markettrendsus · 7 months
How Contact Center Intelligence Leverages AI and Analytics to Uncover Insights
The Contact Center Intelligence (CCI) market is expected to grow continuously in the coming years. CCI solutions provide actionable insights to contact center agents and managers by analyzing various data sources like call transcripts, screen recordings, customer surveys, and more. Key capabilities of CCI include speech and text analytics, real-time guidance, performance management, and journey mapping.
Report: https://dimensionmarketresearch.com/report/contact-center-intelligence-market/
The main growth drivers for the CCI market include the need for improved customer experience, increased use of AI and automation in contact centers, and rising volumes of multichannel customer interactions. Companies across industries are focused on delivering personalized, omnichannel customer experiences while optimizing the efficiency of their contact center operations. CCI enables them to uncover customer sentiment, track key performance metrics, identify coaching opportunities for agents, and understand customer journeys.
According to research firm Dimension Market Research, The Global Contact Center Intelligence Market is expected to reach a value of USD 2.1 billion in 2023, and it is further anticipated to reach a market value of USD 12.6 billion by 2032 at a CAGR of 22.1%. North America accounted for the largest market share .
Take a look at the Free Sample Report: https://dimensionmarketresearch.com/report/contact-center-intelligence-market/requestSample/
Key players in the CCI market include Amazon Web Services Inc., Artificial Solutions International AB, Observe.AI, Avaya Inc., Google LLC, IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Nuance Communication, Oracle Corporation, Zendesk Inc., and others. These vendors offer a range of capabilities including speech analytics, text analytics, analytics platforms, AI-enabled agent assist, and workforce optimization.
As contact centers handle rising contact volumes across channels like voice, email, web chat, social media, and messaging apps, there is a greater need for an integrated approach to CCI. Vendors are enhancing their product portfolios through acquisitions and partnerships to provide an end-to-end CCI suite spanning orchestration, AI, analytics, coaching, and more. The adoption of cloud-based CCI solutions is also gaining momentum. Overall, the growing importance of customer experience management and AI adoption is expected to spur strong demand for CCI over the forecast period
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Riverty Services GmbH, zum Gewinn bei den DACH Customer Excellence Awards 2023
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Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023, fanden die DACH Customer Excellence Awards & DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023 statt.
Auch Riverty Services GmbH nahm an unserem Wettbewerb erfolgreich teil und gewann in eine weiteren Kategorie.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn, Riverty, in der Kategorie „Digitalisierung“. Und so sehen wahre Gewinner aus. WOW.
Mit diesem Beitrag hat sich Riverty Services GmbH den Gewinn gesichert:
Digitales Anliegen- & Workforcemanagement (DigiAn)
Zwei Themen zu einem strategischen Projekt vereint: Digitales Anliegen- & Workforcemanagement.
Ein Fokus: Den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen und es unseren Sachbearbeiter:innen durch eine vollständige Digitalisierung der Eingangskommunikation und frühzeitige, automatische Erkennung der Inhalte, einfacher zu machen, schneller die richtige Rückmeldung bzw. Antwort an Konsument:innen und anderen Kommunikationsteilnehmer:innen zu senden.
Das Projekt legte den Grundstein für:
•            Digitalisierung
•            Ein unternehmensweites verbindliches, fachliches Modell
•            „Machine first“ (Automatisierung in der Bearbeitung)
•            Mehr Self-Service und eine neue Sicht darauf, was dort möglich ist
•            Prozess der Sachbearbeitung neu denken: Neue Aufgabenfelder für
unsere Mitarbeiter:innen (Agents) in der Sachbearbeitung
•            Basis für weitere Automatisierung z.B. mit Chat GPT.
Nochmals herzlichen Glückwunsch.
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jinactusconsulting · 10 months
What strategies can businesses adopt to align their crisis management efforts with their customer experience management for the best results?
