#cybers vent territory
vos-videmus · 3 years
Tagged by @pinkydude to share details about the Fave™️ fucker pulled me out of my dishonored playthroughs smh
Starting off broad but just his facial structure 😩😩 Stupid bright blue eyes and how they're bloodshot (and the eye bags) so you Know netwatch got him working some rough nights
Then the cyberware lines on his face that are most definitely because it's a faceplate (if the screws don't already give it away.) And in his concept art, the ones on his cheek connect over his nose and I will never not talk about the concept art and how cdpr robbed me of so much more
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Moving on to general cyberware, man's got a filter on he head, saying to change the filter every few weeks. The same sticker is found on some cars. The neural port/personal port/whatever it's called is also on the side of his head which checks out cause V jacks in there if you decide to bonk his ass
The writing in that little arrow that goes over his "ear" says something along the lines of "opening is prohibited," which, makes sense considering the man's got millions of dollars worth of netrunning tech superglued onto him. Repairs are most likely done via machines or robots idk. I refuse to believe that he has flesh organs ♥️
Just love all the little details that went into his cyberware. Coolant tubes aside, he's got vents on his head, and those metal bits that go around are what's holding those tubes in place. (The tubes also go down to his neck but that's mostly covered [concept art :^) ]) Then that port thing on the back of his head that's used by netrunners to jack into their chairs, though netwatch doesn't really need to use those
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We got his ugly ass ID card that states his date of birth/hair/eye color and what I assume is his ID number (cyb for cyber I'm guessing) Fucker would be 6 years old now
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Then his (default) arms have the same kind of latex covering around them as his neck, and I say covering because that's what I believe it to be, covering important wires and shit idk
There's a bit of text on some of those wires that says to stand clear because it gets hot and ?? Not even mentioning all the scuffs and scratches everywhere on his arms and head, and the creases in the latex from where his elbow bends is just a neat little detail. Shows that it's durable and flexible
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Now we gettin into crackpot territory cause this is just what my brain tells me. The way he carries himself just screams Smug Charismatic Corpo. When you take his deal and he says "I knew we'd have a meeting of the minds," you can just hear it in his voice. Fucker just won the battle and he knows it. He got what he wanted and I hate him for ghosting me
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Mafia! Woozi
Anon requested: “ since it’s our jihoonie’s birthday today, can i request a mafia!au for out vobo? hehe i just saw that requests are open & i got rly excited !! 💗💗 — daydreaming anon (hbd woozi i love you sO MUCH) “
Word Count: 3679
you never thought you’d be here 
3:58am on a Saturday in one of the most heavily protected buildings in the entire city 
hooking up your sad $535 laptop and praying to whoever runs the universe 
that you’ll be able to go home and eat breakfast in time
as is the life of a hacker
a professional top-of-the-line hacker for hire
too bad the government hasn’t noticed your talent yet
or you would be working for the good guys
but you’re working for whoever helps pay the rent now
and if you take down some corrupt businesses while you’re working for the mob
who cares
that’s enough vigilante justice for you
honestly you’d think that one of the most powerful companies in the city would know better than to have such weak protection for their systems
you shake your head as you smirk and carefully unplug your laptop 
easiest $30,000 dollars of your life 
the company had been known to “donate” a percentage of their revenue back into the city 
things like feeding and housing the homeless 
or ensuring kids go to school and aren’t on the streets 
but in reality they were pocketing all of it 
and come morning 
you would have just exposed their asses 
climbing back out the vent you came through 
you shouldered the backpack with your laptop 
and crawled until you reached the building’s service entrance 
dropping down you were fully intending to walk casually straight out the building 
until you felt your arm jerk as you were roughly pulled behind a wall 
“What the fu-“ 
the person who did it covered your mouth roughly 
and your eyes widened as you saw one of the guards walk by 
you silently cursed at yourself for not monitoring the CCTV system 
you had assumed hacking into it was fine 
but you forgot to check the guard’s positioning 
after he passed you turned back to the person who had just saved your ass 
“Thanks I guess.” 
he didn’t say anything but gave you a sideways glance and shrugged as he pulled out a definitely more expensive and way better laptop than yours 
as he connected it to one of the computers in the room 
“Who are you btw?” You asked eyeing him suspiciously 
he smirked
“What’s it to you?” he replied quietly 
it almost sounded like he was teasing you 
“Sorry if you got offended at me trying to be polite.” You scoff annoyed 
who was this guy? 
he had jet black hair 
and was not super tall from what you could see 
but when he turned back to look at you 
your breath caught in your throat 
“You broke into a high security building to clumsily hack into a system and expose their lies, I don’t think manners are our top priority right now.” he answered looking straight into your eyes
you stared blankly in shock 
“How did you...?” how did he know?
“Regardless I’m here to undo it.” 
you watched as he clicked shut his laptop and faced you 
“The fuck! I’m getting paid, what am I supposed to tell my client?” you said 
he smirked again as he packed up his laptop 
“There are better ways to expose this company.” 
and with that he disappeared 
like legit 
gone poof 
he walked found his escape route before you even had time to process what he meant
you blinked and he was gone 
when you finally returned to your apartment when the sun came up 
and clicked on the tv 
the news was playing 
“-donates half of their entire yearly revenue to creating shelters for the homeless...” 
your jaw dropped 
while you had wanted to expose to the media this company’s lies 
whoever that guy was last night 
had transferred over half of the entire company’s revenue 
in the five minutes he had spent saving you from lifetime in prison 
who the fuck was he? 
 his name was Lee Jihoon 
and honestly did he ever think he’d have to deal with other hackers even close to his caliber? 
but you had broken through into the company’s servers in record times 
he was intrigued 
and more than a bit competitive 
“Jeonghan, you think you could look up someone for me?” he asked walking into Svt’s main meeting room
Jeonghan was hunched over some papers planning the next job no doubt
without looking up, Jeonghan said
“That’s like asking if I like taking naps Jihoon, who do you think I am? All I need is a name-” 
“I don’t have her name yet.” 
