#cuz tumblr crunched my original one
sicc-nasti · 7 months
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BLU Courier - Brady Administration Courier - Brandie RED Courier - Brodie
Delivering yesterday's mail - today! TFI Gaurentee*
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takoyakitenchou · 3 years
hey @blas-i-us ​!! happiest of birthdays to you :} thank you for always listening to my wackass venting, spitting on my ex (multiple times), liking all the shit i post on instagram that inevitably gets deleted like 5 minutes later, attempting to control my caffeine addiction, agreeing to teach me how to make amvs after we graduate, planning our vaca in summer ’22, and everything else in between. i don’t think art or a fic would do any of this justice so i wrote you a rap. lofi backtrack is w lea bc my tumblr is broken also feel free to call and ill teach you the jp lyrics lol
verse 1
ace of spades and the queen the jack of trades you’re a lure, this avant garde and now what else, you’re 私たちの手、きっと重ねる in my head and in my heart 荒ぶる鼓動は弱さを焦がす room’s spinning, this the definition of freed sure, you can call me one track mind, just call me know you’re mine but don’t ask if i’m fine, that’s a plea this a chaser, cuz it’s you that i chase そんな事ないと思った, they call it bullshit and a fairy tale, but notice our tail end cus i know that we ain’t that and this shit’s fucking real hold on to our dreams, sir, this is our redamancy
空の燕 刃交わるた契りは (大変, 仕方がない,ねぇ) ain’t up to you, but we’re almost there another step, sadistic stamina statistics are a sacrifice, 話さない言葉 pain’s all in our heads, この絶望の美しさ
空の燕 刃交わるた契りは (大変, 仕方がない,ねぇ) ain’t up to you, but we’re almost there another step, sadistic stamina statistics are a sacrifice, 話さない言葉 pain’s all in our heads, この絶望の美しさ the 燕, aren’t they gorgeous
verse 2
your smile, goddamn that’s bright a thousand watts, a million thoughts can’t help but scoff, where’ve I been looking all this time we’re like stained glass but your heart’s all diamonds, strength of brass this a dope dish, one wish, i’m in your class got homework answers? no? dammit ok relax first rule, no more wine, your soul is mine, my heart’s yours forget the rules, look past their censures hey amateurs i betcha didn’t know rapping’s hard all these syllables crunch just like my folded cards on the table, turn em up now it’s a draw the original stalemate, our redamancy
空の燕 刃交わるた契りは (大変, 仕方がない,ねぇ) ain’t up to you, but we’re almost there another step, sadistic stamina statistics are a sacrifice, 話さない言葉 pain’s all in our heads, この絶望の美しさ
so in the end, it’s always been just you and i i caught a falling star and now he’s mine 今日も生きてよかった 何があっても それは常にあなたになります signing off.
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Fic Writer Meme
Tagged by @heroofshield thanks dearie!!!
Tagging: @pigsinablanketfort, @raptorwhisperer, @thenightisfullofangels, @theresatvjoe, aaaaand anybody else who wants to do it!!!
Most popular oneshot
Most popular multichapter
Actual worst part of writing
How you choose your titles
Do you outline
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?
Callouts @ Me
Best writing traits
Spicy Tangential Opinion
Name: notmyyacht on ao3, ofc gavotteangel here on tumblr. Or just Jess if you wanna get personal~
Fandoms: I’ve written for so many fandoms over the years. My biggest ones have tended to be for Law & Order SVU/Hannibal/Trouble in the Heights/anything for the Raúl Esparza fandom(s), Marvel/MCU, live action d*sney which tbh blows my own mind how much i’ve written for, and most recently The Old Guard
Most popular oneshot: According to ao3 if I’m looking at kudo and hit counts, my barisi fic A Word, which I wrote when Mike “My Father the Inventor of the Toaster Strudel” Dodds first came onboard on SVU. ah, simpler times...
Most popular multichapter: Ao3 says it’s Runts Make Petty Kings, which is the Loki/Jane Foster space adventure enemies to friends to lovers semi-epic that i originally wrote for NaNoWriMo a few years ago. It’s still technically the longest fic I’ve ever written (we’ll see if Violet Skies takes that crown by the time I’m finished with it LOL) and I’m still amazed I wrote it. 
Actual worst part of writing: Probably getting stuck on something. This is pretty broad, but it really is the worst. Whether it’s because it’s an important scene and you don’t know how to make it interesting cuz to you the scene isn’t interesting but it’s important to the story so you can’t just cut it. Or also when you’re stuck because you want to get a specific idea across and you can’t seem to manifest it into words in the same exact way it lives in your brain. And you know once it’s properly on the page it’ll be amazing... but you just can’t get it right.
How you choose your titles: Song lyrics/titles or poetry lines are very helpful. Sometimes a play on a phrase or idiom. Or I’ll take something from the theme of the piece. 
Do you outline: Only my big multichapter ones and they’re always vague. For instance, Runts Make Petty Kings had a very loose outline for its final chapters (mostly cuz it was Nano and i was in a time crunch and figuring out where i wanted to go ahead of time was very helpful). Violet Skies also has an outline just cuz i had so many ideas and me jotting those ideas down somehow became the outline. 