Aligning crisis management efforts with customer experience management (CEM) is essential to effectively navigate challenging situations while maintaining a positive customer perception. Here are strategies that businesses can adopt to achieve this alignment for the best results:
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Develop a Comprehensive Crisis Management Plan: Create a well-defined crisis management plan that outlines roles, responsibilities, communication protocols, and escalation procedures. Include specific strategies for maintaining positive customer experiences during the crisis.
Prioritize Customer Communication: Ensure clear and timely communication with customers throughout the crisis. Provide updates on the situation, any potential impact on products or services, and steps being taken to address the issue. Transparency builds trust and minimizes customer confusion.
Centralize Information: Establish a centralized platform or channel where customers can access accurate and up-to-date information about the crisis. This can be a dedicated webpage, social media updates, or a customer support hotline.
Empower Customer-Facing Teams: Equip customer support and service teams with the information and tools needed to address customer concerns and inquiries effectively. Training should include empathy, active listening, and clear communication skills.
Personalize Communication: Tailor your communication to the specific needs and preferences of each customer segment. Personalization shows that you understand and care about individual customers' situations.
Provide Solutions and Alternatives: Offer solutions, alternatives, or workarounds to minimize disruptions caused by the crisis. This proactive approach demonstrates your commitment to helping customers despite the challenges.
Leverage Digital Channels: Utilize digital platforms, such as social media, email, and live chat, to engage with customers directly. These channels enable real-time interaction and quick responses.
Gather Customer Feedback: Continuously gather feedback from customers about their experiences during the crisis. Use surveys, feedback forms, and social listening tools to understand their concerns and adapt your strategies accordingly.
Monitor Social Media and Online Sentiment: Keep a close eye on social media platforms and online discussions related to the crisis. Respond promptly to customer feedback, addressing both positive and negative sentiment.
Incorporate Customer Suggestions: Use customer feedback and suggestions to make necessary adjustments to your crisis management approach. This demonstrates that you value their input and are actively working to improve their experiences.
Maintain a Positive Tone: Even in challenging times, maintain a positive and empathetic tone in your communication. This can help ease customer anxiety and maintain a sense of normalcy.
Recognize Customer Loyalty: Acknowledge and appreciate loyal customers who continue to support your business during the crisis. Consider offering special incentives or discounts as a token of gratitude.
Learn and Adapt: After the crisis has passed, conduct a thorough review of your crisis management efforts and their impact on customer experiences. Use this information to refine your strategies and improve future responses.
Integrate Lessons into CEM Strategy: Incorporate the lessons learned from the crisis into your long-term CEM strategy. This might involve enhancing communication plans, streamlining processes, or bolstering resources for future challenges.
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By aligning crisis management with customer experience management, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to customer well-being, build trust, and maintain positive relationships even in the face of adversity. This approach not only helps mitigate negative impacts but can also strengthen customer loyalty and advocacy over time.
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omotoio-blog · 7 years
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Are customers the real problem for your organization? Alan Weiss reveals his secret to success in delivering extraordinary customer experience.
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customerguru-blog · 6 years
Driving Business Growth by Delighting Customers - CX Tips by Mr. Bipin Narang, Co-Founder and Managing Director, PrintVenue
Driving Business Growth by Delighting Customers – CX Tips by Mr. Bipin Narang, Co-Founder and Managing Director, PrintVenue
At Customer Guru, we believe that Customer Experience (CX) should be the number one priority for all the Indian businesses so that they become more sustainable and successful globally. Thus, we started the initiative of sharing a series of interviews with top-notch CX experts in India to spread this awareness. Our guest for this week is Mr. Bipin Narang, a leading CX enthusiast in India. We hope…
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cxinsights-blog · 7 years
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Concentrix + Webhelp, zum Gewinn bei den DACH Customer Excellence Awards 2023
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Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023, fanden die DACH Customer Excellence Awards & DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023 statt.
Auch Concentrix + Webhelp nahm an unserem Wettbewerb erfolgreich teil und gewann mit diesem Beitrag die vierte Kategorie.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn, Concentrix + Webhelp, in der Kategorie „Neue Produkte & Services“.
