frowning. Brooke frowns back, her face full of concern.
“Don’t apologise! I’m willing to stay as long as it takes. However long you think I need,” Brooke gives a small laugh, and Vanessa concedes and joins her laughter. The thought hits her that they’ve not shared too much on social media yet. Some of the pairs are giving round-the-clock updates as if they’re News 24 (she doesn’t think Aja and Farrah have stopped going live on Instagram since they began rehearsing but that’s what you get with a reality TV star as a partner), and Vanessa feels a bit guilty. She knows she’s got fans- it never gets any less crazy to say but it’s true- and she knows they’re as excited about her Strictly journey as she is. So she takes her phone out of her bag and waves it a little at Brooke.
“Hey. I know it’s late, but we’ve been workin’ so hard we kinda forgot about all the fun shit. Wanna take a few post-rehearsal selfies for Insta?”
She pauses as Brooke lets out a small laugh, suddenly feels embarrassed. “You know. If that’s your sorta thing.”
“I’m a TV presenter, Vanessa, I’m not the Prime Minister. I’m allowed to have fun,” Brooke laughs, struts up to stand beside her and faces the mirrored wall. “Go on then, Naomi Campbell, start the damn photoshoot.”
Vanessa laughs and her heart gives a little flutter as Brooke locks her fingers and rests them on her shoulder, leaning down and resting her head on them. She pouts and in turn Vanessa throws up a peace sign and sticks her tongue out. She takes a burst of five photos that will all look identical but she knows she’ll be able to find a tiny, minute difference in them all. Brooke leans over her phone as she scrolls through the photos, and suddenly jabs a finger against her screen.
“That one. It’s cute.”
Vanessa obeys orders and puts it on her Instagram story along with a timestamp and a little gif of a teddy bear falling asleep.
“Now do a video!” Brooke bounces on her toes all excited, and Vanessa has to laugh at how much she’s getting into the swing of things. Vanessa points the camera at them both, begins recording.
“Hey guys, Vanjie here with my girl Brooke Lynn, so it is…” she forgets the time, appeals to Brooke. “10.05? 10.06?”
“Way-too-late-o’clock,” Brooke chimes in, pokes Vanessa’s face teasingly. Vanessa rolls her eyes.
“We’ll go with that. An’ we have just finished a run of our full dance, you’re gonna love it, I can’t wait to show off this girl, y’all are not ready.”
Vanessa feels her face grow ever-so-slightly flushed as Brooke turns to her and smiles. “Aww. That’s cute, thanks! Oh, can we tell them what the song is?”
Vanessa faces her and laughs. “No way! We gotta wait til Monday, that’s when they all get released.”
“Please?” Brooke actually pouts. It’s too adorable and her face is so close to Vanessa’s in her attempt to fit into frame that Vanessa could totally lean forward and give her the tiniest little kiss if she wanted.
She doesn’t want to. Why the fuck did that thought just appear in her head?
“No! They’ll find out on Monday. And the dance too! No special treatment.”
“Ugh. I’m so telling my agent, this is definitely illegal. Should’ve stayed on the damn One Show.”
Vanessa bursts out laughing at Brooke’s joke, shakes her head at the camera. “I have to work with this diva. Jeez. Well, see you guys later!”
“Yeah, see you all later! If she hasn’t murdered me by then.”
“If I haven’t murdered her by then. Bye, love ya!” Vanessa signs off and stops recording, posts the video to her story as Brooke laughs. “You’re a natural at all this social media shit. Right, go get some rest. See you Monday, girl.”
“See you Monday,” Brooke smiles. Vanessa doesn’t miss the way she sort of hovers, lingering with the smile still on her face before looking to the floor and then leaving the room. Vanessa wonders what she was thinking. It couldn’t have been that important.
Before Vanessa begins to pack up she checks Instagram to see the reaction to the stuff she’s just dropped. There’s a few replies- she always gets them on her stories from fans and she tries to reply to most of them. One in particular catches her eye- a reply to the video which is peppered with heart-eye emojis and simply reads:
OHMYGOSH!!!!! You guys are SO cute together!!!
Vanessa doesn’t realise how long she’s been smiling until she’s left the studio and walking to the tube.
They both have a day off on Sunday- they all do. It’s been a long first week and they’ve all earned it. Vanessa has an ice bath because she’s forgotten how intense it is to be rehearsing all day every day with just one other person. It reminds her of the show she did that Summer with-
Well. It doesn’t matter now.