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow swiveling in his chair to face Jihoon 
his blue prints and detailed plans fluttering at the sudden movement 
“Her?” Jeonghan questioned, teasing smile on his lips  
“I can’t work with you.” Jihoon rolled his eyes while walking off to find Seungcheol 
“WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘HER’?!?!?” Jeonghan yelled after him smiling 
Jihoon had joined Seungcheol’s team a while ago 
one of the original members 
but the others didn’t really know about him at first 
because he kept to himself 
usually tinkering with gadgets in his own office in the Svt complex 
overlooking the city 
overlooking their territory 
he also may have held up a gun to Soonyoung’s head when Soonyoung tried to touch him 
or so everyone would like to think XD 
one time Seungkwan had lost a bet to the others 
and was dared to go into Jihoon’s office
-just to try to learn more about this teammate they didn’t see much of 
but they got caught
and Seungcheol was scolding them until Jihoon walked out and told them to just order dinner and call it done 
and tbh although this cold mafia hacker didn’t easily trust people 
that one night where he got to sit down with the whole gang for a meal finally 
and although he would never admit it 
after being around the whole gang for years 
he trusted them with his life 
one of the best hackers hands down 
sometimes jokingly gets called the cyber shadow 
bc he’s Svt’s hidden member 
doesn’t go out in the field for most missions 
but has a hand in planning, masterminding, and orchestrating the whole thing 
didn’t like going out for any jobs anyway
that is until he had the proper motivation to
you quietly slunk through the security room 
attaching your USB to the main computer 
uploading the code that would shut off alarms for an hour or until you turned it back on 
this job was easy
stop the security system long enough to allow your client to rob the facility 
once the system was down you called the client 
“Yea the systems are down.” 
and you leaned back in your chair to monitor the camera systems as your client gang snuck into the facility 
“Honestly thought you’d be some social justice warrior but it looks like you’re in this for money.” 
you nearly fell out of the chair at the sound of that voice 
one you’d never forget 
“You!” You pointed at the guy you met that night 
he had entered the security room quietly behind you and was leaning against the wall
“Yep it’s me.” He smirked setting down a bag 
his black hair tousled lightly and hidden behind his hoodie 
he might be considered cute or good looking maybe 
ahem even though he’s totally not your type 
“I mean I do what I do for money too, but I’m surprised you play dirty also.” He laughed taking out a laptop 
“What are you doing here?” You say cutting straight to the point 
“While you’re helping this small gang live for another day, I’m helping kings grow an empire.” 
his smirk was really starting to make your heart flutter annoy you 
“and so you’re here because...?” you ask rolling your eyes 
“There’s access to the servers from this security room since the facility houses both companies.” 
you snort 
“You’re trying to hack the credit loan company next door?” You try to hold back giggles 
what kind of kings, please you think sarcastically 
here you were stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars and he was trying to hack a credit loan company 
“Information is much more valuable than money sometimes, a big drug smuggler wired money through this place and I want to know how much.” He shrugs 
“Speaking of information...” he says turning to walk right up to your chair  
you’re taken back as he walks right up in your face 
“What’s your name?” He asks placing a hand on either side of your chair 
his weight being balanced on his hands resting on the arm rests of your chair 
his eyes inches from yours 
“I don’t kiss and tell.” you say not backing down from his stare 
it was hard breathing with him so close 
he smiled 
“Let’s trade info then.” He laughed, “a name for a name.” 
“How can I trust you?” You saying tilting your head 
he steps back from you finally giving you room to breathe again 
“You can’t trust me, but I promise that I actually do keep my word... sometimes” 
you looked at him trying to decipher his words 
he looked like that joking smirk was forever an aspect of his face 
but in his eyes 
you thought you saw something genuine 
curiosity maybe 
or something else 
“Fine, my name is y/n.” You give in, “but maybe I’m lying or maybe I’m not.” 
“I’m Lee Jihoon.” He said breaking out into a smile before continuing his hacking 
at that moment your phone vibrated indicating your clients were done with the job 
Jihoon was still bent over his laptop typing away 
you thought about his adorable smirk and how it made your heart skip a beat 
and you blushed, flustered that he showed you up last time 
but this time you’d be the last one laughing 
you unhooked your USB that had been preventing the alarms from going off and ignored the warning window 
and that was when the security room’s alarms started blaring making Jihoon jump 
“Well hate to run while we were having so much fun,” you smirk, “but good luck explaining this to the cops.” 
you ran out the room right as the doors locked behind you 
as you looked back at him after getting into the car 
rather than angry he looked exasperated 
and slightly impressed maybe? 
you drove off before the police really did appear 
“SHE AHAHAHAHA SHE AHAHAHA LOCKED THE ROOM AHAHAHAHA.” Mingyu was dying on the ground laughing 
“I swear I might actually shoot you.” Jihoon said blushing 
“You have to admit she got you.” Joshua said bringing Jihoon a cup of cola and hiding a smile
“Wow she must be something.” Jeonghan chuckled, “When was the last time you were caught off-guard, Jihoon? I can’t remember that ever happening.” 
“Luckily you got out before the cops showed.” Seungcheol smiled patting Jihoon on the back 
they were all having a tad bit too much with the situation
“She must not know who she’s messing with.” Minghao said before getting up
“So tell me her name.” Jeonghan snickered
“Y/n.” Jihoon said done with everyone
“I’ll have her file to you by midnight.” with that the gang dispersed, leaving Jihoon to wonder
what kind of person are you?
you had a lot more run-ins with “Lee Jihoon” after that night in the security room
whether you were out doing little jobs or big ones
he always seemed to know where you were
“Are you following me?” you asked him one night 
the both of you were at city hall
you were trying to get into the mayor’s financial plans, info that would sell
and he was connecting to the police line
“Why would I do that?” he retorted 
it was dark so you didn’t see him blushing
but he had indeed followed you here
he wasn’t sure what it was
but you had not only intrigued him and caught his attention
but Jeonghan had been unable to dig up anything on you
which was almost impossible
Jeonghan knew how to get anything on anyone
and so Jihoon was here to find out info the old fashion way
“You seem too smart of a person to be a criminal.” he began looking over your shoulder at the laptop you were working on
“So do you.” you respond ducking out from next to him to continue working
“I’m not a genius, but I think that if you’re not the best at something, you’ll always put more effort into it.” he shrugged
you clicked your laptop shut
“Wanna go get coffee?” you said suddenly
he looked up in surprise
“It’s almost 5am, and from running into you consistently these past few days, I realized I never thanked you for saving me from that guard. I’m not sorry about the security room thing though, that was funny.” you laughed, “but I’m going to go get coffee and if you want I’ll buy you a cup too, that way we’re even.”