Mit diesem Beitrag hat sich Concentrix + Webhelp den Gewinn gesichert:
CNX Launcher
Der CNX Launcher von Concentrix ist unsere speziell entwickelte AutoStart-Software, mit der Sie mehrere Anwendungen und URLs auf Knopfdruck starten können! Mit CNX Launcher ist der Produktivitätszuwachs unserer Berater:Innen zu Beginn jeder Schicht deutlich schneller, sodass die Berater:Innen mehr Zeit für die Kundenbetreuung aufwenden können.
Nochmals herzlichen Glückwunsch!
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omotoio-blog · 7 years
7 Must-know Customer Experience strategies to MAXIMISE REVENUES!
Are you always playing the catchup game with your sales target?
Pop this question to a few others and I am sure you will find many more in the same boat!
Get your FREE E-Book on how Philips and Charles Schwab have used NPS® as their strategy for growth!
In this race of spiralling profits and skyrocketing sales figures, the more important figurine of customer experience is missed out. No denial, sales is indeed the backbone of ANY business; but customer experience? It is the reason why your business exists! Without customers, who will you sell your products to?
Caveat emptor is the unspoken doctrine that rules every organisation in today’s world of fierce competition. This calls for a radical change in the definition of profits. Till now, profits were merely financial in nature; but now they have a new dimension- that of enhanced customer experience.
As customers throng to outlets by the thousands, the management of any organisation is faced with the daunting task of delivering an exceptional experience so that they become loyal customers and make repeat purchases, refer the organisation and ultimately become their raving fans.
Forget about the sales you hope to make and concentrate on the service you want to render.
 Providing better service inevitably leads to higher revenue and thus, higher profits. Aggressive sales tactics may boost your profits in the short run, but customer focused strategy will tease your customers to return again and again, thus fuelling growth and increasing long term prospects of the organisation.
A common myth is that the customers who make more purchases at your store are loyal. However, the story is a little foggy; because there are various factors that combine to make a customer purchase goods or avail services from a particular organisation. Owing its allegiance to this myth, the senior management often focuses on persuading customers to purchase more.
The thin line here MUST be clearly drawn between inducing customers to purchase more and making customers yearn to purchase more from your organisation. Due to the lack of a clear demarcation between these 2, a lot of organisations often mix them and concoct a potion which is uncomfortable for both- the organisation and the customers. The metric for measuring success is the number of sales units and not the level of customer experience offered. Consequently, losing a few customers for the “greater good” is merely considered as collateral damage and not much thought is poured into the potential damage that may be caused due to the bad mouthing of the erstwhile customers.
With all the hype that surrounds bringing in new customers, here is a statistic to shatter that thought into oblivion.
Existing customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend 31% more, when compared to new customers (invespcro.com).
Increasing sales targets with a short preparation time is more likely to rake in bad profits, while investing time and money in customer experience will rake in good profits.
Aren’t profits always good?
Turns out, the answer is a resounding NO.
Yes, both are financial surpluses over expenses; yet they both leave behind a completely distinct footprint
To understand this better, let us imagine a bucket. As you pump harder, the bucket fills initially, but as the bucket wears down and you notice gaping holes at the bottom; you must pump harder to keep the level of water constant and even harder to fill it. But what if, instead of pumping harder; you plugged the holes? To put this into context, the bucket is your organisation; the holes are your detractive customer practices, pumping is the action of your sales team, while your customer experience team empowers the stakeholders in your organisation to ensure these holes do not appear.
In essence, you are losing customers faster than you are gaining new ones. Remember,
It costs an appalling 5 times as much to attract a new customer than to retain an old one.
 Get your FREE E-Book on how Philips and Charles Schwab have used NPS® as their strategy for growth!
 Looking at the returns of building an engaged customer base the responsibility should be shared by everyone in the organisation and not just be the focus of a team or department. As a customer centric organisation here are 7 strategies for you to engage your customers and unite your team in this vision as well!
