#cuz they have lower standards than bw
blue--star · 3 years
Ok, but school is just literally useless. I mean not the learning part (even if I hate it). But how they teach us to learn. So (i can only speak for the german education system but still) they put way too many topics in one year and then even push in some test and exams. So instead of learning the stuff properly, we just learn for the exam. And if you are no overly motivated individual, you erase evrey last bit of it afterwards.
And they continue to do this for years. Push us in the one learning system, stress us and kinda mentally destroy us. And then all of them wonder why all of us are literally done with life when we are like 16.
Futhermore there are almost no teachers, that care about the mental health of students. (Im not saying that they dont exist. I had a teacher in school that really cared about us and I now for a fact I wouldn't have survived all those years without her). So instead of trying to help us, the just burden us more and say some shit about how we should be more thankful and stuff.
Like I would try to be more thankful. If I wouldn't die in the stress of my life.
And maybe I am suffering and not ok. In fact almost everyone in this damn building is suffering and not ok. Cuz that is what modern teenagers do. Like burn-outs and depression start to occur more often in the younger generations (teenagers and young adults). I just don't think that that could be healthy.
And adults go like: oh they all must be tricking the doctors.
I just am upset about this topic, dunno.
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