dizzyizzystiddies · 1 year
The centenary special was really just a test of who is a true whovian
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masterwhy42 · 2 years
I don't care what the show call them. They are not cyber masters...they are cyberlords
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autoacafiles · 1 year
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12thdoctorwhomst · 2 years
Now this looks interesting... Who's going to survive this final battle? Only Time will tell...
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 months
This may be an unpopular opinion, especially given how hated the Chibnall era was, but Sacha Dhawan’s Master feels like the most Master-y of all the New Who Masters to me, if that makes sense. His portrayal really gets at the raw rage and jealousy and obsession and sheer machiavellian theatricality of the character in a way that feels just quintessential for the character. Like he’s a distilled version of The Master.
And I feel like this is both praise for Dhawan’s performance (he really did do an amazing job and I love seeing him chew the scenery), but also gets at the root of why Chibnall’s era didn’t fully work for a lot of people—stupid reasons aside. Because one of the big reasons the other New Who Masters feel less “quintessentially Mastery” (this is not a statement of how good of a Master they are, just how much they embody the essence of what makes The Master The Master) is that they’re more interested in being foils to their respective Doctors—or in the case of Twelve era Simms Master, to Missy—than they are trying to be the quintessential embodiment of The Master, while Dhawan’s Master doesn’t have as much to bounce off of with Thirteen because she wasn’t as well-defined as Ten or Twelve were.
But Dhawan still did an incredible job with what he was given. As much as I disliked the whole Doctor-Master/CyberLords/Timeless Child arc, and the weird implications of the episode with the Nazis, it’s undeniable that Dhawan chews up just about every scene he’s in as The Master, and I will never get over how much Chibnall failed to give him enough material worth his performance.
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rizegreymon22arts · 5 months
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Armarouge Scarlet Powder/Ceruledge Violet spark
Ko-Fi commission for Cyberlord.
If you want a commission, go to my Ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/rzgmon200
Also support me on patreon, www.patreon.com/RZGMON200
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chaotic-creator · 3 months
Introducing Precursor!
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"My name is Precursor, Doctor. I am The Keeper of Secrets, The Mother of Lies, The Father of Mystery, The Ruler of Deception, The Liege of The Unknown. Your lives, all of them, each hidden existence you had, each lie and story hidden from that rather brilliant mine of yours. I know them all"
This is The God of Secrets and The Unknown. In my retelling, that would start with Doctor Who Season 12. Precursor is hinted at by The Master in Spyfall Part 2 where The Master states he was "told a secret, the secret that has kept us bound together all these centuries old friend".
They finally appear on Galifrey in The Timeless Children, where they state to The Doctor and The Master "so this is Galifrey? A billion trillion years and a hundred thousand billion trillion miles from your companions, Doctor. The furthest edge of The Inner Plane of The Universe. Pitiful really"
Precursor mocks The Doctor and acts like (false) sympathy for The Master. When The Master leaves to claim The Cyberium, Precursor reveals the secrets to The Doctor. This wouldn't be like the show however, there would be two secrets and both would show the true cruelty of The Time Lords.
Precursor revels in the chaos and mental agony they've put The Master and The Doctor into, standing by as The Doctor is released from The Matrix and watches as she faces The Master and his CyberLords. When Ko Sharmus takes The Death Particle, Precursor simply fades away, reappearing as The Doctor lands on the outpost world.
The Doctor demands to know who Precursor is and they oblige, revealing their name in the monologue I quoted at the start. They then give The Doctor a warning. They state that "he watches you, at the edge of The Outer Plane. The one who waits, stews in his fury. You will face him again soon. You will face us all". Precursor then fades away and this little speech sets up The Pantheon to be the main villains for Season 13/Flux, The 2022 specials, The 60th Anniversary episodes and rolling into Season 14
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familyparadox · 1 year
13’s life after season eleven is a plot organised by a Wartime Power
I mean in the first episode she meets Ada Lovelace mastermind of the Clockwork Ouroboros affair
At some point she meets and travels for a with with a former member of the the Faction after being embroiled in a plot to restart the Time War (interestingly not the War in Heaven however 13 mentions that the Faction vanished from time before the Last Great Time War? Did they vanish to fight in a higher war?) however no Stories beyond their meeting have been published what happened to her? (Retro annulled or infected with the Biodata virus)
In the The Haunting of Villa Diodati we meet Byron and the rest of the Shelly Cable who are know to be heavily aly affiliated with the Faction with Byron in fact being a member
We also meet the Lone Cyberman who feels very similar to Godparent Pinocchio, and we all know the Cybermen are a Faction plot of some kind as I have previously discussed.