•   Regular monitoring and internal communication on the net customer growth or loss
Net customer growth or loss is an important factor that often shows if the compass is pointing north or south. You do not have to rely just on what the customers are saying in their feedback but also see how does it reflect in action. It helps the organisation get a quantified view on how effective have their projects and initiatives been and the tangible results of the same. Internal communication on the net growth or loss is equally vital to engage your team to come up with new plans, policies or strategies to enhance the customer experience and earn the right to their loyalty and retention.
•   Sensitize your team to deliver an exceptional experience
Your team should always focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience and realise the impact it can have on your business. Draw a leaf from Ritz Carlton’s book. When a young customer once left his soft toy at the hotel, the management not only returned it back by post, but also sent along freebies and some photographs of the soft toy enjoying a massage at the spa, a ride in a golf cart by the beach and lounging by the swimming pool. All these create memories which the young customer will probably not only cherish forever, but also spread the news which in turn will attract new customer, thereby increasing revenues and subsequently; profits.
•   Eliminate the friction between teams if any, so they work as a team in delivering a one company experience
Remember the principle you probably studied, known as “unity of direction”? The organisation should gel together like a well oiled machine and move forward with coordination towards the same direction- customer loyalty. If there is any conflict between departments, say finances and marketing; they must immediately be resolved as this conflict will seep through to the front line and ultimately to the customers. Your customers should relish your one company experience, and not run between different departments to get their desires fulfilled.
•   Deliver personalised experience to your customers
Everyone likes some personal attention, so remember to feed the customer’s ego. This can be achieved by using emails to send promotions to customers based on their persona. A worthy example is Proflowers (www.proflowers.com). They do this by sending special promotions to customers on specific dates that they know are important. This makes the customer feel individual and important to the organisation. Another tactic that can be used is calling customers to check with them or to follow through with sales. Dell Computers does this very well. Roughly two to three weeks after expected delivery of a Dell product, a customer service representative gives the customer a call. This is done as a courtesy to the customer and definitely gives a boost to customer loyalty.
•   Build the competency of your team to deliver the experience you promise to your customer
Never over promise. This will only lose you customers in the short run and long run. Imagine your local pizza store’s receptionist saying that they will deliver a pizza at your residence in an hour only to later call back and say that it won’t be possible as there is a shortage of ingredients. That, dear readers; is what disaster is spelt like.
•   Innovate in product and business model
Innovative products go a long way in encouraging your customers to make purchases. Several instances can provide substantial evidence to corroborate that. Let’s take the example of iPhones. When the first few iPhones released, there wasn’t much hype or paparazzi around it. However, once new ones were developed and released with new, interesting and unique features; customers flocked to purchase the new devices. This helped Apple gather an unprecedented 15.3% of the global smart phone market. New innovations often set the base on which a company’s expansion into a new market is built. Forbes noted that organisations often miss on new product designs by not taking the customer experience into account.
•   Identify the lessons learnt that will advice you to do or never do activities
As is obvious, there is no point of feedback if you do not intend to act upon it. Break down every customer feedback into bite sized chunks and devour them with the appetite of a starving wolf. Analyse every piece and see if the asked for change is practically applicable or not. If not, do inform the customer and thank them for their valuable inputs.
 NPS® as a system helps you not only quantify your customer loyalty; but it also helps you find out the root cause of your customer delight or unhappiness. Addressing these negative feedbacks, and communicating these changes to your customers is just as vital as retaining the positive feedbacks, maintaining them and maybe improve the experience in order to keep the promoters in their throne and maybe convert detractors or passives into promoters.
All in all, remember to nurture your sapling till it grows into a tree. Selling fruits will get you more returns in the long run than merely selling the sapling to a nursery. Nurture your orchard and reap the harvests. Philips and Charles Schwab have used as their strategy for business growth.