“I don’t see how coffee makes us even.” he snorted
“Fine I’m leaving then.” you briskly turned around and started walking
you hear him jog to catch up to you and fall into step next to you
“Coffee is better than nothing i suppose.”
over a cup of coffee the two of you talked a bit
“So where did you learn how to hack?” you ask
“Are we close enough to be asking those kinds of questions?” he responded taking a sip of his coffee
“I suppose not.” you looked down disappointed 
you weren’t sure about Jihoon
you two had met under dangerous circumstances
and you didn’t know enough about the guy to suddenly start liking him
but every time his eyes met yours
or whenever you watched him swiftly hacking into something
fingers flying over the keyboard the way a pianist’s fingers played the piano
you couldn’t help the feeling of awe and curiosity 
who was he?
Jihoon coughed
“How about we start with what we do for a living?” he laughed, “I think that’s enough for now.”
so you told him a bit about being a hacker for hire
nothing really interesting
besides living 
that’s all there was to it
you were just living your life one job at a time
he sighed
“I think I understand.” he looked out the window 
“I was like that too until I found the others.” he stirred his cup before downing it
“Others?” you ask
“My friends, I guess you’d call them.” 
you pursed your lips
“Don’t you know what friends are?” you asked in return
“I don’t really trust people you know, occupational hazard.” he chuckled
you understood
people too often stab you in the back when you’re doing this kind of job
it was hard to find anyone to trust
his phone buzzed
and you watched as he picked it up
“Looks like I gotta go.” he smiled, “It was actually kind of fun to see how normal people live out of the shadows.”
you nodded in agreement
“It was also nice talking to you.” you said reaching out to shake his hand, “Hopefully our next few run-ins can be on more friendly terms.” you laugh
he reaches for your hand 
gently, as his hand takes yours
and as he pulls you closer to him
“Stay safe.” he says gently into your ear
and then he’s gone
you sit frozen in your spot at what just happened and look over at his empty cup
on the cup are nine letters scrambled up
you stare at it recalling him writing it on his cup when he was talking with you
and you realized 
it’s his number
you pick up the cup, unconsciously smiling
and go home
you don’t see him the next few nights
heck for the whole week you don’t
you half-expected him to melt out of the shadows with a smirk on his face and some teasing comment about your hacking abilities
but he wasn’t around
it was more than a bit worrying
you had his number and you were tempted to call
but could you?
you shook your head as you made your way out that night for your next job
the client had been a bit of a mystery
they called using a disposable phone which wasn’t uncommon 
except they also used voice modulation
suspicious perhaps but you were getting paid
you walked up to the address they had left
a small office building
and climbed in through a window
gently setting your things down you were about to begin when
the whole world went dark
and suddenly the smell of chloroform made the world feel dizzying as you slowly closed your eyes
when you woke up
your head hurt and everything felt upside down
but more than that
what greeted your vision first
was the appearance of a gun
pointed right at you
“You’re up.” 
the voice was rough and you felt like throwing up at the sound of it
“Yea I’m up you freaking asses, what the fuck do you want?”
“We require your services.”
“Then go through the proper channels and pay me you pricks.” you said trying to keep clam
the gun was raised 
“Is this enough payment?’ the voice said indicating the gun
“Whatever, let’s just get this done.” you took deep breaths
not that this hasn’t happened before
but you had never had a gun so close in your face
and it was terrifying to think you might not see the sun rise today
you pulled up to the desk of the room the men were in
and turned on the computer as they watched you
whoever had programmed the firewall for the servers knew what they were doing
you were nearly stumped
until you remembered something Jihoon had done that night in the security room
why did he come up in your thoughts now?
you remembered him telling you to stay safe
and looking at the guys with bullets ready to be fired at you
your eyes started tearing up
you know how these things go
as soon as you were done, you were dead
“Hurry it up.”
you opened the files on the computer and looked through some of it
a lot were mainly book stuff
how much this group was getting paid and when the latest orders for weapons were coming in
you assumed that whoever you were hacking, they must be a competing gang to the men currently holding you captive
you looked deeper into the files until you stumbled across a peculiar file
in it were names
“Yoon Jeonghan” you read to yourself
“likes napping and stealing my cola mostly, overall a good person to talk to” 
“Hong Jisoo” you read the next file
“quiet and also not quiet, good listener.” you were curious
what kind of files were these?
and then one file popped up
“Y/n L/n.” you held your breath
“likes coffee at five am in the morning”
you knew who the computer belonged to 
a bang on the door jolted you from the files
“Fuck!” the men scrambled to brace themselves as the door blew open
you took cover under the desk as you heard bullets going off and yelling
maybe this was all just a bad nightmare
you closed your eyes and silently listed off numbers
a hand gently took yours and you opened your eyes
Jihoon was there with the most adorable and relieved smile on his face
“Well, had I know you were coming to visit me today, I would have bought coffee.” he pulled you up into his arms and gently walked you out the room
“Don’t mind the guns and stuff, I’m sure you’re not all too curious about the guys that tried to kill you.” he said 
you heard an edge to his voice but didn’t look at your surroundings until he had lead you to a separate room with a couch
sitting down with you, it finally hit you
you’re not dying today
you were shaking as he gently placed his arms around you
“I’m surprised you broke through my firewall, guess I have to fix that as soon as possible.” he chuckled wrapping you up in his arms 
“The frick Jihoon.” you laughed smacking his arm, “I almost died and exposed your identity and you’re concerned about your firewall?”
“Well yea.” he smiled, “And I’m trying not to bash their heads in but Seungcheol said that would require a lot of clean up in the morning and I’m not down for that.” 
you weren’t sure if he was joking or not
“Kidding, kidding, they’re all ok and currently being dropped off at the police station with a note that says ‘courtesy of your friendly neighborhood mafia’.”
“I still have no idea if you’re joking or not Jihoon.”
“Let’s just pretend I’m serious then.” he said as you both started laughing
“I’m just glad you’re safe.” you said blushing at hearing your own words
“Why wouldn’t I be, you were the one in trouble here y/n”
“I could have taken them.”
“Sure sure.” he smiled
“Listen, I’m not letting you out of my sight again. I genuinely thought that perhaps it’d be safer for you without interacting with me, but this situation only proved that I can’t let you go anywhere by yourself.” he said turning to face you
“So stay here with me will you?” his eyes looked gently into yours
“We have high speed internet and netflix.” he laughed “If you’re interested.”