What matters now is Brooke, and Vanessa spends most of the daytime on Sunday sitting on the small sofa that’s squashed under the ceiling beam in her tiny narrow flat, curled up under a blanket and trying to figure out how to text her. She wants to make that connection with her partner, she wants her and Brooke to be close friends and to be able to go for lunch and talk about anything together and have their own little jokes and stuff like that. Lots of the dancers have that kind of connection with their girls already- Crystal and Gigi are averaging around two silly selfies a day on social media, Vanessa can hear Monique and Monet’s laughter ricocheting off the walls and down the stairs from their rehearsal room, and there is already some are-they-aren’t-they media speculation in the form of Jan and Jackie, who were papped going to get bagels in a break between rehearsals with their pinkies interlocked and small smiles on their faces. Vanessa’s not jealous of them, whatever it is they have. She’d asked Crystal about them, because she’s closer with Jan, and Crystal had laughed it off and said they’re just friends and they’re getting on very well. Vanessa has reason to doubt her, mind you. She knows chemistry when she sees it.
Vanessa finally decides to shoot Brooke a message at around six at night. She’s making a cheat meal of mac and cheese with a bunch of chorizo through it, because she damn well deserves a carb and some dairy and some oily meat. It’s when she realises that she’s made enough for a small village that she takes her phone out, messages Brooke before she can overthink it.
V: i’ve just made way too much mac and cheese, u wanna have a rehearsal room floor picnic tomorrow? x
The moment it’s sent she regrets how outrageously fucking pathetic she sounds. That is until she gets a reply around two minutes later, one that makes her face hurt with a smile.
B: No chance you’re offloading your failed masterchef attempts onto me. How do I know it’s edible? x
Her reply is flirtatious. Vanessa tries to explain it away but she can’t, so she positions her phone in front of the huge earthenware tray she’s just taken out of the oven, the breadcrumbs giving a satisfying crackle as she sticks a serving spoon into it and takes a boomerang of the strings of cheese and billows of steam that emerge as she pulls the spoon out and a golden slice of the baked pasta with it. She sends it off to Brooke without any written reply and for a moment she forgets about any potential response as hunger overtakes her. She grabs a white bowl with a small crack down its side and piles the pasta high into it, sitting back on the couch and pulling the purple blanket over her knees as she scans the channels for something to keep her company as she eats. She settles on a rerun of some 90s gameshow and as it eventually finishes, so does her dinner. It’s only then that Vanessa remembers her phone, and as she dashes back across to the kitchen counter her heart gives a giant thump of joy as she sees four messages from Brooke.
B: Omg I take it all back, I will never doubt your cooking skills again x
B: Is that chorizo???????? I’m so hungry x
B: Are you mad at me because I said it wouldn’t be edible?? I’m sorry!!!!!! x
B: Please bring some for lunch tomorrow! I’ll get us a dessert, call it an apology x
Vanessa looks at the little “x” after each one. She’s blushing before she even knows it and it’s almost like Brooke has planted real little kisses on both her cheeks.
V: i’d say it’s a date but i’m not gonna give u the satisfaction x
A reply from Brooke doesn’t come but somehow it doesn’t bother her.
They have their picnic on the floor of the rehearsal room the next day, just as had been promised. Brooke makes ridiculous noises as she takes her first bite of the mac and cheese and Vanessa pokes fun at her for buying the cakes and not baking them (but Galaxy cake bars are delicious, so she doesn’t complain too much). They make a silly video for Instagram- “Hey guys! We’ve stopped for lunch and I brought a picnic!” “Hey, I made cakes!” “Bought cakes. Bought.” - and they’re almost too full to practise afterwards but they do, until late into the night, and the day after that and the day after that. They squeeze in their photoshoot for the title sequence and an interview for the Radio Times and the days pass in a busy blur. Vanessa’s smile grows wider with each rehearsal as they become better and better at the dance and on Thursday night they run it through with no mistakes at all, Vanessa so happy that she jumps into Brooke’ arms and squeals with delight and Brooke squeezes her tight and does the same. Before they know it it’s Friday, they’re the last It Takes Two interview of the week, and the first show is a little over twenty-four hours away.
“You nervous?” Vanessa whispers to Brooke as they watch Cheryl interviewing one of the past contestants they’ve invited on to give their insight. The sister show of Strictly isn’t watched by a huge number of people but it is watched by the hardcore fans, and Vanessa is anxious to make a good impression.
