#mad and sad
bunnymcfoo · 6 months
it's holiday love meme time guys, and if anyone has been thinking "hey, Bunny seems like she could use a boost" man, let me just say, you are not wrong and now is your time to shine
basically, if you wanted to distract me from the fact that i had to miss my very favorite holiday because hi, i've got the plague and that i gifted my best friend with covid too (and probably her mom and likely everyone else who was there tonight ahahaha) please feel free to say nice things about me?
also, you should make yourselves threads over there too. this is the best tradition and i love it's still happening
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me--do · 2 years
Seeing "Tumblr is back", "Tumblr Grunge Aesthetic return" and such things all over other social media makes me mad (and sad) because I consider this such a private and sacred lil place and I don't want it overpopulated with those from other social media with their given algorithms, ideas and shit
I am uncomfortable.
Pls stay away,
Much love
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purpleplaid17 · 2 years
Me contacting netflix about First Kill:
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bardofavon · 2 months
not to be controversial bc I know this is like…not in line with shifting opinions on fanfic comment culture but if there’s a glaring typo in my work I will NOT be offended by pointing it out. if ao3 fucks up the formatting…I will also not be offended by having this pointed out…
‘looking forward to the next update’ and ‘I hope you update soon!’ are different vibes than a demand, and should be read in good faith because a reader is finding their way to tell you how much they love it. I will not be mad at this.
‘I don’t usually like this ship but this fic made me feel something’ is also incredibly high praise. I’m not going to get mad at this.
even ‘I love this fic but I’m curious about why you made [x] choice’ is just another way a reader is engaging in and putting thought into your work.
I just feel like a lot of authors take any comment that’s not perfectly articulated glowing praise in the exact manner they’re hoping to receive it in bad faith.
fic engagement has been dropping across the board over the last several years, and yes it’s frustrating but it isn’t as though I can’t see how it happens. comment anxiety can be a real thing. the last thing anyone wants to do is offend an author they love, and that means sometimes people default to silence.
idk where I’m going with this I guess aside from saying unless a comment is outright attacking me I’m never going to get mad at it, and I think a lot of authors should feel the same way. ESPECIALLY TYPOS PLZ GOD POINT OUT MY TYPOS.
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shownusfool · 4 months
im shaking about everything happening in rafah right now. i can’t imagine so distressed they’re blowing them to smithereens, you can see the refugees hands and toros and legs blown apart. they’ve concentrated everyone into one area and at 3am in the morning they bombed them, threw bombs all over them. at the same time at that same moment israel aired an ad on the superbowl painting themselves the victim. saying they need to get the refugees home. they rejected the hostage exchange peace plan offered by hamas. they rejected a hostage exchange. they rejected the hostage exchange. they rejected the hostage exchange. saying it would be done soon. and now they carpet bomb the civilian refugees that they ordered to be concentrated into one area. in the past hour alone 30 confirmed martyrs. 60 confirmed martyrs. now possibly a 100 confirmed martyrs. the death is outrunning the time on the clock. it’s all just so much. it’s so heartbreaking and cruel. and still there are people in the world blaming us for all this. blaming palestinians for all this. how will they explain it? maybe cnn or the BBC or the guardian will say “100+ Palestinians found dead after being caught in artillery fire” they won’t say we’re killed, targeted, murdered, bombed. they won’t even say we’re human even if our guts and brain matter are stuck on the floor. i’m losing my mind.
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dootznbootz · 6 months
It saddens me that Helen of SPARTA is mostly known as Helen of TROY. As if she wasn't born, raised, and most likely, died in Sparta. Yes, she was of TROY for a while...But she was able to go back home to where she WANTED TO BE.
(Edit: Hating on Menelaus is illegal)
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somos-deseos · 11 months
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Yo en este momento
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qiinamii · 8 months
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crown swap
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vivaislenska · 24 days
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He gave her wings and she’ll make him proud.
(The Tech Turn™️ is 100% going to be crucial for the Rebellion.)
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evyltalks · 1 month
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“That's Dorcas Meadowes, Voldemort killed her personally..."
A cute little dorlene series (a little bit more focused on Dorcas bc I love her so much) for #lesbianvisibilityweek and as we say in french bravo les lesbiennes !!
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daffi-990 · 2 months
Seeing comments on Facebook like “Buck was always a ladies man” or “he’s never shown any interest in guys before” is why this story arc is so important.
Bisexual people exist and so often get dismissed or told to pick a side or that they just can’t commit to being gay or some other shit.
Just because you show a preference to one gender doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to another.
And you don’t have to have your sexuality figured out at a certain age! It’s fluid! It changes! You could not discover something about yourself until you are away from toxic noise and finally are in a place where you feel safe.
I’m just .. I’m so thankful for Oliver and Tim and how they’re wanting to tell this story.
Especially Oliver.
He loves Buck so much and he sees the bi community and he wants to give them the best representation he can.
just yeah .. this story arc is important and Oliver is cradling it so gently in his hands because he knows how precious it is
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redinthesea · 30 days
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The completely unnecessary sequel to my previous Nitori & Mamizou post.
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coldcoffee18 · 1 year
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Summertime madness
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lady-raziel · 1 month
idk man i know times are hard but i can't help but feel that watcher putting all their eggs in the basket that is their own streaming service is a bad call. like sure i totally get wanting a platform where you have full control both creatively and financially but i feel they might be misjudging how much loyalty non-hardcore fans might have for what they're creating. in every internet fandom there's a subsection of people willing to pay with actual money to support the creators they enjoy, and that's what services like patreon are for. but to expect that casual viewers will sign up and pay a monthly fee to get access to just watcher content when a large portion of them were likely just watching the content because it was free and accessible on youtube assumes that someone who isn't a diehard fan won't just go "oh well" and find something else on youtube that IS still free? that seems like a miscalculation to me. the massive fanbases online content creators have may literally be only possible because the content is available to anyone-- it seems foolish to assume that every single one of those fans is going to stick around once you try to upsell them.
i hope this new venture goes well for the watcher crew. I really do. but i also know that a lot of brands and startups that bank on the loyalty they earned when their product was free or low cost and expect that to sustain them while they try to do something that historically has not gone well for the vast majority of businesses. at best, they'll have halved their fanbase by alienating those who can't or don't want to pay and made it much more difficult for remaining fans to create fandom products like memes or gifs that promote their shows on social media. at worst, they'll discover in the near future the independent streaming service model is unsustainable with only the fans they have left and by that point they'll have already deleted themselves from youtube and made it impossible to come back to the level of success they had before. any attempt to return to youtube will be an admission of a critical miscalculation and i doubt many remaining fans will tolerate the back and forth. they'll have crippled their credibility, relevancy, and fanbase loyalty over a very short period of time-- and i don't know if it would even be possible to come back and still be beloved after all that.
worst of all-- if the watcher streaming service crashes and burns after they've already removed all their content from youtube, all the watcher shows are essentially going to become lost media, only accessible via reuploaders willing to risk a copy strike or if you know someone who has a copy downloaded. given how genuinely good the watcher content is in the sea of lackluster youtube mush, that really seems like a damn shame.
i hope the watcher team sees how everyone is responding and decides to course correct before it's too late and get away with only the hit to their reputation that they've already taken by announcing this, instead of pushing forward on a path that might lose them everything instead. nothing i've said here is with any hate intended toward anyone involved or those who are excited about the new service, but this just seems like a really ill-advised decision to me.
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lookingatmyself · 11 months
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tangledinink · 6 months
nooooo he’s having a medical emergency aaaaaaaaaa T-T
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a last-ditch rally.
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(... is sometimes the most effective thing.)
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