“So I’d have to live with the mafia?” you asked raising an eyebrow
“No you’re just living in our territory and that way I can see you more often.” he shrugged
“Ok but only if the netflix thing is for sure.” you laugh
and you’re surprised as he gently presses his lips against yours
the scent of something floral and citrusy warming you as his gentle lips kissed yours
“As long as you’re here with me.” he said
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newstfionline · 3 years
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Racism, climate and divisions top UN agenda as leaders meet (AP) Racism, the climate crisis and the world’s worsening divisions will take center stage at the United Nations on Wednesday. China’s President Xi Jinping warned that “the world has entered a period of new turbulence and transformation.” Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö said: “We are indeed at a critical juncture.” And Costa Rica’s President Carlos Alvarado Quesada declared: “The future is raising its voice at us: Less military weaponry, more investment in peace!” Speaker after speaker at Tuesday’s opening of the nearly week-long meeting decried the inequalities and deep divisions that have prevented united global action to end the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed nearly 4.6 million lives and is still raging, and the failure to sufficiently tackle the climate crisis threatening the planet. Perhaps the harshest assessment of the current global crisis came from U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who opened his state of the world address sounding an “alarm” that “the world must wake up.” “Our world has never been more threatened or more divided,” he said. “We face the greatest cascade of crises in our lifetimes.” “We are on the edge of an abyss—and moving in the wrong direction,” the secretary-general warned.
Shutdowns and Showdowns (1440) Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are gearing up for a pair of legislative showdowns over the next week and a half, set in motion by two decisions over the past two days. The first focuses on government funding and the debt ceiling. If Congress does not provide funding for fiscal year 2022 by midnight Sept. 30, the federal government will face a shutdown. Similarly, the Treasury Department has said Congress must raise the debt ceiling by mid-October to avoid default. House Democrats passed yesterday a bill pairing short-term funding through Dec. 3 with a debt ceiling increase—a move requiring the support of at least 10 Republican senators. Separately, House Democrats said they planned to bring a $1.2T bipartisan infrastructure deal up for a vote, separate from a $3.5T social spending budget bill. The move pits moderates against progressives, with the latter previously saying they would only support the infrastructure deal if a vote on the budget bill came at the same time. It’s unclear how many House Republicans will support the $1.2T bill.
Haiti Deportations (Foreign Policy) The United States will continue deportation flights to Haiti today as it seeks to repatriate nearly 15,000 migrants who have crossed into U.S. territory in recent days. Videos of federal authorities mistreating the mostly Haitian migrants at a camp in Del Rio, Texas—a town on the U.S. side of the U.S.-Mexico border—has led to fierce criticism from Democratic lawmakers and adds to a warning from the head of the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR that the deportations may violate international law. The move could also be seen as hypocritical; just over 7 weeks ago, on Aug. 3, the Biden administration extended protected status to Haitian migrants in the United States, in light of what the Department of Homeland Security called a “deteriorating political crisis, violence, and a staggering increase in human rights abuses” in their home country. The legal authority under which Biden has carried out the expulsion has also been called into question. Title 42, a Trump-era authorization implemented at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic to expel asylum seekers immediately on the grounds that they could spread disease, has been maintained by the Biden administration. Last week, a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from enforcing the policy, a decision that is now being appealed by the U.S. government. Amid a surge of migrants crossing into the United States this year, Title 42 has been applied regularly; figures from U.S. customs authorities show roughly 700,000 expulsions took place under the Biden administration to date, nearly twice the amount that took place under President Donald Trump.
Lithuania says throw away Chinese phones due to censorship concerns (Reuters) Lithuania’s Defense Ministry recommended that consumers avoid buying Chinese mobile phones and advised people to throw away the ones they have now after a government report found the devices had built-in censorship capabilities. Flagship phones sold in Europe by China’s smartphone giant Xiaomi have a built-in ability to detect and censor terms such as “Free Tibet”, “Long live Taiwan independence” or “democracy movement”, Lithuania’s state-run cybersecurity body said on Tuesday. The capability in Xiaomi’s Mi 10T 5G phone software had been turned off for the “European Union region”, but can be turned on remotely at any time, the Defence Ministry’s National Cyber Security Centre said in the report.
Toxic gas, new rivers of molten lava endanger Spanish island (AP) As a new volcanic vent blew open and unstoppable rivers of molten rock flowed toward the sea, authorities on a Spanish island warned Tuesday that more dangers lie ahead for residents, including earthquakes, lava flows, toxic gases, volcanic ash and acid rain. Several small earthquakes shook the island of La Palma in the Atlantic Ocean off northwest Africa on Tuesday, keeping nerves on edge after a volcanic eruption on Sunday. The rivers of lava, up to six meters (nearly 20 feet) high, rolled down hillsides, burning and crushing everything in their path, as they gradually closed in on the island’s more densely populated coast. Canary Islands government chief Ángel Víctor Torres said “when (the lava) reaches the sea, it will be a critical moment.” The meeting of the lava, whose temperature exceeds 1,000 degrees Celsius (more than 1,800 F), with a body of water could cause explosions and produce clouds of toxic gas. A change in the wind direction blew the ashes from the volcano across a vast area on the western side of the island, with the black particles blanketing everything. Volcanic ash is an irritant for the eyes and lungs. The volcano has also been spewing out between 8,000 and 10,500 tons of sulfur dioxide—which also affects the lungs—every day, the Volcanology Institute said.
Germany’s diversity shows as immigrants run for parliament (AP) Ana-Maria Trasnea was 13 when she emigrated from Romania because her single, working mother believed she would have a better future in Germany. Now 27, she is running for a seat in parliament. “It was hard in Germany in the beginning,” Trasnea said in an interview with The Associated Press. “But I was ambitious and realized that this was an opportunity for me, so I decided to do whatever I can to get respect and integrate.” Trasnea, who is running for the center-left Social Democrats in Sunday’s election, is one of hundreds of candidates with immigrant roots who are seeking a seat in Germany’s lower house of parliament, or Bundestag. While the number in office still doesn’t reflect their overall percentage of the population, the country’s growing ethnic diversity is increasingly visible in politics. There are about 21.3 million people with migrant backgrounds in Germany, or about 26% of the population of 83 million.
Europe’s defense (Foreign Policy) EU leaders will discuss plans for a more coordinated defense posture in an upcoming summit in October, European Commission vice president Maros Sefcovic told reporters on Tuesday. “I think that after Kabul, after AUKUS, this was, I would say the natural conclusion, that we need to focus more on the strategic autonomy,” Sefcovic said, referring to the recent trilateral defense pact between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Kremlin’s party gets 324 of 450 seats in Russian parliament (AP) Russia’s ruling party will get 324 of the 450 seats in the next national parliament, election authorities announced Tuesday. The number is less than the pro-Kremlin party, United Russia, won in the previous election but still an overwhelming majority. Retaining the party’s dominance in the State Duma was widely seen as crucial for the Kremlin ahead of Russia’s presidential election in 2024. President Vladimir Putin’s current term expires that year, and he is expected either to seek reelection or to choose another strategy to stay in power. A parliament the Kremlin can control could be key to both scenarios, analysts and Kremlin critics say. Most opposition politicians were excluded from the parliamentary election that concluded Sunday, which was tainted by numerous reports of violations and voter fraud.