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customerguru-blog · 6 years
Defining Brands with The Kind of Customer Experience They Deliver: An Exclusive Interview with Mr. Viraj Verma, Marketing and Strategic Alliances Head, PVR BluO
At Customer Guru, we believe that Customer Experience (CX) should be the number one priority for all the Indian businesses so that they become more sustainable and successful globally. Thus, we have started the initiative of sharing a series of interviews with top-notch CX experts in India to spread this awareness. Our guest for this week is Mr. Viraj Verma, a leading CX enthusiast in India. We…
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Blue KC, zum Gewinn bei den DACH Customer Excellence Awards 2023
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Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023, fanden die DACH Customer Excellence Awards & DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023 statt.
Auch Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City nahm an unserem Wettbewerb erfolgreich teil.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn, Blue KC, in der Kategorie „Contact Center“.
Mit diesem Beitrag hat sich Blue KC den Gewinn gesichert:
Blue Cross und Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC) bieten preisgekrönte Dienstleistungen für mehr als eine Million Einwohner in 32 Landkreisen im Großraum Kansas City. Erfahren Sie, wie Blue KC seine Einstellungs- und Schulungsprogramme für den Kundendienst unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Mitglieder:Innen orientierung umgestaltet und so das Mitarbeiterengagement und die Qualität der Ergebnisse verbessert hat. Diese Strategie trug dazu bei, dass der Customer Effort Score (CES oder Mitgliederfreundlichkeit) von 71 % auf 74 % stieg und eine Kunden:Innen bindung von 97 % erreichte.
Nochmals herzlichen Glückwunsch.
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Hyatt Services GmbH, zum Gewinn in den DACH Customer Excellence Awards 2023
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Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023, fanden die DACH Customer Excellence Awards & DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023 statt.
Auch Hyatt Services GmbH nahm an unserem Wettbewerb erfolgreich teil.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, in der Kategorie „Geschäftswandel“.
Mit diesem Beitrag hat sich Hyatt Services GmbH den Gewinn gesichert:
Lindner Hotels Group Integration zu Hyatt Global Property und Guest Services
Hyatt Hotels Corporation ist ein führendes globales Hotelunternehmen, das sich an seinem Ziel orientiert: Menschen zu betreuen, damit sie ihr Bestes geben. Im Juni 2023 umfasste das Portfolio des Unternehmens mehr als 1.250 Hotels in 76 Ländern auf sechs Kontinenten. Dieser Beitrag zeigt die Integration der Lindner Hotels Group in Hyatt Global Property and Guest Services
Nochmals herzlichen Glückwunsch.
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Versicherungskammer und InMoment, zum Gewinn bei den DACH Customer Exellence Awards 2023
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Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023, fanden die DACH Customer Excellence Awards & DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023 statt.
Auch Konzern Versicherungskammer in Zusammenarbeit mit InMoment nahm an unserem Wettbewerb erfolgreich teil.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn, Konzern Versicherungskammer in Zusammenarbeit mit InMoment, in der Kategorie „Mitarbeitermotivation & -einbindung“.
Mit diesem Beitrag hat sich Konzern Versicherungskammer in Zusammenarbeit mit InMoment den Gewinn gesichert:
Aktuell liegt der Fokus der Assekuranz stark auf Digitalisierung und Automatisierung. Die Rolle der Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit als Treiber der Kundenzufriedenheit wird dabei eher vernachlässigt. Versicherer lassen hier ein großes Potenzial und oftmals relativ einfache Quick Wins auf der Strecke liegen.
Die Verbindung der umfangreichen Daten aus dem konzerneigenen Kundenbarometer der Versicherungskammer zu Mitarbeiter- und Kundenzufriedenheit belegen den starken kausalen Effekt der Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeitenden auf die Kundenzufriedenheit. Der Faktor Mensch ist und bleibt damit ein starker Treiber der Beziehung von Kunde und Versicherer und sollte daher auch Kernelement wirksamer CX-Programme sein.
Nochmals herzlichen Glückwunsch.
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Concentrix + Webhelp zum Gewinn in den DACH Customer Excellence Awards 2023
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Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023, fanden die DACH Customer Excellence Awards & DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023 statt.