The Timeless Child plot stinks like the Other. The Cybermasters? An expansion of the the Faction Schemes? And we all know the Master is the War King are the Faction playing him or is he playing the Faction?
Flux feels like one of the Latter Faction Paradox EDA’s (Shadows of Avalon, The Ancestor, Galifray Chronicles ect) we have temporal Paradox’s, the Anchoring of the Thread and ancient conspiracy stretching all the way back to the Dawn of History, the binding of the pre universe’s time is reminiscent of the Carnival Queen affair. And the Ravagers feel like an kind of mutated Mal’akh and with the skull like faces and great fashion sense perhaps the grandfather was inspired by them perhaps the dead bodies of the Ravages other than those we see became the amour the Faction mask themselves with. Of course the Faction would want to tear down time just to see what happens, of course this could all be an Enemy plot instead?
The Passengers feel very Type 103 form but a crude model? Or Perhaps the missing Babels sent back in time and where enslaved by the Ravager Mal’akh?
Of course we all know that the Grand Serpent is a Brax perhaps one of the many splinters of Brax all out playing the long game for the greater good. (Perhaps a Renegade Brax who has succumbed to Pandora?) and Brax was heavily involved on the fringes of the War.
And finally we come to the modus operandi Power of the Doctor. In this we realise that the War King (the Master) is Rasputin (a noted member of the Faction) who has been mind controlling the royal family of Russia and this must include a young Anastasia who famously defected from the Faction alongside Rasputin who we now know is the War King not to mention the Cybermasters, or I shall use and older name one in reference to the Quantum Archangel the Cyberlords, and the Daleks are being used in the Masters crusade against the Master.
The Cyberlords worked with the Time Lord’s during the the War in Heaven as did the Daleks, and all these where led by the War King against the Enemy.
May in propose this the Spy Master incarnation is the same incarnation as the War King, the Allies of the Great House amassed to fight the Doctor this is most definitely a field of the War. The Master claims to have killed the Time Lords but perhaps he has only just escaped from his old ship and awoken in the ruins of a Post War Homeworld and this this is the final skirmish of the War in Heaven. The Faction are in ruins (see the Wintertime Paradox) the Homeworld is shattered (Spyfall, Zagreus Et al) this is the last stand of the Great Houses against their Enemy and who are the allies of the Houses all fighting together in a great alliance?
The Doctor.
Weather this means anything or not well that’s up to you to decide
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onedesertrat · 2 years
Click here for power Click here for sex Email to make sure I keep all my friends Double click for comfort Double click for all Cyberlord you heard my call
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rekhyt-of-arcadia · 1 year
I had noticed how repetitive the Master’s recent plans were but I’ve only just realised how much it plays into the Time War.
The Master’s dead mind is uploaded to the matrix, and then for the war the Time Lords brought them and others back, and the others were given technological augmentation so as to be part of an army, then the Master’s first plan after leaving the war is largely doing that with the Toclafane, made closer with Missy’s plan as she actually used a matrix, and then finally achieved with the CyberLords
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doctornolonger · 2 years
You mentioned the Cyberlords and reblogged a bit about the cyber god. So, putting aside the Order of the Iron Soul for now, I recalled seeing a clip from a Dr Who fan film on YouTube depicting Cybermen in a church. It was odd. I think it was called Phase Four. It’s just the one clip (look up Cybermen in church). All it was missing was a slow organ rendition of Bach’s Chorale Prelude BWV 645 to complete things (if someone is good at video editing can they PLEASE get to that and upload it!). Seriously. Look it up! It’s amazingly weird.