Queued (WSJ) As of Sunday, there were 73 ships waiting to unload cargo at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, a brutal logjam just as holiday cargo hits U.S. shores. There are few options around it, given that last year the ports handled 8.8 million containers, more than double the runner-up port of New York and New Jersey which handled 3.9 million. Oakland and Seattle aren’t big enough to handle the hundreds of thousands of boxes handled in L.A. and Long Beach every week, and while some shippers had been heading to East Coast ports for a while, word about that hack got around rather quickly, and so it’s getting just as bad on the Atlantic, with 20 ships queued at Savannah.
Wednesday’s autumnal equinox (Washington Post) Summer often seems to last deep into September these days. However, the autumnal equinox—which arrives Wednesday at 3:21 p.m. Eastern time—is a reminder from Mother Nature that fall is finally on our doorstep. We are now seeing just over 12 hours of daylight, having reached the halfway point between our longest and shortest days of the year. The autumnal (or fall) equinox, which usually falls on Sept. 22 or 23, is technically not a day-long astronomical event. It’s a brief moment in time when the sun appears directly over the Earth’s equator before crossing into the Southern Hemisphere. Like the spring equinox in March, the fall equinox is one of only two days each year when most of the Earth experiences about 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. Day and night are nearly equal because we are at a point in our orbit when neither hemisphere is tilted away from or toward the sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal equinox means we are entering the dark season and inching closer toward winter.
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limejuicer1862 · 4 years
My goal in life is the destruction of 5G masts. I cut my sandwich into triangles as a lower-middle class pretension. Back outside, my window, one time, a cream room, a view of the street’s antenna. The problem with David Lynch is how he makes too much sense. Back in the simulacrum, a boy, my age, rangers in North America, first as tragedy, then as… ironing out our balaclavas, filling out our milk bottles; backpacks unattended on park benches, on the bus.
A page of Baudrillard, hides the truth to view witnesses fraying little by little into ruins, discernible ruined empire, rotting carcass of the soil double ends simulation, this fabled second-order no longer that of a territory, no longer saturated, a hyperreal map one must
return without origin, shreds unusable a questionable sovereign difference – the charm abstraction, the coextensivity of poetry, the representation produced no imaginary. Operational, in fact, no longer memory radiating synthesis, no space without atmosphere, no worse
curvature. Imitation, nor duplication; leaving room for simulated liquidation.
-Alex Mazey
Tumblr media
.the title changes.
there is too much interference things could be left alone things were alright anyway
the battery is low yet plugged in the radio buzzes.
things are distorted
so i did what he says, whilst running up and down the stairs.
source to av, only there aint no av, not on that one anyhow.
press my scart lead, that is probably it.
press the sky button, the sky does not respond.
we still has television snow.
mine are bifocal and can distort gently if i concentrate poorly on the centre i have had help a while grateful at least that i can see unlike some of my family
yesterday I watched a documentary about monkeys
-sonja benskin mesher
The new starboard
Our larvae split their skin in the signal-fry, warmed over by the wire-witched currents of one filigree moon in a hundredweight sky
and if we no longer see the stars how do they counsel a chart for a new grub, or pull a blood’s spirit-iron toward the dissolving north
and if we no longer feel these waves how may we know our own water, what deeps us for the giddy bubble of this sailing. And I know
there are rocks here still, they make chimneys of it to vent everything we can’t burn railing sparks against the sky- silver that meshes none of our tides true
and it will rain hot tonight, the sizzle pelting the new hatchlings
-Ankh Spice
Of Forest And Stick
Foe forest, faux forest fee-fi-fo forest. Where giants hurl their broken stories from broadcast heaven to stone cast ground. Real, this least of things.
Inarticulate metal arms pluck down your dreams, to place within the flakes of soul slow dying desiccation.
Sick insects wave. These metal poles sway clamped to roof and breast.
All point as one, their martyr fingers show. As minds walk psychotic in their circular days.
To stars and planets that orbit our night sleep late night drunk deep on their celestial milky ways.
Antennae wave hello. Behind smudged glass walls as we sit and stare into this aquarium hell of our own making.
As we spread across our furniture of forked cartons, plastic and messy despair We start to take on our corrupt story.
© Dai Fry 4th May 2020.
Quiet the cluttered airways. Listen. Too many voices reaching skyward, Clamoring for reception, Propelling selfhood upward,
Destroys collaborative Synergy. And interference causes failure. After all, Man-made towers were only Ever meant to fall.
Every Stem Is
an aerial, antennae whose signal carries an image and a sound of growth and bloom.
Leaves are directors, flagellum, reach out, test the air and vibrations.
Listen can your hear the messages, or is it distorted,
image overlaid on image, sound overlaid on sound?
It processes fake news, phishing and cyber attacks. discerns real from false. scents and trails.
A filter bubble, an information sceptic decides what diminishes it, what makes it grow.
what makes it turn towards warmth, towards brightness.
More than a conduit.
-Paul Brookes
concrete flowerbed: aluminium amaranths dream of fecund earth
-Rich Follett
These gray structures loom Like a dead alloy forest A mill’s epitaph
-Carrie Ann Golden
The Arrival (EEN)
Blue eclipse sudden shudder silver vibrations strange sensations mauve hues silent screams shattered dreams rainbow screams black void bleak skies pink cries identity hides no way out seek beware who goes there wait stop where no here why there marble hush turquoise crush hide smile cry illusion confusion static wailing connections failing conscience melting blood moon a light alight powder dawn seek destroy rebuild regenerate no rescue failed sight emerald night pyramid flight incoming yellow tongue purple feast horrible sightings a drone atone leave us alone lavender glass chards charge cut chaos comet rush – Reverse
The Arrival (TWEE)
Falling earth new birth cosmic boom blast break away descend evacuate take position brace brave pathetic beast eject object reject investigate attack no way back hold blinding strobe light up get up move no room fire storm go swerve dive testing resting make haste chase erase record a face strange days delete reboot reverse rethink incoming homecoming survive surrender sharp solar bursts the thirst implosion ration succession orchestration new nation sinking earth toxic rebirth black hole tar soul screeching silence severed signals strange sour suns
-Don Beukes
Bios and Links
-Alex Mazey
(b.1991) received his MA (distinction) from Keele University in 2017. He later won The Roy Fisher Prize for Poetry with his debut pamphlet, ‘Bread and Salt’ (Flarestack, TBA). He was also the recipient of a Creative Future Writers’ Award in 2019. His poetry has featured regularly in anthologies and literary press magazines, most notably in The London Magazine. His collection of essays, ‘Living in Disneyland’, will be available from Broken Sleep Books in October 2020. Alex spent 2018 as a resident of The People’s Republic of China, where he taught the English Language in a school run by the Ministry of Education. His writing has been described as ‘wry and knowing,’ with ‘an edge that tears rather than cuts or deals blows.’