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice? SO many. I have a good chunk of Jafar/Adam ideas I probably won’t ever write. A couple of TOG fic ideas. More than half a dozen Loki fic ideas that would be cool, but I don’t have the time or energy to ever write.
Callouts @ Me: Why do you take so long to update??? STOP STARTING NEW WIPs!! sooo many niche crossover ships.... 
Best writing traits: I think I have a good handle on how certain characters act in specific situations and managing to keep them in-character even when presented with a situation you’d never expect them to be in. That’s one of the reasons why I think I’m pretty good with writing crossovers and finding ways of making those worlds work together even when they obviously shouldn’t. Also I think i’m pretty good at world building.
Spicy Tangential Opinion: This isn’t very original but... everybody (myself included) needs to be reblogging fics more. And leaving kudos and comments. If you liked a fic, let the author know. A kudo means you read and enjoyed the thing. Great! A comment, even if it’s a simple “i liked it” could make the author’s day!!! Feedback means the world to fic writers and we all should be doing more to give it to them.
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unbearablylight · 5 years
creative year in review
it’s been a year of creating both the big and the small, so under the cut i wanted to share/look back on some of my favorite things i’ve made this year. i’d love to see other people’s work, too, so if you do something similar you should tag me in it!
one of the last classes i took at college was called “Improvising the Comedic Web Series” and we had to create 3 episodes of an original improv web series. the outcome was Flexible, which was one of the most challenging projects i’ve ever worked on, and one that i’m insanely proud of. i directed and edited the episodes, which was far from my area of expertise, but it was a great exercise in learning on the go and taking chances with something unfamiliar
“None can replicate the sound of the first leaf’s bone-shattering crunch, but there is no use in dwelling on the sounds that dead things make.”
– Melancholy and Midnight
an experiment in prosaic poetry (poetic prose? who knows?) turned into one of my favorite things i’ve written this year. it even inspired the name of my blog.
i asked you once, i asked you nice to feel a little less
– ‘the heart questions,’ from the better alone poetry collection
speaking of poetry, i released a whole album of poems this year titled better alone. it’s something i worked steadily on for most of the year, so i’m glad i actually finished it and really love how some of them turned out!
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Small Ponds — A Netflix Edit
i’ve always been marginally interested in graphic design, but this year i really got into making edits for projects. so when all of those netflix edits were going around, i had to join in. the problem was i don’t have photoshop, so i couldn’t use one of the templates people were sharing, so this baby was made entirely from scratch. it was... a lot of work, but i think that made it all the more worth it
Small Ponds Opening Credits
sticking with small ponds, i made a fake opening credits video (based on hbo shows) for it, which is fitting cuz it’s actually a tv pilot. this was the most intense edit i did and took me a few days to make, but i love how it turned out.
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that goddamn gothic venn diagram
and finally... i mean i couldn’t not mention it. it’s my biggest post on tumblr ever (my biggest post anywhere ever) and i’m very proud of this little shitpost that could. and in case you’re wondering, it has a followup
there’s a lot more i did but these are just some of my favorites. 2018 was kind of a shitty year, but like, i made stuff! i produced art!!
here’s to 2019 being better and bringing more art!
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nedflix-n-chill · 3 years
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Malignant Is this good? Idk. What the fuck is good anyway? If there's anything that I would like people to take away from me it would be this motto, "bad is good, good is ok, and boring is the worst." Malignant is never boring. I would take Malignant over a hundred Conjuring Universe movies, and it's not that I don't like The Conjuring films, I do, it's just that they're basically a greatest hits of tropes from all the classic haunted house movies that preceded it. Now I'm not saying Malignant is wholly original, it's just that it's the amalgamation of such an eclectic group of gonzo horror with no discerning thread. I'm talking Henenlotter, Craven, Argento, and Cronenberg. Everything from body horror to giallos to haunted houses to other genres like action, hell there's even an out of nowhere subplot seemingly ripped from Shocker, which Wan gleefully assembles into this modern day Frankenstein's monster of a movie. This disfigured monstrosity grotesquely stands out among the bland and boring. And "boring" is the enemy of good. Everytime I pop in a random ass '80s film I've never heard of I'm hoping for something bonkers. I'm hoping for something bat-shit. I'm hoping for something bug-fuck. But I also want that from movies right now. I want weird, I want loud, I want big, I want dumb. I want movies that swing for the fucking fences and if they miss, even better cuz that might be more entertaining (and that's not saying Malignant is a miss, I think Wan knows exactly the type of movie he's making). There are plenty of legitimately "good" horror movies out there declared so by aggregated data crunching, percentages, and boring ass math but goddamn there's nothing like an INSANE movie, especially one with an actual budget behind it. Those types of movies have been steadily disappearing from theaters since the '90s. We need less stuff made by creatively bankrupt old dudes in suits who are too afraid to spend money on anything that's not an established IP and more like this. Idk, maybe I'm just talking out my ass but what I do know is Malignant is bat-shit bug-fuck bonkers and most importantly, it's fun. And that... well that makes it good. https://www.instagram.com/p/CT72jR-l4yD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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