Auch Concentrix + Webhelp nahm an unserem Wettbewerb erfolgreich teil.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn, Concentrix + Webhelp, in der Kategorie „Nachhaltigkeit“.
Mit diesem Beitrag hat sich Concentrix + Webhelp den Gewinn gesichert:
Eine nachhaltige Concentrix
Als globales Unternehmen, das jeden Tag unzählige Leben berührt, ist sich Concentrix der Verantwortung bewusst, auf unsere Mitarbeiter:Innen und die Gesundheit unseres Planeten zu achten. Wir sind bestrebt, ständig die neuesten Trends, Erkenntnisse und Best Practices im Bereich ESG zu erkunden und streben danach, dass unser Unternehmen ein dynamischer Ort für Dialog und Zusammenarbeit wird und gemeinsame Anstrengungen für eine nachhaltige und faire Zukunft fördert.
Nochmals herzlichen Glückwunsch.
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, InMoment GmbH, zum Gewinn in den DACH Customer Excellence Awards 2023
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Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023, fanden die DACH Customer Excellence Awards & DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023 statt.
Auch InMoment GmbH nahm an unserem Wettbewerb erfolgreich teil.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn, InMoment, in der Kategorie „CX-Beratung & Consulting“.
Mit diesem Beitrag hat sich InMoment den Gewinn gesichert:
Der Ansatz von InMoment kulminiert in einer hypermodernen Formel aus den Fähigkeiten von Advanced AI™ und Strategic Insights Services, die Unternehmen über herkömmliche Befragungen hinausführen. Damit wird die wahre Bedeutung hinter Kundenfeedback entschlüsselt, die nächsten Schritte der Kunden vorhergesagt und Maßnahmen durch prädiktive Fähigkeiten priorisiert.
Nochmals herzlichen Glückwunsch.
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Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Concentrix + Webhelp, zum Gewinn bei den DACH Customer Excellence Awards 2023
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Am Freitag, den 13. Oktober 2023, fanden die DACH Customer Excellence Awards & DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023 statt. Auch Concentrix + Webhelp nahm an unserem Wettbewerb erfolgreich teil.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn, Concentrix, in der Kategorie „Kundenzentrierte Kultur“. Und so sehen wahre Gewinner aus. WOW.
Mit diesem Beitrag hat sich Concentrix + Webhelp den den Gewinn gesichert:
Fanatisch gegenüber unseren Kunden:innen
Bei Concentrix steht das Kundenerlebnis an erster Stelle! Wir liefern außergewöhnliche Kundenerlebnisse (CX) mit außergewöhnlichen Ergebnissen für die weltbesten Marken. Alles beginnt damit, zu verstehen, was der Kunde will und braucht, und von dort aus zu arbeiten, um sicherzustellen, dass wir wirklich kundenorientierte Programme entwerfen, aufbauen und durchführen, die Markenliebe und -treue fördern. Der Kund:Innen steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns, was zu einer echten kundenorientierten Kultur führt.
Nochmals herzlichen Glückwunsch.
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Congratulations, Concentrix, for reaching the finals of the DACH Customer Excellence Awards 2023
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The DACH Customer Excellence Awards & DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023 have commenced their Finals. Congratulations to all Finalists and their great work.
Our judges have started their scoring of the written entries. Congratulations, Concentrix, for reaching the Finals and submitting your interesting entry for Sustainability.
Here a short summary of this amazing submission about A Sustainable Concentrix:
As a global business that touches countless lives each day, Concentrix recognizes the responsibility to look out for our people and the health of our planet. We look to constantly explore the latest trends, insights, and best practices in ESG and aspire for our company to become a dynamic place for dialogue and collaboration, fostering a collective effort towards a sustainable and fair future. 
Want to see this presentation and would you like to join us at the DACH Customer Excellence Summit 2023? We will be happy to advise you on how to part... www.dach-cxs.com or simply [email protected]
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