Twitter: @AlexzanderMazey
Instagram: alexmazey
Here is my interview of Alex:
-Rich Follett
is a High School English and Creative Writing teacher who has been writing poems and songs for more than forty years. His poems have been featured in numerous online and print journals, including BlazeVox, The Montucky Review, Paraphilia, Leaf Garden Press and the late Felino Soriano’s CounterExample Poetics, for which he was a featured artist. Three volumes of poetry, Responsorials (with Constance Stadler), Silence, Inhabited, and Human &c. are available through NeoPoiesis Press (www.neopoiesispress.com.)
As a singer-songwriter, Rich has released five albums of independent contemporary folk music. His latest. Somewhere in the Stars, is available at http://www.richfollett.com. He lives with his wife Mary Ruth Alred Follett in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, where he also pursues his interests as a professional actor, playwright, and director.
-Ankh Spice
is a sea-obsessed poet from Aotearoa (NZ). His poetry has appeared in a wide range of international publications and has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. He truly believes that words have the power to change the place we’re in, and you’ll find him doing his best to prove it on
Twitter: @SeaGoatScreams or on Facebook: @AnkhSpiceSeaGoatScreamsPoetry
-Carrie Ann Golden
is a deafblind writer from the mystical Adirondack Mountains now living on a farmstead in northeastern North Dakota. She writes dark fiction and poetry. Her work has been published in places like Piker Press, Edify Fiction, Doll Hospital Journal, The Hungry Chimera, GFT Press, Asylum Ink, and Visual Verse.
-sonja benskin mesher
born , Bournemouth.
lives and works in North Wales as an independent artist
‘i am a multidisciplinary artist, crafting paint, charcoal, words and whatever comes to hand, to explain ideas and issues
words have not come easily. I draw on experience, remember and write. speak of a small life’.
Elected as a member of the Royal Cambrian Academy and the United Artists Society The work has been in solo exhibitions through Wales and England, and in selected and solo worldwide. Much of the work is now in both private, and public collections, and has been featured in several television documentaries, radio programmes and magazines.
Here is my interview of sonja benskin mesher:
-Samantha Terrell
is an American poet whose work emphasizes emotional integrity and social justice. She is the author of several eBooks including, Learning from Pompeii, Coffee for Neanderthals, Disgracing Lady Justice and others, available on smashwords.com and its affiliates.Chapbook: Ebola (West Chester University Poetry Center, 2014)
Website: poetrybysamantha.weebly.com Twitter: @honestypoetry
Here is my 2020 interview of her:
-Don Beukes
is a South African and British writer. He is the author of ‘The Salamander Chronicles’ (CTU) and ‘Icarus Rising-Volume 1’ (ABP), an ekphrastic collection. He taught English and Geography in both South Africa and the UK. His poetry has been anthologized in numerous collections and translated into Afrikaans, Persian, French and Albanian. He was nominated by Roxana Nastase, editor of Scarlet Leaf Review for the ‘Best of the Net’ in 2017 as well as the Pushcart Poetry Prize (USA) in 2016. He was published in his first SA Anthology ‘In Pursuit of Poetic Perfection’ in 2018 (Libbo Publishers) and his second ‘Cape Sounds’ in 2019 (Gavin Joachims Publishing). He is also an amateur photographer and his debut Photographic publication appeared in Spirit Fire Review in June 2019. His new book, ‘Sic Transit Gloria Mundi’/Thus Passes the Glory of this World’ is due to be published by Concrete Mist Press.
Here is my interview of Don Beukes:
-Dai Fry
is an old new poet. He worked in social care but now has no day job. A keen photographer and eater of literature and lurid covers. Fascinated by nature, physics, pagans, sea and storm. His poetry seeks to capture image and tell philosophical tales. Published in Black Bough Poetry, Re-Side, The Hellebore Press and the Pangolin Review. He can be seen reading on #InternationalPoetryCircle and regularly appears on #TopTweetTuesday. Twitter. @thnargg Web seekingthedarklight.co.uk
Audio/Visual. @IntPoetryCircle #InternationalPoetryCircle Twitter #TopTweetTuesday
-Paul Brookes
is a shop asst. Lives in a cat house full of teddy bears. His chapbooks include The Fabulous Invention Of Barnsley, (Dearne Community Arts, 1993). The Headpoke and Firewedding (Alien Buddha Press, 2017), A World Where and She Needs That Edge (Nixes Mate Press, 2017, 2018) The Spermbot Blues (OpPRESS, 2017), Port Of Souls (Alien Buddha Press, 2018), Please Take Change (Cyberwit.net, 2018), Stubborn Sod, with Marcel Herms (artist) (Alien Buddha Press, 2019), As Folk Over Yonder ( Afterworld Books, 2019). Forthcoming Khoshhali with Hiva Moazed (artist), Our Ghost’s Holiday (Final book of threesome “A Pagan’s Year”) . He is a contributing writer of Literati Magazine and Editor of Wombwell Rainbow Interviews.
-Mary Frances
is an artist and writer based in the UK. She takes a few photos every day, for inspiration and to use in her work. The images for this project were all taken in the last two years on walks during in the month of May. Her words and images have been published by Penteract Press, Metambesen, Ice Floe Press, Burning House Press, Inside the Outside, Luvina Rivista Literaria, and Lone Women in Flashes of Wilderness. Twitter: @maryfrancesness
-James Knight
is an experimental poet and digital artist. His books include Void Voices (Hesterglock Press) and Self Portrait by Night (Sampson Low). His visual poems have been published in several places, including the Penteract Press anthology Reflections and Temporary Spaces (Pamenar Press). Chimera, a book of visual poems, is due from Penteract Press in July 2020.
Website: thebirdking.com.
