#cw chirophobia
iknowicanbutwhy · 1 year
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Please tell me that you've got me and you're never gonna leave~
Break my bones, but you won't see me fall~
Oh, won't you hold my hand~?
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hiveboi-stims · 2 years
Content Warnings Taglist
#flashing cw - for anything that appears to have flashing or oscillation between contrasting colours, we will try to err on the side of caution for this tag
#eyestrain cw - this covers anything that makes our eyes go kinda funny, including glitching and blurry content
#bugs cw - this will cover many things that might not technically be ‘bugs’ including arachnids and water dwelling arthropods
#deep sea animals cw - i mean you know what the ocean critters are like
#thalassophobia cw - thalassophobia is a fear of the ocean, this will cover anything relating to the ocean and other deep water
#trypophobia cw - the fear of small, irregular holes. we have a particularly difficult time recognizing when this needs to be tagged but we will do our best.
#chirophobia cw - fear of hands, for whenever human hands are present in content, this one we might struggle to remember until we get the hang of it.
#scopophobia cw - for any time there are eyes looking directly at the camera, or there is a major focus on eyes.
#unsanitary cw - this is for anything that is particularly unclean or would be a biological hazard to health, including things like rot, mould, and bodily substances
#messy cw - somewhat related to the above, but for anything that is just a big mess, so may include things that are sanitary but all over the place like under activated slimes
#human/animal bodily substance cw - for when there is anything like blood or pus, the human and animal versions are separate tags. we will never intentionally show anything we believe to be/be the result of animal abuse.
#animal remains cw - this will be for anything that contains meat, bones or bodies of animals, strictly for animals that have died naturally or been killed for meat. again, we will never intentionally show anything we believe to be/be the result of animal abuse.
#hemophobia cw - for when there is blood present in a gif, real or otherwise
#infection cw - includes things like pus, infected wounds, etc
#food cw - will be used for anything that either is food or looks like food
#eating cw - for any gifs that show someone eating something
#abandoned cw - for buildings and items that have been abandoned and left to return to nature
#fire cw - for anything actively on fire or that has been burned by fire
#medical cw - for anything that includes medical procedures such as minor surgery or medical equipment, including bandaids and q-tips. this tag is not an endorsement of the validity of anything shown as actual treatments, & we are not qualified to give medical advice.
#fast cw - for any gifs/videos that have rapid movement in them
#loud cw - for any videos/audios that have loud sounds in them
#discordant cw - for any videos/audios that have harsh/discordant sounds in them
#fake gore cw - for any drawn, SFX or makeup gore. we will not ever post real gore.
#fake body cw - for anything drawn, created through SFX or makeup that resembles a human body. again, we will never post the real version of this.
#weapons cw - for anything that involves any sort of weaponry, this includes things like butterfly knives but things like  kitchen knives & boxcutters being used as tools will go under the tag below
#sharp cw - for anything that involves sharp tools and cutting
#unsafe cw - for anything we recognize as an unsafe practice such as soap cutting towards the thumb. do not take the absence of this tag as an endorsement of something’s safety
#BFRB cw - for anything we think may trigger body focused repetitive behaviours.
#unsettling cw - for anything that has unsettling vibes
#liminal cw - for any liminal spaces
#unreality cw - for anything that depicts something realistically or as if it is reality when it is in fact fake
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tagging system
note: this will be updated as we think of other things to add, posts before this one in chronological order will not be tagged according to this system
#diagnosis; [name] - used both for when one of us is reblogging/posting something and for when someone else is reblogging something for another alter. use of this tag does not indicate switching or even co-fronting, we just know each other’s aesthetics. we will use ‘#diagnosis; adonis’ when we are blurry, dissociated and/or co-con... and remember to actually tag the post.
#pack, #prey, #hunting, #hunting grounds, #moon, #the hunger - weird religious stuff, dw about it.
#brat prince, #dreams of home, #pestboy, #hunterboy #thekis, #qnpboy - various tags for alters' partners/family/etc in source
#for [name] - we use this rather than @’ing people
#music is good for the soul - for when we post music or playlists
#queue are everything, #ask game and #ask game responses, #thesickenedspeak for original posts and #thesickenedanswer for ask responses.
#our [art/photo/project/etc] - any posts with this tag and the content therein was drawn/made/taken by us
#made for us - post’s content was made for us, either by a friend or as a commission (or both!)
#tagged for us - for any post that was sent to us, tagged for us or @’d at us
#reference - for posts with stuff we wanna find again
#intrusions - for any posts that largely consist of/make reference to our intrusive thoughts
content tags can be found below the cut;
writing tags - due to the nature of how tags work these days and wanting our writing to actually be seen, content warnings for our stories will be inside of the post itself and only populated tags (ones that show up in search) will be added for visibility
#lohengrin writes, #original writing, #fanfic, #nsft writing, #oneshot, #OC lore, #setting lore
oc tags - any of these tags with ‘Vile’ at the end are characters that belong to our body’s partner. and yes, some of these ‘characters’ are self-inserts of alters in the system
#Maynard Roque; OC, #Shavain Novi; OC, #Morgan; OC, #Zathrian; OC, #Bishop; OC, #Cyneric; OC, #Dr. Roman Hart; OC, #Dr. Owen Palmer; OC, #Faust; OC, #Theo; OC, #Carter; OC, #Tyrian Lockwood; OC, #Medea siblings, #Arcadius Medea; OC, #Euclid Medea; OC, #Herodion Medea; OC, #Alice Locke; OC, #Deimos Medea; Vile, #Kaiser Hart; Vile, #Alejandro; Vile #Lacri Lamode; Vile, #Forgive-Me-Not; Vile, #Acheron; Vile, #Gladstone; Vile
series tags
#God of Wounded Things; series, #Theo; series, #His Stories, #His Swansong; series, #His Recovery; series, #His Reunions; Series, #The Slutty Slutty Adventures of Tyrian Lockwood; series, #Loveless Heartless Cold; Series,
content warnings - we cannot reliably understand, remember or put the mental effort into understanding when these things need to be tagged. feel free to give us a (polite) message if we have failed to do so
#flashing cw, #inviting abyss (light unreality/weirdcore/liminal stuff), #unreality #bugs, #unsanitary, #religion, #blasphemy, #body horror, #substance use, #smoking, #eyestrain, #subtle gif warning
adult content - please block the tag #realistic and #irl if realistic depictions of blood/gore are an issue, we will never post anything that includes real severe injury or death of humans, but may post irl animal and medical gore, along with light human injury, erotic content will have the tag #nsft
#blood, #guro, #guro text, #medical, #animal death, #needles, #nudity, #scopophobia, #guns, #weapons, #knives, #organs, #decapitation, #bones, #flesh, #impalement, #trypophobia, #cannibalism, #mouth trauma, #bruises, #cuts, #limb damage, #evisceration, #eye trauma, #guts, #crying, #choking, #chirophobia, #explosives
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squipedmew · 4 years
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so OMORI huh
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kerberostolen · 8 years
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