Lmao this is good. As you might guess from my TV list, I really enjoy the evocation of traditional Christian imagery in other settings and genres (I know @rassilon-imprimatur gets me), so Cybermen enacting a conversion under a stained glass window of the crucifixion is chef's kiss.
Looks like Phase Four was made by the 1990s fan film group Timebase Productions. I have very fond memories of laughing over old fan films with some of the folks from the Who Cares? podcast, years and years ago now, but I don't think any Timebase movies were on the list. There are really so many funny and weird and sometimes very good fan films out there, it's a great rabbithole to go down.
Thanks so much for sharing this with me!
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enkisstories · 10 months
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Dave: "Not going to happen! Cyberlord is evil. He won't get sweet you, not even in a fictional story!"
Carter: "Now that you say that, I'm not sure anymore what came over me in the container. We are androids, Dave, we don't feel desire. So how could a romance ever work out? All we can be is close friends."
Dave: "But I want to hold you real close and I feel differently from how I feel when I hug the other two. That must count for something? And when you brought up a possible romance between our characters, I almost cried from joy!"
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Carter: "Let's drive for a bit to clear our heads. Less pressure when no one's around."
Dave: "Where would you like to go?"
Carter: "I don't know. All I can think of is how nice it would be to ride our bikes together, just the two of us. No Judith, no Sophie and no Harris family."
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Dave: "The ramp, then! Do you remember how we met here for the first time?"
Carter: "Yes! You were trying to run with your flippers on. I'll never forget the sound!"
Dave: "Speaking of... should we have changed out of our movie costumes, maybe? A cop and a hacker on a date might look suspicious."
Carter: "No need to. Nobody's going to watch us here."
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doctor-who-binge · 2 years
So I am managing to watch The Timeless Children and I didn't realize the CyberMasters make even less fucking sense than I thought. (Why not CyberLords?)
If he made them with DEAD Time Lord bodies how the fuck do they regenerate? Why didn't they regenerate before being shoved in cyber armor? How do you basically keep dead timelord bodies in a morgue somewhere (he said he hoarded them and kept them cold enough in case they're useful). I don't know what the lore for dead timelords is body-wise other than The Doctor's grave on Trenzelor and the fact that Rassilon was kept in the Matrix but eventually got a new body or something.
I thought The Master forced living Time Lords into cyber conversion prior to the episode thats why they could regenerate but it actually happed during it (and they got fancy Time Lord aesthetics right away some how) despite them being corpses
How did The Doctor break out of The Matrix with memories the thing the matrix is fucking built for??? Like a slice of the Matrix databank was able to contain all the human's consciousness after death (possibly for "however long humanity has believed in an afterlife") in the Nethersphere— let alone what the capabilities of the full Matrix
Also she just let Ko Sharmus (or however its spelled) sacrifice his life. Like willingly? That is so not her. It reminds me of the 10th & Sontarans but he was forcibly replaced via teleportation by a human actually willing to blow up the ship. 13 literally let Ko take the death particle and blow himself up while she ran away. what??? All because "he didn't send the cyberium back far enough" in time? So its his "penance"..... he tells her to run and she just....... does????
Also how did the CyberMasters survive that's genuinely annoying..... Ko's sacrifice means literally nothing. The Master surviving is normal and expected but the CyberMasters nah.
Also why the hell can so many people get into 13th TARDIS? Kerblam robot, Judoon, the other dimensional beings in Spyfall, and technically the Dalek was a projection but even a projection into the TARDIS seems like it contradicts the safety established in series 1-10.
Whatever. I finished it. I should probably watch the special that comes after..... maybe I'll just skip to Flux
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nomairuins · 14 days
the cyberlords design Is so fucking cool
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nutella-alchemist · 1 year
The first chapter of my very first comic is online!
I really hope you take a minute to check it out :)
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sometimesraven · 2 years
The Cyberlords are pretty neat ngl
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