Twitter: @badbadpoet
Here is my interview of James Knight:
-Sue Harpham
is an admin worker, currently not in work Married, 2 sons. Loves poetry and words. She considers herself a writer of scribble rather than a poet. She has written a novel and is using her spare time to finally get it published (self-publishing) which has been an ambition of her for the last 10 years.
Welcome to a special ekphrastic challenge for May. Artworks from Mary Frances, James Knight and Sue Harpham will be the inspiration for writers, Alex Mazey, Ankh Spice, Samantha Terrell, Dai Fry, Carrie Ann Golden, sonja benskin mesher, Rich Follett, Don Beukes and myself. May 5th. * My goal in life is the destruction of 5G masts. I cut my sandwich into triangles as a lower-middle class pretension.
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
Border Patrol Detains Iranian-Born American Soldier at the Border, Seizes Their Phone
Earlier this month Customs and Border Protection seized the iPhone of an active duty American soldier as they were transferring through a U.S. airport as part of their directed orders. After questioning, the CBP sent the iPhone to a lab for forensic analysis, according to the service member and a CBP document obtained by Motherboard. The soldier, an American citizen born in Iran, told Motherboard they believe the questioning and seizure was due to their Iranian heritage.
The news comes amid increased U.S. and Iran tensions. A leaked CBP memo published by CNN Thursday shows the agency directed border officers to question travelers of Iranian descent, including American citizens, in the aftermath of the Trump administration's killing of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani.
"I feel like my story needs to get out in case it could help someone else in the future," the soldier told Motherboard. Motherboard granted the soldier anonymity because they feared repercussions from speaking out as an active duty soldier.
The soldier provided Motherboard with a copy of the detention notice and custody receipt for detained property from CBP. It said CBP seized an iPhone on January 25th. The soldier also provided Motherboard with their military identification, their travel itinerary, an email CBP sent to them about the phone seizure, and other documents.
Do you know anything else about electronics being seized at the border? We'd love to hear from you. Using a non-work phone or computer, you can contact Joseph Cox securely on Signal on +44 20 8133 5190, Wickr on josephcox, OTR chat on [email protected], or email [email protected].
The service member said that after landing at the airport, they were selected for secondary screening. At the screening, the service member said they provided the border agent with their passport, military orders, and ID, and mentioned that they were active duty Army flying on military orders. According to the soldier, the agent then asked a series of questions, and said that the service member's phone number—which they had not provided to the agent—was "popping" up on multiple different travelers that had been flying recently.
The agent then checked the service member's bags, found nothing suspicious, but asked for the soldier's phone.
"I give the agent my phone and pin, and he said he would take the phone back to the 'IT guy' and have me on my way. He also has me place the phone on airplane mode," the soldier said.
After around 20 minutes, the agent came back and said he had "good news and bad news," according to the Army member. The agent said they were free to go, but they would not be getting the phone back anytime soon.
"I grab my bags and depart without making a scene as I was afraid of being detained any longer."
"When I question him on this, he states that since my phone was updated to the latest version of iOS, the 'IT guy' [wasn't] able to do anything and my phone would be sealed and prepared to be sent overnight to a lab for analysis," the Army member told Motherboard.
"I vent my frustration, and ask if I would be allowed to have my phone back to get information off of it, which he answers no to. I grab my bags and depart without making a scene as I was afraid of being detained any longer," they added. The soldier and their commander then left to catch their connecting flight, the service member said.
For the past several days, through multiple phone calls, voicemails, and other communication, the Army member said they had been trying to get more information from CBP about how to get their phone back.
The service member believes they were stopped because of their Iranian background.
"I was originally born in Iran," the soldier said, adding that they were later granted asylum in the U.S., joined the Army, and became a naturalized U.S. citizen. Their passport says they were born in Iran; the Army member said they assume this is why they were selected for secondary screening.
The memo obtained and verified by CNN, called "Iranian Supreme Leader Vows Forceful Revenge after US Kills Maj. General Qasem Suleimani in Baghdad—Threat Alert High," says that anyone born in Iran, Lebanon, or the Palestinian territories between 1961 and 2001 should be vetted. CBP previously denied there was any directive to question people based on the border based on their ethnicity, despite border agents stopping dozens of American citizens of Iranian descent at a border, CNN added.
"I give the agent my phone and pin, and he said he would take the phone back to the 'IT guy' and have me on my way."
"My story isn't as serious as some others who were detained at [borders] or sent back home while trying to enter the country," the Army member added. But they believed the only reason they weren't detained longer was due to their active military status, they said.
A CBP spokesperson declined to comment on the specific incident, but said in a statement, "All travelers crossing the United States border are subject to CBP inspection. On rare occasions, CBP officers may search a traveler's mobile phone, computer, camera and other electronic devices during the inspection process. These searches have resulted in evidence helpful in combating terrorist activity, child pornography, drug smuggling, human smuggling, bulk cash smuggling, human trafficking, export control violations, intellectual property rights violations and visa fraud."
"CBP has established strict guidelines to ensure that these searches are exercised judiciously, responsibly and consistent with the public trust. CBP expects its employees to conduct their duties in a professional manner and to treat all members of the public with dignity and respect," the statement added. "CBP's ability to lawfully inspect electronic devices crossing the border is integral to keeping America safe in an increasingly digital world."
Ben Makuch contributed reporting to this piece.
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Border Patrol Detains Iranian-Born American Soldier at the Border, Seizes Their Phone syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
Trump faces stiff challenge in Merkel, Putin showdowns
Washington (CNN)When President Donald Trump visited Europe six weeks ago, he and his counterparts parted ways atop a Sicilian cliff feeling agitated and bruised following a long set of disagreements.
Now, the stakes may be even higher.
Returning to the continent Wednesday, Trump and those same European leaders will give it another go, with expectations of fostering a newly warm relationship far lower. Instead, both sides expect further clashes between the US President and leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is convening this year's Group of Twenty meetings in her hometown, Hamburg.
The northern port city in Germany is also the setting for Trump's first in-person meeting Friday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a closely watched session that has taken on greater significance given the swirl of controversy about Russia's cyber meddling in last year's election.
Hamburg is expected to play host to confrontations over a broad slate of issues where Trump and his European allies have disagreed, mainly because Merkel has ensured those sticking points -- including trade, climate, and migration -- feature prominently on the G20 agenda. Putin, and the US relationship with Russia and future of NATO, also looms large.