“A little. I’m used to conducting the interviews, not giving them,” Brooke frowns a bit, sweeps her blonde hair over her shoulder. She turned up to the studios in a smart blue suit and orange heels and Vanessa is amazed that she hasn’t dissolved into liquid form under Brooke’s gaze.
Brooke is so beautiful, and Vanessa wonders if she’ll ever stop thinking that to herself.
Vanessa drops a shy hand to her side and takes Brooke’s, lacing their fingers together and giving them a squeeze. They hold hands and press their bodies together and look into each other’s eyes all the time as part of the dance so it’s not weird, it’s almost routine. When Brooke smiles at her, reassured and at ease, Vanessa relaxes by at least ninety percent.
They’re soon called out while a pre-recorded VT of their rehearsal footage plays and they whisper an excited hey to Cheryl in all her fake-tanned, white-toothed glory, the very vision of an Essex girl-turned-professional. Vanessa’s been interviewed by Cheryl before, last year when she was on the bench and all she had to do were some silly challenges and goof around with the other pros. This is different.
Vanessa takes a quick breath in and holds it while she smiles maniacally at the camera and Cheryl does their introduction. “Alright, now, joining us for the last interview of the week- it’s Brooke and Vanessa!”
A cheer goes up from the production crew as they both wave to the camera, and it makes Vanessa’s smile turn more goofy than she’d intended it to be. She leans into Brooke’s side as she laughs and she notices that Brooke’s got an arm resting on the headboard on the sofa behind her.
“Now, Brooke, you’ve had a fortnight of rehearsals and had to work around your busy taping schedule- what’s that been like?” Cheryl asks, leaning forward with interest. Vanessa has always liked Cheryl, mainly because an interview with her feels like a chat with an old friend and she always genuinely seems interested in what someone has to say.
“Ugh, you know what? It’s been amazing,” Brooke smiles, and Vanessa’s heart lights up in affirmation. She turns to look at Brooke and she’s already smiling at her. “Obviously it’s been tiring at times, I think I’ve had a combined total of about 10 hours of sleep this week-”
Vanessa snorts, laughs at how dramatic Brooke’s being.
“-but I wouldn’t change it. I’ve learned so much, and V’s such a good teacher. I really struck it lucky with her.”
The production team let out an “aww”, and Vanessa tries to bite back a grin and fails. Brooke’s arm goes from the headboard to rest around her shoulders and Vanessa is scared to move in case she scares her away like a butterfly.
“Now speaking of- Vanessa,” Cheryl’s face breaks into a smile as she turns to her, and Vanessa’s stomach flutters a little with nerves. “You obviously felt you struck it lucky with Brooke too, let’s remind everyone of your reaction to getting paired with her.”
Vanessa lets out a wail of protest and buries her face in her hands as the clip of their pairing is played, and she can hear Brooke creasing with laughter beside her. Her embarrassment is rewarded with Brooke squeezing her shoulder in reassurance, and Vanessa supposes it’s sort of worth it. The clip comes to an end and, as Vanessa takes her hands away from her face, she knows she’s blushing hard.
“Now, you were…I think you were a bit happy?” Cheryl teases sarcastically. Vanessa playfully glares at her, and Brooke squeezes her shoulder again. “Are you still as overjoyed with having Brooke as a partner now you’ve started to rehearse with her?”
“Aw, I’m still as happy as I was on launch night. Honestly,” Vanessa smiles at Cheryl, turns and smiles at Brooke too because she can’t help it. “She just makes it so easy because- she doesn’t stop smiling, so rehearsals are fun, and she is just the hardest-working girl…that even a word? Hardest-working…most hardworking..I don’t know, but she’s it, you know?”
Her praise is rewarded by Brooke dropping her hand down to her waist, and Vanessa’s heart gives a judder. It’s not like she’s not used to Brooke’s hands on her, but the context is different, and it throws her off ever so slightly in the best possible way.
“I think what’s nice is- I’ve wanted to be on this show for so long and it’s V’s first year with a partner, so we’re kind of doing this whole journey together, and it’s special,” Brooke smiles, and Vanessa nods in agreement, as if the movement of her head will stop the blood rushing to her cheeks in a blush.
“It is nice! Because I suppose, Brooke, you ain’t gotta compare yourself to anyone because there’s not been any partners before you,” Cheryl adds with a shrug. Vanessa smiles at her words and nods, turns to Brooke as she speaks.
“Yeah. You’re my favourite.”
Brooke’s eyes have a twinkle in them as she smiles back at her. “Aw, thanks.”
The interaction is so quick that Cheryl’s already on to her next question before she can pick up on it. “Now, Vanessa, you chose a quickstep for week one, why was that?”
Vanessa sighs a little as she thinks about it. She doesn’t want to come across too cocky, come out with because my girl’s the best and I knew she could do it in her sleep with her eyes shut, so she instead tries to come across as humble as she can. “I think because- it’s a fast dance, and it’s good to go right in at the deep end on your first week. I can see Brooke Lynn’s potential, and I know what she’s capable of, so we just sort of went for it and she’s coped so well. She’s thrived.”
“Not survived, but thrived! I love it!,” Cheryl laughs along with her. “Now, this pairing, I have heard…through the grapevine…this is a bit of a linguistically challenged pairing, am I right?”
Vanessa blinks at her. “What’s that even mean?”
Brooke howls with laughter beside her and Cheryl does the same opposite, and Vanessa pouts. She doesn’t like to look dumb, and the wounded part of her wants to remind them both that she’s the only one out of the three of them that speaks more than one language, but she lets it drop when Brooke explains it to her softly. “Like…words and stuff.”
“Oh right! Yeah, so Brooke’s got lil words for all the steps we’re doin’.”
“It just helps me remember the timing!” Brooke laughs, her turn to feel embarrassed as she covers her face with her hands.
“Yeah, so we go, like…step, hop, beans-on-toast!” Vanessa explains. Cheryl’s looking at Brooke as if she has two heads.
“What is beans on toast?!” she exclaims. Brooke shakes her head, gives Vanessa a look of admonishment.
“It’s just a little phrase, and it goes with the timing of the steps of the dance, and it helps me remember them…I won’t do it on the night, you won’t hear me say it!” Brooke laughs. She’s got the slightest hint of a blush hitting her cheeks, and part of Vanessa feels warm with the fact that the stage lights are too bright to pick up on it and it’s like a secret only she knows.
“Well, Vanessa, there’s also a revelation I’ve heard today that I’m a little bit shocked by…” Cheryl begins, and Vanessa feels nervous, as if Cheryl’s about to rip the butterflies out of her stomach and show them to Brooke as some sort of proof of any embarrassing little feelings she’s got for her. “…you’re a Strictly pro that can’t actually say the name of one of the dance moves?”
“Oh my God,” Vanessa lets out a groan. She knows instantly what Cheryl is referring to, and Brooke’s hand is wrenched from its position on her waist as she claps her hands with mirth.
“Can you say it now?” Brooke teases, and Vanessa rolls her eyes at her.
“Girl, you know I can’t!” she whines, prepares herself to try and say the offending word. “Sash-ay?”
“No!” Brooke laughs, the twinkle in her eye almost blinding.
“Sash-ay?” Vanessa hears herself, and shakes her head. “No, wait, I already said it like that.”
“It’s not like a sachet of sauce,” Cheryl supplies unhelpfully. Vanessa raises her eyebrows at her. She tries again.
“Chassé,” she finally comes out with, and a roar of satisfaction erupts from the crew behind the cameras. She laughs as she protests her lack of pronunciation. “Leave me alone, I got two languages to try an’ speak in!”
“And you can’t say chassé in either of them,” Brooke teases, sticking her tongue out at her. Vanessa finds it hard to rip her eyes away from her partner as Cheryl speaks again.
“Well, you two, you’ve been a joy to have with us today, good luck for Saturday night-”
“Thank you!”
“- Brooke and Vanessa, everybody!”
A cheer goes up from the crew, and Vanessa can’t help but giggle at the silliness that was the end of their interview. As Cheryl introduces another section of the show, Vanessa feels Brooke slip her hand into her own, squeezing it once. Vanessa squeezes back, and Brooke meets her eyes in a calm smile. It’s Friday evening, they’re off to rehearse as soon as this is over, and then it will be Saturday and their first live show as a couple. Vanessa is the best kind of nervous, and she finds herself shutting her eyes for a second as if to check she’s not dreaming.
Another squeeze of her hand from Brooke Lynn brings her back to earth with a bump, but she doesn’t mind.
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