"The big question is whether he will repair some of the damage from the stops in Europe in May, or will they be compounded?" said Jeff Rathke, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
Before Trump arrives in Germany he'll make a 15-hours-long stop in Poland, a country where he's likely to receive a positive welcome from a conservative government and a largely pro-American population. He's due to address a regional summit of Eastern European leaders and deliver an outdoor speech in Krasinski Square, the site of a monument to Poles who fought to liberate Warsaw from German occupation in World War II. White House officials said the speech would spell out, in broad terms, Trump's vision for transatlantic ties.
Poland's right-wing government has caused anxiety in Brussels, where EU leaders fear proposed constitutional reforms and a crackdown on opposition media could amount to democratic backsliding. But those concerns didn't prevent Trump from scheduling a stop in the country, where he's expected to praise Poland's success in meeting its NATO defense spending pledge and tout new exports of US liquid natural gas in a bid to wean the country from Russian-produced energy.
And while Poles, like most of the world, continue to regard Trump with some skepticism -- mainly due to his unclear intentions toward Russia, with which they share a border -- the country's population is largely favorable to the United States on the whole, meaning he's expecting to be met with cheering crowds during his brief stay.
The visit to a friendly capital is similar to Trump's decision in May to make Saudi Arabia his first stop abroad, where he was given an elaborate royal welcome before traveling onward to more fraught destinations.
Cold welcome for Trump in Germany
But the plaudits are unlikely to follow Trump from Poland to the G20, which brings together the leaders of the world's largest economies. Organizers expect large-scale protests to accompany the summit. But even closeted inside the confines of the Hamburg Messe conference hall, Trump is unlikely to find much agreement on his agenda.
Merkel has designed her summit to highlight areas where she's already rowed with Trump, including on trade. Trump's administration has castigated her country's trade surplus, to be met largely by German scoffing. Last week, White House officials were angered when a video feed of US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross speaking to a Berlin economic conference about the trade dispute cut off mid-speech.
In May, leaders chafed at the lecture Trump delivered on defense spending during talks at NATO headquarters in Brussels. Later that week, at the G7 in Italy, Trump felt outnumbered, according to people who traveled with him, and picked on when the other leaders insisted he maintain the US commitment to the Paris climate accord.
After his return, Trump announced he was withdrawing from the pact, casting the 2015 agreement as a humiliation that led other countries to laugh at the United States.
Merkel, meanwhile, vented during now-infamous remarks at a campaign event held inside a Bavarian beer hall that Germany and Europe could no longer rely on the United States as a steady partner.
Merkel -- who is running for her fourth term as Chancellor -- hasn't tempered her tone since then. Previewing the G20 summit last week in remarks to the German parliament in Berlin, Merkel acknowledged the talks would be "difficult" and seemed to castigate the isolationist worldview that Trump has periodically espoused.
"Anyone who thinks the world's problems can be solved with isolationism and protectionism is simply delusional," she said.
She's included an entire session on climate at the G20 she is hosting, and has invited leaders from China and India two of the world's leading carbon emitters, both of whom say they remain committed to the Paris accord for separate meetings in Germany over the last month.
The goal, according to European diplomats, is to keep Trump isolated on the climate issue in the hopes he will come in line with the rest of the world's leaders. If he doesn't, Merkel and other leaders hope to convince countries like China to take on a new leadership role in that area.
Meeting Putin for the first time
During his time in Hamburg, Trump will meet separately with China's President Xi Jinping, as well as the leaders of eight other countries an ambitious agenda whose highlight is Trump's meeting with Putin on Friday afternoon, their first chance to size each other up since Trump was elected.
Leaders in Europe hope Trump will offer assurances that he'll hold Putin to account for the long list of grievances they hold against the Russian leader including provocative cyber activity.
Trump is also under immense political pressure back home to raise the election meddling issue during his session with Putin, the logistics of which were still being sorted out by the White House and the Kremlin midweek. But multiple senior administration officials and people close to the White House said they didn't expect Trump to raise the issue, at least in a significant way, during his talks with Putin. Instead, they said the civil war in Syria and the crisis in Ukraine would top the agenda.
That could provide further grist for tensions between Trump and other world leaders, who fear the President's past praise of Putin and professed desire to work with the Russian leader could mean he won't take a hard line on territorial disputes or cyberattacks.
"As the President has made clear, he'd like the United States and the entire West to develop a more constructive relationship with Russia," said H.R. McMaster, Trump's national security adviser, in a briefing last week. "But he's also made clear that we will do what is necessary to confront Russia's destabilizing behavior."
McMaster, who said there was no set agenda for the meeting, suggested Trump was open to taking steps that would allow for a better relationship between Washington and Moscow. But that desire to find areas of agreement has sparked concern among national security experts, even within Trump's team, who worry Trump may be unprepared for the calculating and hyper-prepared Putin.
"If Vladimir Putin comes in with a big proposal, President Trump's alarm bell better be going off because it may sound really good, but there well may be some traps in there," said Steven Pifer, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a former US ambassador to Ukraine. "It's not clear that those will be noticeable on the first meeting."
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ethernetmeep · 1 year
everythings fine except the curtains are on fire and oh fuck the house is on fire but its not just the house its me too and im sitting in the kitchen on a chair on fire and. I . Am not having a good time. Holy fuck i havent been having a good time for like two hours
#cybers vent territory#yeah…#ignore this its like 12 am here but#oh my GOD im not okay right now#like i feel so gross#i took a bath earlier too im not even actually dirty i just feel… eurgh#ive felt like this for a few hours and have been trying to ignore it but it just sucks#and i hate it cause. i dont wanna feel like this#i hate feeling weird and gross I NEVER. feel weird and gross#but i do right now because i just got reminded and.. ugh#i keep reminding myself and being dumb#so its like essentially my fault im just. eurgh im a mess#it does not help i feel SO uncomfortable and im not even doing anything im just sitting here#uggh… i dont like it..#maybe its all my emotions i wasnt feeling spilling out at night or something.. idk…#all i know is i am. feeling gross. and i hate it.#i literally dont know what to do to stop feeling this way..#but ill be fine.. probably#oh boy! i sure do hope i learn how to balance my own needs! pukes everywhere#BUT THATS THE THING i know.. how to.. i think.. im just. dumb#like i know when to take alone time. but im also a dumbass#i could be spoonfed warnings and still walk through cause i wanna be nice and wanna be curious and just. make myself upset#like right now#like im upset. not upset like mad but. uncomfortable. nauseous. because im being Stewpit#does that make sense???#i donr know#i dont really care actually its very late#ill probably delete this at some point#who knows#anyway im back to pokemon or. sleep. i donr know what ill be doing.. just trying to get less ‘i want die’ feeling
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